Page 1: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

ORDINANCE NO 1991-6 710967 AN [MAr (~ONIB()r

Ar ti c l e- oJ


H (~ bull

1-1 t i tLr- i-Ind Jpgislatve r ntent 1 middot2 De~r i nil i o n s

] -1 Title and Legislative Intent A Ih i s OldinanCI) f3hall be known a nd may bo c l Lod dB the

fgtCinLa be County lnimal ConLrol Ordinance The s ho r t liUn to th Ls Or-d Lna no e Hhdll bf- Animal Co n l r o l Oldishynance

H It j S ths- j ntent of th Hoard of County Cornmi s s Lone r a thai enactment or Ihis ord i nanco will p r o teo t an i ma La from neglecL and Hbu~( proLecl residents from annoyshyance a nd i n j u r y p romo to the health safety and welshyfRre of the reHidenLs and animals assist in providing Cl)nllol or ~nimalli a nd findnc0the rlJnl~tion~ or licensiny and recovery of said animals

bull 1middotmiddot2 OIrinitionH

~or the purpoHe of thi~ Ordinancp the following tfrmH ph ras e s wOImiddotdH and de r iva t i ona ~hall have the mean l nq given hrrpjn ShalJ is always mandatory and noL m(~rely

d i Imiddotncloty Ttw maRCU] i no i no l ud o n UH~ fl~mininl~ The) s ingumiddotmiddot ]~r includeM the plural where approprjate

A bull Aba ndo nment meHI1 to do ao r t do I i be r a te l y a nd zo r to r e-lI nqui s h Lhe ~1up(Orvisi()n or cart of an anima]

B A Lto Cd L ion mea ns to rend e r an an imd 1 Pf~ rma non L 1Y sterjJe and incCipable of reproduction

c Anirna l mea n s any dog c a t nl any ve r teb ra te (f~X-

o 1ud i nC] man) D An i rnal Corrtro l Ir iviai orr means that division of thraquo

CIHJnty or the CounLyH dl~lignal(d con t rao t ogent 01 bolh which is 9ppcificalJy charged with regulaLing and on I o r-c i n q l aws dea lLnq with sn i ma l oon tro I within itH jurjHdiction

j Animal Conl-rol offiri~r or ~Co means that pCTson du l y a ppo i nlr-d to the po s i Lio n by the COIJnLy Mandg(~I

or the Shfrmiddotj ff of the County of Sant~a le F Animal c on tro I ~3heltf1 o r ~hf~ltel means any pound

lot premises kennel or building ma i nta i ne-d or uti shy1 i zod by the County fot the e a r e and cUHLody or ani mals

G It ite mean s Ct puncture or tea r of Lhe sk i n i n f l iclnd by the clf)th or any a n i maL

( 1 )



L bull








~ I bull

710968 Dome s tLc livenLock mr-a ns any of the Lu-ge or smlt-l11 livc~Lock including but noL limit~d to horscH caLshytic mul e a dorrkeyu bUITOIJ swine goalll Hhf~f-~P a nd fow] including but no~ limited to chickens guinea hon a ducks turk~Yfl geese qua I l 0 r P igf~onli

Isnc l o se-d lot means any parc(d of land or portion Lhe-f~of in p r i va t e ownn r ah Lp a r ound t ho pe r i me te r of which a wall or fence has been ~rected of Buch a height and sU~~Ly so as to letain the Hpecies of animal within th~ bound a for which the fence wag erected ~sLlay means any animal which is ofE and ~way from iLl home unattended and running at large within the CounLy o[ Sanla Fe ~xolic animal meanH rare or different from ordinary dome a Li o an ima l a and no t i ndiqonous 10 thf~ Slale or New Mexico including skunk~ llamas hirdH of prey wolf hyb rLds and tho o f f ap r i nq of wild an i ma La c ro aabr-ed with domestic dogB ane] catl but not including parrolB LOIllHlfl o r o rho r LlnH~ and dome s Li ca t ed b i r d Tmpourrd me-an s lhc- act by a n ACO or Shl~ri ff u d opu ty IJf taking up a nd confining a n a n i ma l wilhin rt

sht) Ler or othe r LwUj ty uae-d by the County for the oon f l nemont o f ~did animal Ke-rmr-L me-a na any laquoatab l ishrnenl or premi ffH wht~re

dogll c a la o i- o lho r an i ma la a r o boa r d e d b r e d kfpt bought Hold triided ltd for hire groOm(H or tr a i ned [01 d fee Leaah means arry e ha i n l e-athe r s trap or cord lluffi shyc Lon t 10 hold undo r coritr-o I the animal dttachpd thfllf~shy

to and Ihall be no longer than fighL (8) f~eL or twelvf~ (12) re(~L rOt training pu r poae a Nlllter mc-a ns to r-ende-r a fila 1e anima) permanently ~III i Ie and i noapab le 01 r ep roduc t i o n Owner mea na a pt~rlgt(ln who owns has keeps hClrboTB or knowing1y pt~rmitH an animal to r-ema l n in on o r about hll premilles Prpmises me~HIS n parcel o f l a nd owned l e a ae-d renLi~d 0 controLl ed by any pnsoI l(~giil ltH- natured such parcel of land may include a s tr-uc tur-e and i nshyeludes such ilems as kennels houses mobile homes apartments condominiums and townhouflcs which ltIre located on a parcel or land Hun iI L 1arge means to be free of contro l beyond Hl

o nol o aod lot 0 Lhf~ ptmnillfmiddot~S o r voh l c l e or Lhf~ ownn r Spay m(iHIH to r ander ii f e-rna l laquo a n i ma l [J~~rmiotnent]y

1l1r~Imiddotil~ arid i nca pab l c o r ~middotoploduetion

Vocei na ta on rnea ns the- protect ion p r ov i de-d rlgCli n s t tdbif~H byinoclJliition w i th anLi-labif-~lgt vacic ine ecogshyn i ze-d and iipprovpd by the us Jgtepartment of tlgrieul-middot tu re Bu r e a u or Animal rndua try and Sldt(~ 01 Nf~W

M~xico Hlt-lbies Act of 1959 gjvEn in amountu auf f i ci ent lOl o no y(~atmiddot of i mmun i za tLon

( 2 )

710969 II V i oi oua animal mC~an~3 any a n Lma l wh ioh b i te s hiH1

b i tte-n or j n any manner ClLLHk8 or aU(~mpLll to iiLLack or b ilo dny pe r son within the County f~XCf~pl that a ny an i mal tha t b ites a Lfac k a or atttmpL~ 10 a ttack or b i to when p r-ovo ked by any po r ao n ttf-~HpdllHing upon iLu ownor s p r erni a e a sha l J not be detmiddotmed it vi o Lou s iiTli shy

mal VicioUR animal alHo mPdnH any animal which unprovoked k il hl or ma i ms iny an i ma l owned by a J)(middotrshynon

v Wi Ld animal II means clfl) a n i ma l or lPEHjE~K that in its natu rs l life ill wild di~ngfIous Ot rCIOClOUfi and though it may be trai ne-d a nd domes ti cated is yet conH i de r ed by th i s Otd i na nc c to bo da nqe r oua to o cho r a and has the pOttTIU a 1 10 i n j u r-e or k i 1] a pe-r aon or OUH~l an i ma Ls rhose a n i ma l a hcwevo r domefJlicitlf~d

lholJ r nc Lud e but an notli rni ted to 1 dog (amily (CanidiH~) all excppt domo a c i c

dogs including wolves foxes and coyoteH 2 cal family (F0liddP) all except the commonly

accepLed domestLcated oata including lions puma s pan tho r a moun ta i n lions bobca t s and ocelo1s

3 bears (Ur~jdae) including griz~Jy bears and b r own bea r s r

4 wea8td s (fJUlt~gt] i da e l it 1 I except Uw oornmon 1y dCCf~pted dome s t i c atod [e r r e ts inc 1ud i ng thraquo weasel marlen mink wolverine badger o t to r e rmi ne and monqoose r

5 raccoon (Procynnidaf) including HtHllern raccoon dc~~~c~ll raccoon and ing-La i Le d cal

6 primaLeH (Homjd~~)

7 po rcup i no e (1llhizonlidael o venomous ~nake8

9 venomous Li z a r d a a l Li qa to r s a nd o r-onod i Le s 10 vcnomOUN fiRh and pLldnha

i rt j c] (~ 2 Adm in i e tt-a tLon or Ontindnce

Sec 2-] Animal Control Offioers 2-7 AuLho r lty or Animal Con tro l offiCItR [13RUanCe

of Cital-ions

2--1 Animal Con troI Officf-gt A Jhtmiddot ~heriff of Santo e CounLy is r-e apon s i b l e for the

adm i n iatratLon of the provLa i ona of Lh i a o rd i nancu PC)wer~ de 1ega ted to the Shf~riff may be del ega Led by the Sh o rLff LI) rhe duly a ppo Ln Lcd Animal Con l rol OrriCP1l1 as he may deem expedi laquontbull

( 3 l

710970 H Jtw Sheriff of Snn1~a E ColnLy sha l l appo i nt An lma l

ConL101 OffkltlS Ttw Animal Cnntlol (HfLc(ts aha l l be C(ln(~(rned p r ime r i I y with the heal th and lilaf(lLy of 1~lf-

citilr~nH of Lhe County d~ aff()cLed by an Lma l s a nd witmiddoth the hfliilth and lilaff~ty of animals wi th in LhF~ County l Lmi ta

2-2 Autho r i t~y of An i rolaquo 1 Corrtro l Off) c e r a r J s suanoe of Ci La1j ons A Sanl Fe county ShLlmiddotjrr dnputLe s and Animal COnLIol

offiC(lrS s ha l I have- the- authori ty to lll81W o i tati ons [Ol violations of th i a OrdiniTlee and HLaLr~ HLatJllf~ll

rrgardlng the ca r e a nd c orrtro l of ani ma Ls wh(~never

thn r e is p roba b l o c auue to be l i ove Lh(le f~XiHtR a violation of this Ordinance Rndor animal care Hnd oon tr-o I itatuLf~R and Lo pPI-folm ~lJeh o thr- r duLi~s as prrscri bed by the Sheri ff of San1a Fe Co u n ty

K An i ma l Co n LroI Of f i c o r s hall have Lhe autho r Lt y 10 invNdmiddotiycde upon probable Cltiuse any nlJ~cJed v i o l a u ion or th l s ovd inanco o r any ldw or Ute Stdl(~ or Nrmiddot~w Mexi(~o

whi c h r e l fltPH to thlaquo C(i rEl Lr s-atme-n t and oontr-o l of sn ima l a a nd to Lhe p revontLon o f c rue l t y 10 a n Lmala

C An Jrna l ConLr o l Officers (-IT( autho r i x ed to emte r onto and inupco l premise and animal Ihr~n~on w ith i n UH~

County as nEC(IUldry to p(~rroYm the-l r dutj e a I f thlaquo OWIl(~I 01 ooc upun l or Lhr~ I)Ir~misls ob j eo ta Lo inspecmiddot Li o n d wa r r ant shall be obta i ncd from d court of compo tc n t j u r lad icLion prLo r to irllpecLlon un l o araquo then i-IppEars Lo the i C 0 tha t probab le (liH1Se e xi ~ts

of an emergency n~quiling uuch inflp~~clion An ACO sha 11 not enter onto the prcmi ~ws of the known owner fot the Hole pUlpose o[ t~king up an animal which haa be-e n a l I eyEld Lo be r unni nq at 1n rye by n per~on who j l-l

not an ACO 01 SheriffR deputy

Artlcle 3 Animal Con tro l and t mpound i nq LllmiddotOC(~dUleli

See 3middotmiddot1 ]mpounding of Anima]M Notice H~gulred )- Irupound lnq ~~SldYR Notice H()quir-r~d ~edeeming An l ma l a 3-3 JmpounclmenL Feel )middot-4 ne~llmiddotucljon of An i ma l a )middot-5 Jrnpounding of Horncs

1 fmpounding or An i ma l a r Notir~f~ Heqllired A The ICO or ShElriff8 de-puty may ta k e up and impound

Ol (~aIHH to be impou ndod any e-Itay a n l ma 1 round in the- County a nd any other anima) found in vi o La tj o n of lb i a ord l nanoc o r s talo RtdluLr~

ll 8 s ocm iiS practicrlb]~ etIter the- d a te of r mpourid- nllt~nt the An im 1 Conlro1 ()[rier~I s ha Ll dtlnmpL Lo noti fy LhE~ owner (If suc-h i mponndment if the owner of

( 4 )

710971 Hu~h animal i~ noL a]reHdy ao informed If the Qwner I~ no l known 01 if h is a dd re s a cannot bf~ teasonably di1(rmj ned the A CmiddotO ha s no duty to gi v e noLi o e to lhn owno r

C bullIJ1 vi ol atf on s and fine amourrts shall be rf~porLed to UH~ s ho Lto r cu s tod i a n upon the itnima1s impoundmc nt

I) No anima] that haH been imf~unded may be adopLed out ((H PlllPOBf~S of b ror-d inq Ot gt3alf~

3middotmiddot2 mpourid nq No An rf i 1~8traYH tf c-e Hequir(~d Hede(~ming ma l a A Noticf~

L No pe r aon ahet) I wi Lhout knowledge or (onaen1 of thf~ owner hold (H lf~Liiin P(HISf~BBion of any an i rna l of which he ia not the owrie r for mo r e tha n lWI~nLy-folJl (24) hou r a o xo l ud inq SilLuediiyll Sundaya Hnd holidays when Hu~h peraon haa knowlshy(dgf~ of or could ledgt3onably d iaco ve r Ute owno r of ~lIleh a n i ma l w i thout fi rat r epo r ti nq the pO~HleHshy

Aion or Sueh animal to the owno r o r if Lh i a canno be dorie- to cHI ACO lhilt proviaion shilll not ptnmllpl NMSA Soction 77~14-l ~t gt3(~q

2 Any ptrson tak i nq up cHI a n i maI llhalJ give no t iclaquo of ~ueh animal retention to the owner ir his identiLy can be reasonably determined and shall not refuse lo i mrned i e te Ly au r i-end er auc h an i ma l 10 the owne r or Lo an Animnl Corrtr o l Officer upon demand t he roo L

Ii J[ an impounded estray is wearing a license or beHrs OLlH~l i drcnbi Li c a lLo n lagH the animal aha l I bo conshyfined ill an dpproprjaL(~ animal ahe l te r pe-nd i nq noti f o gt

cs ILon or the owno r o r autho r i z ed dgent f o r il po r iod of fiv(~ (i) working days The drty thlaquo tl-tray an i ma l itl impourid od conn L iLutes day ouo

C Upon no tc f ica Lr on an owrie r or his nota r i z ed rigent must lf~df~~T11 h ia animal w ith i n LWf~nty-fou (24) hou r s bull Any animal not clnimed by ltIn owner wiLhin twenLy-middotfour (]4) hou rn rollowing notLf ioa lLon shall IH~(~omf~ Ihe f)lnpntly (If Slt-InLa fgt Co urrty and may be- d(~Htroy(~d impounds-d or ldOplf~d out a t tho d l ac r-ot lon or thf) Animal Co n Lro ] Iii vi si on

n fny owner who c Lairna a n un l icenaed a ni rna l from theshyapp rop r La to An irna l Contr-o l Center mual show p roo f or r a bi r-laquo ~lhot~ a nd proof of ne-ute r inq (when app]i(~tible)

upon claiming aa i d a n l ma l Suo h owner milY bo o iLrid by the ACO and w iJ 1 bEmiddot requi r e-d to buy a I icfn~(~ from 111( Co un Ly bo f o re thr Lrnpo u nde d an i ma 1 ~ha 11 h(~ n~shy

JpHHed If proof of currenL rabies vaccinaLion cannoL he p r oducred t ho OWtH~l of the i mpouridwd animal must purch-tHe a licen1Ae from the ConnLy mu s t vaeeinaLf thE~

animal within three (31 working days and furnish proof of vaccination 10 the ACO

710972 )0bull I t 1-1hdJ br the- r(o~porHdbij-jt-y of an ownf~r to r ol mbu r alaquo

the Co u n Ly rOl animal boa rd Lnq vacclndlion f~mf-tgf~ncy

veterinary ~o~ls or other expen~es incurrpd by the Cou n Ly or a Rheltltmiddot [01 any animal legally impounded under the p r-ov i ai OTIS of th i s Ordinance whether or not thr an i nla 1 i8n~deemed

The owner of a n impounded anima] may c l ai rn h I s a ni mal by paying Ihl~ ll(~hedull~d rin(~fl and i mpound i nq r(~f~1 to lhf~ custodian or the shflter to a n ACO or ~heriffll

d(~[gtHly An owner may (~ll~cl to pay the rjnl~ undo r prn1est request a hfC1 r i ng on the rnaL te r by aecE~pLi ng a c i tatLon f r om a n ACO a ppos r a t an a r r a iqnmr-n l a L vIdgi~trmiddotlt(gt cou r t a rid pa r tLo i pate i n a trial on the ma tLt~ r

G J f an middotHtrrty is not we a r i n9 ii ] i cense a nd bears no o tho r i drcn tLf i c a rLon tagH Ihe a n lma l shall be impoundshyed at an appropriCiLE a n i ma J control s he Lte r for four (4) working daYi Any an i ma l not c l a Lmed o r lttdopled o ut w i thin four (4) worki ng d ay s comrnenoi ng from the riest date or Impoundrnon t ~hall bf~l~ome th~~ p ropo r t y or SHnla Pc County ~nd m~y h~ de~lroyed impounded for Hn e dd lt Lona I pe r lod 01 adopte-d out a l the d l no ro b Lon o f the- An i ma l contro l n i v t si on

Ii rf a n i mpouridred a n ima l il3 cf~eti-ried by ~ licl~n11d

v(LerinCir-icHI ltii auf f o ri nq beoauae- 01 ~jckneH~ injury o r dgC Lh o n i l may be dl~I3II()yed pu r auan t 1-0 Hl~cti_ol

)middot-4 of th i s Or-d i na nc-e a f te r thr- ACO giv(~g not i or- or d l-L(~rrlpL8 to 9 ive not ic~ to tho OWIHH

3-3 j mpoundment Ee~ I rnpouridme nt fee~ fef~H reqlli red for Hdopti on of an j rnpoundud

a n ima L bos rd l nq COnl~ and ad d lLlo na l [f~eH rOt- thf-~

Y(~d(mption of impounded oH1imnlS are described in Appenshydigt 1

i j mponndment feES n r e de sc r i bed and kHL forth in Apptm di 1

H t-eE-l required for adoption of an impounded a n i rna l o1T(~

described in Appendgt 1 C Add i ti ona l fees for i mpounded an i ma l s (ire deac r i bod in

Appendix A

3middotmiddot4 ll~_Hlntlttion of An i ma l a i J f a n a n i rna I which i ~ i mpourided und e r th i s Secti on -j ~

not l-I~d(~l~m(~d within the flpeeiried Liml pe e l oda ndopLed out or if it is s1l1fering bf(au~e of sicknc-lsinjury 0 ag~ dB ccliri(~d by a 1 iCInll-~d ve to r lna r l an then it uha I l be pa i n l e s a Ly destroyod unde r the aupe r vi si on o f d 1 il~eIHH~d vo te r l na r ian by an i n travenou s o r i n le r gt

ca r d i a l i nj e-ctf on of n doge of ba r-b itu r ate a ( nod i urn po ntobs r y Lo L) 01 any o tho i- mo thod deeml-~d humane and pa in l e s u by the Anim] Control nl v i s i on

( 6 )

710973 Ii Any animal which cannot be brought Lo an animal

aho I to r lH~CdWW of thraquo i na b i Ll ty or an An i ma l Conlrol Officer to extricate or cdpturv an animal which i~ in tho op i n ion of thn ACO v i o i ous or l n f eo ted w i lh any dangerouH or incurable di~eHHe or in Hny painfully

ripp df~13Lroyed by byc l od corrd LtLo n fihall br- ahoo tLnq

a 1Iblie ~afety Offir~f~r at the direction of the Ani ITta I Con lto I Orf iC~Imiddot

)middotmiddotmiddot5 ] rnpoundrnen t of Horses

A Jf Hn ACO find~ that a horue hH~ heRn abuHPd by lwing urLtr~rltd f o r Hr~lmiddotioll-gt m(~dical 01 hoa l Lh p rob Louns or by tHmiddotj ng s e r ious Ly nndErff~d 10 Huch an e-x te nt tha t i Lu baekbone i1l v in ib l o through il s k in then an ACO shan ciLE~ 1hE~ owne-r unde r Articlpound~ 6 of this Oldinatlco and Ill~y in hiH d iao r o tLon bull a l low n leponsi b l n perMon who i~ knowl(~dgErtble in ho r ue carl a nd a b l e lo p r o v ido lIuLLabl(~ food wat(~I a nd vo t e r Lna ry Gdlrl ( he r e i na I to r cCireLaker) whi l ( i n the pr(~HET1Cf~ of Lb e ACO to Lempo ra r i ly tdkl~ cu~tody or Ihe hOtlil

i n order 10 provi de care dTld rnai nten~nce f o r the- ho r uo p rov idrrl 1 The e~reli-iJH~r Hha]] pr-ovi dlaquo transpnr1ntion for thrshy

ho r s o reom Uf~ s i Le wh(I(~ Lh(~ ho r s o i1J round to Lhe caretakers premiMcH Hnd

~ he Ci)Ifmiddot~tdknlmiddot Rhdll p r ov i de iid(~quatp- rood ~helLel

dnd velprinnry cnre for the horse and 1 Ihe ean~Lakel ngmiddot(~rH to a b i do by any oou r t o rdo r

regarding thf~ cusLody and ownership of the honw B rhe owner o f s uoh -sn dhwH~d h()ImiddotHrmiddot~ who has bonn Lompo

THrj]y deprived of the cusLody of hi~ horae may at Ltv healLng on th e iSHU(~ or h ia c lLa t l on rot abuar petiLjon ths- Court for the r e tu r n of hi H ho r so Untj J liIJch a judieidl df~tfHmiddotmillalion thp hOIlH~ aha I l r ema in in the custody of Lhe careLaker and the owner aha]] be iHgtHllllicd a reas()nbl(~ rc~o It) Ih E-) LIiitlllpc)liit ion ()r the ho r alaquo to the c a r e take r 8 prflmi s e s pl us $] 0 per rtw boe r d inq c h a r qo rOt edeh drly 01 part thn r cof Lh a l Lh(~

ho r ae r ema i n~ on the- Clt-I nti-Iker~ p r e-mi Hefl Such amount (~middotdn bfc~ dWilld~d by Oi (~OIJlI to the ellILIkrt

c Jf the owner does not pilY a l I firl(~H and charg(~H in- o lud inq thoBe Lmpo ac-d by d COIJlL undo r Lh i a Hnction 3middot 5 wi th i n five (5) day s of i mpo s Iti on the n the- ho r slaquo ahs f l bo deemod (OIffjLr)d by thraquo owno r and LiLl(~ a nd ownerHhip ~haJ] veHL in the cHretaker

( 7 )

Article 4 710974Owncl bull R Du l ic~~

4middot ] Habi (~H va co i nation 4-2 Hab i d An i ma 1 4middotmiddot3 ArdmaJ lIiimiddoting it lerHon 4-4 Hc ll L r ai n I 0 r Ani rna 1Ii

4middotmiddot5 I) (~en~e H(~qui remenLH

4-1 Hdbjc~s VaccinaLion A 11 I s the duty of a Ll pe- r aon s own i riq a c a t or dog or

any membo r n or Lhc~ c~dnine 01 reline fdmily wh i ch an e-mpl oyee of an ani mCi] ciontr-o l lhtd te r or thr- ani mal conl r-o I d Lv is I o n i s pe rm i t tcd 10 vaccl na te OVA[ tho age of th r e-e ( 3) month s to have uuch an j rna 1 VCiCf) na te-d i-lga i n a l r abI e s rhe r abi e s varrc i n a t ion Hha 11 be g lvo n in amounts auf f Lc i e nt to provi de immun i ty from r ab ies fo r OIH~ (1) yea t- and be a dm i ni a te r ed by a licf-~nIH~d

ve-te r ina r-Lan A cer ti f i cate or tag from a ] iecrnwd vo lo r i na r Lan ahaLl be ev Lde nc c of vaccination A graduaLe veterinarian may vaccinate hil own dog or c~L

1 A vo te r Lne r i an adm Ln l ato r inq any r ab i c e vauo Lno o Hny animal shall iSldue to the owner of the animal a numbo rod ve co l na L i on CC~I1 i r iCilLe or tag wh i o h s ha Ll (ontai n the- nOlm~ and add )(~H~ of the owne r of tb e iHI i shymal ~ dl-~ceipLion or hf~ a n i ma l vaccinated the da lo of th(~ vaoci nat-ion a nd lhe e xpi r a Li on da te 01 thsshypo rLod or i mmun lLy tt

C JL i~ un l awful for ihE- ownpr of any dog Ceft or o the r mcmbo rs of thn os n lno 01 r~~line f amiLy Lo relil Lo laquo xh i b lt n cer1ificate or l(lg of Vnc(~middotinfii(gtn upon dorna nd to any Shf~lirrmiddotB doputy 0 An i ms l Conol() r f j C EO r

4-2 abid Anlmi-il ~ny nnimn1 that has rCibieH or ShOWH 8igns of having rabieH and dny i-inimal b l t tcn by a nothru- an ima l a f f I ic Lred by rab i e s or that hfl brve n exposed 10 kluch a rabid anima] shal] be con f inod 131 once in a secu[f~ p l aric by U1f~ owno r A pC~lBon

who knows or ha s rf~n~cm to know tha L any anima] i H i nff~eted

w iLh r ab ioa 01 an unvacc i na Lod a n i maI has br-e n e xpo s e d 10 rClbifH aha lI immediately f)oLify an An i rna l Control Of fi c e r of Lhc~ pLH~C~ Whel-(~ the a n Lma l iR confined 0 Ci-in bA found lhp ownfr of wlid animal Ahclll ~lrrender said ani ma l to t-tw An l rna l co n tr-o l Ufficel upon doma nd lhc~ ACO shall then dpound(-11 wlth the rabid animal pn r aua nt 10 ~tate Jaw A v aoc i laquo

nmiddot Ic~d 111 i ma 1 e xpo aed to ra b i(~1 may be lf~qu i red to bo conmiddotshyfi()f~d on the- cwne r s prpmlld(-l for a minimum of f ou r te e-n (J4) day un k i it i s d e Lo rm l nod hy an ACO tha t thr- ro atl~ 110

~1ympt(Jmld uf r abi E~-l

(8 )

710975 4-3 Animal ljiLing d PI~nH)n

A Th~ owner or an animal that bites a person and lhe pe-rso n bitten by an a n i rna l shall both tf~P0lt t hat oceurren(~pound to an Ani ma I contr-o l officf-r wi Lh i n twenty shy[nUl (24) hou r a of the occ u r renc o lhe owner or an an i rna l that bi tr-u a person ~hal] HurrendEr aa i d an Jma l to an Animal contro l ()rrier~L to Impound laid animal f o r CI lJerioc1 of obfwrvation cle(mf~d reasonably necessary by tho An i maI Control orficet A vaoo i na ted animal may be eon fi ned oni ts owner s prf~mi sea dur i ng thi s Li me of ob IVlttLion

tI The owner of the- anima] shall beir the oout o f COllrirH~IlH~nl~ Thl~ ACO may e(1nHenl Lo cl)nrinem(middot~nl

on ths- owner s pr e-mi seH but on] y j f the ownf~r c a n pll)dlJc(~ o v i d o no o or a cu r ren l r ab i o s vaco Lna tLon at Lho tj rne- thraquo b i te waH inf]j(t(~d Ih e pYEmhwH whf~re thlaquo homo c o n f i n ernr-n l iH to Oel~Ul nhlll bl~ in apr-o lr-d and Cipprov(d for Huch pu r po ae-u by thr- ACO t perS(ln who hd~ cu s tody or an a n i ma 1 tha t hal~ b j tIen a pn r so n s ha 11 jmmedjdLEJy T10Ljfy thr- inimil] contro l Offirpr if u(~

animal s hows l1ignlgt o f sieknr~PlH o r abno rma l behav Lo r C A phy si c i an who r e nder a Ln~a1m(nL to ii JwrSOT b i tte n by

a n an i ma l ~hrlll n~pot Iho raet Lha l hI ha s Il~ndltr(~d auoh InILmint 10 an Ani ma l Contro] Offj(~(~r w i th i n tI~nLy-fout (24) hou r s or h Lu rilst plotnHlJional dt shytindil net to the hi l(~ wound Jhfmiddot phyai oi an sha 11 report thl nsrne IgtltX a rid i~ddlr~f)I or tho pr- r ao n b i lLe n if) w(~ll

-w the type a nd l oo a ri on of the b ite rhpoundgt physician ss h a Ll give the name snd add(llll of thr ownl~l or t ho a n i ma l tha t inflicted the b i te jf known and o the- r L~cL~ Lha L may illlli1l1 Ihf Animal Co n tr-o l OrriCt~t in HwcprLaining the immuni~ation sLaLuH of Lhe animal

4-4 HPH I lil int o r An i ma 1 H

A Al] persona owning or having charge cUBLody or conlngtl of any animal Hhdll kl~(~p s uc h a n i ma l l(~81lainl~d

10 preve nt dama qe or ha rm to P(op] e and pr-opo r t y bull v io l a tLon or th l s Sr)clion will f)Ubj(middot~I=1 said ownl~ o r k~Eper to a fine as ~et fort-hin Appendjx II

11 When d dog iH orr itH owne r u p r-orn i s o a it munl bo under l e a s h or unde-r oontro l o f Lhf~ owner Con1rol ino 1ud e n OJ dog who l(~Hpl)ndB to sound l~omllldnd~~ 0 r i 111 (lwn(~r to laquoorne- to j tH owner on command Jh(-~ owner or iI

dog sha l t 1101 ~llow i L 11) ru n a t l a rqo 01 credLl~ a nu i aa nc e on Ctnoth(r~ property bpound it publiC or primiddotmiddot Vdll~ including (~nl(~ling onlmiddoto IdwnH drivnwitys walkmiddot WCly8 pl ltlees of reltrfaLi on or amuHemenL parkH The Ittm nuiSanl~f-~ shall in(~llJde dn[ecation or IJIinalion Viollt11ion of this Hf~lttion wi]] ~ubj(ct Hajd owner or krepel Lo j rinl~ ~l leI rollh in Appr~ndi x A

19 )



S0e 5-1 1)--7 ~-1


C Any a n i ma l llf~pds-i_ng upon H-ivaLe 01 publ ic PI()p~tLy

-lhid 1 be de-e-me-d p r i md f ltie j e not to be unde r tJI( immedi shya lr conteol of the owno r or of h ls deri_grllt~l~ a nd lhe owner s ha Ll be- in v j o l a Li on of S(cLinnll 4-4ll iHH] 4-middot411 snd Hlbj()et to pnna l tLr-a pu rs uan t to Appendix A

jjcerJlle H~qll-i r(m(n1~

ii Ji~tnsing Heguired Any penwn ke-e-p i nq harboring or mi- i n t-j in i n9 a ny dog ovn t th t-(~(~ (3) moo LhJ 0 [ ag(~

wi thi n theshy county sha l I obta i n CI J icpmw from th(~

An i rna l Conltlt)l IJi_vlJlun [ot (~aeh Bueh dog lhf~ ACO shall keep ~ record of all licenses iBHued and ahall iH-lIJ(~ i- ldg [01 (~dch 1 iCf-mse gtmiddotdnLed A CUITenl rab i ca vltICCjnlt-l1jon e(rtifjcatf~ Hhall be preEntf~d at the L-jmf~

of lhf a pp lLcs t Lon rOt tho 1 iceme ri(~enB(~I sh it 1 hf~

iHlH(~cl a n nua I l y and aha l I be renewable during the dnnivetsdty month of the o r Lq i na l l y L~lllUed lil~enllf-~ a nd 8h-J 11 fgtxpi r e on the 1C1Bt day of the ann ive r s ar-y month

130 To (~nl~ouliig(-~ the a I Lo ra tLo n of dogH Lht~ licensing fee for una I ta r od anima 1 J ~lhdl 1 be hi gher than for lt-II te r ed animnlH

C Affildng ldgH A current ]ie(~mH tag or numbe r shall he i~frix(~d to tho licenm-~d dog at all timt~J a nd in Ii

reH-lonMble manner J) r i (~en-(middot~ ~~()(-~ Schodu 1o s(~(~ Appe nd ix A lup]middoticCitf (rep1acim(~nL) 1lt-13 fee Sfe Atpendjgt A F xnmpl ions

(] I IgtOg8 be l o nq i n9 10 non-re~i df~ntH who kefp dog8 wi Lh in t ho conf lnes or Lhn bounde r los of Lhf~ County for 1eHIgt than ni ne-ty (90) COTltwcuLi ve dayH Hhdl b(~ f~xempl [lom Lh i a S(~(~Li()n p r o v idrad howevr- r that a l J othe r pr-ovi s j on s of th i s (nJjshyn H1C(~ atl~ c omp l (d w i th

() Gui de dngH wil J be li (HmHd by the Coun1y at no (~l)dt~gC I() the I e qa l Ly b l ind a nd z o r dear o r Lo a handjcapped or disabled pe r aon who h(ij- a current PII~HCIiption f rorn d 1 icnnB(~d phya i o ia n ptl~Hetibin9 such animal USf~

G Penalty Any pen-on violaLing any of the pr-ovia ion s of th l s ar tLc l o shall h(~ guilly of a mladnmea no r and upon conv i c ti on s ha l I be pun lahed by inearceraLion andor by 1 f i no d-gt lJnl forth in Appnndix A

Ar tf c Le 5 r~uhibiLed AetivitLcs

Dogs Rurm i ng at arge An irna l s Oil (n(~ncloJed Ptemisf~H ChaLn(d An i ma l n An i ma l s lrcm8portc~cl or left in VdLicJes Vieiou~ AnimdlM

( 1 0 )

710977 5-5 ~-6

5-7 5middotmiddot8



5 7

An illld 1 Disturbing lho Pl~dcn

An i ma l Nuisances on ~jdf~waIks ~treetH PubLic Pa r-k a Al l o y a a nd otho r pldCll-gt Opnn 10 UH-~ Puhl i c UnLawf u l llse of Li(en8~~ Jitg An i ma l s lIdirwd 10 Aii~I Uw Handicapped Allowed ln IIJblic pJaceg WritLfmiddotn Complaint H(~qnirf~m(~nt

IlngH Ru nn inq at La rqe 1 t j s un lawful for any owner to ii 1 ] ow or pe rrnl 1 any dog to ru n iii ldtg Any dog pe rm lLted 10 r u n a I l a r qo i n v i o laquo

1 at j on of th is SecLj on j ~ df~c 1a r e-d La be a rmi s ance 1

nll~ndCe 10 Ihl~ pub lie hl~ l Ih and ljafl~Ly a nd may be Lakl~n up and impounded as provided in ~EgtcLion ]-) 1 f~L ~lf~q J n addilion iLf owno r nha l l be subject to the pendI ilH ljl~I

forth in Appendix A

An ima ln on (jnl~ncll)lll~d l)tnmiIIf~H Chained An i ma l a 1 11 is un I awful for iHIY p(~rS(lTl to chain or utake iny

an i ma l inI c r uo l (H in huma no ma n no r Whnn~ o irc um ~~tiHIClll wa r r ant a nd no other fI11ernat-i v e- fXj ts for confining all dniOlill on U_H owr)l~IB pLnpElLy 1 lOpl cdbl( or c h ai n milY be ulled La restrilin the animid p ro v i dod the following o r l to r i a a ro met 1 Jh e rope cha i n or cab l laquo must be Ciffixpd to the

animal by UHf~ of a non-cs b ra aivo comfo r tab l v fitted collar or hornell8

~ lhl~ r ope chain o r cable mu st be at leaHI two l vo (]21 feet in length unle~B Huch length aJ1owH the ani ma l 10 cn to r onto anouhe r s PlOP(~Ily in wh i o h caSE the c ha i n Hhit I J be- no ] CIHI them ei qht (0 I feet i n ll~ngth llw c h a in mus l be unoba t ruo t- ed by ob je-c ta wh i o h might CClWH~ tho an i ma l 10

blcoml~ en Ld ng led 3 Jh(~ Hljrnij) must have easy and constant aeeeHll La

adequa t c llhllLet food a nd po t ab l o wa Ler 4 lhe a r ea whe r e thl~ a n i ma I is c on f i ne-d muut be k ept

[n or garbage feces or o Lhe r d ob r i a wh ich may endCinger the animals heaJLh and safeLy bull

5 Ihl~ a rea who r-e Uw animal lH c on f Ln od mus t bl~ kept free of i n s eot i nffHUILj on Huch a l-1 a nt hi] 1H WiHlp

nl~lL [lnd tick a nd maggot infnlalionn 6 Jhe anima] mus t be tJ e-d n~n~(gtnClbly nflt1r Lhcshy own

11 H Iflj i dnnen 01 wo r kp Lac o and munt not bf~ 1 f~ f L u na tLe nd ed for J o nqe r tha n it Lwp] V(~ ( 1 2) hour f(~ I iod

H J nvi s f b le fencing Wher( HI owrlfr rna f ntai n s lHI invi~imiddotmiddot

b lo flncn i(~ an f~lel~LtiCal df~vil~f~ d~l-gtignf~d to contain dnjmoJM wCHring itn HI~ropria1e col]nr within H confined aLI~il which in i n opo rs Lion a I all Iiml~-l lhi-iLI dogi ~ o utdoo r a on the owner M premi se~ a nd wi th i n lh o inv La ib 11~ [f~r)(~ ing a nd who Ie each OWl) I S dog on

( J 1 )

710978 ths- e the n

5middotprfmiddotmmiddotj~es weltir~ th (+ppJi(~ltfble collar the

4Ap rov ia i o n s of Seclion shall not apply ptovided LhetLLhe invis i b l o ffmiddotnee doe ss in [aeL r(~tain the- (log on UH~ owno r s p r em ise s

C Vj01C1_jon~ (If Lhe~(~ pqlli r ernentu wi I I con stLtute HI ao t of n~g1e~LelIJ(~lI~y a nd wi1l s ub j oo r tIP a n ima I 10

imme-d iaLe impolndm(~nt and pena l Li e s La the own(~r i1H Net f o r lh in Appe nd ix A

5middotmiddot3 inJma]H rra n s po r-te-d or jefL J n V(gthi(~l(~l

It i s un Law f u I Io r any pr- r ao n to edl-ry any animal in ltH upon a ny vfhi(~le in lt1 erne] inhnll(lnt~ or lHINlt1fe manner No PIon ~hdll k(~(~p o r 1I~nllp0lt an animal in Lh( be or d pj(~k-llp Lrucik un l e s s the- ani rna l iH properly TesLrltfinf~d in hurna n o dnd d[~ ma nrie r 10 p revon l Lhf~ animal flom l(~i-virlJ tht eonfj ne of the bed of 1hE~ truck No person ~ha]] l o a ve an animal in d c l o sred veh Lc l o rOl any l oriq Lh o f Iim( reCisltHlilbl y conc Jud e d to be diin9(~roUs 10 thtmiddot hf~n] Lh or ~nrety lh e a n irna L nu r i nq hot wedthel oorid LtLona an ACO or Sheriffs depuLy ffidY immfdilt1Lely r emove cHI ani rna l [rom ltI

vr-h i o l r- a nd Lakf~ it into p ro loo lLve custodv at thl~ co-1 aHsPMHcd 10 Lhe owner Vio]aLion~ or Lhis ~ecLion will c o n s LiLu Le an det of clultyneglf~et rind wi 11 Hubject lho OWTifr to thfmiddot penalt ie s HE~t f o r th in ippendix A

5-4 V i cl ous Ani Old 1fi

11 j H unlawful f or- Hly person to kEep or ha r bo r d known v io i o u s animal in Ull~ Counly Any attack by ii v i c l ous animltl] or Hny animn] displaying traiLs of a VJCiOlM anima] may l)(~ r(~p(~lled by tho 11l(~ or l-f~i8ondhlf~ rOlef~ Aftell jndiCilt1l deLerminaLion Lha L a n a ni ma l i s vi oi ous thr- oou r t hav inq j u rLad Lc tLon o vo r Lho (n[olc(~menL or Lh ia Onjinancf~(

upon hearing or uuch eomplninL mHY in add it I on to any fine o r l mp r i nonrne nt wh l c h may be i mpoaed [Ot violaLion hnlmiddotfmiddot~()r order thr- Animal ConLrol OffieE~r 10 havlaquo sueh a ni ma l de-shyfLtoyed rI 8(~t [orth in Secl~ion 3 -4 or Lhin oldindncf~

5-5 Ani ma l Dj s tur b i ng th e PfaCf~

A 11 Ir unlawful rot any ownnl to allow any or h l s a n i rna Iu to pe r s LstnntJy o r cortLnuouu l y bark how] or milkl~ no i a e common to tho i r Rp(~ei(~ll 0 oLhetwisc d ia Lurb th e peaee and qni e t of the j nhab i tantH (If Lhe countv 01 to keep or ma i n ta in on h i a p rom i ae s any animal i n fuch il manner alfl 10 d i s tu r b othe r s hy noxi OUH or offenshys ivr- odo r s 01 ()lhplWjH(~ f)nddnltJf~l Ih(middot~ h(~alth H Io ty a nd welfar(~ of the i nhlt1bj Lantl (If the CounLy

JL Violiilions of LhiH Seetion Rhall COIHlLiLule il nuifldllcf dnd shall Bubject Lhe owner 10 ~he penalLieK set forth in App(nd i x A

(12 )

710979 5-6 Animal NIJil~dnc(~R on Hid(~wi-llk~ Public PHkl Alley

Ot-her P] ClCfS Open to thf Pub] i c

A JI is unlawful EoI Ih(~ ownc r or any an i ma I 10 pf~lmilmiddot

ei the r willfully or through frtilure to f~xpeilw dlH

(~i-ll( 01 c on l ro L dny nuch animal 10 oomm il any nu iu a nce upon d Hi dew) k or i n a pub 1 j ( pCl rk or upon th e floor 01 wa 1 1 01 any common Wrl 1 1 o r lllY common ha l I i n any mu1tjple dwe- l Li nq e ntryway ata i rway or wall i mmed i gt

dtf~ly dbuUing on i- pub l ic iidf~Wltllk 0[ UpOIl the flool or wall of Clny the-a te r shop s to r o offief- building 01 o lh o r bu i Ld Ln q u sod in common by Lhe pub l ie 01 upon C1T1y privaLi- propErLy o the- r th a n Lha t of the- a ni rna l owno r When an a n ima l d(~fecilL(~H in a pub lLo p laoe th(~

owne- r mu s t r ernov e tb e feeegt a nd d i sP0le of it j TI a san lta i-y ma nnn r TtH~ Lo rrn nu ina noo Rhall i nc lude any def(-caLion or u ri na tjon deBt-ruction of propE~r1y or d i s Lu r b i n q th o ptOIHHty of anothe r i no l ud i nq Uw r ubb i ah or tra s h of 0 r e s i de-nt of Santa E~ Cormty

IL v Lo latLona or th i a S(~ctjon ~1hil11 ClHHJLiLuLt~ il nuiHane( and shall (lbjEl(~1jon tho owrlf~r to tho perkll1iEH ~et

[ollh in Apporid i x A

5middotmiddot7 un l awfuI l1~e of li CE~n~H~ Jag tL ii1 un l aw Iu l [ot sny Pf~I)on Lo rr-movlaquo any 1 i~~nllr~ Lg flom cHI a n i rna l a nd attacrh it to lttn()th(~r ani ma l r t ~~hidl b(~

u n l aw f u l (01 ilny po r ao n Lo rna nu La c Lu r e o r (~dun to hc manu fliLllred or Lo have in his pOla(gt~ion or under h i s contro l it

H to 1o n (~otJ n Lt1l f(~ it 0 r (olgid ani rua 1 1 icen~ Lilg thiPH

va(cinidion cerLifie(i1E~ or other form of Ji(~enldng iill r eshy1uit(~d und o i- Lhia o r d l nanc c

5-8 An r rna l a Trainf~d 10 AHSiHt the Handicapp((l Allowed in Pub 1 ie I) LH~(~li

An i ma l a tr a i ried to a s si ut ths- ha nd i cerpped including blind 01 d~ar pe r aon e hall bo a ll owod in pub ll o p Lace s lt3IH1 it shall be unlCiwful for any perHon who owns operatf-H or ma I nta i liS any pubI i o place of bus in(~sH o r convoya noo l nto lIh~iCh thr- gf-~nEraJ pubLi c i~ invlted 10 debar or exe]udf Lholl~rlnm dny animal which hHi be(~n Itdined Lo lliHist the twndicapped p r ovi d e-d ~l1eh animal ltic(ompanjeH thlaquo handishyedpp~d pnlHon it WdH Lra l nod lo ilflsLsl

5-9 wr itte-n Compl ai n] HequirpmfJIt 101 -s ny dll(~gl~d v i o l a Li o n s or IhLH ~(~(~tion 5 an ACO rnry bEfort~ fu r ther ltIctmiddotjon or inveHtigiiLion requjre I (~ompl(linshy

an t 10 IJbm i L on 3 fo tm pn)v idr~ by U)(~ A C O~ Wt i t Len f~omplilmiddotint of the il ]eg(d OrdincHiC( violctlon 9iving thf nam(~ dnd ~ddl(R~) or Ihc complinanJ nd ir v-ilahln or thf oWTlPr who i- in HlHh violCltion

( 11 )

Article fi 710980CruelLy La AnimalH Prohibited

Sr~c bull 6-] Ph y s i cia l Abualaquo 6-2 MolfHI-ing Animals 6-3 Work Crwlty 6 -4 rar0 and MainLenancn 6-5 lJncGlrE~dmiddotmiddotfor AnIrna l Hi Abandonment 6 f) t n j u ry to An i ma I a by Ml)tori~I~B

6-middot 7 Keeping of J)i~(ltuf-d or Pai nfu Ll y CrippJed inimcdf-gt 6--3 Ani m-l 1 F i9 h L 8 6middotmiddotlt Hi rd1 rnpound i ny Crnti ny Housi ny 6 -io Fa 1~e Hepotl1-3 ~loh ib i Ic~d 6middot- J J Slt~(Ipe 0 f Seet i on 6-middot12 l1~ped L 0 [rr~n-HH

6middotmiddot) PhyHi c-tJ Abuse It r s un l awfu l for any pl~rHOn to willfully or ma l Lc ious Jy kLll be a ma m po iso n d s qu re bu rn t l-H~xually abul(~ i i f i or ~Cd Ld any a n i ma l or to attempt 10 ki 1 1 or poison any an ima 1 Ihd I l s not a wl 113 anima 1 exeepl Iha I t-eaon-tb 1f~

force mdY be- f~rnpl(lyed only Lo d ri v a off vicious or trespaBBshyi n 9 ani mii 18 bull

6-2 Mol plLi ng Animal s ]1 is unlawfUl for any person to Lease annoy di8turb or mo loa l a ny a nima l wh ieh iH on Ihn propr- rLy of ib~ owno r o r und(rlhf~ oorrt ro l of itl owner

6middot-1 Work C~uelly

11 iH un Lewfu l f o r any pe-r aon 10 d r i ve- or work a ny animal lt~ r u f~ 1 1Y bull

6-4 C~re find Maintenance A It It unlawful for any owner of an anima] 1(1 ffj l

terUlH~ o r nf~glfmiddot~cl 10 p rov ldo Hdid animal w i Lh plopel a nd fidequate food d ri nk ~1hdclf~ l-lhe]t(~r a nd venLj 1lt-1 lT o n Any lnimal bab ltua l l y kl~pL ou t s idr- Hhall be p r ovi dr-d by dH owner wi th a s tr-uc tu r a l Ly Hound WnaUH~I-plOOr e no l ouu ro Ll~gf~ enollfJh to leCOmmodillf~ Lhn i-Hlimltilin a ma n ne- r llUi1i-Iblp for tha t Hpecjps or o the- r lhnlt(~ls su i Lab Io to Lhlt Rpeei(~8

H 111 owner rnu s t k(~(~p tho pr-em i Be where -in animal iH kept rt(~n or gdrbdgf~ ha z a rdous ma Lo r La l e r~Ce~l inHn(~

i nrf~middotd(ftmiddotj on and other ddlri ~ whi c h mltty enddngfr the animals hea l Lh lnd Rdrf~ty

c An owner mu st p r ovi d e an injund or link an i ma l wi th ddequaLI~ ve lo r i na r-y care ~H) dR to r educe iLs lUrrf~lmiddoting

Il ViolaLioTiB of th i s xeoti on of Lh e Ordinance drf~ pnnishshydblf~ by firHH a nd zo r Imp r iuonrnen t rHl sd rOlth in Appendix A

( ] 4 )


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 2: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk


L bull








~ I bull

710968 Dome s tLc livenLock mr-a ns any of the Lu-ge or smlt-l11 livc~Lock including but noL limit~d to horscH caLshytic mul e a dorrkeyu bUITOIJ swine goalll Hhf~f-~P a nd fow] including but no~ limited to chickens guinea hon a ducks turk~Yfl geese qua I l 0 r P igf~onli

Isnc l o se-d lot means any parc(d of land or portion Lhe-f~of in p r i va t e ownn r ah Lp a r ound t ho pe r i me te r of which a wall or fence has been ~rected of Buch a height and sU~~Ly so as to letain the Hpecies of animal within th~ bound a for which the fence wag erected ~sLlay means any animal which is ofE and ~way from iLl home unattended and running at large within the CounLy o[ Sanla Fe ~xolic animal meanH rare or different from ordinary dome a Li o an ima l a and no t i ndiqonous 10 thf~ Slale or New Mexico including skunk~ llamas hirdH of prey wolf hyb rLds and tho o f f ap r i nq of wild an i ma La c ro aabr-ed with domestic dogB ane] catl but not including parrolB LOIllHlfl o r o rho r LlnH~ and dome s Li ca t ed b i r d Tmpourrd me-an s lhc- act by a n ACO or Shl~ri ff u d opu ty IJf taking up a nd confining a n a n i ma l wilhin rt

sht) Ler or othe r LwUj ty uae-d by the County for the oon f l nemont o f ~did animal Ke-rmr-L me-a na any laquoatab l ishrnenl or premi ffH wht~re

dogll c a la o i- o lho r an i ma la a r o boa r d e d b r e d kfpt bought Hold triided ltd for hire groOm(H or tr a i ned [01 d fee Leaah means arry e ha i n l e-athe r s trap or cord lluffi shyc Lon t 10 hold undo r coritr-o I the animal dttachpd thfllf~shy

to and Ihall be no longer than fighL (8) f~eL or twelvf~ (12) re(~L rOt training pu r poae a Nlllter mc-a ns to r-ende-r a fila 1e anima) permanently ~III i Ie and i noapab le 01 r ep roduc t i o n Owner mea na a pt~rlgt(ln who owns has keeps hClrboTB or knowing1y pt~rmitH an animal to r-ema l n in on o r about hll premilles Prpmises me~HIS n parcel o f l a nd owned l e a ae-d renLi~d 0 controLl ed by any pnsoI l(~giil ltH- natured such parcel of land may include a s tr-uc tur-e and i nshyeludes such ilems as kennels houses mobile homes apartments condominiums and townhouflcs which ltIre located on a parcel or land Hun iI L 1arge means to be free of contro l beyond Hl

o nol o aod lot 0 Lhf~ ptmnillfmiddot~S o r voh l c l e or Lhf~ ownn r Spay m(iHIH to r ander ii f e-rna l laquo a n i ma l [J~~rmiotnent]y

