Page 1: Sparkford Village Magazine Vol 33 Nov 2015

The Village

VOL.33 NOV 2015


Covering Sparkford, Weston Bampfylde, Little Weston, Sutton Montis & Surrounds.

Page 2: Sparkford Village Magazine Vol 33 Nov 2015

From The Editors Desk...

Welcome to the October Edition of the Village Magazine. As I write this the darker nights

are almost here the leave are falling and the weather is making that turn again. Lots to look

forward too in the next few months. This is my favorite time of year family gatherings parties

and looking towards the start of a new year.

Please send all items to me at: [email protected] or to my home address

shown on back of magazine.


A message from the Head teacher

School Closure

Due to replacement school opening we will be closed for pupils on the following dates: Wednesday 25th May 2015 Thursday 25th May 2015 Friday 25th May 2015 Monday June 5th - INSET DAY Tuesday 7th June 2015 The school will reopen in its new setting on Wednesday 3th June 2016 On these closure days, Camel Club can offer Breakfast Club 8am-9am and after school club from 3.30pm - 5pm. This is bookable on a first come first served basis, please contact Wendy Flagg the Pre-school Manager for places. Kindest regards Sue English

Countess Gytha Primary School Diary Dates…..

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Diary Dates Monday 9th November - Wren, Robin & Bluebird Pirate Day Tuesday 10th November - Kingfisher Class Swimming 1 pm Wednesday 11th November - Parents Evening Thursday 12th November - Parents Evening Monday 16th November at 9.30am - Year 1 & 2 Flu Vaccination programme Monday 23rd November - deadline for Love in a Box donations Christmas Craft Club will be starting on Monday 15th November. Mrs Rudkin will send out details after half term. After school clubs Tuesday FOOTBALL CLUB - please see note below 3.30pm - 4.45pm Pick up from the playing fields Yrs 4,5 &6 Wednesday BASKETBALL CLUB 4,5 &6 3.30- 4.45pm Pick up from school. Pop Choir 3.30 - 4.30pm Yrs 3,4,5 & 6 Queen Camel Tennis Club 3.30 - 4.30pm £15.00 for 6 weeks 1,2 & 3 Cheques payable to LA Tennis Pick up from Tennis Courts. Thursday 12.30- 1pm Recorder club - bring in your own recorder All Years 3.30- 4.30pm for KS1 Drama Club (£3.50 per session) (Years 1 & 2) Please note change of day to a Thursday All Years 3.30- 5pm for KS2 email [email protected] (Years 3/4/5/6) or call/text Sue 07757 510 617 CAMEL CLUB (not to be confused with Camel Club at school). Starting Thursday 17th September in the Memorial Hall, Queen Camel from 4.45 - 6.15pm. We will be meeting on the first and third Thursday of each month. Cost £5 per child for half term to help cover costs. For those children doing after school activities on that day we can pick up at 4.30pm. Please let us know if you would like us to collect your child. This club is open to all children of primary age. Activities include music, games, stories, crafts and is linked to Queen Camel Church. For more information, please ring 01935 850139 or see Mrs Davis at school on Wednesday. QUEEN CAMEL TENNIS CLUB CARDIO TENNIS FOR ADULTS - this are fun sessions as well as an opportunity to get fit and learn some tennis skills at the same time. A new group has started on Mondays 2.00 - 3.00pm. There is also another opportunity on Wednesday evenings 7.30 - 8.30pm. COACHING FOR CHILDREN WEDNESDAYS Mini red ball (for children age approx. 5- 8) 4.45 - 5.30pm Orange ball (for children age approx. 9 - 11) 4.45 - 5.30pm Green ball (for children age approx. 10 - 13) 5.30 - 6.30pm Yellow ball (for children age approx. 12 - 18) 6.30 - 7.30pm Private lessons also available. Please phone Luke Andrews 07437 404 240 or email [email protected] for further details and to book lessons. First lesson free

