
The Dredgings

Being the Voice of

the Barony of Lochmere SCA, Inc.

Volume 22 Issue 3 AS XLVI March 2012

This is The Dredgings, a publication of the Barony of Lochmere for the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). The Dredgings is available from the Chronicler, Sarah Toich

7388 Sweet Clover Columbia, Md 21045. There is no fee for this publication. The Dredgings is not a corporate publication of the SCA and does not delineate SCA policies.

Copyright 2012, Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting letters and artwork from this publication, please contact the Chronicler, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.

Submissions should be sent to the Chronicler and should include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if materials are to be returned. Artwork, articles, and event fliers are welcome. Submissions can be electronic or typed: email to [email protected]. Files should be in Microsoft Word format. The Chronicler reserves the right to retype articles or fliers and disregard artwork not appropriate to the style and format of The Dredgings. State all references of a work, unless an original, and include your mundane and Society name for proper credit. State in which issue (month) you would like an item to appear. In order to maintain publishing schedules, all submissions must be received by the 15th calendar day of the month for publishing in the following month's issue. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis. Reprints must present the text as originally published, in its entirety, with proper credit to the author and source. Contents copyright 2012. If you are new to the Barony of Lochmere, these websites should be of interest to you: Lochmere Homepage: Official SCA Homepage: Kingdom of Atlantia Homepage: The Acorn: Event Calendar: All rights revert to the author/artist and may not be reprinted without permission. The artwork throughout this edition of The Dredgings are from: Dover Clip Art, ,,, and photos courtesy of Rita Dey.

This issue of the Dredgings is in remembrance of Mistress Minowara Kiritsubo

Ume and Sakura in Literature and Culture  

    By Milady Gwen  (Stefanie Green Fogle) 

 For centuries, the cherry blossom in Japan has been synonymous with spring.  It has long been a custom to gather under the flowering trees and enjoy the views that nature has offered while drinking sake and eating from a picnic basket.  But how did this tradition come about and what role has this blossom played in Japanese culture? The Sakura (cherry blossom) was not originally the only flower to be admired with the coming of spring.  Before the Heian Era (794‐1185) the Ume (plum blossom) was what one referred to when admiring the opening buds.  Traditionally, the Sakura was associated with feminine beauty and the fleetingness of life while the Ume was associated with virtue.  Naturally this made them popular topics in poetry and song.  References to Sakura and Ume can be found scattered throughout Japanese poetry and literature.  In the Kokinshu (an anthology completed by Imperial order in 905) a poem by Ki no Tomonori asks    Why do the cherry blossoms   so restlessly scatter down?  In the Masukagami (a historical romance based on events between 1184 and 1333) the Emperor when traveling away from the capitol sees the Sakura and is reminded of the home he is leaving behind.  The blossoms symbolize the passage of time and reflect his grief.      How hard it will be    Once again to see the spring   And cherry blossoms,   Even if perchance I travel    Back along this very road.  In The Tale of Genji (first quarter, 11th century) by Murasaki Shikibu (thought by many to be the world’s first novel) an entire chapter is titled The Festival of Cherry Blossoms and is devoted to events surrounding a viewing party:     Towards the end of the second month*, the festival of the cherry blossoms took place in the grand hall…Adepts at Chinese poetry, princes and high courtiers and others, drew lots to fix the rhyme schemes for their poems…Other high courtiers danced…The poems were read…The festivities ended late in the night.  *Note:  The second month in our modern calendar would be April.  Sei Shonagon makes mention of Sakura and Ume multiple times in her Makura no Soshi (Pillow Book, completed in 1002), a compendium of personal thoughts and observations revolving around Heian court life.    3. Some of the other women managed to put down poems about the Spring, the blossoms, and such suitable subjects.   52. The plum blossoms in front of the palace (red on the left and white on the right) were just beginning to scatter; yet they were sill very beautiful. 