1l1r~Imiddotil~ arid i nca pab l c o r ~middotoploduetion

Vocei na ta on rnea ns the- protect ion p r ov i de-d rlgCli n s t tdbif~H byinoclJliition w i th anLi-labif-~lgt vacic ine ecogshyn i ze-d and iipprovpd by the us Jgtepartment of tlgrieul-middot tu re Bu r e a u or Animal rndua try and Sldt(~ 01 Nf~W

M~xico Hlt-lbies Act of 1959 gjvEn in amountu auf f i ci ent lOl o no y(~atmiddot of i mmun i za tLon

( 2 )

710969 II V i oi oua animal mC~an~3 any a n Lma l wh ioh b i te s hiH1

b i tte-n or j n any manner ClLLHk8 or aU(~mpLll to iiLLack or b ilo dny pe r son within the County f~XCf~pl that a ny an i mal tha t b ites a Lfac k a or atttmpL~ 10 a ttack or b i to when p r-ovo ked by any po r ao n ttf-~HpdllHing upon iLu ownor s p r erni a e a sha l J not be detmiddotmed it vi o Lou s iiTli shy

mal VicioUR animal alHo mPdnH any animal which unprovoked k il hl or ma i ms iny an i ma l owned by a J)(middotrshynon

v Wi Ld animal II means clfl) a n i ma l or lPEHjE~K that in its natu rs l life ill wild di~ngfIous Ot rCIOClOUfi and though it may be trai ne-d a nd domes ti cated is yet conH i de r ed by th i s Otd i na nc c to bo da nqe r oua to o cho r a and has the pOttTIU a 1 10 i n j u r-e or k i 1] a pe-r aon or OUH~l an i ma Ls rhose a n i ma l a hcwevo r domefJlicitlf~d

lholJ r nc Lud e but an notli rni ted to 1 dog (amily (CanidiH~) all excppt domo a c i c

dogs including wolves foxes and coyoteH 2 cal family (F0liddP) all except the commonly

accepLed domestLcated oata including lions puma s pan tho r a moun ta i n lions bobca t s and ocelo1s

3 bears (Ur~jdae) including griz~Jy bears and b r own bea r s r

4 wea8td s (fJUlt~gt] i da e l it 1 I except Uw oornmon 1y dCCf~pted dome s t i c atod [e r r e ts inc 1ud i ng thraquo weasel marlen mink wolverine badger o t to r e rmi ne and monqoose r

5 raccoon (Procynnidaf) including HtHllern raccoon dc~~~c~ll raccoon and ing-La i Le d cal

6 primaLeH (Homjd~~)

7 po rcup i no e (1llhizonlidael o venomous ~nake8

9 venomous Li z a r d a a l Li qa to r s a nd o r-onod i Le s 10 vcnomOUN fiRh and pLldnha

i rt j c] (~ 2 Adm in i e tt-a tLon or Ontindnce

Sec 2-] Animal Control Offioers 2-7 AuLho r lty or Animal Con tro l offiCItR [13RUanCe

of Cital-ions

2--1 Animal Con troI Officf-gt A Jhtmiddot ~heriff of Santo e CounLy is r-e apon s i b l e for the

adm i n iatratLon of the provLa i ona of Lh i a o rd i nancu PC)wer~ de 1ega ted to the Shf~riff may be del ega Led by the Sh o rLff LI) rhe duly a ppo Ln Lcd Animal Con l rol OrriCP1l1 as he may deem expedi laquontbull

( 3 l

710970 H Jtw Sheriff of Snn1~a E ColnLy sha l l appo i nt An lma l

ConL101 OffkltlS Ttw Animal Cnntlol (HfLc(ts aha l l be C(ln(~(rned p r ime r i I y with the heal th and lilaf(lLy of 1~lf-

citilr~nH of Lhe County d~ aff()cLed by an Lma l s a nd witmiddoth the hfliilth and lilaff~ty of animals wi th in LhF~ County l Lmi ta

2-2 Autho r i t~y of An i rolaquo 1 Corrtro l Off) c e r a r J s suanoe of Ci La1j ons A Sanl Fe county ShLlmiddotjrr dnputLe s and Animal COnLIol

offiC(lrS s ha l I have- the- authori ty to lll81W o i tati ons [Ol violations of th i a OrdiniTlee and HLaLr~ HLatJllf~ll

rrgardlng the ca r e a nd c orrtro l of ani ma Ls wh(~never

thn r e is p roba b l o c auue to be l i ove Lh(le f~XiHtR a violation of this Ordinance Rndor animal care Hnd oon tr-o I itatuLf~R and Lo pPI-folm ~lJeh o thr- r duLi~s as prrscri bed by the Sheri ff of San1a Fe Co u n ty

K An i ma l Co n LroI Of f i c o r s hall have Lhe autho r Lt y 10 invNdmiddotiycde upon probable Cltiuse any nlJ~cJed v i o l a u ion or th l s ovd inanco o r any ldw or Ute Stdl(~ or Nrmiddot~w Mexi(~o

whi c h r e l fltPH to thlaquo C(i rEl Lr s-atme-n t and oontr-o l of sn ima l a a nd to Lhe p revontLon o f c rue l t y 10 a n Lmala

C An Jrna l ConLr o l Officers (-IT( autho r i x ed to emte r onto and inupco l premise and animal Ihr~n~on w ith i n UH~

County as nEC(IUldry to p(~rroYm the-l r dutj e a I f thlaquo OWIl(~I 01 ooc upun l or Lhr~ I)Ir~misls ob j eo ta Lo inspecmiddot Li o n d wa r r ant shall be obta i ncd from d court of compo tc n t j u r lad icLion prLo r to irllpecLlon un l o araquo then i-IppEars Lo the i C 0 tha t probab le (liH1Se e xi ~ts

of an emergency n~quiling uuch inflp~~clion An ACO sha 11 not enter onto the prcmi ~ws of the known owner fot the Hole pUlpose o[ t~king up an animal which haa be-e n a l I eyEld Lo be r unni nq at 1n rye by n per~on who j l-l

not an ACO 01 SheriffR deputy

Artlcle 3 Animal Con tro l and t mpound i nq LllmiddotOC(~dUleli

See 3middotmiddot1 ]mpounding of Anima]M Notice H~gulred )- Irupound lnq ~~SldYR Notice H()quir-r~d ~edeeming An l ma l a 3-3 JmpounclmenL Feel )middot-4 ne~llmiddotucljon of An i ma l a )middot-5 Jrnpounding of Horncs

1 fmpounding or An i ma l a r Notir~f~ Heqllired A The ICO or ShElriff8 de-puty may ta k e up and impound

Ol (~aIHH to be impou ndod any e-Itay a n l ma 1 round in the- County a nd any other anima) found in vi o La tj o n of lb i a ord l nanoc o r s talo RtdluLr~

ll 8 s ocm iiS practicrlb]~ etIter the- d a te of r mpourid- nllt~nt the An im 1 Conlro1 ()[rier~I s ha Ll dtlnmpL Lo noti fy LhE~ owner (If suc-h i mponndment if the owner of

( 4 )

710971 Hu~h animal i~ noL a]reHdy ao informed If the Qwner I~ no l known 01 if h is a dd re s a cannot bf~ teasonably di1(rmj ned the A CmiddotO ha s no duty to gi v e noLi o e to lhn owno r

C bullIJ1 vi ol atf on s and fine amourrts shall be rf~porLed to UH~ s ho Lto r cu s tod i a n upon the itnima1s impoundmc nt

I) No anima] that haH been imf~unded may be adopLed out ((H PlllPOBf~S of b ror-d inq Ot gt3alf~

3middotmiddot2 mpourid nq No An rf i 1~8traYH tf c-e Hequir(~d Hede(~ming ma l a A Noticf~

L No pe r aon ahet) I wi Lhout knowledge or (onaen1 of thf~ owner hold (H lf~Liiin P(HISf~BBion of any an i rna l of which he ia not the owrie r for mo r e tha n lWI~nLy-folJl (24) hou r a o xo l ud inq SilLuediiyll Sundaya Hnd holidays when Hu~h peraon haa knowlshy(dgf~ of or could ledgt3onably d iaco ve r Ute owno r of ~lIleh a n i ma l w i thout fi rat r epo r ti nq the pO~HleHshy

Aion or Sueh animal to the owno r o r if Lh i a canno be dorie- to cHI ACO lhilt proviaion shilll not ptnmllpl NMSA Soction 77~14-l ~t gt3(~q

2 Any ptrson tak i nq up cHI a n i maI llhalJ give no t iclaquo of ~ueh animal retention to the owner ir his identiLy can be reasonably determined and shall not refuse lo i mrned i e te Ly au r i-end er auc h an i ma l 10 the owne r or Lo an Animnl Corrtr o l Officer upon demand t he roo L

Ii J[ an impounded estray is wearing a license or beHrs OLlH~l i drcnbi Li c a lLo n lagH the animal aha l I bo conshyfined ill an dpproprjaL(~ animal ahe l te r pe-nd i nq noti f o gt

cs ILon or the owno r o r autho r i z ed dgent f o r il po r iod of fiv(~ (i) working days The drty thlaquo tl-tray an i ma l itl impourid od conn L iLutes day ouo

C Upon no tc f ica Lr on an owrie r or his nota r i z ed rigent must lf~df~~T11 h ia animal w ith i n LWf~nty-fou (24) hou r s bull Any animal not clnimed by ltIn owner wiLhin twenLy-middotfour (]4) hou rn rollowing notLf ioa lLon shall IH~(~omf~ Ihe f)lnpntly (If Slt-InLa fgt Co urrty and may be- d(~Htroy(~d impounds-d or ldOplf~d out a t tho d l ac r-ot lon or thf) Animal Co n Lro ] Iii vi si on

n fny owner who c Lairna a n un l icenaed a ni rna l from theshyapp rop r La to An irna l Contr-o l Center mual show p roo f or r a bi r-laquo ~lhot~ a nd proof of ne-ute r inq (when app]i(~tible)

upon claiming aa i d a n l ma l Suo h owner milY bo o iLrid by the ACO and w iJ 1 bEmiddot requi r e-d to buy a I icfn~(~ from 111( Co un Ly bo f o re thr Lrnpo u nde d an i ma 1 ~ha 11 h(~ n~shy

JpHHed If proof of currenL rabies vaccinaLion cannoL he p r oducred t ho OWtH~l of the i mpouridwd animal must purch-tHe a licen1Ae from the ConnLy mu s t vaeeinaLf thE~

animal within three (31 working days and furnish proof of vaccination 10 the ACO

710972 )0bull I t 1-1hdJ br the- r(o~porHdbij-jt-y of an ownf~r to r ol mbu r alaquo

the Co u n Ly rOl animal boa rd Lnq vacclndlion f~mf-tgf~ncy

veterinary ~o~ls or other expen~es incurrpd by the Cou n Ly or a Rheltltmiddot [01 any animal legally impounded under the p r-ov i ai OTIS of th i s Ordinance whether or not thr an i nla 1 i8n~deemed

The owner of a n impounded anima] may c l ai rn h I s a ni mal by paying Ihl~ ll(~hedull~d rin(~fl and i mpound i nq r(~f~1 to lhf~ custodian or the shflter to a n ACO or ~heriffll

d(~[gtHly An owner may (~ll~cl to pay the rjnl~ undo r prn1est request a hfC1 r i ng on the rnaL te r by aecE~pLi ng a c i tatLon f r om a n ACO a ppos r a t an a r r a iqnmr-n l a L vIdgi~trmiddotlt(gt cou r t a rid pa r tLo i pate i n a trial on the ma tLt~ r

G J f an middotHtrrty is not we a r i n9 ii ] i cense a nd bears no o tho r i drcn tLf i c a rLon tagH Ihe a n lma l shall be impoundshyed at an appropriCiLE a n i ma J control s he Lte r for four (4) working daYi Any an i ma l not c l a Lmed o r lttdopled o ut w i thin four (4) worki ng d ay s comrnenoi ng from the riest date or Impoundrnon t ~hall bf~l~ome th~~ p ropo r t y or SHnla Pc County ~nd m~y h~ de~lroyed impounded for Hn e dd lt Lona I pe r lod 01 adopte-d out a l the d l no ro b Lon o f the- An i ma l contro l n i v t si on

Ii rf a n i mpouridred a n ima l il3 cf~eti-ried by ~ licl~n11d

v(LerinCir-icHI ltii auf f o ri nq beoauae- 01 ~jckneH~ injury o r dgC Lh o n i l may be dl~I3II()yed pu r auan t 1-0 Hl~cti_ol

)middot-4 of th i s Or-d i na nc-e a f te r thr- ACO giv(~g not i or- or d l-L(~rrlpL8 to 9 ive not ic~ to tho OWIHH

3-3 j mpoundment Ee~ I rnpouridme nt fee~ fef~H reqlli red for Hdopti on of an j rnpoundud

a n ima L bos rd l nq COnl~ and ad d lLlo na l [f~eH rOt- thf-~

Y(~d(mption of impounded oH1imnlS are described in Appenshydigt 1

i j mponndment feES n r e de sc r i bed and kHL forth in Apptm di 1

H t-eE-l required for adoption of an impounded a n i rna l o1T(~

described in Appendgt 1 C Add i ti ona l fees for i mpounded an i ma l s (ire deac r i bod in

Appendix A

3middotmiddot4 ll~_Hlntlttion of An i ma l a i J f a n a n i rna I which i ~ i mpourided und e r th i s Secti on -j ~

not l-I~d(~l~m(~d within the flpeeiried Liml pe e l oda ndopLed out or if it is s1l1fering bf(au~e of sicknc-lsinjury 0 ag~ dB ccliri(~d by a 1 iCInll-~d ve to r lna r l an then it uha I l be pa i n l e s a Ly destroyod unde r the aupe r vi si on o f d 1 il~eIHH~d vo te r l na r ian by an i n travenou s o r i n le r gt

ca r d i a l i nj e-ctf on of n doge of ba r-b itu r ate a ( nod i urn po ntobs r y Lo L) 01 any o tho i- mo thod deeml-~d humane and pa in l e s u by the Anim] Control nl v i s i on

( 6 )

710973 Ii Any animal which cannot be brought Lo an animal

aho I to r lH~CdWW of thraquo i na b i Ll ty or an An i ma l Conlrol Officer to extricate or cdpturv an animal which i~ in tho op i n ion of thn ACO v i o i ous or l n f eo ted w i lh any dangerouH or incurable di~eHHe or in Hny painfully

ripp df~13Lroyed by byc l od corrd LtLo n fihall br- ahoo tLnq

a 1Iblie ~afety Offir~f~r at the direction of the Ani ITta I Con lto I Orf iC~Imiddot

)middotmiddotmiddot5 ] rnpoundrnen t of Horses

A Jf Hn ACO find~ that a horue hH~ heRn abuHPd by lwing urLtr~rltd f o r Hr~lmiddotioll-gt m(~dical 01 hoa l Lh p rob Louns or by tHmiddotj ng s e r ious Ly nndErff~d 10 Huch an e-x te nt tha t i Lu baekbone i1l v in ib l o through il s k in then an ACO shan ciLE~ 1hE~ owne-r unde r Articlpound~ 6 of this Oldinatlco and Ill~y in hiH d iao r o tLon bull a l low n leponsi b l n perMon who i~ knowl(~dgErtble in ho r ue carl a nd a b l e lo p r o v ido lIuLLabl(~ food wat(~I a nd vo t e r Lna ry Gdlrl ( he r e i na I to r cCireLaker) whi l ( i n the pr(~HET1Cf~ of Lb e ACO to Lempo ra r i ly tdkl~ cu~tody or Ihe hOtlil

i n order 10 provi de care dTld rnai nten~nce f o r the- ho r uo p rov idrrl 1 The e~reli-iJH~r Hha]] pr-ovi dlaquo transpnr1ntion for thrshy

ho r s o reom Uf~ s i Le wh(I(~ Lh(~ ho r s o i1J round to Lhe caretakers premiMcH Hnd

~ he Ci)Ifmiddot~tdknlmiddot Rhdll p r ov i de iid(~quatp- rood ~helLel

dnd velprinnry cnre for the horse and 1 Ihe ean~Lakel ngmiddot(~rH to a b i do by any oou r t o rdo r

regarding thf~ cusLody and ownership of the honw B rhe owner o f s uoh -sn dhwH~d h()ImiddotHrmiddot~ who has bonn Lompo

THrj]y deprived of the cusLody of hi~ horae may at Ltv healLng on th e iSHU(~ or h ia c lLa t l on rot abuar petiLjon ths- Court for the r e tu r n of hi H ho r so Untj J liIJch a judieidl df~tfHmiddotmillalion thp hOIlH~ aha I l r ema in in the custody of Lhe careLaker and the owner aha]] be iHgtHllllicd a reas()nbl(~ rc~o It) Ih E-) LIiitlllpc)liit ion ()r the ho r alaquo to the c a r e take r 8 prflmi s e s pl us $] 0 per rtw boe r d inq c h a r qo rOt edeh drly 01 part thn r cof Lh a l Lh(~

ho r ae r ema i n~ on the- Clt-I nti-Iker~ p r e-mi Hefl Such amount (~middotdn bfc~ dWilld~d by Oi (~OIJlI to the ellILIkrt

c Jf the owner does not pilY a l I firl(~H and charg(~H in- o lud inq thoBe Lmpo ac-d by d COIJlL undo r Lh i a Hnction 3middot 5 wi th i n five (5) day s of i mpo s Iti on the n the- ho r slaquo ahs f l bo deemod (OIffjLr)d by thraquo owno r and LiLl(~ a nd ownerHhip ~haJ] veHL in the cHretaker

( 7 )

Article 4 710974Owncl bull R Du l ic~~

4middot ] Habi (~H va co i nation 4-2 Hab i d An i ma 1 4middotmiddot3 ArdmaJ lIiimiddoting it lerHon 4-4 Hc ll L r ai n I 0 r Ani rna 1Ii

4middotmiddot5 I) (~en~e H(~qui remenLH

4-1 Hdbjc~s VaccinaLion A 11 I s the duty of a Ll pe- r aon s own i riq a c a t or dog or

any membo r n or Lhc~ c~dnine 01 reline fdmily wh i ch an e-mpl oyee of an ani mCi] ciontr-o l lhtd te r or thr- ani mal conl r-o I d Lv is I o n i s pe rm i t tcd 10 vaccl na te OVA[ tho age of th r e-e ( 3) month s to have uuch an j rna 1 VCiCf) na te-d i-lga i n a l r abI e s rhe r abi e s varrc i n a t ion Hha 11 be g lvo n in amounts auf f Lc i e nt to provi de immun i ty from r ab ies fo r OIH~ (1) yea t- and be a dm i ni a te r ed by a licf-~nIH~d

ve-te r ina r-Lan A cer ti f i cate or tag from a ] iecrnwd vo lo r i na r Lan ahaLl be ev Lde nc c of vaccination A graduaLe veterinarian may vaccinate hil own dog or c~L

1 A vo te r Lne r i an adm Ln l ato r inq any r ab i c e vauo Lno o Hny animal shall iSldue to the owner of the animal a numbo rod ve co l na L i on CC~I1 i r iCilLe or tag wh i o h s ha Ll (ontai n the- nOlm~ and add )(~H~ of the owne r of tb e iHI i shymal ~ dl-~ceipLion or hf~ a n i ma l vaccinated the da lo of th(~ vaoci nat-ion a nd lhe e xpi r a Li on da te 01 thsshypo rLod or i mmun lLy tt

C JL i~ un l awful for ihE- ownpr of any dog Ceft or o the r mcmbo rs of thn os n lno 01 r~~line f amiLy Lo relil Lo laquo xh i b lt n cer1ificate or l(lg of Vnc(~middotinfii(gtn upon dorna nd to any Shf~lirrmiddotB doputy 0 An i ms l Conol() r f j C EO r

4-2 abid Anlmi-il ~ny nnimn1 that has rCibieH or ShOWH 8igns of having rabieH and dny i-inimal b l t tcn by a nothru- an ima l a f f I ic Lred by rab i e s or that hfl brve n exposed 10 kluch a rabid anima] shal] be con f inod 131 once in a secu[f~ p l aric by U1f~ owno r A pC~lBon

who knows or ha s rf~n~cm to know tha L any anima] i H i nff~eted

w iLh r ab ioa 01 an unvacc i na Lod a n i maI has br-e n e xpo s e d 10 rClbifH aha lI immediately f)oLify an An i rna l Control Of fi c e r of Lhc~ pLH~C~ Whel-(~ the a n Lma l iR confined 0 Ci-in bA found lhp ownfr of wlid animal Ahclll ~lrrender said ani ma l to t-tw An l rna l co n tr-o l Ufficel upon doma nd lhc~ ACO shall then dpound(-11 wlth the rabid animal pn r aua nt 10 ~tate Jaw A v aoc i laquo

nmiddot Ic~d 111 i ma 1 e xpo aed to ra b i(~1 may be lf~qu i red to bo conmiddotshyfi()f~d on the- cwne r s prpmlld(-l for a minimum of f ou r te e-n (J4) day un k i it i s d e Lo rm l nod hy an ACO tha t thr- ro atl~ 110

~1ympt(Jmld uf r abi E~-l

(8 )

710975 4-3 Animal ljiLing d PI~nH)n

A Th~ owner or an animal that bites a person and lhe pe-rso n bitten by an a n i rna l shall both tf~P0lt t hat oceurren(~pound to an Ani ma I contr-o l officf-r wi Lh i n twenty shy[nUl (24) hou r a of the occ u r renc o lhe owner or an an i rna l that bi tr-u a person ~hal] HurrendEr aa i d an Jma l to an Animal contro l ()rrier~L to Impound laid animal f o r CI lJerioc1 of obfwrvation cle(mf~d reasonably necessary by tho An i maI Control orficet A vaoo i na ted animal may be eon fi ned oni ts owner s prf~mi sea dur i ng thi s Li me of ob IVlttLion

tI The owner of the- anima] shall beir the oout o f COllrirH~IlH~nl~ Thl~ ACO may e(1nHenl Lo cl)nrinem(middot~nl

on ths- owner s pr e-mi seH but on] y j f the ownf~r c a n pll)dlJc(~ o v i d o no o or a cu r ren l r ab i o s vaco Lna tLon at Lho tj rne- thraquo b i te waH inf]j(t(~d Ih e pYEmhwH whf~re thlaquo homo c o n f i n ernr-n l iH to Oel~Ul nhlll bl~ in apr-o lr-d and Cipprov(d for Huch pu r po ae-u by thr- ACO t perS(ln who hd~ cu s tody or an a n i ma 1 tha t hal~ b j tIen a pn r so n s ha 11 jmmedjdLEJy T10Ljfy thr- inimil] contro l Offirpr if u(~

animal s hows l1ignlgt o f sieknr~PlH o r abno rma l behav Lo r C A phy si c i an who r e nder a Ln~a1m(nL to ii JwrSOT b i tte n by

a n an i ma l ~hrlll n~pot Iho raet Lha l hI ha s Il~ndltr(~d auoh InILmint 10 an Ani ma l Contro] Offj(~(~r w i th i n tI~nLy-fout (24) hou r s or h Lu rilst plotnHlJional dt shytindil net to the hi l(~ wound Jhfmiddot phyai oi an sha 11 report thl nsrne IgtltX a rid i~ddlr~f)I or tho pr- r ao n b i lLe n if) w(~ll

-w the type a nd l oo a ri on of the b ite rhpoundgt physician ss h a Ll give the name snd add(llll of thr ownl~l or t ho a n i ma l tha t inflicted the b i te jf known and o the- r L~cL~ Lha L may illlli1l1 Ihf Animal Co n tr-o l OrriCt~t in HwcprLaining the immuni~ation sLaLuH of Lhe animal

4-4 HPH I lil int o r An i ma 1 H

A Al] persona owning or having charge cUBLody or conlngtl of any animal Hhdll kl~(~p s uc h a n i ma l l(~81lainl~d

10 preve nt dama qe or ha rm to P(op] e and pr-opo r t y bull v io l a tLon or th l s Sr)clion will f)Ubj(middot~I=1 said ownl~ o r k~Eper to a fine as ~et fort-hin Appendjx II

11 When d dog iH orr itH owne r u p r-orn i s o a it munl bo under l e a s h or unde-r oontro l o f Lhf~ owner Con1rol ino 1ud e n OJ dog who l(~Hpl)ndB to sound l~omllldnd~~ 0 r i 111 (lwn(~r to laquoorne- to j tH owner on command Jh(-~ owner or iI

dog sha l t 1101 ~llow i L 11) ru n a t l a rqo 01 credLl~ a nu i aa nc e on Ctnoth(r~ property bpound it publiC or primiddotmiddot Vdll~ including (~nl(~ling onlmiddoto IdwnH drivnwitys walkmiddot WCly8 pl ltlees of reltrfaLi on or amuHemenL parkH The Ittm nuiSanl~f-~ shall in(~llJde dn[ecation or IJIinalion Viollt11ion of this Hf~lttion wi]] ~ubj(ct Hajd owner or krepel Lo j rinl~ ~l leI rollh in Appr~ndi x A

19 )



S0e 5-1 1)--7 ~-1


C Any a n i ma l llf~pds-i_ng upon H-ivaLe 01 publ ic PI()p~tLy

-lhid 1 be de-e-me-d p r i md f ltie j e not to be unde r tJI( immedi shya lr conteol of the owno r or of h ls deri_grllt~l~ a nd lhe owner s ha Ll be- in v j o l a Li on of S(cLinnll 4-4ll iHH] 4-middot411 snd Hlbj()et to pnna l tLr-a pu rs uan t to Appendix A

jjcerJlle H~qll-i r(m(n1~

ii Ji~tnsing Heguired Any penwn ke-e-p i nq harboring or mi- i n t-j in i n9 a ny dog ovn t th t-(~(~ (3) moo LhJ 0 [ ag(~

wi thi n theshy county sha l I obta i n CI J icpmw from th(~

An i rna l Conltlt)l IJi_vlJlun [ot (~aeh Bueh dog lhf~ ACO shall keep ~ record of all licenses iBHued and ahall iH-lIJ(~ i- ldg [01 (~dch 1 iCf-mse gtmiddotdnLed A CUITenl rab i ca vltICCjnlt-l1jon e(rtifjcatf~ Hhall be preEntf~d at the L-jmf~

of lhf a pp lLcs t Lon rOt tho 1 iceme ri(~enB(~I sh it 1 hf~

iHlH(~cl a n nua I l y and aha l I be renewable during the dnnivetsdty month of the o r Lq i na l l y L~lllUed lil~enllf-~ a nd 8h-J 11 fgtxpi r e on the 1C1Bt day of the ann ive r s ar-y month

130 To (~nl~ouliig(-~ the a I Lo ra tLo n of dogH Lht~ licensing fee for una I ta r od anima 1 J ~lhdl 1 be hi gher than for lt-II te r ed animnlH

C Affildng ldgH A current ]ie(~mH tag or numbe r shall he i~frix(~d to tho licenm-~d dog at all timt~J a nd in Ii

reH-lonMble manner J) r i (~en-(middot~ ~~()(-~ Schodu 1o s(~(~ Appe nd ix A lup]middoticCitf (rep1acim(~nL) 1lt-13 fee Sfe Atpendjgt A F xnmpl ions

(] I IgtOg8 be l o nq i n9 10 non-re~i df~ntH who kefp dog8 wi Lh in t ho conf lnes or Lhn bounde r los of Lhf~ County for 1eHIgt than ni ne-ty (90) COTltwcuLi ve dayH Hhdl b(~ f~xempl [lom Lh i a S(~(~Li()n p r o v idrad howevr- r that a l J othe r pr-ovi s j on s of th i s (nJjshyn H1C(~ atl~ c omp l (d w i th

() Gui de dngH wil J be li (HmHd by the Coun1y at no (~l)dt~gC I() the I e qa l Ly b l ind a nd z o r dear o r Lo a handjcapped or disabled pe r aon who h(ij- a current PII~HCIiption f rorn d 1 icnnB(~d phya i o ia n ptl~Hetibin9 such animal USf~

G Penalty Any pen-on violaLing any of the pr-ovia ion s of th l s ar tLc l o shall h(~ guilly of a mladnmea no r and upon conv i c ti on s ha l I be pun lahed by inearceraLion andor by 1 f i no d-gt lJnl forth in Appnndix A

Ar tf c Le 5 r~uhibiLed AetivitLcs

Dogs Rurm i ng at arge An irna l s Oil (n(~ncloJed Ptemisf~H ChaLn(d An i ma l n An i ma l s lrcm8portc~cl or left in VdLicJes Vieiou~ AnimdlM

( 1 0 )

710977 5-5 ~-6

5-7 5middotmiddot8



5 7

An illld 1 Disturbing lho Pl~dcn

An i ma l Nuisances on ~jdf~waIks ~treetH PubLic Pa r-k a Al l o y a a nd otho r pldCll-gt Opnn 10 UH-~ Puhl i c UnLawf u l llse of Li(en8~~ Jitg An i ma l s lIdirwd 10 Aii~I Uw Handicapped Allowed ln IIJblic pJaceg WritLfmiddotn Complaint H(~qnirf~m(~nt

IlngH Ru nn inq at La rqe 1 t j s un lawful for any owner to ii 1 ] ow or pe rrnl 1 any dog to ru n iii ldtg Any dog pe rm lLted 10 r u n a I l a r qo i n v i o laquo

1 at j on of th is SecLj on j ~ df~c 1a r e-d La be a rmi s ance 1

nll~ndCe 10 Ihl~ pub lie hl~ l Ih and ljafl~Ly a nd may be Lakl~n up and impounded as provided in ~EgtcLion ]-) 1 f~L ~lf~q J n addilion iLf owno r nha l l be subject to the pendI ilH ljl~I

forth in Appendix A

An ima ln on (jnl~ncll)lll~d l)tnmiIIf~H Chained An i ma l a 1 11 is un I awful for iHIY p(~rS(lTl to chain or utake iny

an i ma l inI c r uo l (H in huma no ma n no r Whnn~ o irc um ~~tiHIClll wa r r ant a nd no other fI11ernat-i v e- fXj ts for confining all dniOlill on U_H owr)l~IB pLnpElLy 1 lOpl cdbl( or c h ai n milY be ulled La restrilin the animid p ro v i dod the following o r l to r i a a ro met 1 Jh e rope cha i n or cab l laquo must be Ciffixpd to the

animal by UHf~ of a non-cs b ra aivo comfo r tab l v fitted collar or hornell8

~ lhl~ r ope chain o r cable mu st be at leaHI two l vo (]21 feet in length unle~B Huch length aJ1owH the ani ma l 10 cn to r onto anouhe r s PlOP(~Ily in wh i o h caSE the c ha i n Hhit I J be- no ] CIHI them ei qht (0 I feet i n ll~ngth llw c h a in mus l be unoba t ruo t- ed by ob je-c ta wh i o h might CClWH~ tho an i ma l 10

blcoml~ en Ld ng led 3 Jh(~ Hljrnij) must have easy and constant aeeeHll La

adequa t c llhllLet food a nd po t ab l o wa Ler 4 lhe a r ea whe r e thl~ a n i ma I is c on f i ne-d muut be k ept

[n or garbage feces or o Lhe r d ob r i a wh ich may endCinger the animals heaJLh and safeLy bull

5 Ihl~ a rea who r-e Uw animal lH c on f Ln od mus t bl~ kept free of i n s eot i nffHUILj on Huch a l-1 a nt hi] 1H WiHlp

nl~lL [lnd tick a nd maggot infnlalionn 6 Jhe anima] mus t be tJ e-d n~n~(gtnClbly nflt1r Lhcshy own

11 H Iflj i dnnen 01 wo r kp Lac o and munt not bf~ 1 f~ f L u na tLe nd ed for J o nqe r tha n it Lwp] V(~ ( 1 2) hour f(~ I iod

H J nvi s f b le fencing Wher( HI owrlfr rna f ntai n s lHI invi~imiddotmiddot

b lo flncn i(~ an f~lel~LtiCal df~vil~f~ d~l-gtignf~d to contain dnjmoJM wCHring itn HI~ropria1e col]nr within H confined aLI~il which in i n opo rs Lion a I all Iiml~-l lhi-iLI dogi ~ o utdoo r a on the owner M premi se~ a nd wi th i n lh o inv La ib 11~ [f~r)(~ ing a nd who Ie each OWl) I S dog on

( J 1 )

710978 ths- e the n

5middotprfmiddotmmiddotj~es weltir~ th (+ppJi(~ltfble collar the

4Ap rov ia i o n s of Seclion shall not apply ptovided LhetLLhe invis i b l o ffmiddotnee doe ss in [aeL r(~tain the- (log on UH~ owno r s p r em ise s

C Vj01C1_jon~ (If Lhe~(~ pqlli r ernentu wi I I con stLtute HI ao t of n~g1e~LelIJ(~lI~y a nd wi1l s ub j oo r tIP a n ima I 10

imme-d iaLe impolndm(~nt and pena l Li e s La the own(~r i1H Net f o r lh in Appe nd ix A

5middotmiddot3 inJma]H rra n s po r-te-d or jefL J n V(gthi(~l(~l

It i s un Law f u I Io r any pr- r ao n to edl-ry any animal in ltH upon a ny vfhi(~le in lt1 erne] inhnll(lnt~ or lHINlt1fe manner No PIon ~hdll k(~(~p o r 1I~nllp0lt an animal in Lh( be or d pj(~k-llp Lrucik un l e s s the- ani rna l iH properly TesLrltfinf~d in hurna n o dnd d[~ ma nrie r 10 p revon l Lhf~ animal flom l(~i-virlJ tht eonfj ne of the bed of 1hE~ truck No person ~ha]] l o a ve an animal in d c l o sred veh Lc l o rOl any l oriq Lh o f Iim( reCisltHlilbl y conc Jud e d to be diin9(~roUs 10 thtmiddot hf~n] Lh or ~nrety lh e a n irna L nu r i nq hot wedthel oorid LtLona an ACO or Sheriffs depuLy ffidY immfdilt1Lely r emove cHI ani rna l [rom ltI

vr-h i o l r- a nd Lakf~ it into p ro loo lLve custodv at thl~ co-1 aHsPMHcd 10 Lhe owner Vio]aLion~ or Lhis ~ecLion will c o n s LiLu Le an det of clultyneglf~et rind wi 11 Hubject lho OWTifr to thfmiddot penalt ie s HE~t f o r th in ippendix A

5-4 V i cl ous Ani Old 1fi

11 j H unlawful f or- Hly person to kEep or ha r bo r d known v io i o u s animal in Ull~ Counly Any attack by ii v i c l ous animltl] or Hny animn] displaying traiLs of a VJCiOlM anima] may l)(~ r(~p(~lled by tho 11l(~ or l-f~i8ondhlf~ rOlef~ Aftell jndiCilt1l deLerminaLion Lha L a n a ni ma l i s vi oi ous thr- oou r t hav inq j u rLad Lc tLon o vo r Lho (n[olc(~menL or Lh ia Onjinancf~(

upon hearing or uuch eomplninL mHY in add it I on to any fine o r l mp r i nonrne nt wh l c h may be i mpoaed [Ot violaLion hnlmiddotfmiddot~()r order thr- Animal ConLrol OffieE~r 10 havlaquo sueh a ni ma l de-shyfLtoyed rI 8(~t [orth in Secl~ion 3 -4 or Lhin oldindncf~

5-5 Ani ma l Dj s tur b i ng th e PfaCf~

A 11 Ir unlawful rot any ownnl to allow any or h l s a n i rna Iu to pe r s LstnntJy o r cortLnuouu l y bark how] or milkl~ no i a e common to tho i r Rp(~ei(~ll 0 oLhetwisc d ia Lurb th e peaee and qni e t of the j nhab i tantH (If Lhe countv 01 to keep or ma i n ta in on h i a p rom i ae s any animal i n fuch il manner alfl 10 d i s tu r b othe r s hy noxi OUH or offenshys ivr- odo r s 01 ()lhplWjH(~ f)nddnltJf~l Ih(middot~ h(~alth H Io ty a nd welfar(~ of the i nhlt1bj Lantl (If the CounLy

JL Violiilions of LhiH Seetion Rhall COIHlLiLule il nuifldllcf dnd shall Bubject Lhe owner 10 ~he penalLieK set forth in App(nd i x A

(12 )

710979 5-6 Animal NIJil~dnc(~R on Hid(~wi-llk~ Public PHkl Alley

Ot-her P] ClCfS Open to thf Pub] i c

A JI is unlawful EoI Ih(~ ownc r or any an i ma I 10 pf~lmilmiddot

ei the r willfully or through frtilure to f~xpeilw dlH

(~i-ll( 01 c on l ro L dny nuch animal 10 oomm il any nu iu a nce upon d Hi dew) k or i n a pub 1 j ( pCl rk or upon th e floor 01 wa 1 1 01 any common Wrl 1 1 o r lllY common ha l I i n any mu1tjple dwe- l Li nq e ntryway ata i rway or wall i mmed i gt

dtf~ly dbuUing on i- pub l ic iidf~Wltllk 0[ UpOIl the flool or wall of Clny the-a te r shop s to r o offief- building 01 o lh o r bu i Ld Ln q u sod in common by Lhe pub l ie 01 upon C1T1y privaLi- propErLy o the- r th a n Lha t of the- a ni rna l owno r When an a n ima l d(~fecilL(~H in a pub lLo p laoe th(~

owne- r mu s t r ernov e tb e feeegt a nd d i sP0le of it j TI a san lta i-y ma nnn r TtH~ Lo rrn nu ina noo Rhall i nc lude any def(-caLion or u ri na tjon deBt-ruction of propE~r1y or d i s Lu r b i n q th o ptOIHHty of anothe r i no l ud i nq Uw r ubb i ah or tra s h of 0 r e s i de-nt of Santa E~ Cormty

IL v Lo latLona or th i a S(~ctjon ~1hil11 ClHHJLiLuLt~ il nuiHane( and shall (lbjEl(~1jon tho owrlf~r to tho perkll1iEH ~et

[ollh in Apporid i x A

5middotmiddot7 un l awfuI l1~e of li CE~n~H~ Jag tL ii1 un l aw Iu l [ot sny Pf~I)on Lo rr-movlaquo any 1 i~~nllr~ Lg flom cHI a n i rna l a nd attacrh it to lttn()th(~r ani ma l r t ~~hidl b(~

u n l aw f u l (01 ilny po r ao n Lo rna nu La c Lu r e o r (~dun to hc manu fliLllred or Lo have in his pOla(gt~ion or under h i s contro l it

H to 1o n (~otJ n Lt1l f(~ it 0 r (olgid ani rua 1 1 icen~ Lilg thiPH

va(cinidion cerLifie(i1E~ or other form of Ji(~enldng iill r eshy1uit(~d und o i- Lhia o r d l nanc c

5-8 An r rna l a Trainf~d 10 AHSiHt the Handicapp((l Allowed in Pub 1 ie I) LH~(~li

An i ma l a tr a i ried to a s si ut ths- ha nd i cerpped including blind 01 d~ar pe r aon e hall bo a ll owod in pub ll o p Lace s lt3IH1 it shall be unlCiwful for any perHon who owns operatf-H or ma I nta i liS any pubI i o place of bus in(~sH o r convoya noo l nto lIh~iCh thr- gf-~nEraJ pubLi c i~ invlted 10 debar or exe]udf Lholl~rlnm dny animal which hHi be(~n Itdined Lo lliHist the twndicapped p r ovi d e-d ~l1eh animal ltic(ompanjeH thlaquo handishyedpp~d pnlHon it WdH Lra l nod lo ilflsLsl

5-9 wr itte-n Compl ai n] HequirpmfJIt 101 -s ny dll(~gl~d v i o l a Li o n s or IhLH ~(~(~tion 5 an ACO rnry bEfort~ fu r ther ltIctmiddotjon or inveHtigiiLion requjre I (~ompl(linshy

an t 10 IJbm i L on 3 fo tm pn)v idr~ by U)(~ A C O~ Wt i t Len f~omplilmiddotint of the il ]eg(d OrdincHiC( violctlon 9iving thf nam(~ dnd ~ddl(R~) or Ihc complinanJ nd ir v-ilahln or thf oWTlPr who i- in HlHh violCltion

( 11 )

Article fi 710980CruelLy La AnimalH Prohibited

Sr~c bull 6-] Ph y s i cia l Abualaquo 6-2 MolfHI-ing Animals 6-3 Work Crwlty 6 -4 rar0 and MainLenancn 6-5 lJncGlrE~dmiddotmiddotfor AnIrna l Hi Abandonment 6 f) t n j u ry to An i ma I a by Ml)tori~I~B

6-middot 7 Keeping of J)i~(ltuf-d or Pai nfu Ll y CrippJed inimcdf-gt 6--3 Ani m-l 1 F i9 h L 8 6middotmiddotlt Hi rd1 rnpound i ny Crnti ny Housi ny 6 -io Fa 1~e Hepotl1-3 ~loh ib i Ic~d 6middot- J J Slt~(Ipe 0 f Seet i on 6-middot12 l1~ped L 0 [rr~n-HH

6middotmiddot) PhyHi c-tJ Abuse It r s un l awfu l for any pl~rHOn to willfully or ma l Lc ious Jy kLll be a ma m po iso n d s qu re bu rn t l-H~xually abul(~ i i f i or ~Cd Ld any a n i ma l or to attempt 10 ki 1 1 or poison any an ima 1 Ihd I l s not a wl 113 anima 1 exeepl Iha I t-eaon-tb 1f~

force mdY be- f~rnpl(lyed only Lo d ri v a off vicious or trespaBBshyi n 9 ani mii 18 bull

6-2 Mol plLi ng Animal s ]1 is unlawfUl for any person to Lease annoy di8turb or mo loa l a ny a nima l wh ieh iH on Ihn propr- rLy of ib~ owno r o r und(rlhf~ oorrt ro l of itl owner

6middot-1 Work C~uelly

11 iH un Lewfu l f o r any pe-r aon 10 d r i ve- or work a ny animal lt~ r u f~ 1 1Y bull

6-4 C~re find Maintenance A It It unlawful for any owner of an anima] 1(1 ffj l

terUlH~ o r nf~glfmiddot~cl 10 p rov ldo Hdid animal w i Lh plopel a nd fidequate food d ri nk ~1hdclf~ l-lhe]t(~r a nd venLj 1lt-1 lT o n Any lnimal bab ltua l l y kl~pL ou t s idr- Hhall be p r ovi dr-d by dH owner wi th a s tr-uc tu r a l Ly Hound WnaUH~I-plOOr e no l ouu ro Ll~gf~ enollfJh to leCOmmodillf~ Lhn i-Hlimltilin a ma n ne- r llUi1i-Iblp for tha t Hpecjps or o the- r lhnlt(~ls su i Lab Io to Lhlt Rpeei(~8

H 111 owner rnu s t k(~(~p tho pr-em i Be where -in animal iH kept rt(~n or gdrbdgf~ ha z a rdous ma Lo r La l e r~Ce~l inHn(~

i nrf~middotd(ftmiddotj on and other ddlri ~ whi c h mltty enddngfr the animals hea l Lh lnd Rdrf~ty

c An owner mu st p r ovi d e an injund or link an i ma l wi th ddequaLI~ ve lo r i na r-y care ~H) dR to r educe iLs lUrrf~lmiddoting

Il ViolaLioTiB of th i s xeoti on of Lh e Ordinance drf~ pnnishshydblf~ by firHH a nd zo r Imp r iuonrnen t rHl sd rOlth in Appendix A

( ] 4 )


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 3: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

710969 II V i oi oua animal mC~an~3 any a n Lma l wh ioh b i te s hiH1

b i tte-n or j n any manner ClLLHk8 or aU(~mpLll to iiLLack or b ilo dny pe r son within the County f~XCf~pl that a ny an i mal tha t b ites a Lfac k a or atttmpL~ 10 a ttack or b i to when p r-ovo ked by any po r ao n ttf-~HpdllHing upon iLu ownor s p r erni a e a sha l J not be detmiddotmed it vi o Lou s iiTli shy

mal VicioUR animal alHo mPdnH any animal which unprovoked k il hl or ma i ms iny an i ma l owned by a J)(middotrshynon

v Wi Ld animal II means clfl) a n i ma l or lPEHjE~K that in its natu rs l life ill wild di~ngfIous Ot rCIOClOUfi and though it may be trai ne-d a nd domes ti cated is yet conH i de r ed by th i s Otd i na nc c to bo da nqe r oua to o cho r a and has the pOttTIU a 1 10 i n j u r-e or k i 1] a pe-r aon or OUH~l an i ma Ls rhose a n i ma l a hcwevo r domefJlicitlf~d

lholJ r nc Lud e but an notli rni ted to 1 dog (amily (CanidiH~) all excppt domo a c i c

dogs including wolves foxes and coyoteH 2 cal family (F0liddP) all except the commonly

accepLed domestLcated oata including lions puma s pan tho r a moun ta i n lions bobca t s and ocelo1s

3 bears (Ur~jdae) including griz~Jy bears and b r own bea r s r

4 wea8td s (fJUlt~gt] i da e l it 1 I except Uw oornmon 1y dCCf~pted dome s t i c atod [e r r e ts inc 1ud i ng thraquo weasel marlen mink wolverine badger o t to r e rmi ne and monqoose r

5 raccoon (Procynnidaf) including HtHllern raccoon dc~~~c~ll raccoon and ing-La i Le d cal

6 primaLeH (Homjd~~)

7 po rcup i no e (1llhizonlidael o venomous ~nake8

9 venomous Li z a r d a a l Li qa to r s a nd o r-onod i Le s 10 vcnomOUN fiRh and pLldnha

i rt j c] (~ 2 Adm in i e tt-a tLon or Ontindnce

Sec 2-] Animal Control Offioers 2-7 AuLho r lty or Animal Con tro l offiCItR [13RUanCe

of Cital-ions

2--1 Animal Con troI Officf-gt A Jhtmiddot ~heriff of Santo e CounLy is r-e apon s i b l e for the

adm i n iatratLon of the provLa i ona of Lh i a o rd i nancu PC)wer~ de 1ega ted to the Shf~riff may be del ega Led by the Sh o rLff LI) rhe duly a ppo Ln Lcd Animal Con l rol OrriCP1l1 as he may deem expedi laquontbull

( 3 l

710970 H Jtw Sheriff of Snn1~a E ColnLy sha l l appo i nt An lma l

ConL101 OffkltlS Ttw Animal Cnntlol (HfLc(ts aha l l be C(ln(~(rned p r ime r i I y with the heal th and lilaf(lLy of 1~lf-

citilr~nH of Lhe County d~ aff()cLed by an Lma l s a nd witmiddoth the hfliilth and lilaff~ty of animals wi th in LhF~ County l Lmi ta

2-2 Autho r i t~y of An i rolaquo 1 Corrtro l Off) c e r a r J s suanoe of Ci La1j ons A Sanl Fe county ShLlmiddotjrr dnputLe s and Animal COnLIol

offiC(lrS s ha l I have- the- authori ty to lll81W o i tati ons [Ol violations of th i a OrdiniTlee and HLaLr~ HLatJllf~ll

rrgardlng the ca r e a nd c orrtro l of ani ma Ls wh(~never

thn r e is p roba b l o c auue to be l i ove Lh(le f~XiHtR a violation of this Ordinance Rndor animal care Hnd oon tr-o I itatuLf~R and Lo pPI-folm ~lJeh o thr- r duLi~s as prrscri bed by the Sheri ff of San1a Fe Co u n ty

K An i ma l Co n LroI Of f i c o r s hall have Lhe autho r Lt y 10 invNdmiddotiycde upon probable Cltiuse any nlJ~cJed v i o l a u ion or th l s ovd inanco o r any ldw or Ute Stdl(~ or Nrmiddot~w Mexi(~o

whi c h r e l fltPH to thlaquo C(i rEl Lr s-atme-n t and oontr-o l of sn ima l a a nd to Lhe p revontLon o f c rue l t y 10 a n Lmala

C An Jrna l ConLr o l Officers (-IT( autho r i x ed to emte r onto and inupco l premise and animal Ihr~n~on w ith i n UH~

County as nEC(IUldry to p(~rroYm the-l r dutj e a I f thlaquo OWIl(~I 01 ooc upun l or Lhr~ I)Ir~misls ob j eo ta Lo inspecmiddot Li o n d wa r r ant shall be obta i ncd from d court of compo tc n t j u r lad icLion prLo r to irllpecLlon un l o araquo then i-IppEars Lo the i C 0 tha t probab le (liH1Se e xi ~ts

of an emergency n~quiling uuch inflp~~clion An ACO sha 11 not enter onto the prcmi ~ws of the known owner fot the Hole pUlpose o[ t~king up an animal which haa be-e n a l I eyEld Lo be r unni nq at 1n rye by n per~on who j l-l

not an ACO 01 SheriffR deputy

Artlcle 3 Animal Con tro l and t mpound i nq LllmiddotOC(~dUleli

See 3middotmiddot1 ]mpounding of Anima]M Notice H~gulred )- Irupound lnq ~~SldYR Notice H()quir-r~d ~edeeming An l ma l a 3-3 JmpounclmenL Feel )middot-4 ne~llmiddotucljon of An i ma l a )middot-5 Jrnpounding of Horncs

1 fmpounding or An i ma l a r Notir~f~ Heqllired A The ICO or ShElriff8 de-puty may ta k e up and impound

Ol (~aIHH to be impou ndod any e-Itay a n l ma 1 round in the- County a nd any other anima) found in vi o La tj o n of lb i a ord l nanoc o r s talo RtdluLr~

ll 8 s ocm iiS practicrlb]~ etIter the- d a te of r mpourid- nllt~nt the An im 1 Conlro1 ()[rier~I s ha Ll dtlnmpL Lo noti fy LhE~ owner (If suc-h i mponndment if the owner of

( 4 )

710971 Hu~h animal i~ noL a]reHdy ao informed If the Qwner I~ no l known 01 if h is a dd re s a cannot bf~ teasonably di1(rmj ned the A CmiddotO ha s no duty to gi v e noLi o e to lhn owno r

C bullIJ1 vi ol atf on s and fine amourrts shall be rf~porLed to UH~ s ho Lto r cu s tod i a n upon the itnima1s impoundmc nt

I) No anima] that haH been imf~unded may be adopLed out ((H PlllPOBf~S of b ror-d inq Ot gt3alf~

3middotmiddot2 mpourid nq No An rf i 1~8traYH tf c-e Hequir(~d Hede(~ming ma l a A Noticf~

