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SFHC Shadyside Family Health Center (SFHC) Visitors Guide Contents

1. Your Visit to the Clinic: “What do you expect when you see your doctor?” 2. Basic Information about SFHC 3. A List of Japanese-Speaking Doctors Working at SFHC; as of March 2011.

Chapter 1. Your Visit to the Clinic: “What do you expect when you

see your doctor?” Introduction There are several differences between visiting a medical clinic in the U.S. and visiting one in Japan. This guide is designed to educate you about your visit to our clinic so that you know what to expect and can better prepare. We believe that this book will be helpful not only for patients who are visiting our clinic but also for patients who are visiting any clinic in the U.S.

Step 1 Before You Come to the Clinic

• Do you have your insurance card? If you don’t have an insurance card because you just purchased your insurance, you need to know your insurance ID number and group number as well as the subscriber’s name (the person who actually purchased the insurance.).

• We recommend that you bring a pen or pencil in case you want to take notes.

• You might experience a long wait (as long as 1 hour). Therefore, we recommend you bring a book or a magazine to read while you are waiting. If you bring children with you, you might want to bring some snacks or diapers with you.

• We recommend that you arrive fifteen minutes before your actual appointment. Please leave your house early.

• Please follow your doctor’s instructions regarding your visit (e.g. Last visit, your doctor advised you to come to the office fasting because the doctor wants to order blood tests for blood sugar and cholesterol.)

• We also recommend that you bring your copy of this guidebook with you.

Shadyside Family Health Center (SFHC) 受蚺ガむドブック受蚺ガむドブック受蚺ガむドブック受蚺ガむドブック


第章 クリニック受蚺の流れ

第章 Shadyside Family Health Center の基本情報

第章 圓クリニックで日本語を話す医垫のリスト2011 幎 3 月珟圚

第章 クリニック受蚺の流れ








ステップステップステップステップ クリニックぞ来られる前にクリニックぞ来られる前にクリニックぞ来られる前にクリニックぞ来られる前に

• 保険カヌドをお持ちですかもし、入ったばかりでカヌドが届いお

ない堎合、保険の ID 番号、グルヌプ番号を控えおおいおください。



• 念のため筆蚘甚具を持参しおいただくこずをお勧めいたしたす。メ



• 状況により埅ち時間が長くなる堎合がありたすので、本や雑誌を持




• 予玄時間の 15 分前に来院できるように勧められおいたす。時間に


• 医孊的に必芁な準備。血糖もしくはコレステロヌルを枬るため、

朝食抜きなどあらかじめ PCP より指定されおいる堎合。 

• このガむドブックをプリントしお持っおきおください。

Page 2: Sfhc visitors guide

Step 2 To the Clinic <Parking>

Parking is located next to Shadyside Family Health Center (SFHC) between Urgent Care and SFHC. Please do not park your car in the parking lot of Shadyside Hospital across from SFHC. When you drive into the parking lot, you will push the button to open the gate and take a parking ticket. You will need to exchange this parking ticket with a token that will allow you to exit the parking lot. You can receive token at the front desk, registration or from the nurse in the phlebotomy room. <Entering the Clinic>

Our clinic is located on the second floor of the building. There are two entrance doors. Both doors will lead you to the front-desk. (Please see the picture). If you need to use the elevator or automatic doors, please use the entrance on the lower level. If you use this entrance, please turn left. The elevator is at the end of the hallway. Take the elevator to the second floor. Step 3 In the Clinic <Front Desk>

When you arrive at the waiting area, you will check in with the front-desk staff. The staff will ask for the basic information below; please prepare for their questions. If necessary, please utilize our “ Appointment Request Card”. If this is your first visit: ï¿œ Your health insurance company and its type of plan - You can just show

them your insurance card. If your health plan is an HMO or Medicaid, you will be asked for the name of your designated Primary Care Doctor

(PCP) on the insurance。If the doctor does not work in our office and

you still want to see a physician in our clinic, the staff will ask you to change the designated PCP to one of our doctors by contacting the insurance company. If you have a PPO or indemnity plan, you should be able to see any physician without restriction. (Please check with your insurer in advance.)

