
© ATICS GmbH 2012

Migration mit demBMC Migration ToolkitBMC Migration Toolkit

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© ATICS GmbH 2012Welche Versionen?




CONTROL-M/Server CONTROL-M/Server 6.2.01

CONTROL-M/Server 6.3.01

CONTROL-M/Server 6.4.01

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Ältere Versionen müssen vorab auf eine deraufgelisteten Versionen migriert werden!

© ATICS GmbH 2012Was wird migriert von EM 6.x.x?

Was? Was nicht?

Job Processing Definitionen Active Jobs, Conditions undRessourcen

Kalender Definitionen Old Nets InformationenKalender Definitionen Old Nets Informationen

Global Conditions Informationen(Präfixe)

CONTROL-M Definitionen

System Parameters

User Autorisation und ViewPoint

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User Autorisation und ViewPoint



© ATICS GmbH 2012Was wird migriert von CONTROL-M/Server?

Was? Was nicht?

Job Processing Definitionen Configuration parameters:









Calendar Definitionen Process Parameter

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Calendar Definitionen Process Parameter

Active Environment ECS Port

Security Definitionen Anzahl der Server Prozesse CS

Configuration Parameter

CONTROL-M/Agent Parameter

System Parameter

© ATICS GmbH 2012Installation Migration Toolkit für EM

Vom BMC FTP-Server muss man sich das aktuellste Migration-Toolkit herunterladen. Das auf der CD ausgelieferte ist meistensveraltet!

Das selbe Migration-Toolkit muss IMMER in beiden Versionen vonCONTROL-M/EM installiert werden!CONTROL-M/EM installiert werden!

Danach wird es folgendermaßen installiert:

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© ATICS GmbH 2012Migration

Wechsle in das migration_export Verzeichnis!

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© ATICS GmbH 2012Migration

Starte darin danndas Utility migration.

Es wird dasMigration ExportMenu angezeigt.

Migration Export Menu - CONTROL-M/EM

The options in this menu allow you to:

o Validate that your data is ready for

export to 7.0.0x

o Export your data

Menu angezeigt. NOTE: BMC Software recommends that you backup your data before performing these menu options.


1) Validation - Performs the migration Data

Readiness test to ensure that your data

conforms to 7.0.0x validation rules.

2) View - View the Readiness report.

3) Export - Exports your data to a file that can

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3) Export - Exports your data to a file that can

subsequently be imported to the 7.0.0x

environment. This step will validate the data

again before exporting it. Before performing

this step, ensure that CONTROL-M/EM components

are down on all machines and remain down through

the data migration. After completing data migration,

start working directly with Control-M/EM 7.0.0x.

4) Exit Menu.

Select an option:

© ATICS GmbH 2012

Migration Export Menu - CONTROL-M/EM

The options in this menu allow you to:

o Validate that your data is ready for

export to 7.0.0x

o Export your data

Migration Schritt 1: Validation (erfolgreich)

Mit der Auswahl

1) Validation

wird der so genannte o Export your data

NOTE: BMC Software recommends that you backup your data before performing these menuoptions.


1) Validation - Performs the migration Data

2) ……

4) Exit Menu.

wird der so genannteReadiness Reporterstellt.

Hier ein Lauf ohneProbleme.

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Select an option: 1

Generating validation report...


Validation Summary

0 Error ; 0 Warning ; 1 Information Message

No errors or warnings were detected


You may find the validation report under"/BMC630/ctm630/migrate_ctm/data/ValidityReport.out"

© ATICS GmbH 2012

Errors were detected in your data. The data

cannot be migrated to 7.0.0x until you correct theerrors.

To see the error details, view the latest Readinessreport

Migration Schritt 1: Validation(nicht erfolgreich)

Hier sind Problemeaufgetreten!


/bmc/ctmem/migration_export/ValidityReport.out .

To view the Readiness report online, request the ViewReadiness report option in the migration menu.

After you have corrected the errors, run the Validation

step again to ensure that the data is error-free.

For more information, see the appendix in the MigrationGuide on analyzing the Readiness report.

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Press ENTER to continue.