  25. Plum blossoms, whether light or dark, and in particular red plum blossoms, fill me with happiness.  I also like a slender branch of cherry blossoms with large petals and dark red leaves. One section of the Makura no Soshi in particular makes mention of an artificial cherry tree being left out in the courtyard for the ladies of the court to enjoy.  At this time decorating trees with paper blossoms was a well established custom. Hanami (blossom viewing) is said to have begun during the Nara Period (710‐794), though the Nihon Shoki (an 8th century chronicle) makes reference to festivals as early as the 3rd century CE.  It is thought that the fascination with Ume was influenced by the Chinese Tang Dynasty’s culture of enjoying flowers since at this time in Japan’s history, the Imperial Court did much to emulate Chinese court culture. After the Heian Era, Hanami almost exclusively meant Sakura.  During this time, Emperor Saga (786‐842) began to hold flower viewing parties with sake and feasts for the Imperial Court.  Poems would be written honoring the blossoms and the occasion.  This is thought to be the origin of the Hanami that we participate in today, though the common people did not begin to have blossom viewing parties until after 1600.   One particularly famous Hanami was held by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1598 at the Daigo Temple in Kyoto.  Seven hundred Sakura trees were planted for the event and the party consisted of over thirteen hundred people. This turned out to be his last, as he died five months later ending an era.  It has been viewed as the last glory of his career.   Today people around the world participate in Hanami.  Pack a picnic lunch and the beverage of your choice and sit under the delicate blossoms enjoying the spring weather.  Maybe consider writing a Haiku (5,7,5)  or Tanka (5, 7, 5, 7, 7) to commemorate the occasion.  It is an immensely enjoyable way to celebrate the coming of spring.    Sources: Anthology of Japanese Literature compiled and edited by Donald Keene The Penguin Book of Japanese Verse translated by Geoffry Bownas and Anthony Thwaite Myths and Legends of Japan by F. Hadland Davis Introduction to Japanese Culture edited by Daniel Sosnoski The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon translated and edited by Ivan Morris The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu translated and abridged by Edward G. Seidensticker  


The National Cherry Blossom Festival Washington, DC March 20- April 27th , 2012 IN SILK: World of Nuido Colle

              Mar 5, 2012 ‐ Apr 2, 2012 Japanese Embroidery Center, in cooperation with Embassy of Japan, presents SERENITY IN SILK: WORLD OF NUIDO COLLECTION to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Japanese cherry blossom trees enduring friendship between the United States and Japan.‐in‐silk/ 

Samurai:TheWarriorTransformedMar 7, 2012 - Sep 3, 2012 An exhibit offering an overview of the samurai military tradition, the values it embodied and its part in diplomatic exchange between Japan and the West. Learn about their transformation from warrior to symbol.  CherryBlossomTeaCruisesMar 17, 2012 - Apr 8, 2012 Enjoy a narrated motor yacht tour on one of our vessels to see the beautiful cherry blossoms. Take pictures from the unique perspective of the Potomac River. We offer several different tour schedules.‐blossom‐tea‐cruise 

water wheel at Tsumagp-juku

Meeting Minutes

Next business Meeting ­ March 12th          Next Officers Meeting ­  June 4th.   


Activities and Events Calendar March/April 2012 



4 5 6 MUSIC GUILD 7 8 9


Gulf Wars begins 11 12

Fighter Practice and A&S Night 13

MUSIC GUILD 14 15 16

Gulf Wars ends 17

18 19

Fighter Practice 20

MUSIC GUILD 21 22 23


25 26

Fighter Practice and Combined A&S Night 27 28 29 30


April 1 2

Howard County Schools Closed for Spring Break 3



8 9

Fighter Practice 10

MUSIC GUILD 11 12 13

Coronation of Bryan and Brianna (Atlantia) Coronation of Andreas and Kallista (AEthelmearc) 14


St. Paddy's Day Bloodbath March24,2012Warriors of Atlantia, arise! Throw off your cloaks and seize your swords, for the horns and drums are sounding. As winter's chill fades, our foes gear for war, and we shall be ready to answer them. The Barony of Ponte Alto is proud to present a day that will be sure to satisfy even the most bloodthirsty fighter. This is event is a fighter's dream, featuring our usual bearpit tourney and as many pickups as you can stomach. Heavy, rapier, and youth combatants are all welcome and encouraged to attend. SCHEDULE TBD SITE FEE: Adult, Member: $6 Day-Trip Adult, Non-Member: $11 Day-Trip Youth (5 - 17): $4 Day-Trip Child (0 - 4): Free SITE: Nottaway Park, 9601 Courthouse Road, Vienna, VA 22181. Site is dry. Pets are permitted on leashes. Site is open from 9AM until dusk. DIRECTIONS: Take your best route to I-66, West of 495 to the Nutley Street exit (Vienna Metro Station). Follow signs to Vienna. Go through three lights and turn left onto Courthouse Road. The park entrance will be about a half mile up on your left. Go into the park past the house on the hill. Fighting field is in the back of the park. AUTOCRAT: Lady Giovanna Rossellini da Firenze (Rachael Storey). Phone: (240) 743-7355, E-mail: rmstorey AT RESERVATIONS: Lady Caitlin Irruis inghean ui Riada (Christine Menton). 9824 Fairfax Square, Apt 376, Fairfax, VA 22031. Phone: (703) 385-3736, E-mail: ladypartypanther AT Checks should be made payable to "Barony of Ponte Alto, SCA Inc." Please note: This is traditionally a *cold* event, so please dress appropriately. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Night Under The Town