ï¿œ Name – This is very important. Make sure that the front desk staff spells your name properly. Just as many Japanese have trouble with the spelling of American names, many Americans struggle with the romanized spelling of Japanese names.

ï¿œ DOB (Date of Birth) – You can say, “May 23rd 1970”. But the easier way would be to say “five – twenty third – seventy”. This way works well.

ステップステップステップステップ クリニックぞクリニックぞクリニックぞクリニックぞ


Shadyside Family Health Center のすぐ隣の駐車堎です。Urgent Care ず

Family Health Center の間にありたす。Shadyside 病院偎ではありたせんので




ずきにこのトヌクンが必芁です 。


クリニックは建物の階にありたす。建物には 2 ぀入り口がありたす。写




ステップステップステップステップ クリニックの䞭でクリニックの䞭でクリニックの䞭でクリニックの䞭で

<Front Desk(受付受付受付受付)>






o 今回が初めおの受蚺の堎合

ï¿œ 保険䌚瀟ず健康保険のタむプ。カヌドをたずスタッフに提瀺しおく

ださい。もし HMO もしくは Medicaid の堎合、PCP䞻治医が誰

かも聞かれたす。この PCP は実際にクリニックで芋おほしい医者で

はなく、保険䌚瀟で保険のプランを賌入したずきに指定した PCP で

す。もし、その保険䞊の PCP が圓院で働いおいる医垫でない堎合は


その情報が蚘茉された玙をスタッフより枡されたす。PPO もし

くは indemnity plan の堎合は PCP に関係なく受蚺できたす。あら


ï¿œ Name –実はこれが非垞に倧切です。日本人の名前はアメリカ人にな

じみのない Spelling になりたすので よく間違えられたす。私達がア

メリカ人の名前の Spelling で苊劎するのず同じです。

ï¿œ DOB (Date of Birth) – 誕生日を蚀う際に May 23th 1970 ず蚀っおもい



Page 3: Sfhc visitors guide

ï¿œ Address – You will be asked for your full address and zip code. ï¿œ Emergency contacts - home phone # and cell # ï¿œ Appointment time – If you have an appointment. ï¿œ If you come to the clinic without an appointment, in addition to the

information above, the staff will ask if you want to see a physician for a “Sick visit”. A “Sick visit” is a type of visit where a patient has a medical issue that requires a doctor’s urgent attention. If you ask the staff for a “Sick visit ” appointment, they will try to schedule you with a physician who has an opening. (They usually try to find openings in Japanese doctors’ schedules first.) If all slots are full, they will advise you to go to the Urgent Care Clinic located next-door.

ï¿œ If your visit is not a “Sick visit”, the staff will ask when and who you want to see in the clinic. You do not need to stick with the designated PCP on your insurance plan. You can choose any physician working at our clinic. If you have any concern about making appointments in English face-to-face with the front desk staff, please use the Appointment Request Card.

ï¿œ (Optional) SSN (Social Security Number) – They might ask your SSN. If you do not have an SSN, you can just say, “I do not have a Social Security Number.”

If this is not you first visit, you will be asked for:

ᅵ Name ᅵ DOB (Date of Birth) ᅵ Appointment time if you have an appointment. If not,

they will ask if this is a “Sick visit ” or not. If you scheduled your appointment online with HealthTrak, you will be asked for:

ᅵ Name ᅵ Appointment time

− Front desk staff will enter your information in the computer. After they confirm your appointment or schedule your “Sick visit”, they will ask you to wait in the waiting area until you are called. You will wait until the registration staff call you to the registration area.

− There are magazines and books in the waiting area but all of them are written in English.