L No pe r aon ahet) I wi Lhout knowledge or (onaen1 of thf~ owner hold (H lf~Liiin P(HISf~BBion of any an i rna l of which he ia not the owrie r for mo r e tha n lWI~nLy-folJl (24) hou r a o xo l ud inq SilLuediiyll Sundaya Hnd holidays when Hu~h peraon haa knowlshy(dgf~ of or could ledgt3onably d iaco ve r Ute owno r of ~lIleh a n i ma l w i thout fi rat r epo r ti nq the pO~HleHshy

Aion or Sueh animal to the owno r o r if Lh i a canno be dorie- to cHI ACO lhilt proviaion shilll not ptnmllpl NMSA Soction 77~14-l ~t gt3(~q

2 Any ptrson tak i nq up cHI a n i maI llhalJ give no t iclaquo of ~ueh animal retention to the owner ir his identiLy can be reasonably determined and shall not refuse lo i mrned i e te Ly au r i-end er auc h an i ma l 10 the owne r or Lo an Animnl Corrtr o l Officer upon demand t he roo L

Ii J[ an impounded estray is wearing a license or beHrs OLlH~l i drcnbi Li c a lLo n lagH the animal aha l I bo conshyfined ill an dpproprjaL(~ animal ahe l te r pe-nd i nq noti f o gt

cs ILon or the owno r o r autho r i z ed dgent f o r il po r iod of fiv(~ (i) working days The drty thlaquo tl-tray an i ma l itl impourid od conn L iLutes day ouo

C Upon no tc f ica Lr on an owrie r or his nota r i z ed rigent must lf~df~~T11 h ia animal w ith i n LWf~nty-fou (24) hou r s bull Any animal not clnimed by ltIn owner wiLhin twenLy-middotfour (]4) hou rn rollowing notLf ioa lLon shall IH~(~omf~ Ihe f)lnpntly (If Slt-InLa fgt Co urrty and may be- d(~Htroy(~d impounds-d or ldOplf~d out a t tho d l ac r-ot lon or thf) Animal Co n Lro ] Iii vi si on

n fny owner who c Lairna a n un l icenaed a ni rna l from theshyapp rop r La to An irna l Contr-o l Center mual show p roo f or r a bi r-laquo ~lhot~ a nd proof of ne-ute r inq (when app]i(~tible)

upon claiming aa i d a n l ma l Suo h owner milY bo o iLrid by the ACO and w iJ 1 bEmiddot requi r e-d to buy a I icfn~(~ from 111( Co un Ly bo f o re thr Lrnpo u nde d an i ma 1 ~ha 11 h(~ n~shy

JpHHed If proof of currenL rabies vaccinaLion cannoL he p r oducred t ho OWtH~l of the i mpouridwd animal must purch-tHe a licen1Ae from the ConnLy mu s t vaeeinaLf thE~

animal within three (31 working days and furnish proof of vaccination 10 the ACO

710972 )0bull I t 1-1hdJ br the- r(o~porHdbij-jt-y of an ownf~r to r ol mbu r alaquo

the Co u n Ly rOl animal boa rd Lnq vacclndlion f~mf-tgf~ncy

veterinary ~o~ls or other expen~es incurrpd by the Cou n Ly or a Rheltltmiddot [01 any animal legally impounded under the p r-ov i ai OTIS of th i s Ordinance whether or not thr an i nla 1 i8n~deemed

The owner of a n impounded anima] may c l ai rn h I s a ni mal by paying Ihl~ ll(~hedull~d rin(~fl and i mpound i nq r(~f~1 to lhf~ custodian or the shflter to a n ACO or ~heriffll

d(~[gtHly An owner may (~ll~cl to pay the rjnl~ undo r prn1est request a hfC1 r i ng on the rnaL te r by aecE~pLi ng a c i tatLon f r om a n ACO a ppos r a t an a r r a iqnmr-n l a L vIdgi~trmiddotlt(gt cou r t a rid pa r tLo i pate i n a trial on the ma tLt~ r

G J f an middotHtrrty is not we a r i n9 ii ] i cense a nd bears no o tho r i drcn tLf i c a rLon tagH Ihe a n lma l shall be impoundshyed at an appropriCiLE a n i ma J control s he Lte r for four (4) working daYi Any an i ma l not c l a Lmed o r lttdopled o ut w i thin four (4) worki ng d ay s comrnenoi ng from the riest date or Impoundrnon t ~hall bf~l~ome th~~ p ropo r t y or SHnla Pc County ~nd m~y h~ de~lroyed impounded for Hn e dd lt Lona I pe r lod 01 adopte-d out a l the d l no ro b Lon o f the- An i ma l contro l n i v t si on

Ii rf a n i mpouridred a n ima l il3 cf~eti-ried by ~ licl~n11d

v(LerinCir-icHI ltii auf f o ri nq beoauae- 01 ~jckneH~ injury o r dgC Lh o n i l may be dl~I3II()yed pu r auan t 1-0 Hl~cti_ol

)middot-4 of th i s Or-d i na nc-e a f te r thr- ACO giv(~g not i or- or d l-L(~rrlpL8 to 9 ive not ic~ to tho OWIHH

3-3 j mpoundment Ee~ I rnpouridme nt fee~ fef~H reqlli red for Hdopti on of an j rnpoundud

a n ima L bos rd l nq COnl~ and ad d lLlo na l [f~eH rOt- thf-~

Y(~d(mption of impounded oH1imnlS are described in Appenshydigt 1

i j mponndment feES n r e de sc r i bed and kHL forth in Apptm di 1

H t-eE-l required for adoption of an impounded a n i rna l o1T(~

described in Appendgt 1 C Add i ti ona l fees for i mpounded an i ma l s (ire deac r i bod in

Appendix A

3middotmiddot4 ll~_Hlntlttion of An i ma l a i J f a n a n i rna I which i ~ i mpourided und e r th i s Secti on -j ~

not l-I~d(~l~m(~d within the flpeeiried Liml pe e l oda ndopLed out or if it is s1l1fering bf(au~e of sicknc-lsinjury 0 ag~ dB ccliri(~d by a 1 iCInll-~d ve to r lna r l an then it uha I l be pa i n l e s a Ly destroyod unde r the aupe r vi si on o f d 1 il~eIHH~d vo te r l na r ian by an i n travenou s o r i n le r gt

ca r d i a l i nj e-ctf on of n doge of ba r-b itu r ate a ( nod i urn po ntobs r y Lo L) 01 any o tho i- mo thod deeml-~d humane and pa in l e s u by the Anim] Control nl v i s i on

( 6 )

710973 Ii Any animal which cannot be brought Lo an animal

aho I to r lH~CdWW of thraquo i na b i Ll ty or an An i ma l Conlrol Officer to extricate or cdpturv an animal which i~ in tho op i n ion of thn ACO v i o i ous or l n f eo ted w i lh any dangerouH or incurable di~eHHe or in Hny painfully

ripp df~13Lroyed by byc l od corrd LtLo n fihall br- ahoo tLnq

a 1Iblie ~afety Offir~f~r at the direction of the Ani ITta I Con lto I Orf iC~Imiddot

)middotmiddotmiddot5 ] rnpoundrnen t of Horses

A Jf Hn ACO find~ that a horue hH~ heRn abuHPd by lwing urLtr~rltd f o r Hr~lmiddotioll-gt m(~dical 01 hoa l Lh p rob Louns or by tHmiddotj ng s e r ious Ly nndErff~d 10 Huch an e-x te nt tha t i Lu baekbone i1l v in ib l o through il s k in then an ACO shan ciLE~ 1hE~ owne-r unde r Articlpound~ 6 of this Oldinatlco and Ill~y in hiH d iao r o tLon bull a l low n leponsi b l n perMon who i~ knowl(~dgErtble in ho r ue carl a nd a b l e lo p r o v ido lIuLLabl(~ food wat(~I a nd vo t e r Lna ry Gdlrl ( he r e i na I to r cCireLaker) whi l ( i n the pr(~HET1Cf~ of Lb e ACO to Lempo ra r i ly tdkl~ cu~tody or Ihe hOtlil

i n order 10 provi de care dTld rnai nten~nce f o r the- ho r uo p rov idrrl 1 The e~reli-iJH~r Hha]] pr-ovi dlaquo transpnr1ntion for thrshy

ho r s o reom Uf~ s i Le wh(I(~ Lh(~ ho r s o i1J round to Lhe caretakers premiMcH Hnd

~ he Ci)Ifmiddot~tdknlmiddot Rhdll p r ov i de iid(~quatp- rood ~helLel

dnd velprinnry cnre for the horse and 1 Ihe ean~Lakel ngmiddot(~rH to a b i do by any oou r t o rdo r

regarding thf~ cusLody and ownership of the honw B rhe owner o f s uoh -sn dhwH~d h()ImiddotHrmiddot~ who has bonn Lompo

THrj]y deprived of the cusLody of hi~ horae may at Ltv healLng on th e iSHU(~ or h ia c lLa t l on rot abuar petiLjon ths- Court for the r e tu r n of hi H ho r so Untj J liIJch a judieidl df~tfHmiddotmillalion thp hOIlH~ aha I l r ema in in the custody of Lhe careLaker and the owner aha]] be iHgtHllllicd a reas()nbl(~ rc~o It) Ih E-) LIiitlllpc)liit ion ()r the ho r alaquo to the c a r e take r 8 prflmi s e s pl us $] 0 per rtw boe r d inq c h a r qo rOt edeh drly 01 part thn r cof Lh a l Lh(~

ho r ae r ema i n~ on the- Clt-I nti-Iker~ p r e-mi Hefl Such amount (~middotdn bfc~ dWilld~d by Oi (~OIJlI to the ellILIkrt

c Jf the owner does not pilY a l I firl(~H and charg(~H in- o lud inq thoBe Lmpo ac-d by d COIJlL undo r Lh i a Hnction 3middot 5 wi th i n five (5) day s of i mpo s Iti on the n the- ho r slaquo ahs f l bo deemod (OIffjLr)d by thraquo owno r and LiLl(~ a nd ownerHhip ~haJ] veHL in the cHretaker

( 7 )

Article 4 710974Owncl bull R Du l ic~~

4middot ] Habi (~H va co i nation 4-2 Hab i d An i ma 1 4middotmiddot3 ArdmaJ lIiimiddoting it lerHon 4-4 Hc ll L r ai n I 0 r Ani rna 1Ii

4middotmiddot5 I) (~en~e H(~qui remenLH

4-1 Hdbjc~s VaccinaLion A 11 I s the duty of a Ll pe- r aon s own i riq a c a t or dog or

any membo r n or Lhc~ c~dnine 01 reline fdmily wh i ch an e-mpl oyee of an ani mCi] ciontr-o l lhtd te r or thr- ani mal conl r-o I d Lv is I o n i s pe rm i t tcd 10 vaccl na te OVA[ tho age of th r e-e ( 3) month s to have uuch an j rna 1 VCiCf) na te-d i-lga i n a l r abI e s rhe r abi e s varrc i n a t ion Hha 11 be g lvo n in amounts auf f Lc i e nt to provi de immun i ty from r ab ies fo r OIH~ (1) yea t- and be a dm i ni a te r ed by a licf-~nIH~d

ve-te r ina r-Lan A cer ti f i cate or tag from a ] iecrnwd vo lo r i na r Lan ahaLl be ev Lde nc c of vaccination A graduaLe veterinarian may vaccinate hil own dog or c~L

1 A vo te r Lne r i an adm Ln l ato r inq any r ab i c e vauo Lno o Hny animal shall iSldue to the owner of the animal a numbo rod ve co l na L i on CC~I1 i r iCilLe or tag wh i o h s ha Ll (ontai n the- nOlm~ and add )(~H~ of the owne r of tb e iHI i shymal ~ dl-~ceipLion or hf~ a n i ma l vaccinated the da lo of th(~ vaoci nat-ion a nd lhe e xpi r a Li on da te 01 thsshypo rLod or i mmun lLy tt

C JL i~ un l awful for ihE- ownpr of any dog Ceft or o the r mcmbo rs of thn os n lno 01 r~~line f amiLy Lo relil Lo laquo xh i b lt n cer1ificate or l(lg of Vnc(~middotinfii(gtn upon dorna nd to any Shf~lirrmiddotB doputy 0 An i ms l Conol() r f j C EO r

4-2 abid Anlmi-il ~ny nnimn1 that has rCibieH or ShOWH 8igns of having rabieH and dny i-inimal b l t tcn by a nothru- an ima l a f f I ic Lred by rab i e s or that hfl brve n exposed 10 kluch a rabid anima] shal] be con f inod 131 once in a secu[f~ p l aric by U1f~ owno r A pC~lBon

who knows or ha s rf~n~cm to know tha L any anima] i H i nff~eted

w iLh r ab ioa 01 an unvacc i na Lod a n i maI has br-e n e xpo s e d 10 rClbifH aha lI immediately f)oLify an An i rna l Control Of fi c e r of Lhc~ pLH~C~ Whel-(~ the a n Lma l iR confined 0 Ci-in bA found lhp ownfr of wlid animal Ahclll ~lrrender said ani ma l to t-tw An l rna l co n tr-o l Ufficel upon doma nd lhc~ ACO shall then dpound(-11 wlth the rabid animal pn r aua nt 10 ~tate Jaw A v aoc i laquo

nmiddot Ic~d 111 i ma 1 e xpo aed to ra b i(~1 may be lf~qu i red to bo conmiddotshyfi()f~d on the- cwne r s prpmlld(-l for a minimum of f ou r te e-n (J4) day un k i it i s d e Lo rm l nod hy an ACO tha t thr- ro atl~ 110

~1ympt(Jmld uf r abi E~-l

(8 )

710975 4-3 Animal ljiLing d PI~nH)n

A Th~ owner or an animal that bites a person and lhe pe-rso n bitten by an a n i rna l shall both tf~P0lt t hat oceurren(~pound to an Ani ma I contr-o l officf-r wi Lh i n twenty shy[nUl (24) hou r a of the occ u r renc o lhe owner or an an i rna l that bi tr-u a person ~hal] HurrendEr aa i d an Jma l to an Animal contro l ()rrier~L to Impound laid animal f o r CI lJerioc1 of obfwrvation cle(mf~d reasonably necessary by tho An i maI Control orficet A vaoo i na ted animal may be eon fi ned oni ts owner s prf~mi sea dur i ng thi s Li me of ob IVlttLion

tI The owner of the- anima] shall beir the oout o f COllrirH~IlH~nl~ Thl~ ACO may e(1nHenl Lo cl)nrinem(middot~nl

on ths- owner s pr e-mi seH but on] y j f the ownf~r c a n pll)dlJc(~ o v i d o no o or a cu r ren l r ab i o s vaco Lna tLon at Lho tj rne- thraquo b i te waH inf]j(t(~d Ih e pYEmhwH whf~re thlaquo homo c o n f i n ernr-n l iH to Oel~Ul nhlll bl~ in apr-o lr-d and Cipprov(d for Huch pu r po ae-u by thr- ACO t perS(ln who hd~ cu s tody or an a n i ma 1 tha t hal~ b j tIen a pn r so n s ha 11 jmmedjdLEJy T10Ljfy thr- inimil] contro l Offirpr if u(~

animal s hows l1ignlgt o f sieknr~PlH o r abno rma l behav Lo r C A phy si c i an who r e nder a Ln~a1m(nL to ii JwrSOT b i tte n by

a n an i ma l ~hrlll n~pot Iho raet Lha l hI ha s Il~ndltr(~d auoh InILmint 10 an Ani ma l Contro] Offj(~(~r w i th i n tI~nLy-fout (24) hou r s or h Lu rilst plotnHlJional dt shytindil net to the hi l(~ wound Jhfmiddot phyai oi an sha 11 report thl nsrne IgtltX a rid i~ddlr~f)I or tho pr- r ao n b i lLe n if) w(~ll

-w the type a nd l oo a ri on of the b ite rhpoundgt physician ss h a Ll give the name snd add(llll of thr ownl~l or t ho a n i ma l tha t inflicted the b i te jf known and o the- r L~cL~ Lha L may illlli1l1 Ihf Animal Co n tr-o l OrriCt~t in HwcprLaining the immuni~ation sLaLuH of Lhe animal

4-4 HPH I lil int o r An i ma 1 H

A Al] persona owning or having charge cUBLody or conlngtl of any animal Hhdll kl~(~p s uc h a n i ma l l(~81lainl~d

10 preve nt dama qe or ha rm to P(op] e and pr-opo r t y bull v io l a tLon or th l s Sr)clion will f)Ubj(middot~I=1 said ownl~ o r k~Eper to a fine as ~et fort-hin Appendjx II

11 When d dog iH orr itH owne r u p r-orn i s o a it munl bo under l e a s h or unde-r oontro l o f Lhf~ owner Con1rol ino 1ud e n OJ dog who l(~Hpl)ndB to sound l~omllldnd~~ 0 r i 111 (lwn(~r to laquoorne- to j tH owner on command Jh(-~ owner or iI

dog sha l t 1101 ~llow i L 11) ru n a t l a rqo 01 credLl~ a nu i aa nc e on Ctnoth(r~ property bpound it publiC or primiddotmiddot Vdll~ including (~nl(~ling onlmiddoto IdwnH drivnwitys walkmiddot WCly8 pl ltlees of reltrfaLi on or amuHemenL parkH The Ittm nuiSanl~f-~ shall in(~llJde dn[ecation or IJIinalion Viollt11ion of this Hf~lttion wi]] ~ubj(ct Hajd owner or krepel Lo j rinl~ ~l leI rollh in Appr~ndi x A

19 )



S0e 5-1 1)--7 ~-1


C Any a n i ma l llf~pds-i_ng upon H-ivaLe 01 publ ic PI()p~tLy

-lhid 1 be de-e-me-d p r i md f ltie j e not to be unde r tJI( immedi shya lr conteol of the owno r or of h ls deri_grllt~l~ a nd lhe owner s ha Ll be- in v j o l a Li on of S(cLinnll 4-4ll iHH] 4-middot411 snd Hlbj()et to pnna l tLr-a pu rs uan t to Appendix A

jjcerJlle H~qll-i r(m(n1~

ii Ji~tnsing Heguired Any penwn ke-e-p i nq harboring or mi- i n t-j in i n9 a ny dog ovn t th t-(~(~ (3) moo LhJ 0 [ ag(~

wi thi n theshy county sha l I obta i n CI J icpmw from th(~

An i rna l Conltlt)l IJi_vlJlun [ot (~aeh Bueh dog lhf~ ACO shall keep ~ record of all licenses iBHued and ahall iH-lIJ(~ i- ldg [01 (~dch 1 iCf-mse gtmiddotdnLed A CUITenl rab i ca vltICCjnlt-l1jon e(rtifjcatf~ Hhall be preEntf~d at the L-jmf~

of lhf a pp lLcs t Lon rOt tho 1 iceme ri(~enB(~I sh it 1 hf~

iHlH(~cl a n nua I l y and aha l I be renewable during the dnnivetsdty month of the o r Lq i na l l y L~lllUed lil~enllf-~ a nd 8h-J 11 fgtxpi r e on the 1C1Bt day of the ann ive r s ar-y month

130 To (~nl~ouliig(-~ the a I Lo ra tLo n of dogH Lht~ licensing fee for una I ta r od anima 1 J ~lhdl 1 be hi gher than for lt-II te r ed animnlH

C Affildng ldgH A current ]ie(~mH tag or numbe r shall he i~frix(~d to tho licenm-~d dog at all timt~J a nd in Ii

reH-lonMble manner J) r i (~en-(middot~ ~~()(-~ Schodu 1o s(~(~ Appe nd ix A lup]middoticCitf (rep1acim(~nL) 1lt-13 fee Sfe Atpendjgt A F xnmpl ions

(] I IgtOg8 be l o nq i n9 10 non-re~i df~ntH who kefp dog8 wi Lh in t ho conf lnes or Lhn bounde r los of Lhf~ County for 1eHIgt than ni ne-ty (90) COTltwcuLi ve dayH Hhdl b(~ f~xempl [lom Lh i a S(~(~Li()n p r o v idrad howevr- r that a l J othe r pr-ovi s j on s of th i s (nJjshyn H1C(~ atl~ c omp l (d w i th

() Gui de dngH wil J be li (HmHd by the Coun1y at no (~l)dt~gC I() the I e qa l Ly b l ind a nd z o r dear o r Lo a handjcapped or disabled pe r aon who h(ij- a current PII~HCIiption f rorn d 1 icnnB(~d phya i o ia n ptl~Hetibin9 such animal USf~

G Penalty Any pen-on violaLing any of the pr-ovia ion s of th l s ar tLc l o shall h(~ guilly of a mladnmea no r and upon conv i c ti on s ha l I be pun lahed by inearceraLion andor by 1 f i no d-gt lJnl forth in Appnndix A

Ar tf c Le 5 r~uhibiLed AetivitLcs

Dogs Rurm i ng at arge An irna l s Oil (n(~ncloJed Ptemisf~H ChaLn(d An i ma l n An i ma l s lrcm8portc~cl or left in VdLicJes Vieiou~ AnimdlM

( 1 0 )

710977 5-5 ~-6

5-7 5middotmiddot8



5 7

An illld 1 Disturbing lho Pl~dcn

An i ma l Nuisances on ~jdf~waIks ~treetH PubLic Pa r-k a Al l o y a a nd otho r pldCll-gt Opnn 10 UH-~ Puhl i c UnLawf u l llse of Li(en8~~ Jitg An i ma l s lIdirwd 10 Aii~I Uw Handicapped Allowed ln IIJblic pJaceg WritLfmiddotn Complaint H(~qnirf~m(~nt

IlngH Ru nn inq at La rqe 1 t j s un lawful for any owner to ii 1 ] ow or pe rrnl 1 any dog to ru n iii ldtg Any dog pe rm lLted 10 r u n a I l a r qo i n v i o laquo

1 at j on of th is SecLj on j ~ df~c 1a r e-d La be a rmi s ance 1

nll~ndCe 10 Ihl~ pub lie hl~ l Ih and ljafl~Ly a nd may be Lakl~n up and impounded as provided in ~EgtcLion ]-) 1 f~L ~lf~q J n addilion iLf owno r nha l l be subject to the pendI ilH ljl~I

forth in Appendix A

An ima ln on (jnl~ncll)lll~d l)tnmiIIf~H Chained An i ma l a 1 11 is un I awful for iHIY p(~rS(lTl to chain or utake iny

an i ma l inI c r uo l (H in huma no ma n no r Whnn~ o irc um ~~tiHIClll wa r r ant a nd no other fI11ernat-i v e- fXj ts for confining all dniOlill on U_H owr)l~IB pLnpElLy 1 lOpl cdbl( or c h ai n milY be ulled La restrilin the animid p ro v i dod the following o r l to r i a a ro met 1 Jh e rope cha i n or cab l laquo must be Ciffixpd to the

animal by UHf~ of a non-cs b ra aivo comfo r tab l v fitted collar or hornell8

~ lhl~ r ope chain o r cable mu st be at leaHI two l vo (]21 feet in length unle~B Huch length aJ1owH the ani ma l 10 cn to r onto anouhe r s PlOP(~Ily in wh i o h caSE the c ha i n Hhit I J be- no ] CIHI them ei qht (0 I feet i n ll~ngth llw c h a in mus l be unoba t ruo t- ed by ob je-c ta wh i o h might CClWH~ tho an i ma l 10

blcoml~ en Ld ng led 3 Jh(~ Hljrnij) must have easy and constant aeeeHll La

adequa t c llhllLet food a nd po t ab l o wa Ler 4 lhe a r ea whe r e thl~ a n i ma I is c on f i ne-d muut be k ept

[n or garbage feces or o Lhe r d ob r i a wh ich may endCinger the animals heaJLh and safeLy bull

5 Ihl~ a rea who r-e Uw animal lH c on f Ln od mus t bl~ kept free of i n s eot i nffHUILj on Huch a l-1 a nt hi] 1H WiHlp

nl~lL [lnd tick a nd maggot infnlalionn 6 Jhe anima] mus t be tJ e-d n~n~(gtnClbly nflt1r Lhcshy own

11 H Iflj i dnnen 01 wo r kp Lac o and munt not bf~ 1 f~ f L u na tLe nd ed for J o nqe r tha n it Lwp] V(~ ( 1 2) hour f(~ I iod

H J nvi s f b le fencing Wher( HI owrlfr rna f ntai n s lHI invi~imiddotmiddot

b lo flncn i(~ an f~lel~LtiCal df~vil~f~ d~l-gtignf~d to contain dnjmoJM wCHring itn HI~ropria1e col]nr within H confined aLI~il which in i n opo rs Lion a I all Iiml~-l lhi-iLI dogi ~ o utdoo r a on the owner M premi se~ a nd wi th i n lh o inv La ib 11~ [f~r)(~ ing a nd who Ie each OWl) I S dog on

( J 1 )

710978 ths- e the n

5middotprfmiddotmmiddotj~es weltir~ th (+ppJi(~ltfble collar the

4Ap rov ia i o n s of Seclion shall not apply ptovided LhetLLhe invis i b l o ffmiddotnee doe ss in [aeL r(~tain the- (log on UH~ owno r s p r em ise s

C Vj01C1_jon~ (If Lhe~(~ pqlli r ernentu wi I I con stLtute HI ao t of n~g1e~LelIJ(~lI~y a nd wi1l s ub j oo r tIP a n ima I 10

imme-d iaLe impolndm(~nt and pena l Li e s La the own(~r i1H Net f o r lh in Appe nd ix A

5middotmiddot3 inJma]H rra n s po r-te-d or jefL J n V(gthi(~l(~l

It i s un Law f u I Io r any pr- r ao n to edl-ry any animal in ltH upon a ny vfhi(~le in lt1 erne] inhnll(lnt~ or lHINlt1fe manner No PIon ~hdll k(~(~p o r 1I~nllp0lt an animal in Lh( be or d pj(~k-llp Lrucik un l e s s the- ani rna l iH properly TesLrltfinf~d in hurna n o dnd d[~ ma nrie r 10 p revon l Lhf~ animal flom l(~i-virlJ tht eonfj ne of the bed of 1hE~ truck No person ~ha]] l o a ve an animal in d c l o sred veh Lc l o rOl any l oriq Lh o f Iim( reCisltHlilbl y conc Jud e d to be diin9(~roUs 10 thtmiddot hf~n] Lh or ~nrety lh e a n irna L nu r i nq hot wedthel oorid LtLona an ACO or Sheriffs depuLy ffidY immfdilt1Lely r emove cHI ani rna l [rom ltI

vr-h i o l r- a nd Lakf~ it into p ro loo lLve custodv at thl~ co-1 aHsPMHcd 10 Lhe owner Vio]aLion~ or Lhis ~ecLion will c o n s LiLu Le an det of clultyneglf~et rind wi 11 Hubject lho OWTifr to thfmiddot penalt ie s HE~t f o r th in ippendix A

5-4 V i cl ous Ani Old 1fi

11 j H unlawful f or- Hly person to kEep or ha r bo r d known v io i o u s animal in Ull~ Counly Any attack by ii v i c l ous animltl] or Hny animn] displaying traiLs of a VJCiOlM anima] may l)(~ r(~p(~lled by tho 11l(~ or l-f~i8ondhlf~ rOlef~ Aftell jndiCilt1l deLerminaLion Lha L a n a ni ma l i s vi oi ous thr- oou r t hav inq j u rLad Lc tLon o vo r Lho (n[olc(~menL or Lh ia Onjinancf~(

upon hearing or uuch eomplninL mHY in add it I on to any fine o r l mp r i nonrne nt wh l c h may be i mpoaed [Ot violaLion hnlmiddotfmiddot~()r order thr- Animal ConLrol OffieE~r 10 havlaquo sueh a ni ma l de-shyfLtoyed rI 8(~t [orth in Secl~ion 3 -4 or Lhin oldindncf~

5-5 Ani ma l Dj s tur b i ng th e PfaCf~

A 11 Ir unlawful rot any ownnl to allow any or h l s a n i rna Iu to pe r s LstnntJy o r cortLnuouu l y bark how] or milkl~ no i a e common to tho i r Rp(~ei(~ll 0 oLhetwisc d ia Lurb th e peaee and qni e t of the j nhab i tantH (If Lhe countv 01 to keep or ma i n ta in on h i a p rom i ae s any animal i n fuch il manner alfl 10 d i s tu r b othe r s hy noxi OUH or offenshys ivr- odo r s 01 ()lhplWjH(~ f)nddnltJf~l Ih(middot~ h(~alth H Io ty a nd welfar(~ of the i nhlt1bj Lantl (If the CounLy

JL Violiilions of LhiH Seetion Rhall COIHlLiLule il nuifldllcf dnd shall Bubject Lhe owner 10 ~he penalLieK set forth in App(nd i x A

(12 )

710979 5-6 Animal NIJil~dnc(~R on Hid(~wi-llk~ Public PHkl Alley

Ot-her P] ClCfS Open to thf Pub] i c

A JI is unlawful EoI Ih(~ ownc r or any an i ma I 10 pf~lmilmiddot

ei the r willfully or through frtilure to f~xpeilw dlH

(~i-ll( 01 c on l ro L dny nuch animal 10 oomm il any nu iu a nce upon d Hi dew) k or i n a pub 1 j ( pCl rk or upon th e floor 01 wa 1 1 01 any common Wrl 1 1 o r lllY common ha l I i n any mu1tjple dwe- l Li nq e ntryway ata i rway or wall i mmed i gt

dtf~ly dbuUing on i- pub l ic iidf~Wltllk 0[ UpOIl the flool or wall of Clny the-a te r shop s to r o offief- building 01 o lh o r bu i Ld Ln q u sod in common by Lhe pub l ie 01 upon C1T1y privaLi- propErLy o the- r th a n Lha t of the- a ni rna l owno r When an a n ima l d(~fecilL(~H in a pub lLo p laoe th(~

owne- r mu s t r ernov e tb e feeegt a nd d i sP0le of it j TI a san lta i-y ma nnn r TtH~ Lo rrn nu ina noo Rhall i nc lude any def(-caLion or u ri na tjon deBt-ruction of propE~r1y or d i s Lu r b i n q th o ptOIHHty of anothe r i no l ud i nq Uw r ubb i ah or tra s h of 0 r e s i de-nt of Santa E~ Cormty

IL v Lo latLona or th i a S(~ctjon ~1hil11 ClHHJLiLuLt~ il nuiHane( and shall (lbjEl(~1jon tho owrlf~r to tho perkll1iEH ~et

[ollh in Apporid i x A

5middotmiddot7 un l awfuI l1~e of li CE~n~H~ Jag tL ii1 un l aw Iu l [ot sny Pf~I)on Lo rr-movlaquo any 1 i~~nllr~ Lg flom cHI a n i rna l a nd attacrh it to lttn()th(~r ani ma l r t ~~hidl b(~

u n l aw f u l (01 ilny po r ao n Lo rna nu La c Lu r e o r (~dun to hc manu fliLllred or Lo have in his pOla(gt~ion or under h i s contro l it

H to 1o n (~otJ n Lt1l f(~ it 0 r (olgid ani rua 1 1 icen~ Lilg thiPH

va(cinidion cerLifie(i1E~ or other form of Ji(~enldng iill r eshy1uit(~d und o i- Lhia o r d l nanc c

5-8 An r rna l a Trainf~d 10 AHSiHt the Handicapp((l Allowed in Pub 1 ie I) LH~(~li

An i ma l a tr a i ried to a s si ut ths- ha nd i cerpped including blind 01 d~ar pe r aon e hall bo a ll owod in pub ll o p Lace s lt3IH1 it shall be unlCiwful for any perHon who owns operatf-H or ma I nta i liS any pubI i o place of bus in(~sH o r convoya noo l nto lIh~iCh thr- gf-~nEraJ pubLi c i~ invlted 10 debar or exe]udf Lholl~rlnm dny animal which hHi be(~n Itdined Lo lliHist the twndicapped p r ovi d e-d ~l1eh animal ltic(ompanjeH thlaquo handishyedpp~d pnlHon it WdH Lra l nod lo ilflsLsl

5-9 wr itte-n Compl ai n] HequirpmfJIt 101 -s ny dll(~gl~d v i o l a Li o n s or IhLH ~(~(~tion 5 an ACO rnry bEfort~ fu r ther ltIctmiddotjon or inveHtigiiLion requjre I (~ompl(linshy

an t 10 IJbm i L on 3 fo tm pn)v idr~ by U)(~ A C O~ Wt i t Len f~omplilmiddotint of the il ]eg(d OrdincHiC( violctlon 9iving thf nam(~ dnd ~ddl(R~) or Ihc complinanJ nd ir v-ilahln or thf oWTlPr who i- in HlHh violCltion

( 11 )

Article fi 710980CruelLy La AnimalH Prohibited

Sr~c bull 6-] Ph y s i cia l Abualaquo 6-2 MolfHI-ing Animals 6-3 Work Crwlty 6 -4 rar0 and MainLenancn 6-5 lJncGlrE~dmiddotmiddotfor AnIrna l Hi Abandonment 6 f) t n j u ry to An i ma I a by Ml)tori~I~B

6-middot 7 Keeping of J)i~(ltuf-d or Pai nfu Ll y CrippJed inimcdf-gt 6--3 Ani m-l 1 F i9 h L 8 6middotmiddotlt Hi rd1 rnpound i ny Crnti ny Housi ny 6 -io Fa 1~e Hepotl1-3 ~loh ib i Ic~d 6middot- J J Slt~(Ipe 0 f Seet i on 6-middot12 l1~ped L 0 [rr~n-HH

6middotmiddot) PhyHi c-tJ Abuse It r s un l awfu l for any pl~rHOn to willfully or ma l Lc ious Jy kLll be a ma m po iso n d s qu re bu rn t l-H~xually abul(~ i i f i or ~Cd Ld any a n i ma l or to attempt 10 ki 1 1 or poison any an ima 1 Ihd I l s not a wl 113 anima 1 exeepl Iha I t-eaon-tb 1f~

force mdY be- f~rnpl(lyed only Lo d ri v a off vicious or trespaBBshyi n 9 ani mii 18 bull

6-2 Mol plLi ng Animal s ]1 is unlawfUl for any person to Lease annoy di8turb or mo loa l a ny a nima l wh ieh iH on Ihn propr- rLy of ib~ owno r o r und(rlhf~ oorrt ro l of itl owner

6middot-1 Work C~uelly

11 iH un Lewfu l f o r any pe-r aon 10 d r i ve- or work a ny animal lt~ r u f~ 1 1Y bull

6-4 C~re find Maintenance A It It unlawful for any owner of an anima] 1(1 ffj l

terUlH~ o r nf~glfmiddot~cl 10 p rov ldo Hdid animal w i Lh plopel a nd fidequate food d ri nk ~1hdclf~ l-lhe]t(~r a nd venLj 1lt-1 lT o n Any lnimal bab ltua l l y kl~pL ou t s idr- Hhall be p r ovi dr-d by dH owner wi th a s tr-uc tu r a l Ly Hound WnaUH~I-plOOr e no l ouu ro Ll~gf~ enollfJh to leCOmmodillf~ Lhn i-Hlimltilin a ma n ne- r llUi1i-Iblp for tha t Hpecjps or o the- r lhnlt(~ls su i Lab Io to Lhlt Rpeei(~8

H 111 owner rnu s t k(~(~p tho pr-em i Be where -in animal iH kept rt(~n or gdrbdgf~ ha z a rdous ma Lo r La l e r~Ce~l inHn(~

i nrf~middotd(ftmiddotj on and other ddlri ~ whi c h mltty enddngfr the animals hea l Lh lnd Rdrf~ty

c An owner mu st p r ovi d e an injund or link an i ma l wi th ddequaLI~ ve lo r i na r-y care ~H) dR to r educe iLs lUrrf~lmiddoting

Il ViolaLioTiB of th i s xeoti on of Lh e Ordinance drf~ pnnishshydblf~ by firHH a nd zo r Imp r iuonrnen t rHl sd rOlth in Appendix A

( ] 4 )


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 4: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

710970 H Jtw Sheriff of Snn1~a E ColnLy sha l l appo i nt An lma l

ConL101 OffkltlS Ttw Animal Cnntlol (HfLc(ts aha l l be C(ln(~(rned p r ime r i I y with the heal th and lilaf(lLy of 1~lf-

citilr~nH of Lhe County d~ aff()cLed by an Lma l s a nd witmiddoth the hfliilth and lilaff~ty of animals wi th in LhF~ County l Lmi ta

2-2 Autho r i t~y of An i rolaquo 1 Corrtro l Off) c e r a r J s suanoe of Ci La1j ons A Sanl Fe county ShLlmiddotjrr dnputLe s and Animal COnLIol

offiC(lrS s ha l I have- the- authori ty to lll81W o i tati ons [Ol violations of th i a OrdiniTlee and HLaLr~ HLatJllf~ll

rrgardlng the ca r e a nd c orrtro l of ani ma Ls wh(~never

thn r e is p roba b l o c auue to be l i ove Lh(le f~XiHtR a violation of this Ordinance Rndor animal care Hnd oon tr-o I itatuLf~R and Lo pPI-folm ~lJeh o thr- r duLi~s as prrscri bed by the Sheri ff of San1a Fe Co u n ty

K An i ma l Co n LroI Of f i c o r s hall have Lhe autho r Lt y 10 invNdmiddotiycde upon probable Cltiuse any nlJ~cJed v i o l a u ion or th l s ovd inanco o r any ldw or Ute Stdl(~ or Nrmiddot~w Mexi(~o

whi c h r e l fltPH to thlaquo C(i rEl Lr s-atme-n t and oontr-o l of sn ima l a a nd to Lhe p revontLon o f c rue l t y 10 a n Lmala

C An Jrna l ConLr o l Officers (-IT( autho r i x ed to emte r onto and inupco l premise and animal Ihr~n~on w ith i n UH~

County as nEC(IUldry to p(~rroYm the-l r dutj e a I f thlaquo OWIl(~I 01 ooc upun l or Lhr~ I)Ir~misls ob j eo ta Lo inspecmiddot Li o n d wa r r ant shall be obta i ncd from d court of compo tc n t j u r lad icLion prLo r to irllpecLlon un l o araquo then i-IppEars Lo the i C 0 tha t probab le (liH1Se e xi ~ts

of an emergency n~quiling uuch inflp~~clion An ACO sha 11 not enter onto the prcmi ~ws of the known owner fot the Hole pUlpose o[ t~king up an animal which haa be-e n a l I eyEld Lo be r unni nq at 1n rye by n per~on who j l-l

not an ACO 01 SheriffR deputy

Artlcle 3 Animal Con tro l and t mpound i nq LllmiddotOC(~dUleli

See 3middotmiddot1 ]mpounding of Anima]M Notice H~gulred )- Irupound lnq ~~SldYR Notice H()quir-r~d ~edeeming An l ma l a 3-3 JmpounclmenL Feel )middot-4 ne~llmiddotucljon of An i ma l a )middot-5 Jrnpounding of Horncs

1 fmpounding or An i ma l a r Notir~f~ Heqllired A The ICO or ShElriff8 de-puty may ta k e up and impound

Ol (~aIHH to be impou ndod any e-Itay a n l ma 1 round in the- County a nd any other anima) found in vi o La tj o n of lb i a ord l nanoc o r s talo RtdluLr~

ll 8 s ocm iiS practicrlb]~ etIter the- d a te of r mpourid- nllt~nt the An im 1 Conlro1 ()[rier~I s ha Ll dtlnmpL Lo noti fy LhE~ owner (If suc-h i mponndment if the owner of

( 4 )

710971 Hu~h animal i~ noL a]reHdy ao informed If the Qwner I~ no l known 01 if h is a dd re s a cannot bf~ teasonably di1(rmj ned the A CmiddotO ha s no duty to gi v e noLi o e to lhn owno r

C bullIJ1 vi ol atf on s and fine amourrts shall be rf~porLed to UH~ s ho Lto r cu s tod i a n upon the itnima1s impoundmc nt

I) No anima] that haH been imf~unded may be adopLed out ((H PlllPOBf~S of b ror-d inq Ot gt3alf~

3middotmiddot2 mpourid nq No An rf i 1~8traYH tf c-e Hequir(~d Hede(~ming ma l a A Noticf~

L No pe r aon ahet) I wi Lhout knowledge or (onaen1 of thf~ owner hold (H lf~Liiin P(HISf~BBion of any an i rna l of which he ia not the owrie r for mo r e tha n lWI~nLy-folJl (24) hou r a o xo l ud inq SilLuediiyll Sundaya Hnd holidays when Hu~h peraon haa knowlshy(dgf~ of or could ledgt3onably d iaco ve r Ute owno r of ~lIleh a n i ma l w i thout fi rat r epo r ti nq the pO~HleHshy

Aion or Sueh animal to the owno r o r if Lh i a canno be dorie- to cHI ACO lhilt proviaion shilll not ptnmllpl NMSA Soction 77~14-l ~t gt3(~q

2 Any ptrson tak i nq up cHI a n i maI llhalJ give no t iclaquo of ~ueh animal retention to the owner ir his identiLy can be reasonably determined and shall not refuse lo i mrned i e te Ly au r i-end er auc h an i ma l 10 the owne r or Lo an Animnl Corrtr o l Officer upon demand t he roo L

Ii J[ an impounded estray is wearing a license or beHrs OLlH~l i drcnbi Li c a lLo n lagH the animal aha l I bo conshyfined ill an dpproprjaL(~ animal ahe l te r pe-nd i nq noti f o gt

cs ILon or the owno r o r autho r i z ed dgent f o r il po r iod of fiv(~ (i) working days The drty thlaquo tl-tray an i ma l itl impourid od conn L iLutes day ouo

C Upon no tc f ica Lr on an owrie r or his nota r i z ed rigent must lf~df~~T11 h ia animal w ith i n LWf~nty-fou (24) hou r s bull Any animal not clnimed by ltIn owner wiLhin twenLy-middotfour (]4) hou rn rollowing notLf ioa lLon shall IH~(~omf~ Ihe f)lnpntly (If Slt-InLa fgt Co urrty and may be- d(~Htroy(~d impounds-d or ldOplf~d out a t tho d l ac r-ot lon or thf) Animal Co n Lro ] Iii vi si on

n fny owner who c Lairna a n un l icenaed a ni rna l from theshyapp rop r La to An irna l Contr-o l Center mual show p roo f or r a bi r-laquo ~lhot~ a nd proof of ne-ute r inq (when app]i(~tible)

upon claiming aa i d a n l ma l Suo h owner milY bo o iLrid by the ACO and w iJ 1 bEmiddot requi r e-d to buy a I icfn~(~ from 111( Co un Ly bo f o re thr Lrnpo u nde d an i ma 1 ~ha 11 h(~ n~shy

JpHHed If proof of currenL rabies vaccinaLion cannoL he p r oducred t ho OWtH~l of the i mpouridwd animal must purch-tHe a licen1Ae from the ConnLy mu s t vaeeinaLf thE~

animal within three (31 working days and furnish proof of vaccination 10 the ACO

710972 )0bull I t 1-1hdJ br the- r(o~porHdbij-jt-y of an ownf~r to r ol mbu r alaquo

the Co u n Ly rOl animal boa rd Lnq vacclndlion f~mf-tgf~ncy

veterinary ~o~ls or other expen~es incurrpd by the Cou n Ly or a Rheltltmiddot [01 any animal legally impounded under the p r-ov i ai OTIS of th i s Ordinance whether or not thr an i nla 1 i8n~deemed

The owner of a n impounded anima] may c l ai rn h I s a ni mal by paying Ihl~ ll(~hedull~d rin(~fl and i mpound i nq r(~f~1 to lhf~ custodian or the shflter to a n ACO or ~heriffll

d(~[gtHly An owner may (~ll~cl to pay the rjnl~ undo r prn1est request a hfC1 r i ng on the rnaL te r by aecE~pLi ng a c i tatLon f r om a n ACO a ppos r a t an a r r a iqnmr-n l a L vIdgi~trmiddotlt(gt cou r t a rid pa r tLo i pate i n a trial on the ma tLt~ r

G J f an middotHtrrty is not we a r i n9 ii ] i cense a nd bears no o tho r i drcn tLf i c a rLon tagH Ihe a n lma l shall be impoundshyed at an appropriCiLE a n i ma J control s he Lte r for four (4) working daYi Any an i ma l not c l a Lmed o r lttdopled o ut w i thin four (4) worki ng d ay s comrnenoi ng from the riest date or Impoundrnon t ~hall bf~l~ome th~~ p ropo r t y or SHnla Pc County ~nd m~y h~ de~lroyed impounded for Hn e dd lt Lona I pe r lod 01 adopte-d out a l the d l no ro b Lon o f the- An i ma l contro l n i v t si on

Ii rf a n i mpouridred a n ima l il3 cf~eti-ried by ~ licl~n11d

v(LerinCir-icHI ltii auf f o ri nq beoauae- 01 ~jckneH~ injury o r dgC Lh o n i l may be dl~I3II()yed pu r auan t 1-0 Hl~cti_ol

)middot-4 of th i s Or-d i na nc-e a f te r thr- ACO giv(~g not i or- or d l-L(~rrlpL8 to 9 ive not ic~ to tho OWIHH

3-3 j mpoundment Ee~ I rnpouridme nt fee~ fef~H reqlli red for Hdopti on of an j rnpoundud

a n ima L bos rd l nq COnl~ and ad d lLlo na l [f~eH rOt- thf-~

Y(~d(mption of impounded oH1imnlS are described in Appenshydigt 1

i j mponndment feES n r e de sc r i bed and kHL forth in Apptm di 1

H t-eE-l required for adoption of an impounded a n i rna l o1T(~

described in Appendgt 1 C Add i ti ona l fees for i mpounded an i ma l s (ire deac r i bod in

Appendix A

3middotmiddot4 ll~_Hlntlttion of An i ma l a i J f a n a n i rna I which i ~ i mpourided und e r th i s Secti on -j ~

not l-I~d(~l~m(~d within the flpeeiried Liml pe e l oda ndopLed out or if it is s1l1fering bf(au~e of sicknc-lsinjury 0 ag~ dB ccliri(~d by a 1 iCInll-~d ve to r lna r l an then it uha I l be pa i n l e s a Ly destroyod unde r the aupe r vi si on o f d 1 il~eIHH~d vo te r l na r ian by an i n travenou s o r i n le r gt

ca r d i a l i nj e-ctf on of n doge of ba r-b itu r ate a ( nod i urn po ntobs r y Lo L) 01 any o tho i- mo thod deeml-~d humane and pa in l e s u by the Anim] Control nl v i s i on

( 6 )

710973 Ii Any animal which cannot be brought Lo an animal

aho I to r lH~CdWW of thraquo i na b i Ll ty or an An i ma l Conlrol Officer to extricate or cdpturv an animal which i~ in tho op i n ion of thn ACO v i o i ous or l n f eo ted w i lh any dangerouH or incurable di~eHHe or in Hny painfully

ripp df~13Lroyed by byc l od corrd LtLo n fihall br- ahoo tLnq

a 1Iblie ~afety Offir~f~r at the direction of the Ani ITta I Con lto I Orf iC~Imiddot

)middotmiddotmiddot5 ] rnpoundrnen t of Horses

A Jf Hn ACO find~ that a horue hH~ heRn abuHPd by lwing urLtr~rltd f o r Hr~lmiddotioll-gt m(~dical 01 hoa l Lh p rob Louns or by tHmiddotj ng s e r ious Ly nndErff~d 10 Huch an e-x te nt tha t i Lu baekbone i1l v in ib l o through il s k in then an ACO shan ciLE~ 1hE~ owne-r unde r Articlpound~ 6 of this Oldinatlco and Ill~y in hiH d iao r o tLon bull a l low n leponsi b l n perMon who i~ knowl(~dgErtble in ho r ue carl a nd a b l e lo p r o v ido lIuLLabl(~ food wat(~I a nd vo t e r Lna ry Gdlrl ( he r e i na I to r cCireLaker) whi l ( i n the pr(~HET1Cf~ of Lb e ACO to Lempo ra r i ly tdkl~ cu~tody or Ihe hOtlil

i n order 10 provi de care dTld rnai nten~nce f o r the- ho r uo p rov idrrl 1 The e~reli-iJH~r Hha]] pr-ovi dlaquo transpnr1ntion for thrshy

ho r s o reom Uf~ s i Le wh(I(~ Lh(~ ho r s o i1J round to Lhe caretakers premiMcH Hnd

~ he Ci)Ifmiddot~tdknlmiddot Rhdll p r ov i de iid(~quatp- rood ~helLel

dnd velprinnry cnre for the horse and 1 Ihe ean~Lakel ngmiddot(~rH to a b i do by any oou r t o rdo r

regarding thf~ cusLody and ownership of the honw B rhe owner o f s uoh -sn dhwH~d h()ImiddotHrmiddot~ who has bonn Lompo

THrj]y deprived of the cusLody of hi~ horae may at Ltv healLng on th e iSHU(~ or h ia c lLa t l on rot abuar petiLjon ths- Court for the r e tu r n of hi H ho r so Untj J liIJch a judieidl df~tfHmiddotmillalion thp hOIlH~ aha I l r ema in in the custody of Lhe careLaker and the owner aha]] be iHgtHllllicd a reas()nbl(~ rc~o It) Ih E-) LIiitlllpc)liit ion ()r the ho r alaquo to the c a r e take r 8 prflmi s e s pl us $] 0 per rtw boe r d inq c h a r qo rOt edeh drly 01 part thn r cof Lh a l Lh(~

ho r ae r ema i n~ on the- Clt-I nti-Iker~ p r e-mi Hefl Such amount (~middotdn bfc~ dWilld~d by Oi (~OIJlI to the ellILIkrt

c Jf the owner does not pilY a l I firl(~H and charg(~H in- o lud inq thoBe Lmpo ac-d by d COIJlL undo r Lh i a Hnction 3middot 5 wi th i n five (5) day s of i mpo s Iti on the n the- ho r slaquo ahs f l bo deemod (OIffjLr)d by thraquo owno r and LiLl(~ a nd ownerHhip ~haJ] veHL in the cHretaker

( 7 )

Article 4 710974Owncl bull R Du l ic~~

4middot ] Habi (~H va co i nation 4-2 Hab i d An i ma 1 4middotmiddot3 ArdmaJ lIiimiddoting it lerHon 4-4 Hc ll L r ai n I 0 r Ani rna 1Ii

4middotmiddot5 I) (~en~e H(~qui remenLH

4-1 Hdbjc~s VaccinaLion A 11 I s the duty of a Ll pe- r aon s own i riq a c a t or dog or

any membo r n or Lhc~ c~dnine 01 reline fdmily wh i ch an e-mpl oyee of an ani mCi] ciontr-o l lhtd te r or thr- ani mal conl r-o I d Lv is I o n i s pe rm i t tcd 10 vaccl na te OVA[ tho age of th r e-e ( 3) month s to have uuch an j rna 1 VCiCf) na te-d i-lga i n a l r abI e s rhe r abi e s varrc i n a t ion Hha 11 be g lvo n in amounts auf f Lc i e nt to provi de immun i ty from r ab ies fo r OIH~ (1) yea t- and be a dm i ni a te r ed by a licf-~nIH~d

ve-te r ina r-Lan A cer ti f i cate or tag from a ] iecrnwd vo lo r i na r Lan ahaLl be ev Lde nc c of vaccination A graduaLe veterinarian may vaccinate hil own dog or c~L