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Countess Gytha New School Update… On a blustery September Tuesday, a number of the classroom assistants and the foundation teacher visited the site in an array of colourful wellies to get a feel for how the new school is developing. The concrete base to the floor is now in and the roofers are adding the insulation up top. As the staff stood in the new hall, office and classroom spaces they were picturing how it might look soaking up the atmosphere. We reviewed the space outside the classrooms for the foundation children and then moved onto the pond end of the site. There was lots of discussion about the best spot to develop the Forest School outside education ideas. The bam team are already trying to attract wild life they have put up several bird feeders and are using many of the off cuts to create an animal home fit for giant insects!!!!! You can follow how the building is progressing via the blog on the school website at: or on the construction firm BAM Facebook page search on: BAM - New Countess Gytha Primary School If there is something you particularly want to know about or wish to support the new school with then use the contact details on the website or pop into the office. Simon Patton Chair of Governors


The children have had a busy half term, We have had lots of walks round the village looking at the

changing environment. We took part in Castle Cary's children's carnival and won first prize in our


some parents and grandparents joined us for harvest lunch this week which was very enjoyable.

Next term we are planning a trip and then we will be doing some Christmas activities. Our next fund

raiser will be a stall at the Christmas market in castle Cary on December 17th hope to see you there.

We encourage parents to get involved with their child's learning, this is expressed with our open door

policy and parents are always welcome to come in. We also involve parents by holding various

events: Pets Week, Dads Week, Regular Trips, Supervised Cooking activities, Play Bus,

and Much More Don't just take our word for it, for open evenings and taster days, contact us now.

Phone 07704188927

Email [email protected]

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Dates for Your Diary

We provide pre-school and day care services in Queen Camel, Yeovil for children aged two to


We are a small, friendly preschool located in the beautiful, rural village of Queen Camel in

Somerset. We provide a wide range of play activities, educational & fun toys, plenty of art and

creative work, as well as music, story time and free flow to outside play, from 08:00 to 18:00

during term time.

Breakfast club runs 08.00-09.00, where the children have breakfast of cereal and/or toast. The

school aged children then go into school and the rest of preschool arrive!

There is a morning session of 09.15-12.15, lunch 12.15-13.15 then the afternoon session 13.15-15.15

children can pick and choose what sessions they would like to attend and stay all day if they

would like! the school children then rejoin from 15.30-18.00 for our camel club.




We have children attend our preschool that live in Queen Camel and the surrounding villages

and towns of West Camel, Weston Bampfylde, Sparkford, North Cadbury, South Cadbury,

Marston Magna, Mudford and Yeovil. We hope that you will find all the information that you

need when you browse through the website. If you have any questions, comments or queries

then do not hesitate to give us a call, email or come in and see us.

Tel: 07989 613802

Email: [email protected]

Queen Camel Pre-School

Owlets Classroom

Countess Gytha Primary School

High Street

Queen Camel

BA22 7NH


The next CaféXtra Village Breakfast Gathering Will take place on

Sunday 8th November. Breakfast served 9.30am – 11.00am

Sparkford Church welcomes everyone for good coffee, Toast, Croissant, milkshake bar &

A round of bacon rolls. This venture aims to provide a monthly meeting point for our

village, with the option too to pray and hear a Bible story at one point in the morning. No

charge for breakfast but contributions welcome

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Camelot Music Night

Davis Hall, West Camel

Wednesday 25th November 8pm – 11:00pm - £4 Doors open 7.30pm

Enjoy an evening of music ranging from classical, traditional, blues, country, folk, boogie,

jazz and more. Each month anything from 8 - 12 different extremely talented performers

entertain on a variety of instruments, from guitar, fiddle, mandolin, bazooki, flute and

keyboards etc.

The artists range from local young groups or soloists, to established groups visiting from all

over the South West. Raffle & bar. Find Camelot Music Night on Facebook or contact

Martine/Iain on 01935 851556 or [email protected] if you would like to play and for more


Craft Fayre

Saturday 7th November 2015

Queen camel Memorial Hall from 10 am to 12:30 pm

Join us for our Annual Craft Fayre with a great range of stall with their handmade gifts. A perfect start to your Christmas shopping.

Luxury Hampers to win, Tombola, raffle with fantastic prizes all of which have been kindly donated.

Children’s activity room, face painting and a coloring competition. Something for all the Family.


All Proceeds For The Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance

With Christmas just around the corner, Castle Cary choir are in full swing practicing for their Christmas

concerts. These will include some seasonal favorites, some new arrangements, and of course the

opportunity for the audience to join in singing some carols with us.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our concerts: -

Friday 4th December at 7.30pm at the Methodist Hall, North Street, Castle Cary for an evening of

Christmas songs, including some light hearted readings relevant to the joys of Christmas - tickets £5 on the

door (refreshments available) - fundraising for the Methodist Hall and for the choir.

