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• Expertoutdoorandtravelspeakerssharetheiradventuresfromaroundtheworld!

• DemoPoolfeaturingkayaks,canoesandstand-uppaddleboards!

• 25’rock-climbingwallandgiantjunglegymforkids!



SPECIAL EDITION: The Outdoor & Adventure Travel Show


Page 2: The Outdoor & Adventure Travel Show

You’ll go in search of the elusive caribou in Woodland Caribou Provincial Park.




Woodland Caribou Provincial Park

Take a journey that will get the wrinkles out of your soul.

Explore big waters and pristine wilderness with our experts in

the know. From Georgian Bay to Lake Superior to the Missinaibi

River to Woodland Caribou Provincial Park, an all-inclusive

guided adventure makes it safe and easy to experience world-

class adventures in Ontario. Packages starting from $50.00.

Franklin Island, Georgian Bay



Come to the Ontario Tourism Booth to get your FREE 2013 calendar.


To get adventure and to enter the contest, visit 1-800-ONTARIO Like us on

This dynamic Arctic watershed promises

ancient pictographs, starry nights, soaring

eagles, majestic moose, chunky walleye and

unforgettable adventure in the Canadian


See full contest rules and details online.

Approximate value $12,900 CAN.

2013_Ottawa_ShowguideDPSad_final.indd 2-3 13-02-27 3:39 PM

Page 3: The Outdoor & Adventure Travel Show

You’ll go in search of the elusive caribou in Woodland Caribou Provincial Park.




Woodland Caribou Provincial Park

Take a journey that will get the wrinkles out of your soul.

Explore big waters and pristine wilderness with our experts in

the know. From Georgian Bay to Lake Superior to the Missinaibi

River to Woodland Caribou Provincial Park, an all-inclusive

guided adventure makes it safe and easy to experience world-

class adventures in Ontario. Packages starting from $50.00.

Franklin Island, Georgian Bay



Come to the Ontario Tourism Booth to get your FREE 2013 calendar.


To get adventure and to enter the contest, visit 1-800-ONTARIO Like us on

This dynamic Arctic watershed promises

ancient pictographs, starry nights, soaring

eagles, majestic moose, chunky walleye and

unforgettable adventure in the Canadian


See full contest rules and details online.

Approximate value $12,900 CAN.

2013_Ottawa_ShowguideDPSad_final.indd 2-3 13-02-27 3:39 PM

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PubliSHEr’S Letter

Attention Ottawa and Gatineau outdoor enthusiasts!Come out March 16-17 to the Outdoor & Adventure travel Show at the ernst & Young Centre (former Ce Centre)

Welcome to this Special Issue of Ottawa Outdoors Magazine. As we are again the publishing partner with this AWeSOMe outdoor adventure show, we created this smaller version of the magazine to be a handy programme for you.

There are soooo many reasons to come to the show, I can’t begin to count them . . . but I’ll try.

The line-up of speakers at the show is IncredIble! You could come anytime of the day to sit and listen to these adventurists and completely enjoy yourself. Whether they’re sharing tales of their adventures, or teaching how to do specific tasks, it will be time well spent.

And visiting all the exhibitors will be amaz-ing as well. You can shop to buy the latest gear, clothing or equipment; or talk to them about planning your next adventure.

Then after you try the rock climbing wall, you can sit by the pool and watch the experts instruct on kayak and stand-up paddling strokes. definitely an entertaining learning experience and lots of fun for the kids too.

The entire staff of caneast Shows has orga-nized a great line-up of exhibitors, presenters and features. For the outdoor enthusiast, this is our must-see show.

See you there!

dAve brOWn PublISher


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The 6 biggest mistakes couples make travellingby Julie Angus

TrAvellIng WITh YOur partner can be one of the best things you do together or it can be one of the last. Marriages crumble on offshore sailing excursions, families divide over camping misadventures and friendships fracture on stressful vacations.

Our first real taste of the ups and downs of travelling together came when we rowed across the Atlantic Ocean and spent five month alone in a rowboat. We were newly engaged and a concerned parent warned us that even if we did survive the voyage, it was unlikely we’d get married. but we made it across the ocean and down the aisle, and we still love travelling together.

That’s not to say it’s always easy but we’ve learned a lot from the hundreds of nights we’ve spent camping, thousands of kilometers we’ve cycled, and numerous waterways we’ve rowed and sailed. We’re still working out the finer points of keeping the Tarzan and Jane in us smiling, and here are some tips to help you do the same.

1) don’t sweat the small stuff. does it really matter that you wanted to eat at that little authentic diner and you’re at the steakhouse he picked

instead, or that the hike you planned on doing is a little muddier than you expected? The best thing you can do when you’re travelling is to be flexible and expect things not to turn

out the way you planned. It’s not the change in plans that ruins a day, but your reaction to it.

2) don’t pack identical sleeping bags for cold conditions. Just because they came with a two for one discount, it doesn’t mean they’re good for the job. Men’s and women’s physiology differ significantly, and usually women need slightly thicker insulation than men. If your bags are the same, likely someone’s going to be very grumpy and chilly in the morning. not a good way to start the day.

3) don’t get lost, and know what to do if you do. getting lost is a surefire way to strain a relationship, and even endanger your lives. This

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is where preparation is paramount and technology can be an enormous aid. Take maps of the region you’re going to and be sure they’re the right scale. If you’re driving through rome, you don’t just want a single map of Italy, just like you wouldn’t bring a map of Alberta to your backcountry excursion in banff national Park. Study google satellite images to fully understand the terrain you might encounter. bring a gPS navigator with you, but don’t rely entirely on it. All car rental agencies offer them but it might be cheaper to bring your own even if you have to buy additional maps. And if you get lost, relax. don’t blame your partner or yourself. Instead focus that energy on getting back on track.

4) don’t forget to laugh and keep it clean. humour is one of the best things for a relationship, but not all jokes are equal. It’s easy for guys to feel their inner Tarzan beckoning and start cracking the potty humour, especially if you’re roughing it. but if

your partner’s not keen on it back in civilization, it’s unlikely he or she will enjoy it any more in bambi land.

5) b.O. is not an aphrodisiac. have you ever marvelled at your partner’s motivation to leap into the sparkling river or lake each morning? You may very well be the motivator – he or she doesn’t want to stink as bad as you do. Personal hygiene takes a little more effort when you’re on the move, but that’s no excuse to abandon it.

6) don’t spend all your time together. As great as sharing all those priceless moments is, sometimes it’s good to savour a few by yourself. Whether you’re exploring wild spaces or the corridors of urban antiquity, take some time out. Write in your journal, listen to the noises around you, and do something just for you. It’ll make you appreciate being together all that much more.

**See Colin and Julie Angus presenting at the show!

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rock climbing — in the great indoors

As spring arrives, so come the rainy weather … April showers and all that stuff. So when it’s chilly and wet outside, why not head inside for your fitness and fun? enter the world of indoor rock climbing.

When you go, you’ll discover some climbing routes are easier than others, so look to climb at your level and have fun. These days you can enjoy route climbing, and there are two sorts: top rope and lead climbing. There are beginner classes for all ages; kids to adults and kids can join climbing clubs as well as climbing day camps. either way, you’ll be wearing a harness and attached to a safety rope to catch

you if you fall. If you’re bouldering, you do not require wearing a harness, as you’re only ever two to four metres above a matted floor.

In both cases, gyms around the region have walls covered with various moulded faux-rock handholds on which users can climb. It’s very exciting, an amazing workout — and your heart will get beating from the sheer adrenalin rush as you upwardly or horizontally climb.

