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  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR




      HUMAN RESOURCH MANAGEMENT Which is one of the essential management

    for eer! organi"ation since it is one of the crucial and an im#ortant thing for eer!

    organi"ation and maintaining good human relation and fulfilling the $asic needs of 

    em#lo!ees and haing a fle%i$le management is a most crucial &o$ $ecause

    'Management #eo#le is the essence of $eing a manager() It is concerned *ith an!

    relation to human in the firm) Since maintaining a good human relation ma! aoid loc+

    outs and stic+s from the em#lo!ees and it also maintains a ,ualit! management)

    Human resource management is an ongoing- continuous #rocess of communicating

    and clarif!ing &o$ res#onsi$ilities- #riorities and #erformance e%#ectations in order to

    ensure mutual understanding $et*een su#erisor and em#lo!ee) Its o$&ectie is to

    ma%imi"e indiidual.s #erformance and #otential *ith a ie* to attaining organi"ation

    goals and enhancing oerall effectieness and #roductiit!)

      An organi"ation has to $alance fairl! financial and non financial re*ards e%trinsic

    a*ards effectie a*ards and intrinsic a*ards) Effectie re*ard s!stem re,uires notonl! that the a$solute leel of com#ensation #aid $! an organi"ation since *ages and

    salar! is one of the most im#ortant eent in HR management )The em#lo!ees gets #a!

    satisfaction of the #erceied salar! is e,ual salar! receied and actual salar! is less

    than #erceied salar! the em#lo!ees is dissatisfied *ith the salar!)

      This is ho* the organi"ation utili"es the human resource effectiel! that.s leads to

    achiee the organi"ation goals also included *ith some of the anal!sis #art and i ho#e

    the thorough reision of this $oo+ *ill gies more details a$out the organi"ation and

    detail information a$out the human resource management)

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR




    The $asic need for the stud! is to +no* the main Human resource #ractices in

    an organi"ation and ho* it is maintaining the relations in the firm itself and to +no* the

    #erformance ealuation and ho* the communication is in $et*een manures and staff 

    on managing #erformance )To +no* ho* $est the organi"ation conducting the

    #erformance reie*s to its em#lo!ees to its em#lo!ees and ho* it contri$uting to*ards

    the im#roement of the em#lo!ee #erformance and to +no* the training #rograms

    im#lemented in the organi"ation to deelo# the em#lo!ees and ho* it using the

    man#o*er efficientl! and effectiel! from the *or+ers and ho* it as getting trained the

    em#lo!ees to increase the s+ills and a$ilities for the im#roement of the com#an! and

    to stud! the *elfare facilities #roide to the em#lo!ees in the firm and to stud! all the

    #olicies and #rocedures *hich are im#lemented in the organi"ation and ho* the

    recruitment #rocess ta+ing #lace $ecause man #o*er is one of the most essential for 

    eer! for eer! organi"ation


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    The objectives of study as follows

    • To stud! the sound organi"ational structure and desira$le *or+ing relationshi#s

    among all mem$ers of the organi"ation)

    • To stud! ho* recruiting #rocess ta+es *ith in the organi"ation

    • To stud! the t!#e of training and deelo#ment #rograms this ta+es #lace in the


    • To stud! s!stem of *age and salar! administration organi"ation)

    • To stud! a$out the *elfare facilities #roided $! the SMARTCHEM

    TECHNO/OG0 /td)

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR



      The following are the limitations which are faced while carrying on the survey in the

    regard welfare facilities.

    • The workers were very illiterate and they were unwilling to give the information

    due to fear.

    • Duration of the project was only one month .therefore time was insufficient for an

    in-depth study 

    • The personnel manager was very busy during the survey, so the data collected 

    was very limited.

    • Some workers give basic information.

    • Due to limitations of time, I obtained information from the few workers.

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     Ammonium nitrate is #rimaril! used as a fertili"er -either directl! or com$ined

    *ith #hos#hates and #otash )Where Ammonium nitrate usage is $anned -it is com$ined

    *ith limestone to #roduce calcium ammonium nitrate )It is also used as a fertili"er in the

    form of magnesium ammonium nitrate )

    SU""LY # DE!ND


    Total Euro#ean out#ut reached 1)2m tones3 in 4556- u# $! 278 on 4559 )Of this

    total- 4)2m tones3 *as e%#orted )Russia is the largest #roducer- #roducing 4):7m tones3

    in 4556 -as *ell as 226-455 tones3 of calcium ammonium nitrate) U+raine out#ut rose $!

