Page 1: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has


The Palgrave Star

January 2018

Page 2: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has


This edition of The Palgrave Star has been produced in good faith but

errors may still occur during production. Please let us know if this

happens so that it can be corrected. Please be aware that the views

expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the editors and

we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of material submitted for

publication and that material is included at the editors discretion, and

may be edited for publication.

The deadline for the next issue is:

20th January If you have an article to be included or would like to advertise in The

Palgrave Star, please contact the editors at:

[email protected]

Contacting The Palgrave Star

If you have an article, or enquiry for The Palgrave Star, please email:

[email protected]

You can also contact the editor, Rebecca, on 07704 779207, if unable to take your call please

leave your name and phone number and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

If you are a business, and would like to advertise in The Palgrave Star, please contact us via

email at:

[email protected]

Where your query will be deal with by Rebecca Goddard, advertising secretary and Palgrave

Star editor.

Dear Readers

I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that 2018 will be

a happy, healthy and prosperous one for you.

My thanks go to Anne for the photograph of the cover entitled

“allotments”. More photographs from Palgrave throughout the year.



Page 3: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has


Nicholas Bone

Handcrafted kitchens

Individually Handmade and Hand Painted kitch-


Hardwood and Granite worktops

Fitted wardrobes, Vanity units & Studies

All made to measure


Page 4: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has


The Palgrave Star The magazine of the Palgrave and District Community Centre

Registered Charity 269132

All members of the PDCC Trustee Committee are volunteers,

who give up their time to plan and hold various events at the

centre that we hope people will be interested in. If you’d like to

help with organising an event, but don’t want to be on the

committee then that’s OK, we appreciate all offers of help, from

anyone—be they young or old.

Palgrave Dcc

The members of the PDCC Trustee Committee:

Chairman: Phil Dyer

Vice-chairman: Elaine Bootman

Secretary: Ian McClintock

Treasurer: Heather Goddard

Membership Secretary: Helen Thorburn (01379 651749)

Bookings Secretary: Rebecca Goddard

contact 07554 945682 or email—[email protected]

Bar Manager: Lee Lockwood (01379 423947)

Other Committee Members:

Kevin Mobbs (Parish Council Representative) Hugh Bunbury,

Rebecca Goddard, Jan Hicks, John Kilgannon, Eric Milne,

Kathy Milne, Robert Moore (Cinema), and Jean Potter (Friendship


Page 5: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has


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All films are presented in HD and digital surround sound

Page 6: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has


CAMEL RACE FRIDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2017 I can't believe it is nearly a month ago that the camel racing evening was such a great success. Families who attended had a wonderful, fun, exciting evening. The children especially enjoyed naming and racing their camels, rousingly cheered on by an enthusiastic audience. Three members of the Shirley-Smith family gained 3 medals on the night as winning jockeys. My thanks go to Martin and Susie Dyer for being brilliant tellers on the evening as the betting was fast and furious, and to the Play in Palgrave team for all their many contributions too. The stewarding was strict but fairly carried out by Mike Bootman and John Rogers. My thanks also go to our 6 sponsors who donated monies for each camel race: Danny Ward, Durrants, Bowdens Builders, John Wells, Anne and Roy, Elaine and Wendy. Grateful thanks are extended to all the families who attended the evening and raised the magnificent sum of £540 for Play in Palgrave Funds. The camels are resting at present but I am intending to organise another event later in 2018 so start building up your muscles and stamina now!!!! CABLEWAY AND CAROUSEL An order has been placed with Timberplay for the cableway and carousel with an expected installation of early April/May. Myself, Phil Dyer, Jane McClintock, Hannah Cooke and Mike Bootman went to Pensthorpe Nature Reserve near Fakenham to have a look at the Timberplay cableways they have at their adventure park. Several of us tried out the cableway and it was great fun. I would like to thank Mark Noble, the Operations Manager at Pensthorpe, for hosting us on the day and for answering all our questions regarding the operation and running costs of the cableway, which were very reassuring to us. REMINDERS FOR YOUR DIARIES OF FORTHCOMING PLAY IN PALGRAVE EVENTS AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday 27 January - Back to School Disco Saturday 17 March - Murder Mystery evening Saturday 24 March Chocolate Bingo Sunday 3 June - Mad Hatter Picnic (Please note the change of date from Sunday 10 June to Sunday 3 June as it is the Diss Carnival on 10 June) It is hoped the cableway and carousel will be installed by the 3 June and if so it is our intention to combine the Mad Hatter Picnic with the official opening of the cableway and carousel which will make the day even more special.

