Page 1: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

The Indians came from Asia In the stone age

Page 2: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

The plains Indians (In the middle West)

Page 3: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

The quest for land had

started well.

Indians helped thePilgrim Fathers survive their first winter.

The Indian generosity is still celebrated on Thanksgiving Day

Page 4: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

The whites offered Indians presents

In order to buy their confidence

Page 5: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

Even though they couldn’t have survived their first winter without them,the whites considered and presented the Native Americans as bloodthirsty savages and pagans who had no cultural heritage, while in reality they had a lot of traditions …..

Page 6: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

They saw God (Wakan Tanka)In all the elements of nature

They lived close to nature



Page 7: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

The bear dance,which was said to bring luck

Page 8: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

The sweat lodge

To get rid of the toxins in the body

For purification

Page 9: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

The sun dance

To atone for their sins

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Page 11: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

Sitting Bull

Chief Joseph


Crazy Horse

Page 12: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

Little Big Horn Custer was annihilatedIndian victory

Page 13: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

The Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Sioux tribes battled against the settlers' encroachment on their territory in the 1860s and 1870s; this fighting was of a special ferocity on both sides. Among all the battles, the Battle of Little Bighorn gained mythic status: on June 25, 1876, much of the 7th Cavalry Regiment under Lt. Col. George A. Custer was wiped out by a combined force of Sioux and Cheyenne under Sioux chiefs, Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. Within a year, however, most of the Sioux and Cheyenne surrendered,

General Custer

Page 14: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

Wounded Knee

Page 15: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

Other Native Americans fought on—Chief Joseph and the Nez Percé in the late 1870s, Geronimo and the Apaches as late as the 1880s. The Indian wars ended with the massacre at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, on December 29, 1890, when Sioux warriors, women, and children were slaughtered by the US cavalry.

Page 16: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

Indians were shut up in reservations and ruled by the Bureau of Indian Affairs

Page 17: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

How were Indians shown in westerns?

Bloodthirsty savages

Faithless pagans


Page 18: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

Dustin Hoffman

Little big man

LITTLE BIG HORNIndian victory 1868




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Massacre of the Washita river

integrated an Indian tribe

A white boy who

Page 20: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

Lieutenant John Dunbar

Kicking Bird

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Smoke signals

Sherman Alexie

(Phoenix Arizona)

Page 22: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

Victor Joseph is a young Native American in his late teens who lives on a reservation. His father drank, beat him

occasionally, and left home when Victor Joseph was eight. As the film begins, word comes that the father has died.

With another boy from the reservation Victor Joseph journeys to Phoenix to retrieve his father's ashes and his truck. On the trip Victor Joseph learns about the life his father lead and comes to terms with his own identity. "Smoke Signals" is said to be the first film that was

written, directed and co-produced by Native Americans.

Page 23: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

From reservation Indians to American citizens

1924 They were granted American citizenshipThey were allowed to leave the reservations

1934 President Roosevelt promised a New DealHe tried to end land-splitting ,to re-establish tribal council, and to reaffirm t he Indian culture

1948 Voting Rights

From 1954 to 1970, they were encouraged to leavethe reservations

But it was often difficult to adapt .

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The rainbow coalition

All minorities together



The fight

Worked for a unification of all tribes


Page 25: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

Sioux reservation

Navajo reservation

Page 26: The Indians came from Asia In the stone age. The plains Indians (In the middle West)

A Pow Wow

In a Navajo reservation

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Sioux deerskin shirt

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In some reservations : unemployment,poverty, alcoholism

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Indian CasinoOn the « rez »

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Today Native Americans still fight to have a better life, better opportunities on reservations,Better professional training and health care.They keep fighting for their rights