© ATICS GmbH 2012

Migration Export Menu - CONTROL-M/EM

The options in this menu allow you to:

o Validate that your data is ready for

export to 7.0.0x

o Export your data

Migration Schritt 2:View Readiness Report

Dieser sollte überAuswahl 2) Viewangesehen und dieDaten entsprechend NOTE: BMC Software recommends that you backup your data before performing these menu options.


1) Validation - Performs the migration Data

Readiness test to ensure that your data

conforms to 7.0.0x validation rules.

2) View - View the Readiness report.

3) Export - Exports your data to a file that can

subsequently be imported to the 7.0.0x

Daten entsprechendangepasst werden.

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subsequently be imported to the 7.0.0x

environment. This step will validate the data

again before exporting it. Before performing

this step, ensure that CONTROL-M/EM components

are down on all machines and remain down through

the data migration. After completing data migration,

start working directly with Control-M/EM 7.0.0x.

4) Exit Menu.

Select an option: 2

© ATICS GmbH 2012

Migration Schritt 2:View Readiness Report

Sollte die Validation mit nicht erfolgreich sein, dann findet man hierdie entsprechenden Fehlerhinweise

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> START OF EM VALIDATION REPORT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Created: Mon Jul 23 10:01:03 2011

Error ERR30007: Fields contain illegal new line character


Code Table Name Field Name Field Value

----- --------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------------


GATHER_DICTIONARY_STATS^M <NL> abgebrochen, bitte pruefen


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GATHER_DICTIONARY_STATS^M <NL> abgebrochen, bitte pruefen.


GATHER_SYSTEM_STATS^M <NL> ist abgebrochen

Total Summary :


Error(s) :

ERR30007 : 3 messages : Fields contain illegal new line character

Total: 3 messages

© ATICS GmbH 2012

Migration Export Menu - CONTROL-M/EM

The options in this menu allow you to:

o Validate that your data is ready for

export to 7.0.0x

o Export your data

Migration Schritt 3: Export der Daten

Mit 3) Exportwerden die Daten ausder EM-DB exportiert.

Dafür müssen alleEM-Komponenten NOTE: BMC Software recommends that you backup your data before performing these menu options.


1) Validation - Performs the migration Data

Readiness test to ensure that your data

conforms to 7.0.0x validation rules.

2) View - View the Readiness report.

3) Export - Exports your data to a file that can

EM-Komponentengestoppt sein außerder EM-DB selbst(check_all)

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3) Export - Exports your data to a file that can

subsequently be imported to the 7.0.0x

environment. This step will validate the data

again before exporting it. Before performing

this step, ensure that CONTROL-M/EM components

are down on all machines and remain down through

the data migration. After completing data migration,

start working directly with Control-M/EM 7.0.0x.

4) Exit Menu.

Select an option: 3

© ATICS GmbH 2012Migration Schritt 3: Export der Daten

Enter Control-M/EM DB owner user name:


Enter Control-M/EM DB owner password:


Checking if there are any open connections to CONTROL-M/EM database...

Starting data validation ...Starting data validation ...

Please enter DB password

Performing Data Center check for UNIX


Performing Global checks


Your data is ready for migration.

You can now perform the Export step in the menu.

Starting data export stage.

Exporting data. This process can take a long time ...

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Tel: (+49) 6158 / 985 110Fax: (+49) 6158 / 985 111Email: [email protected]://

Exporting data. This process can take a long time ...

Data export ended successfully

Packaging results...

a ExportForMigration.res 1 blocks.

a ExportForMigration.exp 14227 blocks.

a asc_ebc_0 1 blocks.

a Exported_Defaults.Rsc1 16 blocks.

a Exported_Defaults.Rsc2 1 blocks.

a ecs_version.txt 1 blocks.

a ValidityReport.out 1 blocks.

© ATICS GmbH 2012Migration Schritt 3: Export der Daten

Pack Export Results ended successfully


Export ended successfully.

The export files are stored in the following locations:

Unix: "migration_export/ECSExportForMigration.tar" or "migration_export/data/*"

Windows: "migration_export/data/*".

To proceed with the migration process, do the following:

1. Back up the appropriate export files/directory:

o If you will be running the import on Unix, backup the .tar file.

o If you will be running the import in Windows, backup the files inmigration_export/data".

