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gga5Zyt' ±f N . 8 aw,- ýe~wiaim

.A e+:rn 14se a a-, s m£Oi. OL .a LSv hem aoih.

MI 0d I

I!. BOC4 U RGaa!'-41W81 ORLEANS. LA.-

ELV 4 toi. TOsdUPesl.

oohbefdrh bo'a a. u ttoumu

ewt Servnce


ves bs.port, Drall an~esal

orna.1*lb1 .rnrý.MrtWi(aad sIue frsomall tbrough

Bank o Latourche, 'waaenw** * * ae sa.i

Capital Stock S2F5,000. Surplus $25.000

Designated Depository forfunds of Parish of Lafourcheand Town of Thibodaux.I 'J [R\I P~-esnt. . K.. J -BI 0 Chier.

SA 83L'L 'iN. 'I.x Presideni. I? L LEGd.11'PE A st Castier


~.H iRPR FA. B J. BR rL, C. R 1 B B~


Dosa Genera Bankig Business 3ZB s ~~ ? '5 1"'tuesti.' aA F..ri..n l'sange.

Southwestern LouisianaIndustrial Institute.?

LAAET.LA. 'SR - TEPRE!SS, . Fu..M*** i

A State Imlintudfrthe lasratls aae =aWKass Tra~img. Dameiuc Science sad Comemerehil B-macbe. Oesm Eve

I. Cwnner.-ia Course- 3. Manual Training Course. B1. StIenvgr-dpL' Course. 4. LAnestie Scien. e Course

.Rtqis:~tle ftr A ims in. :4 y.isr' o- o&der; s'at-~i-ary exsn ra::on in'';-amm;r-.s tenr rinczs~. :nc!'ud~ng to perretage ard Eiemen-

tary Gemne-t'aih and lHistrY'lIlaisuaLe ties t'us1.Lne. *')nmmo*Le is ani rnodtrn in ag intm ents. 0

Eqnu'pen f 2:. n all d.kpartaien's. Ieat.i .fu l.nt,.. e*ot't TU ThIONFREk. Ne.' cixpesos 'ter' b

*.p!.adit nt's ibri L5. 1 wrttr fi.r so e ; ii s. w b ai t-n: neupm~e't ant convenie.nce,, iron sI~totk hel for ekE. ;:@ . ,.. .JXE w e'l.iurn se.u ledr~ims, heated 1 V steam and liz'&'edi ha ewr: it . ite're water

fro W*t wer'so'ks for bathint. pure' rain sater Lr d-rik".e *r I ewikirng.A~ppl in a'Ivance for boa.rd. Young meuboa.rd in priva~e famu. ien at tilI to*1' pe ~r mn&nthi.

Sin nalS'i.iOpn tneda .pertrltC~atoiogue soent uon .&ppcatZion. For frtner inform~ationwrite to



semm ;$1Absolute efficiency at least expmms. esmmmA practical fence that willpositively turn cattle,

I st~

that isstrong, co-rcial ever-

proventhoroughly effi-ci en t under ___

every possiblecoaitimn. EVEIT NI SF ELLW88D FEKtE IS SUAIAITEEI.NI you waat youurimieeg pe lam.. a almlanime..isahELLWOOD FENCE and let us show you for how little mouey yeo

can get absolute satisfuctio

Planters Hardware &t Mer. Co., Ltd.GOOD SERVICE 1902.-.4B ETTI'ER SERVICE 1903.