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Page 8: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has


Success at previous events

In November 2017 we had our annual fireworks event. It was another fantastic display

enjoyed by many people. The spectacular fireworks, barbeque, refreshments and bar

made the evening hugely successful. Thanks to all those who came and to those who

contributed so generously to the bucket collection to make it our most successful

fireworks event of recent. Thanks also to John Kilgannon, Lee Lockwood and friends for

doing the display, Martin for his help with the barbeque and Helen for the preparations

with food to make it such a great success.

November also saw our Christmas Craft Fayre that was held at the centre on the 26th.

There were more stalls than ever ensuring a great selection to look at and choose from.

The food was again well received and thanks must go to the cooks, helpers and washer

uppers! A huge thanks also to Emma for organising another brilliant craft fayre and to

her niece and partner for manning the raffle.

2018—A year of exciting and diverse events!

The PDCC Trustee Committee have been working hard to secure a varied programme of events for 2018. You will see from the list on the middle two pages the events (some of which have to be confirmed) that we again propose an eclectic mix of functions and entertainment to try and suit everyone’s needs. One of the most important events, is this month on the 20th, when we will be hosting a Conversation Café (more details in this edition), this is a chance for all residents to come together to discuss what they would like from the Community Centre, not just events but facilities too. The feedback we get will be used to further shape our programme and our investments. One of our main aims this year is to be more inclusive and collaborative with residents to ensure the Centre meets the needs of all. We encourage all to attend to ensure your comments, opinions and ideas are heard.

PDCC Winter Walk

Another of our early events of 2018 is the PDCC Winter Walk. This is due to take place on Sunday 14th January, 2018. As previewed in the December Star, it is being organised for anybody who fancies two or three hours out in the winter air and will leave the Community Hall at 10am. The distance we walk will obviously depend upon the route and this in turn depends on the conditions underfoot: we aim for 4

1/2 to 5 miles but the current wet

weather may well make the intended paths too muddy and an alternative will have to be found. Dogs are very welcome but please bring a lead (for some short spells on public roads) and a supply of poo bags; note too that dogs are not allowed in the Hall afterwards so must either wait in the car or be taken home first. On our return to the Hall there will be a bowl of soup and a dessert available for walkers, for which there will be a modest charge. The walk itself is free and there is no need to book; if you wish to stay for soup you will need to book by Thursday, 11th January - please 'phone 643333 or 07719 922762.

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Jill Mitev-Will BA(Hons) Dip. MBACP Aisling house Counselling Practice 01379 897055 Mobile: 07800 639141 Email : [email protected] Website:

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In addition I offer individual counselling dealing in depression/anxiety/bereavement/eating disorders/low self-esteem/bullying/domestic abuse and emotional issues.

I have a delightful counselling room in my home in Hinderclay with parking. It is a safe place for you to look at your issues with a fresh perspective, please call or email me for an initial appointment.

