Hr training & development

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SESSION 2013-2014



Submitted by: RAVEENA UDASI

Roll: - 15051

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I, Raveena Udasi, student of MCom here by declared that the research

report entit led “TRAINING AND DEVELOPM EN T” is

comple ted and submitted under the guidance of is my origina l work.

The imper ia l find ing in this report is based on the data collec ted by me. I have

not submitted this project report to any other Unive rs ity for the purpose of

compliance of any requirement of any examina tion or degree.

DATE: Raveena Udasi

M.Com Sem I

ROLL NO. 15051

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I, Prof. Roopali Kotekar, hereby certify that Miss Raveena Manoj Udasi ROLL. No 15051 of

Mulund College of Commerce, S. N. Road, Mulund (West), Mumbai -400080 of M.com Part I

(Business Management) has completed her project on “Training and Development” during the

academic year 2013-14. The information submitted is true and original to the best of my


____________________ ___________________

Project Guide Principal

_____________________ ___________________

Co-coordinator External guide


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A summer project is a golden

opportunity for learning and self development. I conside r myse lf very lucky and honored to have so many wonderful people lead me through in comple t ion of

this project.

My grate ful thanks to Ms. Roopali

Kotekar who in spite of being extraord inar i ly busy with her/his duties, took

time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path. I do not know where I would have been without her/him. A humble ‘Thank you’ Ma’am.

I would also like to thank everyone who took active invo lv ement in help ing me with my project report withou t whom, it would not have been possib le.


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Significance of Study

Every organization desires that it will grow continuously and make and retain its position in the competitive and continuously changing market environment. For this purpose the employees of the organization must be skilled and talented. But all the employees may not have the desired skills. Their skills can be improved with the help of training programs. It is an important activity for the origination to conduct appropriate and related programme for its employees, so that may be able to understand the terms required for the completion of his job. This also helps the employees of the organization to know about his job and organization very well. This also helps in better communication and relation among the organization wants to grow rapidly, then it is essential for it to conduct periodically training programmes for its employees to improve the skills and knowledge.

So the top management must concentrate on the training programs and organize them in such a way that maximum number of employees wants to attend these programs. These must be related to training and development of employees and their

job satisfaction.

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1 Introduc tion to Training & Development 7

2 Learning Princ ip les 10

3 Training Methods 15

4 Evalua t ion Methods 21

5 Process of Training & Development 27

6 Wipro 31

7 A daily pursuit of excellence 32

8 Training & Development at Wipro 34

9 Recruitment and Promotion 37

10 Limitat ion of the Project 40

11 Bibliography 41

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Training and De ve lopme nt of Employe e s Finding is the main obje ctive of this proje ct re port and some of the sub-object ive in this report. They are :

To know the effectiveness of the training programme conducted by the company.

To know whether employees are aware about their responsibilities and authorit ies or not.

To improve Organizationa l Climate and increase the morale of employees. To know whether training programme is conducted successfully or not. To know about the work culture of the organizat ion.

Training and De ve lopme nt of Employe e s :

Training and De ve lopme nt of Employe e s : After employees have been selected for various positions in an organization, training them for the specific tasks to which they have been assigned assumes great importance. It is true in many organizations that before an employee is fitted into a harmonious working relationship with other employees, he is given adequate training. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for performing a particular job. The major outcome of training is learning. A trainee learns new habits, refined skills and useful knowledge during the training that helps him improve performance. Training enables an employee to do his present job more efficiently and prepare himself for a higher -level job. The essential features of training may be stated thus:

Increases knowledge and skills for doing a particular job; it bridges the gap between job needs and employee skills , knowledge and behaviors

Focuses attention on the current job; it is job specific and addresses particular performance deficits or problems

Concentrates on individual employees; changing what employees know, how they work, their attitudes toward their work or their interactions with their co -workers or supervisors

Tends to be more narrowly focused and oriented toward short-term performance concerns.

Training is ne e de d to s e rve the following purpos e s :

Newly recruited employees require training so as to perform their tasks effectively. Instruction, guidance, coaching help them to handle jobs competently, without any wastage.

Training is necessary to prepare existing employees for higher -level jobs (promotion).

Existing employees require refresher training so as to keep abreast of the latest developments in job operations. In the face of rapid technological changes, this is an absolute necessity.

Training is necessary when a person moves from one job to another (transfer). After training, the' employee can change jobs quickly, improve his performance levels and achieve career goals comfortably

Training is necessary to make employees mobile and versatile. They can be placed on various jobs depending on organizat iona l needs.

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Training is needed to bridge the gap between what the employee has and what the job demands.

Training is needed to make employees more productive and useful in the long-run.

Training is needed for employees to gain acceptance from peers (learning a job quickly and being able to pull their own weight is one of the best ways for them to gain acceptance).

Importance of Training :

Training offers innumerable benefits to both employees and employers. It makes the employee more productive and more useful to an organization. The importance of training can be studied under the follow ing heads:

B e ne fits to the bus ine s s :

Trained workers can work more ef ficiently. They use machines, tools, and materials in a proper way. Wastage is thus eliminate d to a large extent.

There will be fewer accidents. Training improves the knowledge of employees regarding the use of machines and equipment. Hence, trained worker s need not be put under close supervision, as they know how to handle operations properly.

Trained workers can show superior performance. They can turn out better performance. They can turn out better quality goods by putting the materials, tools and equipment to good use.

Training makes employees more loyal to an organization. They will be less incline d to leave the unit where there are growth opportunit ies

B e ne fits to the e mploye e s :

Training makes an employee more useful to a firm. Hence, he will find employment more easily.

Training makes employees more efficient and effective. By combining materials, tools and equipment in a right way, they can produce more with minimum effort.

Training enables employees to secure promotions easily. They can realise their career goals comfortably.

Training helps an employee to move from one organization to another easily. He can be more mobile and pursue career goals actively.

Employees can avoid mistakes, accidents on the job. They can handle jobs with confidence. They will be more satisfied on their jobs. Their morale would be high.

Thus, training can contribute to higher production, fewer mistakes, greater job satisfaction and lower labour turnover. Also, it can enable employees to cope with organizational, social and technological change. Effective training is an invaluable investment in the human resources of an organizat ion.

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Le arning Principle s : The Philos ophy of Training

Training is essential for job success. It can lead to higher production, fewer mistakes, greater job satisfaction and lower turnover. These benefits accrue to both the trainee and the organization, if managers understand the principles behind the training process. To this end, training efforts must invariably follow certain learning -oriented guidelines.

Mode lling

Mode ling is s imply copying s ome one e ls e 's be havior. Pas s ive clas s room le arning doe s not le ave any room for mode ling. If we want to change people, it would be a good idea to have videotapes of people showing the desired behavior. The selected model should provide the right kind of behavior to be copied by others. A great deal of human behaviour is learned by modelling others. Children learn by modelling parents and older children, they are quite comfortable with the process by the time they grow up. As experts put it. "managers tend to manage as they were managed"


For le arning to take place , inte ntion to le arn is important. Whe n the e mploye e is motivate d, he pays atte ntion to what is be ing s aid, done and pre s e nte d. Motivation to learn is influenced by the answers to questions such as: How important is my job to me? How important is the information? Will learning help me progress in the company? etc. People learn more quickly when the material is important and relevant to them. Learning is usually quicker and long-lasting when the learner participates actively. Most people, for example, never forget how to ride a bicycle because they took an active part in the learning process.

