
The Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius By Matthew Bluck 13-01-2012

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"The Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius". The characters are part of a cavalry unit providing screening and reconnaissance to a Byzantine infantry column moving through Palestine during the 7th Century AD. Uses Gurps and Gurps Mass combat rules. The title Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius is a reference to a 7th century text that prophesies the end of the world, giving contemporaneous signs that this is so and thus is a historical source. This type of writing in the Byzantine tradition marks a cultural transition from Antiquity to the Middle Ages. The party members are part of an entourage of Byzantine Cataphractoi under the Emperor Flavius Heraclius moving from Antioch to Emessa to Yarmouk in Palestine. The characters will include a cavalry commander, his 2IC, specialists including a ritual specialist with medical capabilities and a gothic adviser. This concept was chosen because of its topicality. The Byzantine Empire is known to its inhabitants as the Empire of the Romans, or Romanian and to the west known as Empire of the Greeks to emphasize the point of difference of the Eastern Roman Empire using Greek as its main language. Theory of the game: This is designed to run for approximately 3 to 4 hours, 240 minutes. Assuming each scene takes approximately 10 minutes that is 24 scenes, scenes will be ranked in importance to the story line, so that narrative adjustment can be made to take into account scene time extending beyond 10 minutes. The atmosphere should be a transition from a confident civilisation to a peripheral scene of carnage and flight. There is no formal magic in the game but the ritual specialist- ie priest, soothsayer or healer will be able to engage in actions that may or may not alter outcomes and will have a skill set capable of actions beyond other players. Dreams may become a mode of delivery of information to the ritual specialist and naturalistic observations to the player concerning the movement of animals, the flight of birds and so on may be used to convey relevant information and reflect the world view. Mass combat and logistical considerations will be part of the choices of the Commander. Personal combat will feature players being given 10 seconds to state what they are doing, as a group. This will force the commander or his 2IC to give orders to other players. The commander will be allowed to choose the type of cavalry units in his command, scouts, mounted archer type units, light cavalry and heavy cavalry units. Players engaged in mass combat should have high attrition rates and be grateful to survive, the point being that once experienced the players should be motivated to avoid involvement in mass combat in the future.

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The Strategic situation of the game

General Map (Wikipedia) of Muslim Invasion of Byzantine Levant ( Caliphate forces invaded Syria, initially taking Ajnadayn, Damascus & the battle of Fahl where the last Byzantine forces in Palestine were defeated.

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Timeline/ (List of scenes) Introduction. Page Scene 1 Horses on the Road. Scene 2 Moving through Apantea. Scene 3 Contact with scouts, outside of Apantea (optional). Scene 4 Rendevous point of Rashidun Caliphate Scouts.(optional). Scene 5 Trader convoy (optional). Scene 6 Refugees. Scene 7 Raided village (optional). Scene 8 Raiders (optional). Scene 9 Christian Armenian patrol (optional). Scene 10 Arriving at Emessa & Toleration of the Jews. Scene 11 Arrival of the first Legion (Drangarious Dairjan). Reassurance of the citizens of Emessa and the Jewish problem. Scene 12 Discussion of the response to the withdrawal of Rashidun Caliphate forces from Emessa and the general strategic situation. Scene 13 Scouting party into Emessa hinterland. Scene 14 Rashidun Caliphate Scouts in Emessa hinterland. Scene 15 Gassanid Raiders. Scene 16 Preparation of Byzantine Advance Guard. Page Scene 17 Al Khalid elite light cavalry skirmishing with the Byzantine Advance Guard on plain of Yarmouk. Scene 18 The Rashidun Caliphate army on the hill above the Yarmouk plain, the Tel al Jumma. Scene 19 Arrival of the Infantry columns on the Yarmouk plain camps. Scene 20 An offer of peace.

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Scene 21 Negotiations Scene 22 Need for supplies Scene 23 Increasing Rashidun forces. Scene 24 Vahan decides to go against Heracliuss demand for a diplomatic solution. Scene 25 The Battle of Yarmouk. Scene 26 The retreat. Scene 27 Azra Hills. The Players choice. Scene 28 Alternative Byzantine Success (optional). Scene 29 The Epilogue. Character sheets. NPC Data. Idea Notes. Bibliography.

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Player Characters Cavalry Commander. The rank designation is Comes ( Count). The cavalry commander is the officer of the party, issuing tactical commands, the logistics and route of the party, the commander has the literacy, political connections, strategic and tactical training that the competent Byzantine military tradition provides. The cavalry commander will be given a choice of the types of units under his command of 300 horse. The Byzantine military tradition includes fast moving horse archers, moderately armoured lancers and heavily armoured cataphractoi in mail coats for both horse and man. Cavalry are armed with long swords (spathion), wooden lances, light bows (toxarion) and heavy armor includes a hauberk and mail armor. Roman Cavalry Veteran, a Kentarch ( Centurion). The 2IC of the Commander. The character is the most competent of soldiers in practical matters of combat and getting the job done and loyal primarily to his commander and men. The character is able to see that the commanders orders get done and provide the necessary support when they meet opposition. Ritual Specialist ( Priest). The ritual specialist is a Christian Orthodox priest that is responsible to administering the religious needs of the soldiers within the emperors armies. The ritual specialist is most likely to be able to comprehend and use the supernatural elements in the game and provide explanation to the soldiers and other party members concerning supernatural matters. A follower of the school of John Chrysostom, the ritual specialist has worked in hospitals in Constantinople and has had experience as a physician using the theories of Galen and the medical knowledge of his time. His practical knowledge is not as good as a military physician but better than most. The familiarity with the writings of John Chrysotom, Archbishop of Constantinople means that the ritual specialist has a tendency to criticise materialism and the abuses of the powerful at the expense of the poor. This can put the ritual specialist in opposition to the more pragmatic approach of the military. Persian Advisor The Persian advisor is a representative of Yazdegerd the 3rd and has specific area knowledge and familiarity with the Rashdun Caliphates military forces and tactics, having seen the Rashidun Caliphates conquest of the remnant Sassinid Empire. The Persian advisor should be able to point out tactical issues to the commander if the commanders forces are too armour heavy, has a scouting function and is bilingual. The Persian advisor knows information including the name of the enemy commander Abu Ubaidah and the presence of a cavalry commander Mubarizarin called Khalid Ibin Walid. Page 6

Other characters can be Cavalry Pentarchs (sergeants) as needed.

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Introduction It is the year 636 Anno Dominus. The emperor Heraclius, the Defender of Jerusalem and scourge of the Sassanids has begun a counter attack against a new threat to emerge from the desert. Introduction Antioch is a city on a river on the side of the morning sun, and is the cradle of the Christianity of the Romans. It was established by Seleucus 1 Nicator in the 4th century BC ( originally it was the shrine of Anat, a Persian war goddess, the daughter of El, lover and protector of Baal) and by 636 AD it is a dominant city of the far Eastern Roman Empire, rivalling Alexandria. Massive fortification walls surrounds the gridlike road pattern of the city and the walls are built up along the rise of Mt Silpius to meet with the heavy fortifications at its top, called the Citadel, a massive series of inner and outer stone & earth walls with towers. This is the military headquarters of the theme of Syria and current base of operations of the Strategos and brigade commanders of the Eastern Roman Empire.

Map of Antioch Page 8

Description of scene. You are escorted through the winding hallways and up a flight of stairs into a grand hallway, wall hangings display the double headed eagle of the Roman Empire and greek inscribed totems of the legions of Skoutatoi ( heavy infantry in mail skirts with lamellar body armour and large oval shields) in operation around Antioch. ( Counting there are 14). Leading off the grand hallway, you are taken up a small passage way, several mailed soldiers sit on benches outside of a single frame wooden door ( Military characters will recognise them as personal guard of Vahan). Walking inside the room is a cramped study with the table in the center and various men looking at a wooden map representing the cities of the eastern roman empire and the known Sassanid empire. Your escort stops you and officiously walks up to a man with a black beard and wearing a purple tunic with gold inlay, talking to a clean shaven older man in a bowl style haircut wearing a similar purple tunic with a medallion of a double headed eagle. The bearded man walks over, closer his arms can be seen to be muscular and scarred. He smiles politely, Allow me to introduce myself, I am Theodore Trithourios the Sakellarios, think of me as a financial minister for the Emperor, responsible for coordinating this mess, Heraclius has had the divine wisdom to appoint me as the Leader, which should give you an indication of the logistical issues involved in moving 5 massive armies through Palestine " Gentlemen, we are at a crisis point. What was first thought to be sporadic bandit raids has become an obvious full scale invasion and the local forces in Palestine, though inflicting heavy casualties on the invaders have been insufficient. Over the past year Damascus and the rest of Palestine have fallen silent to what we now recognise as the Rashidun Caliphate and the Emperor in residence at Antioch has assembled five numerically superior armies under field commander Vahan to retake the territories lost He coughs as he says numerically superior. The emperors plan is to move his five armies through the Levant towards Emessa and either force the Caliphate forces back into the desert or more desirably quickly engage and destroy them. We have to force a battle before we simply run out of food and our armies starve. On the field you will be working under Strategos ( General) Vahan. Vahan used to be the Garrison Commander of Emessa and has seen the Rashidun Armies on the field. You, honoured gentlemen are part of Vahans flanking army under Commander Dairjan, moving between the coast and the road to Aleppo, to approach Emessa from the west. Your purpose is to scout ahead of Commander Dairjan and provide reconnaissance and screen the main army infantry columns . Other units operating in this function include Jabalahs Camel and our Armenian allies. Page 9

Reports from the survivors of previous operations indicate that the Caliphate cavalry is highly mobile and tactically effective and thus you gentlemen are part of a number of field operations to reduce this tactical issue. I trust you will do your part and remember God and the Emperor are watching us all, always.. He waves you off and you are escorted to your quarters.

