Page 1: THE CONFERENCE ON LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY 2OO3 … · Conference on Latin American History Hemispheric Institute on the Americas

Conference on Latin American HistoryHemispheric Institute on the Americas

University of Califomia at DavisOne Shields AvenueDavis, CA 95616

Email: [email protected]


in affiliation with

The American Historical Association


The Program of CLAH Activitiesand Latin American Sessions

Chicago, Illinois

]anuary 2-5,2OOg

Palmer House Hilton

Page 2: THE CONFERENCE ON LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY 2OO3 … · Conference on Latin American History Hemispheric Institute on the Americas

Thu. 2:30-6:00 p.m., pal-". House3.iiat"5iifi! no6,rl 3-

CLAH Events and AI{A Latin America Sessions2003 meetings,Chicago, Illinois Jan. 2_5, 2O03

Thursday, January 2

Friday, January 3

] CLAH Information Table

Chair: RichardGrossman, Northeastem IllinoisUniversitvPapers:

?he Failure oJ the Platt Amendment and the Oigins of the Gootl NeishborPolicy: U.S. Intet"venrionisn in Cuba between rie Wi, witt Sp"n oii tie1933 Revohtion.

Carlos Alzugaray Treto, Instituto Superior de RelacionesInternacionales Rafl Roa Garcia

The Nariorwl.Guard and the Rise qT-ujillo: The Foundation of the GoodNeighbor Policy in the Dominican Republic.

Michael R. Hall, Armsrong Arlanric University

"Not o the Right Track": 'Ihe Failures o/the IJ.S. Wqr Against AusustoSandino ol.Nicaragua and the Origins ofihe Aood NeighbZr potiiy''--'-

Richard Crossman, Northeastem Illinois Univirsity

The transnational movemenl against U.S. inlettention in Latin America inthe !920s and the Good Neigibor policy

AnneWinkler-Morey, University of MinnesotaComment: Eric Paul Roorda, Bellarmine University

Thu. 5:00-7:00 p.m., lalme- HoGe,lrivate Dinine Ro;;3

7:00-9:00 p.m., Palmer House, F.iviie Oinine R;;?

Thu. 7:00 9:00 p.m., palmer HousqT.ivG5iningRi6m 6

Fri.7:30-9:15 a.m., palmer House, privaGDinG;Ioom 5

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-I Session 2,(ioint with AH@

I Blcia! Piryqnlions olBoyat Poticy in Late Cotonial Spanish America IFri. 9:30-11:30 a.m., Hilton, Conference Room 4M-

Chair: Douglas Cope, Brown UniversityPapers:

"Suckled by their l|omen: " Raee Children and Bourbon Social Reformsin Lima

Bianca Premo, Emory University

Is Race a 'Defect'? Olficial and Popular Debates oyer ,llhitening h LateCo lonial Span ish America -

Ann Twinam, Univetsity of Cincinnati

Race and the Limits of Loyalty in Lqte Colonial CubaDavid Sartorius, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Comment; Ben Vinson III, University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill

Session 3, (ioint with AHA#25): Solidarity: Organizing Opposition toU.S. Intervention in Latin America in the 1970s and 1980sFri. 9:30-1 l:30 a.m., Palmer House. Parlor B

Chair: Mary Kay Vaughn, University of MarylandPapers:

Clergt, Exiles and Academics: Opposition to the Brazilidk MilitatyDictato$hip in the Uflited States, 1969-74.

James Creen, Califomia State U., Long Beach

Notth Ameicans and Chile: Building and Sustaining aTransnationel Solidaity Moven ent.