Southern PacifieS UNSET ROUTE


DON'TL FORGETan CANt. ELNNT.Bri Y~sL^MS '111.5SH~ '~~ Li'dID

%eiil 10' in stam~ps for a r'opy of the SOULTHlERN P.LC: FIC RICL COOK

Pane. Tr4s Ncr. Aus Gcun. Ps. As. 4en. 1'a~ & Thi. Ag

Ull, ITT' bUWt mbh

* c~a ~y a U s g kqklsn. " . urma Is smes C. Q.. MOPPEYT. M. D.. ST. Lo0t35. MO..

owin W D. 3.sem'sTsrm 3*mm.w*U* . ui.I- 3.I.MS

hR.w..OS. L. DREXmLE m,




In the Adrertising ('olnumns of a PopularNCwspaper are.heralds of a successfuil business career. I he

Is a Popular Newspaper, aind is recognized as a good Ad-i

vertising Medium ** ** **

ni COM3azCIAL.P ialTIThe sentinel Estabh~ilshment turn' out up-to-date workEatimatts solicited .'n any' class of Printin&

Subsrbe for andAdvertise in the Sentinel.!

Notice. 't I

smEIoN C ne on Qth- Aradia Pl eholatg roi

W. 1L P.U '

For Sale. P

A fM! se! "" de~rn Emigette" Tby the !ate :pesker To. 1 and BraExeeiieUt chance to were Mrs te' thinet of works at a reasonable pdge. If this

r.u want th-m: appy LthisM5O&.

Wanted. inb4

F:re o- _i; gr r. or bry e r LCo eý-:. :" wr: in Ciyr Facy- ('¬=

.= i ±s.l stesad work. Ap bat!V at fN.,>r. Ba ues bxsibls. u

Me ian StH{


- lExI tyke p eisure to isforamy ps-

truns sol fr ewns that I larvS perehasel the stock of Jeweb7 of theate A. Bouron, ard ao smoy 'im2

oiaxi hargaras in the Jewelry liNo PeA omspkte lhre of Assr eta kept is steak all '-tis -ewe, t - thereairng a specialty.36. FRANK ZBKROTT.

_____ ofT

Breeders of Fancy Poultry,Attention. set

B!.e C chin ez, for sale at $2.0( begit.-r 'l. z n. Y, , `e invited to visit of s,,rte ag pvu -tore Naang ron, Pr'order. br

Cs: t ther at W. C Rage reai t wbedeuce er Kuuiiovks Music store. 3 1ar

Mattigs! !Mattings! asaIasi

The tar es' and fiaest stock of W,martin s that ever was brought to r:hts L..wa his just been reseired at cebKEis Brautls Sor.& Call and ex tooamine the Mae. It wi. pay yo. to a tcto so, bkfore bu'l..g 36.


One tot susted on Jacksoe streetIlestrah.e Ncation to build rsemaece.$1.30u. THox as A. RIvIan Z

«Hood! Wood! nisiBra

For sae first class cpress length at $120 per Donl. Good

mixed woad store length at $2.60 per lcord. at Fiost's lumber yard. anv

Apply to6 SCDDA.Y A"I ALLIxx hoer

Rice! Rice!Rice!

We sonar the emmuigaineuttJ0of RIUL' . LfbmratVraioe~Tmade. Satiafactbos guameLeal Corre-rond es.ce a.d.".

J. GROSSMAM & SONSI, WSew O.eansa IA, Box 1178 '

Larg."st wbheoste- liugnr dealersad toaaletrbuators of Harmony Club tPere h then

A . I .C.American Bottling Work3 h

Thibndaux, La.Btgan Oi'eraticons, Feb. 4, '03 Ge

heIs now prepared to fill all of

orders for Pt.p. etc. at the wifollowiing p ices: G


1 box, 2 dozen bottles, at 6O0

Large cases 4 do: bottles, 1.20WVe are ready to make tbcontracts for any lengthof time at above prices. T


John Gnyot, S

Mgr, Thibodani, La. m



Reduced to FIFTY "CENTS A YEAR is

ew Ideaa-m nans '....

Magazi- - ~

Mm aMom b Mapa ab 7.

to Embrolderj. to e.. hWo~meas ekand ibbeaely Uesatni to esOanto back ad whem. Minee aA. 1showsihem WV, Sbearesarm. esmd from new lama Pkz--ums whch c-n onl MSe. m

a Ii

Is adli'is to our sareai large IN-]Itak of vehicles. We have just re-

iveti ant bare sampei in our snowooam s car .-aid of B:g: es. Car- Twoiages. Ruo vcm a:. Su iev±. wu..irhre woul t p~es ed to) have n»s cit I

tnd iudp*ct. -lancer!s Hanlware £ Meschantre Ca 3

Tist the bargain coacter at E. is , {lrsad's Sons. you m:aht fle some-ibing you nee- :Aere much ..theerhan toe co-id bur it e sewber'e.