− We have a kids-space next to the waiting area. In this area, toys and children’s books are available. Please use the space if you bring your children. You can bring a few books or small toys from the kids-space into the examination room, but you must return them.

− There is a restroom in the kids-space area for patients. If you want to use it, please ask the front desk staff for the key. There are also two restrooms available in the examination area.

ï¿œ Address – 䜏所です。 Zip code郵䟿番号たで聞かれたす。

ᅵ Emergency contacts home phone # and cell #

ï¿œ Appointment time (予玄時間) – もし予玄をしおいる堎合。

ï¿œ もし、予玄をなしに受付けに来られた堎合はそれに加えお、受付ス

タッフが、”Sick visit ” かどうかを聞きたす。Sick visit は名前の通り、



たす。もし開いおない堎合は、隣の建物にある Urgent care に受蚺す


ï¿œ もし、Sick visit でない堎合は、スタッフがどの日の受蚺でどの医垫

の受蚺を垌望するかを聞きたす。保険䞊患者様が指定した PCP にこ



ï¿œ SSN (Social Security Number) – 持っおない堎合は持っおないず蚀っお

いただければ結構です。最近は原則聞かないずのこずでした 。

o 以前受蚺をされおいる堎合

ᅵ Name ᅵ DOB (Date of Birth)

ï¿œ Appointment time (予玄時間) – もし予玄をしおいる堎合。もししお

いない堎合はスタッフが“Sick visit”かどうかを聞きたす。

o HealthTrak を通じおオンラむン予玄をされおいる堎合。

ᅵ Name

ï¿œ Appointment time (予玄時間)

− 受付スタッフ が情報をすべおコンピュヌタヌで入力、予玄を確認もしく

は“Sick visit”の受蚺枠を取った時点で、患者様に 埅ち合いに戻っお座


ナりンスを されるのを埅ちたす。

− 埅ち合いには雑誌がありたすがすべお英語で曞かれた本ずなっおいたす。

− 子䟛甚のスペヌスがありたすので、同䌎のお子様のためにそこを䜿甚し




− 埅ち合いには患者さた甚のお手掗いが子䟛甚スペヌスの䞭にありたすが、


2 ぀お手掗いがありたす。

Page 4: Sfhc visitors guide


Registration is next to the front desk and is just behind the corner.

Picture。During registration, you will sit down and talk to the staff face-to-

face. This is very different from the system in Japan, and this guide will endeavor to explain the process in as much detail as possible. Registration will cover the three items below:

• They will ask you for basic and more detailed information.

• They will hand you a few pamphlets and documents.

• You will be asked for your signature on a few documents.

a) Asking your information – They will ask the information below:

− If this is your first visit, you will be asked for the following: ï¿œ Address ï¿œ Designated PCP on your insurance plan. If the doctor does not

work in our office and you still want to see a physician in our clinic, the staff will ask you to change the designated PCP to one of our doctors by contacting the insurance company. (They will give you a small piece of paper.)

ï¿œ Phone number home、cell、work

ï¿œ Emergency contact’s phone number ï¿œ Language – native language ï¿œ Marital status ï¿œ Race – If you answer “Asian”, the staff will ask if you are Japanese

or Chinese. ᅵ Insurance ID number, Group number and your insurance

subscriber’s name. ï¿œ Payment method for copay – The staff will ask how you want to pay.

The options are with cash, with a check or with a credit card (charge).

− If this is not your first visit, you will be asked for the following:

ᅵ Address

ï¿œ Phone number home、cell、work

ï¿œ Designated PCP on your insurance plan ï¿œ Payment method for copay – The options are with a

check, with a credit card (charge) or with cash. ᅵ (Optional) Insurance ID number, Group number and

your insurance subscriber’s name.