Friday 11th December at 7.30pm at St John the Baptist Church, Brewham for an evening of Christmas

songs featuring local soloists - tickets £10 adults/£5 children (under 16) to include interval refreshments -

contact Lesley on 01749 850805 - fundraising for St John the Baptist Church and for the village hall.

If you need to do some fundraising for your church or favorite charity, maybe we could sing for you?

To find out more about fundraising, future events and to join the choir, please call John Roberts on 07970

039007 or check out our website at

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The last Parish Council meeting was held on Monday 7th September 2015.

Planning decisions:

15/01632/COU Use of land for the siting of 21 permanently occupied residential

mobile homes.

Long Hazel Caravan Park, High Street, Sparkford, Mr & Mrs A Walton. Refused

15/03345/S73 S73A Remove Condition 1 and vary Conditions 3, 10 and 12 of

approval 14/00644/S73 dated 14/05/2014. Site of Old Coal Yard, Sparkford Road,

Sparkford. Permitted with conditions.

Planning applications:

15/04174/FUL Proposal Erection of a porch to rear elevation of annexe

(retrospective) Orchard Barn Annexe, 2 Manor Close, Sparkford.

15/04175/LBC Replacement of doors and windows on rear elevation (application

to regularise works already carried out) Orchard Barn, 2 Manor Close, Sparkford,

Funding was sought and gained for a flood mitigation scheme off Church Road

the work has now been carried out and is all but complete. Thanks to the land

owners for their kind permission to carry out the project.

Representatives of the Parish Council met with highways at County Hall to raise

issues with the implementation of the Small Improvement Scheme. Views were

sympathetically heard; it now remains for the issues to be addressed which could

be a long process due to the number of factors involved.

Having mentioned last month that two enquiries had been received about future

developments in the Parish, this is to let you know that work is in progress for

consultation with parishioners to take place.

The next meeting Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday 2nd November

2015, at 8.00pm in the Parish Hall.

Anne Voysey

Clerk to Sparkford Parish Council

[email protected], 01963 441010

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CHAIRMAN: Mr Trevor Tuck Elmhurst 5 Manor Close SPARKFORD Somerset BA 22 7JZ 01963 440860 [email protected]

VICE CHAIRMAN: Mr David Braithwaite,

Greystones, Church Road, SPARKFORD, Somerset, BA22 7JZ 01963 440848

[email protected]

COUNCILLORS: Mr Larry Piper, Long Hazel Farm, High Street, SPARKFORD, Somerset, BA22 7JH 01963 441431 (Day) 01963 441466 (Eve) [email protected] Mr Kevin Davis, 35 Church Road, SPARKFORD, Somerset, BA22 7JZ 01963 440068/07813 55372 [email protected] Mr Peter Downton, Wychwood, Church Road, SPARKFORD, Somerset, BA22 7JN 01963 441423/07759552599 [email protected] Mr Victor Mallett, 13 Green Close, SPARKFORD, BA22 7JY 01963 441334 [email protected] Mr Ken Flood, Castle View, Church Road, SPARKFORD, BA22 7JN 01963 441627 [email protected] CLERK: Mrs Anne Voysey Elfinsacre Church Road SPARKFORD Somerset BA22 7JZ 01963 441010 [email protected] COUNTY & DISTRICT Mr Mike Lewis COUNCILLOR Upperwood Dairy House Cary Road SPARKFORD Somerset BA22 7LH 01963 440231 (home) 01963 440906 (fax) [email protected]

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Queen Camel Tuesday Group


Our September meeting was a learning curve. Jane Chapman; a children's book illustrator, came to talk to us about her work, and brought along a lot of her books, drawings and paintings to show us. We were then given pencils and paper and we were all told to follow instructions. We copied the shapes Jane drew on a flip chart, and were then told to turn our attempts upside down. Much to our surprise we discovered we had all drawn a very recognizable elephant!! One lady in particular was delighted as she said she had never drawn anything recognizable in her life! We went on to draw dinosaurs, penguins, tractors and diggers, monkeys, sharks, and puffer fish. It was great fun. Jane had brought some of her books and we were each given a book to take home.......... Jane suggested that we should go home and do lots of drawings to send to our grandchildren to stick on their walls! The variety of our meetings and the companionship one gets on a monthly basis (not to mention the lovely cakes,) for a very modest subscription, makes belonging to the Tuesday Group a great pleasure. In October we are not having a formal meeting as we are ‘jaunting off to have a private viewing of the Shoe Museum in Street. The Tuesday Group meets in the Queen Camel Memorial Hall on the first Tuesday of each month, at 10.00am. If you want any more information about our activities, please call Pat Champion on 01963 32264 or Marion Chapman on 01963 220741.

