
Shearforce LLC copywrite 061109 1

Shearforce LLC




Produced Water

OBM, WBM, Drill Cuttings,

Storage Tanks, Bilge Water Tanks,

Sludge Pits, Oil Contaminated Soil/ Water

Utilizing Shearforce Patented Technologies

Shearforce Ltd. Co.

Forth Worth, Texas U.S.A. Contact: [email protected]

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In-Situ Process……the SOLUTION





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•Bioremediation is the process of encouraging the natural process of biodegradation of hydrocarbon contaminated substances.

•There are three different types of bioremediation: nutrient enrichment, seeding with naturally occurring microorganisms, and seeding with genetically engineered microorganisms.

•Shearforce has experience with the cleaning of drill cuttings in Nigeria using the nutrient enrichment process of SF-1000. (12000 M^3 NAOC).

•The growth of oil-degrading microorganisms is limited by the availability of nitrogen, phosphorus and oxygen. Nutrients in theSF1000 will cause the stimulation of the indigenous microbial colonies to multiply at an expediential rate.

•Oxygen is assured by the use the Shearforce Pumps which added millions of microscopic air bubbles by injecting air into the suction of the pumps.

•CONCLUSION: The use of SF1000 will cause a breakdown of the hydrocarbon contamination into small minute particles so that the indigenous microbes in the soil and water will be able to consume the hydrocarbons as a food source.

In-Situ Treatment……the SOLUTION

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• Ozone or tri-oxygen (O3) is a powerful OXIDIZING & DISINFECTANT AGENT, with a very high Oxidation Redox Potential of over 2700 mille-volts.

• As such, it can kill organic impurities found in water and other medias such as bacteria, viruses, and mold which decreases the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and the

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) significantly.

• After ozone oxidizes or disinfects, it DECOMPOSES into OXYGEN since it is very unstable decaying very quickly into ordinary diatomic oxygen: 2 O3 → 3 O2

• Ozone will OXIDIZE metals (IRON, MANGANESE AND SULFUR) to oxides of the metals in their highest oxidation state. Metals precipitation from contaminated water involves the conversion of soluble heavy metal salts to insoluble salts that will precipitate.

• The precipitate can then be removed from the treated water by physical methods such

as clarification (settling) and/or filtration. As metals oxidize, corrosion occurs leaving the metals passive.

• Ozone reacts with a large variety of ORGANIC compounds resulting in oxygen-containing organic by-products.

In-Situ Treatment……the SOLUTION

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• Ozone has the proven ability to convert bio-refractory organic materials to biodegradable materials.

• Although ozone is the strongest oxidizing agent commercially available, it is SAFE TO HANDLE. Since Ozone cannot be stored it must be generated and used on-site.

• Ozone can destroy MTBE, BTEX, Hydrocarbons, Diesel Fuel, TCE, Pesticides, Chlorinated Solvents, VOC’s, Aliphatic & Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons.

• In sea water, the ozone will kill approximately half the invasive species on contact. The ozone also interacts with chemicals that naturally occur in sea water to create various bromine compounds that kill the remaining invasive species. The minute quantities of these compounds that remain in the water are not dangerous to indigenous fish and shell fish populations.

• Seawater chemistry I.E. Ph, SALINITY, AND NUTRIENT CONCENTRATIONS was not affected at all during the tests that have been conducted.

In-Situ Treatment……the SOLUTION

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• Ozone Treatment has evolved from water treatment to remediation. Ozone is used toclean up sites containing variety of hydrocarbon contaminants.

• Ozone will target those compounds that are not biodegradable or the ones which are biodegradable over a long period of time.

Soil contaminated with oil & fuel Soil after remediation

In-Situ Treatment……the SOLUTION

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• Effects of WBM cuttings piles on bottom living biological communities are caused mainly by burial.

• The Shearforce process will spray the processed WBM & DC over a large area, thus reducing the possibilities of damages caused by burial.

