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Page 1: The Top 3 Moving Mistakes

The Top 3 Moving Mistakes Once it is certain you will be moving, the focus goes straight to where, when, and how. Where will the new home be? When will you start at the new job or school? How can you ensure that everything will be packed and moved safely? While these questions are key to a successful move, they still might make you forget other factors that are less obvious, but still crucial for a good moving experience. Forgetting Yourself

If you have not already hired a moving company, it is likely that you may have forgotten your own needs as a mover. For instance, what if you get hungry or thirsty during the move? Or what if you need those Band-Aids that are packed away in the back of the toiletries box? Well before the packing begins and the moving truck’s engine revs up, take a moment to think about the things you may need to ensure that you have taken care of yourself during the move. You will want to have easy access to things like phone chargers, first aid, and of course, the basics of food and water. There may be other things that you personally will find helpful, like ice packs if you are moving in the heat of a Tucson summer. Furthermore, consider packing a "survival kit." This kit will include everything you need to survive for a few days, so it will have things like clean underwear, perhaps some instant coffee, basic toiletries, and any necessary medications. This way, once you arrive at your new home, you can rest easy without diving into half of your well-packed boxes just to find the toothpaste.

Page 2: The Top 3 Moving Mistakes

Skimping on Preparations

There are some obvious ways you will have to prepare for a move, but there are many less obvious preparations to make as well. Be sure to consider things like the Tucson rush hour, for instance, so that you don't have to extend your travel-time any longer than necessary. Other considerations include what your children may need that isn't so obvious, like a special toy, blanket, or snack. If your child starts throwing a tantrum, that favorite gummy treat may be the difference between a smooth moving experience and a migraine headache. If you are moving with an animal companion, check to ensure you have any leashes you may need, as well as extra food for them and dishes that they can drink from. Hopefully, any documentation of vaccinations and vet records are already packed away and ready to go. Setting an Unrealistic Timetable Another key aspect of preparation is giving yourself the time you need. Many Tucson movers forget the fact that sorting, packing, and moving takes a long time, especially for those not familiar with the moving process. It's one of the reasons why we love to help, and we are in the moving company business. But if you've opted to move on your own, give yourself plenty of time so you can pack everything sensibly and move it all successfully without hurting yourself or damaging any belongings. Most movers are not familiar with the process of moving all of one's belongings across the city, state, or country. Of course you already know that it is a difficult process, with lots to think about, and many different, crucial components at play. If you can remember to take care of yourself and your loved ones while giving yourself enough time to do everything right, you can tackle the challenge of moving successfully. To find out more or for a free moving estimate, visit