SAFeTYAs exciting as climbing indoors

can be, it is also quite safe. The three local climbing gyms are all equipped with the basic ropes and equipment

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and staff to ensure you’ll have a safe and enjoyable experience.

but it’s also true that safety equip-ment is only as good as the people using it. To ensure you’re safe, you’ll be given a course on how to check a rope is properly tied to your har-ness, in addition to other safety techniques. You will have to learn how to tie a double figure 8 knot, the proper use of a belay device and har-ness and the climbing vocabulary.

EQUIPMENTShoes. As each of the local gyms

allow you a choice of bouldering and rope climbing, the minimum item you’ll need to purchase or rent is climbing shoes. Once you get over how small they look, you’ll quickly realize they’re designed to fit your feet as snugly as possible. With tighter shoes your feet are better tuned to the rock grips, and the narrow

toes will allow you to grip even the smallest rock edge. These vary in price from $75 to $150.

harness. If you intend to climb the walls, the most important piece of equipment you’ll use is your harness. This basic safety device attaches to your safety rope and allows you to climb and descend securely.

When purchasing, listen to the store staff, and get one that fits well, designed both for safety and comfort. When strapped on, it should be snug but not tight, and feel comfortable whether you’re climbing or waiting your turn.

chalk. When climbing or bouldering, your blood starts pumping and your body starts sweating. having a chalk bag attached to your safety harness is an essential element when climbing. You will always be dipping your hands into the bag to chalk them up, ensuring your grip is dry to climb.

Sport climbing is getting more and more popular, the proof is that it has been short listed to be a new venue at the 2020 Olympic Games! We cross our fingers in hope to have our athletes there representing our great region!

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Doing anything interesting

this summer?

Join us to paddle a wild river, kayak with the narwhal or hike a mountain pass on a high arctic island.

For your Free Colour Catalogue and trip information: 1 888-849-7668

BASICTECHNIQUESrelax: The most important advice

for new climbers is to relax. new climbers tend to get on the wall and begin saying a rosary. breathe. relax. Instead of hanging on for dear life for fear of falling, remember to climb confidently knowing you’re safely secured with the rope.

Opposing motion: A good rule of thumb is to always have an opposing hand and foot on the wall at the same time. If you are going to move your left hand, your right hand and left foot should both be firmly on the wall.

Your feet: new climbers always try to pull themselves up the wall. Your hands are primarily there to hold your body to the wall. Most of the climbing comes from well-placed feet. look down often when climbing, see where to place you feet, and then push up to your next hand-or-foothold.

WHERETOGOThere are three rock-climbing

gyms in the region. Most charge $12-$15 day to climb, and about $5 to rent shoes or a harness. bouldering

costs around $10 a day. check them out and enjoy:• Altitude gym, 35 boulevard

Saint-raymond, gatineau• coyote rock gym,

1731b St. laurent blvd.• vertical reality rock gym,

161 Middle St., victoria IslandOriginally published in dave’s Outdoor life

column in the Ottawa citizen.

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by Tracey Tong

She competes in triathlon, runs, hikes, kayaks, cycles, curls and has even been swimming with stingrays. Jan vandentillaart is a bundle of energy and a picture of health.

Imagine her shock when, in January 2012, the 53-year-old was diagnosed with endometrial cancer.

“It was so frustrating to have done everything right over the years and still end up with cancer. At every single appointment I went to, they said, “other than the cancer, you are very, very healthy.’ It ended up helping me, because they said they could give me all the chemo and radiation I could handle.”

Following a hysterectomy, vandentillaart underwent six rounds of chemotherapy and twenty-five radiation treatments at The Ottawa hospital, during which she continued to embrace life, whether it was fulfilling a lifelong dream to go jet-skiing with her son, or planning a trip to las vegas. “I was determined not to let cancer beat me,” she recalled. “I forced myself through the aches and pains to triumph at the finish line.”

now cancer-free, vandentillaart credits “a positive attitude and setting goals” for her speedy recovery.

coincidentally, vandentillaart found her latest goal at The Ottawa hospital, the same place she’d

received her cancer treatment. On September 7, vandentillaart will

ride the rideau in support of cancer research at The Ottawa hospital. The Ottawa-to-Merrickville bike tour, with 100 km and 50 km options, is entering its fourth year in 2013 and has raised more than $4.4 million.

vandentillaart has already exceeded her goal of raising $1,500 for cancer research by knitting hats and bags in exchange for donations to her fundraising. “It’s a great cause,” said vandentillaart. “I want to raise money for research that will help others.”

Ironically, the general accountant said cancer has made her a better person.

“I have learned to slow down and take in the beautiful things around me in the world that I used to ignore because I was too busy,” she said. “hopefully I can spread this positive energy to others so that they too can begin to enjoy life like I have.”

The fourth edition of ride the rideau will be held on Saturday, September 7

To register to ride, sign up to volunteer or to sponsor a rider, visit

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Experience ithaca, NY

What makes Ithaca unique? Is it the towering waterfalls, lush ice-age gorges, or the endless panoramic views? Is it the hiking, the biking, the boating? Is it the beauty of cayuga lake, the largest of the Finger lakes?

There’s something more. Maybe it’s the buzz from cornell university and Ithaca college. You feel it everywhere—in our museums, our galleries, and in our restaurants. You hear it in our theaters, our nightclubs, our Finger lakes festivals. You see it downtown on our pedestrian mall, the Ithaca commons, where Phds cross paths with street musicians and families stroll the solar system on an interactive “planet walk.” You experience it in our area hotels, b&b’s and waterfront cabins. You can’t put your finger on it, but there’s something special going on here.

The bumper stickers say “Ithaca is gorges,” but it’s more than that. Ithaca is beautiful and smart and always unexpected. It’s intense and laid-back and disdainful of convention. Ithaca is Ithaca. There’s a vibe here unlike anywhere else. And experiencing it is the only way to discover it. Find out why Ithaca was named:• “best swimming holes across the

uSA”, uSA Today Travel• “best river Towns in America”,

Outside Magazine• “Top 10 All American road Trip”,

Yahoo Travel• “Perfect Towns”, Outside Magazine• “America’s brainiest Metros”, The

daily beast• “America’s Foodiest Towns,” (pop

<250,000) bon Appétit Magazinecome experience Ithaca, nY.

Find yourself in the beauty of the Finger lakes region, with all of your outdoor passions concentrated in one place, ready for you to explore. Find out why “Ithaca is gorges” –

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Canoe camping tipsby Mark Scriver

GOAlS AND ObJECTiVESAt the risk of sounding like a self-

help book, it’s very important to think about the goals and objectives of your trip before you get the maps and guidebooks and show up at the put-in. You might choose objectives such as: get some exercise, see some wildlife, avoid other people, or explore a certain area. All participants (especially kids) should be aware of the others’ objectives, which should be reasonably compatible. It is easy to try to pack too much into a trip, like: get in shape, relax, unwind, lose 10 lbs, cook gourmet meals, see lots of wildlife, and learn to play the trumpet. Try to be realistic, even if the group objectives are to push fairly hard and cover a lot of distance.

bASiC rOuTE OPTiONSThe simplest of routes are an

out-and-back sort: you go some distance from your put-in and turn back at roughly the midpoint of your trip. This type of route has the most flexibility and the easiest logistics. even though you’re retracing your route, the return trip can feel completely unique because you look in a different direction, and perhaps paddle an opposite shoreline. A one-way route allows you to see more terrain, but requires a shuttle by car, train or aircraft. reliable locals or friends can sometimes be recruited to deliver you to the put-in or your vehicle to the take-out. There are some canoe trip routes that loop, ending back at the starting point,

and which offer the best of both worlds: straightforward logistics and new terrain for the majority of the route.

lENGTH OF TriPIf you’re new to canoe

camping, an overnight or long weekend trip is a great length for getting your proverbial feet wet and honing some skills before embarking on a more ambitious trip. Some terrific places can be reached on simple overnight trips, and depending on how you plan it, weekend getaways can be relaxing breaks or refreshing adventures. On longer trips, it is easier to get immersed in “living in the outdoors” and settle into a relaxed rhythm. remarkably little is different between the logistics of an overnight and a three week expedition, so don’t be intimidated by the idea of planning a longer trip. Of course you’ll need more food and books, but the equipment is the same, and it’s great to have the time to venture into more remote areas. When I’m deciding how long a trip to do, I take the maximum time that I can get away with, add two days, and deal with the repercussions.