Margaret Power, Illinois Institute of Technology

Mcaraguan Solidarity: A Transitory and Transitional phenomenon

Julie Charlip, Whitrnan College

Comment: Steven Volk, Oberlin College

I q"..!o!, +' Coot"rting auih@Fri. 9:30-l l:30 a.m., eatm@

Chair; Marshall Eakin, Vanderbilt UniversityPapers:

The Lieutenant Nun on the Colonial frontier: Constructing andChallenging Gender ldentity in the llar ofArauco

Eugene Berger, Vanderbilt University

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(Session 4, continued):Exceeding Proper Bounds: Encomendero Challenges n Religious andCivil Authority in Valladolid, yucatan in the Sixteenth and Sivente.nthCentury

Kimberly Henke Breuer, Vanderbilt University

Biography ofa Mexicsn "Indiadq": popular antl perccnal Rebelliort inthe Colotldn Region, I8l0-181 I

Bary Matthew Robinson, Vanderbilt University

Comment: Susan Migden Socolow, Emory University

I Americatr Historv IF il.Jct t Jo at

Chair: Mark Thurner, Univercity ofFloridapapers:

Unchartered Landrcapes of'Latin America': Latin American Studies,Coloniql Studies, and. Spain's I gh Cenhrry Empire

Javier Morillo, Macalester College

Double Consciousness in the AndesJoanne Rappaport, Ceorgetown Uniyersity

Did Latin Anelicqn Creoles Inlent the Nation-State and its Key Concept,Race?

Thomas Abercrombie, New york University

Comment: Andr6s Guerrero, FLACSO-EcuadorClaudio Lomnitz, University of Chicago

Presiding: Asunci6n Lawin. CLAH presidenf, Arizona Stale UniversitvSpeaker: Ricardo Cicerchia. University ofBuenos Aires

"A Blue Coat In The lIlatdrobe": Militaty Service as porr ofa FamilyStrd.tegl for Sociol Prcmotion Among Freedmen in Saint-Dinineue

Stewart King, Mount Angel Seminary

Title: The Arena ofMemory: Travelers, Histoian and Cultural Frontiets

Fri. 2:30-4:30 p.m., Pulmer House, LasalleEooEl

Chair: Robert Forster, Johns Hopkins University

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(Session, 6, continued):Pre-Revolutionary Militdry Cultule and Free Men ofColoron Saint-Domingue's Southern Frontier

John Garigus, Jacksonville University

Rdussir dans un monde d'hommes: stratdgies des femmes de couleur auCap-Frangais et au Port-au-Prince

Dominique Rogers, Pablo Neruda High School

Comment: Robert Forster, Johns Hopkins University

Session 8, (ioint with AHA#50): Repression, Remembering, andResponsibility: Historical Interrogations of Stat! Security Agents iu

Letin AmericaFri. 2:30-4:30 p.m., Palmer House, Parlor H

Chair: John D. French, Duke UniyercityPapers:

Military Poetics and Ndtiondl Memoty in Chilean State FonnationLessie Jo Fraziel University of South Carolina

I Session 7, (iointwith AHA*149): The Construction of Xew Siates tanO II Nations?) in Ninet!enth-Century Latin America I

Chair: Frank Safford, Northwestem UniversityPapers;

From Slate to Nation ih Nineteenth-Century BrczilRichard Graham, University of Texas at Austin

The Formation ofa 'Model Republic': ReJlections ok State-buildtug and Nation-building in Chile, 1820s-1870s

Simon Collier, Vanderbilt Univenity

Mental States and tlre State ofLaw: State- and inNineteen th - C en tury A r g e n t i na

Mark D. Szuchman, Florida Intemational Univercity

Governing Locally: Village and Nation in Early Nineteenth-CenturyMexico

Karen Caplan, Rutgers University, Newark

Comment; Jeremy Adelman, Princeton University


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(Session 8, continued):The Politics of Aphorism: The Social euestion as a police Mattel (IlmCaso de Policia)

John D. French, Duke University

Contingency and lhe Event: A Historicel Approach o rhe Role ofsecuritvForces in the 1980 Spanish Embassy Assault in Guatemalq

M),ma Ivonne Wallace Fuentes, Duke University

Comment: Aldo Lauria-Santiago, College of the Holy Cross

Fri. 2:3G-4:30 p.m,, eotffi

Chair: Charles Walker, University of Califomia, DavisPapers:

Fxttn Kuraka to Cura: The Colonial Educational project for Andean


Alcira Duefras Maftfnez, Universidad de Narifro

Festering Mqtterc: Burial Prcctices, Scientifrc Discltssions of Epidemics,and the Policing of Lima's Smells, IZ70-t A20

