OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE PARISH OF ASSUMPTION AND OF THE TOWN OF NAPOLEONVILLE. Vol. XXI. NAPOLEONVILLE, La., SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1879. No. 41. FERRY STORE NAPOLEONVILLE. THE PERRY STORE has always on hand every article in the Grocery line and are offered at very moderate prices. The following are specially re-ommauded : Flour, Meal, Grits, Rice, Coffee, Tea, sugar, Syrup, Olive Oil, Vineger, Black Pepper, Salt, Canned Fruits, Lard, Ham, Bacon, Shoulders, Sides Mess, Sardines, Cod Fish Mackerel, Pickles, Olives, Mustard, Yeast Powder, Potatoes, Dried Apples, Onions, Butter, Cheese, Candles, Starch. Claret, White Wine, Port WVine, Sherry Wine, Madeira Wine, Wine of Xeres, Cognacs of the best brands. Anisette, (Marie Brissard) Cassisdu Mout d'Or, Rhum Punch. St.Cruz Rhum, Curacoa, Maraschino, Holland Gin, Chartreuse, Apple Brandy, Peach Brandy, Vermouth, Hostetter's, Price and Arabian :Bitters, etc., etc. -ALSO:- Crockery, Cutelry Tinware, Earthern- ware, Axes, Helves, Brooms,Nails, Shot, Powder and Caps. -Call at the- FERRY STORE and you will be convinced that cheaper Groceries cannot be bought elsewhere. J. W. WICKWIRE'S BAYOU LAFOURCHE FLOATING STENCIL & ENGRAVING BOAT, -Manufactures- MERCHANTS' SHIPPING & GENERAL BUSINESS BRANDS, Also, Brands for marking clothing, Checks for watches and keys, stencil al- phabets., steel stamps for marking tools and planters' utensils'; silver badges for societies, Ac., &c. Watches, clocls and jewelry also repaired. All work guarantied.-Prices moderate. .r Orders left at the boat or at this officee will be promptly attended to. CITY HOTE"L, CORNER OF RAILROAD AVENUE AND IBERVILLE ST., DONALDSONVILLE, La. LEFEYRE, Proprietor. The Bar is supplied with the best Wines and Liquors. BODLEY Bros., Wheeling, W. Va. DEPOTS: Ne. 64 Common Street, New Orleans, and Thibodaux, La. MANUFACTURERS OF Cane carts, Mule carts, BagaPse Carts, Rice carts, Town arts, Small carts, (of all sizes) Axle grese, (the best made) Spokes, Fel- loea, 'Wheeling Nails, etc., etc. ALL WORKS FULLY WARRANTED Mr. R. H. WEBSTER, Napoleonville, will keep a stock of Carts ahd Axle Grease THIBODAUX FOUN•ERY Thibodaux, La. KEEFE & BODLEY, Are prepared to do Fonuderv Work, Machine work, and general Blacksmiting at the lmeat prices. We have refitted the Foundery with the most improved tools, and solicit a continu- ance of the Planters' patronage. AUGUST BULOW, Civil Engineer and Parish Surveyor. Respectfally informs the public that he has been appointed Parish Sunrveyor for the Parish of Assumption, and is prepared to attend to all kinds of Surveying. All orders executed with promptnese and aecuracy. Address, Napoleonville Post Office, box No. 50. R. N. SIM8, AVOCAT, DONALDSONVILLE, LA. II se charge des affairee qu'on lui con- fiera dans las paroisse Ascension, Assomp- tioi, Si-Jacques et 8t Jean-Baptiste, avec exactitude et clrit. NOTICE. All persons having claims against the st0essiou of the late Rev. Guillaume Vio1" er, or awho owe to said succession , are hereby notified to present their claims, or ywhat they owe to said e uooesaion to - Jules auchet, Curator of said sue- ce~e•ion, or to the underigned hns attor neys. GUION & FOLSE. of Couanel xs movlle, Xe 21,ber Itr THE CENTENNIAL MEDAL! The Truth at Last ! THE HOWE MACHINE Again Triumphant! At the 45th Exhibition of the American Institute Fair in this city, the Howe Ma- chine was recommended by the judges, and approved by the unanimous vote of the Board of Managers, for the GREAT GOLD "CENTENNIAL MEDAL," under the following rules : "This Medal (of gold) is to be awarded only for a machine, product, or process, exhibited this 'Centenmal year,' at the 45th Exhibition of the American Institute of the city of New York. It can be awarded only for a machine, product, or process, of great value, decided importance, and of more than usual merit; and then only by a majority of the whole Board of Trustees, upon the written report of three judges, whose report shall certify to the above requirements, and after said report shall have been approved by a majority of the whole Board of Managers." It will be thus seen that the "Howe" still leads all competitors-and we chal- lenge all Sewing Machine Companies in the land to produce an award of like ex- cellence received in this "ENTENNIAL YEAR. THE HOWE MACHINE CO., 183 CANAL STREET, NEW ORLEANS. ALPH. WALZ, RECTIFIER, Importer and Wholesale Retail Dealer in Liquors, ALE, PORTER AND CIDER, Agent for the CELEBRATED AURORA LAGER BEER. 26 - - -- Conti Street ---- 26 Between Chartres and Old Levee Streets, NEW ORLEANS. R. N. SIMS, Attorney at Law, DONALDSONVILLE, LA. Will practice in the Parishes of Ascen- ion, Assumption, St. James and St. John he Baptist. W- Basiness promptly attended to. D. LEBLANC & W. GUION, A torneys at Law, NAPOLEONVILLE, ASSUMPTION. rI ED. NICHOLLS PUoH, WM. E. HOWELL Donaldsonville. La. Napoleonville, La. PUGH & HOWELL, ttorneys at Law, Will practice in Ascension and Assumption. A? Ed. N. Pugh will be at Napoleon- ville on every Monday. EDMUND MdAURIN, Attorney and Counselor at Law DONALDSONVILLE, LA. Practices in the parishes of Assumption, St. James and Ascension. . . . . . .. . . . . . J. B. WHITTINGTON, Attorney and Notary Public, NAPOLEONVILLE, LA. Will attend promptly to all business in the Fifteenth Judicial District Court and Supreme Court. ALBERT P. LAUVE, Attorney and Notary Public, PAINCOUITVILLE, LA. WM. M. MARKS, Attorney and Notary Pnb'i PLATTENV'rLJE A PIERRE. J. GILBERT, AUCTIONEER PAINCOURTVILLE, LA. 