Re inforce me nt

Pos itive re inforce me nt cons is ts of re warding de s ire d be haviors . If a be havior is re warde d, it probably will be re pe ate d. People avoid certain behaviors that invite criticism and punishment. A bank officer would want to do a postgraduate course in finance, if it earns him increments and makes him eligible for further promotions. Both the external rewards (investments, praise) and the internal rewards (a feeling of pride and achievement) associated with desired behaviors compel subjects to learn properly. To be effective, the trainer must reward desired behaviors only. If he rewards poor performance, the results may be disastrous: good performers may quit in frustration, accidents may go up, and productivity may suffer. The reinforcement principle is also based on the premise that punishment is less effective in learning than reward. Punishment is a pointer to undesirable behaviors. When administered, it causes pain to the employee. He mayor may not repeat the mistakes. The reactions may be mild or wild. Action taken to repeal a person from undesirable action is punishment. If administered properly, punishment may force the trainee to modify the undesired or incorrect behaviors.

Fe e dback

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People learn best if reinforcement is given as soon as possible af ter training. Every employee wants to know wha t is expected of him and how well he is doing. If he is off the track, somebody must put him back on the rails. The errors in such cases must be rectified immediately. The trainee after learning the right behaviour is motivated to do things in a 'right' way and earn the associated rewards. Positive feedback (showing the trainee the right way of doing things) is to be preferred to negative feedback (telling the trainee that he is not correct) when we want to change behaviour.

Space d Practice

Learning takes place easily if the practice sessions are spread over a period of time. New employees learn better if the orientation programme is spread over a two or three day period, instead of covering it all in one day. For memorizing tasks, 'massed' practice is usually more effective. Imagine the way schools ask the kids to say the Lord's prayer aloud. Can you memorise a long poem by learning only one line per day? You tend to forget the beginning of the poem by the time you reach the last stanza. For 'acquiring' skills as stated by Mathis and Jackson, spaced practice is usually the best. This incremental approach to skill acquisition minimises the physical fatigue that deters learning.

Whole Le arning

The concept of whole learning suggests that employees learn bet ter if the job

information is explained as an entire logical process, so that they can see how the

various actions fit together into the 'big picture'. A broad overview of what the trainee would be doing on the job should be given top priority, if learning has to take place quickly. Research studies have also indicated that it is more efficient to practice a whole task all at once rather than trying to master the various components of the task at different intervals.

Active Practice

'Practice make s a man pe rfe ct': s o s aid B acon. To be a swimmer, you should plunge into water instead of simply reading about swimming or looking at films of the worlds' best swimmers. Learning is enhanced when trainees are provided ample opportunities to repeat the task. For maximum benefit, practice sessions should be distributed over time.

Applicability of Training

Training should be as real as possible so that trainees can successfully transf er the new k nowledge to their j obs. The training situations should be set up so that trainees can visualise - and identify with - the types of situations they can come across on the job.

Environme nt

Finally, e nvironme nt plays a major role in training. It is natural that workers who are exposed to training in comfortable environments with a dequate, well spaced rest periods are more likely to learn than employees whose training conditions are less

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than ideal. Generally speaking, learning is very fast at the beginning. Thereafter, the pace of learning slows down as opportunit ies for improvemen t taper off.

Are as of Training

The Areas of Training in which training is offered may be classified into the follow ing categories.

Knowle dge

Here the trainee learns about a set of rules and regulations about the job, the staff and the products or services offered by the company. The aim is to make the new employee fully aware of what goes on inside and outside the company.

Te chnical Skills

The employee is taught a specific skill (e.g., operating a machine, handling computer etc.) so that he can acquire that skill and contribute meaningfully.

Social Skills

The employee is made to learn about himself and others, and to develop a right mental attitude towards the job, colleagues and the company. The principal focus is on teaching the employee how to be a team member and get ahead.

Te chnique s

This involves the application of knowledge and skill to various on -the-job situations.

In addition to improving the skills and knowledge of employees, training aims at moulding employee attitudes: When administered properly , a training programme will go a long way in obt8ining employee loyalty, support and commitment to company activities.

Type s of Training

There are many approaches to training. We focus here on the types of training that are commonly employed in present-day organisations.

Skills training: Skill training is most common in organisations. The process here is fairly simple. The need for training in basic skills (such as reading, writing, computing, speaking, listening, problem solving, managing oneself, knowing how to learn, working as part of a team, leading others) is identified through assessment. Specific training objectives are set and training content is developed to meet those objectives. Several methods are available for imparting these basic skills in mo dern organisations (such as lectures, apprenticeship, on-the-job, coaching etc.). Before employing these methods, managers should:

explain how the training will help the trainees in their jobs.

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relate the training to the trainees' goals. respect and consider participant responses and use these as a resource. encourage trainees to learn by doing. give feedback on progress toward meeting learning objectives.

Re fre s he r training: Rapid changes in technology may force companies to go in for this kind of training. By organising short-term courses which incorporate the latest developments in a particular field, the company may keep its employees up -to-date and ready to take on emerging challenges.

It is conducted at regular intervals by taking the help of outside consultants who specialise in a particular descriptive.

Cros s -functional Training: Cross-functional Training involves training employees to perform operations in areas other than their assigned job. There are many approaches to cross functional training. Job rotation can be used to provide a manager in one functional area with a broader perspective than he would otherwise have. Departments can exchange personnel for a certain period so that each employee understands how other departments are functioning. High performing workers can act as peer trainers and help employees develop skills in another area of operation. Cross functional training provides the following benefits to an organisation (and the workers as well) (1) Workers gain rich experience in handling diverse jobs; they become more adaptable and versatile (2) they can better engineer their own career paths (3) they not only know their job well but also understand how others are able to perform under a different set of constraints (4) A broader perspe ctive increases workers' understanding of the business and reduces the need for supervision (5) when workers can fill in for other workers who are absent, it is easier to use flexible scheduling, which is increasingly in demand as more employees want to spend more time with their families. Eli Lilly and Company (India), for example, encourages cross -functional movements to make the organisation equally attractive to both specialists and generalists.

Te am Training: Team training generally covers two areas; c ontent tasks and group processes. Content tasks specify the team's goals such as cost control and problem solving. Group processes reflect the way members function as a team - for example how they interact with each other, how they sort out differences, ho w they participate etc. Companies are investing heavy amounts, nowadays, in training new employees to listen to each other and to cooperate. They are using outdoor experiential training techniques to develop teamwork and team spirit among their employees ( such as scaling a mountain, preparing recipes for colleagues at a restaurant, sailing through uncharted waters, crossing a jungle etc.). The training basically throws light on (i) how members should communicate with each other (ii) how they have to coopera te and get ahead (iii) how they should deal with conflict -full situations (iv) how they should find their way, using collective wisdom and experience to good advantage.

Cre ativity training: Companies like Mudra Communications, Titan Industries, Wipro encourage their employees to think unconventionally, break the rules, take risks, go out of the box and devise unexpected solutions.

Postpone judgment : Don't reject any idea

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Create alternative frames of reference Break the boundary of thinking Examine a different aspect of the problem Make a wish list of solutions Borrow ideas from other fields Look for processes to change or eliminate Think up alternative methods Adopt another person's perspective Question all Assumptions.

