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The iBOSS Pitch Perfect Show for Entrepreneurs and Start-Ups

Pitch Perfect provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs and start-ups to practice their business pitches in front of industry professionals on TV.

The show allows participants an opportunity to gauge the reaction of business professionals as they tell their story. But the exposure isn’t limited to the day of the pitch, as all of the pitches are recorded and streamed on-line. After the show, the video footage is made available in multiple platforms including YouTube, Public Access Television, and direct marketing channels of participants. This means that the reach of the pitch has the potential to go much further.

The popularity of practice pitch shows and pitch competitions is on the rise with no end in sight. The current global marketplace lends itself to expansions and markets that a few years ago would have been out-of-reach. As well, the enormity of the Internet has led to an increase in businesses that are non-traditional. These businesses include virtual meeting places, social media, and online stores. With the whole world available as potential clients, now is definitely the time to try out entrepreneurship. But a good idea or a solid plan is simply not enough, it is crucial that your pitch is focused and includes the critical elements for the audience at hand. One downside of our current business marketplace is time. Everything moves so quickly and so do interested parties. They want a clean tight pitch that hits all of the high notes and clearly addresses the issues of most concern. For these reasons, shows like Pitch Perfect can offer a critical impact on the viability of your business idea.

In the article “6 Steps to the Perfect Pitch”, the author discusses his own first naïve attempt at a business pitch. His preparation for a $15 million pitch included a quick Google search. He openly admits that this lack of preparation guaranteed that the pitch would fail before they even got to the meeting. But as the author points out he learned a great deal of what not to do and what to do to put together a viable and successful pitch. The author put together a set of six hard-learned lessons for pitching including keeping the pitch brief and to the point, stick to the facts, show a range of business success predictions, focus on reasonable budgets on the cheap side, don’t pitch for the company you want in 10 years focus on the reality of the first few years, and make sure you get knowledgeable people around you as part of your venture. (Gerber)

The Pitch Perfect show is an excellent opportunity to work towards your best business pitch. The show will also include sponsor messages and teaching moments. The teaching moments are pearls of wisdom from experienced business professionals aimed at enlightening and empowering future business owners. We at iBOSS have structured this show to help potential business entrepreneurs have an opportunity to get a taste of putting together a pitch, to help

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them gain some pitch experience, and expose them to the public. To get more information or to register for the iBOSS Pitch Perfect Show, click here.
