The Conjuring Sound: The diegetic sound used in the extract is dialogue from the characters such as “There’s something horrible happening in my house” and “You have a lot of spirits in here” to relate to the genre and frighten the audience. Noises from the supernatural also relate to the horror genre. There is also ambient and diegetic sound of children and people screaming to relate to the genre and scare the audience. There are also sound effects of smashing and screaming which create a horror atmosphere to the film. The non-diegetic background music starts off at a slow pace and gradually speeds up to increase the tension and action in the horror film to relate to the genre and scare the audience. The other non-diegetic music is the bangs and thuds used when the camera changes angle or scene to create tension and increase shock tactics. There is also whispering put over some parts of the trailer to create a creepy and supernatural impression. At some parts of the trailer there is no sound to show a relaxed and normal scene to the audience but then a loud piercing noise is suddenly introduced to make the audience jump which is conventional for a horror film. This helps increase the shock and scare factor for the audience which will appeal to them. Camerawork: At the beginning of the clip, there is a handheld camera to create the impression of a home movie filmed without a film crew. This creates the impression that the film was based on true events which scares the audience more as it makes them believe that this could actually happen and has a chance of happening to them as the characters involved are normal. The length of time is effective in this trailer as many long takes and short takes are used for diverse effects. The short takes are used in the trailer to create tension and show the audience glimpses of the horror in the film. This relates to the genre and appeals to the audience. Long takes are also used to create tension, but in a more successful way as it shows that something is about to happen in the take and builds the audience up towards it. The conventional shot types such as

The Conjuring Trailer Analysis 1

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Conjuring Analysis

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Page 1: The Conjuring Trailer Analysis 1

The Conjuring


The diegetic sound used in the extract is dialogue from the characters such as “There’s something horrible happening in my house” and “You have a lot of spirits in here” to relate to the genre and frighten the audience. Noises from the supernatural also relate to the horror genre. There is also ambient and diegetic sound of children and people screaming to relate to the genre and scare the audience. There are also sound effects of smashing and screaming which create a horror atmosphere to the film. The non-diegetic background music starts off at a slow pace and gradually speeds up to increase the tension and action in the horror film to relate to the genre and scare the audience. The other non-diegetic music is the bangs and thuds used when the camera changes angle or scene to create tension and increase shock tactics. There is also whispering put over some parts of the trailer to create a creepy and supernatural impression. At some parts of the trailer there is no sound to show a relaxed and normal scene to the audience but then a loud piercing noise is suddenly introduced to make the audience jump which is conventional for a horror film. This helps increase the shock and scare factor for the audience which will appeal to them.


At the beginning of the clip, there is a handheld camera to create the impression of a home movie filmed without a film crew. This creates the impression that the film was based on true events which scares the audience more as it makes them believe that this could actually happen and has a chance of happening to them as the characters involved are normal. The length of time is effective in this trailer as many long takes and short takes are used for diverse effects. The short takes are used in the trailer to create tension and show the audience glimpses of the horror in the film. This relates to the genre and appeals to the audience. Long takes are also used to create tension, but in a more successful way as it shows that something is about to happen in the take and builds the audience up towards it. The conventional shot types such as close ups to show emotion and establishing shots to show the scene and area are also used as it helps the audience to become more involved in the film and know what is happening. The movement of the camera in the trailer is often slow to build tension and create a more eerie atmosphere to the scene but when something happens the movement is fast which matches the scene and creates a higher shock to the audience.

Page 2: The Conjuring Trailer Analysis 1


There is a wide array of props used within the trailer to create multiple effects for the audience. The recording equipment props signify that the ghost hunters/paranormal researchers are looking for the supernatural power which relates to the genre. In the beginning of the trailer there are many old scary props such as old pianos and chairs which are associated with the horror genre and match the setting of the film. The props shown later in the trailer such as the nooses and guns are effective in creating a horror impression for the film and increase the shock tactics. The photos show skulls and gravestones which also match the genre and are highly associated with horror. The main setting is the old isolated old house which is a conventional aspect for a horror film as it shows that there is no help around and old houses create an eerie and creepy atmosphere which appeals to the genre. The house props such as old clocks, wardrobes and pictures also signify the same effect. The low key lighting in the extract is conventional for a horror film because it creates a scarier atmosphere as it shows the audience that the setting is mysterious and creepy. This also relates to the old scary isolated house as low key lighting would be apparent in this situation. The costumes of the family and paranormal researchers is old clothing to show the audience the time in which the film is set and set the scene for the film. A key factor of mise-en-scene in the trailer is the dead body hanging behind Ed and he doesn’t realise it. This kind of mise-en-scene relates to the genre but also increases shock factor for the audience which is appealing for them. The makeup of the bruising on the mothers arm is very effective as it creates the impression of harm which is conventional for a horror genre. It also builds tension as it makes the audience wonder what is going to happen next and how the characters will react to it.


In the beginning of the clip, an effect of the old age camera connotes the time in which the film was set and also creates a scarier more tension building atmosphere as old is often associated in horror films. Near the end of the clip, there is a lot of short takes put together in the form of a montage for the effect of action and dramatic thrill for the audience. This is conventional for a horror film because it shows just how much happens in the film and persuades the viewer of the trailer to watch the film. The use of transitions between shots such as fade in and out are used for horror effect to create a more eerie and creepy atmosphere for each scene. It also creates a pace for the trailer which gradually speeds up to make the audience more captured with the film and encourages them to watch it. An eyeline match is used when the camera looks at Lorraine staring at something behind Ed and then the camera cuts towards Ed and you can see that she sees a hanging body which is conventional for a horror film. The eyeline match is a key attribute of tension building as it makes the audience become intrigued into what Lorraine is staring at. The title screens use colours such as black and white as contrast against one another and are colours concomitant to the horror genre. It also creates the effect of darkness and mystery also relating to the horror genre. The font of the title screen starts off simple and gradually gets more advanced which is a form of tension building and also is an indicator about how the film becomes more complicated as it progresses.

Page 3: The Conjuring Trailer Analysis 1

Conventions of Horror Genre

Dark clothing Scary masks and costumes Low key lighting Blood/Bruising/Injury Murder/Harm Creepy/Isolated area Slow deep non-diegetic sound which gradually speeds up for tension

Conventions Montage for action effect Fade to black for suspense Voiceover or whispering Key events significant to the film