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Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index

Page 2: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


INTRODUCTIONThank you for purchasing Style Savvy, Prima’s Offi cial Look Book! Like the fabulous world of fashion itself, this book brims with all manner of excitement, allure, and style. You’ll soar to the top of the fashion scene in no time, because you’ve now got all the tips you need to succeed!

How to Use This BookAside from this thrilling intro, here’s what you’ll fi nd inside this guide:

Chapter 2: Starting Out StrataEarning the right to run your own store isn’t easy; you’ll fi rst have to impress your peers, wowing them with your incredible sense of fashion. We therefore begin by walking you through the early stages of your career, in which you’re taught the basics of the fashion biz at Strata, the town’s premiere fashion boutique. Follow our walkthrough step by step, or simply reference it whenever you get stuck, and you’ll be running your own boutique in no time!

Chapter 3: Your Stylin’ StoreCongratu-lations! Now that you’ve been entrusted with a store of your own, you’ll fi nd your job’s a bit more challenging than it was when you were Strata’s humble trainee. It’s normal to feel anxious at fi rst, but don’t worry—it causes wrinkles! Just read this chapter and learn how to grow your shop into a stunning success, stress free.

Welcome to the World of Fashion!Welcome to the World of Fashion!

Chapter 4: Living FabulouslyAll work and no play makes Jill a dull girl—or something like that! When the daily grind wears you down, fl ip to this chapter and discover all the neat activities you can participate in outside of work. From fun-fi lled shopping excursions to special events and fashion contests, there’s always something cool for you to do.

Chapter 5: Hair and MakeupWith so many hair styles and cosmetics to choose from, it’s nice having a catalog to browse. That’s what you’ll fi nd in this chapter: a complete showcase of all the gorgeous makeup and outrageous hairdos you can buy in town!

Chapter 6: Clothing CatalogWhen we say that Style Savvy wraps you in a world of fashion, we mean it! There are over 10,000 different articles of clothing and accessories for you to purchase in the game, from a whopping 16 independent clothing brands—more than enough to merit a full-on fashion catalog! Flip through our giant clothing catalog and discover what each brand has to offer.

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index How to Use This Book Fabulous Friends

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Chapter 7: Client IndexThe last few pages of this guide provide ample space for you to jot down notes about all your customers. Each time you help someone new, turn to the back of the book and scratch down their name, their favorite brands and colors, and any other helpful notes. When your customers return to your store, you’ll already know what they like —no guesswork needed!

Fabulous FriendsStyle Savvy is just full of unique characters. Here are some of the friendly faces you’ll meet during your rise to the height of the fashion community:

GraceGrace is the savvy manager of Strata, a successful fashion boutique in town. She acts as your mentor while you’re learning the ropes of the fashion biz; she’s like everyone’s cool older sister.

RenéeThis sassy young lass has been working at Strata for about a month. She’s a bit standoffi sh when meeting new coworkers, perhaps seeing them as competition. However, once Renée

warms up to someone, they’ve made a true friend for life.

GodfreyGodfrey may be a humble butler, but he fi lls many different roles. He is Libby’s grandfather and Dominic’s trusty servant and would-be matchmaker. Godfrey is fi ercely loyal to Master

Dominic and genuinely cares about him.

DominicThe dashing young owner of Strata, Dominic is very well educated, having attended some of the fi nest boarding schools in the world.

EuniceEunice’s uptight and worrisome nature lends her an antiquated air. She takes her job as Dominic’s maid very seriously, and she doesn’t seem to like it when other women visit the mansion.

DidiDidi is the owner of the town’s premier hair salon.

OliviaOlivia is the town’s foremost makeup artist.

RococcoRococco grew up in a small town but always longed to experience the international world of fashion. She offers constant encouragement with terms of endearment such as “darling”

and “mon petit chou-chou.” She has a very high opinion of herself.

LibbyLibby is clumsy, easily excitable, and extremely outgoing. Libby takes photography seriously but seems to regularly end up in one debacle or another.

FelicityFelicity is the hip, outgoing author of a happening fashion magazine, so expect a visit from her if you wow the crowd at a fashion show!

GraceGrace is the savvy manager of Strata, a successful fashion boutique in town. She acts as your mentor while you’re learning the ropes of the fashion biz; she’s like everyone’s cool older sister.

RenéeThis sassy young lass has been working at Strata for about a month. She’s a bit standoffi sh when meeting new coworkers, perhaps seeing them as competition. However, once Renée

warms up to someone, they’ve made a true friend for life.

GodfreyGodfrey may be a humble butler, but he fi lls many different roles. He is Libby’s grandfather and Dominic’s trusty servant and would-be matchmaker. Godfrey is fi ercely loyal to Master

Dominic and genuinely cares about him.

DominicThe dashing young owner of Strata, Dominic is very well educated, having attended some of the fi nest boarding schools in the world.

EuniceEunice’s uptight and worrisome nature lends her an antiquated air. She takes her job as Dominic’s maid very seriously, and she doesn’t seem to like it when other women visit the mansion.

DidiDidi is the owner of the town’s premier hair salon.

OliviaOlivia is the town’s foremost makeup artist.

RococcoRococco grew up in a small town but always longed to experience the international world of fashion. She offers constant encouragement with terms of endearment such as “darling”

and “mon petit chou-chou.” She has a very high opinion of

LibbyLibby is clumsy, easily excitable, and extremely outgoing. Libby takes photography seriously but seems to regularly end up in one debacle or another.

FelicityFelicity is the hip, outgoing author of a happening fashion magazine, so expect a visit from her if you wow the crowd at a fashion show!

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index How to Use This Book Fabulous Friends

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Prima Offi cial Look Book



Even the world’s best fashion designers had to start somewhere, and your career begins at Strata, the premier clothing store in your hometown. The shop’s manager, a friendly fashion expert named Grace, is excited to show her new trainee (that’s you!) how to get down to business.

Guided by GraceGrace phones you at your apartment and reminds you to bring your application to the store—but you’d better fi ll it out fi rst! Just tap the letters to spell your name, then tap the OK button in the lower-right corner. Enter your birth date on the next page, and that’s it—you’re done! You get a brief glimpse of the town map as you travel to Grace’s shop. You’ll be seeing a lot more of it later! And here you are, your fi rst day at Strata! Grace welcomes you, saying she’s happy to have a new stylist on hand. You’re about to fi nd out why—Strata is a happening place!

Zoe’s JeansIt’s not long before a customer comes through the door, a young woman named Zoe. She’s hoping to buy some “basic jeans” she saw in a magazine. Let’s see if you can help her out!

Since this is your fi rst sale, Grace helps you navigate the stockroom. Just follow her instructions and select “basic jeans.” Next, you must choose how to present the item to the customer. You’ve found exactly what Zoe was looking for, so she’ll love your selection. When you know you’ve scored the perfect match, tap “Try it on!” to present the item with confi dence!

Great work! Zoe loves the jeans you’ve picked out and buys them straightaway. You can bet she’ll be back soon!

right corner. Enter your birth date on the next page, and

Great work! Zoe loves the jeans you’ve picked out and buys them straightaway. You can bet she’ll be back soon!

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Guided by Grace Brand Descriptions So Long, Strata

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Chantal’s DressGrace congratulates you on completing the sale just as another customer waltzes in. Tap the customer to bring up her info, then tap “Can I help you?” to start assisting her. The customer’s name is Chantal, and she’s looking for a formal dress—but not just any formal dress. Chantal asks for one that lets her friends know how “posh” she is, one that fi ts her “high-end” look. Clients often drop clues like this, and these clues help you fi nd their favorite brands and styles, so listen carefully!

Grace has only four dresses in stock: two from Alvarado and two from April Bonbon. Alvarado is a posh, high-end brand, so either of their dresses will do. However, a glance at Chantal’s info page shows that she’s willing to spend about $1,000 on a dress today—so pick Alvarado’s more expensive satin-ribbon formal dress.

All right, time to close this sale. You’ve found the exact sort of dress that Chantal was looking for, so ask her to “Try it on!” Wow, Chantal really liked your

suggestion! Whenever you see rose petals fl utter across the screen, you know you’ve made a great pick. Chantal couldn’t be happier —in fact, you’ve put her in the mood to keep shopping! That’s right, Chantal wants to buy something else from you. This wouldn’t have happened if you’d only asked her to “Take a look!”

name is Chantal, and she’s looking

Grace has only four dresses in stock: two from Alvarado and two from April Bonbon. Alvarado is a posh, high-end brand, so either of their dresses will do. However, a glance at Chantal’s info page shows that she’s willing to spend about $1,000 on a dress today—so pick Alvarado’s more expensive satin-ribbon formal dress.

Always push your client’s pocketbooks to the max

like this when picking out items—they won’t balk

at the price tag, as long as it’s within their budget!

Tap the Order button at the lower right to quickly

repeat your client’s order and view the money

they’re willing to spend.


suggestion! Whenever you see rose petals fl utter across the

All right, time to close this sale. You’ve found the exact sort of dress that Chantal was looking for, so ask her to “Try it on!” Wow, Chantal really

suggestion! Whenever you see rose petals fl utter across the suggestion! Whenever you see rose petals fl utter across the

CAUTIONTelling customers to “Try it on!” is a great way to score extra sales, but it’s also risky—if the customer doesn’t like what you’ve chosen, they’ll leave without a second thought! It’s therefore best to have clients take a look when you’re not sure if they’ll like what you’ve found; this lets you hear their feedback and avoid losing sales. Occasionally, customers may pause to take a second look at an item they aren’t immediately thrilled with, giving you one last chance to nudge them toward buying it. See the “Persuade and Profi t” section for details.

Thrilled by the dress you’ve picked out, Chantal now trusts you to fi nd some matching footwear. A quick look at the stockroom shows the perfect match: some open-arch pumps by Alvarado. The price tag is high, but you’ve got Chantal in the spending mood. Go ahead and tell Chantal to “Try it on!”

Once you’ve discovered your client’s favorite brand, you’ve got them pegged. Just keep showing them items from that brand, and they’re very likely to love everything you pick out. Use the client index at the back of this book to keep track of all your shoppers’ favorite styles!


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Guided by Grace Brand Descriptions So Long, Strata

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Prima Offi cial Look Book



Chantal is as pleased as punch, and you’ve just earned Strata over $1,500 in seconds flat. Looks like someone’s got a knack for the fashion biz!

Melanie’s DressYour third customer is a young lady named Melanie, who’s looking for a casual dress. She doesn’t offer much insight into the brands she likes, but it’s clear from her clothing and budget

that she’s not after Alvarado! Grace still has four different dresses in stock, two of which are colorful, affordable pieces by April Bonbon. Pick the pricier plaid overall dress and have Melanie “Try it on!” Mel loves the dress and has you bag it up without delay. Way to go!

Renée the ReaderYou’re not the only new stylist under Grace’s sage tutelage: A sassy young lass named Renée has been working at Strata for about a month now, and she pops by to say hi as Melanie leaves with her new threads. Renée hints that you should read the latest issue of the fashion magazine Nuances to keep up on all the latest styles and trends.

Take Renée’s advice and tap the little magazine button at the bottom of the screen. This brings up this month’s issue of

Nuances. Tap each page to view them, then tap the red X button to return to work.

A new issue of Nuances comes out each month, so check the stands often!

Margaret’s TopYour next customer, Margaret, is looking for a high-end top to layer over her shirt. You’ve already learned that “high-end” is synonymous with the brand Alvarado, so this is an easy sale. Have Margaret try on Alvarado’s leather bolero vest to wow her with your keen sense of style.

Tiffany’s Outer PieceTiffany strolls through the door next, asking you to fi nd a “high-end” outer piece to match her “posh” style. Sell her the sheepskin jacket by Alvarado to impress Grace with another satisfi ed customer.

Kitty’s Inner PieceNext, a bright young woman named Kitty would like your help in finding a playful inner garment. You have a few solid options to choose from, but the word “playful” is a big clue —it’s synonymous with the brand April Bonbon! Pick the music-note tee by April Bonbon and have Kitty “Try it on!” Good choice! Kitty loves the inner piece, and because you showed such confi dence in selling it, she decides to keep shopping for a skirt. Again, this only happens if you asked Kitty to “Try it on!” You’ve discovered Kitty’s favorite brand, so choosing a skirt for her is easy. Show Kitty the dotted lattice miniskirt by April Bonbon to shock her with your spot-on fashion sense yet again.

Your third customer is a young lady named Melanie, who’s looking for a casual dress. She doesn’t offer much insight into the brands she likes, but it’s clear from her clothing and budget

that she’s not after Alvarado!

Chantal is as pleased as punch, and you’ve just earned Strata over $1,500 in seconds flat. Looks like someone’sfashion biz!

advice and tap the little magazine button at the bottom of the screen. This brings up this month’s issue of

Your next customer, Margaret, is looking for a high-end top to layer over her shirt. You’ve already learned that “high-end” is synonymous with the brand Alvarado, so this is an easy sale. Have Margaret try on Alvarado’s leather bolero vest to wow her with your keen sense of style.

Next, a bright young woman named Kitty would like your help in finding a playful inner garment. You have a few solid options to choose from, but the word “playful” is a big clue —it’s synonymous with the brand April Bonbon! Pick the music-note tee by April Bonbon and have Kitty “Try it on!” Good choice! Kitty loves the inner piece, and because you showed such confi dence in selling it, she decides to keep shopping for a skirt. Again, this only happens if you asked Kitty to “Try it on!” You’ve discovered Kitty’s favorite brand, so choosing a skirt for her is easy. Show Kitty the dotted lattice miniskirt by April Bonbon to shock her with your spot-on fashion

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Guided by Grace Brand Descriptions So Long, Strata

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Aiding RenéeSeeing your streak of successes, Renée asks you to help her with a partic-ularly diffi cult customer named Winona, who’s looking for a top. Winona doesn’t give you many clues, but it’s clear that she needs a better eye for fashion than Renée’s! Pick whichever top you like from the stockroom. This time, tell Winona to “Take a look!” She’ll give you her feedback until you fi nd a top she likes (try Alvarado’s leather bolero vest).

You may ask a customer to take a look up to three times. If they don’t like any of your choices, they’ll demand to try on your fourth suggestion. If they still don’t like what you show them, they’re out the door!

Break TimeThe store quiets down, and Grace invites you to take a break. What a perfect chance to return to your apartment and save your progress! Tap the Exit button at the screen’s bottom to leave Strata and view the town map, then double-tap your apartment to go there.

Most options are closed to you except the Save command. Click the button to save all your progress up to this point. When you’re fi nished, tap the Exit button and return to Strata to fi nish your shift.

Back at StrataWhen you return to work, Grace gives you a few pointers on the basics of style and how to match garments to create eye-catching ensembles. She then says she’d like the store’s funds to reach the $8,000 mark before closing for the day. Better get selling!

Just keep assisting customers until you reach Grace’s goal. Remember to have customers “Take a look!” and give their opinion if you’re not sure what they’ll like. When you’re pretty sure you’ve found an ideal garment, take a risk and say, “Try it on!” for a chance at wowing clients and scoring extra sales. See the sidebar for a quick overview of the various clothing brands—it’ll help you fi gure out what your customers want!

The store quiets down, and Grace invites you to take a break. What a perfect chance to return to your apartment and save your progress! Tap the Exit button at the screen’s bottom to leave Strata and view the town map, then double-tap your apartment to go there.

Most options are closed to you except the Save command. Click the button to save all your progress up to this point. When you’re fi nished, tap the Exit button and return to Strata to fi nish your shift.

Most options are closed to you


for a quick overview of the various clothing brands—it’ll

If you’re feeling weary, skip out for a minute and return to your apartment to save your game. Don’t worry about the customers; they’ll just keep browsing until you return!


Labeling the BrandsWith 16 unique clothing brands—and a wide range of customer tastes—it helps to know a little about each brand’s style. Listen closely to what your customers ask for and match any key words with the following brand descriptions.

Labeling the Brands

brands—and a wide

any key words with the following brand descriptions.

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Guided by Grace Brand Descriptions So Long, Strata

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Prima Offi cial Look Book



Vision of BeautyWith her store left in your capable hands, Grace decides to sneak out and visit her boss’s mansion, which is right in town. There, Grace has an interesting conver-sation with the butler,

Godfrey, about her newest assistant (that’s you!). During their chat, Grace describes how you look to Godfrey—but you actually get to tell her how to describe your features! Have Grace tell Godfrey about your face, eyes, mouth, skin tone, and more until you’ve fi nished creating your character.

The only appearance options that can’t be changed later in the game are your eyes, skin tone, and the shape of your face and lips. Everything else can be altered down the line.

Shopping TripUpon returning to Strata, Grace notices that her stock is running low. This won’t do, and Grace invites you to join her on a trip to the buyer’s center to pick up some new styles! Find the buyer’s center on the town map and double-tap it to travel there.

Grace asks you to purchase some Terra pants. Easy enough! Just visit the Terra store (the only store that’s available at present) and buy as few or as many pants as you like.

Fashion to FlauntGrace next suggests that you return to your apartment to change clothes and model the new pants you’ve just bought for your customers. Leave the buyer’s center and visit your apartment, then

tap the Wardrobe button to change your clothes. Take your time and pick out a stylish new ensemble that uses some of those new Terra threads! Grace’s guidance was spot-on; just moments after you return to Strata in your new duds, a customer decides to buy the same pants. Well, you do look fabulous in them, after all!

Brand Descriptions

Brand Name Description Customer KeywordsAlvarado High-end, celebrity fashions for a posh, polished look High-end, polished, celebrity, posh, exclusive

April Bonbon Fun, whimsical fashions for a playful appearance Youthful, sweet, fun, whimsical, playful

AZ-USA Glam garments for a glitzy, daring style Glitzy, glam, fl ashy, sassy, daring, party, dance

Capsule Fab, retro fashions for a mod style Retro, fab, geometric, pop art, mod

Dazies Colorful, quirky fashions for a vibrant style Colorful, quirky, vibrant, silly, crazy, pop

Époque Styles with vintage charm for a delicate look Vintage, delicate, sentimental, gentle

GXS Sporty, athletic styles for an active look Sporty, athletic, active (wear)

Karamomo Asian-inspired styles for a look of the Far East Asian fusion, Far East, Eastern, Japanese, Chinese, Thai

Mad-Jack Edgy, punk fashions for a rebellious style Punk, rebel, rebellious, edgy, outrageous, tough

Marble Lily Frilly, girly garments for a fanciful style Fanciful, frilly, girly, princess

Masquerade Rare costume pieces for a one-of-a-kind look Costume, rare, distinct, theatrical, one-of-a-kind, fantasy, pretend

Penbridge Preppy pieces for a smart, snappy appearance Preppy, smart, snappy, modest, dapper

Pure Cloth Basic styles for a simple, versatile look Basic, simple, essential, solid colors, versatile

Raven Candle Gothic styles for a dark, mysterious look Goth, Gothic, dark, mysterious, Victorian

Sonata Soft, refi ned styles for a sophisticated appearance Soft, refi ned, graceful, sophisticated, dainty, elegant

Terra Earthy, boho-chic items for a free-spirited style Earthy, free-spirited, boho-chic, fl owing

With her store left in your capable hands, Grace decides to sneak out and visit her boss’s mansion, which is right in town. There, Grace has an interesting conver-sation with the butler,

Godfrey, about her newest assistant (that’s you!). During

Upon returning to Strata, Grace notices that her stock is running low. This won’t do, and Grace invites you to join her on a trip to the buyer’s center to pick up some new styles! Find the buyer’s center on the town map and double-tap it to travel there.

Grace next suggests that you return to your apartment to change clothes and model the new pants you’ve just bought for your customers. Leave the buyer’s center and visit your apartment, then

tap the Wardrobe button to change your clothes. Take your

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Guided by Grace Brand Descriptions So Long, Strata

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Continue helping customers and impressing Grace with strong sales. She’ll soon send you out on another shopping excursion to the buyer’s center. Further impress Grace with

your savvy cardigan selections, then sell one to Winona when you get back to the shop.

Park Break with RenéeKeep those sales ringing in until you’re given another break. This time, you and Renée take your breaks together, enjoying a pleasant stroll through the local park. There, you meet Godfrey, the mansion butler, who seems quite taken with Strata’s newest employee (that’s you!). In fact, he gets all excited and hurries off. Wonder where to?

Model MannequinBack at the shop, continue helping customers in an effort to hit an even higher sales goal. Soon, Grace asks you to dress a mannequin to help attract more customers. Sounds like fun!

Tap the Menu button at the bottom of the screen to visit the shop’s menu. Then tap “Shop Display” to view Strata’s mannequins. Tap any of the mannequins to begin dressing it. This mannequin will be on display in Strata’s window, so you’d better dress it well! Here’s a tip.

Presto! Your mannequin is put on display as soon as you fi nish dressing it. Renée and Grace may have some pointers for you afterward. Listen closely to their advice, and make any necessary adjustments to the manne-quin’s outfi t.

When you’re happy with your mannequin’s look, return to work and continue helping customers. Eventually, someone will notice your mannequin and will ask to purchase the whole ensemble. Cha-ching! Grace is sure to be thrilled by such a huge sale.

Renée’s OutfitAfter you complete a few more sales, Grace will let Renée take a break. Renée decides to shop during her break and asks you to build a whole outfi t to match her inner piece, a shirt by Alvarado. Renée is loaded, so take her to the cleaners and pick out as many spendy pieces by Alvarado as you can. Like regular customers, Renée is bound to love whatever you fi nd her, so long as you stick to her favorite brand. Just be sure not to overdo it with the layers—skirts over pants can look silly, you know?

Continue helping customers and impressing Grace with strong sales. She’ll soon send you out on another shopping excursion to the buyer’s center. Further impress Grace with

your savvy cardigan selections, then sell one to Winona when

Keep those sales ringing in until you’re given another break. This time, you and Renée take your breaks together, enjoying a pleasant stroll through the local park. There, you meet Godfrey, the mansion butler, who seems quite taken with Strata’s newest employee (that’s you!). In fact, he gets all excited and hurries off. Wonder where to?

Tap the Menu button at the bottom of the screen to visit the shop’s menu. Then tap “Shop Display”to view Strata’s mannequins. Tap any of the mannequins to begin dressing it.begin dressing it. This mannequin will be on display in Strata’s window, so you’d better dress it well! Here’s a tip.

begin dressing it.

Tap the Search button at the top of the screen, then choose to search by brand. This will help you dress your mannequin in a specif ic style, increasing the chances that a customer will fall in love with the whole ensemble and buy it!


Presto! Your mannequin is put on display as soon as you fi nish dressing it. Renée and Grace may have some pointers for you afterward. Listen closely to their advice, and make any necessary adjustments to the manne-quin’s outfi t.

When you’re

Cha-ching! Grace is sure to be thrilled by Cha-ching! Grace is sure to be thrilled by Cha-ching!

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Guided by Grace Brand Descriptions So Long, Strata

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Prima Offi cial Look Book



So Long, StrataYou’ve done a spectacular job learning the ins and outs of the fashion biz, and your talent hasn’t gone unnoticed. At Godfrey’s request, Strata’s owner decides to visit his store and meet you in person!

The owner is a dashing young man named Dominic. While Renée swoons, Godfrey suggests that Dominic open a new store for you to run on your own. The young owner is intrigued and makes you an offer. Looks like your career has just taken a huge leap forward!

Setting Up ShopFirst, give your store a name--it can be anything you like, up to a maximum of eight characters (and no more than six numbers in a row).

Many interior and music options are locked at fi rst. Flip to the next chapter to learn how to unlock these extras and more!

Pleased with your choices, Dominic calls for Godfrey to fi ll in the rest. The butler quickly appears and tells you that Dominic has graciously given you some start-up cash and fi lled your stockroom with a few items to help get you started. Sounds like you’re off to a great start!

Open for BusinessSwing by your apartment to save your progress if you like, then pop into Strata to speak with Grace. Your mentor has exciting news: Dominic has just called, and your store is all set up! Sprint out of Strata and tap “My Shop” to check out your new boutique.

Congratulations! The doors to your shop are now open, and the place is ready for you to run! You’ve certainly come a long way in a short time, but don’t be nervous—you’ve made some great friends along the way, and Grace, Renée, Godfrey, and Dominic will always be there for you with advice and words of encour-agement. Now get out there and show the world how stylish you are!

So Long, StrataYou’ve done a spectacular job learning the ins and outs of the fashion biz, and your talent hasn’t gone unnoticed. At Godfrey’s request, Strata’s owner decides to visit his store and meet you in person!

The owner is a dashing young man named Dominic. While Renée swoons, Godfrey suggests that Dominic open a new store for you to run on your own. The young owner is intrigued and makes you an offer. Looks like your career has just taken a huge leap forward!

The owner is a dashing young man

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Guided by Grace Brand Descriptions So Long, Strata

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If you make a few guesses but can’t seem to fi nd the perfect style, try matching colors instead. For example, this customer is wearing all black—not hard to guess her favorite shade! Offer her something simple, affordable, and black, and see if you can persuade her to branch out and try a slightly different style than she’s used to. There’s nothing wrong with broadening those horizons once in a while! Well, what do you know? It worked! Another satisfi ed customer.


You’ve shown yourself to be a fantastic saleswoman. So fantastic that Dominic has entrusted you with your very own fashion boutique! This chapter covers everything you need to know about running your shop, from wowing customers and completing sales to replenishing your stockroom, and more.

Satisfaction GuaranteedGrace did a great job teaching you the basics of high fashion, and you sure caught on quick! But the fi rst thing you’ll notice after opening your shop is that customers are a bit harder to please. They give you fewer hints about what they’re looking for, and many will simply ask you to fi nd them something that fi ts their style, without really telling you what their style is. Tough customers, for sure! But not to worry; here we review some tried-and-true techniques that’ll help you close even the trickiest of sales.

Each sale you complete earns you shop funds, which you use to buy more stock for your store. A percentage of each sale is also added to your money, which you use to buy personal goodies such as makeup, new hairstyles, and that sort of thing. In short, satisfying customers is the key to growth and success in the fashion biz.

Eye for FashionWhen a new customer offers few verbal clues, get visual! Take a close look at what they’re wearing, then consider the various clothing brands and try to guess which label they seem to like best. Mind those colors, too!

STYLIN’ STOREYourYour For example, take this customer. She’s looking for a hat, but what brand does she prefer? As you’ve learned from working at Strata, fi nding the right brand is super important—but telling all those brands apart can be tricky! Make educated guesses by scanning your stockroom for items that match the outfi t that the customer is wearing. Pick something out, then ask your client to “Take a look!” If she adores your choice, your job is done!

Useful clues may be found within a customer’s prof ile

as well. Read up and get to know your clients.TIP

CAUTIONUntil you’ve discovered the brands and colors your clients prefer, ask them to “Take a look!” instead of saying “Try it on!” If you say “Try it on!” but guess wrong, they’ll leave without buying a thing (unless they decide to think it over—then you’ll have one last chance to change their mind! See the “Persuade and Profi t” section for details.).

Make good use of the Client Index at the back of this book. Each time you meet a new customer, write their name down in this section, along with the brands and colors they prefer (and even the ones they don’t). The next time the customer crosses your welcome mat, you’ll have a good idea of what they like. Knowing your clients helps you sell with conf idence! TIP

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Persuade and ProfitCustomers won’t always be thrilled with what you show them when you say “Try it On!”, but they may still consider buying the item. This doesn’t happen very often, but it’s more likely to occur when:

1. You don’t have the specifi c style the customer wants (inner, cami, etc.), so you show them something different that’s made by their favorite brand.

2. You don’t have anything by your customer’s favorite brand, so you show them something different that’s in their favorite color.

When you don’t have the exact perfect piece, put this info to use and try enticing your customer into buying something anyway. If they stop to consider the purchase, you’ll have one last chance to broaden your clients’ horizons and get them to buy something they otherwise wouldn’t! Do your best to close the sale by picking the proper dialogue line. Unfortunately, you never know which line will seal the deal, but with only two choices, you’ve always got a fi fty-fi fty chance!

Easy MoneyNot every customer is tough to please. Some are easy-breezy—provided you’ve got the proper stock. The simplest customers are the ones who bring in a beloved item and ask you to show them something that matches the piece—like this young beauty queen!

While browsing your stock room for a matching item, look at the info on the left. You’ll see the brand of the item the customer brought in, eliminating all guesswork. Just search your stock room

by brand for a matching item, then present it with confi dence by telling them to “Try it on!” You’re almost certain to please, and who knows? You might even make the customer so happy that she’ll keep on spending!

Then there are customers like the ones you helped at Strata, the knowledgeable ladies who know exactly what they want and tell you just what that is. Whenever a client gives you a descriptive clue like “I want something sporty,” or “I like playful clothes,” they’re making your job

Petals of PerfectionWhenever you’re fairly certain you’ve found the perfect item, take a risk and say “Try it on!” instead of “Take a look!” By presenting items in this fun, fearless fashion, you just might convince your clients to open their purses and buy a bit more than they bargained for!

Ensemble EnthusiastsOnce in a while, you’ll luck out big-time and meet a customer who’d like you to assemble a whole ensemble for them. These big spenders are a boon to your budget—take your assets to the max by picking out as many pieces from the proper brand as you’ve got! Don’t go cheap either; pick the priciest pieces, and push their pocketbook to the limit! (But don’t go over the limit, mind you.)

Just BrowsingSome customers are a bit fl aky when it comes to commitment, and you can’t always help them out of their shell right away. Shy types may just pop in to say how much they like your shop, then leave without asking for anything. Don’t worry—they’ll be back! In the meantime, focus on helping the clients who are interested in spending their hard-earned dollars on the fabulous fashions you’ve fi lled your store with.

If a customer mentions that they wish you had clothes in their style, take a good look at what they’re wearing, and try to guess which brand your stockroom is light on. A trip to the buyer’s center may be in order!

While browsing your stock room for a matching item, look at the info on the left. You’ll see the brand of the item the customer brought in, eliminating all guesswork. Just search your stock room

by brand for a matching item, then present it with confi dence

but it’s more likely to occur when:

EasyNot every customer is tough to please. Some are easy-breezy—provided you’ve got the proper stock. The simplest customers are the ones who bring in a beloved item and ask you to show them something that matches the piece—like this young beauty queen!

Then there are customers like the ones you helped at Strata, the knowledgeable ladies who know exactly what they want and tell you just what that is. Whenever a client gives you a descriptive clue like “I want something sporty,” or “I like playful clothes,” they’re making your job

Forget what your customer asked for? Don’t sweat it:

just tap the Order button at the bottom of the screen

for a quick review!


who are interested in spending their hard-earned dollars on

super easy. Just compare the descriptive clue with the brand descriptions, and voila, a perfect match!

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Page 13: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide



Stocking UpNo matter how talented a saleswoman you may be, you’ll disappoint a lot of customers if your stockroom isn’t up to snuff. Not to worry; just follow these simple tips to develop and maintain a healthy stockroom!

The Buyer’s CenterYou will purchase all clothes at the buyer’s center, which is located on the east side of town. Here, representatives from each clothing brand stand ready to sell you their stylish goods. It’s all very straightforward, but there are a few details to keep in mind:

All buyer’s center purchases are made with shop funds. •

Every item you buy is permanently added to your • apartment wardrobe. This lets you wear and model them for customers at your shop!

You cannot own more than 10 of any single item.•

Your stockroom has limited space for different styles. See • this chapter’s “Godfrey’s Unlockables” section to learn how to increase your stockroom’s style capacity.

The available brands and their goods change throughout • the day. Visit the buyer’s center every so often to see what’s new!

In addition, you’ll sometimes hear about rare items that are on sale when you fi rst enter the buyer’s center. There’s usually one rare item for sale each day. Be sure to stock up on these uncommon styles—you never know when you’ll see them again!

Interior SuperiorKnowing how to buy items at the buyer’s center is one thing, but under-standing which items you should buy is another story! The main thing to consider is your shop’s interior, because all interiors have affi liated brands. This means your store will attract specifi c customers based on the interior you choose. Focus on buying items from brands that are affi liated with your shop’s interior, because you’ll be seeing a lot of their loyal shoppers. Forgot your interior’s affi liated brands? No prob! Just pop into your store, tap the Menu button, then tap “Music/Interior.” Here you can view all the available interiors, see their affi liated brands, and even change your shop’s interior to attract new clientele anytime you like.

Picking an interior with few affi liated brands narrows the scope of your store and makes satisfying customers a little easier. Choosing interiors with several affi liated brands lets you branch out and attract a wider variety of customers—though you’ll also need to fi ll your stockroom with a broader spread of styles.

straightforward, but there are a few details to keep in mind:

In addition, you’ll sometimes hear about rare items that are on sale when you fi rst enter the buyer’s center. There’s usually one rare item for sale each day. Be sure to stock up on these uncommon styles—you never know when you’ll see them again!


Your daily planner tells you which brands you’ll

f ind at the buyer’s center each day. Just tap the

little Daily Planner button that appears on the

bottom of the screen at many locations, such as your

shop and your apartment. Then tap through the

days of the week to see which brands are scheduled

to appear!


the interior you choose. Focus on buying items from brands

Visit Dominic’s mansion or check the “Godfrey’s Unlockables” section in this chapter to learn what it takes to unlock every interior and more.


Stockroom StuffingArmed with ample shop funds and the knowledge of your shop’s affi liated brands, you’re ready to start purchasing new threads from the buyer’s center. Keep the following tips in mind, and you’re sure to develop a healthy, versatile stockroom:

StuffingArmed with ample shop funds and the knowledge of your shop’s affi liated brands, you’re ready to start purchasing new threads from the buyer’s center. Keep the following tips in mind, and you’re sure to develop a healthy, versatile stockroom:

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Satisfaction Guaranteed Stocking Up Attracting Customers Shop Rating Godfrey’s Unlockables

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Start cheap! You won’t have a ton of funds at fi rst, so it pays to begin modestly and buy a variety of affordable items from your shop’s affi liated brands. Set a limit and avoid spending oodles on any single item.

Mix it up! Buy a few items from each clothing category (inners, tops, pants, skirts, etc.) so that you’re prepared to sell customers any sort of item they might want.

Fill gaps! The Search tool is a great way to quickly see what your stockroom lacks. Make sure you’ve got at least one of everything, and vary those colors!

Consider the season! Heavy outer garments and furry winter boots aren’t likely to sell very well in the heat of August. Consider the climate and buy accordingly!

Amass ensembles! As you earn more funds, start buying slightly more expensive garments to create spendy ensembles. Then display these outfi ts on mannequins the moment you return to your shop. You just might sell them all at once for huge profi ts!

Attracting CustomersOnce your stockroom is skillfully stuffed, it’s time to attract customers and replenish those shop funds. The following sections outline the key ways to draw lots of foot traffi c.

Displaying MannequinsMannequins are the mightiest advertising tools available to you at fi rst. You may display up to three mannequins in your store window, and you can have up to nine mannequins dressed in your stockroom and ready for the spotlight at any time. To dress a mannequin, fi rst tap the Menu button, then tap “Shop Displays.” Then simply piece together ensembles you’d like to show off—and hopefully sell for big bucks!

Ads and FlyersAfter successfully attracting 35 visitors to your shop, you may visit Dominic’s mansion and ask Godfrey to unlock a special function called Advertisements and Flyers. Both are useful for attracting customers, but in different ways. Once you unlock the Advertisements and Flyers function, tap the Menu button while at your shop and then tap “Ads and Flyers” to begin creating one or the other. Ads are used to attract in-game customers. But rather than promoting full ensembles (like a mannequin does), ads put the spotlight on just one or two items. This is great when you’ve got multiple copies of rare items and the like. Get creative and send out some ads to discover the power of focused marketing! Flyers, on the other hand, are used to attract other players. That’s right! By creating fl yers at your shop, then saving and quitting out to the main menu, you’re able to send your fl yers to other players through DS Wireless Play. Who knows? You just might lure other shop owners to come visit your Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection store and see what you’ve got in stock!

Check the next chapter, “Living Fabulously,” for more on Nintendo WFC activities.

SalesAttract 105 visitors to your shop and you’ll unlock a very useful function: the mighty sale! No other marketing tool has the power to draw in customers like a sale. The best part is, in Style Savvy, sales begin and end whenever you like. Just tap the Menu button, then tap “Hold sale” to begin or end a sale at your shop. Almost instantly, you’ll notice the incredible effect sales have. Customers will fl ood your shop, elated to begin

in your stockroom and ready for the spotlight at any time.


you’d like to show off—and hopefully sell for big bucks!

Use the Search button to view your stockroom’s clothes by brand, then dress your mannequins in ensembles by brands that are aff iliated with your shop. Try to always have at least one mannequin on display for each of your shop’s aff iliated brands.


when you’ve got multiple copies of rare items and the like.

through DS Wireless Play. Who knows? You just might

has the power to draw in customers like a sale. The best part has the power to draw in customers like a sale. The best part has the power to draw in customers like a sale. The best part

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bargain-hunting. Many will ask you to piece together full ensembles for them, eager to cash in on the savings while the getting’s good! This makes sales a great way to inject quick cash into your store funds—and to clear out your stockroom so you can squeeze in some new styles.

Shop RatingCompleting sales dumps funds into your shop and wallet—that’s obvious. But there’s another reason to satisfy your customers in Style Savvy: Every successful transaction pushes your boutique one notch closer to the next shop rating! Shop ratings are measured in stars, from zero (lowest) to fi ve (highest). Whenever your shop rating goes up, Dominic visits your store to congratulate you on your success. Your shop’s rating is important for a number of reasons. For instance, you need high shop ratings if you wish to unlock all the extras and participate in Rococco’s most challenging fashion contests. In addition, the higher your shop rating, the more money you’ll earn from each transaction! The following table shows the sales transaction milestones you must reach to achieve each shop rating—check your shop info by tapping the Menu button to see its current rating.

Shop Ratings

Successful Sales Stars0 0

20 1

30 more (50 total) 2

40 more (90 total) 3

50 more (140 total) 4

60 more (200 total) 5

The transaction counter resets to zero each time your shop rating goes up. For example, after gaining your fi rst star, you must complete 30 more transactions to earn your second, and so on.

Landing 200 sales may sound like a lot of work, but it won’t take long if you practice the tips and strategies covered in this chapter. Make good use of mannequins, ads, and sales. Fill your stockroom with care. And don’t forget to keep a record of your customers in the Client Index at the back of this guide so you can be sure to satisfy those who’ve shopped with you before!

Losing StarsBeware: spending too much time away from your shop (30 days or more) prompts Grace to “grace” you with her presence when you fi nally return. Your mentor will put your skills to the test, asking you to complete a sale while she watches, just to make sure you haven’t lost the touch. If you fail the sale, your shop rating will drop by one star! Do your best to nail the sale, putting Grace’s fears to rest and maintaining your shop rating.

When Grace puts your skills on trial, always look for the easiest customer in line. There’s usually someone you’ve helped before, someone whose information you just might have jotted down in the handy Client Index at the back of this book! And if you’re not above cheating, just restart your game if you fail so you can try Grace’s challenge again.


Godfrey’s UnlockablesPay a visit to Dominic’s mansion anytime to chat with Godfrey, the helpful butler, and view the list of Style Savvy unlockable extras. Tap any unlockable to call up its information, including what it does and the requirements for unlocking it. Or just refer to the following checklist table, which breaks everything down for you!

including what it does and the requirements for unlocking

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Unlocked? Name Conditions Description

r Save at My Shop Open your own store You can save your game from your Shop menu. Your next session will begin at your apartment.

r Add Shop Funds Have under 50 items in stock and less than $800 in shop funds

Gain $800 in shop funds.

r Sale Have 105 visitors You can put items on sale for a percentage off the original price. Sales increase customer traffic.

r Display Mannequins

Open your own store You can dress mannequins at your store to put full outfits on display.

r Advertisements and Flyers

Have 35 visitors Keep customers informed by creating ads.

r Add Stockroom Space

Purchase 10 items at the buyer’s center.

Gain additional stockroom space. There are several “tiers” to this unlockable, allowing you to add more and more space.

r Interior 01 Open your own store A warm yellow interior. Affiliated brand: April Bonbon.

r Interior 02 Open your own store A cool and industrial interior with concrete walls. Affiliated brands: Alvarado, Époque, Penbridge, and Sonata.

r Interior 03 Sell 10 GXS pieces A casual interior with a sporty theme. Affiliated brands: April Bonbon, AZ-USA, Dazies, and GXS.

r Interior 04 Open your own store A glitzy and glam interior. Affiliated brands: Alvarado, AZ-USA, and GXS.

r Interior 05 Open your own store A fun and playful interior in pastel colors. Affiliated brand: April Bonbon.

r Interior 06 Sell 10 Alvarado pieces A high-class interior with a minimal color scheme. Affiliated brands: Alvarado, AZ-USA, and Sonata.

r Interior 07 Sell 10 Terra pieces An eclectic interior with craft accents from around the world. Affiliated brands: AZ-USA, Dazies, and Terra.

r Interior 08 Open your own store An Asian-inspired interior with large paper lanterns. Affiliated brands: April Bonbon and Karamomo.

r Interior 09 Open your own store An elegant interior with refined touches. Affiliated brands: Époque, Penbridge, and Sonata.

r Interior 10 Sell 10 Capsule pieces A mod-style interior with orange retro accents. Affiliated brands: Capsule, Dazies, and Époque.

r Interior 11 Sell 10 Marble Lily pieces A fanciful interior in pale pinks. Affiliated brands: Marble Lily and Penbridge.

r Interior 12 Sell 10 Raven Candle pieces A dark, Gothic interior with wrought-iron accents. Affiliated brands: Alvarado, Penbridge, and Raven Candle.

r Interior 13 Sell 10 Penbridge pieces A preppy interior with classic touches. Affiliated brands: Époque, Penbridge, and Sonata.

r Interior 14 Open your own store An industrial, punk interior featuring metal decor. Affiliated brands: AZ-USA and Mad-Jack.

r Interior 15 Sell 10 Dazies pieces A colorful, quirky interior featuring vibrant designs. Affiliated brands: April Bonbon, Dazies, and GXS.

r Interior 16 Open your own store A bright interior with a clean design. Affiliated brands: Alvarado, Époque, Penbridge, and Sonata.

r Interior 17 Sell 10 Pure Cloth pieces A basic, casual interior with wood floors. Affiliated brands: AZ-USA, Époque, GXS, Pure Cloth, and Sonata.

r Interior 18 Sell 200 pieces. Earn a store rank of three stars.

A fantastic interior with an undersea theme. Affiliated brands: Alvarado, AZ-USA, and GXS.

r Interior 19 Sell 200 pieces. Earn a store rank of three stars.

A vibrant interior featuring a kaleidoscope of colors. Affiliated brands: Capsule, Dazies, and Époque.

r Interior 20 Sell 200 pieces. Earn a store rank of three stars.

A palace interior with a mystical woodland theme. Affiliated brands: Époque, Penbridge, and Sonata.

r Interior 21 Sell 200 pieces. Earn a store rank of three stars.

A pirate’s hideout interior with plenty of treasure. Affiliated brands: Marble Lily, and Penbridge.

r Interior 22 Earn a store rank of five stars. A classy interior like the one at Grace’s shop. Affiliated brands: Alvarado, AZ-USA, and Sonata.

r BGM 01 Open your own store An instrumental tune with a hip beat.

r BGM 02 Open your own store A leisurely track with a lilting vocal refrain.

r BGM 03 Open your own store An easygoing song with a funky beat.

r BGM 04 Open your own store A relaxed, soulful jam with dynamic female vocals.

r BGM 05 Collect 10 eye shadows An energetic rock song with powerful vocals.

r BGM 06 Collect 10 mascaras A dance song with ambient and rap vocals.

r BGM 07 Collect five colored contacts A casual pop song.

r BGM 08 Collect 10 lipsticks A classic Asian-inspired theme with a modern twist.

r BGM 09 Earn a store rank of five stars A catchy rock song that plays at Grace’s shop.

Godfrey’s Unlockables

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LIVINGFabulouslyFabulouslyYou’ve learned how to run your shop with stunning success, but there’s a lot more to life than just work! When you’re ready to clock out for the day, explore some of the exciting activities you can enjoy outside of work in Style Savvy.

Your ApartmentWhen you just need to get away from it all, your diva den is always there. Here you can save your game, change your clothes, put on some new makeup, and more: Save: Tap the Save

button to save all your progress. You may then quit to the main menu or continue playing. Remember to save often!

Profi le: Tap the Profi le button to view and change your name.

Sound: Tap the Sound button to view and change the game’s audio volume.

Wardrobe: Tap the Wardrobe button to change your clothes. Remember to model your newest styles for customers—they just might decide to buy the same look!

Hair and Makeup: Tap the Hair and Makeup button to change your cosmetics. Try to wear colors and styles that match your ensembles!

My Picks: Tap the My Picks button to browse your wardrobe and pick out your favorite items. All of your picks will have a tiny heart icon next to them, which makes them easy to fi nd as your wardrobe grows. (Your picks will also be highlighted in your shop’s stockroom, and you can make picks at work through the Shop menu.)

Album: Tap the Album button to view your personal photo album. All the glamor pics Libby has taken of you are kept here, so you can view them anytime you like!

The My Picks and Album functions are locked at fi rst but become available after you open your own shop.

Didi’s Hair SalonTired of rocking that same old hairdo? Then stroll over to Didi’s hair salon, where the super-talented stylist can change your hairstyle, dye your do, and even add eye-catching highlights! Didi pops into your shop shortly after you open, letting you know that her awesome salon has opened for business. She’ll also stop by whenever she’s learned how to whip up new styles and colors, and she’ll invite you to come see what’s new.

Your Apartment

Not sure what styles to try? Tap the little Magazine button while visiting the salon to check out Didi’s mag rack and discover the latest looks!


Like most things in Style Savvy, Didi’s hair salon upgrades are tied to the number of transactions you complete at your shop. You see, while you’re busy serving customers, Didi is hard at work learning new styling techniques! The following table shows how it works:

Like most things in Didi’s hair salon upgrades are tied to the number of transactions you complete at your shop. You see, while you’re busy serving customers, Didi is hard at work learning new styling techniques! The following table shows how it works:

Hair Salon Upgrades

Transactions Upgrade0 Basic styles and colors

48 First style and color upgrade

63 Second style and color upgrade

83 Third style and color upgrade

133 Fourth style and color upgrade

160 Final style and color upgrade

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Your Apartment Didi’s Hair Salon Olivia’s Cosmetics Supply Rococco’s Fashion Shows Special Events Nintendo WFC Fun

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NOTE Keep these last few details in mind when visiting Didi:All purchases made at Didi’s salon spend• your money instead of shop funds. If you’re low on cashola, get back to work and sell more stuff!

You don’t need to buy a new hairstyle to change your color, • and you don’t need to change your hair color to try a new style. It’s all up to you!

Many hairstyles come with style options—just look for the • little “style option” logo near the hairstyle while fl ipping through Didi’s catalog. It’s totally free to change your hair to its style option, and vice versa. This is a neat way to update your look when you’re low on dough!

Olivia’s Cosmetics SupplyYearning for more makeup? Tired of those lousy brows? Then skip on over to Olivia’s, where you’ll fi nd a host of hot new cosmetics. Olivia sells mascara, eye shadow, lipstick, and even colored contacts—or give you fabulous new eyebrows to make your peepers pop! Check her magazine rack for all the latest makeup trends. Like Didi, Olivia will periodically swing by your shop to let you know when a new shipment of makeup has arrived. And, yes, you guessed it: Olivia’s upgrades are linked to the number of transactions you complete at your store, just like Didi’s. As you reach certain transaction milestones, you’ll unlock new cosmetics to add to your kit. The following table breaks it all down:

Like buying new hairstyles, purchasing cosmetics from Olivia spends your money. A percentage of each transaction made at your shop is added to your money, so get to work if you need more moola!

Rococco’s Fashion ShowsAfter you rack up a few sales at your shop, you’ll be blessed with a special visit from Rococco, the outrageous host of fashion contests held in your town. Rococco invites you to join her at the contest hall and try your hand at the big leagues of fashion: runway competitions! The contest hall is located on the east side of town, and you can visit there anytime you like after receiving Rococco’s invite. Now, don’t be nervous; you won’t be strutting down the catwalk yourself (except in international contests)! You’re a stylist, after all, and your job is to pick out the awe-inspiring ensembles that your model will wear. Your wardrobe and stockroom inventory are not taken into account for fashion contests. Instead, Rococco supplies the clothes and accessories, which all contestants must draw from. The trick to winning fashion shows therefore lies in picking the best pieces from what Rococco has to offer. Before you begin crafting your model’s ensemble, listen closely to words of advice from friends, and carefully consider the contest’s concept. Then pore through the clothes Rococco has provided, looking for the brand whose style best matches the overall theme of the show. For example, if the concept is “punk-rock chic,” you’d ideally want to stick with items from Mad-Jack—and you’d best keep far away from contrasting brands like Alvarado or Sonata!

trick to winning fashion shows therefore lies in picking the

colored contacts—or give you fabulous new eyebrows to make

Cosmetics Upgrades

Transactions Upgrade0 Basic cosmetics options

31 First cosmetics upgrade

46 Second cosmetics upgrade

66 Third cosmetics upgrade

116 Fourth cosmetics upgrade

160 Final cosmetics upgrade

looking for the brand whose style best matches the overall

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Your Apartment Didi’s Hair Salon Olivia’s Cosmetics Supply Rococco’s Fashion Shows Special Events Nintendo WFC Fun

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Once you’ve decided on a brand, it’s time to dress your model. This is where things get a little tricky—and where you need to get creative! Avoid overdoing it with lots

of layers (skirts over pants is usually a no-no), but don’t go too simple, either. Again, consider the contest’s theme and put something together that really rocks! You’ll be competing against other savvy stylists during each fashion contest, so there’s always a chance one of them will outdo you. If you fail a contest, you won’t be able to try that contest again until the next day—so do your best to conquer the runway!

NOTERococco often throws a few off-concept pieces in the contest wardrobe, just to see if you’re paying attention. Keep an eye on each piece’s brand and do your best to stick to a common label—the one that seems like the best fi t for the show’s theme.

Brand Descriptions

Brand Name Description Customer KeywordsAlvarado High-end, celebrity fashions for a posh, polished look High-end, polished, celebrity, posh, exclusiveApril Bonbon Fun, whimsical fashions for a playful appearance Youthful, sweet, fun, whimsical, playfulAZ-USA Glam garments for a glitzy, daring style Glitzy, glam, fl ashy, sassy, daring, party, danceCapsule Fab, retro fashions for a mod style Retro, fab, geometric, pop art, modDazies Colorful, quirky fashions for a vibrant style Colorful, quirky, vibrant, silly, crazy, popÉpoque Styles with vintage charm for a delicate look Vintage, delicate, sentimental, gentleGXS Sporty, athletic styles for an active look Sporty, athletic, active (wear)Karamomo Asian-inspired styles for a look of the Far East Asian fusion, Far East, Eastern, Japanese, Chinese, ThaiMad-Jack Edgy, punk fashions for a rebellious style Punk, rebel rebellious, edgy, outrageous, toughMarble Lily Frilly, girly garments for a fanciful style Fanciful, frilly, girly, princessMasquerade Rare costume pieces for a one-of-a-kind look Costume, rare, distinct, theatrical, one-of-a-kind, fantasy, pretendPenbridge Preppy pieces for a smart, snappy appearance Preppy, smart, snappy, modest, dapperPure Cloth Basic styles for a simple, versatile look Basic, simple, essential, solid colors, versatileRaven Candle Gothic styles for a dark, mysterious look Goth, Gothic, dark, mysterious, VictorianSonata Soft, refi ned styles for a sophisticated appearance Soft, refi ned, graceful, sophisticated, dainty, elegantTerra Earthy, boho-chic items for a free-spirited style Earthy, free-spirited, boho-chic, fl owing

Once you’ve decided on a brand, it’s time to dress your model. This is where things get a little tricky—and where you need to get creative! Avoid overdoing it with lots

of layers (skirts over pants is usually a no-no), but don’t go too

Always save your game before entering a fashion contest. That way, if you fail, you can simply load your game and try again!


Climbing up in the fashion world isn’t easy. There are lots of contests for you to win, and you must clear the lower-tier shows to make a name for yourself before attempting the

higher-profi le international events. The following table lists every fashion contest, along with their concepts and entry requirements.

Climbing up in the fashion world isn’t easy. There are lots of contests for you to win, and you must clear the lower-tier shows to make a name for yourself before attempting the

higher-profi le international events. The following table lists

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Fashion contests aren’t just for fun, of course. Winning these shows earns you fabulous prizes—namely, rare items by that wild costume brand, Masquerade!

Many of these fashions are not available at the buyer’s center, and the ones that are will appear only once in a blue moon. Fashion contests are therefore the best ways to collect the rare pieces by Masquerade. See the following table for details.

Fashion Contests

Name Concept Details Entry RequirementsBeginner Contest Simple style Weekend casual/comfortable/simple Zero stars (no special requirements)Bronze Contest Team captain Athletic/activewear/sports casual One star and a Beginner Contest victorySilver Contest Punk-rock chic Rockin’ rebel/edgy and tough/outrageous Two stars and a Bronze Contest victoryGold Contest Free spirit Earthy/boho-chic/all natural Three stars and a Silver Contest victoryPlatinum Contest Career chic High-end/polished charm/professional Four stars and a Gold Contest victoryInternational January Refi ned tea time Graceful/sophisticated/soft and demure Five stars and a Platinum Contest victoryInternational February Positively posh Upscale/elegant/opulent Five stars and a Platinum Contest victoryInternational March Spring sundress Springtime colors/vintage charm/delicate Five stars and a Platinum Contest victoryInternational April Fairy princess Fancy frills/pretty and girly/whimsical Five stars and a Platinum Contest victoryInternational May Affordable fun Youthful whimsy/playful/quirky casual Five stars and a Platinum Contest victoryInternational June Lazy summer day Earthy/fl owy/Asian touches Five stars and a Platinum Contest victoryInternational July Red-carpet glam Celeb style/exclusive appeal/ritzy Five stars and a Platinum Contest victoryInternational August Rock-show glitz Flashy/eye-catching/summertime Five stars and a Platinum Contest victoryInternational September Bubblegum pop Youthful/fun and quirky/colorful Five stars and a Platinum Contest victoryInternational October Autumn active Sporty/fall weather/casual basics Five stars and a Platinum Contest victoryInternational November Class prep Smart and snappy/fab casual/warm colors Five stars and a Platinum Contest victoryInternational December Cultivated cool High-end hip/winter wear/glamorous Five stars and a Platinum Contest victory

Contest Prizes (Masquerade Items)

Item at Buyer’s Center Contest to Win

Bandanna (Cowgirl) No Beginner, second week of every monthBlouse (Classic Doll) Yes Platinum, third week of every monthBlouse (Maid) Yes Silver, fourth week of every monthBow (Classic Doll) Yes Platinum, fi rst week of every monthContest Crown No International, fi rst time you winDress Shirt (Cowgirl) Yes Beginner, fi rst week of every monthGloves (Fairy Princess) No Dominic’s birthday presentGloves (Sweet Girl) Yes International, second week of March, fi fth week of May, third week of July, third week of NovemberHat (Cowgirl) Yes Beginner, third week of every monthHeadband (Cat) No Bronze, third week of every monthHeadband (Maid) No Silver, second and fi fth week of every monthHoopskirt (Classic Doll) No Platinum, fourth week of every monthKerchief Shirt (Sailor) No International, fi rst week of February, second week of May, fourth week of June, fi rst week of September,

fi fth week of October, second week of DecemberLeg Warmers (Sweet Girl) No International, fi rst week of March, second week of JulyMicromini (Sweet Girl) No International, third week of March, fourth week of May, fi fth week of July, fi rst week of October, fourth

week of November, fourth week of DecemberMiniskirt (Cowgirl) Yes Beginner, fi fth week of every month

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Your Apartment Didi’s Hair Salon Olivia’s Cosmetics Supply Rococco’s Fashion Shows Special Events Nintendo WFC Fun

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NOTESpecial EventsHelping customers fi nd the perfect fashions is a thrill, but many other exciting things can happen to you while you’re on the job. Read on to discover what can happen while you’re busy going about your day.

Felicity’s InterviewsThere’s no better way to advertise your fashion boutique than a front-page story in the latest fashion mag. And if you’re very lucky, a rockin’ reporter named Felicity just might stop by your shop to interview you! Take full advantage of these rare opportunities to get the word out about your fab fashion boutique.

Miniskirt (Ninja) Yes International, fi fth week of April, second week of June, third week of August, fourth week of September, fi rst week of November

Neck Cloth (Ninja) No International, third week of April, fourth week of AugustNecklace (Fairy Princess) No Dominic’s birthday presentObi-Belted Top (Ninja) No International, fourth week of April, fi rst week of August, second week of NovemberOver-Knee Socks (Ninja) Yes International, third week of February, second week of April, third week of June, fi fth week of AugustPaw Gloves (Cat) Yes Bronze, fi rst week of every monthPaw Rain Boots (Cat) Yes Bronze, fi fth week of every monthRain Boots (Sweet Girl) Yes International, third week of October, third week of DecemberShoes (Fairy Princess) No Dominic’s birthday presentShoes (Rose Princess) Yes Gold, fi rst week of every monthShorts (Sweet Girl) Yes International, fi fth week of January, fourth week of March, fi rst week of JulySilk-Mesh Shirt (Ninja) No International, fi rst week of January, fi fth week of February, fi rst week of June, third week of SeptemberSkirt (Fairy Princess) No Dominic’s birthday presentSkirt (Maid) No Silver, third week of every monthSkirt (Rose Princess) No Gold, second week of every monthSkirt (Sailor) Yes International, second week of February, fi rst week of May, fi fth week of June, second week of September,

fourth week of October, fi rst week of DecemberStudded Gloves (Ninja) Yes International, third week of January, fi rst week of April, second week of August, fi fth week of SeptemberTail-Hem Shirt (Cat) Yes Bronze, second week of every monthTiara (Fairy Princess) No Dominic’s birthday presentTiara (Rose Princess) No Gold, third and fi fth weeks of every monthTop (Classic Doll) No Platinum, second week of every monthTop (Fairy Princess) No Dominic’s birthday presentTop (Maid) Yes Silver, fi rst week of every monthTop (Rose Princess) Yes Gold, fourth week of every monthTop (Sweet Girl) No International, fourth week of January, fi fth week of March, third week of May, fourth week of July, second

week of October, fi fth week of November, fi fth week of DecemberTutu Skirt (cat) No Bronze, fourth week of every monthVest (Cowgirl) No Beginner, fourth week of every month

by your shop to interview you! Take full advantage of these

You may need to win a fashion contest and make a splash in the fashion world before Felicity will show up at your shop.

Designer CollaborationsRemember those nice sales reps you met at the buyer’s center? Well, sell enough of their brand’s clothes and apparel, and those friendly reps will pay your shop a special visit! While visiting, a rep will invite you to collaborate with them and create a whole new item. That’s right! You’ll get to pick the colors for the item that the rep suggests, creating a unique, personalized style that screams “you.” Just tap the Menu button at your shop, then tap the Guest designer button to start crafting your stunning style.

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Your Apartment Didi’s Hair Salon Olivia’s Cosmetics Supply Rococco’s Fashion Shows Special Events Nintendo WFC Fun

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NOTEAll possible collaboration styles are shown in the “Clothing Catalog” chapter. These styles are grouped into special “collaboration” sections so that they’re easy to see.