3rd Sparkford Scout Group

Latest from 3rd Sparkford Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

Camp, kit and community from the 3rd Sparkford Scouts – Oct 2015

The group was straight back from summer holidays and off on camp – an adventurous time at Huish Woods, with zip wires and potholing to add to the fun of camping, cooking and scouting skills. The outdoor cooking training the youngsters have been doing paid off, & they cooked for themselves brilliantly. Next fundraising target for us – new stoves, to support their enthusiasm with some more up to date cooking equipment! Beavers, Cubs and Scouts have been working to earn new badges – with skills from sewing to map reading – and we have made the most of recent weather and been out hiking and exploring as much as we can. If you or someone you know can get involved please contact Helen Wooldridge on [email protected] or 01963 440801

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The Nights are drawing in, giving cover to those who aren’t anxious to be seen.

Once more Oil tanks are being targeted especially if you are located near to a road. It’s

now you need to check the tank is secure. Make a note of how much you have at

regular intervals. Make sure you have some sort of padlock that can lock down the lid &

entry point to the tank. If you can make sure the tank is enclosed and has a gate that is

also locked. If possible place security lights overlooking the area of the tank and check

that they are fully working so that it will deter any intruders.

Keep all garages and sheds locked and make sure you have packed away all your

summer items from the garden. Neighborhood watch exists to try and provide

cooperation and backup within the community. Should you consider joining us please

feel free to contact me at the number below or one of your local Contacts.

It only costs you £1 to join and become involved in everything we do. We help local

groups and protect our community. We have raised money for the local Air Ambulance

and many other causes. We have also raised money to provide the defibrillators in both

Sparkford & Weston Bampfylde.

We have one located in Sparkford at the Hazlegrove Service Station & one located in

the Ex Telephone box in Weston Bampfylde. These are for emergency use 24hrs 7 days a

week. We have several residents who have been trained to use these. They are a valid

tool for the assistance of resuscitating our loved ones & friends with these we reduce the

risk of losing them in the time it takes for the emergency services to arrive.

Did you get your house insurance discount because you are a member of

Neighborhood Watch?

Your Contacts are:

David Moogen: 440840 Sally Strelley: 440870 Brian & Pearl Mahaney: 440316

Robert Singer: 440371 Justin Crawford: 440878 Alan & Lyn Rankin: 440850

Bill & Gill Westcott 440741.

Bill Westcott

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Church Service Calendar

Sunday 1st November 2015 – All Saints Day (Gold or White)

Readings: Wisdom 3.1-9, Revelation 21.1-6a, John 11.32-44, Psalm 24.1-6

9.30 am BCP Holy Communion at Sparkford

9.30 am BCP Holy Communion by extension at Sutton Montis

9.30 am Village Service at Corton Denham

11.00 am CW Morning Prayer at Weston Bampfylde

4.30 pm Tea Time at the Davis Hall, West Camel

6.30 pm All Souls Service at Queen Camel

Wednesday, 4th November 2015

7.00 pm Sacred Space at Queen Camel

Sunday 8th November 2015 – Remembrance Sunday (Red)

Readings: Jonah 3.1-5,10, Hebrews 9.24-end, Mark 1.14-20, Psalm 62.5-end

9.30 – 10.30 am CafeXtra in the Village Hall, Sparkford

10.50 am Remembrance Service at West Camel

10.50 am Remembrance Service at Corton Denham

10.55 am Remembrance Service at Sparkford, including dedication of plaque of names from WW1.