Adam Warren, University of Califomia, San Diego

State Reform, Religious Practice, and Local ldentity in Colonial MexicoCity

Matthew O'Ham, Univercity of Califomia, San Diego

Shalqt Secularization: State antl Church in the Aftet math ofthe 1746Earthquake in Lima, Peru

Charles Walker., University of Califomia, Dayis

Comment: Richard A. Warren, St. Joseph's University

Chair: Jocelyn Olcott, Duke UniversityPapers:

Gender Studies in Ea y Spanbh AmericaPeter Sigal, Califomia State University, Los Angeles

Social History awl Gender Studies in Brazil: Some Recent DeveloDmentsCristiana Schettini Pereira. Universidade Esradual de Campinas

En/Gendeing the U.S,-Mexico BorderlandsAlexandra Minna Stem, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Fri. 2:30 4:30 p.m., Palmer House, privaE Dinins Room 6

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Comment: Robert Buffington, Bowling Green State Universit

Fri. 5:00 -7:00 p.m., Palm!r House, Private Dining Room 7

(Session I 0, continued):Add. Geuder qnd Stir: Reassessing Gains qnd Limits in Latin AmericanGender History fu the Motlern Period

Elizabeth Quay Hutchison, University ofNew Mexico

CLAH Mexican Studies Commita!e. Roundtable on RecentDissertation Res!arch ln MexicanFri. 5:00 -7:00 p.m., Palmer House, Private Dining Room 4

Chair: Peter Guardino, Indiana Unive$ityParticipants:

Sarah Buck, Allegheny CollegeNicole von Germeten, University of Califomia, BerkeleyChristina Bueno, University of Califomia, DavisStephanie Smith, lndiana State UniversityJulie O'Hara, Xavier UniversityKristin Harper, University of Massachusetts, AmherstKaren Caplan, Rutgers Unive$ity, NewarkAndrew Fisher, University of Califomia, San DiegoWilliam Connell, Tulane University

CLAH Caribbean Studies Commlttee. Recent HistoriographicalTrends on the Caribbean

Fri. 5:00 -7:00 p.m., Palmer House, Private Dining Room 5

Chair: Dennis R. Hidalgo, Adelphi UniversityPaners:

Beyond "siglos en blanco": Puerto Rico in the Eighteenth CenturyJorge Chinea, Wayne State University

Touting the Popular: A Historiographical Snapshot ofCuban Cultural ant!Labor lIislory j'om 1992 to the Present

Kirk Kirwin, Pennsylvania State University

Militant lleroines and the Consecration ofthe Patiarchal State: TheGlorifcation of Loyalty, Combat. and Naiional Suicitle in the MakinB ofCuban N ational ldent i ty

L)an Stoner, Arizona State Unive$ity


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(Cdribbean Studies Committee, continued) :The Various Instances Dominicans Achievetl Independence: Historiansand the Dominican Republic in the Nineteenth Century

Dennis R. Hidalgo, Adelphi University

Comment: Michele Wucker, New School University

I Central Americatr Historv: Continuity ys. Reyisionlsm _J

Chair: Ralph Lee Woodward, Texas Christian UniversityPapers:

Tomas Guard.ia: The Heart ofa CaudilloMark William Thomason, Texas Christian University

The Contites de Defensa Sandinista: A Help or Hindrauce to theRevolution?

Dee R. Mitchell, Tulane UniversityIfisurgent Youth: Mqsculinity, youth Culture qn.l the politics of Memory inLeon Nicaragua, I 959- I 990

Francisco J. Barbosa, Indiana University

Il/ho Dug the Big Dilch?: Labor antl Ganeyism in panaua, the Slrike of1920

Co-Chairs: Mary Ann Mahony, Columbia CollegeHal Langfur, University of North Carolina at Wilmineton


Aldear, resocializar, converter e capqcitar: Os aldeanentos ce traiscapuchinhos no vale do Rio Doce (Minas Gerais) na segunda mende dosiculo XIX

Maria Hilda Baqueiro Paraiso, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Ri/les, Hoes, qnd Cattle Bells: Re-examining Society qnd yiolence in thecearense Sert60, I 840-1 890