'Orders for sales of real and personal property respectfully solicited. -THE- THE LIVELIEST OF FAMILY NEWSPAPERS, Full of interesting news, literature, humor- ous sketchei, spicy parapraphs, etc. Sample copies - - - - ree. Subscription: Two Dollars a year, post-paid. Address, DETROIT FREE PRESS, Detroit, Mich. ESPERANZA BRICKYPRD (P. E. DURAND, tanager) CRANE'S FORCE P. 0., Assumption, La. David Wallace. Geo. W. Cary. WALLACE & CARY, Importers & Wholesale -DEALEBS IN- DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, 11 as 18 Mdagamine mt -AND- 79, 81, 83, 85, 87 & 89 Common St., NEW ORLEANS. Salesman, CHARLES W. BARRIERE. The only Steam Manufactury of Cno.ectio nary in the South. Silver Medals, Diplomas and Premiums awarded. LEO N MEDAL, SUCCESSCB TO ERNEST TUBPIN, Aanufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in stick Candy (the best made), French and Fancy Candies, Sugar Toys, Chocolates, Jellies, Syrups, Fruits, all sorts of Dry and Ginger Cakes, Fire Works, Surprise and Cash Boxes, &c. &c. 93 OLD LEVEE STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. AUSTIN BABIN J. M. LAMARE, Manager. GENERAL Produce Merchant No. 151 DECATUR St.. NEW ORLEANS. Consignments of Cotton, Snear, Rice, Fruits, Vegetables, Poultry, Eggs, Wool, Moss, Hides, &c.. respectfully solicited. ADOIPHE F. HIXEL, OSCAR A. FOLSE, Assumption. New Orleans. Himel & Folse, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No, 5 St. Louis Street _New Orleans. LIBERAL ADVANOES MADE ON CON- SIGNMENTS. ARABIAN BITTERS Purify the blood and strengthen the sys- tem, eradicating the effect of dissipation, maintain the human frame in co.,dition of healthfulness, dispel the Blues and all men- tal distempers, and relieve those whose sendeutary habits lay them open to de- prressimn They prevent and cure Bilous and other Fevers, Fever and Ague, Chills, Diarrhoea, Dyselntery, Dys- peps a, Sea-Sickness, Colic, Cholera Cholera Moe bus, and every complaint incidental to diet or atm sphere. Ladies will find them a sovereign boon, as they eradicate all traces of Debility, N•,rvous- ness Inertness, and Diseases pecsliar to the sex. Depot, 65 Decatur Str., N. O. BRICKS! BRICKS !! I'he undersigned, having enlarged his BRICK YARAD with the intention of carry- ing his business on a larger scale, solicits as heretofore the patronage of hisf friends, and is now prepared to deliver Bricks at all landings between Donaldson- ville and Thibodaux at prices and condi- tions to suit purchasers. Address: ULISSE B. DUGAS, Assumption Store. [ Constantly on hand a supply of TYLE BRICKS. A. F. HICKMAN, Wholesale Grocer, COMMISSION MERCHANT -AND- Receiver of all Kinds of Country Produce, :~5, DECATUR ST. 'NEW ORLEANS. WASHINGTON HOTEL NAPOLEONVILLE, LA. Having been new fitted up, is now furly prepared to accommodate all those who will honor it with their patronage. Nothing has been spared to make this popular H TEL a home for the traveling puulic. CHARLES DUPATY. Assumption Lodge No. 203 F.. & A.'. M.. Offiaers for the ensuing year : Pierre Juliat, W.'. M.".; F. W. Pike, S.'. W.'.; A. Bloc,, J.'. W.'.; C. Dupat , Tres.; Pierre J. Gilbert, Secy.; E. B. Cox, 8.. D.. ; O. Simoneau.J.. D.'.; J. D Ford, Tyler. Meets every second and last Thursday of each month. J. D. FORD. E. U. DOURG FORD & BOURG, DOCTORS. NAPOLEONVILLE - - - La. OFFICE-The late residence of Dr. B. R. J3easley. VENIRE Fifteenth Judicial Dist. Court. PARISH OF ASSUMPTION. Be it known, that on this 6th day of March, 1879, the following list of jurors were drawn to serve at t h ei regular term of the 15th Judicial District Court, parish of Assump- tron, to be begun and holden in rthe said parish on Monday May 5,1879: FOR FIRST WEEK, Louis Folse, Jr. Thomas Numa John Cook Caliste Dupaty Alexander Ancoin Drauzin Montet Desird P Landry Aristide Daigle Armstead Wilson Christopher Clifton Thelesphor Babin Sam Flanders Emile Adolphe Stephen Carter Paul Francioni Dupre Broussard Leon Bergeron Oscar F H~bert J B Laudry Jr * Jerry Ryan Zeno ('andolle Emile Barrrs Simon Noel John Franklin Lucieu Pugh Francois Arcement Paul Jones E E Landry Francis Dellucy Clairville J Savoy Treville David Mack Johnson Thomas McCraw Nicholas Valeri Amadeo Blanchard Landolph Pendleton Trasimond Giroir Sylvester Auguste Dubrg e Bergeron Frank Hidalgo R C Sparks Leoni Hebert Smith Collins isaac Brooks Lee Cole Thomas Ryan Louis Preaux Ben Hendrick