Page 1: Simple Steps to Starting a New Christian Book Club

Simple Steps to Starting a New Christian Book Club

Do you desire to fortify your faith and your relationship with The Lord? Do you desire more compatible friends within

your church organization? Why not look at setting up a Christian book club? It's easy to get a small reading group

together, and who knows? Certainly there may be others just like you who want to be closer to God and also yearn for

the fellowship of others.

Start small. Get in touch with a couple good friends or even acquaintances in which you sense might possibly wish to join

your club and set a place and time to converge for an initial brainstorming meeting. In this initial meeting you will have

to agree and discuss upon a basic structure for your club. In this article are a few topics to discuss in this 1st meeting.

Exactly what do you want from this book club? Will the members need to invest in and read the books before each and

every meeting, or will the reading occur at the meetings with dialogue thereafter? Would you read fiction or non-fiction

books, or else will it be a Bible study or devotion?

Pick a convenient location. Each and every club member could take turns holding the sessions at their homes, however

certain individuals do not want the added burden of entertaining. Look into meeting in a more social venue such as a

coffeehouse or restaurant if this happens to be the case. Do not be afraid to request a discount if you will be meeting at

a certain location on a consistent basis. Many restaurant managers will be grateful to have the extra business. Consider

a worship room or Sunday school classroom at your church if a coffeehouse or restaurant will not work.

When will the meetings be held and for how long? Working around everybody's hectic schedule might be the most

difficult part of this process. This is usually why it is usually ideal to begin with a small group of people of three to five

individuals and expand from there.

Will there be only one leader or will you take turns with the members of the group? For the sake of the first few sessions

it may make good sense for you to select the title as well as function as the leader.

Once you obtain a general structure of your group decided upon, you may begin to spread the word. Invite your close

friends, family and coworkers and notify them of the time and location of your gatherings. Make certain to collect their

e-mail address if they are showing an interest, by doing this you can keep these people updated with any changes to the

session details. Your goal should really be between 6 to 15 overall participants. If the club ends up being too large, it may

be tough for every participant to get a chance to speak. Do not turn new members away; merely break the discussion

groups into 2 or more smaller groups if this takes place.

Consider creating a Facebook group for the club once you have your club established. There you can easily provide

updates to meeting specifics, meeting reminders, or maybe have discussions pertaining to the readings. If you have large

breaks between meeting times, what a great way to keep the book content fresh in the minds of your members.

Getting associated with a Religious book club is an excellent way to be subjected to differing opinions and experience

faith based enlightenment. Our Lord wishes for his children to participate and befriend others in Christian fellowship.

The kind of religious and social gathering a Religious book club could provide would certainly do just that.

If you are looking for a good book to read in your book club, definitely check out Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, or read

this summary of Heaven is for Real.