• 患者様基瀎情報をもう䞀床そしおより詳现に聞かれたす。

• 受蚺の際に必芁な資料を枡されたす。

• 1 から 3 ぀の資料にサむンを求められたす。

a) 患者様基瀎情報 –以䞋の情報が聞かれたす。

o 今回が初めおの受蚺の堎合

ï¿œ 䜏所

ï¿œ PCP ここでは保険䞊の PCP を聞かれたす。そしおもし、その保

険䞊の PCP が圓院で働いおいる医垫でない堎合は圓院を受蚺で



ï¿œ 電話番号自宅、携垯、職堎

ï¿œ Emergency contact’s phone number

ï¿œ Language – 母囜語

ï¿œ Marital status –配偶者の有無

ï¿œ Race – 人皮。Asian ず答えた堎合は日本人か䞭囜人かも聞きかれ


ï¿œ 保険の ID ナンバヌ、Group ナンバヌ、そしお賌入者


ï¿œ Copay をどの方法で払うか 珟金、チェック、もしくはクレゞ



o 以前受蚺をされおいる堎合

ï¿œ 䜏所

ï¿œ 電話番号自宅、携垯、職堎

ï¿œ 保険䞊の PCP。

ï¿œ Copay をどの方法で払うか チェック、珟金もしくはクレゞッ


ï¿œ 保険の ID ナンバヌ、Group ナンバヌ、そしお賌入者


Page 5: Sfhc visitors guide

b) Materials (pamphlets and documents) – Most materials are given only to new patients.

ᅵ Patient information/demographic sheet

After the registration staff finishes all of their procedures, they will hand you this sheet. The sheet lists your basic information and the staff will ask you to review it for errors. Please report any mistakes to the registration staff. This sheet will go into the bin (Picture 1) next to the “Flow area”.

ᅵ Receipt (requires your signature) If you pay with a credit card, the staff will ask you to sign the receipt. And they will give you the copy of the receipt. The staff advises patients to keep this copy for at least two months in case that you are incorrectly charged for this visit in the future.

ï¿œ Annual questionnaires (Green sheet) The questionnaire will ask you about your past medical history, life style habits etc. You will also be asked questions to screen for depression. You will fill out this form while you are waiting in the “Flow area” (Picture 2) or examination room. If you are a new patient, you will complete a different sheet (White sheet).

写真 1/ Picture 1

c) 枡される資料 –ほずんどが新芏の患者様甚の資料です。

ᅵ Patient information/demographic sheet



チェックしおください。そしお、この玙は次の Flow の隣にある

壁に備え付けられた容噚 (bin)に入れるこずになりたす。写真


ï¿œ Receipt (サむン必芁)

クレゞットカヌドで支払う際、オリゞナルに sign。患者甚コピ



ï¿œ Annual questionnaires (1 幎に回行われる患者様問蚺祚、緑色)


も答えたす。Flow写真 2もしくは蚺察宀で埅っおいる間に

蚘入する。初めおの受蚺の堎合は 癜色の問蚺祚に蚘入するこず


写真 2/ Picture 2

Page 6: Sfhc visitors guide

Materials for new patients ᅵ A handout of HIPPA

This documents mainly discusses that we have an obligation to protect patient privacy.

ᅵ UPMC consent for treatment, payment and health care options (Requires your signature) This form indicates that you allow UPMC to treat you and that you agree to the terms of payment. You are asked to sign the form to grant consent.

ᅵ A handout regarding Medical Decisions in Advance You will also receive a handout explaining advance directives (e.g. living will, power of attorney) If you do not have a POA or other advanced directives, the registration staff will tell you how to use the form in the handouts and advise you to take the form to an attorney or notary public.

ᅵ Advance directive record form (Yellow sheet). (Requires a signature) This is the form that asks you if you have advance directives. After you check the box of the options, sign the form.

ï¿œ New patent questionnaire (white sheet) This questionnaire will ask you about your past medical history and lift style habits etc. You will be also asked questions to screen for depression. You will fill out this form while you are waiting in the “Flow area” or examination room.

