Page 1: Tariq Drabu Tips - Diabetes and oral health 2016

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Page 2: Tariq Drabu Tips - Diabetes and oral health 2016

Diabetes is a serious concern throughout the United Kingdom,according to Dentists in Manchester. There are thousands of peopleliving with diagnosed diabetes and there are hundreds more thathave diabetes and no idea that they have the condition.

Diabetes is a result of a number of factors, often brought on byobesity, unhealthy living and high sugar intake. Diabetes is when thepatient struggled to maintain a healthy blood sugar level, which inturn can have a negative impact on their oral health moving forward.

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Dentist advises that diabetes and oral health are more linked than many peoplerealise. Patients are aware that they need to control their blood sugar andthat failure to do so can result in them having eye problems and other healthissues in the long run, but very few know the impact that diabetes has ontheir oral health.

Oral infections is very common for diabetes sufferers, which is why Dentists inManchester recommends patients visit their dentist regularly and adopt agood oral health routine to reduce the risk of infection at all times.

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Anyone who suffers from diabetes also stands a high risk of fungal infections, such

as oral thrush. Again, denstist recommends, a good oral health routine must be

maintained at all times. This means brushing teeth twice daily for a full two minutes

per brushing session. A good quality fluoride toothpaste must be used and the

patient must floss to reduce the risk of gum disease.

Dentists in Manchester also advised that it is imperative that patients with diabetes

do not skip their routine dental appointments, which can be anything from six months

to eighteen months since their last visit, based on their overall oral health. These

appointments enable the dentist to check the mouth, teeth and gums and identify

any issues early on to reduce long term oral problems.

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Most people suffering with diabetes will find themselves on medication, which in turn

can result in dry mouth syndrome. Dry mouth syndrome is a serious reduction in

saliva flow, according to Dentists. The problem is that our mouth relies of saliva to

protect the teeth and gums. The only way to manage this is to drink plenty of water

to keep yourself hydrated and reduce the risk of your mouth drying out completely asa result.

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