Martha Sofia Santos, University ofArizona

A inJlu2ncia ibiica no pensamento brasileiro: o caso de Luis da CdmaraCasatdo

Durual Muniz de Albuquerque JriLnior, Universidade Federal deCampina Grande

Paulo Freire and the Politics ofthe Brazilian Northeast, t96I-1964Andrew Kirkendall, Texas A&M University

Carla Bumett, University oflllinois at Chica

Fri. 7:00-9:00 p.m., Palmer House, parlorc

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Chair: David Saftorius, University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill

Fri. 7:00 9:00 p.m., Palmer House, private Dining Room

Chair: David Weiland, University of Utah

I cLAH lnt.rourionut s"toffi

I CLAH_Gran-Colomblan Sardies Commiflee. Rac! and Citirur"nip in I

I the Itrdepend!nce ofGran Colombia I

Chair: Nancy P. Appelbaum, State University ofNew york atBinghamton


Pardos and the Question ofCitizenship tluring Venezuela,s IndependenceCarl T. Almer, University of Califomia, Irvine

New GrauaclaK Independence and the Specter of pardocracia: Cart(lgefiain the 1820s

Aline Helg University ofTexas, Austin

Indians and Independ.ehce in the Historia patria of Gran ColombiaRebecca Earle, University of Warwick

Comment: Camilla Townsend. Colgate UniversiryChristopher Schmidt-Nowara, Fordham University

I Session l1: Modertrity and State Eff!cts: Case Studies from Latin llAmerica

Sat. 7:30-9: I 5 a.m., lalmer Hou@

Chair: Lisa Wedeen, University ofChicagoPapers;

Fightingfor Model ity: Race, llork, and the Making of LlnassimilableCitizens

Deborah Cohen, Mount Holyoke College

Spectacles of Sbtu, Cutrency and llitchcraft: The l9S4 Robbery ofrheRoyal Bank ofCanada in Santo Domingo

Lauren Derby, University of Chicago


S-aturday, January 4

Sat. 7:30-10:30 a.m., Palmer House, Private Dining Room 3

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(Session I 1, continued)Revolutionqry Geographies and Gender Transformation in Sandinista qndPost- Sandinista Nicaragua

Rosario Montoya, University of Colorado at Boulder

Comment: Michel-Rolph Trouillot, University of ChicagoLessie Jo Frazier, University of South Carolina

Session 12, (ioint with AHA#86): Citizenship, Law, tnd Nafion:Inclusion and Exclusion during Brazilts Estado NovoSat. 9:30-11:30 a.m., Hilton, Conference Room 4M

Chair: BrodwlmFischer,NorthwesternUniversity

Papers:Yargas and the Legal Conquest ofAmazoria

Seth Gadeld, University of Texas at Austin

Popular Music and Popular Citizenship in Bruzil,s Vargas period

Bryan McCann, Georgetown University

4ights by Law, or Laws by Right? Legal and popular Visions ofEntitlenent in Brazil's Estado Novo

Brodwyn Fischer, Northwestem Uniyersity

. Comment: Dain Borges, University of Chicago

Sessior 13, (ioint with AHA#87): Death, Dismemberment. ardPolitical Memory in Latin America

Sat. 9:30-11:30 a.m., Palmer House. Parlor A

Chair: Donna Guy, Ohio State Univercitypapers:

Mexican Ma yr, The Tornent, Death and Reinvention of Cuauht4mocLynan Johnson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

The Atm and Body of the Mexican Revolution: The post-Mortem Careerof Alvaro Obregdn

Jurgen Buchenau, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Resurectw Rosas : Repatriation and Revision of a Nineteenth CentaryCaudillo in Ldte-Twentieth Centurl Argentina

Jef{iey Shumway, Brigham Young University

Comment: Donna Guy, Ohio State University

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I Scssion.l4: Hono., Cor.opi@

I the Latin American Pubtic I

Chair: Everard Meade, University ofChicagoPapers:

"Notional Health is National Wealth',: Doctors, Disease, Leprosy, and theBody Politic in Colombia

Hayley Susan Froysland, University of Virginia

National Patricians Against'lmperial' Technocrats: Scientilic Aurhoritv.Comption and Cohtrol of public Heahh in Costa Rica, Igi5_lgJT

