Page 1: STW recommendations - Text Summary

Summary: Recommendations for how to save the United States


CULTURE Highlight core American values

Parents, teachers and leaders should highlight our core values, every day

Upgrade high school curriculum to include great Western thinkers

Develop a cohesive policy for defeating political Islam

Eliminate tax-deductibility for physical and intellectual terror organizations (CAIR, et al)

Mandate that high schools teach about the threat of Islamist ideology

Conduct a major educational review

Re-inject Western civilization values and capitalist ideology

Key leaders should reiterate Western values non-stop

Ensure election integrity Implement voter ID laws immediately

Outlaw all forms of voter fraud and intimidation

Go on the PR offensive: We are exceptional, not average!

Speak about American and Western values every day!

Re-educate or retire anti-Western teachers

ECONOMY ObamaCare: Repeal and replace

Freeze current benefits and number of beneficiaries

Refundable tax credits to all citizens to buy health insurance

Restructure all major entitlement programs

Incentivize Medicare Advantage and IRAs/401ks

Move defined benefits to defined contributions

Stop inter-generational theft Privatize and de-politicize student loan program

Mandate GAAP accounting for federal programs

Reform national energy policy Authorize Keystone XL;Facilitate automotive flex fuels

Encourage all forms of energy – but without special subsidies

Enact right-to-work statutes in every state

Pass national Right-To-Work Act Encourage all states to seek repeal of National Labor Relations Act


Create an “Alliance Of Democracies”

Strengthen NATO by replacing Turkey with Israel

Require all NATO members to spend 2.5% of GDP on national defense

De-fund the United Nations Push Iran out of the UN for preaching genocide

US should leave the UN due to hopeless corruption

Protect our energy infrastructure

Harden and protect the electric grid

Strengthen missile defense, particularly around unprotected Southern border

Stop Iran's nuclear program Increase sanctions to crippling level – now

Strengthen military option and assets

Protect Christians worldwide Create comprehensive plans to protect Christians worldwide

Dramatically increase military assistance to 15 front-line countries

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