Alfred Ohlmeyer C Dalferes Jr FOR SECOND WEEK, Joseph Barthet Pierre Mav ;e R U J Gantlhreaux Ambrose Callier Adolph tilliams Dedrick Ohlmeyer Arthur Bernachot Oville Boudreaux Jacob Heim Isaac Sawyers Samuel Blanchard Eugene E LeBlanc Archy Christian J EMoseman Desire Braud John Dal ieres Desird Bergeron Emile Thiac Marcellhs Savoy Edward Guedry Evariste Blanchard Nuoma Verret Henry Fletcher IA madeo Delaune James Tau-on Abrah.m Brown Simon F Gianelloni Jesse Kelly Daniel Cambric Jobu Kelly FOR THIRD WEEK, Lusignan V Landry Wyatt Ellis David Johnson Camille Cal mouche Edward Laulan Joseph Adams Aristide Delaune David Urooks Leovide Bernard Nicholas LeBlane Desird Boudreaux Robert Roberl son Adrien Daigle Charies Aubert Francois Assemand Ralph Beasley Nug'stus Underwood John Robertson Ducroisel Blanchard Octave Himel Frank Bergeron Arthur J umouville Desire Aiceneanx Octave Barbier Emile Vicknair Julien Acosta Fiank Arbonuo Paul Blauchard Ellis Lawless Warren Green TIOMAS DIVINE, Clerk of Court. Dsir LeBlane. Walter Guion' LEBLANC & GUION, AVOCATS, NAPOLEONVILLE, (AssoMPTIoN.) Pratiquent dans le 15me District Judi- ciaire et la Cour Suprme de l'Etat de la Louisiane. LAFOURCHE STAGE NOTICE TO TRAVELERS. The Stage carrying the United States Mail leaves Napoleonville daily (Sundays excepted) et 6 o'clock A. M., arriving at Donaldsonville at 9 o'clock. Returning, leaves Donaldsonville on the arrival of the train from New Orleans and takes passengers to all points on Bayou Lafourche to Napoleonville at reasonable prices. For passage, apply at the Wa m hington Hotel, Napoleonville, and City Hotel at Donaldsonville. A. ANCHORDOQUY, Wheelright and Blacksmith, NAPOLEONVILLE, Carriages. Buggies, Carts, Wagons, &c. made and repaired at New Orleans prices A. F. HICKMAN, 35.... RUE DECATUR .... 35 (Entre Douane et Bienville) Marchand-Commissionnaire Marchhnd en Gros de Prouis del'Ounest r-Reqoit tout esptce de produits des campagnree. H. H. CARVER, Attorney at Law, NAPOLEONVILLE, LA. Will attend promptly to all business en trusted to him in the Third and Fourth .Judicial Districts. f-aquebot de la Cote Jusqu'a Thibo- daux. Deux fois par semaine. S HENRY TETE, J. F. AUCOIN, capitaine, M. H. LANDRY, commie, DBpart de la Nouvelle-Orleans, tous les Lundie a 5 P. MI.et tout lea Vendredisa 10 .. [M. Retour: ii partira de Donaldsonville! tous lea Mercred is et Dinanches matins. Le HENRY TETE prendra du fret pour tou~ le debarcad+.res du bayou Lafourchel jusqu'a iii:,o,iaux. Pour fret ou pass,.ge, s'adresser a bord on a B. RIVET, 106 rue Decatur, pres St. ouis- SUCCESSION SALES. STATE OF LOUISIANA. PARISH COURT. PAPISH OF ASSUMPTION. Succession of . Marie Landry,widowJoseph Dngas, and Achille J. Dngas et als vs. No. 1186 Telesphor Alleman, Tutor, et als, For a Partition. By virtue of and in odedience toa decree of sale rendered by the Hon. the Parish Court of the parish of Assumption on the 12th day of March, 1879, in the above succes- sion and suit, I will offer for sale at public auction to the last and high- est bidder, at the late residence of Marie Landry, nidow Joseph Du- . gas, situated in this parish, on the right bank of Bayou Lafourche, at Bruld St. John the Baptist. about two miles from Bayou Lafourche, on Tuesday, April 15, 1879, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M., the follow- ing property, belonging to said succession, to wit : A certain sugar plantation, situa- ted, lying and being in the parish of Assumption, right bank of bayou Lafourche, in the interior, at Brule St. John the Baptist, containing an area of seventy arpents, more or less, bounded towards the Eastand South by the public road leading into said brnul; towards the West by lands now belonging to Achille J. Dugas, and towards the North by the plantation known as the "Voiron," formerly of Dr. Joseph R. Martin and now of Taylor Beattie and wife; together with all the buildings and improvements there- on and thereunto belonging; it be- ing the same plantation adjudicated to the deceased on the the Ilth day of March, 1869, at the succession sale of the property of her deceased husband, made by Pierre J. Gilbert, auctioneer. 2o. A tract of land, situated in the said parish of Assumption, right bank of Bayou Lafourche, in the interior, in said Brul6 St. John the Baptist, containing a superficies of seventy arpents, more or less,boun- ed on the East by lands of Joseph Savoy and Anatole Landry; on the North by lands of Achille J. Dngas; on the West by land of Drauzin Dugas, and on the South by lands of Widow Elie Comeau and of Miss A. Landry; together with all the buildings and improvements there- on and thereunto belonging; it being the same tract of land acquired by the deceased of Joseph E. Daigle. Also one, lot of houshold furni- ture, etc., etc. Terms and Conditions: The movable effects for cash, and the lands for one-third cash and one-third ig one and one-third in two years from the day of sale, rep - resented by the notes of the pur- chasers in coupons, payabie to their own order and by them endorsed in blank, bearing interest from matu- rity until paid at the rate of eight per cent per annum, :and secured by mortgage andl the vendor's privilege under the pact de non aliena..do on the respective lands, and in case suit or other judicial proceedings are instituted to recover the pay- ment of said notes or any part thereof the makers of the notes sued on shall pay t.en per cent on tlh- amount sued for, incllehing princi- pal and interest, for attorney's fbees, vhich shall be secllcre by the same mortgage and priviige as the no:es. P. J. GILBERT, A uctioneer. Parish of Assumption, this 14th day of March, 1879. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. In the Fifteenth Judicial District Court. PARISH OF ASSUMPTION. Darid Wol.rette, Vs. No. 2153 His Creditors. Public notice is herebygiven to all whom it may concern, that by virtue of a decree, dated March 8th. 1879, and rendered by thei Ion. the Firteenth Jud. Dist. Court in and for the State and Parish aforesaid, in the above entitled and numbered suit, a meet- ing of the creditors of David Wolbrette will be held before the unde signed Notary Pnublic., at his office, in the village of Napo- leonville, Parish of Assumption, on the 91st day of April 1879, to bebin at 9 o'clock A. M. ALFRED TETE, Notary Public; Pariah of Assumption, March 11, 1879. STATE OF LOUISIAINA. PARISH COURT. PARISH OF ASSUMPTION. Successions of Succession of Jules Blanclard and Coralie LeBlanc, his Wife. ., No. 1193. By virtue of a decree of sale ren- dered by the Hon. the Parish Court of the parish of Assumption, in the matter of the above succession,I will ofler for sale at public auction to the highest and last bidder, at the late residence of Jules Blanchard and Coralie LeBlanc, his wife, sit- huated in Paincourtville, parish of Assumption, on Thursday, April 3, 1879, between the hours of II A. M. and 2 P. M. the following property, be- longing to said successions, to wit: lo. A certain lot of ground, sit- uated in the village of Paincourt- ville, on the right bank of Bayou Laafourche, in this parish of Assump- tion, fronting on the road generally known as "Bruld St.Vincent road," and bounded in front by said road, in the rear by property of the St. Elizabeth Church, towards Bayou Lafourche by lot of Mrs. Adoiska LeBlanc, widow Auguste Bayle, towards the woods by lot of Amadeo Blanchard; together with all the buildings and improvements there- on and thereto belonging f it being the same lot of ground acquired by Mrs. Coralie LeBlanc, wife of Jules Blanchard, of Sevdrin Blanchard on the 20th day of January, 1873, by act passed before Albert P.Lanve, then a notary public in this parish. Terms and Conditions : One-third of the price of adjudi- ustion cash, and one-third in one year and one-third in two years from the day of sale, the purchaser furnishing his notes for the credit portion of said price with good and solvent security in solido,payable to the otder of the administrator of said succession, with interest from maturity until paid at the rate of eight per centum per annum ; and in case suit, or other judicial pro- ceedings, is instituted to recover the payment of said notes, or any part thereof, the purchaser shall pay ten per cent on the amount sued for, including principal and interest, for attorney's fees, and the said lot of ground, with the build- inds and improvements thereon, to remain specially affected with the vendor's privilege and mortgaged and hypothecated under the pact de non alienando to secure the pay- ment of said notes in principal and eventual interest and the said at- torney's fees. E. P. HELLUIN, Auctioneer. Parish of Assumption, March 1' J879. bTATE OF LOUISIANA. PARISH COURT. PARISH OF ASsJMPTrON. in the matter; of the Succession of Clairville Pelletier and 1is w/'ie, Birapline Delaune No. 1200. By virtue of and in obedience to an order of sahl to me directed by the Hon the Parish Court of the Pa- rish of Assumption in the matter of the above Succession, and dated the 13th day of March 1879. I will sel' at pnliic a uction to the last and highest bidder, at thl, late residence of Clairvitic 'clletier, in Brul6 La- hadie, in the Parish, on Saturday, March "9, 1879, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M., a lot of miov:ble property, consisting of ho.es, horned cattle. farming uten- sils, hogs, household furniture, kit- chen utensils, corn, hay, cotton in seed, seed rice, &c. Ternms and Condlitiont : CASH E. P. HELLUIIN, Anctioneer. Parish of Assumption, March 13, 1879. P1ERRE J. GILBERT, ENCANTEURI, PAINCOUUTVILLE, (Aaeomption.) 5' Sollicite le patronage du public de ce to paroiise pour ce qui concerne ea profession. HIBAM H. CARVER, AVOCAT, NAPOLEONVILLE, Lu. 8'accupe avec soin et promptitude de oute affaire concernant sa profession dans ps 4'ue et tliie outri<te Judiciaires. WM. M. MARKS, Avocat et Notaire Public. Bureau : Plattenville. (Assomption.)