Steven Palmer, University of Windsor

Honor and Mental Disease: The Medicalizotiotl ofsexuality and theConcept ofHonot in Buenos Abes, 1900-1930

Mariano Ben Plotkin, New york University

'"'I-Maftied a Sex Strqngler": The Crime pages and Capital punishment inMexico City, 1942

Everard Meade, University of Chicago

Comment: Claudio Lomnitz, University of Chicago

Chair: Greg Grandin, N!w York UniversityPanicipants:

Piero Gleijeses, Johns Hopkins SAISTim Borstelmann, Comell UniversityAline Ilelg, University ofTexas at AustinPeter Kornbluh, The National Security ArchivesNick Cullather, Indiana UniversityRebecca Hardin, Haward Academy

I The Aneficos Board of Editors luncheon

Presiding: Judith Ewell, College of William & Mary, Editor

- 10-

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Sat. 2,30-+:10 p.m., FatmerTiuG, LiSa e Rooi

Chair: Elizabeth Kuznesof, UniversityofKansas

Couiroom Tales of Violefice, Sex and Honor: I(apto and Rape in LareNi eteenth-Century puerta Rico

Eileen Findlay, American University

Runaway Daughters: young Women's Roles in Rapto Cases inNi eteenlh-Ce tury Mexico

Kathy SIoan, University ofKansas

The Scrtpts,of Violence: Symbolism and Language in Everyday Conflicts:Mexico, 1750-1856

Sonya Lipsett-Rivera, Carleton Univemity

Uma boa moga: Changing Defrnitions of Female Honor in Brmil: 17 30_1930

Elizabeth Kuznesof, University of Kansas

Comment: Christine Htinefeldt, University of Califomia, San Diego

Chair: Colin Palmer, princeton Universitypape$:

Slaues, Rebels, Apprentices: The Captivity Continuum in Early Colonialautto

Kris Lane, College of William & Mary

Sabjects of the King: Andeans, Criollos and the Notion of Mercy ih LajeSeventeenth ant! Eat-ly Eighteehth_Ce tury guito

Sherwin Bryant, Ohio State Uniyersity

P-e{ormiyg Difference: Castd Categories llithin Coloaization ancl SlavetlDuring the Long l7h Cenrury on thl Notthern pentrian Coirr

- - -" "'''

Rachel O'Toole, Villanova University

Comment: Camilla Townsend, Colgate University

Page 13: THE CONFERENCE ON LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY 2OO3 … · Conference on Latin American History Hemispheric Institute on the Americas

I Sessiotr 18: Lutin e-".i"uo@

Chair': John D. French, Duke UniversrryPapers:

Y:r::t: ,tu ,"::t:^tioa

^of the Ofrt.ial patry and the Sense of popular

L,ntpowet menL I 928- I 9 38Michael Monte6n, Univ, of Califomia, San Diego

Resistance ldeologt dnd the Rise of Haitian Labor, lg30_ I g4gMatthew Smith, University of Florida

Tlte Organization ofRural Life: ,lhe Long_Tern Influence ofVargas_Era


Cliff Welch, Grand Valley State University

Comment: John D. French, Duke University


; ::::'oi.l e:

Jh_e_ ivl""nins.,@

I l,ormatior in Mexico. 188(F1924 |

' " . .

Chair: Katherine Bliss, University of Massachusetts, AmherstPapers:

Wo Killed Randn Go zdlez: Murder qwl postrevolutionary politics inMichoacdn

Christopher Boyer, University of Illinois at Chicago

l/iolence Against l4/omen and the Transfotmqtion of Intimacy in Tum_of_the-Century Meseico Ciry

Robert Buffington, Bowling Green State University

The Girl who Killetl q Deputy: Worhen, Juries, and polities inY osl r evo I t tt i o na ty M ex ic o

Pablo Piccato, Columbia University

Munler Averted.: The Rebirth of Relational Feminism in Early TwentiethCentury Mexico

Susie Porter, University of Utah

Comment: Florencia Mallon, University of Wisconsin, Madison


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sat. 5:0o-7:00 p.m., narmLiEorifffiGEii gEoo,n?