In-Situ Treatment……the SOLUTION

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Patented “Shearforce” Rotors Patent No. US 6,752,597 B2

• Shearforce rotors do not have vanes and thus have specific advantages over conventional impellers and are better suited for certain applications.

• These applications include entrained gas (air induced fluids), high viscosity fluids and fluids with high solid content.

• The Shearforce pump plays an important role in the bio-remediation process by pumping air, solution, and solids, a three phase solution. The air creates millions of microscopic droplets and assist with solid separation from the hydrocarbons.

• The pumping action prevents fluids such as oil from emulsifying.

In-Situ Treatment……the SOLUTION

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The Problem: In an oil reservoir crude oil normally lays on water which is called “formation water”. The drilling and extraction operations that are aimed to maximize the production of oil, may be counterbalanced by huge production of contaminated water which is called “Produced Water”.

Produced Water is strongly contaminated. Apart from oil, main pollutants are heavy metals, dissolved and suspended solids, radio-active elements.

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Treatment of Produced Water “IN SITU”…the Solution

OPERATION- Off shore Rigs

The Produced Water will be loaded from the drilling rig directing into the SF wash tanks.The SF wash tanks will be located on the drilling rig with a foot prinT of two twenty foot containters and one ten foot container.

Each SF tank is capable of treating 126 barrels/hr or 3024 barrels/day.

The Produced Water will receive a thirty minute wash with SF1000. The media will then be treated with Ozone for twenty minutes.

water source

Shale Shakers SF Wash

Tank 1

SF WashTank 2


Ozone source

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Treatment of Produced Water “IN SITU”

OPERATION- Off shore RigsThe process is divided into three phases Phase 1: Bio-remediation using SF-100 chemical  Phase 1 will consists of a “wash process” of the contaminated media. The tank below is

an example of the type of vessel required to perform this function.

The procedure consists of first loading the tank with SF-1000 and the appropriate amount of

water. The media is then loaded and receives a 30 min to 1 hour wash depending upon the

benchmark TPH.  The tank consists of a Shearforce Pump which will re-circulate the media during the wash cycle. The tank is also equipped with Vortex nozzles which will assure proper circulation of the media in the tank. 

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Treatment of Produced Water “IN SITU”

OPERATION- Off shore RigsThe process is divided into three phases Phase 2: Ozone injection using Shearforce Pumps Phase 2 will consists of injecting Ozone into the system using a Ozone Generator. The Ozone is injected into the suction of the Shearforce Pump. The result is an Ozone dissolution ratio which is more then 90% which is significantly higher then ratios obtained using venture ejector systems.  The primary purpose of the Ozone is to oxidize heavy metals which may be present in the fluids. The ozone causes the metals which are soluble in the fluids to become participates which are then be filtered out in phase 3.


The result of injecting the Ozone into the suction is the creation of microscopic bubbles which assist in the effectiveness of the Ozone. Further the pressure created by the pump will compensate for any elevated temperatures of the media assuring proper concentration.  After Phase 1, the Ozone generator will be turned on and the

ozone gas will flow into the suction of the pump. The media already in the tank will be re-circulated by the Shearforce pump. As the

media is re-circulated, it will received a dozing of Ozone in the area of 3 ppm.   

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Treatment of Produced Water “IN SITU”

OPERATION- Off shore Rigs (Option 1)The process is divided into three phases Phase 3: Filtering of precipitates and other solids from the fluids The third phase of the system is to filter out any precipitates and solids from the media prior to discharge.

There are several methods available such as centrifuges, filters and Lamella separators.   

The media will be pumped from the Shearforce water tank to the inlet of the Lamella separators. The clean water will be discharged into the ocean.

The solid sludge will be packaged for final disposal.   

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The Problem: WBM & Drill Cuttings contain lubricating oils and/or product as a result of drilling Oil & Gas which must be treated prior to discharge into the environment.

Shearforce has obtained an “approval to install” a system for treatment of theWBM & Cuttings “IN-SITU” allowing discharge into the zero discharge zone.