Outing EventsOther events that begin at your shop all fall under the blanket of outing events. These special outings always begin when a close friend shows up at your shop, inviting you to join them on an exciting excursion. Maybe it’s a relaxing stroll through the local park; maybe it’s a wild night out at a party or concert. Whatever the occasion, it’s sure to be a good time! Remember: the eyes of the fashion community are always upon you, even when you’re out having fun! After agreeing to meet your friend, consider stopping by your apartment and change into something fi tting for the event at hand. Once you’re all dolled up, leave your pad and scan the map for a special location that now appears. Tap this location to travel and meet up with your fellow glamazon. No matter which event you’ve been invited to, you’ll have a spectacular time! Just relax and enjoy the outing, and take your mind off your busy day.

We told you the fashion community was always watching, right? Well, a snappy photographer named Libby will appear during each outing event, hoping to take your picture! Let Libby do her thing and she’ll send a copy of the pic to your apartment. Another memorable addition to your album!

Nintendo WFC FunFashion transcends all boundaries, a wise woman once said. (No, it wasn’t Rococco!) This saying holds true in Style Savvy, where you can participate in all sorts of exciting wireless and Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection modes.

We told you the fashion community was always watching, right? Well, a snappy photographer named Libby will appear during each outing event, hoping to take your picture! Let Libby do her thing and she’ll send a copy of the pic to your apartment. Another memorable addition to your album!

Outing Events

Event DatesAfternoon Tea 1/8, 2/1, 3/17, 4/20, 5/13, 6/10, 7/31, 8/22, 9/19,

10/13, 11/13, 12/2

Boat Trip 7/5, 7/10, 7/15, 7/20, 7/25, 7/30, 8/5, 8/10, 8/15, 8/20, 8/25

Café 4/10, 5/3, 6/30, 7/21, 8/1, 9/9, 10/3

Camping Trip 6/2, 6/7, 6/12, 6/17, 6/22, 6/27, 7/8, 7/19, 8/3, 8/13

Castle 4/9, 4/13, 4/18, 4/23, 4/28, 5/5, 5/10, 5/15, 5/20, 5/25, 5/30, 9/12, 9/22, 11/11, 11/22

Cherry Blossoms 3/25-4/7

Chinatown 1/14, 1/16, 1/19, 1/20, 1/22, 1/30, 1/31, 2/4, 2/6, 2/8, 2/9, 2/11

Concert 1/6, 1/23, 2/2, 2/15, 3/9, 3/15, 4/11, 4/27, 5/1, 5/28, 6/9, 6/25, 7/17, 7/23, 8/7, 8/30, 9/2, 9/4, 10/14, 10/28, 11/28, 11/30, 12/14, 12/17

Fairground 9/5, 9/10, 9/15, 9/20, 9/25, 9/30

Halloween Party 10/22, 10/24, 10/25, 10/26, 10/29, 10/31

Hiking 10/21, 10/27, 10/30, 11/5, 11/10, 11/15, 11/20, 11/25

Holiday Shopping 12/10, 12/15, 12/20, 12/22, 12/23, 12/24, 12/25

Movie Premiere 5/16, 6/16, 7/16, 10/15, 11/14, 12/5

New Year’s Celebrations

12/30, 12/31, 1/1, 1/2, 1/3

Out at a Club 1/18, 2/10, 3/5, 4/30, 5/23, 6/20, 7/29, 8/2, 9/29, 10/23, 11/23, 12/12

Park (Fall) 9/21, 10/8, 11/8

Park (Spring) 3/22, 4/15, 5/8

Park (Summer) 6/21, 7/26, 8/17

Park (Winter) 1/28, 2/20, 12/21, 12/29

Party 1/13, 2/5, 3/21, 4/25, 5/18, 6/15, 7/6, 8/27, 9/24, 10/18, 11/18, 12/7

Skiing 2/21, 2/22, 2/23, 2/24, 2/25, 2/26, 2/27, 2/29, 3/2, 3/6

Can’t wait to check out those events? Cheat a little if you like and change your DS system date! Just be careful not to travel more than 30 days forward in time, or Grace will put your customer-service skills to the test! (See the “Your Stylin’ Store” chapter for details on Grace’s trials.)


Wi-Fi Connection modes.

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Your Apartment Didi’s Hair Salon Olivia’s Cosmetics Supply Rococco’s Fashion Shows Special Events Nintendo WFC Fun

Page 23: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


NOTESome Nintendo WFC activities may not be available until you’ve opened your own shop during the single-player game.

DS Wireless PlayTap the main menu’s DS Wireless Play option to explore options and game modes you can play locally with friends and neighbors who also own a Nintendo DS and Nintendo DS Style Savvy Card. You’ll be able to enjoy wireless fashion contests, exchange promotional fl yers, and even visit your friends’ shops to buy new fashions from them!

Flyer ModeAfter attracting 35 visitors to your store, you can visit Godfrey at Dominic’s mansion and unlock the Adver-tisements and Flyers feature. Ads are for single-player use only, but fl yers are special;

after creating them in single-player mode, you can use Flyer mode to send them to other players, hoping to draw them to your store! And since you may get fl yers from other players, you can use Flyer mode to view and delete any fl yers you’ve received.

Activate Flyer mode to begin broad-casting your person-alized fl yer to other players. If you created a Nintendo WFC Shop in the Shopping Cities mode, you can add its Shop Address

to your fl yers to help other players fi nd your store! If you like, you can close your DS to save power while Flyer mode is active —your fl yer will continue to broadcast. Tap “Stop Flyer Mode” to cease broadcasting and back out. You may then broadcast another fl yer or return to the main menu.

Wireless ContestYou’ve tried fashion contests before, but have you ever tried competing against your friends? Wireless contests let you do just that! First, choose

which player will host the contest —the host gets to set the theme, judge the outfi ts, and serve as the contest’s model. All other players enter as stylists, hoping to win the host’s favor and take home fi rst prize! Wireless contests are a bit different than regular fashion shows. Rather than drawing from Rococco’s set wardrobes, all stylists use the clothes and apparel they’ve acquired over the course of their careers. This makes for some truly wild and unique affairs! All stylists have three minutes to dress their model in the best ensemble they can come up with. If time runs out, Rococco herself will dress any lingering models—and trust us when we say you do not want that! So, who has taken home top prize? The host decides, but try and play it fair, ladies—no fruit-basket bribes, OK?

Wireless ShopChoose “Wireless Shop” from the DS Wireless Play menu, and you’ll have the option to open your shop to nearby friends or to have Godfrey whisk you away to a

nearby friend’s town so you can go shopping. After opening your shop, just sit back, relax, and wait for your friends to stop by. Once someone strolls through your door, wait for them to browse your stockroom or to simply have you pick out something special for them.

If you decide to go shopping, Godfrey will gladly drive you to a nearby friend’s store—provided it’s open for business. Once you arrive, you can buy new styles from your friend’s shop. This is a great way to add hard-to-fi nd items to your wardrobe!

After attracting 35 visitors to your store, you can visit Godfrey at Dominic’s mansion and unlock the Adver-tisements and Flyers feature. Ads are for single-player use only, but fl yers are special;

after creating them in single-player mode, you can use Flyer

Activate Flyer mode to begin broad-casting your person-alized fl yer to other players. If you created a Nintendo WFC Shop in the Shopping Cities mode, you can add its Shop Address

to your fl yers to help other players fi nd your store! If you

nearby friend’s town so you can go shopping. After opening your shop, just sit back, relax, and wait for your friends to stop by. Once someone strolls through your door, wait for them to browse your stockroom or to simply have you pick out something special for them.

If you decide to go shopping,


Wireless ShopChooseShop” from the DS Wireless Play menu, and you’ll have the option to open your shop to nearby friends or to have Godfrey whisk you away to a

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Your Apartment Didi’s Hair Salon Olivia’s Cosmetics Supply Rococco’s Fashion Shows Special Events Nintendo WFC Fun

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Nintendo Wi-Fi ConnectionAt the main menu, tap the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection option to explore Style Savvy’s Nintendo WFC modes. Unlike DS Wireless Play, these modes connect you to the outside world, letting you interact with other players all over theUSA! Naturally, an Internet connection is required, and you may need to confi gure your DS system settings for Nintendo Wi-Fi

Connection before you can enjoy these game modes. Here’s a quick look at the Nintendo WFC modes you can explore:Download Items: Choose this option to download special items

from Nintendo. See your instruction manual for details.

Shopping Cities: Open your own shop or branch shop in the Shopping Cities, or travel to other players’ towns and visit their shops. There are several cities to choose from, with several buildings in each city. If you open a branch shop, you’ll be assigned a Shop Address in one of the buildings. This Shop Address can be added to fl yers and sent out to other players. Set up to three mannequins for sale and the money earned adds to your Shop Funds—everything sells for 50% off. You can also use your Personal Funds to go shopping in the Shopping Cities—choose a building, select a fl oor, and choose a shop! You can save the Shop Address to easily fi nd that store again. Also, the store’s owner may come visit in single-player mode later on.

Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Settings: View and adjust your connection settings (if necessary). See your instruction manual for more information.

At the main menu, tap the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection option to explore Style SavvyUnlike DS Wireless Play, these modes connect you to the outside world, letting you interact with other players all over theUSA! Naturally, an Internet connection is required, and you may need to confi gure your DS system settings for Nintendo Wi-Fi

Connection before you can enjoy these game modes.

HAIR MAKEUPandandDiamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but cosmetics are a close second! Just check out this chapter, where every ounce of Olivia’s stunning makeup is on display, along with a full catalog of the many different hairstyles and color options Didi can create for you at her salon. Mix and match these beauty supplies and styles to create whole new looks that are sure to turn heads!

Visit Didi’s salon for new hairstyles and color options. Pop into Olivia’s cosmetics shop to pick up new makeup. See the “Living Fabulously” chapter for more information, including the secret behind scoring even more cosmetics!


Full Spiral Curls

Price: 188

Full Spiral Curls (Style Option)

Price: 188

Long Fringe and Twist

Price: 126

Long Layered Flip

Price: 110

Long Layered Flip (Style Option)

Price: 110

Long Razored Spikes

Price: 172

Long Razored Spikes (Style Option)

Price: 172

Long Spiral Curls

Price: 158Long Spiral Curls (Style Option)

Price: 158

Side-Fringe Long

Price: 116

Side-Fringe Long (Style Option)

Price: 116

Silky Straight

Price: 158

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Page 25: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Silky Straight (Style Option)

Price: 158

Straight-Fringe Long

Price: 126

Straight-Fringe Long (Style Option)

Price: 126

Swept-Back Crimp

Price: 206

Swept-Back Crimp (Style Option)

Price: 206

Swept-Back Long

Price: 118

Swept-Back Long (Style Option)

Price: 118


Price: 206

Crimped Style

Price: 158

Crimped Style (Style Option)

Price: 158

Feathered Flip

Price: 110


Feathered Flip (Style Option)

Price: 110

Loose Curls

Price: 134

Medium Layers

Price: 118

Medium Layers (Style Option)

Price: 118Razored Layers

Price: 142

Side Fringe

Price: 100

Side Fringe (Style Option)

Price: 100

Side-Parted Waves

Price: 110Side-Parted Waves (Style Option)

Price: 110

Straight Fringe

Price: 108

Straight Fringe (Style Option)

Price: 108

Styled Layers

Price: 94Styled Layers (Style Option)

Price: 94

Swept Back

Price: 94

Swept Back (Style Option)

Price: 94

Tight Curls

Price: 118Tight Curls (Style Option)

Price: 118

Tousled Waves

Price: 102

Wavy Fringe

Price: 118

Wavy Fringe (Style Option)

Price: 118

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Hairstyles Hair Color Makeup

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Angled Bob

Price: 110

Bowl Cut

Price: 116

Classic Bob

Price: 62

Classic Pixie

Price: 70


Razored Bob

Price: 78

Short Spikes

Price: 126

Spiked Bob

Price: 78

Super Short

Price: 109Swept-Back Bob

Price: 62

Tapered Pixie

Price: 100

Wavy Bob

Price: 100

Ash Blonde

Price: 124

Ash Brown

Price: 118

Beige Blonde

Price: 84


Price: 102


Price: 126


Price: 84


Price: 124

Cherry Blossom

Price: 141


Price: 110

Copper Brown

Price: 102

Copper Red

Price: 70

Dark Ash Blonde

Price: 78

MainHair Colors

Dark Auburn

Price: 70

Dark Blue

Price: 118

Dark Brown

Price: 70

Dark Gold

Price: 70

Dark Golden Blonde

Price: 94

Dark Golden Brown

Price: 70

Dark Gray

Price: 102

Dark Green

Price: 78

Dark Mahogany

Price: 102

Dark Purple

Price: 78

Dark Reddish Blonde

Price: 84

Forest Green

Price: 110Golden Blonde

Price: 118

Golden Brown

Price: 78


Price: 94


Price: 62

Honey Blonde

Price: 110


Price: 94


Price: 94


Price: 118

Light Ash Blonde

Price: 78

Light Beige Blonde

Price: 62

Light Gold

Price: 118

Light Golden Brown

Price: 102Light Gray

Price: 102

Light Mauve

Price: 108

Light Purple

Price: 78

Light Reddish Blonde

Price: 118


Price: 94

Medium Auburn

Price: 108

Medium Brown

Price: 100

Medium Gray

Price: 94

Medium Mauve

Price: 78


Price: 92

Moss Green

Price: 76

Olive Green

Price: 78Orchid

Price: 94


Price: 102


Price: 94


Price: 102


Price: 118


Price: 126


Price: 110

Reddish Blonde

Price: 132

Reddish Brown

Price: 126

Rose Brown

Price: 78


Price: 116


Price: 62Sienna

Price: 110

Silver Gray

Price: 78

Slate Green

Price: 108

Strawberry Blonde

Price: 126

Apple Green

Price: 24

Ash Blonde

Price: 8

Ash Brown

Price: 8

Beige Blonde

Price: 8


Price: 8


Price: 8


Price: 8high



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Page 27: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide



Price: 8


Price: 24

Cherry Blossom

Price: 8


Price: 8


Price: 24

Copper Brown

Price: 8

Copper Red

Price: 8

Dark Ash Blonde

Price: 8

Dark Auburn

Price: 8

Dark Blue

Price: 8

Dark Brown

Price: 8

Dark Gold

Price: 8Dark Golden


Price: 8

Dark Golden Brown

Price: 8

Dark Gray

Price: 8

Dark Green

Price: 8

Dark Mahogany

Price: 8

Dark Purple

Price: 8

Dark Reddish Blonde

Price: 8

Dark Teal

Price: 24

Dark Violet

Price: 24


Price: 24

Forest Green

Price: 8

Golden Blonde

Price: 8Golden Brown

Price: 8


Price: 8


Price: 8

Honey Blonde

Price: 8

Hunter Green

Price: 24

Icy Blue

Price: 24


Price: 8


Price: 24


Price: 8


Price: 8

Light Ash Blonde

Price: 8

Light Beige Blonde

Price: 8Light Gold

Price: 8

Light Golden Brown

Price: 8

Light Gray

Price: 24

Light Lavender

Price: 24

Light Mauve

Price: 8

Light Purple

Price: 8

Light Reddish Blonde

Price: 8

Light Teal

Price: 24


Price: 24

Lime Green

Price: 24


Price: 24


Price: 8Medium Auburn

Price: 8

Medium Brown

Price: 8

Medium Gray

Price: 8

Medium Mauve

Price: 8


Price: 8

Moss Green

Price: 8

Olive Green

Price: 8


Price: 24


Price: 8


Price: 8

Peacock Blue

Price: 24


Price: 24Pink Mauve

Price: 24


Price: 8


Price: 8


Price: 8


Price: 8


Price: 8

Reddish Blonde

Price: 8

Reddish Brown

Price: 8

Rose Brown

Price: 8

Royal Purple

Price: 24


Price: 8


Price: 24Sepia

Price: 8


Price: 8

Silver Gray

Price: 8

Slate Green

Price: 8


Price: 24

Strawberry Blonde

Price: 8


Price: 24


Price: 24


Price: 24


Price: 24

Yellow Green

Price: 24


Price: Free


Price: Free

Dark Brown

Price: Free


Price: Free


Price: Free


Price: Free


Price: Free


Price: Free


Price: Free


Price: Free

hair tieS

noteHair ties come free with any hair style’s “style option.”

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Light Purple

Price: 28

Light Purple (Max Volume)

Price: 28


Price: 28

Magenta (Max Volume)

Price: 28


Price: 38

Mauve (Max Volume)

Price: 38


Price: 23

Mocha (Max Volume)

Price: 23

Navy Blue

Price: 23

Navy Blue (Max Volume)

Price: 23

Olive Green

Price: 38

Olive Green (Max Volume)

Price: 38Periwinkle

Price: 38

Periwinkle (Max Volume)

Price: 38


Price: 26

Purple (Max Volume)

Price: 26


Price: 26

Red (Max Volume)

Price: 26


Price: 38

Topaz (Max Volume)

Price: 38

eye Shadow Apricot

Price: 33


Price: 30


Price: 16


Price: 30


Price: 15


Price: 13

Bright Pink

Price: 40


Price: 27


Price: 15


Price: 37


Price: 40


Price: 15Cucumber

Price: 37

Dark Gold

Price: 33

Dark Rose

Price: 30

Deep Coral

Price: 33

Deep Lavender

Price: 27

Deep Mauve

Price: 27

Deep Powder Blue

Price: 30

Denim Blue

Price: 37

Dusty Pink

Price: 12

Dusty Rose

Price: 33


Price: 12


Price: 13Gold

Price: 16

Golden Beige

Price: 12


Price: 33


Price: 37


Price: 12


Price: 27


Price: 40


Price: 16

Hot Pink

Price: 40


Price: 30


Price: 30


Price: 16Lemon

Price: 33

Light Coral

Price: 15

Light Mauve

Price: 13

Light Pink

Price: 12

Light Purple

Price: 30


Price: 30

Lime Green

Price: 16


Price: 37

Mauve Pink

Price: 33

Medium Coral

Price: 40

Medium Mauve

Price: 13

Mint Blue

Price: 33Mint Green

Price: 37


Price: 13

Moss Green

Price: 27

Olive Green

Price: 27

Pastel Green

Price: 30

Pastel Pink

Price: 15

Pastel Purple

Price: 16


Price: 12


Price: 16


Price: 16


Price: 40


Price: 27

Dark Blue

Price: 23

Dark Blue (Max Volume)

Price: 23

Dark Brown

Price: 16

Dark Brown (Max Volume)

Price: 16

Forest Green

Price: 20

Forest Green (Max Volume)

Price: 20


Price: 16

Gray (Max Volume)

Price: 16

Hunter Green

Price: 20

Hunter Green (Max Volume)

Price: 20

Light Brown

Price: 28

Light Brown (Max Volume)

Price: 28


Price: 16

Black (Max Volume)

Price: 16


Price: 26

Blue (Max Volume)

Price: 26

Bright Blue

Price: 26

Bright Blue (Max Volume)

Price: 26


Price: 23

Brown (Max Volume)

Price: 23


Price: 23

Cinnamon (Max Volume)

Price: 23


Price: 23

Copper (Max Volume)

Price: 23


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Price: 15


Price: 37

Powder Blue

Price: 33


Price: 30


Price: 13

Salmon Pink

Price: 40

Sandy Pink

Price: 33

Sea Blue

Price: 33

Sea Green

Price: 37


Price: 30

Shell Pink

Price: 15


Price: 13Sky Blue

Price: 33


Price: 27

Smoky Brown

Price: 27


Price: 15


Price: 30


Price: 12


Price: 40


Price: 15


Price: 37


Price: 16

colored contactSAqua

Price: 54


Price: 39


Price: 77

Dark Gray

Price: 39

Deep Blue

Price: 54

Deep Green

Price: 77


Price: 39

Light Green

Price: 77


Price: 77


Price: 39


Price: 77


Price: 54


Price: 23


Price: 14


Price: 20

Brick Red

Price: 15


Price: 23


Price: 14


Price: 23


Price: 31


Price: 15

Cherry Blossom

Price: 14Chocolate

Price: 14


Price: 23

Dark Gray

Price: 15

Dark Mauve

Price: 20


Price: 23


Price: 15


Price: 15

Hot Pink

Price: 20


Price: 20

Leaf Green

Price: 31Light Coral

Price: 23

Light Gray

Price: 20

Light Mauve

Price: 20

Lime Green

Price: 31


Price: 15


Price: 31

Olive Green

Price: 31


Price: 23

Pastel Pink

Price: 14


Price: 23Peach Pink

Price: 14

Pearl Pink

Price: 14


Price: 20

Powder Pink

Price: 15


Price: 23


Price: 15


Price: 20

Salmon Pink

Price: 15


Price: 31

Sky Blue

Price: 31Tan

Price: 14


Price: 23

Tea Rose

Price: 14


Price: 20


Price: 31


Price: 31


Price: 31


Price: 31

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Hairstyles Hair Color Makeup

Page 30: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


eyeBrowSBold Round

Price: 12

Fine Angle

Price: 12

Fine Curve

Price: 12

Fine Flat

Price: 12

Fine Soft Curve

Price: 12

Full Angle

Price: 12

Full Curve

Price: 12

Full Flat

Price: 12

Full Round

Price: 12

Full Taper

Price: 12High Fine


Price: 12

High Round

Price: 12

Short Bold Flat

Price: 12

Short Bold Round

Price: 12

Short Fine Angle

Price: 12

Short Fine Taper

Price: 12

Short Full Taper

Price: 12

Short Soft Slant

Price: 12

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Hairstyles Hair Color Makeup

Page 31: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide





With over 10,000 pieces of stylish clothing and eye-catching apparel to hoard in Style Savvy, there’s more than enough to merit a full-size fashion catalog! Skim the following pages to scope out all the unique pieces of clothing and apparel that make up each brand. If you like, you can even go through your wardrobe and mark off all the pieces you’ve collected!

Remember: All clothes are bought at the buyer’s center, but only certain brands and styles are available each day. The buyer’s center’s stock changes throughout the day, though, so drop by often!

Also, remember that everything you buy at the buyer’s center is permanently added to your own wardrobe. Just return to your apartment after a shopping spree, and you can try on all your latest ensembles!

All clothes that fall under “Collaboration” sections are special pieces that you may obtain only during Collaboration events, in which a brand represen-tative visits your store and lets you decide the colors of a new garment, creating wild collab-orative fashions! To get a brand rep to visit your store so you may create these items, just keep selling lots of clothes made by their brand.
















Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 32: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book



Belted Dress Shirt

Alvarado 1560 rBuy: 240 Sell: 400

Belted Dress Shirt

Alvarado 1561 rBuy: 240 Sell: 400

Belted Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12306 rBuy: 240 Sell: 400

Bow-Neck Blouse

Alvarado 716 rBuy: 153 Sell: 256

Bow-Neck Blouse

Alvarado 1647 rBuy: 153 Sell: 256

Bow-Neck Blouse

Alvarado 1648 rBuy: 153 Sell: 256

Bow-Neck Blouse

Alvarado 1649 rBuy: 153 Sell: 256

Cinched-Waist Silk Shirt

Alvarado 608 rBuy: 112 Sell: 192

Cinched-Waist Silk Shirt

Alvarado 1338 rBuy: 112 Sell: 192

Gold Satin Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12316 rBuy: 230 Sell: 384

Gold-Satin Tube Top

Alvarado 12182 rBuy: 180 Sell: 260

Gold-Thread Camisole

Alvarado 12214 rBuy: 384 Sell: 624

Gold-Thread Dress Shirt

Alvarado 13005 rBuy: 152 Sell: 256

Halter Camisole

Alvarado 298 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Halter Camisole

Alvarado 1127 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Leopard-Spot Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12317 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Leopard-Spot Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12906 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Leopard-Spot Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12907 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Leopard-Spot Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12908 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Leopard-Spot Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12909 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Leopard-Spot Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12910 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Leopard-Spot Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12911 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Leopard-Spot Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12912 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Rose-Stencil Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12318 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rose-Stencil Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12913 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rose-Stencil Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12914 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rose-Stencil Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12915 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rose-Stencil Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12916 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rose-Stencil Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12917 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rose-Stencil Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12918 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rose-Stencil Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12919 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rose-Stencil Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12920 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Back-Tied Boatneck Shirt

Alvarado 1619 rBuy: 192 Sell: 304

Back-Tied Boatneck Shirt

Alvarado 4435 rBuy: 192 Sell: 304

Back-Tied Boatneck Shirt

Alvarado 4436 rBuy: 192 Sell: 304

Back-Tied Floral Shirt

Alvarado 1620 rBuy: 110 Sell: 176

Back-Tied Floral Shirt

Alvarado 4438 rBuy: 110 Sell: 176

Back-Tied Floral Shirt

Alvarado 4440 rBuy: 110 Sell: 176

Belted Dress Shirt

Alvarado 317 rBuy: 240 Sell: 400

Belted Dress Shirt

Alvarado 1559 rBuy: 240 Sell: 400

If you’re after a high-end look, look no further than Alvarado. Exclusive celebrity fashions make for a posh, polished appearance—one that comes at a hefty price. Other clothes may look good when you’re going someplace, but Alvarado is for when you’ve already arrived!

Customer keywords:High-end, polished, celebrity, posh, exclusive


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 33: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Rose-Stencil Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12921 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rose-Stencil Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12922 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rose-Stencil Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12923 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rose-Stencil Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12924 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Ruffled-Collar Blouse

Alvarado 812 rBuy: 252 Sell: 420

Ruffled-Collar Blouse

Alvarado 5263 rBuy: 252 Sell: 420

Ruffled-Collar Blouse

Alvarado 12392 rBuy: 252 Sell: 420

Ruffle-Front Blouse

Alvarado 692 rBuy: 230 Sell: 384

Ruffle-Front Blouse

Alvarado 1565 rBuy: 230 Sell: 384

Ruffle-Front Blouse

Alvarado 1566 rBuy: 230 Sell: 384

Silk-Tie Dress Shirt

Alvarado 649 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Silk-Tie Dress Shirt

Alvarado 5194 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Silk-Tie Dress Shirt

Alvarado 5195 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Silk-Tie Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12315 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Silk-Tie Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12904 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Silver-Satin Dress Shirt

Alvarado 12905 rBuy: 160 Sell: 272

Silver-Satin Tube top

Alvarado 12865 rBuy: 88 Sell: 180

Silver-Thread Camisole

Alvarado 12885 rBuy: 168 Sell: 296

Silver-Thread Dress Shirt

Alvarado 13006 rBuy: 112 Sell: 192

V-neck Knit Vest

Alvarado 609 rBuy: 144 Sell: 240

V-neck Knit Vest

Alvarado 1343 rBuy: 144 Sell: 240

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 50 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 1410 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 1411 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12181 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12184 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12185 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12186 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12187 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12188 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12189 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12190 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12191 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12192 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12193 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12194 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12195 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12196 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12197 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12198 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12199 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Zip-up Tube Top

Alvarado 12200 rBuy: 44 Sell: 100

Belted One-Shoulder Top

Alvarado 582 rBuy: 235 Sell: 392

Belted One-Shoulder Top

Alvarado 1856 rBuy: 235 Sell: 392

Chain-Belted Top

Alvarado 1304 rBuy: 792 Sell: 1320

Dot-Line Bolero Shirt

Alvarado 331 rBuy: 168 Sell: 280

Dot-Line Bolero Shirt

Alvarado 1166 rBuy: 168 Sell: 280

Dot-Line Bolero Shirt

Alvarado 1168 rBuy: 168 Sell: 280

Gold Scarf-Hem Camisole

Alvarado 12259 rBuy: 192 Sell: 288

Leather Bolero Vest

Alvarado 455 rBuy: 432 Sell: 720

Leather Bolero Vest

Alvarado 2176 rBuy: 432 Sell: 720

Off-Shoulder Knit Top

Alvarado 817 rBuy: 160 Sell: 304

Off-Shoulder Knit Top

Alvarado 2228 rBuy: 160 Sell: 304

Silver Scarf-Hem Camisole

Alvarado 12901 rBuy: 168 Sell: 272

Zebra Bolero Shirt

Alvarado 1276 rBuy: 201 Sell: 336



Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 34: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Zebra Bolero Shirt

Alvarado 5404 rBuy: 201 Sell: 336

Zebra Bolero Shirt

Alvarado 5405 rBuy: 201 Sell: 336

Zebra Bolero Shirt

Alvarado 5406 rBuy: 201 Sell: 336

Belted Trench Coat

Alvarado 344 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Belted Trench Coat

Alvarado 5855 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Belted Trench Coat

Alvarado 5856 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Belted Trench Coat

Alvarado 5857 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Belted Trench Coat

Alvarado 12677 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Belted Trench Coat

Alvarado 12679 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Belted Trench Coat

Alvarado 12956 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Belted Trench Coat

Alvarado 12964 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Belted Trench Coat

Alvarado 12965 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Belted Trench Coat

Alvarado 12966 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Belted Trench Coat

Alvarado 12967 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Belted Trench Coat

Alvarado 12968 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Belted Trench Coat

Alvarado 12969 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Checkered Down Vest

Alvarado 2449 rBuy: 230 Sell: 384

Checkered Down Vest

Alvarado 2450 rBuy: 230 Sell: 384

Checkered Down Vest

Alvarado 2451 rBuy: 230 Sell: 384

Checkered Down Vest

Alvarado 6533 rBuy: 230 Sell: 384

Classic Belted Trench

Alvarado 914 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Classic Belted Trench

Alvarado 5873 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Classic Belted Trench

Alvarado 5874 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Classic Belted Trench

Alvarado 5875 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Color-Trimmed Jacket

Alvarado 111 rBuy: 480 Sell: 800

Color-Trimmed Jacket

Alvarado 2395 rBuy: 480 Sell: 800

Color-Trimmed Jacket

Alvarado 2396 rBuy: 480 Sell: 800

Color-Trimmed Jacket

Alvarado 2397 rBuy: 480 Sell: 800

Fur-Trimmed Down Jacket

Alvarado 798 rBuy: 398 Sell: 664

Fur-Trimmed Down Jacket

Alvarado 2446 rBuy: 398 Sell: 664

Fur-Trimmed Down Jacket

Alvarado 2447 rBuy: 398 Sell: 664

Fur-Trimmed Down Jacket

Alvarado 2448 rBuy: 398 Sell: 664

Fur-Trimmed Wool Jacket

Alvarado 3043 rBuy: 331 Sell: 552

Fur-Trimmed Wool Jacket

Alvarado 4950 rBuy: 331 Sell: 552

Fur-Trimmed Wool Jacket

Alvarado 4951 rBuy: 331 Sell: 552

Fur-Trimmed Wool Jacket

Alvarado 4952 rBuy: 331 Sell: 552

Houndstooth Jacket

Alvarado 776 rBuy: 705 Sell: 1,176

Houndstooth Jacket

Alvarado 2413 rBuy: 705 Sell: 1,176

Houndstooth Jacket

Alvarado 2415 rBuy: 705 Sell: 1,176

Leather Bolero Jacket

Alvarado 339 rBuy: 422 Sell: 704

Leather Bolero Jacket

Alvarado 4981 rBuy: 422 Sell: 704

Leather Bolero Jacket

Alvarado 4982 rBuy: 422 Sell: 704

Leather Bolero Jacket

Alvarado 13387 rBuy: 422 Sell: 704

Leather Bolero Jacket

Alvarado 13388 rBuy: 422 Sell: 704

Leather Bolero Jacket

Alvarado 13389 rBuy: 422 Sell: 704

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 516 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9454 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9455 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9456 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9457 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9458 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9459 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9460 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9461 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9462 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 35: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9463 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9464 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9465 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9466 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9467 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9468 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9469 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9470 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9471 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9472 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9473 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9474 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9475 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9476 ruy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9477 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9478 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9479 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9480 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9481 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9482 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9483 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9484 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9485 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9486 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9487 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9488 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9489 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9490 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9491 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9492 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9493 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9494 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9495 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9496 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9497 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9498 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9499 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9500 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9501 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9502 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9503 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9504 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9505 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9506 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9507 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9508 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9509 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9510 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9511 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9512 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9513 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9514 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9515 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Jacket

Alvarado 9516 rBuy: 912 Sell: 1,520

Leopard-Spot Trench

Alvarado 12678 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Leopard-Spot Trench

Alvarado 12957 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

COllabOraTiOn COllabOraTiOn

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 36: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Leopard-Spot Trench

Alvarado 12958 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Leopard-Spot Trench

Alvarado 12959 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Leopard-Spot Trench

Alvarado 12960 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Leopard-Spot Trench

Alvarado 12961 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Leopard-Spot Trench

Alvarado 12962 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Leopard-Spot Trench

Alvarado 12963 rBuy: 600 Sell: 1,000

Motorcycle Jacket

Alvarado 848 rBuy: 1,440 Sell: 2,400

Motorcycle Jacket

Alvarado 2410 rBuy: 1,440 Sell: 2,400

Motorcycle Jacket

Alvarado 2411 rBuy: 1,440 Sell: 2,400

Motorcycle Jacket

Alvarado 2412 rBuy: 1,440 Sell: 2,400

Palm-Leaf Bolero Jacket

Alvarado 2684 rBuy: 304 Sell: 544

Palm-Leaf Bolero Jacket

Alvarado 5029 rBuy: 304 Sell: 544

Quilted Jacket

Alvarado 979 rBuy: 240 Sell: 400

Quilted Jacket

Alvarado 4941 rBuy: 240 Sell: 400

Quilted Jacket

Alvarado 4942 rBuy: 240 Sell: 400

Quilted Jacket

Alvarado 4943 rBuy: 240 Sell: 400

Sheepskin Jacket

Alvarado 775 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Sheepskin Jacket

Alvarado 4929 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Sheepskin Jacket

Alvarado 4930 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Sheepskin Jacket

Alvarado 4931 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Sheepskin Jacket

Alvarado 12419 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Sheepskin Jacket

Alvarado 12420 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Sheepskin Jacket

Alvarado 12421 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Striped Corsage Jacket

Alvarado 112 rBuy: 172 Sell: 288

Striped Corsage Jacket

Alvarado 2398 rBuy: 172 Sell: 288

Striped Corsage Jacket

Alvarado 2399 rBuy: 172 Sell: 288

Striped Corsage Jacket

Alvarado 2400 rBuy: 172 Sell: 288

Striped, Buttoned Jacket

Alvarado 335 rBuy: 374 Sell: 624

Striped, Buttoned Jacket

Alvarado 2384 rBuy: 374 Sell: 624

Striped, Buttoned Jacket

Alvarado 2385 rBuy: 374 Sell: 624

Striped, Buttoned Jacket

Alvarado 12422 rBuy: 374 Sell: 624

Striped, Buttoned Jacket

Alvarado 12423 rBuy: 374 Sell: 624

Striped, Buttoned Jacket

Alvarado 12424 rBuy: 374 Sell: 624

Striped, Buttoned Jacket

Alvarado 12425 rBuy: 374 Sell: 624

Suede Trench Coat

Alvarado 543 rBuy: 840 Sell: 1,400

Suede Trench Coat

Alvarado 12680 rBuy: 840 Sell: 1,400

Suede Trench Coat

Alvarado 12681 rBuy: 840 Sell: 1,400

Suede Trench Coat

Alvarado 12682 rBuy: 840 Sell: 1,400

Tea-Rose Jacket

Alvarado 847 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Tea-Rose Jacket

Alvarado 4935 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Tea-Rose Jacket

Alvarado 4936 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Tea-Rose Jacket

Alvarado 4937 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Tied Leather Jacket

Alvarado 338 rBuy: 950 Sell: 1,584

Tied Leather Jacket

Alvarado 2404 rBuy: 950 Sell: 1,584

Tied Leather Jacket

Alvarado 2405 rBuy: 950 Sell: 1,584

Tied Leather Jacket

Alvarado 2406 rBuy: 950 Sell: 1,584

Gold-Thread Tunic

Alvarado 12664 rBuy: 352 Sell: 608

Silver-Thread Tunic

Alvarado 12955 rBuy: 278 Sell: 464

Crocodile Shorts

Alvarado 2310 rBuy: 235 Sell: 392

Crocodile Shorts

Alvarado 5659 rBuy: 235 Sell: 392

Crocodile Shorts

Alvarado 5660 rBuy: 235 Sell: 392

Low-Rise Leather Pants

Alvarado 2306 rBuy: 336 Sell: 560

Low-Rise Leather Pants

Alvarado 5605 rBuy: 336 Sell: 560

Low-Rise Leather Pants

Alvarado 5606 rBuy: 336 Sell: 560







Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 37: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Low-Rise Leather Pants

Alvarado 5607 rBuy: 336 Sell: 560

Pin-Striped Pants

Alvarado 368 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Pin-Striped Pants

Alvarado 2946 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Pin-Striped Pants

Alvarado 2947 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Pin-Striped Pants

Alvarado 12970 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Pin-Striped Pants

Alvarado 12971 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Pin-Striped Pants

Alvarado 12972 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Pin-Striped Pants

Alvarado 12973 rBuy: 403 Sell: 672

Satin Short Shorts

Alvarado 12715 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142

Satin Short Shorts

Alvarado 12982 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142

Wide-Belted, Flared Pants

Alvarado 2313 rBuy: 201 Sell: 336

Wide-Belted, Flared Pants

Alvarado 5668 rBuy: 201 Sell: 336

Wide-Belted, Flared Pants

Alvarado 5669 rBuy: 201 Sell: 336

Wide-Belted, Flared Pants

Alvarado 12730 rBuy: 201 Sell: 336

Wide-Belted, Flared Pants

Alvarado 12731 rBuy: 201 Sell: 336

Chain-Belted Check Skirt

Alvarado 495 rBuy: 252 Sell: 420

Chain-Belted Check Skirt

Alvarado 2736 rBuy: 252 Sell: 420

Chain-Belted Check Skirt

Alvarado 2738 rBuy: 252 Sell: 420

Jagged-Design Silk Skirt

Alvarado 201 rBuy: 200 Sell: 360

Jagged-Design Silk Skirt

Alvarado 2729 rBuy: 200 Sell: 360

Jagged-Design Silk Skirt

Alvarado 13402 rBuy: 200 Sell: 360

Jagged-Design Silk Skirt

Alvarado 13403 rBuy: 200 Sell: 360

Jagged-Design Silk Skirt

Alvarado 13404 rBuy: 200 Sell: 360

Lace A-Line Skirt

Alvarado 380 rBuy: 192 Sell: 296

Lace A-Line Skirt

Alvarado 2578 rBuy: 192 Sell: 296

Lace A-Line Skirt

Alvarado 2579 rBuy: 192 Sell: 296

Lace A-Line Skirt

Alvarado 2580 rBuy: 192 Sell: 296

Palm-Leaf Vented Skirt

Alvarado 788 rBuy: 384 Sell: 624

Palm-Leaf Vented Skirt

Alvarado 2855 rBuy: 384 Sell: 624

Satin Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 6479 rBuy: 270 Sell: 424

Satin Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 6498 rBuy: 270 Sell: 424

Satin Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 6499 rBuy: 270 Sell: 424

Satin Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 6500 rBuy: 270 Sell: 424

Satin Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 12848 rBuy: 270 Sell: 424

Satin Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 12849 rBuy: 270 Sell: 424

Satin Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 12850 rBuy: 270 Sell: 424

Satin Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 12851 rBuy: 270 Sell: 424

Satin Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 12852 rBuy: 270 Sell: 424

Satin Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 12853 rBuy: 270 Sell: 424

Satin Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 12854 rBuy: 270 Sell: 424

Satin Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 12855 rBuy: 270 Sell: 424

Satin Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 12856 rBuy: 270 Sell: 424

Gold-Sheen Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 12837 rBuy: 704 Sell: 1,024

Silver-Sheen Pencil Skirt

Alvarado 12997 rBuy: 512 Sell: 736

Zigzag A-Line Skirt

Alvarado 221 rBuy: 192 Sell: 352

Zigzag A-Line Skirt

Alvarado 3114 rBuy: 192 Sell: 352

Zigzag A-Line Skirt

Alvarado 3115 rBuy: 192 Sell: 352

Asymmetric Dress

Alvarado 2156 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Asymmetric Dress

Alvarado 4096 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Asymmetric Dress

Alvarado 4097 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Asymmetric Dress

Alvarado 4098 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Asymmetric Dress

Alvarado 12573 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Asymmetric Dress

Alvarado 12574 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Asymmetric Dress

Alvarado 12575 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504








Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 38: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Asymmetric Dress

Alvarado 12576 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Asymmetric Dress

Alvarado 12577 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Asymmetric Dress

Alvarado 12578 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Asymmetric Dress

Alvarado 12579 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Asymmetric Dress

Alvarado 12580 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Asymmetric Dress

Alvarado 12581 rBuy: 302 Sell: 504

Belted, Leaf-Motif Dress

Alvarado 552 rBuy: 230 Sell: 384

Belted, Leaf-Motif Dress

Alvarado 4240 rBuy: 230 Sell: 384

Belted, Leaf-Motif Dress

Alvarado 4241 rBuy: 230 Sell: 384

Bodice-Sash Dress

Alvarado 557 rBuy: 360 Sell: 600

Bodice-Sash Dress

Alvarado 4270 rBuy: 360 Sell: 600

Bodice-Sash Dress

Alvarado 4271 rBuy: 360 Sell: 600

Bodice-Sash Dress

Alvarado 4272 rBuy: 360 Sell: 600

Bubble-Hem Dress

Alvarado 2348 rBuy: 350 Sell: 584

Bubble-Hem Dress

Alvarado 4700 rBuy: 350 Sell: 584

Bubble-Hem Dress

Alvarado 4701 rBuy: 350 Sell: 584

Corseted Dress

Alvarado 730 rBuy: 230 Sell: 384

Corseted Dress

Alvarado 4348 rBuy: 230 Sell: 384

Corseted Dress

Alvarado 4349 rBuy: 230 Sell: 384

Formal Halter Dress

Alvarado 918 rBuy: 604 Sell: 1,008

Formal Halter Dress

Alvarado 4214 rBuy: 604 Sell: 1,008

Formal Halter Dress

Alvarado 4215 rBuy: 604 Sell: 1,008

Lace-and-Velvet Dress

Alvarado 728 rBuy: 384 Sell: 640

Lace-and-Velvet Dress

Alvarado 4342 rBuy: 384 Sell: 640

Lace-and-Velvet Dress

Alvarado 4343 rBuy: 384 Sell: 640

Lace-and-Velvet Dress

Alvarado 4344 rBuy: 384 Sell: 640

Leaf-Motif Dress

Alvarado 554 rBuy: 182 Sell: 304

Leaf-Motif Dress

Alvarado 4247 rBuy: 182 Sell: 304

Leaf-Motif Dress

Alvarado 4248 rBuy: 182 Sell: 304

Oval-Spotted Dress

Alvarado 621 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Oval-Spotted Dress

Alvarado 4120 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Oval-Spotted Dress

Alvarado 4121 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Oval-Spotted Dress

Alvarado 4122 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Satin-Ribbon Formal Dress

Alvarado 2158 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Satin-Ribbon Formal Dress

Alvarado 5849 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Satin-Ribbon Formal Dress

Alvarado 5850 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Satin-Ribbon Formal Dress

Alvarado 5851 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 564 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9328 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9329 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9330 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9331 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9332 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9333 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9334 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9335 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9336 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9337 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9338 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9339 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9340 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9341 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9342 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9343 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9344 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9345 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 39: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9346 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9347 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9348 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9349 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9350 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9351 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9352 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9353 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9354 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9355 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9356 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9357 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9358 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9359 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9360 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9361 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9362 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9363 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9364 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9365 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9366 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9367 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9368 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9369 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9370 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9371 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9372 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9373 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9374 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9375 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9376 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9377 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9378 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9379 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9380 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9381 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9382 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9383 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9384 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9385 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9386 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9387 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9388 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9389 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Scarf-Hem Dress

Alvarado 9390 rBuy: 283 Sell: 472

Sequined Dress

Alvarado 615 rBuy: 268 Sell: 448

Sequined Dress

Alvarado 4288 rBuy: 268 Sell: 448

Sequined Dress

Alvarado 4289 rBuy: 268 Sell: 448

Tea-Rose Dress

Alvarado 897 rBuy: 374 Sell: 624

Tea-Rose Dress

Alvarado 4189 rBuy: 374 Sell: 624

Tea-Rose Dress

Alvarado 4190 rBuy: 374 Sell: 624

Three-Tone Formal Dress

Alvarado 1743 rBuy: 361 Sell: 576

Three-Tone Formal Dress

Alvarado 4093 rBuy: 361 Sell: 576

Three-Tone Formal Dress

Alvarado 4094 rBuy: 361 Sell: 576

Three-Tone Formal Dress

Alvarado 4095 rBuy: 361 Sell: 576

Zigzag Dress

Alvarado 553 rBuy: 264 Sell: 440

COllabOraTiOn COllabOraTiOn

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 40: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Zigzag Dress

Alvarado 4243 rBuy: 264 Sell: 440

Zigzag Dress

Alvarado 4244 rBuy: 264 Sell: 440

Zigzag Dress

Alvarado 4245 rBuy: 264 Sell: 440

Butterfl y Shades

Alvarado 1482 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Butterfl y Shades

Alvarado 4135 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Butterfl y Shades

Alvarado 4136 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Butterfl y Shades

Alvarado 4137 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

UV-Blocking Aviators

Alvarado 4663 rBuy: 172 Sell: 286

UV-Blocking Aviators

Alvarado 5909 rBuy: 172 Sell: 286

UV-Blocking Aviators

Alvarado 5910 rBuy: 172 Sell: 286

UV-Blocking Aviators

Alvarado 5911 rBuy: 172 Sell: 286

Round Shades

Alvarado 1998 rBuy: 196 Sell: 328

Round Shades

Alvarado 4147 rBuy: 196 Sell: 328

Round Shades

Alvarado 4148 rBuy: 196 Sell: 328

Round Shades

Alvarado 4149 rBuy: 196 Sell: 328

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9267 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9268 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9269 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9270 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 791 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9265 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9266 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9275 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9276 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9277 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9278 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9271 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9272 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9273 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9274 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9283 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9284 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9285 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9286 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9279 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9280 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9281 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9282 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9291 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9292 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9293 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9294 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9287 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9288 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9289 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9290 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9299 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9300 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9301 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9302 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9295 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9296 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9297 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9298 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9307 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9308 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9309 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9310 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9303 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9304 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9305 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9306 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9315 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9316 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9317 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9318 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9311 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9312 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9313 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9314 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312









Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 41: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


COllabOraTiOn COllabOraTiOn

Leopard-Spot Gloves

Alvarado 2323 rBuy: 160 Sell: 268

Leopard-Spot Gloves

Alvarado 13453 rBuy: 160 Sell: 268

Leopard-Spot Gloves

Alvarado 13454 rBuy: 160 Sell: 268

Leopard-Spot Gloves

Alvarado 13455 rBuy: 160 Sell: 268

Leopard-Spot Gloves

Alvarado 13456 rBuy: 160 Sell: 268

Leopard-Spot Gloves

Alvarado 13457 rBuy: 160 Sell: 268

Lace-Trimmed Thigh-Highs

Alvarado 360 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Lace-Trimmed Thigh-Highs

Alvarado 2825 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Lace-Trimmed Thigh-Highs

Alvarado 2826 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Lace-Trimmed Thigh-Highs

Alvarado 2827 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Leopard-Spot Tights

Alvarado 654 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Leopard-Spot Tights

Alvarado 1210 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Sequined Headband

Alvarado 1322 rBuy: 32 Sell: 78

Sequined Headband

Alvarado 13234 rBuy: 32 Sell: 78

Sequined Headband

Alvarado 13235 rBuy: 32 Sell: 78

Suede Cowboy Hat

Alvarado 864 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Peaked Cap

Alvarado 4074 rBuy: 278 Sell: 464

Sequined Headband

Alvarado 833 rBuy: 32 Sell: 78

Sequined Headband

Alvarado 1320 rBuy: 32 Sell: 78

Sequined Headband

Alvarado 1321 rBuy: 32 Sell: 78

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9323 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9324 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9325 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9326 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9319 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9320 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9321 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9322 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Leopard-Spot Bandino

Alvarado 3879 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Peaked Cap

Alvarado 835 rBuy: 278 Sell: 464

Peaked Cap

Alvarado 4072 rBuy: 278 Sell: 464

Peaked Cap

Alvarado 4073 rBuy: 278 Sell: 464

Feather-Banded Bandino

Alvarado 9327 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Leopard-Spot Bandino

Alvarado 1085 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Leopard-Spot Bandino

Alvarado 3877 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Leopard-Spot Bandino

Alvarado 3878 rBuy: 134 Sell: 224

Suede Cowboy Hat

Alvarado 13194 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Suede Cowboy Hat

Alvarado 13195 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Suede Cowboy Hat

Alvarado 13196 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Suede Cowboy Hat

Alvarado 13197 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Suede Cowboy Hat

Alvarado 1255 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Suede Cowboy Hat

Alvarado 1256 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Suede Cowboy Hat

Alvarado 1257 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Suede Cowboy Hat

Alvarado 13193 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Leopard-Spot Long Scarf

Alvarado 3765 rBuy: 172 Sell: 288

Amethyst-Bead Necklace

Alvarado 3951 rBuy: 512 Sell: 792

Aquamarine Necklace

Alvarado 1964 rBuy: 696 Sell: 1,104

Suede Cowboy Hat

Alvarado 13198 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Leopard-Spot Long Scarf

Alvarado 2063 rBuy: 172 Sell: 288

Leopard-Spot Long Scarf

Alvarado 3764 rBuy: 172 Sell: 288S








Alvarado 3963 rBuy: 168 Sell: 280

Rhodonite-Bead Necklace

Alvarado 1968 rBuy: 400 Sell: 632

Rose-Quartz Necklace

Alvarado 3949 rBuy: 752 Sell: 1,032

Ruby Necklace

Alvarado 3929 rBuy: 616 Sell: 944

Emerald Necklace

Alvarado 3930 rBuy: 1,176 Sell: 1,424

Multi-Gemstone Necklace

Alvarado 1972 rBuy: 168 Sell: 280

Multi-Gemstone Necklace

Alvarado 3961 rBuy: 168 Sell: 280

Multi-Gemstone Necklace

Alvarado 3962 rBuy: 168 Sell: 280

Spinel Necklace

Alvarado 3928 rBuy: 1,016 Sell: 1,264

Turquoise-Bead Necklace

Alvarado 3950 rBuy: 432 Sell: 712







Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 42: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Leopard-Spot Tights

Alvarado 1211 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Leopard-Spot Tights

Alvarado 1212 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Leopard-Spot Tights

Alvarado 13061 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Leopard-Spot Tights

Alvarado 13062 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Leopard-Spot Pumps

Alvarado 466 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Leopard-Spot Pumps

Alvarado 3655 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Leopard-Spot Pumps

Alvarado 3656 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Leopard-Spot Pumps

Alvarado 3657 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Leopard-Spot Pumps

Alvarado 13130 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Leopard-Spot Pumps

Alvarado 13131 rBuy: 187 Sell: 312

Open-Arch Pumps

Alvarado 465 rBuy: 422 Sell: 704

Open-Arch Pumps

Alvarado 3652 rBuy: 422 Sell: 704

Open-Arch Pumps

Alvarado 3653 rBuy: 422 Sell: 704

Open-Arch Pumps

Alvarado 3654 rBuy: 422 Sell: 704

Patent-Leather Boots

Alvarado 463 rBuy: 278 Sell: 464

Sequined Wedge Sandals

Alvarado 251 rBuy: 111 Sell: 184

Sequined Wedge Sandals

Alvarado 3724 rBuy: 111 Sell: 184

Sequined Wedge Sandals

Alvarado 3725 rBuy: 111 Sell: 184

Sequined Wedge Sandals

Alvarado 3726 rBuy: 111 Sell: 184

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 503 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9391 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9392 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9394 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9395 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9396 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9397 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9398 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9399 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9400 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9401 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9402 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9403 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9404 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9405 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9406 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9407 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9408 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9409 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9410 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9411 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9412 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9413 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9414 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9415 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9416 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9417 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9418 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9419 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9420 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9421 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9422 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9423 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9424 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9425 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840





Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9393 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 43: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9426 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9427 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9428 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9429 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9430 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9431 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9432 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9433 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9434 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9435 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9436 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9437 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9438 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9439 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9440 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9441 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9442 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9443 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9444 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9445 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9446 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9447 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9448 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9449 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9450 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9451 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9452 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Snakeskin Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 9453 rBuy: 504 Sell: 840

Zebra Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 471 rBuy: 422 Sell: 704

Zebra Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 3694 rBuy: 422 Sell: 704

Zebra Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 3695 rBuy: 422 Sell: 704

Zebra Stiletto Boots

Alvarado 3696 rBuy: 422 Sell: 704

april bonbonPlaytime never ends with April Bonbon: a fun, whimsical brand that helps you create a youthful appearance. Let these colorful styles help your inner child come out and play!

