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  • 7/29/2019 The Odyssey - Key Text


    Key text from The Odyssey

    Calypsos Island

    Nymph of the plaited tresses

    Remote island

    Blue waters

    Great cavern

    Large fire was blazing on the hearth

    Scent from burning logs of juniper and cedar wafted across the island

    Cave sheltered by copse of alders and fragrant cypresses

    Roosting place of wide-winged birds

    Trailing around the mouth of the cavern thriving garden vine with great

    bunches of grapes

    Four separate but neighbouring springs four crystal rivulets

    Soft meadows on either side iris and wild celery flourished

    Barren sea

    Red nectar

    Vaulted cavern

    Rock, sands


    Tall trees

    Misty seas

    Olive wood

    Farthest part of the island trees grew tall, alders and poplars and

    towering firs, all dry timber that had long since lost its sap.

    Plaited osier twigs and a plentiful backing of brushwood

    Bright sea

    Phaeacians Island

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    Shadowy mountains jutted out to meet him

    Land looked like a shield laid on the misty sea

    Rocky land

    No covers, no harbours that would hold a ship; nothing but headlands

    jutting out, sheer rock and jagged reefs

    Pointed reefs; all around a raging sea; behind a smooth sheer cliff; deep

    water near the shore

    Solid rock

    Fast running stream clear of rocks and sheltered from the winds river



    Bountiful earth

    Up the slope into the thick woods

    Dense undergrowth

    Wooded ground.

    Not far from the river he found a copse in a clearing

    Bushes, one an olive, the other a wild olive which grew from the same

    stem with their branches so closely intertwined that when the damp winds

    blew not a breath could enter, nor the rays of the sun penetrate their

    shade, nor the rain soak through.

    Dry leaves

    Long way from the city to the washing pools

    Lovely river with its never failing pools

    Sweet grass

    Dark water

    Sea-shore, just where the waves washed the shingle


    Deep, eddying current


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    Jutting spits of sand

    Barren sea




    Temples to the gods

    Divided up the land for cultivation

    Richly decorated room

    Polished doors

    High-sided waggon with strong wheels with a hood

    Country and the farmers

    City it is surrounded by high battlements; it has an excellent harbour on

    each side and is approached by a narrow causeway, where the curved

    (trim) ships are drawn to the raod and each owner has his separate

    landing place. Peoples meeting place

    Long and lofty walls, surmounted by palisades, presenting a wonderful


    Built next to fine temple of Poseidon with blocks of quarried stone bedded

    deeply in the ground

    Black ships

    Grey seas

    Near the path a fine poplar wood sacred to Athene, with a spring welling

    up in the middle and a meadow all round.

    Estate and fertile garden

    Houses of the rest are not built in anything like the style of the palace


    Alcinous splendid dwelling

    Bronze threshold


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    Bronze walls, topped by a frieze of dark blue enamel running round to the

    back of the court

    Well built mansion

    Golden doors hung on silver posts set in bronze thresholds. Silver lintelsand gold door handles

    On either side stood gold and silver dogs

    Inside the hall, tall chairs along the walls with delicately woven covers

    Gold statues of youths

    Outside the entrance to the courtyard, surrounded by a wall, lies a large

    orchard of four acres pears and pomegranates, apple trees with glossy

    fruit, sweet figs and luxuriant olives.

    Warm patch of ground where grapes are drying in the sun, gathered or

    trodden in the wine press.

    Foremost row unripe bunches faint tinge of purple

    Vegetable bed

    In the garden are two springs. One flows in channels, the other provides a

    watering place for the townspeople and then runs under the courtyard

    gate towards the great house

    Bed in the portico with the finest purple rugs, spread coverlets over these

    and warm blankets

    Island of the Cyclops

    Fierce, lawless people

    Never plant or plough

    Crops they require spring up unsown and untilled, wheat and barley

    and vines with generous clusters

    Hollow caverns in the mountain heights

    Luxuriant island nearby covered with woods and home of wild goats.

    Undisturbed by people.

    No ships

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    Not a poor country

    Along shore of the grey sea there are lush water-meadows where the

    grapes would never fail.

    Level land

    Tall standing crops

    Subsoil is rich

    Safe harbour

    At the head of the harbour is a stream, running out of a cave in a grove

    of poplar-trees

    Thick fog, and not a gleam of light came through from the moon.

    Obscured by clouds

    Long breakers rolling up to the coast

    Smoke from their fires

    Nearest point cave with a high entrance overhung by laurels

    Sheep and goats penned

    Yard built with a great wall of quarried stones and tall pines and high

    branched oaks

    A long way away from anyone

    Baskets laden with cheese

    Thronged with lambs and kids

    Vessels, pails and bowls

    Dry wood to burn

    Huge stone at entrance


    Flocks inside the cave

    Great mouth of the cave

    Olive wood

    Great heaps of dung scattered throughout the cave

    Broad cave

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    Rocky walls

    Lush shoots of grass

    Flowing stream

    White water

    Starry heavens

    Circes Island

    Shelter of the harbour


    From a rocky height, smoke can be seen, rising from a distant place

    where Circes house lay in a clearing among the dense oak scrub and

    forest trees Reddish smoke

    Fierce heat of the sun

    Forest pastures



    Low lying island

    Clearing in a glade Circes house built of polished stone

    Prowling mountain wolves and lions

    Palace porch of the goddess with the lovely tresses



    Forest nuts, acorns and cornel-berries


    Enchanted glades

    Herb Black root and a milk-white flower

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    Linen covers on chairs with fine purple rugs on top

    Silver tables

    Golden dishes

    Silver bowl

    Big cauldron

    Beautiful silver studded chair with a foot stool


    Darkened hall

    Beautiful bed