    498 to :12-:55 tones3)

      West Euro#ean #roduction reached 2):2m tones3 in 4556- a rise of 448on 4559-

    according to the international ;ertili"er Industr! Association) Calcium Ammonium nitrate

    emand has fallen due to seeral factors most nota$l! the decline in

    agricultural acreage *ithin Euro#e- *ith little o##ortunit! for consum#tion gro*th)

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


      In res#onse -#roducers continue to restructure )ecem$er 455: )


      In Euro#e -Ammonium nitrate #rice are lin+ed to the #rice of urea as the t*o are

    largel! interchang$le )Current #rice are at around B295 tone- $ul+ deliered

    -;rance )

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR




  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR



      MS Smartchem Technologies limited has $een o#erating a chemical com#le% for 

    the manufacture of *ea+ nitric Acid and Ammonium nitrate

    The #lant is located at

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    #rocess for the manufactures of thermall! sta$ili"ed lo* densit! Ammonium Nitrate) MS

    UH>E GmDH of German! did the detailed engineering *as done $! their Indian

    su$sidiar!- MS UH>E India /imited- Mum$ai)

      /icense- $asic engineering- detailed engineering and #rocurement assistance for the

    *ea+ Nitric Acid #lant are from MS #ro&ects >eelo#ment India /imited- S!ndic)


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      Human Resource Management is defined as the #eo#le *ho staff and manage

    organi"ation) It com#rises of the functions and #rinci#les that are a##lied to retaining-

    training- deelo#ing- and com#ensating the em#lo!ees in organi"ation) It is alsoa##lica$le to nonF$usiness organi"ations- such as education- healthcare- etc Human

    Resource Management is defined as the set of actiities- #rograms- and functions that

    are designed to ma%imi"e $oth organi"ational as *ell as em#lo!ee effectieness

    GM O#erationsJ

    Sr) Manager /ogisticsJ ManaSHE )Manager 

    WNAJ>!)Manager   AN!)Manager Mech)Maint)J


    >!)Manager E I Maint)J

    Lr) Manager   SHEJ

    Lr) Man  KCJ

     Manager   HRJ

    Jr. Managers – 4


    Jr. Managers- 4 No’s

    Asst. Manager – Mech-Maintenance

    Jr. Manager- 1

     No’s( Ins)

    Jr. Manager - Mech

    Jr. Manager- 1

     No’s( Ele)

    Lab chemists

    Oerators –n!mbers

    ( "or#erca$re)

    Oerators – No’s n!mbers-

    "or#er ca$re

     %agging Oerators – N!mber ( &or#er



    Acctsno’s 1

    "or#er ca$re –



    "or#er ca$re –

    Electricians – No’s

    "or#er ca$re – No’

    echnicians – No’s ( &or#er


    Jr. Manager-*A

    * +!est ho!se –

    care ta#er – "or#erca$re – No’s ,

    O''icer – tores *


    Jr. isatch Asst.r. an$ Jr. tore /eeer 

    Lr) Manager 

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    Sco#e of HRM *ithout a dou$t is ast) All the actiities of em#lo!ee- from the time of his

    entr! into an organi"ation until he leaes- come under the hori"on of HRM)

    The diisions included in HRM are Recruitment-

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    constructie outcome) In order to em#hasi"e the im#ortance of training need

    identification *e can focus on the follo*ing areas F

    • To #in#oint if training *ill ma+e a difference in #roductiit! and the $ottom line)

    • To decide *hat s#ecific training each em#lo!ee needs and *hat *ill im#roe his

    other &o$ #erformance)

    • To differentiate $et*een the need for training and organi"ational issues and $ring

    a$out a match $et*een indiidual as#irations and organi"ational goals)

      Identification of training needs ITNJ- if done #ro#erl!- #roides the $asis on *hich

    all other training actiities can $e considered) Also re,uiring careful thought and

    anal!sis- it is a #rocess that needs to $e carried out *ith sensitiit! as #eo#le.s learning

    is im#ortant to them- and the re#utation of the organi"ation is also at sta+e) Identification

    of training needs is im#ortant from $oth the organi"ational #oint of ie* as *ell as from

    an indiidual.s #oint of ie*) ;rom an organi"ation@s #oint of ie* it is im#ortant $ecause

    an organi"ation has o$&ecties that it *ants to achiee for the $enefit of all sta+eholders

    or mem$ers- including o*ners- em#lo!ees- customers- su##liers- and neigh$ors) These

    o$&ecties can $e achieed onl! through harnessing the a$ilities of its #eo#le- releasing