Customer keywords:Youthful, sweet, fun, whimsical, playful



Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 44: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Bunny Polo Shirt

April Bonbon 811 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Bunny Polo Shirt

April Bonbon 5248 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Bunny Polo Shirt

April Bonbon 5249 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Bunny Tee

April Bonbon 805 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Bunny Tee

April Bonbon 1046 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Cherry-Stripe Tank

April Bonbon 23 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Cherry-Stripe Tank

April Bonbon 1368 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Cherry-Stripe Tank

April Bonbon 1369 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Cherry-Stripe Tank

April Bonbon 12032 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Cherry-Stripe Tank

April Bonbon 12033 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Clover-Leaf Tee

April Bonbon 281 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Clover-Leaf Tee

April Bonbon 960 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Clover-Leaf Tee

April Bonbon 962 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Color-Patch Tee

April Bonbon 2215 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Color-Patch Tee

April Bonbon 4446 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Color-Trimmed Polo Shirt

April Bonbon 97 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

Color-Trimmed Polo Shirt

April Bonbon 1610 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

Color-Trimmed Polo Shirt

April Bonbon 1612 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

Crescent-Moon Polo Shirt

April Bonbon 1009 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Crescent-Moon Polo Shirt

April Bonbon 5245 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Crescent-Moon Polo Shirt

April Bonbon 5246 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Crescent-Moon Polo Shirt

April Bonbon 5247 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Fruity “Smile” Tee

April Bonbon 9 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Fruity “Smile” Tee

April Bonbon 1054 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Fruity “Smile” Tee

April Bonbon 1055 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 301 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10336 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10337 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10338 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10339 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10340 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10341 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10342 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10343 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10344 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10345 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10346 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10347 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10348 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10349 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10350 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10351 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10352 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10353 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10354 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10355 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10356 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10357 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10358 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10359 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10360 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10361 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10362 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10363 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10364 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10365 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26



Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 45: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10366 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10367 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10368 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10369 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10370 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10371 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10372 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10373 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10374 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10375 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10376 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10377 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10378 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10379 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10380 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10381 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10382 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10383 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10384 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10385 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10386 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10387 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10388 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10389 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10390 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10391 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10392 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10393 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10394 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10395 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10396 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10397 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

“Girls” Heart Cami

April Bonbon 10398 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Heart Cami

April Bonbon 64 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Heart Cami

April Bonbon 1511 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Heart Cami

April Bonbon 1513 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Heart Cami

April Bonbon 12211 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19


April Bonbon 2130 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28


April Bonbon 4378 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28


April Bonbon 12010 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28


April Bonbon 12011 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28


April Bonbon 12012 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28


April Bonbon 12013 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28


April Bonbon 12014 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28


April Bonbon 12015 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28


April Bonbon 12016 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28


April Bonbon 12017 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28


April Bonbon 12018 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28


April Bonbon 12019 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28


April Bonbon 12020 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Japanese Cities Cami

April Bonbon 2135 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Japanese Cities Cami

April Bonbon 4887 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Japanese Cities Cami

April Bonbon 12206 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Japanese Cities Cami

April Bonbon 12207 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

“Lovely” Cami

April Bonbon 4885 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

“Lovely” Cami

April Bonbon 2134 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Collaboration Collaboration

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 46: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


“Lovely” Cami

April Bonbon 4886 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Music-Note Tee

April Bonbon 284 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Music-Note Tee

April Bonbon 1024 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Racerback V-Neck Tank

April Bonbon 291 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Racerback V-Neck Tank

April Bonbon 1380 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Racerback V-Neck Tank

April Bonbon 12034 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Racerback V-Neck Tank

April Bonbon 12035 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Racerback V-Neck Tank

April Bonbon 12036 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Racerback V-Neck Tank

April Bonbon 12037 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Racerback V-Neck Tank

April Bonbon 12038 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Racerback V-Neck Tank

April Bonbon 12039 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Racerback V-Neck Tank

April Bonbon 12040 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Racerback V-Neck Tank

April Bonbon 12041 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Racerback V-Neck Tank

April Bonbon 12042 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Racerback V-Neck Tank

April Bonbon 12043 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Star-Heart Tee

April Bonbon 2927 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Star-Heart Tee

April Bonbon 4375 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Star-Heart Tee

April Bonbon 4377 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Star-Heart Tee

April Bonbon 12001 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Star-Heart Tee

April Bonbon 12002 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Star-Heart Tee

April Bonbon 12003 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Star-Heart Tee

April Bonbon 12004 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Star-Heart Tee

April Bonbon 12005 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Star-Heart Tee

April Bonbon 12006 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Star-Heart Tee

April Bonbon 12007 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Star-Heart Tee

April Bonbon 12008 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Star-Heart Tee

April Bonbon 12009 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Starry Tee

April Bonbon 1751 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Starry Tee

April Bonbon 4492 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Striped Polo Shirt

April Bonbon 324 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Striped Polo Shirt

April Bonbon 1630 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Striped Polo Shirt

April Bonbon 1631 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Striped Tee

April Bonbon 763 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Tee

April Bonbon 1063 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Tee

April Bonbon 1064 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Buttoned Flannel Shirt

April Bonbon 1740 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Buttoned Flannel Shirt

April Bonbon 5389 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Buttoned Flannel Shirt

April Bonbon 5390 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Buttoned Flannel Shirt

April Bonbon 5391 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Buttoned Turtleneck

April Bonbon 1184 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Buttoned Turtleneck

April Bonbon 4549 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Buttoned Turtleneck

April Bonbon 4550 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Buttoned Turtleneck

April Bonbon 4551 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Citrus-Slice Tank

April Bonbon 40 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Citrus-Slice Tank

April Bonbon 1869 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Color-Spectrum Cami

April Bonbon 77 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Color-Spectrum Cami

April Bonbon 1914 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Daisy Gingham Cami

April Bonbon 879 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Daisy Gingham Cami

April Bonbon 1942 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Daisy Gingham Cami

April Bonbon 1944 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

“Fancy” Panda Sweatshirt

April Bonbon 2112 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

“Fancy” Panda Sweatshirt

April Bonbon 5494 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

“Fancy” Panda Sweatshirt

April Bonbon 5495 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Gingham Bolero Shirt

April Bonbon 697 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Gingham Bolero Shirt

April Bonbon 2093 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30



Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 47: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


“Petal Power” Tee

April Bonbon 1274 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

“Petal Power” Tee

April Bonbon 4559 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Plaid Cami

April Bonbon 295 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid Cami

April Bonbon 1824 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid Cami

April Bonbon 1825 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid Flannel Shirt

April Bonbon 102 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Plaid Flannel Shirt

April Bonbon 2040 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Rainbow Tee

April Bonbon 1733 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Rainbow Tee

April Bonbon 4567 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Rainbow Tee

April Bonbon 4569 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Ruffled Polka-Dot Cami

April Bonbon 12278 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Ruffled Polka-Dot Cami

April Bonbon 12279 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Ruffled Polka-Dot Cami

April Bonbon 12280 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Ruffled Polka-Dot Cami

April Bonbon 12282 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Ruffled Polka-Dot Cami

April Bonbon 12283 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Ruffled Polka-Dot Cami

April Bonbon 12284 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Ruffled Polka-Dot Cami

April Bonbon 12285 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Ruffled Polka-Dot Cami

April Bonbon 12286 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Scallop-Hem Plaid Cami

April Bonbon 296 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Scallop-Hem Plaid Cami

April Bonbon 1832 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

“Snow Garden” Sweater

April Bonbon 1273 r‘Buy: 16 Sell: 41

“Snow Garden” Sweater

April Bonbon 4556 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

“Snow Garden” Sweater

April Bonbon 4557 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Striped Crop Tee

April Bonbon 1001 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Striped Crop Tee

April Bonbon 4540 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Striped Crop Tee

April Bonbon 4541 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Striped Crop Tee

April Bonbon 4542 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Vertical-Stripe Cami

April Bonbon 294 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Vertical-Stripe Cami

April Bonbon 1822 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Vertical-Stripe Cami

April Bonbon 1823 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Zigzag-Argyle Vest

April Bonbon 862 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Zigzag-Argyle Vest

April Bonbon 1756 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Zigzag-Argyle Vest

April Bonbon 1758 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Block-Striped Sweater

April Bonbon 938 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Block-Striped Sweater

April Bonbon 2643 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Block-Striped Sweater

April Bonbon 2644 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Block-Striped Sweater

April Bonbon 2645 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Blouson Jacket

April Bonbon 669 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Blouson Jacket

April Bonbon 2639 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Blouson Jacket

April Bonbon 2640 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Blouson Jacket

April Bonbon 2641 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Bunny Hoodie

April Bonbon 620 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Bunny Hoodie

April Bonbon 5116 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Check-Striped Hoodie

April Bonbon 619 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Check-Striped Hoodie

April Bonbon 2666 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Check-Striped Hoodie

April Bonbon 2667 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Check-Striped Hoodie

April Bonbon 2668 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Chevron-Striped Sweater

April Bonbon 939 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Chevron-Striped Sweater

April Bonbon 2648 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Chevron-Striped Sweater

April Bonbon 2649 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Chevron-Striped Sweater

April Bonbon 2650 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Clover Blouson Jacket

April Bonbon 937 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Clover Blouson Jacket

April Bonbon 2637 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Clover Blouson Jacket

April Bonbon 2638 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Color-Patch Jean Jacket

April Bonbon 2148 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 48: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Color-Patch Jean Jacket

April Bonbon 4962 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Color-Patch Jean Jacket

April Bonbon 4963 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Color-Patch Jean Jacket

April Bonbon 4964 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

April Bonbon 1190 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

April Bonbon 5068 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

April Bonbon 5069 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

April Bonbon 5070 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Double-Bunny Hoodie

April Bonbon 12429 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Bunny Hoodie

April Bonbon 12430 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Bunny Hoodie

April Bonbon 12431 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Bunny Hoodie

April Bonbon 12432 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Bunny Hoodie

April Bonbon 12433 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Bunny Hoodie

April Bonbon 12434 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Bunny Hoodie

April Bonbon 12435 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Bunny Hoodie

April Bonbon 12436 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Bunny Hoodie

April Bonbon 12437 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Fuzzy-Hearts Jean Jacket

April Bonbon 3047 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Fuzzy-Hearts Jean Jacket

April Bonbon 4959 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Fuzzy-Hearts Jean Jacket

April Bonbon 4960 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Fuzzy-Hearts Jean Jacket

April Bonbon 4961 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 801 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10399 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10400 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10401 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10402 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10403 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10404 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10405 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10406 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10407 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10408 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10409 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10410 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10411 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10412 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10413 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10414 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10415 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10416 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10417 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10418 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10419 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10420 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10421 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10422 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10423 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10424 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10425 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10426 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10427 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10428 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10429 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10430 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10431 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10432 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10433 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 49: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10434 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10435 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10436 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10437 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10438 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10439 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10440 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10441 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10442 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10443 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10444 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10445 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10446 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10447 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10448 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10449 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10450 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10451 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10452 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10453 rBy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10454 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10455 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10456 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10457 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10458 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10459 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10460 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Hearts Down Vest

April Bonbon 10461 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Kitty-Ears Hoodie

April Bonbon 12534 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Kitty-Ears Hoodie

April Bonbon 12535 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Kitty-Ears Hoodie

April Bonbon 12536 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Kitty-Ears Hoodie

April Bonbon 12538 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Kitty-Ears Hoodie

April Bonbon 12539 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Kitty-Ears Hoodie

April Bonbon 12540 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Kitty-Ears Hoodie

April Bonbon 12541 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Lace Heart Hoodie

April Bonbon 2296 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Lace Heart Hoodie

April Bonbon 5146 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Lace Heart Hoodie

April Bonbon 5147 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Lace Heart Hoodie

April Bonbon 5148 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Lace-Trimmed Hoodie

April Bonbon 350 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Lace-Trimmed Hoodie

April Bonbon 2654 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Lace-Trimmed Hoodie

April Bonbon 2655 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Plaid-Heart Duffle Coat

April Bonbon 912 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Plaid-Heart Duffle Coat

April Bonbon 4812 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Plaid-Heart Duffle Coat

April Bonbon 4813 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 594 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10273 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10274 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10275 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10276 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10277 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10278 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10279 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10280 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10281 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10282 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Collaboration Collaboration

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 50: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10283 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10284 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10285 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10286 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10287 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10288 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10289 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10290 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10291 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10292 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10293 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10294 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10295 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10296 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10297 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10298 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10299 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10300 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10301 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10302 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10303 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10304 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10305 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10306 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10307 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10308 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10309 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10310 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10311 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10312 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10313 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10314 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10315 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10316 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10317 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10318 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10319 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10320 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10321 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10322 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10323 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10324 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10325 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10326 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10327 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10328 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10329 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10330 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10331 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10332 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10333 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10334 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rainbow Hoodie

April Bonbon 10335 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Star-Striped Hoodie

April Bonbon 595 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Star-Striped Hoodie

April Bonbon 2807 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Star-Striped Hoodie

April Bonbon 2808 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 51: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Terry-Cloth Hoodie

April Bonbon 351 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Terry-Cloth Hoodie

April Bonbon 2816 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Terry-Cloth Hoodie

April Bonbon 2817 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Terry-Cloth Hoodie

April Bonbon 2818 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Two-Tone Fleece Vest

April Bonbon 1284 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Two-Tone Fleece Vest

April Bonbon 5140 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Two-Tone Fleece Vest

April Bonbon 5141 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Bubble Tunic

April Bonbon 721 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Bubble Tunic

April Bonbon 1198 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Bubble Tunic

April Bonbon 1199 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Bubble Tunic

April Bonbon 1200 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Bubble Tunic

April Bonbon 12568 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Bubble Tunic

April Bonbon 12569 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Bubble Tunic

April Bonbon 12570 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Bubble Tunic

April Bonbon 12572 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Belted Short Shorts

April Bonbon 12974 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Belted Short Shorts

April Bonbon 12975 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Belted Short Shorts

April Bonbon 12976 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Belted Short Shorts

April Bonbon 12977 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Belted Short Shorts

April Bonbon 12978 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Belted Short Shorts

April Bonbon 12979 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Belted Short Shorts

April Bonbon 12980 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Belted Short Shorts

April Bonbon 12981 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Camo Capri Shorts

April Bonbon 736 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Camo Capri Shorts

April Bonbon 3269 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Camo Capri Shorts

April Bonbon 3270 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Camo Capri Shorts

April Bonbon 3271 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Color-Patch Jeans

April Bonbon 622 rBuy: 11 Sell: 54

Color-Patch Jeans

April Bonbon 2949 rBuy: 11 Sell: 54

Color-Patch Jeans

April Bonbon 2951 rBuy: 11 Sell: 54

Cuffed Capri Pants

April Bonbon 1148 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Cuffed Capri Pants

April Bonbon 3224 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Cuffed Capri Pants

April Bonbon 3225 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Cuffed Capri Pants

April Bonbon 3226 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Cupcake Jeans

April Bonbon 174 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Cupcake Jeans

April Bonbon 2943 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Cupcake Jeans

April Bonbon 2944 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Cupcake Jeans

April Bonbon 2945 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Gingham Short Shorts

April Bonbon 734 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Gingham Short Shorts

April Bonbon 3176 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Gingham Short Shorts

April Bonbon 3177 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Gingham Short Shorts

April Bonbon 3178 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Heart-Cuff Capri Shorts

April Bonbon 598 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Heart-Cuff Capri Shorts

April Bonbon 5623 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Heart-Cuff Capri Shorts

April Bonbon 5624 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Petal Pedal Pushers

April Bonbon 1150 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Petal Pedal Pushers

April Bonbon 3233 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Petal Pedal Pushers

April Bonbon 3235 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Rainbow Short Shorts

April Bonbon 374 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Belted Box-Pleat Skirt

April Bonbon 216 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Belted Box-Pleat Skirt

April Bonbon 5813 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Belted Box-Pleat Skirt

April Bonbon 5814 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Bunny Miniskirt

April Bonbon 823 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57











Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 52: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Bunny Miniskirt

April Bonbon 2660 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Bunny Miniskirt

April Bonbon 2661 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Dotted Lattice Miniskirt

April Bonbon 2548 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Dotted Lattice Miniskirt

April Bonbon 3372 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Dotted Lattice Miniskirt

April Bonbon 3373 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Drawstring Miniskirt

April Bonbon 2366 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Drawstring Miniskirt

April Bonbon 5750 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Drawstring Miniskirt

April Bonbon 5751 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Floral Tiered Miniskirt

April Bonbon 2547 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Floral Tiered Miniskirt

April Bonbon 3369 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Floral Tiered Miniskirt

April Bonbon 3371 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Heart-Patch Miniskirt

April Bonbon 197 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Heart-Patch Miniskirt

April Bonbon 2605 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Ruffl ed-Hem Miniskirt

April Bonbon 198 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Ruffl ed-Hem Miniskirt

April Bonbon 2651 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Ruffl ed-Hem Miniskirt

April Bonbon 2652 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Ruffl ed-Hem Miniskirt

April Bonbon 2653 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Star-Belt Miniskirt

April Bonbon 528 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

Star-Belt Miniskirt

April Bonbon 3345 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

Star-Belt Miniskirt

April Bonbon 3347 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

Cherry-Pairs Dress

April Bonbon 940 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Cherry-Pairs Dress

April Bonbon 4327 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Cherry-Pairs Dress

April Bonbon 4328 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Cherry-Pairs Dress

April Bonbon 12603 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Cherry-Pairs Dress

April Bonbon 12604 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Cherry-Pairs Dress

April Bonbon 12605 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Cherry-Pairs Dress

April Bonbon 12610 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Cherry-Pairs Dress

April Bonbon 12613 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Flower-Field Dress

April Bonbon 909 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Flower-Field Dress

April Bonbon 4667 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Flower-Field Dress

April Bonbon 4668 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Plaid Overall Dress

April Bonbon 2299 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Plaid Overall Dress

April Bonbon 4796 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Plaid Overall Dress

April Bonbon 4797 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Rainbow-Dot Dress

April Bonbon 942 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Rainbow-Dot Dress

April Bonbon 4333 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Rainbow-Dot Dress

April Bonbon 4334 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Belted Overalls

April Bonbon 2374 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Belted Overalls

April Bonbon 6026 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Belted Overalls

April Bonbon 6027 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Belted Overalls

April Bonbon 6028 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Color-Patch Overalls

April Bonbon 2508 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Color-Patch Overalls

April Bonbon 6029 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Color-Patch Overalls

April Bonbon 6030 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Color-Patch Overalls

April Bonbon 6031 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28













Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 13146 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 13147 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 13148 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 13149 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 13142 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 13143 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 13144 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 13145 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 53: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Checkerboard Heart Cap

April Bonbon 1286 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Checkerboard Heart Cap

April Bonbon 1287 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Checkerboard Heart Cap

April Bonbon 1288 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Checkerboard-Knit Cap

April Bonbon 794 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 13150 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 13151 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 13152 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Checkerboard Heart Cap

April Bonbon 829 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

“CUTE” Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 3832 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

“CUTE” Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 3833 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

“CUTE” Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 3834 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Gatsby Cap

April Bonbon 761 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Checkerboard-Knit Cap

April Bonbon 3988 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Checkerboard-Knit Cap

April Bonbon 3989 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Checkerboard-Knit Cap

April Bonbon 3990 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

“CUTE” Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 558 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Hibiscus Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 3836 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Plaid Gatsby Cap

April Bonbon 264 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Plaid Gatsby Cap

April Bonbon 13167 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Plaid Gatsby Cap

April Bonbon 13168 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Gatsby Cap

April Bonbon 1240 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Gatsby Cap

April Bonbon 1242 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Hibiscus Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 559 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Hibiscus Baseball Cap

April Bonbon 3835 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10464 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10465 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10466 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10467 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Plaid Gatsby Cap

April Bonbon 13169 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 270 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10462 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10463 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10472 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10473 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10474 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10475 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10468 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10469 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10470 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10471 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10480 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10481 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10482 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10483 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10476 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10477 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10478 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10479 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10488 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10489 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10490 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10491 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10484 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10485 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10486 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10487 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10496 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10497 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10498 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10499 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10492 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10493 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10494 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10495 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10504 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10505 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10506 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10507 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10500 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10501 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10502 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10503 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 54: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Polka-Dot Long Scarf

April Bonbon 3778 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Polka-Dot Long Scarf

April Bonbon 3779 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Polka-Dot Long Scarf

April Bonbon 3780 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Polka-Dot Long Scarf

April Bonbon 13277 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Polka-Dot Long Scarf

April Bonbon 13278 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Polka-Dot Long Scarf

April Bonbon 13279 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Rainbow Long Scarf

April Bonbon 407 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Rainbow Long Scarf

April Bonbon 3751 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Rainbow Long Scarf

April Bonbon 3753 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Zigzag Long Scarf

April Bonbon 2062 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Zigzag Long Scarf

April Bonbon 3761 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Zigzag Long Scarf

April Bonbon 3762 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Zigzag Long Scarf

April Bonbon 13274 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Zigzag Long Scarf

April Bonbon 13275 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Zigzag Long Scarf

April Bonbon 13276 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Strawberry Leg Warmers

April Bonbon 2336 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Strawberry Leg Warmers

April Bonbon 3820 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Strawberry Leg Warmers

April Bonbon 3821 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Strawberry Leg Warmers

April Bonbon 3822 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Two-Tone Leg Warmers

April Bonbon 453 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Two-Tone Leg Warmers

April Bonbon 3796 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Two-Tone Leg Warmers

April Bonbon 3797 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Two-Tone Leg Warmers

April Bonbon 3798 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Starry Socks

April Bonbon 169 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Starry Socks

April Bonbon 2870 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Starry Socks

April Bonbon 2871 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Striped Thigh-Highs

April Bonbon 13011 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Thigh-Highs

April Bonbon 13012 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Thigh-Highs

April Bonbon 13013 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Thigh-Highs

April Bonbon 13014 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10512 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10513 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10514 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10515 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10508 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10509 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10510 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10511 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10520 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10521 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10522 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10523 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10516 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10517 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10518 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10519 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Striped Sun Visor

April Bonbon 4062 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Color-Block Gloves

April Bonbon 2324 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Solid-Color Gloves

April Bonbon 13458 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Pom-Pom Knit Cap

April Bonbon 10524 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Striped Sun Visor

April Bonbon 549 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Striped Sun Visor

April Bonbon 4060 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Striped Sun Visor

April Bonbon 4061 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10 G




Solid-Color Gloves

April Bonbon 13463 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Gloves

April Bonbon 13464 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Polka-Dot Long Scarf

April Bonbon 2056 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Solid-Color Gloves

April Bonbon 13459 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Gloves

April Bonbon 13460 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Gloves

April Bonbon 13461 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Gloves

April Bonbon 13462 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10 S












Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 55: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Striped Thigh-Highs

April Bonbon 13015 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Thigh-Highs

April Bonbon 13016 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Thigh-Highs

April Bonbon 13017 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Thigh-Highs

April Bonbon 13018 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Stripes-and-Stars Socks

April Bonbon 2123 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Stripes-and-Stars Socks

April Bonbon 5551 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Stripes-and-Stars Socks

April Bonbon 5552 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Stripes-and-Stars Socks

April Bonbon 5553 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Stripes-and-Stars Socks

April Bonbon 2124 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Stripes-and-Stars Socks

April Bonbon 5554 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Stripes-and-Stars Socks

April Bonbon 5555 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Stripes-and-Stars Socks

April Bonbon 5556 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Two-Tone Socks

April Bonbon 364 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Two-Tone Socks

April Bonbon 2879 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Two-Tone Socks

April Bonbon 2880 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Ankle-High Sneakers

April Bonbon 445 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Ankle-High Sneakers

April Bonbon 3304 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Berry Sandals

April Bonbon 826 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Berry Sandals

April Bonbon 3478 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Berry Sandals

April Bonbon 3479 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Berry Sandals

April Bonbon 3480 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Heart Rain Boots

April Bonbon 825 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Heart Rain Boots

April Bonbon 3432 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Heart Rain Boots

April Bonbon 3433 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Heart Rain Boots

April Bonbon 3434 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Heart Rain Boots

April Bonbon 13433 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Heart Rain Boots

April Bonbon 13434 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Heart Sneakers

April Bonbon 1475 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Heart Sneakers

April Bonbon 3323 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

High-Top Sneakers

April Bonbon 1476 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

High-Top Sneakers

April Bonbon 3342 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

High-Top Sneakers

April Bonbon 3343 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

High-Top Sneakers

April Bonbon 3344 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Polka-Dot Sneakers

April Bonbon 1474 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Polka-Dot Sneakers

April Bonbon 3317 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Polka-Dot Sneakers

April Bonbon 3318 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Polka-Dot Sneakers

April Bonbon 3319 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Starry Shoes

April Bonbon 234 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Starry Shoes

April Bonbon 3360 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Starry Shoes

April Bonbon 3361 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Starry Shoes

April Bonbon 3362 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Sweet Mary Janes

April Bonbon 1902 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sweet Mary Janes

April Bonbon 3603 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sweet Mary Janes

April Bonbon 3604 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sweet Mary Janes

April Bonbon 3605 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31






Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Gloves Scarves Necklaces Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 56: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book



Back-Tied Leopard Cami

AZ-USA 4873 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Back-Tied Leopard Cami

AZ-USA 4874 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Back-Tied Shirt

AZ-USA 18 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Back-Tied Shirt

AZ-USA 1111 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Back-Tied Shirt

AZ-USA 1113 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Chain Halter Cami

AZ-USA 2674 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Chain Halter Cami

AZ-USA 5179 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Chain Halter Cami

AZ-USA 5180 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Checkered Bikini

AZ-USA 73 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Checkered Bikini

AZ-USA 1547 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Checkered Bikini

AZ-USA 1549 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Cinch-Belt Plaid Cami

AZ-USA 2141 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Cinch-Belt Plaid Cami

AZ-USA 5188 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Color-Spectrum Bikini

AZ-USA 74 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Color-Spectrum Bikini

AZ-USA 1555 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Crochet-Edged Cami

AZ-USA 59 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Crochet-Edged Cami

Z-USA 1449 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Crochet-Edged Cami

Z-USA 1451 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Crossover Bandeau Cami

AZ-USA 417 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Crossover Bandeau Cami

AZ-USA 1465 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Crossover Bandeau Cami

AZ-USA 1466 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Faux-Leather, Zip-up Cami

AZ-USA 70 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Faux-Leather, Zip-up Cami

AZ-USA 1540 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Faux-Leather, Zip-up Cami

AZ-USA 12238 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Faux-Leather, Zip-up Cami

AZ-USA 12239 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Faux-Leather, Zip-up Cami

AZ-USA 12240 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Faux-Leather, Zip-up Cami

AZ-USA 12241 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Fuzzy Tube Top

AZ-USA 51 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fuzzy Tube Top

AZ-USA 1416 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fuzzy Tube Top

AZ-USA 1418 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

“Girls” One-Shoulder Tank

AZ-USA 951 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

“Girls” One-Shoulder Tank

AZ-USA 4525 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

“Baby, Baby” Crop Tank

AZ-USA 22 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

“Baby, Baby” Crop Tank

AZ-USA 1362 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

“Baby, Baby” Crop Tank

AZ-USA 1364 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Back-Tied Dotted Cami

AZ-USA 708 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Back-Tied Dotted Cami

AZ-USA 1484 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Back-Tied Dotted Cami

AZ-USA 1485 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Back-Tied Leopard Cami

AZ-USA 977 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Back-Tied Leopard Cami

AZ-USA 4872 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

AZ-USA (pronounced Az-OOO-Sah) offers the largest selection of glitzy clothes and glamorous apparel on the market. With well over 1,000 pieces to mix and match, you’re certain to fi nd countless fl ashy, sassy styles that complement your inner “glamazon.”

Customer keywords:Glitzy, glam, fl ashy, sassy, daring, party, dance


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 57: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


“Girls” One-Shoulder Tank

AZ-USA 4526 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

“Go” Tube Top

AZ-USA 874 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

“Go” Tube Top

AZ-USA 1413 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

“Go” Tube Top

AZ-USA 1414 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

“Heart of Gold” Crop Tee

AZ-USA 998 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

“Heart of Gold” Crop Tee

AZ-USA 4388 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

“Heart of Gold” Crop Tee

AZ-USA 4389 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

“Hey You!” Crop Tee

AZ-USA 3 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

“Hey You!” Crop Tee

AZ-USA 974 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Lace-Edged Cami

AZ-USA 66 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Lace-Edged Cami

AZ-USA 1520 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Lace-Front Metallic Cami

AZ-USA 12202 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Lace-Front Metallic Cami

AZ-USA 12203 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Lace-Front Satin Cami

AZ-USA 706 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Lace-Front Satin Cami

AZ-USA 1459 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Lace-Front Satin Cami

AZ-USA 1460 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Lace-Front Satin Cami

AZ-USA 12204 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Lace-Lattice Cami

AZ-USA 905 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Lace-Lattice Cami

AZ-USA 1160 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Lace-Lattice Cami

AZ-USA 1161 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Lace-Lattice Cami

AZ-USA 1162 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Lace-Trimmed, Satin Cami

AZ-USA 71 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Lace-Trimmed, Satin Cami

AZ-USA 1541 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Lace-up Camo Cami

AZ-USA 60 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Lace-up Camo Cami

AZ-USA 1462 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Lace-up Camo Cami

AZ-USA 1463 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 53 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8320 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8321 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8322 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8323 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8324 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8325 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8326 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8327 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8328 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8329 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8330 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8331 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8332 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8334 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8333 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8335 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8336 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8337 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8338 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8339 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8340 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8341 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8342 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8343 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8344 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8345 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8346 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8347 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8348 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 58: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8349 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8350 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8351 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8352 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8353 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8354 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8355 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8356 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8357 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8358 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8359 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8360 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8361 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8362 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8363 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8364 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8365 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8366 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8367 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8368 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8369 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8370 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8371 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8372 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8373 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8374 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8375 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8376 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8377 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8378 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8379 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8380 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8381 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lace-up Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 8382 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Large-Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 54 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Large-Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 1425 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Large-Heart Bikini

AZ-USA 1427 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Leopard-Spot Bikini

AZ-USA 56 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Leopard-Spot Bikini

AZ-USA 1431 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Leopard-Spot Bikini

AZ-USA 1432 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Leopard-Spot Tube Top

AZ-USA 12201 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Leopard-Spot Tube Top

AZ-USA 12873 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Leopard-Spot Tube Top

AZ-USA 12874 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Leopard-Spot Tube Top

AZ-USA 12875 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Leopard-Spot Tube Top

AZ-USA 12876 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Leopard-Spot Tube Top

AZ-USA 12877 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Leopard-Spot Tube Top

AZ-USA 12878 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Leopard-Spot Tube Top

AZ-USA 12879 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

“Love” Knit Halter Top

AZ-USA 904 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

“Love” Knit Halter Top

AZ-USA 5152 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

“Love” Knit Halter Top

AZ-USA 12208 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

“Love” Knit Halter Top

AZ-USA 12209 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

“Love” Knit Halter Top

AZ-USA 12210 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

“Love Rules” Shirt

AZ-USA 19 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

“Love Rules” Shirt

AZ-USA 1346 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

“Love Rules” Tube Top

AZ-USA 47 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 59: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


“Love Rules” Tube Top

AZ-USA 1402 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

“Love Rules” Tube Top

AZ-USA 1403 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

“Love Rules” Tube Top

AZ-USA 12177 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

“Love Rules” Tube Top

AZ-USA 12178 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

“Love Rules” Tube Top

AZ-USA 12179 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

“Love Rules” Tube Top

AZ-USA 12180 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

“Love” Tube Top

AZ-USA 49 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

“Love” Tube Top

AZ-USA 1407 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

“Love” Tube Top

AZ-USA 1409 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

“New City” Shirt

AZ-USA 648 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

“New City” Shirt

AZ-USA 1347 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Paisley Halter Cami

AZ-USA 299 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Paisley Halter Cami

AZ-USA 1500 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Plaid Bikini

AZ-USA 2676 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Plaid Bikini

AZ-USA 5191 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Plaid Bikini

AZ-USA 5192 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Plaid Bikini

AZ-USA 5193 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Ruffled Polka-Dot Bikini

AZ-USA 704 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Ruffled Polka-Dot Bikini

AZ-USA 1434 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Ruffled Polka-Dot Bikini

AZ-USA 1436 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

School-Crest Tee

AZ-USA 10 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

School-Crest Tee

AZ-USA 1057 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

School-Crest Tee

AZ-USA 1058 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

School-Crest Tee

AZ-USA 1059 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

School-Crest Tee

AZ-USA 12022 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

School-Crest Tee

AZ-USA 12023 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

School-Crest Tee

AZ-USA 12024 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

School-Crest Tee

AZ-USA 12025 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Stretch-Lace Cami

AZ-USA 69 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Stretch-Lace Cami

AZ-USA 1535 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Striped Bandeau Bikini

AZ-USA 55 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped Bandeau Bikini

AZ-USA 1428 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped Bandeau Bikini

AZ-USA 1429 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped Bikini

AZ-USA 72 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Striped Bikini

AZ-USA 1544 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Striped Bikini

AZ-USA 1546 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Striped Tube Top

AZ-USA 48 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Striped U-Neck Shirt

AZ-USA 12 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Striped U-Neck Shirt

AZ-USA 1078 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Striped U-Neck Shirt

AZ-USA 1079 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Striped U-Neck Shirt

AZ-USA 1080 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

“Style Superstar” Shirt

AZ-USA 1134 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

“Style Superstar” Shirt

AZ-USA 4510 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

“Style Superstar” Shirt

AZ-USA 4512 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

“Style Superstar” Shirt

AZ-USA 12026 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

“Style Superstar” Shirt

AZ-USA 12027 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

“Style Superstar” Shirt

AZ-USA 12028 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

“Style Superstar” Shirt

AZ-USA 12029 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

“Style Superstar” Shirt

AZ-USA 12030 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

“Style Superstar” Shirt

AZ-USA 12031 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

“Wild West” Tank

AZ-USA 808 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

“Wild West” Tank

AZ-USA 1384 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

“Wild West” Tank

AZ-USA 1385 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Winged-Globe Tube Top

AZ-USA 52 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Winged-Globe Tube Top

AZ-USA 1419 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Winged-Globe Tube Top

AZ-USA 1420 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 60: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Zebra-Stripe Cami

AZ-USA 705 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Zip-up Leopard Tube Top

AZ-USA 12183 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Zip-up Leopard Tube Top

AZ-USA 12866 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Zip-up Leopard Tube Top

AZ-USA 12867 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Zip-up Leopard Tube Top

AZ-USA 12868 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Zip-up Leopard Tube Top

AZ-USA 12869 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Zip-up Leopard Tube Top

AZ-USA 12870 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Zip-up Leopard Tube Top

AZ-USA 12871 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Zip-up Leopard Tube Top

AZ-USA 12872 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Belted Paisley Top

AZ-USA 765 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Belted Paisley Top

AZ-USA 1893 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Belted Paisley Top

AZ-USA 1895 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Bow-Strewn Vented Cami

AZ-USA 87 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Bow-Strewn Vented Cami

AZ-USA 2010 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Cuff-Link Dress Shirt

AZ-USA 2776 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Cuff-Link Dress Shirt

AZ-USA 5398 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Cuff-Link Dress Shirt

AZ-USA 5399 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Cuff-Link Dress Shirt

AZ-USA 5400 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Denim Bolero Vest

AZ-USA 456 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Denim Bolero Vest

AZ-USA 2178 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Denim Crop Vest

AZ-USA 2183 rBuy: 19 Sell: 47

Denim Crop Vest

AZ-USA 458 rBuy: 19 Sell: 47

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 85 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8257 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8258 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8259 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8260 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8261 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8262 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8263 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8264 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8265 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8266 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8267 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8268 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8269 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8270 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8271 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8272 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8273 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8274 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8275 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8276 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8277 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8278 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8279 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8280 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8281 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8282 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8283 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8284 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8285 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8286 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8287 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8288 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 61: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8289 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8290 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8291 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8292 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8293 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8294 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8295 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8296 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8297 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8298 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8299 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8300 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8301 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8302 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8303 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8304 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8305 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8306 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8307 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8308 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8309 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8310 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8311 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8312 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8313 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8314 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8315 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8316 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8317 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8318 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Draping, Scarf-Hem Cami

AZ-USA 8319 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 585 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 1880 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12150 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12151 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12153 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12154 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12156 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12157 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12158 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12160 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12161 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12162 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12164 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12165 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12166 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12167 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12168 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12169 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12170 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12171 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12172 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12173 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12174 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12175 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Fleur-de-Lis Tank

AZ-USA 12176 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Collaboration Collaboration

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 62: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Four-Tiered Cami

AZ-USA 880 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Four-Tiered Cami

AZ-USA 5362 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Four-Tiered Cami

AZ-USA 5363 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Four-Tiered Cami

AZ-USA 5364 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Four-Tiered Metallic Cami

AZ-USA 12261 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Four-Tiered Metallic Cami

AZ-USA 12903 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

“Girls Time Hope” Tee

AZ-USA 999 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

“Girls Time Hope” Tee

AZ-USA 1660 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

“Girls Time Hope” Tee

AZ-USA 1661 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

“Heart” Off-Shoulder Top

AZ-USA 1129 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

“Heart” Off-Shoulder Top

AZ-USA 4820 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

“Heart” Off-Shoulder Top

AZ-USA 4821 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

“Heart” Off-Shoulder Top

AZ-USA 4822 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Hibiscus Bolero Shirt

AZ-USA 330 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Hibiscus Bolero Shirt

AZ-USA 2088 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Hibiscus Bolero Shirt

AZ-USA 2089 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

High-Neck, Zip-up Jersey

AZ-USA 138 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

High-Neck, Zip-up Jersey

AZ-USA 2241 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

High-Neck, Zip-up Jersey

AZ-USA 12504 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

High-Neck, Zip-up Jersey

AZ-USA 12505 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

High-Neck, Zip-up Jersey

AZ-USA 12506 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

High-Neck, Zip-up Jersey

AZ-USA 12507 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

High-Neck, Zip-up Jersey

AZ-USA 12508 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

High-Neck, Zip-up Jersey

AZ-USA 12509 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

High-Neck, Zip-up Jersey

AZ-USA 139 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

High-Neck, Zip-up Jersey

AZ-USA 2247 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Laced Cutaway Crop Top

AZ-USA 2786 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Laced Cutaway Crop Top

AZ-USA 5488 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Laced Cutaway Crop Top

AZ-USA 5489 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Laced Cutaway Crop Top

AZ-USA 5490 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Laced Vented Cami

AZ-USA 2283 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Laced Vented Cami

AZ-USA 5347 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Laced Vented Cami

AZ-USA 5348 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Laced Vented Cami

AZ-USA 12260 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Laced Vented Cami

AZ-USA 12902 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-Edged Check Cami

AZ-USA 766 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lace-Edged Check Cami

AZ-USA 1896 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lace-Edged Check Cami

AZ-USA 1897 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lace-up Camo Cami

AZ-USA 12245 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Camo Cami

AZ-USA 12894 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Camo Cami

AZ-USA 12895 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Camo Cami

AZ-USA 12896 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Camo Cami

AZ-USA 12897 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Camo Cami

AZ-USA 12898 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Camo Cami

AZ-USA 12899 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Camo Cami

AZ-USA 12900 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Denim Cami

AZ-USA 90 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Lace-up Denim Cami

AZ-USA 2012 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Lace-up Denim Cami

AZ-USA 2013 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Lace-up Denim Cami

AZ-USA 12262 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Lace-up Halter Cami

AZ-USA 75 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Halter Cami

AZ-USA 1905 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Halter Cami

AZ-USA 12242 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Halter Cami

AZ-USA 12246 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Leopard Cami

AZ-USA 12244 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Leopard Cami

AZ-USA 12887 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 63: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Lace-up Leopard Cami

AZ-USA 12888 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Leopard Cami

AZ-USA 12889 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Leopard Cami

AZ-USA 12890 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Leopard Cami

AZ-USA 12891 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Leopard Cami

AZ-USA 12892 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Leopard Cami

AZ-USA 12893 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Metallic Cami

AZ-USA 12243 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lace-up Metallic Cami

AZ-USA 12886 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Lacy, Buttoned Corset

AZ-USA 12263 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Lacy, Buttoned Corset

AZ-USA 12265 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Lacy, Buttoned Corset

AZ-USA 12266 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Lacy, Buttoned Corset

AZ-USA 12267 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Lacy, Buttoned Corset

AZ-USA 12268 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Lacy, Buttoned Corset

AZ-USA 12269 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Lacy, Buttoned Corset

AZ-USA 12270 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Lacy, Buttoned Corset

AZ-USA 12271 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Lacy, Buttoned Corset

AZ-USA 12272 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Lacy, Buttoned Corset

AZ-USA 12273 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Lacy, Buttoned Corset

AZ-USA 12274 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Leopard-Spot Cami

AZ-USA 2143 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Leopard-Spot Cami

AZ-USA 5314 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Leopard-Spot Cami

AZ-USA 5315 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Leopard-Spot Cami

AZ-USA 5316 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Pearl-Edged, Tiered Cami

AZ-USA 88 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Pearl-Edged, Tiered Cami

AZ-USA 5350 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Pearl-Edged, Tiered Cami

AZ-USA 5351 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Puffed-Sleeve Crop Top

AZ-USA 2785 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Puffed-Sleeve Crop Top

AZ-USA 5485 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Puffed-Sleeve Crop Top

AZ-USA 5486 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Puffed-Sleeve Crop Top

AZ-USA 5487 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Riveted Camo Cami

AZ-USA 878 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Riveted Camo Cami

AZ-USA 1909 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Riveted Camo Cami

AZ-USA 1910 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Riveted Camo Cami

AZ-USA 1911 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

“ROCK ON” Sweater

AZ-USA 2364 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

“ROCK ON” Sweater

AZ-USA 5515 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

“ROCK ON” Sweater

AZ-USA 5516 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

“ROCK ON” Sweater

AZ-USA 5517 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ruffled-Cutaway Cami

AZ-USA 841 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Satin Bolero Shirt

AZ-USA 329 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Satin Bolero Shirt

AZ-USA 2085 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Satin Bolero Shirt

AZ-USA 2086 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Satin, Lace-up Cami

AZ-USA 840 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Snakeskin-Print Cami

AZ-USA 2142 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Snakeskin-Print Cami

AZ-USA 5311 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Snakeskin-Print Cami

AZ-USA 5312 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Striped Bolero Vest

AZ-USA 457 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Striped Bolero Vest

AZ-USA 2180 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Winged-Skull Sweater

AZ-USA 137 rBuy: 34 Sell: 86

Winged-Skull Sweater

AZ-USA 2201 rBuy: 34 Sell: 86

Winged-Skull Sweater

AZ-USA 2202 rBuy: 34 Sell: 86

Wrinkled Bolero Shirt

AZ-USA 651 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Wrinkled Bolero Shirt

AZ-USA 2083 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Zinnia Bolero Shirt

AZ-USA 106 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Zinnia Bolero Shirt

AZ-USA 2079 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Zinnia Bolero Shirt

AZ-USA 2081 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 64: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Zinnia Bolero Shirt

AZ-USA 12404 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Zinnia Bolero Shirt

AZ-USA 13375 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Zinnia Bolero Shirt

AZ-USA 13376 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Zinnia Bolero Shirt|

AZ-USA 13377 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Zip-Pocket Shirt

AZ-USA 1739 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Zip-Pocket Shirt

AZ-USA 5386 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Zip-Pocket Shirt

AZ-USA 5387 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Zip-Pocket Shirt

AZ-USA 5388 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Camo Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 604 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Camo Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 2753 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Camo Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 2754 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Camo Jean Jacket

AZ-USA 2149 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Camo Jean Jacket

AZ-USA 4965 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Camo Jean Jacket

AZ-USA 4966 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Camo Jean Jacket

AZ-USA 4967 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Clasp-Hook Down Jacket

AZ-USA 2154 rBuy: 108 Sell: 180

Clasp-Hook Down Jacket

AZ-USA 5032 rBuy: 108 Sell: 180

Faux-Fur Leopard Vest

AZ-USA 1277 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Faux-Fur Leopard Vest

AZ-USA 5020 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Faux-Fur Leopard Vest

AZ-USA 5021 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Faux-Fur Leopard Vest

AZ-USA 5022 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Fur-Edged Bolero Jacket

AZ-USA 118 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Fur-Edged Bolero Jacket

AZ-USA 2431 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Fur-Edged Bolero Jacket

AZ-USA 2432 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Fur-Edged Bolero Jacket

AZ-USA 2433 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Fur-Edged Bolero Jacket

AZ-USA 12447 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 119 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8446 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8447 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8448 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8449 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8450 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8451 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8452 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8453 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8454 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8455 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8456 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8457 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8458 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8459 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8460 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8461 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8462 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8463 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8464 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8465 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8466 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8467 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8468 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8469 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8470 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8471 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8472 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8473 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 65: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8474 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8475 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8476 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8477 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8478 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8479 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8480 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8481 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8482 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8483 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8484 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8485 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8486 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8487 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8488 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8489 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8490 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8491 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8492 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8493 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8494 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8495 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8496 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8497 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8498 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8499 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8500 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8501 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8502 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8503 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8504 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8505 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8506 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8507 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 8508 rBuy: 88 Sell: 147

Fur-Edged Cardigan

AZ-USA 916 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Fur-Edged Cardigan

AZ-USA 2563 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Fur-Edged Cardigan

AZ-USA 2564 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Fur-Edged Cardigan

AZ-USA 2565 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Fur-Edged Down Jacket

AZ-USA 1653 rBuy: 133 Sell: 222

Fur-Edged Down Jacket

AZ-USA 5041 rBuy: 133 Sell: 222

Fur-Edged Down Jacket

AZ-USA 5042 rBuy: 133 Sell: 222

Fur-Edged Down Jacket

AZ-USA 5043 rBuy: 133 Sell: 222

Fur-Edged Down Jacket

AZ-USA 12456 rBuy: 133 Sell: 222

Fur-Trim Leopard Jacket

AZ-USA 12458 rBuy: 124 Sell: 208

Fur-Trim Leopard Jacket

AZ-USA 12928 rBuy: 124 Sell: 208

Fur-Trim Leopard Jacket

AZ-USA 12929 rBuy: 124 Sell: 208

Fur-Trim Leopard Jacket

AZ-USA 12930 rBuy: 124 Sell: 208

Fur-Trim Leopard Jacket

AZ-USA 12931 rBuy: 124 Sell: 208

Fur-Trim Leopard Jacket

AZ-USA 12932 rBuy: 124 Sell: 208

Fur-Trim Leopard Jacket

AZ-USA 12933 rBuy: 124 Sell: 208

Fur-Trim Leopard Jacket

AZ-USA 12934 rBuy: 124 Sell: 208

Fur-Trim Metallic Jacket

AZ-USA 12457 rBuy: 153 Sell: 256

Fur-Trim Metallic Jacket

AZ-USA 12927 rBuy: 153 Sell: 256

Gold-Heart Down Jacket

AZ-USA 2155 rBuy: 115 Sell: 192

Gold-Heart Down Jacket

AZ-USA 5035 rBuy: 115 Sell: 192

Collaboration Collaboration

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 66: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Hawk Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 342 rBuy: 57 Sell: 144

Hawk Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 5014 rBuy: 57 Sell: 144

Hawk Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 5015 rBuy: 57 Sell: 144

Hawk Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 5016 rBuy: 57 Sell: 144

Hearts-and-Notes Hoodie

AZ-USA 592 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Hearts-and-Notes Hoodie

AZ-USA 2723 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Hearts-and-Notes Hoodie

AZ-USA 2725 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Hearts-and-Notes Hoodie

AZ-USA 2726 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Hearts-and-Notes Hoodie

AZ-USA 12543 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Hearts-and-Notes Hoodie

AZ-USA 12544 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Hearts-and-Notes Hoodie

AZ-USA 12545 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Thorny Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 341 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Thorny Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 5011 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Thorny Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 5012 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Thorny Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 5013 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Thorny Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 12438 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Satin Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 906 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Satin Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 5005 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Satin Blouson Jacket

AZ-USA 5006 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Shaggy Faux-Fur Vest

AZ-USA 117 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Shaggy Faux-Fur Vest

AZ-USA 1175 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Shaggy Faux-Fur Vest

AZ-USA 1176 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Shaggy Faux-Fur Vest

AZ-USA 1177 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Shaggy Faux-Fur Vest

AZ-USA 13390 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Shaggy Faux-Fur Vest

AZ-USA 13391 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Shaggy Faux-Fur Vest

AZ-USA 13392 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Shaggy Faux-Fur Vest

AZ-USA 13393 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Shaggy Faux-Fur Vest

AZ-USA 13394 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sleeveless Jacket Vest

AZ-USA 603 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Jacket Vest

AZ-USA 2750 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Jacket Vest

AZ-USA 2751 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Jacket Vest

AZ-USA 2752 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Velvet Jacket

AZ-USA 108 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Velvet Jacket

AZ-USA 1169 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Velvet Jacket

AZ-USA 1170 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Velvet Jacket

AZ-USA 1171 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Velvet Jacket

AZ-USA 12405 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Velvet Jacket

AZ-USA 12406 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Velvet Jacket

AZ-USA 12407 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Zip-up Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 670 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Zip-up Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 5107 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Zip-up Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 5108 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Zip-up Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 12522 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Zip-up Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 12523 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Zip-up Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 12524 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Zip-up Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 12525 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Zip-up Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 12526 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Zip-up Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 12527 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Zip-up Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 12528 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Zip-up Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 12529 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Zip-up Camo Jacket

AZ-USA 12530 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Belted Crossover Tunic

AZ-USA 162 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Belted Crossover Tunic

AZ-USA 4733 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Belted Crossover Tunic

AZ-USA 4734 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Belted Crossover Tunic

AZ-USA 4735 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 67: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Tie-Dyed Tunic

AZ-USA 907 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Tie-Dyed Tunic

AZ-USA 4084 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Tie-Dyed Tunic

AZ-USA 4085 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Tie-Dyed Tunic

AZ-USA 4086 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Angel-Wing Jeans

AZ-USA 955 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Angel-Wing Jeans

AZ-USA 3004 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Belted Short Shorts

AZ-USA 373 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Belted Short Shorts

AZ-USA 3163 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Belted Short Shorts

AZ-USA 3164 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Belted Short Shorts

AZ-USA 12717 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Belted, Distressed Jeans

AZ-USA 180 rBuy: 144 Sell: 239

Belted, Distressed Jeans

AZ-USA 3096 rBuy: 144 Sell: 239

Belted, Distressed Jeans

AZ-USA 3097 rBuy: 144 Sell: 239

Bleach-Splash Jeans

AZ-USA 750 rBuy: 111 Sell: 184

Bleach-Splash Jeans

AZ-USA 2999 r Buy: 111 Sell: 184

Bleach-Splash Jeans

AZ-USA 3000 rBuy: 111 Sell: 184

Bleach-Splash Jeans

AZ-USA 3001 rBuy: 111 Sell: 184

Camo Cargo Capris

AZ-USA 378 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Camo Cargo Capris

AZ-USA 3263 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Camo Cargo Capris

AZ-USA 3264 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Camo Short Shorts

AZ-USA 1022 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Camo Short Shorts

AZ-USA 3182 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Camo Short Shorts

AZ-USA 3183 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Camo Short Shorts

AZ-USA 3184 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Denim Cargo Capri Shorts

AZ-USA 1152 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Denim Cargo Capri Shorts

AZ-USA 3275 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Denim Cargo Capri Shorts

AZ-USA 3276 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Denim Cargo Capri Shorts

AZ-USA 3277 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Fur-Trimmed Jean Shorts

AZ-USA 188 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Fur-Trimmed Jean Shorts

AZ-USA 5644 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Fur-Trimmed Jean Shorts

AZ-USA 5645 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Fur-Trimmed Jean Shorts

AZ-USA 5646 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Leopard-Spot Short Shorts

AZ-USA 12716 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Leopard-Spot Short Shorts

AZ-USA 12983 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Leopard-Spot Short Shorts

AZ-USA 12984 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Leopard-Spot Short Shorts

AZ-USA 12985 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Leopard-Spot Short Shorts

AZ-USA 12986 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Leopard-Spot Short Shorts

AZ-USA 12987 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Leopard-Spot Short Shorts

AZ-USA 12988 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Leopard-Spot Short Shorts

AZ-USA 12989 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Low-Rise, Boot-Cut Jeans

AZ-USA 184 rBuy: 100 Sell: 166

Low-Rise, Boot-Cut Jeans

AZ-USA 3113 rBuy: 100 Sell: 166

Rolled-Cuff Capri Jeans

AZ-USA 178 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Rolled-Cuff Capri Jeans

AZ-USA 3035 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Rolled-Cuff Capri Jeans

AZ-USA 3036 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Rolled-Cuff Capri Jeans

AZ-USA 3037 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Rolled-Cuff Capri Jeans

AZ-USA 12704 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Rolled-Cuff Capri Jeans

AZ-USA 12705 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Rolled-Cuff Capri Jeans

AZ-USA 12706 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Side-Laced Cargo Pants

AZ-USA 672 rBuy: 111 Sell: 184

Side-Laced Cargo Pants

AZ-USA 3257 rBuy: 111 Sell: 184

Side-Laced Cargo Pants

AZ-USA 3258 rBuy: 111 Sell: 184

Side-Rivet Shorts

AZ-USA 1021 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Side-Rivet Shorts

AZ-USA 5656 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Side-Rivet Shorts

AZ-USA 5657 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 68: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Side-Rivet Shorts

AZ-USA 5658 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Side-Striped Court Shorts

AZ-USA 376 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Side-Striped Court Shorts

AZ-USA 3215 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Side-Striped Court Shorts

AZ-USA 3216 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Side-Striped Court Shorts

AZ-USA 3217 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Side-Striped Court Shorts

AZ-USA 12732 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Side-Striped Court Shorts

AZ-USA 12733 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Side-Striped Court Shorts

AZ-USA 12990 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Side-Striped Court Shorts

AZ-USA 12991 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Side-Striped Court Shorts

AZ-USA 12992 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Side-Striped Court Shorts

AZ-USA 12993 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Side-Striped Court Shorts

AZ-USA 12994 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Side-Striped Court Shorts

AZ-USA 12995 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Spraypaint Shorts

AZ-USA 1020 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Spraypaint Shorts

AZ-USA 5653 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Spraypaint Shorts

AZ-USA 5654 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Tie-Dyed Cargo Pants

AZ-USA 671 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Tie-Dyed Cargo Pants

AZ-USA 3248 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Tie-Dyed Cargo Pants

AZ-USA 3250 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Zebra Spandex Pants

AZ-USA 1149 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Zebra Spandex Pants

AZ-USA 5674 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Zip-Flare Leather Pants

AZ-USA 568 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Zip-Flare Leather Pants

AZ-USA 3102 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Zip-Flare Leather Pants

AZ-USA 3103 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Zip-Flare Leather Pants

AZ-USA 3104 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Zip-Pocket Cargo Pants

AZ-USA 193 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Zip-Pocket Cargo Pants

AZ-USA 3239 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Zip-Pocket Cargo Pants

AZ-USA 3240 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Asymmetric Denim Skirt

AZ-USA 923 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Asymmetric Denim Skirt

AZ-USA 5804 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Asymmetric Denim Skirt

AZ-USA 5805 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Camo Micromini

AZ-USA 202 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Camo Micromini

AZ-USA 2741 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Camo Micromini

AZ-USA 2743 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Camo Vented Skirt

AZ-USA 753 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Camo Vented Skirt

AZ-USA 2830 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Chain-Belted Micromini

AZ-USA 756 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Chain-Belted Micromini

AZ-USA 3072 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Chain-Belted Micromini

AZ-USA 3074 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Denim Vented Skirt

AZ-USA 751 rBuy: 37 Sell: 94

Denim Vented Skirt

AZ-USA 2813 rBuy: 37 Sell: 94

Denim Vented Skirt

AZ-USA 2814 rBuy: 37 Sell: 94

Distressed Jean Mini

AZ-USA 203 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Embroidered Mini

AZ-USA 921 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Embroidered Mini

AZ-USA 2804 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Jean Micromini

AZ-USA 2928 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Jean Micromini

AZ-USA 5753 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Jean Micromini

AZ-USA 12775 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Jean Micromini

AZ-USA 12776 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Jean Micromini

AZ-USA 12777 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Jean Micromini

AZ-USA 12778 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Jean Micromini

AZ-USA 12779 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Jean Micromini

AZ-USA 12780 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Jean Micromini

AZ-USA 12781 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Jean Micromini

AZ-USA 12782 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 69: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Jean Micromini

AZ-USA 12783 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Jean Micromini

AZ-USA 12784 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Lace, Three-Tiered Skirt

AZ-USA 395 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Lace, Three-Tiered Skirt

AZ-USA 3278 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Leopard-Spot Micromini

AZ-USA 2929 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Leopard-Spot Micromini

AZ-USA 5756 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Leopard-Spot Micromini

AZ-USA 5757 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Leopard-Spot Pencil Skirt

AZ-USA 12838 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Leopard-Spot Pencil Skirt

AZ-USA 12998 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Leopard-Spot Pencil Skirt

AZ-USA 12999 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Leopard-Spot Pencil Skirt

AZ-USA 13000 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Leopard-Spot Pencil Skirt

AZ-USA 13001 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Leopard-Spot Pencil Skirt

AZ-USA 13002 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Leopard-Spot Pencil Skirt

AZ-USA 13003 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Leopard-Spot Pencil Skirt

AZ-USA 13004 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Leopard-Spot, Lamé Micro

AZ-USA 12785 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Leopard-Spot, Lamé Micro

AZ-USA 12786 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Plaid Micromini

AZ-USA 2525 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Plaid Micromini

AZ-USA 3032 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Plaid Micromini

AZ-USA 3033 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Scallop-Hem Micromini

AZ-USA 398 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Scallop-Hem Micromini

AZ-USA 3381 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Scallop-Hem Micromini

AZ-USA 3382 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Scallop-Hem Micromini

AZ-USA 3383 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Scallop-Hem Micromini

AZ-USA 12827 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Scallop-Hem Micromini

AZ-USA 12828 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Scallop-Hem Micromini

AZ-USA 12829 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Scallop-Hem Micromini

AZ-USA 12830 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Scallop-Hem Micromini

AZ-USA 12831 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Scallop-Hem Micromini

AZ-USA 12832 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Scallop-Hem Micromini

AZ-USA 12833 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Scallop-Hem Micromini

AZ-USA 12834 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Scallop-Hem Micromini

AZ-USA 12835 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Scallop-Hem Mini

AZ-USA 226 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scallop-Hem Mini

AZ-USA 3303 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scallop-Hem Mini

AZ-USA 3305 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Tie-Dyed Micromini

AZ-USA 529 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Tie-Dyed Micromini

AZ-USA 3387 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Tie-Dyed Micromini

AZ-USA 3388 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Tie-Dyed Micromini

AZ-USA 3389 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Angle-Stripe Halter Dress

AZ-USA 2161 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Angle-Stripe Halter Dress

AZ-USA 4312 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Angle-Stripe Halter Dress

AZ-USA 4313 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 2617 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 4685 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 4686 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 4687 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12623 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12625 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12626 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12627 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12628 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12629 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12630 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12631 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 70: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12632 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12633 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Belted Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12634 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Black-Lace Corset Dress

AZ-USA 152 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Black-Lace Corset Dress

AZ-USA 4216 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Black-Lace Corset Dress

AZ-USA 4217 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Black-Lace Corset Dress

AZ-USA 4218 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Camo Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12857 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Camo Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12858 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Camo Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12859 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Camo Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12860 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Camo Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12861 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Camo Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12862 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Camo Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12863 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Camo Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12864 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Cinched-Waist Swirl Dress

AZ-USA 158 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Cinched-Waist Swirl Dress

AZ-USA 4642 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Cinched-Waist Swirl Dress

AZ-USA 4643 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Cinched-Waist Swirl Dress

AZ-USA 12622 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Cinched-Waist Swirl Dress

AZ-USA 12949 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Cinched-Waist Swirl Dress

AZ-USA 12950 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Cinched-Waist Swirl Dress

AZ-USA 12951 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Cinched-Waist Swirl Dress

AZ-USA 12952 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Cinched-Waist Swirl Dress

AZ-USA 12953 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Cinched-Waist Swirl Dress

AZ-USA 12954 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Denim Tube Dress

AZ-USA 679 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Denim Tube Dress

AZ-USA 4291 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Denim Tube Dress

AZ-USA 4293 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Fishnet-Knit Dress

AZ-USA 2695 rBuy: 63 Sell: 159

Fishnet-Knit Dress

AZ-USA 4688 rBuy: 63 Sell: 159

Fishnet-Knit Dress

AZ-USA 4689 rBuy: 63 Sell: 159

Fishnet-Knit Dress

AZ-USA 4690 rBuy: 63 Sell: 159

Hawaiian Beach Dress

AZ-USA 151 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Hawaiian Beach Dress

AZ-USA 4198 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Hawaiian Beach Dress

AZ-USA 4199 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Hawaiian Beach Dress

AZ-USA 4200 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Hawaiian Beach Dress

AZ-USA 13415 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Hawaiian Beach Dress

AZ-USA 13416 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Hawaiian Beach Dress

AZ-USA 13417 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Hawaiian Beach Dress

AZ-USA 13418 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Hawaiian Beach Dress

AZ-USA 13419 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Lamé Tube Dress

AZ-USA 155 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Lamé Tube Dress

AZ-USA 4282 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Lamé Tube Dress

AZ-USA 4284 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Lamé Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12584 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Lamé Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12941 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Leopard-Spot Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12585 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Leopard-Spot Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12942 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Leopard-Spot Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12943 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Leopard-Spot Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12944 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Leopard-Spot Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12945 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Leopard-Spot Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12946 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Leopard-Spot Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12947 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Leopard-Spot Tube Dress

AZ-USA 12948 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Scarf-Hem Halter Dress

AZ-USA 563 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Scarf-Hem Halter Dress

AZ-USA 4228 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 71: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Scarf-Hem Halter Dress

AZ-USA 4229 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Scarf-Hem Halter Dress

AZ-USA 4230 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Scarf-Hem Halter Dress

AZ-USA 12582 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Scarf-Hem Halter Dress

AZ-USA 12583 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 2697 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 4697 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 4698 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 4699 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12652 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12653 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12654 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12655 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12656 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12657 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12658 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12659 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12660 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12661 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12662 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Sweater Dress

AZ-USA 12663 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Studded-Belt Formal Dress

AZ-USA 562 rBuy: 144 Sell: 239

Studded-Belt Formal Dress

AZ-USA 4225 rBuy: 144 Sell: 239

Studded-Belt Formal Dress

AZ-USA 4226 rBuy: 144 Sell: 239

Studded-Belt Formal Dress

AZ-USA 4227 rBuy: 144 Sell: 239

Tie-Dyed, Scarf-Hem Dress

AZ-USA 561 rBuy: 36 Sell: 90

Tie-Dyed, Scarf-Hem Dress

AZ-USA 4222 rBuy: 36 Sell: 90

Tie-Dyed, Scarf-Hem Dress

AZ-USA 4223 rBuy: 36 Sell: 90

Denim Overalls

AZ-USA 13512 rBuy: 102 Sell: 168

Denim Overalls

AZ-USA 13556 rBuy: 102 Sell: 168

Denim Overalls

AZ-USA 13557 rBuy: 102 Sell: 168

Denim Overalls

AZ-USA 13558 rBuy: 102 Sell: 168

Denim Overalls

AZ-USA 13559 rBuy: 102 Sell: 168

Denim Overalls

AZ-USA 13560 rBuy: 102 Sell: 168

Pocket-Front Overalls

AZ-USA 13511 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Pocket-Front Overalls

AZ-USA 13551 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Pocket-Front Overalls

AZ-USA 13552 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Pocket-Front Overalls

AZ-USA 13553 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Pocket-Front Overalls

AZ-USA 13554 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Pocket-Front Overalls

AZ-USA 13555 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118





Beach Shades

AZ-USA 4125 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Beach Shades

AZ-USA 13256 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Beach Shades

AZ-USA 13257 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Beach Shades

AZ-USA 13258 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Beach Shades

AZ-USA 660 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Beach Shades

AZ-USA 4123 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Beach Shades

AZ-USA 4124 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Big-Oval Shades

AZ-USA 4141 rBuy: 88 Sell: 172

Big-Oval Shades

AZ-USA 4142 rBuy: 88 Sell: 172

Big-Oval Shades

AZ-USA 4143 rBuy: 88 Sell: 172

Big-Oval Shades

AZ-USA 13262 rBuy: 88 Sell: 172

Beach Shades

AZ-USA 13259 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Beach Shades

AZ-USA 13260 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Beach Shades

AZ-USA 13261 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Big-Oval Shades

AZ-USA 279 rBuy: 88 Sell: 172




Cool-Color Aviators

AZ-USA 4155 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Oversized Round Shades

AZ-USA 1997 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Oversized Round Shades

AZ-USA 4144 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Oversized Round Shades

AZ-USA 4145 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Big-Oval Shades

AZ-USA 13263 rBuy: 88 Sell: 172

Cool-Color Aviators

AZ-USA 280 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cool-Color Aviators

AZ-USA 4153 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cool-Color Aviators

AZ-USA 4154 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 72: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Chain-Motif Ski Cap

AZ-USA 1270 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Chain-Motif Ski Cap

AZ-USA 1271 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Chain-Motif Ski Cap

AZ-USA 1272 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 268 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Oversized Round Shades

AZ-USA 4146 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Camo-Patch Baseball Cap

AZ-USA 1084 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Chain-Motif Ski Cap

AZ-USA 828 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8387 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8388 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8389 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8390 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8383 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8384 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8385 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8386 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49




Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8395 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8396 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8397 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8398 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8391 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8392 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8393 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8394 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8403 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8404 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8405 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8406 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8399 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8400 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8401 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8402 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8411 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8412 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8413 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8414 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8407 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8408 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8409 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8410 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8419 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8420 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8421 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8422 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8415 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8416 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8417 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8418 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8427 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8428 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8429 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8430 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8423 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8424 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8425 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8426 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8435 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8436 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8437 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8438 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8431 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8432 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8433 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8434 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8443 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8444 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8445 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Visor

