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October 2017 – August 2018



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My deepest thanks to Seraphin and to all translators of the Seraphin Messages.


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Seraphin Message 316: FOLLOWING PEOPLE AND FOLLOWING RULES Through Rosie, 12th October 2017 To realise that you are erroneously following a person who you consider a great “expert” or guru, represents a very steep but important learning curve in your development. That revered person – politician, writer, religious head or philosopher (or sadly in your times, football players, pop stars and icons with messages of dubious value) – may well express some wisdom or new revelation or inspiration to some degree. But we must put emphasis on the words TO SOME DEGREE, for this is the limited “degree” in which you find yourselves. YOU ARE LIMITING YOURSELVES! You imagine that you are gleaning golden nuggets of truth or innovative and progressive ideas, yet when REFRAMED in a fully different and indeed GLOBAL AND COSMIC AND MORAL context, these nuggets are sadly lacking in lustre and serve what we call the “ANTI-CHRIST” in the sense of ALL THAT WHICH OPPOSES THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRUE AND SUSTAINED CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS in the global population. Can you conceive of this, Beloveds? That your admired personalities are actually agents of the dark? That you have been cruelly misled by those you respect most? That your treasured memories are but dust in the wind? That it will harm and ultimately DESTROY YOU to hold on to these vestiges of a rapidly declining era, similar to that of the decline of the Roman Empire, which is a happening which may ring some bells. Other civilisations have come and gone. Their decline is not recorded adequately in your historical literature, so generally your consciousness of what is going on here is severely limited, and your ability to make comparisons practically impossible, UNLESS YOU CONDUCT THOROUGH INDEPENDENT RESEARCH. You cannot trace the gradual descent into self-made hell UNLESS YOU DO YOUR OWN INDEPENDENT THINKING AND TAKE TIME TO DISCOVER THAT WHICH THE ADVERSARY IS DELIBERATELY KEEPING AWAY FROM YOU ON THE SIDELINES. As we enter the final stages of certain cosmic cycles, accompanied by the increased energetic levels which this entails, the “sidelines” are now coming more and more into view. Your view of life – its purpose and the nature thereof – will be radically threatened, involving much trauma for you in the future, yet to fail to face this new emerging information and these new perspectives is to allow the journey to self-destruction to continue. So the question remains: how much do you follow? How often do you automatically believe what is told to you by media, by persons of import, by moguls or film stars or glossy magazines or famous individuals? Have you truly examined their motivations from all angles? Have your truly perused all sources? You will find that COMPETITION, MONEY, POWER and STATUS is a major motivation, which is completely at odds with ALTRUISM and GENUINE SERVICE TO OTHERS, from whence the greatest joy arises. All else is EMPTY, dear ones, and soon many of you will realise how astonishingly empty your lives have been to this point, in the sense of EMPTY OF MEANING, though they may have been crammed full with events of all kinds. We would like to state that it is time to FOLLOW CERTAIN PRINCIPLES instead of material pursuit and instead of seeking favours from those you consider WORTH MORE THAN YOURSELVES. YOU MUST NOT COMPROMISE YOURSELVES ANY MORE, BLINDLY OBEYING THE RULES OF OTHERS, LAID DOWN BEFORE YOU TO ENSNARE AND CONTROL. What rules should you follow? The ones which, when adhered to, lead to the sort of harmonious community life of which you can – at the moment – only dream of, and which can quickly be summed up as ENOUGH FOR ALL – enough food, enough housing, enough opportunity, enough encouragement to develop your vocation, and most of all ENOUGH LOVE FOR ALL THROUGH UNIVERSAL GIVING.

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Do you wish to create this WORLD OF COMPLETE ABUNDANCE, Beloveds? If so, it is time to see through the veils of distraction and ignorance which have been thrown upon you. Tear them away and confront those who would enslave you in debilitating regulations and money systems which are beneficial to no one but the few who dangle you from their fingers like puppets. Does this mean a loss of complete control in society? Does this mean anarchy? No: this means LOOKING FURTHER AND DISCOVERING THAT THERE ARE COSMIC RULES WHICH ENSURE ABUNDANCE FOR ALL, including the well-known but not sufficiently implemented rule of LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF. If we take this a step even further, THERE ARE NO NEIGHBOURS BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL YOU. THERE IS NO “THEM AND US”. This is what is meant by BEING ONE. This is not the fuzzy feel-good phrase which is so often bandied around in new age circles: it is an undebatable and practical description of reality; what you do to the whole, in every word and action, affects the whole of which you also form an integral part. This is the rule to be followed, and this is the rule which always fails to be observed on the final stages of a declining civilisation. This is where you stand: not in a position of every increasing progress or increasingly high living conditions or longevity, BUT AT THE STAGE OF ABSOLUTE SPIRITUAL DEPRAVITY WHICH SIGNIFIES THE END OF A CIVILISATION. You will have noticed that MORE AND MORE of this depravity is presently erupting into the public eye, EVEN THOUGH THOSE CONTROLLING THE MEDIA AND PUBLIC INFORMATION ARE RESISTING AS MUCH AS THEY CAN. This will continue full throttle until the very last vestiges of corruption RISE TO THE SURFACE FOR ALL TO SEE. Thus we ask you to PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR LARGE CHANGES, for your WORLD VIEW TO FALTER, STUMBLE AND FALL, and for NEW PRINCIPLES TO SURFACE. They will offer you the opportunity to move towards a newer and healthier way of thinking and acting which leads to building the paradise you have dreamed of. The pace of this may take you breath away – as if finding yourself suddenly on a very fast ride which cannot be stopped. Try to remain centred at all times and do not let yourselves get drawn into the emotions and traumas of others to the extent that you can no longer perform your important work of SHOWING A NEW WAY. We observe all this from an objective standpoint, yet we can assure you that our hearts are heavy that it has come to this. Simultaneously we rejoice, since this is just the momentary tumult in murky stormy waters before you emerge to sail in calmer waters. Seraphin. Seraphin Message 317: GRINDING TO A HALT Through Rosie, 27th October 2017 Dearly Beloveds on Earth; we have surely used “train imagery” a number of times in the course of transmitting these messages, and today – yet again – it is the best method of describing what is presently happening. The “well-oiled machine” which is usually moving forward at a fast pace is gradually losing momentum. This may be due to “lack of resources”, lack of personnel who are waking up to the terror and corruption which has happened on their watch, and indeed due to the travellers themselves who – previously content to sit and stare out of the window or bury themselves in a book or phone – are now aware of subtle changes in atmosphere and raise their heads in trepidation, exiting their own private world and entering the public domain where they start to communicate with many others, experiencing the same thing, generally moving from separation to UNITY. In the end, the realisation of the dreadful ride they have been taking, and the shock of their own compliance with deviant powers and sources, will force them to get up and demand that the train stops. As the driver will not yet be well disposed to obliging, someone will take all their courage in

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their hands and PULL THE EMERGENCY BRAKES, thus causing the train to GRIND TO A HALT. This is a metaphor for you – members of the global population – who are now GRINDING TO A HALT. Can you hear the noise, Beloveds, which is the NOISE OF RESISTANCE, the screeches of those who defend themselves and thrash out in all directions to try and stave off the inevitable? The VOLUME OF NOISE and the LEVEL OF DESPERATION are directly related to each other. The GRINDING can be seen in your media and in the behaviour of your power moguls who struggle to retain that power. Yet this will be to no avail. Once the TRUTH PLUG has been pulled, the TRAIN OF CARNAGE will have to be brought to immediate standstill. And the screeching will cease. This is what we mean by GRINDING TO A HALT – these are the last, desperate cries and attempts to prevent the truth from surfacing – yet THEY SHALL END. In the ensuing silence, everything will become clear and all attempts to resurrect reputations or secure “saving grace” will fail. Those who have lied and failed to act with integrity will be fully exposed. This silence will also provide a forum for THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN SILENCED FOR YEARS, allowing them to speak again. For what you have falsely championed as “freedom of speech” or “democracy” is but a shadow of the openness you will subsequently experience. For some of you at the moment, you can only hear the screeching and grinding to a halt. Know that this difficult period is a PREREQUISITE FOR THE PRECIOUS SILENCE WHICH WILL PROVIDE AMPLE OPPORTUNITY TO RESTORE YOUR WORLD, SETTING THE PACE AND DIRECTION LEADING TO A “GOLDEN AGE”. We ask you to go within often, rather than succumbing to the noise. Do not listen exclusively to the noise, but rather PRACTICE WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO SAY ONCE SILENCE ENSUES. Our hearts are full with compassion as we watch you take this ride, and come to a final halt. Seraphin. Seraphin Message 318: THE STATE OF BEING WOUND UP Through Rosie, 9th November 2019 Dear Citizens of Earth; some of you are feeling nauseated and “wound up” at the present time, though you cannot actually pinpoint the source of this specifically. We say to you that the atmosphere on your planet is SO THICK and SO DENSE and SO TURGID that anyone who has a spot of sensitivity will be feeling the pressure. The difference being that you all have your own different “spots of sensitivity” and perceptions, so it may be difficult to “get onto one page”. Those who FEEL AT ALL can rejoice in their ability to receive sensations, in their ability to be aware of DISCORDANCY AND STRIFE WHICH WITH YOUR PLANET IS SOAKED TO THE CORE. And this is where the concentration of unbalance and turmoil is centred, in earth’s emotional body, which then transfers in waves to the surface. These waves do actually wash through everyone, but a considerable proportion of earth’s people are numbed – so numb that they no longer hear a baby cry or a bird singing. Their heads and hearts are wrapped up in swathes of thick protective material with which they have tried to protect themselves from all things unpleasant. Then there are others with “thick skins” who pride themselves on these very thick skins. Others are so open and so acutely aware of all the violent vibrations and injustices that they crumble at the mere sight of a dead bird or falling leaf. These are the “over-sensitised” ones whose sensitization through excessive political correctness has turned them into USELESS VESSELS

