Download pptx - The Tale of Two Dialectics

  • 1. The Tale of Two DialecticsAndrew DarwitanHerbert Eng WeiwenThamonwan Rojawanichkit (PingPing)Jonathan Lee ChengChun
  • 2. Introduction Previous research on RFT Used short-term hypothetical priming scenarios Required knowledge of inherent traits of audiences Explanations did not mark out boundary conditions Longitudinal field experiment to better understand exercise motivation Ecological emphasis Bootstrapping statistical techniques to explain mediation links Practical goal of designing creative campaigns with 3G mobile devices in mind Capitalize on the sustainability and scalability potential of mobile-centric campaigns
  • 3. Regulatory Fit Theory Promotion Prevention Presence of Absence ofSuccess Positives Negatives Absence of Presence of Failure Positives Negatives eager vigilant means means
  • 4. Prevention Focus Interdependent Self-construal Message Framing Competitive Environment Value Derived from FitRegulatory Fit Theory
  • 5. Prevention Focus Independent Self-construal Message Framing Competitive Environment Non-fit: Goal Pursuit DisruptedRegulatory Fit Theory
  • 6. Environmental Nutriments Organismic Dialectical Relatedness Autonomy CompetenceSelf-Determination Theory
  • 7. Copresence Sensation of being together with others without actually being physically together Mutual awareness Social connectedness
  • 8. Message Competitive Framing Environment H3 H2. environment Primed Primed providing nutriments Regulatory Self- H6 Focus construal Competence Satisfaction H4 Autonomy H1 Regulatory Behavior CopresenceSatisfaction Fit H5. sustaining regulatory H6 orientation H2 Relatedness Satisfaction Intrinsic Autonomy Motivationinfluences the degree of motivation intensity Concept Emphasis Motivational Intensity: Indirect Effect Amotivation Self-determination Continuum Concept Pathways
  • 9. H1: Behaviour = Value Derived from Fit?H5: H6:CE>Copresence>Reconcile Int. Motivation
  • 10. H1. Behaviour as Value Derived from Fit ANCOVA showed marginal support (p=.059) D (Fit) Affirmed RFT A cross Note that participants exercised the C most in the vigilance- interdependent B (Non-fit) fit condition (D)
  • 11. H2. Vigilance Messages fulfill autonomy needs better Marginally supported H2a) Main effect on perceived choice (p=.09) H2b) Main effect on perceived value (n.s.) Competitive Environment Independent Interdependent Message Framing Eagerness Frame (Promotion Focus) Vigilance Frame (Prevention Focus)
  • 12. H3. Interdependent competition fulfills competence needs better Marginally supported H3a) Main effect on perceived competence (n.s.) H3b) Main effect on perceived effort (p=.07) Competitive Environment Independent Interdependent Message Framing Eagerness Frame (Promotion Focus) Vigilance Frame (Prevention Focus)
  • 13. H4. Interdependent competition fulfills relatedness needs better Marginally supported H4) Main effect on relatedness (p=.07) Competitive Environment Independent Interdependent Message Framing Eagerness Frame (Promotion Focus) Vigilance Frame (Prevention Focus)
  • 14. H2,3,4. Overall Comments In terms of needs satisfaction, gravitate towards vigilance-interdependence (D) Complements H1) RFT postulations Competitive Environment Independent Interdependent Message Framing Eagerness Frame (Promotion Focus) Vigilance Frame (Prevention Focus)
  • 15. H2. Mediation through Autonomy Intrinsic Motivation Exercise Intention .28Message .35Framing .38 BehaviourVigilance Perceived .94 over ChoiceEagerness MF creates anticipatory Autonomy need expectations of the satisfaction future through autonomy need
  • 16. H5. Statistically reconciling RFT and SDTCollapsed 22 into Fit vs. Non-fit(Latimer et al., 2008; Jin & Lee, 2010) Intrinsic Motivation ? Choice (Autonomy) Regulatory Fit Value (Autonomy) FIT (A+D) Behaviour vs. Competence (Competence) Valuenon-FIT (B+C) Derived Effort (Competence) from Fit Relatedness Interpersonal Discussion
  • 17. H5. Statistically reconciling RFT and SDT Need all 3 needs to be fulfilled for optimal sustenance of intrinsic motivation RFT needs SDT to complete the picture But RFT does add to SDT too! RFTs increased motivational intensity, however short-lived, may provide the initial impetus for motivation change or acquisition
  • 18. H5. Statistically reconciling RFT and SDT[Recent research] has shown that enduring changes in motivation takes place throughsmall changes happening at the situational level and that are internalised on a numberof occasions at the contextual level [RFT] When repeated several times, suchinstances of small positive impact of situational motivation on contextual motivationleads to gradual changes that become internalised [SDT]. (Vallerand et al., 2008) RFT: short term motivation Processual change or acquisition Cycles SDT: long term motivational sustenance
  • 19. H6. Examining CE effects through Copresence Intrinsic Motivation Choice (Autonomy) Competitive Environment Value (Autonomy) Interdependent Copresence Competence (Competence)over Independent Effort (Competence) RelatednessAdds on to Song et al. (2010) Interpersonal Discussion Exercise Intention
  • 20. Practical Implications No need to know Regulatory Foci of audiences Intergroup competition mobile games with vigilance messages work best Embed such messages into story narratives to satisfy autonomy needs Gamification and Augmented Reality to heighten feelings of copresence Also satisfy competence and relatedness needs (one stone kill two birds)
  • 21. Practical Implications Capitalize on RFT fit principles to quickly gain critical mass to fuel copresence Social connectedness + Mutual awareness Presents insights for new generation Internet start-ups E.g. Serious games for experiential learning (education) More scalable and sustainable mobile- centric campaigns