PACiNG AND DiSTANCESIn planning your route, you’ll want

to make sure the distances you travel are compatible with the abilities and desires of your group members. A reasonable paddling pace with average canoes and average wind

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conditions on flat water is about three miles (or five km) per hour. Five or six hours of paddling will take about eight hours when you include lunch, snack and pee breaks, so most people will find 15 to 18 miles (25 to 30 km) a full day. If your route or plan involves portaging, hiking, exploring, photography or other activities, you should consider reducing the

distance you plan to travel.don’t measure distances

in straight lines; it may be more interesting to follow the shoreline, and if the distance between campsites feels a bit short you can always take a detour and explore some bays. Whatever the distance you’re planning on paddling, make sure that everyone is aware and capable of the daily paddling distances. conversely, be careful not to underestimate how far you’ll want to travel, even

on a trip where one of the main goals is to relax. You might get bored from inactivity and miss some great scenery. As well, campsites don’t always appear where you want them (or where they are supposed to be according to the map), and sometimes other groups will have already taken the campsite you intended to use. For these reasons, it’s always best to have a rough idea of where you’ll be camping, but keep an alternative or two in mind.

**See Mark presenting at the show!

If your route involves portaging, don’t expect to be able to cover the same distance in a day. Although portaging can be a great part of any canoe trip, it is hard work and will undoubtedly slow your progress.

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nitro city is an idea from Travis Pastrana and the nitro circus crew. They are a group of professional athletes, film makers and young businessmen. The crew decided that the world needs a new place to lIve, PlAY, STAY and reFuel. We built nitro city with our families

and friends in mind and the result is a memory making machine!2.Sincewhen?

The concept and brand was created in 2007, but did not see the green light until december 17th, 2011 when nitro city opened its doors in Punta chame, Panama.3.TheHistoryandTeam

Opening in 2011 means the history is very new, but rich with lots of experience with the best people in the hospitality and sports industries.

4.TheMissionnitro city celebrates sports, the heros

of the game and the brands that make it happen. Our mission is to help families and friends make fun memories.5.Events

nitro city Panama is a multi-purpose venue and can host sporting and music events. In 2012 and 2013 we hosted a variety of sporting and music events in every month.6.Athletes

We constantly host and train with international professionals, but also focus on teaching new sports to our guest.7.Champions

In the first year of full operation, nitro city was awarded “#3 best hotel in Panama” for 2013. 8.Prices

Our pricing starts at $30 for a day pass and $80 per person / per night for a room. 9.funandHealthy

The nitro circus is all about fun. nitro city has installed those values in everything from our design and staff attitude to our food and option of activities. We believe in pushing the limits and making a healthy and safe approach.10.locationandInformation

nTYPA is located 1.5 hours from Panama city, republic of Panama. contact use directly at: 507-202-6875 email – [email protected] website –

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by Andrew Westwood

The cross forward stroke is one of the most helpful strokes used by solo canoeists. It’s often used in combination with a regular forward stroke to accelerate the canoe forward from a stand-still, because it counters the forward stroke’s tendency to veer the canoe toward the off-side during starts. by stroking on both sides of the canoe at start-up, you can balance your strokes side-to-side and accelerate in a straight line.

This stroke can also be used in place of a forward stroke when paddling around a curve to your off-side. For best results though, don’t look to win a race with the cross forward; it is a slow to mid-speed stroke.

For a powerful stroke, bend forward to plant the paddle toward the bow on the off-side of the canoe.

The power of this stroke comes from thrusting the hips forward toward the paddle. The strength of your hip thrust is determined by how far you bend forward at the outset. A variation of the stroke is used when the canoe is already moving. because the hip thrust is such a slow movement, you can opt to do the stroke with just the arms. Though weaker, stroking with just arms is fast enough to keep up with a moving canoe as it carves around a bend to your off-side.

The cross forward begins with the paddle lifted across the canoe and submerged in the water adjacent to the hull on the off-side. bend forward at the waist to increase your reach and to enable the hips to add power to the stroke. Your control hand should reach just beyond your knee and the shaft hand should reach even further toward the bow. both hands should be over the gunwale.

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The power phase comes from thrusting the hips forward toward the paddle. A hip thrust resembles the same motion you would use if you were sitting in a chair that you wanted to move closer to the kitchen table. As the stroke progresses, use your control hand to push the paddle grip forward while you use your shaft hand to pull the paddle into a vertical position. both hands finish the stroke near the knee. Similar to the forward stroke, during the cross forward it is the canoe that moves ahead, as opposed to the paddle being pulled backward.

For the recovery, twist your control hand thumb a quarter-turn to point it toward the bow. This rotates the blade’s power face toward the hull so that you can lift the paddle edge-first out of the water and back over to your on-side. Alternatively, you may decide to turn and slice the blade along the hull, keeping it in the

water, and return it to the starting position of another cross forward stroke.

~ Published with permission from The Heliconia Press ( and Andrew Westwood ( book named: Canoeing: The Essential Skills and Safety. Photos by Paul Villecourt.

BACKWARD PADDLING TIPPaddling backward is a convenient way to do things like back away from shore, or move away from a dock. Back paddling relies on many of the same elements as the forward stroke, such as aligning your hands over the gunwale, using torso rotation for added power, and maintaining an even cadence with your bow partner.

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Fresh off third place at the 2012 Whitewater grand Prix in chile, Katrina Van Wijk returns to the valley this summer with her own program – Whitewater Riders – giving teens the chance to follow in her footsteps; which means falling in love with whitewater kayaking!

Katrina has a two-week program for teen kayakers who already have basic skills, a whitewater roll and a case of “the whitewater bug”. This is for kayakers who want to gain confidence for taking their skills and paddling to the next step. Starting off at MKc on the Madawaska river where technical moves using gates will build the fundamentals before the Riders hit the big waves of the Ottawa river. An overnight river trip on the Petawawa river will teach more than just paddling, it will cover essential skills like trip prep, basic rescue, outdoor cooking and group dynamics - all part of the fun. dates for 2013; July 29 to August 9th. call 613 594-5268.