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Typical Drill Cuttings…the Problem

A Typical Seawater / Polymer / KCl System consisting of 6500 barrels of Mud & 3000 barrels of Drill Cuttings. Mud composition as follows:

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Treatment of Drill Cuttings “IN SITU”…the Solution

OPERATION- Off shore Rigs

The WBM and DC will be loaded from the shale shakers directing into the SF wash tanks.The SF wash tanks will be located on the drilling rig with a foot prinT of two twenty foot

containers and one ten foot container.

The total qty. of Mud and DC is 9500 barrels in a four day period of drilling or approx. 2375 barrels/day (376 m^3/day). Each SF tank is capable of treating 126 barrels/hror 3024 barrels/day.

The Mud and DC will receive a thirty minute wash with SF1000. The media will then be treated with Ozone for twenty minutes.

water source

Shale Shakers

SF Wash Tank 1

SF WashTank 2


Ozone source

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Each tank will clean approx. 20 M^3 /wash in 30 to 60 minutes. Foot print: 20'x8'x8' , dry 6000 LBS., wet 28,000 lbs/.Skid


Treatment of Drill Cuttings “IN SITU”

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Treatment of Drill Cuttings “IN SITU”


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Treatment of Drill Cuttings “IN SITU”


Specifications: Product Characteristics* Ozone Production: 4.5 ppd (80 g/h)Max.Standard Working Pressure: 20 psig.Concentration (% by weight O3): 5 -12% Gas flow rate: 0.1 - 20 slpmAmbient Operating Conditions Locate the Ozone Generator in a well-ventilated area that is protected from weather elementsControlPower Requirements 120 V ~ ±10%, 50/60 Hz, Single Phase, 9.0 A 220 V ~ ±10%, 50/60 Hz, Physical Connections Oxygen Inlet: 0.25-inch Swagelok Ozone Gas Piping Outlet: 0.25-inch  SS Swagelok Materials and Construction Enclosure: Brushed Stainless Steel/AluminumHigh Precision Gas Tubing: PTFE/304 Stainless Steel/BrassDimensions and WeightEnclosure Dimensions: 7-inch height x 19-inch width x 14-inch depth (Standard 19" Rackmount)Generator Weight: 32 lbs. Shipping Weight: 38

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Treatment of Drill Cuttings “IN SITU”

OPERATION- Off shore Rigs

Each wash is approximately 20 cubic meters of contaminated media. Before being discharged, SF1000 will reduce the TPH levels to less then 1 % to meet international regulations.

After treatment and testing, the entire solution will be discharged off shore with attentiongiven to the discharge of the treated solution to assure:

1: That the solution is not discharged as piles which could smother the local organisms on sea bottom by utilizing high pressure spraying of the solution over a large area.

2: That there is no potential of toxic affect. The chemical levels contained in the Mud/DC will

not exceed the limits of the surrounding environment.

3: That there is no anoxic conditions caused by the microbial degradation of the organic components in the solution by regeneration using the nutrients in the sf-1000.

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The Problem: WBM & OBM & Drill Cuttings contain lubricating oils and/or product as a result of drilling Oil & Gas which must be treated prior to discharge into the environment.

The Shearforce process begins by separating the oil from the mud and cuttings as much as possible. Then the cuttings and residues are cleaned allowing safe discharge into the environment.

After treatment, the cuttings can be used for:

1: Land fill allowing farming of the land

2: Manufacture of bricks

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Treatment of Drill Cuttings “EX-SITU”…the Solution

OPERATION- Cleaning of WBM/OBM & Cuttings

The OBM and DC will be loaded from the shale shakers directing into skiffs for transportation to land.

The Mud & DC will then be loaded into 30 ton Dump Trucks for transportation to a wash site. At the wash site, each load will receive a treatment similar to that offered for option 1 with the exception of a process to separate the oil from the cuttings.