March 30-April 01, 2012 Barony Of Lochmere

The Year Is 1558 And England Has A New Queen! Alas, There Is Little Time For Rejoicing As The Kingdom’s Coffers Are Bare. The Town Of Smeewick Is Not Immune To The Kingdom’s Economic Woes. Many Of The Townspeople Have Spent Their Life Savings To Provide For The Everyday Needs Of Their Families. In A Desperate Attempt To Provide An Inheritance For Their Heirs, Many Of Them Have Pledged Their Remaining Assets To A Tontine (A Legally Binding Agreement In Which The Signers Agree That The Last Person Standing Gets All The Pledged Assets). But In Order To Have A Chance At Collecting The Tontine, One Must First Have Something To Pledge. The Soldiers, Less Fortunate Than Most, Have Decided To Conduct A Raid On Nearby Villages To Increase Their Wealth So That They Too Have Something To Contribute. Website: Http://Lochmere.Atlantia.Sca.Org/Events/Nott2012/ Martial Activities: The First Part Of The Day Will Be Army Training Exercises In Preparation For The Coming Battle And To Separate All Fencers Into Two Units. After Training, Everyone Who Wishes To Participate In The Tontine Will Need To Bring A Token For The Chest In Which The Treasure Will Be Kept. (The Real Treasure Will Be The Chest, Hand-Crafted By Master Reynard

De La Rochefoucald.) All Participants Will Then Sign The Tontine. There Will Be A Combat Archery Battle In The Woods, A Woods/Capture Flag Resurrection Battle, And A Town Battle. Not Everyone Is Willing To Wait Several Years To Collect The Treasure! Far Better To Eliminate Some Of The Competition Early. Dueling Is Illegal In The Town (So Don’t Get Caught….) And Anyone Caught Dueling Will Be Put In Jail And Will Have To Figure Out How To Get Out. The Last Fencer Standing Alive And Free At The End Collects The Treasure. For More Information Concerning Martial Activities, Please Contact Lady Symone De La Rochelle (Rochelle Newman) At 301-254-7510 Or Rnwmn1[AT]Gmail.Com. Arts And Sciences Activities: Competitions: Elizabethan Accessories (Any Medium); Elizabethan Embroidery; And Best Novice Entry Of Any Medium. As Always, Documentation Is Encouraged, But Not Required. An Area Will Also Be Provided For Open Displays. Classes Will Be Conducted Throughout The Day On Various Topics Consistent With The Event Theme. There Will Be A Dance Class In Preparation For Post-Feast Dancing. Performing Artists Are Encouraged To Perform Throughout The Day And During Feast! For More Information, Please Contact The Deputy Autocrat (Info Below). Games And Activities: Non-Combatants Will Have The Opportunity To Participate In Their Own Tontine. The Last Non-Combatant Standing Will Be Determined Via An Assassin’s Game. There Will Be A Silent Auction Featuring Items Crafted By Lochmere’s Most Talented Artisans. Cost: Adult, Member: $14.00 Day-Trip $9.00 Feast $5.00 Cabin $0.00 Tent Adult, Non-Member: $19.00 Day-Trip $9.00 Feast $5.00 Cabin $0.00 Tent Youth (5-17): $7.00 Day-Trip $9.00 Feast $3.00 Cabin $0.00 Tent Child (0-4): $0.00 Day-Trip $0.00 Feast $0.00 Cabin $0.00 Tent Make Checks Payable To: SCA-MD, Inc., Barony Of Lochmere Cost Notes: A $1 Discount Will Be Given To All Paid Adult Day Trip Reservations Post-Marked At Least A Week Before The Event. There Is A Family Cap Of $42 For Adults With Children For The Day Trip Fee. A Simple But Hearty Lunch Will Be Available, Separate From The Day Trip Cost At $5 Per Person. For More Information, Please Contact Baron Vlad “Cubed” (Walter Assur) At Vlad3lochmere[AT]Comcast.Net. Site: Elks Camp Barrett, 1001 Chesterfield Rd., Annapolis, MD 21401. The Site Will Open At 6 P.M. On Friday March 30th And Will Close At 10 A.M. On Sunday, April 1st. Site Restrictions: The Site Is Wet; The Buildings Are Smoke-Free; And Only Working Service Animals Are Allowed. Cabins Are Bunk Style And Shower Facilities Are Available. Please Bring Your Own Linens As They Will Not Be Provided. Feast Information: Our Head Cook, Mistress Siobhan O’Riordain (Debbie Jaggard), Will Be Preparing A Delightful Elizabethan Feast. Dietary Concerns Should Be Directed To Mistress Siobhan At (301) 604-5477 Or Debsiobhan[AT]Verizon.Net. Merchanting Information: Merchants Are Encouraged To Attend. Please Contact The Deputy Autocrat (Info Below) To Pre-Reserve Space. Alongside The Merchants Will Be Our Annual SCA Yard-Sale, (Lochmart.) This Is A Wonderful Opportunity Sell Or Acquire Gently Used Scadian Items. Please Contact The Autocrat For Details.

