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Page 1: Target audience feedback

Target Audience Feedback Results

Page 2: Target audience feedback

Who am I looking forA Target Audience is what it says on the tin, the people who I am aiming to please, therefore my film (being a Thriller Genre) is anyone who has an interest in Thrillers or generally likes watching films. To conduct my target audience research I have completed 2 tasks:• An online survey• An Interview I think this will give me the information I need because it will give both Qualitative and Quantitative data.

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ResultsThe next few slides will show the results from my online questionnaire.

This clearly shows the audience which have filled out the survey are in a very small age range, therefore I should have opened up the option to other age groups; this would have been good because it would have given me a better idea of the whole population's views.

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This question clearly expresses the opinion of the respondents, this is good because open questions give opportunity for people to express their own free opinion. The results show a range of answers but some suggest the plot was confusing; this may be something I will have to take into account if I ever create another film.

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The results of this question show that 66.7% agree with the desired answer, this is mainly positive feedback therefore is good; although the remaining 3 respondents answers may need further looking into to gain more valuable information and potential improvements.

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Clearly the point was correctly put across because all answers are positive.

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Obviously the films genre was displayed correctly, as all respondents have responded positively with the correct answer, this could suggest that I have projected the characteristics of a Thriller film correctly, these could be things such as placing a character in constant danger etc…

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In this question 2 answers suggest the soundtrack could be improved, therefore if I am creating a film or was to improve ‘Psychopath’ then I should consider choosing more effective music to package scenes.

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This question’s answers are varied but the majority agree that it was better not show the victim being killed, this is good because it means in the future I can work on tension instead of effects.

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Over ¾ of the respondents said they were fine with the loudness of the phone conversation, therefore I think this isn't a problem I will have consider in the future.

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The answers to this question suggest that mostly the music was appropriate for the fill, this option was chosen more frequently than the definitely option; therefore this should be something I will try to improve on in the future.

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I chose this question because I personally noticed it after I completed the film; therefore I wanted to test if it was just me that felt this way, the results show that obviously I was clearly not the only one and in future I should check this type of thing before broadcasting my film.