2. If upgrading as an overwrite (to the same machine/account), shut down all CONTROL-M/EMprocesses and delete all files in the account.

3. Install the product from the latest 7.0.0x product CD.

4. Install the latest Fix Pack for 7.0.0x.

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4. Install the latest Fix Pack for 7.0.0x.

5. Copy the appropriate export files to a location accessible to the 7.0.0x machine/account:

o In Unix, recommended location: <em_home>/migration_import

o In Windows, required location: <em_home>\migration_import\data

If copying via FTP, use binary mode.

You can then activate the migration import menu in the 7.0.0x environment and proceed to importthe exported data into the new environment.

For more information, see the Migration Guide.


Press ENTER to continue.

© ATICS GmbH 2012Migration Schritt 3: Export der Daten

%migration_export> ls -ltr

total 14360

-rwxr-xr-x 1 em630 ecs600 572 Feb 18 2010 export

-rwxr-xr-x 1 em630 ecs600 1077 Jun 15 2010 migration

-rw-r--r-- 1 em630 ecs600 7018 Jan 25 13:50 OLD_ValidityReport.out_Tue_Jan_31_14_49_01_2012

-rw-r--r-- 1 em630 ecs600 4509 Jan 31 14:49 OLD_ValidityReport.out_Tue_Feb_7_08_04_22_2012

-rw-r--r-- 1 em630 ecs600 1075 Feb 07 08:04 OLD_ValidityReport.out_Tue_Feb_7_11_38_04_2012

-rw-r--r-- 1 em630 ecs600 0 Feb 07 11:37 NUL-rw-r--r-- 1 em630 ecs600 0 Feb 07 11:37 NUL

-rw-r--r-- 1 em630 ecs600 158 Feb 07 11:38 OLD_ValidityReport.out_Tue_Mar_13_12_28_24_2012

-rw-r--r-- 1 em630 ecs600 158 Mar 13 12:28 OLD_ValidityReport.out_Tue_Mar_13_12_55_52_2012

drwxr-xr-x 2 em630 ecs600 4096 Mar 13 12:55 logs

drwxr-xr-x 2 em630 ecs600 4096 Mar 13 12:55 bin

-rw-r--r-- 1 em630 ecs600 158 Mar 13 12:55 ValidityReport.out

drwxr-xr-x 2 em630 ecs600 256 Mar 13 12:56 data

-rw-r--r-- 1 em630 ecs600 7301120 Mar 13 12:56 ECSExportForMigration.tar

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© ATICS GmbH 2012

Installation Migration Toolkit für EM6.4.x/7.0.00

Man installiert das selbe Migration-Toolkit wie für die alte Version.

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© ATICS GmbH 2012Migration: Import

Wechsle in das ctm_em/migration_import Verzeichnis!

Kopiere die Datei vorher erstellte ECSExportForMigration.tar indieses Verzeichnis des neuen EM-Users.

em700 [12] cp ~em630/migration_export/ECSExportForMigration.tar .

em700 [13] ls -ltr

total 14304

-rwxr-x--- 1 em700 ecs700 912 Jun 10 2010 users_backup

-rwxr-x--- 1 em700 ecs700 646 Jun 10 2010 import

-rwxr-x--- 1 em700 ecs700 1077 Jun 15 2010 migration

drwxr-x--- 2 em700 ecs700 256 Jun 12 2011 logs

drwxr-x--- 2 em700 ecs700 256 Jun 12 2011 data

drwxr-x--- 5 em700 ecs700 4096 Jun 12 2011 bin

-rw-r----- 1 em700 ecs700 7301120 Mar 13 13:03 ECSExportForMigration.tar

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© ATICS GmbH 2012

em700 [14] migration

Migration Import Menu - Control-M/EM 7.0.0x

This menu allows you to import to the Control-M/EM

7.0.0x environment the data that you previously

exported from an old Control-M/EM environment.

Migration: Import

Starte darin danndas Utility migration.

Es wird dasMigration ImportMenu angezeigt. exported from an old Control-M/EM environment.


1) Import Data - Imports the data into the

Control-M/EM 7.0.0x environment.

Before performing this step, ensure

that the Control-M/EM is down.

2) Exit Menu.