The MKc instructional methods and programs, long known for their

steep learning curve, have been producing great paddlers for over

40 years, and this season, MKc instructors will be teaching on the Ottawa river; focusing on Freestyle. WThe Ottawa is the prime location for having Freestyle clinics due mainly to its big water and dynamic features with eddy access. The fact that it is friendly and warm is icing on the cake! Paddlers can choose between one, two or three days of mid-week clinics. For MKC on the Ottawa contact OWl rafting

@ 1 (800) 461-7238. After labour day, MKc shifts gears

from whitewater to Cycling as well as Artistic Workshops. The hilly hundred stops by MKc on September 7, and our Thanksgiving cycling Weekend is a great way to enjoy the Madawaska valley with its autumn splendor. Artists; learn how to paint the water world with valley legend, Joyce burkholder, Sept. 7&8, and Marion Fischer Oct. 7/8 & 9/10, 2013.

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ON THE MADAWASKA• Family Rafting Trips• Join a Whitewater Kayak

or Canoe Course


ON THE OTTAWA RIVER• Family Rafting Trips

• Adventure Rafting

Whitewater!W !W !WhWhW ihih titi etet wewe awaw tata etet rere !r!r



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it’s going to be a hot summer!geT WeT WhITeWATer rAFTIng

located only 30 minutes from downtown Ottawa, Ontario’s high-lands is Ontario’s premier outdoor destination for outdoor exploration and adventure with expansive multi-use trails, breath-taking vistas and scenic routes, and endless outdoor opportunities.

home to the Whitewater capital of canada, the Ottawa valley region has thousands of lakes and rivers to explore. Whether you prefer the se-renity of viewing wildlife and nature while flatwater paddling a calm river, or the excitement and thrill of rafting a whitewater river, you’ll find water-ways appropriate for all skill levels and ages. If you’re looking for a bit of adventure, take a gentle family float down the Madawaska river or feel the thrill and excitement of coursing down class v rapids on the mighty Ottawa river, one of the top white-water destinations in the world. For a more immersive experience, spend a week at one of the renowned whitewater schools perfecting your technique.

While you’re out on the water, why not drop a line and reel in the catch of the day? More than 20 spe-cies of fish can be found here, and a wide variety of resorts, lodges and campgrounds are ready and wait-ing to act as your host. Ontario’s highlands boasts more than 7,000 lakes, which means you could fish a different location each day for years. how’s that for an angling challenge?

If you prefer to explore our region by land, then our extensive trail net-work is just for you. discover a world

of trails suited for hiking and moun-tain biking, or for touring with an ATv or snowmobile. Travel through a variety of terrain and landscapes, and be sure to bring your camera to capture some of our breathtaking scenery.

Ontario’s highlands also has a rich geological heritage, making it a unique tourism destination for recre-ational geology. explore rich mineral deposits, unique geological features and the rugged landscapes of On-tario’s highlands with a recreational geology journey. besides its many longstanding geology attractions, such as the bonnechere caves or Silver Queen Mica Mine, this summer the region will also launch a variety of new and improved recreational geology attractions and sites. Start off in the Ottawa valley at the eganville geology & Fossil Trail Park, or try the Ordovician capital of canada Walk-ing Tour, then head to Perth to check out the Murphy’s Point “rock cycle” tour. Afterwards, head to bancroft - the Mineral capital of canada and a must top for rock hounds and min-eral collectors - to attend the annual rockhound gemboree. While you’re there, don’t leave without touring the bancroft gem & Mineral club Muse-um or heading out for a rock hound mineral collecting trip at the bear lake diggings Site. The geological treasures of the region are seemingly endless – and were 1.5 billion years in the making!

come to know Ontario’s high-lands. begin planning your next ad-venture at

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Our Special Features•GiantJunGleGym•ReelPaddlinGFilmFestivalCinema



Colin and Julie Angus Kevin Callan Becky MasonClive Doucet


Kevin Callan

Demo Pool•beCkymason

Classic Solo Style Canoeing

•HaRmonydaWnPaddleboard Yoga

•kevinCallan Wilderness Canoeing Skills

•maRksCRiveRStand-up Paddleboard Techniques

•sCotteWaRtKayaking Techniques

•JoekoWalskiWhitewater Kayaking Techniques


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here we go again! Wow. It’s simply verY hArd to believe it has been a full year since we launched The Outdoor & Adventure Travel Show. get ready – we’ve really put together something special for you for Year #2! I’m excited to tell you that the world is paying attention to Ottawa-gatineau and we’re delighted to present some pretty amazing adventure travel exhibitors from around this wonderful planet. • Jump out of a plane or go kiteboarding in Panama thanks to NitroCity

Panama!• blast your face while dog sledding in canada’s north – le Nord Canadien

and Yukon Wild will show you how!• love paddlesports? We’ve got waves of places to go paddling.• haven’t been mountain climbing yet? Fill that void with Terra ultima,

Yamnuska Mountain Adventures, or Voyages Atlantis. This is more than a show – it’s a festival! We’ve filled the show up with adrenaline-fueled fun for the whole family. We’re bringing in Colin and Julie Angus to blow your mind with their tales, setting up a MASSiVE adventure jungle gym for kids, showing the reel Paddling Film Fest all weekend long in our cinema, and we have a brand new pool for our paddling demos (becky Mason and Kevin Callan are pumped!). Want some new gear? Of course you do! I’m proud to say that we’re bringing in excellent exhibitors from near and far so that you can stock up for the summer. le baron is going to have loads of tents and gear. check out Ostrom Outdoors, they’re famous for being one of canada’s coolest adventure shops. There are tons of unique things to try and buy! See you at the show! Jake naylorShow ManagerThe Outdoor & Adventure Travel ShowTwitter: @jake_naylor PS: Know a company that you think would do great by exhibiting to Ottawa-gatineau’s massive outdoors crowd? Please tell them to call me at 613-241-7775 (ext. 205) or to send me an email to [email protected]. We’ve still got a few booths left – but they are going FAST. (look how stacked we are already!)

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11am WhyiRun Mark Sutcliffe, Publisher of I-Run Magazine

Mark shares his adventures in running, helpful tips on how to make running part of your lifestyle, plus amazing stories of some of the inspiring runners he’s met along the way.

noon RowboatinaHurricane Colin and Julie Angus, Angus Adventures

Husband and wife adventurers share their tale of circling the world entirely by human power. This two-year expedition included rowing across the Atlantic Ocean during the worst hurricane season in history... Learn what it’s like to survive a hurricane with just a small rowboat, determination, and a sprinkling of luck. Their story will have you laughing, crying, and motivated to get outdoors - except in a rowboat.

1pm Climbingkilimanjaro Jean Ricard, Voyages Atlantis

A trek to the summit of Kilimanjaro at 5,895 feet above sea level is chock-full of challenges. Jean has just returned from his recent Gatineau Hospital fund-raising trip along with 19 other climbers, and is eager to share his stories.

2pm boldendeavoursinadventure:awakeningyouradventurousspirit Sunniva Sorby, Red Door Adventures

While we all dream of being adventurous, what is it that motivates some of us to take extreme risks? Sunniva will explain how focus, determination, and routine dedication can take you to incredible places.

3pm WorldCycleJourneys Nathalie Gauthier, World Expeditions

A journey by bike provides the ultimate immersion into the landscape and culture of a country. Join Nathalie and discover how cycling enhances the travel experience.

4pm WhitewaterRaftingadventures Joe Kowalski, Wilderness Tours

Join Joe as he “Shares the Magic” found in whitewater with a history of whitewater kayaking and rafting on the Ottawa River and from his around the world adventures.


Come listen and watch presentations on adventure travel, how to do your first triathlon, paddle across Canada by canoe, cycling destinations around the world, the first all-women expedition to the South Pole, and much more!

