Page 1: The Secondary Update March 21 2013

Although I was in the UK and the Netherlands only for a week to recruit new staff for the next academic year, I missed out on the Secondary Sports Day and International Day. I would like to thank the PFA, my colleagues and the Secondary Students for their hard work in making both events very successful.

It was great to attend the Personal Project Gallery Walk and to see the Grade 10 students being so confident on stage speaking about their projects. The range of Personal Project topics this year show the many different talents and interests that our students have. It was good to see that many teachers and parents attended the Personal Project evening and supported the G10 students.

The Grade 11 students collected data for their internal assessments in Biology and Geography this week, which means that they are well on track with these two Diploma courses. Ms Muhtaseb enjoyed two days out in the mangroves of Umm Al Quwain with her Biology class, and Mr Cullen and I had fun climbing rocks in Wadi Bih in RAK with the Geography students.

The Grade 8 students are in the process of choosing their subject choices for their final two years of MYP and some have even started thinking about topics for Personal Project, since Grades 6-9 were introduced to the Personal Project this week. A JBS MUN delegation, under the leadership of Mr. Godel and Mr. Housley , is participating at the DIAMUN conference at Dubai International Academy. This conference started on Wednesday afternoon and will continue until Saturday. This means that the delegation will work -like real UN delegates do at times as well -during their holidays.

Although I usually do not use the Update to thank people, I would like to thank Ms. Muhtaseb, Mrs. Brinkman, Mr. Madhav and all teachers for their hard work regarding the MYP Evaluation visit which was conducted by two IB representatives this week. The IB will send us a report, after approximately two months, which will help us to continue the implementation of the MYP at JBS.

Finally, on behalf of all staff, I would like to wish all of you a well-deserved, fabulous and safe Spring break.

The Secondary Update March 21st, 2013


Page 2: The Secondary Update March 21 2013

I really enjoyed the various activities throughout the day. It was satisfying and fun because of the house competitions. They give you a sense of pride and competitive athleticism. By Andrees Danker (Grade 10) I enjoyed doing the high jump as I managed to beat my high score form last year. I also liked feeling the sense of satisfaction when I went over the bar. I also enjoyed the social environment, where we cheered and supported our peers and houses. By Abhinav Das (Grade 10) I enjoyed doing the hurdles and high jump. In high jump, I improved and jumped higher than I had before. Farah Abdel Qader (Grade 7)


Page 3: The Secondary Update March 21 2013

Apart from a few difficulties, I surprisingly enjoyed sports day this year. Sports have never been my strong point, as I prefer to sit inside with a good book, so this was a new challenge for me. I really enjoyed the long jump, hurdles and javelin. I scored a high mark in the long jump relative to my teammates which made me proud. Overall I performed well this sports day for someone who usual does not get much exercise. I surprised myself with my unknown abilities which motivated me to do my best. By Sabrina Seikaly (Grade 10) I enjoyed most of the events, but my favorite was definitely the hurdles, where I performed really well. I also performed my best in the 200m and relays as I came first and I was asked to do the grade 9 and 10 relays as well as my own (grade 8). By Bailey Gavin (Grade 8)


Page 4: The Secondary Update March 21 2013


On March 19th, the Grade 10 students showcased their Personal Projects to parents, staff, students and guests. Congratulations to our Grade 10 students for completing a project that had demanded almost a year’s worth of work. As the culminating activity of the MYP, these projects not only challenged them to set and achieve a goal, but it also asked them to apply the many tools they have acquired throughout the pro-gram to their fullest extent. As we celebrate the accomplishments of our Grade 10s, we also welcome the Grade 9 Class, as they will soon take their initial steps on the Personal Project journey. For more information about our 2013 Personal Projects please click here.

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Page 6: The Secondary Update March 21 2013

Mr Cullen’s Diploma Geography class spent Wednesday March 20th in Wadi Bih in RAK. The students collected data regarding the morphology of this wadi. They measured the cross section of the wadi and the gradient. They also looked at the bedload along and across the gradient. The students are required to use all data collected in their Wadi Study for their Geography Internal Assessment. All deadlines have been provided to the students regarding the submission of this important assessment. According to Yusuf Laham, this was the best day of the school year. Of course, Mr. Cullen’s BBQ may have helped to make it a success.


