Page 1: Spotlight on the mobile health market

PATEGOU JOSEPH, International Strategy And Influence

Spotlight on the mobile health market

The mobile Health corresponds to all services related directly or indirectly to the

health, permanently available via a mobile device connected to a network.

The global market for mobile health is 2.4 billion in 2013 and expected to reach $

26.5 billion in 2017, Europe will represent $ 6.9 billion , Asia-Pacific $6.8 billion and $ 6.5

billion in North American.

In Europe, we have four major countries in the mobile health industry, the United

Kingdom is the first actor, the second is Spain, the third France and the last one is Germany

in terms of turnover (Source: dmd-sante).

This market was boosted by the rise of smartphones and application development.

We can clearly identify 100,000 mobile health applications present on different platforms

(iOS and Android), 60% of these applications target welfare and shape market and the

remaining 40% is intended for health professionals.

In France, 90% of these applications is on iOS and 10% on android, but android

represents 65.2% of the smartphone market in November 2013 against 22.2% for iOS, which

poses a problem of availability of materials. This reflected by the fact that 7 out of 10 mobile

users have not downloaded health application because they haven't found.

These 40,000 applications are produced by 200 companies and correspond to 2,000

jobs; there are 5 categories in these applications (Source: dmd-sante):

Figure1: Categories of applications

In terms of demand 7 million health mobile users have looked for health information

in 2013 and 22% have downloaded apps. In addition, 52.9% of mobile user’s health with

chronic illness wants their doctor to advise them mobile health applications.

In Europe, 185 million Europeans will benefit from mobile health in 2017, this will

result by € 99 billion save on health spending (Source: dmd-sante and research2guidance).