Autocrat's Information: Mistress Arianna Morgan (Chris Stuermer) Can Be Reached At Seneschal[AT]Lochmere.Atlantia.Sca.Org Or (410) 286-8108 (No Calls After 9:00 P.M. Please.) Deputy Autocrat (For A&S Activities And Merchant Info): Gwen Of Lochmere (Stefanie Fogel) Can Be Reached At (317) 345-2709 Or Via E-Mail At Kanamidori[AT]Gmail.Com. Reservations: Please Send Reservations To Lady Saige Ferch Cedwyn (Rachel Dant) At 15710 Dorset Road, #303, Laurel, MD 20707. Please Make Checks Payable To: SCA-MD, Inc., Barony Of Lochmere. Please Include The Modern Names, SCA Names, And Membership Numbers Of All Applicable Guests When Submitting Your Reservations. Also Indicate The Need For Cabin Or Tent Camping Space. Please Be Specific! Questions Concerning Reservations Should Be Directed To Lady Saige At (240) 672-2761 Or At Memoriesmaze[AT]Aol.Com. Directions: From The West (In MD): Take The Best Route To MD-32 East To I-97 South. From I-97 Take Exit 5, MD-178/Crownsville. At The Light, MD-178 Goes Straight And Also Goes To The Left. Continue Straight On MD-178 South For Approx 1.8 Miles. At The Light, Turn Right Onto Crownsville Rd. Continue For Approx 1 Mile And Turn Right Onto Hawkins Rd (There Is A Sign For Elks Camp Barrett). Continue For Approx 1.8 Miles. At The Bottom Of The Hill, Go Thru The Stop Sign To Enter The Camp. From The North: Take Best Route To I-97 South To Exit 5 And Follow Directions Above For Those Coming From The West. From The South: From The Capital Beltway (I-495), Take Exit 19A US-50 East To Exit 23 MD-450/Parole. Take MD-450 West And Turn Left At The Light In Front Of Annapolis Mall (This Is Still MD-450). Continue Approx 2 Miles. Turn Right At The Light Onto Crownsville Rd. After .5 Miles There Will Be A Blue Sign For Elks Camp Barrett. Take A Left Onto Chesterfield Rd And Go Approx 1.4 Miles. The Site Is On Your Left ______________________________________________________________________________