Menu angezeigt.

Über 1) Import Datawird der Importgestartet

Dafür MUSS allesaußer der EM-DBgestoppt sein!

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Select an option: 1

Press ENTER to continue.

© ATICS GmbH 2012Migration : Import

Enter Control-M/EM DB owner user name:


Enter Control-M/EM DB owner password:

Enter Database System Administrator password:Enter Database System Administrator password:

Checking if there are any open connections to CONTROL-M/EM database...

Checking if export file exists ...

x ExportForMigration.res, 219 bytes, 1 tape blocks

x ExportForMigration.exp, 7283800 bytes, 14227 tape blocks

x asc_ebc_0, 512 bytes, 1 tape blocks

x Exported_Defaults.Rsc1, 7687 bytes, 16 tape blocks

x Exported_Defaults.Rsc2, 347 bytes, 1 tape blocks

x ecs_version.txt, 11 bytes, 1 tape blocks

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x ValidityReport.out, 158 bytes, 1 tape blocks

Getting export data information ...

Export data time: Tue Mar 13 12:56:03 2012

Export data host: controlm

Proceed with data import? (y/n): y

© ATICS GmbH 2012Migration: Import

Backup of Control-M/EM user authorization data started

Backup of Control-M/EM user authorization data ended successfully

Starting CONTROL-M/EM general data import. This process can take a long time ...

Importing all data ...



Importing user ... (6 tables)

Table USERSGROUPS ==> 50%


Importing sys ... (8 tables)

Table DOWNLOAD ==> No Data

Table PARAMS ==> 0%


Importing alert ... (2 tables)

Table ALARM ==> 0%

Importing gc ... (1 tables)

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Importing gc ... (1 tables)

Table GLOBAL_COND ==> 50%

^ Table DEF_VER_JOB_TAGS ==> Done

General data import ended successfully

Starting Loader utility ...

Run of Loader utility ended successfully

Reactivating Forecast ...

Reactivating Forecast ended successfully.

© ATICS GmbH 2012Migration: Import

Starting data repair ...

Run of data repair ended successfully

Restore of Control-M/EM user authorization data started

Restore of Control-M/EM user authorization data ended successfully

Starting Oracle Statistics ...

Oracle Statistics ended successfully

The Import procedure ended successfully.

You can now perform the following tasks as needed:

*In case the asc_ebc file has been customized on the source version, refer to the migrationguide appendix A

*Perform upload to synchronize the data with Control-M/Server.

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* Migrate your Control-M/Servers.

* When you are ready, uninstall the old environment

(if you have not already done so).

For more information, see the Control-M Migration Guide.

Press ENTER to continue.

© ATICS GmbH 2012

Installation Migration Toolkit fürCONTROL-M/Server

Die Installation des Migration-Toolkits wird ähnlich installiert wiedas für CONTROL-M/EM.

Vom BMC FTP-Server muss man sich das aktuellste Migration-Toolkit herunterladen. Das auf der CD ausgelieferte ist meistensveraltet!veraltet!

Die Installation erfolgt über den Befehl install_migration. Alserstes muss es in der zu migrierenden Umgebung installiertwerden.

controlm> $HOME/tmp/install_migration

Installing Migration Toolkit for CONTROL-M/Server.

Unix User: controlm

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Unix User: controlm

CONTROL-M/Server directory: /bmc/ctmserver

Platform: AIX

Do you wish to continue[n]? y

Latest CONTROL-M/Server version installed in this account is :

Extracting files...Install files.

Completed extracting the Tar files for the Migration Installation.

CONTROL-M/Server Migration TK successfully installed.

© ATICS GmbH 2012Migration CONTROL-M/Server

Man wechseltdiesmal aber indes Verzeichnismigration_ctmdes CONTROL-


Migration 7.0.0 Manual Migration Menu - CONTROL-M/Server


This menu allows Validate and Export data from Source Environment.

Options:des CONTROL-m/Server Usersund ruft dasProgrammmigration auf!

Es wird dasMigration ExportMenu angezeigt.

1) Validation - Performs the migration Data Readiness test toensure that your data conforms to the new versionvalidation rules.

2) View - View the Readiness report.