FERRY STORE VENIRE STATE OF LOUISIAINA ......Mr. R. H. WEBSTER, Napoleonville, will keep a stock of Carts ahd Axle Grease THIBODAUX FOUN•ERY Thibodaux, La. KEEFE & BODLEY, Are prepared

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    Vol. XXI. NAPOLEONVILLE, La., SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1879. No. 41.


    THE PERRY STORE has always onhand every article in the Grocery line andare offered at very moderate prices. Thefollowing are specially re-ommauded :

    Flour, Meal,Grits, Rice,

    Coffee, Tea,sugar, Syrup,

    Olive Oil, Vineger,Black Pepper, Salt,

    Canned Fruits,Lard, Ham,


    Sides Mess,Sardines, Cod Fish

    Mackerel, Pickles,Olives, Mustard,

    Yeast Powder, Potatoes,Dried Apples, Onions,

    Butter, Cheese,Candles, Starch.

    Claret,White Wine,

    Port WVine, SherryWine, Madeira Wine, Wine

    of Xeres, Cognacs of the bestbrands. Anisette, (Marie Brissard)

    Cassisdu Mout d'Or, Rhum Punch. St.CruzRhum, Curacoa, Maraschino, Holland

    Gin, Chartreuse, Apple Brandy,Peach Brandy, Vermouth,

    Hostetter's, Price andArabian :Bitters,

    etc., etc.


    Crockery, Cutelry Tinware, Earthern-ware, Axes, Helves, Brooms,Nails,

    Shot, Powder and Caps.-Call at the-

    FERRY STOREand you will be convinced that cheaperGroceries cannot be bought elsewhere.




    Also, Brands for marking clothing,Checks for watches and keys, stencil al-

    phabets., steel stamps for marking tools

    and planters' utensils'; silver badges forsocieties, Ac., &c. Watches, clocls andjewelry also repaired.

    All work guarantied.-Prices moderate..r Orders left at the boat or at thisofficee will be promptly attended to.




    The Bar is supplied with the best Winesand Liquors.

    BODLEY Bros.,Wheeling, W. Va.


    Ne. 64 Common Street, New Orleans, andThibodaux, La.

    MANUFACTURERS OFCane carts, Mule carts,

    BagaPse Carts, Rice carts,Town arts, Small carts,

    (of all sizes)Axle grese, (the best made) Spokes, Fel-

    loea, 'Wheeling Nails, etc., etc.ALL WORKS FULLY WARRANTED

    Mr. R. H. WEBSTER, Napoleonville,will keep a stock of Carts ahd Axle Grease

    THIBODAUX FOUN•ERYThibodaux, La.

    KEEFE & BODLEY,Are prepared to do Fonuderv Work,

    Machine work, and general Blacksmitingat the lmeat prices.

    We have refitted the Foundery with the

    most improved tools, and solicit a continu-ance of the Planters' patronage.

    AUGUST BULOW,Civil Engineer and Parish

    Surveyor.Respectfally informs the public that


    has been appointed Parish Sunrveyor for

    the Parish of Assumption, and is preparedto attend to all kinds of Surveying.

    All orders executed with promptnese and

    aecuracy.Address, Napoleonville Post Office, box

    No. 50.

    R. N. SIM8,AVOCAT,


    II se charge des affairee qu'on lui con-

    fiera dans las paroisse Ascension, Assomp-

    tioi, Si-Jacques et 8t Jean-Baptiste, avec

    exactitude et clrit.


    All persons having claims against thest0essiou of the late Rev. Guillaume


    er, or awho owe to said succession , arehereby notified to present their

    claims, or

    ywhat they owe to said e uooesaion to

    - Jules auchet, Curator of said sue-ce~e•ion, or to the underigned hns attor

    neys. GUION & FOLSE.of Couanel

    xs movlle, Xe 21,ber Itr


    The Truth at Last !


    HOWE MACHINEAgain Triumphant!

    At the 45th Exhibition of the AmericanInstitute Fair in this city, the Howe Ma-chine was recommended by the judges,and approved by the unanimous vote ofthe Board of Managers, for the GREATGOLD "CENTENNIAL MEDAL," under thefollowing rules :

    "This Medal (of gold) is to be awardedonly for a machine, product, or process,exhibited this 'Centenmal year,' at the 45thExhibition of the American Institute ofthe city of New York. It can be awardedonly for a machine, product, or process, ofgreat value, decided importance, and ofmore than usual merit; and then only bya majority of the whole Board of Trustees,upon the written report of three judges,whose report shall certify to the aboverequirements, and after said report shallhave been approved by a majority of thewhole Board of Managers."

    It will be thus seen that the "Howe"still leads all competitors-and we chal-lenge all Sewing Machine Companies inthe land to produce an award of like ex-cellence received in this "ENTENNIALYEAR.