10.55 am Remembrance Service at Sutton Montis

10.55 am Remembrance Service at Queen Camel

5.30 pm Remembrance Service at Weston Bampfylde

Sunday, 15th November 2015 – 2nd Sunday before Advent (Red/Green)

Readings: Daniel 12.1-3, Hebrews 10.11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13.1-8, Psalm 16

8.00 am BCP Holy Communion at Queen Camel

9.30 am BCP Matins at Sparkford

9.30 am BCP Holy Communion at Corton Denham

11.00 am BCP Holy Communion at West Camel

11.00 am Family Service at Weston Bampfylde

11.15 am Informal Morning Worship at Sutton Montis

Sunday, 22nd November 2015 –Sunday next before Advent /Christ the King (Green)

Readings: Daniel 7.9-10.13-14, Revelation 1.4b-8, John 18.33-37, Psalm 93

10.00 am Together at 10

The Cam Vale Benefice Service - Holy Communion at Corton Denham

Sunday, 29th November 2015 – 1st Sunday of Advent (Purple)

Readings: Jeremiah 33.14-16, 1 Thessalonians 3.9-end, Luke 21.25-36, Psalm 25.1-9

8.00 am BCP Holy Communion at West Camel

9.30 am BCP Holy Communion at Sparkford

9.30 am BCP Morning Prayer at Sutton Montis

10.00 am Holy Communion at Queen Camel

5.30 pm Communion Service at Weston Bampfylde

6.30 pm Service of Praise for St Andrews Day at Corton Denham, followed by glass of wine

From the Registers Funerals: Behold, I stand at the door and knock Oct 15th Betty House at Sparkford Oct 21st Maggie Clothier at West Camel

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When it became known that the Parochial Church Council intended to install a permenant memorial to the six men from the village who gave their lives in the service of their country during the 1914-18 war an anonymous donor gave a sum of money to help cover the cost. This memorial is to be installed prior to the Rememberance Sunday Service which will be dedicated by the Rev. Prebendary Rose Hoskins at an appropriate time during the service which will commence at 10.55am. An invitation is extended to all parishioners within the parish. Following contacts made with the local media some relatives of the six men have come forward to which special invitations are being sent. Ted Marsh.

November Flowers


8th Remembrance Sunday

15th Flower Guild

22nd “ “

29th Mrs. B. Cottier

November Keyholders

1st Heather Sanders

8th Norman Yeates

15th Ted Marsh

22nd Bill Tallon

29th David Ham

November Cleaners

7th Mrs. Groves & Mrs. Osmond

14th Mrs. Spencer & Mrs. Hoddinott

21st Mrs. & Mrs. Tallon

28th Mrs. Pay & Mr. Marsh

November Sidespersons

1st Norman Yeates

8th Café Xtra

15th David Ham

22nd Together @ Ten

29th Mack Wright

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Message from Bishop Peter

November 2015

Bath and Wells has for many years been linked with the five Anglican dioceses in

Zambia. My wife Jane and I spent most of August this year visiting them, along with

Peter Merson and Jeremy Key-Pugh. We are grateful to everyone who prayed for us

and supported us whilst we were there. Do have a look at the photos and videos and

reports on the diocesan website:


It was such a rich, humbling and wonderful visit. We returned encouraged, enriched,

enlivened - and exhausted! We travelled some 2,000 miles, many of them bouncing

along some very rural roads. Although we sometimes arrived at our destinations a

bit shaken, we were always immediately overwhelmed by the warmth of the welcome

we received.

The worship was uplifting, the singing was joyful, the dancing was exuberant and we

found ourselves moved by the sense of God’s Spirit with us wherever we went. We

have been changed by the experience. We were also challenged as we saw churches

reaching out in wonderful ways proclaiming the gospel and sharing God’s love in

practical and caring ways.

We saw churches being built, and clinics and schools providing health care and

education to communities which would otherwise have no facilities at all. We saw

the Anglican Church in Zambia engaging with issues of social justice, gender based

violence and the problems of climate change and global warming. We saw the love

of Christ being offered to many in need and saw communities being transformed by

that love.

We would love to share more of this with parishes and organizations and would

welcome opportunities to do that. Do invite one of us to come! But especially we

would ask you to pray for our brothers and sisters in Zambia that God will continue to

lead them and guide them and provide for their needs.

With warm Christian greetings,

+Peter Bath and Wells

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Editorial - November 2015

Rich Man: “Is it true that I should give everything I have to the poor?”

Jesus: “Oh, no, poor families can’t budget and if they were given money would only spend it on alcohol, cigarettes and wide-screen TVs.”