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Scene 1 Horses on the road. Description of scene The unit of 300 riders has assembled outside the bridge of Antioch, with the other 1200 horse and the 10 assembled columns of infantry, a total of 12,300 men and 1500 horse. From the battlements Heraclius and Strategos Vahan watch. Strategos Vahan is the clean shaven older man in the bowl style haircut. He now wears lamellar armour that is ornately decorated with gold inlay ( and a white powder makeup). The Strategos, Vahan addresses his men. A new barbaroi threatens the peace of the Romans, a peace we have all bled for when we fought the Sassanids. This new babaroi threats both Roman and Sassanid and they blah blah..They call it a Holy War I call it murdering innocents.blah blah. God is on our sideblah blah. Rome eternal, the Emperor and God watches. Some of us will die but all of us must be brave and play our part in Gods plan. Blah blah The Emperor Heraclius, once a warrior who fought in battles with his men is an older man with a shaved face powdered white with a bowl style haircut dressed in purple and gold robes of state. At this time the vigor of youth has gone and he is suffering from dropsy. But from his experience in the Persian wars and the advice of his generals he is still an effective leader able to make hard decisions. The diadem, a crown with lapuz stones and intricate chrisitan themed intagelio indicates this man to be the Emperor, a man who is the spiritual and secular leader of 17 million souls. He raises his arm in a salute that was to adopted by the fascist leaders of the 20th century. This salute is an echo of the Rome of the Republic and the Julian caesars onwards. The men as they march & ride past return the salute, to the commander standing on the city walls built by the 2nd Roman Emperor Tiberis and expanded by Theodosius the II. The unit of horse is assembled according to the commanders instructions, into a loose line, with packhorses at the rear, the men are experienced having fought in Heracliuss campaign against the Persians. (Assuming the players chose heavy or medium mounted troops). They are mostly darker skinned due to exposure to the sun and are used to the climate, there is a tendency in the men to favour water bottles over arrows and armour. Their armour did not help them too much in the last campaign and these men have learnt to treat the parthian shot with respect. All treat their sword and lance with care, checking the wood and oiling both. All of the men have painted a white ChiRho symbol on their horse and shields and many carry fish symbols around their necks, these men are religious, of the type born of battle and it is traditional to assume that once you enter a mass battle you are already dead.

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Mechanics of the Commander Role. The commander and should the commander be killed, the Kentarch character have tactics and strategy skills as part of their character skills sets. This means that these characters in the event of a mass combat situation are responsible for the organisation and instructions to tactical elements under their command. The game uses GURPS MASS COMBAT rules and a tactical element comprises a minimum of 10 men but the column of 300 men can compose one tactical element, 10 tactical element of 30 men or 30 tactical elements of 10. Gurps rules states that the tactics skill can be used to order a maximum of 5 tactical elements and the strategy skill for more than 5 tactical elements. In the context of the game the commander (Comes) role gets to compose his column from the three mounted troop types and organise it into tactical elements. Tactical elements are categorised in terms of Troop Strength class, weight, mobility, raise, maintain and special skills. Cataphractoi are classed as Average Quality (Newly Recruited lead by experienced officers), Heavy Cavalry with Good Equipment. TS 5 (7.5), Mounted (3), weight 2, 200k raise, 40k maintain, +50% TS Good Equipment. Heavy Armour (Archer casualty reduction -5%) Mounted Armoured Archers (Byzantine Akritoi) are Good Quality (Veteran with experienced officers, fought in Byzantine- Sassanid War) with Good Equipment TS 3 (6), Mounted (4) Ranged (2), weight 2, 150K, 30K, +50%TS Good Equipment +50% TS Veteran. Skirmishing. Light Cavalry/ Horse Archers are Good Quality (Hippo-Toxotai) (Veteran with experienced officers, scouts in Byzantine- Sassanid War with language & Tracking skills) with Good Equipment. TS 2 (4), Mounted (5) Ranged (2), weight 2, 100K, 20K, +50%TS Good Equipment +50% TS Veteran. Reconnaissance. Ranged means the tactical element is able to supply support to other tactical units engaging in melee without taking casualties or engaged melee for #number of combat rounds relative to Melee Infantry. Divide this number by the units Mounted/ mobility number for the number of rounds of fire before engagement, assuming Ranged unit is stationary. If ranged unit has a higher mobility and has a skirmishing ability it is able to engage as skirmishing rules (+2 Battle strategy, margin of victory halved, less 5% casualties) and experiences minimal casualties, so long as the commanders Strategy or Tactics skill role is not a critical failure. Skirmishing units vs skirmishing units is calculated with both sides experiencing skirmishing rules, Skirmishing vs ranged the normal skirmishing rules apply with 5% less casualties from the Combat Results table. The stages of a mass combat encounter are the initial intelligence, the force commanders battle strategy and establishing the relative risk for the significant actions of the characters. Page 12

Calculating the outcome of the mass combat involves calculating the effective skill of the opposing commanders ,a 3d6 rolled against the effective skill, the margin of victory or defeat is compared to the combat results table and casualties and position change is calculated, with casualty modifiers applied.

(From GURPS Mass Combat Rule Book 4th Edition, Page 36) The significant actions and associated risk is the role playing dimension of the mass combat, where player skills 15 and above provide modifiers to the combat results margins. There is an associated risk to this and the player outcome of experiencing a casualty is an increasing percentage associated with risk. The alternative is to roleplay the combat role where success provides the margin of victory modifier.

Roleplaying an encounter instead of calculating it in terms of a tactical elements.

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Scene 2 Moving through a christian village, outside Apamea. Green zone. Historic information Transport through the Roman Empire by the government was through a system of roads, staging posts (mutationaes) with wagons and pack animals and lodging houses (mansions) called the Cursus Publica. As a communication and transport system it is as effective, practical and secure as the technology of the late Roman Empire allows and thus it is prone to abuse and corruption as non government individuals try to use it, paying bribes and officials eager to supplement their meagre wages pleased to oblige by issuing travelling permits ( Matthews 65 : 2006). The average speed of transport on the Cursus Publica was around 5 miles an hour. Horses travelling along the Roman Highway should be able to make around 40 to 60 miles a day or around 15 miles an hour to a maximum speed of 40 miles an hour. The maximum distance covered per day for infantry is 30 miles a day. Description of scene The column has been moving along cobbled roman roads at around 15 miles an hour at a leisurely pace. The current village is outside Apamea, called Apantea, it is a collection of whitewashed baked mudbrick houses, closely packed together, there are wooden ledge ways connecting many of the roofs. On top of the roofs are mothers and children waving palm leaves in the shade. While most men wave palm trees and cheer, some men simply watch from the roofs and the street. They tend to be middle aged men, some with wounds fingers, an arm, an eye missing. Scars of the body and the mind. One of the three Kentarchs (Centurion) of the column, Orestes Pelagius Those men remember the last war obviously. The women and children are cheering now but in a week the reality of an army moving through their lands will become apparent. Armies need men and food. Let us hope our esteemed Strategos Valhans is a compassionate man. Kentarch Georgius Pastor will note They have a well, let us give some water to our horses. Perhaps we can ask where the next well is and if there are any local resources that we can divert our army towards, it may lessen the burden on these poor fools A search through the villagers ( Observation skill -1) or simply asking for the headman without intimidation will produce an older man with closely cropped hair in a brown/ black woven woolen robe who wears simple chrisitan fish symbol next to an intricate bronze casting of a laurel wreath entwined with a serpent ( Greek Apollo). He will point out Shaizr and Hera, drawing a map in the earth and mention that they have seen refugees and merchants coming from Emessa for weeks.... Background activities for Peasants August in the northern hemisphere is summer, peasant activities in the background would be milking sheep & goats, drying dates & fruit, washing clothing, weaving & Page 14

spinning wool, gathering wood.