AZ-USA 834 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8439 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8440 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8441 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage Fedora

AZ-USA 8442 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 73: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Crested Baseball Cap

AZ-USA 3838 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Crested Baseball Cap

AZ-USA 3839 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Crested Baseball Cap

AZ-USA 3840 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Floral Bucket Hat

AZ-USA 267 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Corsage Visor

AZ-USA 4066 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Corsage Visor

AZ-USA 4067 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Corsage Visor

AZ-USA 4068 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Crested Baseball Cap

AZ-USA 743 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Graffiti Baseball Cap

AZ-USA 3828 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Graffiti Baseball Cap

AZ-USA 13153 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Graffiti Baseball Cap

AZ-USA 13154 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Graffiti Baseball Cap

AZ-USA 13155 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Floral Bucket Hat

AZ-USA 1246 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Floral Bucket Hat

AZ-USA 1248 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Graffiti Baseball Cap

AZ-USA 412 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Graffiti Baseball Cap

AZ-USA 3826 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Heartbreak Pom-Pom Cap

AZ-USA 1259 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Heartbreak Pom-Pom Cap

AZ-USA 1260 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Leopard-Spot Headband

AZ-USA 831 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Leopard-Spot Headband

AZ-USA 1314 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Graffiti Baseball Cap

AZ-USA 13156 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Graffiti Baseball Cap

AZ-USA 13157 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Heartbreak Pom-Pom Cap

AZ-USA 867 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Heartbreak Pom-Pom Cap

AZ-USA 1258 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Paint-Splash Flat Cap

AZ-USA 3857 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Paint-Splash Flat Cap

AZ-USA 3858 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Rivet-Banded Hat

AZ-USA 1086 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Rivet-Banded Hat

AZ-USA 3889 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Leopard-Spot Headband

AZ-USA 1316 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Leopard-Spot Headband

AZ-USA 13232 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Leopard-Spot Headband

AZ-USA 13233 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Paint-Splash Flat Cap

AZ-USA 413 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Striped Headband

AZ-USA 1307 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Wrinkled Headband

AZ-USA 275 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Wrinkled Headband

AZ-USA 1308 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Wrinkled Headband

AZ-USA 1309 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Rivet-Banded Hat

AZ-USA 3890 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Striped Headband

AZ-USA 274 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Striped Headband

AZ-USA 1305 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Striped Headband

AZ-USA 1306 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Wrinkled Headband

AZ-USA 13228 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Wrinkled Headband

AZ-USA 13229 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Wrinkled Headband

AZ-USA 13230 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Wrinkled Headband

AZ-USA 13231 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Wrinkled Headband

AZ-USA 1310 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Wrinkled Headband

AZ-USA 13225 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Wrinkled Headband

AZ-USA 13226 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Wrinkled Headband

AZ-USA 13227 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Zebra Cowboy Hat

AZ-USA 13199 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Zebra Cowboy Hat

AZ-USA 13200 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Zebra Cowboy Hat

AZ-USA 13201 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Zebra Cowboy Hat

AZ-USA 1141 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Zebra Cowboy Hat

AZ-USA 3982 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Zebra Cowboy Hat

AZ-USA 3983 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Zebra Cowboy Hat

AZ-USA 3984 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Crown Necklace

AZ-USA 409 rBuy: 104 Sell: 198

Crown Necklace

AZ-USA 3898 rBuy: 104 Sell: 198

Crown Necklace

AZ-USA 3899 rBuy: 104 Sell: 198

Crown Necklace

AZ-USA 3900 rBuy: 104 Sell: 198

Striped Lamé Long Scarf

AZ-USA 686 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Striped Lamé Long Scarf

AZ-USA 3775 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Striped Lamé Long Scarf

AZ-USA 3776 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

ID-Tag Necklace

AZ-USA 3916 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

ID-Tag Necklace

AZ-USA 3917 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

ID-Tag Necklace

AZ-USA 3918 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Two-Color Bead Necklace

AZ-USA 1962 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

“Girls” Necklace

AZ-USA 1961 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

“Girls” Necklace

AZ-USA 3919 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

“Girls” Necklace

AZ-USA 3920 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

ID-Tag Necklace

AZ-USA 2007 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33









Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 74: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Two-Color Bead Necklace

AZ-USA 3922 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Two-Color Bead Necklace

AZ-USA 3923 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Two-Color Bead Necklace

AZ-USA 3924 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Solid Over-Knee Socks

AZ-USA 172 rBuy: 6 Sell: 10

Solid Over-Knee Socks

AZ-USA 2921 rBuy: 6 Sell: 10

Solid Over-Knee Socks

AZ-USA 2922 rBuy: 6 Sell: 10

Solid Over-Knee Socks

AZ-USA 2923 rBuy: 6 Sell: 10

Ankle-Strap Wedges

AZ-USA 405 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Ankle-Strap Wedges

AZ-USA 3718 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Ankle-Strap Wedges

AZ-USA 3719 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Ankle-Strap Wedges

AZ-USA 3720 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Ankle-Strap Wedges

AZ-USA 742 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Ankle-Strap Wedges

AZ-USA 3727 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Ankle-Strap Wedges

AZ-USA 3728 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Ankle-Strap Wedges

AZ-USA 3729 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Banded High-Tops

AZ-USA 424 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Banded High-Tops

AZ-USA 3351 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Banded High-Tops

AZ-USA 3352 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Belted Slouch Boots

AZ-USA 2533 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Belted Slouch Boots

AZ-USA 3535 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Belted Slouch Boots

AZ-USA 3536 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Belted Slouch Boots

AZ-USA 3537 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Belted Slouch Boots

AZ-USA 13111 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Belted Slouch Boots

AZ-USA 13112 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Belted Slouch Boots

AZ-USA 13113 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Belted Slouch Boots

AZ-USA 13114 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Belted Slouch Boots

AZ-USA 13115 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Belted Slouch Boots

AZ-USA 13116 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Big-Bow Mules

AZ-USA 2129 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Big-Bow Mules

AZ-USA 3649 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Big-Bow Mules

AZ-USA 3650 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Big-Bow Mules

AZ-USA 3651 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Camo Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 683 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Camo Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 3574 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Camo Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 3575 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Camo Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 3576 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Camo Shoes

AZ-USA 401 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Camo Shoes

AZ-USA 3365 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Cross Trainers

AZ-USA 402 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Cross Trainers

AZ-USA 3493 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Cross Trainers

AZ-USA 3494 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Cross Trainers

AZ-USA 3495 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Fringed Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 632 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Fringed Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 3559 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Fringed Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 3560 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Fringed Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 3561 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Hand-Tooled Boots

AZ-USA 638 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Hand-Tooled Boots

AZ-USA 3566 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Hand-Tooled Boots

AZ-USA 3567 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

High-Heeled Pumps

AZ-USA 13508 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

High-Heeled Pumps

AZ-USA 13513 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

High-Heeled Pumps

AZ-USA 13514 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

High-Heeled Pumps

AZ-USA 13515 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

High-Heeled Pumps

AZ-USA 13516 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142








Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 75: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


High-Heeled Pumps

AZ-USA 13517 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

High-Heeled Pumps

AZ-USA 13518 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

High-Heeled Pumps

AZ-USA 13519 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

High-Heeled Pumps

AZ-USA 13520 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

High-Heeled Pumps

AZ-USA 13521 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Patent-Leather Lace-ups

AZ-USA 932 rBuy: 126 Sell: 210

Patent-Leather Lace-ups

AZ-USA 3703 rBuy: 126 Sell: 210

Patent-Leather Lace-ups

AZ-USA 3704 rBuy: 126 Sell: 210

Patent-Leather Lace-ups

AZ-USA 3705 rBuy: 126 Sell: 210

Pom-Pom Mules

AZ-USA 247 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Pom-Pom Mules

AZ-USA 3641 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Pom-Pom Mules

AZ-USA 2517 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Pom-Pom Mules

AZ-USA 3643 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Pom-Pom Mules

AZ-USA 3644 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Rhinestone Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 242 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Rhinestone Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 3547 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Rhinestone Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 3548 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Rhinestone Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 3549 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Rhinestone Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 13117 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Rhinestone Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 13118 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Rhinestone Cowboy Boots

AZ-USA 13119 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Saddle-Ring Boots

AZ-USA 464 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142

Saddle-Ring Boots

AZ-USA 3685 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142

Saddle-Ring Boots

AZ-USA 3686 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142

Saddle-Ring Boots

AZ-USA 3687 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142

Strappy Mules

AZ-USA 246 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Strappy Mules

AZ-USA 3631 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Strappy Mules

AZ-USA 3632 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Strappy Mules

AZ-USA 3633 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Strappy Mules

AZ-USA 13127 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Strappy Mules

AZ-USA 13128 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Strappy Mules

AZ-USA 13129 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Strappy Mules

AZ-USA 404 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Strappy Mules

AZ-USA 3634 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Strappy Mules

AZ-USA 3635 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Strappy Mules

AZ-USA 3636 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Striped Sheepskin Boots

AZ-USA 2516 rBuy: 116 Sell: 193

Striped Sheepskin Boots

AZ-USA 3447 rBuy: 116 Sell: 193

Striped Sheepskin Boots

AZ-USA 3449 rBuy: 116 Sell: 193

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 76: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book



Butterfl y T-Shirt

Capsule 4465 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Checkered Dress Shirt

Capsule 537 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Checkered Dress Shirt

Capsule 1568 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Checkered Dress Shirt

Capsule 1569 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Fifties Work Shirt

Capsule 481 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Fifties Work Shirt

Capsule 1602 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Fifties Work Shirt

Capsule 1603 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Fifties Work Shirt

Capsule 12334 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Fifties Work Shirt

Capsule 12335 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Fifties Work Shirt

Capsule 12336 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Fifties Work Shirt

Capsule 12337 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Fifties Work Shirt

Capsule 12338 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Fifties Work Shirt

Capsule 12339 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Fifties Work Shirt

Capsule 12340 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Fifties Work Shirt

Capsule 12341 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Fifties Work Shirt

Capsule 12342 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Fifties Work Shirt

Capsule 12343 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Gingham T-Shirt

Capsule 949 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Gingham T-Shirt

Capsule 4468 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Gingham T-Shirt

Capsule 4469 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 1132 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10840 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10841 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10842 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10843 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10844 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10845 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10846 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10847 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10848 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10849 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10850 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Block-Striped Sweater

Capsule 946 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Block-Striped Sweater

Capsule 4408 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Block-Striped Sweater

Capsule 4409 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Block-Striped Sweater

Capsule 4410 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Bodice-Stripe Sweater

Capsule 477 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Bodice-Stripe Sweater

Capsule 1094 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Bodice-Stripe Sweater

Capsule 1095 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Butterfl y T-Shirt

Capsule 948 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Capsule is a unique clothing line that warps you back to those beloved styles of the ’70s. Blend a bit of these geometric, retro fashions into your wardrobe to create fabulous looks for today!

Customer keywords:Retro, fab, geometric, pop art, mod




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Hosiery Glasses Headwear Scarves Footwear

Page 77: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10851 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10852 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10853 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10854 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10855 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10856 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10857 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10858 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10859 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10860 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10861 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10862 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10863 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10864 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10865 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10866 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10867 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10868 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10869 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10870 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10871 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10872 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10873 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10874 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10875 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10876 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10877 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10878 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10879 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10880 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10881 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10882 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10883 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10884 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10885 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10886 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10887 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10888 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10889 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10890 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10891 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10892 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10893 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10894 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10895 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10896 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10897 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10898 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10899 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10900 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10901 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box Dress Shirt

Capsule 10902 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Mod-Box V-Neck Shirt

Capsule 950 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Mod-Box V-Neck Shirt

Capsule 4507 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Mod-Box V-Neck Shirt

Capsule 4509 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 1139 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Collaboration Collaboration

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Hosiery Glasses Headwear Scarves Footwear

Page 78: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10825 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10826 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10827 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10828 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10829 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10830 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10831 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10832 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10777 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10778 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10779 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10780 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10781 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10782 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10783 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10784 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10785 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10786 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10787 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10788 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10789 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10790 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10791 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10792 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10793 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10794 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10795 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10796 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10797 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10798 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10799 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10800 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10801 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10802 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10803 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10804 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10805 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10806 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10807 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10808 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10809 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10810 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10811 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10812 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10813 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10814 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10815 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10816 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10817 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10818 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10819 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10820 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10821 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10822 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10823 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10824 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Hosiery Glasses Headwear Scarves Footwear

Page 79: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10833 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10834 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10835 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10836 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10837 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10838 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Op-Art Dress Shirt

Capsule 10839 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Petal-Chain Dress Shirt

Capsule 318 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Petal-Chain Dress Shirt

Capsule 1589 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Petal-Chain Dress Shirt

Capsule 1590 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Racing-Stripe T-Shirt

Capsule 853 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Racing-Stripe T-Shirt

Capsule 1036 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Racing-Stripe T-Shirt

Capsule 1038 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Sleeveless Polo Shirt

Capsule 538 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sleeveless Polo Shirt

Capsule 1571 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sleeveless Polo Shirt

Capsule 1572 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sleeveless Polo Shirt

Capsule 1573 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sleeveless Polo Shirt

Capsule 12326 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sleeveless Polo Shirt

Capsule 12327 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sleeveless Polo Shirt

Capsule 12328 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sleeveless Polo Shirt

Capsule 12329 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sleeveless Polo Shirt

Capsule 12330 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sleeveless Polo Shirt

Capsule 12331 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sleeveless Polo Shirt

Capsule 12332 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sleeveless Polo Shirt

Capsule 12333 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Capsule 480 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Capsule 1562 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Capsule 1563 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Capsule 12307 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Capsule 12308 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Capsule 12309 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Capsule 12310 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Capsule 12311 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Capsule 12312 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Capsule 12313 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Capsule 12314 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Abstract-Art Vest

Capsule 574 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Abstract-Art Vest

Capsule 1711 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Abstract-Art Vest

Capsule 1712 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Abstract-Art Vest

Capsule 1713 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Belted Cable-Knit Top

Capsule 902 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Belted Cable-Knit Top

Capsule 4836 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Belted Cable-Knit Top

Capsule 4837 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Belted Cable-Knit Top

Capsule 4838 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lacy, Op-Art Bolero

Capsule 2521 rBuy: 22 Sell: 56

Lacy, Op-Art Bolero

Capsule 5464 rBuy: 22 Sell: 56

Lacy, Op-Art Bolero

Capsule 5465 rBuy: 22 Sell: 56

Lacy, Op-Art Bolero

Capsule 5466 rBuy: 22 Sell: 56

Marching-Band Cardigan

Capsule 128 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Marching-Band Cardigan

Capsule 5452 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Marching-Band Cardigan

Capsule 5453 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Marching-Band Cardigan

Capsule 5454 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Scarf-Tie Blouse

Capsule 580 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Scarf-Tie Blouse

Capsule 1848 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Scarf-Tie Blouse

Capsule 1850 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Collaboration Collaboration



Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Hosiery Glasses Headwear Scarves Footwear

Page 80: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Side-Button Sweatshirt

Capsule 579 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Side-Button Sweatshirt

Capsule 1845 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Sixties Cardigan

Capsule 129 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Sixties Cardigan

Capsule 5455 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Sixties Cardigan

Capsule 5456 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Sixties Cardigan

Capsule 5457 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Striped Knit Top

Capsule 572 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Striped Knit Top

Capsule 1654 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Striped Knit Top

Capsule 1656 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Striped V-Neck Vest

Capsule 873 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Striped V-Neck Vest

Capsule 1759 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Striped V-Neck Vest

Capsule 1760 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Striped V-Neck Vest

Capsule 1761 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Capsule 816 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Capsule 2225 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Capsule 2226 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Wave-Striped Vest

Capsule 575 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Wave-Striped Vest

Capsule 1714 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Wave-Striped Vest

Capsule 1715 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Wave-Striped Vest

Capsule 1716 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Zigzag Knit Turtleneck

Capsule 1185 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Zigzag Knit Turtleneck

Capsule 4552 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Zigzag Knit Turtleneck

Capsule 4553 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Zigzag Knit Turtleneck

Capsule 4554 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Zigzag Knit Turtleneck

Capsule 13322 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Zigzag Knit Turtleneck

Capsule 13323 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Zigzag Knit Turtleneck

Capsule 13324 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Buttoned Plaid Jacket

Capsule 2286 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Buttoned Plaid Jacket

Capsule 4902 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Buttoned Plaid Jacket

Capsule 4903 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Buttoned Plaid Jacket

Capsule 4904 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Four-Button Plaid Jacket

Capsule 334 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Houndstooth Duffl e Coat

Capsule 587 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Houndstooth Duffl e Coat

Capsule 4805 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Houndstooth Duffl e Coat

Capsule 4806 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Houndstooth Duffl e Coat

Capsule 4807 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Houndstooth Duffl e Coat

Capsule 12665 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Houndstooth Duffl e Coat

Capsule 12666 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 2290 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10966 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10967 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10968 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10969 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10970 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10971 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10972 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10973 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10974 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10975 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10976 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10977 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10978 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10979 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10980 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10981 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Hosiery Glasses Headwear Scarves Footwear

Page 81: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10982 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10983 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10984 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10985 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10986 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10987 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10988 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10989 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10990 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10991 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10992 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10993 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10994 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10995 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10996 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10997 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10998 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 10999 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11000 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11001 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11002 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11003 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11004 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11005 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11006 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11007 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11008 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11009 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11010 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11011 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11012 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11013 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11014 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11015 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11016 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11017 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11018 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11019 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11020 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11021 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11022 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11023 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11024 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11025 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11026 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11027 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Pick-Stitched Jacket

Capsule 11028 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Plaid Duffle Coat

Capsule 586 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Plaid Duffle Coat

Capsule 4802 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Plaid Duffle Coat

Capsule 4803 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Plaid Duffle Coat

Capsule 4804 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Cinched Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 1627 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Cinched Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 4357 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Cinched Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 4358 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 2061 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54




Collaboration Collaboration

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Hosiery Glasses Headwear Scarves Footwear

Page 82: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10951 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10952 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10953 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10954 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10955 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10956 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10957 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10958 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10903 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10904 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10905 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10906 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10907 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10908 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10909 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10910 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10911 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10912 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10913 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10914 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10915 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10916 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10917 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10918 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10919 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10920 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10921 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10922 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10923 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10924 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10925 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10926 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10927 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10928 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10929 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10930 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10931 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10932 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10933 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10934 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10935 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10936 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10937 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10938 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10939 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10940 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10941 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10942 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10943 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10944 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10945 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10946 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10947 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10948 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10949 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10950 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Hosiery Glasses Headwear Scarves Footwear

Page 83: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10959 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10960 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10961 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10962 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10963 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10964 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Op-Dot Tunic

Capsule 10965 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Striped Tunic

Capsule 1628 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Striped Tunic

Capsule 4360 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Striped Tunic

Capsule 4362 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Button-Front Flare Jeans

Capsule 186 rBuy: 21 Sell: 52

Button-Front Flare Jeans

Capsule 3144 rBuy: 21 Sell: 52

Button-Front Flare Jeans

Capsule 3145 rBuy: 21 Sell: 52

Button-Front Flare Jeans

Capsule 3146 rBuy: 21 Sell: 52

Button-Front Flare Jeans

Capsule 12707 rBuy: 21 Sell: 52

Button-Front Flare Jeans

Capsule 12708 rBuy: 21 Sell: 52

Button-Front Flare Jeans

Capsule 12709 rBuy: 21 Sell: 52

Button-Front Flare Jeans

Capsule 12710 rBuy: 21 Sell: 52

Button-Front Flare Jeans

Capsule 12711 rBuy: 21 Sell: 52

Button-Front Flare Jeans

Capsule 12712 rBuy: 21 Sell: 52

Button-Front Flare Jeans

Capsule 12713 rBuy: 21 Sell: 52

Button-Front Flare Jeans

Capsule 12714 rBuy: 21 Sell: 52

Dotted, Cuffed Flares

Capsule 2312 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

Dotted, Cuffed Flares

Capsule 5665 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

Dotted, Cuffed Flares

Capsule 5666 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

Mod-Box Flare Pants

Capsule 860 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Mod-Box Flare Pants

Capsule 3152 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Mod-Box Flare Pants

Capsule 3154 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Mod-Box Flare Pants

Capsule 3155 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Spandex Capri Pants

Capsule 6378 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Spandex Capri Pants

Capsule 6379 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Spandex Capri Pants

Capsule 6380 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Spandex Capri Pants

Capsule 6381 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Spandex Capri Pants

Capsule 6382 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Spandex Capri Pants

Capsule 6383 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Spandex Capri Pants

Capsule 6384 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Flare Trousers

Capsule 372 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Striped Flare Trousers

Capsule 3138 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Striped Flare Trousers

Capsule 3139 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Striped Flare Trousers

Capsule 3140 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Asymmetric Skirt

Capsule 500 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Asymmetric Skirt

Capsule 5801 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Asymmetric Skirt

Capsule 5802 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Circle-Dot Miniskirt

Capsule 381 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Circle-Dot Miniskirt

Capsule 2610 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Dotted A-Line Skirt

Capsule 379 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Dotted A-Line Skirt

Capsule 2569 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Dotted A-Line Skirt

Capsule 2573 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Dotted A-Line Skirt

Capsule 13399 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Dotted A-Line Skirt

Capsule 13400 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Dotted A-Line Skirt

Capsule 13401 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Fab-Color Pencil Skirt

Capsule 6477 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Fab-Color Pencil Skirt

Capsule 6494 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Fab-Color Pencil Skirt

Capsule 6495 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72









Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Hosiery Glasses Headwear Scarves Footwear

Page 84: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Fab-Color Pencil Skirt

Capsule 6496 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 926 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 3135 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 3136 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12804 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12805 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12806 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12807 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12808 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12809 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12810 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12811 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12812 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12813 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12816 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12817 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12818 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12819 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12820 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12821 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Front-Tab Miniskirt

Capsule 12824 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Lacy, Op-Art Skirt

Capsule 2544 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Lacy, Op-Art Skirt

Capsule 5834 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Lacy, Op-Art Skirt

Capsule 5835 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Lacy, Op-Art Skirt

Capsule 5836 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Mod-Box A-Line Skirt

Capsule 220 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Mod-Box A-Line Skirt

Capsule 3075 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Mod-Box A-Line Skirt

Capsule 3085 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Outline-Heart Micromini

Capsule 217 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Outline-Heart Micromini

Capsule 3023 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Outline-Heart Micromini

Capsule 3024 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Outline-Heart Micromini

Capsule 3025 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Plaid-Edged A-Line Skirt

Capsule 386 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Plaid-Edged A-Line Skirt

Capsule 5783 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Plaid-Edged A-Line Skirt

Capsule 5784 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Pocket-Outline Skirt

Capsule 2381 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Pocket-Outline Skirt

Capsule 5780 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Polka-Dot Miniskirt

Capsule 393 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Polka-Dot Miniskirt

Capsule 3062 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Polka-Dot Miniskirt

Capsule 3063 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Polka-Dot Miniskirt

Capsule 12796 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Polka-Dot Miniskirt

Capsule 12797 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Polka-Dot Miniskirt

Capsule 12798 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Polka-Dot Miniskirt

Capsule 12799 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Polka-Dot Miniskirt

Capsule 12800 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Polka-Dot Miniskirt

Capsule 12801 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Polka-Dot Miniskirt

Capsule 12802 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Polka-Dot Miniskirt

Capsule 12803 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Striped Micromini

Capsule 755 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Striped Micromini

Capsule 3069 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Striped Micromini

Capsule 13405 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Striped Micromini

Capsule 13406 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Striped Micromini

Capsule 13407 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Striped Micromini

Capsule 13408 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Striped Micromini

Capsule 13409 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Striped Micromini

Capsule 13410 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Hosiery Glasses Headwear Scarves Footwear

Page 85: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Striped Micromini

Capsule 13411 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Abstract-Art Dress

Capsule 729 r Buy: 53 Sell: 134

Abstract-Art Dress

Capsule 4345 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Abstract-Art Dress

Capsule 4346 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Abstract-Art Dress

Capsule 4347 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Aster-Blossom Dress

Capsule 982 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Aster-Blossom Dress

Capsule 4273 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Aster-Blossom Dress

Capsule 4274 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Aster-Blossom Dress

Capsule 4275 rBuy: 16 Sell: 42

Belted Coat Dress

Capsule 2692 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Belted Coat Dress

Capsule 4618 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Belted Polo Dress

Capsule 459 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Belted Polo Dress

Capsule 4369 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Belted Polo Dress

Capsule 4370 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Button-Front Tweed Dress

Capsule 910 rBuy: 57 Sell: 144

Button-Front Tweed Dress

Capsule 4743 rBuy: 57 Sell: 144

Button-Front Tweed Dress

Capsule 4744 rBuy: 57 Sell: 144

Camo-Heart Dress

Capsule 1356 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Camo-Heart Dress

Capsule 4645 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Camo-Heart Dress

Capsule 4646 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Camo-Heart Dress

Capsule 4647 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Cosmos-Blossom Dress

Capsule 356 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Cosmos-Blossom Dress

Capsule 4297 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Cosmos-Blossom Dress

Capsule 4298 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Pick-Stitched Dress

Capsule 1623 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Pick-Stitched Dress

Capsule 4306 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Pick-Stitched Dress

Capsule 4307 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Pick-Stitched Dress

Capsule 4308 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Polka-Dot Polo Dress

Capsule 486 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Polka-Dot Polo Dress

Capsule 4609 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Polka-Dot Polo Dress

Capsule 4610 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Polka-Dot Polo Dress

Capsule 4611 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Splash-Dot Dress

Capsule 544 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Splash-Dot Dress

Capsule 4303 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Splash-Dot Dress

Capsule 4305 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Zinnia-Blossom Dress

Capsule 556 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Zinnia-Blossom Dress

Capsule 4267 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Zinnia-Blossom Dress

Capsule 4268 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Plaid-Pocket Overalls

Capsule 2365 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Plaid-Pocket Overalls

Capsule 6023 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Plaid-Pocket Overalls

Capsule 6024 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Plaid-Pocket Overalls

Capsule 6025 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Gradient-Dot Tights

Capsule 366 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Gradient-Dot Tights

Capsule 2909 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Gradient-Dot Tights

Capsule 2910 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Gradient-Dot Tights

Capsule 2911 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Mod Ankle Socks

Capsule 546 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Mod Ankle Socks

Capsule 2885 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Mod Ankle Socks

Capsule 2886 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Mod Ankle Socks

Capsule 2887 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Sixties Kneesocks

Capsule 2119 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sixties Kneesocks

Capsule 5539 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sixties Kneesocks

Capsule 5540 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10












Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Hosiery Glasses Headwear Scarves Footwear

Page 86: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Moccasin Pumps

Capsule 467 rBuy: 19 Sell: 47

Moccasin Pumps

Capsule 3664 rBuy: 19 Sell: 47

Moccasin Pumps

Capsule 3665 rBuy: 19 Sell: 47

Twist-Knit Long Scarf

Capsule 5898 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Twist-Knit Long Scarf

Capsule 5899 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Twist-Knit Long Scarf

Capsule 13280 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Twist-Knit Long Scarf

Capsule 13281 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Sixties Kneesocks

Capsule 5541 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sixties Kneesocks

Capsule 13043 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sixties Kneesocks

Capsule 13044 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sixties Kneesocks

Capsule 13045 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sixties Kneesocks

Capsule 13046 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Big-Circle Specs

Capsule 570 rBuy: 60 Sell: 152

Big-Circle Specs

Capsule 4156 rBuy: 60 Sell: 152





Round Mod Shades

Capsule 4151 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Round Mod Shades

Capsule 4152 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Banded Gingham Hat

Capsule 793 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Big-Circle Specs

Capsule 4157 rBuy: 60 Sell: 152

Big-Circle Specs

Capsule 4158 rBuy: 60 Sell: 152

Round Mod Shades

Capsule 1999 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Round Mod Shades

Capsule 4150 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29 HE



Banded Gingham Hat

Capsule 13190 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Banded Gingham Hat

Capsule 13191 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Banded Gingham Hat

Capsule 13192 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Block-Striped Bucket Hat

Capsule 269 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Banded Gingham Hat

Capsule 3883 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Banded Gingham Hat

Capsule 3884 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Banded Gingham Hat

Capsule 3885 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Banded Gingham Hat

Capsule 13189 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Color-Zag Headband

Capsule 1311 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Color-Zag Headband

Capsule 1312 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Op-Ovals Ski Cap

Capsule 271 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Polka-Dot Bucket Hat

Capsule 866 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Block-Striped Bucket Hat

Capsule 3973 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Block-Striped Bucket Hat

Capsule 3974 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Block-Striped Bucket Hat

Capsule 3975 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Color-Zag Headband

Capsule 548 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Ribboned Straw Hat

Capsule 3865 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Ribboned Straw Hat

Capsule 3866 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Ribboned Straw Hat

Capsule 3867 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Ribboned Straw Hat

Capsule 13180 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Polka-Dot Bucket Hat

Capsule 1252 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Polka-Dot Bucket Hat

Capsule 1253 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Polka-Dot Bucket Hat

Capsule 1254 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Ribboned Straw Hat

Capsule 790 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Ribboned Straw Hat

Capsule 13185 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Ribboned Straw Hat

Capsule 13186 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Ribboned Straw Hat

Capsule 13187 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Ribboned Straw Hat

Capsule 13188 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Ribboned Straw Hat

Capsule 13181 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Ribboned Straw Hat

Capsule 13182 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Ribboned Straw Hat

Capsule 13183 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Ribboned Straw Hat

Capsule 13184 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Sixties Short Scarf

Capsule 3739 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Sixties Short Scarf

Capsule 3740 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Twist-Knit Long Scarf

Capsule 2058 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Twist-Knit Long Scarf

Capsule 5897 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Wool Beret

Capsule 13223 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Wool Beret

Capsule 13224 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sixties Short Scarf

Capsule 2054 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Wool Beret

Capsule 13219 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Wool Beret

Capsule 13220 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Wool Beret

Capsule 13221 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Wool Beret

Capsule 13222 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Wool Beret

Capsule 745 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Wool Beret

Capsule 4003 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Wool Beret

Capsule 4004 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Wool Beret

Capsule 4005 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28








Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Hosiery Glasses Headwear Scarves Footwear

Page 87: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Moccasin Pumps

Capsule 3666 rBuy: 19 Sell: 47

Mod Mary Janes

Capsule 449 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Mod Mary Janes

Capsule 3592 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Mod Mary Janes

Capsule 3593 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Mod Mary Janes

Capsule 3594 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Mod Mary Janes

Capsule 13449 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Mod Mary Janes

Capsule 13450 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Pointed-Toe Flats

Capsule 6484 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Pointed-Toe Flats

Capsule 6513 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Pointed-Toe Flats

Capsule 6514 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Pointed-Toe Flats

Capsule 6515 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Polka-Dot Ballet Flats

Capsule 1801 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Polka-Dot Ballet Flats

Capsule 3429 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Polka-Dot Ballet Flats

Capsule 3430 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Polka-Dot Ballet Flats

Capsule 3431 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Suede Moccasin Pumps

Capsule 930 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Suede Moccasin Pumps

Capsule 3670 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Suede Moccasin Pumps

Capsule 3671 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Suede Moccasin Pumps

Capsule 3672 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Two-Tone Mary Janes

Capsule 929 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Two-Tone Mary Janes

Capsule 3599 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Two-Tone Mary Janes

Capsule 3601 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Two-Tone Mary Janes

Capsule 3602 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

DaziesThe second-largest clothing brand around, Dazies offers a wide assortment of colorful, quirky styles that let you create wild, vibrant looks. Make a statement with Dazies and turn some heads with these pop fashions!

Customer keywords:Colorful, quirky, vibrant, silly, crazy, pop

Animal-Friends Tee

Dazies 986 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Animal-Friends Tee

Dazies 4474 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Baby-Chicks Shirt

Dazies 975 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Baby-Chicks Shirt

Dazies 4501 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Baby-Chicks Shirt

Dazies 4503 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Birthday-Cake Tee

Dazies 1219 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Birthday-Cake Tee

Dazies 4403 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Birthday-Cake Tee

Dazies 4404 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Hosiery Glasses Headwear Scarves Footwear

Page 88: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Black-Cat Polo Shirt

Dazies 540 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Black-Cat Polo Shirt

Dazies 5257 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Black-Cat Polo Shirt

Dazies 5258 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Black-Cat Polo Shirt

Dazies 12383 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Black-Cat Polo Shirt

Dazies 12384 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Black-Cat Polo Shirt

Dazies 12385 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Black-Cat Polo Shirt

Dazies 12386 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Black-Cat Polo Shirt

Dazies 12387 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Black-Cat Polo Shirt

Dazies 12388 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Black-Cat Polo Shirt

Dazies 12389 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Black-Cat Polo Shirt

Dazies 12390 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Black-Cat Polo Shirt

Dazies 12391 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Block-Striped Tank

Dazies 289 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Block-Striped Tank

Dazies 1365 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Block-Striped Tank

Dazies 1367 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Candy-Cloud Tank

Dazies 1798 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Candy-Cloud Tank

Dazies 4513 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Color-Button Dress Shirt

Dazies 1008 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Color-Button Dress Shirt

Dazies 5233 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Color-Button Dress Shirt

Dazies 5234 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Color-Button Dress Shirt

Dazies 12350 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Color-Button Dress Shirt

Dazies 12351 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Color-Button Dress Shirt

Dazies 12352 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Color-Button Dress Shirt

Dazies 12353 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Color-Button Dress Shirt

Dazies 12354 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Color-Button Dress Shirt

Dazies 12355 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Color-Button Dress Shirt

Dazies 12356 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Color-Button Dress Shirt

Dazies 12357 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Color-Button Dress Shirt

Dazies 12358 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Color-Droplet Tank

Dazies 1799 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Color-Droplet Tank

Dazies 4516 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Fruit-Top Cami

Dazies 2139 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Fruit-Top Cami

Dazies 5161 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Fruit-Top Cami

Dazies 12212 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Heart-Stripe Polo Shirt

Dazies 1010 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Heart-Stripe Polo Shirt

Dazies 5251 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Heart-Stripe Polo Shirt

Dazies 5252 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lacy Polka-Dot Cami

Dazies 302 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lacy Polka-Dot Cami

Dazies 1532 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lacy Polka-Dot Cami

Dazies 1533 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lacy Polka-Dot Cami

Dazies 1534 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lacy Polka-Dot Cami

Dazies 12230 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lacy Polka-Dot Cami

Dazies 12231 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lacy Polka-Dot Cami

Dazies 12232 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lacy Polka-Dot Cami

Dazies 12233 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lacy Polka-Dot Cami

Dazies 12234 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Lip-Kiss Halter Cami

Dazies 62 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Lip-Kiss Halter Cami

Dazies 1502 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Lip-Kiss Halter Cami

Dazies 1503 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

“Lovely” Elk Tee

Dazies 945 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

“Lovely” Elk Tee

Dazies 4393 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

“Lovely” Elk Tee

Dazies 4394 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Mermaid Tee

Dazies 282 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Mermaid Tee

Dazies 966 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Mermaid Tee

Dazies 967 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Muscle-Man Tee

Dazies 2 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 89: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Muscle-Man Tee

Dazies 963 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Muscle-Man Tee

Dazies 964 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Mushroom Halter Cami

Dazies 877 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Mushroom Halter Cami

Dazies 4879 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Mushroom Halter Cami

Dazies 4880 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Pink-Poodle Tee

Dazies 1752 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Pink-Poodle Tee

Dazies 4495 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Pink-Poodle Tee

Dazies 4496 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Rose-Bubble Tee

Dazies 947 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Rose-Bubble Tee

Dazies 4462 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Rose-Bubble Tee

Dazies 4464 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Ruffled Polo Shirt

Dazies 1737 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ruffled Polo Shirt

Dazies 5242 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ruffled Polo Shirt

Dazies 5243 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ruffled Polo Shirt

Dazies 5244 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ruffled Polo Shirt

Dazies 13295 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ruffled Polo Shirt

Dazies 13296 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ruffled Polo Shirt

Dazies 13297 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ruffled Polo Shirt

Dazies 13298 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ruffled Polo Shirt

Dazies 13299 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ruffled Polo Shirt

Dazies 13300 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ruffled Polo Shirt

Dazies 13301 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ruffled Polo Shirt

Dazies 13302 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Strawberry Bikini Top

Dazies 304 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Strawberry Bikini Top

Dazies 1552 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Strawberry Cami

Dazies 710 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Strawberry Cami

Dazies 1496 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Strawberry Cami

Dazies 1497 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Strawberry Cami

Dazies 12205 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Strawberry Cami

Dazies 12881 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Strawberry Cami

Dazies 12882 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Strawberry Cami

Dazies 12883 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Strawberry Cami

Dazies 12884 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Tiger Halter Cami

Dazies 2132 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Tiger Halter Cami

Dazies 4867 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Tiger Halter Cami

Dazies 4868 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Toadstool Tee

Dazies 283 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Toadstool Tee

Dazies 995 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Toadstool Tee

Dazies 996 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Zebra-Sleeve Tee

Dazies 1651 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Zebra-Sleeve Tee

Dazies 4454 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Zebra-Sleeve Tee

Dazies 4455 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Zebra-Sleeve Tee

Dazies 13494 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Zebra-Sleeve Tee

Dazies 13495 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Zebra-Sleeve Tee

Dazies 13496 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Zebra-Sleeve Tee

Dazies 13497 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Zebra-Sleeve Tee

Dazies 13498 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Angle-Hem Cami

Dazies 770 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Angle-Hem Cami

Dazies 5332 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Angle-Hem Cami

Dazies 5333 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Angle-Hem Cami

Dazies 5334 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Angle-Hem Twinkle Cami

Dazies 767 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Angle-Hem Twinkle Cami

Dazies 5326 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Angle-Hem Twinkle Cami

Dazies 5327 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Angle-Hem Twinkle Cami

Dazies 5328 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30



Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 90: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Bubble-Star Blouse

Dazies 901 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Bubble-Star Blouse

Dazies 4833 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Bubble-Star Blouse

Dazies 4834 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Bubble-Star Blouse

Dazies 4835 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Butterfl y Baby-Doll Cami

Dazies 83 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Butterfl y Baby-Doll Cami

Dazies 1939 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Cat-Sketch Shirt

Dazies 854 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Cat-Sketch Shirt

Dazies 1718 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Checked Crop Sweatshirt

Dazies 934 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Checked Crop Sweatshirt

Dazies 2238 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Checked Crop Sweatshirt

Dazies 2239 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Dots-and-Stripes Tee

Dazies 1275 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Dots-and-Stripes Tee

Dazies 4571 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Dots-and-Stripes Tee

Dazies 4572 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Floral Dress Shirt

Dazies 12393 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Floral Dress Shirt

Dazies 12394 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Floral Dress Shirt

Dazies 12395 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Floral Dress Shirt

Dazies 12396 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Floral Dress Shirt

Dazies 12397 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Floral Dress Shirt

Dazies 12398 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Floral Dress Shirt

Dazies 12399 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Floral Dress Shirt

Dazies 12400 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Floral Dress Shirt

Dazies 12401 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Floral Dress Shirt

Dazies 12402 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Floral Dress Shirt

Dazies 12403 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

“Fresh” Fruit Sweatshirt

Dazies 2114 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

“Fresh” Fruit Sweatshirt

Dazies 5518 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

“Fresh” Fruit Sweatshirt

Dazies 5519 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

“Fresh” Fruit Sweatshirt

Dazies 5520 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 933 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8761 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8762 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8763 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8764 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8765 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8766 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8767 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8768 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8769 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8770 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8771 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8772 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8773 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8774 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8775 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8776 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8777 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8778 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8779 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8780 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8781 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8782 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8783 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8784 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8785 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8786 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 91: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8787 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8788 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8789 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8790 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8791 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8792 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8793 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8794 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8795 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8796 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8797 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8798 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8799 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8800 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8801 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8802 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8803 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8804 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8805 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8806 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8807 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8808 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8809 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8810 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8811 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8812 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8813 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8814 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8815 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8816 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8817 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8818 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8819 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8820 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8821 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8822 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Grape-Cluster Knit Bolero

Dazies 8823 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Heart Baby-Doll Cami

Dazies 309 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Heart Baby-Doll Cami

Dazies 1951 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

“Hey!!” Tee

Dazies 1732 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

“Hey!!” Tee

Dazies 4564 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

“Hey!!” Tee

Dazies 4565 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Ice-Cream-Sundae Cami

Dazies 78 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Ice-Cream-Sundae Cami

Dazies 1915 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Lovebirds Sweater

Dazies 1194 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Lovebirds Sweater

Dazies 5503 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Lovebirds Sweater

Dazies 5504 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Lovebirds Sweater

Dazies 5505 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pegasus Baby Tee

Dazies 30 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Pegasus Baby Tee

Dazies 4579 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Plaid V-Neck Sweater

Dazies 1195 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Plaid V-Neck Sweater

Dazies 5507 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Plaid V-Neck Sweater

Dazies 5508 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Pleat-Front Cami

Dazies 13356 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Rabbit Tank

Dazies 41 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Rabbit Tank

Dazies 1874 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

COllabOraTiOn COllabOraTiOn

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 92: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Rainbow-Tiger Tee

Dazies 610 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Rainbow-Tiger Tee

Dazies 1691 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Rainbow-Tiger Tee

Dazies 1692 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Ribbon-Kitty Tee

Dazies 29 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Ribbon-Kitty Tee

Dazies 4578 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Ribbon-Laced Top

Dazies 1145 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Ribbon-Laced Top

Dazies 5302 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Ribbon-Laced Top

Dazies 5303 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Ribbon-Laced Top

Dazies 5304 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Ribbon-Tie Bolero Vest

Dazies 981 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Ribbon-Tie Bolero Vest

Dazies 5434 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Ribbon-Tie Bolero Vest

Dazies 5435 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Ribbon-Tie Bolero Vest

Dazies 5436 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Ribbon-Tie Cami

Dazies 84 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Ribbon-Tie Cami

Dazies 1945 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Ruffl ed Baby-Doll Cami

Dazies 12250 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Ruffl ed Baby-Doll Cami

Dazies 12251 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Ruffl ed Baby-Doll Cami

Dazies 12252 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Ruffl ed Baby-Doll Cami

Dazies 12255 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Ruffl ed Baby-Doll Cami

Dazies 12257 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Ruffl ed Baby-Doll Cami

Dazies 12258 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Ruffl ed-Sleeve Cardigan

Dazies 12477 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ruffl ed-Sleeve Cardigan

Dazies 12478 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ruffl ed-Sleeve Cardigan

Dazies 12479 Buy: 32 Sell: 82

Ruffl ed-Sleeve Cardigan

Dazies 12481 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ruffl ed-Sleeve Cardigan

Dazies 12482 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ruffl ed-Sleeve Cardigan

Dazies 12484 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 310 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8824 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8825 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8826 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8827 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8828 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8829 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8830 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8831 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8832 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8833 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8834 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8835 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8836 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8837 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8838 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8839 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8840 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8841 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8842 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8843 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8844 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8845 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8846 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8847 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8848 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8849 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8850 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8851 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 93: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8852 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8853 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8854 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8855 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8856 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8857 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8858 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8859 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8860 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8861 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8862 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8863 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8864 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8865 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8866 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8867 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8868 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8869 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8870 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8871 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8872 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8873 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8874 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8875 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8876 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8877 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8878 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8879 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8880 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8881 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8882 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8883 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8884 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8885 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Scarf-Hem Dotted Cami

Dazies 8886 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Sixties Dress Shirt

Dazies 1738 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Sixties Dress Shirt

Dazies 5383 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Sixties Dress Shirt

Dazies 5384 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Sixties Dress Shirt

Dazies 5385 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Starry Baby-Doll Cami

Dazies 308 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Starry Baby-Doll Cami

Dazies 1948 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Super-Parrot Crop Tee

Dazies 26 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Super-Parrot Crop Tee

Dazies 1666 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Super-Parrot Crop Tee

Dazies 12044 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Super-Parrot Crop Tee

Dazies 12045 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Super-Parrot Crop Tee

Dazies 12046 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Super-Parrot Crop Tee

Dazies 12047 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Super-Parrot Crop Tee

Dazies 12048 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Super-Parrot Crop Tee

Dazies 12049 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Super-Parrot Crop Tee

Dazies 12050 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Super-Parrot Crop Tee

Dazies 12051 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Super-Parrot Crop Tee

Dazies 12052 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Super-Parrot Crop Tee

Dazies 12053 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Super-Parrot Crop Tee

Dazies 12054 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Super-Parrot Crop Tee

Dazies 12055 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Tailored Denim Vest

Dazies 588 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

COllabOraTiOn COllabOraTiOn

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 94: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Tailored Denim Vest

Dazies 2164 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 720 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8950 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8951 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8952 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8953 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8954 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8955 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8956 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8957 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8958 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8959 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8960 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8961 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8962 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8963 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8964 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8965 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8966 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8967 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8968 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8969 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8970 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8971 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8972 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8973 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8974 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8975 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8976 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8977 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8978 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8979 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8980 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8981 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8982 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8983 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8984 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8985 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8986 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8987 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8988 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8989 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8990 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8991 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8992 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8993 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8994 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8995 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8996 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8997 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8998 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 8999 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 9000 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 9001 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 9002 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 95: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 9003 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 9004 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 9005 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 9006 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 9007 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 9008 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 9009 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 9010 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 9011 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Hoodie

Dazies 9012 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Bouquet Cardigan

Dazies 1742 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Bouquet Cardigan

Dazies 5089 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Bouquet Cardigan

Dazies 5090 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Bow-Back Flare Coat

Dazies 12463 rBuy: 167 Sell: 278

Bow-Back Flare Coat

Dazies 12464 rBuy: 167 Sell: 278

Bow-Back Flare Coat

Dazies 12465 rBuy: 167 Sell: 278

Bow-Back Flare Coat

Dazies 12466 rBuy: 167 Sell: 278

Bow-Back Flare Coat

Dazies 12467 rBuy: 167 Sell: 278

Bow-Back Flare Coat

Dazies 12468 rBuy: 167 Sell: 278

Bow-Back Flare Coat

Dazies 12469 rBuy: 167 Sell: 278

Bow-Back Flare Coat

Dazies 12470 rBuy: 167 Sell: 278

Bow-Back Flare Coat

Dazies 12471 rBuy: 167 Sell: 278

Bright Plaid Jacket

Dazies 2146 rBuy: 136 Sell: 198

Cuffed Leopard Jacket

Dazies 3039 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Cuffed Leopard Jacket

Dazies 4908 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Cuffed Leopard Jacket

Dazies 4909 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Cuffed Leopard Jacket

Dazies 4910 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Double-Button Jacket

Dazies 12408 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Button Jacket

Dazies 12409 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Button Jacket

Dazies 12410 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Button Jacket

Dazies 12411 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Button Jacket

Dazies 12412 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Button Jacket

Dazies 12413 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Button Jacket

Dazies 12414 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Button Jacket

Dazies 12415 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Button Jacket

Dazies 12416 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Button Jacket

Dazies 12417 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Button Jacket

Dazies 12418 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Fur-Trimmed Jean Jacket

Dazies 3046 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Fur-Trimmed Jean Jacket

Dazies 4956 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Fur-Trimmed Jean Jacket

Dazies 4957 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Fur-Trimmed Jean Jacket

Dazies 4958 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Kitty-Cat Blouson Jacket

Dazies 2150 rBuy: 120 Sell: 200

Lace-Hem Bolero Jacket

Dazies 12548 rBuy: 18 Sell: 45

Lace-Hem Bolero Jacket

Dazies 12549 rBuy: 18 Sell: 45

Lace-Hem Bolero Jacket

Dazies 12550 rBuy: 18 Sell: 45

Lace-Hem Bolero Jacket

Dazies 12552 rBuy: 18 Sell: 45

Leopard-Spot Duffle Coat

Dazies 2701 rBuy: 126 Sell: 210

Leopard-Spot Duffle Coat

Dazies 4814 rBuy: 126 Sell: 210

Leopard-Spot Duffle Coat

Dazies 4815 rBuy: 126 Sell: 210

Leopard-Spot Duffle Coat

Dazies 4816 rBuy: 126 Sell: 210

Leopard-Spot Hoodie

Dazies 719 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Leopard-Spot Hoodie

Dazies 2717 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Leopard-Spot Hoodie

Dazies 2718 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Leopard-Spot Hoodie

Dazies 2719 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Motorcycle Jacket

Dazies 882 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

COllabOraTiOn COllabOraTiOn

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 96: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Motorcycle Jacket

Dazies 2426 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Motorcycle Jacket

Dazies 2427 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Motorcycle Jacket

Dazies 13499 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Motorcycle Jacket

Dazies 13500 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Motorcycle Jacket

Dazies 13501 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Motorcycle Jacket

Dazies 13502 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Mushroom Blouson Jacket

Dazies 2683 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Mushroom Blouson Jacket

Dazies 5008 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Mushroom Blouson Jacket

Dazies 5009 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Mushroom Blouson Jacket

Dazies 5010 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Plaid Blouson Jacket

Dazies 980 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Polka-Dot Jacket

Dazies 774 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Polka-Dot Jacket

Dazies 2261 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Polka-Dot Jacket

Dazies 2262 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Polka-Dot Jacket

Dazies 2263 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Polka-Dot Trench

Dazies 852 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Polka-Dot Trench

Dazies 5864 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Polka-Dot Trench

Dazies 5865 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Polka-Dot Trench

Dazies 5866 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Starry Blouson Jacket

Dazies 2151 rBuy: 120 Sell: 200

Starry Blouson Jacket

Dazies 4991 rBuy: 120 Sell: 200

Starry Blouson Jacket

Dazies 4992 rBuy: 120 Sell: 200

Sunburst Blouson Jacket

Dazies 115 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Sunburst Blouson Jacket

Dazies 5002 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Sunburst Blouson Jacket

Dazies 5003 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Sunburst Blouson Jacket

Dazies 5004 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Apple-Print Tunic

Dazies 2790 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Apple-Print Tunic

Dazies 4168 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Apple-Print Tunic

Dazies 4169 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Apple-Print Tunic

Dazies 4170 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Butterfl y-Splash Tunic

Dazies 2791 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Ice-Cream-Sundae Tunic

Dazies 722 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Ice-Cream-Sundae Tunic

Dazies 4081 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Ice-Cream-Sundae Tunic

Dazies 4082 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Ice-Cream-Sundae Tunic

Dazies 4083 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Plaid U-Neck Tunic

Dazies 1470 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Plaid U-Neck Tunic

Dazies 4721 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Plaid U-Neck Tunic

Dazies 4722 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Striped, Layered Tunic

Dazies 1471 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Striped, Layered Tunic

Dazies 4724 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Striped, Layered Tunic

Dazies 4725 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Striped, Layered Tunic

Dazies 4726 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Tuxedo Tunic

Dazies 908 rBuy: 21 Sell: 53

Tuxedo Tunic

Dazies 5852 rBuy: 21 Sell: 53

Tuxedo Tunic

Dazies 5853 rBuy: 21 Sell: 53

Apple-Print, Tiered Dress

Dazies 4208 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Apple-Print, Tiered Dress

Dazies 4209 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Berry Halter Dress

Dazies 726 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Berry Halter Dress

Dazies 4186 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Berry Halter Dress

Dazies 4187 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Berry Halter Dress

Dazies 4188 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Berry Halter Dress

Dazies 13414 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Bow-Print Dress

Dazies 2349 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31








Apple-Print, Tiered Dress

Dazies 606 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 97: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Bow-Print Dress

Dazies 4703 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Bow-Print Dress

Dazies 4704 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Bubble-Frill Dress

Dazies 1358 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Bubble-Frill Dress

Dazies 4658 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Bubble-Frill Dress

Dazies 4659 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Clover Strapless Dress

Dazies 984 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Clover Strapless Dress

Dazies 4279 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Clover Strapless Dress

Dazies 4281 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Cosmos-Blossom Dress

Dazies 354 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Cosmos-Blossom Dress

Dazies 4237 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Cosmos-Blossom Dress

Dazies 4238 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Cosmos-Blossom Dress

Dazies 4239 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Donuts-and-Cakes Dress

Dazies 941 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Donuts-and-Cakes Dress

Dazies 4330 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Donuts-and-Cakes Dress

Dazies 4331 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Donuts-and-Cakes Dress

Dazies 4332 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Dotted Apron Dress

Dazies 153 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Dotted Apron Dress

Dazies 4234 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Dotted Apron Dress

Dazies 4235 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Dotted Apron Dress

Dazies 4236 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Dotted Plaid Dress

Dazies 605 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Dotted Plaid Dress

Dazies 4205 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Dotted Plaid Dress

Dazies 4206 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Floral Bubble-Hem Dress

Dazies 782 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Floral Bubble-Hem Dress

Dazies 4709 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Floral Bubble-Hem Dress

Dazies 4710 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Paisley Halter Dress

Dazies 725 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Photo-Real-Cat Dress

Dazies 2059 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Photo-Real-Cat Dress

Dazies 4336 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Photo-Real-Cat Dress

Dazies 4337 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Plaid Shirt Dress

Dazies 2218 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Plaid Shirt Dress

Dazies 4626 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Bows-and-Lace Shorts

Dazies 195 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Bows-and-Lace Shorts

Dazies 3284 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Bows-and-Lace Shorts

Dazies 3286 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Braid-Belted Capri Shorts

Dazies 597 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Braid-Belted Capri Shorts

Dazies 3159 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Braid-Belted Capri Shorts

Dazies 3161 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Cutoff Denim Shorts

Dazies 2318 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Cutoff Denim Shorts

Dazies 5698 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Cutoff Denim Shorts

Dazies 5699 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Cutoff Denim Shorts

Dazies 5700 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Drawstring Shorts

Dazies 629 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Drawstring Shorts

Dazies 5689 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Drawstring Shorts

Dazies 5690 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Drawstring Shorts

Dazies 5691 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Glitter-Encrusted Pants

Dazies 1013 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Glitter-Encrusted Pants

Dazies 3108 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Glitter-Encrusted Pants

Dazies 3109 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Glitter-Encrusted Pants

Dazies 3110 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Lace-Edged Dotted Shorts

Dazies 1153 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Lace-Edged Dotted Shorts

Dazies 5695 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Lace-Edged Dotted Shorts

Dazies 5696 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Lace-Edged Dotted Shorts

Dazies 5697 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Ladybug Pants

Dazies 863 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 98: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Ladybug Pants

Dazies 3212 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Ladybug Pants

Dazies 3213 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Ladybug Pants

Dazies 3214 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Oval-Spotted Shorts

Dazies 2620 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Oval-Spotted Shorts

Dazies 5632 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Patchwork Jeans

Dazies 2304 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Patchwork Jeans

Dazies 5599 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Patchwork Jeans

Dazies 5600 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Patchwork Jeans

Dazies 5601 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Striped Slouch-Hem Pants

Dazies 1151 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Striped Slouch-Hem Pants

Dazies 3236 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Striped Slouch-Hem Pants

Dazies 3237 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Striped Slouch-Hem Pants

Dazies 3238 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Striped Spandex Pants

Dazies 626 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Spandex Pants

Dazies 3218 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Spandex Pants

Dazies 3219 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Spandex Pants

Dazies 3220 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Bow-Trimmed Bubble Skirt

Dazies 644 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Bow-Trimmed Bubble Skirt

Dazies 3255 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Bow-Trimmed Bubble Skirt

Dazies 3256 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Box-Pleat Miniskirt

Dazies 2524 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Box-Pleat Miniskirt

Dazies 5825 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Box-Pleat Miniskirt

Dazies 5826 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Box-Pleat Miniskirt

Dazies 5827 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Dotted Bubble-Hem Skirt

Dazies 645 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Dotted Bubble-Hem Skirt

Dazies 3260 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Dotted Bubble-Hem Skirt

Dazies 3262 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Dotted-Hem Hoopskirt

Dazies 229 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Dotted-Hem Hoopskirt

Dazies 3540 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Dotted-Hem Hoopskirt

Dazies 3543 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Double-Dotted Miniskirt

Dazies 2543 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Double-Dotted Miniskirt

Dazies 3065 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Double-Dotted Miniskirt

Dazies 3066 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Floral Lace Tutu Skirt

Dazies 861 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Floral Lace Tutu Skirt

Dazies 3577 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Floral Lace Tutu Skirt

Dazies 3578 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Floral Lace Tutu Skirt

Dazies 3579 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Knife-Pleat Plaid Skirt

Dazies 2545 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Knife-Pleat Plaid Skirt

Dazies 5843 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Knife-Pleat Plaid Skirt

Dazies 5844 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Patch-Fabric Miniskirt

Dazies 389 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Patch-Fabric Miniskirt

Dazies 2967 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Patch-Fabric Miniskirt

Dazies 2972 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Petals A-Line Skirt

Dazies 391 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Petals A-Line Skirt

Dazies 3018 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Petals A-Line Skirt

Dazies 3789 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Polka-Dot Tutu Skirt

Dazies 956 rBuy: 27 Sell: 67

Polka-Dot Tutu Skirt

Dazies 3586 rBuy: 27 Sell: 67

Polka-Dot Tutu Skirt

Dazies 3588 rBuy: 27 Sell: 67

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 211 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8887 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8888 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8889 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8890 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8891 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 99: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8892 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8893 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8894 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8895 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8896 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8897 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8898 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8899 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8900 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8901 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8902 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8903 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8904 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8905 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8906 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8907 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8908 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8909 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8910 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8911 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8912 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8913 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8914 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8915 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8916 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8917 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8918 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8919 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8920 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8921 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8922 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8923 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8924 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8925 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8926 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8927 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8928 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8929 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8930 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8931 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8932 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8933 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8934 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8935 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8936 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8937 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8938 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8939 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8940 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8941 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8942 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8943 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8944 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8945 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8946 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8947 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

COllabOraTiOn COllabOraTiOn

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 100: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8948 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Rose-Corsage Miniskirt

Dazies 8949 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Striped Tutu Skirt

Dazies 400 rBuy: 37 Sell: 94

Striped Tutu Skirt

Dazies 3572 rBuy: 37 Sell: 94

Tie-Dyed Tutu Skirt

Dazies 232 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Tie-Dyed Tutu Skirt

Dazies 3562 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Tie-Dyed Tutu Skirt

Dazies 3564 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Tulle Hoopskirt

Dazies 230 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Tulle Hoopskirt

Dazies 3544 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Tulle Hoopskirt

Dazies 3546 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Tulle Tutu Skirt

Dazies 231 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Tulle Tutu Skirt

Dazies 3550 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Tulle Tutu Skirt

Dazies 3551 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Tulle Tutu Skirt

Dazies 3552 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Gingham Overalls

Dazies 2375 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Gingham Overalls

Dazies 6032 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Gingham Overalls

Dazies 6033 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Gingham Overalls

Dazies 6034 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Gingham Overalls

Dazies 13424 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Gingham Overalls

Dazies 13425 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Sequined Long Scarf

Dazies 685 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sequined Long Scarf

Dazies 3772 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Sequined Long Scarf

Dazies 3774 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31










Double-Heart Specs

Dazies 688 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Double-Heart Specs

Dazies 4162 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Double-Star Specs

Dazies 4166 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Double-Star Specs

Dazies 4167 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Vertigo-View Specs

Dazies 571 rBuy: 71 Sell: 71

Double-Heart Specs

Dazies 4163 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Double-Heart Specs