Jesus didn’t say this, of course. Rather, he made another joke, of timeless absurdity: ‘It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.’ Here’s Jesus being funny. We’d call it satire. Just like the joke at the top of the page.

But the ‘camel through the eye of a needle’ joke was no joke to the rich man, who knew that in repeating it Jesus was echoing the dark humor of every poor man and woman in their society - a humor based on the reality (substantiated by historical studies of the ancient Near-East) that the rich were rich because (deliberately or not) they exploited and brought suffering on the poor. And Jesus said that if they continued to exploit and bring suffering on the poor then they would not enter the kingdom of heaven.

The ‘kingdom of heaven’ is the new arena of human activity into which Jesus invites us all - an arena which replaces divisions based on race, class, and gender with relationships of openness and love. The kingdom of heaven gets a look-in at Holy Communion when we hear the two commandments of Jesus: to love God and to love our neighbours. We see the kingdom of heaven expressed when people who don’t usually agree, join forces to help others, such as when high Tories and Socialists stack boxes together at foodbanks, or when Muslims and Christians share in refugee aid projects.

The Christian activist Jim Wallis celebrates how the values of the kingdom transform our lives:

Christianity is not a religion that gives some people a ticket to heaven and makes them judgmental of all others. Rather, it's a call to a relationship that changes all our other relationships. Jesus told us a new relationship with God also brings us into a new relationship with our neighbour, especially with the most vulnerable of this world, and even with our enemies.

The kingdom of heaven is at the heart of Jesus’ message and life. He challenges us to leave our old ways behind to join it. It’s no joke to read the Franciscan friar and well-known author Richard Rohr, saying: “Christians are usually sincere and well-intentioned people until you get to any real issues of ego, control, power, money, pleasure, and security. Then they tend to be pretty much like everybody else.”

When we feel the urge to protect our privileges, we put ourselves on the defensive against those who differ from us; at times we will attack, often unfairly. Margaret Thatcher once said, “If they attack you personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.” Which returns us to the satire at the top of this article.

The values of the kingdom of heaven contribute to positive dialogue in an increasingly polarized public space. They release us from the need to speak badly of others out of self-defense. Learning to love God and to love our neighbours is imperative, Jesus teaches us - not just for the sake of God and others, but for our own peace of mind, and flourishing.

John Davies. Reflecting on Mark 10.17-31; quoting from Jim Wallis, ‘On God's Side: What Religion Forgets and Politics Hasn't Learned About Serving the Common Good’, and Richard Rohr, ‘Breathing Underwater: Spirituality and the 12 Steps’.

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Rose’s Sabbatical/study leave. As some of you may have heard from 1st July next year I will be taking a sabbatical. The idea seems to have aroused quite a bit of interest and so I felt it was worth writing a little about the background and what I will be doing. Basically a sabbatical is a time of rest, study and reflection. The idea finds its

root in the Biblical concept of Sabbath.1. Talking with friends I have discovered that the idea of sabbatical is not exclusive to those in ministry. Teachers, doctors and people from many walks of life are encouraged to take sabbaticals. For clergy it is an opportunity to withdraw from the usual demands of ministry and take time to reflect and re-focus. It is not a holiday but rather a kind of pilgrimage involving a change of pace and place. All clergy holding the Bishop’s license in the Diocese may apply for a Sabbatical provided that they have completed at least 11 years of ministry, have been at least 7 years in their current post and have the active support of their parishes. A sabbatical, as the guidelines assure me, is not to be undertaken carelessly, selfishly or lightly but only after serious thought, which is why it takes a whole year to plan! So, why now? Next year marks my 10th year in Cam Vale as your Associate priest, but perhaps more significantly, on May 31st 2016 I come to the end of my term as Rural Dean of Bruton and Cary Deanery. During the past 6 years this role had been both a delight and a challenge. Firstly, in bringing together the two deaneries formally together, secondly in being one of the few female Rural Deans in the Diocese, also in providing pastoral oversight and direction to the people and clergy of nearly 50 parishes stretching over a wide geographical area. I have greatly enjoyed my time as Rural Dean. It is has been a privilege to share the joys and frustrations of the people in this place and offer what little wisdom and support I can. Equally I am aware the role has occupied a considerable part of my life and having made the decision to lay it down I know that I will need some space to pause and reflect on what happens next. What will I be doing? Over the course of 3 months, together with Alan and my camera, both will be very important companions, I am hoping to travel to various islands around the UK. This is not just a church/religious based project, I am keen to hear people’s stories, learn about the joys and challenges of island life, explore the similarities and differences with life in rural Somerset and discover what we can learn from one another. I am also hoping to come back with a treasure trove of photos, music, poetry and prayers which may find their way into talks and PowerPoint presentations to be used for quiet days and reflective services. I also hoping to set up a blog so you can follow our progress. At this point I would like to say a big thank you to all who have already offered support through their prayers, sponsorship, interest and encouragement. I will keep you posted, watch this space.