In cre ativity training, traine rs ofte n focus on thre e things :

(a) B re aking away: In order to break away from restrictions, the trainee is expected to (i) identify the dominant ideas influencing his own thinking (ii) define the boundaries within which he is working (iii) bring the assumptions out into the open and challenge everything

(b) Ge ne rate ne w ide as : To generate new ideas, the trainee should open up his mind; look at the problem from all possible angles and list as many alternative approaches as possible. The trainee should allow his mind to wander over alternatives freely. Expose himself to new influences (people, articles, books, situations), switch over from one perspective to another, -arrange cross fertilization of ideas with other people and use analogies to spark off ideas.

(c) De laying judge me nt: To promote creative thinking, the trainee should not try to kill off ideas too quickly; they should be held back until he is able to generate as many ideas as possible. He should allow ideas to grow a little. Brainstorming (getting a large number of ideas from a group of people in a short time) often helps in generating as many ideas as possible without pausing to evaluate them. It helps in releasing ideas, overcoming inhibitions, cross fertilising ideas and getting away from patterned thinking.

Dive rs ity Training: Diversity training considers all of the diverse dimensions in the workplace race, gender, age, disabilities, lifestyles,culture , education, ideas and backgrounds - while designing a training programme. It aims to create be tter cross-cultural sensitivity with the aim of fostering more harmonious and fruitful working relationships among a firm's employees.

The programme covers two things: (i) awareness building, which helps employees appreciate the key benefits of diversity, and (ii) skill building, which offers the knowledge, skills and abilities required for working with people having varied backgrounds.

Lite racy Training: Inability to write, speak and work well with others could often come in the way of discharging duties, especially at the lower levels. Workers, in such situations, may fail to understand safety messages, appreciate the importance of sticking to rules, and commit avoidable mistakes. Functional illiteracy (low skill level in a particular content area) may be a serious impediment to a firm's productivity and competitiveness. Functional literacy programmes focus on the basic skills required to perform a job adequately and capitalise on most workers' motivation to get help in a

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particular area. Tutorial programme s, home assignments, reading and writing exercises, simple mathematical tests, etc., are generally used in all company in -house programmes meant to improve the literacy levels of employees with weak reading, writing or arithmetic skills.

Training Me thods

Training methods are usually classified by the location of instruction. On the job training is provided when the workers are taught relevant knowledge, skills and abilities at the actual workplace; off -the-job training, on the other hand, requires that trainees learn at a location other than the real work spot. Some of the widely used training methods are listed below.

1. Job Ins truction Training (JlT)

The JIT method (developed during World War II) is a four -step instructional process involving preparation, presentation, performance try out and follow up. It is used primarily to teach workers how to do their current jobs. A trainer, supervisor or co -worker acts as the coach. The four steps followed in the JIT methods are:

1. The trainee receives an overview of the job, its purpose and its desired outcomes, with a clear focus on the relevance of training.

2. The trainer demonstrates the job in order to give the employee a model to copy. The trainer shows a right way to handle the job.

3. Next, the employee is permit ted to copy the trainer's way. Demonstrations by the trainer and practice by the trainee are repeated until the trainee masters the right way to handle the job.

4. Finally, the employee does the job independent ly without supervision.

Me rits :

Trainee learns fast through practice and observation. It is economical as it does not require any special settings. Also, mistakes can

be corrected immediate ly. The trainee gains confidence quickly as he does the work himself in actual

setting with help from supervisor. It is most suitable for unskilled and semi-skilled jobs where the job operations

are simple; easy to explain and demonstrate within a short span of time.

De me rits :

The trainee should be as good as the trainer if the trainer is not good, transference of knowledge and skills will be poor.

While learning, trainee may damage equipment, waste materials, cause accidents frequently,

Experienced workers cannot use the machinery while it is being used for training.

2. Coaching:

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Coaching is a kind of daily training and feedback given to employees by immediate

supervisors. It involves a continuous process of learning by doing. It may be defined as an informal, unplanned training and development activity provided by supervisors and peers. In coaching, the supervisor explains things and answers questions; he throws light on why things are done the way they are; he offers a model for trainees to copy; conducts lot of decision making meetings with trainees; procedures are agreed upon and the trainee is given enough authority to make divisions and even commit mistakes. Of course, coaching can be a taxing job in that the coach may not possess requisite skills to guide the learner in a systematic way. Sometimes, doing a full day's work may be more important than putting the learner on track.

Whe n to us e coaching us e fully? Coaching could be put to good us e whe n:

an employee demonstrates a new competency an employee expresses interest in a different job within the organisation an employee seeks feedback an employee is expressing low morale, violating company policies or practices

or having performance problems an employee needs help with a new skill following a formal training


Effe ctive working, obvious ly, re quire s patie nce and communication s kills . It involve s :

explaining appropriate ways of doing things making clear why actions were taken stating observations accurately offering possible alternatives / suggestions follow ing up

3. Me ntoring :

Me ntoring is a re lations hip in which a s e nior manage r in an organis ation as s ume s the re s pons ibility for grooming a junior pe rs on. Technical, interpersonal and political skills are generally conveyed in such a relationship from the more experienced person. A mentor is a teacher, spouse, counsellor, developerr of skills and intellect, host, guide, exemplar, and most importantly, supporter and facilitator in the realisation of the vision the young person (protege) has about the kind of 1ife he wants as an adult.

The main objective is to help an employee attain psychological maturit y and

effectiveness and get integrated with the organisation. In a work situation, such mentoring can take place at both formal and informal levels, depending on the prevailing work culture and the commitment from the top management. Formal mentoring can be very fruitful, if management invests time and money in such relationship building exercises.

Care e r functions : Career functions are those aspects of the relationship that enhance career advancement. These include :

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1. Sponsorship: Where mentors actively nominate a junior person (called 'mentee') for promotions or desirable positions.

2. Exposure and visibility: Where mentors offer opportunities for mentees to interact with senior executives, demonstrate their abilit ies and exploit their potential.

3. Coaching: Mentors help mentees to analyse how they are doing their work and to define their aspirations. Here mentors offer practical advice on how to accomplish objectives and gain recognition from others.

4. Protection: Mentors shield the junior person from harmful situations /seniors.

5. Challenging assignments: Mentors help mentees develop necessary competencies through challenging job assignments and appropriate feedback. Mentors create opportunities clients to prove their worth to demonstrate clearly what they have to offer.

Psychological functions: Psychological functions are those aspects that enhance the mentee’s sense of competence, and identify effectiveness in a professional role. These include :

6. Role modeling: Mentors offer mentees a pattern of values and behaviours to imitate

7. Acceptance and confirmation: mentors offer support, guidance and encouragement to mentees so that they can solve the problems independently and gain confidence in course of time. Mentors also help people to learn about the organisation's culture and understand why things are done in certain ways.

8. Counseling: Mentors help mentees work out their personal problems, learn about what to do and what not to do, offer advice on what works and what doesn't, and do everything to demonstrate improved performance and prepare themselves for greater responsibilit y.

9. Friendship: Mentors offer practical help and support to mentees so that they can indulge in mutually satisfying social interactions (with peers, subordinates, bosses and customers)

Mentoring in India is based on the time -honoured guru-shishya relationship where the guru would do everything to develop the personality of the shishya, offering emotional support, and guidance. Companies like TISCO, Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Polaris, Coca-Cola India have used mentoring systems to good effect in recent times (Economic Times, 25 Oct., 2002). Organisations like General Electric, Intel, Proctor & Gamble have given a lot of importance to mentoring programmes, going even gone to the extent of penalising senior managers if they fail to develop leadership skills among subordinates. Of course, mentoring is not without its problems. Mentors who are dissatisfied with their jobs and though who teach or narrow or distorted view of events ma y not help a protege's development. Not all mentors are well prepared to transfer their skills and wisdom to their junior colleagues. When young people are bombarded with conflicting viewpoints - about how things should go - from a series of advisors, they may find it difficult to get

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ahead with confidence. Mentoring can succeed if (i) there is genuine support and commitment from top management (ii) mentors take up their job seriously and transfer ideas, skills and experiences in a systematic way and (iii) mentees believe in the whole process and carry out things in an appropriate manner.