    Importer and Wholesale RetailDealer in Liquors,

    ALE, PORTER AND CIDER,Agent for the

    CELEBRATED AURORA LAGER BEER.26 - - - - Conti Street - - - - 26Between Chartres and Old Levee Streets,


    R. N. SIMS,Attorney at Law,


    Will practice in the Parishes of Ascen-ion, Assumption, St. James and St. Johnhe Baptist.

    W- Basiness promptly attended to.

    D. LEBLANC & W. GUION,A torneys at Law,


    ED. NICHOLLS PUoH, WM. E. HOWELLDonaldsonville. La. Napoleonville, La.

    PUGH & HOWELL,ttorneys at Law,

    Will practice in Ascension and Assumption.

    A? Ed. N. Pugh will be at Napoleon-ville on every Monday.

    EDMUND MdAURIN,Attorney and Counselor at Law

    DONALDSONVILLE, LA.Practices in the parishes of Assumption,

    St. James and Ascension.. . . . ... . . . . .

    J. B. WHITTINGTON,Attorney and Notary Public,

    NAPOLEONVILLE, LA.Will attend promptly to all business in

    the Fifteenth Judicial District Courtand Supreme Court.

    ALBERT P. LAUVE,Attorney and Notary Public,


    WM. M. MARKS,

    Attorney and Notary Pnb'iPLATTENV'rLJE A



    'Orders for sales of real and personalproperty respectfully solicited.



    Full of interesting news, literature, humor-ous sketchei, spicy parapraphs, etc.

    Sample copies - - - - ree.Subscription: Two Dollars a year,


    DETROIT FREE PRESS,Detroit, Mich.


    CRANE'S FORCE P. 0.,Assumption, La.

    David Wallace. Geo. W. Cary.

    WALLACE & CARY,Importers & Wholesale



    11 as 18 Mdagamine mt-AND-

    79, 81, 83, 85, 87 & 89 Common St.,NEW ORLEANS.

    Salesman, CHARLES W. BARRIERE.

    The only Steam Manufactury of Cno.ectio

    nary in the South.

    Silver Medals, Diplomas and Premiumsawarded.


    Aanufacturer and Wholesale Dealer instick Candy (the best made), French andFancy Candies, Sugar Toys, Chocolates,Jellies, Syrups, Fruits, all sorts of Dry andGinger Cakes, Fire Works, Surprise andCash Boxes, &c. &c.




    Produce MerchantNo. 151 DECATUR St..


    Consignments of Cotton, Snear, Rice,Fruits, Vegetables, Poultry, Eggs, Wool,Moss, Hides, &c.. respectfully solicited.

    ADOIPHE F. HIXEL, OSCAR A. FOLSE,Assumption. New Orleans.


    No, 5 St. Louis Street_New Orleans.


    ARABIAN BITTERSPurify the blood and strengthen the sys-

    tem, eradicating the effect of dissipation,maintain the human frame in co.,dition ofhealthfulness, dispel the Blues and all men-tal distempers, and relieve those whosesendeutary habits lay them open to de-prressimn They prevent and cure Bilousand other Fevers, Fever and Ague,Chills, Diarrhoea, Dyselntery, Dys-peps a, Sea-Sickness, Colic, CholeraCholera Moe bus, and every complaintincidental to diet or atm sphere. Ladieswill find them a sovereign boon, as theyeradicate all traces of Debility, N•,rvous-ness Inertness, and Diseases pecsliar tothe sex.

    Depot, 65 Decatur Str., N. O.

    BRICKS! BRICKS !!I'he undersigned, having enlarged his

    BRICK YARAD with the intention of carry-ing his business on a larger scale, solicitsas heretofore the patronage of hisffriends, and is now prepared to deliverBricks at all landings between Donaldson-ville and Thibodaux at prices and condi-tions to suit purchasers.

    Address:ULISSE B. DUGAS,

    Assumption Store.[ Constantly on hand a supply ofTYLE BRICKS.

    A. F. HICKMAN,

    Wholesale Grocer,COMMISSION MERCHANT


    Receiver of all Kinds of

    Country Produce,:~5, DECATUR ST.



    Having been new fitted up, is nowfurly prepared to accommodate all thosewho will honor it with their patronage.

    Nothing has been spared to make thispopular H TEL a home for the travelingpuulic.


    Assumption Lodge No. 203F.. & A.'. M..

    Offiaers for the ensuing year :

    Pierre Juliat, W.'. M.".; F. W. Pike, S.'.W.'.; A. Bloc,, J.'. W.'.; C. Dupat , Tres.;Pierre J. Gilbert, Secy.; E. B. Cox, 8..D.. ; O. Simoneau.J.. D.'.; J. D Ford,Tyler.

    Meets every second and last Thursdayof each month.

    J. D. FORD. E. U. DOURG


    NAPOLEONVILLE - - - La.OFFICE-The late residence of Dr. B.

    R. J3easley.

    VENIREFifteenth Judicial Dist. Court.