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Scene 3 Contact with scouts, outside of Apantea Description of scene. As the column moves down the road to Emessa scouts if deployed will see a loose group of about 30 horsemen, wearing white robes and carrying an assortment of bows and swords. Only a few of the horsemen carry lances, they rely on speed to get away and report to the main body. Their initial approach will be seen moving along the ridge, if no scouts are deployed they will approach the main body, a few will get of horses and hide amongst the rocks to observe. The majority will pull back to a rendevous point. Two scenarios present a) 5 Scouts in the rocks are hiding, they make an assessment of the column and then flee to the main body at the rendevous point. If some of the scouts are caught they may divulge the location of the rendevous point, but if they cant escape they will try to fight to the death. The lesson of this scene may be to emphasize the fanaticism & bravery of the experienced soldiers of the Rashidun Caliphate. b) If the players have scouts, make a military intelligence/ scouting skill check for the scouts, if the fail then revert to scenario a) where the Rashidun scouts have spotted the Byzantine scouts, otherwise the Byzantine scouts will keep the Rashidun scouts under observation and some will report back to the column. If this is the case, A pair of scouts from your scout group have dashed back to your column, their hands waving, their light horses sweating in the (heat of the day/ cold of the night) and are yelling quickly in greek to halt the column. Orestes Pelagius bellows for the column to halt, the horses stop and spread out and the scouts report that they have seen men in robes of earth colours amongst the rocks on a hill that has a good view of the road on the relatively flat grassy plain. Apparently they did a reconnaissance of it because it looked like such a good vantage point and apparently it is already occupied. The number of scouts (light cavalry) is 0.5 of a light cavalry tactical element, they are veteran, have journeyed far and spent a long time in each others company and will try to fight to the death if surrounded. Traditional Arabic names feature the proper name, fathers name, grandfathers name and family name. The proper name often is a personal description, such as Hakim which means wise. It is common to have the beginning of Abdul (male servant of)/ Amah (female servant of) ibn means son of and bint means daughter of, thus the name Hakim ibn Tariq ibn Kalid Al Kalam for a male means Hakim, (wise), son of Tariq, son of Kalid (eternal) (the grandfather) of the family Kalam (generosity) and Nada bint Tariq ibn Kalid al Kalam would be the name of his sister. Nada means generosity, Ghada means beautiful, Ghamila means graceful and apparently Latifah means gentle. Proper names for the scouts that evoke their function include Sayyid master, Shadi singer, Quasim one who divides property amongst his people, Mukhtar chosen,and Khayri charitable. It is unlikely the players will learn the names of the Page 16

scouts and these names can be used in other scenes. Sayyid is middle aged and the oldest of the scouts, the others take his opinions and he gives the orders. Mukhtar is the best with a bow and Shadi is in his late teens and will be the one Sayyid sends on a light horse to report back to Shaizaar. Shadi stays with the horses and carries the parchment map for Sayyid, he spends his time looking for hand signals or a flaming arrow. If the scouts are surprised/ ambushed the others will try and buy Shadi time by running to the horses and firing the arrows at the enemy encounter while trying to stay out of range. They will engage in melee only when they have no other choice and individually they are superior swordsmen as part of their traditional tribal aasibiyah, (social cohesion). Rashidun Scouts ST 12 Int 10 Damage Thr 1d6 cr Ht 14 Dex 13

Secondary Hp 12 Fp na Will 11 Perception 10 Advantages: Fearless (+2 to fright checks) Disadvantages: Skills

Base Movement 6

Spear 14 Sword 14 Bow 13 Brawling Damage Thr cr/ Kick Thr +1 Military Training 13 Desert Knowledge 14. Survival at 14

Equipment Spear Damage Th+2 imp Thr +3 imp St 10 Sword (Long sword) Damage Sw+1 cut thr +2 cr ST10 Long Bow Thr +2 imp Acc 3 ST 11 Notes

Armour Leather Armour DR2 LC 4 or Travelling robes ( white/ off white) DR1. Leather Boots DR2 Head Robes (Hajib) DR1

Appearance: Four middle aged weathered faces in short beards and a clean faced boy/ teenager dressed in off white woollen cloaks and pants. Equipment: 3 of the men wear chain heuberks of roman construction, the other two have silk shirts, they all carry composite bows and Sassanid style long swords and rations for 3 days. The boy is carries a parchment scroll with a map of the surrounding area. If any are captured and tortured information they possess include the Palestine Arab Army leader is Abu Ubaidah and that they are part of a scout column operating out of Shaizar. The will try not to be captured and fight to the death 70%.

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Scene 4 Rendevous point of Rashidun Caliphate Scouts. Description of scene. The rendezvous point of the scouts is at a small village between Apantea and Larissa called Shaizar. At the village are 30 scouts under the direction of a Mubarizin commander called Abdul Javhed servant of the eternal, working for Abu Ubaidah. Their light horses are in the central courtyard under/ covered with white cotton sheets. The village is made up of 12 mud brick square two storey buildings closely packed together with a central courtyard, there are 5 scouts in white robes on top of the roofs as look out. They have bows and long swords but if they see the enemy they will primarily hand signal or at night call like a bird to the commander and quietly raise the alarm. If attacked they will loudly raise the alarm while trying to defend themselves, because of their prolonged contact with a Mubarizin there is a 70 % chance they will fight to the death if cornered. If they can the group will flee south taking Parthian shots at pursuers, if surrounded the scouts will fight as 3 tactical units blocking the 3 entrances of the village with wicker baskets and carts of the village and will use bows and melee, they will stay on the roofs as much as they can. If surrounded and in day light the Mubarizin, Abdul Javhed will offer to fight their champion in exchange for their two roman prisoners and their free passage out of the village, promising to go back to their lands Narjd Jaibiya. In the village market place are two bound roman prisoners, tied together with ropes, bound by the wrists, they are to be transported to Jaibiya for interrogation. If the scouts cannot escape they will fight to the death and the scout commander will order the prisoners executed. The scouts count as Elite Light Cavalry, their total Troop strength is 150 and Abdul Javhed Intelligence is 13, tactics 15 and strategy is 14. Light Cavalry/ Horse Archers are Elite Quality (Elite with experienced officers, scouts involved in Sassinid War with language & Tracking skills) with Good Equipment. TS 2 (5), Mounted (5) Ranged (2), weight 2, 100K, 20K, +50%TS Good Equipment +100% TS Veteran. Reconnaissance. Desert survival. For individual fighting use the Scout profiles and the Champion profile featured in the appendix. The Roman prisoners are a Dekarchos, called Iosus and a Limiteni cavalry called Ziper, who were survivors of a mounted patrol from Boeron (modern day Aleppo) keeping tabs on Emessa. Their patrol encountered the Rashidun Scouts and after a day of skirmishing and being chased we surrendered by stopping our horse and holding our shields over our heads. The 10 man patrol was whittled down to 2 over the period of a day and we only saw them occasionally as individuals until the end.

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Figure 1 : Shadi's Map

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Scene 5 Trader convoy Description of scene. A line of 50 donkeys linked with ropes carrying bulging woven packs are moving along the road, guarded by around 8 men wearing travel stained off white robes, some carry spears. As soon as they see the column they move off the road and wait for the military to pass. If questioned they will say they are evacuating from Emessa, they were more but hostile villagers and raiders have reduced their number. Their leader is a grey bearded man named Pedanius Dioscorides, he carries a sealed document allowing permission to travel between domains in this time of war. The donkeys carry a few silks and a number of large clay pots and sacks of spices, some of medicinal value, frankinsence, cardamon, pepper and ginger. Dioscorides has been compelled by one of Abu Ubaidahs facelss officers to spy on the Byzantines, members of his family are being looked after by the faceless officer who calls himself Ibn Usaybia and the other men are christians disaffected with the Byzantine government, this type of person is plentiful in the periphery of the empire, especially after Emperor Phocas reign of terror AD 610. None of them carry Icons of any sort and if questioned will state they are looking forwards to getting to Antioch, they will eat pork and will only admit their other purpose under torture. A positive relationship outcome will mean Dioscorides will tell the players of a store of oats and wheat in a village 20 miles east of the Imperial road from the village Shaizar, called Hera by its occupants, around 10 brick mud buildings build onto each other around a well and surrounded by well tended fields of wheat and palm trees. The occupants of the place will see a large group of men if approached and women and children will flee inside the buildings, men will defend the settlement from the top of the buildings (think Catal Huyuk) armed with spears and bows and arrows. The comparative order of the place is a result of Dioscorides input, it functions as his main depot and a potential residence. The village elder can read and most villagers can recognise Disocorides seal when shown (75%) .

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Scene 6 Refugees Description of scene. A group of several hundred people, men, women and children carrying loads and dragging carts are moving in a large loose column up the road, the dust cloud is visible in the sky before the people are. It includes around 20 wagons pulled by oxen with food, water and entire shops and markets of goods. (The food is inadequate for the distance that number of people will travel it will last if estimated about 4 days). There are a few armed wearing roman style chainmail and fragments of lamellar armour with swords and composite bows on horse back accompanying the refugees and at the head of the column are a group of men in expensive coloured and off white travelling robes ( the men surround a woman dressed in a white robe, from a distance she looks the same as them, her head is covered). These are some of the richer merchants who represented the remains of the civil authority of the city of Emessa, they are fleeing to Antioch and are surely part of a larger movement of gathering refugees . Characters of note Noble woman and entourage responsible for coordinating this group, listens to the merchants. Is aware of the lack of food and will ask the characters for assistance for food. Base character around Hypatia character... Description of Irenia Septimus Severus. In one of the wagons is a middle aged women with black hair who wears for the most part, clean white robes of good quality (high thread count) and has managed to weave a silver chain headress into her hair style. Her sandels are good quality and she looks like she has a servant, or assistant in this time where slavery is against the edict of the Emperor. When she begins to speak you can see she has good teeth and her body language hints at the habit of authority. We are the last of the true romans from Emessa, I am Irenia Septimus Severus, the Matriarch of the Severus family of Emessa. The Muslims gave us a choice, we could stay and accept Muslim rule or leave to join the other Christans. My family left and many of these poor starving fools joined us. Before we left they took much of our food and my people are in need If asked who stayed in Emessa to live under the invaders she will answer Many people have suffered under the war time taxation of Heraclius and some of my Christian breatheren have not treated our Jewish friends all that well. There are many Christians and others who have remained but I fear they too will turn on each other without proper law. Let us hope that God guides them well If asked about food or resources she will answer Of course there is an issue of law Page 21

amongst us, loyal to the Emperor my people my think themselves but once food becomes rarer the have nots will turn against the haves and my guards are too few in number to stand against my people enraged and desperate. Could you spare any food or perhaps soldiers to keep order once our supplies run out?