    #otential and ma%imi"ing o##ortunities for deelo#ment) Therefore #eo#le must +no*

    *hat the! need to learn in order to achiee organi"ational goals) Similarl! if seen from

    an indiidual.s #oint of ie*- #eo#le hae as#irations- the! *ant to deelo# and in order 

    to learn and use ne* a$ilities- and #eo#le need a##ro#riate o##ortunities- resources-

    and conditions) Therefore- to meet #eo#le.s as#irations- the organi"ation must #roide

    effectie and attractie learning resources and conditions)



    Research as the mani#ulation of things- conce#ts of s!m$ols for the #ur#ose

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    of generali"ing to e%tend- correct or erif! +no*ledge- *hether that +no*ledge aids in

    construction of theor! or in the #ractice of an art()

    The Research Methodolog! follo*ed for further *or+ can $e #rimaril! classified into t*o

    stages namel! E%#lorator! and >escri#tie) The ste#*ise details of the research are as


    Sta&e ' I

    E()lo*ato*y Study+ Since *e al*a!s lac+ a clear idea of the #ro$lems one *ill meet

    during the stud!- carr!ing out an e%#lorator! stud! is #articularl! useful) It hel#ed

    deelo# m! conce#ts more clearl!- esta$lish #riorities and in im#roe the final research

    design) E%#lorator! stud! *ill $e carried out $! conducting

     Secondar! data anal!sis *hich included stud!ing the *e$site ***))comJ

    of the com#an! and also going through the arious articles #u$lished in different

    sources maga"ines- $oo+s- internet- ne*s#a#ersJ on Small and Medium Scale

    Enter#rises and Training and deelo#ment #rocess)

    E%#erience sure!s also conduct *ith AssistantFManager Human Resources and the

    General Manager and

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    Desc*i)tive Study+  After carr!ing out initial E%#lorator! studies to $ring clarit! on the

    su$&ect under stud!- >escri#tie stud! *ill $e carried out to +no* the actual Training and

    >eelo#ment method $eing follo*ed at ) The +no*ledge of actual

    training and deelo#ment #rocess is needed to document the #rocess and suggest

    im#roements in the current s!stem to ma+e it more effectie) The tools used to carr!

    out >escri#tie stud! included $oth monitoring and Interrogation)

    Sa,)le Selectio-+  To +no* the Training and deelo#ment #rocess of the


    for identif!ing through E%#lorator! and O$serational studies that the Assistant Manager 

    Human Resources- the General Manager at Head office and The Esteemed Managing

    >irector of the com#an! are the right #ersons *ho #roides training to the em#lo!ees)

    Resea*ch has show- s)ecific be-efits that a s,all busi-ess *eceives f*o,

    t*ai-i-& a-d develo)i-& its wo*.e*s/ i-cludi-&+

    2) Increased #roductiit!)

    4) P  PReduced em#lo!ee turnoer)

    0.Increased efficienc! resulting in financial gains)

      =) >ecreased need for su#erision)


    2) Training and deelo#ment is a routine $ased- nonFsto# #ractice- *hich a gro*ing

    $usiness organi"ation must conduct to achiee their #roduction target)

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    4) ;rom organi"ational #oint of ie* it is er! crucial to assure the ,ualit!- ,uantit!- and

    effectieness etc of the #roduct $! the means of suita$le training)

    7) >eelo#ment of the em#lo!ee comes hand! *ith training actiities- ma+ing them

    much more ca#a$le in out #erforming arious actiities *ith high #rofessions and

    accurac! $! using adance technicalmechanical tools and e,ui#ments)

    =) As a management trainee I m!self come through arious as#ects li+e #erformance

    a##raisal- #a!roll management- la$ors related la*s and issues etc during m! training

    and deelo#ment #ro&ect)

    1) Ealuating the #roductiit! of the em#lo!ees can er! *ell recogni"e ho* to distri$ute

    !our *or+force) This information gathered after conducting training #rogrammed *hich

    is immensel! hel#ful for the human resources manager and the *hole de#artment)

    9) Training hel#s measure the #erformance of the em#lo!ees $! ealuating the training

    gien and com#aring the indiidual and grou#.s latest out#ut *ith the out#ut gien

    $efore training #rogrammed)


    The #ro&ect is a collection of stud!- o$seration- and #ractical e%#erience during m!

    summer internshi# #rogrammed *here i *as a mem$er of the team *or+ing in the

    training and deelo#ment of em#lo!ees I tried to #erform this #ro&ect in $est #ossi$le

    manner to aoid an! lacuna or lac+ness) In s#ite of all m! efforts In this regard $ut due

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    to the far stretching actiities conducted at Reliance Communications- m! #ro&ect lac+ in

    some of the follo*ing heads

    Where there is a chance of further ela$orating stud! on the same su$&ect)

    2) Some information $eing er! sensitie as far as organi"ation is concerned is left

    untouched and not mentioned in an! *a!)