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WHICH CANNOT INITIATE GREAT CHANGE, for they are too depressed and weak to bring forth the strength to radically take action. Yet some on your planet DO have this strength and are surreptitiously DOING THIS AT THE MOMENT. Will you pull the wool from your eyes, dear ones, or will you continue to sit cozily by the fire, dreaming into the distance or refusing to look beyond your noses. We would like you to contemplate the ALARM CLOCK which is going to go off shortly. It will sound the alarm, not only to you personally but to the WHOLE WORLD. It will stop ALL ROUTINES and - all at once – make everyone aware that it is time to WAKE up and GO INTO IMMEDIATE ACTION. It will open VAST VISTAS, it will have people wringing their hands, not knowing what to do next, because the new perspectives will have rendered their present activities meaningless. Every second of your behavior counts, Beloveds, even though you may be caught in the middle of this or that story, even though you may be tired and “wound up”. The situation generally is TIGHTENING as if a watch is being wound up. There will be a stage where this can continue no longer, when the clockwork has come to the end of its physical turning capacities, and when the person turning will stop and let the clock tick according to the energy which has been fed to it. On a global level, this too will occur. There will be a point where there will be a momentous clamouring and wailing. This is the point of no return, and despite its intensity and despite the feeling of hopelessness which this will evoke in the uninitiated, THIS IS YOUR NEW BEGINNNING. Be brave, dear hearts, and TAKE COURAGE INTO YOUR OWN TWO HANDS AND GO FORTH AND COMFORT THOSE WHO KNOW NOTHING and who will feel like resorting to desperate measures. We have spoken before about the COMPLETE STANDSTILL which the earth is moving towards. You are in the immediate period which precedes this – the gradual tightening. There is nothing we can really relate here which refers to the physical consequences of this, for they will be different for every region. We are concerned with the mental and emotional consequences which will – for the most part – be devastating. Those who have observed and found out for themselves that the serious and precarious position of the earth in present circumstances, including all the corruption, deliberate deception, abuse and violence, will be called upon the help wherever possible. Of these things we again warn you, though our messages have recently carried similar warnings. We did promise at one stage that we would accompany you to the end, and so here is YET ANOTHER WARNING to mentally prepare yourself to lose all in order to gain all. Seraphin Seraphin Message 319: CHECKING YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES; THE MOVEMENT ETERNAL Through Rosie, 22nd November 2017 This is a brief reminder to those who read such messages and who are wondering WHAT ON EARTH TO DO NEXT. We would like to draw your attention to the word “circumstance”, since it is strongly advisable to see yourselves at the centre of a CIRCLE and to look outwards towards the perimeter. To know that there is MORE LAND beyond the perimeter, as well as MORE SPACE above your head and MORE MOVEMENT beneath your feet is to expand your area of awareness even further. To walk in one direction is to take the whole circle with you, discovering more with every step. To be aware of the movement of the earth, the turning on its axis, the movement of the planets in small and large cycles, is another plane of awareness, as is delving into the microcosm of that which is moving WITHIN YOURSELF – your breath, your heartbeat and the blood in your veins.

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It is essential to retain this idea of CONSTANT FLUIDITY when everything stops. It is important to BREATHE when you are permeated by shock. It is important to go into immediate action when you perceive that others are, for their part, petrified and immobile, and to gently remind them that they too are essentially a part of ETERNAL MOVEMENT. We reiterate this as the TIME FOR STOPPING IS IMMINENT and will present you with great challenges. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ALL CYCLES ARE REGULATED AND IN BALANCE. And despite what appears to happen to the contrary, this is always the case. Be especially aware in the time which precedes this: remember that those who “grow” – whether physically or spiritually – just a few centimeters above the rest have an OVERVIEW OF ALL. Remember that the ground may be uneven, that you may travel over hill and down dale, entering layers of fog on the lower levels and bursting into sunshine on the hilltops. To stay permanently in the hills or in the vales would give you an incomplete impression of what is really going on. Thus must you continue to MOVE and to LEARN, extending your hand to those who will reach out to receive it. Those who do not wish to move will stay as they are. Do not stop too long to reach minds which have no capacity for receiving, but move intuitively together with those who, by the law of attraction, are called as you are called to assist this process of final denouement. What is your “stance” in your “circumstance”? Be steadfast, sure of foot and courageous, Beloveds, and carry out the work you are supposed to do. We survey the situation from a very good viewpoint and we say that YOU WILL BE NEEDED, so PREPARE your hearts and souls for this next adventure. Seraphin Seraphin Message 320: ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTION AMIDST FINAL CHAOS Through Rosie, 4th December 2017 When your eyes are truly opened, inhabitants of earth, and when your hearts are touched, and when your sensibilities truly revolt at the despotic depravity which has held you all in its clutches for what seems like eternity, what will your reaction be? What questions will you ask? Will you primarily cry HOW CAN I ESCAPE THIS PAIN? Will you negate the idea that you have anything to do with the depravity itself? Will you put your pain on the back burner, LOOK FURTHER and pinpoint THE CAUSE OF THIS DECAY IN SOCIETY OF WHICH YOU AND EVERYONE FORMS A PART? In short, WILL YOU BE ABLE TO ACCEPT ANY VESTIGE OF RESPONSBILITY? The problems revealed may be so huge that you cannot find the strength to face them, or to cope. Your option then, is to turn away. Yet know that in doing so you are simultaneously TURNING AWAY FROM THE TRUTH AND FROM THIS EARTH (including the suffering she has endured) AND FROM YOUR CONTINUED PRESENCE ON EARTH, for she can only provide for those who nourish and protect her, not those who passively watch from the sidelines or deliberately further her destruction. The question form is one which PROVOKES THINKING and PROMOTES THE DEVELOPMENT OF VISIONS, once it is clear WHAT OBSTACLES HAVE PREVENTED IDYLLIC CIRCUMSTANCES SO FAR. This means that the question WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF THIS PROBLEM (a question which will lie heavy on your hearts) can be followed by HOW WOULD WE FEEL AND HOW WOULD WE LIVE IF WE TAKE CONCRETE STEPS TO PREVENT SUCH PROBLEMS FROM EVER ARISING AGAIN? (a question which will lighten your hearts and make you look with enthusiasm into the future). We predict that many of you will soon be feeling helpless and “overridden” by what ensues. This will be a realm never before encountered by you, or at least never remembered, on a scale you never thought possible. It may make you fear for your lives. It will eradicate all your small fears, complaints

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and petty troubles. It will reach into your very soul, posing your he question WHAT IS TOP PRIORITY and WHAT IS OF LASTING, GENUINE VALUE? Have you been noticing, Beloveds? We have been trying to prepare you for this time of reckoning, which is ultimately also a time of joy. We have been preparing you for this, the separating of the ways according to your own, self-determined level of spiritual development. Our aim has been to encourage the maximum number of souls possible to help your earth through its transition, which is simultaneously YOUR TRANSITION. Our hearts are both heavy and joyful as we survey you, in knowledge of the events to come. We embrace you in our love and urge you to go within and search for your internal godly strength which will assist you in coming through these events with true focus and stability. We will, at the beginning, not be forthcoming, for it is for YOU to make progress. Celestial help will be provided when the acute nature of the situation has dies down, and when more are open to our presence and assistance. We hold you in our arms, Seraphin. Seraphin Message 321: GLOBAL MAKEOVER AND RE-ADOPTION INTO THE GALACTIC FAMILY Through Rosie, 13th December 2017 Dear inhabitants of earth: for so many years, this has been as “renegade planet” which has not yet succeeded in raising the happiness level of its population, or in raising the level of collective consciousness, for this is what increases “happiness”, as one of its effects. What does it feel like to live under centuries of oppression, cruelty and exploitation? Even if you are – at the moment – living quiet and pleasant lives – you will maybe feel the “heaviness” which blankets this earth in an almost continuous stream. There are “lighthouses” who are able to stand tall, penetrate the fog and reach upwards and outwards to a greater source of light which some of you refer to as GOD, but which we would prefer to call UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS WHICH PERMEATES ALL OF DIVINE CREATION. These lighthouses are, however, few and far between – solitary beacons of hope, withstanding all, even the greatest of storms, and actually MAKING SPACE for the LOVE OF CREATION to come pouring in. You as a planet have been “cut off” from the rest of the universe due to the “darkness” which has fallen here, and in order to protect your planetary neighbours from catching the same disease. The “lighthouses” and their supporting sponsors who are far beyond the scope of the physical eye (and often beyond the scope of mental understanding) are now cooperating on a new level to RECONNECT ALL and to DISPERSE THE DARKNESS so that earth can be RE-ADOPTED INTO THE GALACTIC FAMILY. As is the case with ideal adoptions, both sides are investigated to determine whether they are compatible and when they are READY to be brought together. Do to the “renegade” activities on earth, this reunion has been delayed, for the cosmic “parents” have high moral standards and WORTHY IDEALS which have not yet been shared by the progeny. Also, there must be EQUAL INTEREST ON BOTH SIDES, and while the cosmic parents have always approached you with love, this has not been reciprocal. Some have even responded with hatred, eradicating all signs of their existence, and so it is clear that in these ones, the learning process has become totally stagnant. It is also clear that for these, “adoption” and reunion is not possible at the present time under these circumstances. As time is pressing for a conclusion to this situation, we are trying to elucidate this aspect in this message. Those who are willing will become part of the GLOBAL MAKEOVER. For a makeover, it is