Irene Septimus Severus

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Scene 7 Raided Christian village, Yellow zone. Description of scene A thin rising cloud of black smoke is in the horizon, the remains of a village. Blackened mud brick walls, a few buildings still slowly burning. In the center of the village is a group of bodies bound to each other with ropes, male and female. Most have been killed by ?sword thrusts to the neck. Some of the bodies bear burn marks and mutilated hands, and slashed noses and ears. There was some kind of interrogation and it was done with a degree of order. Conspicuously there is still some jewellery on the body of a young female adult and a ring on the body of one of the older men. Hiding in a cellar under one of the blackend but unburnt buildings are some children, 2 boys around 8-12 and an approximately 8 year old girl, with similar facial features. They saw a group of men in white robes with bows and swords come into the village and round the villagers up. The one of the men, the leader spoke with the adults, became angry and then a few of his men began torturing the villagers. The soldiers kept searching the buildings then set fire to some of them. They rounded up some of the live stock and what food they could fine and rode of in the direction opposite of the setting sun. There is a small chapel built out of sandstone and alabaster, its door is smoldering charcoal. Inside is an old temple with pagan carvings of a fish god, faces carved in alabaster with elliptical eyes and raised pupils. The priest and a female villager have been tied together at the waist and with their hands behind their backs. The priest and female villager have single stab marks at their throats, the priest is dead, the female took longer to die and from the blood trail its looks as if she was able to drag the priest from the center of the temple sanctuary to the alabaster face in the wall, there are bloody hand prints on its face, before succumbing due to loss of blood. In her blood she wrote in greek letters the phrase Not finished.. The pulpit itself remains upright, the copy of the Canon Bible written in greek, remains undisturbed. Behind the alabaster face is a codex, including pages made from older scrolls written in Syriac and Greek that detail a ritual to resurrect the dead, contains references to a fisher of men and contains references to a coming apocalypse . Some pages near the end have been torn out. The priest would consider this codex to be potentially heretical. It is up to the players to decide what to do with the survivors

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Scene 8 Raiders, Yellow zone. This is the group of raiders responsible for burning the Christian village, they are 28 men (originally 30) who have been tasked with finding the village Hera and securing the oat and grain deposit described by Dioscorides in loose terms. The commander, Faris was initially taking a soft approach with the village populations but has become increasingly frustrated at the lack of success and general resistance of the village populations. His questions have become torture and the general operating procedure of violence has meant that his men are now desensitised and brutal. In addition to the 30 horses the group initially had, they now have several donkeys with grain packs, the carcasses of sheep and goats and some jewellery. Their clothing shows the signs of violence, the white robes are now dirty and blood stained (mostly other peoples) and their transition from resting to violence will be smooth and practiced. If attacked they will retreat out of range engaging in Parthian shot, then follow the column with skirmishing tactics for half a day. Fariss 28 men fight as Light Cavalry Horse Archers with a TS of 140. Fariss tactical skill is 14. Light Cavalry/ Horse Archers, Elite Quality (Elite with experienced officers, scouts involved in Sassinid War with language & Tracking skills) with Good Equipment. TS 2 (5), Mounted (5) Ranged (2), weight 2, 100K, 20K, +50%TS Good Equipment +100% TS Veteran. Reconnaissance. Desert survival.

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Scene 9 Christian Armenian Patrol A patrol of 90 Armenian Christians wearing mail and lamellated armour on large horses, they have long swords in baldrics, composite bows on the left side of their horse saddles and large diamond shields hanging on the right side of the saddles. The patrol belongs to Gregories army, moving towards Emessa from the east. They have seen several enemy raiding parties over the few days but have not been able to catch up with the faster moving raiders. They were following a raiding party for several days but it eventually fled into the desert, where the Armenians do not dare to go. The commander of the patrol is an experienced man who has listened to Jabalah and admits to an inability to match the mobility of the enemy forces in this terrain. He is eager to get back to the main body and saw the cloud of dust in the skyline above the column moving south. Most enemy movements are moving north. They will chase Fariss raiding party off if the players have not been able to. Mounted Armoured Archers (Armenian Toxophractoi) are Good Quality (Veteran with experienced officers, fought in Byzantine- Sassanid War) with Good Equipment TS 3 (6), Mounted (4) Ranged (2), weight 2, 150K, 30K, +50%TS Good Equipment +50% TS Veteran. Skirmishing. Scene 10 Arriving at Emessa, Red zone Description of Scene Emessa is located on the southern bank of the Orontes River. It is a key agricultural and production center and has a large market. Its current roman appearance is due to the influence of Selucius I Nicator. The city itself is located next to the river on a small hill, from the distance the red clay tile roofs of its buildings are like cracked fissures of skin raised over burnt plains of grass and its central market place and stone towers create an indenture in the surface. Emessa has sandstone walls with colonnade on watch towers, there are men in Roman tunics with spears and bows and sheaths of arrows that stand watch in loose array on the battlements. Someone has painted a Red ChiRho symbol on the sandstone wall above the burned remains of the double gate. Carts have been driven in place of the double doors. When the men see you they give a ragged cheer... The carts are pulled away from the gateway and the men wave you inside, saying come inside where it is safe fellow christians, Hail Emperor Heraclius A older man, clean shaven wearing an older red legionary tunic and a black cloak with a spathion sheathed from his belt introduces himself I am Paulus Illiontes of the defacto leader of the Emessan watch, christ almighty am I pleased to see you. The Muslim know you were coming and so have retreated, we Page 25

have managed to take control of the city once more and restore some semblance of justice and order Please tell Vahan that his city awaits his return.. The streets are quiet, except for men in red tunics carrying weapons, when they see the priest some fall on their knees and cross themselves with their hands. Their signum crusis is with three fingers from the right to the left, then up and down... (Orthodox) Others just stand and look on with stares that are perhaps not seeing the immediate. From the skyline you can see a building that has been burnt and its tower has fallen. Paulus Illiontes continues It is good to see a priest, the Muslims murdered our priests, the men would be grateful for a blessing There are things we need to discuss.. I will be in the Garrision Citadel, such as it is ." (If there is a priest amongst the players, men will come and seek absolution and will mention that they have stolen wealth, committed murder the other associated sins of war). Scene 10A. The toleration of the Jews. Historic Information The Jewish populations were granted toleration by the Theodosian Code, although were occasionally subjected to forced conversion by some Emperors, including Heraclius. There was considerable prejudice against Jews, an early idea of blood libel was present. Antiocus Strategos (614) in The Sack of Jerusalem describes the Jews as aiding the Persians in the sack of Jerusalem and helping murder hiding Christians. Arab sources indicate that Jews were amongst the groups pleased to be free of Byzantine rule. I am sure the reality is more complex than these sources indicate, but unpopularity of Byzantine rule in the middle east is considered to be a factor in the rapid occupation of M Description of Scene Riding down the main road you notice the occasional door marked with a stroke of red paint. The city seems quiet, aside from the occasional cry of ? vultures. In the market square are rows of about 60 men nailed to posts with their throats cut, they generally have beards, some of the men were too young to have an appreciable beard and many wear chitons and a few have shawls that tend to be worn by Jews during morning pray called Tallith. The watch officer ( Samuel Tauranus), a clean shaven gray haired with hard eyes who affects the old roman patron aesthic of a white tunic under a chain mail) smiles a Page 26

hard smile at you and points, Jewish traitors who betrayed us to the Muslims. The Muslims fled and now we can start cleaning the rats out of their holes. If asked he will say most of the traitors are still being detained in the garrison jails where the watch are interrogating them for information and determining their level of guilt. So far we have only executed the ring leaders, the women and children are still being detained. Their men are more compliant when they know we have them locked up. Answer to where are the rest of the Jews? The jews are in carcer, in the publica vincula within the garrison in shackles and chains.. Within the garrison fort against the wall in chains are 120 men, women and children in rows. Most of the women wear head coverings and both sexes wear long trousers and long sleeved tunics. 40 men wearing red eastern roman tunics and chain mail coats with various weapons are within the courtyard and on the walls there are 40 toxotai (archers) in off white and cream robes. The soldiers salute the players wearing armour & military uniforms, if asked they will explain that the people in chains are the families of traitors to the Rashidun Muslims, namely Jews who repudiated their conversion to Christianity and started openly practicing Judaism under the toleration of the Muslims. According to the Justinian Law, Corpis Juris Civilis indicates that slavery is not natural but non citizens and people who are not Christians can be slaves. These traitors are being sold as slaves, some of the soldiers are giving the prisoners water from ladles. The basis for the families being traitors are their status as Jews, if they convert to Christianity then they become citizens again. (The priest can convert them as Christians making it more difficult for the soldiers to sell them as slaves). In the garrison office Paulus Illiontes will be waiting, sitting on a wooden chair making lists on papyrus. There is a bronse braiser with smoking wood and he has a clay jug of wine, relatively good wine for simple soldiers. The papyrus is a list of people executed, families sold as slaves as chattels confiscated to be handed over to the skallarios. Once the prisoners become chrisitans it can be argued with Paulus Illiontes that they are now citizens and should be let go ( debate/ bargin/ argument type skills +2 as Illiontes is not comfortable with punishing the followers now that the ring leaders are for the most part executed). He will want the priest to sign next to the names of the converted families if this is the case. In the publica vincula, 12 steps carved into the sandstone opens to a hole that has two men in a cubic 5 meter by 5 meter cell. It smells of faeces and prisoners are literally Page 27