    4) To#Fleel strategic t!#e of decisions and information too are not ta+en under stud! to

    aoid an! faor to the $usiness counter #arts)

    7) M! #ro&ect does not concerned a$out the designing and #lanning of training actiities

    *hich forms a crucial and ma&or #art of this field hence a full fledge stud! can $e done

    in this area)

    =) The data #resented here is ta+en $! #re#ared ,uestionnaire o#en ended and closed

    endedJ and information and feed$ac+ receied from the management)

    1) No research has $een conducted on this to#ic for the #ur#ose of this #ro&ect thus

    holds a com#lete field research and deelo#ment)

    9) >ue to Time Constraints- I *as not a$le to touch all as#ects of training and


    6) >ue to securit! reasons- I could not attend the training conducted *hich *ould gie

    me a #ractical e%#erience)


    When the candidates are recruited from outside or selected- #romoted from inside- it is

    e%#ected that the! must #erform their &o$s *ith ma%imum efficienc! and com#etence)

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    Therefore after selecting the candidates- the ne%t logical ste# is to train them for $etter 

    #erformance) Era of ocational training started during industrial reolution- *hich too+

    #lace in Dritain in 2:th centur!) The a##renticeQs *or+ing n different factories use to get

    ocational training in the form of direct instructions in the o#eration of machines) There

    after s#eciall! *hen use of com#uters- automatic machines increased and $ecause of 

    ra#idl! changing techni,ues the need of training is recogni"ed as one of the most

    im#ortant organi"ational actiities)

    Training is re,uired to $e gien to em#lo!ees to +ee# them u#dated effectie and

    efficient) At #resent- it is o$sered that all organi"ations- of *hateer t!#es the! ma! $e-

    need to hae *ell trained e%#erienced and s+illed #eo#le to #erform arious actiities) If 

    current &o$ occu#ants meet this re,uirement- in that case- training is not im#ortant $ut if 

    it is not the case- it is er! essential to raise the s+ill leels- increase the ersatilit! and

    ada#ta$ilit! of the &o$ occu#ants $! giing them necessar! and a##ro#riate training

    Needs !ssess,e-t+ Needs assessment diagnoses #resent and future challenges to

    $e met through training and deelo#ment Needs assessment occurs at t*o leelsF

    Grou# and indiidual

     An Indiidual o$iousl! needs training *hen her or his #erformance falls short of 

    standards i)e) *hen there is #erformance deficienc!

     Assessment of training needs occurs at the grou# leel too) An! change in the

    organi"ationQs strateg! necessitates training of grou# of em#lo!ees)

    T*ai-i-& Objectives+

    To *aise the )*oductivity+

    Increased human #erformance often directl! leads to increased o#erational #roductiit!

    and increased com#an! #rofit)

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      To i,)*ove 2uality i- wo*.+ Im#roement in ,ualit! ma! $e in relation to com#an!Qs

    #roduct serice)

    To i,)*ove health a-d safety+

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    2) Immediate su#erisors-

    45 CoF*or+er-

    65 Mem$ers of the #ersonnel staff-

    75 Socialists in other #arts of the com#an!-

    85 Outside consultants-

    95 Industr! associations-

    :5 ;acult! mem$ers at uniersities)

    /arge organi"ations generall! maintain their o*n training de#artments *hose staff 

    conducts the #rogrammers)


    O-;the;job t*ai-i-&+ Almost eer! em#lo!ee- from the cler+ to com#an! #resident gets

    some onFtheF&o$ training(- *hen he &oins a firm) Under this method- an em#lo!ee is#laced in a ne* &o$ and is told ho* it ma! $e #erformed) It is #rimaril! concerned *ith

    deelo#ing is an em#lo!ee s+ills and ha$its consistent *ith the e%isting #ractices of an

    organi"ation- and *ith orienting him to his immediate #ro$lems)

    0estibule t*ai-i-&

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    o#eration- testers - t!#ists etc) Training is in the form of lectures- conferences- case

    studies- roleF#la!ing and discussion)

    De,o-st*atio-s a-d e(a,)les+ In the demonstration techni,ues- the trainer descri$es

    and dis#la!s) When he teaches an em#lo!ee ho* to do something $! actuall!