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Palgrave Notices

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A few months ago I recall remarking in these Notes that I had encountered a small group of House sparrows in fields off Millway Lane, the first time I had seen them here in six years or so. I still find it both strange and sad that these little birds, still not exactly rare, are no longer commonly seen in either town or country: recent figures suggest that over the past three decades sparrow numbers have fallen by some 60% in the countryside and a massive 90% in cities. This from a position in the 1970s when there were thought to be 25 million in the country, then our commonest breeding bird. In Palgrave there are very few areas in which we can be fairly certain of seeing them on gutters and roofs and hear their chirpy calls, such as amongst the houses at the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has told me that she has had a 'terraced' sparrow nestbox for several years but has only ever had Great and Blue tits using it. She now believes that this year it has been used by House sparrows. Amongst the various bird feeders she has in the garden is a ground guard, a low mesh cover over a tray of seeds that prevents larger species such as squirrels and Blackbirds from eating food intended for the LBJs (little brown jobs). Three weeks ago Jean watched as some eight sparrows, who could easily hop through the mesh, fed readily whilst other, greedier species could not gain access, including an agitated pair of Dunnocks who could get through but for whom there was no room at the trough! This is very good news, at least for the sparrows, as it just might be an early sign of their revival, for it looks as though they have nested in a couple of the boxes and these birds using the feeder are the offspring - well, it looks hopeful. The reasons behind the dramatic decline in the fortunes of the House sparrow are simply not well understood though there are several theories. Amongst the likely villains is of course agriculture, for modern farming simply does not spill grain on the scale of times gone by and what seeds are left are quickly turned in by plough or cultivator; or perhaps the houses we inhabit nowadays have no gaps between roof tiles that would allow the birds to nest underneath them, safe from predators; or maybe the level of environmental pollution in towns and cities - especially vehicle emissions - is dangerously reducing fertility in this very sedentary species. Whatever the causes, once numerous sparrows are under great pressure and deserve all the help we can give them.

In contrast I have also been informed of a bird that is truly native to this country, just as common as the sparrow but very much more reclusive - the Wren. Brian Beecroft told me of his pleasurable time spent watching one in their Church Close garden recently, in company with two other 'commoners', a Blackbird and a Blue tit, which just shows that they don't have to be rare to be interesting. There are thought to be 8 to 10 million pairs of wrens in Britain, comfortably our commonest breeder. Supposedly a bird of the scrub layer in woodland, wrens can in fact be found in just about any habitat you can think of: from the wide open fields and coasts of East Anglia, to the parks and gardens of suburbia, the wetlands of Broadland or the high hills and moors of the north and west. Quite often they are heard rather than seen for despite their normal habit of skulking 'mouselike' in the undergrowth, the song is extraordinarily loud for such a tiny creature, contradicting the notion that this is a shy and retiring species. They feed primarily on tiny insects and other invertebrates, probing every crook and cranny with their longish, sharp bill, a diet unusual in a bird that chooses to remain here throughout our long winter. It is perhaps notable that of all our garden birds the Wren is probably the least dependent upon us: it is rarely seen at the feeders or on our bird tables, and is only likely to use a nestbox as a communal winter roost, a strategy to combat heat loss on a cold winter's night which could otherwise be fatal for such a tiny body. Populations undoubtedly suffer greatly during very cold winters but one of the benefits of remaining here throughout is that preparations for breeding can begin early in spring. This means there is time to raise two or more broods each year, allowing the species to rapidly rebuild numbers - Mark Cocker (Birds Britannica) says that in the harsh winter of 1962/63 wren populations 'may have fallen by four-fifths ....[but] in the following ten years wrens showed a tenfold increase'. The hard work, though, falls to the male bird who typically builds five, six or more nests each spring, of which the female chooses but one - his drive to perpetuate his genes must be strong indeed!

If you have any thoughts or sightings to report please get in touch. With best wishes to all for 2018 - wild or otherwise. Ian McC. ([email protected]) 15/12/2017

Palgrave and District Nature Notes

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Conversation Café

Palgrave and District Community Centre are inviting everyone from Palgrave and

around to come to the second Conversation Café on January 20th

10am – 12 noon

This is an opportunity to meet some of the Executive Committee and let them

know how you would like the Centre and the playing field to be improved as well

as suggesting ways of developing the activities, offering new ones and providing

feedback about the Centre. The first conversation café in October 2014 flagged

up many suggestions which have been delivered in the last 3 years

The event is FREE and there will be tea, coffee and cake.

We want the event to be a positive experience and we want to hear your ideas in

order that we can meet your needs as much as possible. Some ideas may not

be practical but we need to hear them anyway.