1 A vo te r Lne r i an adm Ln l ato r inq any r ab i c e vauo Lno o Hny animal shall iSldue to the owner of the animal a numbo rod ve co l na L i on CC~I1 i r iCilLe or tag wh i o h s ha Ll (ontai n the- nOlm~ and add )(~H~ of the owne r of tb e iHI i shymal ~ dl-~ceipLion or hf~ a n i ma l vaccinated the da lo of th(~ vaoci nat-ion a nd lhe e xpi r a Li on da te 01 thsshypo rLod or i mmun lLy tt

C JL i~ un l awful for ihE- ownpr of any dog Ceft or o the r mcmbo rs of thn os n lno 01 r~~line f amiLy Lo relil Lo laquo xh i b lt n cer1ificate or l(lg of Vnc(~middotinfii(gtn upon dorna nd to any Shf~lirrmiddotB doputy 0 An i ms l Conol() r f j C EO r

4-2 abid Anlmi-il ~ny nnimn1 that has rCibieH or ShOWH 8igns of having rabieH and dny i-inimal b l t tcn by a nothru- an ima l a f f I ic Lred by rab i e s or that hfl brve n exposed 10 kluch a rabid anima] shal] be con f inod 131 once in a secu[f~ p l aric by U1f~ owno r A pC~lBon

who knows or ha s rf~n~cm to know tha L any anima] i H i nff~eted

w iLh r ab ioa 01 an unvacc i na Lod a n i maI has br-e n e xpo s e d 10 rClbifH aha lI immediately f)oLify an An i rna l Control Of fi c e r of Lhc~ pLH~C~ Whel-(~ the a n Lma l iR confined 0 Ci-in bA found lhp ownfr of wlid animal Ahclll ~lrrender said ani ma l to t-tw An l rna l co n tr-o l Ufficel upon doma nd lhc~ ACO shall then dpound(-11 wlth the rabid animal pn r aua nt 10 ~tate Jaw A v aoc i laquo

nmiddot Ic~d 111 i ma 1 e xpo aed to ra b i(~1 may be lf~qu i red to bo conmiddotshyfi()f~d on the- cwne r s prpmlld(-l for a minimum of f ou r te e-n (J4) day un k i it i s d e Lo rm l nod hy an ACO tha t thr- ro atl~ 110

~1ympt(Jmld uf r abi E~-l

(8 )

710975 4-3 Animal ljiLing d PI~nH)n

A Th~ owner or an animal that bites a person and lhe pe-rso n bitten by an a n i rna l shall both tf~P0lt t hat oceurren(~pound to an Ani ma I contr-o l officf-r wi Lh i n twenty shy[nUl (24) hou r a of the occ u r renc o lhe owner or an an i rna l that bi tr-u a person ~hal] HurrendEr aa i d an Jma l to an Animal contro l ()rrier~L to Impound laid animal f o r CI lJerioc1 of obfwrvation cle(mf~d reasonably necessary by tho An i maI Control orficet A vaoo i na ted animal may be eon fi ned oni ts owner s prf~mi sea dur i ng thi s Li me of ob IVlttLion

tI The owner of the- anima] shall beir the oout o f COllrirH~IlH~nl~ Thl~ ACO may e(1nHenl Lo cl)nrinem(middot~nl

on ths- owner s pr e-mi seH but on] y j f the ownf~r c a n pll)dlJc(~ o v i d o no o or a cu r ren l r ab i o s vaco Lna tLon at Lho tj rne- thraquo b i te waH inf]j(t(~d Ih e pYEmhwH whf~re thlaquo homo c o n f i n ernr-n l iH to Oel~Ul nhlll bl~ in apr-o lr-d and Cipprov(d for Huch pu r po ae-u by thr- ACO t perS(ln who hd~ cu s tody or an a n i ma 1 tha t hal~ b j tIen a pn r so n s ha 11 jmmedjdLEJy T10Ljfy thr- inimil] contro l Offirpr if u(~

animal s hows l1ignlgt o f sieknr~PlH o r abno rma l behav Lo r C A phy si c i an who r e nder a Ln~a1m(nL to ii JwrSOT b i tte n by

a n an i ma l ~hrlll n~pot Iho raet Lha l hI ha s Il~ndltr(~d auoh InILmint 10 an Ani ma l Contro] Offj(~(~r w i th i n tI~nLy-fout (24) hou r s or h Lu rilst plotnHlJional dt shytindil net to the hi l(~ wound Jhfmiddot phyai oi an sha 11 report thl nsrne IgtltX a rid i~ddlr~f)I or tho pr- r ao n b i lLe n if) w(~ll

-w the type a nd l oo a ri on of the b ite rhpoundgt physician ss h a Ll give the name snd add(llll of thr ownl~l or t ho a n i ma l tha t inflicted the b i te jf known and o the- r L~cL~ Lha L may illlli1l1 Ihf Animal Co n tr-o l OrriCt~t in HwcprLaining the immuni~ation sLaLuH of Lhe animal

4-4 HPH I lil int o r An i ma 1 H

A Al] persona owning or having charge cUBLody or conlngtl of any animal Hhdll kl~(~p s uc h a n i ma l l(~81lainl~d

10 preve nt dama qe or ha rm to P(op] e and pr-opo r t y bull v io l a tLon or th l s Sr)clion will f)Ubj(middot~I=1 said ownl~ o r k~Eper to a fine as ~et fort-hin Appendjx II

11 When d dog iH orr itH owne r u p r-orn i s o a it munl bo under l e a s h or unde-r oontro l o f Lhf~ owner Con1rol ino 1ud e n OJ dog who l(~Hpl)ndB to sound l~omllldnd~~ 0 r i 111 (lwn(~r to laquoorne- to j tH owner on command Jh(-~ owner or iI

dog sha l t 1101 ~llow i L 11) ru n a t l a rqo 01 credLl~ a nu i aa nc e on Ctnoth(r~ property bpound it publiC or primiddotmiddot Vdll~ including (~nl(~ling onlmiddoto IdwnH drivnwitys walkmiddot WCly8 pl ltlees of reltrfaLi on or amuHemenL parkH The Ittm nuiSanl~f-~ shall in(~llJde dn[ecation or IJIinalion Viollt11ion of this Hf~lttion wi]] ~ubj(ct Hajd owner or krepel Lo j rinl~ ~l leI rollh in Appr~ndi x A

19 )



S0e 5-1 1)--7 ~-1


C Any a n i ma l llf~pds-i_ng upon H-ivaLe 01 publ ic PI()p~tLy

-lhid 1 be de-e-me-d p r i md f ltie j e not to be unde r tJI( immedi shya lr conteol of the owno r or of h ls deri_grllt~l~ a nd lhe owner s ha Ll be- in v j o l a Li on of S(cLinnll 4-4ll iHH] 4-middot411 snd Hlbj()et to pnna l tLr-a pu rs uan t to Appendix A

jjcerJlle H~qll-i r(m(n1~

ii Ji~tnsing Heguired Any penwn ke-e-p i nq harboring or mi- i n t-j in i n9 a ny dog ovn t th t-(~(~ (3) moo LhJ 0 [ ag(~

wi thi n theshy county sha l I obta i n CI J icpmw from th(~

An i rna l Conltlt)l IJi_vlJlun [ot (~aeh Bueh dog lhf~ ACO shall keep ~ record of all licenses iBHued and ahall iH-lIJ(~ i- ldg [01 (~dch 1 iCf-mse gtmiddotdnLed A CUITenl rab i ca vltICCjnlt-l1jon e(rtifjcatf~ Hhall be preEntf~d at the L-jmf~

of lhf a pp lLcs t Lon rOt tho 1 iceme ri(~enB(~I sh it 1 hf~

iHlH(~cl a n nua I l y and aha l I be renewable during the dnnivetsdty month of the o r Lq i na l l y L~lllUed lil~enllf-~ a nd 8h-J 11 fgtxpi r e on the 1C1Bt day of the ann ive r s ar-y month

130 To (~nl~ouliig(-~ the a I Lo ra tLo n of dogH Lht~ licensing fee for una I ta r od anima 1 J ~lhdl 1 be hi gher than for lt-II te r ed animnlH

C Affildng ldgH A current ]ie(~mH tag or numbe r shall he i~frix(~d to tho licenm-~d dog at all timt~J a nd in Ii

reH-lonMble manner J) r i (~en-(middot~ ~~()(-~ Schodu 1o s(~(~ Appe nd ix A lup]middoticCitf (rep1acim(~nL) 1lt-13 fee Sfe Atpendjgt A F xnmpl ions

(] I IgtOg8 be l o nq i n9 10 non-re~i df~ntH who kefp dog8 wi Lh in t ho conf lnes or Lhn bounde r los of Lhf~ County for 1eHIgt than ni ne-ty (90) COTltwcuLi ve dayH Hhdl b(~ f~xempl [lom Lh i a S(~(~Li()n p r o v idrad howevr- r that a l J othe r pr-ovi s j on s of th i s (nJjshyn H1C(~ atl~ c omp l (d w i th

() Gui de dngH wil J be li (HmHd by the Coun1y at no (~l)dt~gC I() the I e qa l Ly b l ind a nd z o r dear o r Lo a handjcapped or disabled pe r aon who h(ij- a current PII~HCIiption f rorn d 1 icnnB(~d phya i o ia n ptl~Hetibin9 such animal USf~

G Penalty Any pen-on violaLing any of the pr-ovia ion s of th l s ar tLc l o shall h(~ guilly of a mladnmea no r and upon conv i c ti on s ha l I be pun lahed by inearceraLion andor by 1 f i no d-gt lJnl forth in Appnndix A

Ar tf c Le 5 r~uhibiLed AetivitLcs

Dogs Rurm i ng at arge An irna l s Oil (n(~ncloJed Ptemisf~H ChaLn(d An i ma l n An i ma l s lrcm8portc~cl or left in VdLicJes Vieiou~ AnimdlM

( 1 0 )

710977 5-5 ~-6

5-7 5middotmiddot8



5 7

An illld 1 Disturbing lho Pl~dcn

An i ma l Nuisances on ~jdf~waIks ~treetH PubLic Pa r-k a Al l o y a a nd otho r pldCll-gt Opnn 10 UH-~ Puhl i c UnLawf u l llse of Li(en8~~ Jitg An i ma l s lIdirwd 10 Aii~I Uw Handicapped Allowed ln IIJblic pJaceg WritLfmiddotn Complaint H(~qnirf~m(~nt

IlngH Ru nn inq at La rqe 1 t j s un lawful for any owner to ii 1 ] ow or pe rrnl 1 any dog to ru n iii ldtg Any dog pe rm lLted 10 r u n a I l a r qo i n v i o laquo

1 at j on of th is SecLj on j ~ df~c 1a r e-d La be a rmi s ance 1

nll~ndCe 10 Ihl~ pub lie hl~ l Ih and ljafl~Ly a nd may be Lakl~n up and impounded as provided in ~EgtcLion ]-) 1 f~L ~lf~q J n addilion iLf owno r nha l l be subject to the pendI ilH ljl~I

forth in Appendix A

An ima ln on (jnl~ncll)lll~d l)tnmiIIf~H Chained An i ma l a 1 11 is un I awful for iHIY p(~rS(lTl to chain or utake iny

an i ma l inI c r uo l (H in huma no ma n no r Whnn~ o irc um ~~tiHIClll wa r r ant a nd no other fI11ernat-i v e- fXj ts for confining all dniOlill on U_H owr)l~IB pLnpElLy 1 lOpl cdbl( or c h ai n milY be ulled La restrilin the animid p ro v i dod the following o r l to r i a a ro met 1 Jh e rope cha i n or cab l laquo must be Ciffixpd to the

animal by UHf~ of a non-cs b ra aivo comfo r tab l v fitted collar or hornell8

~ lhl~ r ope chain o r cable mu st be at leaHI two l vo (]21 feet in length unle~B Huch length aJ1owH the ani ma l 10 cn to r onto anouhe r s PlOP(~Ily in wh i o h caSE the c ha i n Hhit I J be- no ] CIHI them ei qht (0 I feet i n ll~ngth llw c h a in mus l be unoba t ruo t- ed by ob je-c ta wh i o h might CClWH~ tho an i ma l 10

blcoml~ en Ld ng led 3 Jh(~ Hljrnij) must have easy and constant aeeeHll La

adequa t c llhllLet food a nd po t ab l o wa Ler 4 lhe a r ea whe r e thl~ a n i ma I is c on f i ne-d muut be k ept

[n or garbage feces or o Lhe r d ob r i a wh ich may endCinger the animals heaJLh and safeLy bull

5 Ihl~ a rea who r-e Uw animal lH c on f Ln od mus t bl~ kept free of i n s eot i nffHUILj on Huch a l-1 a nt hi] 1H WiHlp

nl~lL [lnd tick a nd maggot infnlalionn 6 Jhe anima] mus t be tJ e-d n~n~(gtnClbly nflt1r Lhcshy own

11 H Iflj i dnnen 01 wo r kp Lac o and munt not bf~ 1 f~ f L u na tLe nd ed for J o nqe r tha n it Lwp] V(~ ( 1 2) hour f(~ I iod

H J nvi s f b le fencing Wher( HI owrlfr rna f ntai n s lHI invi~imiddotmiddot

b lo flncn i(~ an f~lel~LtiCal df~vil~f~ d~l-gtignf~d to contain dnjmoJM wCHring itn HI~ropria1e col]nr within H confined aLI~il which in i n opo rs Lion a I all Iiml~-l lhi-iLI dogi ~ o utdoo r a on the owner M premi se~ a nd wi th i n lh o inv La ib 11~ [f~r)(~ ing a nd who Ie each OWl) I S dog on

( J 1 )

710978 ths- e the n

5middotprfmiddotmmiddotj~es weltir~ th (+ppJi(~ltfble collar the

4Ap rov ia i o n s of Seclion shall not apply ptovided LhetLLhe invis i b l o ffmiddotnee doe ss in [aeL r(~tain the- (log on UH~ owno r s p r em ise s

C Vj01C1_jon~ (If Lhe~(~ pqlli r ernentu wi I I con stLtute HI ao t of n~g1e~LelIJ(~lI~y a nd wi1l s ub j oo r tIP a n ima I 10

imme-d iaLe impolndm(~nt and pena l Li e s La the own(~r i1H Net f o r lh in Appe nd ix A

5middotmiddot3 inJma]H rra n s po r-te-d or jefL J n V(gthi(~l(~l

It i s un Law f u I Io r any pr- r ao n to edl-ry any animal in ltH upon a ny vfhi(~le in lt1 erne] inhnll(lnt~ or lHINlt1fe manner No PIon ~hdll k(~(~p o r 1I~nllp0lt an animal in Lh( be or d pj(~k-llp Lrucik un l e s s the- ani rna l iH properly TesLrltfinf~d in hurna n o dnd d[~ ma nrie r 10 p revon l Lhf~ animal flom l(~i-virlJ tht eonfj ne of the bed of 1hE~ truck No person ~ha]] l o a ve an animal in d c l o sred veh Lc l o rOl any l oriq Lh o f Iim( reCisltHlilbl y conc Jud e d to be diin9(~roUs 10 thtmiddot hf~n] Lh or ~nrety lh e a n irna L nu r i nq hot wedthel oorid LtLona an ACO or Sheriffs depuLy ffidY immfdilt1Lely r emove cHI ani rna l [rom ltI

vr-h i o l r- a nd Lakf~ it into p ro loo lLve custodv at thl~ co-1 aHsPMHcd 10 Lhe owner Vio]aLion~ or Lhis ~ecLion will c o n s LiLu Le an det of clultyneglf~et rind wi 11 Hubject lho OWTifr to thfmiddot penalt ie s HE~t f o r th in ippendix A

5-4 V i cl ous Ani Old 1fi

11 j H unlawful f or- Hly person to kEep or ha r bo r d known v io i o u s animal in Ull~ Counly Any attack by ii v i c l ous animltl] or Hny animn] displaying traiLs of a VJCiOlM anima] may l)(~ r(~p(~lled by tho 11l(~ or l-f~i8ondhlf~ rOlef~ Aftell jndiCilt1l deLerminaLion Lha L a n a ni ma l i s vi oi ous thr- oou r t hav inq j u rLad Lc tLon o vo r Lho (n[olc(~menL or Lh ia Onjinancf~(

upon hearing or uuch eomplninL mHY in add it I on to any fine o r l mp r i nonrne nt wh l c h may be i mpoaed [Ot violaLion hnlmiddotfmiddot~()r order thr- Animal ConLrol OffieE~r 10 havlaquo sueh a ni ma l de-shyfLtoyed rI 8(~t [orth in Secl~ion 3 -4 or Lhin oldindncf~

5-5 Ani ma l Dj s tur b i ng th e PfaCf~

A 11 Ir unlawful rot any ownnl to allow any or h l s a n i rna Iu to pe r s LstnntJy o r cortLnuouu l y bark how] or milkl~ no i a e common to tho i r Rp(~ei(~ll 0 oLhetwisc d ia Lurb th e peaee and qni e t of the j nhab i tantH (If Lhe countv 01 to keep or ma i n ta in on h i a p rom i ae s any animal i n fuch il manner alfl 10 d i s tu r b othe r s hy noxi OUH or offenshys ivr- odo r s 01 ()lhplWjH(~ f)nddnltJf~l Ih(middot~ h(~alth H Io ty a nd welfar(~ of the i nhlt1bj Lantl (If the CounLy

JL Violiilions of LhiH Seetion Rhall COIHlLiLule il nuifldllcf dnd shall Bubject Lhe owner 10 ~he penalLieK set forth in App(nd i x A

(12 )

710979 5-6 Animal NIJil~dnc(~R on Hid(~wi-llk~ Public PHkl Alley

Ot-her P] ClCfS Open to thf Pub] i c

A JI is unlawful EoI Ih(~ ownc r or any an i ma I 10 pf~lmilmiddot

ei the r willfully or through frtilure to f~xpeilw dlH

(~i-ll( 01 c on l ro L dny nuch animal 10 oomm il any nu iu a nce upon d Hi dew) k or i n a pub 1 j ( pCl rk or upon th e floor 01 wa 1 1 01 any common Wrl 1 1 o r lllY common ha l I i n any mu1tjple dwe- l Li nq e ntryway ata i rway or wall i mmed i gt

dtf~ly dbuUing on i- pub l ic iidf~Wltllk 0[ UpOIl the flool or wall of Clny the-a te r shop s to r o offief- building 01 o lh o r bu i Ld Ln q u sod in common by Lhe pub l ie 01 upon C1T1y privaLi- propErLy o the- r th a n Lha t of the- a ni rna l owno r When an a n ima l d(~fecilL(~H in a pub lLo p laoe th(~

owne- r mu s t r ernov e tb e feeegt a nd d i sP0le of it j TI a san lta i-y ma nnn r TtH~ Lo rrn nu ina noo Rhall i nc lude any def(-caLion or u ri na tjon deBt-ruction of propE~r1y or d i s Lu r b i n q th o ptOIHHty of anothe r i no l ud i nq Uw r ubb i ah or tra s h of 0 r e s i de-nt of Santa E~ Cormty

IL v Lo latLona or th i a S(~ctjon ~1hil11 ClHHJLiLuLt~ il nuiHane( and shall (lbjEl(~1jon tho owrlf~r to tho perkll1iEH ~et

[ollh in Apporid i x A

5middotmiddot7 un l awfuI l1~e of li CE~n~H~ Jag tL ii1 un l aw Iu l [ot sny Pf~I)on Lo rr-movlaquo any 1 i~~nllr~ Lg flom cHI a n i rna l a nd attacrh it to lttn()th(~r ani ma l r t ~~hidl b(~

u n l aw f u l (01 ilny po r ao n Lo rna nu La c Lu r e o r (~dun to hc manu fliLllred or Lo have in his pOla(gt~ion or under h i s contro l it

H to 1o n (~otJ n Lt1l f(~ it 0 r (olgid ani rua 1 1 icen~ Lilg thiPH

va(cinidion cerLifie(i1E~ or other form of Ji(~enldng iill r eshy1uit(~d und o i- Lhia o r d l nanc c

5-8 An r rna l a Trainf~d 10 AHSiHt the Handicapp((l Allowed in Pub 1 ie I) LH~(~li

An i ma l a tr a i ried to a s si ut ths- ha nd i cerpped including blind 01 d~ar pe r aon e hall bo a ll owod in pub ll o p Lace s lt3IH1 it shall be unlCiwful for any perHon who owns operatf-H or ma I nta i liS any pubI i o place of bus in(~sH o r convoya noo l nto lIh~iCh thr- gf-~nEraJ pubLi c i~ invlted 10 debar or exe]udf Lholl~rlnm dny animal which hHi be(~n Itdined Lo lliHist the twndicapped p r ovi d e-d ~l1eh animal ltic(ompanjeH thlaquo handishyedpp~d pnlHon it WdH Lra l nod lo ilflsLsl

5-9 wr itte-n Compl ai n] HequirpmfJIt 101 -s ny dll(~gl~d v i o l a Li o n s or IhLH ~(~(~tion 5 an ACO rnry bEfort~ fu r ther ltIctmiddotjon or inveHtigiiLion requjre I (~ompl(linshy

an t 10 IJbm i L on 3 fo tm pn)v idr~ by U)(~ A C O~ Wt i t Len f~omplilmiddotint of the il ]eg(d OrdincHiC( violctlon 9iving thf nam(~ dnd ~ddl(R~) or Ihc complinanJ nd ir v-ilahln or thf oWTlPr who i- in HlHh violCltion

( 11 )

Article fi 710980CruelLy La AnimalH Prohibited

Sr~c bull 6-] Ph y s i cia l Abualaquo 6-2 MolfHI-ing Animals 6-3 Work Crwlty 6 -4 rar0 and MainLenancn 6-5 lJncGlrE~dmiddotmiddotfor AnIrna l Hi Abandonment 6 f) t n j u ry to An i ma I a by Ml)tori~I~B

6-middot 7 Keeping of J)i~(ltuf-d or Pai nfu Ll y CrippJed inimcdf-gt 6--3 Ani m-l 1 F i9 h L 8 6middotmiddotlt Hi rd1 rnpound i ny Crnti ny Housi ny 6 -io Fa 1~e Hepotl1-3 ~loh ib i Ic~d 6middot- J J Slt~(Ipe 0 f Seet i on 6-middot12 l1~ped L 0 [rr~n-HH

6middotmiddot) PhyHi c-tJ Abuse It r s un l awfu l for any pl~rHOn to willfully or ma l Lc ious Jy kLll be a ma m po iso n d s qu re bu rn t l-H~xually abul(~ i i f i or ~Cd Ld any a n i ma l or to attempt 10 ki 1 1 or poison any an ima 1 Ihd I l s not a wl 113 anima 1 exeepl Iha I t-eaon-tb 1f~

force mdY be- f~rnpl(lyed only Lo d ri v a off vicious or trespaBBshyi n 9 ani mii 18 bull

6-2 Mol plLi ng Animal s ]1 is unlawfUl for any person to Lease annoy di8turb or mo loa l a ny a nima l wh ieh iH on Ihn propr- rLy of ib~ owno r o r und(rlhf~ oorrt ro l of itl owner

6middot-1 Work C~uelly

11 iH un Lewfu l f o r any pe-r aon 10 d r i ve- or work a ny animal lt~ r u f~ 1 1Y bull

6-4 C~re find Maintenance A It It unlawful for any owner of an anima] 1(1 ffj l

terUlH~ o r nf~glfmiddot~cl 10 p rov ldo Hdid animal w i Lh plopel a nd fidequate food d ri nk ~1hdclf~ l-lhe]t(~r a nd venLj 1lt-1 lT o n Any lnimal bab ltua l l y kl~pL ou t s idr- Hhall be p r ovi dr-d by dH owner wi th a s tr-uc tu r a l Ly Hound WnaUH~I-plOOr e no l ouu ro Ll~gf~ enollfJh to leCOmmodillf~ Lhn i-Hlimltilin a ma n ne- r llUi1i-Iblp for tha t Hpecjps or o the- r lhnlt(~ls su i Lab Io to Lhlt Rpeei(~8

H 111 owner rnu s t k(~(~p tho pr-em i Be where -in animal iH kept rt(~n or gdrbdgf~ ha z a rdous ma Lo r La l e r~Ce~l inHn(~

i nrf~middotd(ftmiddotj on and other ddlri ~ whi c h mltty enddngfr the animals hea l Lh lnd Rdrf~ty

c An owner mu st p r ovi d e an injund or link an i ma l wi th ddequaLI~ ve lo r i na r-y care ~H) dR to r educe iLs lUrrf~lmiddoting

Il ViolaLioTiB of th i s xeoti on of Lh e Ordinance drf~ pnnishshydblf~ by firHH a nd zo r Imp r iuonrnen t rHl sd rOlth in Appendix A

( ] 4 )


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 5: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

710971 Hu~h animal i~ noL a]reHdy ao informed If the Qwner I~ no l known 01 if h is a dd re s a cannot bf~ teasonably di1(rmj ned the A CmiddotO ha s no duty to gi v e noLi o e to lhn owno r

C bullIJ1 vi ol atf on s and fine amourrts shall be rf~porLed to UH~ s ho Lto r cu s tod i a n upon the itnima1s impoundmc nt

I) No anima] that haH been imf~unded may be adopLed out ((H PlllPOBf~S of b ror-d inq Ot gt3alf~

3middotmiddot2 mpourid nq No An rf i 1~8traYH tf c-e Hequir(~d Hede(~ming ma l a A Noticf~

L No pe r aon ahet) I wi Lhout knowledge or (onaen1 of thf~ owner hold (H lf~Liiin P(HISf~BBion of any an i rna l of which he ia not the owrie r for mo r e tha n lWI~nLy-folJl (24) hou r a o xo l ud inq SilLuediiyll Sundaya Hnd holidays when Hu~h peraon haa knowlshy(dgf~ of or could ledgt3onably d iaco ve r Ute owno r of ~lIleh a n i ma l w i thout fi rat r epo r ti nq the pO~HleHshy

Aion or Sueh animal to the owno r o r if Lh i a canno be dorie- to cHI ACO lhilt proviaion shilll not ptnmllpl NMSA Soction 77~14-l ~t gt3(~q

2 Any ptrson tak i nq up cHI a n i maI llhalJ give no t iclaquo of ~ueh animal retention to the owner ir his identiLy can be reasonably determined and shall not refuse lo i mrned i e te Ly au r i-end er auc h an i ma l 10 the owne r or Lo an Animnl Corrtr o l Officer upon demand t he roo L

Ii J[ an impounded estray is wearing a license or beHrs OLlH~l i drcnbi Li c a lLo n lagH the animal aha l I bo conshyfined ill an dpproprjaL(~ animal ahe l te r pe-nd i nq noti f o gt

cs ILon or the owno r o r autho r i z ed dgent f o r il po r iod of fiv(~ (i) working days The drty thlaquo tl-tray an i ma l itl impourid od conn L iLutes day ouo

C Upon no tc f ica Lr on an owrie r or his nota r i z ed rigent must lf~df~~T11 h ia animal w ith i n LWf~nty-fou (24) hou r s bull Any animal not clnimed by ltIn owner wiLhin twenLy-middotfour (]4) hou rn rollowing notLf ioa lLon shall IH~(~omf~ Ihe f)lnpntly (If Slt-InLa fgt Co urrty and may be- d(~Htroy(~d impounds-d or ldOplf~d out a t tho d l ac r-ot lon or thf) Animal Co n Lro ] Iii vi si on

n fny owner who c Lairna a n un l icenaed a ni rna l from theshyapp rop r La to An irna l Contr-o l Center mual show p roo f or r a bi r-laquo ~lhot~ a nd proof of ne-ute r inq (when app]i(~tible)

upon claiming aa i d a n l ma l Suo h owner milY bo o iLrid by the ACO and w iJ 1 bEmiddot requi r e-d to buy a I icfn~(~ from 111( Co un Ly bo f o re thr Lrnpo u nde d an i ma 1 ~ha 11 h(~ n~shy

JpHHed If proof of currenL rabies vaccinaLion cannoL he p r oducred t ho OWtH~l of the i mpouridwd animal must purch-tHe a licen1Ae from the ConnLy mu s t vaeeinaLf thE~

animal within three (31 working days and furnish proof of vaccination 10 the ACO

710972 )0bull I t 1-1hdJ br the- r(o~porHdbij-jt-y of an ownf~r to r ol mbu r alaquo

the Co u n Ly rOl animal boa rd Lnq vacclndlion f~mf-tgf~ncy

veterinary ~o~ls or other expen~es incurrpd by the Cou n Ly or a Rheltltmiddot [01 any animal legally impounded under the p r-ov i ai OTIS of th i s Ordinance whether or not thr an i nla 1 i8n~deemed

The owner of a n impounded anima] may c l ai rn h I s a ni mal by paying Ihl~ ll(~hedull~d rin(~fl and i mpound i nq r(~f~1 to lhf~ custodian or the shflter to a n ACO or ~heriffll

d(~[gtHly An owner may (~ll~cl to pay the rjnl~ undo r prn1est request a hfC1 r i ng on the rnaL te r by aecE~pLi ng a c i tatLon f r om a n ACO a ppos r a t an a r r a iqnmr-n l a L vIdgi~trmiddotlt(gt cou r t a rid pa r tLo i pate i n a trial on the ma tLt~ r

G J f an middotHtrrty is not we a r i n9 ii ] i cense a nd bears no o tho r i drcn tLf i c a rLon tagH Ihe a n lma l shall be impoundshyed at an appropriCiLE a n i ma J control s he Lte r for four (4) working daYi Any an i ma l not c l a Lmed o r lttdopled o ut w i thin four (4) worki ng d ay s comrnenoi ng from the riest date or Impoundrnon t ~hall bf~l~ome th~~ p ropo r t y or SHnla Pc County ~nd m~y h~ de~lroyed impounded for Hn e dd lt Lona I pe r lod 01 adopte-d out a l the d l no ro b Lon o f the- An i ma l contro l n i v t si on

Ii rf a n i mpouridred a n ima l il3 cf~eti-ried by ~ licl~n11d

v(LerinCir-icHI ltii auf f o ri nq beoauae- 01 ~jckneH~ injury o r dgC Lh o n i l may be dl~I3II()yed pu r auan t 1-0 Hl~cti_ol

)middot-4 of th i s Or-d i na nc-e a f te r thr- ACO giv(~g not i or- or d l-L(~rrlpL8 to 9 ive not ic~ to tho OWIHH

3-3 j mpoundment Ee~ I rnpouridme nt fee~ fef~H reqlli red for Hdopti on of an j rnpoundud

a n ima L bos rd l nq COnl~ and ad d lLlo na l [f~eH rOt- thf-~

Y(~d(mption of impounded oH1imnlS are described in Appenshydigt 1

i j mponndment feES n r e de sc r i bed and kHL forth in Apptm di 1

H t-eE-l required for adoption of an impounded a n i rna l o1T(~

described in Appendgt 1 C Add i ti ona l fees for i mpounded an i ma l s (ire deac r i bod in

Appendix A

3middotmiddot4 ll~_Hlntlttion of An i ma l a i J f a n a n i rna I which i ~ i mpourided und e r th i s Secti on -j ~

not l-I~d(~l~m(~d within the flpeeiried Liml pe e l oda ndopLed out or if it is s1l1fering bf(au~e of sicknc-lsinjury 0 ag~ dB ccliri(~d by a 1 iCInll-~d ve to r lna r l an then it uha I l be pa i n l e s a Ly destroyod unde r the aupe r vi si on o f d 1 il~eIHH~d vo te r l na r ian by an i n travenou s o r i n le r gt

ca r d i a l i nj e-ctf on of n doge of ba r-b itu r ate a ( nod i urn po ntobs r y Lo L) 01 any o tho i- mo thod deeml-~d humane and pa in l e s u by the Anim] Control nl v i s i on

( 6 )

710973 Ii Any animal which cannot be brought Lo an animal

aho I to r lH~CdWW of thraquo i na b i Ll ty or an An i ma l Conlrol Officer to extricate or cdpturv an animal which i~ in tho op i n ion of thn ACO v i o i ous or l n f eo ted w i lh any dangerouH or incurable di~eHHe or in Hny painfully

ripp df~13Lroyed by byc l od corrd LtLo n fihall br- ahoo tLnq

a 1Iblie ~afety Offir~f~r at the direction of the Ani ITta I Con lto I Orf iC~Imiddot

)middotmiddotmiddot5 ] rnpoundrnen t of Horses

A Jf Hn ACO find~ that a horue hH~ heRn abuHPd by lwing urLtr~rltd f o r Hr~lmiddotioll-gt m(~dical 01 hoa l Lh p rob Louns or by tHmiddotj ng s e r ious Ly nndErff~d 10 Huch an e-x te nt tha t i Lu baekbone i1l v in ib l o through il s k in then an ACO shan ciLE~ 1hE~ owne-r unde r Articlpound~ 6 of this Oldinatlco and Ill~y in hiH d iao r o tLon bull a l low n leponsi b l n perMon who i~ knowl(~dgErtble in ho r ue carl a nd a b l e lo p r o v ido lIuLLabl(~ food wat(~I a nd vo t e r Lna ry Gdlrl ( he r e i na I to r cCireLaker) whi l ( i n the pr(~HET1Cf~ of Lb e ACO to Lempo ra r i ly tdkl~ cu~tody or Ihe hOtlil

i n order 10 provi de care dTld rnai nten~nce f o r the- ho r uo p rov idrrl 1 The e~reli-iJH~r Hha]] pr-ovi dlaquo transpnr1ntion for thrshy

ho r s o reom Uf~ s i Le wh(I(~ Lh(~ ho r s o i1J round to Lhe caretakers premiMcH Hnd

~ he Ci)Ifmiddot~tdknlmiddot Rhdll p r ov i de iid(~quatp- rood ~helLel

dnd velprinnry cnre for the horse and 1 Ihe ean~Lakel ngmiddot(~rH to a b i do by any oou r t o rdo r

regarding thf~ cusLody and ownership of the honw B rhe owner o f s uoh -sn dhwH~d h()ImiddotHrmiddot~ who has bonn Lompo

THrj]y deprived of the cusLody of hi~ horae may at Ltv healLng on th e iSHU(~ or h ia c lLa t l on rot abuar petiLjon ths- Court for the r e tu r n of hi H ho r so Untj J liIJch a judieidl df~tfHmiddotmillalion thp hOIlH~ aha I l r ema in in the custody of Lhe careLaker and the owner aha]] be iHgtHllllicd a reas()nbl(~ rc~o It) Ih E-) LIiitlllpc)liit ion ()r the ho r alaquo to the c a r e take r 8 prflmi s e s pl us $] 0 per rtw boe r d inq c h a r qo rOt edeh drly 01 part thn r cof Lh a l Lh(~

ho r ae r ema i n~ on the- Clt-I nti-Iker~ p r e-mi Hefl Such amount (~middotdn bfc~ dWilld~d by Oi (~OIJlI to the ellILIkrt

c Jf the owner does not pilY a l I firl(~H and charg(~H in- o lud inq thoBe Lmpo ac-d by d COIJlL undo r Lh i a Hnction 3middot 5 wi th i n five (5) day s of i mpo s Iti on the n the- ho r slaquo ahs f l bo deemod (OIffjLr)d by thraquo owno r and LiLl(~ a nd ownerHhip ~haJ] veHL in the cHretaker

( 7 )

Article 4 710974Owncl bull R Du l ic~~

4middot ] Habi (~H va co i nation 4-2 Hab i d An i ma 1 4middotmiddot3 ArdmaJ lIiimiddoting it lerHon 4-4 Hc ll L r ai n I 0 r Ani rna 1Ii

4middotmiddot5 I) (~en~e H(~qui remenLH

4-1 Hdbjc~s VaccinaLion A 11 I s the duty of a Ll pe- r aon s own i riq a c a t or dog or

any membo r n or Lhc~ c~dnine 01 reline fdmily wh i ch an e-mpl oyee of an ani mCi] ciontr-o l lhtd te r or thr- ani mal conl r-o I d Lv is I o n i s pe rm i t tcd 10 vaccl na te OVA[ tho age of th r e-e ( 3) month s to have uuch an j rna 1 VCiCf) na te-d i-lga i n a l r abI e s rhe r abi e s varrc i n a t ion Hha 11 be g lvo n in amounts auf f Lc i e nt to provi de immun i ty from r ab ies fo r OIH~ (1) yea t- and be a dm i ni a te r ed by a licf-~nIH~d

ve-te r ina r-Lan A cer ti f i cate or tag from a ] iecrnwd vo lo r i na r Lan ahaLl be ev Lde nc c of vaccination A graduaLe veterinarian may vaccinate hil own dog or c~L

1 A vo te r Lne r i an adm Ln l ato r inq any r ab i c e vauo Lno o Hny animal shall iSldue to the owner of the animal a numbo rod ve co l na L i on CC~I1 i r iCilLe or tag wh i o h s ha Ll (ontai n the- nOlm~ and add )(~H~ of the owne r of tb e iHI i shymal ~ dl-~ceipLion or hf~ a n i ma l vaccinated the da lo of th(~ vaoci nat-ion a nd lhe e xpi r a Li on da te 01 thsshypo rLod or i mmun lLy tt

C JL i~ un l awful for ihE- ownpr of any dog Ceft or o the r mcmbo rs of thn os n lno 01 r~~line f amiLy Lo relil Lo laquo xh i b lt n cer1ificate or l(lg of Vnc(~middotinfii(gtn upon dorna nd to any Shf~lirrmiddotB doputy 0 An i ms l Conol() r f j C EO r

4-2 abid Anlmi-il ~ny nnimn1 that has rCibieH or ShOWH 8igns of having rabieH and dny i-inimal b l t tcn by a nothru- an ima l a f f I ic Lred by rab i e s or that hfl brve n exposed 10 kluch a rabid anima] shal] be con f inod 131 once in a secu[f~ p l aric by U1f~ owno r A pC~lBon

who knows or ha s rf~n~cm to know tha L any anima] i H i nff~eted

w iLh r ab ioa 01 an unvacc i na Lod a n i maI has br-e n e xpo s e d 10 rClbifH aha lI immediately f)oLify an An i rna l Control Of fi c e r of Lhc~ pLH~C~ Whel-(~ the a n Lma l iR confined 0 Ci-in bA found lhp ownfr of wlid animal Ahclll ~lrrender said ani ma l to t-tw An l rna l co n tr-o l Ufficel upon doma nd lhc~ ACO shall then dpound(-11 wlth the rabid animal pn r aua nt 10 ~tate Jaw A v aoc i laquo

nmiddot Ic~d 111 i ma 1 e xpo aed to ra b i(~1 may be lf~qu i red to bo conmiddotshyfi()f~d on the- cwne r s prpmlld(-l for a minimum of f ou r te e-n (J4) day un k i it i s d e Lo rm l nod hy an ACO tha t thr- ro atl~ 110

~1ympt(Jmld uf r abi E~-l

(8 )

710975 4-3 Animal ljiLing d PI~nH)n

A Th~ owner or an animal that bites a person and lhe pe-rso n bitten by an a n i rna l shall both tf~P0lt t hat oceurren(~pound to an Ani ma I contr-o l officf-r wi Lh i n twenty shy[nUl (24) hou r a of the occ u r renc o lhe owner or an an i rna l that bi tr-u a person ~hal] HurrendEr aa i d an Jma l to an Animal contro l ()rrier~L to Impound laid animal f o r CI lJerioc1 of obfwrvation cle(mf~d reasonably necessary by tho An i maI Control orficet A vaoo i na ted animal may be eon fi ned oni ts owner s prf~mi sea dur i ng thi s Li me of ob IVlttLion

tI The owner of the- anima] shall beir the oout o f COllrirH~IlH~nl~ Thl~ ACO may e(1nHenl Lo cl)nrinem(middot~nl

on ths- owner s pr e-mi seH but on] y j f the ownf~r c a n pll)dlJc(~ o v i d o no o or a cu r ren l r ab i o s vaco Lna tLon at Lho tj rne- thraquo b i te waH inf]j(t(~d Ih e pYEmhwH whf~re thlaquo homo c o n f i n ernr-n l iH to Oel~Ul nhlll bl~ in apr-o lr-d and Cipprov(d for Huch pu r po ae-u by thr- ACO t perS(ln who hd~ cu s tody or an a n i ma 1 tha t hal~ b j tIen a pn r so n s ha 11 jmmedjdLEJy T10Ljfy thr- inimil] contro l Offirpr if u(~

animal s hows l1ignlgt o f sieknr~PlH o r abno rma l behav Lo r C A phy si c i an who r e nder a Ln~a1m(nL to ii JwrSOT b i tte n by

a n an i ma l ~hrlll n~pot Iho raet Lha l hI ha s Il~ndltr(~d auoh InILmint 10 an Ani ma l Contro] Offj(~(~r w i th i n tI~nLy-fout (24) hou r s or h Lu rilst plotnHlJional dt shytindil net to the hi l(~ wound Jhfmiddot phyai oi an sha 11 report thl nsrne IgtltX a rid i~ddlr~f)I or tho pr- r ao n b i lLe n if) w(~ll

-w the type a nd l oo a ri on of the b ite rhpoundgt physician ss h a Ll give the name snd add(llll of thr ownl~l or t ho a n i ma l tha t inflicted the b i te jf known and o the- r L~cL~ Lha L may illlli1l1 Ihf Animal Co n tr-o l OrriCt~t in HwcprLaining the immuni~ation sLaLuH of Lhe animal

4-4 HPH I lil int o r An i ma 1 H

A Al] persona owning or having charge cUBLody or conlngtl of any animal Hhdll kl~(~p s uc h a n i ma l l(~81lainl~d

10 preve nt dama qe or ha rm to P(op] e and pr-opo r t y bull v io l a tLon or th l s Sr)clion will f)Ubj(middot~I=1 said ownl~ o r k~Eper to a fine as ~et fort-hin Appendjx II

11 When d dog iH orr itH owne r u p r-orn i s o a it munl bo under l e a s h or unde-r oontro l o f Lhf~ owner Con1rol ino 1ud e n OJ dog who l(~Hpl)ndB to sound l~omllldnd~~ 0 r i 111 (lwn(~r to laquoorne- to j tH owner on command Jh(-~ owner or iI

dog sha l t 1101 ~llow i L 11) ru n a t l a rqo 01 credLl~ a nu i aa nc e on Ctnoth(r~ property bpound it publiC or primiddotmiddot Vdll~ including (~nl(~ling onlmiddoto IdwnH drivnwitys walkmiddot WCly8 pl ltlees of reltrfaLi on or amuHemenL parkH The Ittm nuiSanl~f-~ shall in(~llJde dn[ecation or IJIinalion Viollt11ion of this Hf~lttion wi]] ~ubj(ct Hajd owner or krepel Lo j rinl~ ~l leI rollh in Appr~ndi x A

19 )



S0e 5-1 1)--7 ~-1


C Any a n i ma l llf~pds-i_ng upon H-ivaLe 01 publ ic PI()p~tLy

-lhid 1 be de-e-me-d p r i md f ltie j e not to be unde r tJI( immedi shya lr conteol of the owno r or of h ls deri_grllt~l~ a nd lhe owner s ha Ll be- in v j o l a Li on of S(cLinnll 4-4ll iHH] 4-middot411 snd Hlbj()et to pnna l tLr-a pu rs uan t to Appendix A

jjcerJlle H~qll-i r(m(n1~

ii Ji~tnsing Heguired Any penwn ke-e-p i nq harboring or mi- i n t-j in i n9 a ny dog ovn t th t-(~(~ (3) moo LhJ 0 [ ag(~

wi thi n theshy county sha l I obta i n CI J icpmw from th(~

An i rna l Conltlt)l IJi_vlJlun [ot (~aeh Bueh dog lhf~ ACO shall keep ~ record of all licenses iBHued and ahall iH-lIJ(~ i- ldg [01 (~dch 1 iCf-mse gtmiddotdnLed A CUITenl rab i ca vltICCjnlt-l1jon e(rtifjcatf~ Hhall be preEntf~d at the L-jmf~

of lhf a pp lLcs t Lon rOt tho 1 iceme ri(~enB(~I sh it 1 hf~

iHlH(~cl a n nua I l y and aha l I be renewable during the dnnivetsdty month of the o r Lq i na l l y L~lllUed lil~enllf-~ a nd 8h-J 11 fgtxpi r e on the 1C1Bt day of the ann ive r s ar-y month

130 To (~nl~ouliig(-~ the a I Lo ra tLo n of dogH Lht~ licensing fee for una I ta r od anima 1 J ~lhdl 1 be hi gher than for lt-II te r ed animnlH

C Affildng ldgH A current ]ie(~mH tag or numbe r shall he i~frix(~d to tho licenm-~d dog at all timt~J a nd in Ii

reH-lonMble manner J) r i (~en-(middot~ ~~()(-~ Schodu 1o s(~(~ Appe nd ix A lup]middoticCitf (rep1acim(~nL) 1lt-13 fee Sfe Atpendjgt A F xnmpl ions

(] I IgtOg8 be l o nq i n9 10 non-re~i df~ntH who kefp dog8 wi Lh in t ho conf lnes or Lhn bounde r los of Lhf~ County for 1eHIgt than ni ne-ty (90) COTltwcuLi ve dayH Hhdl b(~ f~xempl [lom Lh i a S(~(~Li()n p r o v idrad howevr- r that a l J othe r pr-ovi s j on s of th i s (nJjshyn H1C(~ atl~ c omp l (d w i th

() Gui de dngH wil J be li (HmHd by the Coun1y at no (~l)dt~gC I() the I e qa l Ly b l ind a nd z o r dear o r Lo a handjcapped or disabled pe r aon who h(ij- a current PII~HCIiption f rorn d 1 icnnB(~d phya i o ia n ptl~Hetibin9 such animal USf~

G Penalty Any pen-on violaLing any of the pr-ovia ion s of th l s ar tLc l o shall h(~ guilly of a mladnmea no r and upon conv i c ti on s ha l I be pun lahed by inearceraLion andor by 1 f i no d-gt lJnl forth in Appnndix A

Ar tf c Le 5 r~uhibiLed AetivitLcs

Dogs Rurm i ng at arge An irna l s Oil (n(~ncloJed Ptemisf~H ChaLn(d An i ma l n An i ma l s lrcm8portc~cl or left in VdLicJes Vieiou~ AnimdlM

( 1 0 )

710977 5-5 ~-6

5-7 5middotmiddot8



5 7

An illld 1 Disturbing lho Pl~dcn

An i ma l Nuisances on ~jdf~waIks ~treetH PubLic Pa r-k a Al l o y a a nd otho r pldCll-gt Opnn 10 UH-~ Puhl i c UnLawf u l llse of Li(en8~~ Jitg An i ma l s lIdirwd 10 Aii~I Uw Handicapped Allowed ln IIJblic pJaceg WritLfmiddotn Complaint H(~qnirf~m(~nt

IlngH Ru nn inq at La rqe 1 t j s un lawful for any owner to ii 1 ] ow or pe rrnl 1 any dog to ru n iii ldtg Any dog pe rm lLted 10 r u n a I l a r qo i n v i o laquo

1 at j on of th is SecLj on j ~ df~c 1a r e-d La be a rmi s ance 1

nll~ndCe 10 Ihl~ pub lie hl~ l Ih and ljafl~Ly a nd may be Lakl~n up and impounded as provided in ~EgtcLion ]-) 1 f~L ~lf~q J n addilion iLf owno r nha l l be subject to the pendI ilH ljl~I

forth in Appendix A

An ima ln on (jnl~ncll)lll~d l)tnmiIIf~H Chained An i ma l a 1 11 is un I awful for iHIY p(~rS(lTl to chain or utake iny

an i ma l inI c r uo l (H in huma no ma n no r Whnn~ o irc um ~~tiHIClll wa r r ant a nd no other fI11ernat-i v e- fXj ts for confining all dniOlill on U_H owr)l~IB pLnpElLy 1 lOpl cdbl( or c h ai n milY be ulled La restrilin the animid p ro v i dod the following o r l to r i a a ro met 1 Jh e rope cha i n or cab l laquo must be Ciffixpd to the

animal by UHf~ of a non-cs b ra aivo comfo r tab l v fitted collar or hornell8

~ lhl~ r ope chain o r cable mu st be at leaHI two l vo (]21 feet in length unle~B Huch length aJ1owH the ani ma l 10 cn to r onto anouhe r s PlOP(~Ily in wh i o h caSE the c ha i n Hhit I J be- no ] CIHI them ei qht (0 I feet i n ll~ngth llw c h a in mus l be unoba t ruo t- ed by ob je-c ta wh i o h might CClWH~ tho an i ma l 10

blcoml~ en Ld ng led 3 Jh(~ Hljrnij) must have easy and constant aeeeHll La

adequa t c llhllLet food a nd po t ab l o wa Ler 4 lhe a r ea whe r e thl~ a n i ma I is c on f i ne-d muut be k ept

[n or garbage feces or o Lhe r d ob r i a wh ich may endCinger the animals heaJLh and safeLy bull

5 Ihl~ a rea who r-e Uw animal lH c on f Ln od mus t bl~ kept free of i n s eot i nffHUILj on Huch a l-1 a nt hi] 1H WiHlp

nl~lL [lnd tick a nd maggot infnlalionn 6 Jhe anima] mus t be tJ e-d n~n~(gtnClbly nflt1r Lhcshy own

11 H Iflj i dnnen 01 wo r kp Lac o and munt not bf~ 1 f~ f L u na tLe nd ed for J o nqe r tha n it Lwp] V(~ ( 1 2) hour f(~ I iod

H J nvi s f b le fencing Wher( HI owrlfr rna f ntai n s lHI invi~imiddotmiddot

b lo flncn i(~ an f~lel~LtiCal df~vil~f~ d~l-gtignf~d to contain dnjmoJM wCHring itn HI~ropria1e col]nr within H confined aLI~il which in i n opo rs Lion a I all Iiml~-l lhi-iLI dogi ~ o utdoo r a on the owner M premi se~ a nd wi th i n lh o inv La ib 11~ [f~r)(~ ing a nd who Ie each OWl) I S dog on

( J 1 )

710978 ths- e the n

5middotprfmiddotmmiddotj~es weltir~ th (+ppJi(~ltfble collar the

4Ap rov ia i o n s of Seclion shall not apply ptovided LhetLLhe invis i b l o ffmiddotnee doe ss in [aeL r(~tain the- (log on UH~ owno r s p r em ise s

C Vj01C1_jon~ (If Lhe~(~ pqlli r ernentu wi I I con stLtute HI ao t of n~g1e~LelIJ(~lI~y a nd wi1l s ub j oo r tIP a n ima I 10

imme-d iaLe impolndm(~nt and pena l Li e s La the own(~r i1H Net f o r lh in Appe nd ix A