cast into the pit. There is a heavy wooden gate in the floor that is held in place with a latch. The two men are Muslim scouts, naked with burn marks, they have been tortured, but are not fluent in Latin or Greek, they know a few words in Latin including the word for mercy which is Misericordia. If questioned in Arabic or Persian they will beg for their freedom, asking for mercy and indicate they were responsible for returning the Jizya, to taxed villages as a way of maintaining support in the villages when the Rashidun Armies pulled back towards Nayd. They are not strongly religious and tend to be highly individualistic, which is why they were chosen as scouts by their commander a Khalid Ibin al-Walid. The first time the players will hear this name. The captured Jizya and confiscated wealth from the Jews has been taken by the defacto officers of the watch, lead by Paulus Illiontes. If asked about it they will say Yes we intended to hand it over to the Emperor, perhaps the skallarios. Do you have any recommendations? (Sir?). They will hand over 60% of the wealth, jewellery and roman coins, keeping 40 % of it. If asked about the money their reply will be, This is the majority of what we have found so far. Also we do have an issue with food, we have some wheat meal that we can use for a gruel but we are running out of food for the prisoners. It may end up being more humane if we just execute the captives, sir. The Rashidun Caliphate The Rashidun Caliphate is the first set of rulers after Muhammed from 632 -661 AD, the name means Rightly Guided and was supplied by the Sunni Abbassid Muslim Dynasty. The Rashidun caliphs are elected or chosen by their predecessor and at the time of 636 the Caliph is Umar al-Khattab (632 -644 AD). These are people who were companions of Muhammad and have memorised the body of work that was compiled into the Koran under the Rashidun Caliph Uthman Ifn Affan (644 -656 AD). Archaeology suggests that the first examples of architecture with written explicit declarations of Islam occur around 691 AD with the Dome of the Rock under the Ummayad Dynasty (Johns 2003). After this religious declarations about Islam become common in archaeological sites.

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Emessa 630 AD : Commander Dairjans arrival.

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Scene 11 Arrival of the first legion (Drangarious Dairjan), reassurance of the citizens of Emessa and the Jewish problem. Description of Scene Over the period of a week the 5 armies converge on Emessa. Commander Dairjans army is the first to arrive, 4 days after the scouts have reported that Emessa is liberated. Commander Dairjans force appears as 10 columns of soldiers in marching disposition with oval and some kite shaped sheilds and spears carried on their backs. They are surrounded by a diffuse force of screening cavalry that represents 4 units of 300 horses, 1 unit of horse described as a Numeros, thus around 1200 cavalry. Each column represents around 1000 men and consists of 650 skutatoi (heavy infantry) and 350 toxotai (archers in leather armor). A group of around 20 staff officers ride at the head of the first column, they wear chainmail and red cloaks and carry a number of standards including an eagle, a draco standard blowing in the wind and a Chi Rho standard of purple cloth with gold tassels. Commander Dairjans red cloak has a gold thread that represents a double headed eagle, he is an older man with black hair and a close cut beard. He raises his arm in a salute and asks the following questions. Hail in the name of the Emperor, I am the Drangarios ( Commander of 3000 men) and I want to know does Emessa lay in the hands of the Christians? What is the strategic situation in the city? My men and horses need water.... He will assign his anticensor (Engineer) to take stock of the defenses of Emessa and begin construction of wells and barracks capable of supporting around 80000 men. When he hears of the ethnic cleansing he looks dark and tells his Mensor (Encampment officer) to take possession of all unoccupied buildings and remove the bodies from the market square. He will tell the players to Detain whoever is responsible for the purposes of enquiry and assure the citizens that the Emperors laws are now in effect. This means that anyone who has accepted the Patriarchate of Constantiople are citizens of the empire are protected under the Heraclian Laws. Any surviving Jews will thank the players for saving their lives and May god bless you and ask Where is it safe? Where should we go now that our elders are dead?

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Scene 12 Discussion of the response to the withdrawal of Rashidun Caliphate forces from Emessa and the general strategic situation. Description of scene Vahan sits on a stool under the shade of a palm tree, his silver baton, a Matzuka as an indication of his rank lays on the ground holding down parchment maps in the wind. He is surrounded by his officers, down to the rank of Kentarch. He begins his review of the performance of the Watch, Commander Dairjans Army and the general strategic situation. As you know, I was the Garrison Commander of Emessa before it was taken by the Muslims and during that time I enforced the toleration of the Jews associated with the Theodosian Code and was responsible for enforcing Hericliuss orders of forced conversion in Emessa. During my time I have accepted the presence of Christians of a Jewish background who happen to spend their Sundays reading poetry about the Mishna and am well aware of the presence of the synagogue, which I accepted as a cultural and atheletic center for, and again I emphasize Christians of a Jewish cultural background. I would have been in my rights to convert the synagogue to a church but so far to my knowledge the only place to do so was Bernod. And that was for purely military reasons. This toleration is the practical policy of the Empire. So I want to emphasize, my soldiers do not, are not to harm Christian Jews, just like we do not harm Christian Pagans, Chrisitan Philosophers or Christian wine drinkers like my good friend Kentarch Pelagious, no offence Kentarch. None take sir. Those are my two, I mean three favorite things replies Kentarch Pelagious, in a half smile/ half leer. This ethnic cleansing of the Jews in Emessa is not the practical policy of the Empire, Heracliuss decree is more concerned with enforcing state security than a religious pogrom. I am told that the Jews of Emessa threw their lot in with the Muslims once the Muslims said that they practiced toleration of Jews and non Orthodox Christians. I can only hope that this was true and that it serves as a warning to those in the future who would seek the opportunity to leave the protection of the Empire. Strategos Vahan will give a nod of gratitude to the players for being the first to secure Emessa Units of Commander Dairjans army were the first to secure the city and gather the following intelligence.. (Many bothans died for this intelligence) We have secured Emessa and our scouts indicate that the units that were holding Emessa have retreated south east towards the Hieromax river (Yarmouk). In consequence we will be using Emessa as a logistical supply center and moving our forces along the Hieromax (Yarmouk) plain, either catching them against the Page 31

mountain ridge or forcing them back into the desert. If the players rescued a significant number of Jews from the watch, Strategos Vahan will come and talk to them about their reasons. If they dont fuck it up and give a good impression he will offer a place amongst the Exkoubitoi or Scholae cavalry units after the campaign. We need men who can keep their wits about them in these troubled times.... Just come see me and will give them a torc pendant to affix on their armour. It is called a Manikion and it means that among other things the staff officers will be more likely to pay attention to their opinions (+2 to influence type skills within the Byzantine Military). If they did not rescue any Jews or took part in the massacre, he will simply shake their hand and say Good Job, the Emperor will be pleased and I will be sure to give your names on the lists of honour.

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Scene 13 Scouting party into Emessa hinterland Description of scene. The standard description of the villages around Emessa are of a collection of whitewashed baked mud brick houses, closely packed together, there are wooden ledge ways connecting many of the roofs. There are families on the roofs of the building, watching in silence, the children huddling close to the mothers. The men are nervous and many of them are conspicuously near baskets and chimneys for cover and hidden weapons. They wave but do not smile. If asked where the Rashidun Muslims went they will point east, saying they saw many horses moving towards Dara ah. The Muslims when they were returning their taxes, telling us that they could not protect us, said that they were going to Najd, where they have a fortress. There is a 10 % chance that the village is hiding Muslim wounded.... Use the descriptions of the scouts in scene 3 for details, it is up to the players to decide what to do with any wounded prisoners found Information any captured wounded can supply include that the Caliph is Umar alKhattab (632 -644 AD), he has ordered negotiations with the Sassanid Commander Rostam Farrokhim inviting him to Islam and that Khalid ibn Al-Walid has been made commander of the Palestine Armies by the Caliph.