4. Job Rotation :

Job rotation may pos e s e ve ral proble ms , e s pe cially whe n the traine e s are rolle d on various jobs at fre que nt inte rvals . In such a case, trainees do not usually stay long enough in any single phase of the operation to develop a high degree of expertise. For slow learners, there is little room to integrate resources properly. Trainees can become confused when they are exposed to rotating managers, with contras ting styles of operation. Today's manager's commands may be replaced by another set from another manager! Further, job rotation can be quite expensive. A substantial amount of managerial time is lost when trainees change positions, because they must be acquainted with different people and techniques in each department. Development costs can go up and productivity is reduced by moving a trainee into a new position when his efficiency levels begin to improve at the prior job. Inexperienced trainees may fail to handle new tasks in an efficient way. Intelligent and aggressive trainees, on the offer hand, may find the system to be thoroughly boring as they continue to perform more or less similar jobs without any stretch, pull and challenge. To get the best results out of the system, it should be tailored to the needs, interests and capabilities of the individual trainee, and not be a standard sequence that all trainees undergo.

This kind of training involves the movement of trainee from one job to another. This helps him to have a general understanding of how the organisation functions. The purpose of job rotation is to provide trainees with a larger organisational perspective and a greater understanding of different functional areas as well as a better sense of their own career objectives and interests. Apart from relieving boredom, job rotation allows trainees to build rapport with a wide range of individuals within the organisation, facilitating future cooperation among departments. The cross -trained personnel offer a great amount of flexibility for organisations when transfers, promotions or replacements become inevitable.

5 Appre ntice s hip Training

Most craft workers such as plumbers and carpenters are trained through formal apprenticeship programmes. Apprentices are trainees who spend a prescribed amount of time working with an experienced guide, coach or trainer. Assistantships and internships are similar to apprenticeships because they also demand high levels of participation from the trainee. An internship is a kind of on -the-job training that usually combines job training with classroom instruction in trade schools, colleges or universities. Coaching, as explained above, is similar to apprenticeship because the coach attempts to provide a model for the trainee to copy. One important disadvantage ofthe apprenticeship methods is the uniform period of training offered to trainees. People have different abilities and learn at varied rates. Those who learn fast may quit the programme in frustration. Slow learners may need additional training time. It is also likely that in these days of rapid changes in technology, old skills may get outdated quickly. Trainees who spend years learning specific skills may find, upon

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completion of their programmes, that the job skills they acquired are no longer appropriate.

6 Committe e As s ignme nts

In this method, trainees are asked to solve an actual organisational proble m. The trainees have to work together and offer solution to the problem. Assigning talented employees to important committees can give these employees a broadening experience and can help them to understand the personalities, issues and processes governing the organisation. It helps them to develop team spirit and work unitedly toward common goals. However, managers should very well understand that committee assignments could become notorious time wasting activities. The above on -the-job methods are cost effective. Workers actually produce while they learn. Since immediat.e feedback is available, they motivate trainees to observe and learn the right way of doing things. Very few problems arise in the· case of transfer of training because the employees learn in the actual work environment where the skills that are learnt are actually used. On-the-job methods may cause disruptions in production schedules. Experienced workers cannot use the facilities that are used in training. Poor learners may damage machinery and equipment. Finally, if the trainer does not possess teaching skills, there is very little benefit to the trainee.

Off-the -Job Me thods

Unde r this me thod of training, the traine e is s e parate d from the job s ituation and

his atte ntion is focus e d upon le arning the mate rial re late d to his future job pe rformance . Since the trainee is not distracted by job requirements, he can focus his entire concentration on learning the job rather than spending his time in performing it. There is an opportunity for freedom of expression for the trainees. Off -the-job training methods are as follows :

a. Ve s tibule training : Vestibule training method, actual work conditions are simulated in a classroom. Material, files and equipment - those that are used in actual job performance are also used in the training. This type of training is commonly used for training personnel for clerical and semi-skilled jobs. The duration of this training ranges from a few days to a few weeks. Theory can be related to practice in this method.

b. Role playing: It is defined as a method of human interaction that involves realistic behaviour in imaginary situations. This method of training involves action, doing and practice. The participants play the role of certain characters, such as the production manager, mechanical engineer, superintendents, maintenance engineers, quality control inspectors, foreman, workers and the like. This method is mostly used for developing interpersonal interactions and relations.

c. Le cture me thod: The lecture is a traditional and direct method of instruction. The instructor organizes the material and gives it to a group of trainees in the form of a talk. To be effective, the lecture must motivate and create interest among the trainees. An advantage of lecture method is that it is direct and can be used for a large group of trainees. Thus, costs and time involved are reduced. The major limitation of the lecture method is that it does not provide for transfer of training effectively.

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d. Confe re nce /dis cus s ion approach: In this method, the trainer delivers a lecture and involves the trainee in a discussion so that his doubts about the job get clarified. When big organisations use this method, the trainer uses audio -visual aids such as black boards, mockups and slides; in some cas es the lectures are videotaped or audio taped. Even the trainee's presentation can be taped for self confrontation and self -assessment.

The conference is, thus, a group-centered approach where there is a clarification of ideas, communication of procedures and standards to the trainees. Those individuals who have a general educational background and whatever specific skills are required -such as typing, shorthand, office equipment operation, filing, indexing, recording, etc. - may be provided with specific instructions to handle their respective jobs.

e. Programme d ins truction: This method has become popular in recent years. The subject matter to be learned is presented in a series of carefully planned sequential units. These units are arranged from simple t o more complex levels of instruction. The trainee goes through these units by answering questions or filling the blanks. This method is, thus, expensive and time -consuming.

B e haviourally Expe rie nce d Training

Some training programmes focus on emotional and behavioural learning. Here employees can learn about behaviour by role -playing in which the role players attempt to act their part in respect of a case, as they would behave in a real -life situation. Business games, cases, incidents, group discussions and short assignments are also used in behaviourally-experienced learning methods. Sensitivity training or laboratory training is an example of a method used for emotional learning. The focus of experiential methods is on achieving, through group processes, a better understanding of oneself and others. These are discussed elaborately in the section covering Executive Development Programmes.

Evaluation of a Training Programme

The s pe cification of value s forms a bas is for e valuation. The basis of evaluation and the mode of collection of information necessary for evaluation should be determined at the planning stage.

The proce s s of training e valuation has be e n de fine d as any atte mpt to obtain information on the e ffe cts of training pe rformance and to as s e s s the value of training in the light of that information. Evaluation helps in controlling and correcting the training programme. Hamblin suggested five levels at which evaluation of training can take place, viz., reactions, learning, job behaviour, organisation and ultimate value.

1. Reactions: Trainee's reactions to the overall usefulness of the training including the coverage of the topics, the method of presentation, the techniques used to clarify things, often throw light on the effectiveness of the programme . Potential questions to trainees might include: (i) What were your learning goals for the programme? (ii) Did you achieve them? (iii) Did you like this programme? (iv) Would you recommend it to

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others who have similar learning goals? ( v) what suggestions do you have for improving the programme? (vi) Should the organisation continue to offer it?