Co-Chairs: K?rhD,n^Bums. University of North Carolina at Chapel HillJarah uhambers. University of Minneso{a


Karen Graubart, Comell UniversityRachel O'Toole, Villanova UniveisityLeo Garofalo, Connecticut College


Chair: Lessie Jo Frazier, Universrty of South CarolinaPaftctpants:

Daniel James, Indiana UniversityFlorencja_Mallon, University of Wisconsin. Madisonueborah Levenson_Estrada, Boslon College

Chair; Mark Wasserman. Rutgers UniversllyrarltctDants:

Peter Bakewell, Southem Methodist UniversityWilliam Beezley, Unive$ity of ArizonaLyman_Johnson. Universi ry of North Carolina, CharlottcJutte Charltp, Whitman ColleseJohn Chasteen, University of-North Carolina, Chapel Hil lLawrence Clafor, University of AlabamaBenjamin Keen, Norlhem Illinois UniversityKeith Ha1,nes, The College ofSaint RoseCheryl Martin, University ofTexas. El pasoThomas Skidmore, Brown UniversitvSusan Socolow, Emory UniversityPeter Winn, Tufts University

Sat. 5:0G-7:00 p.m., nairner House, nrivate Oinine noorn e

Page 15: THE CONFERENCE ON LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY 2OO3 … · Conference on Latin American History Hemispheric Institute on the Americas

I cLA.H Bordertandr/F onti".ffi

4*#TS93+*!EII9.. rd Paraaisms and New Ad.o;h;""'-' ISat. 5:00-7:00 p.m., puj*". Houffi

Chair: Susan M. Deeds, Northem Arizona UniversityPapers:

Intetpersonal Conllict among the Ouaranilrorn the Jesuir Missions inraraguay in the Late Eighteenth Century

Barbara Ganson, Florida Atlaniic Unive$ity

T-",.r:ol":: of

l*ryday Life on the Frontier: lnterethnic Conllict on the

DOUVtAn Lhaco !ronliefErick Langer, Georgetown Universjty

" Without Regularity or Concert,': Doing Violeace on Mexico,s Northern

Lance Blyth, Northem Arizona Univ!$ity

Paradox and Politics itt Borderland ViolenceJames F. Brooks, School of American Research

Comment: Kristine Jones, University oflllinois, Chicago


Sunday, January 5


Chair: Roderick Barman, University ofBritish Columbiapapers:

Policing the Notion: Slavery and State Formation in lhe Brazilian EmpireAlexandra Brown, Florida Atlantic University

Nation Building in Brazil: The praieira RevoltJeffrey Mosher, Texas Tech University

The 1871 Debate Over Abolition: A Str.uggle Over RepreseriativeGovernmenl

Jeffrey Needell, University of Florida

Comment: Bert Barickman, University of Arizona

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Sun. 8:3G-10:30 a.m.,Elton, Boudard Rooma

Chair: Charles Walker, University of Califomia, DavisPapers;

Reductians and Restorations: The euestion of Indian Civic Space inSirteenth-Century Peru

Jeremy Mumford, yale University

Fouhdational Fictions: Town Credtion in Colonial peruS. Elizabeth penry, Fordham University

V-anishihg Frontiers? Mexico Ciry,s rep blicas tle indios under BourbonRule

Luis Granados, Georgetown Univeruity

Comment: Charles Walker, University of Califomia, Davis

Chair: Peter Guardino, Indiana UniversityPapers:

!te_ Refyblic in Prnt: The Role ofthe press in Chile,s post-independence

Political CultureJames A. Wood, North Carolina A & T State University

The Mapuche in the Eyes ofa Nineteenth_Century Libet-al Histotian:Benjamin Vicufia Mackenna's La G\elra a M\erle

Pilar M. Hen, University ofpittsburgh at Greensburg

Schoolboys' Memories and political Crisis: The Ig50 Dissolution of rheChilean Academy oflaws

Andy Daitsman-Villalobos, College ofthe Holy Cross

Comment: Peter Guardino, Indiana University


Sun. 8:30-10:30 a.m.,".JrivGD;ins Ro.m 3

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I Plenary Session: trovincializing Europe