Dazies 4164 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Double-Star Specs

Dazies 896 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Double-Star Specs

Dazies 4165 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Leopard-Spot Cowboy Hat

Dazies 3980 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Leopard-Spot Cowboy Hat

Dazies 3981 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Patterned Bow

Dazies 472 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Patterned Bow

Dazies 4016 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Ladybug Beret

Dazies 869 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Ladybug Beret

Dazies 1299 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Ladybug Beret

Dazies 1300 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Leopard-Spot Cowboy Hat

Dazies 865 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Ribbon-Banded Straw Hat

Dazies 3871 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Ribbon-Banded Straw Hat

Dazies 3872 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Ribbon-Banded Straw Hat

Dazies 3873 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Solid-Color Bow

Dazies 13242 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Patterned Bow

Dazies 4017 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Pearl Headband

Dazies 415 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Pearl Headband

Dazies 1329 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Ribbon-Banded Straw Hat

Dazies 792 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23




Solid-Color Bow

Dazies 13247 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Bow

Dazies 13248 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Bow

Dazies 13249 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Bow

Dazies 13250 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Bow

Dazies 13243 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Bow

Dazies 13244 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Bow

Dazies 13245 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Bow

Dazies 13246 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Bow

Dazies 13251 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Swirl Gatsby Cap

Dazies 895 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Swirl Gatsby Cap

Dazies 4013 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21

Swirl Gatsby Cap

Dazies 4014 rBuy: 4 Sell: 21





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 101: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Skull-Bunny Long Scarf

Dazies 510 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Skull-Bunny Long Scarf

Dazies 3758 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Skull-Bunny Long Scarf

Dazies 3759 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Kitty Necklace

Dazies 410 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Kitty Necklace

Dazies 3901 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Kitty Necklace

Dazies 3902 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Kitty Necklace

Dazies 3903 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Multicolor Bead Necklace

Dazies 1963 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Multicolor Bead Necklace

Dazies 3925 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Multicolor Bead Necklace

Dazies 3926 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Multicolor Bead Necklace

Dazies 3927 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Polka-Dot Opera Gloves

Dazies 2330 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Knit Opera Gloves

Dazies 2331 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Rainbow Gloves

Dazies 5917 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Slouched Leg Warmers

Dazies 1805 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Slouched Leg Warmers

Dazies 6408 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Slouched Leg Warmers

Dazies 6409 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Slouched Leg Warmers

Dazies 6410 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Slouched Leg Warmers

Dazies 6411 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Slouched Leg Warmers

Dazies 6412 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Slouched Leg Warmers

Dazies 6413 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Slouched Leg Warmers

Dazies 6414 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Slouched Leg Warmers

Dazies 6415 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Slouched Leg Warmers

Dazies 6416 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Slouched Leg Warmers

Dazies 6417 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Leg Warmers

Dazies 451 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Striped Leg Warmers

Dazies 3790 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Striped Leg Warmers

Dazies 3791 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Striped Leg Warmers

Dazies 3792 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Aster-Bloom Leggings

Dazies 2708 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Aster-Bloom Leggings

Dazies 5560 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Aster-Bloom Leggings

Dazies 5561 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Aster-Bloom Leggings

Dazies 5562 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 443 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 2852 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 2853 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 2854 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 13026 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 13027 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 13028 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 13029 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 13030 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 13031 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 13032 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 13033 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 13034 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 13035 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 13036 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 13037 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Block-Striped Kneesocks

Dazies 13038 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Circle-Chain Kneesocks

Dazies 442 rBuy: 2 Sell: 15

Circle-Chain Kneesocks

Dazies 2849 rBuy: 2 Sell: 15
















Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 102: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Circle-Chain Kneesocks

Dazies 2850 rBuy: 2 Sell: 15

Dot-Print Tights

Dazies 365 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Dot-Print Tights

Dazies 2904 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Plaid Tights

Dazies 2125 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Plaid Tights

Dazies 5575 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Plaid Tights

Dazies 5576 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Plaid Tights

Dazies 5577 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Rainbow Thigh-Highs

Dazies 362 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Rainbow Thigh-Highs

Dazies 1204 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Rainbow Thigh-Highs

Dazies 1205 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Rainbow Thigh-Highs

Dazies 1206 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Kneesocks

Dazies 13482 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Kneesocks

Dazies 13483 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Kneesocks

Dazies 13484 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Kneesocks

Dazies 13485 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Kneesocks

Dazies 13486 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Kneesocks

Dazies 13487 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Kneesocks

Dazies 13488 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Kneesocks

Dazies 13489 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Kneesocks

Dazies 13490 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Kneesocks

Dazies 13491 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Kneesocks

Dazies 13492 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Kneesocks

Dazies 13493 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 2709 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 6428 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 6429 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 6430 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 6431 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 6432 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 6433 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 6434 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 6435 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 6436 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 6437 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 13050 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 13051 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 13052 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 13053 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 13054 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 13055 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 13056 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 13057 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Leggings

Dazies 13058 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 5578 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 5579 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 5580 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 6418 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 6419 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 6420 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 6421 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 6422 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 6423 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 6424 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 6425 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 6426 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 6427 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 103: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 13071 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 13072 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 13073 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 13074 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 13075 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Solid-Color Tights

Dazies 13076 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Watercolor-Rose Tights

Dazies 171 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Watercolor-Rose Tights

Dazies 1207 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Watercolor-Rose Tights

Dazies 1208 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Watercolor-Rose Tights

Dazies 1209 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Bow-Top Ballet Flats

Dazies 6482 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Bow-Top Ballet Flats

Dazies 6507 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Bow-Top Ballet Flats

Dazies 6508 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Bow-Top Ballet Flats

Dazies 6509 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Camo High-Tops

Dazies 423 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Camo High-Tops

Dazies 3349 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Camo High-Tops

Dazies 3350 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Floral Wedge Sandal

Dazies 249 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Floral Wedge Sandal

Dazies 3715 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Floral Wedge Sandal

Dazies 3716 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Floral Wedge Sandal

Dazies 3717 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Froggy Rain Boots

Dazies 927 rBuy: 18 Sell: 45

Froggy Rain Boots

Dazies 3435 rBuy: 18 Sell: 45

Froggy Rain Boots

Dazies 3436 rBuy: 18 Sell: 45

Froggy Rain Boots

Dazies 3437 rBuy: 18 Sell: 45

Lamé Mules

Dazies 403 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Lamé Mules

Dazies 1223 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Leopard-Spot Boots

Dazies 2513 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Leopard-Spot Boots

Dazies 3408 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Leopard-Spot Boots

Dazies 3409 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Leopard-Spot Boots

Dazies 3410 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Melon-Slice Sneakers

Dazies 647 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Melon-Slice Sneakers

Dazies 3330 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Melon-Slice Sneakers

Dazies 3331 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Melon-Slice Sneakers

Dazies 3335 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Polka-Dot-Bow Mules

Dazies 448 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Polka-Dot-Bow Mules

Dazies 3521 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Polka-Dot-Bow Mules

Dazies 3522 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Polka-Dot-Bow Mules

Dazies 3523 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Polka-Dot-Bow Mules

Dazies 13101 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Polka-Dot-Bow Mules

Dazies 13102 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Polka-Dot-Bow Mules

Dazies 13103 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Polka-Dot-Bow Mules

Dazies 13104 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Polka-Dot-Bow Mules

Dazies 13105 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Polka-Dot-Bow Mules

Dazies 13106 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Ribboned Slouch Boots

Dazies 2532 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Ribboned Slouch Boots

Dazies 3531 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Ribboned Slouch Boots

Dazies 3532 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Ribboned Slouch Boots

Dazies 3533 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Ribboned Slouch Boots

Dazies 13107 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Ribboned Slouch Boots

Dazies 13108 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Ribboned Slouch Boots

Dazies 13109 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Ribboned Slouch Boots

Dazies 13110 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Solid-Color High-Tops

Dazies 646 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Solid-Color High-Tops

Dazies 3328 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 104: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Solid-Color High-Tops

Dazies 3329 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Solid-Color High-Tops

Dazies 13426 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Solid-Color High-Tops

Dazies 13427 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Solid-Color High-Tops

Dazies 13428 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Solid-Color High-Tops

Dazies 13429 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Solid-Color High-Tops

Dazies 13430 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Solid-Color High-Tops

Dazies 13431 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Solid-Color High-Tops

Dazies 13432 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Solid-Color High-Tops

Dazies 13550 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Strawberry Boots

Dazies 758 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Strawberry Boots

Dazies 3454 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Strawberry Boots

Dazies 3455 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Strawberry Boots

Dazies 13435 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Two-Tone Flip-Flops

Dazies 425 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Two-Tone Flip-Flops

Dazies 3411 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Two-Tone Flip-Flops

Dazies 3412 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Two-Tone Flip-Flops

Dazies 3413 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12


Angel-Wing Camisole

Époque 58 ❒Buy: 16 Sell: 42

Angel-Wing Camisole

Époque 1448 ❒Buy: 16 Sell: 42

Angle-Ruffl e T-Shirt

Époque 13 ❒Buy: 7 Sell: 38

Angle-Ruffl e T-Shirt

Époque 1082 ❒Buy: 7 Sell: 38

Bow-Front Blouse

Époque 96 ❒Buy: 31 Sell: 78

Bow-Front Blouse

Époque 1605 ❒Buy: 31 Sell: 78

Bow-Front Blouse

Époque 13287 ❒Buy: 31 Sell: 78

Bow-Front Blouse

Époque 13288 ❒Buy: 31 Sell: 78

Journey back to a gentler era with Époque, a delicate clothing line devoted to vintage looks. Let Époque help you create sentimental ensembles that bring out your subtle sense of style.

Customer keywords:Vintage, delicate, sentimental, gentle

poqueJourney back to a gentler era with Époque, a


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Dresses Pants Skirts Overalls Glasses Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 105: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Bow-Front Blouse

Époque 13289 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Bow-Front Blouse

Époque 13290 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Buckle-Strap Dress Shirt

Époque 693 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Buckle-Strap Dress Shirt

Époque 1574 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Buckle-Strap Dress Shirt

Époque 1575 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Buckle-Strap Dress Shirt

Époque 1576 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Chrysanthemum Camisole

Époque 65 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Dotted Tuxedo Blouse

Époque 1146 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Dotted Tuxedo Blouse

Époque 5284 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Drape-Front T-Shirt

Époque 14 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Drape-Front T-Shirt

Époque 1105 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Pansy T-Shirt

Époque 7 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Pansy T-Shirt

Époque 1033 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Pansy T-Shirt

Époque 1035 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Pearl-Encrusted Tank Top

Époque 703 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Pearl-Encrusted Tank Top

Époque 1392 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Pearl-Encrusted Tank Top

Époque 1394 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Pin-Striped Camisole

Époque 839 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Pin-Striped Camisole

Époque 5158 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Rose-Stencil T-Shirt

Époque 1746 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Rose-Stencil T-Shirt

Époque 4424 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Ruffle-Front Blouse

Époque 98 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Ruffle-Front Blouse

Époque 1123 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Ruffle-Front Blouse

Époque 13303 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Ruffle-Front Blouse

Époque 13304 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Ruffle-Front Blouse

Époque 13305 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Ruffle-Front Blouse

Époque 13306 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Tuxedo Dress Shirt

Époque 320 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Tuxedo Dress Shirt

Époque 1599 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Tuxedo Dress Shirt

Époque 1600 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Tuxedo Dress Shirt

Époque 13284 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Tuxedo Dress Shirt

Époque 13285 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Tuxedo Dress Shirt

Époque 13286 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Tuxedo-Pleat Shirt

Époque 15 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Tuxedo-Pleat Shirt

Époque 1088 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Tuxedo-Pleat Shirt

Époque 1089 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Two-Tone Camisole

Époque 711 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Two-Tone Camisole

Époque 1518 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Two-Tone Camisole

Époque 1519 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Y-Striped T-Shirt

Époque 1750 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Y-Striped T-Shirt

Époque 4489 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Y-Striped T-Shirt

Époque 4490 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Belted Keyhole-Neck Top

Époque 663 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Belted Keyhole-Neck Top

Époque 1674 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Crochet Crop Vest

Époque 125 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Crochet Crop Vest

Époque 2171 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Crochet Crop Vest

Époque 2172 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Crossover Corsage Top

Époque 699 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Crossover Corsage Top

Époque 2198 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Dotted Corsage Camisole

Époque 35 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Dotted Corsage Camisole

Époque 1827 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Dotted Corsage Camisole

Époque 1829 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Dotted Corsage Top

Époque 46 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Dotted Corsage Top

Époque 1891 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Floral-Bouquet Blouse

Époque 542 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100



Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 106: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Floral-Bouquet Blouse

Époque 2097 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Floral-Bouquet Blouse

Époque 2098 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Floret Dress Shirt

Époque 105 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Floret Dress Shirt

Époque 2070 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Knit Bolero Cardigan

Époque 2784 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Knit Bolero Cardigan

Époque 5482 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Knit Bolero Cardigan

Époque 5483 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Lace-Collar Empire Top

Époque 691 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Lace-Collar Empire Top

Époque 1839 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Lace-Collar Empire Top

Époque 1840 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Lace-Collar Empire Top

Époque 1841 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Lace-Collar Top

Époque 479 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Lace-Collar Top

Époque 1887 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Lace-Pocket Vest

Époque 126 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Lace-Pocket Vest

Époque 5419 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Lace-Pocket Vest

Époque 5420 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Lace-Tie-Collar Top

Époque 1135 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Lace-Tie-Collar Top

Époque 4585 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Lace-Tie-Collar Top

Époque 4586 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Lace-Up Camisole

Époque 842 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Lace-Up Camisole

Époque 1927 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Lace-Up Camisole

Époque 1928 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Lace-Up Camisole

Époque 1929 rBuy: 7 Sell: 37

Lacy Corsage Top

Époque 612 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Lacy Corsage Top

Époque 1697 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Lacy Corsage Top

Époque 1698 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Lacy U-Neck Cardigan

Époque 2780 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Lacy U-Neck Cardigan

Époque 5470 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Lacy U-Neck Cardigan

Époque 5471 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Lacy U-Neck Cardigan

Époque 5472 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Necklace-Chain Camisole

Époque 76 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Necklace-Chain Camisole

Époque 5305 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Necklace-Chain Camisole

Époque 5306 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Petal-Top Halter Camisole

Époque 305 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Petal-Top Halter Camisole

Époque 1908 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Poet’s Bolero Cardigan

Époque 131 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Poet’s Bolero Cardigan

Époque 5461 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Poet’s Bolero Cardigan

Époque 5462 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Poet’s Bolero Cardigan

Époque 5463 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Polka-Dot Camisole

Époque 297 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Polka-Dot Camisole

Époque 4826 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Polka-Dot Camisole

Époque 4827 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Polka-Dot Camisole

Époque 4828 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Rhinestone Cardigan

Époque 2782 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Rhinestone Cardigan

Époque 5476 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Rhinestone Cardigan

Époque 5477 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Rhinestone Cardigan

Époque 5478 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ribbon-Drape Top

Époque 1136 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ribbon-Drape Top

Époque 4588 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Ribbon-Tie Cardigan

Époque 12472 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Ribbon-Tie Cardigan

Époque 12473 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 311 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8068 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8069 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8070 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8071 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 107: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8072 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8073 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8074 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8075 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8076 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8077 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8078 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8079 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8080 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8081 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8082 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8083 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8084 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8085 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8086 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8087 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8088 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8089 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8090 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8091 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8092 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8093 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8094 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8095 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8096 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8097 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8098 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8099 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8100 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8101 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8102 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8103 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27


Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8104 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8105 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8106 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8107 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8108 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8109 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8110 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8111 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8112 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8113 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8114 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8115 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8116 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8117 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8118 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8119 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8120 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8121 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8122 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8123 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8124 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8125 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8126 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8127 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 108: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book



Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8128 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8129 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rose-Bouquet Camisole

Époque 8130 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Rosette-Lace Camisole

Époque 86 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Rosette-Lace Camisole

Époque 2001 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Rosette-Lace Camisole

Époque 2002 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Ruffl ed Crossover Top

Époque 132 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Ruffl ed Crossover Top

Époque 5491 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Ruffl ed Crossover Top

Époque 5492 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Ruffl ed Crossover Top

Époque 5493 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Ruffl ed-Collar Top

Époque 45 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Ruffl ed-Collar Top

Époque 1884 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Ruffl ed-Collar Top

Époque 1885 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Ruffl ed-Collar Top

Époque 1886 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Sweetheart Neckline Top

Époque 32 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Sweetheart Neckline Top

Époque 1118 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

U-Neck Top

Époque 2779 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

U-Neck Top

Époque 5467 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

U-Neck Top

Époque 5468 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

U-Neck Top

Époque 5469 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Wide-Collar Blouse

Époque 717 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Wide-Collar Blouse

Époque 2102 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bouclé-Collar Cardigan

Époque 134 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Bouclé-Collar Cardigan

Époque 2570 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Bouclé-Collar Cardigan

Époque 2571 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Bouclé-Collar Cardigan

Époque 2572 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Cable-Knit Bolero

Époque 652 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Cable-Knit Bolero

Époque 1183 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Cable-Knit Cardigan

Époque 936 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Cable-Knit Cardigan

Époque 2630 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Cable-Knit Cardigan

Époque 2631 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100




Cable-Knit Cardigan

Époque 2632 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

Époque 133 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

Époque 2494 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

Époque 12486 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

Époque 12487 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

Époque 12488 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

Époque 12489 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

Époque 12490 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

Époque 12491 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

Époque 12492 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

Époque 12493 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

Époque 12494 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Crochet-Edged Cardigan

Époque 12495 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Crossover Cardigan

Époque 889 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Crossover Cardigan

Époque 2555 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Denim Bolero Jacket

Époque 114 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Denim Bolero Jacket

Époque 4978 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Denim Bolero Jacket

Époque 4979 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Denim Bolero Jacket

Époque 4980 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 890 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8194 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8195 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8196 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8197 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 109: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8198 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8199 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8200 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8201 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8202 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8203 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8204 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8205 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8206 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8207 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8208 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8209 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8210 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8211 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8212 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8213 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8214 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8215 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8216 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8217 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8218 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8219 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8220 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8221 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8222 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8223 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8224 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8225 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8226 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8227 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8228 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8229 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8230 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8231 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8232 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8233 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8234 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8235 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8236 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8237 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8238 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8239 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8240 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8241 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8242 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8243 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8244 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8245 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8246 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8247 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8248 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8249 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8250 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8251 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8252 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8253 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 110: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8254 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8255 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Breasted Cardigan

Époque 8256 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Floral Knit Cardigan

Époque 892 rBuy: 34 Sell: 86

Floral Knit Cardigan

Époque 5092 rBuy: 34 Sell: 86

Flower-Vine Cardigan

Époque 2540 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Flower-Vine Cardigan

Époque 5050 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Flower-Vine Cardigan

Époque 5051 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Flower-Vine Cardigan

Époque 5052 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Lace-Edged Cardigan

Époque 2539 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Lace-Edged Cardigan

Époque 5047 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Lace-Edged Cardigan

Époque 5048 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Lace-Edged Cardigan

Époque 5049 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Lace-Pocket Cardigan

Époque 668 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Lace-Pocket Cardigan

Époque 2611 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Pansy-Collar Cardigan

Époque 667 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Pansy-Collar Cardigan

Époque 2604 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Puffed-Sleeve Cardigan

Époque 135 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Puffed-Sleeve Cardigan

Époque 779 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Puffed-Sleeve Cardigan

Époque 2498 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Puffed-Sleeve Cardigan

Époque 2499 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Puffed-Sleeve Cardigan

Époque 2575 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Puffed-Sleeve Cardigan

Époque 2576 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Puffed-Sleeve Cardigan

Époque 2577 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 891 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8131 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8132 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8133 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8134 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8135 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8136 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8137 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8138 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8139 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8140 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8141 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8142 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8143 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8144 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8145 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8146 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8147 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8148 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8149 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8150 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8151 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8152 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8153 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8154 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8155 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8156 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8157 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8158 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8159 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8160 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8161 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 111: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8162 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8163 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8164 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8165 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8166 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8167 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8168 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8169 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8170 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8171 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8172 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8173 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8174 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8175 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8176 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8177 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8178 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8179 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8180 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8181 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8182 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8183 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8184 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8185 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8186 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8187 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8188 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8189 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8190 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8191 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8192 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ribbon-Stitched Cardigan

Époque 8193 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Striped U-Neck Cardigan

Époque 886 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Striped U-Neck Cardigan

Époque 2488 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Striped U-Neck Cardigan

Époque 2489 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Striped U-Neck Cardigan

Époque 2490 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Zip-up Nordic Sweater

Époque 1280 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Zip-up Nordic Sweater

Époque 5113 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Zip-up Nordic Sweater

Époque 5114 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Dotted Vented Tunic

Époque 2792 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Dotted Vented Tunic

Époque 4174 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Dotted Vented Tunic

Époque 4176 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Empire-Waist Tunic

Époque 1359 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Empire-Waist Tunic

Époque 4718 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Empire-Waist Tunic

Époque 4719 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Hawaiian Tunic

Époque 489 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Hawaiian Tunic

Époque 4633 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Hawaiian Tunic

Époque 4634 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Hawaiian Tunic

Époque 4635 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Lace-Edged V-Neck Tunic

Époque 2060 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Lace-Edged V-Neck Tunic

Époque 4363 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Lace-Edged V-Neck Tunic

Époque 4364 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Lace-Edged V-Neck Tunic

Époque 4365 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Lacy, Ribbon-Tied Tunic

Époque 488 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Lacy, Ribbon-Tied Tunic

Époque 4630 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39






Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 112: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Lacy, Ribbon-Tied Tunic

Époque 4631 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Lattice-Motif Tunic

Époque 490 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lattice-Motif Tunic

Époque 4636 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lattice-Motif Tunic

Époque 4637 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lattice-Motif Tunic

Époque 4638 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Patch-Fabric V-Neck Tunic

Époque 157 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Patch-Fabric V-Neck Tunic

Époque 4354 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Patch-Fabric V-Neck Tunic

Époque 4355 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Patch-Fabric V-Neck Tunic

Époque 4356 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Side-Bow Crossover Tunic

Époque 161 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Side-Bow Crossover Tunic

Époque 4730 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Side-Bow Crossover Tunic

Époque 4731 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Side-Bow Crossover Tunic

Époque 4732 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Striped Vented Tunic

Époque 2793 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Vented Tunic

Époque 4178 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Vented Tunic

Époque 4179 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped, Button-up Tunic

Époque 160 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Striped, Button-up Tunic

Époque 4715 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Cargo Capri Shorts

Époque 628 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cargo Capri Shorts

Époque 3266 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cargo Capri Shorts

Époque 3267 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cargo Capri Shorts

Époque 3268 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cargo Capri Shorts

Époque 12746 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cargo Capri Shorts

Époque 12747 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cargo Capri Shorts

Époque 12748 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cargo Capri Shorts

Époque 12749 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cargo Capri Shorts

Époque 12750 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cargo Capri Shorts

Époque 12751 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cargo Capri Shorts

Époque 12752 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cargo Capri Shorts

Époque 12753 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cargo Capri Shorts

Époque 12754 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cargo Capri Shorts

Époque 12755 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Chain-Corsage Shorts

Époque 2618 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Chain-Corsage Shorts

Époque 5626 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Chain-Corsage Shorts

Époque 5627 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Cuffed, Ribbon-Tie Shorts

Époque 1018 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Cuffed, Ribbon-Tie Shorts

Époque 5647 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Dotted Slouch-Hem Pants

Époque 192 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Dotted Slouch-Hem Pants

Époque 5683 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Lace-Edged Capri Shorts

Époque 565 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Lace-Edged Capri Shorts

Époque 3081 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Pin-Striped Shorts

Époque 625 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Pin-Striped Shorts

Époque 3203 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Pin-Striped Shorts

Époque 3204 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Plaid Capri Shorts

Époque 175 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Plaid Capri Shorts

Époque 2968 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Plaid Capri Shorts

Époque 2969 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Plaid Capri Shorts

Époque 2970 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Side-Button Capri Shorts

Époque 786 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Side-Button Capri Shorts

Époque 3030 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Side-Button Capri Shorts

Époque 3031 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Side-Laced Capri Shorts

Époque 183 rBuy: 35 Sell: 89

Side-Laced Capri Shorts

Époque 3015 rBuy: 35 Sell: 89

Side-Laced Capri Shorts

Époque 3016 rBuy: 35 Sell: 89

Slouch-Hem Pants

Époque 2317 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 113: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Slouch-Hem Pants

Époque 5686 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Slouch-Hem Pants

Époque 5687 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Slouch-Hem Pants

Époque 5688 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Angle-Stripe Skirt

Époque 218 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Angle-Stripe Skirt

Époque 3048 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Angle-Stripe Skirt

Époque 3050 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Button-up Skirt

Époque 2354 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Button-up Skirt

Époque 5747 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Button-up Skirt

Époque 5748 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Knife-Pleat Skirt

Époque 2530 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Knife-Pleat Skirt

Époque 5840 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Knife-Pleat Skirt

Époque 5841 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Lace, Knife-Pleat Skirt

Époque 224 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

Lace, Knife-Pleat Skirt

Époque 3147 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

Lace, Knife-Pleat Skirt

Époque 3148 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

Lace-Hem Pleated Skirt

Époque 2529 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Lace-Hem Pleated Skirt

Époque 5837 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Patch-Fabric Skirt

Époque 219 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Patch-Fabric Skirt

Époque 3051 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Patch-Fabric Skirt

Époque 3053 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Petal-Shower Skirt

Époque 493 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Petal-Shower Skirt

Époque 2587 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Petal-Shower Skirt

Époque 2588 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Petal-Shower Skirt

Époque 2589 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Polka-Dot Bubble Skirt

Époque 642 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Polka-Dot Bubble Skirt

Époque 3245 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Polka-Dot Bubble Skirt

Époque 3246 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Poppy-Petal Skirt

Époque 388 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Ruffled A-Line Skirt

Époque 209 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Ruffled A-Line Skirt

Époque 1213 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Ruffled A-Line Skirt

Époque 1215 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Ruffled A-Line Skirt

Époque 12787 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Ruffled A-Line Skirt

Époque 12788 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Ruffled A-Line Skirt

Époque 12789 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Ruffled A-Line Skirt

Époque 12790 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Ruffled A-Line Skirt

Époque 12791 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Ruffled A-Line Skirt

Époque 12792 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Ruffled A-Line Skirt

Époque 12793 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Ruffled A-Line Skirt

Époque 12794 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Ruffled A-Line Skirt

Époque 12795 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Three-Tiered Skirt

Époque 524 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Three-Tiered Skirt

Époque 3289 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Black-Lace Dress

Époque 352 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Black-Lace Dress

Époque 4195 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Black-Lace Dress

Époque 4196 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Black-Lace Dress

Époque 4197 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Floral Shirt Dress

Époque 2217 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Floral Shirt Dress

Époque 4622 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Floral Shirt Dress

Époque 4623 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Floral, Scarf-Hem Dress

Époque 147 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Floral, Scarf-Hem Dress

Époque 4090 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Floral, Scarf-Hem Dress

Époque 4091 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Floral, Scarf-Hem Dress

Époque 4092 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 727 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102







Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 114: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8005 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8006 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8007 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8008 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8009 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8010 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8011 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8012 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8013 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8014 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8015 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8016 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8017 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8018 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8019 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8020 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8021 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8022 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8023 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8024 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8025 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8026 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8027 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8028 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8029 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8030 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8031 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8032 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8033 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8034 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8035 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8036 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8037 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8038 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8039 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8040 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8041 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8042 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8043 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8044 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8045 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8046 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8047 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8048 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8049 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8050 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8051 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8052 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8053 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8054 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8055 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8056 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8057 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8058 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8059 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8060 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 115: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8061 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8062 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8063 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8064 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8065 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8066 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lace-Trimmed Dress

Époque 8067 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Lacy, Long-Sleeved Dress

Époque 2541 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Lacy, Long-Sleeved Dress

Époque 4673 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Lacy, Long-Sleeved Dress

Époque 4674 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Lacy, Long-Sleeved Dress

Époque 4675 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Plunging V-Neck Dress

Époque 780 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Plunging V-Neck Dress

Époque 4352 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Polka-Dot Cutaway Dress

Époque 2542 rBuy: 41 Sell: 104

Polka-Dot Cutaway Dress

Époque 4676 rBuy: 41 Sell: 104

Polka-Dot Cutaway Dress

Époque 4677 rBuy: 41 Sell: 104

Polka-Dot Cutaway Dress

Époque 4678 rBuy: 41 Sell: 104

Puffed-Sleeve Dress

Époque 159 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Puffed-Sleeve Dress

Époque 4654 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Puffed-Sleeve Dress

Époque 4655 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Rose-Appliqué Dress

Époque 802 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Rose-Appliqué Dress

Époque 4261 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Rose-Appliqué Dress

Époque 4262 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70





Half-Frame Glasses

Époque 1996 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Half-Frame Glasses

Époque 4132 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Half-Frame Glasses

Époque 4133 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Half-Frame Glasses

Époque 4134 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Frameless Glasses

Époque 1995 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Frameless Glasses

Époque 4129 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Frameless Glasses

Époque 4130 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Frameless Glasses

Époque 4131 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Banded Floral Hat

Époque 893 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Banded Floral Hat

Époque 3886 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Ski Cap

Époque 2065 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Horn-Rimmed Glasses

Époque 1994 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Horn-Rimmed Glasses

Époque 4126 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Horn-Rimmed Glasses

Époque 4127 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Horn-Rimmed Glasses

Époque 4128 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Cable-Knit Ski Cap

Époque 13210 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Cable-Knit Ski Cap

Époque 13211 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Cable-Knit Ski Cap

Époque 13212 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Cable-Knit Ski Cap

Époque 13213 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Cable-Knit Ski Cap

Époque 3997 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Cable-Knit Ski Cap

Époque 3998 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Cable-Knit Ski Cap

Époque 3999 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Cable-Knit Ski Cap

Époque 13209 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Cable-Knit Ski Cap

Époque 13218 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Cat-Ear Ski Cap

Époque 830 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Cat-Ear Ski Cap

Époque 1296 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Cat-Ear Ski Cap

Époque 1297 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Cable-Knit Ski Cap

Époque 13214 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Cable-Knit Ski Cap

Époque 13215 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Cable-Knit Ski Cap

Époque 13216 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Cable-Knit Ski Cap

Époque 13217 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Jeweled Headband

Époque 2340 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Jeweled Headband

Époque 4045 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Jeweled Headband

Époque 4046 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Jeweled Headband

Époque 4047 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Corsage-Banded Bandino

Époque 266 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage-Banded Bandino

Époque 3874 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage-Banded Bandino

Époque 3875 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Corsage-Banded Bandino

Époque 3876 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49




COllabOraTiOn COllabOraTiOn

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 116: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Cable-Knit Leg Warmers

Époque 1527 rBuy: 2 Sell: 13

Cable-Knit Leg Warmers

Époque 5900 rBuy: 2 Sell: 13

Cable-Knit Leg Warmers

Époque 5901 rBuy: 2 Sell: 13

Dotted Over-Knee Socks

Époque 680 rBuy: 6 Sell: 15

Dotted Over-Knee Socks

Époque 2924 rBuy: 6 Sell: 15

Dotted Over-Knee Socks

Époque 2926 rBuy: 6 Sell: 15

Floret Footies

Époque 170 rBuy: 1 Sell: 7

Floret Footies

Époque 2891 rBuy: 1 Sell: 7

Floret Footies

Époque 2893 rBuy: 1 Sell: 7

Pansy Kneesocks

Époque 701 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Pansy Kneesocks

Époque 2861 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Pansy Kneesocks

Époque 2862 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Pansy Kneesocks

Époque 2863 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Side-Button Leggings

Époque 2707 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Side-Button Leggings

Époque 5557 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Side-Button Leggings

Époque 5558 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Side-Button Leggings

Époque 13047 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Side-Button Leggings

Époque 13048 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Side-Button Leggings

Époque 13049 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Buckled Mules

Époque 239 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Buckled Mules

Époque 3518 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Buckled Mules

Époque 3519 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Buckled Mules

Époque 6467 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Buckled Mules

Époque 6468 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Dotted Pointed-Toe Flats

Époque 237 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Dotted Pointed-Toe Flats

Époque 3426 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Dotted Pointed-Toe Flats

Époque 3427 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Leather Ballet Flats

Époque 6483 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Leather Ballet Flats

Époque 6510 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Leather Ballet Flats

Époque 6511 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace Headband

Époque 832 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Lace Headband

Époque 1317 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Lace Headband

Époque 1318 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Lace Headband

Époque 1319 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Knit Corsage Hat

Époque 894 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Knit Corsage Hat

Époque 4000 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Knit Corsage Hat

Époque 4001 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Knit Corsage Hat

Époque 4002 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Lacy Newsboy Cap

Époque 3841 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Lacy Newsboy Cap

Époque 3842 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Lacy Newsboy Cap

Époque 3843 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Lacy Newsboy Cap

Époque 13161 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Lacy Flat Cap

Époque 762 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Lacy Flat Cap

Époque 3860 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Lacy Flat Cap

Époque 3861 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Lacy Newsboy Cap

Époque 262 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Floret Long Scarf

Époque 3767 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Floret Long Scarf

Époque 3768 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Citrine Necklace

Époque 3894 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Lacy Newsboy Cap

Époque 13162 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Floret Long Scarf

Époque 257 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Floret Long Scarf

Époque 3766 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32S







Pearl-and-Gem Necklace

Époque 3972 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Sugilite Necklace

Époque 3893 rBuy: 45 Sell: 91

Tourmaline Necklace

Époque 3892 rBuy: 52 Sell: 105

Garnet Necklace

Époque 258 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Pearl-and-Gem Necklace

Époque 1975 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Pearl-and-Gem Necklace

Époque 3970 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Pearl-and-Gem Necklace

Époque 3971 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63 le

G war









Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 117: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Leather Ballet Flats

Époque 6512 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Open-Arch Bow Pumps

Époque 674 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Open-Arch Bow Pumps

Époque 3658 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Open-Arch Bow Pumps

Époque 3659 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Open-Arch Bow Pumps

Époque 3660 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Open-Arch Gem Pumps

Époque 675 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Arch Gem Pumps

Époque 3661 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Arch Gem Pumps

Époque 3662 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Arch Gem Pumps

Époque 3663 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Toe Mules

Époque 245 rBuy: 36 Sell: 90

Open-Toe Mules

Époque 3628 rBuy: 36 Sell: 90

Open-Toe Mules

Époque 3630 rBuy: 36 Sell: 90

Patent-Leather Slip-ons

Époque 6481 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Patent-Leather Slip-ons

Époque 6504 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Patent-Leather Slip-ons

Époque 6505 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Patent-Leather Slip-ons

Époque 6506 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Petal-Bow Slouch Boots

Époque 2511 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Petal-Bow Slouch Boots

Époque 3396 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Petal-Bow Slouch Boots

Époque 3397 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Petal-Bow Slouch Boots

Époque 3400 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Rhinestone Boots

Époque 507 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rhinestone Boots

Époque 3556 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rhinestone Boots

Époque 3557 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rhinestone Boots

Époque 3558 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rhinestone Boots

Époque 13120 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rhinestone Boots

Époque 13121 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rivet-Band Slouch Boots

Époque 2512 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Rivet-Band Slouch Boots

Époque 3405 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Rivet-Band Slouch Boots

Époque 3407 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Sheepskin Boots

Époque 2515 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Sheepskin Boots

Époque 3444 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Sheepskin Boots

Époque 3445 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Sheepskin Boots

Époque 13091 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Sheepskin Boots

Époque 13092 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Sheepskin Boots

Époque 13093 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Sheepskin Boots

Époque 13094 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Sheepskin Boots

Époque 13095 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Sheepskin Boots

Époque 13096 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Strappy Flats

Époque 658 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Strappy Flats

Époque 3438 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Strappy Flats

Époque 3439 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Strappy Flats

Époque 3440 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 118: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book



Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9020 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9021 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9022 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9023 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9024 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9025 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9026 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9027 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9028 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9029 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9030 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9031 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9032 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9033 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9034 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9035 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9036 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9037 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9038 r=Buy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9039 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9040 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9041 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9042 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9043 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9044 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9045 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9046 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9047 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9048 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9049 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9050 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9051 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 539 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9013 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9014 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9015 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9016 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9017 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9018 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9019 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Always on the go? Keep your active lifestyle going full speed with GXS, a sporty clothing line with a wide selection of stylish active wear and sleek performance apparel!

Customer Keywords:Sporty, athletic, active (wear)



Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 119: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9052 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9053 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9054 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9055 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9056 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9057 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9058 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9059 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9060 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9061 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9062 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9063 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9064 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9065 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9066 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9067 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9068 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9069 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9070 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9071 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9072 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9073 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9074 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Color-Block Polo Shirt

GXS 9075 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Mesh Sport T-Shirt

GXS 475 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Mesh Sport T-Shirt

GXS 969 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 748 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9076 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9077 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9078 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9079 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9080 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9081 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9082 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9083 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9084 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9085 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9086 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9087 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9088 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Collaboration Collaboration

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9089 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9090 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9091 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9092 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9093 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9094 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9095 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9096 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9097 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9098 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9099 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9100 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9101 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9102 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9103 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9104 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 120: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9105 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9106 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9107 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9108 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9109 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9110 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9111 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9112 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9113 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9114 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9115 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9116 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9117 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9118 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9119 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9120 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9121 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9122 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9123 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9124 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9125 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9126 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9127 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9128 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9129 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9130 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9131 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9132 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9133 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9134 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9135 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9136 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9137 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 1234 Sport Tank

GXS 9138 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

No. 39 Sport T-Shirt

GXS 702 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

No. 39 Sport T-Shirt

GXS 1060 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

No. 39 Sport T-Shirt

GXS 1061 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

No. 39 Sport T-Shirt

GXS 1062 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

No. 63 Sport Tank

GXS 976 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

No. 63 Sport Tank

GXS 4528 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

No. 63 Sport Tank

GXS 4529 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

No. 63 Sport Tank

GXS 4530 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

No. 8 Sport Tank

GXS 747 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

No. 8 Sport Tank

GXS 1395 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

No. 8 Sport Tank

GXS 1397 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

No. 9 Sport T-Shirt

GXS 286 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

No. 9 Sport T-Shirt

GXS 1075 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

No. 9 Sport T-Shirt

GXS 1077 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Polo Shirt

GXS 322 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Striped Polo Shirt

GXS 1613 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Striped Polo Shirt

GXS 1615 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

V-Neck Tennis T-Shirt

GXS 536 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

V-Neck Tennis T-Shirt

GXS 1039 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

V-Stripe T-Shirt

GXS 1749 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

V-Stripe T-Shirt

GXS 4486 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

“Winner” Sport Tank

GXS 1391 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 121: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


“Winner” Sport Tank

GXS 677 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

“Winner” Sport Tank

GXS 1390 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Pin-Striped Team Shirt

GXS 2274 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Pin-Striped Team Shirt

GXS 5395 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Pin-Striped Team Shirt

GXS 5396 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Pin-Striped Team Shirt

GXS 5397 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Racing-Stripe Sweater

GXS 613 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Racing-Stripe Sweater

GXS 1699 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Racing-Stripe Sweater

GXS 1701 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Terry-Cloth Jersey

GXS 349 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Terry-Cloth Jersey

GXS 2244 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

“The Album” T-Shirt

GXS 292 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

“The Album” T-Shirt

GXS 1687 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

“The Album” T-Shirt

GXS 1688 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 1279 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 5527 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 5528 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 5529 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 12510 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 12511 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 12512 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 12513 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 12514 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 12515 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 12516 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 12517 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 12518 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 12519 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 12520 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

“Very” Jersey-Knit Top

GXS 12521 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

Check-Sleeve Jacket

GXS 2538 rBuy: 125 Sell: 210

Check-Sleeve Jacket

GXS 5026 rBuy: 125 Sell: 210

Check-Sleeve Jacket

GXS 5027 rBuy: 125 Sell: 210

Color-Block Sport Hoodie

GXS 141 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Color-Block Sport Hoodie

GXS 2663 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Color-Block Sport Hoodie

GXS 2664 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Color-Block Sport Hoodie

GXS 2665 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Cotton Sport Hoodie

GXS 144 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Cotton Sport Hoodie

GXS 2798 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Cotton Sport Hoodie

GXS 2800 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Down Ski Vest

GXS 522 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9202 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9203 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9204 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9205 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9206 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9207 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9208 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9209 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9210 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9211 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9212 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9213 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9214 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74






Collaboration Collaboration

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 122: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Down Ski Vest

GXS 9215 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9216 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9217 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9218 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9219 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9220 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9221 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9222 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9223 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9224 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9225 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9226 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9227 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9228 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9229 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9230 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9231 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9232 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9233 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9234 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9235 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9236 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9237 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9238 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9239 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9240 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9241 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9242 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9243 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9244 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9245 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9246 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9247 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9248 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9249 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9250 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9251 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9252 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9253 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9254 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9255 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9256 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9257 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9258 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9259 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9260 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9261 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9262 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9263 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Down Ski Vest

GXS 9264 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Fur-Collar Down Jacket

GXS 120 rBuy: 56 Sell: 141

Fur-Collar Down Jacket

GXS 2440 rBuy: 56 Sell: 141

Fur-Collar Down Jacket

GXS 2441 rBuy: 56 Sell: 141

Fur-Collar Down Jacket

GXS 2442 rBuy: 56 Sell: 141

“NICE” Baseball Jacket

GXS 520 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

“NICE” Baseball Jacket

GXS 12439 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 123: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


“NICE” Baseball Jacket

GXS 12440 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

“NICE” Baseball Jacket

GXS 12441 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

“NICE” Baseball Jacket

GXS 12442 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

“NICE” Baseball Jacket

GXS 12443 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

“NICE” Baseball Jacket

GXS 12444 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

“NICE” Baseball Jacket

GXS 12445 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

“NICE” Baseball Jacket

GXS 12446 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Nordic Sweater Hoodie

GXS 593 rBuy: 115 Sell: 193

Nordic Sweater Hoodie

GXS 2732 rBuy: 115 Sell: 193

Nordic Sweater Hoodie

GXS 2733 rBuy: 115 Sell: 193

Nordic Sweater Hoodie

GXS 2734 rBuy: 115 Sell: 193

Racing Bolero Jacket

GXS 2537 rBuy: 125 Sell: 210

Racing Bolero Jacket

GXS 5023 rBuy: 125 Sell: 210

Racing Bolero Jacket

GXS 5024 rBuy: 125 Sell: 210

Racing Bolero Jacket

GXS 13395 rBuy: 125 Sell: 210

Racing Bolero Jacket

GXS 13396 rBuy: 125 Sell: 210

Racing Bolero Jacket

GXS 13397 rBuy: 125 Sell: 210

Racing Bolero Jacket

GXS 13398 rBuy: 125 Sell: 210

Sleeveless Sport Hoodie

GXS 820 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Sport Hoodie

GXS 2737 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Sport Hoodie

GXS 2739 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Sport Hoodie

GXS 2740 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Sport Hoodie

GXS 12554 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Sport Hoodie

GXS 12555 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Sport Hoodie

GXS 12556 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Sport Hoodie

GXS 12557 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Sport Hoodie

GXS 12558 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Sport Hoodie

GXS 12559 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Sport Hoodie

GXS 12560 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Sport Hoodie

GXS 12561 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Sport Hoodie

GXS 12562 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Sleeveless Sport Hoodie

GXS 12563 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Camo Cargo Pants

GXS 194 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Camo Cargo Pants

GXS 3242 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Camo Cargo Pants

GXS 3243 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Camo Cargo Pants

GXS 3244 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Racing Spandex Pants

GXS 377 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Racing Spandex Pants

GXS 3227 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Racing Spandex Pants

GXS 3228 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Racing Spandex Pants

GXS 3229 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 367 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 2938 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12683 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12684 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12685 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12686 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12687 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38





“Strive” Sport Hoodie

GXS 140 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

“Strive” Sport Hoodie

GXS 2657 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

“Strive” Sport Hoodie

GXS 2658 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

“Strive” Sport Hoodie

GXS 2659 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

V-Stripe Down Vest

GXS 523 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

V-Stripe Down Vest

GXS 2455 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

V-Stripe Down Vest

GXS 2456 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

V-Stripe Down Vest

GXS 2457 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 124: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12696 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12697 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12698 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12699 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12700 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12701 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12702 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12703 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Spandex Cycling Pants

GXS 2316 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Spandex Cycling Pants

GXS 5680 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Spandex Cycling Pants

GXS 5681 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Spandex Cycling Pants

GXS 5682 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 627 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 3221 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 3222 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 3223 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 12734 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 12735 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 12736 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 12737 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 12738 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 12739 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 12740 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 12741 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 12742 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 12743 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 12744 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

GXS 12745 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Team Shorts

GXS 735 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Team Shorts

GXS 3180 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Team Shorts

GXS 3181 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Team Shorts

GXS 12718 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Team Shorts

GXS 12719 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Team Shorts

GXS 12720 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Team Shorts

GXS 12721 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Team Shorts

GXS 12722 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Team Shorts

GXS 12723 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Team Shorts

GXS 12724 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Team Shorts

GXS 12725 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Team Shorts

GXS 12726 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Team Shorts

GXS 12727 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Team Shorts

GXS 12728 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Team Shorts

GXS 12729 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 383 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 2756 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12756 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12757 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68




Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12688 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12689 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12690 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12691 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12692 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12693 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12694 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Side-Stripe Sport Pants

GXS 12695 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 125: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12758 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12759 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12760 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12761 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12762 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12763 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12764 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12765 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12766 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12767 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12768 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12769 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12770 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12771 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12772 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Denim Sport Miniskirt

GXS 12773 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Metallic Tennis Miniskirt

GXS 12774 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Metallic Tennis Miniskirt

GXS 12996 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 2351 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9139 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9140 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9141 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9142 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9143 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9144 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9145 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9146 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9147 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9148 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9149 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9150 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9151 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9152 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9153 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9154 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9155 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9156 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9157 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9158 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9159 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9160 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9161 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9162 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9163 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9164 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9165 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9166 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9167 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9168 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9169 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9170 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9171 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9172 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9173 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9174 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9175 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 126: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9184 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9185 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9186 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9187 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9188 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9189 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9190 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9191 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9192 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9193 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9194 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9195 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9196 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9197 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9198 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9199 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9200 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9201 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Striped, Tiered Miniskirt

GXS 602 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Striped, Tiered Miniskirt

GXS 3402 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Striped, Tiered Miniskirt

GXS 3403 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Striped, Tiered Miniskirt

GXS 3404 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Tennis Miniskirt

GXS 498 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Tennis Miniskirt

GXS 2772 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Tennis Miniskirt

GXS 2773 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Two-Tiered Miniskirt

GXS 601 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Two-tiered miniskirt

GXS 3398 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Two-Tiered Miniskirt

GXS 3399 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Two-Tiered Miniskirt

GXS 3401 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

“GOAL 10” Shirt Dress

GXS 2275 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

“GOAL 10” Shirt Dress

GXS 4627 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

“GOAL 10” Shirt Dress

GXS 4628 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

“GOAL 10” Shirt Dress

GXS 4629 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

“GOAL 10” Shirt Dress

GXS 12614 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

“GOAL 10” Shirt Dress

GXS 12615 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

“GOAL 10” Shirt Dress

GXS 12616 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

“GOAL 10” Shirt Dress

GXS 12617 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

“GOAL 10” Shirt Dress

GXS 12618 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

“GOAL 10” Shirt Dress

GXS 12619 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

“GOAL 10” Shirt Dress

GXS 12620 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

“GOAL 10” Shirt Dress

GXS 12621 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 419 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 4285 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 4286 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 4287 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 12586 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 12587 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78






Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9176 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9177 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9178 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9179 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9180 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9181 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9182 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Side-Striped Miniskirt

GXS 9183 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 127: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 12588 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 12589 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 12590 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 12591 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 12592 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 12593 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 12594 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 12595 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 12596 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 12597 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 12598 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Strapless Sport Dress

GXS 12601 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Terry-Cloth Dress

GXS 355 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Terry-Cloth Dress

GXS 4294 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Terry-Cloth Dress

GXS 4295 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Terry-Cloth Dress

GXS 4296 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bright-Stripe Leg Warmers

GXS 3795 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Snowflake Leg Warmers

GXS 617 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Snowflake Leg Warmers

GXS 3805 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Snowflake Leg Warmers

GXS 3806 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Snowflake Leg Warmers

GXS 3807 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Sport-Stripe Leg Warmers

GXS 616 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Sport-Stripe Leg Warmers

GXS 3802 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Sport-Stripe Leg Warmers

GXS 3803 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Sport-Stripe Leg Warmers

GXS 3804 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Color-Block Footies

GXS 2359 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Color-Block Footies

GXS 5572 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Color-Block Footies

GXS 5573 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Color-Block Footies

GXS 5574 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Striped Athletic Socks

GXS 545 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Striped Athletic Socks

GXS 2882 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Striped Athletic Socks

GXS 2883 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Striped Athletic Socks

GXS 2884 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Striped Tube Socks

GXS 2120 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Striped Tube Socks

GXS 5542 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Striped Tube Socks

GXS 5543 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Striped Tube Socks

GXS 5544 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Ankle-High Court Shoes

GXS 2322 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Semi-Rimless Shades

GXS 4140 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Block-Striped Visor

GXS 551 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Block-Striped Visor

GXS 4063 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Semi-Rimless Shades

GXS 1483 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Semi-Rimless Shades

GXS 4138 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Semi-Rimless Shades

GXS 4139 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Fleur-de-Lis Visor

GXS 4058 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Fleur-de-Lis Visor

GXS 4059 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

No. 825 Pom-Pom Cap

GXS 795 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

No. 825 Pom-Pom Cap

GXS 3991 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Block-Striped Visor

GXS 4064 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Block-Striped Visor

GXS 4065 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Fleur-de-Lis Visor

GXS 276 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Fleur-de-Lis Visor

GXS 4057 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16




No. 825 Pom-Pom Cap

GXS 3992 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

No. 825 Pom-Pom Cap

GXS 3993 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Scrollwork Visor

GXS 550 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Scrollwork Visor

GXS 1334 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22



rBright-Stripe Leg


GXS 452 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Bright-Stripe Leg Warmers

GXS 3793 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Bright-Stripe Leg Warmers

GXS 3794 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16lE












Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Glasses Headwear Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 128: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Camo High-Tops

GXS 3336 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Camo High-Tops

GXS 3337 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Camo High-Tops

GXS 3338 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Colorful Cross Trainers

GXS 741 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Colorful Cross Trainers

GXS 3504 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Colorful Cross Trainers

GXS 3505 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Colorful Cross Trainers

GXS 3506 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Court Sneakers

GXS 446 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Court Sneakers

GXS 3499 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Court Sneakers

GXS 3500 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Court Sneakers

GXS 3501 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Court Sneakers

GXS 13440 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Court Sneakers

GXS 13441 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Court Sneakers

GXS 13442 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Double-Striped Sneakers

GXS 428 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Double-Striped Sneakers

GXS 3290 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Double-Striped Sneakers

GXS 3291 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Double-Striped Sneakers

GXS 3292 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Double-Striped Sneakers

GXS 13077 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Double-Striped Sneakers

GXS 13078 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Double-Striped Sneakers

GXS 13079 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Double-Striped Sneakers

GXS 13080 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Double-Striped Sneakers

GXS 13081 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Double-Striped Sneakers

GXS 13082 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Double-Striped Sneakers

GXS 13083 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Double-Striped Sneakers

GXS 13084 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Grade “A” Sneakers

GXS 429 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Grade “A” Sneakers

GXS 3293 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Grade “A” Sneakers

GXS 3295 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Neon Court Shoes

GXS 738 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Neon Court Shoes

GXS 3311 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Neon Court Shoes

GXS 3312 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Neon Court Shoes

GXS 3315 rBuy: 32 Sell: 81

Urban Walkers

GXS 444 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Urban Walkers

GXS 3296 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Urban Walkers

GXS 3297 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Urban Walkers

GXS 3299 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Urban Walkers

GXS 13085 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Urban Walkers

GXS 13086 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Urban Walkers

GXS 13087 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Urban Walkers

GXS 13088 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Urban Walkers

GXS 13089 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Urban Walkers

GXS 13090 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Ankle-High Court Shoes

GXS 3508 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Ankle-High Court Shoes

GXS 3509 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Ankle-High Court Shoes

GXS 3510 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Ankle-High Court Shoes

GXS 13443 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Ankle-High Court Shoes

GXS 13444 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Ankle-High Court Shoes

GXS 13445 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Ankle-High Court Shoes

GXS 13446 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Camo High-Tops

GXS 739 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Page 129: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide



Jumping-Carp T-Shirt

Karamomo 944 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Jumping-Carp T-Shirt

Karamomo 4390 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Jumping-Carp T-Shirt

Karamomo 4391 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Koi-Pond T-Shirt

Karamomo 4 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Koi-Pond T-Shirt

Karamomo 989 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Koi-Pond T-Shirt

Karamomo 990 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Lattice Camisole

Karamomo 837 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Lattice Camisole

Karamomo 4875 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Lattice Camisole

Karamomo 4877 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Lattice Halter Camisole

Karamomo 2673 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Lattice Halter Camisole

Karamomo 5176 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Lattice Halter Camisole

Karamomo 5177 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Lotus-Bloom T-Shirt

Karamomo 2268 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Lotus-Bloom T-Shirt

Karamomo 4472 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Lotus-Bloom T-Shirt

Karamomo 4473 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Lotus-Flower Camisole

Karamomo 2140 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Lotus-Flower Camisole

Karamomo 5185 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Lotus-Flower Shirt

Karamomo 17 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Lotus-Flower Shirt

Karamomo 1097 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Mandarin Shirt

Karamomo 93 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Mandarin Shirt

Karamomo 1578 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Mandarin Shirt

Karamomo 1579 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Moonlight Tank Top

Karamomo 24 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Moonlight Tank Top

Karamomo 1371 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Moonlight Tank Top

Karamomo 1372 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Peony-Blossom Tank Top

Karamomo 690 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Peony-Blossom Tank Top

Karamomo 1379 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Plum-Blossom T-Shirt

Karamomo 987 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Plum-Blossom T-Shirt

Karamomo 4477 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Plum-Blossom T-Shirt

Karamomo 4478 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Quince-Blossom Camisole

Karamomo 836 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Quince-Blossom Camisole

Karamomo 1490 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Cheongsam Shirt

Karamomo 1131 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Shirt

Karamomo 5221 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam T-Shirt

Karamomo 1 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Cheongsam T-Shirt

Karamomo 957 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Cheongsam T-Shirt

Karamomo 959 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Cherry-Blossom Camisole

Karamomo 63 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Cherry-Blossom Camisole

Karamomo 1505 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Cherry-Blossom Camisole

Karamomo 1506 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Karamomo is a unique clothing brand specializing in Asian-inspired styles. If you’re yearning for a look of the Far East, look no further than Karamomo!