Page 7: The Secondary Update March 21 2013

Last week, our DP Biology class visited the mangroves of Um al-Quwain to test biotic and abiotic factors (e.g. soil pH, plant cover) in two mangroves: an established mangrove area and a new mangrove. There, I learnt that the mangrove ecosystem is important because it provides a nursery area for many species of fish and shields coastal areas from high waves and erosion. Only a few plant species which are adapted to the high salinity can survive in the mangroves, but we did see some animal species such as crabs and mud creepers. Fortunately, no one encountered the poisonous snails which also live there! We used transects to sample different areas and later extrapolated our data so that we could have an idea of the mangroves as a whole, and carried out a mark-release-recapture experiment in order to estimate the population of mudcreepers. Despite the mud, I found the trip really fun, as well as informative- we learnt about statistics and different sampling techniques to use in our laboratory write-ups. By Aatikah Mouti (G11)


Two mangrove environments were studied at Umm Al Quwain for their biotic and abiotic factors. Data from an interrupted belt transect and random sampling method, at both a mature and new man-grove environment, was collected to determine the biodiversity of the ecosystem. In addition, a mark-capture recapture method was carried out to look at crab population density. It was an enjoyable ex-cursion. By Benni Gregg (G11)

Page 8: The Secondary Update March 21 2013

Last week, the Grade 11 biology students had the opportunity to take a trip to the mangroves of Umm Al Quwain. We studied different factors affecting the biodiversity of plants and animals found in these mangroves. As we were joined by students from Greenfield Community School, the outing also gave us a chance to socialize and commiserate with other IB students while completing vital lab hours and gathering invaluable data for our internal assessments. Though standing in muddy mangroves was a little uncomfortable, the excursion was an enjoyable experience for all. By Beth Shepard (G11)


On the 13th and 14th of March, the Grade 11 biology students went on a field trip to the mangroves of Umm Al Quwain. We gathered data using different sampling methods and evaluated and processed this data, which we will use further in our Internal Assessments. The trip was both educational and fun. I found the mangroves to be an amazing ecosystem; however the mud was not as exciting. I enjoyed the trip as it gave me a chance to experience field work. The trip was worthwhile and confirmed our understanding of how sus-tainability in an ecosystem is maintained. By Kimberlee Brinkman (G11)

Page 9: The Secondary Update March 21 2013

بنالقد احتفل قسم اللغة العربية بأسبوع اللغة العربية، حيث نظمنا معرضا للكتاب لدار النشر "كلمات"، وذلك في مكتبة المدرسة، حيث اصطح طالبنا إليه في حصص اللغة العربية ذلك األسبوع، وقاموا بشراء ما أعجبهم من كتب.

د من عديكما أمضى الطلبة أسبوعا كامال يتدربون على االحتفال باللغة العربية الذي تم يوم األربعاء في الحصة الثامنة، وتضمن هذا االحتفال ال

الفقرات التي تعزز حب اللغة العربية في نفوس طالبنا، بدأ االحتفال بآيات عطرة من الذكر الحكيم، ثم عرضنا فيلما قصيرا ، على جهاز ن مليالعرض، يبين مدى انتشار تعلم اللغة العربية في كل أنحاء العالم، ثم قدم طالب الصفين الثامن والسابع أغنية" بالد العرب أوطاني"، حاالب الطأعالم كل الدول العربية عاليا، ثم قدم طالب الصف التاسع مسرحية بعنوان" اللغة العربية تعاتب أبناءها" وقد تميزت هذه الفقرة بأداء لحفل م االمتقن ألدوارهم وبالفكرة الرائعة لهذه المسرحية، ثم قدم لنا طالب الصف السابع الناطقين بغير العربية أغنية" أمي كم أهواها"، وُخت

بمسابقة موجهة لغير الناطقين بالعربية، وقد ُكلل الحفل بالنجاح الكبير وبتفاعل الطلبة واندماجهم مع ما قُدم لهم.


تهنئة نبارك لمدرستنا وألهالي طالبنا فوز أبنائنا في مسابقة القصة القصيرة التي تنظمها مدارس تعليم ،

، حيث اشترك ثالثة 0203\3\02التي عقدت في مدرسة أبتاون األساسية يوم األربعاء الموافق

طالب من المرحلة الثانوية، هم: الطالب علي إبراهيم،وقد ُكرم الشتمال قصته على أجمل فكرة

إبداعية، وكذلك الطالبة نورا القاسم ، وُكرمت الشتمال قصتها على إبداع فني ولغوي، والطالبة

موزة المزروعي ، وقد تميزت قصتها باشتمالها على قيم أخالقية رائعة، وقد وزعت الجوائز

وشهادات التقدير وسط جو احتفالي تميزت فيه مدرستنا. نبارك للفائزين ، ونتمنى لجميع طالب

المدرسة مزيدا من الفوز والتقدم.


Congratulations to Ali Ibrahem, Moaza Al Mazrooei and Noora Al Qassim for their great achievements in the Taaleem Short Story Competition. Ali won for “Most Creative” story. Noora was honored for “Most Creative Use of Art and Language”. Moaza’s story was awarded for its “High Moral Value”. Presents and certificates were distributed in an atmosphere of festivity, where JBS came out on top.