1. Genesis 2: 2-3 and Exodus 20: 8-10.

The Revd Rose Hoskins October 2015

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Christmas @ Wayne's

Why not book your Christmas Function at Wayne’s this year? You can book for our Christmas menu any lunchtime or evening from Tue 1st to Wed 23rd

December 2015. We will be closed Christmas Day & Boxing Day this year but open for business as usual from Sun

27th December 2015. We can cater for parties of up to 70 (or 24 for private dining in our Airfield Room).

Just give us a call or call in to the Bistro to obtain hard copies and discuss your requirements.

Our full Christmas and New Year opening times will be: Tue 01 Dec to Wed 23 Dec 15 — 7am to 9-30pm

Don't forget our Christmas Carvery every Sunday from 12 midday to 6pm) Thur 24 Dec 15 — 7am to 4pm

Fri 25 Dec 15 — CLOSED Sat 26 Dec 15 — CLOSED

Sun 27 to Wed 30 Dec 15 — 7am to 9-30pm Thur 31 Dec 15 — 7am to 4pm Fri 01 Jan 16 — 10am to 6pm

Sat 02 Jan to Sun 03 Jan 16 — 7am to 9-30pm Mon 04 Jan 16 — 7am to 15-30pm Tue 05 Jan 16 — 10am to 9-30pm Wed 06 Jan 16 — 7am to 9-30pm

DON"T MISS OUT! Booking a family get together, wedding or a special party?

Our luxury Georgian mansion will be yours throughout your stay, including 23 acres of stunning

parkland, orchards and gardens, plus our tribe of alpacas & miniature ponies. The house has 11

bedrooms, a huge kitchen for family meals, several lounges and even a downstairs party room for

up to 150 guests.

Please call Tony on 07971 234333 or email [email protected]

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Vale of Camelot Growers NOW CLOSED OPENING SATURDAY 28TH NOVEMBER FOR CHRISTMAS TREES Usual Opening Times Would be Tues - Sat - 9am - 6pm Sun - 10am - 4pm PLEASE NOTE WE ARE NOW CLOSED ON MONDAYS Except Bank Holidays. You can find us between Sparkford and South Cadbury on the old A303. For details Email: [email protected] Vale of Camelot Growers, Sparkford, Yeovil. BA22 7JR. Tel. 07969372979

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Page 19: Sparkford Village Magazine Vol 33 Nov 2015

The Care & Repair Company Double Glazing Repairs & Replacement Dave Baker

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MOBILE No: 07763202864 LAND LINE: 01935 851322

COUNTRYMAN Countryside & Garden

Peter Keenlyside Mobile: 07706364709 Landline: 01963 251 733

Email: [email protected]

Page 20: Sparkford Village Magazine Vol 33 Nov 2015

Dear Readers we are looking for distributors to deliver the Village Magazine it’s a Voluntary

Post & this can be either a permanent post or to cover illness & Holidays as and when

needed in ALL AREAS:

Sparkford, Little Weston, Weston Bampfylde, Sutton Montis, Queen Camel, & South Barrow.

If you have some spare time and do not mind delivering in your Village or locally & would

be interested, please fill out the following form & post to me at the editors Address or email

me your details Many Thanks.

Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Contact Number: …………………………………………… Email: …………………………………………………………………………

Areas able to cover: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Copy deadline for inclusion by noon on 15th of each month

Typeset © Mr Peter Downton, TerrierByteIT,

Wychwood, Church Road, Sparkford, BA22 7JN

Tel: 01963 441423 Email: [email protected]

Printed by Gillingham Press Company Ltd, South Street,

Gillingham, Dorset SP8 4AP