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11am PackingfortheultimateCanoeJourney Kevin Callan, The Happy Camper

Come see the latest gear designed to make your outdoor life easier and more comfortable. A comfortable camper is a happy camper.

noon RomanticRails:shuttleRidesontheironHorse?youbetcha! Becky Mason, Canoe Instructor and Filmmaker

Follow Becky on her tripping adventures via the rail lines of the north.

1pm CanoeingtheFablednahanniRiver Wendy Grater, Outdoor Adventurer

Join Wendy, a recipient of the Northwest Territories Lifetime Achievement Award, on a virtual canoe trip down one of the world’s greatest paddling rivers; the Nahanni.

2pm HikinginauyuittuqnationalPark Micheil Hill, Guide, Outdoor Enthusiast, and Orthopaedic Physiotherapist

Micheil will take you for a pictorial journey through Akshayuk Pass with some stops along the way to note the fauna, flora, and landmarks of the ‘Land that never melts’.

3pm tenspectacularRivers:aslideshowfromalaska,yukon,nWt,andnunavut Neil Hartling, Outfitter, Guide, and Author

Take a journey with Neil through his photo montage of ten northern rivers.

4pm Wildernesssurvival:WhatyouReallyneedtoknowifyouGetlost Allen Macartney, Experienced Canoeist, Camper, Hiker, and Cyclist

Survival training is not just something that extreme campers, backpackers, and canoeists need to master. Everyone who ventures out to enjoy nature should be prepared.

5pm seakayakadventureinscoresbysund,Greenland Mark Scriver, Water Sport Enthusiast, Paddler, Guide, and Whitewater Canoe Designer

Visit the east coast of Greenland with Mark and discover the magnificent beauty of the midnight sun on water, rock, and ice.

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11am discoveringyourlife’sPurpose Elia Saikaly, Filmmaker and Global Adventurer

Elia takes us on an emotional journey to the summit of Mt. Everest and shares jaw-dropping visuals every step of the way. Calculated risks, resilience, and the incredible rewards that come with giving back to society are all explored through this rich multi-media presentation.

noon Climbingkilimanjaro Jean Ricard, Voyages Atlantis

A trek to the summit of Kilimanjaro at 5,895 feet above sea level is chock-full of challenges. Jean has just returned from his recent Gatineau Hospital fund-raising trip along with 19 other climbers, and is eager to share his stories.

1pm “Rowedtrip” Colin and Julie Angus, Angus Adventures

Newlywed couple, Julie and Colin Angus decided to connect their ancestral homelands of Scotland, Germany, and Syria by rowing 7,000 km through an interconnected system of waterways; through the heart of Europe to the Middle East. This 7,000 km, seven month journey is a cultural odyssey like no other.

2pm Capital-2-Capital:voyageurCanoetrip,ottawatoWashington,d.C. Clive Doucet & Dot Bonnenfant, Cap-2-Cap

Come and hear about the adventures of the fall 2012 voyageur canoe trip from Ottawa to Washington. The paddlers’ mandate is to advocate for clean and healthy river systems between our two capital cities.

3pm WhyiRun Mark Sutcliffe, Publisher of I-Run Magazine

Mark Sutcliffe shares some of his own adventures in running, plus amazing stories of some of the inspiring runners he’s met, and help-ful tips on how to make running part of your lifestyle.

4pm soloPaddlingtothearcticCircle Allen Macartney, Wilderness Paddler

Take this guided tour along the 1898 Klondike gold rush route down the Yukon River. Experience the excitement of this harrowing solo canoe trip with Allen to the Arctic Circle.

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11am CanoeingtheFablednahanniRiver Wendy Grater, Outdoor Adventurer

Join Wendy, recipient of the Northwest Territories Lifetime Achievement Award, on a virtual canoe trip down one of the world’s greatest paddling rivers; the Nahanni.

noon talesofaWildernessWanderer Kevin Callan, The Happy Camper

Kevin loves promoting the great outdoor experience. Come and be inspired by Canada’s favourite wilderness wanderer.

1pm RomanticRails:shuttleRidesontheironHorse?youbetcha! Becky Mason, Canoe Instructor and Filmmaker

Follow Becky on her tripping adventures via the rail lines of the north.

2pm naturePhotography:sixtipstomakeyourPhotosZinG! Allen Macartney, Experienced Canoeist, Camper, Hiker, and Cyclist

This fun presentation will give you tips to make your photographs come alive—guaranteed! Learn simple techniques to create stunning photographs, even with an inexpensive camera.

3pm HikinginauyuittuqnationalPark Micheil Hill, Guide, Outdoor Enthusiast, and Orthopaedic Physiotherapist

Micheil will take you for a pictorial journey through Akshayuk Pass with some stops along the way to note the fauna, flora, and landmarks of the ‘land that never melts’.

4pm yukonRivers:beginnerstoadvanced Neil Hartling, Outfitter, Guide, and Author

Neil will introduce you to the many rivers you can explore and tell you which ones would best suit your skill level. There’s a river for everyone.

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colin and Julie are national geographic Adventurers of the

Year and two of canada’s leading adventurers.

They’ve rowed across the

Atlantic Ocean together, traversed

continents by bicycle and travelled to

some of the world’s most remote and exquisite

places. colin completed the first human-powered circumnavigation

of the world and first descent of the world’s fifth longest river, the

Yenisey, while Julie is the first woman to row across the Atlantic Ocean from

mainland to mainland. They are the best-selling authors of five books and

have co-produced four documentaries.


Canada’s most adventurous couple!

bECKY MASON, hailed by some as a “rock star of the canoe,” becky Mason has been canoeing for most of her life, beginning when she was just a young girl. daughter of famed film maker, artist, and canoeist bill Mason, becky has continued in her father’s footsteps as an expert paddler, teacher, and accomplished artist in her own right. A dedicated teacher of canoe paddling technique, becky has released critically acclaimed dvds on solo paddling, and recently returned from a teaching and paddling tour of europe.

MArK SuTCliFFE is the founder of irun magazine, the author of “Why I run” and the host of irun’s weekly radio show and podcast. he has completed 14 marathons since taking up running more than 10 years ago.

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EliA SAiKAlY is an adventure filmmaker, inspirational speaker and canadian social entrepreneur whose award-winning films, global adventures, and dynamic public engagement initiatives inspire others to find their most meaningful life. When he is not traveling with a tribe of nomad’s in the Sahara or climbing the world’s tallest peaks, (4 everest expeditions, 5 of the 7 summits and Mt. cho Oyu) he is leading global youth expeditions all across the world. by combining adventure, education, technology, film and charitable initiatives, he is able to inspire thousands of canadian students into offline action.

AllEN MACArTNEY is an experienced canoeist, camper, hiker, and cyclist. last summer he completed a 1,500-km solo canoe trip down the Yukon river along the Klondike

gold rush trail, ending his trip above the Arctic circle. Allen has written extensively on camping and survival subjects, and has edited two outdoor magazines and a number of outdoor books. he also has worked as a

professional photographer and his exhibits have been displayed at Mcgill university, Toronto city hall, and the

deputy Prime Minister’s Parliamentary Office.

DOT bONNENFANT has paddled all her life. She was an organizing team member for the cap2cap trip, helping with logistics, communications and packing 120 meals! dot is a Paddle canada Flat Water, White Water and Style instructor and is delighted to be one of the many volunteers with the rA canoe club. CliVE DOuCET is more an oarsman than a paddler. he was varsity oarsman at the university of Toronto and later with the Argonauts and the Ottawa rowing club. clive was one of the five cap2cap team members that paddled the entire distance. he is also an author and poet. his most recent novel “Shooting the bruce” has just been published. his last book, “urban Meltdown: cities, climate change and Politics as usual” was short listed for the Shaughnessy-cohen prize.