    #erforming actiities himself and $! going through a ste#F$!Fe%#lanation of *h!( and

    *hat( he is doing) >emonstrations are effectie techni,ues in teaching as it is easier to

    sho* a #erson ho* to do a &o$ then to tell him or as+ him to gather instruction from the

    reading material) >emonstrations are often used in com$ination *ith lectures- #ictures-

    te%t materials- discussions etc)

    Si,ulatio-+ Simulation is techni,ue *hich du#licates the actual condition encountered

    on a &o$) Trainees Qinterest and em#lo!ees@ motiation are high in simulation e%ercises

    $ecause he actions of a trainee closel! du#licate the real &o$( conditions) This method

    is essential in cases in *hich actual onFtheF&o$ #ractice might result in a serious in&ur!-

    costl! errors) This techni,ue is a er! e%#ensie one)

    !))*e-ticeshi)+  A##renticeshi# training is the oldest and most commonl! used

    methods) It is training in crafts- trades and in technical areas) A ma&or #art of training

    time is s#ent onFtheF&o$ #roduction *or+

    $lass*oo, t*ai-i-&+

    a= Lectu*es+ Sim#lest *a! of im#arting +no*ledge to trainees is $! lecture) Conce#ts or 

    #rinci#les- attitude- method can $e useful *hen large grou# are to $e taught) The

    lecture method can $e useful *hen large grou#s are to $e trained *ithin a short time-

    thus reducing the cost #er trainee)

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    b= The $o-fe*e-ce ethod+ In this techni,ue- the #artici#ating indiiduals confer to

    discuss #oints of common interest to each other) Conference is a formal meeting-

    conducted according to organi"ed #lan)

    c= Se,i-a* o* tea, discussio-+ There are different methods of conducting seminar) It

    ma! $e $ased on #a#er #re#ared $! one or more trainees on the su$&ect in consulting

    *ith the #erson in charge of the seminar)

    d= $ase studies+ The #erson in charge of training ma+e out a case #roides necessar!

    e%#lanations- initiates the discussion going) When the trainees are gien cases to

    anal!"e) The! are as+ed to identif! the #ro$lem and recommend tentatie solutions)

    e= Role "layi-&+ in role #la!ing- trainees act out a gien role as the! *ould in a stage

    #la!) It $asicall! inoles em#lo!eeFem#lo!er relationshi#s hiring- firing- interie*s

    disci#lining etc)

    f= "*o&*a,,ed i-st*uctio- ,ethod+  A #rogrammed instruction inoles $rea+ing

    information do*n into meaningful units and then arranging these in a #ro#er *a! to form

    a logical and se,uential learning #rogrammed or #ac+age)

    &= T;&*ou) t*ai-i-&+ This com#rises of AudioFisual aids and #lanned reading



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    Norms Officers at WNA #lant

    Manager F SHE KC

    9)Safe ealuate o#erator #ersonal at engineeringde#t e%ternal

    #ersonal at AN #lant

    6)failure anal!sis re#ort Sr) Manager F Mfg engg

    incharges electrical- mech- e%ternal

    insru- de#t

    :)fire fighting 7 e#m from each de#t e%ternal

    )inter #ersonal relation 25 Officers internal

    25 *or+ers


  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR



    No*Fda!s- training #rograms are gaining im#ortance $ecause the! hel# to sole arious

    #ro$lems- *hich out of the introduction- of ne* lines of #roduction- seere com#etition-

    changes in design and techni,ue of #roduction- change in the olume of $usiness- etc)

    Training #rograms enhance oerall organi"ational efficienc! and effectieness) Training

    has $ecome a er! significant management tool for $ringing a$out desired changes in

    order to sole organi"ational #ro$lems and also to achiee organi"ational goals)

    Therefore to $e er! effectie- the training function is re,uired to $e organi"ed #ro#erl!

    and s!stematicall!)





    nt o'


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  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    • To $uild a ro$ust innoatie $usiness team that constantl! searches

    for gro*th and im#roement in all as#ects of $usiness

    • To cascade com#an! targets do*n to indiidual leels so that

    indiidual efforts are in line *ith at com#an! o$&ecties

    • To re*ard in a $alanced manner- Efforts( and Results(- ?e!