Page 10: The Secondary Update March 21 2013

We are planning to offer a British course known as BTech in the next school year, in addition to the Diploma. The BTech subjects that we are looking to offer are Business, Graphic Design, Web Design and Leisure & Hospitality. The subject selection will hopefully be confirmed in May. These BTech courses are recognized by colleges and universities in the UK and the UAE. We will have an information session for our current G10 students and their parents who are interested in joining our combined Diploma / BTech option for the 2013-2014 academic year. This information session will take place on Tuesday April 9th at 17.00hours in the S-building, next to the Computer Lab.


On March 23rd, from 8.30pm to 9.30pm, turn off the lights and unplug non-essential appliances. It will be the sixth time for Dubai to participate in Earth Hour. This is a global campaign to reduce energy consumption by powering down homes, businesses and landmarks. More than 140 countries, partici-pate in the event, which began in Australia in 2007. Across Dubai, landmarks such as the Burj Khalifa and Burj Al Arab will turn off lights to mark the hour. Emaar Properties will shut off exterior lights at its malls. Dubai Municipality said lights at its key buildings would also be cut, and asked the public to follow its example. An Earth Hour walk will be held at the Burj Plaza, Downtown Dubai, where thousands are expected to mark the event with candles. According to DEWAI, Dubai saved 216,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity and 130,000 kilograms of carbon emissions last year. That means savings of about 1 million AED in energy consumption. The target for this year is to show a 20% increase in saved electricity. Mr. Al Tayer, Chief Executive of Dubai Elec-tricity and Water said “the event was not supposed to be only once a year, but was meant to foster genuine change. Earth Hour goes beyond turning off the lights for one hour. It is an international call for strengthening collabora-tion to promote the culture of conservation, and making it a part of daily life-style.” (Adapted from the UAE National News)


Page 11: The Secondary Update March 21 2013

The Grade 8 students were informed about the subject packages that will be offered in grade 9 in 2013-2014 in their MYP lessons. Students must decide which subject package they want to take in grade 9. The subject package that they choose applies to both grades 9 and 10. The deadline for students to submit the signed subject package form is Monday April 8th. If you have any questions about the subject packages, please contact Ms. Muhtaseb ([email protected]).



Language A: English (and Arabic A) Language B: French/ German (and Arabic B) Arts: Visual Arts Sciences: Biology Mathematics Physical Education Technology: Infor-mation Technology

Language A: English (and Arabic A) Language B: French/ German (and Arabic B) Arts: Visual Arts Sciences: Biology Mathematics Physical Education Technology: Infor-mation Technology

Language A: English (and Arabic A) Language B: French/ German (and Arabic B) Arts: Visual Arts Sciences: Biology Mathematics Physical Education Technology: Infor-mation Technology

Language A: English (and Arabic A) Language B: French/ German (and Arabic B) Arts: Visual Arts Sciences: Biology Mathematics Physical Education Technology: Infor-mation Technology

Language A: English (and Arabic A) Language B: French/ Ger-man (and Arabic B) Arts: Visual Arts Sciences: Biology Mathematics Physical Education Technology: Information Technology

Humanities: History and Geography

Humanities: Geography or History

Humanities: Geography or History

Humanities: Geography or History

Humanities: Geography or History

Arts: Music

Arts: Music

Arts: Music

Sciences: Physics

Sciences: Chemistry

Sciences: Chemistry and Phys-ics

Technology: Design Technology

Technology: Design Technology

Page 12: The Secondary Update March 21 2013

Report cards will be issued to grades 6 to 11 students on Tuesday April 16th. Parents will receive details on how to schedule meeting times with their child’s teachers using an appointment website known as “Doodle”. Details on how to book these appointments will be included with the student’s report card. The Three-Way Conferences will take place on Monday April 22nd and Tuesday April 23rd from 1330 hours – 1700 hours. Please note that extra-curricular activities on these days will not take place. If students are to develop as independent learners they must reflect on their own progress and look at what they can learn from what they have accomplished. Therefore in a Three-Way Conference, students are responsible for leading the discussion about their progress, achievement and the areas where they could improve. Information will include all areas of the curriculum; academic, social, physical and emotional. This conference ensures that the focus remains on the students and the critical role they have in determining their own next steps for learning. Roles of the participants:

Students: Parents: Teachers:


Lead the conference

Speak clearly

Answer parent or teacher questions.


Be on time for the confer-ence

Be positive

Show interest Ask questions


Ensure mobile phones are

switched off.


Provide probing question and highlight achieve-


Answer questions

Clarify where necessary

Manage time.



The second progress report card will be issued to all students on Tuesday April 16th. Three-way conferences will take place on April 22nd to 23rd from 1:30pm until 5:00pm. There will be no ECAs taking placing on those days. To schedule meetings with the teachers, an appointment website know as "Doodle", will be used. On April, 16th, parents will receive an email from the school to explain to them how appointments can be booked online. If you do not receive an email on that date, please contact the secondary office at [email protected]