3) Export - Exports historical, definitions, and active data toa file.

q) Quit

Select an Option:

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© ATICS GmbH 2012

Migration Schritt 1: Validation(erfolgreich)

Mit der Auswahl

1) Validation

wird der so genannte


Migration 7.0.0 Manual Migration Menu - CONTROL-M/Server


This menu allows Validate and Export data from Source Environment.

Options:wird der so genannteReadiness Reporterstellt.

Hier ein Lauf ohneProbleme.

1) Validation - Performs the migration Data Readinesstest to ensure that your data conforms to the newversion validation rules.

2) View - View the Readiness report.

3) Export - Exports historical, definitions, and activedata to a file.

q) Quit

Select an Option: 1

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Generating validation report...


Validation Summary

0 Error ; 0 Warning ; 1 Information Message

No errors or warnings were detected


You may find the validation report under"/BMC630/ctm630/migrate_ctm/data/ValidityReport.out"

© ATICS GmbH 2012

Migration Schritt 2:View Readiness Report

Dieser sollte überAuswahl 2) Viewangesehen und dieDaten entsprechend

2) View - View the Readiness report.

3) Export - Exports historical, definitions, and activedata to a file.

q) Quit

Daten entsprechendangepasst werden. Select an Option:2

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> START OF VALIDATION REPORT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Created: Mon Jul 23 10:18:29 2007

Data Center: aix005




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Grand Total: 0

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< END OF VALIDATION REPORT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

ValidityReport.out: END

© ATICS GmbH 2012Migration Schritt 3: Export der Daten

Anschließend müssen wie beim CONTROL-M/EMüber den Menüpunkt 3- Export die Daten exportiertwerden.

Für den Import in den neuen CONTROL-M/Servermüssen dann diese Daten auf den entsprechendenRechner kopiert werden und über das Migration-Toolkit importiert werden!

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© ATICS GmbH 2012

Welche „Probleme“ gibt‘s?CONTROL-M/Server

Die SHOUT Destination „ECS“ ist ersetzt wordendurch EM Die Migration passt aber das POST PROCESSING nicht

immer animmer an

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© ATICS GmbH 2012

Welche „Probleme“ gibt‘s?CONTROL-M/Server

Es gibt einige neue „Meldungen“, die leider perDefault durch FIXPACKs (speziell FP200) aktiviertsind Diese muss man in der config.dat entsprechend Diese muss man in der config.dat entsprechend




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© ATICS GmbH 2012

Welche „Probleme“ gibt‘s?CONTROL-M/EM

Die Reporting Facilty funktioniert in Verbindung mitORACLE nichtWir haben in der Zwischenzeit zwei „Lösungen“, die aber

bei einem dritten Kunden noch nicht hilftbei einem dritten Kunden noch nicht hilft

1. Aus irgendwelchen Gründen wurden bestimmte DLLsnicht in das ORACL-Verzeichnis von der GUI installiert

2. In Verbindung mit ORACLE RAC gibt‘s in derZwischenzeit ein BMC Knowledge Base Eintrag


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© ATICS GmbH 2012

Welche „Probleme“ gibt‘s?CONTROL-M/EM

Im Migration Guide gibt es für die Migration von BIMextra ein Kapitel (Anhang E) darüber, dassProbleme zu erwarten sind.

Darin sind auch Lösungsvorschläge vorhanden, die Darin sind auch Lösungsvorschläge vorhanden, diebei uns bisher nicht fruchteten. Bisher musste jeder Kunde bei BMC diesbezüglich

nachhaken (so steht‘s auch im Handbuch )

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© ATICS GmbH 2012Aufwand für CONTROL-M/EM

Aktuell ist die Installation für die CONTROL-M/EMClient sehr aufwendig: Installation von DVD ausführen

Fixpack installieren Fixpack installieren

Sollten auch noch CMs ergänzt/ersetzt werden,dann muss man entsprechend die FORMs von CD/DVD installieren

z.B. für CM for DATABASE FORMS sind nach der InstallationRelease 6.4.01 und NICHT 7.0.01 in der EM-GUI

CCM-Plugins auf EM-Server UND EM-Client installieren

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Grund siehe oben

© ATICS GmbH 2012Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!

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