    Results( and Routine Res#onsi$ilities(- /ong term( and Short term(

    • To $ring a$out as much o$&ectiit! as #ossi$le in the #erformance

    a##raisal s!stem and there$! allot #erformance A*ards in a fair 


    • To encourage initiatie- leadershi#- team*or+- drie and #ersistence

    in indiiduals to reach #redetermined goals

    • To ma+e *or+ing life interesting- challenging and fun)


    This ee#a+ ;ertili"ers and

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  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    these #eo#le) Decause the com#an! Smart chem)Technolog! ltdJ) Has

    #roided the all facilities to the all em#lo!ees *ith out an! dela!) And this

    is the old com#an! $e maintain good relations)


  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR



    In this Smartchem technolog! ltd)there is no a s#ecific standing order 

    administration) The ISCIUCTS IN THE ORGANIATION

      Since the com#an! didn@t face an! misconduct $ecause all the

    em#lo!er and em#lo!ee are disci#line and s+illed *or+er and the! has

    $een *or+ing from the starting of the com#an! and the! maintaining a

    good relation $et*een themseles) So that still no* there is no there

    t!#e of accident in the com#an! SmartchemJ

    S0STEM O;

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     In this organi"ation has there committees

    2) Wor+ers committee

    4) Safet! committee

    7) Canteen management committee

    =) Welfare committee


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    The Management of the Smart chem technolog! ltd)#roide the a

    good canteen s#ecialties to their *or+ers) So that the com#an! is

    er! large to see the all the actiities *ith in the com#an! so that for 

    loo+ing- these canteen s#ecialties the management

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      A grieance is a sign of em#lo!ee@s discontent *ith &o$- and its

    nature) When the organi"ation fails to satisf! the em#lo!ee needs- he

    deelo#s a feeling of discontent or dies satisfaction) Grieance is

    caused due to the different $et*een the em#lo!ee e%#ectation and

    Management >ER S0STEM

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


      Ste# ladder s!stem means if an! #ro$lem ta+e #lace *or+ers

    their there consult *ith the su#erisor after in charges- and then in

    charges- consult the la$or *elfare and #ersonal officer)


    In this organi"ation Smartchem the Management is follo*ing

    a$oe $oth li+e o#en *indo* s!stem- ste# ladder s!stem to redress

    the grieance in the organi"ation) Dased on the situation the

    Management #ersonal Administration)


    The cause of grieance em#lo!ee include-

    2) >emand for indiidual *age ad&ustments

    4) Com#lain a$out the incentie s!stem

    7) /a!Foff  

    =) E UNIONS

      Trade unions are an association of em#lo!ee) In eer! the trade union

    is an im#ortant of industrial relations) Where the em#lo!ee association is

    an that com#an! em#lo!ee *ill receie the all t!#es of actiities from the

    Management or em#lo!ee *here the em#lo!ee Association are not

    there in that also the! *ill get all t!#es of the actiities) Dut the Smart

    chem) technolog! ltd)has the ONE union)

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    2) Smart chem) em#lo!ee union FSEU

      Eer! t*o !ear the trade union elections going on to elect the correct

    union leader for sole their #ro$lems) Dut Smartchem Technolog! ltd

    Com#an! unions neer raise create #ro$lems $ecause the Smart chem

    technolog! ltd) #roide all the *elfare or some other s#ecialties to the

    ,ualified or normal *or+ers *ithout rest ruction


      Their main trade union actiities are #rotected and #romote the

    interest of the *or+ers and conditions of their em#lo!ment)

    2) Achieing higher *ages and $etter *or+ing and liing conditions for 

    the mem$ers

    4) Ac,uiring the control of industr! $! *or+ers)

    7) Welfare measures for im#roing the morale of the *or+ers)etc)



    Collectie $argaining is o##osite of indiidual $argaining- *hich ta+es #lace

    $et*een organi"ed grou#s of em#lo!ees *ith either a single em#lo!er or 

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    multi#le- em#lo!er collectie $argaining is a techni,ues used for 

    com#romising the conflicting interests of em#lo!ees and em#lo!er)


    Collectie $argaining is em#lo!ees $argain collectiel! *ith em#lo!er)

      The Smart chem) technolog! ltd)com#an! has follo*ed the collectie

    $argaining #rocess in the organi"ation) The Smart chem) technolog!