    Be it known, that on this 6th dayof March, 1879, the following list ofjurors were drawn to serve at th eiregular term of the 15th JudicialDistrict Court, parish of Assump-tron, to be begun and holden in rthesaid parish on Monday May 5,1879:


    Louis Folse, Jr. Thomas NumaJohn Cook Caliste DupatyAlexander Ancoin Drauzin MontetDesird P Landry Aristide DaigleArmstead Wilson Christopher CliftonThelesphor Babin Sam FlandersEmile Adolphe Stephen CarterPaul Francioni Dupre BroussardLeon Bergeron Oscar F H~bertJ B Laudry Jr * Jerry RyanZeno ('andolle Emile BarrrsSimon Noel John FranklinLucieu Pugh Francois ArcementPaul Jones E E LandryFrancis Dellucy Clairville J SavoyTreville David Mack JohnsonThomas McCraw Nicholas ValeriAmadeo Blanchard Landolph PendletonTrasimond Giroir Sylvester AugusteDubrg e Bergeron Frank HidalgoR C Sparks Leoni HebertSmith Collins isaac BrooksLee Cole Thomas RyanLouis Preaux Ben HendrickAlfred Ohlmeyer C Dalferes Jr

    FOR SECOND WEEK,Joseph Barthet Pierre Mav ;eR U J Gantlhreaux Ambrose CallierAdolph tilliams Dedrick OhlmeyerArthur Bernachot Oville BoudreauxJacob Heim Isaac SawyersSamuel Blanchard Eugene E LeBlancArchy Christian J EMosemanDesire Braud John Dal ieresDesird Bergeron Emile ThiacMarcellhs Savoy Edward GuedryEvariste Blanchard Nuoma VerretHenry Fletcher IA madeo DelauneJames Tau-on Abrah.m Brown

    Simon F Gianelloni Jesse KellyDaniel Cambric Jobu Kelly

    FOR THIRD WEEK,Lusignan V Landry Wyatt EllisDavid Johnson Camille Cal moucheEdward Laulan Joseph AdamsAristide Delaune David UrooksLeovide Bernard Nicholas LeBlaneDesird Boudreaux Robert Roberl sonAdrien Daigle Charies AubertFrancois Assemand Ralph BeasleyNug'stus Underwood John RobertsonDucroisel Blanchard Octave HimelFrank Bergeron Arthur J umouvilleDesire Aiceneanx Octave BarbierEmile Vicknair Julien AcostaFiank Arbonuo Paul BlauchardEllis Lawless Warren Green

    TIOMAS DIVINE,Clerk of Court.

    Dsir LeBlane. Walter Guion'



    Pratiquent dans le 15me District Judi-ciaire et la Cour Suprme de l'Etat de laLouisiane.


    The Stage carrying the United StatesMail leaves Napoleonville daily (Sundaysexcepted) et 6 o'clock A. M., arriving atDonaldsonville at 9 o'clock.

    Returning, leaves Donaldsonville on thearrival of the train from New Orleans andtakes passengers to all points on BayouLafourche to Napoleonville at reasonableprices.

    For passage, apply at the Wa m hingtonHotel, Napoleonville, and City Hotel atDonaldsonville.

    A. ANCHORDOQUY,Wheelright and Blacksmith,


    Carriages. Buggies, Carts, Wagons, &c.made and repaired at New Orleans prices

    A. F. HICKMAN,35.... RUE DECATUR .... 35

    (Entre Douane et Bienville)

    Marchand-CommissionnaireMarchhnd en Gros de Prouis del'Ounest

    r-Reqoit tout esptce de produits descampagnree.

    H. H. CARVER,Attorney at Law,


    Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to him in the Third and Fourth.Judicial Districts.

    f-aquebot de la Cote Jusqu'a Thibo-daux. Deux fois par semaine.


    J. F. AUCOIN, capitaine,M. H. LANDRY, commie,

    DBpart de la Nouvelle-Orleans, tous lesLundie a 5 P. MI.et tout lea Vendredisa10 .. [M.

    Retour: ii partira de Donaldsonville!tous lea Mercred is et Dinanches matins.

    Le HENRY TETE prendra du fret pourtou~ le debarcad+.res du bayou Lafourcheljusqu'a iii:,o,iaux.

    Pour fret ou pass,.ge, s'adresser a bordon a B. RIVET,

    106 rue Decatur, pres St. ouis-





    Succession of. Marie Landry,widowJoseph Dngas,

    and Achille J. Dngas et alsvs. No. 1186

    Telesphor Alleman, Tutor, et als,For a Partition.

    By virtue of and in odedience toadecree of sale rendered by the Hon.the Parish Court of the parish ofAssumption on the 12th day ofMarch, 1879, in the above succes-sion and suit, I will offer for sale atpublic auction to the last and high-est bidder, at the late residence ofMarie Landry, nidow Joseph Du-.gas, situated in this parish, on theright bank of Bayou Lafourche, atBruld St. John the Baptist. abouttwo miles from Bayou Lafourche, on

    Tuesday, April 15, 1879,between the hours of 10 o'clock A.M. and 3 o'clock P. M., the follow-ing property, belonging to saidsuccession, to wit :

    A certain sugar plantation, situa-ted, lying and being in the parishof Assumption, right bank of bayouLafourche, in the interior, at BruleSt. John the Baptist, containing anarea of seventy arpents, more orless, bounded towards the EastandSouth by the public road leadinginto said brnul; towards the Westby lands now belonging to AchilleJ. Dugas, and towards the Northby the plantation known as the"Voiron," formerly of Dr. JosephR. Martin and now of Taylor Beattieand wife; together with all thebuildings and improvements there-on and thereunto belonging; it be-ing the same plantation adjudicatedto the deceased on the the Ilth dayof March, 1869, at the successionsale of the property of her deceasedhusband, made by Pierre J. Gilbert,auctioneer.