Chair: Natalie Zemon Davis, University of Toronto and princetonUniversity

Papers:The Peil of Unintended Otientalism

Gabriel Piterberg, University of Califomia at Los AngelesProvincializing Europe from the Perspective of a Latin Ameianist

Ann Famsworth-Alvear, University of pennsylvania

Global Foundations of l{estem ModernityBonnie Smith, Rutgers University

Comment: Dipesh Chakabarty, University of Chicago

IAHA#20: Border Crossitrgs: ReceIrtWorkin Latin American Studics II Funded hy the Natiorat Endowment for the Humanities I

(Joint session with the National Endowment for the Humanities)

Chair: Kenneth Andrien, Ohio State Unive$ilyPapers:

Arguments, Ambitions, and. Antieties in Lqte Coloniql Mexico City:Rethinking the Royal Academy of Sun Carlos

Susan Deans-Smith, University ofTexas at AustinMeditatioks on .t Col|ee Pot: I/isudl Cult t-e and Histoical Thinkins iSpanish America. I 5 20 I 820

Dana Leibsohn, Smith CollegeDiaspora Comnrunities dnd the Reorientqtion of Latin Amelican Studies

Rebecca Hom, University of UtahComment: Kenneth Andrien, Ohio State University

I AliA#82: Protestantism and CoDsumption as Secularizing InfluetrcesI in Twentietb-Century Mexico anq cermany l

Chair: C. John Sommerville, University ofFloridaPapers:

Religious Substitution: Protestantism as a ,,Secular,' Alternative to

Catholicism in Mexico, 1920-50Todd Hartch, Teikyo Post University

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(AllA #82, continued):The Erosion ofthe Catholic Milieu in post 1945 Germany: The Role ofConsumption

Mark Edward Ruff, Concordia UniversitvComment: Lisa Clark Diller, Southem Adventist University

Chair: George Reid Andrews, University ofpittsburqhpaoers:

Race and Republiianism in Cqribbean Cotombia, I8 t 0-30. Marixa Lasso, Califomia State University at Los Angeles

Liherals and Conservarives. Afro-Colombianr, ora niiiri, F"outor rraElite Strqtegies of Race during Colomb-ia', wi,,"t""r,i C)rtr,rTiritii^,,

^ ^. .James Sanders, Brooklyn CollegeconJlrcIrhg Images of Race and Natiofi in Brazil during and aftcr theParaguayan llar

^ Pet:r M Beanie. Michigan Statc Unjversiry

Lomment: Ceorge Reid Andrcws. University ofpiitsbureh

| ::,lT,q":g+re++q+-jTsican prorestanrism -l

Saturday, January4, Z::O-+,fO pffi

Chair: R. Bruce Mullin, General Theological SeminarvPaperc:

Albefio Rembao: Latin American plotestant pioneetfor a Holistic GospelRuben Rivera, Bethel College, Minnesota

The the Contpany Town: lnited Fruit Contpany anr! the euakerMission in Easterk Cuba

_ _ F.lizabeth Cazden, Manchestel New Hampshire

Ftom Public Comrades ro lJndercover Foreigners: The the Summer Institute of Li guis,i", iwya,11" aiii" i.riii"ir^lan d the Mexiaan G ovcmmen t.' I 9 I 0j90

William Svelmoe, St. Mary's College, indianaComment: Jay R. Case, Malone Cjlcue


#!98:!e=+So,Teari!oos from Europe and Mexico - ]Sunday. January 5, 8::O-t O:j0 a@

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(AHA#143, continued):Chair: Golfo Alcxopoulos, University of South Florida

Papers:State, Society, a d Popular Violence in Languedoc, j7g9-93

Stephen J. Miller, University of Alabama at BirminghamFrom Casino to Classroont: Labor Organizing antl the Consolidotion ofthe Mexican Reyolution in the Border, 1920-38

Eric Schantz, University of Califomia at Los Angeles"The Master Sleeps with a Dangerous Nonchalance": AttackingPatriarchy in the Politica.l Clubs oJ the I 87 ! pa ris Commune

Carolyr J. Eichner, University of South FloridaLlberal Capitalism, International Conflict, and Ciyil llars in Twentieth-Century Europe: A Comparison ofspain, yugoslavia, and Greece

Philip B. Mineham, University of Califomia, Los AngelesComment: Edward Berenson, N!w york University

I iTiJtit' "'"lt,l*".,''"t Lnease in th! Earrv M"'r"* Atrn;u1

Sunday, January 5, tl a.m.-t p.m., n@

Chair: Tamar Herzog, University ofChicagoPapers:

Constlactions oJ "Purity" antl "Blackness', in Early Colonial MexicoMaria-Elena Martinez, Univenity of Southem Califomia

A Jewish Corner offie Sistema de Casta s in Seventeenth-CenrurvAmslerdan?