Barsains' Bjrgaitc'- as: I. K Coo.on. !ergaats that :" w:.. pay yC# to

e-*te. Iii

Lesre vour c-li.s efir p a^' :3

wrgans sod Psino tun'ng wi'h V. J. 1Acont o.h LaI'a! Re-ra-ecat:ise of 'eP.outs Gr.,nws:,1 Co. Ltd. 13 12



Expert Tells How to Distin- 16

guish Good From Bad. 1;19

Most h.usekeeperr' qui h fore thstPar of the fa3tLy marketiag which l

elates to the purchase of cheese, andrish the man of the house, who is1

isiil=theschief maswullas 23~he aloe, woul str y rUvas fud tha words of as asthory tf value:"A cheese with as imdicatioK ofTw4uostames will have an even colored,

tot motled rind The moment you picasour fingertipe on the rind yee cangin to judge of the interior Rahrup1

f a cheese. If it yields readilv to the 2treasure of the fingers and the rind 3heaks or does notspring back readily 4rhea the pressure is withdrawn. you 5tare got a soft arta.le caused by the 6':sck v'ooing of the cu-d, a want of ;on.acid or both. At best, it wi't have an 7asipid flavor. and will *g3 off as it psisiges. Cheese which feels so hard that Srou cannot press it on the rind is 9'ither sour, salted too hear lv. cooked 10)0o much. skimmed, or sufferingfromn 11K touch of al' these complaints. 1 12-A good cheese wii be melsow to 13he touch. yet firm. Its rind wuil be of castaan even tint, elastic and from 14cuffs and the sample will reveal firm. nits.

lase grasued, buttery cheese ofa nutty 15favor. -Chicg') Tribuns. 16

The pubic is cordially invited to isisit the bargain counter at Ellis lSBrmud s Sons spacious store on Main 2%]street This inritation holds good at 21mey time, if you cannot call thisº eratiseek. nor next, nor this mouth, then =a.all next mouth; you are welcome at ".isa time; the bargain counter has nerstome to stay. 27 2"

- 4 -. othe&nother Candidate For Lieu- ".

tenant Governor.

Simce the opening of the campaignledge Allen Barkndale, of Linenla ev

-n~ v. mll o enpaomda as a pstable asadidate fur the aso

mimation of Lieutenant Governor butuntil recently nothing deiuaite was (Pkmade knows However, the Judge Tis sow an avowed candidate for Lieu whotenant Governor and a sworn enemy is into bossism and the organization which; Oneproduces bosses. The Judge decsares wOrI

that if elected. be will use such in- of tfl-'ence as he mia have to make all the

otfees electise. He thinks that the atmstax collectors and assessors should be bugelccted. and in genera; that the ap- i ºne

pointive power of the Governor syrtshould be greatly reduced. Ho ho- mI'tlieves very at roing'y in approprlatinag renamore money for the maintenanoce of so 1

the public schools. up tAitbough the Judge stands practi- iief

calir on ihe same plat form as does dyGen. Jastremaki, atill he declares that andhe will be the running mate of neither fail.

of the gubernatorial candidates and' Forviil cornd ct the fight for Lie-a tenant

Governor for himsesf and along hisowfl lines.- --

Ellis Braud's Sons have just re-ceived their tall and vintcr stock ofClothing. it~s a magnificent line. Seethem before purchasing elsewhere. ate

The Delineator for November 2Thb

SIn the November issue The Delia- be

eetoi sustains its recognized position amas the foremost fashion publication ',

and one of the high class literary amagazines. Exeellent reading and

arefied art supplement the display of teWtnter fashions, which are more Iacharming than at say previous time. soIn Sctiom there.i the aecoad insatll- ameast of The Evolution of a Club ~