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Scene 14 Rashidun Caliphate Scouts in Emessa hinterland. Description of scene Moving East towards Dara ah is on the horizon is a cloud of dust that seems spread along the horizon... Along the road is the debris of a moving army, footprints, cartwheels and hoof prints. Moving up the road the players will come across two lines etched into the dirt about a 5 hands apart, they head in the direction of a raised rock formation. At the rock formation that looks like a menhir there is a figure under the shade of the rocks. It is heavily sunburnt, it is a man on a makeshift stretcher of tree branches tied together,. He is dead, it looks like someone cut his throat. His eyes look sunken and his chest will be hard (Consolidation in chest, man had pneumonia). Was killed by a Muzhibarin to escape capture and torture by Christian soldiers, as suicide is prohibited. Aside from his desert robes he has nothing else, his shoes (sandals) and weapons are taken. His arms are scarred, he has fought many battles before this. From the size of its wake you would say the army is in its 1000s and getting closer to the cloud which is slow moving, moving at a rate consistent with large numbers of infantry you can see the faeces of horses and occasionally the smell of urine. It is reasonable to assume that are scouts hidden and moving about tracking us in the night. You can see units of horses in loose file, a closer dust cloud moving on the horizon and it will move either towards the group if they are not taking precautions. There are units of 30 horse, they will approach to the point where they are visible, watch then move back, moving at a fast rate. There is another dust cloud from the north east moving south west. Several smaller clouds from the east are moving back from the massive horizon cloud towards this south west moving cloud..This is the Gassanid raiders trying to evade Rashidun elite light cavalry.... If the players intercept the Gassanid raiders the Gassanid leader will tell them that the Rashidun have at least 4 armies converging on Tel al Jumma. They are not pulling back into the Narjd fortification

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Scene 15 Gassanid Raiders Description of scene A large group, several loose wedges of around 200 (237) mixed light cavalry units in white cloaks, mail and leather scale armour with bows is approaching. Light Cavalry/ Horse Archers are Good Quality (Veteran with experienced officers, Gassanid Raiders (Christian Arabs with language & Tracking skills) with Good Equipment. Total Troop strength 948. TS 2 (4), Mounted (5) Ranged (2), weight 2, 100K, 20K, +50%TS Good Equipment +50% TS Veteran. Reconnaissance. Desert. The Gassanid Raiders will look the same as the Rashidun cavalry, except that when they approach the players they will hold white banners with the Chi Rho symbol" that they will wave. Their leader who speaks eastern greek in a halting fashion will tell them Estimate approximately 4 armies converging at Tel al Jumma on Yarmouk plain. Information estimated numbers of units in total around 24000, 4 armies of 6000. Warn of a series of camps along plain. Also there are Shabalah in the armies, they seem ideologically motivated, their assibihya is good. It is wise to go back and inform the armies at Emessa of this situation. Scene 16 Preparation of Byzantine Advance Guard Description of scene It is the early morning of 13th of August, 636 AD. During the evening Vahan has held a war council and on the basis of the intelligence supplied by his scouts it has been decided to force an engagement while the current logistics facilitate the manpower fielded. The Muslims are converging in large numbers at Yarmouk and the Empire has no choice but to respond in kind. ( If the Jews are still in carcer or if the watch have been arrested for corruption). Through the streets scoutatai lead the gathered prisoners who have had their legs chained together given a choice death now or fighting as chained soldiers who cannot retreat, where victory means freedom granted by the emperor. They are chained together in 10 men groups and given wicker shields and spears. Outside of Emessa, below the sandstone walls, in the early morning light the 50 columns of the Byzantine Roman Infantry have loosely formed up, the yells of the Kentarachs echoing of the walls. Each Kentarch carries a torch and so there are 400 torches moving up and down through the ranks. In front of the Infantry is a loose screen of 8 cavalry formations of 300 men with torches, 2400 torches alight in the early morning. The Kentarachs confirm via relay yells that their formation are ready and the mirror lamp on the wall opens and closes. The Advance guard moves out... Page 35

There are 8 cavalry formations of 300 armed with spathion, kontarion and toxarion, with armour including hauberks and helmets with mail coifs. These are versatile medium cavalry but are too slow for the Rashidun Caliphates light cavalry formations. If the Byzantine Advance Guard can engage the enemy in melee they will come out on top but this will be difficult. Each Cavalry formation will have a Troop Strength of 1200. Mounted Armoured Archers (Byzantine Toxophractoi) are Good Quality (Veteran with experienced officers, fought in Byzantine- Sassanid War) with Good Equipment TS 3 (6), Mounted (4) Ranged (4), weight 2, 150K, 30K, +50%TS Good Equipment +50% TS Veteran. Skirmishing. They will be moving ahead of main body army in loose formation, they have bows and so the skirmishing will probably take place as a running archery battle.

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Scene 17 Al Khalid elite light cavalry skirmishing with the Byzantine Advance Guard on plain of Yarmouk. Description of scene As the advance guard moves forward across the plain, on an elevation spread out in loose line formation of 300 around horsemen are 4 formations of Elite light Cavalry, Troop Strength 1500. Light Cavalry/ Horse Archers, Elite Quality (Elite with experienced officers, scouts involved in Sassinid War with language & Tracking skills) with Good Equipment. TS 2 (5), Mounted (5) Ranged (5), weight 2, 100K, 20K, +50%TS Good Equipment +100% TS Veteran. Reconnaissance. Desert survival. Their orders are to ambush the Advance guard, but given the scale they will engage the advance guard in a running archer battle, attacking flank advance guard formations and pulling back as the line turns. They will skirmish to the line of Yarmouk camps, then Muslim archers will seriously out shoot the Advance guard if they move into range. Orders will be given to move back and wait for the main armies while taking out targets of opportunity... A line of 12 Arab Bowmen, dug in behind wooden palisades. Troop strength ranged 4000 per tactical unit. Melee 2000 per tactical unit. Arab Archer infantry, Number 1000 Good quality (veteran with experienced officers, hunters & line infantry) TS 2 (4), Fire. Weight 1. . +50%TS Good Equipment +50% TS Veteran. Reconnaissance. Desert survival. Behind the line of pallisades are the camp fires of the Rashidun soldiers of the front line, 36 tactical units stretching for 12 miles. Troop strength melee 3000 per tactical unit Arab Swordsmen, Number 1000 Average quality (New soldiers with experienced officers), Average quality equipment TS 3 (3). Foot. Weight 1. Desert survival. Behind the lines are 12 formations of light Archer cavalry of 300 each and 6 formations of medium lancer cavalry of 300 each and 3 formations of Shabalah cavalry of 300. There is a formation of horsemen behind called The army of Sharpeners, Khalids Elite light cavalry also called The mobile guard. There is a massive ravine to the the west and the Yarmouk river to the south joins the ravine. To the north is the Jabiya road on which the Byzantine Army is moving and to the east are the Azra Hills.

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Scene 18 The Rashidun Caliphate army on the hill above the Yarmouk plain, the Tel al Jumma. Description of scene At night in the distance, behind the line of camps fires marking the lightly fortified Muslim positions is a greater collection of light sources that rise from the plain, light a rising flickering yellow light to touch the cold white points of light in the night sky. In the day light this resolves to be the Tel al Jumma described by the muslim scouts.. Scene 19 Arrival of the Infantry columns on the Yarmouk plain camps. The infantry columns eventually arrive, forming up at the edge of arrow range, the toxoarion archers spread loosely out in front of the skoutatai. Muslim infantry have formed up, they are behind wooden pallisades and a ditch, there is an emphasis of archers in their forces and what armour they wear appears to be of Roman and Persian of origin, characteristically (incomplete) modified sets of roman lamellar armour and Persian chainmail. From the pallisades some of the Muslim infantry call out challenges to the assembled Byzantine infantry. The challengers generally wave swords and spears and demand single combat, these are the so called champions, the Muzabarin. The Kentarchs command that their men be steady, do not attack or challenge the enemy until ordered. Some of the men start chanting Nobiscum Deus as a war chant and this is encouraged by the Kentarchs down the line, giving the men something to do while they wait for orders. Commander Dajrgin rides up to the lines and informs the line Kentarchs that Heraclius sent instructions that the Vahan is to attempt to find a diplomatic solution to this war. There is a considerable ideological difference between the Byzantine war to maintain peace and the war of expansion of the Rashidun Caliphate. Scene 20 An offer of peace . Historical Information There is considerable speculation about the reasons for negotiation conducted by Muslims at the Battle of Yarmouk, some sources state that negotiations before the battle were a delaying tactic, while others indicate that it was sincere offer of peace. Al-Jalahad was a Ghassanid Leader who refused to submit to the Rashidun Caliphate and pay various taxes and was welcomed by the Byzantines as Foederatii. He is described personally in Al-Baladhuris account of the Battle of Yarmouk (636). Description of Scene The Kentarchs order silence and the cries demanding silence travel along the line, the assembly is quiet, only the sounds of armour moving in the wind and weapons at rest Page 38

with coughing and some murmers. A single Soldier on a horse carrying a white flag... Negotiations carried out by AlJalahad. He is gone for a half a day and rides back unmolested. I informed that the Arabs that Palestine is Roman land and that they should release their stolen goods and prisoners and leave or face the might of Rome, we out number them and have tactical superiority. They state that they are unconcerned with our numberical superiority, god is on their side and so on and they look forwards to death. I assume this to be the usual bluff. We await their answer.. 21 Negotiations... Final negotiation is carried out with Khalid Ibin al-Walid, it is a failure.. Description of scene The next day, early in the morning three mounted riders cross the lines from the arab side, one of them carries a white flag although all three still carry their arms. They soon come into range of the toxoarian. Orders sir? the nearest toxoarian pentarch (sergeant) asks. A Kentarach yells Hold your fire!. The horsemen slowly approach the Roman lines. The Persian/ diplomat of Yazadagerd will recognise the man as a leader in the Rashidun Caliphate and a companion of Muhammad (Shabalah) and the commander of the Rashidun forces that took Damascus, the first major roman stronghold that fell to the Rashidun forces. He is known to have personally killed Thomas the governor of Damascus and son in law to the Emperor Heraclius Khalid Ibin al-Walid is from the Quraysh . He is a tall man with broad shoulders, has a full beard, scars on his exposed hands and pock marks on his left cheek. He is dressed in arabian white robes, but underneath has a heuberk of mail. From his baldrick he carries a lance and a gladius sword at his side. He describes himself as the destroyer of al-Uzza, who is apparently a goddess, of some kind. He stole the wife (Layla bint al-Minhal) of a Muslim enemy Malik. His message to the Byzantines. I would like to thankyou for the offer of negotiations and after much consideration we welcome you to surrender and submit to Islam, as we all have and in thus ultimately be safe in the protection of Islam. Or alternatively remain Christian but pay the Jizya and accept our protection. Otherwise you will only have yourselves to blame for the consequences, for my men desire death as ardently as you desire life. (A quote taken out of context) Jabalah smiles and politely informs Khalid that The Eastern Roman Empire is Christian and will remain Christian to the rapture and beyond and that we also have our fanatics too, but our fanatics are not fools. Khalids reply is that This earth will destroy its fools but the intelligent will destroy this earth. Submit to Islam, submit to truth and survive. Page 39