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necessary to assess strengths and pinpoint weaknesses. It is necessary to discern WHAT NEEDS TO GO and WHAT NEEDS IMPROVEMENT AND RESTRUCTURING. Inhabitants who are not capable of discerning this CANNOT TAKE PART IN THE MAKEOVER PROCESS. Earth will be given a “new face”, partly with celestial assistance and partly (or perhaps we should say MOSTLY here) with human assistance. At this poignant juncture we ask you WHAT WILL BE YOUR PARTICULAR CONTRIBUTION TO A BETTER WORLD? It would do well to contemplate this question deeply, for a lack of response will mean that you must attend “school” elsewhere. We beseech you to prepare yourselves for the “destruction” which precedes any makeover, but we also urge you to welcome the new with joy. Seraphin Seraphin 322: THE IDEAL RELATIONSHIP SIGNIFIES THE END OF ETERNAL WINTER Through Rosie, 24th December 2017 We would like to address you again at this critical juncture in your history which – but for the intervention of celestial hand – would be very dire indeed. What will ultimately save you from destruction? It will not – in the long run – be a celestial saviour – but YOURSELVES. We regret that your concepts, reflected in your various languages, even contain the word YOURSELVES. Can you imagine a language – indeed a society – which does not include the terms ME, YOU, MYSELF, THEM OR YOURSELVES? Can you imagine that they only have one word for all these, which means ONE? All are included in that ONE. This means that if you say “I (=ONE) am unhappy”, then all the world is affected by you and can feel that unhappiness, and all the world will then strive to give you (=ONE) joy. If you (=ONE) are self-abusive or do not defend yourself, then all the ONE WORLD is also on the receiving end of that abuse, and suffers accordingly. The same is true of all violent acts. You may already be reeling at the consequences of this principle, but let us take this a step further. If you repel the smallest creature or if you reject one small loving gesture, this rejection spins on an eternal wave throughout the ONE UNIVERSE, and it will at some point return to you who are indistinguishable from the ONE. You may already be familiar with the saying that a butterfly which flaps its wings once will cause a hurricane on the other side of the world. Imagine that the global population, AND INDEED THE BILLIONS OF OTHER BEINGS THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE, ARE ALL BUTTERFLIES, AND THAT EVERY THOUGHT, WORD AND ACTION OF ALL THESE INDIVIDUALS ARE ALL “FLAPS OF THE WING”. Our mandate is to help you of the warring planet to find methods of promoting peace. This is so desperately needed on your desecrated and corrupt world which lies like a cracked shell beneath your feet, as if in eternal winter. Yet the ultimate power IS IN YOUR HANDS. With a celestial “re-boot” of earth’s “hard disk”, we will get you started, yet YOU will write the new software, and YOU will decide which actions and WHICH CONCEPTS MUST BE BROUGHT FORTH TO MAINTAIN ETERNAL SPRING. What about your “relationships”? Your present media and television is obsessed with relationships, by which they mostly focus on sex, presenting this as a “flat-rate” right or frequent “satisfying dinner”, whereas it is actually the very pinnacle of intimacy and love. The GRAND MISTAKE, however, is that there ARE no relationships in the plural: THERE IS ONLY ONE RELATIONSHIP. This one relationship – and it is the one which will “save” you – is the relationship with the DIVINE, and the Divine is in EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE.

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What is your relationship to a piece of land or to the air you breathe? To ensure their wellbeing is one of your prime tasks, as you receive so many gifts from them. Yet you produce “eyesores” and pollute your skies, imagining that it won’t matter just this once, and imagining that materials are expendable. If you do not develop an ideal relationship with your earth, your lives will end. Love her, love your DIVINE SELVES, love the DIVINE PART of all those you abhor, love “outer space” (which, as we have just mentioned, is actually billions upon billions of planets, many also inhabited by INTELLIGENT DIVINE LIFE). In short, love everything and see yourselves as everything. It is negligible that the feeling of “coming together as one” is rarely felt on earth unless catastrophic incidents ensue. You will also be subjected to such trauma, but even when this has dissipated, we urge you to retain this love and concern for community in your hearts, for lack of this has caused the “eternal winter” you yearn to escape. We warn you again of impending changes and are standing by. Seraphin. Seraphin Message 323: CATCH THE SUNBEAM TO CREATE A NEW EARTH Through Rosie, New Year’s Eve, 2017 Are you ready, beloved inhabitants of earth, to change your all plans to catch a sunbeam? Can you drop everything at a moment’s notice if you receive concrete and convincing information that a corrected course will produce better circumstances or – as is your present situation – a better world? How quickly will you react, once given the opportunity? Will you let old habits, old pressures, old distractions lead you astray YET AGAIN from your aspired ideal? And what IS your aspired ideal anyway? These important questions require your undivided attention. The world “undivided” is paramount here. So far, very little TIME has been devoted to solving world problems. It has been attempted to various degrees by international organisations, but they have been riddled with corruption by those who have a view to financial gain, and they actually only scratch the surface of the fundamental CAUSES. The cause is a lack of spiritual values such as UNIVERSAL RESPECT FOR ALL LIFE. The cosmic laws have been ignored and desecrated. Beauty has been sullied. Intuition has been disregarded. The Divine has been eradicated. The knowing that you are ONE DIVINE WHOLE has not been instilled in you, BUT IT MUST BE INSTILLED INTO THE FUTURE GENERATION. You will be the key for this change. You will foster the real “goodwill to all men” which means (to those of you who perceive yourselves as Christians) that it is CHRISTMAS ALL YEAR ROUND. Let the bells ring. Reach out for the sunbeam as it suddenly presents itself to you from behind the cloud. Drop everything when the chance is offered to you to pave a new path. Lead a new life and improve the plight of ALL you meet on the way. You stand at the crossroads and will be forced to make your choices. Will your decision be made for SELF or for ALL? Will this be for your selfish desires or personal pleasures, or for all humankind? For this will determine your destiny as well as your next immediate destination. We wish you well, Seraphin

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Seraphin Message 324: ON THE KNIFE’S EDGE OF PAIN AND JOY Through Rosie, 2nd January, 2018 Have you ever felt that you are falling into the abyss of despair, with absolutely no possibility of pulling yourself out again, as if you have reached THE END of your strength, your hopes, and indeed your life? And at the other end of the spectrum, have you ever climbed mountains of joy, wandering through landscapes of complete beauty, walking as if in a dream, always aware of intense elation, not being able to imagine that this is possible, or that it will ever end? And now for the third question: can you imagine experiencing this first state of despair, followed immediately by the second state of ecstasy, and that these will alternate for a long time to come? We would like to warn you that the INCREDIBLE EMOTIONAL TURMOIL OF THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE will throw you in one direction one moment, and in the completely opposite direction the next. Will you survive these stormy waters? You will require a very HEAVY ANCHOR, and so we urge you to contemplate what this anchor might be. We would like to describe it as BEING FIRMLY ANCHORED IN THE HEART OF THE DIVINE. The Divine is ALWAYS SEEKING YOUR WELL-BEING AND IS ALWAYS SUPPORTING YOUR DEVELOPMENT, even as you stand at the top of the precipice, even as you stand in fields of gold, even as you sink in sands of betrayal, even as you wade through seas of lies. To confront and to experience all these is to learn, and to learn is the pre-requisite of making APPROPRIATE FUTURE CHOICES WHICH CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR HAPPINESS, ONE AND ALL. So when you feel as if you cannot carry on, as if you are caught in a mesh of unending putrid circumstances, remember that the “ecstasy” of new opportunities is just around the corner, for Divine Hand will not only present you with the consequences of your individual and collective actions, but will also show you NEWER AND BETTER WAYS. ASK IN MEDITATION, AND YOU SHALL KNOW THE NEW WAY. This is possible IF YOU OPEN YOURSELVES TO DIVINE EDUCATIONAL METHODS. We speak of these extreme situations and feelings because they are coming to each and every one of you, and it is paramount that you develop TRUST THAT THE DIVINE IS ACTUALLY IN CONTROL AND IS DOING THE RIGHT TING. May our words penetrate your consciousness and help you to rise above the “dreadful” feelings which will initially be evoked in you, and know that they are JUST THE PRELIMINARY PHASE TOWARDS A BETTER WORLD. We love you, Seraphin Seraphin Message 325: THE GEMS WILL RISE UNTO THE SUN Through Rosie, 7th January 2018 As you wait in the shadows, dear carriers of light, like precious gems, excavated but not harvested, whose worth is not recognized or even seen, you still stare at the dark walls of the deep crevice in which you are presently ensconced. In this darkness, it is imperative especially at this very critical juncture, that your light shines BRILLIANTLY, for to be “lack-luster” is to fail to contribute to the overall momentum of change. What exactly do we mean by “failing to shine”? It is the ability to shine which corrodes the darkness which has put its heavy veil on this world. The noises of struggle and the howls ensuing due to the forced cleansing processes are moving up towards the surface, and those who are left helpless and