Defending The Gate XI - APRIL 7, 2012 Spring has come to the Canton of Sudentorre. In fine German tradition, Der Osterhase (the Easter Hare) and his friends are on their way to leave symbols of the season throughout our fair land. What better way to celebrate their arrival than to knock the dust off our weapons, our armor, and each other! Come participate in a day of festivities to welcome spring and hone your skills against those who would stand against you. We invite you to come once again and be part of Defending The Gate! Arts & Sciences: Ever wonder where the Easter Bunny came from? The answer is 17th century Germany. According to tradition, the bunny decorates eggs and hides them around the garden for good children. Your A&S entry can be anything having to do with hares, eggs, or gardens. Your documentation should explain how your entry meets the theme. A&S check-in 11:00am. Judging at 1:00pm. Pickup at 3:00pm. Contact Lady Amie Sparrow with any questions. Bardic: A bardic competition will be held by Lady Simona dell'Amore. Martial Activities: Archers can look forward to an exciting shoot designed and executed by our Kingdom Archery Champion, Lord Valgard av Mors. Rapier fighters will have the opportunity to participate in scenarios created by Lord Dante di Pietro. Heavy fighters will once again have the chance to defend the gate in melee scenarios. Merchants & Pavilions: Merchants welcome! Please contact the Autocrat. Lunch: Lunch is included in your site fee. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged to ensure lunch for everyone. Bring your own feast gear. Feast: An evening feast will be held, but is limited to 60 seats. Please pre-register as noted below to ensure a seat will be available for you. Feast spots are charged at full price regardless of age or any other reason. Both lunch and feast


will be prepared by the gifted and talented Bright Hills Cooks Guild. Contact Countess Rowan Berran McDowell with any dietary concerns. Feast auction: Servers from the Renaissance Club of Mary Washington University will be autioned off in a traditional style. If no service is purchased for your table, service will be at your own risk. This is the main fundraiser for this student group.

Cost:   Member Non‐Member Child (7‐17)   Site Fee $8 $13 $5   Feast $10 $10 $10 Site:  Izaak Walton League, 12400 Herndon Road, Spotsylvania, VA 22553 The site is dry. Pets are not permitted. Site hours: 10am – 10pm Reservations: Lady Miriel de Nedham (Nichelle Harrison) PO Box 6625, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Make checks payable to "SCA, Inc., Canton of Sudentorre." The deadline for pre-registration is March 24, 2012. The only reservation is a paid reservation! Autocrat: Herrin Genefe Wölfelin (Mary Pruitt) 108 Cool Springs Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 Phone: 540-368-8017 Directions: From I-95 take exit 130B West towards Culpeper, Route 3. Go 9.5 miles on Route 3, turn left onto Route 621 (Orange Plank Road), go 0.2 miles, turn left onto Herndon Road, go 0.9 miles to site.

PostTown-Magome Juku-Vista


Poetry Corner

First day of spring-- I keep thinking about the end of autumn.

Spring rain leaking through the roof

dripping from the wasps' nest. Fallen sick on a journey, In dreams I run wildly Over a withered moor.

An old silent pond... A frog jumps into the pond,

splash! Silence again. The first soft snow!

Enough to bend the leaves Of the jonquil low. In the cicada's cry

No sign can foretell How soon it must die.

No one travels Along this way but I, this autumn evening.

In all the rains of May there is one thing not hidden -

the bridge at Seta Bay. The years first day

thoughts and loneliness; the autumn dusk is here.

Clouds appear and bring to men a chance to rest

from looking at the moon. Harvest moon:

around the pond I wander and the night is gone.

Poverty's child - he starts to grind the rice, and gazes at the moon.

No blossoms and no moon, and he is drinking sake

all alone! Won't you come and see loneliness?

Just one leaf from the kiri tree.

Temple bells die out. The fragrant blossoms remain.

A perfect evening!  




Iwa ni shimiiru

Semi no koe

This pervasive silence

Enhanced yet by cicadas simmering

Into the Temple Rocks dissipating

Matsuo Bashō

“Matsuo Bashō was born Matsuo Kinsaku and then was known as Matsuo Chūemon Munafusa. He was the most famous poet during the Edo period in Japan. He was recognized for his work in haikai no renga, but today is known as the master of the haiku. In Japan, many of his poems are now seen on monuments and other traditional sites.”   