5middotmiddot3 inJma]H rra n s po r-te-d or jefL J n V(gthi(~l(~l

It i s un Law f u I Io r any pr- r ao n to edl-ry any animal in ltH upon a ny vfhi(~le in lt1 erne] inhnll(lnt~ or lHINlt1fe manner No PIon ~hdll k(~(~p o r 1I~nllp0lt an animal in Lh( be or d pj(~k-llp Lrucik un l e s s the- ani rna l iH properly TesLrltfinf~d in hurna n o dnd d[~ ma nrie r 10 p revon l Lhf~ animal flom l(~i-virlJ tht eonfj ne of the bed of 1hE~ truck No person ~ha]] l o a ve an animal in d c l o sred veh Lc l o rOl any l oriq Lh o f Iim( reCisltHlilbl y conc Jud e d to be diin9(~roUs 10 thtmiddot hf~n] Lh or ~nrety lh e a n irna L nu r i nq hot wedthel oorid LtLona an ACO or Sheriffs depuLy ffidY immfdilt1Lely r emove cHI ani rna l [rom ltI

vr-h i o l r- a nd Lakf~ it into p ro loo lLve custodv at thl~ co-1 aHsPMHcd 10 Lhe owner Vio]aLion~ or Lhis ~ecLion will c o n s LiLu Le an det of clultyneglf~et rind wi 11 Hubject lho OWTifr to thfmiddot penalt ie s HE~t f o r th in ippendix A

5-4 V i cl ous Ani Old 1fi

11 j H unlawful f or- Hly person to kEep or ha r bo r d known v io i o u s animal in Ull~ Counly Any attack by ii v i c l ous animltl] or Hny animn] displaying traiLs of a VJCiOlM anima] may l)(~ r(~p(~lled by tho 11l(~ or l-f~i8ondhlf~ rOlef~ Aftell jndiCilt1l deLerminaLion Lha L a n a ni ma l i s vi oi ous thr- oou r t hav inq j u rLad Lc tLon o vo r Lho (n[olc(~menL or Lh ia Onjinancf~(

upon hearing or uuch eomplninL mHY in add it I on to any fine o r l mp r i nonrne nt wh l c h may be i mpoaed [Ot violaLion hnlmiddotfmiddot~()r order thr- Animal ConLrol OffieE~r 10 havlaquo sueh a ni ma l de-shyfLtoyed rI 8(~t [orth in Secl~ion 3 -4 or Lhin oldindncf~

5-5 Ani ma l Dj s tur b i ng th e PfaCf~

A 11 Ir unlawful rot any ownnl to allow any or h l s a n i rna Iu to pe r s LstnntJy o r cortLnuouu l y bark how] or milkl~ no i a e common to tho i r Rp(~ei(~ll 0 oLhetwisc d ia Lurb th e peaee and qni e t of the j nhab i tantH (If Lhe countv 01 to keep or ma i n ta in on h i a p rom i ae s any animal i n fuch il manner alfl 10 d i s tu r b othe r s hy noxi OUH or offenshys ivr- odo r s 01 ()lhplWjH(~ f)nddnltJf~l Ih(middot~ h(~alth H Io ty a nd welfar(~ of the i nhlt1bj Lantl (If the CounLy

JL Violiilions of LhiH Seetion Rhall COIHlLiLule il nuifldllcf dnd shall Bubject Lhe owner 10 ~he penalLieK set forth in App(nd i x A

(12 )

710979 5-6 Animal NIJil~dnc(~R on Hid(~wi-llk~ Public PHkl Alley

Ot-her P] ClCfS Open to thf Pub] i c

A JI is unlawful EoI Ih(~ ownc r or any an i ma I 10 pf~lmilmiddot

ei the r willfully or through frtilure to f~xpeilw dlH

(~i-ll( 01 c on l ro L dny nuch animal 10 oomm il any nu iu a nce upon d Hi dew) k or i n a pub 1 j ( pCl rk or upon th e floor 01 wa 1 1 01 any common Wrl 1 1 o r lllY common ha l I i n any mu1tjple dwe- l Li nq e ntryway ata i rway or wall i mmed i gt

dtf~ly dbuUing on i- pub l ic iidf~Wltllk 0[ UpOIl the flool or wall of Clny the-a te r shop s to r o offief- building 01 o lh o r bu i Ld Ln q u sod in common by Lhe pub l ie 01 upon C1T1y privaLi- propErLy o the- r th a n Lha t of the- a ni rna l owno r When an a n ima l d(~fecilL(~H in a pub lLo p laoe th(~

owne- r mu s t r ernov e tb e feeegt a nd d i sP0le of it j TI a san lta i-y ma nnn r TtH~ Lo rrn nu ina noo Rhall i nc lude any def(-caLion or u ri na tjon deBt-ruction of propE~r1y or d i s Lu r b i n q th o ptOIHHty of anothe r i no l ud i nq Uw r ubb i ah or tra s h of 0 r e s i de-nt of Santa E~ Cormty

IL v Lo latLona or th i a S(~ctjon ~1hil11 ClHHJLiLuLt~ il nuiHane( and shall (lbjEl(~1jon tho owrlf~r to tho perkll1iEH ~et

[ollh in Apporid i x A

5middotmiddot7 un l awfuI l1~e of li CE~n~H~ Jag tL ii1 un l aw Iu l [ot sny Pf~I)on Lo rr-movlaquo any 1 i~~nllr~ Lg flom cHI a n i rna l a nd attacrh it to lttn()th(~r ani ma l r t ~~hidl b(~

u n l aw f u l (01 ilny po r ao n Lo rna nu La c Lu r e o r (~dun to hc manu fliLllred or Lo have in his pOla(gt~ion or under h i s contro l it

H to 1o n (~otJ n Lt1l f(~ it 0 r (olgid ani rua 1 1 icen~ Lilg thiPH

va(cinidion cerLifie(i1E~ or other form of Ji(~enldng iill r eshy1uit(~d und o i- Lhia o r d l nanc c

5-8 An r rna l a Trainf~d 10 AHSiHt the Handicapp((l Allowed in Pub 1 ie I) LH~(~li

An i ma l a tr a i ried to a s si ut ths- ha nd i cerpped including blind 01 d~ar pe r aon e hall bo a ll owod in pub ll o p Lace s lt3IH1 it shall be unlCiwful for any perHon who owns operatf-H or ma I nta i liS any pubI i o place of bus in(~sH o r convoya noo l nto lIh~iCh thr- gf-~nEraJ pubLi c i~ invlted 10 debar or exe]udf Lholl~rlnm dny animal which hHi be(~n Itdined Lo lliHist the twndicapped p r ovi d e-d ~l1eh animal ltic(ompanjeH thlaquo handishyedpp~d pnlHon it WdH Lra l nod lo ilflsLsl

5-9 wr itte-n Compl ai n] HequirpmfJIt 101 -s ny dll(~gl~d v i o l a Li o n s or IhLH ~(~(~tion 5 an ACO rnry bEfort~ fu r ther ltIctmiddotjon or inveHtigiiLion requjre I (~ompl(linshy

an t 10 IJbm i L on 3 fo tm pn)v idr~ by U)(~ A C O~ Wt i t Len f~omplilmiddotint of the il ]eg(d OrdincHiC( violctlon 9iving thf nam(~ dnd ~ddl(R~) or Ihc complinanJ nd ir v-ilahln or thf oWTlPr who i- in HlHh violCltion

( 11 )

Article fi 710980CruelLy La AnimalH Prohibited

Sr~c bull 6-] Ph y s i cia l Abualaquo 6-2 MolfHI-ing Animals 6-3 Work Crwlty 6 -4 rar0 and MainLenancn 6-5 lJncGlrE~dmiddotmiddotfor AnIrna l Hi Abandonment 6 f) t n j u ry to An i ma I a by Ml)tori~I~B

6-middot 7 Keeping of J)i~(ltuf-d or Pai nfu Ll y CrippJed inimcdf-gt 6--3 Ani m-l 1 F i9 h L 8 6middotmiddotlt Hi rd1 rnpound i ny Crnti ny Housi ny 6 -io Fa 1~e Hepotl1-3 ~loh ib i Ic~d 6middot- J J Slt~(Ipe 0 f Seet i on 6-middot12 l1~ped L 0 [rr~n-HH

6middotmiddot) PhyHi c-tJ Abuse It r s un l awfu l for any pl~rHOn to willfully or ma l Lc ious Jy kLll be a ma m po iso n d s qu re bu rn t l-H~xually abul(~ i i f i or ~Cd Ld any a n i ma l or to attempt 10 ki 1 1 or poison any an ima 1 Ihd I l s not a wl 113 anima 1 exeepl Iha I t-eaon-tb 1f~

force mdY be- f~rnpl(lyed only Lo d ri v a off vicious or trespaBBshyi n 9 ani mii 18 bull

6-2 Mol plLi ng Animal s ]1 is unlawfUl for any person to Lease annoy di8turb or mo loa l a ny a nima l wh ieh iH on Ihn propr- rLy of ib~ owno r o r und(rlhf~ oorrt ro l of itl owner

6middot-1 Work C~uelly

11 iH un Lewfu l f o r any pe-r aon 10 d r i ve- or work a ny animal lt~ r u f~ 1 1Y bull

6-4 C~re find Maintenance A It It unlawful for any owner of an anima] 1(1 ffj l

terUlH~ o r nf~glfmiddot~cl 10 p rov ldo Hdid animal w i Lh plopel a nd fidequate food d ri nk ~1hdclf~ l-lhe]t(~r a nd venLj 1lt-1 lT o n Any lnimal bab ltua l l y kl~pL ou t s idr- Hhall be p r ovi dr-d by dH owner wi th a s tr-uc tu r a l Ly Hound WnaUH~I-plOOr e no l ouu ro Ll~gf~ enollfJh to leCOmmodillf~ Lhn i-Hlimltilin a ma n ne- r llUi1i-Iblp for tha t Hpecjps or o the- r lhnlt(~ls su i Lab Io to Lhlt Rpeei(~8

H 111 owner rnu s t k(~(~p tho pr-em i Be where -in animal iH kept rt(~n or gdrbdgf~ ha z a rdous ma Lo r La l e r~Ce~l inHn(~

i nrf~middotd(ftmiddotj on and other ddlri ~ whi c h mltty enddngfr the animals hea l Lh lnd Rdrf~ty

c An owner mu st p r ovi d e an injund or link an i ma l wi th ddequaLI~ ve lo r i na r-y care ~H) dR to r educe iLs lUrrf~lmiddoting

Il ViolaLioTiB of th i s xeoti on of Lh e Ordinance drf~ pnnishshydblf~ by firHH a nd zo r Imp r iuonrnen t rHl sd rOlth in Appendix A

( ] 4 )


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 6: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

710972 )0bull I t 1-1hdJ br the- r(o~porHdbij-jt-y of an ownf~r to r ol mbu r alaquo

the Co u n Ly rOl animal boa rd Lnq vacclndlion f~mf-tgf~ncy

veterinary ~o~ls or other expen~es incurrpd by the Cou n Ly or a Rheltltmiddot [01 any animal legally impounded under the p r-ov i ai OTIS of th i s Ordinance whether or not thr an i nla 1 i8n~deemed

The owner of a n impounded anima] may c l ai rn h I s a ni mal by paying Ihl~ ll(~hedull~d rin(~fl and i mpound i nq r(~f~1 to lhf~ custodian or the shflter to a n ACO or ~heriffll

d(~[gtHly An owner may (~ll~cl to pay the rjnl~ undo r prn1est request a hfC1 r i ng on the rnaL te r by aecE~pLi ng a c i tatLon f r om a n ACO a ppos r a t an a r r a iqnmr-n l a L vIdgi~trmiddotlt(gt cou r t a rid pa r tLo i pate i n a trial on the ma tLt~ r

G J f an middotHtrrty is not we a r i n9 ii ] i cense a nd bears no o tho r i drcn tLf i c a rLon tagH Ihe a n lma l shall be impoundshyed at an appropriCiLE a n i ma J control s he Lte r for four (4) working daYi Any an i ma l not c l a Lmed o r lttdopled o ut w i thin four (4) worki ng d ay s comrnenoi ng from the riest date or Impoundrnon t ~hall bf~l~ome th~~ p ropo r t y or SHnla Pc County ~nd m~y h~ de~lroyed impounded for Hn e dd lt Lona I pe r lod 01 adopte-d out a l the d l no ro b Lon o f the- An i ma l contro l n i v t si on

Ii rf a n i mpouridred a n ima l il3 cf~eti-ried by ~ licl~n11d

v(LerinCir-icHI ltii auf f o ri nq beoauae- 01 ~jckneH~ injury o r dgC Lh o n i l may be dl~I3II()yed pu r auan t 1-0 Hl~cti_ol

)middot-4 of th i s Or-d i na nc-e a f te r thr- ACO giv(~g not i or- or d l-L(~rrlpL8 to 9 ive not ic~ to tho OWIHH

3-3 j mpoundment Ee~ I rnpouridme nt fee~ fef~H reqlli red for Hdopti on of an j rnpoundud

a n ima L bos rd l nq COnl~ and ad d lLlo na l [f~eH rOt- thf-~

Y(~d(mption of impounded oH1imnlS are described in Appenshydigt 1

i j mponndment feES n r e de sc r i bed and kHL forth in Apptm di 1

H t-eE-l required for adoption of an impounded a n i rna l o1T(~

described in Appendgt 1 C Add i ti ona l fees for i mpounded an i ma l s (ire deac r i bod in

Appendix A

3middotmiddot4 ll~_Hlntlttion of An i ma l a i J f a n a n i rna I which i ~ i mpourided und e r th i s Secti on -j ~

not l-I~d(~l~m(~d within the flpeeiried Liml pe e l oda ndopLed out or if it is s1l1fering bf(au~e of sicknc-lsinjury 0 ag~ dB ccliri(~d by a 1 iCInll-~d ve to r lna r l an then it uha I l be pa i n l e s a Ly destroyod unde r the aupe r vi si on o f d 1 il~eIHH~d vo te r l na r ian by an i n travenou s o r i n le r gt

ca r d i a l i nj e-ctf on of n doge of ba r-b itu r ate a ( nod i urn po ntobs r y Lo L) 01 any o tho i- mo thod deeml-~d humane and pa in l e s u by the Anim] Control nl v i s i on

( 6 )

710973 Ii Any animal which cannot be brought Lo an animal

aho I to r lH~CdWW of thraquo i na b i Ll ty or an An i ma l Conlrol Officer to extricate or cdpturv an animal which i~ in tho op i n ion of thn ACO v i o i ous or l n f eo ted w i lh any dangerouH or incurable di~eHHe or in Hny painfully

ripp df~13Lroyed by byc l od corrd LtLo n fihall br- ahoo tLnq

a 1Iblie ~afety Offir~f~r at the direction of the Ani ITta I Con lto I Orf iC~Imiddot

)middotmiddotmiddot5 ] rnpoundrnen t of Horses

A Jf Hn ACO find~ that a horue hH~ heRn abuHPd by lwing urLtr~rltd f o r Hr~lmiddotioll-gt m(~dical 01 hoa l Lh p rob Louns or by tHmiddotj ng s e r ious Ly nndErff~d 10 Huch an e-x te nt tha t i Lu baekbone i1l v in ib l o through il s k in then an ACO shan ciLE~ 1hE~ owne-r unde r Articlpound~ 6 of this Oldinatlco and Ill~y in hiH d iao r o tLon bull a l low n leponsi b l n perMon who i~ knowl(~dgErtble in ho r ue carl a nd a b l e lo p r o v ido lIuLLabl(~ food wat(~I a nd vo t e r Lna ry Gdlrl ( he r e i na I to r cCireLaker) whi l ( i n the pr(~HET1Cf~ of Lb e ACO to Lempo ra r i ly tdkl~ cu~tody or Ihe hOtlil

i n order 10 provi de care dTld rnai nten~nce f o r the- ho r uo p rov idrrl 1 The e~reli-iJH~r Hha]] pr-ovi dlaquo transpnr1ntion for thrshy

ho r s o reom Uf~ s i Le wh(I(~ Lh(~ ho r s o i1J round to Lhe caretakers premiMcH Hnd

~ he Ci)Ifmiddot~tdknlmiddot Rhdll p r ov i de iid(~quatp- rood ~helLel

dnd velprinnry cnre for the horse and 1 Ihe ean~Lakel ngmiddot(~rH to a b i do by any oou r t o rdo r

regarding thf~ cusLody and ownership of the honw B rhe owner o f s uoh -sn dhwH~d h()ImiddotHrmiddot~ who has bonn Lompo

THrj]y deprived of the cusLody of hi~ horae may at Ltv healLng on th e iSHU(~ or h ia c lLa t l on rot abuar petiLjon ths- Court for the r e tu r n of hi H ho r so Untj J liIJch a judieidl df~tfHmiddotmillalion thp hOIlH~ aha I l r ema in in the custody of Lhe careLaker and the owner aha]] be iHgtHllllicd a reas()nbl(~ rc~o It) Ih E-) LIiitlllpc)liit ion ()r the ho r alaquo to the c a r e take r 8 prflmi s e s pl us $] 0 per rtw boe r d inq c h a r qo rOt edeh drly 01 part thn r cof Lh a l Lh(~

ho r ae r ema i n~ on the- Clt-I nti-Iker~ p r e-mi Hefl Such amount (~middotdn bfc~ dWilld~d by Oi (~OIJlI to the ellILIkrt

c Jf the owner does not pilY a l I firl(~H and charg(~H in- o lud inq thoBe Lmpo ac-d by d COIJlL undo r Lh i a Hnction 3middot 5 wi th i n five (5) day s of i mpo s Iti on the n the- ho r slaquo ahs f l bo deemod (OIffjLr)d by thraquo owno r and LiLl(~ a nd ownerHhip ~haJ] veHL in the cHretaker

( 7 )

Article 4 710974Owncl bull R Du l ic~~

4middot ] Habi (~H va co i nation 4-2 Hab i d An i ma 1 4middotmiddot3 ArdmaJ lIiimiddoting it lerHon 4-4 Hc ll L r ai n I 0 r Ani rna 1Ii

4middotmiddot5 I) (~en~e H(~qui remenLH

4-1 Hdbjc~s VaccinaLion A 11 I s the duty of a Ll pe- r aon s own i riq a c a t or dog or

any membo r n or Lhc~ c~dnine 01 reline fdmily wh i ch an e-mpl oyee of an ani mCi] ciontr-o l lhtd te r or thr- ani mal conl r-o I d Lv is I o n i s pe rm i t tcd 10 vaccl na te OVA[ tho age of th r e-e ( 3) month s to have uuch an j rna 1 VCiCf) na te-d i-lga i n a l r abI e s rhe r abi e s varrc i n a t ion Hha 11 be g lvo n in amounts auf f Lc i e nt to provi de immun i ty from r ab ies fo r OIH~ (1) yea t- and be a dm i ni a te r ed by a licf-~nIH~d

ve-te r ina r-Lan A cer ti f i cate or tag from a ] iecrnwd vo lo r i na r Lan ahaLl be ev Lde nc c of vaccination A graduaLe veterinarian may vaccinate hil own dog or c~L

1 A vo te r Lne r i an adm Ln l ato r inq any r ab i c e vauo Lno o Hny animal shall iSldue to the owner of the animal a numbo rod ve co l na L i on CC~I1 i r iCilLe or tag wh i o h s ha Ll (ontai n the- nOlm~ and add )(~H~ of the owne r of tb e iHI i shymal ~ dl-~ceipLion or hf~ a n i ma l vaccinated the da lo of th(~ vaoci nat-ion a nd lhe e xpi r a Li on da te 01 thsshypo rLod or i mmun lLy tt

C JL i~ un l awful for ihE- ownpr of any dog Ceft or o the r mcmbo rs of thn os n lno 01 r~~line f amiLy Lo relil Lo laquo xh i b lt n cer1ificate or l(lg of Vnc(~middotinfii(gtn upon dorna nd to any Shf~lirrmiddotB doputy 0 An i ms l Conol() r f j C EO r

4-2 abid Anlmi-il ~ny nnimn1 that has rCibieH or ShOWH 8igns of having rabieH and dny i-inimal b l t tcn by a nothru- an ima l a f f I ic Lred by rab i e s or that hfl brve n exposed 10 kluch a rabid anima] shal] be con f inod 131 once in a secu[f~ p l aric by U1f~ owno r A pC~lBon

who knows or ha s rf~n~cm to know tha L any anima] i H i nff~eted

w iLh r ab ioa 01 an unvacc i na Lod a n i maI has br-e n e xpo s e d 10 rClbifH aha lI immediately f)oLify an An i rna l Control Of fi c e r of Lhc~ pLH~C~ Whel-(~ the a n Lma l iR confined 0 Ci-in bA found lhp ownfr of wlid animal Ahclll ~lrrender said ani ma l to t-tw An l rna l co n tr-o l Ufficel upon doma nd lhc~ ACO shall then dpound(-11 wlth the rabid animal pn r aua nt 10 ~tate Jaw A v aoc i laquo

nmiddot Ic~d 111 i ma 1 e xpo aed to ra b i(~1 may be lf~qu i red to bo conmiddotshyfi()f~d on the- cwne r s prpmlld(-l for a minimum of f ou r te e-n (J4) day un k i it i s d e Lo rm l nod hy an ACO tha t thr- ro atl~ 110

~1ympt(Jmld uf r abi E~-l

(8 )

710975 4-3 Animal ljiLing d PI~nH)n

A Th~ owner or an animal that bites a person and lhe pe-rso n bitten by an a n i rna l shall both tf~P0lt t hat oceurren(~pound to an Ani ma I contr-o l officf-r wi Lh i n twenty shy[nUl (24) hou r a of the occ u r renc o lhe owner or an an i rna l that bi tr-u a person ~hal] HurrendEr aa i d an Jma l to an Animal contro l ()rrier~L to Impound laid animal f o r CI lJerioc1 of obfwrvation cle(mf~d reasonably necessary by tho An i maI Control orficet A vaoo i na ted animal may be eon fi ned oni ts owner s prf~mi sea dur i ng thi s Li me of ob IVlttLion

tI The owner of the- anima] shall beir the oout o f COllrirH~IlH~nl~ Thl~ ACO may e(1nHenl Lo cl)nrinem(middot~nl

on ths- owner s pr e-mi seH but on] y j f the ownf~r c a n pll)dlJc(~ o v i d o no o or a cu r ren l r ab i o s vaco Lna tLon at Lho tj rne- thraquo b i te waH inf]j(t(~d Ih e pYEmhwH whf~re thlaquo homo c o n f i n ernr-n l iH to Oel~Ul nhlll bl~ in apr-o lr-d and Cipprov(d for Huch pu r po ae-u by thr- ACO t perS(ln who hd~ cu s tody or an a n i ma 1 tha t hal~ b j tIen a pn r so n s ha 11 jmmedjdLEJy T10Ljfy thr- inimil] contro l Offirpr if u(~

animal s hows l1ignlgt o f sieknr~PlH o r abno rma l behav Lo r C A phy si c i an who r e nder a Ln~a1m(nL to ii JwrSOT b i tte n by

a n an i ma l ~hrlll n~pot Iho raet Lha l hI ha s Il~ndltr(~d auoh InILmint 10 an Ani ma l Contro] Offj(~(~r w i th i n tI~nLy-fout (24) hou r s or h Lu rilst plotnHlJional dt shytindil net to the hi l(~ wound Jhfmiddot phyai oi an sha 11 report thl nsrne IgtltX a rid i~ddlr~f)I or tho pr- r ao n b i lLe n if) w(~ll

-w the type a nd l oo a ri on of the b ite rhpoundgt physician ss h a Ll give the name snd add(llll of thr ownl~l or t ho a n i ma l tha t inflicted the b i te jf known and o the- r L~cL~ Lha L may illlli1l1 Ihf Animal Co n tr-o l OrriCt~t in HwcprLaining the immuni~ation sLaLuH of Lhe animal

4-4 HPH I lil int o r An i ma 1 H

A Al] persona owning or having charge cUBLody or conlngtl of any animal Hhdll kl~(~p s uc h a n i ma l l(~81lainl~d

10 preve nt dama qe or ha rm to P(op] e and pr-opo r t y bull v io l a tLon or th l s Sr)clion will f)Ubj(middot~I=1 said ownl~ o r k~Eper to a fine as ~et fort-hin Appendjx II

11 When d dog iH orr itH owne r u p r-orn i s o a it munl bo under l e a s h or unde-r oontro l o f Lhf~ owner Con1rol ino 1ud e n OJ dog who l(~Hpl)ndB to sound l~omllldnd~~ 0 r i 111 (lwn(~r to laquoorne- to j tH owner on command Jh(-~ owner or iI

dog sha l t 1101 ~llow i L 11) ru n a t l a rqo 01 credLl~ a nu i aa nc e on Ctnoth(r~ property bpound it publiC or primiddotmiddot Vdll~ including (~nl(~ling onlmiddoto IdwnH drivnwitys walkmiddot WCly8 pl ltlees of reltrfaLi on or amuHemenL parkH The Ittm nuiSanl~f-~ shall in(~llJde dn[ecation or IJIinalion Viollt11ion of this Hf~lttion wi]] ~ubj(ct Hajd owner or krepel Lo j rinl~ ~l leI rollh in Appr~ndi x A

19 )



S0e 5-1 1)--7 ~-1


C Any a n i ma l llf~pds-i_ng upon H-ivaLe 01 publ ic PI()p~tLy

-lhid 1 be de-e-me-d p r i md f ltie j e not to be unde r tJI( immedi shya lr conteol of the owno r or of h ls deri_grllt~l~ a nd lhe owner s ha Ll be- in v j o l a Li on of S(cLinnll 4-4ll iHH] 4-middot411 snd Hlbj()et to pnna l tLr-a pu rs uan t to Appendix A

jjcerJlle H~qll-i r(m(n1~

ii Ji~tnsing Heguired Any penwn ke-e-p i nq harboring or mi- i n t-j in i n9 a ny dog ovn t th t-(~(~ (3) moo LhJ 0 [ ag(~

wi thi n theshy county sha l I obta i n CI J icpmw from th(~

An i rna l Conltlt)l IJi_vlJlun [ot (~aeh Bueh dog lhf~ ACO shall keep ~ record of all licenses iBHued and ahall iH-lIJ(~ i- ldg [01 (~dch 1 iCf-mse gtmiddotdnLed A CUITenl rab i ca vltICCjnlt-l1jon e(rtifjcatf~ Hhall be preEntf~d at the L-jmf~

of lhf a pp lLcs t Lon rOt tho 1 iceme ri(~enB(~I sh it 1 hf~

iHlH(~cl a n nua I l y and aha l I be renewable during the dnnivetsdty month of the o r Lq i na l l y L~lllUed lil~enllf-~ a nd 8h-J 11 fgtxpi r e on the 1C1Bt day of the ann ive r s ar-y month

130 To (~nl~ouliig(-~ the a I Lo ra tLo n of dogH Lht~ licensing fee for una I ta r od anima 1 J ~lhdl 1 be hi gher than for lt-II te r ed animnlH

C Affildng ldgH A current ]ie(~mH tag or numbe r shall he i~frix(~d to tho licenm-~d dog at all timt~J a nd in Ii

reH-lonMble manner J) r i (~en-(middot~ ~~()(-~ Schodu 1o s(~(~ Appe nd ix A lup]middoticCitf (rep1acim(~nL) 1lt-13 fee Sfe Atpendjgt A F xnmpl ions

(] I IgtOg8 be l o nq i n9 10 non-re~i df~ntH who kefp dog8 wi Lh in t ho conf lnes or Lhn bounde r los of Lhf~ County for 1eHIgt than ni ne-ty (90) COTltwcuLi ve dayH Hhdl b(~ f~xempl [lom Lh i a S(~(~Li()n p r o v idrad howevr- r that a l J othe r pr-ovi s j on s of th i s (nJjshyn H1C(~ atl~ c omp l (d w i th

() Gui de dngH wil J be li (HmHd by the Coun1y at no (~l)dt~gC I() the I e qa l Ly b l ind a nd z o r dear o r Lo a handjcapped or disabled pe r aon who h(ij- a current PII~HCIiption f rorn d 1 icnnB(~d phya i o ia n ptl~Hetibin9 such animal USf~

G Penalty Any pen-on violaLing any of the pr-ovia ion s of th l s ar tLc l o shall h(~ guilly of a mladnmea no r and upon conv i c ti on s ha l I be pun lahed by inearceraLion andor by 1 f i no d-gt lJnl forth in Appnndix A

Ar tf c Le 5 r~uhibiLed AetivitLcs

Dogs Rurm i ng at arge An irna l s Oil (n(~ncloJed Ptemisf~H ChaLn(d An i ma l n An i ma l s lrcm8portc~cl or left in VdLicJes Vieiou~ AnimdlM

( 1 0 )

710977 5-5 ~-6

5-7 5middotmiddot8



5 7

An illld 1 Disturbing lho Pl~dcn

An i ma l Nuisances on ~jdf~waIks ~treetH PubLic Pa r-k a Al l o y a a nd otho r pldCll-gt Opnn 10 UH-~ Puhl i c UnLawf u l llse of Li(en8~~ Jitg An i ma l s lIdirwd 10 Aii~I Uw Handicapped Allowed ln IIJblic pJaceg WritLfmiddotn Complaint H(~qnirf~m(~nt

IlngH Ru nn inq at La rqe 1 t j s un lawful for any owner to ii 1 ] ow or pe rrnl 1 any dog to ru n iii ldtg Any dog pe rm lLted 10 r u n a I l a r qo i n v i o laquo

1 at j on of th is SecLj on j ~ df~c 1a r e-d La be a rmi s ance 1

nll~ndCe 10 Ihl~ pub lie hl~ l Ih and ljafl~Ly a nd may be Lakl~n up and impounded as provided in ~EgtcLion ]-) 1 f~L ~lf~q J n addilion iLf owno r nha l l be subject to the pendI ilH ljl~I

forth in Appendix A

An ima ln on (jnl~ncll)lll~d l)tnmiIIf~H Chained An i ma l a 1 11 is un I awful for iHIY p(~rS(lTl to chain or utake iny

an i ma l inI c r uo l (H in huma no ma n no r Whnn~ o irc um ~~tiHIClll wa r r ant a nd no other fI11ernat-i v e- fXj ts for confining all dniOlill on U_H owr)l~IB pLnpElLy 1 lOpl cdbl( or c h ai n milY be ulled La restrilin the animid p ro v i dod the following o r l to r i a a ro met 1 Jh e rope cha i n or cab l laquo must be Ciffixpd to the

animal by UHf~ of a non-cs b ra aivo comfo r tab l v fitted collar or hornell8

~ lhl~ r ope chain o r cable mu st be at leaHI two l vo (]21 feet in length unle~B Huch length aJ1owH the ani ma l 10 cn to r onto anouhe r s PlOP(~Ily in wh i o h caSE the c ha i n Hhit I J be- no ] CIHI them ei qht (0 I feet i n ll~ngth llw c h a in mus l be unoba t ruo t- ed by ob je-c ta wh i o h might CClWH~ tho an i ma l 10

blcoml~ en Ld ng led 3 Jh(~ Hljrnij) must have easy and constant aeeeHll La

adequa t c llhllLet food a nd po t ab l o wa Ler 4 lhe a r ea whe r e thl~ a n i ma I is c on f i ne-d muut be k ept

[n or garbage feces or o Lhe r d ob r i a wh ich may endCinger the animals heaJLh and safeLy bull

5 Ihl~ a rea who r-e Uw animal lH c on f Ln od mus t bl~ kept free of i n s eot i nffHUILj on Huch a l-1 a nt hi] 1H WiHlp

nl~lL [lnd tick a nd maggot infnlalionn 6 Jhe anima] mus t be tJ e-d n~n~(gtnClbly nflt1r Lhcshy own

11 H Iflj i dnnen 01 wo r kp Lac o and munt not bf~ 1 f~ f L u na tLe nd ed for J o nqe r tha n it Lwp] V(~ ( 1 2) hour f(~ I iod

H J nvi s f b le fencing Wher( HI owrlfr rna f ntai n s lHI invi~imiddotmiddot

b lo flncn i(~ an f~lel~LtiCal df~vil~f~ d~l-gtignf~d to contain dnjmoJM wCHring itn HI~ropria1e col]nr within H confined aLI~il which in i n opo rs Lion a I all Iiml~-l lhi-iLI dogi ~ o utdoo r a on the owner M premi se~ a nd wi th i n lh o inv La ib 11~ [f~r)(~ ing a nd who Ie each OWl) I S dog on

( J 1 )

710978 ths- e the n

5middotprfmiddotmmiddotj~es weltir~ th (+ppJi(~ltfble collar the

4Ap rov ia i o n s of Seclion shall not apply ptovided LhetLLhe invis i b l o ffmiddotnee doe ss in [aeL r(~tain the- (log on UH~ owno r s p r em ise s

C Vj01C1_jon~ (If Lhe~(~ pqlli r ernentu wi I I con stLtute HI ao t of n~g1e~LelIJ(~lI~y a nd wi1l s ub j oo r tIP a n ima I 10

imme-d iaLe impolndm(~nt and pena l Li e s La the own(~r i1H Net f o r lh in Appe nd ix A

5middotmiddot3 inJma]H rra n s po r-te-d or jefL J n V(gthi(~l(~l

It i s un Law f u I Io r any pr- r ao n to edl-ry any animal in ltH upon a ny vfhi(~le in lt1 erne] inhnll(lnt~ or lHINlt1fe manner No PIon ~hdll k(~(~p o r 1I~nllp0lt an animal in Lh( be or d pj(~k-llp Lrucik un l e s s the- ani rna l iH properly TesLrltfinf~d in hurna n o dnd d[~ ma nrie r 10 p revon l Lhf~ animal flom l(~i-virlJ tht eonfj ne of the bed of 1hE~ truck No person ~ha]] l o a ve an animal in d c l o sred veh Lc l o rOl any l oriq Lh o f Iim( reCisltHlilbl y conc Jud e d to be diin9(~roUs 10 thtmiddot hf~n] Lh or ~nrety lh e a n irna L nu r i nq hot wedthel oorid LtLona an ACO or Sheriffs depuLy ffidY immfdilt1Lely r emove cHI ani rna l [rom ltI

vr-h i o l r- a nd Lakf~ it into p ro loo lLve custodv at thl~ co-1 aHsPMHcd 10 Lhe owner Vio]aLion~ or Lhis ~ecLion will c o n s LiLu Le an det of clultyneglf~et rind wi 11 Hubject lho OWTifr to thfmiddot penalt ie s HE~t f o r th in ippendix A

5-4 V i cl ous Ani Old 1fi

11 j H unlawful f or- Hly person to kEep or ha r bo r d known v io i o u s animal in Ull~ Counly Any attack by ii v i c l ous animltl] or Hny animn] displaying traiLs of a VJCiOlM anima] may l)(~ r(~p(~lled by tho 11l(~ or l-f~i8ondhlf~ rOlef~ Aftell jndiCilt1l deLerminaLion Lha L a n a ni ma l i s vi oi ous thr- oou r t hav inq j u rLad Lc tLon o vo r Lho (n[olc(~menL or Lh ia Onjinancf~(

upon hearing or uuch eomplninL mHY in add it I on to any fine o r l mp r i nonrne nt wh l c h may be i mpoaed [Ot violaLion hnlmiddotfmiddot~()r order thr- Animal ConLrol OffieE~r 10 havlaquo sueh a ni ma l de-shyfLtoyed rI 8(~t [orth in Secl~ion 3 -4 or Lhin oldindncf~

5-5 Ani ma l Dj s tur b i ng th e PfaCf~

A 11 Ir unlawful rot any ownnl to allow any or h l s a n i rna Iu to pe r s LstnntJy o r cortLnuouu l y bark how] or milkl~ no i a e common to tho i r Rp(~ei(~ll 0 oLhetwisc d ia Lurb th e peaee and qni e t of the j nhab i tantH (If Lhe countv 01 to keep or ma i n ta in on h i a p rom i ae s any animal i n fuch il manner alfl 10 d i s tu r b othe r s hy noxi OUH or offenshys ivr- odo r s 01 ()lhplWjH(~ f)nddnltJf~l Ih(middot~ h(~alth H Io ty a nd welfar(~ of the i nhlt1bj Lantl (If the CounLy

JL Violiilions of LhiH Seetion Rhall COIHlLiLule il nuifldllcf dnd shall Bubject Lhe owner 10 ~he penalLieK set forth in App(nd i x A

(12 )

710979 5-6 Animal NIJil~dnc(~R on Hid(~wi-llk~ Public PHkl Alley

Ot-her P] ClCfS Open to thf Pub] i c

A JI is unlawful EoI Ih(~ ownc r or any an i ma I 10 pf~lmilmiddot

ei the r willfully or through frtilure to f~xpeilw dlH

(~i-ll( 01 c on l ro L dny nuch animal 10 oomm il any nu iu a nce upon d Hi dew) k or i n a pub 1 j ( pCl rk or upon th e floor 01 wa 1 1 01 any common Wrl 1 1 o r lllY common ha l I i n any mu1tjple dwe- l Li nq e ntryway ata i rway or wall i mmed i gt

dtf~ly dbuUing on i- pub l ic iidf~Wltllk 0[ UpOIl the flool or wall of Clny the-a te r shop s to r o offief- building 01 o lh o r bu i Ld Ln q u sod in common by Lhe pub l ie 01 upon C1T1y privaLi- propErLy o the- r th a n Lha t of the- a ni rna l owno r When an a n ima l d(~fecilL(~H in a pub lLo p laoe th(~

owne- r mu s t r ernov e tb e feeegt a nd d i sP0le of it j TI a san lta i-y ma nnn r TtH~ Lo rrn nu ina noo Rhall i nc lude any def(-caLion or u ri na tjon deBt-ruction of propE~r1y or d i s Lu r b i n q th o ptOIHHty of anothe r i no l ud i nq Uw r ubb i ah or tra s h of 0 r e s i de-nt of Santa E~ Cormty

IL v Lo latLona or th i a S(~ctjon ~1hil11 ClHHJLiLuLt~ il nuiHane( and shall (lbjEl(~1jon tho owrlf~r to tho perkll1iEH ~et

[ollh in Apporid i x A

5middotmiddot7 un l awfuI l1~e of li CE~n~H~ Jag tL ii1 un l aw Iu l [ot sny Pf~I)on Lo rr-movlaquo any 1 i~~nllr~ Lg flom cHI a n i rna l a nd attacrh it to lttn()th(~r ani ma l r t ~~hidl b(~

u n l aw f u l (01 ilny po r ao n Lo rna nu La c Lu r e o r (~dun to hc manu fliLllred or Lo have in his pOla(gt~ion or under h i s contro l it

H to 1o n (~otJ n Lt1l f(~ it 0 r (olgid ani rua 1 1 icen~ Lilg thiPH

va(cinidion cerLifie(i1E~ or other form of Ji(~enldng iill r eshy1uit(~d und o i- Lhia o r d l nanc c

5-8 An r rna l a Trainf~d 10 AHSiHt the Handicapp((l Allowed in Pub 1 ie I) LH~(~li

An i ma l a tr a i ried to a s si ut ths- ha nd i cerpped including blind 01 d~ar pe r aon e hall bo a ll owod in pub ll o p Lace s lt3IH1 it shall be unlCiwful for any perHon who owns operatf-H or ma I nta i liS any pubI i o place of bus in(~sH o r convoya noo l nto lIh~iCh thr- gf-~nEraJ pubLi c i~ invlted 10 debar or exe]udf Lholl~rlnm dny animal which hHi be(~n Itdined Lo lliHist the twndicapped p r ovi d e-d ~l1eh animal ltic(ompanjeH thlaquo handishyedpp~d pnlHon it WdH Lra l nod lo ilflsLsl

5-9 wr itte-n Compl ai n] HequirpmfJIt 101 -s ny dll(~gl~d v i o l a Li o n s or IhLH ~(~(~tion 5 an ACO rnry bEfort~ fu r ther ltIctmiddotjon or inveHtigiiLion requjre I (~ompl(linshy

an t 10 IJbm i L on 3 fo tm pn)v idr~ by U)(~ A C O~ Wt i t Len f~omplilmiddotint of the il ]eg(d OrdincHiC( violctlon 9iving thf nam(~ dnd ~ddl(R~) or Ihc complinanJ nd ir v-ilahln or thf oWTlPr who i- in HlHh violCltion

( 11 )

Article fi 710980CruelLy La AnimalH Prohibited

Sr~c bull 6-] Ph y s i cia l Abualaquo 6-2 MolfHI-ing Animals 6-3 Work Crwlty 6 -4 rar0 and MainLenancn 6-5 lJncGlrE~dmiddotmiddotfor AnIrna l Hi Abandonment 6 f) t n j u ry to An i ma I a by Ml)tori~I~B

6-middot 7 Keeping of J)i~(ltuf-d or Pai nfu Ll y CrippJed inimcdf-gt 6--3 Ani m-l 1 F i9 h L 8 6middotmiddotlt Hi rd1 rnpound i ny Crnti ny Housi ny 6 -io Fa 1~e Hepotl1-3 ~loh ib i Ic~d 6middot- J J Slt~(Ipe 0 f Seet i on 6-middot12 l1~ped L 0 [rr~n-HH

6middotmiddot) PhyHi c-tJ Abuse It r s un l awfu l for any pl~rHOn to willfully or ma l Lc ious Jy kLll be a ma m po iso n d s qu re bu rn t l-H~xually abul(~ i i f i or ~Cd Ld any a n i ma l or to attempt 10 ki 1 1 or poison any an ima 1 Ihd I l s not a wl 113 anima 1 exeepl Iha I t-eaon-tb 1f~

force mdY be- f~rnpl(lyed only Lo d ri v a off vicious or trespaBBshyi n 9 ani mii 18 bull

6-2 Mol plLi ng Animal s ]1 is unlawfUl for any person to Lease annoy di8turb or mo loa l a ny a nima l wh ieh iH on Ihn propr- rLy of ib~ owno r o r und(rlhf~ oorrt ro l of itl owner

6middot-1 Work C~uelly

11 iH un Lewfu l f o r any pe-r aon 10 d r i ve- or work a ny animal lt~ r u f~ 1 1Y bull

6-4 C~re find Maintenance A It It unlawful for any owner of an anima] 1(1 ffj l

terUlH~ o r nf~glfmiddot~cl 10 p rov ldo Hdid animal w i Lh plopel a nd fidequate food d ri nk ~1hdclf~ l-lhe]t(~r a nd venLj 1lt-1 lT o n Any lnimal bab ltua l l y kl~pL ou t s idr- Hhall be p r ovi dr-d by dH owner wi th a s tr-uc tu r a l Ly Hound WnaUH~I-plOOr e no l ouu ro Ll~gf~ enollfJh to leCOmmodillf~ Lhn i-Hlimltilin a ma n ne- r llUi1i-Iblp for tha t Hpecjps or o the- r lhnlt(~ls su i Lab Io to Lhlt Rpeei(~8

H 111 owner rnu s t k(~(~p tho pr-em i Be where -in animal iH kept rt(~n or gdrbdgf~ ha z a rdous ma Lo r La l e r~Ce~l inHn(~

i nrf~middotd(ftmiddotj on and other ddlri ~ whi c h mltty enddngfr the animals hea l Lh lnd Rdrf~ty

c An owner mu st p r ovi d e an injund or link an i ma l wi th ddequaLI~ ve lo r i na r-y care ~H) dR to r educe iLs lUrrf~lmiddoting

Il ViolaLioTiB of th i s xeoti on of Lh e Ordinance drf~ pnnishshydblf~ by firHH a nd zo r Imp r iuonrnen t rHl sd rOlth in Appendix A

( ] 4 )


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 7: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

710973 Ii Any animal which cannot be brought Lo an animal

aho I to r lH~CdWW of thraquo i na b i Ll ty or an An i ma l Conlrol Officer to extricate or cdpturv an animal which i~ in tho op i n ion of thn ACO v i o i ous or l n f eo ted w i lh any dangerouH or incurable di~eHHe or in Hny painfully

ripp df~13Lroyed by byc l od corrd LtLo n fihall br- ahoo tLnq

a 1Iblie ~afety Offir~f~r at the direction of the Ani ITta I Con lto I Orf iC~Imiddot

)middotmiddotmiddot5 ] rnpoundrnen t of Horses

A Jf Hn ACO find~ that a horue hH~ heRn abuHPd by lwing urLtr~rltd f o r Hr~lmiddotioll-gt m(~dical 01 hoa l Lh p rob Louns or by tHmiddotj ng s e r ious Ly nndErff~d 10 Huch an e-x te nt tha t i Lu baekbone i1l v in ib l o through il s k in then an ACO shan ciLE~ 1hE~ owne-r unde r Articlpound~ 6 of this Oldinatlco and Ill~y in hiH d iao r o tLon bull a l low n leponsi b l n perMon who i~ knowl(~dgErtble in ho r ue carl a nd a b l e lo p r o v ido lIuLLabl(~ food wat(~I a nd vo t e r Lna ry Gdlrl ( he r e i na I to r cCireLaker) whi l ( i n the pr(~HET1Cf~ of Lb e ACO to Lempo ra r i ly tdkl~ cu~tody or Ihe hOtlil

i n order 10 provi de care dTld rnai nten~nce f o r the- ho r uo p rov idrrl 1 The e~reli-iJH~r Hha]] pr-ovi dlaquo transpnr1ntion for thrshy

ho r s o reom Uf~ s i Le wh(I(~ Lh(~ ho r s o i1J round to Lhe caretakers premiMcH Hnd

~ he Ci)Ifmiddot~tdknlmiddot Rhdll p r ov i de iid(~quatp- rood ~helLel

dnd velprinnry cnre for the horse and 1 Ihe ean~Lakel ngmiddot(~rH to a b i do by any oou r t o rdo r

regarding thf~ cusLody and ownership of the honw B rhe owner o f s uoh -sn dhwH~d h()ImiddotHrmiddot~ who has bonn Lompo

THrj]y deprived of the cusLody of hi~ horae may at Ltv healLng on th e iSHU(~ or h ia c lLa t l on rot abuar petiLjon ths- Court for the r e tu r n of hi H ho r so Untj J liIJch a judieidl df~tfHmiddotmillalion thp hOIlH~ aha I l r ema in in the custody of Lhe careLaker and the owner aha]] be iHgtHllllicd a reas()nbl(~ rc~o It) Ih E-) LIiitlllpc)liit ion ()r the ho r alaquo to the c a r e take r 8 prflmi s e s pl us $] 0 per rtw boe r d inq c h a r qo rOt edeh drly 01 part thn r cof Lh a l Lh(~

ho r ae r ema i n~ on the- Clt-I nti-Iker~ p r e-mi Hefl Such amount (~middotdn bfc~ dWilld~d by Oi (~OIJlI to the ellILIkrt

c Jf the owner does not pilY a l I firl(~H and charg(~H in- o lud inq thoBe Lmpo ac-d by d COIJlL undo r Lh i a Hnction 3middot 5 wi th i n five (5) day s of i mpo s Iti on the n the- ho r slaquo ahs f l bo deemod (OIffjLr)d by thraquo owno r and LiLl(~ a nd ownerHhip ~haJ] veHL in the cHretaker

( 7 )

Article 4 710974Owncl bull R Du l ic~~

4middot ] Habi (~H va co i nation 4-2 Hab i d An i ma 1 4middotmiddot3 ArdmaJ lIiimiddoting it lerHon 4-4 Hc ll L r ai n I 0 r Ani rna 1Ii

4middotmiddot5 I) (~en~e H(~qui remenLH

4-1 Hdbjc~s VaccinaLion A 11 I s the duty of a Ll pe- r aon s own i riq a c a t or dog or

any membo r n or Lhc~ c~dnine 01 reline fdmily wh i ch an e-mpl oyee of an ani mCi] ciontr-o l lhtd te r or thr- ani mal conl r-o I d Lv is I o n i s pe rm i t tcd 10 vaccl na te OVA[ tho age of th r e-e ( 3) month s to have uuch an j rna 1 VCiCf) na te-d i-lga i n a l r abI e s rhe r abi e s varrc i n a t ion Hha 11 be g lvo n in amounts auf f Lc i e nt to provi de immun i ty from r ab ies fo r OIH~ (1) yea t- and be a dm i ni a te r ed by a licf-~nIH~d

ve-te r ina r-Lan A cer ti f i cate or tag from a ] iecrnwd vo lo r i na r Lan ahaLl be ev Lde nc c of vaccination A graduaLe veterinarian may vaccinate hil own dog or c~L

1 A vo te r Lne r i an adm Ln l ato r inq any r ab i c e vauo Lno o Hny animal shall iSldue to the owner of the animal a numbo rod ve co l na L i on CC~I1 i r iCilLe or tag wh i o h s ha Ll (ontai n the- nOlm~ and add )(~H~ of the owne r of tb e iHI i shymal ~ dl-~ceipLion or hf~ a n i ma l vaccinated the da lo of th(~ vaoci nat-ion a nd lhe e xpi r a Li on da te 01 thsshypo rLod or i mmun lLy tt

C JL i~ un l awful for ihE- ownpr of any dog Ceft or o the r mcmbo rs of thn os n lno 01 r~~line f amiLy Lo relil Lo laquo xh i b lt n cer1ificate or l(lg of Vnc(~middotinfii(gtn upon dorna nd to any Shf~lirrmiddotB doputy 0 An i ms l Conol() r f j C EO r

4-2 abid Anlmi-il ~ny nnimn1 that has rCibieH or ShOWH 8igns of having rabieH and dny i-inimal b l t tcn by a nothru- an ima l a f f I ic Lred by rab i e s or that hfl brve n exposed 10 kluch a rabid anima] shal] be con f inod 131 once in a secu[f~ p l aric by U1f~ owno r A pC~lBon

who knows or ha s rf~n~cm to know tha L any anima] i H i nff~eted

w iLh r ab ioa 01 an unvacc i na Lod a n i maI has br-e n e xpo s e d 10 rClbifH aha lI immediately f)oLify an An i rna l Control Of fi c e r of Lhc~ pLH~C~ Whel-(~ the a n Lma l iR confined 0 Ci-in bA found lhp ownfr of wlid animal Ahclll ~lrrender said ani ma l to t-tw An l rna l co n tr-o l Ufficel upon doma nd lhc~ ACO shall then dpound(-11 wlth the rabid animal pn r aua nt 10 ~tate Jaw A v aoc i laquo

nmiddot Ic~d 111 i ma 1 e xpo aed to ra b i(~1 may be lf~qu i red to bo conmiddotshyfi()f~d on the- cwne r s prpmlld(-l for a minimum of f ou r te e-n (J4) day un k i it i s d e Lo rm l nod hy an ACO tha t thr- ro atl~ 110

~1ympt(Jmld uf r abi E~-l

(8 )

