Page 1: TBS After School Enrichment Class begin by learning the basics of fashion rendering and illustration, as well as learning fun facts about famous fashion designers and fashion history

TBS After School Enrichment Class

Class: Fashion Illustration

Fee: $90 (10% is donated to the PTO) Time: 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Dates: 6 weeks, Friday, January 20 – February 24, 2017 Location: TBS Classroom Instructor: Stefanie Baechler, Farmington Valley Arts Center

If you have a passion for fashion and want to learn how to design and draw beautiful fashion images – this is the class for you! Students will build a basic art and design foundation including figure and facial proportions. The students will work in various mediums such as paint, watercolor, plaster and so much more to create eye catching fashion designs. At the end of every class they will have a completed fashion project to bring home! Students begin by learning the basics of fashion rendering and illustration, as well as learning fun facts about famous fashion designers and fashion history. Fashionistas are led, step by step, through an art and design curriculum that will leave them inspired and excited about fashion illustration. Class minimum of 5, maximum of 12.

Instructor Bio: College student and fashionista Stefanie Baechler has been passionate about art since primary school. She has been instructing youth classes and arts adventures programs at the Farmington Valley Arts Center for a year and is pursuing a degree in Art Education. She loves working with pen and ink, as well as clay and watercolor.

The actual registration must be done via Eventkeeper, but please return the registration form with a $90 check to the instructor on the first day of class. Make checks payable to: Farmington Valley Arts Center. For questions contact: FVAC, Sandy Buerkler at [email protected], 860.678.1867

Payment Slip: Please complete and bring on the first day of class. Make check ($90) payable to Farmington Valley Arts Center. No payment should be sent in to TBS before the first class. Program: Fashion Illustration Student Name: Grade: Teacher: Parent/Guardian Name: Email: Phones (H): (C): Emergency Contact (if different than above): Phone: Name of Pickup Person: Any allergies or pertinent medical information? Any other information the instructor should know?

Farmington Valley Arts Center, 25 Arts Center Lane, Avon, CT 06001, 860.678.1867,