History and Explanation of Traditional Haiku  “Haiku is a major type of Japanese poetry. Haiku was previously called 'hokku', but given its current name by Masaoka Shiki at the end of the 19th century. The name was suggested as an abbreviation of the phrase "haikai no ku" meaning a verse of haikai. Traditionally haikai is written as one line vertical line, although handwritten form may be in any number of lines. In English, haiku is generally written in three lines to equate to the three parts of a haiku in Japanese that consists of five, seven and then five on (the Japanese count sounds, not syllables). For example, the word 'haiku' contains three "onji" (ha‐i‐ku), but two syllables in English. So producing a poem with seventeen syllables in English is considerably longer than the traditional haiku. Thus, the closest equivalent to "onji" is the phonetic mora. In Japanese haiku, a kireji (cutting word) is used at the end of one of the three lines. In Japanese there are actual kireji words which act as punctuation, e.g. 'ya' in Bashō's "furuike ya" poem. Since there is no English equivalent to the kireji, other forms of punctuation are used, e.g. comma, colon, ellipses, etc. These "punctuations" are generally used at the end of the first or second line and very rarely found in the middle of the second 


line. The purpose is to create a relationship between the two parts. A  traditional haiku contains a kigo (season word) that symbolises the season in which the poem is set. “    x 


Scenes from Japan

Through the kindness of Doña Rita de Tacoronte here are some photos from

her recent trip to Japan.

Temple bell


Buddhist temple around Shibu Onsens; on either side of

the door are the "3 monkeys" (see/hear/speak no evil)

Historic Shop

Paper making


Sengen Jinga temple at the foothill of Mt. Fuji Sengen Jinga temple at the foothill of Mt. Fuji

corner construction of one of the temples at Sengen Jinga temple


SasakiHouse-Roof And Walls Open Air Folk House Museum

Kitamura House Open Air Folk House Museum

farmhouse/headman's house with a hipped roof of thatch originally from

Horiyamashita, Hadno City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Built in 1687, with a bamboo floor

Cooking stove at Open Air Museum


Armor in Matsumoto castle

Matsumoto castle


The Officers of the Barony of Lochmere

Baron Baron Galmr Ingolfsson, 6001 Parkway Drive Laurel, MD 20707 240-568-9070 Wayne At Wayneprecht.Org


Baroness Eydís Herjolfrsdóttir 6001 Parkway Drive Laurel, MD 20707 240-568-9070 (NLT 9 P.M.) Baroness At Lochmere.Atlantia.Sca.Org

Seneschal Mistress Arianna Morgan Chris Stuermer 405 Arundel Rd. Tracys Landing, Md 20779 410-286-8108 (Nlt 9pm) Seneschal At Lochmere.Atlantia.Sca.Org

Chronicler Duchess Simone De Barjavel Sarah Toich Columbia, MD 410-290-3961 Barjavel At Verizon.Net

Deputy Seneschal Arglwyddes Saige Ferch Cedwyn Rachel Dant 15710 Dorset Rd #303 Laurel, Md 20707 240-672-2761 Mermoriesmaze at Aol.Com Minister Of Arts & Sciences

Lady Lisette La Rouxe Jennifer Fischer 7578 Rain Flower Way Columbia, Md 21046 Moas At Lochmere.Atlantia.Sca.Org


Exchequer Sir Aelfred Of Cres, Tony Toich 7388 Sweet Clover Columbia, Md 21045 410-290-3961 ttoich At Verizon.Net

Chatelaine Lady Cassair Warwick CECI JAEGER 301-806-2324 Chatelaine At Lochmere.Atlantia.Sca.Org

Deputy Exchequer Baron Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov - Walt Assur 1225 Johnson Dr Shady Side, Md 20764 410-867-2313 Vlad3lochmere At Comcast.Net

Deputy Chatelaine Beverly Of Lochmere Beverly Mah 2012 Flourmill Ct Crownsville, Md 21032 410-721-1205 Beverlysca At Gmail.Com


Lady Madeleine Rose De Cardeville 765 Valentine Rd Crownsville, Md 21032 410-923-1354 Herald At Lochmere.Atlantia.Sca.Org


Archer Marshal Baroness Dealla Cohen Deallac At Juno.Com

Minister Of The Lists

Knight Marshal


Lord Gabrell Fairecloughe Michael Olney 7961 Phirne Rd E Glen Burnie, Md 21061 443-538-1258 Gabrellfaircloth At Yahoo.Com

Lord Alric The Mad Alricthemad At Gmail.Com

Deputy Minister Of The Lists Lady Avice Claremond 240-463-4689 Avice.Clairemond At Gmail.Com

Rapier Marshal

Lady Symone De La Rochelle Rochelle Newman 301-254-7510

Web Minister

Señor Santiago Ruiz de Zaragoza WILLIAM ORTIZ 10962 TROTTING RIDGE WAY COLUMBIA, MD 301-356-5218 webminister At

Chatelaine – Vacant