Jonathan Schorsch, Emory University"The Blood ofFrance": "Race" and the "purity ofBlood" itt the FrenchAtla tic Wo|ld

Guillaume Aubert, Williams ColleseComment: Steve J. Stem, University of Wiiconsin-Madison

Chair: Gilbert Joseph, Yalc UniversityPanel:

Alan Knight, St. Anthony,s CollegeJulie Saville, University of ChicagoPaul Vanderwood, San Diego State University

Comment: Eric Van Young, University of Califomia, San Diego

- 18-

Sunday, January 5, 11 a.m.-l p.m., palmer HousEldamiEiilroo

Page 20: THE CONFERENCE ON LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY 2OO3 … · Conference on Latin American History Hemispheric Institute on the Americas

CLAH headquarten will be at the Palmer House Hilton. 17E. Monroe Shpet, Chicago, IL

The main website for the Palmer House is;http :// jhtml?ctyhocn{HlPHHH

If you want to find meeting room locations in the palmer

House, in advance ofarrival in Chicago, go directly to:

http://w$'w.hilton.coder/hi/trotel s/fl oorplans jhtrnl?ctyhocn=CHIpHHH

and olick the tab for "View Maps by Floor."

Most PDR rooms (Private Dining Rooms) and the WabashParlor, location ofthe CLAH Cocktail party, are on the 3dfloot;_ PDR 16 and 17 are on the 5h floor; parlor rooms are onthe 6rh floor; LaSalle rooms are on the 7'h floor.

Some CLAH sessions are at the Hilton Chicago, 720 S.Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL

For the Hilton, the main website is:http ://www.hi lton.con/el/hi/hotelVindex jhtml?ctyhocn=CHICHttrl

If you want to find meeting room locations in the Hilton godirectly to:


and click the tab for "View Maps by Floor.,'

Boulevard rooms are on the 2"d floor; pDR and Willifordrooms are on the 3'd floor; and Conference room 4M is on the4'n flooi.


Page 21: THE CONFERENCE ON LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY 2OO3 … · Conference on Latin American History Hemispheric Institute on the Americas


The CLAH information table, where members and interestedparties may obtain program and membership information andpick up Luncheon tickets, will be in the Palmer House, private

Dining Room 3. It wiil be staffed on Thursday,112,2:30-6:00p.m., Friday, i/3, 7:30-l 1:00 a.m., and Saturday,7:30-10:30 a.m.

The CLAH Luncheon, with announcement ofDrizes and atalk by Prof. Ricardo Cicerchia ofthe University ofBucnosAires on "The Arena of Memory: Travelers, Historians andCultural Frontiers. " will take place at the University Club ofChicago, 76 E. Monroe St. (one block east, toward LakeMichigan, {iom the Palmer House), on Friday, 1/3, 12 noon to2:00 p.m.

The CLAII Cocktail Party will take place in the palmerHouse, Wabash Parlor, on Saturday, 1i4, 7:00-9:00 p.m.

For general information on the AHA meetings, includingregistration, housing, and transportation, go to the AIIAwebsite: and follow the appropriatelinks.

In making lodging plans, note that most CLAH sessions andcommittee meetings, the CLAH information table, and theCocktail Party are located in the Palmer House hotel. TheUniversity Club, location ofthe CLAH Luncheon, is oneblock from the Palmer House. Thc Hilton Chicago hotel,location of some CLAH sessions (including those on Sundaymorning), is located approximately 7 blocks ilom the palmer

House, going south along Michigan Avenue.

For general information on Chicago, go to:http ://