Customer keywords:Asian fusion, Far East, Eastern, Japanese, Chinese, Thai


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 130: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Quince-Blossom T-Shirt

Karamomo 988 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Quince-Blossom T-Shirt

Karamomo 4480 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Quince-Blossom T-Shirt

Karamomo 4481 rBuy: 20 Sell: 51

Scattered-Flowers T-Shirt

Karamomo 689 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Scattered-Flowers T-Shirt

Karamomo 1044 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Vine-Sketch Camisole

Karamomo 57 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Vine-Sketch Camisole

Karamomo 1444 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Vine-Sketch Camisole

Karamomo 1445 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Butterfl y Dress Shirt

Karamomo 696 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Butterfl y Dress Shirt

Karamomo 2076 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Butterfl y Dress Shirt

Karamomo 2077 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Butterfl y Dress Shirt

Karamomo 13373 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Butterfl y Dress Shirt

Karamomo 13374 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Butterfl y Mandarin Top

Karamomo 899 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Butterfl y Mandarin Top

Karamomo 1705 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Butterfl y Mandarin Top

Karamomo 1707 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Cheongsam Blouse

Karamomo 810 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Cheongsam Blouse

Karamomo 1774 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Cheongsam Blouse

Karamomo 1775 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Cheongsam Blouse

Karamomo 1776 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Cherry-Blossom Tank Top

Karamomo 42 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Cherry-Blossom Tank Top

Karamomo 4857 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Cherry-Blossom Tank Top

Karamomo 4858 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Cherry-Blossom Tank Top

Karamomo 4859 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Dream-Cloud Top

Karamomo 1144 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Dream-Cloud Top

Karamomo 5299 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Dream-Cloud Top

Karamomo 5300 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Embroidered Top

Karamomo 36 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Embroidered Top

Karamomo 1833 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Embroidered Top

Karamomo 1835 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Floral, Obi-Sash T-Shirt

Karamomo 28 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Floral, Obi-Sash T-Shirt

Karamomo 1686 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Lotus-Flower V-Neck Top

Karamomo 33 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Lotus-Flower V-Neck Top

Karamomo 1121 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Maple-Leaf Top

Karamomo 1186 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Maple-Leaf Top

Karamomo 4606 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Maple-Leaf Top

Karamomo 4607 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Maple-Leaf Top

Karamomo 4608 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Off-Shoulder Sweatshirt

Karamomo 2115 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Off-Shoulder Sweatshirt

Karamomo 5521 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Off-Shoulder Sweatshirt

Karamomo 5522 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Patterned Cheongsam Top

Karamomo 900 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Patterned Cheongsam Top

Karamomo 1708 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Patterned Cheongsam Top

Karamomo 1710 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Plum-Blossom Dress Shirt

Karamomo 1221 rBuy: 96 Sell: 168

Plum-Blossom Dress Shirt

Karamomo 5392 rBuy: 96 Sell: 168

Plum-Blossom Dress Shirt

Karamomo 5393 rBuy: 96 Sell: 168

Plum-Blossom Dress Shirt

Karamomo 5394 rBuy: 96 Sell: 168

Raw-Silk Dress Shirt

Karamomo 482 rBuy: 152 Sell: 256

Saya Puzzle-Box T-Shirt

Karamomo 478 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Saya Puzzle-Box T-Shirt

Karamomo 1669 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Saya Puzzle-Box T-Shirt

Karamomo 1671 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Scroll-Print Dress Shirt

Karamomo 104 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Scroll-Print Dress Shirt

Karamomo 2068 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Scroll-Print Dress Shirt

Karamomo 2069 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118



Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 131: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Scroll-Print Dress Shirt

Karamomo 13370 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Scroll-Print Dress Shirt

Karamomo 13371 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Scroll-Print Dress Shirt

Karamomo 13372 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Thai Batik V-Neck Top

Karamomo 37 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Thai Batik V-Neck Top

Karamomo 1836 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Thai Batik V-Neck Top

Karamomo 1837 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Thai-Style Cardigan

Karamomo 127 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Thai-Style Cardigan

Karamomo 5449 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Thai-Style Cardigan

Karamomo 5450 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Thai-Style Cardigan

Karamomo 5451 rBuy: 17 Sell: 43

Water-Blossom Tank Top

Karamomo 855 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Water-Blossom Tank Top

Karamomo 1882 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Cherry-Blossom Cardigan

Karamomo 1959 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Cherry-Blossom Cardigan

Karamomo 5074 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Cherry-Blossom Cardigan

Karamomo 5075 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Mandarin Jacket

Karamomo 1957 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Mandarin Jacket

Karamomo 5053 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Mandarin Jacket

Karamomo 5054 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Mandarin Jacket

Karamomo 5055 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Mandarin Jacket

Karamomo 12459 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Mandarin Jacket

Karamomo 12935 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Mandarin Jacket

Karamomo 12936 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Mandarin Jacket

Karamomo 12937 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Mandarin Jacket

Karamomo 12938 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Mandarin Jacket

Karamomo 12939 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Mandarin Jacket

Karamomo 12940 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 519 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7879 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7880 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7881 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7882 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7883 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7884 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7885 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7886 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7887 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7888 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7889 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7890 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7891 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7892 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7893 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7894 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7895 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7896 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7897 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7898 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7899 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7900 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7901 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7902 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7903 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7904 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7905 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7906 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 132: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7907 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7908 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7909 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7910 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7911 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7912 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7913 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7914 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7915 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7916 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7917 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7918 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7919 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7920 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7921 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7922 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7923 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7924 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7925 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7926 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7927 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7928 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7929 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7930 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7931 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7932 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7933 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7934 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7935 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7936 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7937 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7938 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7939 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7940 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Peony Blouson Jacket

Karamomo 7941 rBuy: 142 Sell: 238

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 1012 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7816 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7817 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7818 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7819 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7820 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7821 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7822 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7823 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7824 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7825 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7826 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7827 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7828 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7829 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7830 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7831 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7832 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7833 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7834 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 133: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7835 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7836 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7837 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7838 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7839 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7840 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7841 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7842 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7843 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7844 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7845 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7846 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7847 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7848 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7849 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7850 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7851 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7852 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7853 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7854 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7855 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7856 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7857 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7858 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7859 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7860 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7861 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7862 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7863 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7864 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7865 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7866 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7867 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7868 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7869 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7870 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7871 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7872 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7873 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7874 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7875 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7876 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7877 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Capri Shorts

Karamomo 7878 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Blossom-Cuff Flare Pants

Karamomo 3188 rBuy: 96 Sell: 168

Blossom-Cuff Flare Pants

Karamomo 3189 rBuy: 96 Sell: 168

Blossom-Cuff Flare Pants

Karamomo 3190 rBuy: 96 Sell: 168

Butterfly Jeans

Karamomo 181 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Butterfly Jeans

Karamomo 3099 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Butterfly Jeans

Karamomo 3100 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Cherry-Blossom Jeans

Karamomo 596 rBuy: 63 Sell: 157

Cherry-Blossom Jeans

Karamomo 3105 rBuy: 63 Sell: 157

Cherry-Blossom Jeans

Karamomo 3106 rBuy: 63 Sell: 157

Cherry-Blossom Jeans

Karamomo 3107 rBuy: 63 Sell: 157

Jumping-Carp Capri Shorts

Karamomo 1017 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Jumping-Carp Capri Shorts

Karamomo 5620 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

COllabORaTiOn COllabORaTiOn

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 134: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Plum-Blossom Pants

Karamomo 2311 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Plum-Blossom Pants

Karamomo 5662 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Plum-Blossom Pants

Karamomo 5663 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Plum-Blossom Pants

Karamomo 5664 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Quince-Blossom Pants

Karamomo 749 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Quince-Blossom Pants

Karamomo 2993 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Quince-Blossom Pants

Karamomo 2995 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Side-Cutaway Capri Shorts

Karamomo 185 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Side-Cutaway Capri Shorts

Karamomo 3133 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Asian-Style Wrap Skirt

Karamomo 2371 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Asian-Style Wrap Skirt

Karamomo 5774 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Asian-Style Wrap Skirt

Karamomo 5775 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Floral Drawstring Skirt

Karamomo 2370 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Floral Drawstring Skirt

Karamomo 5765 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Floral Wrap Skirt

Karamomo 206 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Floral Wrap Skirt

Karamomo 2877 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lotus Cheongsam Skirt

Karamomo 787 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Lotus Cheongsam Skirt

Karamomo 2843 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Marigold Wrap Skirt

Karamomo 205 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Marigold Wrap Skirt

Karamomo 2864 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Patch-Fabric Jean Skirt

Karamomo 754 rBuy: 35 Sell: 89

Patch-Fabric Jean Skirt

Karamomo 2837 rBuy: 35 Sell: 89

Patchwork Japanese Skirt

Karamomo 2368 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Patchwork Japanese Skirt

Karamomo 5759 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Patchwork Japanese Skirt

Karamomo 5760 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Quince-Blossom Skirt

Karamomo 215 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Quince-Blossom Skirt

Karamomo 3787 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Raw-Silk Cheongsam Skirt

Karamomo 752 rBuy: 46 Sell: 115

Raw-Silk Cheongsam Skirt

Karamomo 2819 rBuy: 46 Sell: 115

Raw-Silk Cheongsam Skirt

Karamomo 2821 rBuy: 46 Sell: 115

Rose-Blossom Wrap Skirt

Karamomo 207 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Rose-Blossom Wrap Skirt

Karamomo 2900 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 1625 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7753 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7754 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7755 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7756 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7757 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7758 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7759 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7760 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7761 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7762 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7763 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7764 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7765 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7766 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7767 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7768 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7769 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7770 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7771 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7772 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7773 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118








Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 135: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7774 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7775 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7776 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7777 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7778 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7779 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7780 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7781 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7782 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7783 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7784 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7785 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7786 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7787 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7788 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7789 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7790 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7791 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7792 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7793 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7794 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7795 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7796 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7797 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7798 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7799 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7800 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7801 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7802 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7803 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7804 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7805 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7806 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7807 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7808 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7809 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7810 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7811 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7812 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7813 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7814 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cheongsam Formal Dress

Karamomo 7815 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Japanese Plant-Dye Dress

Karamomo 154 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Japanese Plant-Dye Dress

Karamomo 4258 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Japanese Plant-Dye Dress

Karamomo 4259 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Paisley Cheongsam

Karamomo 156 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Paisley Cheongsam

Karamomo 4315 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Paisley Cheongsam

Karamomo 4316 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Paisley Cheongsam

Karamomo 4317 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Raw-Silk Formal Dress

Karamomo 1624 rBuy: 95 Sell: 238

Raw-Silk Formal Dress

Karamomo 4318 rBuy: 95 Sell: 238

Raw-Silk Formal Dress

Karamomo 4319 rBuy: 95 Sell: 238

Raw-Silk Formal Dress

Karamomo 4320 rBuy: 95 Sell: 238

Blossom Gatsby Cap

Karamomo 744 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25





COllabORaTiOn COllabORaTiOn

Camo Uniform Cap

Karamomo 263 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 136: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Asian-Style Short Scarf

Karamomo 406 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Asian-Style Short Scarf

Karamomo 3733 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Asian-Style Short Scarf

Karamomo 3734 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Asian-Style Short Scarf

Karamomo 3735 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Blossom-Wave Short Scarf

Karamomo 254 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Blossom-Wave Short Scarf

Karamomo 3731 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Blossom-Wave Short Scarf

Karamomo 3732 rBuy: 23 Sell: 57

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 2057 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7942 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7943 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7944 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7945 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7946 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7947 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7948 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7949 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7950 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7951 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7952 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7953 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7954 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7955 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7956 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7957 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7958 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7959 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7960 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7961 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7962 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7963 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7964 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7965 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7966 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7967 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7968 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7969 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7970 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7971 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7972 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7973 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Scroll-Print Baseball Cap

Karamomo 3831 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Scroll-Print Baseball Cap

Karamomo 13158 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Scroll-Print Baseball Cap

Karamomo 13159 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Scroll-Print Baseball Cap

Karamomo 13160 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Camo Uniform Cap

Karamomo 13166 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Cherry-Blossom Ski Cap

Karamomo 868 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Cherry-Blossom Ski Cap

Karamomo 1289 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Cherry-Blossom Ski Cap

Karamomo 1290 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Camo Uniform Cap

Karamomo 13163 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Camo Uniform Cap

Karamomo 13164 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Camo Uniform Cap

Karamomo 13165 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Floral Flat Cap

Karamomo 265 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Floral Flat Cap

Karamomo 3853 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Scroll-Print Baseball Cap

Karamomo 534 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Scroll-Print Baseball Cap

Karamomo 3829 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23 S





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 137: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7974 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7975 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7976 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7977 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7978 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7979 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7980 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7981 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7982 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7983 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7984 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7985 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7986 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7987 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7988 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7989 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7990 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7991 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7992 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7993 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7994 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7995 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7996 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7997 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7998 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 7999 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 8000 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 8001 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 8002 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 8003 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Cherry-Blossom Long Scarf

Karamomo 8004 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

COllabORaTiOn COllabORaTiOn








Blossom-Bead Necklace

Karamomo 3933 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Citrine Necklace

Karamomo 3946 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Jade Necklace

Karamomo 1967 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Moonstone Necklace

Karamomo 3948 rBuy: 39 Sell: 78

Blossom-Bead Necklace

Karamomo 1965 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Blossom-Bead Necklace

Karamomo 3931 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Blossom-Bead Necklace

Karamomo 3932 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Turquoise Necklace

Karamomo 3947 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Check-Strap Sandals

Karamomo 3394 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Dragon Shoes

Karamomo 233 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Dragon Shoes

Karamomo 3357 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Dragon Shoes

Karamomo 3358 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Check-Strap Sandals

Karamomo 1478 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Check-Strap Sandals

Karamomo 3393 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Dragon Shoes

Karamomo 3359 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Japanese Setta Sandals

Karamomo 3425 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

One-Strap Sandals

Karamomo 236 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

One-Strap Sandals

Karamomo 3390 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Patterned Flip-Flops

Karamomo 427 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Japanese Setta Sandals

Karamomo 502 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Japanese Setta Sandals

Karamomo 3423 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Japanese Setta Sandals

Karamomo 3424 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Patterned Flip-Flops

Karamomo 3420 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Platform Sandals

Karamomo 3482 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Platform Sandals

Karamomo 3483 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Quince-Blossom Mules

Karamomo 241 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Quince-Blossom Mules

Karamomo 3538 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Patterned Flip-Flops

Karamomo 3421 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Platform Sandals

Karamomo 1481 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Platform Sandals

Karamomo 3481 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Quince-Blossom Mules

Karamomo 3539 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 138: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Bat-Cat Cami

Mad-Jack 2670 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Bat-Cat Cami

Mad-Jack 4896 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Bat-Cat Cami

Mad-Jack 4897 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Bat-Wing-Back Tee

Mad-Jack 1748 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Bat-Wing-Back Tee

Mad-Jack 4430 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Bat-Wing-Back Tee

Mad-Jack 4431 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Chain-Link Tee

Mad-Jack 1652 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Chain-Link Tee

Mad-Jack 4456 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Chain-Link Tee

Mad-Jack 4458 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Check-Stripe Tank

Mad-Jack 21 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Cinched Mandarin Shirt

Mad-Jack 650 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Cinched Mandarin Shirt

Mad-Jack 1587 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Cinched Mandarin Shirt

Mad-Jack 1588 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Electric-Guitar Tee

Mad-Jack 16 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Electric-Guitar Tee

Mad-Jack 1091 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Electric-Guitar Tee

Mad-Jack 1092 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Harlequin Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 2362 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Harlequin Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 5236 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Harlequin Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 5237 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Harlequin Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 13291 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Harlequin Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 13292 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Harlequin Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 13293 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Harlequin Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 13294 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Laced V-Neck Tee

Mad-Jack 6 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

mad-JackShow off your rebellious side with Mad-Jack’s trademark fashions. Whether you’re going to a punk-rock show or just making a statement, Mad-Jack has the edgy styles you need for a tough, outrageous appearance.

Customer keywords:Punk, rebel, rebellious, edgy, outrageous, tough


Laced V-Neck Tee

Mad-Jack 1030 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Mosh-Heart Tee

Mad-Jack 11 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Mosh-Heart Tee

Mad-Jack 1073 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

One-Shoulder Tank

Mad-Jack 20 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

One-Shoulder Tank

Mad-Jack 1350 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Paint-Prank Tee

Mad-Jack 8 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Paint-Prank Tee

Mad-Jack 1050 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Paint-Slash Tee

Mad-Jack 4427 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Paint-Slash Tee

Mad-Jack 1747 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Paint-Slash Tee

Mad-Jack 4428 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Paint-Splash Tank

Mad-Jack 1899 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Paint-Splash Tank

Mad-Jack 4520 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Paint-Splash Tank

Mad-Jack 4521 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Punk Mandarin Shirt

Mad-Jack 94 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Punk Mandarin Shirt

Mad-Jack 1581 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Punk Mandarin Shirt

Mad-Jack 1582 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 139: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Rivet-Collar Tee

Mad-Jack 5 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Rivet-Collar Tee

Mad-Jack 992 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Rivet-Neck Halter Top

Mad-Jack 2671 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Rivet-Neck Halter Top

Mad-Jack 5156 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Rivet-Neck Halter Top

Mad-Jack 5157 rBuy: 5 Sell: 29

Shred-Fabric Turtleneck

Mad-Jack 1220 r Buy: 6 Sell: 33

Shred-Fabric Turtleneck

Mad-Jack 4411 r Buy: 6 Sell: 33

Shred-Fabric Turtleneck

Mad-Jack 4412 r Buy: 6 Sell: 33

Shred-Fabric Turtleneck

Mad-Jack 4413 r Buy: 6 Sell: 33

Spiderweb Cami

Mad-Jack 61 r Buy: 5 Sell: 28

Spiderweb Cami

Mad-Jack 1489 r Buy: 5 Sell: 28

Spiderweb Cami

Mad-Jack 1650 r Buy: 5 Sell: 28

Star-Punk Tee

Mad-Jack 4452 r Buy: 4 Sell: 24

Star-Punk Tee

Mad-Jack 4450 r Buy: 4 Sell: 24

Star-Punk Tee

Mad-Jack 4452 r Buy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped-Tie Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 1130 r Buy: 28 Sell: 71

Striped-Tie Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 5218 r Buy: 28 Sell: 71

White-Flame Tee

Mad-Jack 2214 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

White-Flame Tee

Mad-Jack 4441 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

White-Flame Tee

Mad-Jack 4442 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Angle-Laced Halter Cami

Mad-Jack 978 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Angle-Laced Halter Cami

Mad-Jack 5308 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Angle-Laced Halter Cami

Mad-Jack 5309 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Buckled Cheongsam Top

Mad-Jack 1003 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Buckled Leather Corset

Mad-Jack 2285 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

Buckled Leather Corset

Mad-Jack 5377 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

Buckled Leather Corset

Mad-Jack 5378 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

Buckled Leather Corset

Mad-Jack 5379 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

Check-Cuff Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 2777 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Check-Cuff Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 5401 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Check-Cuff Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 5402 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Check-Cuff Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 5403 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Dragon Top

Mad-Jack 678 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Cut-Sleeve Dragon Top

Mad-Jack 1867 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Cut-Sleeve Dragon Top

Mad-Jack 1868 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Cut-Sleeve Riveted Top

Mad-Jack 1138 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Cut-Sleeve Riveted Top

Mad-Jack 4851 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Cut-Sleeve Riveted Top

Mad-Jack 4852 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Cut-Sleeve Riveted Top

Mad-Jack 4853 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Cut-Sleeve Skull Top

Mad-Jack 39 rBuy: 96 Sell: 176

Cut-Sleeve Skull Top

Mad-Jack 1863 rBuy: 96 Sell: 176

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 1137 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9517 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9518 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9519 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9520 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9521 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9522 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9523 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9524 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9525 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9526 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9527 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9528 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9529 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 140: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9530 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9531 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9532 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9533 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9534 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9535 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9536 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9537 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9538 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9539 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9540 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9541 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9542 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9543 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9544 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9545 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9546 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9547 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9548 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9549 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9550 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9551 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9552 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9553 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9554 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9555 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9556 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9557 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9558 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9559 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9560 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9561 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9562 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9563 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9564 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9565 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9566 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9567 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9568 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9569 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9570 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9571 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9572 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9573 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9574 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9575 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9576 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9577 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9578 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Cut-Sleeve Striped Top

Mad-Jack 9579 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Floral-Chaos Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 1301 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Floral-Chaos Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 5380 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Flying-Bat Cutaway Cami

Mad-Jack 307 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Flying-Bat Cutaway Cami

Mad-Jack 1924 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Half Buffalo-Plaid Shirt

Mad-Jack 101 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142

Half Buffalo-Plaid Shirt

Mad-Jack 2035 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 141: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Half Buffalo-Plaid Shirt

Mad-Jack 2036 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142

Half Buffalo-Plaid Shirt

Mad-Jack 13362 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142

Half Buffalo-Plaid Shirt

Mad-Jack 13363 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142

Half Buffalo-Plaid Shirt

Mad-Jack 13364 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142

Half Buffalo-Plaid Shirt

Mad-Jack 13365 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142

Jabot-Neck Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 13366 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Jabot-Neck Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 13367 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Jabot-Neck Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 13368 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Jabot-Neck Dress Shirt

Mad-Jack 13369 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Lace-up Corset

Mad-Jack 2284 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Lace-up Corset

Mad-Jack 5374 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Lace-up Corset

Mad-Jack 5375 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Lace-up Corset

Mad-Jack 5376 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Lace-up Plaid Cami

Mad-Jack 315 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Lace-up Plaid Cami

Mad-Jack 2030 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Layered, Chain-Collar Tee

Mad-Jack 2210 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Layered, Chain-Collar Tee

Mad-Jack 4546 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Layered, Chain-Collar Tee

Mad-Jack 4547 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Layered, Chain-Collar Tee

Mad-Jack 4548 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Patch-Striped Sweatshirt

Mad-Jack 2113 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Patch-Striped Sweatshirt

Mad-Jack 5497 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Patch-Striped Sweatshirt

Mad-Jack 5499 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Punk-Type Tee

Mad-Jack 1954 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Punk-Type Tee

Mad-Jack 4561 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Ripped One-Shoulder Top

Mad-Jack 583 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Ripped One-Shoulder Top

Mad-Jack 1859 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Rivet-Check Cardigan

Mad-Jack 1800 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Rivet-Collar Vest

Mad-Jack 618 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Ruffled Punk-Rose Cami

Mad-Jack 2280 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Ruffled Punk-Rose Cami

Mad-Jack 5335 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Ruffled Punk-Rose Cami

Mad-Jack 5336 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Ruffled Punk-Rose Cami

Mad-Jack 5337 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Ruffled Punk-Rose Cami

Mad-Jack 13359 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Ruffled Punk-Rose Cami

Mad-Jack 13360 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Ruffled Punk-Rose Cami

Mad-Jack 13361 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Sailor-Cross Top

Mad-Jack 27 rBuy: 39 Sell: 98

Sailor-Cross Top

Mad-Jack 1683 rBuy: 39 Sell: 98

Scarf-Hem Butterfly Cami

Mad-Jack 714 rBuy: 59 Sell: 149

Scarf-Hem Butterfly Cami

Mad-Jack 1988 rBuy: 59 Sell: 149

Scarf-Hem Butterfly Cami

Mad-Jack 1990 rBuy: 59 Sell: 149

Splat-Striped Top

Mad-Jack 1006 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Splat-Striped Top

Mad-Jack 1860 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Splat-Striped Top

Mad-Jack 1861 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Splat-Striped Top

Mad-Jack 1862 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Star-Card Cami

Mad-Jack 81 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Striped Bolero Vest

Mad-Jack 698 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Striped Bolero Vest

Mad-Jack 5416 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Striped Bolero Vest

Mad-Jack 5417 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Striped Bolero Vest

Mad-Jack 5418 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Striped Crop Top

Mad-Jack 25 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Striped Crop Top

Mad-Jack 1663 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Striped Crop Top

Mad-Jack 1665 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Striped, Turn-Collar Vest

Mad-Jack 2688 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Striped, Turn-Collar Vest

Mad-Jack 5437 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Striped, Turn-Collar Vest

Mad-Jack 5438 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Striped, Turn-Collar Vest

Mad-Jack 5439 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 142: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Tail-Hem, Chain-Tie Shirt

Mad-Jack 103 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Tail-Hem, Chain-Tie Shirt

Mad-Jack 2041 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Tail-Hem, Chain-Tie Shirt

Mad-Jack 2042 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Tail-Hem, Chain-Tie Shirt

Mad-Jack 2043 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Tail-Hem, Chain-Tie Shirt

Mad-Jack 328 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Tail-Hem, Chain-Tie Shirt

Mad-Jack 2045 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Tail-Hem, Chain-Tie Shirt

Mad-Jack 2046 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Tail-Hem, Necktie Shirt

Mad-Jack 694 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Tail-Hem, Necktie Shirt

Mad-Jack 2047 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Tail-Hem, Necktie Shirt

Mad-Jack 2048 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Tail-Hem, Necktie Shirt

Mad-Jack 2049 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Black-Striped Cardigan

Mad-Jack 1741 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Black-Striped Cardigan

Mad-Jack 5086 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Black-Striped Cardigan

Mad-Jack 5087 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Black-Striped Cardigan

Mad-Jack 5088 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Block-Striped Hoodie

Mad-Jack 143 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Block-Striped Hoodie

Mad-Jack 2765 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Block-Striped Hoodie

Mad-Jack 2766 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Block-Striped Hoodie

Mad-Jack 2767 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Buckled Cat-Ear Hoodie

Mad-Jack 142 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Buckled Cat-Ear Hoodie

Mad-Jack 2714 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Buckled Cat-Ear Hoodie

Mad-Jack 2715 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Buckled Cat-Ear Hoodie

Mad-Jack 2716 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Buffalo-Plaid Hoodie

Mad-Jack 1281 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Buffalo-Plaid Hoodie

Mad-Jack 5119 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Buffalo-Plaid Hoodie

Mad-Jack 5120 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Buffalo-Plaid Hoodie

Mad-Jack 5121 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Buffalo-Plaid Jacket

Mad-Jack 883 rBuy: 224 Sell: 328

Buffalo-Plaid Jacket

Mad-Jack 2428 rBuy: 224 Sell: 328

Buffalo-Plaid Jacket

Mad-Jack 2429 rBuy: 224 Sell: 328

Buffalo-Plaid Jacket

Mad-Jack 2430 rBuy: 224 Sell: 328

Five-Buckle Jacket

Mad-Jack 1958 rBuy: 128 Sell: 228

Five-Buckle Jacket

Mad-Jack 5056 rBuy: 128 Sell: 228

Half-Harlequin Hoodie

Mad-Jack 821 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Half-Harlequin Hoodie

Mad-Jack 2744 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Half-Harlequin Hoodie

Mad-Jack 2745 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Half-Harlequin Hoodie

Mad-Jack 2746 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Half-Plaid Jacket

Mad-Jack 3040 rBuy: 104 Sell: 179

Half-Plaid Jacket

Mad-Jack 4911 rBuy: 104 Sell: 179

Half-Plaid Jacket

Mad-Jack 4912 rBuy: 104 Sell: 179

Half-Plaid Jacket

Mad-Jack 4913 rBuy: 104 Sell: 179

Harlequin Hoodie

Mad-Jack 1283 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Jackrabbit Hoodie

Mad-Jack 2153 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Jackrabbit Hoodie

Mad-Jack 4996 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Jackrabbit Hoodie

Mad-Jack 4997 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Jackrabbit Hoodie

Mad-Jack 4998 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Piano-Key Hoodie

Mad-Jack 2294 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Piano-Key Hoodie

Mad-Jack 5143 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Plaid Cat-Ear Hoodie

Mad-Jack 819 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Plaid Cat-Ear Hoodie

Mad-Jack 5122 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Plaid-Collar Biker Jacket

Mad-Jack 521 rBuy: 152 Sell: 231

Plaid-Collar Biker Jacket

Mad-Jack 2422 rBuy: 152 Sell: 231

Plaid-Collar Biker Jacket

Mad-Jack 2423 rBuy: 152 Sell: 231

Plaid-Collar Biker Jacket

Mad-Jack 2424 rBuy: 152 Sell: 231

Punk Schoolgirl Jacket

Mad-Jack 3044 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 143: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Punk Schoolgirl Jacket

Mad-Jack 5912 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Punk Schoolgirl Jacket

Mad-Jack 5913 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Punk Schoolgirl Jacket

Mad-Jack 5914 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Punk-Stripe Jacket

Mad-Jack 2145 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Punk-Stripe Jacket

Mad-Jack 4899 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Punk-Stripe Jacket

Mad-Jack 4900 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Punk-Stripe Jacket

Mad-Jack 4901 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Rabbit-Duo Hoodie

Mad-Jack 12427 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Rivet-Collar Jacket

Mad-Jack 3038 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Rivet-Collar Jacket

Mad-Jack 4905 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Rivet-Collar Jacket

Mad-Jack 4906 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Rivet-Collar Jacket

Mad-Jack 4907 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Striped, Belted Jacket

Mad-Jack 2287 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Striped, Belted Jacket

Mad-Jack 4932 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Striped, Belted Jacket

Mad-Jack 4933 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Striped, Belted Jacket

Mad-Jack 4934 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Studded Biker Jacket

Mad-Jack 116 rBuy: 152 Sell: 231

Studded Biker Jacket

Mad-Jack 2419 rBuy: 152 Sell: 231

Studded Biker Jacket

Mad-Jack 2420 rBuy: 152 Sell: 231

Two-Tone Wool Jacket

Mad-Jack 110 rBuy: 136 Sell: 192

Two-Tone Wool Jacket

Mad-Jack 4923 rBuy: 136 Sell: 192

Two-Tone Wool Jacket

Mad-Jack 4924 rBuy: 136 Sell: 192

Webbed Blouson Jacket

Mad-Jack 2357 rBuy: 96 Sell: 168

Webbed Blouson Jacket

Mad-Jack 5110 rBuy: 96 Sell: 168

Zip-up Color-Flame Top

Mad-Jack 935 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Zip-up Color-Flame Top

Mad-Jack 2621 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Zip-up Color-Flame Top

Mad-Jack 2625 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Zip-up Color-Flame Top

Mad-Jack 2627 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Zippered Plaid Jacket

Mad-Jack 109 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Flying-Bats Vented Tunic

Mad-Jack 2930 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Flying-Bats Vented Tunic

Mad-Jack 4180 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Flying-Bats Vented Tunic

Mad-Jack 4182 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Punk Butterfly Tunic

Mad-Jack 2063 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Punk Butterfly Tunic

Mad-Jack 4630 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Striped, Belted Tunic

Mad-Jack 2600 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Striped, Belted Tunic

Mad-Jack 4080 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Striped, Belted Tunic

Mad-Jack 4087 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Striped, Belted Tunic

Mad-Jack 4088 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Belted-Cuff Jeans

Mad-Jack 2303 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Belted-Cuff Jeans

Mad-Jack 5596 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Belted-Cuff Jeans

Mad-Jack 5597 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Belted-Cuff Jeans

Mad-Jack 5598 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Bleach-and-Buckle Jeans

Mad-Jack 173 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Bleach-and-Buckle Jeans

Mad-Jack 2931 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Bleach-and-Buckle Jeans

Mad-Jack 2932 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Bleach-and-Buckle Jeans

Mad-Jack 2933 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Buckled Knee-Strap Pants

Mad-Jack 822 rBuy: 62 Sell: 156

Buckled Knee-Strap Pants

Mad-Jack 2220 rBuy: 62 Sell: 156

Buckled Knee-Strap Pants

Mad-Jack 3009 rBuy: 62 Sell: 156

Half-Bleached Shorts

Mad-Jack 2314 rBuy: 55 Sell: 139

Patch-Fabric Capri Shorts

Mad-Jack 187 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Plaid Knee-Strap Pants

Mad-Jack 369 rBuy: 55 Sell: 139

Plaid Knee-Strap Pants

Mad-Jack 2985 rBuy: 55 Sell: 139

Plaid Knee-Strap Pants

Mad-Jack 2986 rBuy: 55 Sell: 139







Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 144: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Plaid Knee-Strap Pants

Mad-Jack 2987 rBuy: 55 Sell: 139

Rivet-Banded Jeans

Mad-Jack 2219 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rivet-Banded Jeans

Mad-Jack 5587 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rivet-Banded Jeans

Mad-Jack 5588 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Rivet-Banded Jeans

Mad-Jack 5580 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Striped Capri Shorts

Mad-Jack 2307 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

Mad-Jack 5608 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Capri Shorts

Mad-Jack 5609 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Striped Knee-Strap Pants

Mad-Jack 177 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Striped Knee-Strap Pants

Mad-Jack 2979 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Striped Knee-Strap Pants

Mad-Jack 2980 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Studded-Belt Capri Shorts

Mad-Jack 179 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Studded-Belt Capri Shorts

Mad-Jack 3076 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Studded-Belt Capri Shorts

Mad-Jack 3077 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Studded-Belt Capri Shorts

Mad-Jack 3079 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Suspender Shorts

Mad-Jack 2619 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Suspender Shorts

Mad-Jack 5629 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Suspender Shorts

Mad-Jack 5630 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Suspender Shorts

Mad-Jack 5631 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Belted V-Hem Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 920 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Belted V-Hem Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 5738 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Belted V-Hem Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 5739 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Buckled Spiderweb Kilt

Mad-Jack 2377 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Buckled Spiderweb Kilt

Mad-Jack 5768 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Buckled Spiderweb Kilt

Mad-Jack 5769 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Chained V-Hem Mini

Mad-Jack 2353 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Chained V-Hem Mini

Mad-Jack 5735 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Chain-Loop Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 210 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Chain-Loop Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 2952 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Chain-Loop Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 2954 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Flying-Bats Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 657 rBuy: 35 Sell: 89

Flying-Bats Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 2976 rBuy: 35 Sell: 89

Flying-Bats Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 2978 rBuy: 35 Sell: 89

Half-Leopard Micromini

Mad-Jack 2796 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Half-Leopard Micromini

Mad-Jack 5744 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Half-Leopard Micromini

Mad-Jack 5745 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 2320 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9643 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9644 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9645 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9646 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9647 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9648 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9649 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9650 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9651 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9652 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9653 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9654 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9655 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9656 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9657 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9658 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9659 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9660 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 145: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9661 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9662 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9663 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9664 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9665 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9666 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9667 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9668 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9669 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9670 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9671 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9672 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9673 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9674 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9675 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9676 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9677 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9678 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9679 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9680 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9681 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9682 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9683 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9684 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9685 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9686 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9687 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9688 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9689 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9690 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9691 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9692 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9693 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9694 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9695 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9696 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9697 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9698 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9699 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9700 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9701 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9702 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9703 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9704 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Harlequin Tutu Skirt

Mad-Jack 9705 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Lace-Trimmed Plaid Skirt

Mad-Jack 525 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lace-Trimmed Plaid Skirt

Mad-Jack 3300 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Piano-Plaid Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 196 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Piano-Plaid Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 2596 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Punk-Stripe Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 494 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Punk-Stripe Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 2614 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Punk-Stripe Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 2616 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Rivet-Belted Micromini

Mad-Jack 656 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Rivet-Belted Micromini

Mad-Jack 2955 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Rivet-Belted Micromini

Mad-Jack 2956 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

String-Belted Miniskirt

Mad-Jack 396 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

COllabOraTiOn COllabOraTiOn

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 146: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Striped Micromini

Mad-Jack 2795 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

Striped Micromini

Mad-Jack 5741 rBuy: 27 Sell: 68

V-Hem Butterfl y Skirt

Mad-Jack 199 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

V-Hem Butterfl y Skirt

Mad-Jack 2712 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

V-Hem Butterfl y Skirt

Mad-Jack 2713 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Belted Overall Dress

Mad-Jack 2300 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Belted Overall Dress

Mad-Jack 4799 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Belted Overall Dress

Mad-Jack 4800 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Belted Overall Dress

Mad-Jack 4801 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 2507 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9706 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9707 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9708 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9709 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9710 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9711 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9712 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9713 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9714 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9715 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9716 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9717 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9718 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9719 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9720 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9721 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9722 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9723 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9724 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9725 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9726 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9727 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9728 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9729 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9730 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9731 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9732 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9733 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9734 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9735 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9736 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9737 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9738 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9739 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9740 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9741 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9742 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9743 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9744 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9745 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9746 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9747 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9748 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9749 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9750 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109






Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 147: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9751 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9752 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9753 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9754 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9755 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9756 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9757 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9758 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9759 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9760 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9761 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9762 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9763 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9764 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9765 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9766 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9767 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Card-Deck, Tartan Dress

Mad-Jack 9768 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Chained Overall Skirt

Mad-Jack 165 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Chained Overall Skirt

Mad-Jack 4790 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Chained Overall Skirt

Mad-Jack 4791 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Chained Overall Skirt

Mad-Jack 4792 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Chained, Striped Dress

Mad-Jack 2298 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Chained, Striped Dress

Mad-Jack 4651 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Chained, Striped Dress

Mad-Jack 4652 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Chained, Striped Dress

Mad-Jack 4653 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 1622 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9580 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9581 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9582 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9583 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9584 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9585 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9586 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9587 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9588 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9589 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9590 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9591 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9592 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9593 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9594 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9595 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9596 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9597 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9598 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9599 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9600 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9601 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9602 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9603 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9604 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9605 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9606 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9607 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9608 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

COllabOraTiOn COllabOraTiOn

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 148: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9609 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9610 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9611 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9612 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9613 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9614 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9615 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9616 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9617 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9618 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9619 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9620 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9621 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9622 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9623 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9624 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9625 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9626 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9627 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9628 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9629 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9630 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9631 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9632 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9633 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9634 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9635 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9636 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9637 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9638 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9639 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9640 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9641 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Leopard-Spot Corset Dress

Mad-Jack 9642 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Plaid-Skirted Shirt Dress

Mad-Jack 2691 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Plaid-Skirted Shirt Dress

Mad-Jack 4615 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Plaid-Skirted Shirt Dress

Mad-Jack 4616 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Plaid-Skirted Shirt Dress

Mad-Jack 4617 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Punk Cheongsam

Mad-Jack 1626 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Punk Cheongsam

Mad-Jack 4324 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Punk Dragon Dress

Mad-Jack 2157 rBuy: 97 Sell: 179

Punk Dragon Dress

Mad-Jack 4099 rBuy: 97 Sell: 179

Punk Dragon Dress

Mad-Jack 4100 rBuy: 97 Sell: 179

Punk Dragon Dress

Mad-Jack 4101 rBuy: 97 Sell: 179

Riveted Overall Dress

Mad-Jack 1473 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Riveted Overall Dress

Mad-Jack 4793 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Riveted Overall Dress

Mad-Jack 4794 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Riveted Overall Dress

Mad-Jack 4795 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112


Chain-Loop Felt Cap

Mad-Jack 4071 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Chain-Loop Hat

Mad-Jack 1197 rBuy: 33 Sell: 86

Chain-Loop Hat

Mad-Jack 4042 rBuy: 33 Sell: 86

Chain-Loop Felt Cap

Mad-Jack 278 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Chain-Loop Felt Cap

Mad-Jack 4069 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Chain-Loop Hat

Mad-Jack 4043 rBuy: 33 Sell: 86He


ear Chain-Loop Felt


Mad-Jack 4070 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 149: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Banded Opera Gloves

Mad-Jack 533 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Bat-Wing Opera Gloves

Mad-Jack 253 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Checked Opera Gloves

Mad-Jack 2332 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Lace-up Opera Gloves

Mad-Jack 532 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Striped-Cuff Gloves

Mad-Jack 2329 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped-Cuff Gloves

Mad-Jack 13469 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped-Cuff Gloves

Mad-Jack 13470 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped-Cuff Gloves

Mad-Jack 13471 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped-Cuff Gloves

Mad-Jack 13472 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped-Cuff Gloves

Mad-Jack 13473 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped-Cuff Gloves

Mad-Jack 13474 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped-Cuff Gloves

Mad-Jack 13475 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped-Cuff Gloves

Mad-Jack 13476 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped-Cuff Gloves

Mad-Jack 13477 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24


Silk Harlequin Hat

Mad-Jack 872 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Silk Harlequin Hat

Mad-Jack 4036 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Silk Harlequin Hat

Mad-Jack 4037 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Checked, Cat-Ear Ski Cap

Mad-Jack 273 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Checked, Cat-Ear Ski Cap

Mad-Jack 1293 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Silk Harlequin Hat

Mad-Jack 4038 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Checked, Cat-Ear Ski Cap

Mad-Jack 1294 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Chain-Loop Hat

Mad-Jack 4044 rBuy: 33 Sell: 86

Studded Flat Cap

Mad-Jack 3862 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Studded Flat Cap

Mad-Jack 3863 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Studded Flat Cap

Mad-Jack 3864 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Spiderweb Baseball Cap

Mad-Jack 3824 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Spiderweb Baseball Cap

Mad-Jack 3825 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Studded Flat Cap

Mad-Jack 13170 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Studded Flat Cap

Mad-Jack 1285 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Spiderweb Baseball Cap

Mad-Jack 261 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Studded Flat Cap

Mad-Jack 13175 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Studded Flat Cap

Mad-Jack 13176 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Studded Flat Cap

Mad-Jack 13177 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Studded Flat Cap

Mad-Jack 13172 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Studded Flat Cap

Mad-Jack 13173 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Studded Flat Cap

Mad-Jack 13178 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Studded Flat Cap

Mad-Jack 13174 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Studded Flat Cap

Mad-Jack 13171 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Checked Long Scarf

Mad-Jack 3749 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Checked Long Scarf

Mad-Jack 13268 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Checked Long Scarf

Mad-Jack 13269 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Checked Long Scarf

Mad-Jack 256 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Checked Long Scarf

Mad-Jack 13270 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Checked Long Scarf

Mad-Jack 3748 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Studded Flat Cap

Mad-Jack 13179 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Spiky Necklace

Mad-Jack 1973 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Spiky Necklace

Mad-Jack 3964 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Spiky Necklace

Mad-Jack 3965 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Padlock Necklace

Mad-Jack 3895 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Padlock Necklace

Mad-Jack 3896 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Spiky Necklace

Mad-Jack 3966 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Padlock Necklace

Mad-Jack 3897 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Padlock Necklace

Mad-Jack 259 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Metal-Bolo-Tie Necklace

Mad-Jack 1993 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Metal-Bolo-Tie Necklace

Mad-Jack 3943 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Metal-Bolo-Tie Necklace

Mad-Jack 3944 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Checked Long Scarf

Mad-Jack 13272 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Checked Long Scarf

Mad-Jack 13273 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Metal-Bolo-Tie Necklace

Mad-Jack 3945 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Checked Long Scarf

Mad-Jack 13271 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20















Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 150: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Black-Striped Leg Warmers

Mad-Jack 1528 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Black-Striped Leg Warmers

Mad-Jack 3808 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Black-Striped Leg Warmers

Mad-Jack 3809 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Black-Striped Leg Warmers

Mad-Jack 3810 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Lace-up Leg Warmers

Mad-Jack 687 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Lace-up Leg Warmers

Mad-Jack 3817 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Lace-up Leg Warmers

Mad-Jack 3818 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Lace-up Leg Warmers

Mad-Jack 3819 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Plaid Leg Warmers

Mad-Jack 260 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Plaid Leg Warmers

Mad-Jack 3811 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Plaid Leg Warmers

Mad-Jack 3812 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Rivet-Band Leg Warmers

Mad-Jack 504 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Rivet-Band Leg Warmers

Mad-Jack 3815 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Rivet-Band Leg Warmers

Mad-Jack 3816 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Black-Striped Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 166 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Black-Striped Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 2822 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Black-Striped Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 2823 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Black-Striped Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 6458 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Black-Striped Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 6459 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Black-Striped Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 6460 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Black-Striped Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 6461 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Black-Striped Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 6462 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Black-Striped Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 6463 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Card-Deck Leggings

Mad-Jack 2710 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Card-Deck Leggings

Mad-Jack 5566 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Card-Deck Leggings

Mad-Jack 5567 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Card-Deck Leggings

Mad-Jack 5568 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Card-Deck Leggings

Mad-Jack 13059 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Card-Deck Leggings

Mad-Jack 13060 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Classic Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 2824 rBuy: 2 Sell: 22

Plaid Over-Knee Socks

Mad-Jack 2302 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Plaid Over-Knee Socks

Mad-Jack 5584 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Plaid Over-Knee Socks

Mad-Jack 5585 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Plaid Over-Knee Socks

Mad-Jack 5586 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Plaid Over-Knee Socks

Mad-Jack 6464 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Punk-Stripe Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 361 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Punk-Stripe Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 2834 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Punk-Stripe Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 2835 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Punk-Stripe Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 2836 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Rip-Layered Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 167 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Rip-Layered Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 2831 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Rip-Layered Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 2832 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Rip-Layered Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 2833 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Rip-Layered Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 13019 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Rip-Layered Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 13020 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Rip-Layered Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 13021 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Rip-Layered Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 13022 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Rip-Wrapped Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 2118 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Rip-Wrapped Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 5533 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Rip-Wrapped Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 5534 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Rip-Wrapped Thigh-Highs

Mad-Jack 5535 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Armored Platform Boots

Mad-Jack 943 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Armored Platform Boots

Mad-Jack 3709 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Armored Platform Boots

Mad-Jack 3710 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112








Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 151: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Armored Platform Boots

Mad-Jack 3711 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Buckled Engineer Boots

Mad-Jack 2360 rBuy: 88 Sell: 168

Buckled Engineer Boots

Mad-Jack 5894 rBuy: 88 Sell: 168

Buckled Engineer Boots

Mad-Jack 5895 rBuy: 88 Sell: 168

Buckled Engineer Boots

Mad-Jack 5896 rBuy: 88 Sell: 168

Buckle-Strap Oxfords

Mad-Jack 1525 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Buckle-Strap Oxfords

Mad-Jack 3626 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Buckle-Strap Oxfords

Mad-Jack 13125 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Buckle-Strap Oxfords

Mad-Jack 13126 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Harlequin Shoes

Mad-Jack 1477 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Harlequin Shoes

Mad-Jack 3366 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Harlequin Shoes

Mad-Jack 3368 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Lace-up Plaid Platforms

Mad-Jack 637 rBuy: 41 Sell: 107

Lace-up Plaid Platforms

Mad-Jack 3459 rBuy: 41 Sell: 107

Lace-up Plaid Platforms

Mad-Jack 3460 rBuy: 41 Sell: 107

Lace-up Plaid Platforms

Mad-Jack 13097 rBuy: 41 Sell: 107

Lace-up Plaid Platforms

Mad-Jack 13098 rBuy: 41 Sell: 107

Lace-up Plaid Platforms

Mad-Jack 13099 rBuy: 41 Sell: 107

Lace-up Plaid Platforms

Mad-Jack 13100 rBuy: 41 Sell: 107

Lace-up Platform Boots

Mad-Jack 238 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Lace-up Platform Boots

Mad-Jack 3456 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Lace-up Platform Boots

Mad-Jack 3457 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Lace-up Platform Boots

Mad-Jack 3458 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Mottled Engineer Boots

Mad-Jack 1480 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Mottled Engineer Boots

Mad-Jack 5891 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Mottled Engineer Boots

Mad-Jack 5892 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Platform Mary Janes

Mad-Jack 827 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Platform Mary Janes

Mad-Jack 3612 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Platform Mary Janes

Mad-Jack 3613 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Platform Oxfords

Mad-Jack 244 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Platform Oxfords

Mad-Jack 3622 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Platform Oxfords

Mad-Jack 13122 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Platform Oxfords

Mad-Jack 13123 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Platform Oxfords

Mad-Jack 13124 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Rivet-Banded Boots

Mad-Jack 248 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Rivet-Banded Boots

Mad-Jack 3706 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Rivet-Banded Boots

Mad-Jack 3707 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Rivet-Banded Boots

Mad-Jack 3708 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Two-Tone Loafers

Mad-Jack 928 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Two-Tone Loafers

Mad-Jack 3589 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Two-Tone Loafers

Mad-Jack 3590 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Two-Tone Loafers

Mad-Jack 3591 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Two-Tone Platform Boots

Mad-Jack 1523 rBuy: 52 Sell: 132

Two-Tone Platform Boots

Mad-Jack 3468 rBuy: 52 Sell: 132

Two-Tone Platform Boots

Mad-Jack 3469 rBuy: 52 Sell: 132

Two-Tone Platform Boots

Mad-Jack 3470 rBuy: 52 Sell: 132

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 152: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Marble lily

High-Neck Frill Blouse

Marble Lily 2208 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

High-Neck Frill Blouse

Marble Lily 4417 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

High-Neck Frill Blouse

Marble Lily 4419 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Polka-Dot Blouse

Marble Lily 2270 rBuy: 41 Sell: 104

Polka-Dot Blouse

Marble Lily 5275 rBuy: 41 Sell: 104

Ribbon-Shirred Blouse

Marble Lily 2271 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Ribbon-Shirred Blouse

Marble Lily 5278 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Ribbon-Shirred Blouse

Marble Lily 5279 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Ribbon-Shirred Blouse

Marble Lily 5280 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Ribbon-Tie Tuxedo Blouse

Marble Lily 1187 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Ribbon-Tie Tuxedo Blouse

Marble Lily 5266 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Ribbon-Tie Tuxedo Blouse

Marble Lily 5267 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Ribbon-Tie Tuxedo Blouse

Marble Lily 13310 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Ribbon-Tie Tuxedo Blouse

Marble Lily 13311 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Ribbon-Tie Tuxedo Blouse

Marble Lily 13312 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Back-Laced Top

Marble Lily 1143 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Back-Laced Top

Marble Lily 5296 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Bow-Front Blouse

Marble Lily 814 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Bow-Front Blouse

Marble Lily 2107 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Bow-Front Blouse

Marble Lily 2108 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Bow-Front Blouse

Marble Lily 13378 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Bow-Front Blouse

Marble Lily 13379 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Bow-Front Blouse

Marble Lily 13380 rBuy: 32 Sell: 80

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 91 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11092 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11093 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11094 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11095 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11096 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11097 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11098 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Back Blouse

Marble Lily 2272 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Bow-Back Blouse

Marble Lily 5281 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Bow-Back Blouse

Marble Lily 5282 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Frill-Collar Blouse

Marble Lily 1188 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Frill-Collar Blouse

Marble Lily 5269 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

High-Neck Bow Blouse

Marble Lily 1147 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

High-Neck Bow Blouse

Marble Lily 5287 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

High-Neck Bow Blouse

Marble Lily 5288 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Rescue your inner princess with Marble Lily, a frilly clothing line with girly garments that help you create a fanciful style. No prince can resist his Marble Lily maiden!

Customer Keywords:Fanciful, frilly, girly, princess

Marble lilyMarble lilyMarble lily





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 153: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11099 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11100 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11101 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11102 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11103 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11104 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11105 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11106 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11107 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11108 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11109 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11110 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11111 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11112 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11113 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11114 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11115 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11116 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11117 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11118 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11119 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11120 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11121 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11122 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11123 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11124 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11125 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11126 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11127 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11128 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11129 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11130 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11131 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11132 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11133 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11134 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11135 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11136 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11137 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11138 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11147 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11148 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11149 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11150 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11151 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11152 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11153 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11154 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11139 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11140 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11141 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11142 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11143 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11144 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11145 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 11146 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Collaboration Collaboration

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

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Prima Offi cial Look Book


Frilled Camisole

Marble Lily 82 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Frilled Camisole

Marble Lily 1936 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Frilled Camisole

Marble Lily 13354 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Frilled Camisole

Marble Lily 13357 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Frilled Camisole

Marble Lily 844 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Frilled Camisole

Marble Lily 1979 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Frilled Camisole

Marble Lily 12247 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Frilled Camisole

Marble Lily 12249 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Frilled Camisole

Marble Lily 12253 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Frill-Front Blouse

Marble Lily 541 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Frill-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 2679 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Frill-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 5365 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Frill-Front Camisole

Marble Lily 5366 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Frill-Tie Blouse

Marble Lily 1303 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Frill-Tie Blouse

Marble Lily 5410 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Frill-Tie Blouse

Marble Lily 5411 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Frill-Tie Blouse

Marble Lily 5412 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Laced Corset Camisole

Marble Lily 12140 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Laced, Frilled Camisole

Marble Lily 312 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Laced, Frilled Camisole

Marble Lily 2020 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Laced, Frilled Camisole

Marble Lily 2022 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Lace-Edged Blouse

Marble Lily 436 rBuy: 36 Sell: 90

Lace-Edged Blouse

Marble Lily 1783 rBuy: 36 Sell: 90

Polka-Dot Camisole

Marble Lily 313 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Polka-Dot Camisole

Marble Lily 2024 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Polka-Dot Camisole

Marble Lily 2025 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Polka-Dot Camisole

Marble Lily 12275 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Polka-Dot Camisole

Marble Lily 12277 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Polka-Dot Camisole

Marble Lily 12281 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Puffed-Sleeve Blouse

Marble Lily 433 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Puffed-Sleeve Blouse

Marble Lily 1769 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Puffed-Sleeve Blouse

Marble Lily 1770 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Puffed-Sleeve Blouse

Marble Lily 13331 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Puffed-Sleeve Blouse

Marble Lily 13332 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Puffed-Sleeve Blouse

Marble Lily 815 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Puffed-Sleeve Blouse

Marble Lily 2110 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Puffed-Sleeve Blouse

Marble Lily 2111 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Ribbon-Close Cardigan

Marble Lily 130 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Ribbon-Close Cardigan

Marble Lily 2188 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Ribboned Tuxedo Blouse

Marble Lily 2346 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Ribboned Tuxedo Blouse

Marble Lily 5407 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Ribboned Tuxedo Blouse

Marble Lily 5408 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Ribboned Tuxedo Blouse

Marble Lily 5409 rBuy: 30 Sell: 76

Rose-Collar Cardigan

Marble Lily 346 rBuy: 41 Sell: 104

Round-Neck Blouse

Marble Lily 611 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Round-Neck Blouse

Marble Lily 1693 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Round-Neck Blouse

Marble Lily 1695 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Ruffl e-Hem Blouse

Marble Lily 813 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Ruffl e-Hem Blouse

Marble Lily 2104 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Shirred-Frill Cardigan

Marble Lily 345 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Shirred-Frill Cardigan

Marble Lily 2189 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Shirred-Frill Cardigan

Marble Lily 2190 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Shirred-Frill Cardigan

Marble Lily 12474 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Shirred-Frill Cardigan

Marble Lily 12476 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Shirred-Frill Cardigan

Marble Lily 12480 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Shirred-Frill Cardigan

Marble Lily 12485 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 155: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Strawberry Camisole

Marble Lily 34 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Strawberry Camisole

Marble Lily 1815 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Bow-Backed Coat

Marble Lily 124 rBuy: 167 Sell: 278

Bow-Backed Coat

Marble Lily 2476 rBuy: 167 Sell: 278

Bow-Backed Coat

Marble Lily 12460 rBuy: 167 Sell: 278

Bow-Backed Coat

Marble Lily 12462 rBuy: 167 Sell: 278

Bow-Front Bolero Jacket

Marble Lily 2117 rBuy: 36 Sell: 91

Bow-Front Bolero Jacket

Marble Lily 5134 rBuy: 36 Sell: 91

Bow-Front Bolero Jacket

Marble Lily 5135 rBuy: 36 Sell: 91

Bow-Front Cape

Marble Lily 343 rBuy: 52 Sell: 132

Bow-Front Cape

Marble Lily 2458 rBuy: 52 Sell: 132

Bow-Front Cape

Marble Lily 2459 rBuy: 52 Sell: 132

Bow-Trimmed Cape Coat

Marble Lily 2706 rBuy: 191 Sell: 318

Bow-Trimmed Cape Coat

Marble Lily 5888 rBuy: 191 Sell: 318

Cherry-Corsage Cardigan

Marble Lily 485 rBuy: 36 Sell: 90

Cherry-Corsage Cardigan

Marble Lily 2496 rBuy: 36 Sell: 90

Fancy-Rabbit Hoodie

Marble Lily 2288 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Fancy-Rabbit Hoodie

Marble Lily 4999 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Fancy-Rabbit Hoodie

Marble Lily 12426 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Fancy-Rabbit Hoodie

Marble Lily 12428 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Frilled Bolero Cardigan

Marble Lily 1193 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Frilled Bolero Cardigan

Marble Lily 5101 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Frilled Bolero Cardigan

Marble Lily 5102 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Fur-Trimmed Cape Coat

Marble Lily 2705 rBuy: 200 Sell: 334

Fur-Trimmed Cape Coat

Marble Lily 5885 rBuy: 200 Sell: 334

Heart Cat-Ear Hoodie

Marble Lily 2292 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Heart Cat-Ear Hoodie

Marble Lily 5128 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Heart Cat-Ear Hoodie

Marble Lily 5129 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Lace Cat-Ear Hoodie

Marble Lily 1282 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Lace Cat-Ear Hoodie

Marble Lily 5125 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Lace Cat-Ear Hoodie

Marble Lily 12531 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Lace Cat-Ear Hoodie

Marble Lily 12533 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Lace Cat-Ear Hoodie

Marble Lily 12537 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Lace Cat-Ear Hoodie

Marble Lily 12542 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Lace-Edged Cape

Marble Lily 2686 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Lace-Edged Cape

Marble Lily 5044 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Lace-Edged Jacket

Marble Lily 332 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Lace-Edged Jacket

Marble Lily 2252 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Lace-Edged Jacket

Marble Lily 2253 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Lacy Bolero Cardigan

Marble Lily 800 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Lacy Bolero Cardigan

Marble Lily 2593 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Lacy Bolero Cardigan

Marble Lily 2594 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Polka-Dot Princess Coat

Marble Lily 2373 rBuy: 140 Sell: 233

Polka-Dot Princess Coat

Marble Lily 5059 rBuy: 140 Sell: 233

Polka-Dot Princess Coat

Marble Lily 5060 rBuy: 140 Sell: 233

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 2363 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11155 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11156 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11157 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11158 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11159 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11160 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11161 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11162 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11163 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

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Prima Offi cial Look Book


Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11164 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11165 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11166 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11167 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11168 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11169 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11170 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11171 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11172 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11173 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11174 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11175 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11176 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11177 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11178 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11179 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11180 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11181 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11182 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11183 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11184 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11185 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11186 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11187 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11188 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11189 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11190 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11191 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11192 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11193 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11194 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11195 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11196 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11197 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11198 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11199 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11200 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11201 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11202 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11203 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11204 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11205 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11206 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11207 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11208 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11209 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11210 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11211 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11212 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11213 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11214 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11215 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11216 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Polka-Dot-Ribbon Cardigan

Marble Lily 11217 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Puffed-Sleeve Cardigan

Marble Lily 778 rBuy: 56 Sell: 140

Puffed-Sleeve Cardigan

Marble Lily 5083 rBuy: 56 Sell: 140


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 157: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Puffed-Sleeve Cardigan

Marble Lily 5084 rBuy: 56 Sell: 140

Scallop-Hem Bolero

Marble Lily 12547 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Scallop-Hem Bolero

Marble Lily 12551 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Scallop-Hem Bolero

Marble Lily 12553 rBuy: 26 Sell: 65

Pantaloon Shorts

Marble Lily 630 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Pantaloon Shorts

Marble Lily 5692 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Pantaloon Shorts

Marble Lily 5693 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Floret-Shirred Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 2223 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Floret-Shirred Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 3526 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Floret-Shirred Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 3530 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Floret-Shirred Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 3534 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Floret-Shirred Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 13413 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Lace, Tiered Skirt

Marble Lily 2546 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Lace, Tiered Skirt

Marble Lily 5846 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Lace-up A-Line Skirt

Marble Lily 387 rBuy: 61 Sell: 153

Lace-up A-Line Skirt

Marble Lily 5786 rBuy: 61 Sell: 153

Lacy Gingham Skirt

Marble Lily 225 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Lacy Gingham Skirt

Marble Lily 3283 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Polka-Dot Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 673 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Polka-Dot Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 3507 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Princess Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 227 rBuy: 36 Sell: 91

Princess Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 3414 rBuy: 36 Sell: 91

Princess Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 3415 rBuy: 36 Sell: 91

Princess Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 3416 rBuy: 36 Sell: 91

Princess Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 13412 rBuy: 36 Sell: 91

Strawberry Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 228 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Strawberry Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 3462 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 530 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11029 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11030 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11031 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11032 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11033 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11034 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11035 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11036 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11037 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11038 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11039 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11040 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11041 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11042 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11043 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11044 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11045 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11046 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11047 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11048 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11049 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11050 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11051 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11052 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11053 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11054 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99







Collaboration Collaboration

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 158: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11055 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11056 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11057 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11058 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11059 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11060 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11061 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11062 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11063 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11064 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11065 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11066 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11067 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11068 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11069 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11070 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11071 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11072 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11073 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11074 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11075 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11076 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11077 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11078 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11079 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11080 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11081 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11082 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11083 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11084 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11085 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11086 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11087 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11088 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11089 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11090 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Marble Lily 11091 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Gingham Hoop Dress

Marble Lily 357 rBuy: 96 Sell: 179

Gingham Hoop Dress

Marble Lily 4760 rBuy: 96 Sell: 179

Gingham Hoop Dress

Marble Lily 4762 rBuy: 96 Sell: 179

Gingham Hoop Dress

Marble Lily 13422 rBuy: 96 Sell: 179

Lace-up Hoop Dress

Marble Lily 163 rBuy: 104 Sell: 198

Lace-up Hoop Dress

Marble Lily 4754 rBuy: 104 Sell: 198

Lace-up Hoop Dress

Marble Lily 4755 rBuy: 104 Sell: 198

Polka-Dot Empire Dress

Marble Lily 2700 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Polka-Dot Empire Dress

Marble Lily 4751 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Polka-Dot Empire Dress

Marble Lily 4752 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Polka-Dot Hoop Dress

Marble Lily 653 rBuy: 48 Sell: 119

Polka-Dot Hoop Dress

Marble Lily 4769 rBuy: 48 Sell: 119

Polka-Dot Hoop Dress

Marble Lily 4770 rBuy: 48 Sell: 119

Polka-Dot Hoop Dress

Marble Lily 4771 rBuy: 48 Sell: 119

Polka-Dot Hoop Dress

Marble Lily 13423 rBuy: 48 Sell: 119

Ruffl ed Empire Dress

Marble Lily 2699 rBuy: 112 Sell: 213

Ruffl ed Empire Dress

Marble Lily 4749 rBuy: 112 Sell: 213

Ruffl ed Empire Dress

Marble Lily 4750 rBuy: 112 Sell: 213






Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 159: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Shirred Hoop Dress

Marble Lily 359 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Shirred Hoop Dress

Marble Lily 4767 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Striped Empire Dress

Marble Lily 591 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Empire Dress

Marble Lily 4664 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Striped Empire Dress

Marble Lily 4666 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62 H





Gingham Bow

Marble Lily 13236 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Gingham Bow

Marble Lily 13237 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Shirred-Lace Headpiece

Marble Lily 474 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Shirred-Lace Headpiece

Marble Lily 4048 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Frilled Headpiece

Marble Lily 4056 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Gingham Bow

Marble Lily 473 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Gingham Bow

Marble Lily 1323 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Gingham Bow

Marble Lily 1325 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Frilled Headpiece

Marble Lily 2534 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Frilled Headpiece

Marble Lily 4055 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Collaboration Collaboration

Striped Bow

Marble Lily 4019 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Bow

Marble Lily 13238 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Bow

Marble Lily 13240 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Bow

Marble Lily 13241 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Shirred-Lace Headpiece

Marble Lily 4049 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Shirred-Lace Headpiece

Marble Lily 4050 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped Bow

Marble Lily 1142 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Bow

Marble Lily 4018 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11218 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11219 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11220 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11221 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 505 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 870 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 4025 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 4026 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11226 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11227 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11228 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11229 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11222 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11223 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11224 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11225 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11234 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11235 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11236 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11237 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11230 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11231 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11232 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11233 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11242 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11243 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11244 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11245 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11238 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11239 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11240 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11241 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11250 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11251 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11252 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11253 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11246 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11247 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11248 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11249 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11258 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11259 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11260 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11261 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11254 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11255 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11256 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11257 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 160: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Lace-Top Kneesocks

Marble Lily 2121 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Lace-Top Kneesocks

Marble Lily 5545 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Lace-Top Kneesocks

Marble Lily 5546 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Lace-Top Kneesocks

Marble Lily 5547 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Shin-Bow Kneesocks

Marble Lily 420 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Shin-Bow Kneesocks

Marble Lily 2840 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Shin-Bow Kneesocks

Marble Lily 2841 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Shin-Bow Kneesocks

Marble Lily 2842 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Shin-Bow Kneesocks

Marble Lily 13023 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Shin-Bow Kneesocks

Marble Lily 13024 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Shin-Bow Kneesocks

Marble Lily 13025 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Strawberry Kneesocks

Marble Lily 421 rBuy: 2 Sell: 15

Strawberry Kneesocks

Marble Lily 2846 rBuy: 2 Sell: 15

Striped, Lacy Kneesocks

Marble Lily 2122 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Striped, Lacy Kneesocks

Marble Lily 5548 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Striped, Lacy Kneesocks

Marble Lily 5549 rBuy: 5 Sell: 27

Baby Mary Janes

Marble Lily 450 rBuy: 46 Sell: 116

Baby Mary Janes

Marble Lily 3596 rBuy: 46 Sell: 116

Baby Mary Janes

Marble Lily 3597 rBuy: 46 Sell: 116

Baby Mary Janes

Marble Lily 1901 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Baby Mary Janes

Marble Lily 3609 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Baby Mary Janes

Marble Lily 3610 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Fur-top, Lace-up Boots

Marble Lily 1802 rBuy: 100 Sell: 166

Fur-Top, Lace-up Boots

Marble Lily 3475 rBuy: 100 Sell: 166

Fur-Top, Lace-up Boots

Marble Lily 3476 rBuy: 100 Sell: 166

Fur-Top, Lace-up Boots

Marble Lily 3477 rBuy: 100 Sell: 166

Fur-Top, Lace-up Boots

Marble Lily 13436 rBuy: 100 Sell: 166

Fur-Top, Lace-up Boots

Marble Lily 13437 rBuy: 100 Sell: 166

Jeweled Mary Janes

Marble Lily 2361 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Jeweled Mary Janes

Marble Lily 3619 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11266 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11267 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11268 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11269 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11262 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11263 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11264 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11265 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11274 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11275 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11276 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11277 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11270 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11271 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11272 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11273 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Princess-Bow Necklace

Marble Lily 1992 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Princess-Bow Necklace

Marble Lily 3940 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Princess-Bow Necklace

Marble Lily 3941 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Princess-Bow Necklace

Marble Lily 3942 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11278 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11279 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Top-Hat Headpiece

Marble Lily 11280 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70 nE



Lace-Cuff Gloves

Marble Lily 2327 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Lace-Cuff Gloves

Marble Lily 13467 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Lace-Cuff Gloves

Marble Lily 13468 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Striped-Cuff Gloves

Marble Lily 2326 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Lace Gloves

Marble Lily 252 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Lace Gloves

Marble Lily 13465 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Lace Gloves

Marble Lily 13466 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28G











Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 161: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Platform Ankle Boots

Marble Lily 1804 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Platform Ankle Boots

Marble Lily 3712 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Platform Ankle Boots

Marble Lily 3714 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Platform Ballet Shoes

Marble Lily 759 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Platform Ballet Shoes

Marble Lily 760 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Platform Ballet Shoes

Marble Lily 3484 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Platform Ballet Shoes

Marble Lily 3488 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Platform Ballet Shoes

Marble Lily 3491 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Platform Ballet Shoes

Marble Lily 13438 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Platform Ballet Shoes

Marble Lily 13439 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158


Top (Classic Doll)

Masquerade 13504 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Top (Fairy Princess)

Masquerade 2289 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Top (Maid)

Masquerade 2281 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Top (Rose Princess)

Masquerade 2535 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Top (Sweet Girl)

Masquerade 2282 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Vest (Cowgirl)

Masquerade 2293 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Blouse (Classic Doll)

Masquerade 13503 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Blouse (Maid)

Masquerade 2273 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Kerchief Shirt (Sailor)

Masquerade 2267 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Silk-Mesh Shirt (Ninja)

Masquerade 2131 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Dress Shirt (Cowgirl)

Masquerade 2279 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Obi-Belted Top (Ninja)

Masquerade 2687 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Tail-Hem Shirt (Cat)

Masquerade 1302 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799










Masquerade is a one-of-a-kind clothing brand that specializes in rare costume pieces. Though some Masquerade items can be found at the buyer’s center, the pieces are more easily obtained as prizes when you win fashion contests. See the “Living Fabulously” chapter for more on fashion contests and their prizes. Collect Masquerade costumes to wear at fun parties and costume events!