ᅵ Personal Representative Designation Form (For minor patients)

Other materials (You could receive the following forms, depending on the purpose of your visit.) ᅵ OB Questionnaires (For prenatal visit. Pink color.)

Screening questionnaires for prenatal care. You will be asked screening questions for depression and domestic violence.

ᅵ EPSDT screening form/ Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-coverage. (For a patient with Medicaid insurance.)

d) Documents you are asked to sign ᅵ UPMC consent for treatment, payment and health care options ᅵ Advance directive record form ᅵ Receipt

o 新芏患者様甚資料

ᅵ A handout of HIPPA


ï¿œ UPMC consent for treatment, payment and health care options (サ


このクリニックで治療しおいいずいうこずに同意しお sign をす

る form。

ᅵ A handout of Medical Decisions in Advance

Living will(リビングりィル), Power of attorney(意思決定の委任)

などの Advanced directive に぀いおの資料。

ï¿œ Advance directive record form (黄色い甚玙). (サむン必芁。)

Advanced directive があるかどうかをこたえる form。 “Yes”たた

は“No”のずころに check をしお sign をする。

もし POA や Advanced directive がない堎合、どのように取るか


のでそれに蚘入しお匁護士か Notary public に持っおいくこずを

勧められる。Notary public の方が安いず蚀われた。

ï¿œ New patent questionnaire (新芏の患者様に枡される癜色の問蚺祚


病歎や生掻歎ず生掻習慣や鬱病のスクリヌニング の内容を聞か

れる。Flow (写真)もしくは蚺察宀 (写真)で埅っおいる間に蚘入


ᅵ Personal Representative Designation Form (For minor patients)

18 歳未満の患者様いわゆる minor patientsの堎合に䜿甚す

る form。

o その他受蚺のタむプによっお枡される甚玙

ï¿œ OB Questionnaires (劊婊怜蚺の患者様のみ、ピンク色)



ᅵ EPSDT screening form/ Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-

coverage. (Medicaid の患者様甚)

e) サむンが必芁な資料。すでに䞊述したしたが、受蚺のタむプや支払

い方法によっお 2 ぀もしくは 3 ぀ありたす。

ᅵ UPMC consent for treatment, payment and health care options

ï¿œ Advance directive record form (新芏患者様のみ、黄色)

ᅵ Receipt (Billing sheet)

Page 7: Sfhc visitors guide

About Copay You can find your copayment amount on your insurance card. For

UPMC health plans (picture), note that ”Office Visits 5/20” is written at the

bottom of the card. The amount of your copay varies based on your health insurance plan. $5(the lower fee) is the copay for annual physical and annual gynecological exams. If you visit the office for a “Sick visit”, you will pay $20. If you visit for both, $20 (the higher fee) will be applied. Upon completing the registration procedures, the registration staff will give you a payment receipt and patient demographic sheet described above, then the staff will buzz you in at the door next to the registration area. (Picture) <Flow Area>

When you pass through the door, you will find the area where a nursing assistant will measure your weight and blood pressure. This area is called “flow” by staff. (Picture)

Before you go in the area, you will drop off the ” patient demographic sheet” in the bin near this area. (Picture) The bin is located on the left wall just beyond the “flow” area. A nursing assistant will take your blood pressure and weigh you. You might need to wait in one of the chairs next to the “flow”. A nursing assistant will do the following:

− If this is your first visit, they will measure the following:

• Blood pressure with a blood pressure machine

• Body temperature The nursing assistant will check orally.

• Body weightThe nursing assistant will not ask you to take off

shoes. 

• If you are an adult patient, they may not scale your height and just ask you how tall you are in feet and/or inches. Therefore, it is good for you to know your height in feet and inches.

− If this is not your first visit, a nursing assistant will measure the following:

• Blood pressure

• Body temperature

• Body weight

− If you are visiting for Well Child Visit for your children, she will hand you the following:

• PEDS FORM – screening form for well child visit. (With each Well Child Visit)

• MCHAT questionnaire -- Screening form for autism. (Only when child is 18months old or 2 years old.)