KEViN CAllAN is the author of thirteen books, including the best selling “The happy camper”, the incredibly popular series of paddling guides, and “Wilderness Pleasures: A Practical guide to camping bliss.” he has been a key speaker at all the major canoe events for over 25 years. Kevin is also a frequent guest on radio and television, and hosts his own show on cbc radio entitled “The happy camper.” he is the winner of four national Magazine Awards and three film awards, and he was also made Patron Paddler for Paddle canada.

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JEAN riCArD acquired Algonquin travel in 2009, and developed the adventure travel division, Atlantis voyages in gatineau. Since then, Atlantis has accompanied many groups to places such as everest base camp, Kilimanjaro, Machu Picchu, Morocco’s Atlas Mountains, Aconcagua and others. If Kilimanjaro is in your future, come and learn what it is like to climb the highest mountain in Africa, one of the coveted seven summits.

NATHAliE GAuTHiEr took her very first trekking trip in

the himalayas after spending months in South east Asia and

Africa. The experience of the mountains and the rewards of the trip led her to seek out the best trekking trails all over the

world. her passion has taken her to discover the legendary Inca

Trail, the colourful granite peaks of Patagonia, and authentic

Italian villages.

MiCHEil Hill’s favourite trip is usually whichever one he has just completed! he seeks out the

camaraderie on the trail, the history, the local flora and the “genius loci” or spirit of the place. When not

guiding for blackfeather Micheil spends his time winter camping, climbing and catching up on reading.

he also tries to remember to fit in his “other job” as a physiotherapist working in out-patient orthopaedics.

MArK SCriVEr has been guiding for black Feather since 1984. he started off camping with his family, working at summer camps and teaching outdoor recreation. he has spent many years instructing and guiding canoe, kayak, and hiking trips in the canadian Arctic, greenland, and Mongolia. Passionate for whitewater paddling, Mark led the canadian whitewater freestyle team for several years in the 1990’s and won the world championships in open canoe in 1997. his travels have taken him to the rivers and coastlines on 6 continents.

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WENDY GrATEr has paddled/hiked/kayaked in the nWT, Yukon, nunavut, b.c., Ontario, Quebec, and greenland. Among her favourite trips are the Mountain river and east greenland because she loves the combination of excellent paddling and

fantastic day hiking. Wendy is the owner and director of black Feather. What she really enjoys about

guiding is having the opportunity to get to know the participants, and share the fantastic wilderness environment. When not guiding or in the blackfeather office, her interests are cross country and back country skiing, yoga and hiking with her dog. In 2011,

she was awarded the northwest Territories Tourism lifetime Achievement Award, for service and commitment to the tourism industry in canada’s north.

NEil HArTliNG is an Outfitter, guide and educator and the author of 3 books of northern rivers. he

founded nahanni river Adventures in 1985 and it is both a successful eco-adventure tourism company and a powerful platform for conservation. he provided leadership in the expansion of nahanni national Park to protect the greater nahanni Watershed and become one of the largest parks in the world. he is President of the Tourism Association of the Yukon.

SuNNiVA SOrbY was born in norway and raised in Montreal, and made history as one of the first women ever to reach the South Pole on foot without the aid of sled dogs or motorized vehicles.

She also became the first canadian woman to complete the greenland crossing. She has developed and taught winter camping and survival programs, and she is the founder of Shape Your life canada, a wellness company that organizes and runs global adventures in tandem with raising money for select nonprofit groups. her work is rooted in her aim to promote healthy, active and adventurous lifestyles.

JOE KOWAlSKi is a pioneer of rafting and kayaking on the Ottawa river and the founder of Wilderness Tours. he’s the good-looking guy on the left sans-shirt. :) Join Joe as he “Shares the Magic” found in the history of whitewater kayaking and rafting on the Ottawa river and around the world.

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Snack Bar Show O�ce Exit Entrance



















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Booth Name Website Phone414 1000 Islands Kayaking 613-329-6265410 Advantage Boating 613-721-8683604 Adventure Smart 866-972-7822505 Algonquin Canoe Co. 705-981-0572

322 Algonquin College in the Ottawa Valley: Outdoor Adventure Programs


134 Altitude Gym 819-205-0959519 Auto Racks 613-722-5759214 Backcountry Lodges of British Columbia 604-902-9321311 Bark Lake Leadership Centre 705-447-2447325 Bear Creek Outdoor Centre 613-889-7262434 Black Feather Wilderness Adventure 705-746-1372323 Bryson Lake Lodge 855-683-1790627 Bullfrog Power 416-360-3464408 Bytown Brigantine 613-596-6258222 CAA North & East Ontario 613-820-1890326 Calabogie Peaks Resort 800-669-4861309 Canot-camping La Verendrye 514-252-3001203 Cayman Islands Dept. of Tourism 416-485-1550333 Chutes Coulonge Aerial Park 888-683-2770215 Coastal Adventures 902-772-2774116 College of the Rockies 877-489-2687614 Cornwall and The Counties Tourism 613-938-4748424 Costco Wholesale www.costco.ca601 905-544-3872608 CycleFit Chicks 819-459-2246623 Cyclos La Quebecoise et La Montréalaise 450-671-9090426 D & D Meats 705-435-8560335 Esprit Rafting 800-596-7238301 Ezee Camera Strap 905-999-1905314 G Adventures 902-293-6902600 Gatineau Park - National Capital Commission 613-239-5000319 Horizon X Rafting 866-695-2925

210 Ithaca Tomkins County Convention & Visitors Bureau 607-272-1313

TBD Jewel Radio - 98.5 FM (Sun. Only) 613-241-9850 525 Le Baron 613-596-4415118 Le Nord Canadien 867-456-7483332 Limerick Lake Lodge & Marina 613-474-2144227 Mud Hero / Commando Paintball 416-809-0565218 Nahanni River Adventures 867-668-3180404 New World Center White Water Adventures 800-361-5033115 NitroCity Panama 507-393-9757400 Northeastern Ontario 705-674-4455611 Northern Park Apparel 647-210-2420401 Ontario Tourism - Ontario Outdoor 226-339-2510617 Ostrom Outdoors 807-473-4499231 Ottawa Citizen www.ottawacitizen.com625 Ottawa Outdoors Magazine 613-860-8687328 Ottawa Valley Tourist Association 613-732-4364123 - Pop Up Canopy Tents 613-884-4534515 Owl Rafting on the Ottawa River 613-238-7238509 Paddle Canada 613-547-3196327 Pontiac Tourism Association 819-648-2186305 Priceless Ethiopia Tours PLC 093-001-2636

“(SoMe oF) oUR (AWeSoMe) eXHIBIToRS”!

Here are just SOME of the great exhibitors you will find at the show. We’re adding new exhibitors every day – stay tuned to for daily updates!