2. Learning: Training programme, trainer's ability and trainee's ability are evaluated on the basis of quantity of content learned and time in which it is learned and learner's abilit y to use or apply the content learned.

3. Job behaviour: This evaluation includes the manner and extent to which the trainee has applied his learning to his job.

4. Organisation: This evaluation measures the use of training, learning an d change in the job behaviour of the department/organisation in the form of increased productivity , quality , morale, sales turnover and the like.

5. Ultimate value: It. is the measurement of ultimate result of the contributions of the training programme to the company goals like survival, growth, profitability, etc. and to the individual goals like development of personality and social goals like maximis ing social benefit.

Me thods of Evaluation

Various methods can be used to collect data on the outcomes of training. Some of these are:

Questionnaires: Comprehensive questionnaires could be used to obtain opinions , reactions, views of trainees.

Tests: Standard tests could be used to find out whether trainees have learnt anything during and after the training.

Interviews: Interviews could be conducted to find the usefulness of training offered to operatives.

Studies: Comprehensive studies could be carried out eliciting the opinions and judgements of trainers, superiors and peer groups about the training.

Human resource factors: Training can also be evaluated on the basis of employee satisfaction, which in turn can be examined on the basis of decrease in employee turnover, absenteeism, accidents, grievances, discharges, dismissa ls , etc.

Cost benefit analysis: The costs of training (cost of hiring trainers, tools to learn, training centre, wastage, production stoppage, opportunity cost of trainers and trainees) could be compared with its value (in terms of reduced learning time, improved learning, superior performance) in order to evaluate a training programme.

Feedback: After the evaluation, the situation should be examined to identify the probable causes for gaps in performance. The training evaluation information (about costs, time spent, outcomes, etc.) should be provided to the instructors, trainees and other parties concerned for control, correction and improvement of trainees' activities. The training evaluator should follow it up sincerely so as to ensure effective implementa t ion of the feedback report at ever y stage.

Training Programme of Company

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Purpos e -

To establish and maintain a documented procedure for identifying and providing training to all the employees of the organization with essential skill and knowledge so as to achieve desired quality and product ivity goals.

Scope -

This procedure is applicable to all employees. Company's personnel involved in quality system.

Training Proce s s

Training is provided both “In House” and through “Outside Agencies” Which could be for an individua l or for group of persons as a collective training.

Training is conducted either through “Planned Training Programme” “Emergent Training Programme” which is organized by the HRD Department

Planne d Training -

The planned training programme is drawn on annual basis both for individua l and group of persons for collective training at the beginning of Calendar Year by Manager HRD and HRD Executive of factory. The departmental Heads drawn out the training requirements on the training requisition slip and sent it to HID Dept. Training of t he senior personnel at Factory Is also catered for at Head Office on receipt of requirement from HRD Executive.

The annual Training Prog. at Head office is approved by from Chairman cum Managing Director.

Annual training Prog. is prepared on format and cir culated to all heads of department and is updated. If required in case of additiona l training needs.

Eme rge nt Training –

The Emergent training programme is a supplementary training programme both for individual and collective persons which is imparted during the course of work to take care for unforeseen or uncatered training requirements arisen due to installation of new machine, system, procedure etc.

Identification of such training need is done by the concerned HOD at Head Office and HOD/Supervisor at factory and accordingly forwards their request. The procedure as in case of planned training is followed there after.

Conduct of Training

HRD Head at HO & HRD (Executive) at factory ensures that identified training in their respective areas is conducted as scheduled.

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In case of External training, liaison with the agency is done and dates, venue etc. is fixed up and concerned person is intimate d through Heads of Department.

For In-House training, date/Venue is fixed up with identified faculty and concerned individual is informed through Heads of Department. Besides, necessary resource/infrastruc ture is also provided for effective training.

Exte rnal Traine rs for the Company are :

Father Son & Company Skill & Thoughts Logic Consultant Topics covered under Training Programme EFT Act & Scheme Provisions Rigid and Semi Rigid Packaging Principles of Contract Labour Act Self-motivat iona l & Attitudina l Seminar Organic farming Training about operations in the company. Processing of Rice (value addition In Rice) Knowledge about rice trade Operational and maintenance of dryer & Cleaning Plant Silo storage Techniques Scientif ic Instrumentation Finished goods quality control Trouble shooting

Job s atis faction

Job s atis faction is in re gard to one 's fe e ling or s tate of mind re ga rding the nature of the ir work. It can be influenced by a variety of factors e.g.: quality of one's relationships with there supervisor, quality of physical environment in which they work, degree of fulfillme nt in there work etc.

Locke gives a comprehensive definition of job satisfaction as involving cognitive, effective and evaluative reactions or attitudes and states it is "a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experience." Job satisfaction is a result of employees' perception of how well their job provides those things that are viewed as important.

The re are thre e ge ne rally acce pte d dime ns ions to job s atis faction.

First, j ob satisfaction is an emotional response to a j ob situation , as such it cannot be seen; it can only be inferred.

Second, j ob satisfaction is of ten determined by how well outcomes meet or exceed expectations. For example if organizational participants feel that they are working more harder than others in the department but ar e receiving fewer rewards, they will probably have a negative attitude toward the work, the boss or the coworkers. They will be dissatisfied. On the other hand, if they feel they are being treated very well

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and are being paid equitably, they are likely to have a positive attitude toward the job. They will be job - satisfied.

Third, j ob satisfaction represents several related attitudes.

Factors de te rmining job s atis faction

Factors af f ecting jobs are the main factors of j ob satisfaction, which may be challenging work , reward systems, work ing conditions, colleagues, learning and personality. Skill variety autonomy and significance are challenging tasks, which provide maximum satisfaction to employees. Many people feel bored if a job is too simple and routine, but many employees also enjoy simple and routine jobs.

The job characteristics are important f actors f or providing satisfaction . Reward systems, equitable rewards, equal pay for equal work, promotion avenues, etc are satisfaction factors. Money is important to employees having unfulfilled basic needs, i.e. they require more award and recognition.

Fairness in promotion, unbiased attitude of management, responsibilities and social status are the factors that are said to be providing satisfaction to emp loyees.

Work ing conditions inf luence employee's level of satisfaction. Under conducive working condition, people prefer to work hard while in an adverse atmosphere people avoid work. Working condition not only include physicals of the work but also the working relationships in the organization. The physical conditions, for example, are the light, temperature, willingness, etc. A clerk working under routine conditions likes to work hard in an air - conditioned atmosphere with computer facilities. It increase s the working capacity of the employee.

The relationships between the employees and the managers have an important bearing on job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction is greater in case the higher authority is sympathetic, f riendly and willing to help the employ ees. Employees feel satisfied when their views are listened to and regarded by their higher authorities

Personal attitude and perceptions are the employees' angles of satisfaction, which should be taken into consideration while motivating people to arrive at job satisfaction

Feedback from the job itself and autonomy are two of the major job-related motivational factors. A recent found that career development was most important to both younger and older employees.

Supervision is another moderately important of j ob satisfaction. There seem to be two dimensions of supervisory style that affect job satisfaction. One is employee -centeredness, which is measured by the degree to which a supervisor takes a personal interest and cares about the employee. It commonly is manifested in ways such as checking to see how well the employee is doing, providing advice and assistance to the individual, and communicating with the associate on a personal as well as an

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official level . The other dimension is participation or influence, as illustrated by managers who allow their people to participate in decisions that affect their own jobs. In most case, this approach leads higher job satisfaction.