Wash Vehicle w/weir walls


Chemical Storage 20 ft container

Transportation Vehicle

water source


Drill Cuttings Pit

Loading Machinery

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Treatment of Drill Cuttings “EX-SITU”

OPERATION- OPERATION- Cleaning of WBM/OBM & Cuttings

Procedure: The OBM will receive a separation process to recover as much of the oil as possible..

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Treatment of Drill Cuttings “EX-SITU”

OPERATION- OPERATION- Cleaning of WBM/OBM & Cuttings

Procedure:After the oil has been separated, the cuttings will be cleaned. The following is an

example of abandoned cuttings cleaing proccess. The DC will be loaded into Dump Trucks using a combination front loader and back hoe or conveyors.

Each wash is approximately 20 cubic meters of contaminated media. Before being discharged there will be a TPH reduction of approximately 93 to 95% upon completion of the wash cycle. TPH levels of 200,000 ppm are dramatically reduced to acceptable levels of less then 1% or 10000 ppm.

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Treatment of Drill Cuttings “EX- SITU”

OPERATION- Cleaning of WBM/OBM & Cuttings

Once in the Dump Trucks the drill cuttings will be transported to the work area where the drill cuttings are washed with a solution of SF1000 and water.

The DC will receive a 20 to 60 minute wash depending on the type of drill mud (OBM or WBM). After the washing cycle, the DC will be placed in a designated DC clean area or removed from sites using dump trucks for deposit elsewhere.

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Treatment of Drill Cuttings “EX-SITU”

OPERATION- Cleaning of WBM/OBM & Cuttings

The SF1000 will be mixed at a ratio of 1 ½ parts of concentrate to 10 parts water. One and one half gallons of SF1000 is required for 1 m^3.

A portable test lab is used to confirm the total TPH of the now clean drill cuttings. A test is conducted on every 50 m^3 of drill cuttings.

When the media is discharged, it should be placed in an area for additional drying and thebio-degradation of the hydrocarbons will continue without additional handling. A final analysis will be taken 48 hours upon completion to determine the reduction in the TPH.

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Treatment of Drill Cuttings “EX SITU”

BRICK MAKING3,500 3" X 3" X 9" concrete bricks in only 60 minutes. And the straightforward apparatus that spewed out all those construction blocks has no motors, no gears, no hydraulic systems, and no other complex hardware. In fact, it's entirely manually operated! And with the production capacity that it has, this little machine is far more than just a unique combination of steel and wood . .

Alternate brick makingMachine.

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The Problem: Crude oil tank bottoms contain settled inorganic particles which create a very tacky sludge at the bottom of storage tanks or when placed into sludge pits.

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Typical Sludge Pits…the Problem

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Clean Fuel Oil

Chemical Solution isMixed with sludge

Sludge PitOil TankOil Spills

Air Injection

Shearforce Pump

Shearforce Submersible Sludge Pump

Hydro cycloneSeparator

Sand for secondary cleaning

Shearforce Process…the Solution

Oil/Water Cleaning

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The use of SFACL (asphalt crude liquefier) liquefies asphaltenes and paraffin oil without the need of large amounts of equipment or personnel. This process turns the sludge into a pump able and sellable commodity.

Treatment of Sludge “IN SITU”

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The Solution: The solution is to inject an all-natural SFACL biodegradable solvent which is allowed to penetrate the crude over a 24 hour period. Once the asphaltic crude is liquefied, the crude is pumped to a skid tank for screening where it is stored for off-site transportation.

The Application: The Shearforce Conditioning Process of spraying the chemical solution into a crude sludge at a very low pressure. This physical application requires very simple equipment without high pressure applications eliminating potential danger to the operating personnel.

Treatment of Sludge “IN SITU”

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The Effect: The picture below shows the liquefying of the sludge. This application is designed to create a solids suspended slurry or a very pumpable sludge that will not stick to the interior of hoses or downstream containment once it is removed from a tank.