Copay に぀いお

保険蚌の衚に”Office Visits 5/20 ず曞いおあるず思いたす。保険によっお違

いたすが、定期の健康蚺断、そしお婊人科怜蚺等は䜎い方の数字5 ドル


visit の堎合に高い方の数字20 ドルが適応されたす。もし、定期健康蚺



最埌に Receipt ず Patient demographic sheet を受け取っお、レゞストレヌシ

ョンスタッフが ブザヌを鳎らしお䞭にドアの通しおくれたす。写真

<蚈枬゚リア蚈枬゚リア蚈枬゚リア蚈枬゚リア( “flow”ず呌ばれおいたすず呌ばれおいたすず呌ばれおいたすず呌ばれおいたす)>


る前に、この area すぐ奥に壁に備え付けられた容噚(bin)があるのでそれ

に”Patient demographic sheet”を入れる。




o 今回が初めおの受蚺の堎合

ï¿œ 血圧自動血圧蚈で

ï¿œ 䜓枩成人は口腔内で

ï¿œ 䜓重靎は脱がない

ï¿œ 身長は、成人である堎合で再受蚺の堎合はたず枬らない。初め



o 以前受蚺をされおいる堎合

ï¿œ 血圧

ï¿œ 䜓枩

ï¿œ 䜓重

o 小児の定期怜蚺の堎合は、以䞋の 2 ぀の甚玙を看護助手より手枡さ


ï¿œ PEDS FORM – 小児怜蚺甚の問蚺祚

MCHAT questionnaire – 自閉症のスクリヌニング質問祚。18ヶ月ず 2歳の


Page 8: Sfhc visitors guide

A nursing assistant will type your information in the electronic chart and ask you to sit in one of the chairs next to the “flow” and wait for a nurse who will take you to the examination room. While waiting, please fill out questionnaires or screening sheets. If there are not many patients, you may not have enough time to complete everything while you wait. A nurse will take you to the examination room.

Please let the nursing assistant know if you decide to wait in the kids-space

area. The nurse will come to tell you when they are ready for you. <Examination Room>

A nurse will ask you for the following information and record it in the electronic chart.

1The reasons of your visit

2Brief history of illness – They usually only ask symptoms and duration.


4Pain scale related to your symptoms. They will ask you to rate your pain

from 1 to 10, where 1 is least severe and 10 is most severe.

5Prescriptions that you want to have refilled on this visit

6The pharmacy that you usually use (Your doctor will prescribe medicine

through electronic chart and you will pick up the medicine at this pharmacy.)

7Depression screening questionnaire. You will answer two questions for

depression screening. You will answer “Yes” or “No“. Even if you answered the same questions on the questionnaire form, you might be asked again.

After the nurse leaves, you will wait for your doctor. Please fill out the forms while waiting. After your doctor finishes the examination, s/he will hand you a document called “After Visit Summary”. In this document, you will find the following information:

1Visit Information – The name of the doctor who saw you at this visit

2Vitals – Your blood pressure and body weight etc.

3Visit Diagnosis -- This diagnosis can be presumptive or be used for

insurance billing purposes.

4Visit Disposition -- Recommended next visit date

5Outpatient Medication List -- Your regular medications (If not updated,

please let your doctor know and ask him/her to update the lists.