Jabalah thanks Khalid for his concern but the people of Byzantium are perfectly familiar with the various uses of the word truth, and we would not describe ourselves as destroyers of the earth but seek to appreciate the glory of Gods creation. Khalid and his guard return to their fortified lines once it becomes apparent that the release of prisoners and return of stolen goods by the Muslim forces is not going to happen, at least on this day. The historical records seem to suggest a long history for the Arabian art of tenacious negotiation. A month of negotiations on the Yarmouk plain awaits. During this time the Byzantines continue to concentrate their forces around the Hieromax plain, build temporary fortifications and attempt to feed and maintain an army of approximately eighty thousand men and 24000 horses. Men within the camps are billeted into 8 man tents called kontobournia (Haldon 2002 ) and share hand mill to grind cereal, cooking utensils and a pack animal. The men in camp are issued bread loaves, the normal type and a hard tack that lasts longer called klibanoi. Camp routine includes trumpet signals for meals, groups of 4 patrolling the camp, called the Kerketon and outer line pickets. Muzibarin Champions and Byzantine Champions duke it out, one on one in the no mans land between the two armies 22 Need for supplies.. The logistical requirements of moving an army through the levant requires supply depos every 250 miles. Although there are imperial stud farms for horses and arms factories the demand exceeds the capacity of these institutions to supply and thus clothing, horses and even boots are obtained via levy. The prices of these goods are purchased at fixed prices, at the time of the 6th century these were done in accordance to Justinians regulations. The Muslims tend to give promises of security for the payment of a poll tax, Jizya. Apparently this tends to make the Muslims popular with christian heretics and the poor. We have a damn problem now, we are trying to maintain a supply chain from Caesarea but apparently the traders in Caesarea are not cooperating. The Byzantines build fortified camps north of the Wadi-ar-Raqqad, given the lack of wood in the area the walls are packed earth with a ditch, in some sections it includes a stone wall with watch towers, the camp includes tents set up as a Valetudinaria Hospitii. Large pits are being dug outside the camp on the section of wall designated as the Valetuinaria. Medical writers of the Roman tradition include Galen, Aretaeus of Cappadocia, Pedanios Dioscorides on Herbalism, Soranus of Ephesus on Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Onabasis on general volumes of what is considered medical Page 40

knowledge. The predominant physiological theory of the time was the 4 humor theory of Galen. Part of the empirical tradition from Galen involved observing the healing of gladiator wounds, which became suppurative before healing. This it became part of the normal practice of this tradition to apply earth to the wound to encourage suppuration as part of the healing process. 23 Increasing Rashidun Caliphate forces Commander Dajarn reports to his cavalry section, which includes the commander. Over the period of negotiations we have been getting sporadic reports of enemy units moving from the north outside of Suwa and Palmyra. They appear to be small groups of infantry and reinforcing arab cavalry, we need groups to intercept them and it is imperative that this is done when the tactical situation guarantees high neutralisation and capture rates, Advisors will mention that these are probably from the Sassanid ( Yazadagerd) front. Players may attempt to intercept the reinforcements, which are mixed groups of cavalry and infantry of around 200 in mail, lamellar armour and Sassanid helmets when combat ready. During travel light horse archers (20) accompany the moving infantry column as look out. The infantry column is Veteran Leader Tactical Skill : 14 Troop strength melee 800 per tactical unit Ranged 600 per tactical unit. Arab Swordsmen, Number 200 Average quality (Veteran soldiers with experienced officers), Average quality equipment TS 3 (3). Foot. Weight 1. Desert survival. The light horse archers are commanded by a Veteran commander Quasim, tactical skill 15, use Rashidun Scout Character data from scene 3 if needed. They have instructions not to harm women, children, the elderly or hermits and so as part of a running joke they ask obvious enemy soldiers if they are hermits. They have been instructed not to take prisoners and in consequence if the players don't give them a reason for execution and take the hint and call themselves hermits the this tactical unit will leave them alone. Troop strength melee 100 per tactical unit, Ranged is 100 per tactical unit. Light Cavalry/ Horse Archers, Elite Quality (Elite with experienced officers, scouts involved in Sassinid War with language & Tracking skills) with Good Equipment. TS 2 (5), Mounted (5) Ranged (5), weight 2, 100K, 20K, +50%TS Good Equipment +100% TS Veteran. Reconnaissance. Desert survival. Intelligence gained from interrogation of prisoners, use characters from scene 3 for details with equipment modifications, will include that they are contingents from Yemen, on the Sassanid front sent by Sad ibn Abi Waqqas under orders of Caliph Uman. Their total number is expected to be around 6000 but it will take time for them to get to the Palestine front.

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Figure 2 : Commander Quasim's Map.

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24 Vahan decides to go against Heracliuss demand for a diplomatic solution. That night, after receiving the intelligence report the unit commanders are called into Vahans tent. Vahan is dressed in field armour and looks tired in the flickering light of the bronze braiser and oil lamp on the table. He holds his silver matzuka tightly in his left hand. He begins Currently our orders from Emperor Heraclius are to try to find a diplomatic solution. I believe that our Emperor respects their commander, as this Khalid fellow returned the Emperors daughter without ransom after ambushing the refugee column from Damascus. Our intelligence is indicating they are calling it The battle of the Meadow of Brocade. During this ambush Thomas, the governor of Damascus and who was also Heracliuss son in law was killed along with thousands of citizens and soldiers of the Empire. Our negotiations are going nowhere and I have reason to believe this is intentional. The longer we continue negotiations the more our troops suffer, our supply networks are increasingly failing and the Rashidun are pulling more troops from the Sassanid front using the same negotiation stalling strategy. They have occupied this plain before us, it is the battlefield they have chosen and thus tactically have better positions and seem to have better access to water. It is an imperative that we attack while we still can be effective and have a numerical and weaponry advantage. So tomorrow morning, wake your men at daybreak and tell them to prepare for battle. Strategos Vahan salutes his officers and chants For God and the Emperor. His officers return the salute and reply For God and the Emperor.

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Scene 25 The Battle of Yarmouk. Day 1 of the Battle of Yarmouk, described as by the river Hieromax by Byzantine sources. Historical information: The practice of having champions fight amongst each other, according to one source, was a practice used by Sassanid and Roman military to solve disputes and is possibly part of a Hellenistic tradition. It argues that the Arab armies adopted it as an effective way of removing enemy officers and diminishing enemy moral but I would argue it would be part of a general practice given the long contact between Arabian and Roman cultures. To my mind the practice seems unprofessional and so to emphasize a distinction between the professional Byzantine armies and the motivated Muslim armies I have had the Byzantines not meet Rashidun champions one on one unlike other days Scene description It is dawn, the 15 August 636, the two armies are lined up facing each other within 1500 meters apart over 12 miles. The Rashidun forces are formed up behind outpost pickets infront of the Tel al Jumma. Commander Dajarin rides up and down the line, rallying troops, who begin chanting Nobiscum Deus. The Kentarchs are yelling for men to form up and from the muslim lines yelling can be heard as men start preparing for the battle.. Mubarizin champions move from the Rashdin lines on horses, calling out threats. The players can discuss whether or not they want to fight one on one combat with experienced veteran champions, use champion stats. A Kentarch from the Dajarns line rides through the lines on a white horse with his kontarion (lance) in the air with a banner of the ChiRho symbol fluttering in the air. Troops of his Chilarchia cheer him on calling out his name Gregory . The Mubarizin is a tall man in mail, leather boots and a silver guilded Sassanid helmet holding a short spear and a sword He rides to the middle of the lines and there is talking and sign language between him and the Mubarizin. The Mubarizin hops onto the back of his horse and they ride into the Rashidun front line, the spearmen part to allow them through. The troops of his Chilarchia seem confused as to what this signifies. Any further Mubarizin challenges are ignored and the first battle line of infantry, the most armoured line moves forward chanting Nobiscum Deus. The lighter armoured support lines of toxarion and javelin throwers quickly move up behind the slower front line. The Mubarizin turn around back to their lines as soon as the Byzantine front line gets close. Toxarion and Muslim archers begin firing into each others lines over their infantry.