710975 4-3 Animal ljiLing d PI~nH)n

A Th~ owner or an animal that bites a person and lhe pe-rso n bitten by an a n i rna l shall both tf~P0lt t hat oceurren(~pound to an Ani ma I contr-o l officf-r wi Lh i n twenty shy[nUl (24) hou r a of the occ u r renc o lhe owner or an an i rna l that bi tr-u a person ~hal] HurrendEr aa i d an Jma l to an Animal contro l ()rrier~L to Impound laid animal f o r CI lJerioc1 of obfwrvation cle(mf~d reasonably necessary by tho An i maI Control orficet A vaoo i na ted animal may be eon fi ned oni ts owner s prf~mi sea dur i ng thi s Li me of ob IVlttLion

tI The owner of the- anima] shall beir the oout o f COllrirH~IlH~nl~ Thl~ ACO may e(1nHenl Lo cl)nrinem(middot~nl

on ths- owner s pr e-mi seH but on] y j f the ownf~r c a n pll)dlJc(~ o v i d o no o or a cu r ren l r ab i o s vaco Lna tLon at Lho tj rne- thraquo b i te waH inf]j(t(~d Ih e pYEmhwH whf~re thlaquo homo c o n f i n ernr-n l iH to Oel~Ul nhlll bl~ in apr-o lr-d and Cipprov(d for Huch pu r po ae-u by thr- ACO t perS(ln who hd~ cu s tody or an a n i ma 1 tha t hal~ b j tIen a pn r so n s ha 11 jmmedjdLEJy T10Ljfy thr- inimil] contro l Offirpr if u(~

animal s hows l1ignlgt o f sieknr~PlH o r abno rma l behav Lo r C A phy si c i an who r e nder a Ln~a1m(nL to ii JwrSOT b i tte n by

a n an i ma l ~hrlll n~pot Iho raet Lha l hI ha s Il~ndltr(~d auoh InILmint 10 an Ani ma l Contro] Offj(~(~r w i th i n tI~nLy-fout (24) hou r s or h Lu rilst plotnHlJional dt shytindil net to the hi l(~ wound Jhfmiddot phyai oi an sha 11 report thl nsrne IgtltX a rid i~ddlr~f)I or tho pr- r ao n b i lLe n if) w(~ll

-w the type a nd l oo a ri on of the b ite rhpoundgt physician ss h a Ll give the name snd add(llll of thr ownl~l or t ho a n i ma l tha t inflicted the b i te jf known and o the- r L~cL~ Lha L may illlli1l1 Ihf Animal Co n tr-o l OrriCt~t in HwcprLaining the immuni~ation sLaLuH of Lhe animal

4-4 HPH I lil int o r An i ma 1 H

A Al] persona owning or having charge cUBLody or conlngtl of any animal Hhdll kl~(~p s uc h a n i ma l l(~81lainl~d

10 preve nt dama qe or ha rm to P(op] e and pr-opo r t y bull v io l a tLon or th l s Sr)clion will f)Ubj(middot~I=1 said ownl~ o r k~Eper to a fine as ~et fort-hin Appendjx II

11 When d dog iH orr itH owne r u p r-orn i s o a it munl bo under l e a s h or unde-r oontro l o f Lhf~ owner Con1rol ino 1ud e n OJ dog who l(~Hpl)ndB to sound l~omllldnd~~ 0 r i 111 (lwn(~r to laquoorne- to j tH owner on command Jh(-~ owner or iI

dog sha l t 1101 ~llow i L 11) ru n a t l a rqo 01 credLl~ a nu i aa nc e on Ctnoth(r~ property bpound it publiC or primiddotmiddot Vdll~ including (~nl(~ling onlmiddoto IdwnH drivnwitys walkmiddot WCly8 pl ltlees of reltrfaLi on or amuHemenL parkH The Ittm nuiSanl~f-~ shall in(~llJde dn[ecation or IJIinalion Viollt11ion of this Hf~lttion wi]] ~ubj(ct Hajd owner or krepel Lo j rinl~ ~l leI rollh in Appr~ndi x A

19 )



S0e 5-1 1)--7 ~-1


C Any a n i ma l llf~pds-i_ng upon H-ivaLe 01 publ ic PI()p~tLy

-lhid 1 be de-e-me-d p r i md f ltie j e not to be unde r tJI( immedi shya lr conteol of the owno r or of h ls deri_grllt~l~ a nd lhe owner s ha Ll be- in v j o l a Li on of S(cLinnll 4-4ll iHH] 4-middot411 snd Hlbj()et to pnna l tLr-a pu rs uan t to Appendix A

jjcerJlle H~qll-i r(m(n1~

ii Ji~tnsing Heguired Any penwn ke-e-p i nq harboring or mi- i n t-j in i n9 a ny dog ovn t th t-(~(~ (3) moo LhJ 0 [ ag(~

wi thi n theshy county sha l I obta i n CI J icpmw from th(~

An i rna l Conltlt)l IJi_vlJlun [ot (~aeh Bueh dog lhf~ ACO shall keep ~ record of all licenses iBHued and ahall iH-lIJ(~ i- ldg [01 (~dch 1 iCf-mse gtmiddotdnLed A CUITenl rab i ca vltICCjnlt-l1jon e(rtifjcatf~ Hhall be preEntf~d at the L-jmf~

of lhf a pp lLcs t Lon rOt tho 1 iceme ri(~enB(~I sh it 1 hf~

iHlH(~cl a n nua I l y and aha l I be renewable during the dnnivetsdty month of the o r Lq i na l l y L~lllUed lil~enllf-~ a nd 8h-J 11 fgtxpi r e on the 1C1Bt day of the ann ive r s ar-y month

130 To (~nl~ouliig(-~ the a I Lo ra tLo n of dogH Lht~ licensing fee for una I ta r od anima 1 J ~lhdl 1 be hi gher than for lt-II te r ed animnlH

C Affildng ldgH A current ]ie(~mH tag or numbe r shall he i~frix(~d to tho licenm-~d dog at all timt~J a nd in Ii

reH-lonMble manner J) r i (~en-(middot~ ~~()(-~ Schodu 1o s(~(~ Appe nd ix A lup]middoticCitf (rep1acim(~nL) 1lt-13 fee Sfe Atpendjgt A F xnmpl ions

(] I IgtOg8 be l o nq i n9 10 non-re~i df~ntH who kefp dog8 wi Lh in t ho conf lnes or Lhn bounde r los of Lhf~ County for 1eHIgt than ni ne-ty (90) COTltwcuLi ve dayH Hhdl b(~ f~xempl [lom Lh i a S(~(~Li()n p r o v idrad howevr- r that a l J othe r pr-ovi s j on s of th i s (nJjshyn H1C(~ atl~ c omp l (d w i th

() Gui de dngH wil J be li (HmHd by the Coun1y at no (~l)dt~gC I() the I e qa l Ly b l ind a nd z o r dear o r Lo a handjcapped or disabled pe r aon who h(ij- a current PII~HCIiption f rorn d 1 icnnB(~d phya i o ia n ptl~Hetibin9 such animal USf~

G Penalty Any pen-on violaLing any of the pr-ovia ion s of th l s ar tLc l o shall h(~ guilly of a mladnmea no r and upon conv i c ti on s ha l I be pun lahed by inearceraLion andor by 1 f i no d-gt lJnl forth in Appnndix A

Ar tf c Le 5 r~uhibiLed AetivitLcs

Dogs Rurm i ng at arge An irna l s Oil (n(~ncloJed Ptemisf~H ChaLn(d An i ma l n An i ma l s lrcm8portc~cl or left in VdLicJes Vieiou~ AnimdlM

( 1 0 )

710977 5-5 ~-6

5-7 5middotmiddot8



5 7

An illld 1 Disturbing lho Pl~dcn

An i ma l Nuisances on ~jdf~waIks ~treetH PubLic Pa r-k a Al l o y a a nd otho r pldCll-gt Opnn 10 UH-~ Puhl i c UnLawf u l llse of Li(en8~~ Jitg An i ma l s lIdirwd 10 Aii~I Uw Handicapped Allowed ln IIJblic pJaceg WritLfmiddotn Complaint H(~qnirf~m(~nt

IlngH Ru nn inq at La rqe 1 t j s un lawful for any owner to ii 1 ] ow or pe rrnl 1 any dog to ru n iii ldtg Any dog pe rm lLted 10 r u n a I l a r qo i n v i o laquo

1 at j on of th is SecLj on j ~ df~c 1a r e-d La be a rmi s ance 1

nll~ndCe 10 Ihl~ pub lie hl~ l Ih and ljafl~Ly a nd may be Lakl~n up and impounded as provided in ~EgtcLion ]-) 1 f~L ~lf~q J n addilion iLf owno r nha l l be subject to the pendI ilH ljl~I

forth in Appendix A

An ima ln on (jnl~ncll)lll~d l)tnmiIIf~H Chained An i ma l a 1 11 is un I awful for iHIY p(~rS(lTl to chain or utake iny

an i ma l inI c r uo l (H in huma no ma n no r Whnn~ o irc um ~~tiHIClll wa r r ant a nd no other fI11ernat-i v e- fXj ts for confining all dniOlill on U_H owr)l~IB pLnpElLy 1 lOpl cdbl( or c h ai n milY be ulled La restrilin the animid p ro v i dod the following o r l to r i a a ro met 1 Jh e rope cha i n or cab l laquo must be Ciffixpd to the

animal by UHf~ of a non-cs b ra aivo comfo r tab l v fitted collar or hornell8

~ lhl~ r ope chain o r cable mu st be at leaHI two l vo (]21 feet in length unle~B Huch length aJ1owH the ani ma l 10 cn to r onto anouhe r s PlOP(~Ily in wh i o h caSE the c ha i n Hhit I J be- no ] CIHI them ei qht (0 I feet i n ll~ngth llw c h a in mus l be unoba t ruo t- ed by ob je-c ta wh i o h might CClWH~ tho an i ma l 10

blcoml~ en Ld ng led 3 Jh(~ Hljrnij) must have easy and constant aeeeHll La

adequa t c llhllLet food a nd po t ab l o wa Ler 4 lhe a r ea whe r e thl~ a n i ma I is c on f i ne-d muut be k ept

[n or garbage feces or o Lhe r d ob r i a wh ich may endCinger the animals heaJLh and safeLy bull

5 Ihl~ a rea who r-e Uw animal lH c on f Ln od mus t bl~ kept free of i n s eot i nffHUILj on Huch a l-1 a nt hi] 1H WiHlp

nl~lL [lnd tick a nd maggot infnlalionn 6 Jhe anima] mus t be tJ e-d n~n~(gtnClbly nflt1r Lhcshy own

11 H Iflj i dnnen 01 wo r kp Lac o and munt not bf~ 1 f~ f L u na tLe nd ed for J o nqe r tha n it Lwp] V(~ ( 1 2) hour f(~ I iod

H J nvi s f b le fencing Wher( HI owrlfr rna f ntai n s lHI invi~imiddotmiddot

b lo flncn i(~ an f~lel~LtiCal df~vil~f~ d~l-gtignf~d to contain dnjmoJM wCHring itn HI~ropria1e col]nr within H confined aLI~il which in i n opo rs Lion a I all Iiml~-l lhi-iLI dogi ~ o utdoo r a on the owner M premi se~ a nd wi th i n lh o inv La ib 11~ [f~r)(~ ing a nd who Ie each OWl) I S dog on

( J 1 )

710978 ths- e the n

5middotprfmiddotmmiddotj~es weltir~ th (+ppJi(~ltfble collar the

4Ap rov ia i o n s of Seclion shall not apply ptovided LhetLLhe invis i b l o ffmiddotnee doe ss in [aeL r(~tain the- (log on UH~ owno r s p r em ise s

C Vj01C1_jon~ (If Lhe~(~ pqlli r ernentu wi I I con stLtute HI ao t of n~g1e~LelIJ(~lI~y a nd wi1l s ub j oo r tIP a n ima I 10

imme-d iaLe impolndm(~nt and pena l Li e s La the own(~r i1H Net f o r lh in Appe nd ix A

5middotmiddot3 inJma]H rra n s po r-te-d or jefL J n V(gthi(~l(~l

It i s un Law f u I Io r any pr- r ao n to edl-ry any animal in ltH upon a ny vfhi(~le in lt1 erne] inhnll(lnt~ or lHINlt1fe manner No PIon ~hdll k(~(~p o r 1I~nllp0lt an animal in Lh( be or d pj(~k-llp Lrucik un l e s s the- ani rna l iH properly TesLrltfinf~d in hurna n o dnd d[~ ma nrie r 10 p revon l Lhf~ animal flom l(~i-virlJ tht eonfj ne of the bed of 1hE~ truck No person ~ha]] l o a ve an animal in d c l o sred veh Lc l o rOl any l oriq Lh o f Iim( reCisltHlilbl y conc Jud e d to be diin9(~roUs 10 thtmiddot hf~n] Lh or ~nrety lh e a n irna L nu r i nq hot wedthel oorid LtLona an ACO or Sheriffs depuLy ffidY immfdilt1Lely r emove cHI ani rna l [rom ltI

vr-h i o l r- a nd Lakf~ it into p ro loo lLve custodv at thl~ co-1 aHsPMHcd 10 Lhe owner Vio]aLion~ or Lhis ~ecLion will c o n s LiLu Le an det of clultyneglf~et rind wi 11 Hubject lho OWTifr to thfmiddot penalt ie s HE~t f o r th in ippendix A

5-4 V i cl ous Ani Old 1fi

11 j H unlawful f or- Hly person to kEep or ha r bo r d known v io i o u s animal in Ull~ Counly Any attack by ii v i c l ous animltl] or Hny animn] displaying traiLs of a VJCiOlM anima] may l)(~ r(~p(~lled by tho 11l(~ or l-f~i8ondhlf~ rOlef~ Aftell jndiCilt1l deLerminaLion Lha L a n a ni ma l i s vi oi ous thr- oou r t hav inq j u rLad Lc tLon o vo r Lho (n[olc(~menL or Lh ia Onjinancf~(

upon hearing or uuch eomplninL mHY in add it I on to any fine o r l mp r i nonrne nt wh l c h may be i mpoaed [Ot violaLion hnlmiddotfmiddot~()r order thr- Animal ConLrol OffieE~r 10 havlaquo sueh a ni ma l de-shyfLtoyed rI 8(~t [orth in Secl~ion 3 -4 or Lhin oldindncf~

5-5 Ani ma l Dj s tur b i ng th e PfaCf~

A 11 Ir unlawful rot any ownnl to allow any or h l s a n i rna Iu to pe r s LstnntJy o r cortLnuouu l y bark how] or milkl~ no i a e common to tho i r Rp(~ei(~ll 0 oLhetwisc d ia Lurb th e peaee and qni e t of the j nhab i tantH (If Lhe countv 01 to keep or ma i n ta in on h i a p rom i ae s any animal i n fuch il manner alfl 10 d i s tu r b othe r s hy noxi OUH or offenshys ivr- odo r s 01 ()lhplWjH(~ f)nddnltJf~l Ih(middot~ h(~alth H Io ty a nd welfar(~ of the i nhlt1bj Lantl (If the CounLy

JL Violiilions of LhiH Seetion Rhall COIHlLiLule il nuifldllcf dnd shall Bubject Lhe owner 10 ~he penalLieK set forth in App(nd i x A

(12 )

710979 5-6 Animal NIJil~dnc(~R on Hid(~wi-llk~ Public PHkl Alley

Ot-her P] ClCfS Open to thf Pub] i c

A JI is unlawful EoI Ih(~ ownc r or any an i ma I 10 pf~lmilmiddot

ei the r willfully or through frtilure to f~xpeilw dlH

(~i-ll( 01 c on l ro L dny nuch animal 10 oomm il any nu iu a nce upon d Hi dew) k or i n a pub 1 j ( pCl rk or upon th e floor 01 wa 1 1 01 any common Wrl 1 1 o r lllY common ha l I i n any mu1tjple dwe- l Li nq e ntryway ata i rway or wall i mmed i gt

dtf~ly dbuUing on i- pub l ic iidf~Wltllk 0[ UpOIl the flool or wall of Clny the-a te r shop s to r o offief- building 01 o lh o r bu i Ld Ln q u sod in common by Lhe pub l ie 01 upon C1T1y privaLi- propErLy o the- r th a n Lha t of the- a ni rna l owno r When an a n ima l d(~fecilL(~H in a pub lLo p laoe th(~

owne- r mu s t r ernov e tb e feeegt a nd d i sP0le of it j TI a san lta i-y ma nnn r TtH~ Lo rrn nu ina noo Rhall i nc lude any def(-caLion or u ri na tjon deBt-ruction of propE~r1y or d i s Lu r b i n q th o ptOIHHty of anothe r i no l ud i nq Uw r ubb i ah or tra s h of 0 r e s i de-nt of Santa E~ Cormty

IL v Lo latLona or th i a S(~ctjon ~1hil11 ClHHJLiLuLt~ il nuiHane( and shall (lbjEl(~1jon tho owrlf~r to tho perkll1iEH ~et

[ollh in Apporid i x A

5middotmiddot7 un l awfuI l1~e of li CE~n~H~ Jag tL ii1 un l aw Iu l [ot sny Pf~I)on Lo rr-movlaquo any 1 i~~nllr~ Lg flom cHI a n i rna l a nd attacrh it to lttn()th(~r ani ma l r t ~~hidl b(~

u n l aw f u l (01 ilny po r ao n Lo rna nu La c Lu r e o r (~dun to hc manu fliLllred or Lo have in his pOla(gt~ion or under h i s contro l it

H to 1o n (~otJ n Lt1l f(~ it 0 r (olgid ani rua 1 1 icen~ Lilg thiPH

va(cinidion cerLifie(i1E~ or other form of Ji(~enldng iill r eshy1uit(~d und o i- Lhia o r d l nanc c

5-8 An r rna l a Trainf~d 10 AHSiHt the Handicapp((l Allowed in Pub 1 ie I) LH~(~li

An i ma l a tr a i ried to a s si ut ths- ha nd i cerpped including blind 01 d~ar pe r aon e hall bo a ll owod in pub ll o p Lace s lt3IH1 it shall be unlCiwful for any perHon who owns operatf-H or ma I nta i liS any pubI i o place of bus in(~sH o r convoya noo l nto lIh~iCh thr- gf-~nEraJ pubLi c i~ invlted 10 debar or exe]udf Lholl~rlnm dny animal which hHi be(~n Itdined Lo lliHist the twndicapped p r ovi d e-d ~l1eh animal ltic(ompanjeH thlaquo handishyedpp~d pnlHon it WdH Lra l nod lo ilflsLsl

5-9 wr itte-n Compl ai n] HequirpmfJIt 101 -s ny dll(~gl~d v i o l a Li o n s or IhLH ~(~(~tion 5 an ACO rnry bEfort~ fu r ther ltIctmiddotjon or inveHtigiiLion requjre I (~ompl(linshy

an t 10 IJbm i L on 3 fo tm pn)v idr~ by U)(~ A C O~ Wt i t Len f~omplilmiddotint of the il ]eg(d OrdincHiC( violctlon 9iving thf nam(~ dnd ~ddl(R~) or Ihc complinanJ nd ir v-ilahln or thf oWTlPr who i- in HlHh violCltion

( 11 )

Article fi 710980CruelLy La AnimalH Prohibited

Sr~c bull 6-] Ph y s i cia l Abualaquo 6-2 MolfHI-ing Animals 6-3 Work Crwlty 6 -4 rar0 and MainLenancn 6-5 lJncGlrE~dmiddotmiddotfor AnIrna l Hi Abandonment 6 f) t n j u ry to An i ma I a by Ml)tori~I~B

6-middot 7 Keeping of J)i~(ltuf-d or Pai nfu Ll y CrippJed inimcdf-gt 6--3 Ani m-l 1 F i9 h L 8 6middotmiddotlt Hi rd1 rnpound i ny Crnti ny Housi ny 6 -io Fa 1~e Hepotl1-3 ~loh ib i Ic~d 6middot- J J Slt~(Ipe 0 f Seet i on 6-middot12 l1~ped L 0 [rr~n-HH

6middotmiddot) PhyHi c-tJ Abuse It r s un l awfu l for any pl~rHOn to willfully or ma l Lc ious Jy kLll be a ma m po iso n d s qu re bu rn t l-H~xually abul(~ i i f i or ~Cd Ld any a n i ma l or to attempt 10 ki 1 1 or poison any an ima 1 Ihd I l s not a wl 113 anima 1 exeepl Iha I t-eaon-tb 1f~

force mdY be- f~rnpl(lyed only Lo d ri v a off vicious or trespaBBshyi n 9 ani mii 18 bull

6-2 Mol plLi ng Animal s ]1 is unlawfUl for any person to Lease annoy di8turb or mo loa l a ny a nima l wh ieh iH on Ihn propr- rLy of ib~ owno r o r und(rlhf~ oorrt ro l of itl owner

6middot-1 Work C~uelly

11 iH un Lewfu l f o r any pe-r aon 10 d r i ve- or work a ny animal lt~ r u f~ 1 1Y bull

6-4 C~re find Maintenance A It It unlawful for any owner of an anima] 1(1 ffj l

terUlH~ o r nf~glfmiddot~cl 10 p rov ldo Hdid animal w i Lh plopel a nd fidequate food d ri nk ~1hdclf~ l-lhe]t(~r a nd venLj 1lt-1 lT o n Any lnimal bab ltua l l y kl~pL ou t s idr- Hhall be p r ovi dr-d by dH owner wi th a s tr-uc tu r a l Ly Hound WnaUH~I-plOOr e no l ouu ro Ll~gf~ enollfJh to leCOmmodillf~ Lhn i-Hlimltilin a ma n ne- r llUi1i-Iblp for tha t Hpecjps or o the- r lhnlt(~ls su i Lab Io to Lhlt Rpeei(~8

H 111 owner rnu s t k(~(~p tho pr-em i Be where -in animal iH kept rt(~n or gdrbdgf~ ha z a rdous ma Lo r La l e r~Ce~l inHn(~

i nrf~middotd(ftmiddotj on and other ddlri ~ whi c h mltty enddngfr the animals hea l Lh lnd Rdrf~ty

c An owner mu st p r ovi d e an injund or link an i ma l wi th ddequaLI~ ve lo r i na r-y care ~H) dR to r educe iLs lUrrf~lmiddoting

Il ViolaLioTiB of th i s xeoti on of Lh e Ordinance drf~ pnnishshydblf~ by firHH a nd zo r Imp r iuonrnen t rHl sd rOlth in Appendix A

( ] 4 )


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 8: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

Article 4 710974Owncl bull R Du l ic~~

4middot ] Habi (~H va co i nation 4-2 Hab i d An i ma 1 4middotmiddot3 ArdmaJ lIiimiddoting it lerHon 4-4 Hc ll L r ai n I 0 r Ani rna 1Ii

4middotmiddot5 I) (~en~e H(~qui remenLH

4-1 Hdbjc~s VaccinaLion A 11 I s the duty of a Ll pe- r aon s own i riq a c a t or dog or

any membo r n or Lhc~ c~dnine 01 reline fdmily wh i ch an e-mpl oyee of an ani mCi] ciontr-o l lhtd te r or thr- ani mal conl r-o I d Lv is I o n i s pe rm i t tcd 10 vaccl na te OVA[ tho age of th r e-e ( 3) month s to have uuch an j rna 1 VCiCf) na te-d i-lga i n a l r abI e s rhe r abi e s varrc i n a t ion Hha 11 be g lvo n in amounts auf f Lc i e nt to provi de immun i ty from r ab ies fo r OIH~ (1) yea t- and be a dm i ni a te r ed by a licf-~nIH~d

ve-te r ina r-Lan A cer ti f i cate or tag from a ] iecrnwd vo lo r i na r Lan ahaLl be ev Lde nc c of vaccination A graduaLe veterinarian may vaccinate hil own dog or c~L

1 A vo te r Lne r i an adm Ln l ato r inq any r ab i c e vauo Lno o Hny animal shall iSldue to the owner of the animal a numbo rod ve co l na L i on CC~I1 i r iCilLe or tag wh i o h s ha Ll (ontai n the- nOlm~ and add )(~H~ of the owne r of tb e iHI i shymal ~ dl-~ceipLion or hf~ a n i ma l vaccinated the da lo of th(~ vaoci nat-ion a nd lhe e xpi r a Li on da te 01 thsshypo rLod or i mmun lLy tt

C JL i~ un l awful for ihE- ownpr of any dog Ceft or o the r mcmbo rs of thn os n lno 01 r~~line f amiLy Lo relil Lo laquo xh i b lt n cer1ificate or l(lg of Vnc(~middotinfii(gtn upon dorna nd to any Shf~lirrmiddotB doputy 0 An i ms l Conol() r f j C EO r

4-2 abid Anlmi-il ~ny nnimn1 that has rCibieH or ShOWH 8igns of having rabieH and dny i-inimal b l t tcn by a nothru- an ima l a f f I ic Lred by rab i e s or that hfl brve n exposed 10 kluch a rabid anima] shal] be con f inod 131 once in a secu[f~ p l aric by U1f~ owno r A pC~lBon

who knows or ha s rf~n~cm to know tha L any anima] i H i nff~eted

w iLh r ab ioa 01 an unvacc i na Lod a n i maI has br-e n e xpo s e d 10 rClbifH aha lI immediately f)oLify an An i rna l Control Of fi c e r of Lhc~ pLH~C~ Whel-(~ the a n Lma l iR confined 0 Ci-in bA found lhp ownfr of wlid animal Ahclll ~lrrender said ani ma l to t-tw An l rna l co n tr-o l Ufficel upon doma nd lhc~ ACO shall then dpound(-11 wlth the rabid animal pn r aua nt 10 ~tate Jaw A v aoc i laquo

nmiddot Ic~d 111 i ma 1 e xpo aed to ra b i(~1 may be lf~qu i red to bo conmiddotshyfi()f~d on the- cwne r s prpmlld(-l for a minimum of f ou r te e-n (J4) day un k i it i s d e Lo rm l nod hy an ACO tha t thr- ro atl~ 110

~1ympt(Jmld uf r abi E~-l

(8 )

710975 4-3 Animal ljiLing d PI~nH)n

A Th~ owner or an animal that bites a person and lhe pe-rso n bitten by an a n i rna l shall both tf~P0lt t hat oceurren(~pound to an Ani ma I contr-o l officf-r wi Lh i n twenty shy[nUl (24) hou r a of the occ u r renc o lhe owner or an an i rna l that bi tr-u a person ~hal] HurrendEr aa i d an Jma l to an Animal contro l ()rrier~L to Impound laid animal f o r CI lJerioc1 of obfwrvation cle(mf~d reasonably necessary by tho An i maI Control orficet A vaoo i na ted animal may be eon fi ned oni ts owner s prf~mi sea dur i ng thi s Li me of ob IVlttLion

tI The owner of the- anima] shall beir the oout o f COllrirH~IlH~nl~ Thl~ ACO may e(1nHenl Lo cl)nrinem(middot~nl

on ths- owner s pr e-mi seH but on] y j f the ownf~r c a n pll)dlJc(~ o v i d o no o or a cu r ren l r ab i o s vaco Lna tLon at Lho tj rne- thraquo b i te waH inf]j(t(~d Ih e pYEmhwH whf~re thlaquo homo c o n f i n ernr-n l iH to Oel~Ul nhlll bl~ in apr-o lr-d and Cipprov(d for Huch pu r po ae-u by thr- ACO t perS(ln who hd~ cu s tody or an a n i ma 1 tha t hal~ b j tIen a pn r so n s ha 11 jmmedjdLEJy T10Ljfy thr- inimil] contro l Offirpr if u(~

animal s hows l1ignlgt o f sieknr~PlH o r abno rma l behav Lo r C A phy si c i an who r e nder a Ln~a1m(nL to ii JwrSOT b i tte n by

a n an i ma l ~hrlll n~pot Iho raet Lha l hI ha s Il~ndltr(~d auoh InILmint 10 an Ani ma l Contro] Offj(~(~r w i th i n tI~nLy-fout (24) hou r s or h Lu rilst plotnHlJional dt shytindil net to the hi l(~ wound Jhfmiddot phyai oi an sha 11 report thl nsrne IgtltX a rid i~ddlr~f)I or tho pr- r ao n b i lLe n if) w(~ll

-w the type a nd l oo a ri on of the b ite rhpoundgt physician ss h a Ll give the name snd add(llll of thr ownl~l or t ho a n i ma l tha t inflicted the b i te jf known and o the- r L~cL~ Lha L may illlli1l1 Ihf Animal Co n tr-o l OrriCt~t in HwcprLaining the immuni~ation sLaLuH of Lhe animal

4-4 HPH I lil int o r An i ma 1 H

A Al] persona owning or having charge cUBLody or conlngtl of any animal Hhdll kl~(~p s uc h a n i ma l l(~81lainl~d

10 preve nt dama qe or ha rm to P(op] e and pr-opo r t y bull v io l a tLon or th l s Sr)clion will f)Ubj(middot~I=1 said ownl~ o r k~Eper to a fine as ~et fort-hin Appendjx II

11 When d dog iH orr itH owne r u p r-orn i s o a it munl bo under l e a s h or unde-r oontro l o f Lhf~ owner Con1rol ino 1ud e n OJ dog who l(~Hpl)ndB to sound l~omllldnd~~ 0 r i 111 (lwn(~r to laquoorne- to j tH owner on command Jh(-~ owner or iI

dog sha l t 1101 ~llow i L 11) ru n a t l a rqo 01 credLl~ a nu i aa nc e on Ctnoth(r~ property bpound it publiC or primiddotmiddot Vdll~ including (~nl(~ling onlmiddoto IdwnH drivnwitys walkmiddot WCly8 pl ltlees of reltrfaLi on or amuHemenL parkH The Ittm nuiSanl~f-~ shall in(~llJde dn[ecation or IJIinalion Viollt11ion of this Hf~lttion wi]] ~ubj(ct Hajd owner or krepel Lo j rinl~ ~l leI rollh in Appr~ndi x A

19 )



S0e 5-1 1)--7 ~-1


C Any a n i ma l llf~pds-i_ng upon H-ivaLe 01 publ ic PI()p~tLy

-lhid 1 be de-e-me-d p r i md f ltie j e not to be unde r tJI( immedi shya lr conteol of the owno r or of h ls deri_grllt~l~ a nd lhe owner s ha Ll be- in v j o l a Li on of S(cLinnll 4-4ll iHH] 4-middot411 snd Hlbj()et to pnna l tLr-a pu rs uan t to Appendix A

jjcerJlle H~qll-i r(m(n1~

ii Ji~tnsing Heguired Any penwn ke-e-p i nq harboring or mi- i n t-j in i n9 a ny dog ovn t th t-(~(~ (3) moo LhJ 0 [ ag(~

wi thi n theshy county sha l I obta i n CI J icpmw from th(~

An i rna l Conltlt)l IJi_vlJlun [ot (~aeh Bueh dog lhf~ ACO shall keep ~ record of all licenses iBHued and ahall iH-lIJ(~ i- ldg [01 (~dch 1 iCf-mse gtmiddotdnLed A CUITenl rab i ca vltICCjnlt-l1jon e(rtifjcatf~ Hhall be preEntf~d at the L-jmf~

of lhf a pp lLcs t Lon rOt tho 1 iceme ri(~enB(~I sh it 1 hf~

iHlH(~cl a n nua I l y and aha l I be renewable during the dnnivetsdty month of the o r Lq i na l l y L~lllUed lil~enllf-~ a nd 8h-J 11 fgtxpi r e on the 1C1Bt day of the ann ive r s ar-y month

130 To (~nl~ouliig(-~ the a I Lo ra tLo n of dogH Lht~ licensing fee for una I ta r od anima 1 J ~lhdl 1 be hi gher than for lt-II te r ed animnlH

C Affildng ldgH A current ]ie(~mH tag or numbe r shall he i~frix(~d to tho licenm-~d dog at all timt~J a nd in Ii

reH-lonMble manner J) r i (~en-(middot~ ~~()(-~ Schodu 1o s(~(~ Appe nd ix A lup]middoticCitf (rep1acim(~nL) 1lt-13 fee Sfe Atpendjgt A F xnmpl ions

(] I IgtOg8 be l o nq i n9 10 non-re~i df~ntH who kefp dog8 wi Lh in t ho conf lnes or Lhn bounde r los of Lhf~ County for 1eHIgt than ni ne-ty (90) COTltwcuLi ve dayH Hhdl b(~ f~xempl [lom Lh i a S(~(~Li()n p r o v idrad howevr- r that a l J othe r pr-ovi s j on s of th i s (nJjshyn H1C(~ atl~ c omp l (d w i th

() Gui de dngH wil J be li (HmHd by the Coun1y at no (~l)dt~gC I() the I e qa l Ly b l ind a nd z o r dear o r Lo a handjcapped or disabled pe r aon who h(ij- a current PII~HCIiption f rorn d 1 icnnB(~d phya i o ia n ptl~Hetibin9 such animal USf~

G Penalty Any pen-on violaLing any of the pr-ovia ion s of th l s ar tLc l o shall h(~ guilly of a mladnmea no r and upon conv i c ti on s ha l I be pun lahed by inearceraLion andor by 1 f i no d-gt lJnl forth in Appnndix A

Ar tf c Le 5 r~uhibiLed AetivitLcs

Dogs Rurm i ng at arge An irna l s Oil (n(~ncloJed Ptemisf~H ChaLn(d An i ma l n An i ma l s lrcm8portc~cl or left in VdLicJes Vieiou~ AnimdlM

( 1 0 )

710977 5-5 ~-6

5-7 5middotmiddot8



5 7

An illld 1 Disturbing lho Pl~dcn

An i ma l Nuisances on ~jdf~waIks ~treetH PubLic Pa r-k a Al l o y a a nd otho r pldCll-gt Opnn 10 UH-~ Puhl i c UnLawf u l llse of Li(en8~~ Jitg An i ma l s lIdirwd 10 Aii~I Uw Handicapped Allowed ln IIJblic pJaceg WritLfmiddotn Complaint H(~qnirf~m(~nt

IlngH Ru nn inq at La rqe 1 t j s un lawful for any owner to ii 1 ] ow or pe rrnl 1 any dog to ru n iii ldtg Any dog pe rm lLted 10 r u n a I l a r qo i n v i o laquo

1 at j on of th is SecLj on j ~ df~c 1a r e-d La be a rmi s ance 1

nll~ndCe 10 Ihl~ pub lie hl~ l Ih and ljafl~Ly a nd may be Lakl~n up and impounded as provided in ~EgtcLion ]-) 1 f~L ~lf~q J n addilion iLf owno r nha l l be subject to the pendI ilH ljl~I

forth in Appendix A

An ima ln on (jnl~ncll)lll~d l)tnmiIIf~H Chained An i ma l a 1 11 is un I awful for iHIY p(~rS(lTl to chain or utake iny

an i ma l inI c r uo l (H in huma no ma n no r Whnn~ o irc um ~~tiHIClll wa r r ant a nd no other fI11ernat-i v e- fXj ts for confining all dniOlill on U_H owr)l~IB pLnpElLy 1 lOpl cdbl( or c h ai n milY be ulled La restrilin the animid p ro v i dod the following o r l to r i a a ro met 1 Jh e rope cha i n or cab l laquo must be Ciffixpd to the

animal by UHf~ of a non-cs b ra aivo comfo r tab l v fitted collar or hornell8

~ lhl~ r ope chain o r cable mu st be at leaHI two l vo (]21 feet in length unle~B Huch length aJ1owH the ani ma l 10 cn to r onto anouhe r s PlOP(~Ily in wh i o h caSE the c ha i n Hhit I J be- no ] CIHI them ei qht (0 I feet i n ll~ngth llw c h a in mus l be unoba t ruo t- ed by ob je-c ta wh i o h might CClWH~ tho an i ma l 10

blcoml~ en Ld ng led 3 Jh(~ Hljrnij) must have easy and constant aeeeHll La

adequa t c llhllLet food a nd po t ab l o wa Ler 4 lhe a r ea whe r e thl~ a n i ma I is c on f i ne-d muut be k ept

[n or garbage feces or o Lhe r d ob r i a wh ich may endCinger the animals heaJLh and safeLy bull

5 Ihl~ a rea who r-e Uw animal lH c on f Ln od mus t bl~ kept free of i n s eot i nffHUILj on Huch a l-1 a nt hi] 1H WiHlp

nl~lL [lnd tick a nd maggot infnlalionn 6 Jhe anima] mus t be tJ e-d n~n~(gtnClbly nflt1r Lhcshy own

11 H Iflj i dnnen 01 wo r kp Lac o and munt not bf~ 1 f~ f L u na tLe nd ed for J o nqe r tha n it Lwp] V(~ ( 1 2) hour f(~ I iod

H J nvi s f b le fencing Wher( HI owrlfr rna f ntai n s lHI invi~imiddotmiddot

b lo flncn i(~ an f~lel~LtiCal df~vil~f~ d~l-gtignf~d to contain dnjmoJM wCHring itn HI~ropria1e col]nr within H confined aLI~il which in i n opo rs Lion a I all Iiml~-l lhi-iLI dogi ~ o utdoo r a on the owner M premi se~ a nd wi th i n lh o inv La ib 11~ [f~r)(~ ing a nd who Ie each OWl) I S dog on

( J 1 )

710978 ths- e the n

5middotprfmiddotmmiddotj~es weltir~ th (+ppJi(~ltfble collar the

4Ap rov ia i o n s of Seclion shall not apply ptovided LhetLLhe invis i b l o ffmiddotnee doe ss in [aeL r(~tain the- (log on UH~ owno r s p r em ise s

C Vj01C1_jon~ (If Lhe~(~ pqlli r ernentu wi I I con stLtute HI ao t of n~g1e~LelIJ(~lI~y a nd wi1l s ub j oo r tIP a n ima I 10

imme-d iaLe impolndm(~nt and pena l Li e s La the own(~r i1H Net f o r lh in Appe nd ix A

5middotmiddot3 inJma]H rra n s po r-te-d or jefL J n V(gthi(~l(~l

It i s un Law f u I Io r any pr- r ao n to edl-ry any animal in ltH upon a ny vfhi(~le in lt1 erne] inhnll(lnt~ or lHINlt1fe manner No PIon ~hdll k(~(~p o r 1I~nllp0lt an animal in Lh( be or d pj(~k-llp Lrucik un l e s s the- ani rna l iH properly TesLrltfinf~d in hurna n o dnd d[~ ma nrie r 10 p revon l Lhf~ animal flom l(~i-virlJ tht eonfj ne of the bed of 1hE~ truck No person ~ha]] l o a ve an animal in d c l o sred veh Lc l o rOl any l oriq Lh o f Iim( reCisltHlilbl y conc Jud e d to be diin9(~roUs 10 thtmiddot hf~n] Lh or ~nrety lh e a n irna L nu r i nq hot wedthel oorid LtLona an ACO or Sheriffs depuLy ffidY immfdilt1Lely r emove cHI ani rna l [rom ltI

vr-h i o l r- a nd Lakf~ it into p ro loo lLve custodv at thl~ co-1 aHsPMHcd 10 Lhe owner Vio]aLion~ or Lhis ~ecLion will c o n s LiLu Le an det of clultyneglf~et rind wi 11 Hubject lho OWTifr to thfmiddot penalt ie s HE~t f o r th in ippendix A

5-4 V i cl ous Ani Old 1fi

11 j H unlawful f or- Hly person to kEep or ha r bo r d known v io i o u s animal in Ull~ Counly Any attack by ii v i c l ous animltl] or Hny animn] displaying traiLs of a VJCiOlM anima] may l)(~ r(~p(~lled by tho 11l(~ or l-f~i8ondhlf~ rOlef~ Aftell jndiCilt1l deLerminaLion Lha L a n a ni ma l i s vi oi ous thr- oou r t hav inq j u rLad Lc tLon o vo r Lho (n[olc(~menL or Lh ia Onjinancf~(

upon hearing or uuch eomplninL mHY in add it I on to any fine o r l mp r i nonrne nt wh l c h may be i mpoaed [Ot violaLion hnlmiddotfmiddot~()r order thr- Animal ConLrol OffieE~r 10 havlaquo sueh a ni ma l de-shyfLtoyed rI 8(~t [orth in Secl~ion 3 -4 or Lhin oldindncf~

5-5 Ani ma l Dj s tur b i ng th e PfaCf~

A 11 Ir unlawful rot any ownnl to allow any or h l s a n i rna Iu to pe r s LstnntJy o r cortLnuouu l y bark how] or milkl~ no i a e common to tho i r Rp(~ei(~ll 0 oLhetwisc d ia Lurb th e peaee and qni e t of the j nhab i tantH (If Lhe countv 01 to keep or ma i n ta in on h i a p rom i ae s any animal i n fuch il manner alfl 10 d i s tu r b othe r s hy noxi OUH or offenshys ivr- odo r s 01 ()lhplWjH(~ f)nddnltJf~l Ih(middot~ h(~alth H Io ty a nd welfar(~ of the i nhlt1bj Lantl (If the CounLy

JL Violiilions of LhiH Seetion Rhall COIHlLiLule il nuifldllcf dnd shall Bubject Lhe owner 10 ~he penalLieK set forth in App(nd i x A

(12 )

710979 5-6 Animal NIJil~dnc(~R on Hid(~wi-llk~ Public PHkl Alley

Ot-her P] ClCfS Open to thf Pub] i c

A JI is unlawful EoI Ih(~ ownc r or any an i ma I 10 pf~lmilmiddot

ei the r willfully or through frtilure to f~xpeilw dlH

(~i-ll( 01 c on l ro L dny nuch animal 10 oomm il any nu iu a nce upon d Hi dew) k or i n a pub 1 j ( pCl rk or upon th e floor 01 wa 1 1 01 any common Wrl 1 1 o r lllY common ha l I i n any mu1tjple dwe- l Li nq e ntryway ata i rway or wall i mmed i gt

dtf~ly dbuUing on i- pub l ic iidf~Wltllk 0[ UpOIl the flool or wall of Clny the-a te r shop s to r o offief- building 01 o lh o r bu i Ld Ln q u sod in common by Lhe pub l ie 01 upon C1T1y privaLi- propErLy o the- r th a n Lha t of the- a ni rna l owno r When an a n ima l d(~fecilL(~H in a pub lLo p laoe th(~

owne- r mu s t r ernov e tb e feeegt a nd d i sP0le of it j TI a san lta i-y ma nnn r TtH~ Lo rrn nu ina noo Rhall i nc lude any def(-caLion or u ri na tjon deBt-ruction of propE~r1y or d i s Lu r b i n q th o ptOIHHty of anothe r i no l ud i nq Uw r ubb i ah or tra s h of 0 r e s i de-nt of Santa E~ Cormty

IL v Lo latLona or th i a S(~ctjon ~1hil11 ClHHJLiLuLt~ il nuiHane( and shall (lbjEl(~1jon tho owrlf~r to tho perkll1iEH ~et

[ollh in Apporid i x A

5middotmiddot7 un l awfuI l1~e of li CE~n~H~ Jag tL ii1 un l aw Iu l [ot sny Pf~I)on Lo rr-movlaquo any 1 i~~nllr~ Lg flom cHI a n i rna l a nd attacrh it to lttn()th(~r ani ma l r t ~~hidl b(~

u n l aw f u l (01 ilny po r ao n Lo rna nu La c Lu r e o r (~dun to hc manu fliLllred or Lo have in his pOla(gt~ion or under h i s contro l it

H to 1o n (~otJ n Lt1l f(~ it 0 r (olgid ani rua 1 1 icen~ Lilg thiPH

va(cinidion cerLifie(i1E~ or other form of Ji(~enldng iill r eshy1uit(~d und o i- Lhia o r d l nanc c

5-8 An r rna l a Trainf~d 10 AHSiHt the Handicapp((l Allowed in Pub 1 ie I) LH~(~li

An i ma l a tr a i ried to a s si ut ths- ha nd i cerpped including blind 01 d~ar pe r aon e hall bo a ll owod in pub ll o p Lace s lt3IH1 it shall be unlCiwful for any perHon who owns operatf-H or ma I nta i liS any pubI i o place of bus in(~sH o r convoya noo l nto lIh~iCh thr- gf-~nEraJ pubLi c i~ invlted 10 debar or exe]udf Lholl~rlnm dny animal which hHi be(~n Itdined Lo lliHist the twndicapped p r ovi d e-d ~l1eh animal ltic(ompanjeH thlaquo handishyedpp~d pnlHon it WdH Lra l nod lo ilflsLsl

5-9 wr itte-n Compl ai n] HequirpmfJIt 101 -s ny dll(~gl~d v i o l a Li o n s or IhLH ~(~(~tion 5 an ACO rnry bEfort~ fu r ther ltIctmiddotjon or inveHtigiiLion requjre I (~ompl(linshy

an t 10 IJbm i L on 3 fo tm pn)v idr~ by U)(~ A C O~ Wt i t Len f~omplilmiddotint of the il ]eg(d OrdincHiC( violctlon 9iving thf nam(~ dnd ~ddl(R~) or Ihc complinanJ nd ir v-ilahln or thf oWTlPr who i- in HlHh violCltion

( 11 )

Article fi 710980CruelLy La AnimalH Prohibited

Sr~c bull 6-] Ph y s i cia l Abualaquo 6-2 MolfHI-ing Animals 6-3 Work Crwlty 6 -4 rar0 and MainLenancn 6-5 lJncGlrE~dmiddotmiddotfor AnIrna l Hi Abandonment 6 f) t n j u ry to An i ma I a by Ml)tori~I~B

6-middot 7 Keeping of J)i~(ltuf-d or Pai nfu Ll y CrippJed inimcdf-gt 6--3 Ani m-l 1 F i9 h L 8 6middotmiddotlt Hi rd1 rnpound i ny Crnti ny Housi ny 6 -io Fa 1~e Hepotl1-3 ~loh ib i Ic~d 6middot- J J Slt~(Ipe 0 f Seet i on 6-middot12 l1~ped L 0 [rr~n-HH

6middotmiddot) PhyHi c-tJ Abuse It r s un l awfu l for any pl~rHOn to willfully or ma l Lc ious Jy kLll be a ma m po iso n d s qu re bu rn t l-H~xually abul(~ i i f i or ~Cd Ld any a n i ma l or to attempt 10 ki 1 1 or poison any an ima 1 Ihd I l s not a wl 113 anima 1 exeepl Iha I t-eaon-tb 1f~

force mdY be- f~rnpl(lyed only Lo d ri v a off vicious or trespaBBshyi n 9 ani mii 18 bull

6-2 Mol plLi ng Animal s ]1 is unlawfUl for any person to Lease annoy di8turb or mo loa l a ny a nima l wh ieh iH on Ihn propr- rLy of ib~ owno r o r und(rlhf~ oorrt ro l of itl owner

6middot-1 Work C~uelly

11 iH un Lewfu l f o r any pe-r aon 10 d r i ve- or work a ny animal lt~ r u f~ 1 1Y bull

6-4 C~re find Maintenance A It It unlawful for any owner of an anima] 1(1 ffj l

terUlH~ o r nf~glfmiddot~cl 10 p rov ldo Hdid animal w i Lh plopel a nd fidequate food d ri nk ~1hdclf~ l-lhe]t(~r a nd venLj 1lt-1 lT o n Any lnimal bab ltua l l y kl~pL ou t s idr- Hhall be p r ovi dr-d by dH owner wi th a s tr-uc tu r a l Ly Hound WnaUH~I-plOOr e no l ouu ro Ll~gf~ enollfJh to leCOmmodillf~ Lhn i-Hlimltilin a ma n ne- r llUi1i-Iblp for tha t Hpecjps or o the- r lhnlt(~ls su i Lab Io to Lhlt Rpeei(~8

H 111 owner rnu s t k(~(~p tho pr-em i Be where -in animal iH kept rt(~n or gdrbdgf~ ha z a rdous ma Lo r La l e r~Ce~l inHn(~

i nrf~middotd(ftmiddotj on and other ddlri ~ whi c h mltty enddngfr the animals hea l Lh lnd Rdrf~ty

c An owner mu st p r ovi d e an injund or link an i ma l wi th ddequaLI~ ve lo r i na r-y care ~H) dR to r educe iLs lUrrf~lmiddoting

Il ViolaLioTiB of th i s xeoti on of Lh e Ordinance drf~ pnnishshydblf~ by firHH a nd zo r Imp r iuonrnen t rHl sd rOlth in Appendix A

( ] 4 )


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 9: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

710975 4-3 Animal ljiLing d PI~nH)n

A Th~ owner or an animal that bites a person and lhe pe-rso n bitten by an a n i rna l shall both tf~P0lt t hat oceurren(~pound to an Ani ma I contr-o l officf-r wi Lh i n twenty shy[nUl (24) hou r a of the occ u r renc o lhe owner or an an i rna l that bi tr-u a person ~hal] HurrendEr aa i d an Jma l to an Animal contro l ()rrier~L to Impound laid animal f o r CI lJerioc1 of obfwrvation cle(mf~d reasonably necessary by tho An i maI Control orficet A vaoo i na ted animal may be eon fi ned oni ts owner s prf~mi sea dur i ng thi s Li me of ob IVlttLion

tI The owner of the- anima] shall beir the oout o f COllrirH~IlH~nl~ Thl~ ACO may e(1nHenl Lo cl)nrinem(middot~nl

on ths- owner s pr e-mi seH but on] y j f the ownf~r c a n pll)dlJc(~ o v i d o no o or a cu r ren l r ab i o s vaco Lna tLon at Lho tj rne- thraquo b i te waH inf]j(t(~d Ih e pYEmhwH whf~re thlaquo homo c o n f i n ernr-n l iH to Oel~Ul nhlll bl~ in apr-o lr-d and Cipprov(d for Huch pu r po ae-u by thr- ACO t perS(ln who hd~ cu s tody or an a n i ma 1 tha t hal~ b j tIen a pn r so n s ha 11 jmmedjdLEJy T10Ljfy thr- inimil] contro l Offirpr if u(~

animal s hows l1ignlgt o f sieknr~PlH o r abno rma l behav Lo r C A phy si c i an who r e nder a Ln~a1m(nL to ii JwrSOT b i tte n by

a n an i ma l ~hrlll n~pot Iho raet Lha l hI ha s Il~ndltr(~d auoh InILmint 10 an Ani ma l Contro] Offj(~(~r w i th i n tI~nLy-fout (24) hou r s or h Lu rilst plotnHlJional dt shytindil net to the hi l(~ wound Jhfmiddot phyai oi an sha 11 report thl nsrne IgtltX a rid i~ddlr~f)I or tho pr- r ao n b i lLe n if) w(~ll

-w the type a nd l oo a ri on of the b ite rhpoundgt physician ss h a Ll give the name snd add(llll of thr ownl~l or t ho a n i ma l tha t inflicted the b i te jf known and o the- r L~cL~ Lha L may illlli1l1 Ihf Animal Co n tr-o l OrriCt~t in HwcprLaining the immuni~ation sLaLuH of Lhe animal

4-4 HPH I lil int o r An i ma 1 H

A Al] persona owning or having charge cUBLody or conlngtl of any animal Hhdll kl~(~p s uc h a n i ma l l(~81lainl~d

10 preve nt dama qe or ha rm to P(op] e and pr-opo r t y bull v io l a tLon or th l s Sr)clion will f)Ubj(middot~I=1 said ownl~ o r k~Eper to a fine as ~et fort-hin Appendjx II