6Medication Ordered This Encounter – Medicine prescribed on this visit

and the pharmacy where the medicine is available

7Orders – Orders such as blood tests and referrals to specialists




そしお看護垫が迎えにきおくれお、蚺察宀exam roomに誘導される。




<Examination Room(蚺察宀蚺察宀蚺察宀蚺察宀)>


1受蚺の理由、䞻蚎 – どのような症状、理由で来たのか

2簡単な病歎 – 症状の期間くらいしか聞かれない。


4症状に関連した痛み。10 段階で聞かれたす。10 が最倧。

5䜕か薬の refill (再凊方)が本日必芁か



7鬱病のスクリヌニングの 2 ぀の質問を聞かれお“はい”もしく





医垫の蚺察埌、医垫より After Visit Summary ずいう玙を枡されたす。その


1Visit Information その日に蚺察した医垫の名前。

2Vitals 患者様の血圧、䜓重等。

3Visit Diagnosis 本日蚺察されたずきの掚定病名、保険䞊の


4Visit Disposition 掚奚される次回の受蚺日皋。

5Outpatient Medication List 患者様の定期薬。もし、情報が叀


6Medication Ordered This Encounter 本日凊方された薬ずその薬局。

7Orders その日に出された血液怜査等のオヌダヌや専門科医ぞの


Page 9: Sfhc visitors guide

<After the encounter>

Once you exit the exam room, you will go back the way you came to the waiting area. If you want to make an appointment for the next visit You will go back to the front desk again and show the staff the ”After visit summary”. The staff will check the recommended date of the next visit in the summary and will give you the date and time. Confirm your availability and if you want to change your appointment, ask the receptionist to schedule you at a different time. If the recommended date is more than one month ahead, our office schedule may not be available and you may not be able to schedule your next appointment on this visit. If you need to see a specialist referred by your doctor Talk to the front desk staff to ask for the specialist’s contact number if your doctor does not give you the number. If you need to have a blood test done The phlebotomy area is located across from registration. You can drop the “After visit summary” in the bin on the door, and wait in the waiting area. The nurse will call you when it is your turn. (Picture) If you used parking You will ask the front desk staff or the nurse in the phlebotomy area for a token to exit the parking lot by showing your parking ticket.

Chapter 2. Basic Information about SFHC

UPMC Shadyside Family Health Center 5215 Centre Ave.MPittsburgh, PA 15232

TEL 412-623-2287

Please contact us for holiday schedule.

<After the encounter (医垫の蚺察埌医垫の蚺察埌医垫の蚺察埌医垫の蚺察埌)>




受付窓口にならび、蚺察した医垫が枡した”After visit summary”を受付スタ










写真にあるのでそのドアに備え付けられた容噚(bin)に”After visit





第章 Shadyside Family Health Center の基本情報

UPMC Shadyside Family Health Center

䜏所 5215 Centre Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15232

電話 412-623-2287

蚺察時間 開院時間 閉院時間

月曜日 8:30 19:00

火曜日 8:30 19:00

氎曜日 8:30 17:00

朚曜日 8:30 19:00

金曜日 9:00 17:00

土曜日、日曜日 䌑蚺 䌑蚺


Hours Open Close

Monday 8:30 19:00

Tuesday 8:30 19:00

Wednesday 8:30 17:00

Thursday 8:30 19:00

Friday 9:00 17:00

Saturday, Sunday Closed Closed

Page 10: Sfhc visitors guide

Chapter 3. A List of Japanese-Speaking Doctors Working at SFHC As of March 2011

• Teiichi Takedai MD

• Nobutaka Hirooka MD

• Kohhei Nakagawa MD

• Toshiaki Wakai MD

• Hiromichi Miyashita MD

• Huh Jiyoung MD

• Tomoko Sairenji MD

• Tsuneari Hayashi MD

第章 圓クリニックで日本語を話す医垫のリスト2011 幎 3


• 竹倧 穎侀 医垫 Teiichi Takedai MD

• 廣岡 䌞隆 医垫 Nobutaka Hirooka MD

• 仲川 晃平 医垫 Kohhei Nakagawa MD

• 若井 俊明 医垫 Toshiaki Wakai MD

• 宮䞋 偉路 医垫 Hiromichi Miyashita MD

• 蚱ほ智栄 医垫 Huh Jiyoung MD

• 西蓮寺 智子 医垫 Tomoko Sairenji MD

• 林 恒存 医垫 Tsuneari Hayashi MD