  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    The Strangers-Trailer


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis




  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    -The trailer starts with an establishing long shot of whatappears to look like a normal suburban house. The non-diegetic music that begins to play is a calming piano sound.This sets an uncomfortable tone within the audience as theyare unaware as to what is to come.

    - We then see a medium shot of a set dinner table. The fact

    that there are roses on the table suggests that it is for aromantic couple. This portrays Todrov narrative theory aswe are currently seeing the equilibrium stage as all seemscalm and tranquil.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    We are then introduced to the first character. The lighting

    surrounding the shot of the man lighting the candle is quitedark. This makes the audience feel slightly apprehensive. Thisfeeling is stressed when the man lights the candle, as the non-diegetic music stops for a split second. This builds up the themeof isolation. We are then introduced to the second character.

    This suggests to us she is the other partner in the relationship.The images we see of her are her in a bath and her gettingready. This conveys that the evening she has planned is aspecial occasion.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    Various shots are shown of the romantic couple together. There isa shot reverse shot and an eye line match from the woman to theman. This shows that they are deeply in love as the proxemics

    between the both of them is very close. The trailer does notstraight away express the horror genre, this is effective as it makesus feel on edge and keeps us intrigued to continue watching. Wesee a shot of a wedding ring box which further emphasises how

    their love is eternal. This is combined with a voiceover of the mansaying Youre my girl representing his loving and protectivenature for her. The audience can relate as this part of the narrativeis something that happens in every day normal life.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    -The non-diegetic music suddenly stops and we hear the sound ofa bottle being smashed. All is then disturbed because we see a two

    shot of the couple reacting to something bad. The fact that we seethe reaction before the danger itself makes the audience feelunknown to the situation and fearful towards what is about to beshown. Furthermore the fact that they are gripping onto each othershows that all they have is each other.

    -A shot is then shown of the room they are in looking abandonedand empty. This portrays to the audience that they are alone andno one is there to help them so they are helpless. The non-diegeticsound being played is the sound of swings moving. This createsan eerie feel as it suggests someone is outside and lurking around.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis



  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    What is that? voiceover of woman

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    This is followed by a fade to black which creates a sense ofentrapment. The non-diegetic music then stops and we heara voiceover of the woman saying What is that?

    highlighting the unknown and intensifying the mystery.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    Text comes up saying Inspired by true events however thetext appears to be trapped and completely surrounded by thedarkness around it. This creates a frightful feeling within theaudience as it makes them think that there is no hope. Thetext then dissolves into the black screen provoking the idea

    that the danger is more powerful than they are. Also the factit has been inspired by true events makes the audience feelweary as to what is going to happen.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    The duration of this shot is quite short this creates a sense ofdisquietude. It also stresses the foreboding atmosphere being built.

    Furthermore it creates an uneasy feeling within the audience asthe swings are moving however there is no one on them for themto be making the movement. This makes the audience feel anxiousand nervous as they dont fully know what is going on. Within thissection there are constant fade to blacks after the shots, thisstresses the feeling of the unknown and makes the audience feel

    completely trapped in the unsettling house.We hear the man say Its ok theres nothing here this almost feelsas if hes not just reassuring his wife that they are safe but theaudience as well.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    THIRD ACT 20

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    This close-up shot of the womans hand about to open the door

    makes the audience feel frightened as they do not know what is on

    the other side of the door. It strengthens the idea that the couple

    are vulnerable to the danger. Furthermore we can relate to the fear

    that they are experience as just like them we are unaware as to

    what the danger is and where its coming from.

    -The fact that the text almost looks swallowed in the darknessstresses the unknown as we can only just about make out what it

    is saying. This also suggests that similarly to the danger it is

    hiding and taking a slow and fearful approach.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    -The long shot of the woman in the room by herself highlights theisolation being created. Furthermore it creates fear as she is

    completely alone and is therefore vulnerable to the situation. Wethen see a man in a mask slowly appear behind her however she isunaware to this. This is the first time we are being introduced tothe danger so this makes us feel incredibly frightful as we are nowaware that there is someone in the house.

    - The non-diegetic music completely stops emphasising how sheshould not be alone by herself in the house. This then goes to asudden fade to black making the audience feel captured in thedanger, furthermore the sound of thud is played to create a senseof urgency.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    A high angle shot is then shown on the woman saying

    Theres someone out there emphasises her panic anddesperation to be free from the situation. It makes theaudience sympathise with her as they question themselveshow fearful they would be if they were in her position. Thenon-diegetic music is a lot more quiet to portray the

    alarming situation. Almost like evidence, a long shot isshown of a man in red clothing and wearing a mask. The redclothing connotes ideas of warning and alarm.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    The isolated feeling is even further emphasised as a longshot is shown of the area outside and a man standing therestaring. This creates a fearful and uneasy feeling within theaudience. A shot is then shown of the same area however no

    one is standing there. This is creates a chilling and creepyatmosphere.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    The non-diegetic music completely stops intensifying thelonely and abandoned feeling being created. However a shotis then shown of the old fashioned record played beginningto play. The music has a child-like tone to it. This provokesan uncomfortable and creepy setting as the audience are

    firstly wondering how it started playing and then they aresecondly wondering why the it is that type of music.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    A deep focus shot is used to highlight the distress on the

    womans face. It creates a sense of panic. Moreover thelighting used is really dark to create an uncomfortableatmosphere. A shot is shown of the mans phone in the fire,highlighting they are both now completely alone and have

    no escape. It involves the audience as they now feel helplessand included in the danger.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    The fact that hello has been repeatedly written over the

    doors in different sizes implies that they are surrounded bythe threatening people in masks. Moreover it creates anunsettling feeling within the audience. The quiet atmosphereis then disturbed by the axe destroying the door. This

    portrays the fact they are completely accessible to the

    menace. The lighting is dark conveying they are completelytrapped.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    -There is then a close up of the music beginning to play. Itis contrapuntal as something very dangerous is taking placehowever the music is light-hearted. This creates an eeriefeel.

    -We then see a shot of the man and a man in a mask behind

    him. The fact that he is unaware that someone is behind himconveys the underlying despair.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    There is then a montage of different violent moving images.This shows that they are completely trapped and no one isthere to help or save them. A close up shot of the knifesymbolises violence and aggression and suggests that a

    murder could take place.

  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 The Stangers Trailer Analysis


    -This shot shows that the danger is no present in front of them are

    they are now captured. It suggests that the couple has no hope and

    their fate has already been decided. The clothing that the

    antagonists are wearing is normal every day clothing which is

    ironic as their not typically normal people.

    - The ending shot is of a blurry image of a mask surrounded by

    complete darkness. This leaves the audience one last time feelingfearful. Furthermore the text The Strangers is written quite small

    on the side of the screen when the title is usually shown in big

    writing. This suggests an unhappy ending.