Customer Keywords:Costume, rare, distinct, theatrical, one-of-a-kind, fantasy, pretend

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 162: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Shorts (Sweet Girl)

Masquerade 2319 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Hoopskirt (Classic Doll)

Masquerade 13505 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Micromini (Sweet Girl)

Masquerade 2797 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Miniskirt (Cowgirl)

Masquerade 2379 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Miniskirt (Ninja)

Masquerade 2367 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Skirt (Fairy Princess)

Masquerade 2992 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Skirt (Maid)

Masquerade 2531 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Skirt (Rose Princess)

Masquerade 2991 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Skirt (Sailor)

Masquerade 2528 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Tutu Skirt (Cat)

Masquerade 2321 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Bow (Classic Doll)

Masquerade 13506 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Contest Crown

Masquerade 13507 rBuy: 4 Sell: 7992

Hat (Cowgirl)

Masquerade 2277 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Headband (Cat)

Masquerade 1361 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799








Headband (Maid)

Masquerade 2066 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Tiara (Fairy Princess)

Masquerade 1360 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Tiara (Rose Princess)

Masquerade 2518 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Bandanna (Cowgirl)

Masquerade 2055 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Neck-Cloth (Ninja)

Masquerade 2064 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Necklace (Fairy Princess)

Masquerade 1991 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Gloves (Fairy Princess)

Masquerade 2333 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Gloves (Sweet Girl)

Masquerade 2334 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Paw Gloves (Cat)

Masquerade 3174 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Studded Gloves (Ninja)

Masquerade 2335 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Leg Warmers (Sweet Girl)

Masquerade 2337 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Over-Knee Socks (Ninja)

Masquerade 2127 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Paw Rain Boots (Cat)

Masquerade 1479 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Rain Boots (Sweet Girl)

Masquerade 2514 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Shoes (Fairy Princess)

Masquerade 1526 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799

Shoes (Rose Princess)

Masquerade 1900 rBuy: 792 Sell: 799
























Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Headwear Scarves Necklaces Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 163: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide



Bow-Tie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 1592 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Bow-Tie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 1593 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Bow-Tie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 1597 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Bow-Tie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 13282 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Bow-Tie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 13283 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Buttoned High-Neck Shirt

Penbridge 807 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Buttoned High-Neck Shirt

Penbridge 1070 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Penbridge 2207 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Penbridge 4414 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Penbridge 4415 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Penbridge 4416 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

High-Neck Striped Blouse

Penbridge 327 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

High-Neck Striped Blouse

Penbridge 1644 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

High-Neck Striped Blouse

Penbridge 1646 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

High-Neck Striped Blouse

Penbridge 13317 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

High-Neck Striped Blouse

Penbridge 13318 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

High-Neck Striped Blouse

Penbridge 13319 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

High-Neck Striped Blouse

Penbridge 13320 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

High-Neck Striped Blouse

Penbridge 13321 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 92 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 1557 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 1558 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12287 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12288 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12289 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12290 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12291 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12292 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12293 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12294 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12295 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12296 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Argyle U-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 2216 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Argyle U-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 4447 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Argyle U-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 4448 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Bow-Front Plaid Camisole

Penbridge 2137 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Bow-Front Plaid Camisole

Penbridge 4893 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Bow-Front Plaid Camisole

Penbridge 4894 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Bow-Tie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 95 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Bow-Tie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 319 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Make a smart, snappy appearance with Penbridge. This popular clothing line offers a wide selection of modest, preppy pieces that help you pull off a dapper style.

Customer Keywords:Preppy, smart, snappy, modest, dapper



Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Headwear Scarves Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 164: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12297 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12298 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12299 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12300 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12301 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12302 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12303 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12304 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Necktie Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12305 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Plaid Dress Shirt

Penbridge 1735 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Plaid Dress Shirt

Penbridge 5212 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Plaid Dress Shirt

Penbridge 5213 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Plaid Dress Shirt

Penbridge 5214 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Plaid Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12325 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 323 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 1616 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 1617 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 1618 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 12371 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 12372 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 12373 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 12374 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 12375 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 12376 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 12377 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 12378 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 12379 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 12380 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 12381 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Collar Polo Shirt

Penbridge 12382 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 1736 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 5239 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 5240 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12359 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12360 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12361 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12362 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12363 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12364 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12365 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12366 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12367 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12368 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12369 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Pocket Dress Shirt

Penbridge 12370 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Plaid-Ruffl e Shirt

Penbridge 288 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Plaid-Ruffl e Shirt

Penbridge 1102 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Plaid-Ruffl e Shirt

Penbridge 1104 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 321 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10084 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10085 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10086 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10087 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10088 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10089 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10090 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Headwear Scarves Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 165: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10091 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10092 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10093 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10094 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10095 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10096 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10097 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10098 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10099 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10100 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10101 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10102 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10103 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10104 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10105 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10106 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10107 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10108 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10109 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10110 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10111 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10112 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10113 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10114 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10115 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10116 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10117 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10118 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10119 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10120 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10121 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10122 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10123 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10124 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10125 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10126 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10127 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10128 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10129 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10130 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10131 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10132 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10133 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10134 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10135 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10136 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10137 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10138 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10139 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10140 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10141 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10142 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10143 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10144 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10145 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Schoolgirl Dress Shirt

Penbridge 10146 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Headwear Scarves Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 166: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Argyle Sweater

Penbridge 2781 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Argyle Sweater

Penbridge 5473 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Argyle Sweater

Penbridge 5474 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Argyle Sweater

Penbridge 5475 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Argyle Vest

Penbridge 431 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Argyle Vest

Penbridge 1727 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Argyle Vest

Penbridge 1728 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Argyle V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 2278 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Argyle V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 4573 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Argyle V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 4574 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Argyle V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 13326 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Argyle V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 13327 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Argyle V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 13328 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Argyle V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 13329 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Argyle-Outline Vest

Penbridge 614 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Argyle-Outline Vest

Penbridge 1731 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Bow-Front Plaid Blouse

Penbridge 954 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Bow-Front Plaid Blouse

Penbridge 13351 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Bow-Front T-Shirt

Penbridge 573 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Bow-Front T-Shirt

Penbridge 1659 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Double-Breasted Vest

Penbridge 2689 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Double-Breasted Vest

Penbridge 5446 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Double-Breasted Vest

Penbridge 5447 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Double-Breasted Vest

Penbridge 5448 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Plaid Waistcoat Vest

Penbridge 483 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Plaid Waistcoat Vest

Penbridge 5422 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Plaid Waistcoat Vest

Penbridge 5423 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Plaid Waistcoat Vest

Penbridge 5424 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Plaid-Backed Vest

Penbridge 589 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Plaid-Backed Vest

Penbridge 2165 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Plaid-Collar Top

Penbridge 31 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Plaid-Collar Top

Penbridge 4582 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 1004 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 1762 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 1763 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 1764 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12107 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12108 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12109 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12110 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12111 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12112 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12113 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12114 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12115 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12116 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12117 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12118 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12119 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12120 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12121 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12122 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12123 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12124 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12125 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32



Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Headwear Scarves Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 167: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12126 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12127 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Prep-School Vest

Penbridge 12128 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

School-Crest Vest

Penbridge 430 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

School-Crest Vest

Penbridge 1723 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

School-Crest Vest

Penbridge 1724 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

School-Crest Vest

Penbridge 12079 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

School-Crest Vest

Penbridge 12080 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

School-Crest Vest

Penbridge 12081 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

School-Crest Vest

Penbridge 12082 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

School-Crest Vest

Penbridge 12083 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

School-Crest Vest

Penbridge 12084 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

School-Crest Vest

Penbridge 12085 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

School-Crest Vest

Penbridge 12086 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

School-Crest Vest

Penbridge 12087 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

School-Crest Vest

Penbridge 12088 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

School-Crest Vest

Penbridge 12089 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Schoolgirl Blouse

Penbridge 454 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Schoolgirl Blouse

Penbridge 1797 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Schoolgirl Blouse

Penbridge 13348 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Schoolgirl Blouse

Penbridge 13349 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Schoolgirl Blouse

Penbridge 13350 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Striped V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 1960 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Striped V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 5509 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Striped V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 5510 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Striped V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 5511 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Striped V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 12496 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Striped V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 12497 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Striped V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 12498 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Striped V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 12499 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Striped V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 12500 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Striped V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 12501 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Striped V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 12502 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Striped V-Neck Sweater

Penbridge 12503 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Tartan-Plaid Camisole

Penbridge 715 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Tartan-Plaid Camisole

Penbridge 2014 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Tartan-Plaid Camisole

Penbridge 2015 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Tartan-Plaid Camisole

Penbridge 2016 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Bow-Trimmed Jacket

Bow-Trimmed Jacket

Penbridge 2249 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Trimmed Jacket

Penbridge 2250 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bow-Trimmed Jacket

Penbridge 2251 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Buffalo-Plaid Trench Coat

Penbridge 2703 rBuy: 211 Sell: 352

Buffalo-Plaid Trench Coat

Penbridge 5876 rBuy: 211 Sell: 352

Buffalo-Plaid Trench Coat

Penbridge 5877 rBuy: 211 Sell: 352

Buffalo-Plaid Trench Coat

Penbridge 5878 rBuy: 211 Sell: 352

Button-Collar Jacket

Penbridge 2147 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Button-Collar Jacket

Penbridge 4944 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Button-Collar Jacket

Penbridge 4945 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Color-Edged Jacket

Penbridge 849 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Color-Edged Jacket

Penbridge 2418 rBuy: 24 Sell: 60

Double-Breasted Jacket

Penbridge 517 rBuy: 120 Sell: 200

Double-Breasted Jacket

Penbridge 2392 rBuy: 120 Sell: 200

Double-Breasted Jacket

Penbridge 2393 rBuy: 120 Sell: 200

Double-Breasted Jacket

Penbridge 2394 rBuy: 120 Sell: 200




Penbridge 107 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Headwear Scarves Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 168: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


High-Neck Plaid Jacket

Penbridge 857 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

High-Neck Plaid Jacket

Penbridge 2468 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

High-Neck Plaid Jacket

Penbridge 2469 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Lace-Collar Cardigan

Penbridge 887 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Lace-Collar Cardigan

Penbridge 2491 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Lace-Collar Cardigan

Penbridge 2492 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Marching-Band Jacket

Penbridge 856 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Marching-Band Jacket

Penbridge 2464 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Marching-Band Jacket

Penbridge 2466 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Plaid Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 2702 rBuy: 140 Sell: 260

Plaid Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 4817 rBuy: 140 Sell: 260

Plaid Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 4818 rBuy: 140 Sell: 260

Plaid-Trimmed Jacket

Penbridge 337 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Plaid-Trimmed Jacket

Penbridge 2389 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Plaid-Trimmed Jacket

Penbridge 2390 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Plaid-Trimmed Jacket

Penbridge 2391 rBuy: 38 Sell: 96

Prep-School Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 911 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Prep-School Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 4808 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Prep-School Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 12667 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Prep-School Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 12668 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Prep-School Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 12669 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Prep-School Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 12670 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Prep-School Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 12671 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Prep-School Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 12672 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Prep-School Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 12673 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Prep-School Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 12674 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Prep-School Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 12675 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Prep-School Duffl e Coat

Penbridge 12676 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

School-Crest Jacket

Penbridge 113 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Striped-Neck Cardigan

Penbridge 885 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Striped-Neck Cardigan

Penbridge 2486 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Striped-Neck Cardigan

Penbridge 2487 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Tartan-Plaid Jacket

Penbridge 2680 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Tartan-Plaid Jacket

Penbridge 4917 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Tartan-Plaid Jacket

Penbridge 4918 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Tartan-Plaid Jacket

Penbridge 4919 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 881 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10210 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10211 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10212 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10213 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10214 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10215 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10216 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10217 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10218 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10219 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10220 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10221 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10222 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10223 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10224 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10225 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10226 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10227 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10228 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Headwear Scarves Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 169: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10229 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10230 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10231 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10232 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10233 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10234 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10235 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10236 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10237 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10238 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10239 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10240 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10241 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10242 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10243 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10244 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10245 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10246 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10247 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10248 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10249 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10250 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10251 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10252 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10253 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10254 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10255 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10256 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10257 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10258 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10259 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10260 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10261 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10262 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10263 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10264 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10265 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10266 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10267 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10268 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10269 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10270 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10271 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Velour Jacket

Penbridge 10272 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Plaid Empire Tunic

Penbridge 1472 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Plaid Empire Tunic

Penbridge 4727 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Plaid Empire Tunic

Penbridge 4728 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Plaid Empire Tunic

Penbridge 4729 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Button-Tab Plaid Shorts

Penbridge 2622 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Button-Tab Plaid Shorts

Penbridge 5638 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Button-Tab Plaid Shorts

Penbridge 5639 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Button-Tab Plaid Shorts

Penbridge 5640 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Plaid Capri Shorts

Penbridge 567 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Plaid Capri Shorts

Penbridge 3087 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78








Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Headwear Scarves Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 170: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Plaid Short Shorts

Penbridge 733 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Plaid Short Shorts

Penbridge 3171 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Plaid Short Shorts

Penbridge 3172 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Plaid Short Shorts

Penbridge 3173 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Plaid-Cuff Capri Shorts

Penbridge 566 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Plaid-Cuff Capri Shorts

Penbridge 3083 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Plaid-Cuff Capri Shorts

Penbridge 3084 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Plaid-Cuff Capri Shorts

Penbridge 3086 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Plaid-Cuff Pants

Penbridge 2305 rBuy: 56 Sell: 140

Plaid-Cuff Pants

Penbridge 5602 rBuy: 56 Sell: 140

Plaid-Cuff Pants

Penbridge 5603 rBuy: 56 Sell: 140

Plaid-Cuff Pants

Penbridge 5604 rBuy: 56 Sell: 140

Two-Button Plaid Shorts

Penbridge 2350 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Two-Button Plaid Shorts

Penbridge 5704 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Two-Button Plaid Shorts

Penbridge 5705 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Two-Button Plaid Shorts

Penbridge 5706 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Watch-Chain Capri Shorts

Penbridge 176 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

Watch-Chain Capri Shorts

Penbridge 2974 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

Button-Tab Miniskirt

Penbridge 919 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Hem-Stripe Miniskirt

Penbridge 2526 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

Hem-Stripe Miniskirt

Penbridge 5829 rBuy: 20 Sell: 52

Kilt Miniskirt

Penbridge 499 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Kilt Miniskirt

Penbridge 2898 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Kilt Miniskirt

Penbridge 2899 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Plaid Bubble-Hem Skirt

Penbridge 643 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Plaid Bubble-Hem Skirt

Penbridge 3251 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Plaid Bubble-Hem Skirt

Penbridge 3252 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Plaid Bubble-Hem Skirt

Penbridge 3253 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Plaid-Hem Miniskirt

Penbridge 636 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Plaid-Hem Miniskirt

Penbridge 5819 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Plaid-Hem Miniskirt

Penbridge 5820 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Plaid-Peek Miniskirt

Penbridge 392 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Plaid-Peek Miniskirt

Penbridge 5816 rBuy: 22 Sell: 57

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 924 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10021 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10022 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10023 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10024 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10025 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10026 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10027 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10028 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10029 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10030 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10031 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10032 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10033 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10034 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10035 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10036 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10037 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10038 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10039 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10040 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10041 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Headwear Scarves Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 171: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10042 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10043 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10044 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10045 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10046 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10047 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10048 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10049 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10050 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10051 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10052 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10053 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10054 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10055 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10056 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10057 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10058 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10059 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10060 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10061 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10062 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10063 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10064 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10065 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10066 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10067 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10068 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10069 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10070 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10071 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10072 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10073 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10074 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10075 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10076 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10077 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10078 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10079 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10080 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10081 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10082 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 10083 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 222 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Pleated Plaid Miniskirt

Penbridge 3126 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid Shirt Dress

Penbridge 487 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Plaid Shirt Dress

Penbridge 4612 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Plaid Shirt Dress

Penbridge 4613 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Plaid-Skirted Dress

Penbridge 2550 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Plaid-Skirted Dress

Penbridge 4682 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Plaid-Skirted Dress

Penbridge 4683 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Plaid-Skirted Dress

Penbridge 4684 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Sash-Waist Plaid Dress

Penbridge 555 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Sash-Waist Plaid Dress

Penbridge 4249 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Sash-Waist Plaid Dress

Penbridge 4250 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Sash-Waist Plaid Dress

Penbridge 4251 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70







Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Headwear Scarves Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 172: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Plaid Overalls

Penbridge 2376 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Plaid Overalls

Penbridge 6035 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Plaid Overalls

Penbridge 6036 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Plaid Overalls

Penbridge 6037 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54









ar Patch-Fabric Plaid


Penbridge 746 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Patch-Fabric Plaid Beret

Penbridge 4006 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Plaid Flat Cap

Penbridge 1244 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Plaid Flat Cap

Penbridge 1245 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 535 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Patch-Fabric Plaid Beret

Penbridge 4007 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Patch-Fabric Plaid Beret

Penbridge 4008 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Plaid Flat Cap

Penbridge 547 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10147 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10152 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10153 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10154 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10148 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10149 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10150 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10155 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10151 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Flat Cap

Penbridge 1243 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10160 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10161 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10162 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10156 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10157 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10158 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10163 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10159 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10168 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10169 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10170 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10164 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10165 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10166 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10171 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10167 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10176 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10177 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10178 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10172 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10173 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10174 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10179 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10175 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10184 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10185 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10186 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10180 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10181 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10182 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10187 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10183 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10192 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10193 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10194 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10188 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10189 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10190 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10195 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10191 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10200 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10201 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10202 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10196 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10197 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10198 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10203 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10199 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Headwear Scarves Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 173: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Tartan Long Scarf

Penbridge 509 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Tartan Long Scarf

Penbridge 1231 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Tartan Long Scarf

Penbridge 1232 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Plaid-Cuff Gloves

Penbridge 684 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Plaid-Cuff Gloves

Penbridge 13478 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Plaid-Cuff Gloves

Penbridge 13479 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Plaid-Cuff Gloves

Penbridge 13480 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Plaid-Cuff Gloves

Penbridge 13481 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Slouchy Leg Warmers

Penbridge 569 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Slouchy Leg Warmers

Penbridge 3799 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Slouchy Leg Warmers

Penbridge 3800 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Slouchy Leg Warmers

Penbridge 3801 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Argyle Crew Socks

Penbridge 363 rBuy: 1 Sell: 7

Argyle Crew Socks

Penbridge 2873 rBuy: 1 Sell: 7

Argyle Crew Socks

Penbridge 2874 rBuy: 1 Sell: 7

Argyle Crew Socks

Penbridge 2875 rBuy: 1 Sell: 7

Argyle Kneesocks

Penbridge 700 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Argyle Kneesocks

Penbridge 2857 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Argyle Kneesocks

Penbridge 2858 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Argyle Kneesocks

Penbridge 2859 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Argyle Kneesocks

Penbridge 13039 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Argyle Kneesocks

Penbridge 13040 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Argyle Kneesocks

Penbridge 13041 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Argyle Kneesocks

Penbridge 13042 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Scholar Socks

Penbridge 168 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Scholar Socks

Penbridge 2867 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Scholar Socks

Penbridge 2868 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Button-up Stiletto Boots

Penbridge 931 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Button-up Stiletto Boots

Penbridge 3700 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Button-up Stiletto Boots

Penbridge 3701 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Button-up Stiletto Boots

Penbridge 3702 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Penny Loafers

Penbridge 661 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Penny Loafers

Penbridge 3580 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Penny Loafers

Penbridge 3581 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Penny Loafers

Penbridge 3582 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Penny Loafers

Penbridge 13448 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10208 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10209 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Tartan Beret

Penbridge 2338 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10204 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10205 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10206 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Tartan Beret

Penbridge 4009 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Plaid Newsboy Cap

Penbridge 10207 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Block-Striped Long Scarf

Penbridge 2224 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Long Scarf

Penbridge 3785 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Long Scarf

Penbridge 3786 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Long Scarf

Penbridge 6534 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Block-Striped Long Scarf

Penbridge 6535 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33





Tartan Beret

Penbridge 4010 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Tartan Beret

Penbridge 4011 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58
















Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Headwear Scarves Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 174: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Plaid Buttoned Loafers

Penbridge 662 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Plaid Buttoned Loafers

Penbridge 3583 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Plaid Buttoned Loafers

Penbridge 3584 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Plaid Buttoned Loafers

Penbridge 3585 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Plaid Cowboy Boots

Penbridge 243 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Plaid Cowboy Boots

Penbridge 3553 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Plaid Cowboy Boots

Penbridge 3554 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Plaid Cowboy Boots

Penbridge 3555 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Plaid Cowboy Boots

Penbridge 13447 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Plaid Pumps

Penbridge 468 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Plaid Pumps

Penbridge 3667 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Plaid Pumps

Penbridge 3668 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Plaid Pumps

Penbridge 3669 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Plaid Wallaby Shoes

Penbridge 501 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Plaid Wallaby Shoes

Penbridge 3309 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Plaid Wallaby Shoes

Penbridge 3310 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Pure Cloth

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6206 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6207 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 10651 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 10652 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 10653 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 10654 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 10655 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 10656 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6198 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6199 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6200 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6201 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6202 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6203 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6204 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6205 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Living stylishly can be hectic at times, but Pure Cloth helps you keep things simple. This brand’s essential selection of solid-color pieces can be combined in many ways to build clean, versatile looks.

Customer Keywords:Basic, simple, essential, solid colors, versatile


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Tunics Pants Skirts Dresses Overalls Headwear Scarves Gloves Leg Warmers Hosiery Footwear

Page 175: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 10657 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 10658 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

3/4-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6088 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6089 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6090 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6091 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6092 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6093 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6094 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6095 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6096 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6097 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 4498 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 4499 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6098 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6099 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6100 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6101 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6102 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6103 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6104 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6105 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6106 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

3/4-Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6107 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Polo Shirt

Pure Cloth 5255 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Polo Shirt

Pure Cloth 6228 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Polo Shirt

Pure Cloth 6229 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Polo Shirt

Pure Cloth 6230 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Polo Shirt

Pure Cloth 6231 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Polo Shirt

Pure Cloth 6232 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Polo Shirt

Pure Cloth 6233 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Polo Shirt

Pure Cloth 6234 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Polo Shirt

Pure Cloth 6235 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Polo Shirt

Pure Cloth 6236 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Polo Shirt

Pure Cloth 6237 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 4381 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 4382 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6038 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6039 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6040 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6041 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6042 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6043 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6044 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6046 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6047 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6068 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6069 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6070 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6071 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6072 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6073 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6074 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6075 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6076 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6077 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Hosiery

Page 176: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6078 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6079 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6080 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6081 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6082 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6083 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6084 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6085 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6086 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6087 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 10525 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 10526 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 10527 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 10528 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 10529 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 10530 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 10531 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Boatneck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 10532 rBuy: 1 Sell: 8

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 6158 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 6159 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 6160 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 6161 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 6162 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 6163 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 6164 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 6165 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 6166 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 6167 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 12213 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 12215 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 12216 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 12217 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Camisole

Pure Cloth 12218 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Fitted Tank Top

Pure Cloth 4523 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Fitted Tank Top

Pure Cloth 4524 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Fitted Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6108 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Fitted Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6109 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Fitted Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6110 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Fitted Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6111 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Fitted Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6112 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Fitted Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6113 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Fitted Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6114 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Fitted Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6115 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Fitted Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6116 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Fitted Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6117 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 6148 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 6149 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 6150 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 6151 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 6152 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 6153 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 6154 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 6155 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 6156 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 6157 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 10588 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Hosiery

Page 177: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 10589 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 10590 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 10591 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 10592 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 10593 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 10594 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Halter Camisole

Pure Cloth 10595 rBuy: 2 Sell: 11

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6188 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6189 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6190 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6191 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6192 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6193 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6194 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6195 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6196 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6197 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 12319 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 12320 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 12321 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 12322 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 12323 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Long-Sleeved T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 4407 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Long-Sleeved T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6058 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Long-Sleeved T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6059 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Long-Sleeved T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6060 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Long-Sleeved T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6061 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Long-Sleeved T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6062 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Long-Sleeved T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6063 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Long-Sleeved T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6064 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Long-Sleeved T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6065 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Long-Sleeved T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6066 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Long-Sleeved T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6067 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6218 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6219 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6220 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6221 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6222 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6223 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6224 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6225 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6226 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6227 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 12344 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 12345 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 12346 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 12347 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 12348 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Sleeveless Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 5224 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Sleeveless Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6208 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Sleeveless Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6209 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Sleeveless Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6210 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Sleeveless Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6211 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Sleeveless Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6212 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Sleeveless Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6213 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Sleeveless Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6214 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Hosiery

Page 178: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Sleeveless Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6215 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Sleeveless Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6216 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Sleeveless Turtleneck

Pure Cloth 6217 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6048 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6049 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6050 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6051 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6052 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6053 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6054 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6055 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6056 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

V-Neck T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6057 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Camisole

Pure Cloth 5317 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Basic Camisole

Pure Cloth 5318 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Basic Camisole

Pure Cloth 6168 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Basic Camisole

Pure Cloth 6169 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Basic Camisole

Pure Cloth 6170 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Basic Camisole

Pure Cloth 6171 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Basic Camisole

Pure Cloth 6172 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Basic Camisole

Pure Cloth 6173 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Basic Camisole

Pure Cloth 6174 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Basic Camisole

Pure Cloth 6175 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Basic Camisole

Pure Cloth 6176 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Basic Camisole

Pure Cloth 6177 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Basic Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 5500 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6298 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6299 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6300 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6301 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6302 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6303 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6304 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6305 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6306 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6307 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 4854 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6138 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6139 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6140 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6141 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6142 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6143 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6144 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6145 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6146 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 6147 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 12141 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 12142 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 12143 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 12144 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 12145 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 12146 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 12147 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 12148 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12



Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Hosiery

Page 179: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Basic Tank Top

Pure Cloth 12149 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 4537 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6118 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6119 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6120 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6121 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6122 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6123 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6124 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6125 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6126 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Basic T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6127 rBuy: 1 Sell: 9

Basic V-Neck Sweater

Pure Cloth 5512 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Basic V-Neck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6308 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Basic V-Neck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6309 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Basic V-Neck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6310 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Basic V-Neck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6311 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Basic V-Neck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6312 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Basic V-Neck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6313 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Basic V-Neck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6314 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Basic V-Neck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6315 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Basic V-Neck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6316 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Basic V-Neck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6317 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Cap-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 4591 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Cap-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6128 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Cap-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6129 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Cap-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6130 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Cap-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6131 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Cap-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6132 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Cap-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6133 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Cap-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6134 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Cap-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6135 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Cap-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6136 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Cap-Sleeve T-Shirt

Pure Cloth 6137 rBuy: 2 Sell: 12

Half-Sleeve, Cuffed Shirt

Pure Cloth 6248 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Half-Sleeve, Cuffed Shirt

Pure Cloth 6249 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Half-Sleeve, Cuffed Shirt

Pure Cloth 6250 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Half-Sleeve, Cuffed Shirt

Pure Cloth 6251 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Half-Sleeve, Cuffed Shirt

Pure Cloth 6252 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Half-Sleeve, Cuffed Shirt

Pure Cloth 6253 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Half-Sleeve, Cuffed Shirt

Pure Cloth 6254 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Half-Sleeve, Cuffed Shirt

Pure Cloth 6255 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Half-Sleeve, Cuffed Shirt

Pure Cloth 6256 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Half-Sleeve, Cuffed Shirt

Pure Cloth 6257 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Raglan-Sleeve Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6438 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Raglan-Sleeve Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6439 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Raglan-Sleeve Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6440 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Raglan-Sleeve Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6441 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Raglan-Sleeve Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6442 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Raglan-Sleeve Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6443 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Raglan-Sleeve Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6444 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Raglan-Sleeve Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6445 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Raglan-Sleeve Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6446 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Raglan-Sleeve Sweatshirt

Pure Cloth 6447 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Sweetheart-Cut Camisole

Pure Cloth 5320 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sweetheart-Cut Camisole

Pure Cloth 6178 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Hosiery

Page 180: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Sweetheart-Cut Camisole

Pure Cloth 6179 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sweetheart-Cut Camisole

Pure Cloth 6180 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sweetheart-Cut Camisole

Pure Cloth 6181 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sweetheart-Cut Camisole

Pure Cloth 6182 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sweetheart-Cut Camisole

Pure Cloth 6183 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sweetheart-Cut Camisole

Pure Cloth 6184 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sweetheart-Cut Camisole

Pure Cloth 6185 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sweetheart-Cut Camisole

Pure Cloth 6186 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Sweetheart-Cut Camisole

Pure Cloth 6187 rBuy: 2 Sell: 10

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 5530 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6318 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6319 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6320 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6321 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6322 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6323 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6324 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6325 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6326 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 6327 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 13383 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 13384 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 13385 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Turtleneck Sweater

Pure Cloth 13386 rBuy: 4 Sell: 19

Unbuttoned Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6238 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Unbuttoned Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6239 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Unbuttoned Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6240 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Unbuttoned Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6241 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Unbuttoned Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6242 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Unbuttoned Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6243 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Unbuttoned Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6244 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Unbuttoned Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6245 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Unbuttoned Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6246 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Unbuttoned Dress Shirt

Pure Cloth 6247 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Cardigan

Pure Cloth 6288 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Cardigan

Pure Cloth 6289 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Cardigan

Pure Cloth 6290 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Cardigan

Pure Cloth 6291 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Cardigan

Pure Cloth 6292 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Cardigan

Pure Cloth 6293 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Cardigan

Pure Cloth 6294 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Cardigan

Pure Cloth 6295 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Cardigan

Pure Cloth 6296 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Cardigan

Pure Cloth 6297 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Basic Down Jacket

Pure Cloth 6278 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Basic Down Jacket

Pure Cloth 6279 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Basic Down Jacket

Pure Cloth 6280 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Basic Down Jacket

Pure Cloth 6281 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Basic Down Jacket

Pure Cloth 6282 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Basic Down Jacket

Pure Cloth 6283 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Basic Down Jacket

Pure Cloth 6284 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Basic Down Jacket

Pure Cloth 6285 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Basic Down Jacket

Pure Cloth 6286 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Basic Down Jacket

Pure Cloth 6287 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6328 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Hosiery

Page 181: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6329 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6330 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6331 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6332 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6333 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6334 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6335 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6336 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6337 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 10714 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 10715 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 10716 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 10717 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 10718 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 10719 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 10720 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Hoodie

Pure Cloth 10721 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Jean Jacket

Pure Cloth 6268 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jean Jacket

Pure Cloth 6269 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jean Jacket

Pure Cloth 6270 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jean Jacket

Pure Cloth 6272 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jean Jacket

Pure Cloth 6273 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jean Jacket

Pure Cloth 6274 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jean Jacket

Pure Cloth 6275 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jean Jacket

Pure Cloth 6276 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Sleeveless Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6338 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Sleeveless Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6339 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Sleeveless Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6340 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Sleeveless Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6341 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Sleeveless Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6342 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Sleeveless Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6343 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Sleeveless Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6344 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Sleeveless Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6345 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Sleeveless Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6346 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Sleeveless Hoodie

Pure Cloth 6347 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Tailored Jacket

Pure Cloth 4922 rBuy: 16 Sell: 39

Basic Tailored Jacket

Pure Cloth 6258 rBuy: 16 Sell: 39

Basic Tailored Jacket

Pure Cloth 6259 rBuy: 16 Sell: 39

Basic Tailored Jacket

Pure Cloth 6260 rBuy: 16 Sell: 39

Basic Tailored Jacket

Pure Cloth 6261 rBuy: 16 Sell: 39

Basic Tailored Jacket

Pure Cloth 6262 rBuy: 16 Sell: 39

Basic Tailored Jacket

Pure Cloth 6263 rBuy: 16 Sell: 39

Basic Tailored Jacket

Pure Cloth 6264 rBuy: 16 Sell: 39

Basic Tailored Jacket

Pure Cloth 6265 rBuy: 16 Sell: 39

Basic Tailored Jacket

Pure Cloth 6266 rBuy: 16 Sell: 39

Basic Tailored Jacket

Pure Cloth 6267 rBuy: 16 Sell: 39

Basic Jeans

Pure Cloth 6358 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jeans

Pure Cloth 6359 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jeans

Pure Cloth 6360 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jeans

Pure Cloth 6361 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jeans

Pure Cloth 6362 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jeans

Pure Cloth 6363 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jeans

Pure Cloth 6364 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jeans

Pure Cloth 6365 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Jeans

Pure Cloth 6366 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Hosiery

Page 182: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Basic Jeans

Pure Cloth 6367 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Jean Capri Shorts

Pure Cloth 6368 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Jean Capri Shorts

Pure Cloth 6369 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Jean Capri Shorts

Pure Cloth 6370 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Jean Capri Shorts

Pure Cloth 6371 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Jean Capri Shorts

Pure Cloth 6372 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Jean Capri Shorts

Pure Cloth 6373 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Jean Capri Shorts

Pure Cloth 6374 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Jean Capri Shorts

Pure Cloth 6375 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Jean Capri Shorts

Pure Cloth 6376 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Jean Capri Shorts

Pure Cloth 6377 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 4829 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 6448 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 6449 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 6450 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 6451 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 6452 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 6453 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 6454 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 6455 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 6456 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 6457 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 13540 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 13541 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 13542 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 13543 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 13544 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 13545 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 13546 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 13547 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 13548 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Solid-Color Jeans

Pure Cloth 13549 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Basic Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6388 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6389 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6390 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6391 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6392 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6393 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6394 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6395 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6396 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6397 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Box-Pleat Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6398 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Box-Pleat Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6399 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Box-Pleat Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6400 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Box-Pleat Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6401 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Box-Pleat Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6402 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Box-Pleat Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6403 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Box-Pleat Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6404 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Box-Pleat Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6405 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Box-Pleat Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6406 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Box-Pleat Miniskirt

Pure Cloth 6407 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Basic Crew Socks

Pure Cloth 6348 rBuy: 1 Sell: 6

Basic Crew Socks

Pure Cloth 6349 rBuy: 1 Sell: 6







Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Hosiery

Page 183: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Basic Crew Socks

Pure Cloth 6350 ❒Buy: 1 Sell: 6

Basic Crew Socks

Pure Cloth 6351 ❒Buy: 1 Sell: 6

Basic Crew Socks

Pure Cloth 6352 ❒Buy: 1 Sell: 6

Basic Crew Socks

Pure Cloth 6353 ❒Buy: 1 Sell: 6

Basic Crew Socks

Pure Cloth 6354 ❒Buy: 1 Sell: 6

Basic Crew Socks

Pure Cloth 6355 ❒Buy: 1 Sell: 6

Basic Crew Socks

Pure Cloth 6356 ❒Buy: 1 Sell: 6

Basic Crew Socks

Pure Cloth 6357 ❒Buy: 1 Sell: 6

Basic Tights

Pure Cloth 13510 ❒Buy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tights

Pure Cloth 13535 ❒Buy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tights

Pure Cloth 13536 ❒Buy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tights

Pure Cloth 13537 ❒Buy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tights

Pure Cloth 13538 ❒Buy: 2 Sell: 12

Basic Tights

Pure Cloth 13539 ❒Buy: 2 Sell: 12

Shroud yourself in mystery and create a sense of intrigue with the styles of Raven Candle. Many of this brand’s pieces are inspired by the Victorian era and combine to form dark, Gothic looks.

Customer Keywords:Goth, Gothic, dark, mysterious, Victorian

High-Neck-Bow Blouse

Raven Candle 13315 ❒Buy: 60 Sell: 150

High-Neck-Bow Blouse

Raven Candle 13316 ❒Buy: 60 Sell: 150

High-Neck-Bow Blouse

Raven Candle 5710 ❒Buy: 49 Sell: 124

High-Neck-Bow Blouse

Raven Candle 5921 ❒Buy: 49 Sell: 124

High-Neck-Bow Blouse

Raven Candle 5922 ❒Buy: 49 Sell: 124

High-Neck-Bow Blouse

Raven Candle 5923 ❒Buy: 49 Sell: 124

High-Neck Frill Blouse

Raven Candle 5707 ❒Buy: 50 Sell: 126

High-Neck Frill Blouse

Raven Candle 5918 ❒Buy: 50 Sell: 126

Bat-Wing-Collar Blouse

Raven Candle 1189 ❒Buy: 22 Sell: 55

Bat-Wing-Collar Blouse

Raven Candle 5274 ❒Buy: 22 Sell: 55

Corset Dress Shirt

Raven Candle 1140 ❒Buy: 47 Sell: 118

Corset Dress Shirt

Raven Candle 5203 ❒Buy: 47 Sell: 118

High-Neck-Bow Blouse

Raven Candle 99 ❒Buy: 60 Sell: 150

High-Neck-Bow Blouse

Raven Candle 1636 ❒Buy: 60 Sell: 150

High-Neck-Bow Blouse

Raven Candle 13313 ❒Buy: 60 Sell: 150

High-Neck-Bow Blouse

Raven Candle 13314 ❒Buy: 60 Sell: 150


Raven Candle

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 184: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8656 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8657 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8658 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8659 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8660 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8661 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8662 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8663 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8664 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8665 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8666 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8667 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8668 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8669 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8670 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8671 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8672 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8673 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8674 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8675 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8676 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8677 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8678 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8679 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8680 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8681 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8682 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8683 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8684 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8685 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8686 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8687 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8648 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8649 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8650 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8651 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8652 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8653 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8654 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8655 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8640 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8641 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8642 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8643 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8644 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8645 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8646 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8647 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Frill Blouse

Raven Candle 5919 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

High-Neck Frill Blouse

Raven Candle 5920 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 100 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8635 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8636 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8637 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8638 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8639 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 185: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8688 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8689 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8690 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8691 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8692 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8693 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8694 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8695 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8696 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

High-Neck Plaid Blouse

Raven Candle 8697 rBuy: 33 Sell: 83

Jabot-Collar Blouse

Raven Candle 326 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Jabot-Collar Blouse

Raven Candle 1640 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Ribbon-Collar Blouse

Raven Candle 325 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Ribbon-Collar Blouse

Raven Candle 5260 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Ribbon-Collar Blouse

Raven Candle 13307 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Ribbon-Collar Blouse

Raven Candle 13308 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Ribbon-Collar Blouse

Raven Candle 13309 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Ruffled Cameo Blouse

Raven Candle 1621 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Ruffled Cameo Blouse

Raven Candle 5290 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Ruffled Cameo Blouse

Raven Candle 5291 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Ruffled Cameo Blouse

Raven Candle 5292 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Two-Tone Dress Shirt

Raven Candle 1007 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Two-Tone Dress Shirt

Raven Candle 5197 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Back-Laced, Striped Top

Raven Candle 5709 rBuy: 27 Sell: 67

Back-Laced, Striped Top

Raven Candle 5936 rBuy: 27 Sell: 67

Back-Laced, Striped Top

Raven Candle 5937 rBuy: 27 Sell: 67

Back-Laced, Striped Top

Raven Candle 5938 rBuy: 27 Sell: 67

Cameo Blouse

Raven Candle 439 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Cameo Blouse

Raven Candle 1793 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Cameo Blouse

Raven Candle 1794 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Cameo Blouse

Raven Candle 13345 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Cameo Blouse

Raven Candle 13346 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Cameo Blouse

Raven Candle 13347 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 2355 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8509 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8510 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8511 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8512 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8513 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8514 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8515 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8516 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8517 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8518 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8519 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8520 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8521 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8522 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8523 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8524 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8525 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8526 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8527 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8528 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8529 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 186: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8530 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8531 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8532 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8533 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8534 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8535 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8536 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8537 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8538 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8539 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8540 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8541 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8542 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8543 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8544 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8545 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8546 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8547 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8548 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8549 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8550 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8551 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8552 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8553 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8554 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8555 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8556 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8557 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8558 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8559 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8560 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8561 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8562 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8563 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8564 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8565 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8566 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8567 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8568 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8569 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8570 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Double-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 8571 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Ghost-Rose Camisole

Raven Candle 314 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Harlequin Vest

Raven Candle 851 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Harlequin Vest

Raven Candle 2168 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Harlequin Vest

Raven Candle 2169 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

High-Neck Tuxedo Blouse

Raven Candle 4972 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

High-Neck Tuxedo Blouse

Raven Candle 5930 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

High-Neck Tuxedo Blouse

Raven Candle 5931 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

High-Neck Tuxedo Blouse

Raven Candle 5932 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

High-Neck Tuxedo Blouse

Raven Candle 13330 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

High-Neck Tuxedo Blouse

Raven Candle 13333 rBuy: 32 Sell: 82

Ink-Dot Camisole

Raven Candle 5731 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Ink-Dot Camisole

Raven Candle 5942 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Ink-Dot Camisole

Raven Candle 5943 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Ink-Dot Camisole

Raven Candle 5944 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 187: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Ink-Dot Camisole

Raven Candle 12276 rBuy: 25 Sell: 64

Lace-Collar Blouse

Raven Candle 437 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Lace-Collar Blouse

Raven Candle 1786 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Lace-Collar Blouse

Raven Candle 1787 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Lace-Collar Blouse

Raven Candle 1788 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Lace-Edged Corset

Raven Candle 845 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Lace-Edged Corset

Raven Candle 5370 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Lace-Edged Corset

Raven Candle 12264 rBuy: 41 Sell: 103

Lace-Front Blouse

Raven Candle 5713 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Lace-Front Blouse

Raven Candle 5951 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Lace-Front Blouse

Raven Candle 5952 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Lace-Front Blouse

Raven Candle 5953 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Lace High-Neck Blouse

Raven Candle 1955 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Lace High-Neck Blouse

Raven Candle 4598 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Lace-Shouldered Blouse

Raven Candle 435 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Lace-Shouldered Blouse

Raven Candle 1781 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Lace-up Corset Blouse

Raven Candle 434 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lace-up Corset Blouse

Raven Candle 1771 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lace-up Corset Blouse

Raven Candle 1772 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lace-up Corset Blouse

Raven Candle 1773 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lace-up Corset Blouse

Raven Candle 13338 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lace-up Corset Blouse

Raven Candle 13339 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lace-up Corset Blouse

Raven Candle 13340 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Lace-up Corset Blouse

Raven Candle 13341 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Moody Corset Camisole

Raven Candle 293 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Moody Corset Camisole

Raven Candle 1818 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Moody Corset Camisole

Raven Candle 1819 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Moody Corset Camisole

Raven Candle 1820 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Plunging-Neckline Vest

Raven Candle 718 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Ribbon-Laced Blouse

Raven Candle 438 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Ribbon-Laced Blouse

Raven Candle 1789 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Ribbon-Laced Blouse

Raven Candle 1790 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Ribbon-Laced Blouse

Raven Candle 1791 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Ribbon-Laced Blouse

Raven Candle 13342 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Ribbon-Laced Blouse

Raven Candle 13343 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Ribbon-Laced Blouse

Raven Candle 13344 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Ribbon-Tie Blouse

Raven Candle 5712 rBuy: 32 Sell: 84

Ribbon-Tie Blouse

Raven Candle 5948 rBuy: 32 Sell: 84

Ribbon-Tie Blouse

Raven Candle 5949 rBuy: 32 Sell: 84

Ribbon-Tie Blouse

Raven Candle 5950 rBuy: 32 Sell: 84

Round-Neck Blouse

Raven Candle 4971 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Round-Neck Blouse

Raven Candle 5924 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Round-Neck Blouse

Raven Candle 5925 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Round-Neck Blouse

Raven Candle 5926 rBuy: 28 Sell: 72

Ruffled Tuxedo Camisole

Raven Candle 5730 rBuy: 48 Sell: 120

Ruffled Tuxedo Camisole

Raven Candle 5939 rBuy: 48 Sell: 120

Ruffled Tuxedo Camisole

Raven Candle 5940 rBuy: 48 Sell: 120

Ruffled Tuxedo Camisole

Raven Candle 5941 rBuy: 48 Sell: 120

Ruffled Tuxedo Camisole

Raven Candle 13355 rBuy: 48 Sell: 120

Ruffled Tuxedo Camisole

Raven Candle 13358 rBuy: 48 Sell: 120

Ruffle-Hem B louse

Raven Candle 5711 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Ruffle-Hem Blouse

Raven Candle 5945 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Ruffle-Hem Blouse

Raven Candle 5946 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Ruffle-Hem Blouse

Raven Candle 5947 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Ruffle-Tie Blouse

Raven Candle 5714 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Ruffle-Tie Blouse

Raven Candle 5954 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 188: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Ruffl e-Tie Blouse

Raven Candle 5955 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Ruffl e-Tie Blouse

Raven Candle 5956 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Shirred-Ruffl e Camisole

Raven Candle 12248 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Shirred-Ruffl e Camisole

Raven Candle 12254 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Shirred-Ruffl e Camisole

Raven Candle 12256 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Shirred-Ruffl e Cardigan

Raven Candle 5716 rBuy: 33 Sell: 82

Shirred-Ruffl e Cardigan

Raven Candle 5927 rBuy: 33 Sell: 82

Shirred-Ruffl e Cardigan

Raven Candle 5928 rBuy: 33 Sell: 82

Shirred-Ruffl e Cardigan

Raven Candle 5929 rBuy: 33 Sell: 82

Shirred-Ruffl e Cardigan

Raven Candle 12475 rBuy: 33 Sell: 82

Shirred-Ruffl e Cardigan

Raven Candle 12483 rBuy: 33 Sell: 82

Square-Neck Top

Raven Candle 577 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142

Square-Neck Top

Raven Candle 1809 rBuy: 56 Sell: 142

Striped Corset

Raven Candle 846 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Striped Corset

Raven Candle 5371 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Striped Tailored Vest

Raven Candle 2356 rBuy: 41 Sell: 102

Striped Tailored Vest

Raven Candle 5432 rBuy: 41 Sell: 102

Tail-Hem Dress Shirt

Raven Candle 695 rBuy: 52 Sell: 132

Tail-Hem Dress Shirt

Raven Candle 2050 rBuy: 52 Sell: 132

Tie-Front Camisole

Raven Candle 843 rBuy: 45 Sell: 112

Tie-Front Camisole

Raven Candle 1976 rBuy: 45 Sell: 112

Tie-Front Camisole

Raven Candle 1978 rBuy: 45 Sell: 112

Two-Tone Tailored Vest

Raven Candle 441 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Two-Tone Tailored Vest

Raven Candle 5443 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Two-Tone Tailored Vest

Raven Candle 5444 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Watch-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 440 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Watch-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 5440 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Watch-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 5441 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Watch-Chain Vest

Raven Candle 5442 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Wild-Berry-Vine Camisole

Raven Candle 5708 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Wild-Berry-Vine Camisole

Raven Candle 5933 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Wild-Berry-Vine Camisole

Raven Candle 5934 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Wild-Berry-Vine Camisole

Raven Candle 5935 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Black-Lace-Edged Jacket

Raven Candle 5732 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Black-Lace-Edged Jacket

Raven Candle 5957 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Black-Lace-Edged Jacket

Raven Candle 5958 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Black-Lace-Edged Jacket

Raven Candle 5959 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Braided-Lace Cardigan

Raven Candle 5717 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Braided-Lace Cardigan

Raven Candle 5969 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Braided-Lace Cardigan

Raven Candle 5970 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Braided-Lace Cardigan

Raven Candle 5971 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Braided-Lace-Edged Coat

Raven Candle 12461 rBuy: 168 Sell: 278

Crossover-Button Jacket

Raven Candle 3041 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Double-Breasted Coat

Raven Candle 2505 rBuy: 144 Sell: 277

Double-Breasted Coat

Raven Candle 5062 rBuy: 144 Sell: 277

Double-Breasted Coat

Raven Candle 5063 rBuy: 144 Sell: 277

Double-Breasted Coat

Raven Candle 5064 rBuy: 144 Sell: 277

Double-Breasted Jacket

Raven Candle 336 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Double-Breasted Jacket

Raven Candle 2387 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Double-Breasted Jacket

Raven Candle 2388 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Double-Button-Row Jacket

Raven Candle 773 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Double-Button-Row Jacket

Raven Candle 2257 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Flared Ink-Dot Coat

Raven Candle 5715 rBuy: 136 Sell: 233

Flared Ink-Dot Coat

Raven Candle 5966 rBuy: 136 Sell: 233

Flared Ink-Dot Coat

Raven Candle 5967 rBuy: 136 Sell: 233




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 189: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Flared Ink-Dot Coat

Raven Candle 5968 rBuy: 136 Sell: 233

Flared Two-Tone Coat

Raven Candle 799 rBuy: 134 Sell: 252

Flared Two-Tone Coat

Raven Candle 2479 rBuy: 134 Sell: 252

Flared Two-Tone Coat

Raven Candle 2480 rBuy: 134 Sell: 252

Ink-Heart Cat-Ear Hoodie

Raven Candle 5719 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Ink-Heart Cat-Ear Hoodie

Raven Candle 5978 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Ink-Heart Cat-Ear Hoodie

Raven Candle 5979 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Ink-Heart Cat-Ear Hoodie

Raven Candle 5980 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Lace Cat-Ear Hoodie

Raven Candle 5718 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Lace Cat-Ear Hoodie

Raven Candle 5975 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Lace Cat-Ear Hoodie

Raven Candle 5976 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Lace Cat-Ear Hoodie

Raven Candle 5977 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Lace Cat-Ear Hoodie

Raven Candle 12532 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Lacy Bolero Jacket

Raven Candle 2116 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Lacy Bolero Jacket

Raven Candle 5131 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Lacy Bolero Jacket

Raven Candle 5132 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Lacy Bolero Jacket

Raven Candle 5133 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Lacy Bolero Jacket

Raven Candle 12546 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Mystery-Mood Cape

Raven Candle 122 rBuy: 41 Sell: 102

Mystery-Mood Cape

Raven Candle 1178 rBuy: 41 Sell: 102

Mystery-Mood Cape

Raven Candle 1179 rBuy: 41 Sell: 102

Mystery-Mood Cape

Raven Candle 1180 rBuy: 41 Sell: 102

Pom-Pom-Tie Cape Coat

Raven Candle 2704 rBuy: 201 Sell: 336

Pom-Pom-Tie Cape Coat

Raven Candle 5882 rBuy: 201 Sell: 336

Pom-Pom-Tie Cape Coat

Raven Candle 5883 rBuy: 201 Sell: 336

Pom-Pom-Tie Cape Coat

Raven Candle 5884 rBuy: 201 Sell: 336

Rabbit-Duo Hoodie

Raven Candle 5733 rBuy: 50 Sell: 124

Rabbit-Duo Hoodie

Raven Candle 5960 rBuy: 50 Sell: 124

Rabbit-Duo Hoodie

Raven Candle 5961 rBuy: 50 Sell: 124

Rabbit-Duo Hoodie

Raven Candle 5962 rBuy: 50 Sell: 124

Rabbit-Ear Hoodie

Raven Candle 2152 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Rabbit-Ear Hoodie

Raven Candle 4993 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Rabbit-Ear Hoodie

Raven Candle 4994 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Rabbit-Ear Hoodie

Raven Candle 4995 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Ribbon-Tie Bolero Jacket

Raven Candle 4974 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Ribbon-Tie Bolero Jacket

Raven Candle 5981 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Ribbon-Tie Bolero Jacket

Raven Candle 5982 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Ribbon-Tie Bolero Jacket

Raven Candle 5983 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Rivet-Trimmed Cape Coat

Raven Candle 123 rBuy: 96 Sell: 191

Rivet-Trimmed Cape Coat

Raven Candle 5879 rBuy: 96 Sell: 191

Rivet-Trimmed Cape Coat

Raven Candle 5880 rBuy: 96 Sell: 191

Rivet-Trimmed Cape Coat

Raven Candle 5881 rBuy: 96 Sell: 191

Ruched-Hem Cape

Raven Candle 5734 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Ruched-Hem Cape

Raven Candle 5963 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Ruched-Hem Cape

Raven Candle 5964 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Ruched-Hem Cape

Raven Candle 5965 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Ruffle-Edged Cardigan

Raven Candle 4973 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Ruffle-Edged Cardigan

Raven Candle 5972 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Ruffle-Edged Cardigan

Raven Candle 5973 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Ruffle-Edged Cardigan

Raven Candle 5974 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Uniform Coat

Raven Candle 2506 rBuy: 288 Sell: 467

Button-Cuff Capri Shorts

Raven Candle 1011 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Button-Pleat Pants

Raven Candle 599 rBuy: 63 Sell: 157

Button-Pleat Pants

Raven Candle 3193 rBuy: 63 Sell: 157

Button-Tab Pants

Raven Candle 682 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 190: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Button-Tab Pants

Raven Candle 2966 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Shadow-Stripe Pants

Raven Candle 681 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Shadow-Stripe Shorts

Raven Candle 2623 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Shadow-Stripe Shorts

Raven Candle 5641 rBuy: 23 Sell: 59

Side-Laced Pants

Raven Candle 2308 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Side-Laced Pants

Raven Candle 5614 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Side-Laced Pants

Raven Candle 5615 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Side-Laced Pants

Raven Candle 5616 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Black-Lace-Wrapped Skirt

Raven Candle 2522 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Black-Lace-Wrapped Skirt

Raven Candle 5807 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Cross-Lace Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 399 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Cross-Lace Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 3471 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Cross-Lace Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 3472 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Cross-Lace Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 3473 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Cutaway Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 531 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Cutaway Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 3496 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Cutaway Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 3497 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Dotted Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5724 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Dotted Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5996 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Dotted Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5997 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Dotted Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5998 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Double-Button Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 2221 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Double-Button Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 3511 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Double-Button Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 3513 rBuy: 59 Sell: 148

Draped Cobweb Skirt

Raven Candle 214 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Draped Cobweb Skirt

Raven Candle 5798 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Edwardian Tutu Skirt

Raven Candle 4975 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Edwardian Tutu Skirt

Raven Candle 5999 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Edwardian Tutu Skirt

Raven Candle 6000 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Edwardian Tutu Skirt

Raven Candle 6001 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Lace, Tiered Skirt

Raven Candle 12825 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Lace, Tiered Skirt

Raven Candle 12826 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Ribbon-Edged Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5723 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Ribbon-Edged Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5993 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Ribbon-Edged Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5994 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Ribbon-Edged Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5995 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Strap-Close Wrap Skirt

Raven Candle 2380 rBuy: 88 Sell: 172

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5721 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5987 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5988 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Two-Hued Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5989 rBuy: 19 Sell: 48

