Page 1: Should Traditional Surrogacy Be Banned or Allowed

Should Traditional Surrogacy Be Banned Or Allowed?

Traditional Surrogacy is one of the oldest techniques and it has been still popular in some countries

whereas in some countries it is completely banned. In this method of surrogacy, the egg of surrogate

mother is inseminated with the sperm of the intended father. In case he is unable to provide sperm

then a donor’s sperm is taken. However, in either of the case surrogate mother is certainly genetic

mother of the child. The situation becomes bit complicated at the time of handover of the child.

Since the baby has direct genetic connection with the surrogate mother, the process of adoption has

to be carried out. In addition to this, the baby gets genetic characteristics from the mother and there

is an emotional bonding between the surrogate mother and the child.

The case is not that complicated in the case of gestational surrogacy because in this case sperm and

egg of the intended parents are inseminated externally and then the embryo is planted in the

surrogate mother’s womb. In case either of the intended parents is unable to provide egg or sperm

then a donor’s help is taken. Surrogate mother does not have any genetic connection with the baby

and hence handover process is simple. Since the baby belongs completely or partially with the

intended parents only, the surrogate mother does not develop any emotional bonding and carrying

and giving birth to the baby becomes more of a mechanical process for her.

Due to the legal, ethical and emotional complexities associated with traditional surrogacy, many

countries have different opinion and rules and regulations regarding it. Few countries term it

completely illegal and ban completely whereas in some countries it is allowed. However, it is actually

not required if surrogacy is being carried out by agencies like Wyzax Surrogacy Center. It is a

professional agency that makes the entire process transparent and clean in a proper way. The

surrogacy centers run by WSC where surrogate mothers stay during the pregnancy is well equipped

with physical and psychological help. The experts will counsel the surrogate mother regarding

handover of the baby after delivery, even if it is traditional surrogacy. She will make clear that the

baby belongs to the intended parents, although genetically connected to her.

Wyzax makes clear to the surrogate mother that it is a process carried out with a contractual

obligation between both the parties and about the future of the baby. In such case, surrogate

mother also knows that although she has the genetic connection with the baby she is going to

deliver, still it actually belongs to the intended parents and hence there should not be any confusion.

WSC also carries out counseling and continuous awareness process with surrogate mother so that

there will not be any unpleasant situation after the delivery. Intended parents and surrogate mother

are always in touch during entire pregnancy and both the parties discuss the final outcome fairly

regularly and clearly. The legal process is done with transparency so that there are no disputes.

If all such measures are taken, then there is no need to ban traditional surrogacy and the intended

parents and surrogate mother can carry out it easily.
