Page 1: Trafford, Salford & Wigan Home-Start Raising money for · more money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting

Raising money for Home-Start

Trafford, Salford & Wigan


Page 2: Trafford, Salford & Wigan Home-Start Raising money for · more money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting

For parents when they need us most.

Hello and welcome to your guide to fundraising I'm so pleased you've chosen to raise money for Home-Start. I’ve put together this guide to help youwith your fundraising activities and hopefully inspire you to think of new ways to make yourfundraising as successful as possible. Inside you’ll find our top tips for planning your activity, I do hope this guide will help you to get yourfundraising off to a good start, but if you need any help or advice along the way, drop me or Louise aline. We'd love to hear from you and we'll do our best to help. Kate: [email protected]: [email protected]

Page 3: Trafford, Salford & Wigan Home-Start Raising money for · more money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting

David's storyAmanda's story


4 Because childhood can't wait

6 Not all heroes wear capes. Somevolunteer with Home-Start.

10 40 fundraising ideas

12 Keeping it safe and legal

14 Sending us the money you have raised

9 Planning tips

Page 4: Trafford, Salford & Wigan Home-Start Raising money for · more money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting

Children who are raised in a stable, loving,family environment are more likely to have apositive and healthy future.

Becausechildhoodcan't wait

The earliest years make the biggest impact: Home-Start makes sure those years count so thatno child’s future is limited. Children who are raised in a stable, loving, family environment aremore likely to have a positive and healthy future.

Page 5: Trafford, Salford & Wigan Home-Start Raising money for · more money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting

Sometimes, parentsstruggle to cope

Parents may be feeling isolated in their community,have no family nearby and be struggling to makefriends. Families may be finding it hard to cope because of achild’s or parent's illness. Families may have been hit hard by the death of aloved one.Parents may be really struggling with emotional andphysical demands of having twins or triplets –perhaps born into an already large family.

Parenting can be tough and parents ask for Home-Start’s help for all sorts of reasons.

Whatever the reason, home-Start's help is at hand. Wesupport any family living in Trafford with a child of anyage, or any family living in Salford or Wigan who have atleast one child under the age of five and who maybefinding it hard to cope. A p p r o x i m a t e l y 6 8 %

o f w o m e n a n d 5 7 %o f m e n w i t h m e n t a l

h e a l t h p r o b l e m sa r e p a r e n t s


B y t h e a g e o f 1 6 ,4 . 7 p e r c e n t o ra r o u n d 1 i n 2 0

y o u n g p e o p l e w i l lh a v e e x p e r i e n c e d

t h e d e a t h o f o n e o rb o t h o f t h e i r

p a r e n t s

1 IN 20

o f c h i l d r e n i nG r e a t e r M a n c h e s t e r

l i v e i n p o v e r t y


We're there for parentswhen they need us themost, becausechildhood can’t wait.

Page 6: Trafford, Salford & Wigan Home-Start Raising money for · more money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting

Sometimes parents need a bit of help, which is where Home-Start comes in. Our families areregularly visited in their own homes by our trained volunteers; all have had experience ofparenting and appreciate how hard it can be. We have an army of 150 local volunteers across Trafford, Salford andWigan and support 200 local families each year.

Not all heroes wear capes.Some volunteer with Home-Start.

For parents when they need us most.

Page 7: Trafford, Salford & Wigan Home-Start Raising money for · more money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting

"Life before Home-Start waschallenging, myself and my wifewere both working full timeraising a family. Unfortunately,things took a turn for the worsewhen my wife actually developeda long term health conditionwhich meant she was in and outof hospital like a yo-yo. You neverknew what the next day wouldbring. Trying to work full timeand manage three kids was a realchallenge. Hayley was searchingfor support online and she cameacross the Home-Start charitywhich not only supported Hayleybut myself and my children aswell. Thanks to Home-Start and[my volunteer] Wasim, I do feelnow that I've got moreconfidence and I have the tools tocarry on alone."

D A V I D ' S S T O R Y

"I've got moreconfidence now"

Page 8: Trafford, Salford & Wigan Home-Start Raising money for · more money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting

"For years, I was living in dangerand fear. Things got progressivelyworse. I couldn't get through theweek without him hurting me. Henearly destroyed me. I was scaredof everything. I was referred to Home-Start...when my Home-Start volunteercame round, she helped me toget out of my room. It was reallynice to have somebody to talk to.  Because of Home-Start I nolonger feel worthless. I no longerfeel like I'm at the bottom of thepile.

A M A N D A ' S S T O R Y

"I no longer feelworthless"

Page 9: Trafford, Salford & Wigan Home-Start Raising money for · more money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting

The sooner you start planning the less you’ll haveto worry about nearer the event. Here are oursuggestions of things to consider whenorganising your own fundraising event: Consider the time and resources you will need toorganise your event. We find it helpful to write out alist of tasks that need to be done, when they need tobe done by and ticking them off as they are done.

Planning tips

Ask your local shops, pubs and restaurants if theywould donate items or vouchers as prizes for araffle, quiz or auction.

PromotionThe more guests you have and the morepeople that know about your event, themore money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word ofmouth is one of the most effective ways ofgetting the message out there, so telleveryone - your friends, family,neighbourhood, colleagues, at your sportsclub and gym what you’re doing and why! If you set up an online fundraising page,you can easily share the news on yoursocial media. Put notices in your staff,social group, or sports club newsletter.Put posters on community news boardsand contact your local newspapers if youwant even more people to join you. Email, phone and text the details of yourevent to your contacts telling them whyyou’re fundraising for Home-StartTrafford, Salford & Wigan and asking fortheir support. Use social networks, such as Facebookand Twitter, to tell people about yourevent. Post a link on your profile and askyour friends to share with people theyknow. Contact your local newspaper or radio asthey may like to run a feature about yourevent or activity.