Woman, the bold narrative of a awoman's experiences in clublom, purporting to be fact; a clever short 4story by William IlacLaeod RLane,entitled An Unpremeditated Engage.ament: An Interrupted Honeymoon, i

hr Lillie Hamilton Irench. a patheticincident of a little Yorkshiae terrier;and a l estern story by Miunas CSmith. In the second of bas remark-lable photograpbic articles, J. C.Hemment resate' some of his thrilliug;

adventures with the camera. N.~'Hudson Moore has a strikingly-lb

illustated paper on Chrysanthemums.and in the "Miladi" paper Clara K.Laughlin writes of Conflicting Ten- rdeniews in early married life. A sa1House Small but Artistic is pictured'and described br Alice N. Kellogg,and in "Carlotta and I' Miles Brad tford tells the story of an old fashion- ted Thanksgiving. For the children, Inthere is a Firelight Stor), by Living- pston B. fMorer; entertaining Psatimes,, reby L~ana Beard. describing the coua-struction of the Statue of Zeus at tOlympic; an amusing story by C. V. lC. Matheva, called We Nest lonsieur' pDaguerre, and a Sewing :eso.InpIaddition there are numerous artuclesby experts treating problems of the!home and household.


ITwenty-Five Thiugs To A voidto L

1. l7rse'*s san sl .ohly workt s*c2. The one of ;.'rei"nt is lax th

3. Coarse *"I4 'nrrfined manners4. Readinog tra sal sensatkons; s


5. Wate of :nmo. a"15o. Inasxurtse in %.hool wick.

. I . a. 1rraa.ny eat of wo.rk ilk5 C.urascei io iteepu g scX of I

9. Ian:e.t:. u to d. t net'10_ In .Offervrn to t:.e .ss ofo

"'"=.n " e of1i. Lo of regu:sr and sea&-iect

keevp.12. Om se.on of re-,Mar exer i-a-'1 3 sl:_L &3 -1 _Jon ma anu%-r.Ch14. Incas .ierrt:tin of the rtghtsof

Y hersa15 D. h.oncsty m.x sumall :heata-.16 I revrer q1. Unwise frieoishp.13. Use of im anguage. m19. Uutahne s in dress.2). The use of slang in conversation a21. A loud anl harsh vo e.22. saretfied table mannen. a231 Am uaooatrollet temper. y

±5. Igmeaanamst canint wesin ugfwenty-FDie

Things to Culti-rate A


I A love for chih'ren. wr2. Power to dicipline quiet'y. Ioe& Tact in dealing witu others. othe4. Confieoce in fellow tcae hers lo. Persons, magnetts . ever6. A sunny and cheerful disposw use

jon. Simi. Observation of indivi lual pa

& Ambition to excel in teaching. ,9. Intefet In the work.

10. Indu'trious habits.11. Sur. ngt~h of wial In12. Wlliagness to receivecriticlsm13. The power to appreaatee crittA

14. The skill to appreciate opportu of tdIus

15. A 'Ifinite purpose in work. rrs16. The reasoning power. thb1N. Setf-reliance and coufideoca w teI ITe art of qu:estiouiu^. ar

19. Wisdom in erin .tsia g pupils.20. Coniersational lower. titan:1. . uainuttace with the best li:

!rature.22 Respect for meinion of others. in t23. Courteous and pleasing mau mgt

aers vies

24. A broad charity the faults of mai)thera - anon

2'. A broad professiooal spirit. tre-. Selected o an

_ - be

The prettiest line .f fancy Vets Satlever brought to this town can be hat

The Usat Remedy for roump. the

(Fro= the AtcAlaso, Kew. Daily Glue) roThis is the season when the woman was

who knows the best remedies for croup poois tn demand ma every neighborhood men

One of the most terr.ble things in theword is to be awakened in the mild a Weiof the night by a whoop from one of a flthe children. The Croup remedies are l aalmost as sure to be lost, in case of asfbuglars. There used to be an o dfash. nieji oel remedy for croup, known as hivesyrup and tolu, but tome modern tha

mothers szav that Chamoerumin's Cough trenaedr is better and does not ivat at is.o much it cause the patient to "throw Ibetup the pblegmu ' quit ker. and gives re- diritef in a shorter tUive this reme odyas soon as theertaupy vough appears

and it wil prevent the attaak. It never Tbfails and is pleasant aind safe to take wa