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floundering MUST HAVE ACCESS TO THE LIGHT, which means ACCESS TO YOUR ASSISTANCE AND SUPPORT IN THE STILL EXISTENT DARKNESS. If you “fail to shine” they will stumble all the more, perhaps irretrievably. It is up to you, the light bearers and so-called “light workers” to give them every chance. This means HAVING A LIGHTED OR HIGH PROFILE. This means going ahead despite disturbing or noisy or distracting surroundings. This means going within whether alone or surrounded by crowds. If we were to give you an example of “small ways” to emit the light, we would say BE AWARE AND PRINCIPLED IN EVERY MOMENT. It is easy to say, for example, that you can drink all you like at a party, because you know that someone else is going to drive you home. It is easy to say that you will indulge your gluttony today, because you are going to fast tomorrow. It is easy to say that it does not matter if you commit a “peccadillo” today, because others have committed much greater crimes than yourself. All will ultimately be brought to trial, for small and large “peccadillos”, since this is how the LAW OF BALANCE works, and no one is excepted from these rules. EVERYTHING COUNTS, as we have so often said in these messages, and under the present circumstances, EVERYTHING COUNTS AS NEVER BEFORE BECAUSE YOU HAVE, AS A GLOBAL POPULATION, REACHED A TIPPING POINT, AND IT IS NO EXAGGERATION TO SAY THAT ALL EYES – ESPECIALLY THE EYES OF THE CELESTIALS WHOSE WISDOM AND ADMINISTRATION RULE THIS UNIVERSE – ARE VERY MUCH UPON YOU. At the moment, you are still like small gems resting at the very bottom of the crevice, covered in mud. Some of you have dared to clear the mud and have shone so brightly that dark agents have noticed and subdued you. Thus have the bravest lost their lives. But soon, a comparatively GREAT NUMBER of gems are starting to activate. There will be too many to crush, and extra help from above means that you will be taken out of the crevice so that you are in full view of the sun. The clarity of the sky (which you previously only perceived as a crack of light) will overwhelm you. The crisp edge of the mountains will inspire you. The lush vegetation which GROWS AS A RESULT OF THE LIGHT WILL MAKE YOU BREAK DOWN IN TEARS AND FALL ON YOUR KNEES IN JOY, and at last you will fully understand what it meant to lie at the bottom of the crevice for so many years, and what it means to emerge into an atmosphere guided by LIGHT. You will immediately recognize your affinity with the light, which is your parentage, your source, your motivation, your joy, your vocation and your future. We are trying to put into words here the feelings which will flood you, in view of what you have experienced in the past, followed by these amazing revelations, so that you are prepared for the VAST ABYSS between the two, so that you may all the more quickly recover from being thrown from one extremity into the other, so that you may all the more readily become centered and in a position to guide your less savvy human travellers. Take heart, for the snows WILL MELT INTO ETERNAL DAY. Seraphin. Seraphin Message 326: BREAKING THE ICE AND STOKING THE FIRE TO INITIATE GROWTH Through Rosie, 28th January 2018 The elements of ice and fire are extreme opposites. Which will win the war for your souls, Beloveds? For you are entering a period of GREAT THAW and FIREY RAIN (in the sense of TRUTH FALLING FROM THE HEAVENS) and many will be struck with wonder as the rain descends, completely unannounced yet exploding into your mental landscape as if it had always been there, shattering the ice which has kept you in its grip for centuries.

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We intentionally use terms which indicate extremes, for what will occur will be so extreme that it falls far beyond the stretches of your normal imagination. And so it will be: it will STRETCH YOUR MINDS which have been kept small, stilted and weary, incapable of constructive thought and criticism, incapable of self-reflection and self-improvement. Like everything in your world, in your solar system, in your local universe and indeed throughout the cosmos, it is your task to develop and GROW TOWARDS PERFECTION. Yet your prolonged sojourn in a “small, dark, mental room” has obliterated such perspectives. Your frozen state of NO GROWTH is now being punctured, like a pool which is covered in ice. The divine cosmic hand will throw firey stones, perforating the surface, providing passage to the flowing water beneath, allowing bubbles of “pent-up” air to find escape through the holes. Why do we continue to send you such messages, even at this late stage in the proceedings, and why are they full of allegories instead of placing black and white facts in front of your noses? Because we too are AGENTS OF GROWTH, AND WE WISH TO PERSUADE YOU TO EXERCISE YOUR DIVINELY GIVEN MINDS. We cannot simply put it all on a plate for you to digest, for this would overwhelm you, paralyse you, and SLOW YOU DOWN INSTEAD OF IMPELLING FORWARD MOVEMENT. Be ready, then, for there will be a GREAT LEAP FORWARD, for which it is best to be mentally prepared. Are you prepared to leap, leaving old convictions behind? Are you ready to leave the old world in order to build a new one? As more and more revelations about the destructive and corrupt nature of your present world surface through the “holes in the ice”, the harder you will be challenged, and the greater the fire of truth will burn. We support you on your intrepid journeys, Beloved Inhabitants on “Earth as you still know it”, soon to be released forever, for YOUR EFFORTS will transform her into a completely renewed sphere. Seraphin. Seraphin Message 327: GLOBAL BREAKTHROUGH Through Rosie, 19th February 2018 Breakthroughs can take many forms. They may be ecstatic reunions, gradual merges, a piece of knowledge which slowly dawns or which crashes down with immense impetus on your mental landscapes. “Small” personal breakthroughs may have revolutionarily changed the course of your systems of thinking and ways of living, yet global breakthroughs take on a whole new meaning. We would like to bring two LARGE breakthroughs from the past to your present attention. The first breakthrough is the rolling away of the stone which closed off the tomb of Jesus – an act which revealed that he was NOT THERE, causing widespread incredulity and subsequent (man-made) explanation. We will not linger on this subject matter at the moment (suffice to say that he did not rise to save anyone from sin). This was however, a major BREAKTHROUGH and TURNING POINT, even if not adequately understood or explained in your historical texts. The second major breakthrough we chose for your attention is the discovery of (or invention of, as you would have it) ELECTRICITY or THE ETERNAL LIGHT. We take these two examples – the first exemplifying something NOT BEING THERE, coupled with the second exemplifying something which has ALWAYS BEEN THERE – so that you gain some insight into the BREAKTHROUGHS WHICH ARE NOW ON THE HORIZON. That which shall no longer be here is EVERYTHING WHICH OPPOSES THE LIGHT, and this in its turn will reveal EVERYTHING WHICH IS OF THE LIGHT.

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Light has always represented positivity, warmth, even cosiness, progression, energy and movement. It is the FLAME YOU WILL CARRY AS YOU MOVE FORWARD, THE FLAME WHICH SHALL BURN ALL DROSS, WHICH SHALL LIGHT EVERY CORNER UNTIL NOTHING IS LEFT UNREVEALED. Shadows shall cease to exist. There will no NO HIDING PLACE. This is the major breakthrough facing you. It is your choice whether to consider this a tragedy which you cannot survive, or whether to consider it part of a larger learning process you are presently moving through. In short: will the breakthrough actually BREAK you, or will you move as calmly as possible through it, knowing it is but a precursor of better times to come. For those of you on earth who have already suffered great hardship or famine or violence or forced migration, and who have had to live with few resources, using your creativity and flexibility to survive, this will seem like just another “turn around”. But for those who think they are safely ensconced in their comfortable worlds, this will not be a “walk in the park”, as your saying goes. It will be more akin to a “walk in the desert” where you are alone with your own memories and “demons”. We urge you, as always, to develop a relationship with your inner GOD WITHIN which will be a stalwart companion for you in times when you may consider yourself “deserted”. Yet still the world turns on its axis, as it has always done. You may smile and say BUT NOTHING HAS CHANGED, NOR WILL IT DO SO. If so, you are still not taking our warnings seriously. You may say this to yourselves now, yet the day will come when you will remember our words. This we say in our wish to serve you. Seraphin. Seraphin Message 328: LIGHTWORKERS IN IVORY TOWERS ARISE Through Rosie, 6th March 2018 The great battle is being fought continuously, and those who have delved more deeply into the world of “true and false” suppositions will have noticed the great discrepancies in information, the deliberate attempts to mislead and frame, and the many many rabbit holes into which it is sometimes dangerous to dig. For reasons of survival, others have cemented themselves into “ivory towers” of isolation, yet these also have their purpose and vantage point, as their occupants are able to scan both the surface below and the skies above. BOTH are presently obscured. A “thick fog” presently lies on the ground, blanketing it over almost completely, preventing the truth from surfacing. Simultaneously, a storm rages in the skies, of which the inhabitants on the surface are largely unaware. You who “raise” yourselves to another level and have access to another viewpoint are asked to hold strong in your various locations, for these locations (as this battle commences as planned) are STRATEGICAL AND PIVOTAL POINTS and PART OF THE GAME. Are you still at the stage, Beloveds, where you are unaware of your own energy, of the imprints you have left behind with every step? Do you still consider it immaterial whether you take this route or that, or visit this country or that? EVERYTHING IS BY DESIGN and every piece of knowledge you acquire, every insight which suddenly “befalls” you, happens in DIVINE TIMING to spur you on to the next stage. This last stage on earth has been debilitating. It is as if you are crawling, weighed down by thousands of atrocities and hundreds of wars. And indeed, this is the case, resulting in “storms” of all sorts, seen and unseen.