    2o. A tract of land, situated inthe said parish of Assumption, rightbank of Bayou Lafourche, in theinterior, in said Brul6 St. John theBaptist, containing a superficies ofseventy arpents, more or less,boun-ed on the East by lands of JosephSavoy and Anatole Landry; on theNorth by lands of Achille J. Dngas;on the West by land of DrauzinDugas, and on the South by landsof Widow Elie Comeau and of MissA. Landry; together with all thebuildings and improvements there-on and thereunto belonging; it beingthe same tract of land acquired bythe deceased of Joseph E. Daigle.

    Also one, lot of houshold furni-ture, etc., etc.

    Terms and Conditions:The movable effects for cash, and

    the lands for one-third cash andone-third ig one and one-third intwo years from the day of sale, rep -resented by the notes of the pur-chasers in coupons, payabie to theirown order and by them endorsed inblank, bearing interest from matu-rity until paid at the rate of eightper cent per annum, :and secured bymortgage andl the vendor's privilegeunder the pact de non aliena..do onthe respective lands, and in casesuit or other judicial proceedingsare instituted to recover the pay-ment of said notes or any partthereof the makers of the notes suedon shall pay t.en per cent on tlh-amount sued for, incllehing princi-pal and interest, for attorney's fbees,vhich shall be secllcre by the samemortgage and priviige as the no:es.

    P. J. GILBERT,A uctioneer.

    Parish of Assumption, this 14thday of March, 1879.


    In the Fifteenth Judicial DistrictCourt.


    Darid Wol.rette,Vs. No. 2153

    His Creditors.

    Public notice is herebygiven to all whomit may concern, that by virtue of a decree,dated March 8th. 1879, and rendered by theiIon. the Firteenth Jud. Dist. Court in and

    for the State and Parish aforesaid, in theabove entitled and numbered suit, a meet-ing of the creditors of David Wolbrettewill be held before the unde signed NotaryPnublic., at his office, in the village of Napo-leonville, Parish of Assumption, on the 91stday of April 1879, to bebin at 9 o'clock A. M.

    ALFRED TETE,Notary Public;

    Pariah of Assumption, March 11, 1879.




    Successions ofSuccession of Jules Blanclard and

    Coralie LeBlanc, his Wife. .,No. 1193.

    By virtue of a decree of sale ren-dered by the Hon. the Parish Courtof the parish of Assumption, in thematter of the above succession,I willofler for sale at public auction tothe highest and last bidder, at thelate residence of Jules Blanchardand Coralie LeBlanc, his wife, sit-huated in Paincourtville, parish ofAssumption, on

    Thursday, April 3, 1879,between the hours of II A. M. and2 P. M. the following property, be-longing to said successions, to wit:

    lo. A certain lot of ground, sit-uated in the village of Paincourt-ville, on the right bank of BayouLaafourche, in this parish of Assump-tion, fronting on the road generallyknown as "Bruld St.Vincent road,"and bounded in front by said road,in the rear by property of the St.Elizabeth Church, towards BayouLafourche by lot of Mrs. AdoiskaLeBlanc, widow Auguste Bayle,towards the woods by lot of AmadeoBlanchard; together with all thebuildings and improvements there-on and thereto belonging f it beingthe same lot of ground acquired byMrs. Coralie LeBlanc, wife of JulesBlanchard, of Sevdrin Blanchardon the 20th day of January, 1873,by act passed before Albert P.Lanve,then a notary public in this parish.

    Terms and Conditions :One-third of the price of adjudi-

    ustion cash, and one-third in oneyear and one-third in two yearsfrom the day of sale, the purchaserfurnishing his notes for the creditportion of said price with good andsolvent security in solido,payable tothe otder of the administrator ofsaid succession, with interest frommaturity until paid at the rate ofeight per centum per annum ; andin case suit, or other judicial pro-ceedings, is instituted to recoverthe payment of said notes, or anypart thereof, the purchaser shallpay ten per cent on the amountsued for, including principal andinterest, for attorney's fees, and thesaid lot of ground, with the build-inds and improvements thereon, toremain specially affected with thevendor's privilege and mortgagedand hypothecated under the pact denon alienando to secure the pay-ment of said notes in principal andeventual interest and the said at-torney's fees.

    E. P. HELLUIN,Auctioneer.

    Parish of Assumption, March 1'J879.




    in the matter; of the Succession ofClairville Pelletier and 1is

    w/'ie, Birapline DelauneNo. 1200.

    By virtue of and in obedience toan order of sahl to me directed bythe Hon the Parish Court of the Pa-rish of Assumption in the matter ofthe above Succession, and datedthe 13th day of March 1879. I willsel' at pnliic a uction to the last andhighest bidder, at thl, late residenceof Clairvitic 'clletier, in Brul6 La-hadie, in the Parish, on

    Saturday, March "9, 1879,between the hours of 10 o'clock A.M. and 2 o'clock P. M., a lot ofmiov:ble property, consisting ofho.es, horned cattle. farming uten-sils, hogs, household furniture, kit-chen utensils, corn, hay, cotton inseed, seed rice, &c.

    Ternms and Condlitiont : CASHE. P. HELLUIIN,

    Anctioneer.Parish of Assumption, March 13,



    PAINCOUUTVILLE, (Aaeomption.)5' Sollicite le patronage du public de

    ce to paroiise pour ce qui concerne eaprofession.HIBAM H. CARVER,


    8'accupe avec soin et promptitude deoute affaire concernant sa profession dans

    ps 4'ue et tliie outri