For sa&e by Roth Drag Store. w

Publik Sale of Ferries, atso'


Y VIRTU E OF THlE AUTHORITYretdin as by Roltnsof: w

the Police Jury of Lafourche.;m

sined. will sell at public anthe o hhigest rwpenuihdr 6Ldde, a h r

door of the court house, in the town ofThibodaux. onSATURDAY DECEMBER 5th,1l9@, go

between the hours of II o'clock a. ms. Isiand 4 o'clock a'. m. rt.]

The lease of the Public Ferries of the sparish of L~afourche. for a term of yearsextending from the first of January i9s8 anto the 31 alay of December l9ths inclustre: St

which said' ferries to be sold shall belocated as follows:

1st. One at or within one quarter ofa mile of the A ngellos store, at aboutSix miles above the tow of Thitodeaai.

ad. One at St. John's Chapel. atabout four miles above the town of gThihodaux.3rd. One at or near Mrs. L. A. Go.- Cl

sin's store about two miles below the ptown of Thibodsau.

4t.Oeat or near St. Charles Cha-pel bu i ie below the owofMThibodaux. asih. One at or near Raceland.

iath. tine at or near Thomas Le-Blanc's store on the Buck HIrn plantas-gtion about three miles abovelrprBadeaux about seven miles below StIockport. I,5th. One at or near the Chapel of~ a

Notre Dame du htosaire at ilarang's gCanal. I',9th. One ator near the CutOff.Terms and conditions: One eighth of Lt

the price cash on the day of sale, onei&eihh fnih rst day of the month of

Aprl19ad one-eighth every three tmonths thereafter throughout to. term 1of said lease; said credit payments to berepresented bynotes psyalile as aforo-~sald; slgned bythe purchaser anj ne or, t

1more securtie to be approved by the. 0

,igach purehasershtall furnish bond in dthe sum of Two Hundred and Fifty(20.00) Dollars binding and obligtlng-the lessee to kee the ferrvat all sta 0

in good order adto faith nlly perform aall the duties incumbent on ham as a'puhltc ferry keeper, eald bond to be,recoverable before any court ot compe-

tent jurlssiletlon. Li k~l obe fr ortio at sai the terms, con-

'ditlons and obl 10asit imposed upona*ferry keepers bythe ordlhiiace of tberPollceaJury rel atin tthe sale of the1public ferries adopted Oct .2,INS. 11i

.1 J.LI. AUCOIZI, dPreeident Polios Jury.

-IT. A. BAIiEAUL. Saap tsndesft ofNublic sichoiol?. parish of Lafourche.

Archbishop Chapelle Focuthin List

A_ I lmg t9 a desretch 6e. ate*

w Lie Tribune of date (O be 1Tit,1%c-hb'shop Vbaspe:e stands fbton a;h list of fo rihe prelates, anal[ th

u-d i tiwn of the secreryship ofisste an I the tbegrst.atine of the

ripap ais. who are Cashietrd avail1i.e f -r prot'-ilaf stcurisisal

In the hast .4 America-s psteeatedis Cardinal Gatht. Arebrushop Arse4 Phtia44phis stants mrst. Arch-

Isvy Irelsad of Si Pal eoeinigiez*. fo.mwvr' b Arehbi-Ap Farmer> New Tor; and Arohbbshop Chapel.e of New Uriess.


