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Teaching Competencies for Technology

Integration in the Classroom

Sabiha Uzman

Burçin Yalman

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• Introduction• Methodhology• Domains associated with teacher training in technology integration• Domains, knowledges and teaching competencies for tech. Integration

– Instrumental/ technological – Pedagogical/ curricular– Didactic/ methodological– Evaluative/ investigative– Communicational/ relational– Personal/ attitudinal

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Introduction• For researchers such as Hernández-Ramos (2005)

– Technology integration not simply as a question of access, but improve educators’ professional productivity and students’ learning

• In-service training programmes: growing understanding of the potential of technology – educators link the tool in a natural and logical manner

• Technology mere adjunct to the syllabus activities– Not serve as pedagogically

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Introduction• Many educators involved in training processes for tech. intg.

– Not feel they obtain the necessary competencies to carry out the task

• As a result, teacher training scenarios: weak and do not target the development of a critical and purposeful analysis of the possible relationships between technology and school

• Technolog integration includes– Putting educational theory into practice– Applying investigative findings that will empower teaching & learning

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Introduction• The concept of professional competencies arises

– include: Knowledge (conceptual knowledges), Skills (procedural knowledges), Attitudes (attitudinal and value-based knowledges)

• On the basis of these knowledges,– Six domains of action defined: represent the areas that should be targetted

in technology integration training process.

• The purpose of this article: to determine the domains and teaching competencies

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Methodhology• Two databases were used: Academic Search Premier & Google Scholar• To reach at a selection of texts criteria used

– These criteria based on structural characteristics of the publications (text keywords, date of publication, peer-review status, completeness of text, subject area and title keywords) and their central topics (specific research subareas and foci of analysis)

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Domains associated with teacher training in technology integration

– Six domains: • instrumental/technological• pedagogical/curricular• didactic/methodological• evaluative/investigative• communicational/relational• personal/attitudinal

– Findinds show:• If educators don’t have sufficient abilities for handling a computer unlikely

incorporate technology into classroom teaching & much less guarantee pedagogical success

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Domains associated with teacher training in technology integration

– The teacher’s ability to handle technology is not enough to bbring about an educational change

– The key to integration: equipment and effort to incorporate the equipment in education

– According to Cox, unlike teachers don’t have the requisite pedagogical competencies • It will not be possible to implement technology projects that bring

innovative scenarios to the schools• It will not be feasible to configure actions that drive to educational


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Domains associated with teacher training in technology integration

– Although teachers meet technical prequisites, the integration technology • Will not be achieved till the the use of technology has been planned

and • Will not be incorporated into a broader training proposition that

establishes a connection between technology and curriculum.

– There are also methodlogical factors in teacher training proposition.• These refer to the development of didactic knowledges that bolster the

inclusion of technology.

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Domains associated with teacher training in technology integration

– Some researchers posit the existence of evaluative domain that must also be incorporated into teacher training.• This dimension centres on generating feedback to both the student

learning processes and the general functioning of the technology integration.

– The evaluative/investigative domain attempts to estimate the extent to which teacher training is achieving the goals initially set for it.

– Some studies have intoduced the relational sphere as an essential element to be incorporated into training actions.

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Domains associated with teacher training in technology integration

– Finally, soem authors have pointed to the need for incorporating a personal element in the adoption of technology innovations in the classroom.

– Studies have found that the personal dimension influences the representations of the teachers .• Thus, teacher’s self-perception generates ways of seeing,

understanding and projecting the inclusion of technology in the classroom.

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Domains, knowledges and teaching competencies for technology Integration

Compiled information is organized by domains. To criticize domains below knowledges are considered.

Conceptual knowledge: Theoretical information

Procedural knowledge : Focus on actions* Application and cognitive construction

Attitudinal knowledge: Adopted personal position after various knowledge objects

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Instrumental/ technological domain

About teacher training in instrumental/ technological domain: From 19 knowledges ---> 1 conceptual , 15 procedural and 3 attitudinal

* Applying the technology tool for the direct benefit of the class e.g) Use technology tool for problem solving* Focusing on the management of information during instructional process* Lack of attitudinal knowledge

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Pedagogical/ curricular domainFrom 27 knowledges ; 12 were conceptual, 13 were procedural and 2 were attitudinal

* Teacher should develop pedagogical use of technology tool in the class.* Results showed the importance about ;

> Pedagogical decision making and integration of technology in curriculum > Creation of pedagogical concepts to enhance constructive knowledge of students

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Didactic / methodological domainFrom 37 knowledges ; 1 was conceptual, 36 were procedural and none was attitudinal.Results showed;* Focus was on putting didactic knowledge into practice for a technology project.* No attitude was mentioned as supporting technology integration !!!

> Pedagogical decision making and integration of technology in curriculum > Creation of pedagogical concepts to enhance constructive knowledge of students

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Evaluative / investigative domain

From 20 knowledges ; none were conceptual, 16 were procedural and 4 were attitudinal.Results showed;* Emphasis on practical appplication of technology in class.* Teacher's self-critical pedagogical practice is important.* Importance of feedback to student learning by technology tools.

Competencies are structured by considering; 1- Evaluation of stu. Learning 2- Valuation of tech. project itself3- Self evaluation by the teacher about tech. integration

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Communicational / relational domainFrom 9 knowledges ; 2 were conceptual, 2 were procedural and 5 were attitudinal.

Results showed;* Emphasis on interpersonal capabilities for collaboration* Use of technology for improving communication with educational community.

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Personal / attitudinal domain

From 15 knowledges ; all of them were attitudinal.

Results showed;

* Most knowledges concentrated on reinforcement of positive attitudes toward technology integration in class.* Focus on developing a subjective manner for changing the teaching way.* Emphasis on interpersonal capabilities for collaboration

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