Page 1: The Link - Clover your gifts before Christmas. If it is easier for us to shop for you, please feel free to make

December 2012 

The LinkThe LinkThe Link

The Community of New Possibilities ‐ First Presbyterian Church, Encino Newsletter 

Happy Birthday: 11/30 Nadine Van Devender 12/4 Barbara Stitz 12/4 Charles Van Devender 12/5 Marissa Minor 12/6 Corinne Kingsbury 12/6 Roberta Marshall 12/15 Travis Jackson 12/17 Jody Lawrence 12/20 Sara Coyle 12/22 Justin Lawrence 12/27 Robert Hepler 12/30  Janna Greer

Craig’s Corner This is probably just the right time to say several very important things.

First– Thanks! It has been my privilege to work with you over the past year and nearly one half. My hope and prayer are that FPCE will find its missional groove with pastor Dae Jung and I will be hearing joyous news from you in the years to come.

Second, Congratulations are in order! You have called an excellent candidate, Dae Jung, to be your Pastor. He will begin his work here after the first of the new year.

In normal times, once a new Pastor is chosen, the Interim Pastor soon departs, leaving a gap between the interim time and the arrival of the new minister. However, this is not a “normal” time! As we are on the very brink of Advent and the Christmas season, it would be rude, if not down right mean to leave you in the lurch.

December worship and advent activities have been planned for some time, and we will be going right ahead, now with even more enthusiasm and anticipation. I will be with you through the month of December as planned; my last Sunday will be December 23, and my final worship leadership will be the two communion services Christmas Eve.

Again, many, many thanks for your friendship and the adventure we have shared. Pastor Craig

Happy Anniversary: 12/16  Lynne & Larry Jackson 12/29  John and Alma Nieters  

 Have we missed your birthday or anniversary?  Unsure if we have your birthday/anniversary on file?   

Email Amber Guzman ([email protected]) or call  818 788‐1147 to make sure you get 

added to our birthday & anniversary lists!

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Session Notes The stated meeting of session was held on Tuesday, November 20 at 7:00 pm. The meeting opened with a call to worship and devotion by Jessica Lesko. The consent agenda was approved which included the 2013 Communion dates and the Mission Committee’s $300 check for the Rescate Christmas drive. Pastor Craig shared some thoughts on our upcoming transition and the training and orientation of new elders and deacons. Sherrill Herring presented the Music & Worship committee’s request to purchase the new Presbyterian hymnal which will be available next fall. Session approved the request. Don Fetherolf closed the meeting with prayer. Respectfully submitted by Jessica Lesko

Deacon’s Dittos The Deacon monthly mee ng on 11/4 included a me of sharing and learning more about our new Intern Doug Abel. Marissa updated each of us on the finance side of things, Alice reported on the flower deliveries and Toni recapped the birthday/anniversary/illness card mailings. We talked about renewing our commitment to serving the congrega on and how to do a be er job at community outreach. We also started preliminary planning for 2013 and began se ng goals for next year which we will discuss in more detail later. We want to make 2013 the best year ever for FPCE! (PLEASE REMEMBER IF THERE IS ANYONE IN NEED OF CARDS, CONTACT TONI OR THE CHURCH OFFICE). Also, keep in mind, that the Deacons are in charge of food/meals/transporta on needs, so please inform the Church office of people who may have a need. For prayer requests, please contact Heather @ (818) 368 5689 (wk) or (818) 886‐0552 (home) or the Church Office.

Your Deacons are here to serve you!

CROP WALK Thanks you!

Walkers included: Jose Herring, Julian Herring, Lynne Jackson, Jessica Lesko, Ruth Mandernach and Tollis Zuber. Donations in support of those who walked were received from: Sara Coyle, Stan Hargleroad, Larry Jackson, Kay Lawrence, Betsy Lindsey, Bill Mandernach, Marguerite & Marissa Minor, Judy Linse & Mark Minor, Anadee Tapar, Lucy Walker and Chrissy Zollenberg. $230 was the total contributed by our congregation.

During Sunday Worship

December 9th

Followed by the All Church Christmas Luncheon

Looking Ahead!

Pastor Dae Jung will be arriving to stay this January! His first day in the office will be

January 2, 2012 His First Sermon, Sunday January 6, 2012

SCRIP is available for Holiday Gift Giving! A list of scrip available for purchase is available on our website or at the Kiosk in Fellowship Hall.

You may want to consider a scrip gift card to benefit our Alternative Christmas recipients; Rescate and A.C.A.C.