Friendly, cooperative coworkers or team members are a modest source of job satisfaction to individual employees. The group, especially a "tight" team, serves as a source of support, comfort, advice, and assistance to the individua l member.

Outcome s of job s atis faction

To society as a whole as well as from an individual employee's standpoint, job satisfaction in and of itself is a desirable outcome. It is important to know, if at all, satisfaction relates to outcomes variable. For example, if job satisfaction is high, will the employee perform better and the organization be more effective? I f job satisfaction is low, will there be performance problems and ineffectiveness? The follow ing sections examine the most important of these.

Satis faction and pe rformance :

Most assume a positive relationship; the research to date indicates that there is no strong linkage between satisfaction and performance. Conceptual, methodological, and empirical analyses have questioned and argued against these results.

The best conclusion about satisfaction and performance is that there is, definitely a relationship. The relationship may even be more complex than others in organization behavior. For example, there seem to be many possible -moderating variables, the most important of which is reward. If people receive reward they feel are equitable, they will be satisfied, and is likely to result in greater performance effort.

Satis faction and turnove r:

Unlik e that between satisfaction and performance, research has uncovered a moderately negatively relationship between satisfaction and turnover. High job satisfaction will not, in and of itself, keep turnover low, but it does seem to help. On the other hand, if there is considerable job dissatisfaction, there is likely to be high turnover. Obviously, other variables enter into an Employees decision to quit besides job satisfaction. For example, age tenure in the organization, and commitments to the organization, may playa role. Some people cannot see them selves working anywhere else, so they remain regardless of how dissatisf ied they feel.

Another factor is the general ec onomy, typically there will be an increase in turnover because will being looking for better opportunit ies with other organizat ion.

Satis faction and abs e nte e is m:

Research has only demonstrated a weak negative relationship between satisfaction and absenteeism. As with turnover, many variables enter into the decision to stay home besides satisfaction with the job. For example, there are moderating variables such as the degree to which people that there job are important. For example, research among state govt. Employees has found those who believed that there was important

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had lower absenteeism than did who did not feel this way. Additionally, it is important to remember that although job satisfaction will not necessarily result in absenteeism, low job satisfa ction more likely to bring about absenteeism.

Human Resource Management, training and development is the field which is concerned with organizat iona l activity aimed at bettering the performance of individua ls and groups inorganiza t iona l settings. It has been known by several names, including human resource development , and learning and development.

Harrison observes that the name was endlessly debated by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development during its review of professiona l standards in 1999/2000. "Employee Development " was seen as too evocative of the master -slave relationship between employer and employee for those who refer to their employees as "partners" or "associates" to feel comfortable with. "Human Resource Development " was rejected by academics, who objected to the idea that people were "resources" &m dash; an idea that they felt to be demeaning to the individua l. Eventually , the CIPD settled upon "Learning and Development ", although that was itself not free from problems , "learning" being an overgeneral and ambiguous name. Moreover, the field is still widely known by the other names.

Training and development (T&D) encompasses three main activit ies : training , education, and development. Garavan, Costine, and Heraty, of the Internationa l Institute of Market Research and Analytics , note that these ideas are often considered to be synonymous. However, to practitioners , they encompass three separate, although interrelated, activities :

Training: This activity is both focused upon, and evaluated against, the job that an individua l currently holds.

Education: This activity focuses upon the jobs that an individua l may potentiall y hold in the future, and is evaluated against those jobs.

Development : This activity focuses upon the activit ies that the organizat ion employing the individua l , or that the individua l is part of, may partake in the future, and is almost impossible to eva luate.

The "stakeholders " in training and development are categorized into several classes. The sponsors of training and development are senior managers. The clients of training and development are business planners. Line managers are responsible for coac hing, resources, and performance. The participants are those who actually undergo the processes. The facilitators are Human Resource Management staff. And the providers are specialists in the field. Each of these groups has its own agenda and motivat ions , which sometimes conflict with the agendas and motivations of the others.

The conflicts that are the best part of career consequences are those that take place between employees and their bosses. The number one reason people leave their jobs is conflict with their bosses. And yet, as author, workplace relationship authority , and executive coach, Dr. John Hoover points out, "Tempting as it is, nobody ever enhanced his or her career by making the boss look stupid." Training an employee to get along well with authority and with people who entertain diverse points of view is one of the best guarantees of long-term success. Talent, knowledge, and skill alone won't compensate for a sour relationship with a superior, peer, or customer.

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There are several T&D methods available. The use of aparticular method depends which method accomplishes the training needs and objectives. Training methods can be classified into two categories:

I. On-the-Job Methods

This refers to the methods of training in which a person learns a job by actually doing/performing it. A person works on a job and learns and develops expertise at the same time.

1. Understudy

In this the employee is trained by his or her supervisor. The trainee is attached with his or her senior and called understudy or assistant. For example, a future manager might spend few months as assistant to the present manager.

2. Job rotation

This refers to shifting/move ment of an employee from one job to another on regular intervals.

3. Special projects

The trainees' may ask to work on special projects related with departmental objectives. By this, the trainees will acquire the knowledge of the assigned work and also learn how to work with others.

4. Experience

It refers to learning by doing. This is one of the oldest methods of on-the-job training. Although this is very effective method but it also very time-consuming and wasteful. Thus it should be followed by other training methods.

5. Committee assignment

In this, the trainees become members of a committee. The committee is assigned a problem to discuss and make recommendations.

6. Coaching

In this, the supervisor or the superior acts as a guide and instructor of the trainee. This involves extensive demonstration and continuous critical evaluation and correction.

II. Off-the-Job Methods

These methods require trainees to leave their workplace and concentrate their entire

time towards the training objectives. These days off -the-job training methods have

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become popular due to limita t ions of the on-the-job training methods such as facilit ies

and environme nt , lack of group discussion and full participat ion among the trainees

from different disciplines , etc. In the off -thejob methods, the development of trainees

is the primary task res t everything is secondary. Follow ing are the main off -the-job

training methods:

1. Special courses and lectures

These are the most traditiona l and even famous today, method of developing

personnel. Special courses and lectures are either designed by the co mpany itself or

by the management/pr ofess iona l schools. Companies then sponsor their trainees to

attend these courses or lectures. These are the quick and most simple ways to provide

knowledge to a large group of trainees.

2. Conferences and seminars

In this, the participants are required to pool their thoughts , ideas, viewpoints ,

suggestions and recommendations. By attending conferences and seminars, trainees try

to look at a problem from different angles as the participants are normally from

different fie lds and sectors.

3. Selected reading

This is the self-improve ment training technique. The persons acquire knowledge and

awareness by reading various trade journals and magazines. Most of the companies

have their own libraries. The employees become the members of the professiona l

associations to keep abreast of latest developments in their respective fields.

4. Case study method

This technique was developed by Harvard Business School, U.S.A. It is used as a

supplement to lecture method. A case is a written r ecord of a real business

situation/pr oblem faced by a company. The case is provided to the trainees for

discussion and analysis. Identificat ion and diagnose of the problem is the aim in case

study method. Alternate courses of action are suggested from part icipants.

5. Programmed instruction/ lear ning

This is step-by-step self-learning method where the medium may be a textbook,

computer or the internet. This is a systematic method for teaching job skills involving

presenting questions or facts, allowing the person to respond and giving the learner

immediate feedback on the accuracy of his or her answers."