Treatment of Sludge “IN SITU”

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The Result: The now pump able liquid recycled crude is pumped from the pit into a skid tank for screening of small debris. Sludge pits can be cleaned at a rate of 300 m^3 per day.

The crude is stored in skid tanks until offsite transportation is arranged.

Treatment of Sludge “IN SITU”

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The recycled crude has similar characteristics to number 6 fuel oil with a flash point of 136 degree Fahrenheit.

This crude can be blended with 5% diesel fuel allowing the product to be stored for long periods of time.

Treatment of Sludge “IN SITU”

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OPERATION- Sludge Pits/Oil Storage Tanks

Procedure: The sludge will be treated by spaying the sludge with SF-ACL using a low pressure pump from a water truck. The SF-ACL is used at a rate of 6% to 10% of thevolume of sludge to be treated.

The SF-ACL will be allowed to penetrate the sludge for a 24 hour period. A Vacuumtruck or a floatable small barge equipped with the SF950 pump will be used to pump thenow liquefied sludge into a receiving/filter tank.

The run off will be further cleaned through the use of additional filter tanks or through thehydro-cyclone separator. The now clean fluid will be pumped through a density separator to separate the water from the now fuel oil. The fuel oil will be pumped into tanker trucks for shipment. The oily water and sludge sand will then be treated with SF1000 using a SF-1000.

Treatment of Sludge “IN SITU”

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Treatment of Sludge “IN SITU”


CONCLUSIONThe SF ACL will liquefy the sludge in less then 24 hours. SF1000 will reduce the TPH levels of the remaining sand to less then 1 % in 2hours.

EQUIPMENT LIST1: qty. 1: Shearforce SF950 pumps mounted on small floating barge2: qty. 3: Receiving/filter tanks

Option: Hydro-cyclone separators 3: qty. 1: Density separators w/holding tanks4: qty. 1: SF mixer5: qty. 1: Portable TPH test lab.6: qty. 288 Drums /1000 m3 of ACL Chemical in 55 gallon drums.

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Land Bioremediation: After the heavy sludge has been removed from an earth pit, a second chemical SF-1000 is sprayed into the the contaminated soil to further breakdown the crude. SF-1000 is a synergistic blend of synthetic surfactants which emulsify the hydrocarbon contaminants into microscopic droplets. The emulsion is easily biodegradable by naturally occurring micro-organisms (microbes). SF-1000 provides nutrients which create an immediate stimulation of the indigenous microbes (bacteria) and provide an immediate food source when tilled into the soil. This food source promotes the growth and metabolic activity of the micro-flora present.

A Track hoe is used to rack in and mix the hydrocarbon contaminated burns with the oily pit sludge. The loose debris is placed into the pit for treatment as compose material.

Treatment of Oily Soil “IN SITU”

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Soil and/or oil samples are collected by a grid sampling method for an on site TPH analysis.

The TPH level of 200,000 ppm is dramatically reduced to acceptable levels of 5000 ppm with 24 hours. Further reduction in TPH level’s will be obtained after an additional 48 hours due to the drying and bio-degradation of the hydrocarbons.

Treatment of Oily Soil “IN SITU”

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The Result: . Fresh soil is used from the surrounding area for stabilization material as well as additional source of indigenous bacteria. This process produces optimum condition for natural bioremediation.

The land is then suitable for farming or other use.

Treatment of Oily Soil “IN SITU”

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Water Bioremediation: Oily water will be present after the oil has been separated from the sand either from sludge pits or oil spills.

The process of cleaning the oily water is similar to that of oily soil. SF-1000 is mixed into the the contaminated water to further breakdown the crude.

The process may be enhanced by the use of heated water in the case of heavy oil/water emulsions.

Treatment of Oily Water “IN SITU”

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Procedure: The soil will be cleaning by a tilling method using an excavator or loadedinto SF washing tank using a 1 m^3 front loader. Once in the washing device SF1000 will be added along with water.