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Byzantine Archer support lines Troop strength ranged 3000 per tactical unit. Melee 3000 per tactical unit. Archer infantry, Number 1000 Good quality (Trained with experienced officers, Citizen line infantry) TS 2 (4), Fire. Weight 1. . +50%TS Good Equipment +50% TS Trained Quality lead by experienced officers. Arab Bowmen, Troop strength ranged 4000 per tactical unit. Melee 2000 per tactical unit. Arab Archer infantry, Number 1000 Good quality (veteran with experienced officers, hunters & line infantry) TS 2 (4), Fire. Weight 1. . +50%TS Good Equipment +50% TS Veteran. Reconnaissance. Desert survival. The first battle line of infantry from the Byzantine army levels their spears and march into the Rashdin lines, there is fighting. The Muslim infantry lines are formed up in dense Tabia formations, spearmen using tactics similar to a phalanx. The Tabia formations wavers in sections and groups of men can be seen moving back, but reserve groups fill the positions and maintain pressure on the Byzantine assault line. With the concentrated fire of the archers the Muslim infantry line still holds. Byzantine Heavy Assault line Troop strength melee 4000 per tactical unit Byzantine Skoutatoi, Number 1000 Average quality (Veteran soldiers with experienced officers), Average quality equipment TS 3 (3). Foot. Weight 1. Arab Tabia formations Troop strength melee 3000 per tactical unit Arab Spearmen formation, Number 1000 Average quality (Experienced with experienced officers), Average quality equipment TS 3 (3). Foot. Weight 1. Desert survival Behind the lines are groups of women pulling the dead and wounded away from the lines and treating the wounded. Some of the women are singing some kind of tribal song and yell at the retreating men, who leave their wounded to the care of the women and rejoin the formations. There comparable roles in the professional armies of the Byzantine Army would be priests, medici and camp followers but without the personal relationships. The retreating Arab men form up and move back into the front lines, the Muslim line pushes forward. The Byzantine line moves back in an orderly fashion, under arrow fire from the Muslim archers and so both lines retreat back to their respective sides. It is the end of day one. Men in shock stagger with arrow wounds and some lay on the ground with limbs missing, some of the still conscious are screaming. The aftermath is apparent, behind the front line are tents and wagons with wounded and the mortally wounded receiving palliative care The Arab Tabia formations have held up against the mixed heavy infantry formations Page 45

of the Byzantine Empire. Actions of the day for the characters The Cavalry commander (Comte) Before the battle From discussions in the command tent Vahan has organised a probing attack using heavy infantry and support. 1/3 of the infantry are to be assigned into the assault line, the reserve, the remaining 2/3 are to follow through once the break through of the Rashidun front line is achieved. The assault line is organised into 4 sections. Cavalry is organised into 4 sections behind each adjacent infantry formation. Each section is to Cavalry formations are held back in support of the massed infantry, to support the battle line, you are assigned to support Commander Dajarins section. There are four large cavalry formations behind the infantry line, their archers are pulling back behind the main infantry line. At the edges are continuous skirmishing of light cavalry. The Kentarch In your section of the line you see a selection of veteran soldiers, mostly acting as pentarchs (sergeants) and form many of the soldiers this is there first time in a mass battle, but they carry out their drills as best as they can. The Priest Before and During the Battle. The soldiers elected as medici have formed a transport chain to a field valetudinarian, tents inside the fortified camp. These are generally experienced soldiers with some professed medical knowledge. The aftermath Moving amongst the field, you see the wounded and the dying. Most soldiers with a sliced artery or crushed skull will die on the field. Those with penetrating abdominal wounds despite treatment die slowly over a period of days. Those with simple cuts can be stitched and will heal after suppuration, fractures are splinted. Major wounds to limbs and multiple fractures are treated by amputation. Most of the Medici have learnt from battlefield experience during Romano-Sassanid War and have not had any theoretical training other than what they have been told, the folk wisdom they know and years of experience on a battlefield. The humour theory of Galen is the dominant physiological theory, Byzantine pharmacology is heavily influenced by Dioscorides and has a particular interest in urology. The matula, a urine collection flask is a common symbol of medicine at this time. There are a few professional physicians, who have small quantities of henbane and opium, these are for the exclusive use of particular officers who have purchased their services.

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The Persian Before the Battle You know that there are troops in the enemy columns from the Sassanid front, from the armour and weapons they wear and thus amongst the Arab forces will be Persian converts. Crossing the lines or being involved in an interrogation would reveal that there are potential defectors in the faction riven Byzantine Army.

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Day 1 Map.

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Day 2 Scene description The next day, the Byzantine army has its assault lines formed up in the darkness. Commander Darjans right central column is formed up, this day composed of the men from the reserve columns of the day before, they are fresh but wary and this time know what to expect. The men from the previous assault column are part of the second reserve line. The men speak quietly and when the order to move forward is given it is indicated by the Kentarchs responding to a torch signal. The orders for the center right column is to engage the center of the Rashidun lines and the center right Numerous is to support the center right infantry assault line. The outer right and left assault columns commanded by Gregory (right) and Bucinnator Quanateer (left) are to flank the Rashidun line, relying on their superior numbers. Byzantine Heavy Assault line. Commander Dairjan : Command skill 14 Troop strength melee 4000 per tactical unit Byzantine Skoutatoi, Number 1000 Average quality (Veteran soldiers with experienced officers), Average quality equipment TS 3 (3). Foot. Weight 1. It is not quiet but the men move at a fast walking pace. Contact is made with a loose skirmish line on a slight rise. They fire a volley of arrows and give a yell. Several fire flaming arrows into the dark early morning sky. They fire a second volley of arrows and then fall back. Skirmish line. Veteran Watch Leader : Command skill 14 Troop strength ranged 200 per tactical unit. Melee 100 per tactical unit. Arab Archer infantry, Number 50 Good quality (veteran with experienced officers, hunters & line infantry) TS 2 (4), Fire. Weight 1. . +50%TS Good Equipment +50% TS Veteran. Reconnaissance. Desert survival. The skirmish line runs to a line of palisades and join a formation of archers that are assembling. Commander Shurahbil bin Hasana : Tactical skill 15 Rushed Archer line Troop strength ranged 3500 per tactical unit. Melee 2000 per tactical unit. Arab Archer infantry, Number 1000 Good quality (veteran with experienced officers, hunters & line infantry) TS 2 (4), Fire. Weight 1. . +50%TS Good Equipment +50% TS Veteran. Reconnaissance. Desert survival. Rushed. The archers fall back behind the assembled front line Tabia formations. Commander Shurahbil bin Hasana : Tactical skill 15 Arab Tabia formations Troop strength melee 3000 per tactical unit Page 49

Arab Spearmen formation, Number 1000 Average quality (Experienced with experienced officers), Average quality equipment TS 3 (3). Foot. Weight 1. Desert survival The Byzantine assault columns on the left and right have begun flanking the Rashidun front line. The Rashidun outer left and right columns are beginning to bend back, reserve columns are being fed in and the women behind their lines are pulling back wounded. Drangarios Buccinator Quanateer of the left flanking assault line is an experienced commander and the troops of his command are Slavic of origin and attack viciously the Rashidun defense line . The Rashidun commander of the opposing forces (Amr) has ordered his support cavalry into Drangarios Buccinator Quanateers assault line but the short spears of the Skoutatoi in formation are tactically effective. The Byzantine assault line is now fully engaged and a second reserve cavalry formation attacks the assault line from the left (the Persian will recognise this unit as Khalids elite light cavalry called The army of sharpeners). On the Byzantine right Gregorys assault line has successfully broken through the opposing Rashidun line and is defending against the supporting cavalry column counter attack in a series of tetsudo/ tortoise formations. Byzantine Heavy Assault line. Commander Gregory : Command skill 14 Troop strength melee 4000 per tactical unit Byzantine Skoutatoi, Number 1000 Average quality (Veteran soldiers with experienced officers), Average quality equipment TS 3 (3). Foot. Weight 1. (If any of the players decide to assist the Byzantine right assault line this could be a turning moment. The tetsudo formations are relatively static against cavalry so the opposing Rashidun cavalry is Mixed Shahaba/ Medium Cavalry Commander Yazid : Tactical skill 15 Troop strength melee 4000. Ranged 2000. Medium Cavalry improved by Shahaba, Number 1000 Good Quality (Veteran with experienced officers, fought on Sassanid front) with Good Equipment TS 3 (6), Mounted (4) Ranged (2), weight 2, 150K, 30K, +50%TS Good Equipment +50% TS Veteran. Skirmishing. If the players overcome the supporting cavalry the counter cavalry can overrun the disrupted Rashidun left before it reforms and has the option of dealing with the support line of women or meeting the counter charge of reserve elements of Khalids elite light cavalry. The women appear to be chanting a song and have formed a loose line behind the broken Rashidun left, which seems to be inciting the men into reforming the left front line. (The chanting of the women is recognised by the Persian advisor as Page 50

O you who run from a constant woman Who has both beauty and virtue; And leave her to the infidel, The hated and evil infidel, To possess, disgrace and ruin ) The line of women is commanded by Hind bint Utbah, she yells Cut their arms off. The women are armed with staves, knives and other improvised weapons and function as a skirmish line. Ferocious arab women. Leader Hind bint Utbah : tactical skill 13 (Intelligence level). Troop strength melee 200 per tactical unit. Arab Archer infantry, Number 200 Poor quality (non combatants with fanatical leader) TS 1 (4), Fire. Weight 1. . Poor equipment -50% . Reconnaissance. Desert survival. The male Byzantine infantry soldiers in formation will be reluctant to attack the women unless ordered to (Tactics/ Strategy/ Leadership skill +1 difficulty) a