Work Day WOW! Thanks, Thanks, Thanks for the

great turn out and good work November 17th!

Miss it?? “What Your Interim Has

Learned About You”

4 cds and the workbook are available for

check out in the church office!

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

2 9:00 Choir 10:00 Worship 10:15 Sunday School Communion 11:30Adult Discussion Forum, FH 11:30– Deacons

3 11:00 Food Pantry 7:15 Recovery Group, Rm. 204

4 3:00 J.A.M.

5 9:15 EPCC Chapel, FH 11:00 Staff Meeting, FH

6:30 Recovery Group, Rm. 204

6 7:30 Choir Rehearsal


8 5:30 4F Fellowship Dinner at Sisley, Encino

9 9:00 Choir Children’s Christmas Program 10:00 Worship 10:15 Sunday School 11:30- All Church Christmas Luncheon

10 8:30 EPCC PS Holiday Show-Sanctuary 10:30-Angel Circle w/ Gayle Steffenson 11:00 Food Pantry 6:30 EPCC Holiday Show, FH 7:15 Recovery Group, Rm. 204

11 3:00 J.A.M. 7:00 Property and Finance Meeting FH

12 11:00 Staff Meeting, FH

6:30 Recovery Group, Rm. 204

13 7:30 Choir Rehearsal

14 4-9pm- Cub Scout Pack #564-X-mas Party, FH


16 9:00 Choir Choir Cantata 10:00 Worship 10:15 Sunday School 11:30 Adult Discussion Forum, FH Children’s Holiday Craft Activity

17 11:00 Food Pantry 7:15 Recovery Group, Rm. 204

18 7:00 Session, FH

19 11:00 Staff Meeting, FH 6:30 Recovery Group, Rm. 204


7:30 Choir Rehearsal



23 9:00 Choir 10:00 Worship 10:15 Sunday School 11:30 Adult Discussion Forum, FH

30 10:00 Breakfast Worship 11:30 Adult Discussion Forum, FH

24 11:00 Food Pantry Church Office closes at Noon

31 Church Office closes at Noon School closed

25 Office Closed

26 Office Closed


28 29

December 2012

Poinsettias can be purchased to decorate the Sanctuary for Christmas,

through December 9th. Forms are available Sunday mornings or through

the church office.

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December 2 Holy Communion

Pastor Craig’s Sermon– Christmas Mysteries: “Starting in Jerusalem”

Text for the Day– Jeremiah 33:14-16; Luke 21:25-37

December 9

Our Children’s Presentation– Through the Eyes of a Child

Meditation– Christmas Mysteries- “Through the Temple” Text for the Day– Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 1: 68-74


December 16

SPECIAL MUSICAL PRESENTATION– Chancel Choir Text for the Day– Zephaniah 3:4-20; Luke 3: 7-18

Christmas Craft Day

December 23 Pastor Craig’s Sermon-

Christmas Mysteries: “On to Bethlehem” Text for the Day– Micah 5:2-5a; Luke 2:39-45

Caroling to Shut Ins– Cider and Cookies


4:00pm Family Communion Service A Story for the Children

8:00pm Traditional Candlelight


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Chancel Flowers Have you noticed the beautiful

flower arrangements?

The 2013 Flower Calendar is up! for anyone who would like to sign up to donate flowers for worship.

To sign up visit the flower calendar on the kiosk in Fellowship Hall or contact the church office. Flowers

are $45 for each Sunday and may be taken home after worship or donated to the Deacons to be

delivered to homebound members. You may choose what

colors you would like and you will be acknowledged with an

announcement of your choice in the bulletin.

Have you made your pledge for 2013? Pledge cards are available in the Narthex or church office.

Thirty pledges received so far with Over $160,000 committed pledges.

Are you a fan of our Sunday Morning Fellowship Hour?

Would you consider providing or sponsoring the goodies one Sunday ? Each Sunday in December is still

available. Cookies, fruit, vegies, even popcorn help keep worshippers nourished while they visit with old and new friends. Sign-up at the Kiosk in Fellowship

Hall or call the Office : 818 788-1147

ALTERNATIVE CHRISTMAS On November 18th the Mission Committee kicked-off Alternative Christmas. This year Alternative Christmas will support - the Adopt a Child Abuse Caseworker Mission project. Our church has been a partner with the LA County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) for over 20 years. FPCE has adopted Yury Ramirez and Alicia Duarte, two caseworkers who work directly with 71 abused children and their foster families. Their clients range in age from infants to 17-year olds who are ready to emancipate from the foster care system. If you want to bring Christmas joy to these children, you can be matched with a child by selecting a hand-made ornament (thanks to Gayle!) from the Christmas tree in Fellowship Hall. The ornament has the name and age of each child and a “special wish”. Please return the

unwrapped gift no later than Dec 16TH, so Yury and Alicia can deliver your gifts before Christmas. If it is easier for us to shop for you, please feel free to make a donation, and “SECRET SHOPPERS” will take care of the rest.