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Do you believe that the storms would dissipate if your joint POSITIVE energy could be harnessed in a direction which would benefit all? WHAT IS YOUR PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION to “good weather”? And we are not just speaking metaphorically here; your collective negative thoughts and actions and the energy they emit DO CREATE ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCES AND WEAKEN PHYSICAL SYSTEMS WITHIN YOURSELVES AND WITHIN THE PLANETARY BODY, causing the EFFECTS of storms and bad weather. If you really wish to, YOU CAN CREATE BLUE SKIES. So, whatever your present position, KNOW THAT IT IS IMPORTANT and KEEP YOUR EYES WIDE OPEN FOR THE SIGNS THAT WARN YOU THAT EVERYTHING WILL SOON BE BLOWN WIDE OPEN. Accustom yourselves to the idea that tomorrow, everything may be different and that there will be great challenges facing you personally and you as a global population, all as part of this CORRECTING TIME for a planet which is so out of balance. Call upon your inner guides when you feel any sort of “despair” rising within you, and seek their help and advice, for you are surely needed and will be asked to come to the fore. If you are still enmeshed in personal conflicts or accusations against others, or if you have abdicated responsibility and made your happiness dependent on another, or if you have not yet assumed 100% responsibility for your situation, you are not fully qualified to show the way to others. We urge you to keep looking, to exercise your critical faculties with regard to yourselves and your world, so that the great turn towards true progress can finally begin. We thank you, Seraphin Seraphin Message 329: A WARNING: EXPECT THE OPPOSITE Through Rosie, 6th March 2018 We would like to warn you urgently that there is an atmosphere of intense tension on your planet, similar to a balloon ready to burst, like a paper-thin membrane ready to tear, revealing gross corruption and deliberate destruction. This means that you will be forced – at a moment’s notice – or without any notice at all – to give up your immediate as well as your long-term plans, and indeed, all your EXPECTATIONS. Where you expect the situation to be serene and capable of promoting calmness of mind and relaxation, you will find noise, malfunction and dissonance. That which you thought “dead”, may be alive, and that which you thought alive, may be dead. If you expect to take a turn to the right, you will be forced to take a turn to the left. If you expect your normal routine to continue, know that you will be faced with the UNTHINKABLE and with A TOTAL TURNAROUND. If you open certain doors convinced that you know what lies behind them, THINK AGAIN, for you will be shocked and stunned into silence. Thus we ask you all to sharpen your awareness for signs of these changes which are not actually changes but REALITY FORCING ITS WAY INTO YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS. Do not sit back complacently twiddling your thumbs or distracting yourselves from the idea of losing much of what presently occupies your thoughts and your time. You will truly be challenged to stand on your own two feet, without any of the usual props, without any of the usual emotional support and without any of the “normal” comforts and entertainment. In addition to all this, you will be asked to put yourself NOT in first place, but in second place, assisting those who cannot deal with “change” as well as you who have been mentally prepared for same. Perhaps you are not used to being in charge of others, yet you must rise to this occasion as well as you can. This is our wish for you, and this is our warning. Seraphin

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Seraphin Message 330: MORAL CHOICES OR COLLAPSE Through Rosie, 15th March 2018 Another warning to you, Citizens of Earth, who are actually more than citizens of this time and location and whose “life-spans” are far longer, more complex and far-reaching (as far as the consequences of your actions are concerned) than you can presently imagine. This is because you are presently CONFINED to one planet. The reason for this is because many of you are processing IMMORAL deeds from the VERY DISTANT PAST which – not yet having been “corrected” - are still exerting their influence on present day events. Indeed, they have CREATED present day events. This “history” which you drag along in your tow is a debilitating factor, slowing your progress, poisoning the minds of all those who incarnate here to bring LOVE and who are subject to the manipulation and lies served up by the “slave-traders” among you. It has come to the point where you will be forced to redeem yourselves or to be removed from this planet for education elsewhere. Have you made “moral choices” in the past? This is the VITAL QUESTION you need to ask yourselves. Have your actions been in alignment with truth, integrity, respect and benefit for all? It is essential that you retrace your steps and pinpoint exactly and minutely EVERY SMALL AND LARGE DEVIATION, for whatever the size of the “misdemeanor”, it has contributed to the sad situation of a corrupted and abusive society as it is now increasingly surfacing in front of your astonished eyes. Yet you will lose that surprise if you comprehend HOW IT AROSE and THAT YOU HAVE TAKEN PART IN IT. If you are incapable, or stubborn, or unrelenting, if your ego interferes or if you are an espouser of pure evil, your only second choice is COLLAPSE. Ponder this well as we enter the final stages of this period of “dispensation” granted to you to discover your errors and – ultimately – your DIVINITY. Seraphin Seraphin Message 331: CONNECTING HEARTS, HANDS AND MINDS Through Rosie, 10th April 2018 If you are connected to EVERYTHING, dear Beloveds on earth, then you will feel the thumping of earth`s heart when you stand upon her grass, and you will pull and push EVERYTHING with every slightest move of your limbs. It is as if invisible threads are attached to your fingers and toes, stretching far far away to connect with the billions of other fingers and toes of those who reside on this planet. As it that wasn’t enough for your imagination to take in, try on this even larger body for size - that which you touch through these attached threads is part of you and your larger collective body. Imagine that these threads continue beyond the earth’s atmosphere towards other planets, other galaxies and beyond. We try to bring this before your inner eye to suggest to you the IMPORTANCE of your movements, and the SIGNIFICANCE OF YOUR THOUGHTS, for these also travel unimpeded throughout the universe on similar “threads”, affecting all inhabitants on distant worlds. You similarly are on the receiving end of threads from other places, connected to far away beings who send thoughts and also instructions to your planet – a place of such present misery and destruction – and these are mostly MESSAGES OF LOVE AND ENCOURAGEMENT AND ADVICE ON HOW TO COPE WITH AN UNBEARABLE SITUATION. AND OF COURSE, WE ARE SUCH BEINGS THAT TALK TO YOU NOW, MEMBERS OF THE LEGIONS OF LIGHT WHOSE AIM IS TO UPLIFT TROUBLED WORLDS IN MULTIPLE WAYS. THUS YOU EMIT AND YOU RECEIVE, whether you are aware of this or not. If you have developed this awareness, such an ability will assist you when you fall into despair or feel that you are caught in a trap or faced with a wall at the end of a dead end street. There are no dead ends – just

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opportunities to turn around and try another path, simultaneously pulling or pushing all those attached to the ends of your fingertips. We wish to bolster your confidence that yes, YOU ARE THE CENTRE OF THE UNIVERSE in a very definite sense, with the accompanying responsibility. Even if you consider that your actions are carried out in hiding, even if you think that no-one is watching, even if you hide your actions from others, THE THREADS WILL STILL PULL AND PUSH OTHERS. They may not be fully aware of this on the surface, but on a subconscious level, all is known and will surface at some point of the learning journey. So our advice in this still very precarious period is BE AWARE EXACTLY OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Would you like everyone to emulate what you are doing? That is the criteria which we entreat you all to apply – BECAUSE THIS IS ACTUALLY THE CASE: YOUR BEHAVIOUR INFLUENCES THE BEHAVIOR OF OTHERS. There is some talk on your earth plane about “critical mass”. You can play an important part in this, acting in the way that LOVE would act, standing up for your principles, living by ethical standards, showing integrity and honesty and being willing to take risks in order to change situations which very desperately require changing. The only other option is to perpetrate decay and destruction. Non-movement means that others are not moving, and that stagnation arises. We thank all who go into motion with positive and honest purpose. YOU ARE SORELY NEEDED AT THIS POINT. Seraphin Seraphin Message 332: THE EVIL ROUNDABOUT Through Rosie, 20th April 2018 For those who search with open eyes through the crumbling structures of your degenerate society, who recognize that the PILLARS of your constructs are failed and are in fact DESIGNED TO FAIL, you will already have come to the conclusion that DELIBERATE EVIL INTENTION IS AT WORK. How long this has been going on – and indeed the depth and range of depraved activity and deviance from Divine principles – will not however become clear to you until the “dark” itself (which controls not only all situations and all power centres, but all information worldwide) is actually removed. If you get of the “evil roundabout“, expect to feel extremely dizzy, because the roundabout has been turning extremely fast (a fast life, fast food, fast cars – you continue with the examples) in order to make you think that this is an exciting and meaningful way to live. When you get off - especially if the roundabout is still turning at manic speed - the landing may be very hard and may even mean that this is the end of this incarnation for you. Those who descend later, once the roundabout is stalling and has slowed down considerably, will have a better chance of surviving, emotionally and physically. This is why lighted forces are not intent on an “immediate halt”, unless an emergency makes that necessary. You will recognize – following the demise of the “dark” when the roundabout has come to a permanent STOP – that all the “gaps” or ceasing of certain activities were connected with them. You will realise that your own now still much impeded journey will step up 1000-fold in speed and intensity, IF IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DIVINE PLAN FOR THIS PLANET, which is what the “dark” was attempting to prevent. On their removal, you will feel that a great burden has been taken off your shoulders, yet responsibility cannot be shirked. Vestiges of their legacy will still remain within your thought processes and actions and choices, and indeed in your material possessions, until you purge