    ltd)has a se#arate de#artment is there to sole the #ro$lems or collectie

    $argaining *ith em#lo!er) In the Smart chem) technolog! ltd)*or+ers *ill

    collectie $argaining *ith their unions *ith em#lo!er) In the de#artment

    head *ill ta+e the all t!#es of #ro$lems and to intimate the $argaining

    things a notice to the management)

    RO/E O; HRM >E

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


      The collectie $argaining #rocess the HRM role is *ill ta+e situation) In

    this the HRM ISis#utes $et*een em#lo!ees and em#lo!er ta+e #lace due to conflict

    of interest $et*een ca#ital and la$or) Mainl! the industrial dis#ute is an!

    difference $et*een em#lo!er and a grou# of or all em#lo!ees)


      According to industrial dis#utes ActF2=6 Industrial dis#utesF4+J Mean

    an! dis#utes or difference $et*een em#lo!ers and em#lo!ees or *or+men

    and *or+men *hich is connected *ith the em#lo!ment or nonFem#lo!ment

    or the terms of em#lo!ment)

      The! are er! negligi$le industrial dis#utes in Smartchem technolog! ltd)

    Management@s tries to sole the #ro$lems at leel onl!) In Smartchem

    technolog! ltd industrial dis#utes are er! race- $ecause the com#an!

    maintains good relation in the Smartchem industr!)

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


     IN>USTRIA/ >IS actF2=6) The com#an!

    follo*ing due to rise the #ro$lems *here it rises in the de#artment *ise in

    the com#an!) The! sole #ro$lems *ith in the #ermission onl!)


    • Em#lo!ee *elfare and social securit!

    • Welfare #olic! and administration

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    Smartchem technolog! ltd)is one of the Indian com#an!- It is #roide the

    all *elfare facilities and as *ell as the! are #roiding non statutor!

    *elfare #roision to their em#lo!ee and em#lo!ers the! are #roiding to

    the contract la$or also)

    In the Smartchem technolog! ltd)the *elfare officer loo+s the all *elfare

    actiities under the #ersonal and administration

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    The em#lo!ee has to remit $! 21 th of eer! month of the contri$ution and

    other changes at the follo*ing rates

    The follo*ing adances are aaila$le to *ithdra*al contri$ution of the



      The em#lo!er and the em#lo!ee hae to ferniest arious firms to

    #roident fund office onl! for different #ur#osed some of them are as



  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    ;ormF >etail of em#lo!er enrolled on the date of a##lication of the


    ;ormF1A O*nershi# of esta$lishment)

    ;ormF1 To intimate the details of em#lo!ees &oining #roident


    ;ormF25 >etail of em#lo!ee leaing

    ;ormF24A Statement of dues and remittance to*ards #roident


    ;ormF7A Consolidated annual contri$ution statement

    ;ormF9A Consolidated annual contri$ution statement

    ;ormF4 ;or giing nomination for

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


      $! nominee

    ;ormF25C To claim assurance $enefit under the E>/IF269



  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR



  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


      So far all the actiities and #rocess *or+ing under the #ersonal



  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    2) >irector 

    4) General manager 

    7) Senior manager 

    =) >!) ManagerHRA>MINJ


  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR



    V) U#on retirement on normal retirement date after com#letion of 1

    0ears serice or if the same is e%tend on such date or u#on

    death of the mem$er- *hile in the mem$er $ecoming disa$led

    due to accident or disease



    In Smartchem technolog! ltd there is no an! accidents during their *or+ing

    $ecause the safet! officer loo+ the all safet! facilities to the $oth the

    em#lo!ees and contract *or+ers) The! strictl! follo*ing safet! measures

    li+e gro*s- shoes- glasses- mas+s- etc

     The! are strictl! follo*ing the safet! measures in the com#an!)

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR



  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    of serice officers shall $e such as ma! #rescri$e $! the state goernment

    the! are follo*ing according to this section)

     According to factories actF2=:- *here in the 2555 or more *or+ers or 

    *or+ing the management has to maintain one safet! officer) Dut the

    Smartchem technolog! ltd has maintain t*o safet! officers for loo+ after the

    safet! measures in the Smartchem technolog! ltd)

     As #art of safet! the! are su##l!ing three #air of dress- one #air of shoes

    and helmet and also giing safet! $elts *hen eer! re,uiring the!

    conducting safet! meetings eer! three months for ta+ing free suggestion

    and im#lementation and reie* leel of im#lementation suggested




  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    7) Conducting safet! committee meeting