Art and Design help If you are doing GCSE or A level Art and Design, or know

someone that is and need a project for your portfolio, PDCC could use your skills. It could be animation, film, art,

design, illustration or advertising.

To discuss please get in touch with me by texting or calling 07719922762, or call in to The Molehill on Millway Lane

(ring /text to check I will be in) Jane McClintock

Palgrave Open Gardens

Open Gardens is the Bank Holiday weekend of 26th 27

th and 28

th May, 2018.

Huge thanks to those who have already offered to open their gardens.

We would love to have some more and are looking for a variety so can be large

or tiny spaces, formal, manicured or ‘natural’ You could open for one, two or

three days. It’s a good opportunity to have a weed, tidy up and have your garden

looking it’s best.

If you would like to either open your garden, run a plant stall or offer help with the

event then please phone Helen 01379 651749.

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Great fab dance workout,

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Classes every Friday at 10am—all welcome

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For all quotes contact

Amanda 07732 783572

[email protected]

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Clubs and Events at The Palgrave Community Centre this month


Mondays: Carpet Bowls 2.00pm

Drama Group 5.30pm (Main hall)

Line Dancing 7.30pm (Main hall)

Cribbage 7.00pm (in the Member’s lounge)

Tuesdays: Friendship Club—alternate weeks

Fit to drop 9.30am

Pilates 6.45pm

African drumming 7pm (in the Member’s lounge)

Bolly Fit 8pm

Wednesdays: Extend 12pm

-For over 60s to maintain health, balance and have great fun

Ving-stun Kung Fu and Eskrima Martial Arts– 6.30pm

PDCC Committee Meeting (First Wednesday of the month Member’s lounge)

Thursdays: Quilters (Second Thursday of every month) 9.30am

Fridays: Fit Steps 10.00am

Member’s Lounge bar open 6.30pm

A full colour, larger print version of The Palgrave Star is available

on the Palgrave and District Community Council website:

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January 14th—Local walk/lunch and bar

20th—Conversation café with coffee morning

27th—Back to school disco for Play in Palgrave

February 17th—Membership Open Coffee Morning and Evening with cheese and wine

24th—Quiz night in aid of Friends of Chernobyl Children

March 17th—Murder Mystery in aid of Play in Palgrave

24th— Chocolate Bingo in aid of Play in Palgrave

25th—Easter Craft Fayre

30th—Curry Night *

April 13th—Mike Webb Quiz

27th—Clairvoyant Evening *

May 6th—Evening walk/Food and bar

13th—Garage Sales

26th—Makers and Bakers event

27th and 28th—Open Gardens

June 3rd—Mad Hatters Picnic in aid of Play in Palgrave

8th—Suffolk Preservation Society Talk *

16th—Coffee morning and Palgrave Produce

16th—Poetry Evening

24th—Summer Fete

* Event yet to be confirmed, look in the Palgrave Star, website and Facebook page for more information

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July 8th—Butterfly Walk *

21st and 22nd—Old photograph Exhibition

28th—Coffee morning and Palgrave produce

August 17th—Camel Racing *

18th—Coffee morning and Palgrave produce

26th—Car treasure hunt

September 14th—Karaoke night

15th—Coffee morning and antiques valuation*

15th & 16th / 22nd & 23rd / 29th & 30th—Art and Sculpture (Stuston)

21st—Pie and a pint*

22nd—Coffee morning and Palgrave produce

October 13th—Event to mark National Mental Health Awareness week*

20th—Pudding evening

26th—Mike Webb Quiz

November 4th—Fireworks

10th and 11th—WW1 event

25th—Christmas Craft Fayre

December 1st—Regency Christmas

7th—Talk by Dena Honnor

14th—Adults Games Evening

19th— Children’s Christmas Party

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Contact List for clubs and organisations in Palgrave

Carpet Bowls and Cribbage— Jean Potter (01379 651926)

Friendship Club—Pam Baker (01379 643513) or Jean Potter (01379 651926)