The soil will receive a 20 to 60 minute wash depending on the background reading of the contaminated soil. After the washing cycle, the DC will be placed in a designated DC clean area or removed from sites using dump trucks for deposit elsewhere.

The SF1000 will be mixed at a ratio of 1 ½ parts of concentrate to 10 parts water. One and one half gallons of SF1000 is required for 1 m^3.Each wash is approximately 10 cubicmeters of contaminated media. Before being discharged there will be a TPH reduction of approximately 93 to 95% upon completion of the wash cycle.

When the media is discharged, it should be placed in an area for additional drying and thebio-degradation of the hydrocarbons will continue without additional handling. A final analysis will be taken 48 hours upon completion to determine the reduction in the TPH.

Treatment of Oily Soil “IN SITU”

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Procedure: Flotation protective oil booms must be laid out to contain the oil spill andprotect from the potential spreading of the contamination in the water.

Samples of the contaminated water should be taken to establish back- ground TPH. A vacuum truck should be utilized to remove as much free oil as possible, i.e. the oil floating on the surface. Once as much oil has been removed for salvage as can beexpected then the cleanup can begin.

By using flat bottom boats, two inch trash pumps fitted with two inch hoses and firenozzles, the media can be sprayed with SF1000. The chemical can be maintained in a 500gallon tank on the boats. As the chemical is sprayed there will be an immediate color change and all rainbows of the oil will dissipate.

The contaminated media (oil & water mixture) will need to be worked towards the booms orland so that the media can be reduced from spreading. The media will be pumped througha series of density separators then into frac tanks. Once in a frac tank dry ice will be usedto further separate the oil from the water. The oil will then flow through a weir section toallow the separated oil to flow out into salvage tanks.

Once the water has been cleaned the samples should be taken again to confirm theTPH levels.

Treatment of Oily Soil “IN SITU”

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CONCLUSIONSF1000 will reduce the TPH levels to less then 1 % in less then 24 to 48 hours while being handled only once. The bi-product that is left can be used as road base or sold as materials for brick making.

EQUIPMENT LIST1: qty. 2: SF Washing Tanks 2: qty. 1: Large front loader (1m3)3: qty. 1: Combination front loader and back hoe (smaller size)4: qty. 1: Water truck for blending of chemicals5: qty. 1: Small portable pump6: qty. 1: Portable TPH test lab.7: qty. 36 drums /1000 m3 of SF1000 Chemical in 55 gallon drums.

Treatment of Oily Soil “IN SITU”

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Technical Explanation of Chemicals

The following is a Technical Explanation of Shearforce SF-ACL and SF-1000. Both are products offered by Texas Enviro Chem, Inc. which have been licensed to Shearforce Ltd. Both formulations are based upon compounds are totally bio-degradable.

ACL Properties

Shearforce SF-ACL is based on an anionic solvent, classified as an alcoholic solution of SodiumSulfonate CAS #68956-56-9. SF-ACL is a biodegradable terpene. D.O.T. (Department of Transportation)Hazard Class is # 3. The freight classification is cleaning compound. 

Environmentally safe replacement for chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents Rapidly dissolves asphaltic or other harden petroleum products Blends with and becomes part of the liquefied petroleum product Reduces flash point of heavy crude’s to 135-145 degrees F Decomposition products are CO2 and water (biodegradable) Clear amber liquid Lavender odor 0.84 specific gravity @ 25°C >1.0 vapor density 320°F boiling point 108°F TCC Flashpoint 2 mmHg at 20°C vapor pressure

Shearforce SF-ACL creates a chemical reaction with the Sludge once it is sprayed and allowed to settle for 24 hours. This allows time to react with the sludge and become capable of being pumped into a transport truck or holding tank. By adding 6% by volume the SF-ACL becomes part of the oil which will not separate. The result is a burner fuel oil No. 6 (bunker C)with a flash point of 135 to 150 degrees F.

