Page 1: Statistics for film consumptions

Statistics for film consumption By Nina Romantschuk

Page 2: Statistics for film consumptions

What is the overall trend film consumption? Growth/decline?

This Graphic shows the annual cinema admissions in the UK. The highest point of admissions was in the year 1940 and it was about 1,600 million. After that year it went down and the lowest point it was on between the 1935 and 2012 was in 1984. The admissions in that year were about 100 million.

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Who watches films in the UK (age, gender, other characteristics)

The chart above shows the age of distribution of cinema-goers between 1997 and 2011. The most cinema-goers from 1997 until 2011 is aged between 15 and 24. I can also see that some years later more older people are staring to consume films in the cinema.

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Where/how do people watch films?

The following chart shows that most of the people watch films on the television.

Only 3.4% of the people are going to cinema. This chart also answers the question where they are watching films because, if you watch a film on television you normally are at home or at a friends house.

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What type of films are the most popular?

The chart above shows that in 2011 comedy was the highest grossing genre. This implies that comedy films were the most popular films in the Uk. Whereas War films were the least popular.

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What role does technology play in the consumption of film today?

Technology plays a very important role in the consumption of film today because it is very interesting for the audience to see new technology. For example 3D is very interesting for us because it makes the movie more interesting and so it attracts the people to watch that kind of films. One problem people have with 3D is that they normally can’t watch it at home because they haven’t got the right equipment. Also HD films are very nice to watch because they have a very high quality. People like to pay for this because they like to see good pictures and it is very impressive.