Line Dancing—Melissa Hawkes (07770875404)

Extend—Polly Lavender 01379 643212 or 07739529449

Drama Group - Lynne Bailey (07835021439 or [email protected])

African Drumming - Hazel Massey (01379 642591)

Fit Steps - Jill Mitev-Will (01379 897055)

Parish Council— Clerk, Sarah Foote ([email protected]) or 07554 733 621

Ving-stun Kung Fu and Eskrima Martial Arts—Terry Page (07835 392624)

Bollyfit—Alison Cooklin (01379 678176)

Interested in table tennis? Contact Ted Ling—01379 642196

The Palgrave Star is printed by

You can find us at:

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The Palgrave Friendship Club

Why not join us? A warm welcome awaits you! We normally meet at the Palgrave Community Centre on alternate Tuesdays at 2pm. The next meeting

will be on 9th January. An entrance fee of £1.50p covers tea and biscuits

and the raffle. There is an opportunity to play whist or dominoes or you can just sit and chat. Once a month we join in the lunch provided by the

Community Council. Every year there are three outings. Whether or not you live in Palgrave, if you would like to attend any of the above events

Pam Baker (01379 643513 or Jean Potter (01379 651926) would be most happy to hear from you.

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E&D Boiler Maintenance Ltd

Upper Church Farm, Finningham Road, Rickinghall, Suffolk,IP22 1LP

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Grant UK, Worcester Bosch, Boulter Camray, HRM Wallstar, Vaillant, Baxi

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Tel: 01379 898574

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Services at St Peter’s, Palgrave

January 2018


St Peter’s is normally open during daylight hours for private prayer and meditation, please do use this resource which is for the whole community.


For further details, please contact:

Churchwarden: Sunday Club: Palgrave Praise:

Beryl Dyer – 01379 650382 Helen Skipper – 01379 641340 Kathryn Westerveld – 01379 644007

Please see Parish News for details of services throughout the North Hartismere Benefice

including Morning Prayer on Mondays at 9.30 am

Sunday 7th January - Epiphany

Readings: Isaiah 60. 1-6; Psalm 72. [1-9] 10-15; Ephesians 3. 1-12; Matthew 2. 1-12

8:00 Holy Communion (BCP)

10:00 Sunday Club in Palgrave School followed by

10:45 Coffee and Cookies followed by short family service

Sunday 14th January - 2nd Sunday of Epiphany

Readings: 1 Samuel 3. 1-10 [11-20]; Psalm 139. 1-5, 12-18 [or 139. 1-9];

Revelations 5. 1-10; John 1.43-end

11:00 Holy Communion – Common Worship Order 1

Sunday 21st January - 3rd Sunday of Epiphany

Readings: Genesis 14. 17-20; Psalm 128; Revelation 19. 6-10; John 2. 1-11

10:00 Palgrave Praise

Sunday 28th January – Candlemas

Readings: Malachi 3. 1-5; Psalm 24. [1-6] 7-end; Hebrews 2.14-end; Luke 2. 22-40


Sunday 4th February – 2nd Sunday before Lent

Readings: Proverbs 8.1,22-32; Psalm 104. 26-end; Colossians 1. 15-20; John 1. 1-14

8:00 Holy Communion (BCP)

10:00 Sunday Club in Palgrave School followed by

10:45 Coffee and Cookies followed by short family service

Morning Prayer for January 9:30am

Monday 8th January Stuston Monday 22nd January Palgrave

Monday 15th January Thrandeston Monday 29th January Wortham

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Page 22: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has


Palgrave Walking Group

Our group meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month normally leaving Palgrave Community Centre at 9.45 a.m. ( Please check individual walk details for exact times in case). Everyone is welcome to join our friendly group but it is regretted that dogs cannot be allowed on our walks. Additionally Palgrave Walking Group, or its walk leaders, cannot be held liable for any injury sustained whilst on any walk they organise. Please contact Bob Solley on 01379 651706 or [email protected] if you would like further details.