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6. Brainstorming

This is creativity-tra ining technique, it helps people to solve problems in a new and

different way. In this technique, the trainees are given the opportunity to generate

ideas openly and without any fear of judgement. Criticis m of any idea is not allowed

so as to reduce inhibit i ng forces. Once a lot of ideas are generated then they are

evaluated for their cost and feasibility.

7. Role-playing

In this method, the trainees are assigned a role, which they have to play in an

artificia lly created situation. For example, a trainee is asked to play the role of a trade

union leader and another trainee is required to perform the role of a HR manager. This

technique results in better understanding of each other's situation by putting foot in

other's shoes.

8. Vestibule schools

Large organisations frequently provide what are described as vestibule schools a

preliminar y to actual shop experience. As far a s possible , shop conditions are

duplicated, but instruction, not output is major objective. " A vestibule school is

operated as a specialised endeavor by the personnel department. This training is

required when the amount of training that has to be done exc eeds the capacity of the

line supervisor; a portion of training is evolved from the line and assigned to staff

through a vestibule school." The advantage of a vestibule school is specialisat ion.

9. Apprenticeship training

This training approach began in the Middle Ages when those who wanted to learn

trade skill bound themselves to a master craftsman and worked under his guidance.

Apprenticeship training is a structured process by which people become skilled

workers through a combinat ion of classroom instruc tion and on-the-job training.

10. In-basket exercise

In this technique, the trainees are provided background informat ion on a simulated

firm and its products, and key personnel. After this, the trainees are provided with in -

basket of memos, letters, reports, requests and other documents related with the firm.

The trainee must make sense out of this mass of paperwork and prepare memos, make

notes and delegate tasks within a limite d time period."

11. Business games

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Business games involve teams of traine es. The teams discuss and analyse the problem

and arrive at decisions. Generally , issues related with inventor ies , sales, R&D,

production process, etc. are taken up for consideration.

12. Behaviour modeling

This is structured approach to teach specific supervisory skill. This is based on the

social learning theory in which the trainee is provided with a specific model of

behaviour and is informed in advance of the consequences of engaging in that type of


13. Sensitivity (T-group) training

In this type of training, a small group of trainees consisting of 10 to 12 persons is

formed which meets in an unstructured situation. There is no set agenda or schedule or

plan. The main objectives are more openness with each other, increased listening

skills , trust, support, tolerance and concern for others. The trainers serve a catalytic

role. The group meets in isolation without any formal agenda. There is great focus on

inter-persona l behaviour. And, the trainer provides honest but supportive feedback to

members on how they interacted with one another.

14. Multiple management

This technique of training was first introduced by McCormick, President of

McCormick & co. of Baltimore in 1932. He gave the idea of establishing a junior

board of directors. Authority is given to the junior board members to discuss any

problem that could be discuss in senior board and give recommendations to the senior

board. Innovative and productive ideas became available for senior board.

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A Daily Pursuit of Excellence

Why would I want to be anywhere else?

People, Practice and Processes are the three cornerstones of our pursuit of excellence at Wipro. We keenly promote an open culture, encouraging feedback, and we respond actively to transform it into action. We believe that excellence is not a destination but a journey of continuous improveme nt. Understanding that in a competitive world we can neither afford to be complacent nor rest on past laurels, we at Wipro listen frequently to what our Wiproites have to say. Through formal surveys as well as informal discussion, we listen to feedback and suggestion. Based on the responses of some these, we culled out the core 'Strengths of Wipro' , the key factors that make Wiproites talk with pride about Wipro as an employer, reasons that make them stay in Wipro and strive for excellence. The answers we found entirely reinforce our saying, 'Indeed why would I want to be anywhere else?'

What we speak about with pride What makes us stay

Excellent training and learning opportunities Secure careers that offer learning opportunities

Commitment to excellence in quality and customer service

Interesting work content / work with cutting edgetechnology

An ethical, value based approach at Wipro

What makes us strive What drives success at Wipro

The search for additional challenges and responsibilities

Performance, performance and more performance

Growth and the compelling internal need to feel a sense of accomplishment

An unbeatable combination of hard work and keen customer orientation

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Development and Training

We at Wipro believe in individua l growth and overall development. Potential is recognized and opportunit ies for further learning are provided. Our training programs are

on par with elite universit ies and every year a large number of fresh graduates are galvanize d into thorough professionals in their chosen fields.

Wipro Academy of Software Excellence (WASE), the first of its kind in India, is aimed at preparing some of the best Bachelor of Science students for the applications programming environment. The course equips fresh graduates with necessary skills to work in applications

in a growing software company, instilling the need for a quality process. Wipro Infotech Master of Science (WIMS), another unique model of employment offered by

Wipro, aims at preparing fresh BCA and B.Sc graduates for IT infrastructure Management services. It is an effort where training in Information Technolo gy/Syste m Engineering is offered to the students with practical exposure to the Infrastructure Management Service

industry. These programs register every student for an 8 semester Wipro sponsored MS course with the

BirlaInst it ute Of Technology and Science (BITS - P ilani). Candidates will get to work on live projects and earn a monthly stipend.

Wipro Leaders Program

We not only groom your talent but also bring out the leader in you. Our Leadership Program gears you up to take the challenge for successfully heading large and strong teams. The program is designed to identif y the specific actions and attitudes that constitute the

Wipro leader's qualit ies. It examines how each manager rates against these qualit ies , provide an understanding of how the required skills and competencies can be developed and plan what each individua l can do to strengthen his or her leadership qualities.

WIBGYOR - Competency Framework

WIBGYOR which stands for Wipro's Career Bands Gives You Opportunit ies & Responsibilit ies , definesthe behavioura l competencies that need to be demonstrated. These competencies are defined role wise.

Employees are assessed on these competencies during appraisal to encourage role based growth.

Work Recognition Rewards recognizing a signif ica nt contribut ion from every employee await you at Wipro. Some of them are given here for your reading:

Performance: If you or your team's performance is of a superlative standard, you win the highest rewardour company has to offer - Wipro Hall of Fame. It's in recognition of your

sustained and consistent performance.

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Innovation: If you come up with the most innovat ive idea or a solution that other's couldn't think of, you shall be rewarded with Mastermind, the highest acclaim in recognition of you r

imaginat ion and innovat ion. Team spirit: In recognition of your effort in the team, an instant reward is given to you -

Feather-in-my cap. If you help your colleague in his hour of crisis, he would nominate you for Thanks a Zillion in recognit ion of your professiona l help in bailing him out of a difficult situation. (It can be your peer, boss, or subordina te).

The Spirit of Wipro is the core of Wipro. The spirit is rooted both in current reality as well as representing what Wipro aspires to be, thus making it future active. The spirit is an indivis ible

synthesis of what we are and what we want to be. It manifests an intensity to win, act with sensitivity and uphold integrit y at all times.

Intensity to Win Winning is about extending our selves to achieve what seems beyond our grasp. It is aiming for

the maximum. It is the ardor to do our best, and the hunger to be the best. It is the devotion to challenge our limits , realize and expand our potential.

It is not about winning at all costs, neither is it about winning every time, nor about winning at the expenseof others.

It is about working together to create a synergy; realizing that I win when my team wins, my team wins when Wipro wins, and Wipro wins when its customers win and when its stak eholders win.

It is about innovat ing all the time. It is a continuous endeavor to do better than the last time.