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yourselves of same, for their influence in every sphere of living has been RAMPANT, as in left to grow without impediment. The remaining “dark” seeds however, must not be provided with food to grow. This will be the task of those dedicated to the transition to a peaceful society. Know that your task is huge, and that it must start without yourselves, recognizing where and how you have been duped, and exactly where improvements in your habits can ensue. A number of you, as agreed by contract, are also carrying “dark” material voluntarily in order to speed up the cleansing process. This shall continue. There is no magic, just one recognition after another, and one good decision following another. Do not lose heart, dear friends, for you are all needed to bring earth into GLORY. To be in a space of initial non-movement will be very difficult to fathom at the beginning. To be away from the evil framework and influence will leave you in a huge rut – another hole you must get yourself out of. You are so used to the crutches which the dark has provided. And these, as we have already mentioned, will become very obvious. All this will force you into true SOVEREIGNTY and INDEPENDENCE. So this in fact has been the true purpose of the dark – for everything has a purpose, and everything must – in the end – find balance, and find its way BACK to the DIVINE. We leave you with these thoughts about the dire and intense situation in which you presently find yourselves. Seraphin. Seraphin Message 333: HANGING FROM A STRING Through Rosie, 29th April 2018 Are you a bastion of strength, a rock which the strongest of tides could never hope to remove, or are you hanging from a thread above the highest canyon, delirious at experiencing the heady heights, removed from all that is paltry, common and mundane, possibly gloating (in the nicest of ways) over the ants which crawl busily on the ground, carrying huge loads, concerned purely with day-to-day dross? If so, you are NOT GROUNDED and NOT CAPABLE of encouraging those on the ground into benefitting from new perspectives, of helping them to grow. Neither do you, from your distant perspective which covers unseen and sometimes overwhelmingly huge realms, appreciate the coordinated movements of the ants, struggling yet helping each other, relieving each other’s burdens. Who will relieve your burdens if you distance yourself, and who will catch you if suddenly, the string on which you dangle is cut? Who will catch you when your guru makes a mistake, or fails to recognize you, or no longer takes your hand? Who will trust you if you remain with very little contact on your “high horse”? You may be unrecognizable, having acquired habits and vocabulary which no-one understands. This is the time when “false beliefs” and “false gods” will be revealed once for all. Clarity will ensue for those with eyes wide open. For those who are “blind”, they will remain so, becoming even more distraught and confused in their “blindness”. This ongoing pain – which must be experienced by some as a result of the cosmic law of cause and effect – will be hard for some of you to bear. It will be even harder to watch. We entreat you to look on with sympathy but remain ROOTED TO THE GROUND and ROOTED IN YOUR OWN DIVINITY, for it is not your task to counter or rebel against the law of cause and effect but to go forward as models of that sort of behavior which CAUSES POSITIVE EFFECT. No disappointment will be too deep to master if you are rooted such. No mountain will be too high to climb if you KNOW YOUR OWN SACRED WORTH, yet each step is yours, determined by your own will, and “short cuts” offered to you by gurus or other outwards sources or entities will mean that your journey may seem shorter, but it will also mean that ESSENTIAL LEARNING STEPS HAVE BEEN

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OMITTED (YOU WILL HAVE “OVERSTEPPED”) and it means that THERE ARE STILL ESSENTIAL LESSONS TO LEARN. Do not deprive yourselves of your learning processes, for these will give you true stability. We leave you with these words which are multilayered and which may trigger memories or thinking processes in some individuals who read this. Always dig deeper, and then you will know the excitement of constant discovery, rather than the excitement of flying high, hanging from a thread which is destined to snap. We would like to see you fly, inhabitants of earth, but for this you do not need to dangle. Instead, you develop your own wings. Seraphin Seraphin Message 334: ANONYMOUS DEEDS AND OUTER PURGES Through Rosie, 2nd May 2018 Some of the “good deeds” which you accomplish are well removed from the public eye, and while this may be disappointing in some respect (for these too can serve as example of THE RIGHT THING TO DO) they also have their place and are rightly kept undercover. To pledge (in public) eternal faith or uncompromising views or extreme unalterable beliefs in what you hold to be true, and which indeed has its roots in revolutionary action which would sweep the earth of its cruelty and criminality, is admirable but not wise, for those with exactly the opposite intentions would strike you down faster than you realise, assessing your fanaticism as a weakness to be exploited, infiltrated and - in the final analysis - destroyed. So many have succumbed to these devious strategies, millennium after millennium. It is naive to think that this is coincidence, or happens in only a few special cases. It is universal, rampant and has been present on your world for an extremely long time, and has now infested every corner as part of a network insatiable for power and control. It is not possible to rise to the “top” of any genre or organization or structure without knowledge of this, or without participation in this, even if intentions are the opposite. Great strength has been shown by those who – despite intricate knowledge of what most would call a vast conspiracy – have been able to scale the heights of power or fame while still retaining their moral integrity, even if this is not on outward display, even if this remains a secret. Your entire society is riddled with secrets both small and huge, in fact, all powerful structures are based on this. The “need to know” principle figures largely in this also. There is also huge ambiguity as to which hand is actually taking action, for much takes place under the cover of other entities. All these operate above the law which is a mere shell in your society, and in fact part of the corrupt scheme to further exactly the opposite of its original purpose. It perpetrates lawlessness under the guise of upholding high moral standards. Those who have survived this “last run” of earth’s history up to its presently advancing turning point, will have done well to survive in face of all these hidden adversaries. Your every action – whatever its quality or intent - is recorded and has had either a positive or negative effect on proceedings. Many have remained anonymous in this, knowing the dangers of bringing out the truth. Yet others have ridden to the fore, demanding and exposing and voicing extreme fury at the state of affairs, and simultaneously putting themselves in immediate jeopardy – a situation which can be clearly seen in the public eye and which intensifies the fear of those who might have had the courage to move forward. We commend such courage on the one hand, and regret the loss of such individuals on the other hand, for their continued work undercover may also have benefitted others, Thus an eternal “see-saw” has been at work here. How far can I go? How much should I compromise? How long shall I stay in the shadows? Whom will it benefit if I speak up? Who will take

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fear if I voice my opinion? Who will recoil in fright if I elucidate the bare truth? How will I be regarded if I say nothing? Is my life in danger? Who is ready to accept wisdom, or a new perspective? Who is ready to DROP EVERYTHING due to a sudden “AHA MOMENT”? Know that the master known as Jesus was always highly aware of who he connected with, what he could say, whom he could reach, and developed methods to achieve exactly the right result. But if his words found no resonance, he stopped immediately. By now you will be realizing what a QUAGMIRE you have collectively created, where dark agents and agents of the light operate in silence, sometimes in public, and sometimes in roles you would not expect. In the end, the INTENT is the deciding factor. Those who have scrambled for fame, oblivious of the pain of others, shall suffer the same fate, and will be disregarded by those who learn the truth. Those who have distanced themselves will find themselves alone. Those who have searched diligently for an opening and who have secured the trust of others, will be able to continue on that road of being trusted. There are so many perspectives and layers to this. It is your task to assess where you presently are and what your next move should be. To be guided by your inner Divine spirit is the best principle, disregarding the noise, carnage and dense confusion around you. You find yourselves in a quagmire, dear inhabitants of earth – in a diseased and crumbling building with a demolition date. Controlled demolition is necessary lest you suffocate your earth and with it, yourselves. Expect holy water to wash away the mud, to cleanse every pore, to wipe off every infamy, and then those who have remained anonymous and with pure intent will come out shining. For what are you answerable? Everything which has happened on your planet is part of you, of your history, possibly of your past incarnations, of your adaptability to present “conditions”, of your slavery to money, of the way you bow your heads in obedience to those in authority who do not wish you well. To be freed of all this will not be enough. You must rise to take on the reins, pulling together, cooperating on all levels to combat any and every insidious lie which surfaces, so that it dies before it is spoken. This is an extraordinary PUBLIC deed which lies ahead of you. Your present anonymous deeds attempting to uplift this earth through “good” are nothing compared with this, for there will be no secrets, no sudden changes, just continuous and sometimes painful progression to complete insight, and purposeful action in alignment with sacred principles. We shudder because we have knowledge of all depravities which have occurred on the earth plane. This is worse than you could ever imagine, and therefore the discovery of such will be deplorable for all concerned. Those who remain here will be those who are capable of remorse, of extending sympathy, of being able to forgive, of pulling themselves together with great determination to build anew. Yet even these brave souls will suffer as a result of the revelations, and they will suffer also for those who perpetrated them and those who suffered under the perpetrators, for LOVE is what they will feel most of all, irrespective of the situation. And it is the LOVE PRINCIPLE which will guide you all on your new steps on a new path to a new earth. Seraphin Seraphin Message 335: MANIPULATION, PARALYSIS AND TURNING AWAY HEARTBROKEN Through Rosie, 4th May, 2018 Emotional, spiritual (and as a consequence, physical) paralysis is rife on your planet, and just as YOU COLLECTIVELY come to a standstill, so must the planet – the bearer of all life – also come to a standstill, simply because IT IS TOO MUCH TO BEAR AND SHE REQUIRES A PAUSE, A PERIOD OF CLEANSING AND RENEWAL, resulting in NEW ENERGY TO START UP AGAIN. Poisonous, repugnant and profane activities have been nurtured and extended until they have become highly organized circles of vice. At the same time, sacred activities involving altruism, wonder of and connection to THE GREAT CREATION DIVINE have been systematically infiltrated without the majority noticing, and have been destroyed from within and without, resulting in ever-

