
Email is Social: Chapter 11

Chandra Clark, Ph.D.The University of Alabama

Why Do Emails Work?

• Create emails that people like

• Nurture leads: targeted emails

• Test marketing emails.

Email Benefits:

1. Scheduled Email:Email sent between 6 and 7 am has highest click rate (Dan Zarrella); less distractions

2. Call to Action/Subscriptions: Weekly or month subscriptions with reminders. Each one must be remarkable and compelling. Sign up in multiple locations.

3. Hate/Love Relationship: We get so much of it. 89% of emails are spam. Spam folders get full quick.

Email Benefits:

4. Professional letters: Check spelling, meanings, re-read…especially before applying for jobs.

5. Timing: It’s everything and too much is personal.

6. Plain versus colorful: Some programs send it straight to spam.

Mobile Web Means Now: Chapter 12

Chandra Clark, Ph.D.The University of Alabama

• Pew Study, September 2013• 91% of Americans have

cell phone• 55% have smartphones-

mostly Iphone and Android

• 32% own tablets• 42% own a tablet computer

Why Do We Care About Mobile?

Mobile Message Musts:

1. Websites must be mobile-optimized for SEO

2. Location: Algorithm knows it’s a mobile phone.

3. Landing Pages: Need to be rendered and optimized. Must be as easy to read on phone as computer.

4. Style Sheets: handheld.css and iphone.css; incorporates title tags and keyword searches from website to mobile so there’s no recreation

5. Build a separate mobile site:

*not always recommended but may be necessary

Size, style, dimensions, and pixles per image are something to consider when building the structure of your website.

Your Website Has to Be Customized on Mobile

Your Website Has to Be Customized on Mobile

Example: Wix.comWix Apps Wix Features

Wix and other Websites Have Free Apps

Mobile Marketing Best Practices:

1.Prioritize and review analytics of how people are using the mobile device.

2. Discover what’s popular.

3. View on multiple devices.