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 390 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8572 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8573 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8574 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8575 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8576 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8577 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8578 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8579 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8580 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8581 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8582 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8583 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8584 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 191: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8585 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8586 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8587 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8588 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8589 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8590 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8591 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8592 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8593 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8594 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8595 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8596 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8597 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8598 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8599 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8600 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8601 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8602 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8603 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8604 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8605 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8606 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8607 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8608 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8609 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8610 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8611 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8612 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8613 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8614 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8615 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8616 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8617 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8618 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8619 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8620 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8621 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8622 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8623 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8624 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8625 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8626 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8627 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8628 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8629 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8630 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8631 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8632 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8633 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Cutaway Skirt

Raven Candle 8634 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian Drape Skirt

Raven Candle 789 rBuy: 96 Sell: 188

Victorian Drape Skirt

Raven Candle 3005 rBuy: 96 Sell: 188

Wild-Berry Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5722 rBuy: 41 Sell: 102

Wild-Berry Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5990 rBuy: 41 Sell: 102

Wild-Berry Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5991 rBuy: 41 Sell: 102

Wild-Berry Hoopskirt

Raven Candle 5992 rBuy: 41 Sell: 102

COllabOraTiOn COllabOraTiOn

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 192: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Button-Front Coat Dress

Raven Candle 634 rBuy: 128 Sell: 238

Button-Front Coat Dress

Raven Candle 4736 rBuy: 128 Sell: 238

Button-Front Coat Dress

Raven Candle 4737 rBuy: 128 Sell: 238

Crisscross Dress

Raven Candle 983 rBuy: 88 Sell: 168

Crisscross Dress

Raven Candle 4276 rBuy: 88 Sell: 168

Crisscross Dress

Raven Candle 4277 rBuy: 88 Sell: 168

Cross-Motif Empire Dress

Raven Candle 590 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Cross-Motif Empire Dress

Raven Candle 4660 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Cross-Motif Empire Dress

Raven Candle 4661 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Cutaway Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 731 rBuy: 84 Sell: 163

Cutaway Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 4772 rBuy: 84 Sell: 163

Cutaway Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 4773 rBuy: 84 Sell: 163

Cutaway Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 4774 rBuy: 84 Sell: 163

Cutaway-Ruffl e Dress

Raven Candle 2698 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cutaway-Ruffl e Dress

Raven Candle 4745 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Cutaway-Ruffl e Dress

Raven Candle 4747 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Dotted Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 5720 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Dotted Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 5984 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Dotted Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 5985 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Dotted Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 5986 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Ghost-Rose Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 358 rBuy: 104 Sell: 196

Ghost-Rose Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 4763 rBuy: 104 Sell: 196

Ghost-Rose Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 4765 rBuy: 104 Sell: 196

Goth-Ball Formal Dress

Raven Candle 917 rBuy: 88 Sell: 169

Goth-Ball Formal Dress

Raven Candle 4210 rBuy: 88 Sell: 169

Goth-Ball Formal Dress

Raven Candle 4212 rBuy: 88 Sell: 169

Goth-Ball Formal Dress

Raven Candle 13420 rBuy: 88 Sell: 169

Goth-Ball Formal Dress

Raven Candle 13421 rBuy: 88 Sell: 169

Lace-up Cutaway Dress

Raven Candle 418 rBuy: 39 Sell: 98

Lace-up Cutaway Dress

Raven Candle 4300 rBuy: 39 Sell: 98

Lace-up Cutaway Dress

Raven Candle 4301 rBuy: 39 Sell: 98

Lace-up Cutaway Dress

Raven Candle 4302 rBuy: 39 Sell: 98

Ribbon-Edged Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 4757 rBuy: 96 Sell: 190

Ribbon-Edged Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 4758 rBuy: 96 Sell: 190

Ribbon-Edged Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 4759 rBuy: 96 Sell: 190

Tatted-Lace-Edged Dress

Raven Candle 635 rBuy: 120 Sell: 222

Tatted-Lace-Edged Dress

Raven Candle 4739 rBuy: 120 Sell: 222

Tatted-Lace-Edged Dress

Raven Candle 4740 rBuy: 120 Sell: 222

Tuxedo Ruffl e Dress

Raven Candle 2694 rBuy: 33 Sell: 82

Tuxedo Ruffl e Dress

Raven Candle 4670 rBuy: 33 Sell: 82

Tuxedo Ruffl e Dress

Raven Candle 4671 rBuy: 33 Sell: 82

Tuxedo Ruffl e Dress

Raven Candle 4672 rBuy: 33 Sell: 82





Ribbon-Edged Hoop Dress

Raven Candle 164 rBuy: 96 Sell: 190




ar Black-Lace


Raven Candle 560 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Black-Lace Headpiece

Raven Candle 4051 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Black-Lace Headpiece

Raven Candle 4052 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Patent-Leather Hat

Raven Candle 1196 rBuy: 34 Sell: 86

Patent-Leather Hat

Raven Candle 4039 rBuy: 34 Sell: 86

Patent-Leather Hat

Raven Candle 4040 rBuy: 34 Sell: 86

Black-Lace Headpiece

Raven Candle 4053 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Flying-Bat Hat

Raven Candle 414 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Flying-Bat Hat

Raven Candle 1326 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Patent-Leather Hat

Raven Candle 4041 rBuy: 34 Sell: 86

Flying-Bat Hat

Raven Candle 1327 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 193: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8698 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8699 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8700 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Studded-Cross Necklace

Raven Candle 3907 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Studded-Cross Necklace

Raven Candle 3908 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Studded-Cross Necklace

Raven Candle 3909 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8701 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 1971 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Ribboned Headpiece

Raven Candle 4977 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Ribboned Headpiece

Raven Candle 6020 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Ribboned Headpiece

Raven Candle 6021 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Plaid Bow

Raven Candle 4976 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Plaid Bow

Raven Candle 6017 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Plaid Bow

Raven Candle 6018 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Ribboned Headpiece

Raven Candle 6022 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Plaid Bow

Raven Candle 6019 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Striped Bow

Raven Candle 13239 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Top-Hat Headpiece

Raven Candle 506 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Top-Hat Headpiece

Raven Candle 871 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Rose Corsage

Raven Candle 277 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Rose Corsage

Raven Candle 1335 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Rose Corsage

Raven Candle 1336 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Top-Hat Headpiece

Raven Candle 4027 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Rose Corsage

Raven Candle 1337 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Top-Hat Headpiece

Raven Candle 13254 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Top-Hat Headpiece

Raven Candle 13255 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Top-Hat Headpiece

Raven Candle 4028 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Top-Hat Headpiece

Raven Candle 4029 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Top-Hat Headpiece

Raven Candle 13252 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Bat-Wing Necklace

Raven Candle 512 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Top-Hat Headpiece

Raven Candle 13253 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Moody-Butterfly Necklace

Raven Candle 3967 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Moody-Butterfly Necklace

Raven Candle 3968 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Moody-Butterfly Necklace

Raven Candle 3969 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Bat-Wing Necklace

Raven Candle 3910 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Bat-Wing Necklace

Raven Candle 3911 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Bat-Wing Necklace

Raven Candle 3912 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Studded-Cross Necklace

Raven Candle 511 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Moody-Butterfly Necklace

Raven Candle 1974 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70




Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8714 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8715 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8716 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8710 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8711 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8712 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8717 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8713 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8706 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8707 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8708 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8702 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8703 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8704 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8709 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8705 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8722 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8723 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8724 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8718 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8719 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8720 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8725 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8721 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8730 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8731 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8732 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8726 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8727 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8728 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8733 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8729 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 194: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Lace-Sided Tights

Raven Candle 492 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Lace-Sided Tights

Raven Candle 2913 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Ankle-Strap Platforms

Raven Candle 1524 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Ankle-Strap Platforms

Raven Candle 3615 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Ankle-Strap Platforms

Raven Candle 3616 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Ankle-Strap Platforms

Raven Candle 13452 rBuy: 26 Sell: 66

Belted Platform Boots

Raven Candle 740 rBuy: 88 Sell: 168

Belted Platform Boots

Raven Candle 3466 rBuy: 88 Sell: 168

Engineer Boots

Raven Candle 757 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Engineer Boots

Raven Candle 3452 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Fur-Top, Lace-up Boots

Raven Candle 5725 rBuy: 100 Sell: 182

Fur-Top, Lace-up Boots

Raven Candle 6002 rBuy: 100 Sell: 182

Fur-Top, Lace-up Boots

Raven Candle 6003 rBuy: 100 Sell: 182

Fur-Top, Lace-up Boots

Raven Candle 6004 rBuy: 100 Sell: 182

Goth Ballet Shoes

Raven Candle 5726 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8738 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8739 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8740 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8734 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8735 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8736 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8741 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8737 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8746 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8747 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8748 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8742 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8743 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8744 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8749 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8745 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8754 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8755 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8756 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8750 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8751 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8752 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8757 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8753 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Black-Crochet Gloves

Raven Candle 2328 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Goth Gloves

Raven Candle 5915 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Goth Gloves

Raven Candle 5916 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8758 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8759 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150

Victorian-Rose Necklace

Raven Candle 8760 rBuy: 60 Sell: 150 G







Black-Lace-Top Kneesocks

Raven Candle 491 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Black-Lace-Top Kneesocks

Raven Candle 5536 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Black-Lace-Top Kneesocks

Raven Candle 5537 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Black-Lace-Top Kneesocks

Raven Candle 5538 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Harlequin Tights

Raven Candle 785 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Harlequin Tights

Raven Candle 2918 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Harlequin Tights

Raven Candle 2919 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Harlequin Tights

Raven Candle 2920 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Harlequin Tights

Raven Candle 13063 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Harlequin Tights

Raven Candle 13064 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Harlequin Tights

Raven Candle 13065 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Harlequin Tights

Raven Candle 13066 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Harlequin Tights

Raven Candle 13067 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Harlequin Tights

Raven Candle 13068 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Harlequin Tights

Raven Candle 13069 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Harlequin Tights

Raven Candle 13070 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16






Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 195: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Goth Ballet Shoes

Raven Candle 6005 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Goth Ballet Shoes

Raven Candle 6006 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Goth Ballet Shoes

Raven Candle 6007 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Moody Mary Janes

Raven Candle 5727 rBuy: 46 Sell: 116

Moody Mary Janes

Raven Candle 6008 rBuy: 46 Sell: 116

Moody Mary Janes

Raven Candle 6009 rBuy: 46 Sell: 116

Moody Mary Janes

Raven Candle 6010 rBuy: 46 Sell: 116

Moody Mary Janes

Raven Candle 13451 rBuy: 46 Sell: 116

Platform Ankle Boots

Raven Candle 5729 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Platform Ankle Boots

Raven Candle 6014 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Platform Ankle Boots

Raven Candle 6015 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Platform Ankle Boots

Raven Candle 6016 rBuy: 44 Sell: 112

Stud-Strap Platforms

Raven Candle 5728 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Stud-Strap Platforms

Raven Candle 6011 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Stud-Strap Platforms

Raven Candle 6012 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Stud-Strap Platforms

Raven Candle 6013 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124


Chantilly-Lace Camisole

Sonata 712 rBuy: 63 Sell: 159

French-Stripe Camisole

Sonata 709 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

French-Stripe Camisole

Sonata 1494 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

French-Stripe Camisole

Sonata 1495 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Lace-Edged Camisole

Sonata 2138 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Necklace-Collar Knit Top

Sonata 639 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Necklace-Collar Knit Top

Sonata 1584 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Necklace-Collar Knit Top

Sonata 1585 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Bandeau-Top Camisole

Sonata 2136 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Bandeau-Top Camisole

Sonata 4890 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Bandeau-Top Camisole

Sonata 4891 rBuy: 20 Sell: 50

Bow-Backed Sweater

Sonata 2006 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Bow-Backed Sweater

Sonata 4460 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Bow-Backed Sweater

Sonata 4461 rBuy: 21 Sell: 54

Button-Loop Camisole

Sonata 303 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Button-Loop Camisole

Sonata 5170 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Create a soft appearance with the sophisticated styles of Sonata. You’ll feel graceful and elegant in this brand’s dainty fabrics and refi ned pieces.

Customer keywords:Soft, refi ned, graceful, sophisticated, dainty, elegant



Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Necklaces Gloves Hosiery Footwear

Page 196: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Necklaced Turtleneck

Sonata 806 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Necklaced Turtleneck

Sonata 1066 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Necklaced Turtleneck

Sonata 1067 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Necklaced Turtleneck

Sonata 1068 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Ruffl e-Collar Halter Top

Sonata 903 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Ruffl e-Collar Halter Top

Sonata 5149 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Ruffl ed Chiffon Blouse

Sonata 607 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Ruffl ed Chiffon Blouse

Sonata 1108 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Tea-Rose Camisole

Sonata 416 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Tea-Rose Camisole

Sonata 1453 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Tea-Rose Camisole

Sonata 1454 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Sonata 1734 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Sonata 5209 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Sonata 5210 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Vertical-Stripe Shirt

Sonata 12324 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Belted Tuxedo Blouse

Sonata 432 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Belted Tuxedo Blouse

Sonata 1767 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Belted Tuxedo Blouse

Sonata 13334 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Belted Tuxedo Blouse

Sonata 13335 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Belted Tuxedo Blouse

Sonata 13336 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Belted Tuxedo Blouse

Sonata 13337 rBuy: 49 Sell: 124

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 1002 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 1702 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12056 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12057 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12058 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12059 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12060 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12061 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12062 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12063 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12064 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12065 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12066 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12067 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12068 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12069 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12070 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12071 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12072 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12073 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12074 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12075 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12076 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12077 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 12078 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Buttoned V-Neck Knit Top

Sonata 13325 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 809 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 1754 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 1755 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12090 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12091 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12092 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12093 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12094 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46



Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 197: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12095 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12096 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12097 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12098 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12099 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12100 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12101 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12102 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12103 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12104 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12105 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cable-Knit Vest

Sonata 12106 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Cravat-Tie Blouse

Sonata 1005 rBuy: 50 Sell: 127

Cravat-Tie Blouse

Sonata 1777 rBuy: 50 Sell: 127

Cravat-Tie Blouse

Sonata 1778 rBuy: 50 Sell: 127

Cravat-Tie Blouse

Sonata 1779 rBuy: 50 Sell: 127

Crochet Camisole

Sonata 79 rBuy: 63 Sell: 159

Crochet Camisole

Sonata 1918 rBuy: 63 Sell: 159

Crochet Camisole

Sonata 1919 rBuy: 63 Sell: 159

Cross-Wrapped Camisole

Sonata 306 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Cross-Wrapped Camisole

Sonata 1921 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Cross-Wrapped Camisole

Sonata 1923 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Denim Bolero Cardigan

Sonata 2783 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Denim Bolero Cardigan

Sonata 5479 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Denim Bolero Cardigan

Sonata 5480 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Denim Bolero Cardigan

Sonata 5481 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 578 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7627 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7628 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7629 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7630 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7631 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7632 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7633 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7634 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7635 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7636 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7637 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7638 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7639 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7640 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7641 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7642 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7643 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7644 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7645 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7646 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7647 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7648 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7649 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7650 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7651 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7652 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7653 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7654 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7655 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 198: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7656 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7657 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7658 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7659 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7660 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7661 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7662 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7663 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7664 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7665 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7666 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7667 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7668 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7669 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7670 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7671 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7672 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7673 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7674 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7675 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7676 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7677 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7678 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7679 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7680 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7681 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7682 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7683 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7684 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7685 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7686 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7687 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7688 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Empire-Ribboned Top

Sonata 7689 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Gradient-Dyed Camisole

Sonata 89 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Gradient-Dyed Camisole

Sonata 5353 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Gradient-Dyed Camisole

Sonata 5354 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Gradient-Dyed Camisole

Sonata 5355 rBuy: 47 Sell: 118

Mohair Sweater

Sonata 818 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Mohair Sweater

Sonata 2233 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Mohair Sweater

Sonata 13381 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Mohair Sweater

Sonata 13382 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Necklaced Top

Sonata 1000 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Necklaced Top

Sonata 4534 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Necklaced Top

Sonata 4535 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Off-Shoulder Knit Top

Sonata 2372 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Off-Shoulder Knit Top

Sonata 4823 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Off-Shoulder Knit Top

Sonata 4824 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Off-Shoulder Knit Top

Sonata 4825 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Ruffl ed Empire Camisole

Sonata 80 rBuy: 46 Sell: 115

Ruffl ed Empire Camisole

Sonata 1930 rBuy: 46 Sell: 115

Ruffl ed Empire Camisole

Sonata 1931 rBuy: 46 Sell: 115

Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 576 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 1806 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 1807 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 1808 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 199: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 12129 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 12130 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 12131 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 12132 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 12133 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 12134 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 12135 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 12136 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 12137 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 12138 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Square-Neck Dotted Top

Sonata 12139 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Tatted-Lace Camisole

Sonata 2212 rBuy: 58 Sell: 146

Tatted-Lace Camisole

Sonata 4830 rBuy: 58 Sell: 146

Tatted-Lace Camisole

Sonata 4831 rBuy: 58 Sell: 146

Tuxedo-Pleated Camisole

Sonata 316 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Tuxedo-Pleated Camisole

Sonata 2033 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Tuxedo-Pleated Camisole

Sonata 2034 rBuy: 50 Sell: 126

Belted Trench Coat

Sonata 913 rBuy: 192 Sell: 319

Belted Trench Coat

Sonata 5870 rBuy: 192 Sell: 319

Belted Trench Coat

Sonata 5871 rBuy: 192 Sell: 319

Belted Trench Coat

Sonata 5872 rBuy: 192 Sell: 319

Bow-Tied Jacket

Sonata 518 rBuy: 141 Sell: 235

Bow-Tied Jacket

Sonata 4938 rBuy: 141 Sell: 235

Bow-Tied Jacket

Sonata 4939 rBuy: 141 Sell: 235

Clasp-Hook Down Jacket

Sonata 12448 rBuy: 150 Sell: 249

Clasp-Hook Down Jacket

Sonata 12449 rBuy: 150 Sell: 249

Clasp-Hook Down Jacket

Sonata 12450 rBuy: 150 Sell: 249

Clasp-Hook Down Jacket

Sonata 12451 rBuy: 150 Sell: 249

Clasp-Hook Down Jacket

Sonata 12452 rBuy: 150 Sell: 249

Clasp-Hook Down Jacket

Sonata 12453 rBuy: 150 Sell: 249

Clasp-Hook Down Jacket

Sonata 12454 rBuy: 150 Sell: 249

Clasp-Hook Down Jacket

Sonata 12455 rBuy: 150 Sell: 249

Cropped Denim Jacket

Sonata 340 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cropped Denim Jacket

Sonata 4984 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cropped Denim Jacket

Sonata 4985 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Cropped Denim Jacket

Sonata 4986 rBuy: 36 Sell: 92

Denim Bolero Cardigan

Sonata 347 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Denim Bolero Cardigan

Sonata 2581 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Denim Bolero Cardigan

Sonata 2582 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Denim Bolero Cardigan

Sonata 2583 rBuy: 53 Sell: 132

Fur-Collar Cardigan

Sonata 915 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Fur-Collar Cardigan

Sonata 2560 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Fur-Collar Cardigan

Sonata 2561 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Fur-Collar Cardigan

Sonata 2562 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Fur-Collar Denim Jacket

Sonata 3045 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Fur-Collar Denim Jacket

Sonata 4953 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Fur-Collar Denim Jacket

Sonata 4954 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Fur-Collar Down Jacket

Sonata 797 rBuy: 100 Sell: 193

Fur-Collar Down Jacket

Sonata 2443 rBuy: 100 Sell: 193

Fur-Collar Down Jacket

Sonata 2444 rBuy: 100 Sell: 193

Fur-Collar Down Jacket

Sonata 2445 rBuy: 100 Sell: 193

Fur-Collar Jacket

Sonata 3042 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Fur-Collar Jacket

Sonata 4947 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Fur-Collar Jacket

Sonata 4948 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Fur-Collar Jacket

Sonata 4949 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 200: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Gold-Buttoned Cardigan

Sonata 1191 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Gold-Buttoned Cardigan

Sonata 5071 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Gold-Buttoned Cardigan

Sonata 5072 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Knit Bolero Cardigan

Sonata 666 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Knit Bolero Cardigan

Sonata 2599 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Knit Bolero Cardigan

Sonata 2600 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Knit Bolero Cardigan

Sonata 2601 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Knit Trench Coat

Sonata 3326 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Knit Trench Coat

Sonata 5867 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Knit Trench Coat

Sonata 5868 rBuy: 33 Sell: 84

Lace-Hem Bolero

Sonata 136 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Lace-Hem Bolero

Sonata 2584 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Lace-Hem Bolero

Sonata 2585 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Lace-Hem Bolero

Sonata 2586 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Nehru Jacket

Sonata 859 rBuy: 128 Sell: 248

Nehru Jacket

Sonata 2473 rBuy: 128 Sell: 248

Nehru Jacket

Sonata 2474 rBuy: 128 Sell: 248

Nehru Jacket

Sonata 2475 rBuy: 128 Sell: 248

One-Button Cardigan

Sonata 1192 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

One-Button Cardigan

Sonata 5098 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

One-Button Cardigan

Sonata 5099 rBuy: 29 Sell: 73

Pin-Striped Jacket

Sonata 333 rBuy: 94 Sell: 184

Pin-Striped Jacket

Sonata 2258 rBuy: 94 Sell: 184

Pin-Striped Jacket

Sonata 2259 rBuy: 94 Sell: 184

Piping-Edged Trench Coat

Sonata 784 rBuy: 242 Sell: 403

Piping-Edged Trench Coat

Sonata 5861 rBuy: 242 Sell: 403

Piping-Edged Trench Coat

Sonata 5862 rBuy: 242 Sell: 403

Puffed-Sleeve Cardigan

Sonata 348 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Puffed-Sleeve Cardigan

Sonata 2590 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Puffed-Sleeve Cardigan

Sonata 2591 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Puffed-Sleeve Cardigan

Sonata 2592 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Ribbon-Tie Cardigan

Sonata 884 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Ribbon-Tie Cardigan

Sonata 2483 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Ribbon-Tie Cardigan

Sonata 2484 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Ribbon-Tie Nehru Jacket

Sonata 858 rBuy: 120 Sell: 238

Ribbon-Tie Nehru Jacket

Sonata 2470 rBuy: 120 Sell: 238

Ribbon-Tie Nehru Jacket

Sonata 2471 rBuy: 120 Sell: 238

Ribbon-Tie Nehru Jacket

Sonata 2472 rBuy: 120 Sell: 238

Ten-Button Cardigan

Sonata 1278 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Ten-Button Cardigan

Sonata 5080 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Ten-Button Cardigan

Sonata 5081 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Ten-Button Cardigan

Sonata 5082 rBuy: 35 Sell: 88

Belted Cargo Capris

Sonata 737 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Belted Cargo Capris

Sonata 3272 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Belted Cargo Capris

Sonata 3273 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Belted Cargo Capris

Sonata 3274 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Belted, Distressed Jeans

Sonata 1016 rBuy: 49 Sell: 123

Belted, Distressed Jeans

Sonata 3131 rBuy: 49 Sell: 123

Bow-Chain-Belted Shorts

Sonata 2621 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Bow-Chain-Belted Shorts

Sonata 5635 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Bow-Chain-Belted Shorts

Sonata 5636 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Chain-Belted Short Shorts

Sonata 1023 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Chain-Belted Short Shorts

Sonata 3186 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Chain-Belted Short Shorts

Sonata 3187 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Chain-Belted Shorts

Sonata 1019 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 201: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Chain-Belted Shorts

Sonata 5650 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Faded Jeans

Sonata 1015 rBuy: 128 Sell: 230

Ribbon-Hem Capri Shorts

Sonata 182 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Ribbon-Hem Capri Shorts

Sonata 3011 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Ribbon-Hem Capri Shorts

Sonata 3012 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Ribbon-Hem Capri Shorts

Sonata 3013 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Scarf-Belted Capri Shorts

Sonata 370 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Scarf-Belted Capri Shorts

Sonata 3022 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Shirred-Hem Capri Shorts

Sonata 371 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Shirred-Hem Capri Shorts

Sonata 3026 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Shirred-Hem Capri Shorts

Sonata 3028 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Spot-Faded Jeans

Sonata 1014 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Spot-Faded Jeans

Sonata 3117 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Spot-Faded Jeans

Sonata 3118 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Spot-Faded Jeans

Sonata 3119 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Angle-Stripe A-Line Skirt

Sonata 922 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Angle-Stripe A-Line Skirt

Sonata 2940 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Angle-Stripe A-Line Skirt

Sonata 2942 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Belted A-Line Skirt

Sonata 208 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Belted A-Line Skirt

Sonata 2276 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Belted A-Line Skirt

Sonata 2935 rBuy: 60 Sell: 151

Belted Pencil Skirt

Sonata 6478 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Belted Pencil Skirt

Sonata 6480 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Belted Pencil Skirt

Sonata 6497 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Belted Pencil Skirt

Sonata 12836 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Belted Pencil Skirt

Sonata 12839 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Belted Pencil Skirt

Sonata 12840 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Belted Pencil Skirt

Sonata 12841 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Belted Pencil Skirt

Sonata 12842 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Belted Pencil Skirt

Sonata 12843 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Belted Pencil Skirt

Sonata 12844 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Belted Pencil Skirt

Sonata 12845 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Belted Pencil Skirt

Sonata 12846 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Bubble-Hem Skirt

Sonata 641 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Bubble-Hem Skirt

Sonata 3231 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Bubble-Hem Skirt

Sonata 3232 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Button-up Wrap Miniskirt

Sonata 2378 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Button-up Wrap Miniskirt

Sonata 5771 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Crochet-Hem Denim Mini

Sonata 497 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Crochet-Hem Denim Mini

Sonata 2769 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Crochet-Hem Denim Mini

Sonata 2770 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Dart-Pleated Pencil Skirt

Sonata 6476 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Dart-Pleated Pencil Skirt

Sonata 6491 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Dart-Pleated Pencil Skirt

Sonata 6492 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Dart-Pleated Pencil Skirt

Sonata 6493 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Dart-Pleated Pencil Skirt

Sonata 6532 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Denim Pencil Skirt

Sonata 6480 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Denim Pencil Skirt

Sonata 6501 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Denim Pencil Skirt

Sonata 6502 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Denim Pencil Skirt

Sonata 6503 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Floral Chiffon Skirt

Sonata 397 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Floral Chiffon Skirt

Sonata 3322 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Floral, Crochet-Hem Skirt

Sonata 422 rBuy: 25 Sell: 62

Gold-Chain Skirt

Sonata 631 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Gold-Chain Skirt

Sonata 3059 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 202: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Knife-Pleat Skirt

Sonata 925 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Knife-Pleat Skirt

Sonata 3120 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Knife-Pleat Skirt

Sonata 3121 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 640 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7501 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7502 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7503 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7504 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7505 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7506 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7507 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7508 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7509 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7510 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7511 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7512 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7513 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7514 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7515 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7516 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7517 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7518 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7519 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7520 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7521 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7522 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7523 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7524 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7525 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7526 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7527 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7528 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7529 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7530 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7531 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7532 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7533 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7534 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7535 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7536 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7537 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7538 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7539 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7540 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7541 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7542 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7543 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7544 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7545 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7546 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7547 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7548 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7549 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7550 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7551 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7552 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 203: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7553 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7554 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7555 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7556 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7557 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7558 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7559 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7560 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7561 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7562 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Edged Bubble Skirt

Sonata 7563 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Hem Denim Mini

Sonata 496 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Lace-Hem Denim Mini

Sonata 2763 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Plaid Box-Pleat Skirt

Sonata 2523 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid Box-Pleat Skirt

Sonata 5810 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Plaid Box-Pleat Skirt

Sonata 5811 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Ribbon-Belted Miniskirt

Sonata 2527 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Ribbon-Belted Miniskirt

Sonata 5831 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Ribbon-Belted Miniskirt

Sonata 5832 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Ribbon-Belted Miniskirt

Sonata 5833 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Ruffle-Hem Denim Skirt

Sonata 382 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Ruffle-Hem Denim Skirt

Sonata 2646 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Ruffle-Hem Denim Skirt

Sonata 2647 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Tweed, Tiered Miniskirt

Sonata 527 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Wrap-Belted Miniskirt

Sonata 526 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Wrap-Belted Miniskirt

Sonata 3339 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Belted Cotton Dress

Sonata 2159 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Belted Cotton Dress

Sonata 4103 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Belted Cotton Dress

Sonata 4104 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Bubble-Hem Dress

Sonata 781 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Bubble-Hem Dress

Sonata 4706 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Bubble-Hem Dress

Sonata 4707 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Bubble-Hem Dress

Sonata 4708 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 2696 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 4694 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 4695 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 4696 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12635 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12636 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12637 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12638 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12639 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12640 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12641 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12642 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12643 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12644 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12645 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12646 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12647 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12648 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12649 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12650 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Cable-Knit Dress

Sonata 12651 rBuy: 31 Sell: 79

Chiffon Formal Dress

Sonata 146 rBuy: 146 Sell: 243

Collaboration Collaboration





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 204: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Chiffon Formal Dress

Sonata 4078 rBuy: 126 Sell: 210

Chiffon Formal Dress

Sonata 4079 rBuy: 146 Sell: 243

Chiffon Formal Dress

Sonata 4080 rBuy: 146 Sell: 243

Chiffon Formal Dress

Sonata 1745 rBuy: 126 Sell: 210

Chiffon Formal Dress

Sonata 4264 rBuy: 126 Sell: 210

Chiffon Formal Dress

Sonata 4265 rBuy: 126 Sell: 210

Chiffon Formal Dress

Sonata 4266 rBuy: 126 Sell: 210

Crossover Empire Dress

Sonata 150 rBuy: 116 Sell: 193

Crossover Empire Dress

Sonata 4118 rBuy: 116 Sell: 193

Crossover Empire Dress

Sonata 4119 rBuy: 116 Sell: 193

Crossover-Bodice Dress

Sonata 2549 rBuy: 116 Sell: 193

Crossover-Bodice Dress

Sonata 4679 rBuy: 116 Sell: 193

Crossover-Bodice Dress

Sonata 4680 rBuy: 116 Sell: 193

Crossover-Bodice Dress

Sonata 4681 rBuy: 116 Sell: 193

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 145 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7564 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7565 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7566 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7567 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7568 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7569 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7570 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7571 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7572 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7573 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7574 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7575 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7576 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7577 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7578 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7579 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7580 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7581 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7582 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7583 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7584 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7585 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7586 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7587 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7588 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7589 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7590 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7591 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7592 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7593 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7594 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7595 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7596 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7597 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7598 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7599 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7600 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7601 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7602 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7603 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7604 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 205: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7605 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7606 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7607 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7608 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7609 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7610 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7611 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7612 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7613 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7614 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7615 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7616 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7617 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7618 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7619 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7620 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7621 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7622 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7623 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7624 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7625 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Lace-Trim Empire Dress

Sonata 7626 rBuy: 47 Sell: 117

Moonflower Dress

Sonata 149 rBuy: 125 Sell: 208

Moonflower Dress

Sonata 4114 rBuy: 125 Sell: 208

Moonflower Dress

Sonata 4116 rBuy: 125 Sell: 208

Pleated Shirt Dress

Sonata 460 rBuy: 146 Sell: 243

Pleated Shirt Dress

Sonata 4372 rBuy: 146 Sell: 243

Pleated Shirt Dress

Sonata 4373 rBuy: 146 Sell: 243

Pleated Shirt Dress

Sonata 4374 rBuy: 146 Sell: 243

Pleated, Tiered Dress

Sonata 898 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Pleated, Tiered Dress

Sonata 4192 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Scallop-Hem Dress

Sonata 148 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Scallop-Hem Dress

Sonata 4111 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Scallop-Hem Dress

Sonata 4112 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Scallop-Hem Dress

Sonata 4113 rBuy: 121 Sell: 201

Velour Bubble-Hem Dress

Sonata 783 rBuy: 128 Sell: 214

Velour Bubble-Hem Dress

Sonata 4712 rBuy: 128 Sell: 214

Velour Bubble-Hem Dress

Sonata 4713 rBuy: 128 Sell: 214

Velour Bubble-Hem Dress

Sonata 4714 rBuy: 128 Sell: 214

Cashmere Long Scarf

Sonata 508 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Cashmere Long Scarf

Sonata 1228 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Cashmere Long Scarf

Sonata 1229 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Cashmere Long Scarf

Sonata 1230 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Cashmere Long Scarf

Sonata 6469 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Cashmere Long Scarf

Sonata 6470 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Cashmere Long Scarf

Sonata 6471 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Cashmere Long Scarf

Sonata 6472 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Cashmere Long Scarf

Sonata 6473 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Cashmere Long Scarf

Sonata 6474 rBuy: 63 Sell: 158

Bar-Pendant Necklace

Sonata 6490 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bar-Pendant Necklace

Sonata 6530 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Bar-Pendant Necklace

Sonata 6531 rBuy: 40 Sell: 100

Costume Gems

Sonata 1970 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Costume Gems

Sonata 3955 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Collaboration Collaboration










Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 206: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Costume Gems

Sonata 3956 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Costume Gems

Sonata 3957 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Crystal Necklace

Sonata 6489 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Crystal Necklace

Sonata 6527 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Crystal Necklace

Sonata 6528 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Crystal Necklace

Sonata 6529 rBuy: 100 Sell: 168

Gem-Drop Necklace

Sonata 6487 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Gem-Drop Necklace

Sonata 6521 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Gem-Drop Necklace

Sonata 6522 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Gem-Drop Necklace

Sonata 6523 rBuy: 30 Sell: 75

Pearl-Drop Necklace

Sonata 6486 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Pearl-Drop Necklace

Sonata 6519 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Pearl-Drop Necklace

Sonata 6520 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Ring-Pendant Necklace

Sonata 6488 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Ring-Pendant Necklace

Sonata 6524 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Ring-Pendant Necklace

Sonata 6525 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Ring-Pendant Necklace

Sonata 6526 rBuy: 23 Sell: 58

Skeleton-Key Necklace

Sonata 513 rBuy: 116 Sell: 193

Skeleton-Key Necklace

Sonata 3913 rBuy: 116 Sell: 193

Skeleton-Key Necklace

Sonata 3914 rBuy: 116 Sell: 193

Skeleton-Key Necklace

Sonata 3915 rBuy: 116 Sell: 193

Sweetheart Necklace

Sonata 411 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Sweetheart Necklace

Sonata 3904 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Sweetheart Necklace

Sonata 3905 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Sweetheart Necklace

Sonata 3906 rBuy: 53 Sell: 134

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 461 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7690 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7691 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7692 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7693 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7694 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7695 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7696 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7697 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7698 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7699 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7700 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7701 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7702 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7703 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7704 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7705 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7706 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7707 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7708 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7709 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7710 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7711 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7712 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7713 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7714 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7715 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7716 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7717 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7718 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155






Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 207: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7719 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7720 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7721 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7722 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7723 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7724 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7725 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7726 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7727 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7728 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7729 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7730 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7731 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7732 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7733 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7734 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7735 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7736 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7737 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7738 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7739 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7740 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7741 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7742 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7743 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7744 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7745 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7746 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7747 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7748 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7749 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7750 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7751 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Ankle-Bow Boots

Sonata 7752 rBuy: 62 Sell: 155

Back-Laced Boots

Sonata 462 rBuy: 124 Sell: 208

Back-Laced Boots

Sonata 3680 rBuy: 124 Sell: 208

Banded Metallic Mules

Sonata 240 rBuy: 104 Sell: 204

Banded Metallic Mules

Sonata 3527 rBuy: 104 Sell: 204

Banded Metallic Mules

Sonata 3528 rBuy: 104 Sell: 204

Banded Metallic Mules

Sonata 3529 rBuy: 104 Sell: 204

Buckled Stiletto Boots

Sonata 469 rBuy: 160 Sell: 307

Buckled Stiletto Boots

Sonata 13136 rBuy: 160 Sell: 307

Lace-up Stiletto Boots

Sonata 470 rBuy: 128 Sell: 238

Lace-up Stiletto Boots

Sonata 3691 rBuy: 128 Sell: 238

Lace-up Stiletto Boots

Sonata 3692 rBuy: 128 Sell: 238

Lace-up Stiletto Boots

Sonata 3693 rBuy: 128 Sell: 238

Lace-up Stiletto Boots

Sonata 13137 rBuy: 128 Sell: 238

Lace-up Stiletto Boots

Sonata 13138 rBuy: 128 Sell: 238

Lace-up Stiletto Boots

Sonata 13139 rBuy: 128 Sell: 238

Lace-up Stiletto Boots

Sonata 13140 rBuy: 128 Sell: 238

Lace-up Stiletto Boots

Sonata 13141 rBuy: 128 Sell: 238

Lacy-Bow Mules

Sonata 447 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Lacy-Bow Mules

Sonata 3514 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Lacy-Bow Mules

Sonata 3515 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Lacy-Bow Mules

Sonata 3516 rBuy: 39 Sell: 99

Lily-Blossom Mules

Sonata 2128 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Collaboration Collaboration

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 208: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Lily-Blossom Mules

Sonata 3646 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Lily-Blossom Mules

Sonata 3647 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Lily-Blossom Mules

Sonata 3648 rBuy: 31 Sell: 78

Matte-Leather Pumps

Sonata 1803 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Matte-Leather Pumps

Sonata 3673 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Matte-Leather Pumps

Sonata 3674 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Matte-Leather Pumps

Sonata 3675 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Matte-Leather Pumps

Sonata 6465 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Matte-Leather Pumps

Sonata 6466 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Matte-Leather Pumps

Sonata 13132 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Matte-Leather Pumps

Sonata 13133 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Matte-Leather Pumps

Sonata 13134 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Matte-Leather Pumps

Sonata 13135 rBuy: 57 Sell: 142

Open-Toe Pumps

Sonata 13509 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Toe Pumps

Sonata 13524 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Toe Pumps

Sonata 13525 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Toe Pumps

Sonata 13526 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Toe Pumps

Sonata 13527 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Toe Pumps

Sonata 13528 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Toe Pumps

Sonata 13529 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Toe Pumps

Sonata 13530 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Toe Pumps

Sonata 13531 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Toe Pumps

Sonata 13532 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Toe Pumps

Sonata 13533 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Open-Toe Pumps

Sonata 13534 rBuy: 29 Sell: 74

Ring-Belted Ballet Flats

Sonata 6516 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Ring-Belted Ballet Flats

Sonata 6517 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Ring-Belted Ballet Flats

Sonata 6518 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

Ring-Belted Ballet Flats

Sonata 6485 rBuy: 19 Sell: 49

terraLet your free spirit loose with some cool new threads from Terra. This brand’s earthy styles and fl owing garments create a look of boho-chic fashion.

Customer Keywords:Earthy, free-spirited, boho-chic, fl owing

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Scarves Necklaces Footwear

Page 209: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Cool-Color Tank Top

Terra 676 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Firework-Burst T-Shirt

Terra 285 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Firework-Burst T-Shirt

Terra 1052 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Firework-Burst T-Shirt

Terra 1053 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Kente-Cloth Camisole

Terra 707 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Kente-Cloth Camisole

Terra 1467 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Kente-Cloth Camisole

Terra 1468 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Mixed-Tie-Dye Camisole

Terra 300 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Mixed-Tie-Dye Camisole

Terra 1509 rBuy: 3 Sell: 19

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 875 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9832 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9833 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9834 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9835 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9836 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9837 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9838 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9839 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9840 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9841 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9842 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9843 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9844 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9845 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9846 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9847 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9848 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9849 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9850 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9851 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9852 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9853 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9854 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9855 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9856 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9857 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9858 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9859 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9860 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9861 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23


Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9862 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9863 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9864 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9865 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9866 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9867 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9868 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9869 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9870 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9871 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9872 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9873 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9874 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9875 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9876 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9877 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 210: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9878 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9879 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9880 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9881 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9882 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9883 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9884 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9885 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9886 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9887 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9888 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9889 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9890 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9891 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9892 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9893 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Paisley Bikini Top

Terra 9894 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Patchwork Shirt

Terra 287 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Patchwork Shirt

Terra 1099 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Petroglyph Bikini Top

Terra 876 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Petroglyph Bikini Top

Terra 1440 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Petroglyph Bikini Top

Terra 1441 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Petroglyph Tank Top

Terra 952 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Petroglyph Tank Top

Terra 4531 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Petroglyph Tank Top

Terra 4533 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Rainbow-Petal Camisole

Terra 68 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Rainbow-Petal Camisole

Terra 1157 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Rainbow-Petal Camisole

Terra 12219 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Rainbow-Petal Camisole

Terra 12220 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Rainbow-Petal Camisole

Terra 12221 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Rainbow-Petal Camisole

Terra 12222 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Rainbow-Petal Camisole

Terra 12223 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Rainbow-Petal Camisole

Terra 12224 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Rainbow-Petal Camisole

Terra 12225 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Rainbow-Petal Camisole

Terra 12226 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Rainbow-Petal Camisole

Terra 12227 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Rainbow-Petal Camisole

Terra 12228 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Rainbow-Petal Camisole

Terra 12229 rBuy: 3 Sell: 17

Striped V-Neck Tank Top

Terra 1387 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41

Striped-Waist Camisole

Terra 67 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Striped-Waist Camisole

Terra 1531 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Sunburst Tank Top

Terra 290 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Sunburst Tank Top

Terra 1375 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Tie-Dyed Camisole

Terra 2133 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Tie-Dyed Camisole

Terra 4881 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Tie-Dyed Halter Camisole

Terra 2675 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Tie-Dyed Halter Camisole

Terra 5182 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Tie-Dyed Halter Camisole

Terra 5183 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Tie-Dye-Stripe Camisole

Terra 838 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Tie-Dye-Stripe Camisole

Terra 1154 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Tie-Dye-Stripe Camisole

Terra 1156 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Tie-Dye-Stripe Tank Top

Terra 764 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Tie-Dye-Stripe Tank Top

Terra 1114 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Tie-Dye-Stripe Tank Top

Terra 1115 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Warm-Color Tank Top

Terra 1388 rBuy: 16 Sell: 41




Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 211: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Angle-Stripe Camisole

Terra 769 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Angle-Stripe Camisole

Terra 5329 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Angle-Stripe Camisole

Terra 5330 rBuy: 3 Sell: 18

Batik Tank Top

Terra 44 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Batik Tank Top

Terra 4863 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Batik Tank Top

Terra 4864 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Batik T-Shirt

Terra 665 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Batik T-Shirt

Terra 1678 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Batik T-Shirt

Terra 1679 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Batik V-Neck Top

Terra 38 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Batik V-Neck Top

Terra 1842 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Batik V-Neck Top

Terra 1843 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Batik V-Neck Top

Terra 1844 rBuy: 28 Sell: 71

Bead-Collar, Tie-Dyed Top

Terra 953 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Bead-Collar, Tie-Dyed Top

Terra 1720 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Bead-Trimmed Top

Terra 581 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Bead-Trimmed Top

Terra 1851 rBuy: 6 Sell: 31

Bohemian Top

Terra 2209 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Bohemian Top

Terra 4543 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Crochet-Top Camisole

Terra 768 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Crochet-Top Camisole

Terra 13352 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Crochet-Top Camisole

Terra 13353 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Embroidered Camisole

Terra 713 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Embroidered Camisole

Terra 1933 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Embroidered Camisole

Terra 1934 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Embroidered Camisole

Terra 1935 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Embroidered Tank Top

Terra 584 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Embroidered Tank Top

Terra 1877 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Floral-Embroidered Top

Terra 1956 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Floral-Embroidered Top

Terra 4604 rBuy: 6 Sell: 34

Layered T-Shirt

Terra 664 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Layered T-Shirt

Terra 1677 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Paisley Flounce Camisole

Terra 2144 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Paisley Flounce Camisole

Terra 5344 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Paisley Flounce Camisole

Terra 5345 rBuy: 7 Sell: 35

Tie-Dye-Stripe Tank Top

Terra 43 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Tie-Dye-Stripe Tank Top

Terra 4860 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Tie-Dye-Stripe Tank Top

Terra 4861 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 772 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9769 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9770 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9771 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9772 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9773 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9774 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9775 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9776 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9777 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9778 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9779 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9780 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9781 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9782 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9783 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9784 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9785 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

CollaboratIon CollaboratIon

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 212: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9786 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9787 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9788 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9789 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9790 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9791 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9792 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9793 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9794 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9795 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9796 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9797 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9798 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9799 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9800 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9801 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9802 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9803 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9804 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9805 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9806 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9807 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9808 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9809 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9810 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9811 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9812 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9813 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9814 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9815 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9816 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9817 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9818 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9819 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9820 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9821 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9822 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9823 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9824 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9825 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9826 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9827 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9828 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9829 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9830 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Tiered Cotton Camisole

Terra 9831 rBuy: 4 Sell: 20

Wax-Print Camisole

Terra 771 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Wax-Print Camisole

Terra 5356 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Wax-Print Camisole

Terra 5357 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Wax-Print Top

Terra 2213 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Wax-Print Top

Terra 4839 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Wax-Print Top

Terra 4840 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Wax-Print Top

Terra 4841 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Wooden-Button Cardigan

Terra 2195 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Wooden-Button Cardigan

Terra 2196 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46


Wooden-Button Cardigan

Terra 484 rBuy: 18 Sell: 46

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 213: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Hand-Dyed Knit Cardigan

Terra 888 rBuy: 45 Sell: 113

Hand-Dyed Knit Cardigan

Terra 2551 rBuy: 45 Sell: 113

Hand-Dyed Knit Cardigan

Terra 2552 rBuy: 45 Sell: 113

Hand-Knit Wool Cape

Terra 850 rBuy: 26 Sell: 67

Turquoise-Bead Jacket

Terra 777 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Turquoise-Bead Jacket

Terra 2434 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Turquoise-Bead Jacket

Terra 2435 rBuy: 43 Sell: 108

Genie Shorts

Terra 623 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Genie Shorts

Terra 3197 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Genie Shorts

Terra 3199 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Gradient-Dyed Sweatpants

Terra 191 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Gradient-Dyed Sweatpants

Terra 3209 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Gradient-Dyed Sweatpants

Terra 3210 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Gradient-Dyed Sweatpants

Terra 3211 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Spiral-Dyed Shorts

Terra 375 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Spiral-Dyed Shorts

Terra 3194 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Spiral-Dyed Shorts

Terra 3195 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 190 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9895 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9896 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9897 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9898 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9899 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9900 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9901 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9902 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9903 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9904 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9905 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9906 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9907 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9908 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9909 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9910 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9911 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9912 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9913 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9914 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9915 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9916 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9917 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9918 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9919 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9920 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9921 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9922 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9923 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9924 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9925 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9926 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9927 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9928 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9929 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9930 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

CollaboratIon CollaboratIon







Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 214: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Tie-Dye-Stripe Shorts

Terra 624 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9931 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9932 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9933 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9934 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9935 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9936 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9937 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9938 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9939 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9940 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9941 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9942 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9943 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9944 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9945 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9946 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9947 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9948 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9949 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9950 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9951 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9952 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9953 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9954 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9955 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9956 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Striped Batik Pants

Terra 9957 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Tie-Dyed Jeans

Terra 2309 rBuy: 48 Sell: 120

Tie-Dyed Jeans

Terra 5617 rBuy: 48 Sell: 120

Tie-Dyed Jeans

Terra 5618 rBuy: 48 Sell: 120

Tie-Dyed Jeans

Terra 5619 rBuy: 48 Sell: 120

Tie-Dye-Stripe Shorts

Terra 3201 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Tie-Dye-Stripe Shorts

Terra 3202 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Batik Skirt

Terra 200 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Batik Skirt

Terra 2724 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Batik Wrap Skirt

Terra 2369 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Batik Wrap Skirt

Terra 5762 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Batik Wrap Skirt

Terra 5763 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 394 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9958 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9959 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9960 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9961 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9962 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9963 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9964 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9965 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9966 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9967 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9968 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9969 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9970 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9971 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9972 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26





Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 215: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9973 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9974 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9975 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9976 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9977 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9978 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9979 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9980 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9981 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9982 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9983 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9984 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9985 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9986 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9987 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9988 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9989 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9990 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9991 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9992 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9993 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9994 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9995 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9996 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9997 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9998 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 9999 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10000 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10001 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10002 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10003 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10004 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10005 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10006 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10007 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10008 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10009 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10010 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10011 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10012 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10013 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10014 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10015 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10016 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10017 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10018 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10019 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Color-Block Long Skirt

Terra 10020 rBuy: 5 Sell: 26

Floral-Stripe Long Skirt

Terra 204 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Floral-Stripe Long Skirt

Terra 2810 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Floral-Stripe Long Skirt

Terra 2811 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Gathered Batik Skirt

Terra 803 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Gathered Batik Skirt

Terra 3060 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Gathered Batik Skirt

Terra 3061 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Gathered Batik Skirt

Terra 3071 rBuy: 17 Sell: 44

Gradient-Dyed Long Skirt

Terra 212 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

CollaboratIon CollaboratIon

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 216: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Gradient-Dyed Long Skirt

Terra 2983 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Gradient-Dyed Long Skirt

Terra 2984 rBuy: 16 Sell: 40

Knife-Pleat Batik Skirt

Terra 223 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Knife-Pleat Batik Skirt

Terra 3141 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Knife-Pleat Batik Skirt

Terra 3142 rBuy: 5 Sell: 28

Lacy A-Line Skirt

Terra 655 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Lacy A-Line Skirt

Terra 5792 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Lacy A-Line Skirt

Terra 5793 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Spiral-Dyed Long Skirt

Terra 385 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Spiral-Dyed Long Skirt

Terra 2906 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Spiral-Dyed Long Skirt

Terra 2907 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Tie-Dyed Long Skirt

Terra 600 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Tie-Dyed Long Skirt

Terra 2917 rBuy: 28 Sell: 70

Tie-Dye-Stripe Long Skirt

Terra 213 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Wax-Print Wrap Skirt

Terra 384 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Wax-Print Wrap Skirt

Terra 2889 rBuy: 7 Sell: 36

Batik Camisole Dress

Terra 723 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Batik Camisole Dress

Terra 4105 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Batik Camisole Dress

Terra 4106 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Bohemian Dress

Terra 1357 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Bohemian Dress

Terra 4648 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Bohemian Dress

Terra 4649 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Bohemian Dress

Terra 4650 rBuy: 25 Sell: 63

Floral Batik Dress

Terra 1744 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Floral Batik Dress

Terra 4201 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Floral Batik Dress

Terra 4202 rBuy: 42 Sell: 107

Floral-Embroidered Dress

Terra 2297 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Floral-Embroidered Dress

Terra 4255 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Floral-Embroidered Dress

Terra 4256 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Lace Camisole Dress

Terra 724 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Lace Camisole Dress

Terra 4108 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Lace Camisole Dress

Terra 4109 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Lace Camisole Dress

Terra 4110 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Leaf-Line Dress

Terra 353 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Leaf-Line Dress

Terra 1201 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38Batik Pom-Pom


Terra 3996 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Jute Ski Cap

Terra 272 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Jute Ski Cap

Terra 1264 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Batik Pom-Pom Cap

Terra 796 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Batik Pom-Pom Cap

Terra 3994 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Jute Ski Cap

Terra 1265 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Batik Pom-Pom Cap

Terra 3995 rBuy: 6 Sell: 30

Spiral-Dyed Halter Dress

Terra 2160 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47

Spiral-Dyed Halter Dress

Terra 4309 rBuy: 18 Sell: 47




Jute Ski Cap

Terra 13205 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Jute Ski Cap

Terra 13206 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Jute Ski Cap

Terra 13207 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Jute Ski Cap

Terra 1266 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Jute Ski Cap

Terra 13202 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Jute Ski Cap

Terra 13203 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Jute Ski Cap

Terra 13208 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Jute Ski Cap

Terra 13204 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Tie-Dyed Bucket Hat

Terra 3976 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Tie-Dyed Bucket Hat

Terra 3977 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Tie-Dyed Ski Cap

Terra 515 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Linen Bucket Hat

Terra 514 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Linen Bucket Hat

Terra 1249 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Linen Bucket Hat

Terra 1251 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Tie-Dyed Bucket Hat

Terra 1133 rBuy: 3 Sell: 16

Tie-Dyed Ski Cap

Terra 1267 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Leaf-Line Dress

Terra 1203 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38





Tie-Dye-Stripe Long Skirt

Terra 2989 rBuy: 6 Sell: 32

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 217: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Tie-Dyed Ski Cap

Terra 1268 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Tie-Dyed Ski Cap

Terra 1269 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Block-Stripe Long Scarf

Terra 408 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Block-Stripe Long Scarf

Terra 3769 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Block-Stripe Long Scarf

Terra 3771 rBuy: 5 Sell: 25

Hand-Knit Long Scarf

Terra 255 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Hand-Knit Long Scarf

Terra 1225 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Geode T-Strap Sandals

Terra 3376 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Geode T-Strap Sandals

Terra 3377 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Linen Ballet Flats

Terra 659 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Linen Ballet Flats

Terra 3441 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Linen Ballet Flats

Terra 3442 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Linen Ballet Flats

Terra 3443 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Slip-on Sandals

Terra 235 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Slip-on Sandals

Terra 3384 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Slip-on Sandals

Terra 3385 rBuy: 7 Sell: 38

Stone-Studded Wedges

Terra 250 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Stone-Studded Wedges

Terra 3721 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Stone-Studded Wedges

Terra 3722 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Stone-Studded Wedges

Terra 3723 rBuy: 22 Sell: 55

Wooden-Bead Mules

Terra 804 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Wooden-Bead Mules

Terra 3637 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Wooden-Bead Mules

Terra 3638 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Wooden-Bead Mules

Terra 3639 rBuy: 24 Sell: 62

Zigzag Cowboy Boots

Terra 633 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109





Hand-Knit Long Scarf

Terra 1226 rBuy: 4 Sell: 24

Striped Short Scarf

Terra 2053 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Striped Short Scarf

Terra 3736 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Striped Short Scarf

Terra 3737 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Striped Short Scarf

Terra 13264 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Striped Short Scarf

Terra 13266 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Striped Short Scarf

Terra 13267 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Double-Amber Necklace

Terra 3954 rBuy: 39 Sell: 78

Double-Coral Necklace

Terra 3952 rBuy: 40 Sell: 102

Chunk-Stone Necklace

Terra 1966 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Chunk-Stone Necklace

Terra 3935 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39

Double-Topaz Necklace

Terra 1969 rBuy: 44 Sell: 110

Chunk-Stone Necklace

Terra 3936 rBuy: 7 Sell: 39 H




Tie-Dyed Footies

Terra 2358 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Tie-Dyed Footies

Terra 5570 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Hand-Knit Footies

Terra 732 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Hand-Knit Footies

Terra 2894 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Hand-Knit Footies

Terra 2895 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Tie-Dyed Footies

Terra 5571 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Hand-Knit Footies

Terra 2896 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15

Floral T-Strap Sandals

Terra 3379 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Floral T-Strap Sandals

Terra 3380 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22

Geode T-Strap Sandals

Terra 824 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Braided Flip-Flops

Terra 426 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Braided Flip-Flops

Terra 3417 rBuy: 2 Sell: 14

Geode T-Strap Sandals

Terra 3375 rBuy: 6 Sell: 33

Floral T-Strap Sandals

Terra 2510 rBuy: 4 Sell: 22Fo



Zigzag Cowboy Boots

Terra 3568 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Zigzag Cowboy Boots

Terra 3569 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Zigzag Cowboy Boots

Terra 3570 rBuy: 43 Sell: 109

Tie-Dyed Footies

Terra 5569 rBuy: 3 Sell: 15




Striped Short Scarf

Terra 13265 rBuy: 4 Sell: 23

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index Alvarado April Bonbon AZ USA Capsule Dazies Epoque GXS Karamomo Mad Jack Marble Lily Masquerade Penbridge Pure Cloth Raven Candle Sonata Terra

Inners Tops Outers Pants Skirts Dresses Headwear Scarves Necklaces Hosiery Footwear

Page 218: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Offi cial Look Book


Let’s get professional! Each time you thrill a customer with a great sale in Style Savvy, take a moment to jot down their name and info here, in your very own Client Index. This helps you keep track of everyone’s favorite styles and colors, so you’ll have no trouble selling them lots of hot looks whenever they return!


Client Index

Name Favorite Brand (s) Favorite Color(s) Dislikes

Once you know a shopper’s favorite brands and colors, you’ve got them pegged. Always offer them the same brands and colors, and always tell them to “Try it on!” You’re certain to please, and you might even score some bonus sales!


Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index

Page 219: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Name Favorite Brand (s) Favorite Color(s) Dislikes

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index

Page 220: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

Prima Official Look Book


Name Favorite Brand (s) Favorite Color(s) Dislikes

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index

Page 221: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Name Favorite Brand (s) Favorite Color(s) Dislikes

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index

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Prima Official Look Book


Name Favorite Brand (s) Favorite Color(s) Dislikes

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index

Page 223: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide


Name Favorite Brand (s) Favorite Color(s) Dislikes

Introduction Starting Out Strata Your Stylin’ Store Living Fabulously Hair and Makeup Clothing Catalog Client Index

Page 224: Style Savvy Prima Official Guide

The Prima Games logo is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc., registered in the United States.

© 2009 by Prima Games. No part of this book may be reproduced or trans-mitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written permission from Prima Games. Prima Games is an imprint of Random House, Inc.

Senior Product Manager: Mario De GoviaAssociate Product Manager: Shaida BoroumandDesign & Layout: Kari KeatingManufacturing: Stephanie Sanchez, Suzanne Goodwin

™ & © 2008-2009 Nintendo / syn Sophia.

Special thanks to the team at Nintendo: Zac Evans, Steven Grimm, Vanessa Maples, Noriko Matsunaga, Dan McCaughan, Shino Aizawa-Overaa, Tyler Stephens, Tim Vodder, and David Yoshida.

All products and characters mentioned in this book are trademarks of their respective companies.

Please be advised that the ESRB Ratings icons, “EC,” “E,” “E10+,” “T,” “M,” “AO,” and “RP” are trademarks owned by the Entertainment Software Association, and may only be used with their permission and authority. For information regarding whether a product has been rated by the ESRB, please visit For permission to use the Ratings icons, please contact the ESA at

Important:Prima Games has made every effort to determine that the information contained in this book is accurate. However, the publisher makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, effectiveness, or completeness of the material in this book; nor does the publisher assume liability for damages, either incidental or consequential, that may result from using the information in this book. The publisher cannot provide any additional information or support regarding gameplay, hints and strategies, or problems with hardware or software. Such questions should be directed to the support numbers provided by the game and/or device manufacturers as set forth in their documentation. Some game tricks require precise timing and may require repeated attempts before the desired result is achieved.

ISBN: 978-0-307-46591-7

Introduction _________________ 2Starting Out Strata ___________ 4Your Stylin’ Store ___________ 11Living Fabulously ___________ 17Hair and Makeup ___________ 24Clothing Catalog ___________ 31 Alvarado _________________ 32 April Bonbon _____________ 43 AZ USA __________________ 56 Capsule _________________ 76 Dazies ___________________ 87 Epoque __________________ 104 GXS _____________________ 118 Karamomo ______________ 129 Mad Jack ________________ 138 Marble Lily _______________ 152 Masquerade _____________ 161 Penbridge _______________ 163 Pure Cloth _______________ 174 Raven Candle ____________ 183 Sonata __________________ 195 Terra ____________________ 208Client Index ________________ 218

PRIMA Official Game GuideWritten by Paula Schultz

The Prima Games logo is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc., registered in the United States.

Prima GamesAn Imprint of Random House, Inc.

3000 Lava Ridge Court, St. 100 • Roseville, CA