11 When d dog iH orr itH owne r u p r-orn i s o a it munl bo under l e a s h or unde-r oontro l o f Lhf~ owner Con1rol ino 1ud e n OJ dog who l(~Hpl)ndB to sound l~omllldnd~~ 0 r i 111 (lwn(~r to laquoorne- to j tH owner on command Jh(-~ owner or iI

dog sha l t 1101 ~llow i L 11) ru n a t l a rqo 01 credLl~ a nu i aa nc e on Ctnoth(r~ property bpound it publiC or primiddotmiddot Vdll~ including (~nl(~ling onlmiddoto IdwnH drivnwitys walkmiddot WCly8 pl ltlees of reltrfaLi on or amuHemenL parkH The Ittm nuiSanl~f-~ shall in(~llJde dn[ecation or IJIinalion Viollt11ion of this Hf~lttion wi]] ~ubj(ct Hajd owner or krepel Lo j rinl~ ~l leI rollh in Appr~ndi x A

19 )



S0e 5-1 1)--7 ~-1


C Any a n i ma l llf~pds-i_ng upon H-ivaLe 01 publ ic PI()p~tLy

-lhid 1 be de-e-me-d p r i md f ltie j e not to be unde r tJI( immedi shya lr conteol of the owno r or of h ls deri_grllt~l~ a nd lhe owner s ha Ll be- in v j o l a Li on of S(cLinnll 4-4ll iHH] 4-middot411 snd Hlbj()et to pnna l tLr-a pu rs uan t to Appendix A

jjcerJlle H~qll-i r(m(n1~

ii Ji~tnsing Heguired Any penwn ke-e-p i nq harboring or mi- i n t-j in i n9 a ny dog ovn t th t-(~(~ (3) moo LhJ 0 [ ag(~

wi thi n theshy county sha l I obta i n CI J icpmw from th(~

An i rna l Conltlt)l IJi_vlJlun [ot (~aeh Bueh dog lhf~ ACO shall keep ~ record of all licenses iBHued and ahall iH-lIJ(~ i- ldg [01 (~dch 1 iCf-mse gtmiddotdnLed A CUITenl rab i ca vltICCjnlt-l1jon e(rtifjcatf~ Hhall be preEntf~d at the L-jmf~

of lhf a pp lLcs t Lon rOt tho 1 iceme ri(~enB(~I sh it 1 hf~

iHlH(~cl a n nua I l y and aha l I be renewable during the dnnivetsdty month of the o r Lq i na l l y L~lllUed lil~enllf-~ a nd 8h-J 11 fgtxpi r e on the 1C1Bt day of the ann ive r s ar-y month

130 To (~nl~ouliig(-~ the a I Lo ra tLo n of dogH Lht~ licensing fee for una I ta r od anima 1 J ~lhdl 1 be hi gher than for lt-II te r ed animnlH

C Affildng ldgH A current ]ie(~mH tag or numbe r shall he i~frix(~d to tho licenm-~d dog at all timt~J a nd in Ii

reH-lonMble manner J) r i (~en-(middot~ ~~()(-~ Schodu 1o s(~(~ Appe nd ix A lup]middoticCitf (rep1acim(~nL) 1lt-13 fee Sfe Atpendjgt A F xnmpl ions

(] I IgtOg8 be l o nq i n9 10 non-re~i df~ntH who kefp dog8 wi Lh in t ho conf lnes or Lhn bounde r los of Lhf~ County for 1eHIgt than ni ne-ty (90) COTltwcuLi ve dayH Hhdl b(~ f~xempl [lom Lh i a S(~(~Li()n p r o v idrad howevr- r that a l J othe r pr-ovi s j on s of th i s (nJjshyn H1C(~ atl~ c omp l (d w i th

() Gui de dngH wil J be li (HmHd by the Coun1y at no (~l)dt~gC I() the I e qa l Ly b l ind a nd z o r dear o r Lo a handjcapped or disabled pe r aon who h(ij- a current PII~HCIiption f rorn d 1 icnnB(~d phya i o ia n ptl~Hetibin9 such animal USf~

G Penalty Any pen-on violaLing any of the pr-ovia ion s of th l s ar tLc l o shall h(~ guilly of a mladnmea no r and upon conv i c ti on s ha l I be pun lahed by inearceraLion andor by 1 f i no d-gt lJnl forth in Appnndix A

Ar tf c Le 5 r~uhibiLed AetivitLcs

Dogs Rurm i ng at arge An irna l s Oil (n(~ncloJed Ptemisf~H ChaLn(d An i ma l n An i ma l s lrcm8portc~cl or left in VdLicJes Vieiou~ AnimdlM

( 1 0 )

710977 5-5 ~-6

5-7 5middotmiddot8



5 7

An illld 1 Disturbing lho Pl~dcn

An i ma l Nuisances on ~jdf~waIks ~treetH PubLic Pa r-k a Al l o y a a nd otho r pldCll-gt Opnn 10 UH-~ Puhl i c UnLawf u l llse of Li(en8~~ Jitg An i ma l s lIdirwd 10 Aii~I Uw Handicapped Allowed ln IIJblic pJaceg WritLfmiddotn Complaint H(~qnirf~m(~nt

IlngH Ru nn inq at La rqe 1 t j s un lawful for any owner to ii 1 ] ow or pe rrnl 1 any dog to ru n iii ldtg Any dog pe rm lLted 10 r u n a I l a r qo i n v i o laquo

1 at j on of th is SecLj on j ~ df~c 1a r e-d La be a rmi s ance 1

nll~ndCe 10 Ihl~ pub lie hl~ l Ih and ljafl~Ly a nd may be Lakl~n up and impounded as provided in ~EgtcLion ]-) 1 f~L ~lf~q J n addilion iLf owno r nha l l be subject to the pendI ilH ljl~I

forth in Appendix A

An ima ln on (jnl~ncll)lll~d l)tnmiIIf~H Chained An i ma l a 1 11 is un I awful for iHIY p(~rS(lTl to chain or utake iny

an i ma l inI c r uo l (H in huma no ma n no r Whnn~ o irc um ~~tiHIClll wa r r ant a nd no other fI11ernat-i v e- fXj ts for confining all dniOlill on U_H owr)l~IB pLnpElLy 1 lOpl cdbl( or c h ai n milY be ulled La restrilin the animid p ro v i dod the following o r l to r i a a ro met 1 Jh e rope cha i n or cab l laquo must be Ciffixpd to the

animal by UHf~ of a non-cs b ra aivo comfo r tab l v fitted collar or hornell8

~ lhl~ r ope chain o r cable mu st be at leaHI two l vo (]21 feet in length unle~B Huch length aJ1owH the ani ma l 10 cn to r onto anouhe r s PlOP(~Ily in wh i o h caSE the c ha i n Hhit I J be- no ] CIHI them ei qht (0 I feet i n ll~ngth llw c h a in mus l be unoba t ruo t- ed by ob je-c ta wh i o h might CClWH~ tho an i ma l 10

blcoml~ en Ld ng led 3 Jh(~ Hljrnij) must have easy and constant aeeeHll La

adequa t c llhllLet food a nd po t ab l o wa Ler 4 lhe a r ea whe r e thl~ a n i ma I is c on f i ne-d muut be k ept

[n or garbage feces or o Lhe r d ob r i a wh ich may endCinger the animals heaJLh and safeLy bull

5 Ihl~ a rea who r-e Uw animal lH c on f Ln od mus t bl~ kept free of i n s eot i nffHUILj on Huch a l-1 a nt hi] 1H WiHlp

nl~lL [lnd tick a nd maggot infnlalionn 6 Jhe anima] mus t be tJ e-d n~n~(gtnClbly nflt1r Lhcshy own

11 H Iflj i dnnen 01 wo r kp Lac o and munt not bf~ 1 f~ f L u na tLe nd ed for J o nqe r tha n it Lwp] V(~ ( 1 2) hour f(~ I iod

H J nvi s f b le fencing Wher( HI owrlfr rna f ntai n s lHI invi~imiddotmiddot

b lo flncn i(~ an f~lel~LtiCal df~vil~f~ d~l-gtignf~d to contain dnjmoJM wCHring itn HI~ropria1e col]nr within H confined aLI~il which in i n opo rs Lion a I all Iiml~-l lhi-iLI dogi ~ o utdoo r a on the owner M premi se~ a nd wi th i n lh o inv La ib 11~ [f~r)(~ ing a nd who Ie each OWl) I S dog on

( J 1 )

710978 ths- e the n

5middotprfmiddotmmiddotj~es weltir~ th (+ppJi(~ltfble collar the

4Ap rov ia i o n s of Seclion shall not apply ptovided LhetLLhe invis i b l o ffmiddotnee doe ss in [aeL r(~tain the- (log on UH~ owno r s p r em ise s

C Vj01C1_jon~ (If Lhe~(~ pqlli r ernentu wi I I con stLtute HI ao t of n~g1e~LelIJ(~lI~y a nd wi1l s ub j oo r tIP a n ima I 10

imme-d iaLe impolndm(~nt and pena l Li e s La the own(~r i1H Net f o r lh in Appe nd ix A

5middotmiddot3 inJma]H rra n s po r-te-d or jefL J n V(gthi(~l(~l

It i s un Law f u I Io r any pr- r ao n to edl-ry any animal in ltH upon a ny vfhi(~le in lt1 erne] inhnll(lnt~ or lHINlt1fe manner No PIon ~hdll k(~(~p o r 1I~nllp0lt an animal in Lh( be or d pj(~k-llp Lrucik un l e s s the- ani rna l iH properly TesLrltfinf~d in hurna n o dnd d[~ ma nrie r 10 p revon l Lhf~ animal flom l(~i-virlJ tht eonfj ne of the bed of 1hE~ truck No person ~ha]] l o a ve an animal in d c l o sred veh Lc l o rOl any l oriq Lh o f Iim( reCisltHlilbl y conc Jud e d to be diin9(~roUs 10 thtmiddot hf~n] Lh or ~nrety lh e a n irna L nu r i nq hot wedthel oorid LtLona an ACO or Sheriffs depuLy ffidY immfdilt1Lely r emove cHI ani rna l [rom ltI

vr-h i o l r- a nd Lakf~ it into p ro loo lLve custodv at thl~ co-1 aHsPMHcd 10 Lhe owner Vio]aLion~ or Lhis ~ecLion will c o n s LiLu Le an det of clultyneglf~et rind wi 11 Hubject lho OWTifr to thfmiddot penalt ie s HE~t f o r th in ippendix A

5-4 V i cl ous Ani Old 1fi

11 j H unlawful f or- Hly person to kEep or ha r bo r d known v io i o u s animal in Ull~ Counly Any attack by ii v i c l ous animltl] or Hny animn] displaying traiLs of a VJCiOlM anima] may l)(~ r(~p(~lled by tho 11l(~ or l-f~i8ondhlf~ rOlef~ Aftell jndiCilt1l deLerminaLion Lha L a n a ni ma l i s vi oi ous thr- oou r t hav inq j u rLad Lc tLon o vo r Lho (n[olc(~menL or Lh ia Onjinancf~(

upon hearing or uuch eomplninL mHY in add it I on to any fine o r l mp r i nonrne nt wh l c h may be i mpoaed [Ot violaLion hnlmiddotfmiddot~()r order thr- Animal ConLrol OffieE~r 10 havlaquo sueh a ni ma l de-shyfLtoyed rI 8(~t [orth in Secl~ion 3 -4 or Lhin oldindncf~

5-5 Ani ma l Dj s tur b i ng th e PfaCf~

A 11 Ir unlawful rot any ownnl to allow any or h l s a n i rna Iu to pe r s LstnntJy o r cortLnuouu l y bark how] or milkl~ no i a e common to tho i r Rp(~ei(~ll 0 oLhetwisc d ia Lurb th e peaee and qni e t of the j nhab i tantH (If Lhe countv 01 to keep or ma i n ta in on h i a p rom i ae s any animal i n fuch il manner alfl 10 d i s tu r b othe r s hy noxi OUH or offenshys ivr- odo r s 01 ()lhplWjH(~ f)nddnltJf~l Ih(middot~ h(~alth H Io ty a nd welfar(~ of the i nhlt1bj Lantl (If the CounLy

JL Violiilions of LhiH Seetion Rhall COIHlLiLule il nuifldllcf dnd shall Bubject Lhe owner 10 ~he penalLieK set forth in App(nd i x A

(12 )

710979 5-6 Animal NIJil~dnc(~R on Hid(~wi-llk~ Public PHkl Alley

Ot-her P] ClCfS Open to thf Pub] i c

A JI is unlawful EoI Ih(~ ownc r or any an i ma I 10 pf~lmilmiddot

ei the r willfully or through frtilure to f~xpeilw dlH

(~i-ll( 01 c on l ro L dny nuch animal 10 oomm il any nu iu a nce upon d Hi dew) k or i n a pub 1 j ( pCl rk or upon th e floor 01 wa 1 1 01 any common Wrl 1 1 o r lllY common ha l I i n any mu1tjple dwe- l Li nq e ntryway ata i rway or wall i mmed i gt

dtf~ly dbuUing on i- pub l ic iidf~Wltllk 0[ UpOIl the flool or wall of Clny the-a te r shop s to r o offief- building 01 o lh o r bu i Ld Ln q u sod in common by Lhe pub l ie 01 upon C1T1y privaLi- propErLy o the- r th a n Lha t of the- a ni rna l owno r When an a n ima l d(~fecilL(~H in a pub lLo p laoe th(~

owne- r mu s t r ernov e tb e feeegt a nd d i sP0le of it j TI a san lta i-y ma nnn r TtH~ Lo rrn nu ina noo Rhall i nc lude any def(-caLion or u ri na tjon deBt-ruction of propE~r1y or d i s Lu r b i n q th o ptOIHHty of anothe r i no l ud i nq Uw r ubb i ah or tra s h of 0 r e s i de-nt of Santa E~ Cormty

IL v Lo latLona or th i a S(~ctjon ~1hil11 ClHHJLiLuLt~ il nuiHane( and shall (lbjEl(~1jon tho owrlf~r to tho perkll1iEH ~et

[ollh in Apporid i x A

5middotmiddot7 un l awfuI l1~e of li CE~n~H~ Jag tL ii1 un l aw Iu l [ot sny Pf~I)on Lo rr-movlaquo any 1 i~~nllr~ Lg flom cHI a n i rna l a nd attacrh it to lttn()th(~r ani ma l r t ~~hidl b(~

u n l aw f u l (01 ilny po r ao n Lo rna nu La c Lu r e o r (~dun to hc manu fliLllred or Lo have in his pOla(gt~ion or under h i s contro l it

H to 1o n (~otJ n Lt1l f(~ it 0 r (olgid ani rua 1 1 icen~ Lilg thiPH

va(cinidion cerLifie(i1E~ or other form of Ji(~enldng iill r eshy1uit(~d und o i- Lhia o r d l nanc c

5-8 An r rna l a Trainf~d 10 AHSiHt the Handicapp((l Allowed in Pub 1 ie I) LH~(~li

An i ma l a tr a i ried to a s si ut ths- ha nd i cerpped including blind 01 d~ar pe r aon e hall bo a ll owod in pub ll o p Lace s lt3IH1 it shall be unlCiwful for any perHon who owns operatf-H or ma I nta i liS any pubI i o place of bus in(~sH o r convoya noo l nto lIh~iCh thr- gf-~nEraJ pubLi c i~ invlted 10 debar or exe]udf Lholl~rlnm dny animal which hHi be(~n Itdined Lo lliHist the twndicapped p r ovi d e-d ~l1eh animal ltic(ompanjeH thlaquo handishyedpp~d pnlHon it WdH Lra l nod lo ilflsLsl

5-9 wr itte-n Compl ai n] HequirpmfJIt 101 -s ny dll(~gl~d v i o l a Li o n s or IhLH ~(~(~tion 5 an ACO rnry bEfort~ fu r ther ltIctmiddotjon or inveHtigiiLion requjre I (~ompl(linshy

an t 10 IJbm i L on 3 fo tm pn)v idr~ by U)(~ A C O~ Wt i t Len f~omplilmiddotint of the il ]eg(d OrdincHiC( violctlon 9iving thf nam(~ dnd ~ddl(R~) or Ihc complinanJ nd ir v-ilahln or thf oWTlPr who i- in HlHh violCltion

( 11 )

Article fi 710980CruelLy La AnimalH Prohibited

Sr~c bull 6-] Ph y s i cia l Abualaquo 6-2 MolfHI-ing Animals 6-3 Work Crwlty 6 -4 rar0 and MainLenancn 6-5 lJncGlrE~dmiddotmiddotfor AnIrna l Hi Abandonment 6 f) t n j u ry to An i ma I a by Ml)tori~I~B

6-middot 7 Keeping of J)i~(ltuf-d or Pai nfu Ll y CrippJed inimcdf-gt 6--3 Ani m-l 1 F i9 h L 8 6middotmiddotlt Hi rd1 rnpound i ny Crnti ny Housi ny 6 -io Fa 1~e Hepotl1-3 ~loh ib i Ic~d 6middot- J J Slt~(Ipe 0 f Seet i on 6-middot12 l1~ped L 0 [rr~n-HH

6middotmiddot) PhyHi c-tJ Abuse It r s un l awfu l for any pl~rHOn to willfully or ma l Lc ious Jy kLll be a ma m po iso n d s qu re bu rn t l-H~xually abul(~ i i f i or ~Cd Ld any a n i ma l or to attempt 10 ki 1 1 or poison any an ima 1 Ihd I l s not a wl 113 anima 1 exeepl Iha I t-eaon-tb 1f~

force mdY be- f~rnpl(lyed only Lo d ri v a off vicious or trespaBBshyi n 9 ani mii 18 bull

6-2 Mol plLi ng Animal s ]1 is unlawfUl for any person to Lease annoy di8turb or mo loa l a ny a nima l wh ieh iH on Ihn propr- rLy of ib~ owno r o r und(rlhf~ oorrt ro l of itl owner

6middot-1 Work C~uelly

11 iH un Lewfu l f o r any pe-r aon 10 d r i ve- or work a ny animal lt~ r u f~ 1 1Y bull

6-4 C~re find Maintenance A It It unlawful for any owner of an anima] 1(1 ffj l

terUlH~ o r nf~glfmiddot~cl 10 p rov ldo Hdid animal w i Lh plopel a nd fidequate food d ri nk ~1hdclf~ l-lhe]t(~r a nd venLj 1lt-1 lT o n Any lnimal bab ltua l l y kl~pL ou t s idr- Hhall be p r ovi dr-d by dH owner wi th a s tr-uc tu r a l Ly Hound WnaUH~I-plOOr e no l ouu ro Ll~gf~ enollfJh to leCOmmodillf~ Lhn i-Hlimltilin a ma n ne- r llUi1i-Iblp for tha t Hpecjps or o the- r lhnlt(~ls su i Lab Io to Lhlt Rpeei(~8

H 111 owner rnu s t k(~(~p tho pr-em i Be where -in animal iH kept rt(~n or gdrbdgf~ ha z a rdous ma Lo r La l e r~Ce~l inHn(~

i nrf~middotd(ftmiddotj on and other ddlri ~ whi c h mltty enddngfr the animals hea l Lh lnd Rdrf~ty

c An owner mu st p r ovi d e an injund or link an i ma l wi th ddequaLI~ ve lo r i na r-y care ~H) dR to r educe iLs lUrrf~lmiddoting

Il ViolaLioTiB of th i s xeoti on of Lh e Ordinance drf~ pnnishshydblf~ by firHH a nd zo r Imp r iuonrnen t rHl sd rOlth in Appendix A

( ] 4 )


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 10: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk



S0e 5-1 1)--7 ~-1


C Any a n i ma l llf~pds-i_ng upon H-ivaLe 01 publ ic PI()p~tLy

-lhid 1 be de-e-me-d p r i md f ltie j e not to be unde r tJI( immedi shya lr conteol of the owno r or of h ls deri_grllt~l~ a nd lhe owner s ha Ll be- in v j o l a Li on of S(cLinnll 4-4ll iHH] 4-middot411 snd Hlbj()et to pnna l tLr-a pu rs uan t to Appendix A

jjcerJlle H~qll-i r(m(n1~

ii Ji~tnsing Heguired Any penwn ke-e-p i nq harboring or mi- i n t-j in i n9 a ny dog ovn t th t-(~(~ (3) moo LhJ 0 [ ag(~

wi thi n theshy county sha l I obta i n CI J icpmw from th(~

An i rna l Conltlt)l IJi_vlJlun [ot (~aeh Bueh dog lhf~ ACO shall keep ~ record of all licenses iBHued and ahall iH-lIJ(~ i- ldg [01 (~dch 1 iCf-mse gtmiddotdnLed A CUITenl rab i ca vltICCjnlt-l1jon e(rtifjcatf~ Hhall be preEntf~d at the L-jmf~

of lhf a pp lLcs t Lon rOt tho 1 iceme ri(~enB(~I sh it 1 hf~

iHlH(~cl a n nua I l y and aha l I be renewable during the dnnivetsdty month of the o r Lq i na l l y L~lllUed lil~enllf-~ a nd 8h-J 11 fgtxpi r e on the 1C1Bt day of the ann ive r s ar-y month

130 To (~nl~ouliig(-~ the a I Lo ra tLo n of dogH Lht~ licensing fee for una I ta r od anima 1 J ~lhdl 1 be hi gher than for lt-II te r ed animnlH

C Affildng ldgH A current ]ie(~mH tag or numbe r shall he i~frix(~d to tho licenm-~d dog at all timt~J a nd in Ii

reH-lonMble manner J) r i (~en-(middot~ ~~()(-~ Schodu 1o s(~(~ Appe nd ix A lup]middoticCitf (rep1acim(~nL) 1lt-13 fee Sfe Atpendjgt A F xnmpl ions

(] I IgtOg8 be l o nq i n9 10 non-re~i df~ntH who kefp dog8 wi Lh in t ho conf lnes or Lhn bounde r los of Lhf~ County for 1eHIgt than ni ne-ty (90) COTltwcuLi ve dayH Hhdl b(~ f~xempl [lom Lh i a S(~(~Li()n p r o v idrad howevr- r that a l J othe r pr-ovi s j on s of th i s (nJjshyn H1C(~ atl~ c omp l (d w i th

() Gui de dngH wil J be li (HmHd by the Coun1y at no (~l)dt~gC I() the I e qa l Ly b l ind a nd z o r dear o r Lo a handjcapped or disabled pe r aon who h(ij- a current PII~HCIiption f rorn d 1 icnnB(~d phya i o ia n ptl~Hetibin9 such animal USf~

G Penalty Any pen-on violaLing any of the pr-ovia ion s of th l s ar tLc l o shall h(~ guilly of a mladnmea no r and upon conv i c ti on s ha l I be pun lahed by inearceraLion andor by 1 f i no d-gt lJnl forth in Appnndix A

Ar tf c Le 5 r~uhibiLed AetivitLcs

Dogs Rurm i ng at arge An irna l s Oil (n(~ncloJed Ptemisf~H ChaLn(d An i ma l n An i ma l s lrcm8portc~cl or left in VdLicJes Vieiou~ AnimdlM

( 1 0 )

710977 5-5 ~-6

5-7 5middotmiddot8



5 7

An illld 1 Disturbing lho Pl~dcn

An i ma l Nuisances on ~jdf~waIks ~treetH PubLic Pa r-k a Al l o y a a nd otho r pldCll-gt Opnn 10 UH-~ Puhl i c UnLawf u l llse of Li(en8~~ Jitg An i ma l s lIdirwd 10 Aii~I Uw Handicapped Allowed ln IIJblic pJaceg WritLfmiddotn Complaint H(~qnirf~m(~nt

IlngH Ru nn inq at La rqe 1 t j s un lawful for any owner to ii 1 ] ow or pe rrnl 1 any dog to ru n iii ldtg Any dog pe rm lLted 10 r u n a I l a r qo i n v i o laquo

1 at j on of th is SecLj on j ~ df~c 1a r e-d La be a rmi s ance 1

nll~ndCe 10 Ihl~ pub lie hl~ l Ih and ljafl~Ly a nd may be Lakl~n up and impounded as provided in ~EgtcLion ]-) 1 f~L ~lf~q J n addilion iLf owno r nha l l be subject to the pendI ilH ljl~I

forth in Appendix A

An ima ln on (jnl~ncll)lll~d l)tnmiIIf~H Chained An i ma l a 1 11 is un I awful for iHIY p(~rS(lTl to chain or utake iny

an i ma l inI c r uo l (H in huma no ma n no r Whnn~ o irc um ~~tiHIClll wa r r ant a nd no other fI11ernat-i v e- fXj ts for confining all dniOlill on U_H owr)l~IB pLnpElLy 1 lOpl cdbl( or c h ai n milY be ulled La restrilin the animid p ro v i dod the following o r l to r i a a ro met 1 Jh e rope cha i n or cab l laquo must be Ciffixpd to the

animal by UHf~ of a non-cs b ra aivo comfo r tab l v fitted collar or hornell8

~ lhl~ r ope chain o r cable mu st be at leaHI two l vo (]21 feet in length unle~B Huch length aJ1owH the ani ma l 10 cn to r onto anouhe r s PlOP(~Ily in wh i o h caSE the c ha i n Hhit I J be- no ] CIHI them ei qht (0 I feet i n ll~ngth llw c h a in mus l be unoba t ruo t- ed by ob je-c ta wh i o h might CClWH~ tho an i ma l 10

blcoml~ en Ld ng led 3 Jh(~ Hljrnij) must have easy and constant aeeeHll La

adequa t c llhllLet food a nd po t ab l o wa Ler 4 lhe a r ea whe r e thl~ a n i ma I is c on f i ne-d muut be k ept

[n or garbage feces or o Lhe r d ob r i a wh ich may endCinger the animals heaJLh and safeLy bull

5 Ihl~ a rea who r-e Uw animal lH c on f Ln od mus t bl~ kept free of i n s eot i nffHUILj on Huch a l-1 a nt hi] 1H WiHlp

nl~lL [lnd tick a nd maggot infnlalionn 6 Jhe anima] mus t be tJ e-d n~n~(gtnClbly nflt1r Lhcshy own

11 H Iflj i dnnen 01 wo r kp Lac o and munt not bf~ 1 f~ f L u na tLe nd ed for J o nqe r tha n it Lwp] V(~ ( 1 2) hour f(~ I iod

H J nvi s f b le fencing Wher( HI owrlfr rna f ntai n s lHI invi~imiddotmiddot

b lo flncn i(~ an f~lel~LtiCal df~vil~f~ d~l-gtignf~d to contain dnjmoJM wCHring itn HI~ropria1e col]nr within H confined aLI~il which in i n opo rs Lion a I all Iiml~-l lhi-iLI dogi ~ o utdoo r a on the owner M premi se~ a nd wi th i n lh o inv La ib 11~ [f~r)(~ ing a nd who Ie each OWl) I S dog on

( J 1 )

710978 ths- e the n

5middotprfmiddotmmiddotj~es weltir~ th (+ppJi(~ltfble collar the

4Ap rov ia i o n s of Seclion shall not apply ptovided LhetLLhe invis i b l o ffmiddotnee doe ss in [aeL r(~tain the- (log on UH~ owno r s p r em ise s

C Vj01C1_jon~ (If Lhe~(~ pqlli r ernentu wi I I con stLtute HI ao t of n~g1e~LelIJ(~lI~y a nd wi1l s ub j oo r tIP a n ima I 10

imme-d iaLe impolndm(~nt and pena l Li e s La the own(~r i1H Net f o r lh in Appe nd ix A

5middotmiddot3 inJma]H rra n s po r-te-d or jefL J n V(gthi(~l(~l

It i s un Law f u I Io r any pr- r ao n to edl-ry any animal in ltH upon a ny vfhi(~le in lt1 erne] inhnll(lnt~ or lHINlt1fe manner No PIon ~hdll k(~(~p o r 1I~nllp0lt an animal in Lh( be or d pj(~k-llp Lrucik un l e s s the- ani rna l iH properly TesLrltfinf~d in hurna n o dnd d[~ ma nrie r 10 p revon l Lhf~ animal flom l(~i-virlJ tht eonfj ne of the bed of 1hE~ truck No person ~ha]] l o a ve an animal in d c l o sred veh Lc l o rOl any l oriq Lh o f Iim( reCisltHlilbl y conc Jud e d to be diin9(~roUs 10 thtmiddot hf~n] Lh or ~nrety lh e a n irna L nu r i nq hot wedthel oorid LtLona an ACO or Sheriffs depuLy ffidY immfdilt1Lely r emove cHI ani rna l [rom ltI

vr-h i o l r- a nd Lakf~ it into p ro loo lLve custodv at thl~ co-1 aHsPMHcd 10 Lhe owner Vio]aLion~ or Lhis ~ecLion will c o n s LiLu Le an det of clultyneglf~et rind wi 11 Hubject lho OWTifr to thfmiddot penalt ie s HE~t f o r th in ippendix A

5-4 V i cl ous Ani Old 1fi

11 j H unlawful f or- Hly person to kEep or ha r bo r d known v io i o u s animal in Ull~ Counly Any attack by ii v i c l ous animltl] or Hny animn] displaying traiLs of a VJCiOlM anima] may l)(~ r(~p(~lled by tho 11l(~ or l-f~i8ondhlf~ rOlef~ Aftell jndiCilt1l deLerminaLion Lha L a n a ni ma l i s vi oi ous thr- oou r t hav inq j u rLad Lc tLon o vo r Lho (n[olc(~menL or Lh ia Onjinancf~(

upon hearing or uuch eomplninL mHY in add it I on to any fine o r l mp r i nonrne nt wh l c h may be i mpoaed [Ot violaLion hnlmiddotfmiddot~()r order thr- Animal ConLrol OffieE~r 10 havlaquo sueh a ni ma l de-shyfLtoyed rI 8(~t [orth in Secl~ion 3 -4 or Lhin oldindncf~

5-5 Ani ma l Dj s tur b i ng th e PfaCf~

A 11 Ir unlawful rot any ownnl to allow any or h l s a n i rna Iu to pe r s LstnntJy o r cortLnuouu l y bark how] or milkl~ no i a e common to tho i r Rp(~ei(~ll 0 oLhetwisc d ia Lurb th e peaee and qni e t of the j nhab i tantH (If Lhe countv 01 to keep or ma i n ta in on h i a p rom i ae s any animal i n fuch il manner alfl 10 d i s tu r b othe r s hy noxi OUH or offenshys ivr- odo r s 01 ()lhplWjH(~ f)nddnltJf~l Ih(middot~ h(~alth H Io ty a nd welfar(~ of the i nhlt1bj Lantl (If the CounLy

JL Violiilions of LhiH Seetion Rhall COIHlLiLule il nuifldllcf dnd shall Bubject Lhe owner 10 ~he penalLieK set forth in App(nd i x A

(12 )

710979 5-6 Animal NIJil~dnc(~R on Hid(~wi-llk~ Public PHkl Alley

Ot-her P] ClCfS Open to thf Pub] i c

A JI is unlawful EoI Ih(~ ownc r or any an i ma I 10 pf~lmilmiddot

ei the r willfully or through frtilure to f~xpeilw dlH

(~i-ll( 01 c on l ro L dny nuch animal 10 oomm il any nu iu a nce upon d Hi dew) k or i n a pub 1 j ( pCl rk or upon th e floor 01 wa 1 1 01 any common Wrl 1 1 o r lllY common ha l I i n any mu1tjple dwe- l Li nq e ntryway ata i rway or wall i mmed i gt

dtf~ly dbuUing on i- pub l ic iidf~Wltllk 0[ UpOIl the flool or wall of Clny the-a te r shop s to r o offief- building 01 o lh o r bu i Ld Ln q u sod in common by Lhe pub l ie 01 upon C1T1y privaLi- propErLy o the- r th a n Lha t of the- a ni rna l owno r When an a n ima l d(~fecilL(~H in a pub lLo p laoe th(~

owne- r mu s t r ernov e tb e feeegt a nd d i sP0le of it j TI a san lta i-y ma nnn r TtH~ Lo rrn nu ina noo Rhall i nc lude any def(-caLion or u ri na tjon deBt-ruction of propE~r1y or d i s Lu r b i n q th o ptOIHHty of anothe r i no l ud i nq Uw r ubb i ah or tra s h of 0 r e s i de-nt of Santa E~ Cormty

IL v Lo latLona or th i a S(~ctjon ~1hil11 ClHHJLiLuLt~ il nuiHane( and shall (lbjEl(~1jon tho owrlf~r to tho perkll1iEH ~et

[ollh in Apporid i x A

5middotmiddot7 un l awfuI l1~e of li CE~n~H~ Jag tL ii1 un l aw Iu l [ot sny Pf~I)on Lo rr-movlaquo any 1 i~~nllr~ Lg flom cHI a n i rna l a nd attacrh it to lttn()th(~r ani ma l r t ~~hidl b(~

u n l aw f u l (01 ilny po r ao n Lo rna nu La c Lu r e o r (~dun to hc manu fliLllred or Lo have in his pOla(gt~ion or under h i s contro l it

H to 1o n (~otJ n Lt1l f(~ it 0 r (olgid ani rua 1 1 icen~ Lilg thiPH

va(cinidion cerLifie(i1E~ or other form of Ji(~enldng iill r eshy1uit(~d und o i- Lhia o r d l nanc c

5-8 An r rna l a Trainf~d 10 AHSiHt the Handicapp((l Allowed in Pub 1 ie I) LH~(~li

An i ma l a tr a i ried to a s si ut ths- ha nd i cerpped including blind 01 d~ar pe r aon e hall bo a ll owod in pub ll o p Lace s lt3IH1 it shall be unlCiwful for any perHon who owns operatf-H or ma I nta i liS any pubI i o place of bus in(~sH o r convoya noo l nto lIh~iCh thr- gf-~nEraJ pubLi c i~ invlted 10 debar or exe]udf Lholl~rlnm dny animal which hHi be(~n Itdined Lo lliHist the twndicapped p r ovi d e-d ~l1eh animal ltic(ompanjeH thlaquo handishyedpp~d pnlHon it WdH Lra l nod lo ilflsLsl

5-9 wr itte-n Compl ai n] HequirpmfJIt 101 -s ny dll(~gl~d v i o l a Li o n s or IhLH ~(~(~tion 5 an ACO rnry bEfort~ fu r ther ltIctmiddotjon or inveHtigiiLion requjre I (~ompl(linshy

an t 10 IJbm i L on 3 fo tm pn)v idr~ by U)(~ A C O~ Wt i t Len f~omplilmiddotint of the il ]eg(d OrdincHiC( violctlon 9iving thf nam(~ dnd ~ddl(R~) or Ihc complinanJ nd ir v-ilahln or thf oWTlPr who i- in HlHh violCltion

( 11 )

Article fi 710980CruelLy La AnimalH Prohibited

Sr~c bull 6-] Ph y s i cia l Abualaquo 6-2 MolfHI-ing Animals 6-3 Work Crwlty 6 -4 rar0 and MainLenancn 6-5 lJncGlrE~dmiddotmiddotfor AnIrna l Hi Abandonment 6 f) t n j u ry to An i ma I a by Ml)tori~I~B

6-middot 7 Keeping of J)i~(ltuf-d or Pai nfu Ll y CrippJed inimcdf-gt 6--3 Ani m-l 1 F i9 h L 8 6middotmiddotlt Hi rd1 rnpound i ny Crnti ny Housi ny 6 -io Fa 1~e Hepotl1-3 ~loh ib i Ic~d 6middot- J J Slt~(Ipe 0 f Seet i on 6-middot12 l1~ped L 0 [rr~n-HH

6middotmiddot) PhyHi c-tJ Abuse It r s un l awfu l for any pl~rHOn to willfully or ma l Lc ious Jy kLll be a ma m po iso n d s qu re bu rn t l-H~xually abul(~ i i f i or ~Cd Ld any a n i ma l or to attempt 10 ki 1 1 or poison any an ima 1 Ihd I l s not a wl 113 anima 1 exeepl Iha I t-eaon-tb 1f~

force mdY be- f~rnpl(lyed only Lo d ri v a off vicious or trespaBBshyi n 9 ani mii 18 bull

6-2 Mol plLi ng Animal s ]1 is unlawfUl for any person to Lease annoy di8turb or mo loa l a ny a nima l wh ieh iH on Ihn propr- rLy of ib~ owno r o r und(rlhf~ oorrt ro l of itl owner

6middot-1 Work C~uelly

11 iH un Lewfu l f o r any pe-r aon 10 d r i ve- or work a ny animal lt~ r u f~ 1 1Y bull

6-4 C~re find Maintenance A It It unlawful for any owner of an anima] 1(1 ffj l

terUlH~ o r nf~glfmiddot~cl 10 p rov ldo Hdid animal w i Lh plopel a nd fidequate food d ri nk ~1hdclf~ l-lhe]t(~r a nd venLj 1lt-1 lT o n Any lnimal bab ltua l l y kl~pL ou t s idr- Hhall be p r ovi dr-d by dH owner wi th a s tr-uc tu r a l Ly Hound WnaUH~I-plOOr e no l ouu ro Ll~gf~ enollfJh to leCOmmodillf~ Lhn i-Hlimltilin a ma n ne- r llUi1i-Iblp for tha t Hpecjps or o the- r lhnlt(~ls su i Lab Io to Lhlt Rpeei(~8

H 111 owner rnu s t k(~(~p tho pr-em i Be where -in animal iH kept rt(~n or gdrbdgf~ ha z a rdous ma Lo r La l e r~Ce~l inHn(~

i nrf~middotd(ftmiddotj on and other ddlri ~ whi c h mltty enddngfr the animals hea l Lh lnd Rdrf~ty

c An owner mu st p r ovi d e an injund or link an i ma l wi th ddequaLI~ ve lo r i na r-y care ~H) dR to r educe iLs lUrrf~lmiddoting

Il ViolaLioTiB of th i s xeoti on of Lh e Ordinance drf~ pnnishshydblf~ by firHH a nd zo r Imp r iuonrnen t rHl sd rOlth in Appendix A

( ] 4 )


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 11: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

710977 5-5 ~-6

5-7 5middotmiddot8



5 7

An illld 1 Disturbing lho Pl~dcn

An i ma l Nuisances on ~jdf~waIks ~treetH PubLic Pa r-k a Al l o y a a nd otho r pldCll-gt Opnn 10 UH-~ Puhl i c UnLawf u l llse of Li(en8~~ Jitg An i ma l s lIdirwd 10 Aii~I Uw Handicapped Allowed ln IIJblic pJaceg WritLfmiddotn Complaint H(~qnirf~m(~nt

IlngH Ru nn inq at La rqe 1 t j s un lawful for any owner to ii 1 ] ow or pe rrnl 1 any dog to ru n iii ldtg Any dog pe rm lLted 10 r u n a I l a r qo i n v i o laquo

1 at j on of th is SecLj on j ~ df~c 1a r e-d La be a rmi s ance 1

nll~ndCe 10 Ihl~ pub lie hl~ l Ih and ljafl~Ly a nd may be Lakl~n up and impounded as provided in ~EgtcLion ]-) 1 f~L ~lf~q J n addilion iLf owno r nha l l be subject to the pendI ilH ljl~I

forth in Appendix A

An ima ln on (jnl~ncll)lll~d l)tnmiIIf~H Chained An i ma l a 1 11 is un I awful for iHIY p(~rS(lTl to chain or utake iny

an i ma l inI c r uo l (H in huma no ma n no r Whnn~ o irc um ~~tiHIClll wa r r ant a nd no other fI11ernat-i v e- fXj ts for confining all dniOlill on U_H owr)l~IB pLnpElLy 1 lOpl cdbl( or c h ai n milY be ulled La restrilin the animid p ro v i dod the following o r l to r i a a ro met 1 Jh e rope cha i n or cab l laquo must be Ciffixpd to the

animal by UHf~ of a non-cs b ra aivo comfo r tab l v fitted collar or hornell8

~ lhl~ r ope chain o r cable mu st be at leaHI two l vo (]21 feet in length unle~B Huch length aJ1owH the ani ma l 10 cn to r onto anouhe r s PlOP(~Ily in wh i o h caSE the c ha i n Hhit I J be- no ] CIHI them ei qht (0 I feet i n ll~ngth llw c h a in mus l be unoba t ruo t- ed by ob je-c ta wh i o h might CClWH~ tho an i ma l 10

blcoml~ en Ld ng led 3 Jh(~ Hljrnij) must have easy and constant aeeeHll La

adequa t c llhllLet food a nd po t ab l o wa Ler 4 lhe a r ea whe r e thl~ a n i ma I is c on f i ne-d muut be k ept

[n or garbage feces or o Lhe r d ob r i a wh ich may endCinger the animals heaJLh and safeLy bull

5 Ihl~ a rea who r-e Uw animal lH c on f Ln od mus t bl~ kept free of i n s eot i nffHUILj on Huch a l-1 a nt hi] 1H WiHlp

nl~lL [lnd tick a nd maggot infnlalionn 6 Jhe anima] mus t be tJ e-d n~n~(gtnClbly nflt1r Lhcshy own

11 H Iflj i dnnen 01 wo r kp Lac o and munt not bf~ 1 f~ f L u na tLe nd ed for J o nqe r tha n it Lwp] V(~ ( 1 2) hour f(~ I iod

H J nvi s f b le fencing Wher( HI owrlfr rna f ntai n s lHI invi~imiddotmiddot

b lo flncn i(~ an f~lel~LtiCal df~vil~f~ d~l-gtignf~d to contain dnjmoJM wCHring itn HI~ropria1e col]nr within H confined aLI~il which in i n opo rs Lion a I all Iiml~-l lhi-iLI dogi ~ o utdoo r a on the owner M premi se~ a nd wi th i n lh o inv La ib 11~ [f~r)(~ ing a nd who Ie each OWl) I S dog on

( J 1 )

710978 ths- e the n

5middotprfmiddotmmiddotj~es weltir~ th (+ppJi(~ltfble collar the

4Ap rov ia i o n s of Seclion shall not apply ptovided LhetLLhe invis i b l o ffmiddotnee doe ss in [aeL r(~tain the- (log on UH~ owno r s p r em ise s

C Vj01C1_jon~ (If Lhe~(~ pqlli r ernentu wi I I con stLtute HI ao t of n~g1e~LelIJ(~lI~y a nd wi1l s ub j oo r tIP a n ima I 10

imme-d iaLe impolndm(~nt and pena l Li e s La the own(~r i1H Net f o r lh in Appe nd ix A

5middotmiddot3 inJma]H rra n s po r-te-d or jefL J n V(gthi(~l(~l

It i s un Law f u I Io r any pr- r ao n to edl-ry any animal in ltH upon a ny vfhi(~le in lt1 erne] inhnll(lnt~ or lHINlt1fe manner No PIon ~hdll k(~(~p o r 1I~nllp0lt an animal in Lh( be or d pj(~k-llp Lrucik un l e s s the- ani rna l iH properly TesLrltfinf~d in hurna n o dnd d[~ ma nrie r 10 p revon l Lhf~ animal flom l(~i-virlJ tht eonfj ne of the bed of 1hE~ truck No person ~ha]] l o a ve an animal in d c l o sred veh Lc l o rOl any l oriq Lh o f Iim( reCisltHlilbl y conc Jud e d to be diin9(~roUs 10 thtmiddot hf~n] Lh or ~nrety lh e a n irna L nu r i nq hot wedthel oorid LtLona an ACO or Sheriffs depuLy ffidY immfdilt1Lely r emove cHI ani rna l [rom ltI

vr-h i o l r- a nd Lakf~ it into p ro loo lLve custodv at thl~ co-1 aHsPMHcd 10 Lhe owner Vio]aLion~ or Lhis ~ecLion will c o n s LiLu Le an det of clultyneglf~et rind wi 11 Hubject lho OWTifr to thfmiddot penalt ie s HE~t f o r th in ippendix A

5-4 V i cl ous Ani Old 1fi

11 j H unlawful f or- Hly person to kEep or ha r bo r d known v io i o u s animal in Ull~ Counly Any attack by ii v i c l ous animltl] or Hny animn] displaying traiLs of a VJCiOlM anima] may l)(~ r(~p(~lled by tho 11l(~ or l-f~i8ondhlf~ rOlef~ Aftell jndiCilt1l deLerminaLion Lha L a n a ni ma l i s vi oi ous thr- oou r t hav inq j u rLad Lc tLon o vo r Lho (n[olc(~menL or Lh ia Onjinancf~(

upon hearing or uuch eomplninL mHY in add it I on to any fine o r l mp r i nonrne nt wh l c h may be i mpoaed [Ot violaLion hnlmiddotfmiddot~()r order thr- Animal ConLrol OffieE~r 10 havlaquo sueh a ni ma l de-shyfLtoyed rI 8(~t [orth in Secl~ion 3 -4 or Lhin oldindncf~

5-5 Ani ma l Dj s tur b i ng th e PfaCf~

A 11 Ir unlawful rot any ownnl to allow any or h l s a n i rna Iu to pe r s LstnntJy o r cortLnuouu l y bark how] or milkl~ no i a e common to tho i r Rp(~ei(~ll 0 oLhetwisc d ia Lurb th e peaee and qni e t of the j nhab i tantH (If Lhe countv 01 to keep or ma i n ta in on h i a p rom i ae s any animal i n fuch il manner alfl 10 d i s tu r b othe r s hy noxi OUH or offenshys ivr- odo r s 01 ()lhplWjH(~ f)nddnltJf~l Ih(middot~ h(~alth H Io ty a nd welfar(~ of the i nhlt1bj Lantl (If the CounLy

JL Violiilions of LhiH Seetion Rhall COIHlLiLule il nuifldllcf dnd shall Bubject Lhe owner 10 ~he penalLieK set forth in App(nd i x A

(12 )

710979 5-6 Animal NIJil~dnc(~R on Hid(~wi-llk~ Public PHkl Alley

Ot-her P] ClCfS Open to thf Pub] i c

A JI is unlawful EoI Ih(~ ownc r or any an i ma I 10 pf~lmilmiddot

ei the r willfully or through frtilure to f~xpeilw dlH

(~i-ll( 01 c on l ro L dny nuch animal 10 oomm il any nu iu a nce upon d Hi dew) k or i n a pub 1 j ( pCl rk or upon th e floor 01 wa 1 1 01 any common Wrl 1 1 o r lllY common ha l I i n any mu1tjple dwe- l Li nq e ntryway ata i rway or wall i mmed i gt

dtf~ly dbuUing on i- pub l ic iidf~Wltllk 0[ UpOIl the flool or wall of Clny the-a te r shop s to r o offief- building 01 o lh o r bu i Ld Ln q u sod in common by Lhe pub l ie 01 upon C1T1y privaLi- propErLy o the- r th a n Lha t of the- a ni rna l owno r When an a n ima l d(~fecilL(~H in a pub lLo p laoe th(~

owne- r mu s t r ernov e tb e feeegt a nd d i sP0le of it j TI a san lta i-y ma nnn r TtH~ Lo rrn nu ina noo Rhall i nc lude any def(-caLion or u ri na tjon deBt-ruction of propE~r1y or d i s Lu r b i n q th o ptOIHHty of anothe r i no l ud i nq Uw r ubb i ah or tra s h of 0 r e s i de-nt of Santa E~ Cormty

IL v Lo latLona or th i a S(~ctjon ~1hil11 ClHHJLiLuLt~ il nuiHane( and shall (lbjEl(~1jon tho owrlf~r to tho perkll1iEH ~et

[ollh in Apporid i x A

5middotmiddot7 un l awfuI l1~e of li CE~n~H~ Jag tL ii1 un l aw Iu l [ot sny Pf~I)on Lo rr-movlaquo any 1 i~~nllr~ Lg flom cHI a n i rna l a nd attacrh it to lttn()th(~r ani ma l r t ~~hidl b(~

u n l aw f u l (01 ilny po r ao n Lo rna nu La c Lu r e o r (~dun to hc manu fliLllred or Lo have in his pOla(gt~ion or under h i s contro l it

H to 1o n (~otJ n Lt1l f(~ it 0 r (olgid ani rua 1 1 icen~ Lilg thiPH

va(cinidion cerLifie(i1E~ or other form of Ji(~enldng iill r eshy1uit(~d und o i- Lhia o r d l nanc c

5-8 An r rna l a Trainf~d 10 AHSiHt the Handicapp((l Allowed in Pub 1 ie I) LH~(~li

An i ma l a tr a i ried to a s si ut ths- ha nd i cerpped including blind 01 d~ar pe r aon e hall bo a ll owod in pub ll o p Lace s lt3IH1 it shall be unlCiwful for any perHon who owns operatf-H or ma I nta i liS any pubI i o place of bus in(~sH o r convoya noo l nto lIh~iCh thr- gf-~nEraJ pubLi c i~ invlted 10 debar or exe]udf Lholl~rlnm dny animal which hHi be(~n Itdined Lo lliHist the twndicapped p r ovi d e-d ~l1eh animal ltic(ompanjeH thlaquo handishyedpp~d pnlHon it WdH Lra l nod lo ilflsLsl

5-9 wr itte-n Compl ai n] HequirpmfJIt 101 -s ny dll(~gl~d v i o l a Li o n s or IhLH ~(~(~tion 5 an ACO rnry bEfort~ fu r ther ltIctmiddotjon or inveHtigiiLion requjre I (~ompl(linshy

an t 10 IJbm i L on 3 fo tm pn)v idr~ by U)(~ A C O~ Wt i t Len f~omplilmiddotint of the il ]eg(d OrdincHiC( violctlon 9iving thf nam(~ dnd ~ddl(R~) or Ihc complinanJ nd ir v-ilahln or thf oWTlPr who i- in HlHh violCltion

( 11 )

Article fi 710980CruelLy La AnimalH Prohibited

Sr~c bull 6-] Ph y s i cia l Abualaquo 6-2 MolfHI-ing Animals 6-3 Work Crwlty 6 -4 rar0 and MainLenancn 6-5 lJncGlrE~dmiddotmiddotfor AnIrna l Hi Abandonment 6 f) t n j u ry to An i ma I a by Ml)tori~I~B

6-middot 7 Keeping of J)i~(ltuf-d or Pai nfu Ll y CrippJed inimcdf-gt 6--3 Ani m-l 1 F i9 h L 8 6middotmiddotlt Hi rd1 rnpound i ny Crnti ny Housi ny 6 -io Fa 1~e Hepotl1-3 ~loh ib i Ic~d 6middot- J J Slt~(Ipe 0 f Seet i on 6-middot12 l1~ped L 0 [rr~n-HH

6middotmiddot) PhyHi c-tJ Abuse It r s un l awfu l for any pl~rHOn to willfully or ma l Lc ious Jy kLll be a ma m po iso n d s qu re bu rn t l-H~xually abul(~ i i f i or ~Cd Ld any a n i ma l or to attempt 10 ki 1 1 or poison any an ima 1 Ihd I l s not a wl 113 anima 1 exeepl Iha I t-eaon-tb 1f~

force mdY be- f~rnpl(lyed only Lo d ri v a off vicious or trespaBBshyi n 9 ani mii 18 bull

