Page 1: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de MolinaDone by : Trinidad Moreno

Page 2: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

“Love   must be ...

                       looked through     the Heart of Christ;

               if not, the love     is not true love ...

      ... we have to look everybody equally ...

          If any is to be preferred, it will be

  the poor,   the miserable.”

Page 3: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

“What will I do, Lord, to please you more? I give all of myself to your adorable desire, do whatever you want because I completely belong to you and don’t forget my prayers:- That your charity transforms me, that in it I burn and purify. - That you inspires me the spirit of truth and simplicity to attrack souls- Give me the spirit of mortification, and at the same time the holy joy - Give me strength and courage for the fight that is expected. - That it grows in me everyday the love to the Holy Virgin”

Page 4: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

““You see how You see how much God much God loves you? loves you?

They say that They say that God’s love is God’s love is

like a flame of like a flame of a bonfire, that a bonfire, that

cannot be cannot be hidden. hidden.

Then, the soul Then, the soul that is set on that is set on

fire with these fire with these celestial loves celestial loves hardly will be hardly will be able to hide able to hide


Page 5: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

““It is possible to be It is possible to be in continuous prayer in continuous prayer

when when our heart our heart

is totally in God... is totally in God... When When

all the actsall the actsthat we do athat we do aresealed resealed

by the love of God by the love of God so we live so we live in constant in constant

God's presence God's presence and therefore and therefore

our life is a prayer”our life is a prayer”

Page 6: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

“The one who lives united

to Jesus Christ

has in itself the true


Page 7: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

““It’s necessary It’s necessary to take to take

God God        within        within ourselves ourselves

        and with         and with simplicitysimplicity

            show Him, show Him, ... and always ... and always

see thesee the  "Salt of the   "Salt of the


  …  ….seasoning .seasoning allall

and and avoiding avoiding


Page 8: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

““At the feet At the feet of of the the tabernacle tabernacle I find I find strength, strength, courage, courage, light, light, sufficient sufficient love love to to lead to these lead to these souls souls entrusted entrusted to me.”to me.”

Page 9: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

““At the heart of At the heart of others others

We can get, We can get,

before all, before all,

by by                             LOVE”LOVE”

Page 10: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

“Every day I give thanks to Our Lord for having put me in touch with an Institution that fills completely my ideals. Its apostolic mission attracts me extremely!Since I knew the purpose pursued by the Institution I cannot more than love it and I believe that only belonging to it I can find happiness.”

Page 11: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

….Science? Do not alarm with the

word…We do not intend to make you

all Saint Tomás … but now if we

could we would make you all …

Teresas. You all know that Saint Teresa,

the Mystic Doctor,

being an woman and “unlettered”

is considered as the first female luminary

in the science of the spirit, incomparable master of

rising prayer, and although did not studied in

books her science,

recommends and encourages her daughters to ground their

piety in the study of The Sacred Scriptures,

because spirit that is not grounded in

piety, will produce foolish devotions, and

“in my daughters – she says with grace –

God save me!”

Page 12: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

“When I think that these girls

are here for God’s will and

who knows if through me,

that nothing I am,He wants to save them,

then I'm covered

with a strength that only His grace

can give me!”

Page 13: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

“You have to live in reality, and if that reality is hard,

is rough, we should fill it with the perfume of sacrifice,

that this is more important than to dreamAnd if we ever dream, it should be with what has

no end , with what is able to fill our whole heart, because one day, perhaps not far away,

we are confident of reaching the consummation of this ideal.”

Page 14: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

“Just as when there is a light

in a house we can see the

clarity through the

windows, So when a soul is

full of God, even

unintentionally, unintentionally

she communicates Him to

all those surrounding”

Page 15: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

“How many artworks are made

with crude tools               that afterwardsare thrown in the fire! ... But the work is done.”

Page 16: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno







Page 17: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

“Lord! Accept the complete deliverythat today I make of myself, giving all my freedom. I am forever your slave. Make

that I persevere until death

in your love.”

Page 18: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

“The first condition is to want.

It’s necessary to be willingwith an encouraged

and valuable intention,because it is not an easy work, but something

very difficult”

Page 19: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

“I do not mind going to the end of the world if there I can give glory to God”

Page 20: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

“Do not be a woman of novenas, but soul of prayer….Do not get used to repeating many

routine prayers;

Just one prayer coming from the heart

andmade up in your own way, is like an arrow in flames

that reaches

the heart of God.”

“Do not be a woman of novenas, but soul of prayer….Do not get used to repeating many

routine prayers;

Just one prayer coming from the heart

andmade up in your own way, is like an arrow in flames

that reaches

the heart of God.”

Page 21: Text: Victoria Díez y Bustos de Molina Done by : Trinidad Moreno

“I decided not to look at myself but in Jesus Christ.”

“I will never turn away my face from the Lord.”