Page 10: Trafford, Salford & Wigan Home-Start Raising money for · more money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting


playstation night Zumba Wear itWax it17 19 20



16Tea party


Dress downday

11Guess the

number of...


something upFootball







13Open garden

KaraokeMusic night

Bake saleAbseil or skydive

Head shaveQuiz night





Page 11: Trafford, Salford & Wigan Home-Start Raising money for · more money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting



27Pub crawl

Night walkTreasure hunt



Car washFair stall

Dinner partyShave beard

No uniform dayTug-of-war



232221Litter pick

36Film night

35Jumble saleBeetle driveBingo



Murdermystery partyOdd jobsSwear boxEaster egg hunt

Page 12: Trafford, Salford & Wigan Home-Start Raising money for · more money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting

Keeping safeand legal

If you are organising your own event, carryingout a risk assessment is the best way to makesure your event is safe and secure. It doesn'thave to be complicated – it just meanschecking practical, common-sense things.You will need to check the venue/locationand make yourself aware of any potentialhazards and put things in place to minimiseany risk

Risk assessment

First aid

the number of people attendingwhat the weather is likely to be liketype of event and risk involvedtype of people, including their ageshow long the event lastslocation and type of venuehow near is it to local medical facilities

If you are having more than 50 guests you may needa trained first aider at your event – the ratio dependson what type of event you are organising. Pleasecheck with your local authority what therequirements are or you can get advice from aprofessional medical company like St John’sAmbulance or the Red Cross. Consider:

If you are hiring a staffed venue for your event, theymay already have this covered so please check thiswith them.

You will need to take out Public LiabilityInsurance cover for your event if it involvesthe public. If you are holding your event at avenue, check with them if they already haveinsurance that covers your event. Should you wish to be covered for personalinjury insurance, we would stronglyrecommend that you consider taking outyour own personal insurance cover forpersonal accident benefits.


Only sell tickets to guests at your event.Do not spend more than £250 on raffleprizes. If they are donated, you do not haveto include their value.Do not offer any cash prizes.Draw the raffle at the event, with the topprize being the first one you draw.If, however, you are planning to sell ticketsprior to your event, then please contact us,orvisit forguidance, as different rules will apply.

Different types of raffles have different rules.The easiest way to avoid running into anyproblems is to follow these basic rules:


Selling and handling foodFood safety laws apply when food is available at anevent whether it is for sale or not. Check outreferences and/or qualifications of suppliers - e.g. ifcaterers or food suppliers have the relevant foodhygiene and environmental health certificates andPublic Liability Insurance. If you are preparing foodyourself The Food Standards Agency has the latestadvice for individuals, charities and communitygroups who want to prepare and sell foods tofundraise here.

AlcoholSome venues will already have alicence to sell or supply alcohol.However, if you are using an unlicensedvenue and plan to serve alcoholicdrinks, you may need a temporaryevents notice. Please ask your localauthority about how to apply for one.

Page 13: Trafford, Salford & Wigan Home-Start Raising money for · more money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting

Please include our charity logo and registrationnumber on all promotional materials you producefor events and provide letters to authenticate yourfundraising approaches if, for example, you areasking a local business for donated items towards araffle, or your local supermarket for a bag packingslot.


Street collections – If you are holding acollection in a public street, you will need toobtain a licence from your local authority.

Private collections – If your collection isopen to the public but being held on privateproperty such as within a shopping centre,pub or rail station, you must obtainpermission from the landowner or manager.

House-to-house collections – Collectingdoor-to-door is a little more complicated toorganise. To make sure you are all aboveboard and legal, you will need to obtain alicence from the relevant local authority.However, with this kind of fundraising, thereare also extra regulations that will need tobe put in place, such as having anidentification badge, a letter of authorityetc. For more information please contact uson [email protected]  or call 0161 8654222.

Holding a collection in a public place can be agreat way to raise funds. However, you willneed to ensure you get the appropriatepermission/licence before you collect. Alwaysask/apply well in advance as it can sometimestake a long time to get a date confirmed. Here are some guidelines to help you fundraiseresponsibly: 

Public collections

Home-Start Trafford, Salford and Wigan. A charitable company limited by guarantee. Charityno. in England and Wales 1115320. Company limitedby Guarantee England & Wales: 5578221. Registered office: Home-Start Trafford, Salford and WiganStretford Children’s Centre9 Poplar RoadStretfordManchesterM32 9AN Further information and guidance is available on theInstitute of Fundraising’s Getting Started inFundraising section as well as their Code ofFundraising Practice which highlights the law andbest practice for a range of fundraising techniques. The "handling of cash donations" section of thecode and guidance may be particularly relevant,providing guidance on how best to collect andprocess the donations you collect.

Charity information

Page 14: Trafford, Salford & Wigan Home-Start Raising money for · more money you could raise for Home-Start Trafford, Salford & Wigan. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting

Sending us themoney youhave raised

OnlineGo to Home-Start Trafford, Salford and Wigan'swebsite and click on donate.

By postHome-Start Trafford, Salford, WiganStretford Children’s Centre9 Poplar RoadStretfordManchesterM32 9AN

Thank youThank you for all your hard work raising money. You hard work means we can supportanother family in Trafford, Salford or Wigan.

You can send the money you have raised