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Technical Explanation of Chemicals

SF-1000 is a concentrated water based synergistic blend of biodegradable, non-toxic, non-flammable nonionic surfactants composed of Polycxyethylene Ethers: - Sodium bis (2-ethyhexyl) sulfosuccinate - CAS # 577-11-7. Classified as Alkoxylated Alcohols C10-12 ethoxylated propoxylated - CAS # 68154-97-2.

D.O.T. classification is non-regulated.  The freight classification is a non-hazardous cleaning compound. It does not contain any enzymes or microbes.

The surfactant action of SF-1000 allows it to emulsify hydrocarbon contaminants into microscopic droplets suspended in solution. This emulsion solution remains stable in the rinse and/or treated media and plays an important role in the biodegrading of hydrocarbon contaminants since the emulsion is easily biodegradable by naturally occurring microorganisms.

Thus SF-1000 represents a food source that promotes the growth and metabolic activity of the micro-flora present. The net effect is an increase in the rate of hydrocarbon biodegradation. It is this methodology provides a multitude of benefits when using Shearforce SF-1000TM for spill response, in-situ bioremediation, water treatment or cleaning applications. Because Shearforce SF-1000 is a non-hazardous, non-flammable, water-soluble liquid, it can be used for removing oil and grease on surfaces while providing the following benefits:

Will not diminish the integrity of surfaces Very fast working (TCEQ-1005 TPH testing) Contains no ozone depleting solvents Non-toxic (EPA LC50 testing) Non-chlorinated Does not leave volatile or semi-volatile organics (EPA 8260B & 8070C tests) 100% biodegradable Provides odor control Promotes vegetation growth

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Technical Explanation of Chemicals

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Technical Explanation of Chemicals

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Analysis of Treatment of Drill Cuttings “IN SITU”

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Experience of Treatment of Drill Cuttings “IN SITU”

The pictures below are from a project for a leading service oil company in Louisiana. 20 cubic yards of OBM mud with TPH level’s of 165,000 ppm were reduced to 800 ppm within 35 minutes wash.

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Experience of Treatment of Drill Cuttings “IN SITU”

The picture below shows the cleaning of OBM. The OBM is 30% and was cleaned to 1000 ppm within 1 hour.

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Experience of Treatment of Drill Cuttings “IN SITU”

Full-Scale Ozone Ballast Water Treatment for Removal of Marine Invasive Species 1: Department of Chemistry and Center for Marine Science University of North Carolina at Wilmington

2: School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences University of Washington

3: ENSR International

4: Shannon Point Marine Center Western Washington University

5: Petrotechnical Resources Alaska

6: Northeast Technical Services Co., Inc.

7: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

8: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

9: BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc.

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Experience of Treatment of Drill Cuttings “IN SITU”

Toxicity of the material is reduced by the use of the surfactant treatment and this is reflected in a change in the bioavailability of a wide range of molecules.

The chemical analysis confirm that the hydrocarbon loading has been substantially reduced. In fact the amount of contaminating hydrocarbon has been reduced by over an order of magnitude providing treated cuttings containing less than 1%wt oil on dry solids. Chromatographic analysis shows a large reduction in the total concentration of the hydrocarbons but little change in the actual composition of the residual oils as illustrated by the chromatograms. The concentration of metals and metalloids is at a level that is unlikely to pose a significant environmental impact. Leach ability of the metals and metalloids from this matrix will be very low.

Source: Dr Graeme I. Paton, Senior Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences University of Aberdeen

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Experience of Treatment of Drill Cuttings “IN SITU”

Surfactant-enhanced washing of oil-based drill cuttings was evaluated as a technology of benefit to domestic oil producers.

Laboratory studies showed the branched CM-C,15 alcohol propoxylate sulfate to be a promising surfactant for liberating oils from these drill cuttings. Low concentrations (similar to 0.1% by weight) of this surfactant produced ultra-low oil-water interfacial tensions (IFTs), thereby allowing the rollup/snap-off mechanisms to liberate drilling oil (C16, C18 alpha olefins) from the cuttings.

