Page 1: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scripture)

The 2nd Temple Period539BC - 70 AD

539-332 Persian Period 332-165 Greek Period

165-63 Maccabean Period 63BC-70 AD Roman Period

Page 2: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scripture)

538-332The Persian Period

538 – Cyrus of Persia releases all exiles520-515 – Temple rebuilt, but smaller

Haggai, Zechariah, 2nd IsaiahChronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah

Page 3: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scripture)

The 6th C BCAn Age of Achievement

Zoroaster, Lao Tse, Buddha, Confucius, Solon of Athens, Aeschylus, Pythagoras

The Jewish Prophets

Xenophanes, Hesiod, Sappho, Aesop

The Hindu Vedas, Ramayana

Mayan Empire

Page 4: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scripture)

The 6th C BCAn Age of Achievement

2nd Temple in Jerusalem

Temple to Zeus in Athens

Temple to Apollo in Corinth

Page 5: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scripture) The 5th


Roman Expansion under Coriolanus

The Persian Wars against Greece

(Battles of Marathon, Thermopylae)

Pericles rules Athens

Socrates and Sophocles

The Acropolis/Parthenon

Page 6: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scripture)


Socrates – Plato – Aristotle

Rise of Mycenaea

Athenian/Spartan wars

First section of Wall of China

Page 7: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scripture)The Greek Period


Alexander the GreatHellenization

Library of Alexandria, Colossus of Rhodes, Lighthouse of Pharos

Division of Empire: Macedonia (Cassander), Thrace (Lysimachus), Egypt (Ptolemy Soter), Asia (Antigonus)

The Punic Wars

The Septuagint

The Rosetta Stone

Ecclesiastes, Sirach, Daniel ch. 1-6

Page 8: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scripture)

The Rise and Fall of Empires2000-200 BC

Page 9: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scripture)

The Maccabean Period165-63

Antiochus IV Epiphanes

Judas Maccabeus

Hasmonean Dynasty

Page 10: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scripture)

The Roman Period63 BC – 70 AD

General Ptolemy (the Triumvirate: Julius Caesar/Ptolemy/Marcus Antonius)

The Herodians and the Roman Occupation

Essenes, Zealots, Pharisees and Sadducees