January Walks January 9th—Walk led by Margaret T For the walk on January 9th, the group will meet at Palgrave as usual for car sharing or at the Wortham Manor House if you live closer. It is hoped that the weather will be kind and not too wet as the walk may be very muddy. It is a 4 mile walk starting from the Manor House at Wortham. The walk takes a circular route around Burgate, passing Burgate wood and on Great Green ending back at the Manor House for refreshments.

23rd January— Walk led by Jane T For this walk the group will meet at Palgrave as usual or you should discuss with Jane in advance if you would prefer to meet at the Jubilee Garden in Alburgh. The walk will start at Alburgh’s Jubilee Garden and keeping the tall pinnacled church tower in sight, the walk will continue across wide stretches of conservation grassland into Denton. Before winding down towards the old railway line, the walk will lead to the "round tower in a square hole" of St.Mary's, almost hidden in the landscape. This is followed by a steady climb back into Alburgh which provides a seating area, from which generous valley views are available....on a clear day! This is a circular walk of 5.4 miles, but can be reduced to under 5, by substituting the final footpath with road. Around a quarter of the route is along country lanes. Field edges, tracks and numerous liggers (wooden planks across water courses), predominate. There is one stile and plenty of paths enclosed by ancient hedgerows, plus beautiful panoramas. Refreshments after will be across the A143 at the Black Swan Homersfield IP20 0ET. Please book if you plan to eat, Tel 01986 788 204

Forthcoming walks and leaders February 13th Steve M February 27th John N March 13th. Alison S March 27th. Margaret T April. 10th. Vacant April. 17th. Bob S. April. 24th. Elaine, Diane n Bette

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Advertising in the

Palgrave Star

Small box—5 x 6.5cm—£30

Large box—6.5 x 9.5—£50

Half page—£100

Full page—£175


[email protected]

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24 Hr Emergency Breakdowns

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01379 741545

07810 452043

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Parish Council Meeting Report - December 2017

A Parish Council Meeting was held in the Community Centre on 14th December when one

member of the public attended.

Councillor Vacancy - there is still a vacancy. For more information please contact the Clerk.

Highways and Traffic - County Cllr Fleming reported on her meeting with the Highway’s co-ordinator and the likely costs of applying centre line hatch markings along Lion Road and Upper Rose Lane, edge markings down Denmark Hill between Millway Lane and Denmark Court and improvements to pedestrian safety at Lion Road/Priory Road crossroads. As previously agreed, Parish CIL contributions from the Lion Road development will be put towards the cost of the improvements at the crossroads and the cost of the road markings will be met by County Cllr Fleming from her Highways budget.

District Council - it appears that talks about replacing both councils by a single authority have been put on hold due to a challenge by certain members of Babergh District Council.

Annual Budget and Precept - even though everyone was offered the opportunity in December’s Palgrave Star to make suggestions about items the Parish Council funds could be spent on only the PDCC responded. They supported replacement of the bus shelter, provision of a defibrillator and the conversion of footway lighting to LED lamps and requested replacement of the existing old light off the electricity pole opposite the entrance to the Community Centre. This would also serve the Forge Business Park and the five new houses being completed on the Pat Lewis site.

However in the absence of any suggestions or support from within the community it was problematic to agree on what works should be budgeted for in the coming year.

Since that meeting the School has agreed that a defibrillator can be sited on an outside wall to the school building, for which thanks to Patrick Harrington of the governing body and Mrs Waters, the head of school.

There is still an opportunity to have your say on future projects and uses for the funds - either by writing to the Clerk and/or attending the next meeting, details of both follow.

Next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 11th January 2018 - 7.30pm in the

Community Centre. Members of the public are welcome to attend with time set aside for questions. The agenda is posted in advance on the Palgrave website: and also on the Parish notice boards by Forge Close and in the Community Centre.

You can contact the Parish Council by e-mail: [email protected] or tel.: 07554 733 621 or in writing to: Palgrave Parish Council, c/o Church Hill, Hoxne, Eye IP21 5AT.