  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


      Dased on the em#lo!er- su#erision- contract la$ors- /eaes in a month

    or in a !ear the! are alread! noticed to those *or+ers- the! leae some of 

    the leaes those are comes under ne%t month or ne%t !ear according to

    their com#an! rules and #rocedure the! are follo*ing

    >I;;ERENT T0

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    the! +no* *ell a$out attendants of the *or+ers) The rotation ta+es #lace

    for eer! da!s and shift timings are as follo*s)


    SHI;T TIMINGS A shift 955 am to 455#m

    D shift 455 #m to 2555 #m

    C shift 2555 #m to 955 amGeneral

    shift :75 am to 175 #m

    These are the shift of Smartchem technolog! ltd


      The Smartchem technolog! ltd com#an! *or+s round the cloc+ in a da!

    there is no ,uestion of sto##ing of the #roduction) the re,uirement of 

    an!thing to the em#lo!ee is #roiding $! the management ) The *or+ing

    hours of the em#lo!ee is : hours in a da!)

    Oertime *ill $e #aid dou$le of *ages of *or+er)


  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    Doth 67 678Total 255 2558


  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    Res#ondents Res#ondentsE 45 458TEAM WOR? 75 758MRT S?I//S 75 758

    TOTA/ 255 2558



  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR



  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    INTERA and HRA #roided $! Smartchem

    ltd) Decause the organi"ation *ill not gie a e,ual >A and HRA for each

    and eer! em#lo!ee)


  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR



  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR



      It can $e seen from the ta$le and diagram im#lies that 958 of res#ondents felt that

    the organi"ation assessing the #erformance of the em#lo!ees

    9) EM)

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR



  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


      The Smartchem technolog! ltd strictl! follo*s human resource #olicies

    and #rocedures) This factor! recruit the candidates $ased on e%#erience

    candidates) The com#an! #roided arious *elfare facilities to all the

    em#lo!ees) These organi"ations maintain the #ro#er disci#line to*ards the


      The organi"ation maintains good human relations $et*een the

    em#lo!ees- *or+ers and management efficientl!)



    2) ;rom the a$oe stud! *e can find the #rocedure of HRM e%ist in the

    Smartchem technolog! ltd

    4) A*areness of HRM #olicies #rocedure follo*ed $! Smartchem

    technolog! ltd is +no*n to ma%imum no) of em#lo!ees)

    7) The organi"ation recruits the candidates on the $asis of e%#erienced


    =) The organi"ation assess the #erformance of em#lo!ee shortl!

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    1) The organi"ation #roides e%cellent *elfare facilities

    9) The Smartchem technolog! ltd #roides retirement $enefits to


    6) Em#lo!ee regularl! #artici#ate in committee meetings


    2) Should ado#t ne* recruitment selection #rocedure

    4) The organi"ation giing an o##ortunit! for em#lo!ees to #artici#ate in

    decision ma+ing) And the decision should $e ado#t

    7) Ne* medical facilities are #roided to *or+ers famil! mem$ers- this

    increase the lo!alt! of the *or+ers to the factor!

    =) The! should #roide trans#ort facilities to the *or+ers liing at nearl!

    illagers or #laces


      The organi"ation utili"ed human resources are effectiel! that leads to

    achieement of organi"ational goals) The organi"ation recruits e%#erienced

    candidates for im#roement of #roduction) It maintain relations in anIndustr! the training actiities underta+en $! management hae occu#ied

    an im#ortant #lace

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


      The management can $e $uiltFu# a sta$le la$or forces can $e easil!

    reduces the la$or turnoer) These *ill $e earn good *ill and enhance the

    #u$lic image of industr!)

      The prosperity of the industry is the development of the country4.


    *550505Satya-a*aya-a %e-e*al a-a&e* of Smartchem technolog! ltd

    Mr)>)Sudarsana Rao #ersonalAdministration management of Smartchem

    technolog! ltd%. 'a)ing performance "or) e*ectively+ $ ,ilip Tom+ 'c-ra" ill /oo)

    Company+ England+ %01(.

    &. rinciples and procedures in evaluating performance+ 2o,n C. 3lanagan+

    4olume$ &1.

  • 8/18/2019 Training Project HR


    (. ublic ersonal Administration+ S 5 -oel+ Sterling ublis,ers vt. 5td.+ Ne"


    7. Training 8 6evelopment+ A /etter "ay+ !obert ayden+ 4olume 9&.

    9. !esearc, 'et,odology 'et,ods and Tec,ni:ues+ ;ot,ari C. !.+ Ne" Age International


    1. As"at,appa> ;.> uman !esource ersonal 'anagement

    We$ sites



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