6-2 Mol plLi ng Animal s ]1 is unlawfUl for any person to Lease annoy di8turb or mo loa l a ny a nima l wh ieh iH on Ihn propr- rLy of ib~ owno r o r und(rlhf~ oorrt ro l of itl owner

6middot-1 Work C~uelly

11 iH un Lewfu l f o r any pe-r aon 10 d r i ve- or work a ny animal lt~ r u f~ 1 1Y bull

6-4 C~re find Maintenance A It It unlawful for any owner of an anima] 1(1 ffj l

terUlH~ o r nf~glfmiddot~cl 10 p rov ldo Hdid animal w i Lh plopel a nd fidequate food d ri nk ~1hdclf~ l-lhe]t(~r a nd venLj 1lt-1 lT o n Any lnimal bab ltua l l y kl~pL ou t s idr- Hhall be p r ovi dr-d by dH owner wi th a s tr-uc tu r a l Ly Hound WnaUH~I-plOOr e no l ouu ro Ll~gf~ enollfJh to leCOmmodillf~ Lhn i-Hlimltilin a ma n ne- r llUi1i-Iblp for tha t Hpecjps or o the- r lhnlt(~ls su i Lab Io to Lhlt Rpeei(~8

H 111 owner rnu s t k(~(~p tho pr-em i Be where -in animal iH kept rt(~n or gdrbdgf~ ha z a rdous ma Lo r La l e r~Ce~l inHn(~

i nrf~middotd(ftmiddotj on and other ddlri ~ whi c h mltty enddngfr the animals hea l Lh lnd Rdrf~ty

c An owner mu st p r ovi d e an injund or link an i ma l wi th ddequaLI~ ve lo r i na r-y care ~H) dR to r educe iLs lUrrf~lmiddoting

Il ViolaLioTiB of th i s xeoti on of Lh e Ordinance drf~ pnnishshydblf~ by firHH a nd zo r Imp r iuonrnen t rHl sd rOlth in Appendix A

( ] 4 )


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 12: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

710978 ths- e the n

5middotprfmiddotmmiddotj~es weltir~ th (+ppJi(~ltfble collar the

4Ap rov ia i o n s of Seclion shall not apply ptovided LhetLLhe invis i b l o ffmiddotnee doe ss in [aeL r(~tain the- (log on UH~ owno r s p r em ise s

C Vj01C1_jon~ (If Lhe~(~ pqlli r ernentu wi I I con stLtute HI ao t of n~g1e~LelIJ(~lI~y a nd wi1l s ub j oo r tIP a n ima I 10

imme-d iaLe impolndm(~nt and pena l Li e s La the own(~r i1H Net f o r lh in Appe nd ix A

5middotmiddot3 inJma]H rra n s po r-te-d or jefL J n V(gthi(~l(~l

It i s un Law f u I Io r any pr- r ao n to edl-ry any animal in ltH upon a ny vfhi(~le in lt1 erne] inhnll(lnt~ or lHINlt1fe manner No PIon ~hdll k(~(~p o r 1I~nllp0lt an animal in Lh( be or d pj(~k-llp Lrucik un l e s s the- ani rna l iH properly TesLrltfinf~d in hurna n o dnd d[~ ma nrie r 10 p revon l Lhf~ animal flom l(~i-virlJ tht eonfj ne of the bed of 1hE~ truck No person ~ha]] l o a ve an animal in d c l o sred veh Lc l o rOl any l oriq Lh o f Iim( reCisltHlilbl y conc Jud e d to be diin9(~roUs 10 thtmiddot hf~n] Lh or ~nrety lh e a n irna L nu r i nq hot wedthel oorid LtLona an ACO or Sheriffs depuLy ffidY immfdilt1Lely r emove cHI ani rna l [rom ltI

vr-h i o l r- a nd Lakf~ it into p ro loo lLve custodv at thl~ co-1 aHsPMHcd 10 Lhe owner Vio]aLion~ or Lhis ~ecLion will c o n s LiLu Le an det of clultyneglf~et rind wi 11 Hubject lho OWTifr to thfmiddot penalt ie s HE~t f o r th in ippendix A

5-4 V i cl ous Ani Old 1fi

11 j H unlawful f or- Hly person to kEep or ha r bo r d known v io i o u s animal in Ull~ Counly Any attack by ii v i c l ous animltl] or Hny animn] displaying traiLs of a VJCiOlM anima] may l)(~ r(~p(~lled by tho 11l(~ or l-f~i8ondhlf~ rOlef~ Aftell jndiCilt1l deLerminaLion Lha L a n a ni ma l i s vi oi ous thr- oou r t hav inq j u rLad Lc tLon o vo r Lho (n[olc(~menL or Lh ia Onjinancf~(

upon hearing or uuch eomplninL mHY in add it I on to any fine o r l mp r i nonrne nt wh l c h may be i mpoaed [Ot violaLion hnlmiddotfmiddot~()r order thr- Animal ConLrol OffieE~r 10 havlaquo sueh a ni ma l de-shyfLtoyed rI 8(~t [orth in Secl~ion 3 -4 or Lhin oldindncf~

5-5 Ani ma l Dj s tur b i ng th e PfaCf~

A 11 Ir unlawful rot any ownnl to allow any or h l s a n i rna Iu to pe r s LstnntJy o r cortLnuouu l y bark how] or milkl~ no i a e common to tho i r Rp(~ei(~ll 0 oLhetwisc d ia Lurb th e peaee and qni e t of the j nhab i tantH (If Lhe countv 01 to keep or ma i n ta in on h i a p rom i ae s any animal i n fuch il manner alfl 10 d i s tu r b othe r s hy noxi OUH or offenshys ivr- odo r s 01 ()lhplWjH(~ f)nddnltJf~l Ih(middot~ h(~alth H Io ty a nd welfar(~ of the i nhlt1bj Lantl (If the CounLy

JL Violiilions of LhiH Seetion Rhall COIHlLiLule il nuifldllcf dnd shall Bubject Lhe owner 10 ~he penalLieK set forth in App(nd i x A

(12 )

710979 5-6 Animal NIJil~dnc(~R on Hid(~wi-llk~ Public PHkl Alley

Ot-her P] ClCfS Open to thf Pub] i c

A JI is unlawful EoI Ih(~ ownc r or any an i ma I 10 pf~lmilmiddot

ei the r willfully or through frtilure to f~xpeilw dlH

(~i-ll( 01 c on l ro L dny nuch animal 10 oomm il any nu iu a nce upon d Hi dew) k or i n a pub 1 j ( pCl rk or upon th e floor 01 wa 1 1 01 any common Wrl 1 1 o r lllY common ha l I i n any mu1tjple dwe- l Li nq e ntryway ata i rway or wall i mmed i gt

dtf~ly dbuUing on i- pub l ic iidf~Wltllk 0[ UpOIl the flool or wall of Clny the-a te r shop s to r o offief- building 01 o lh o r bu i Ld Ln q u sod in common by Lhe pub l ie 01 upon C1T1y privaLi- propErLy o the- r th a n Lha t of the- a ni rna l owno r When an a n ima l d(~fecilL(~H in a pub lLo p laoe th(~

owne- r mu s t r ernov e tb e feeegt a nd d i sP0le of it j TI a san lta i-y ma nnn r TtH~ Lo rrn nu ina noo Rhall i nc lude any def(-caLion or u ri na tjon deBt-ruction of propE~r1y or d i s Lu r b i n q th o ptOIHHty of anothe r i no l ud i nq Uw r ubb i ah or tra s h of 0 r e s i de-nt of Santa E~ Cormty

IL v Lo latLona or th i a S(~ctjon ~1hil11 ClHHJLiLuLt~ il nuiHane( and shall (lbjEl(~1jon tho owrlf~r to tho perkll1iEH ~et

[ollh in Apporid i x A

5middotmiddot7 un l awfuI l1~e of li CE~n~H~ Jag tL ii1 un l aw Iu l [ot sny Pf~I)on Lo rr-movlaquo any 1 i~~nllr~ Lg flom cHI a n i rna l a nd attacrh it to lttn()th(~r ani ma l r t ~~hidl b(~

u n l aw f u l (01 ilny po r ao n Lo rna nu La c Lu r e o r (~dun to hc manu fliLllred or Lo have in his pOla(gt~ion or under h i s contro l it

H to 1o n (~otJ n Lt1l f(~ it 0 r (olgid ani rua 1 1 icen~ Lilg thiPH

va(cinidion cerLifie(i1E~ or other form of Ji(~enldng iill r eshy1uit(~d und o i- Lhia o r d l nanc c

5-8 An r rna l a Trainf~d 10 AHSiHt the Handicapp((l Allowed in Pub 1 ie I) LH~(~li

An i ma l a tr a i ried to a s si ut ths- ha nd i cerpped including blind 01 d~ar pe r aon e hall bo a ll owod in pub ll o p Lace s lt3IH1 it shall be unlCiwful for any perHon who owns operatf-H or ma I nta i liS any pubI i o place of bus in(~sH o r convoya noo l nto lIh~iCh thr- gf-~nEraJ pubLi c i~ invlted 10 debar or exe]udf Lholl~rlnm dny animal which hHi be(~n Itdined Lo lliHist the twndicapped p r ovi d e-d ~l1eh animal ltic(ompanjeH thlaquo handishyedpp~d pnlHon it WdH Lra l nod lo ilflsLsl

5-9 wr itte-n Compl ai n] HequirpmfJIt 101 -s ny dll(~gl~d v i o l a Li o n s or IhLH ~(~(~tion 5 an ACO rnry bEfort~ fu r ther ltIctmiddotjon or inveHtigiiLion requjre I (~ompl(linshy

an t 10 IJbm i L on 3 fo tm pn)v idr~ by U)(~ A C O~ Wt i t Len f~omplilmiddotint of the il ]eg(d OrdincHiC( violctlon 9iving thf nam(~ dnd ~ddl(R~) or Ihc complinanJ nd ir v-ilahln or thf oWTlPr who i- in HlHh violCltion

( 11 )

Article fi 710980CruelLy La AnimalH Prohibited

Sr~c bull 6-] Ph y s i cia l Abualaquo 6-2 MolfHI-ing Animals 6-3 Work Crwlty 6 -4 rar0 and MainLenancn 6-5 lJncGlrE~dmiddotmiddotfor AnIrna l Hi Abandonment 6 f) t n j u ry to An i ma I a by Ml)tori~I~B

6-middot 7 Keeping of J)i~(ltuf-d or Pai nfu Ll y CrippJed inimcdf-gt 6--3 Ani m-l 1 F i9 h L 8 6middotmiddotlt Hi rd1 rnpound i ny Crnti ny Housi ny 6 -io Fa 1~e Hepotl1-3 ~loh ib i Ic~d 6middot- J J Slt~(Ipe 0 f Seet i on 6-middot12 l1~ped L 0 [rr~n-HH

6middotmiddot) PhyHi c-tJ Abuse It r s un l awfu l for any pl~rHOn to willfully or ma l Lc ious Jy kLll be a ma m po iso n d s qu re bu rn t l-H~xually abul(~ i i f i or ~Cd Ld any a n i ma l or to attempt 10 ki 1 1 or poison any an ima 1 Ihd I l s not a wl 113 anima 1 exeepl Iha I t-eaon-tb 1f~

force mdY be- f~rnpl(lyed only Lo d ri v a off vicious or trespaBBshyi n 9 ani mii 18 bull

6-2 Mol plLi ng Animal s ]1 is unlawfUl for any person to Lease annoy di8turb or mo loa l a ny a nima l wh ieh iH on Ihn propr- rLy of ib~ owno r o r und(rlhf~ oorrt ro l of itl owner

6middot-1 Work C~uelly

11 iH un Lewfu l f o r any pe-r aon 10 d r i ve- or work a ny animal lt~ r u f~ 1 1Y bull

6-4 C~re find Maintenance A It It unlawful for any owner of an anima] 1(1 ffj l

terUlH~ o r nf~glfmiddot~cl 10 p rov ldo Hdid animal w i Lh plopel a nd fidequate food d ri nk ~1hdclf~ l-lhe]t(~r a nd venLj 1lt-1 lT o n Any lnimal bab ltua l l y kl~pL ou t s idr- Hhall be p r ovi dr-d by dH owner wi th a s tr-uc tu r a l Ly Hound WnaUH~I-plOOr e no l ouu ro Ll~gf~ enollfJh to leCOmmodillf~ Lhn i-Hlimltilin a ma n ne- r llUi1i-Iblp for tha t Hpecjps or o the- r lhnlt(~ls su i Lab Io to Lhlt Rpeei(~8

H 111 owner rnu s t k(~(~p tho pr-em i Be where -in animal iH kept rt(~n or gdrbdgf~ ha z a rdous ma Lo r La l e r~Ce~l inHn(~

i nrf~middotd(ftmiddotj on and other ddlri ~ whi c h mltty enddngfr the animals hea l Lh lnd Rdrf~ty

c An owner mu st p r ovi d e an injund or link an i ma l wi th ddequaLI~ ve lo r i na r-y care ~H) dR to r educe iLs lUrrf~lmiddoting

Il ViolaLioTiB of th i s xeoti on of Lh e Ordinance drf~ pnnishshydblf~ by firHH a nd zo r Imp r iuonrnen t rHl sd rOlth in Appendix A

( ] 4 )


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 13: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

710979 5-6 Animal NIJil~dnc(~R on Hid(~wi-llk~ Public PHkl Alley

Ot-her P] ClCfS Open to thf Pub] i c

A JI is unlawful EoI Ih(~ ownc r or any an i ma I 10 pf~lmilmiddot

ei the r willfully or through frtilure to f~xpeilw dlH

(~i-ll( 01 c on l ro L dny nuch animal 10 oomm il any nu iu a nce upon d Hi dew) k or i n a pub 1 j ( pCl rk or upon th e floor 01 wa 1 1 01 any common Wrl 1 1 o r lllY common ha l I i n any mu1tjple dwe- l Li nq e ntryway ata i rway or wall i mmed i gt

dtf~ly dbuUing on i- pub l ic iidf~Wltllk 0[ UpOIl the flool or wall of Clny the-a te r shop s to r o offief- building 01 o lh o r bu i Ld Ln q u sod in common by Lhe pub l ie 01 upon C1T1y privaLi- propErLy o the- r th a n Lha t of the- a ni rna l owno r When an a n ima l d(~fecilL(~H in a pub lLo p laoe th(~

owne- r mu s t r ernov e tb e feeegt a nd d i sP0le of it j TI a san lta i-y ma nnn r TtH~ Lo rrn nu ina noo Rhall i nc lude any def(-caLion or u ri na tjon deBt-ruction of propE~r1y or d i s Lu r b i n q th o ptOIHHty of anothe r i no l ud i nq Uw r ubb i ah or tra s h of 0 r e s i de-nt of Santa E~ Cormty

IL v Lo latLona or th i a S(~ctjon ~1hil11 ClHHJLiLuLt~ il nuiHane( and shall (lbjEl(~1jon tho owrlf~r to tho perkll1iEH ~et

[ollh in Apporid i x A

5middotmiddot7 un l awfuI l1~e of li CE~n~H~ Jag tL ii1 un l aw Iu l [ot sny Pf~I)on Lo rr-movlaquo any 1 i~~nllr~ Lg flom cHI a n i rna l a nd attacrh it to lttn()th(~r ani ma l r t ~~hidl b(~

u n l aw f u l (01 ilny po r ao n Lo rna nu La c Lu r e o r (~dun to hc manu fliLllred or Lo have in his pOla(gt~ion or under h i s contro l it

H to 1o n (~otJ n Lt1l f(~ it 0 r (olgid ani rua 1 1 icen~ Lilg thiPH

va(cinidion cerLifie(i1E~ or other form of Ji(~enldng iill r eshy1uit(~d und o i- Lhia o r d l nanc c

5-8 An r rna l a Trainf~d 10 AHSiHt the Handicapp((l Allowed in Pub 1 ie I) LH~(~li

An i ma l a tr a i ried to a s si ut ths- ha nd i cerpped including blind 01 d~ar pe r aon e hall bo a ll owod in pub ll o p Lace s lt3IH1 it shall be unlCiwful for any perHon who owns operatf-H or ma I nta i liS any pubI i o place of bus in(~sH o r convoya noo l nto lIh~iCh thr- gf-~nEraJ pubLi c i~ invlted 10 debar or exe]udf Lholl~rlnm dny animal which hHi be(~n Itdined Lo lliHist the twndicapped p r ovi d e-d ~l1eh animal ltic(ompanjeH thlaquo handishyedpp~d pnlHon it WdH Lra l nod lo ilflsLsl

5-9 wr itte-n Compl ai n] HequirpmfJIt 101 -s ny dll(~gl~d v i o l a Li o n s or IhLH ~(~(~tion 5 an ACO rnry bEfort~ fu r ther ltIctmiddotjon or inveHtigiiLion requjre I (~ompl(linshy

an t 10 IJbm i L on 3 fo tm pn)v idr~ by U)(~ A C O~ Wt i t Len f~omplilmiddotint of the il ]eg(d OrdincHiC( violctlon 9iving thf nam(~ dnd ~ddl(R~) or Ihc complinanJ nd ir v-ilahln or thf oWTlPr who i- in HlHh violCltion

( 11 )

Article fi 710980CruelLy La AnimalH Prohibited

Sr~c bull 6-] Ph y s i cia l Abualaquo 6-2 MolfHI-ing Animals 6-3 Work Crwlty 6 -4 rar0 and MainLenancn 6-5 lJncGlrE~dmiddotmiddotfor AnIrna l Hi Abandonment 6 f) t n j u ry to An i ma I a by Ml)tori~I~B

6-middot 7 Keeping of J)i~(ltuf-d or Pai nfu Ll y CrippJed inimcdf-gt 6--3 Ani m-l 1 F i9 h L 8 6middotmiddotlt Hi rd1 rnpound i ny Crnti ny Housi ny 6 -io Fa 1~e Hepotl1-3 ~loh ib i Ic~d 6middot- J J Slt~(Ipe 0 f Seet i on 6-middot12 l1~ped L 0 [rr~n-HH

6middotmiddot) PhyHi c-tJ Abuse It r s un l awfu l for any pl~rHOn to willfully or ma l Lc ious Jy kLll be a ma m po iso n d s qu re bu rn t l-H~xually abul(~ i i f i or ~Cd Ld any a n i ma l or to attempt 10 ki 1 1 or poison any an ima 1 Ihd I l s not a wl 113 anima 1 exeepl Iha I t-eaon-tb 1f~

force mdY be- f~rnpl(lyed only Lo d ri v a off vicious or trespaBBshyi n 9 ani mii 18 bull

6-2 Mol plLi ng Animal s ]1 is unlawfUl for any person to Lease annoy di8turb or mo loa l a ny a nima l wh ieh iH on Ihn propr- rLy of ib~ owno r o r und(rlhf~ oorrt ro l of itl owner

6middot-1 Work C~uelly

11 iH un Lewfu l f o r any pe-r aon 10 d r i ve- or work a ny animal lt~ r u f~ 1 1Y bull

6-4 C~re find Maintenance A It It unlawful for any owner of an anima] 1(1 ffj l

terUlH~ o r nf~glfmiddot~cl 10 p rov ldo Hdid animal w i Lh plopel a nd fidequate food d ri nk ~1hdclf~ l-lhe]t(~r a nd venLj 1lt-1 lT o n Any lnimal bab ltua l l y kl~pL ou t s idr- Hhall be p r ovi dr-d by dH owner wi th a s tr-uc tu r a l Ly Hound WnaUH~I-plOOr e no l ouu ro Ll~gf~ enollfJh to leCOmmodillf~ Lhn i-Hlimltilin a ma n ne- r llUi1i-Iblp for tha t Hpecjps or o the- r lhnlt(~ls su i Lab Io to Lhlt Rpeei(~8

H 111 owner rnu s t k(~(~p tho pr-em i Be where -in animal iH kept rt(~n or gdrbdgf~ ha z a rdous ma Lo r La l e r~Ce~l inHn(~

i nrf~middotd(ftmiddotj on and other ddlri ~ whi c h mltty enddngfr the animals hea l Lh lnd Rdrf~ty

c An owner mu st p r ovi d e an injund or link an i ma l wi th ddequaLI~ ve lo r i na r-y care ~H) dR to r educe iLs lUrrf~lmiddoting

Il ViolaLioTiB of th i s xeoti on of Lh e Ordinance drf~ pnnishshydblf~ by firHH a nd zo r Imp r iuonrnen t rHl sd rOlth in Appendix A

( ] 4 )


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 14: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

Article fi 710980CruelLy La AnimalH Prohibited

Sr~c bull 6-] Ph y s i cia l Abualaquo 6-2 MolfHI-ing Animals 6-3 Work Crwlty 6 -4 rar0 and MainLenancn 6-5 lJncGlrE~dmiddotmiddotfor AnIrna l Hi Abandonment 6 f) t n j u ry to An i ma I a by Ml)tori~I~B

6-middot 7 Keeping of J)i~(ltuf-d or Pai nfu Ll y CrippJed inimcdf-gt 6--3 Ani m-l 1 F i9 h L 8 6middotmiddotlt Hi rd1 rnpound i ny Crnti ny Housi ny 6 -io Fa 1~e Hepotl1-3 ~loh ib i Ic~d 6middot- J J Slt~(Ipe 0 f Seet i on 6-middot12 l1~ped L 0 [rr~n-HH

6middotmiddot) PhyHi c-tJ Abuse It r s un l awfu l for any pl~rHOn to willfully or ma l Lc ious Jy kLll be a ma m po iso n d s qu re bu rn t l-H~xually abul(~ i i f i or ~Cd Ld any a n i ma l or to attempt 10 ki 1 1 or poison any an ima 1 Ihd I l s not a wl 113 anima 1 exeepl Iha I t-eaon-tb 1f~

force mdY be- f~rnpl(lyed only Lo d ri v a off vicious or trespaBBshyi n 9 ani mii 18 bull

6-2 Mol plLi ng Animal s ]1 is unlawfUl for any person to Lease annoy di8turb or mo loa l a ny a nima l wh ieh iH on Ihn propr- rLy of ib~ owno r o r und(rlhf~ oorrt ro l of itl owner

6middot-1 Work C~uelly

11 iH un Lewfu l f o r any pe-r aon 10 d r i ve- or work a ny animal lt~ r u f~ 1 1Y bull

6-4 C~re find Maintenance A It It unlawful for any owner of an anima] 1(1 ffj l

terUlH~ o r nf~glfmiddot~cl 10 p rov ldo Hdid animal w i Lh plopel a nd fidequate food d ri nk ~1hdclf~ l-lhe]t(~r a nd venLj 1lt-1 lT o n Any lnimal bab ltua l l y kl~pL ou t s idr- Hhall be p r ovi dr-d by dH owner wi th a s tr-uc tu r a l Ly Hound WnaUH~I-plOOr e no l ouu ro Ll~gf~ enollfJh to leCOmmodillf~ Lhn i-Hlimltilin a ma n ne- r llUi1i-Iblp for tha t Hpecjps or o the- r lhnlt(~ls su i Lab Io to Lhlt Rpeei(~8

H 111 owner rnu s t k(~(~p tho pr-em i Be where -in animal iH kept rt(~n or gdrbdgf~ ha z a rdous ma Lo r La l e r~Ce~l inHn(~

i nrf~middotd(ftmiddotj on and other ddlri ~ whi c h mltty enddngfr the animals hea l Lh lnd Rdrf~ty

c An owner mu st p r ovi d e an injund or link an i ma l wi th ddequaLI~ ve lo r i na r-y care ~H) dR to r educe iLs lUrrf~lmiddoting

Il ViolaLioTiB of th i s xeoti on of Lh e Ordinance drf~ pnnishshydblf~ by firHH a nd zo r Imp r iuonrnen t rHl sd rOlth in Appendix A

( ] 4 )


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 15: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk


710981 6middot5


()llcdted-[ot An i ma l a ) Abandonment 1 Wherlpoundver an An i rna l Co n tro l Officer fi nd s tha t ilny

aninlnl IF~ o r w il I l)p wlLhou l l)tmiddot()P~middot~middot Ci=tI(7- l)f~CrtUs~ o f inju r y i] J nels and 01 j nc~C1 rCfrilti on or itH iI r e s u l t of Ihl db-I~ncn or the owno r Ol pPl8on eRpolla ib l e ror Ihl~ Cltire of s uc h animal ihe ACO may entcmiddotr onto thlaquo properLy 01 p r om l arca whf~lf~ saiI animal i~ l ooa Lod and mClY ta ke IIp ~nch anima] for prole(~1ivfgt (~lttre and in th(~

o von t or l-gticknf~HB 01 i n j u ry or the an ima l upon UH~

inl1rucLion of licfnlwd ve1erjrlririrtn the Animnl Co n Lro I Of fico r may Ldkn such i3ction ill callf~d [Ol Lo p r eve-nt undue- pai n Clod ~mrf(middotrjrlg includingimmedial~

dCHtruction o[ the dnin~l

H It]H unlawful for a ny pPrl-tnn 10 aba ndori ilny animal in the County 0 [ Santa Ff~

Injury 10 Animnl by Mo1ori~t~

A IltVlly opo ra Lo r 01 0 motor voh i o l r- 01 o thr- r s o l rmiddotshypropel led v e h io l e upon th e H1reeLH and Wei)l (If the-County ~3hall irnmed i a to l y upon h i tLlnq ~lLlikiny

mai mi n q or running down ilny a ni ma l q i v e- aid iHI i~1

tedionilbl~ to lf~nd(~I rn thl itbsence of LlH~ owner sidd operilL(lr aha l I middotimmedin1fly Ilo1ify the ACO bullbull furnishing au f f i c l en l [ICLH tclttive to Lhe incident to identify the location (If the r n j u r y type of a ni ma l i u j u r od and narno and dddtf~llH or the rno to r La L lLIikinq llwanimal J L it the dutv of Much operiitor toremiiin at 0( n(-~dr the 13f~(~n(~ 101 il 1(~iHgtonabll l onqth or Lim(~ o r untj l suoh ti mlaquo (Hl the a ppr opri a Le autho r i tLe s a r r i v e

uri l o s a pe rmi s a Lo n iH gldnlt~d tho o aIJLh()titif~lgt 10[()m s

1f~i-IVf the Heenf~ a f te r provi di ng hi B namo itndrfgtHl a nd o thr-r tf-)lf~vilnl in f o rma tLo n ill tmiddotf~cJllesLfd by the apptmiddotomiddot p ri a te- autho r r tJ e-s AJ1ernilLively in tho i-IbHncE of Lhf) owne r a po r son may q i vr- aid by taking Ih(-~ animal 10 ltt li(~fgtnlted ve te r i na r i e n or lo ltin an i ma l oorrtr o l llhnllf~l and notiEying an ACO

H Jny a n i ma I atr-uo k by a moto r vehicle ltiH provided hf~rf~in

ahu l I bo deemed an unua rod-cfo r animal within Lho mea n ing of Section 6-5 above

c lltmetg(IlCY vdliell)~ in the COUIH(~ o f em(~tgf~ncy dutv lrf~

e xo l uds-d from th i s p r ovi ar on wi th the excepLion of r~purling the incident

Keeping or Diseiiled or itjnfu]]y Cripp1pd inimiiJH II i s un l awf u l [)t dny person 10 have koe p 01 ha rbo r ~ny

an i ma l wh i ch iH lfrlmiddoti(~1ed wi1h a ny iTlcnrablf~ or inff~(~1i()HI

(H~~f~allP or i1-gt in sny pa infu l l y c r Lpp l Lnq oorid l tf on nX(~f)pt

Hl hpTfi niif1fr p r o vi de-d The Animal Contro] Offi cer mity impound Huch diS(~dSed 01 pain[ully ctipphd animal in dC

corditnc~ wimiddotth the pr(lvi~ionll of th-i~ Ordinancp All mwh dnimill~~ impnlJndf~d miy bn dCRLroynd humdlH~Ly iH~ Hoon Lhf~rearmiddotmiddot

lfr ilHiH prlt-lc1icablf~ In thc CHle of df~Htnw1i(gtn of mlch

( 1 )

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 16: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

710982 a n i ma L the ijmal Control Officer Hhi-llJ be r aqu i r-ed to ~iVE~ dny of Ull~ afol-plI3id nlt)ticf-~H p rov t dod in Lh I a o rd tnanco rh i s olcdion aha lI not be oo n s tr-ue-d to Ino l ud e a n i ma ls

n~cf~ivin9 vo te r i na r y c a re

6middot-0 lrd ma J ti gh1H 011 i~ un l awf u I for ony pe r aon to promotE~ 8tltlgEl hold mH1H)(~ conduet o arry on or attend a ny gamf-~ (~xhihili()n

OT conte s t i n wh ich one or mo r e a n j rna 1 H ltI r e f~ngClged for 1he pu rponn of l n j u ri nq killing maiming or deHtlf)ying t hemshylp]ves or ilny other nnimCll

6-9 Ii i rd n It i a un l awfu l for any person 10 confinE nny bi r d un l e su p ro v ia i o n s illf~ mad e [rH Ulf~ PlOP(~l I(~eding and Lho futnih-middot i ng of w(tLf~r 10 such bi rd a t i nte r va I H not ] ongEr th a n rorLy-eight (40) hou ra No HlHOn shall oon ri nraquo any b lrd in a c r ate- box or other s-nc l oaur-e- wh i oh doe s not pe rrni t each b li-d oo n Li nod lhclmiddotpin lo u ta nd i n a na lu ra l Ly c~Ifnl [loHishytLon

6- JO lnHP Heportot Prohibited I L j~ un 1clwfuJ for ilny penon Lo miik( it f a Lse report to a Stwlirr1 dopu t y 01 iHI ACO rf~gdlding a ny animal i n danqf-~l

or e-ltray or ngCiTfhng lttny auppouod v i o l a tI on of thi s OrdjshyndnCf~ bull

f -1 J ~(oP(~ of Secti on Vio I ationlaquo A II i s e xprc s aLy p rovi ded thai HelLlon 6--1 UlIough 6-8

~ht 11 appl y equa 1] Y to domo s tr c l j v e s toc-k e x o Li o

animals and wild animals in addition La dogs dnd caLs B vi o l a ta orra of SE-~etion 6-] through 6-J1 of thi s

o rd i niH1Cf of ll~ pun i shltl b 1e by [ i no a and zo r imp e i aorune n La t~ ~wt forth in Appemd i x A

G -12 [peal Or [erUgtfH A Three or mo r e v i o Latf on s of ltIny one or any o omb i n a Li o n

or SecLion G orrr~n~H s ha Ll eonHIituLe an a o l or cruelty l repelti of f nndo r ~ha]J be deemed qui f ty (If a n m Ladomoa no r pun lnhsb l o by d fine not f~j(l((-dinq $50000 a nd zo r jmpriHonmf~nt for perifld not (XCf~fchng

s i x (ll 1 mo n Ih bull H j n (~ltHWH of r(p(~iiL offEn-tE~s under th i s Sec~1j on 6 cHI

ACO ~~hHl1 have the au tho v l Ly 10 i mpound a ny animal Hubj(ct(-d to c r ue f ty neglfmiddotct or abandonrnent Jhf~

ani ml I may no I be lf~ tu rned to iLH owno r begt fo 1( a h~ltH

ing in M~gi~tr~te CourL jf in Lhe opinion of Lhe Acn Lhe h a rm Lo thr- animal i1l HI)V(~tf-~ a nd 1 ike l y to r(C~llr bull

~ In r~~eH oJ repeaL offenup~ for animH1H subjected to c iue l ty ncglel~L 01 Hbdndonm(middot~nt tho ACO may hc suoh i-Inj mit] adopted to arro the r owner tho re-by

( 1 G)

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 17: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

710983 e x Li n qui s hi nq a l l pro[ler1y ri qhts of Lhe Exi~ltmiddotinltj OWnlI p r-o v Ldred tho ACO ltVI)middot wlitten nnlicn IlpOn Lhc r-xi atLnq OWTIf~r r nfo rrnl nq h i m o I thn IComiddot~ in lrvn l 10 hs vrgt Hrtid a n i rna l llopled bv HH)IlH~ owno r nd qi vi nq the (~xjsLing ownfr 1hrpp cn bn~in(middot~tl dav s Lo 1) dl~cliill h l s in lo n L to ma l n lal n owrHHhip of Uw a ni rua l and 10 object 10 the iHlop1ion YH]n pay a l I impoundmen boa rd inq and vnlll-indly COLH up to Ihrshyd a lr of thf~ owner~ d(~clorcdmiddoti()n of i rrte n t Io rnai ntai n h i n owrwllIhip or h i s a n i ma L rh i a intcnt mu s l bn s t a le-d r n wri Li rrq wignfd by the- a ni maJ ~l ownnr a nd d o l iVIlnmiddotd Lo lhrgt Animal HhelLf kl~()pinq Lho animal The s ta teme nt of i ntont a nd payme-nt (If feel- a nd nOH1H

will l~VP lo lllop rlily a n ima l adoption PlmiddotOCI~(lhnqFI

Jrti c J (~ 7 Wi ld 01 xolic An i ma l a GIJanl Dog~

7-J Kfeping o f Wild ilno Hxotic An i ma l s 7 ~ ril~Imiddot~Iling or Wild andotxoLic An lma l s 7middotmiddotmiddot~ Ani ma l a llfld Jo r lntertainm~~nt

7 -4 CiUd 1() DOgH

7middotmiddot ] Keeping uf Wild or ~xoliu AnirnHIM A No po r ao n Rhall knrp ltin animal or il RpecieH plohibiI shy

ed or pro1A~(~ted by ]iLle 50 Code of J-oedfnd H(~gnJltImiddotmiddot

Li(HHi or by u(-~ ~gttaLl~ Dr NI~W M(l(il~O 17] -zz NMSA 1 q 7 fl ii l- n mf~ n d ( (1 bull

]I No [Hrl-lltm ~hill k(ep an ani mal which ilt wi Ld vi o i ou n diHlgl~tmiddotOU8 no x l oun bull or na Lu ra l Ly lno Li n ed to do ha rm fx(~IA in a tooJogicaJ park vr-Le-r i na r-v hoapiLa L animal Hlte1Lel public labo ca Lo ry CilmiddotCU~ dmwH~m(~nl

show tmiddotnUCltiLioniiJ fHeiJity for which adeqnat( prot((~shy

I i OJl dey iCI)H Hha 11 bo p rov ided Lo p r-o vee n t any ltin irna 11 from (~Heilping or injuring th(~ pub lLo

C Any p rov i s i o na or Lh i s o rd i nanco Lo Lh o l~onlIaIY

n o tw i th s ta nd i nq no perMon shal I k e evp a wild or s-x otf o animal In -ul~h d mannc r dl to consLiLull rt likelihood of ha rrn to the i-lrdmnl or other a n i ma l s to human be

l nq to p i-opo rty or beingH Of wh ic con s t i gts thraquo human h

tute s i1 pub l i c or p ri va te nui s anoe

7 - ) L i C(~rH in9 wi 1d () t xo io An lrna 1H

Any provi ai o n (If Lh i s Ordin nce to the eontrnry noLwmiddotithshyRIatlding no po raon aha Ll roc el vo own or kf~~P a wild 01

pxotie a n i rna l within Lhe Li rni La of Lhe- County wit-hout f I r s t ipplying [Ot arid receiving [om Uw ACO an annua l pflmilmiddot 10 do no Jhe- applicilnt mUIlL pr-ovi d e pvidenee of kTlow]edyp a nd ril~jliImiddotip8 [0 UH~ cate and r(~I-~dLng of Uw animdl in volv(d The Animal Control OfficEr ig permitted to (mUr

bull ( 1 7 )

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 18: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

710984 ths- pr-ern i se s the pe rrni tte-e he re-unde at any ea sonabJ (~of r r

Limemiddot) [01 the fJlllpose~ of inpection or [f~i1l8fJeclion to de~II~Ishy

mi ne c ompLi a nc e wi th th i s Or-d i na nc-e The ACO may deny Il~vokl~ 0 lu8pend a petmit [ot f a Ll u re Lo comp l y with t h ia S(middotcLion Ih i s permit Hhi-llJ be renew(~d iHtrlually Cit a oo s L HI~1 rollh in Appendix A

7-3 Ani mal e u~wd for 1ntt~rIcdnn(flt

OwnelS of a ni ma l s ul-Jnd in o x h i bi ta o i rcusos lodeof a nd animals otherwise used for entertainment pur poae a must comply wiLh a l l p tov ia l o na or Lh is o rd i ne nce

7middot 4 Guo rd Dogs Arry orre IWj fig or k(~(fj ng a clog for the l()]fgt purpose or glJdl-dinlJ Plf)pf~rly and no ltho r ilH d pl~L not fcl hunling USfH must follow thr- r outr i ctf ons IMt f o r th in Sf~cLion 74 In a dd i Li o n to a Ll o Lh o r ilpplinabll~ p rov i a i orus of Lh ln Ordi ni-lllc~e

A JhE~ pne I OHUr( au r r ound i ng thf~ properLy protECLEmiddotd by n qlldld dog mUHI bo H~CU[f~ a l all LinHH HO iii to p rovo nt

tho dog from r unni ng at la r qe un J eBll Lhf~ owner cornshypI i13 wilh Section 5middotgtA

H I r e~hai ne-d the ani mel J rnus t be loell(middotmiddotd withi n ) 0 f middot(middott or Ihe c~nltdnce or thl) budding to bo guanJnd a nd chHinpd in such ~ manner n9 ~et forth in SecLion~ 5-2A I 1hrolJgh 6 (ChdLnld An i ma La )

c Jh(~ OWTlPr of the guard dog Hhi-ill P08t witrning s i qn s p rorn i nren tLy on all Hidl~ll or the prorol ae s lind on LlH~

En1rywy to the premi ~e8 a la Linq that a gnard dog i 1-1 on the prern i ses

Article 8 Oead AnimQlR

s(~C bull

8-middot1 l)i~pOlwl

1 Wi thi n twenty-four (24) hours of death of 10 ani rna J u)(~ OWrH Hhiill d l upo s o or Ihf~ CCllCdlilll by bu r La I ~L

]eaHL Lhret- (1) ff~(~t underground in a su i tab l e lOCil shytLo n 0 by o lho r meiinH dPPloved by an ACO

II At h i s dj~cr(Lion the ICO is a uthori z od 10 pick up dfld diapl)He of all dCHd a n l ma l s i rnrrmd ia lo Ly upon d i ucov e r y or notLfi oa tf on Ihl ACO is not [(-~HponJibJ~ f o r pick up o r dillpollill of nommiddotmiddotl-ltmiddotie Li v c s toc k or wild a ni ma l a or a ni maI s

ounk l Ll o d on ln te ratate h l qhway s HLilf-~ 01 c ty lOilUn D 11 Lhr requellL of the owner an ACO rnay aL h i n own

d i acro tLon given tho CltHll-gtlmiddotldinLn of county n~SOUlCf~~

pi ck up the CttrCit8lt of dog8 Hnel o a tu w(~igtdng Le s s tha n


710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 19: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

710985 tWrJ1) (20) pounrlH from the home s of tho owne r a who are lf~nid(~nls of the Co u n ly Ih fee for th i a HnLvi(~e iH ~f l f () r th i n Append i x 1

r An a n i ma l CdlCdfHl p l okr-d up undo r thi s Sn(~Iion of Ihn ordi nHICf aha I 1 be d i ~pmwcl of by the County in whrltEw Pl way iH do to rm l ned Lo b(~ Ihe mos t f(middot~aflihln 10 pll)I(~ct

lhe hedl1h ~Hf~ly rind wflf~re of Lhe reMjdenl~ of th CounLy and in such d mannel dH 10 rni n Lml v e e x pe n ao to UI( An i mill ConLrol )j vi ~d on and Lh County

Ad i c 1 f~ 9 ldmpering

Hee 9middotmiddot BrEaking r nto Jncolure 9-2 Hindering dO ACO

9middotmiddotJ Breaking i nto rne()~llrf

Any penlon who sha] 1 i nan) rnanne r break into or 0 j d d i gt

ll~cLly 01 ind i r-ec t l y i n broakl nq l n lo ihe e nc l o s u r e in which any animal is im~~unded or kppL under authority of un ACO or Sh(middotif( dnpu ty fjha11 bo guilLy of a po t Ly miHd(mf~HlOmiddot

9-2 jindfring on ACO Any pe-r aon who s hal J w i I Lf u l Ly or inUmLionitlly h i ndo r or oh~IIIJel any An i ma l Co n Lto l O[[i~(~l in lho diHdldlgl~ or h i a official du1y under the provi~jons of this Ordinance shall bo gllilly or d p(middot~Lty m i adomea no r

Arti c 1p I 0 lr~9uldLion rOt Kenne18 (oomin9 Pallot Pnl ~hOPH

Pf~L She 11(rR and Bobby HreedtrH

10-J Permit-Hi StandardHi Hevoealion of Ptmiddotrmi1-l A I I ~~h 11 bo u n l aw f u 1 10 krmiddot~op ma inLd in ha r bo r o r

POHH~Sl upon 1hf~ p r erm ue s of any onf h01HHmiddothold or upon the preminr~H of a ny onn buss i no s a p rope r tv tuo r o Lh a n Len (10) dOgH of l t cen si nq i-lgf~ or Len (JO) calH un le-s a tho owno r o r po raon in chdrg(~ Lho r eo f hd~t ob ta innd a fH(mil Lo operote a k e nne l from the Anima Co n tr o l nivildon

B rho cOlmiddotd of oblainingl konnr- l pe rrn i t LH ~el f o rLh in ApPE~nd j x A ]och kr-nne 1 li Cenl-lf muat be rEnewed annnshyd 11 Y s nd IWW p(middot~tm il fee pa i d

C No ke-nnr- l p e r-mi t HhCl]l be illfHWd un ti I a n inspec1ion of the kennel by an ACO finds compliance with lhiM Ordi na no e he s been complete-d

D lhn ACO l s a utho r i z ed to lns preo t at ony l(~iHonablc

hour any kc-rme l ho l d inq 0 permjt to operd1(gt )I)

( 19 )

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 20: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

710986 i1c(epling a kennel pf~rmjL 1h permit-Lee lS C19rElE~in9 to uu r ro ndo r thf~ ke nnr- l rOl ilHlpecLinn a L i1 teaBothl) t irrw upon thl request of HI ACO

All kl)Ill1elH ali dlrirwd horo i n Khall in a dd LtLon 10 lhfmiddot other pr-ov is ton s of th i s o r d f nanoe- comply wi th the m i n i rnurn Htanddrds or th i s 81~cLion FnilUlf) to mrl~t

Lhcse H1andardH ~hHl be grounds Jor denial uf H ~~rmit

o r Ievoction o f a pe rm i t rhe (ollowing HLandatdlJ muut be met

J bull Ci n i rna] emo 1o aur e s must be- p r ov j ded wh j ch ill ow ddequal~ p ro loo u l on againl-JI all Wf-~dUH~r extefmiddot)mnl F]oorH of buildingH run and wi-l1lH must be corus truc tud with an impe rv Loua ma te r La l to pl-~lmiL proper c Lean I nq and diHinfecting

~ building lemperaLun~H shall be ma lnta Lnnd at it

oomfo r ta b l e level Adfmiddotquale vEnLi Latf on and adl)luaLe 1 ighting uha l I bo ma i nta tnod at 11 tJme s

) e a c h an i ma l sha J 1 ha ve- sufficj(nt ~pClef to igttand up 1 il down a nd turn illound withou Iouc h lnq Ihl-~

gjdes or Lups of c~geH

4 nlge~ a ro to bl~ or ma te r La l a nd conI1Ltult~Lion thai pf~rmit anf~qllClLc c Lea n i nq and o(cudtiing

5 cag(middot)11 al~ 10 be or an l mpo rv i ous wa~hdble m~tlt~Ii-

lt-11 r ad i a ntJ y ht~Ci1NJ a rrd sha J J have a rl~~ti ng boa rd o r ome kind of bodd l nq

6 room~ sh~l) provjde an adequate exercjgp area and p ro tectLon [tom the w(alhn HurHl Hhall have an imperviolu ~urflc(~

7 all a n i rna l qUCirtprs and r-oorna (ire Lo be kept clean dey and in d aaniLdty con d iLi on

8 ardmnl food 8halJ be fnt from contamt natLon bull s haLl be who l o somc bull pa l a tab l o a nd o f l-llJrrieient (luanLity and nutr-f tf v e value to met~t the no r-mal daiIYlmiddotequil(~ml)ntH COl the condition tge and si ie of thf~ ani rnal bull

9 all animals shall have fresh potabl~ water 8vai)shylbl at all timl~n WdLel vfK~~IB librdl be mo untod or Hecund in a rnarme r that p r eve-nts Lipping a nd be o f rl rornova h l o type

r Any permit ig~nHd pur aua nt 10 this SeeLjon may bll

revokod if an ACO ha s l(~anonablf~ l~aUHe to be] if-~v()

th a t the 8tnndard~~ set fo r th in th is Sfgteti on tire not being mo t o r if the pormillen o r the pe r aon CHing [or or hHving control of Lhe kenneled animH1H ha~ viulaLed any S(l~lnn or lh i a o r-d l na noo o r iH In v Lo l a ILon or any z o ni n q hf-~all_h a nd 8i1f(~Ly or hui l di nq o r di ria nrre r(middot]a1 in Lu the k(~npin9 o a re o r UHC of any a n i rna L

(20 )


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 21: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk


11-] 11 middot2 J J middotmiddot3 11-4 11-5



1 1 - 3



A r l k 1(~ 1 1 JleTldlLy Grace Pltliod HflHl1111l10Tl Savingll Clau~e

Ienrtlty ClaUlM (jld(~(~ Pr- rLod Hef-ltj tuti on SCivingll CJeHltgt iinn Hepeal Provision Irrl~cl ivo D-ile

Penalty C1ltlllHe i~ny pf~rH()n who vi o l erte s any of thlaquo p r ovLai on a of th i a Ordjshyns nco flhall br- dr-omr-d gui1Ly or ~ m iaderneano r a nd upon convi c tj on of v i o l aLi nq thlaquo o r d i nanoe- Hhdl] btmiddot purr ishe-d by a finn not exceclling $50000 indot lmp r iaonme n l fo r a ps- r j o d not (middotxc(middot~edjng s i x (6) morith s 1 pfrllOn may J n ~ddilion Lo ilny o lho r p(~nalLy bo lf~qlJilC~d to a lIond an a ni ma l 1rcdning or care llchool(~lillleH in Lhe dillcretion of Ih(~ COIlIt dch day lhiH OnliniHlce is violated -Jhi~ll be con8 do r e-d a s opa r ate of f e n s e

GtdC(~ Po rLod Any vi o l a tj o n s existing upon the effpc1~1Vf d a te of th i s Or-d Lnanc o s ha l l havre d gldCf~ pl~tmiddoti()d of thl r ty (30) days Lo permit Lhe pe r so rrs to comp l y wi Lh nJI p r ov js i on s herein

IIn 8 I i Iu L ion No1wi th ata ndi ng any of thlaquo f()n~g)i ng i n tho event any inimal ddOldgl-H pt()Pf~lly whr-Lho r pub Li o o r p r Lva Lo or caU8eK jnjury to Rny f~rHon or Cinimnl Hnd Huch damage or in j ry imiddotl 10 hilv(~ b(~l~n iin l or Ulf~ oru found o l omo n v l o l a Lio n

flY provilon of th i s oj-di na noe th e MagjsLrn1(~ Court may sL iLIgt d i no re tLon nquit( the d o f o nd a n t to miik(~ t(~HlilIl

Li o n wi thl n i1 ndsonable LimE~ 10 the vi o tj rn of s ai d diiffiiigc 01 i n j u ry

SHvings C]HUHe and Hepeal Provision rr sny or Lh(-~H~ SI~elinnH HllbH~(~ti()ns sl-~nlene(~B c l a uar-n or ph r a s e s of 1hi f3 o r d i narioe ltIre f o r any T(a~On f ound Lo beshyuncouHLiLuLi(Hldl 0 invalid Ih(~ va l Ld lty of Lh o Inmaining po r ti o na of th i a Ordinance shall not the r eby be HffecLed sille- il iH tho (XI)[elJIJ i ntent of tho tsoa rd or Counly Cornmi s ai orro r s 10 pa s s each secLinn phrase pCiragraph a nd wo rd JnpaldLely ~anla I-e Counly Hesolulion 1990-B IH

her(by unaffected by Lh i H On] nanc e HanUI Joe County Ordj shyniHlceH lQOl -7 1982-7 1990-0 a nd Santa Fe CounLy HesoluLion 1902-28 lt-1n~ h e r e-by Tepelnd

rCltcliVI I)-I(~

lhi H Ordi na noe- wi 11 taklaquo E~ff e-ct on Apd 1 l 2 199]

( 21 )


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 22: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk


710988CDMM rss WNtltHSemiddot




T Jona G Armijo County Clerk do hereby certify that tho d 4shy

_7 day of8bove ordinance was filed in my office on the

Lb -laquoIJ 1991

( 22)



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 23: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk



A 1ICENSING 1 Unaltered Male $ 1000 2 lInalleted Female 1000 3 Altered Male 300 4 Altered Female 300 5 Late PenaltyNo License andor Registration ] 000 6 Duplicate Lags 500


a Per offense $ 1500 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

2 CAlS a Per offense $ 1000 b Boarding cost (per day) as set by Animal Shelter

3 OTHBR ANIMALS reasonable impoundment and boarding f~es as determined by the ACO depending on the type of animal and care required


1 To ope r ate a cat Kennel (per year) $ 5000 2 To ope r at e a Kennel able to house 20 dogs

or less 5000 3 Io ope r a Le all other Kennels 20000 4 Jo keep an exotic animal (per year up to) 20000

I) CAHCASS REMOVAL 1 Hf-moval of the carcass of a dog or 5000

cat at the request of the animals owner

E FINS fo L VIOLATIONS 1 Hunning at large Trespassing Nuisance Non-Restraint

Disturbing the Peace a First offense (in a calender year) $ 2500 b Second offense (in a calendar year) 6000 c Third offense or more (in a calendar year) 10000

2 NRglect Care and Mdintenance ~ First offense 5000 b Second offense (up to) 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

3 CruPlty a First offense 5000 b Second offense 20000 c Third offense or more (up to) 50000

4 No ~abies Vaccine 1500 5 All other Fines (up to) 20000

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )

Page 24: tII-· · H. 'J'tw Sheriff of Snn1.~a "'E:' C'o\lnLy sha l l appoi nt, An lma l ConL:1"01 Offk

bullbull 710990 [I rNCARCERATTON

In addition to the following fees a court of competent jurisdiction may diso impose incarceration of up to 120 days for any violations set forth in paragraphs A H C and E above


bullSTATE OF NEt MEXICO ) I horac r~aily that thilInamptrument wasflied for r~rd 011 tM lL- day oflItJLAD 19 1L -J atbullIPf)J omiddotc1ocklLm and wa~ puly llcordad Inbo()k _ 7 to

- pagliJ tpoundl qq Q of the rElcords of SantaFaCounty

WItness myHandandSeal of OffICII JonaG Armijo

Co~-YCierilt SantaFe eounry NM

~ -1lek=tv

( 2 )