S.ambb r'aza's Stomach and LimesTsbl.*ms

When you fret dui afItN eating.When coo hare no r e'tae.When you have a btd taste is the

nouth.When toar liver is 'orpil.When your b iwels ae icm-ttpated.When you have a heaacae.When sea feel biseioasThey will impsor. your appetite.

Prise 2$ mests per box. For ask bygoth Drug stxr

A thrifty Eastern farmer, beingLsked how he got suct-s on a smallarm. rep'ied: --I make it a rule,when I go to ma:ket. to bring hommenore mower han I earned anas In>ther words, I endeavor to sell inralue. more than I bur. and to growrverrthing on the farm for *e ownise that the land wi t prod.ce." This

imp!; means that this man eseresrtid1ose economy, is eocnectioo withgood judgment, ant this rule willuvariabiv bring smices. whether on aig or little farm.

[nsanity Among the Negroes.

A man who is connected with ore>f the State institutions recently said:Insanity among the negres is in-!res-ing rapidly and the people of

his section will soon be confrontedr th a very serious condition on thisiccont. and the cause of the increasemontmee a pertinent querti"a. at this.ime Mly attention has recently)en directea to som? of the forceswhich are contribittag to this increase

n the number of insane among theiegreE4. Contrary to the generalriew cocaine is not responsible for asmany cases of mental derangementamong the blacks as certain otherkends of poison. Drinking liquors ofan interior sort is in my judgment tobe credited with more cases of in-nanlty than any other cause enstri-listing to the sncrease. There a

mnother latenetang fact is againsectice

the black', and that ao the walingiuduence of religion as factor it

producing mental unbalance. Tieewas when tais was one of the mostprolific of causes of mental derange-ment among members of the coloredrace. It is not so now. I do notmean to say that religion is no longra factor. It still plays a part, but itis a minor part. l wi!l venture theassertion that gambling and ions ofsleep produce a larger number of

cases of is.auity aminng negroes nowthan religion. But the more inter

esting fact from my war of lookugat it is to be found in the large num-ber of cases of insanity that are duedirectly to the use of mean and pot.sonous drinks. There onght to obesome way of dealing with this matt-r.The only method is t') check in somewar the sale of the cbh-aper grades ofwhisker arid other alcoholic druiks.IHow we can do th.e 1 do not knowat this time, but certain y there issome meaus by which we can get atthe thing. We wili have to do it at

weno eit reote time, and the ijuickerwed tthe better it will be for ho.


-For a Dad Cold.

If von have a bad coid you need agood reliable meditine like Chambenrlain's Cough Remedy to looseu santrelieve it. and to aliay the irritationand inflammation of the throat

1and lungs. For aale l'y Ruth trug

Cuba and Roosevelt Win.

shall give Cuata a measure of remspro-

city," says our Washington corren.poadent. '{!ongreiss ill do as he says.The situation exists merely becauseMr. Ruosrelt is deterawned to cairryIout the. pledge gwven by .1r. 3lcKinlely.

.1"Public Interest has paled. TheSenators and Representatives who

led the insurgent resistance wilksuch uncompromising vigor are tirest

land willing to let bygones ha by.i~gones. Somte of the esta front

the Not thwest are disposed to beep uprthe fight for the sugar tael, but they

hardly know why, sad it is not likelythey willo more thai make a protestuI to estatblish their regularity ou them atter. They will find when they comner'to C'ongress that they wiil have little

of the snppo% sthat roabled them toa detest Mr. Roosevelt in 1902.r "Candidly, their poittion, like thatSof most of Cotigrees, either In thewsmjoriiy 0 r the Ininorily, is an un-awillingness to d.* anythisg to opjbosjthera'. wiah of the PresidenLMeuiint

the legislaisive branches of theGoieriment appreciate more than.a no *uuiy eke j..t bow powc'rful 4Prendest is Be san do thing' Tb.

,individuals in Coegress want thinga~dune. Therefore, why feght longer oat.a harmless proposition uk. r. caproc ityfur C'.ba?.-Volligt'5 Wekals.
