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Page 1: Sharon Goh Design works

Sharon Goh’s Design works

Brand commercialization to Asia

Car interior design marketing

Unifying a worldwide brand

Target Persona branding


Packaging design on MP3 players Gamers’ interface laptop design

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Brand communications design for Shell

Shell  is  a  a  global  oil  and  gas  corpora1on  in  the  Netherlands.  Aiming  towards  unifying  the  brand,  I  advise  and  strategize  the  designs  that  are  created  across  the  world  in  our  Shell  

Brands  Interna1onal  team.    


1.  Shell  Brand  consulta2on   2.  Print  Communica2ons  design  

3.  Brand  Design  policy  wri2ng   4.  Packaging  design    

Provide  brand  consulta2on  to  design  agencies  and  Shell  design  teams  worldwide  

Create  promo2onal  materials  for  Shell  and  other  joint  partners  

Implement  brand  policies  for  different  Shell  communica2ons  to  educate  the  design  teams  

worldwide  via  online  training  

Conceptualize  new  packaging  designs  and  guidelines  for  new  lubricant  product  markets  

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Shell brand marketing - Unifying the brand across the globe


Retail  shop  adver1sing  

Press  adver1sements  

Direct  marke1ng  voucher  designs  

Exhibi1on  backdrop  for  Ferrari  

In  our  branding  team,  we  aim  to  promote  a  ‘one  brand’  policy  across  all  the  countries.  So  we  advise  and  co-­‐design  with  various  crea1ve  

agencies  to  work  towards  crea1ng  visuals  gearing  towards  one  Shell  


Internal  Communica1ons  Policy  

Campaign  Posters  


Packaging  designs  

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Philips  Singapore  developed  audio  devices  for  the  feminine  market.  My  task  was  to  design  the  packaging  to  

make  it  more  chic  and  appealing  to  the  female  market.  

1.  Packaging  trend  studies   2.  Packaging  trend  analysis  

3.  Sketch  explora2on   4.  Design  concep2on  

Packaging design on MP3 player

Defined  the  target  market  as  women  who  like  to  run  and  listen  to  music  –  convenience,  chic  and  


Studied  the  trendy  packaging  designs  and  plas2c  molding  techniques  suitable  for  

electronics  products.  

Inves1gated  the  different  materials  and  assembly  to  see  how  the  product  can  be  packaged.  

Created  a  ‘floa2ng’  Pebble  packaging  design,  to  make  the  product  stand  out  on  its  own.  

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Brand commercialization to Asia

Marke1ng  itself  as  a  premium  umbrella  Dutch  brand  in  Europe,    I  

helped  the  company  senz˚  to  commercialize  their  brand  to  the  

Asian  Pacific  market.  


1.  Consumer  research  tes2ng   2.  Sales  poten2al  research  

3.  New  products  and  retail  design   4.  Marke2ng  plan  for  personas  

Conducted  NetQ  consumer  studies  in  Taiwan,  Hong  Kong  ,  Japan,  China,  Australia  and  Korea  

Predicted  their  future  sales  poten2al  across  the  Asia  Pacific  in  shops  and  online  sales  

Used  SPSS  analysis  to  predict  possible  new  products  senz˚  can  venture  into  

Created  a  media  marke2ng  plan  aimed  towards  the  target  personas  in  Asia  

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senz˚product marketing - Marekting senz˚ to asia pacific

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Car interior design marketing

Being  a  key  aerodynamics  parts  supplier  for  Ferrari,  my  role  in  Ac1flow  BV  was  to    inves1gate  how  they  could  harness  their  aerodynamic  technology  to  reinvent  

Ferrari’s  F430  interior.  

1.User  Test  Market  Iden2fica2on  

4.BCG  Growth  matrix  marke2ng  

2.  Prototype  safety  design  

3.  Compe22ve  sales  pricing  

Iden1fied  Ferrari  drivers  to  be  mainly  50  year  old  male  connoisseurs  or  25  year  old  male  show  offs,  using  the  innova1on  model  

Designed  aerodynamic  tac2le  responses  within  car  seats  through  user  tes1ng  towards  

safety  awareness  

Considered  how  much  Ferrari  cars  can  be  compe22vely  priced  with  the  new  chair  design  


Studied  where  Ferrari  cars  would  sell  using  the  Boston  Consul2ng  Group  matrix  

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Being  the  largest  chipmaker  in  the  world,  Intel  wanted  to  expand  their  product  porYolio  from  making  chips  to  laptops.  My  task  was  to  create  a  gamer  laptop  to  

extend  their  product  range.  

1.  Game  control  play  research  

3.  Design  Idea2on   4.  Product  interface  design  

2.  Compe2tor  analysis  

Gamers’ interface laptop design

Surveyed  computer  gamers  on  their  favorite  computer  games  are  and  how  they  play  

Analyzed  other  rival  gamers’  laptop  brands  

Studied  the  buZons  gamers  commonly  used,  and  how  a  gamer’s  laptop  can  be  designed  to  be  

compact  and  sleek  

Turntable  laptop  with  console  designed  to  maximize  the  ul1mate  gaming  experience  

with  enhanced  light  and  sound  

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Asics  wanted  to  redesign  their  running  shoes  to  target  the  Dutch  runners’  

market.  I  conducted  qualita1ve  research  interviews  with  avid  Dutch  marathon  runners  to  understand  how  Asics  

running  shoes  can  be  further  developed.  

1.  Context  mapping  techniques   2.  Shoe  design  research  

3.  Color  and  details  studies   4.  Runner  personas  mapping  

Research design on Dutch runners

Conducted  a  crea2ve  session  for  Dutch  runners  for  Asics  using  context  mapping  

Considered  the  runners’  feelings  towards  running  and  their  favorite  shoe  design  

Provided  3  color  and  material  direc2ons  for  Asics  to  improve  their  shoe  designs  

Iden1fied  3  Asics  runner  personas    –  compe22ve-­‐minded,  fashionable-­‐oriented,  


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More Details of my Design Research Experience … …

“Life is as high as the sky, You’ll never know what you can design, unless you try.”

Thank you for viewing my portfolio! [email protected]


sharon goh