Yury Ramirez wrote the following in a recent e-mail:





The Mission Committee thanks you for sharing your love

and blessings of the season with these children.

Thank You SOOO Much! The Help Group Child and Family Center wishes to thank the members of First Presbyterian Church of Encino for all their book donations. The Children’s books are used in a number of different ways. We place them in the outpatient department waiting room with a sign

that gives permission for the children to take a book home. Project SAFE, Full Service Partnership and Wraparound programs use them to give to children when they go on home visits. “One Project SAFE therapist stated that many of her families live in single rooms that they rent in a house. One family did not have one single book. Tania took a book to the 4 year old and now every time she visits that child is grasping the book and holding it close.” Books can open a world to children who are living in dire poverty and provide important bonding time for caregiver and child. Thank you for your important donations to our programs. I would like to give a special thank you to Heather Sells who donates regularly from withdrawn books from the Public Library. She provides a readers advisory service when we have questions about books and finds specific books for our youth, families and pregnant teens.

Ruth Mandernach LCSW Sr. Director of Family Service Programs.

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Sunday Mornings December 2– Communion Worship: Rev. Craig Hall, preaching “Christmas Mysteries: Starting in Jerusalem” Jeremiah 33:14-16, Luke 21: 25-37 Liturgist: Sonya Daugherty Media: Mark Minor Greeter/Guest Book: Stacy Procter & Donovan McGrath Ushers: Bill Mandernach, Sara Coyle, Sally Vandenburg Coffee Hour Snacks: Available Sunday, December 9, 2012 Children’s Presentation: “Through the Eyes of a Child” Worship: Rev. Craig Hall, preaching “Christmas Mysteries: Through the Temple” Malachi 3:4-20, Luke 3:7-18 Liturgist: Joy Hogley Media: Cliff Olson Greeter/Guest Book: Marguerite Minor Ushers: Lynne Holtz, Stacy P., Tollis Zuber Christmas Luncheon-Fellowship Hall

Sunday, December 16, 2012 Worship Choral Holiday Program Liturgist: Jessica Lesko Media: Jeremy Lawrence Greeter/Guest Book: Marissa Minor Ushers: Kay Lawrence, Ken Cooper, Betsy Lindsay Coffee Hour Snacks: Available Sunday, December 23, 2012- Worship: Rev. Craig Hall, preaching “The Jesus Journal: Simply Irresistible” John 7:32-46 Liturgist: Kay Lawrence Media: Sonya Daugherty Greeter/Guest Book: Ann & Cliff Olson Ushers: Jeremy Lawrence, Jody Lawrence, Donovan McGrath Coffee Hour Snacks: Available Monday, December 24, 2012 4:00pm– Family Communion, Children’s Story 9:00pm- Carol and Candlelight Communion “Journey to Bethlehem” Sunday, December 30, 2012 Breakfast Worship –Fellowship Hall

Craig Hall Pastor [email protected]  Amber Guzman Office Administrator [email protected]  Gina Koehn Bookkeeper [email protected]  The Community of New Possibilities First Presbyterian Church, Encino 4963 Balboa Boulevard Encino, CA 91316 Phone:  818 788‐1147 Fax:  818 788‐1202 Email: [email protected] 

We’re on the web!

Mission The mission of More Light Presbyterians: Following the risen Christ, and seeking to make the Church a true community of hospitality, the mission of More Light Presbyterians is to work for the full participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people of faith in the life, ministry and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA). MLP’s logo reflects our mission and incorporates the communion elements of bread and wine, as well as rainbow colors evocative of stained glass church windows. These elements express the hospitality of Christ, and of the welcoming church movement, and the theology and practice of the open table. We are called together as many grains that form one bread. We share one cup.

Do you know about this ministry within the PCUSA?

4 F Fellowship Gathering To get a head start on the new year, the 4F group will enjoy dinner together at Sisley's Restaurant at the corner of Ventura Blvd. and Sepulveda Blvd. A three course dinner includes beverages, tax and tip for $33.00 per person. Our reservations is for 5:30 pm Saturday, December 8th.

Call or email Liz Hargleroad to reserve your place. Phone 818 981-4092
