  1. 1. The Prodigy The Day Is My Enemy Tour Magazine Advert Analysis The Prodigy are a British punk style band from Leeds, widely known across the club and warehouse project scene in Britain for their frequent appearances and controversial song topics, attacking stereotypes, the government and other societal problems. This magazine advertisement is for their 2015 European Tour and their new album, The Day Is My Enemy. The style and design of the advert is interesting and meaningful to the band. The first notable area of the poster is the character side, with the only figure appearing on the ad being that of a fox. This is a rather important theme for the band as, not only is this the theme of their debut video from the album, 'Nasty', but the symbol of the album. The fox is important as the band are targeting fox-hunting, aiming for a ban. The symbol is also evident of the bands style, taking an animal considered by many to be a vermin and pest and turning it into a cultural symbol, with the fox being shown as a powerful and almost superior creature as it towers above the highrise buildings below in it in the image. Another important aspect is the colour of the advert, with the majority being various shades of orange and red. This is important, especially on the fox, as the colour orange connotes violence and aggression, displaying both the musical style of the band themselves and the approach the album will take, having an aggressive stance on presenting and attacking the problems and the problem causers, such as is a synonymous action in the punk scene, stretching all the way back to its beginning in the 70s with the Sex Pistols. The red is another powerful colour, connoting hate and anger, furthering the impact of the album, as well as yellow connoting danger, a warning as to what the album will entail, as well as how the tour will play out. The font is another important aspect being the same as the font used on the front of the Invaders Must Die cover. This, keeping with the bands house style, allowing the audience to recognise the advertisement, creates an electronic feel with the jagged and lightning bolt shaped font, addressing the huge electronic influences the band has. Meanwhile, the tour title font is more subtle, looking more like it has been placed together like bandages, a symbolic image of how the world and society appears to be broken in the minds and eyes of this band. Finally is the layout, using the Guttenberg Design Principle in an effective and clever way. With the layout of this image, there are huge similarities with this advertisement and that of the SLIPKNOT advert. The same as the Slipknot advert, the band's title and tour name has been stretched across the top of the page, being the first thing you see in the primary optical area and moving across to the strong fallow area. The image, similarly, is central, with details of the tour placed below. Even the weak fallow area has been used in the same way, attracting the audiences eyes here with and image and information about the band's latest album. This is an effective way to structure the page as it makes use of all the space provided while also attracting the audience to look at the advertisement. Overall, this magazine advertisement is successful in the way it portrays the bands message and informing fans of the band of the upcoming tour and album.