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diminishing circles of fearful, weakened and saddened “saints”, meaning those with high principles, altruistic motives and purity of heart. It is this scenario of extremes in which you find yourselves. You may, so far, have wandered through life without discovering either camp – the extreme evil and the extreme good – and this is proof of the efficiency of the destruction and derailing process – resulting in the quashing of lighted forces and the furtive spreading of iniquity. So many have been successfully “kept in the dark” and continue blithely along narrow paths, demonstrating patterns of behavior which they consider normal but which actually violate Cosmic Law. The majority are not even aware that Cosmic Law exists – another sign that evil forces have triumphed SO FAR. Thus has TOTAL MANIPULATION (and also TOTAL IGNORANCE) been enabled on your planet. Those few who do delve into the hundreds and thousands of “cans of worms” (and yes, they are there if you take the time to investigate) expose themselves to material so horrifying that their reactions are quite understandable. They may recoil in fright. They may become extremely angry. They may be deeply saddened. They may descend into apathy or they may become “paralysed”. Yet others will scoff and laugh and label such material as “conspiracy theories” (a term which has been placed into the public realm by the dark to specifically catch these doubters and to turn them away from the truth). And yet others will research further, connect the dots, build up their knowledge and discuss with like minds. This is not an easy journey, yet it is the path which leads to survival in the sense that KNOWING YOUR ADVERSARY and KNOWING THE ROOTS OF A PROBLEM IS NECESSARY IN ORDER TO FULLY RESOLVE THE PROBLEM. Without this insight, all attempts to correct will be lukewarm, inefficient and superficial, although you may be convinced that they are solid and effective, AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE DARK SIDE WISHES YOU TO BELIEVE. Yet others will turn away, heartbroken. We love you for this, yet to dwell too long in emotional valleys is to let the adversary continue. We urge all planetary inhabitants at this time to SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH, despite inner and outer turmoil, so that you finally are able to free yourselves from your self-made shackles and from those who would imprison you, control you and harm you, even to the extent of planetary extinction if they cannot have their way. In these recent messages we are presenting you with a short precis of THE STATE OF THE WORLD as we see it, in order that you may see more clearly and in order that you may convey your acquired truth to others. Seraphin. Seraphin Message 336: KNOCKING ON HEAVEN’S DOOR Through Rosie, 6th May 2018 How many of you on earth actually go looking for THE DIVINE, instead of being coerced into it and instead of fulfilling the expectations of others? What is the present state of “religious feeling” on your planet? We can tell you that the average spiritual level is extremely low. There are many who never contemplate that there may be any other fulfilling experiences outside of the material plane. Others will blindly accept parameters or rituals which they have “inherited” or succumbed to in fear of what might happen if they don’t (and in such cases, the threat of “hell” is a very effective instrument of creating fear). Some earth inhabitants will actually voice their opinions and their disgruntlement with religious practices which seem out of date, irrelevant and meaningless, and the “anti-Christ” factions rejoice in these people who subsequently proclaim that they are staunch atheists.

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Only a minority will dare to KNOCK ON HEAVEN’S DOOR, which means that they – of their own intent and as a result of their own will – wish to take the first step on the spiritual path, which is to continuously seek self-improvement in alignment with DIVINE PRINCIPLES. When “heaven’s door” opens, these seekers may see a number of different things. They may see a small, miraculously intricate flower which blooms for one minute and dies the next. They may see a constantly rushing waterfall and realise that this river has been flowing for eons before their own birth, and that it will continue to do so after their own death. They may see a fly which is birthed, which grows to maturity, which gives birth and then dies – ALL ON THE SAME DAY. When they open this door, the seekers will also discover A MIRROR IN WHICH THEY SEE THEMSELVES. In short, seekers will gradually become aware of CONTINUOUS FLOW, CONSTANT MOVEMENT AND GROWTH, LIFE FOLLOWED BY DEATH FOLLOWED BY RENEWAL, combined with the realization that they are ALL PART OF THIS GLORIOUS ONENESS and that their own growth and actions can contribute to the GROWTH AND ABUNDANCE AND BENEFIT OF THE WHOLE. This is the base of true spirituality. It has nothing to do with how you spend Sundays, what you repeat others saying, or how you complete old worn rituals instigated by others. Living spiritually means that you are INTENSELY ALIVE and IN THE MOMENT, always on the lookout for EVERY OPPORTUNITY presented to you to make a positive difference. It means humility and service while remaining solidly centred. It does not mean self-congratulation and it does not seek public applause. It is a very personal self-training course. It is not the ritualised, limited “religious” experience which someone else has concocted for you. Let us be clear about the sorry state of religion on your planet: the many different branches which capture you, indoctrinate you, enslave you and alienate you from members of other doctrines are largely RESPONSIBLE FOR DIVISION AND CONFLICT ON YOUR EARTH PLANE. So knock at heaven’s door YOURSELVES, earth inhabitants, and dare to step over the threshold, realising that your SPIRITUAL DESIRE AND THIRST TO LEARN has its roots in the DIVINE PART OF YOURSELF WHICH IS URGING YOU FORWARD. It is for you to start this journey – the most exciting one that you could ever imagine. It can be your comfort and joy in overwhelming circumstances, It will be your strength in the trying times ahead. Seraphin. Seraphin Message 337: YOUR INEBRIATED AND IMBALANCED WORLD Through Rosie, 9th May 2018 How many of your world’s population have never smoked, never drunk, never taken mind-altering drugs and have never taken pharmaceuticals on a daily long-term basis? In one sense, these people are “clean” and “pure” (and indeed babies are often in this state). You may go on short diets or withdraw temporarily from certain substances, or you make take “holidays” to recover or you may undertake courses to purify mind and body, but these measures only scratch the surface and will only bring you brief respite or improvement to your health and “sanity”. What we are trying to say here is that there are YEARS AND YEARS OF ENCRUSTED LAYERS UPON YOU – OLD INGRAINED HABITS WHICH ARE EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO BREAK. In this sense, you are practically unrecognizable compared to your original state. And it is in this weakened state that you are susceptible to all sorts of negative unseen entities who are only too ready to slip through the cracks and latch onto you as their host. All this you do not realize. The concoction of pills and destructive substances you place in and on your bodies (and we do place toxins from tattoos and hairs dyes in this category) accumulate and

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congeal, build up and obstruct, encrust and harden, weaken and encourage breakage. Additives and toxins in food, as well as in the animal flesh you continue to consume, completes the cocktail, to say nothing of the “mind poison” to which you voluntarily subject yourselves through excessive television viewing and excessive time engrossed in social media. All taken together, this is like taking a huge blow from a prize fighter every day, and your distressed and burdened body attempts to REDRESS THE BALANCE AT NIGHT. Your bodies – and often your minds – are working overtime. In order to regain your original “purity” we recommend of course that you limit yourselves concerning ALL THAT WE HAVE MENTIONED, paring away all that is unnecessary to find the REAL YOU WHICH IS OF ITS VERY NATURE DIVINE. This sort of awareness is necessary – within every individual – if the world as a whole is to regain her health and balance. We entreat you to treat yourselves LIKE BABIES, for you would never stuff a baby with sweets, coffee or drugs, and you would not subject it to constant noise or stress. Such is the present state of your world – a place of inebriation, stunted learning abilities and imbalance. We trust that this will – through your own efforts – be different in the future. Seraphin. Seraphin Message 338: YOUR WORLD IS A CESS PIT Through Rosie, 14th May 2018 When you are finally presented, dear inhabitants of earth, with the VAST CESS PIT of your extravagances and wastefulness, to say nothing of the very obvious way you have been ravaging the resources of your Mother Earth for many many years, some of you will crumble with pain, for the extent of this will stretch beyond everything you could possibly conceive of. Those professionals who are confronted with “garbage” on a daily basis will have an inkling of what we are talking about here, yet they also are confined to their own speciality, their own country and their own lifetime experience, whereas this problem is global, long-term and applies to all areas of living and working. All pleasant ideas you may have had about RECYCLING, which have been superficially applied in a few countries, have done little to help (In fact, they soothe and thus deactivate those who think they are “doing good” and thus think that they need do no more). They have but scratched the surface. There is, if you will, an unseen digging machine sponsored by celestial cleaners which is slowly but surely helping to chisel away at the mountains of mental and spiritual garbage (which in turn have manifested as physical garbage) which presently litter your planet. Picking up the pieces, once they have been exposed, will be no easy process. This is not an easily solved scenario. The pieces will be enormous, at first unrecognizable, difficult to assess and difficult to remove. To remove them will be to CHANGE YOUR LANDSCAPE COMPLETELY, and here we are also referring to your mental landscapes. What has been hidden for centuries will come to the surface, and the sudden revelation of these monstrosities will force you – at the very least - to REVISE YOUR LIVES, REVISE YOUR HISTORY BOOKS AND REVISE YOUR IDEAS ABOUT RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. You will not be picking up stones; you will be trying to remove massive rocks which have been capable of crushing you and limiting your independence for eons. You will not be sorting through rubbish with your hands but utilizing your WHOLE BODY WEIGHT and YOUR ENTIRE MENTAL CAPAICTY to understand what has really been going on. You will be faced with UGLINESS IN ALL ITS FORMS, EXTREME BRUTALITY AND EXCESSIVE WASTE, and you will be shocked that all