Neighbourhood Plan - Update

The Steering Group has been discussing and developing an overall Vision for the Plan and a very full set of objectives to address the many issues raised by each community.

These are being finalised into a form for public consultation. Every household and business should receive a mailing later in January with a questionnaire to return with your views on the proposals. An on-line survey will also be made available at the same time on the Neighbourhood Plan website and there will be a fuller explanation of all of the objectives. Closing date will be the end of February.

Please look out for this and do not treat it as ‘junk mail’. Your views are the ones that count and it is important that you make them known. A public meeting will be arranged for February and the date will appear in the February issue of the Star, on the website and the notice boards.

Any issues, ideas, suggestions or offers of help relating to the Neighbourhood Plan can be sent

by e-mail to: [email protected]

Page 25: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has


Page 26: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has


Palgrave Gardening and Social Group On Monday 4

th December the Group met for their annual coffee morning.

Everybody gathered at Horsepond House to enjoy the refreshments kindly provided by Janet, who was hosting the occasion ably assisted by some of the other members. It was a lovely bright winter’s morning and after a brisk walk to the house we very much appreciated warming cups of tea and coffee accompanied first by Di's sausage rolls and then by various cakes and mince pies. The Secret Santa provided us with lots of surprises and the morning was made complete by a festive glass of wine which sent us merrily on our way home, full of Christmas spirit! Thank you to Janet for accommodating us all and to everyone who helped. Tip of the Month January is perhaps the trickiest month for houseplants - things get easier in February with the lengthening days and better light levels. For now, move your plants to the sunniest windowsill. They won't appreciate draughts or a nearby radiator or widely fluctuating temperatures. Water with caution - too much water just now is liable to be fatal. If they are plants needing good humidity, it is worthwhile gathering them together and standing them on a tray of pebbles (or "Hortag") which should be kept damp. Watch out for pests.

Page 27: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has


Page 28: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has


As I sit to write this month’s column, it seems hard to believe that Christmas and New Year are already behind us – soon the daily routine of work and school journeys will return and as we look ahead to the New Year, I would like to start in wishing all of you a very happy and healthy New Year.

After enjoying some much needed time at home in Suffolk, I am looking forward to the return of Parliament. Of course, the Brexit negotiations look set to dominate the Parliamentary agenda for the foreseeable future, but the day to day business also continues and I am looking forward to continuing to represent you and supporting the interests of Central Suffolk and North Ipswich as your Member of Parliament.

Working in partnership with my fellow Suffolk MPs and our County Council, I was delighted to help in delivering more cash for our schools here in Suffolk. I remain committed to supporting our schools and to making sure that every child here in Suffolk receives the very best start in life – from early years’ education, all the way through to sixth form and beyond into the world of work,

Here in Central Suffolk and North Ipswich, we have a thriving economy, supported by Suffolk Chamber of Commerce and many others. I am keen to continue working alongside these organisations to ensure not only that our businesses have a voice in Parliament, but also to ensure that they have the right infrastructure in place to enable them to thrive and compete. This means making sure that our road and rail infrastructure is fit for purpose, but also making sure that our connectivity – be that mobile coverage or broadband, is too. Working alongside our partners at Suffolk County Council and my fellow Suffolk MPs, we remain committed to cam-paigning for better broadband and better mobile coverage to enable each and every home, business, farm GP surgery and school to access the services that they deserve.

In the Chancellor’s Autumn budget, I was very pleased that more funds were provided to supporting our NHS, ensuring that they are better equipped to meet not only the challenges of winter, but also providing a much needed funding boost to support our doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals who work tirelessly for us here in Suffolk. I will continue to support them as best I can and I also look forward to continuing to work with our CCGs as they work to support and enable the delivery of improved mental health services for our young people here in Suffolk.

Thank you for your support over the last year and I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible throughout the coming year.

Page 29: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has


Page 30: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has


Page 31: The Palgrave · the top of Lows Lane, alongside the Ling and in Upper Rose Lane. Now from the latter Jean Joint has