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Booth Name Website Phone329 Pure Life Adventures 819-647-5476331 Rafting Momentum 819-360-8247602 Ride the Rideau 613-798-5555607 Ripple Adventure 613-695-4386318 RiverRun Rafting & Wilderness Resort 613-646-2501223 SEPAQ 418-380-5875618 Sit Means Sit Dog Training 613-889-0385124 Speedminton 604-760-2995201 Squba Holidays 519-661-1095422 Survival Steel 888-877-0490114 Tanzania High Commission 613-232-1509233 Team Diabetes 613-688-5929308 Techgir 416-834-4218111 Terra Ultima 514-940-1223300 The Adventure Travel Company 613-724-6206219 The Great Waterway 613-344-2095622 The Wellness Group 613-271-8555631 Thompson Rivers University 250-371-5843501 Tourism Timmins 705-360-2640315 Tourisme Quebec 877-266-5687334 Town of Petawawa / Hell or High Water Festival / 613-687-5536211 Voyages Atlantis 819-778-3711635 Wabakimi Canoe Outfitters & Fishing Outposts 807-708-4080418 Wilderness Tours 613-646-2291110 World Expeditions 613-241-2700235 Yamnuska Mountain Adventures 403-678-4164119 Yukon Wild 867-456 7483

[email protected]

Développement économique Canada appuie financièrement la SADC Pontiac CFDC │ Canada Economic Development offers a financial support to SADC Pontiac CFDC







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Thunder Bay, ON (877)

Comfort and Innovation

Carries either a 30L or a 60L


Voyageur 30/60 Barrel Harness Owned and operated by the Algonquins of Wolf Lake First Nations

CANOE & KAYAK RENTALS, GROUND & AIR TRANSPORTATION, OUTFITTINGAlgonquin Canoe Company is your number one source for canoes and kayaks in the Ottawa River Valley.

We offer sales, rentals and outfitting from two locations. Call us to book your adventure today!

SWISHA (1-613-586-2655) Servicing the Dumoine, Noire and Coulonge Rivers and North Algonquin Park

LONG SAULT ISLAND (1-705-981-0572) Servicing Lake Temiscaming, Lake Kipawa, Kipawa River and the Ottawa River

dive a different site 365 days of the year and never see the same thing twice!Rated among the top five dive destinations in the world, the Cayman Islands offers pristine reefs, breathtaking wall dives and legendary wrecks including our newest artificial reef, the Kittiwake. There are more reasons now than ever to Dive Cayman! or

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Trekker’s third leg: an energy-saving staffby Mike lomas

Trekking up gatineau Park’s long, steep trails? crossing a slippery stream or traversing a beaver dam beside the rideau canal? climbing a slippery grass hill in rockliffe Park? Wearing a heavy packsack?

Wherever you walk, you can go sure-footed with the balancing, stabilizing effect and energy boost of a staff. It’s your “third” leg. call it what you will (walking stick, stave, finger stick or pole), it amounts to the same thing: a friend you can lean on, and never hear a protest or complaint in return.

In dense brush, or steep, muddy and irregular terrain a sturdy staff will give you extra balance, agility

and energy. even on a straight and level path, a staff will add extra “push” through your arm, contributing a pleasant balance and rhythm to your stride.

Aside from the energy you gain from using a staff, you may tune into its mystical vibes; there’s a profound aura of history embodied in this humble limb. For thousands of years the staff has been a tribal and religious symbol. rewind 5,000 years… the stone was not human’s first tool. It was the staff, used to lever out that stone.

Images of staff-wielding leaders abound through the centuries: Moses, Pharaoh, cleopatra. From Shakespeare to hollywood, the walking stick has risen to a symbol

of high office and authority. For example, the mace in canada’s Parliament is a stubby, mini-version of a staff.

Travellers’ tales attest to the staff as effective for work or self-defense. (Picture robin hood and his Merry Men, staffs in hand.) Or take a pilgrim’s hike through France and Spain along the 1,700-kilometer trail of the camino de Santiago; you’ll see plenty of staffs at work.

For thousands of years they served as weapons in war and then to commemorate the bat-tles. In a more peaceful role, they continue to serve as crooked tools for shepherds. eskimos refer to staffs as “oonoks” – their hunting poles.



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Over4,000• 2,000 km of routes to paddle• Vast wilderness of 13,615 sq. km.• Rental of all canoe-camping gear• 230 km from Ottawa/Gatineau• 350 km from Montreal

Mid-may to mid-september (819) 435-2331Mid-september to Mid-may (514) 252-3001

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Ad_ Ottawa_outdoors_1/3_square_CCLV.indd 2 2012-11-14 09:48

ON THE TrAil TO ADVENTurEStaff firmly in hand, you can

boldly go forth with confidence. crossing a narrow bridge without rail supports? The staff serves as your rail. Sprained your ankle? here’s your sturdy crutch. Somebody too sick to walk? A long-sleeved garment (turned inside out and threaded on two staves) makes an emergency litter or stretcher. not sure if the early winter ice will take your weight? carry a staff. If you fall through, use it to bridge over an ice hole, and then gain leverage and escape from the deadly, chilling

water. (caution! never venture out on ice if you aren’t confident in its ability to support you.)

canoeing or kayaking? voila! It’s your depth gauge, mast or a punt pole – even a huckleberry Finn-style fishing pole. Facing a stream, almost wide enough to jump over? here’s your vaulting pole. got three staffs? Make a tripod over your campfire.

no wonder people grow fond of their staffs. A personalized staff embodies the travelling, adventurous spirit of its owner. It becomes your witness to journeys, perils and en-counters. Your hand knows its knots,

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grooves and bends. It is like the security blanket you dragged around the house as a kid – a dependable friend.

If you consider a walking staff just another unnecessary weight to carry, think again. According to some au-thorities, a walking staff or two trek-king poles distribute the weight of a heavy pack to your arms, thereby in-creasing your endurance. A walking staff also reduces pain in joints, and increases your power on hills. When you’re descending, a staff reduces stress on thighs, legs and feet.

Some studies claim that using a staff during an eight-hour backpacking trek, while carrying a medium-heavy pack, can save your legs the equivalent of 75 tons of pressure. using two trekking poles can double this!

buY Or MAKE ONEYou can buy an excellent staff in

an outdoor store for $20 to $200. Or, if you have time, why not make your own? Almost any type of wood will serve, but hardwoods, such as ash, oak or maple, are probably best. bamboo is strong and light, but for some, bamboo doesn’t “feel” strong.

Where do you get the raw stick? never cut it from public parkland. Obtain permission from someone who has farmland, a private woodlot or a garden, then find a straight limb growing in a thicket. Or, locate a deadfall tree.

If you cut a living branch it will still contain sap. dry it slowly for several months in a damp-free environment, and you’ll find it much lighter. can’t wait? Then be sure to wrap wire tightly around it, a little way in from each end. The wire reduces its chance of splitting as the wood dries during use in fluctuating temperatures.

Good reasons to carry a walking stick•helps you maintain balance

when crossing streams, hillsides or slippery rocks.

• reduces stress on your back, knees, legs and feet.

•helps you maneouvre over obstacles on the trail (e.g. a fallen tree), or break a fall.

•Makes an excellent place on which to lean for a short break.

•doubles as a crutch, or even a pole for a tarp.

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Bring the whole family on your next adventure. YOUR DOG OFF LEASH, ANY TIME, ANYWHERE. WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!

Sit Means Sit Ottawa Dog Training613.889.0385 •

how thick a stick should you choose? Find one about 2.5 to 4 cm (1 to 1½ inches). Your staff should be fairly even through its length, tapering towards the bottom. If you can find a stick with a knot at the top (widest end) it will fit nicely in your hand.

What about length? Although tastes vary, for good leverage, find one that reaches about eye-level. Once you find a good staff, whittle anything you want into it (your name, animal figures, etc.). Some people use their staff as a portable diary. They carve into the wood the names of places they’ve visited. Finally, to secure your grip, drill a hole near the top of the staff, and thread a leather bootlace thong through it.

