

Powering Modern Commerce with Dynamic Pricing Science

Disrupting Cargo, Freight, and Logistics with Modern Commerce

Like many B2B businesses, the cargo industry is not immune to change.

Political changes, economic growth, fluctuations in energy prices,

under/overcapacity and new technology can cause uncertainty, but also

fundamentally changes the way the industry operates. For example,

the advent of the “sharing economy” has brought new entrants into

the delivery space like Uber RUSH and Amazon Flex that plan on

revolutionizing B2C delivery services. This innovation and technology

are delivered at an exponentially faster speed and can be seen inching

toward the B2B space.

What makes concepts like Uber RUSH and Amazon Flex successful are

the same concepts that businesses are looking for from their cargo,

freight, and logistics providers: quick quote turnarounds, fair pricing,

personalized offers and consistent experiences across every channel.

How can cargo leaders compete in this new era of digital business, or

modern commerce?

Change Is No Longer Coming… It’s Here

When the competitive landscape is fierce, the first to quote with an acceptable price is the first to win. But, with the pressure to price fast, coupled with little visibility into the carrier’s own cost models, carriers risk eroding margins and most of all customers are left unhappy or quickly move to a competitor.

At PROS, everything we do is built on the belief that smarter is better. Powered by dynamic pricing science, PROS makes selling in a modern commerce world easier, faster, and smarter.

How does PROS enable your business with all of the above?

As change continues, successful cargo companies will be those that can shift to a modern commerce strategy throughout their business, from operations to sales and pricing. To fight back to profitability, cargo companies need to better incorporate frictionless, transparent, and omnichannel pricing and quoting.

Fight Back To Profitability

Price Smarter, Quote Faster

FrictionlessDeliver consistent customer engagements with your customers regardless of their preferred sales channel.

Real TimeEnable your sales teams to generate real time, professional proposals in minutes with product and quote information. Standardize on proposal templates and add the flexibility to customize terms and conditions or provide additional documents for each customer.

DynamicIntegrate dynamic pricing science technology and enable your sales teams to provide the right services at the right rate every time.

AlgorithmicIncrease your average capacity utilization in a sustainable way with algorithmic cross-sell recommendations your customers are most likely to buy.

TransparentDeliver actionable insights to all your sales channels through guided selling algorithmic cross-sell and dynamic price guidance.

With aggressive sales growth goals to hit and limited resources at your disposal, you need to get the most out of every single sales resource. PROS helps to keep your sales team laser-focused on the most desirable opportunities. We give you transparency into your customers’ shipping behaviors that

Every deal matters. Making quota today means maximizing the value of every deal and not leaving any money on the table. With PROS real-time algorithmic pricing guidance, your sales teams are guided to create offers that are personalized and meet

enable you to prioritize your sales efforts and dynamically respond to the highest value opportunities. PROS brings the collective intelligence of your organization to every deal to drive a frictionless experience for your customers.

your customers’ needs based on shipping preferences and transactions. In addition, PROS uses your data to recommend upsell opportunities that help your reps increase deal size and grow your footprint in each account.

Focus On The Right Opportunities

Know Which Services Will Sell

Keep your sales teams focused on the opportunities that drive the strategic performance metrics your organization cares about.

Quoting can be a clunky, cumbersome process, but speed is of the essence. If you can’t deliver an accurate, personalized quote in a timely manner, you’ve lost the opportunity. PROS empowers your sales team to quote more efficiently and dynamically, without errors and delays. Your sales teams can quote an optimally priced shipment, no matter how complex, in real-time. Sales reps can feel confident that their customers will have a perfect buying experience every time, in any sales channel through which they buy.

Quote With Confidence

Selling in today’s highly competitive market can get ugly fast. When your reps rely on discounting as their go-to strategy to get the deal closed, your problems are compounded. With PROS, you get valuable insight into what each customer is willing to pay on every transaction so you can price offers that are profitable and readily accepted by your customers. We put prescriptive price recommendations based on customer purchasing patterns directly in the hands of your sales team, giving them the confidence to stop unnecessary discounting.

Price Each Offer To Win

“PROS brings the collective intelligence of your organization to every deal to drive a frictionless experience for your customers.”

Keeping ahead of changing market conditions, new technology, and buyer expectations is what separates superior cargo companies from the pack. You cannot control the new entrants and technological shifts, but you can equip

your teams to thrive in this environment and provide exceptional customer experiences. PROS solutions give you the agility you need to respond at the speed of business and compete in an ever-changing environment.

Keep Ahead Of The Pack, Lead With Modern Commerce

Compliance reporting by shipment type quickly shows the effectiveness of PROS guidance on increasing margins.

About PROSPROS is a cloud software company powering the shift to modern commerce by helping companies create personalized and frictionless buying experiences for their customers. Fueled by dynamic pricing science and machine learning, PROS solutions make it possible for companies to price, configure and sell their products and services in an omnichannel environment with speed, precision and consistency. Our customers, who are leaders in their markets, benefit from decades of data science expertise infused into our industry solutions.

To learn more, visit or call us at 1(855)846-0641.