It is the Spirit of fortitude, the Spirit of never letting go… ever. Act with Sensitivity

Respect for the individua l , being thoughtful and responsible At its highest vision, respect for the individua l is unqualif ie d. The core of this sensitivity lies in understanding that every being, however different, is equal. The spirit of democracy

underlies our notion of sensitivity.. . we believe in a society where each citizen sees the ethic of equity, the essentialit y of diversit y , the ethos of justice, and is thus driven to social action. It

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is about being able to see that each one of us is inextricably embedded in the same social fabric.

The other source of respect is trust. Trusting that every individua l is driven by learning, that each individua l would like to grow, that every individua l strives for a meaningful life and is intrins ica lly driven to do his/her best. Therefore, true respect means creating conditions in

which every individua l grows to realize his/her promise and potential. We are responsible for, and have an obligat ion to live in harmony with, our ecologica l

environment. We should actively act to preserve nature, and refrain from a ny action that harms ecology.

Thus, when I act with thoughtfulness , act responsibly, act with empathy… I act with sensitivity. Unyielding Integrity

Delivering commitments with honesty and fairness in action Integrity is a commitment to searching for and acting on the truth. “Truth” is a word with many manifestations – it means keeping one’s word; it also means understanding and realizing the

highest vision of oneself. On integrity , there will be no compromise… we will always act to establish the for emost

standards of honesty and fairness. Integrity is a beacon. It is what guides us, gives us direction… it is not a straitjacket ing laundry

list of do’s and don’ts. Integrity is being ethical beyond doubt. It is living the law of the land in spirit. It is what will

give us the confidence to stand up to any scrutiny. I am the litmus test of my integrity. For integrity is the manifestation of conscience.

Wipro's Equal Opportunity, Employment Policy and Policy Prohibit ing Discrimina t ion and Harassment

Wipro's policy is that applicants are considered for employme nt solely on the basis of their qualif icat ions and competencies. Wipro's hiring policy is geared to ensure that Wipro hires employees without regard to their race, color, religion, national origin, citizenship, age, sex,

marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability , medical condition, socio-economic background or sexual orientation.

Wipro understands the need to provide equal opportunit ies to all persons without discrimina t ion. Thispolic y states the organizat ion's position on equal opportunity in all aspects of employment , including recruitment, training conditions of service, career progression,

termination or retirement and acts like a beacon to employees at all levels to act fairly and prevent discriminat ion.

Wipro's greatest asset is its employees. It is committed to attracting, retaining, and developing the highest quality and most dedicated work force possible in today's market. It strives to hire and promote people on the basis of their qualif icat ions , performance, and abilit ies , and is

determined to provide a work environment free of any form of illega l discriminat ion both direct and indirect , including sexual harassment. Further, Wipro is committed to maintaining a

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workplace where each employee's privacy and personal dignity is respected and protected from offensive or threatening behavior including violence.

Recruitment and Promotion

Wipro ensures that advertisements for posts will give clear and accurate informat ion to enable potentia l applicants to assess their own suitabilit y for the

post. Information about vacant posts will be provided in such a manner that it does not restrict its audience in terms of sex, race, marital status, socio -economic background, disability , age, sexual orientation or religion.

Recruitment literature will not imply a preference for one group of applicants

unless there is agenuine occupationa l qualifica t ion which limits the post to this

particular group, in which case this will be clearly stated.

All descriptions and specifications for posts will include only requirements that are necessary and justif iable for the effective performance of the job.

All selection procedures will be thorough, conducted against defined criteria and will deal only with the applicant's suitabilit y for the job.

Applicants may contact the Talent Acquisit ion team for any assistance during

the recruitment process in case of any disadvantage faced due to any reason.

Any request for assistance of any manner due to a challenge faced by the

applicant will not have any bearing on the candidature, unless the job

requirement excludes such challenges. Where existing employees acquire a disabilit y while in employme nt , take

necessary steps to enable them to reta in their employment.


Wipro ensures that it values and respects the cultural contribut ion of all

its employees who are hired from over 40 nationalit ies.

HR Departments are set up across all geographies to understand and

craft processes and policies which are appropriate to the legal, social and business

environment of the geography we are present in.

Accessibilit y

Wipro ensures that all its offices and information systems are constantly revamped to incorporate the accessibility needs and r equirements of all its employees.

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It maintains an open system where employees can requisit ion reasonable facilit ies for comfortable working/ interview environment.

It provides opportunit ies to all employees and interview candidates to voice their concerns regarding accessibilit y to ensure that there is appropriate infrastructura l or process oriented changes made to make it an inclus ive environme nt where employees

feel their differences are respected and valued, not just tolerated.


Wipro's employees are given opportunit ies to be trained on appropriate systems, processes and modules regardless of sex, race, marital status, socio -economic

background, disabilit y , age, sexual orientation or religion.

All employees will be encouraged to discuss their career prospects and training

needs with their Manager/Supervis or or the HR Department.

Eco Eye is Wipro's comprehensive program that drives increasing ecologica l sustainabilit y in

all its operations and areas of influence. It is driving a self transformation to create an ecologically sustainable or ganiza t ion and business. As Wipro moves forward on this path, it would continuous ly try to influence all its stakeholders and communit ies , to move towards

ecologica l sustainabilit y.

Why is Wipro doing this?

It is a fact that the path to economic progress is ecologically unsustainable. Each one of us is a part of this. The impact and effect of this could range from serious disruption to society

and economy as we know it, to global apocalypse and unprecedented global strife. It is going to be a very serious impact and 'how serious' is a question of degree and time.

If every one of us as organizat ions and individua ls , i.e. the global society transform to ecologica lly sustainable progress, we have the best chance of shaping a secure and happy future.

Wipro is driving this because:

1. It is the right thing to do. We must act responsibly to build a secure and happy future for humanitya nd not just act for an economically successful present. Each one of us must do it.

2. Large organizat ions must take the lead: Because, we can influence others, because we caninnovate and act on solutions and because we are the dominant architects and actors of the current socio-economic structure. Hence it’s our calling to go through a

deep and fundamental transformation towards ecologica l sustainabilit y. 3. It will soon become a basic requirement. Customers will demand

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it; employees will seek it and governments will mandate it; so it is always better to be early and prepared.

4. It presents opportunit ies for profitable business. Enormous business opportunit ies are

opening up in building businesses around ecological sustainabil ity , and around weaving ecologica l sustainabilit y in current businesses.

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There were several limitat ions to the study of Training and Development. However a critical analysis with the employees of the company helped understand Wipro’s procedure of training and developme nt. Follow ing were the constraints :

Comparison Bias

Limited information

Policy constraints

Restrictions Data inadequacy

Differentiat ion in input However through the challenges it was great to come to the above stated project report.

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http://careers.w ipro.c om/why_w ipr o/ l ife_w ipr o.htm http://careers.w ipro.c om/why_w ipr o/deve lopment_tra ining.htm http://careers.w ipro.c om/why_w ipr o/ leaders_progra m.htm http://careers.w ipro.c om/why_w ipr o/w or k_recognit ion.htm http://careers.w ipro.c om/why_w ipr o/eco_e ye.htm http:// iss uu.c om/sanjaykuma rguptaa/docs /tra ining-a nd-de ve lopme nt-a t-w ipr o http://en.w ikipe dia.org/w iki/Tra ining_and_de ve lopment http://ma nage ment-cha ndrasekhar. blogs pot. in/2011/05/tra ining-a nd-de ve lopme nt- t-methods.html