Then head out on your favourite trail. happy trekking.

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become an adventure photographerByEliaSaikley

Imagine wearing a down parka, ski goggles, down mitts, plastic boots, crampons and barely being able to stand on your own two feet because 90km/hr winds are attempting to blow you off the side of a 17,000ft ridge. In that moment, you feel as though life is unfolding at 120 frames per second. Your teammates, who are unrecognizable other than by the colour of their jackets, are simply trying to survive and make it to the summit. As a filmmaker, you have half the level of oxygen that you would at sea level which hinders your ability to think and move. In the midst of the chaos of trying to determine whether to carry on or turn back, all of a sudden your canon 24-70mm lens hood goes flying off the side of the mountain and disappears somewhere beneath the clouds. You freeze and think, “this is insane!” Then you quickly make a decision and point your camera in the direction of the next dramatic moment. “Think ‘story’ Saikaly, and make sure you get all the pieces you need for the final edit. And don’t die in the process!” That is the dialogue I often have with myself at high altitude. This is the nature of my job as a high altitude filmmaker.

So how did I do it? And how can you become an adventure filmmak-er? I’ve taken what I’ve learned over the past eight years and outlined a series of steps for you to take to land your dream job of becoming a globe-trotting adventure filmmaker.

1)Createademoreel.Prospec-tive clients need to see how good you are. It’s the number one thing that matters in the industry. Your cv means nothing if you don’t have a good demo reel. It’s also important to know that having a killer wedding videos demo reel isn’t going to help you. If you don’t have any footage then create opportunities. get out in a storm and shoot, volunteer to shoot an adventure race, team up with an athlete and create a profile video. do whatever it takes to show-case your skills.

2)Brandyourself.It’s amazing how many people are incredibly skilled that do not have a website, twitter account or online presence. YOu are the brand and your skill-set is what prospective clients are seek-ing. build it and they will come.

3)Volunteerwithatravelorganization. The Internet is an amazing way to reach out to people

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whether by email, twitter or other social media platforms. ultimately, you need quality imagery from diverse locations to build your portfolio. Work with an ngO, partner on a charity climb while offering up your services for free to build your cv and portfolio.

4)Investinyourself. What served my career at the high-est level was taking the finan-cial risk of traveling extensively on my own dollar and shoot-ing as much as I could every step of the way. It’s amazing how much money we waste. Simplify your life and you’ll be amazed at how much extra travel money you discover in your back pocket.

5)Mirrorthesuccessofothers. What’s consistent amongst all the adventure filmmakers out there is that they’ve done the work and paid their dues. It takes time. draw from the lessons of those you aspire to emulate, learn from their mistakes.

6)Investinqualitygear.The dSlr revolution has

changed the industry. We all have access to equipment that has the po-tential to create world-class images on a very modest budget. good glass and a full frame body, combined with a few key accessories like an inter-valometer and glidetrack goes a long way.

7)learntotellastory. Filmmaking is about telling great stories. beauti-ful images alone do not make a story

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great. Young filmmakers forget that nothing beats a great story with strong characters complimented by beautiful images. balance out your time between the technical/creative aspects of filmmaking and great storytelling.

8)Becreative. There are nu-merous ways to sustain yourself during this process of building your adventure filmmaker brand and portfolio. create a stock video library, shoot stock photos, acti-vate tip jars on online websites like vIMeO, set up a donation page and have friends and family invest in you. Possibilities are endless.9)Checkyouregoatthedoor.

be wise and don’t turn down other work. I spent years shooting corpo-rate and wedding videos to finance and fuel my dream of becoming an adventure filmmaker. check your ego at the door and never convince yourself that you’re above all else. It’s a tough industry and it’s a privi-lege to be paid to work. A means to a dream is how I choose to see this complimentary work.

10)Bepatient. It is a very competitive industry out there. understand that it takes time, commitment, dedication and determination to succeed. You need talent, but you also need to get your name and work out there. If you can persevere through the initial stages of setting yourself up and acquiring the experience, network and portfolio required to become successful you’ll eventually find yourself living a dream and a life you never imagined was possible.

**See Elia presenting at the show!

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Roof Rack ExpertsSales & Rentals

Auto Racksest. 1996

2249 Gladwin

Picking a camp siteByTimAllard

Spring and summer camping is just around the corner so here are some tips on finding great camp sites – basic stuff.

Make a reservation. now. Popular sites, like Ontario’s Sandbanks Pro-vincial Park, fill up quickly so get on the phone or the Internet and secure your site for 2013.

Pick a site for your style of camping. If you’re new to camping, be aware that not all campsites were created equal. Private campgrounds or tent and trailer parks are often family-focused places to park a trailer for the summer or car camp with kids. They have playgrounds, beaches, sometimes swimming pools, and often amenities like electricity, running water and showers.

The Ontario Provincial Parks classification system makes it easy to find remote sites and privacy. Parks classified as natural environment, nature reserve or wilderness are your best bet. Then check the list of park activities. For example, Presqu’ile is a great park for wildlife viewing, while Silent lake’s trails offer mountain biking.

Setting up inside the gateOnce you arrive at the camp-

ground, the next step is setting up the tent and cooking areas, keeping plenty of space between them. Select high ground for your tent and avoid dead or sickly looking trees. In a strong wind, the tree or its branches could fall on your tent. healthy trees on the other hand offer shade and shelter from wind, rain and sun. Once you’ve picked your tent site, clear it of twigs, rocks or anything that could damage the tent bottom or make for lumpy sleeping. now you’re all set…camp, eat, and enjoy time well-spent.

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Whitewater getawayhOrizOn x haS it all!

• horizon X rafting and kayak won gold as the best outdoor and eco-tourism company for 2012.

• being the only company to offer nighttime full moon rafting in class 2 whitewater and always keeping groups small has allowed horizon X to offer high quality rafting trips all season long for all. From their adrenalin seeking fans to young families you will find what you are looking for.

Did you know? Only Horizon X offers:• Free wetsuit rentals• Free Photos• No service chargesThis adds up to big savings for you. They provide high quality adventure at a totally reasonable price! As part of their green program they ask you to carpool to the best ratio possible as horizon X is eco-responsible.

horizon X offers great rafting during the week in evenings. rafting is a great way to spice up your day with friends and co-workers. The best rapids of the Ottawa river condensed from 5 pm to 9 pm.

To sum it up, they offer:•rafting for the whole family: Family rafting trips are the perfect

escape for kids of all ages. Starting at 5-years-old and 40+ lbs to 100 years young, this trip is full of thrills and nature in class 2 whitewater.

•riverboarding is the most fun you can have in a bathing suit… that’s if the bathing suit stays on (lol)! This new way to discover the river puts you face-first through the biggest rapids of the Ottawa river. Swim like a fish and punch through big waves!!! Adrenalin to the max.

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Full moon rafting up to class 2 whitewater• Have the river all to yourself with our Happy Hour Rafting • Enjoy fun and safe family adventures!• Try the popular new riverboarding, our kayak school, and our

small raft for 1 and 2 day rafting runs!• We give FREE PHOTOS and wetsuits with no service charges!• Cabins, camping, BBQ, beaches and beach games, canoes and


Rafting KayakSchool



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April1 12– 4Ernst & Young Centre

4899 Uplands Dr., Ottawa$12 Admission (cash only). Kids 17 & under are free!

this isthe

EST. 2001