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this was actually going on in your “back garden” as you lived your humdrum life and went through your various routines. These revelations will put a STOP to all routines and force completely new patterns of thought to form. And those new patterns will be destroyed anew in view of even more revelations, so that patterns of thought will actually become a thing of the past, replaced by a CONSTANT FLOW AND FLUX AND GROWTH IN THINKING PROCESSES, with a view to not only solving the problems at hand (they will not “go away” as quickly as possible and be “out of mind’s eye”), but to solve them ETERNALLY so that this “cess pool” you call earth will never more arise. As always we ask you: WHAT WILL BE YOUR ROLE? Will you turn away and pretend that everything is OK? Will you decide that it is not time to dig deeper? Will you take a shovel and dig around half-heartedly in the mud for an hour? Will you let your emotional reaction incapacitate you? You will need GREAT EFFORT AND GREAT SUSTAINED DETERMINATION IF YOU SERIOUSLY WISH TO RID THE EARTH OF HER ILLS. This is necessary on a physical level, involving the recognition of all resources squandered to support fancy lifestyles. It means detailed investigation into the decimation of all forests and waterways. It means intense investigation into the activities of all organisations and firms concerning their negative effect on nature as a whole. The top priority of such firms must move away from money-making and towards preservation, and your populations must activate their love for earth and their desire to PRESERVE HER INSTEAD OF DESTROYING HER. We remind you that what you see around you is a reflection of WHAT IS INSIDE YOU, and is a result of thousands and thousands of years of human decision-making, in which each individual plays their part. When you recognize such, you will also recognize and utilize your power to create anew. Seraphin Seraphin Message 339: YOUR WORLD OF IMPATIENCE AND QUICK FIXES Through Rosie, 14th May 2018 The problem with “quick fixes”, whatever their context, is that they fix a symptom without investigating the cause. We have already brought this to your attention so many times, yet we wish to reiterate this today, for the problems we have been addressing in recent messages are so huge that you will have to develop new methods of coping with them, emotionally and physically, and new methods of REBUILDING WITH QUALITY MATERIALS ON SOLID FOUNDATIONS. The discovery, cleansing and rebuilding process will be lengthy and complicated – NO QUICK FIXES. Quick fixes are rampant in your world. You will tell children to “never mind” and give them sweets for consolation if something unpleasant happens. You will slip them a pill to quieten them, cure them, or divert them. You will sit them in front of computers and televisions to subdue them. If they are angry you will divert their attention. If they cry you will give them a present. If they shout you will tell them to stop. In doing so, you are CRUSHING THEIR SPONTANEITY, ENTHUSIASM, EXUBERANCE and also their PAIN. To this you have also been subjected, but the pain has only been “covered up” and must arise at some stage. Covering up pain has become a habit – you have chosen your own methods – throwing yourselves into work, into drink, into habits which may be highly problematic but which you prefer to the pain. You have the saying PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE, and indeed much would be achieved if real lasting patience could be practiced. This does not mean short burst of patience but prolonged, calm and studied preoccupation with a person or situation which or who you find irritating (or who triggers your impatience).

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When you are triggered, the feeling is so unpleasant that you want it to disappear immediately, and you grasp at all the methods you have developed to eradicate it as soon as possible. Instead we ask you to BREATHE LONG AND DEEP, holding yourself in DIVINE POISE, CONNECTED TO THE FATHER WITHIN, HOLDING YOURSELF IN SACRED LIMBO so that the desire to “cover up” is extinguished. We know this is not easy, Yet the “quick fixes” are your enemy and you will grow from combatting them. Quick fixes are also rampant in your society. Buy something to fill a need – what you call “retail therapy” – or exploit someone else in all sorts of ways in order to “feel good” or feel superior. You can surely think of many more examples. It is because we love you and are so concerned about your progress that we again draw your attention to such processes, in the hope that your condition and thus your path of recovery will become ever clearer. Seraphin Seraphin Message 340: YOUR WORLD OF LONERS AND DIVIDED LOYALTIES Through Rosie, 21st May 2018 When it comes to working together (and let us make it quite clear that the dire situation on earth requires constant “working together”) there are so many different personalities and sets of behaviours represented on your planet which IMPEDE PROGRESS DRASTICALLY. Let us examine these mind-sets. There are those who push, those who pull, and those who are intent upon their own perception of “how things should be”, although they do not have the adequate technical knowledge or spiritual sensitivity to achieve it. There are those who know all but who are too lazy to apply it or too damaged to voice it. There are those who are experts at oversight but who are not expert in any one thing. There are those who fall out of balance easily. There are those who mediate disagreements constantly, thus preventing necessary discussion and working out conflicts. There are those who work silently and independently behind the scenes but who realise later that they have been rigidly following a direction deviant from the majority. There are those who make uni-lateral decisions as a result of fear or ego, without informing others. There are those who do not take into account the far-reaching effects of their choices on others. There are those who work constantly in the belief that this is their duty, only to collapse from overwork and to accuse others of sloth. There are those who manipulate others into doing what they don’t want to do themselves, using nice words and flattery. There are those who frequently show gratitude to their fellow workers through words of genuine praise, but fail to value their own work.

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There are those who feel the pressure quickly and who resort to frequent breaks to feed their various addictions. There are those who cannot deviate from their own routine under any circumstances. There are those who support the whole company in practical ways, but who simply watch the struggle of their fellows once their own allotted work is done. There are those who are natural born leaders who take on too much responsibility. There are those who are convinced of their mediocrity and insignificance. There are perfectionists who cannot delegate or who draw out processes unnecessarily, causing delays for others. There are those who put in consistent effort and make themselves martyrs. There are those who make promises and commitments which they do not keep. There are those who leave in exasperation because schedules and assignments are changed without their consultation. HOW ON EARTH WILL IT BE POSSIBLE TO UNITE ALL THESE DIVERSE PERSONALITIES – SOME OF THEM COMMUNICATIVE, SOME OF THEM LONERS, SOME OF THEM EAGER FOR HUMAN CONTACT, SOME OF THEM LEADING AND SOME OF THEM FOLLOWING? HOW CAN THEY BE BROUGHT TO CO-ORDINATE A HUGE PROJECT SO THAT IT SUCCEEDS IN SCOPE, QUALITY AND PURPOSE? HOW WILL YOU ALL STAY ON TRACK, ROOTING FOR THE SAME GOAL, CONTRIBUTING IN EQUAL PARTS, TRAVELLING AT A PACE BENEFICIAL FOR ALL RATHER THAN SLOWING EACH OTHER DOWN? HOW ARE YOU GOING TO WORK TOGETHER AS SEPARATE COGS OF ONE ENORMOUS MACHINE? We would like to provide you with some solutions: CONSTANT SELF-REFLECTION AND ASSESSMENT RECOGNITION OF THE DIVINITY IN ALL BEINGS and ABIDING BY COSMIC LAW ON A MINUTE TO MINUTE BASIS. SUPERVISION SESSIONS Ideally, at the end of every working day, people will SIT TOGETHER AND TALK, not boasting about what they have done, but telling each other WHAT THEY HAVE LEARNT and HOW THEY COULD IMPROVE THEIR BEHAVIOUR AND THUS THEIR CO-OPERATION. ABOLITION OF MONEY We are aware that the existence of MONEY ruins many projects. There are those who work too long to get more money. There are those who are paid “flat rates” and who take it easy. There are those who gain financial bonuses for “good performance” or finishing before time, and so they exert unnecessary pressure. There are those who distrust or envy others because they earn different amounts for similar jobs. There are those who work voluntarily who feel entitled to stop whenever they wish. There are those who try and work outside the “system”, who are in some respects pioneers, yet this can also cause problems when working with those within the system. OBSERVANCE OF NATURE Flowers have no ego and do not grow to be the most diligent or beautiful or successful. Plants do not charge for their fruits or pay for the sun and rain. They play no games and they voice no complaints.

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The complex coordinated activities of bees and ants, as we have already mentioned in previous messages, is well worth your observation. In the world of bees and ants, there are no loners who set themselves apart, and no “experts” racing ahead or exerting pressure. Each grows according to their own ability and extends themself as far as possible in service to others. And so you will encounter YOURSELVES in combination with OTHERS, dear inhabitants of earth, as you strive towards your common goal which is REBUILDING YOUR WORLD so that it enjoys ETERNAL PEACE and TOTAL ABUNDANCE for all. Seraphin Seraphin Message 341: YOUR WORLD OF EXPERTS AND EXCESSES Through Rosie, 24th May 2018 To be an “expert” on your world usually means that you are set apart from others due to more specialized knowledge or activity, yet it is this very “setting apart” which gives rise to incredible division in your societies. Specialist knowledge in many fields is of course necessary, yet if the baker who has produced the most amazing cake then fails to greet the person buying it, and fails to recognize the efforts of those whose “expertise” may not be so developed but which he or she could help to improve, then the connection has been lost, and contrary to the present trends in your world, CONNECTION IS EVERYTHING. A network of experts who CONNECT WITH EACH OTHER is also a rarity in your world, since COMPETITION rules, spurred on by fear that something will be taken away from one’s own efforts and achievements. RECOGNITION for all achievements is vital, but on your sorry world this is usually achieved by paying LARGE SUMS OF MONEY. To judge yourselves by how much arrives each month (or not) in your bank account is a grievous error, since you are a SON OR DAUGHTER OF THE DIVINE WHICH DOES NOT USE MONEY AS A MEASURING STICK. Instead, a spiritual measuring stick is used. How easy is it for you to ask forgiveness? How easy is it for you to reassess your own behavior? How easy is it for you to praise others? How easy is it for you to express your emotions and share your feelings? Is your goal a material one or a spiritual one, and do you even know the difference? To examine these questions is to push yourself further down the spiritual path, and it inevitably involves CONNECTING with others and avoiding PUTTING ONESELF OR OTHERS ON A PEDESTAL. We now move on to the subject of EXCESSES, of which there are many on your planet, especially excesses of waste and all manners of abuse. Those who put themselves on a pedestal or regard themselves as special or above others, will also exploit others in order to avoid work or responsibilities which they consider “beneath them”. Thus they may never really understand what excesses they leave behind them as they are not responsible for “cleaning them up”. All sorts of excesses are thus indulged in, without any regard for the consequences. We would like to warn you of the serious need to rein in your excessive behavior and regard the trail of trash in your wake, WHETHER MATERIAL OR SPIRITUAL. And we would urge you to publically acclaim those who remove this waste for you on a daily basis. But yet even more important is to contemplate what you churn out, or what you disregard, WITH A NEW EYE, with the recognition that actually, THERE IS SO MUCH THAT YOU DO NOT NEED, AND WHICH YOU DO NOT NEED TO CONSUME. The feeling of universal brotherhood and sisterhood is that which, if it rises within you like a flame, will burn all such needs for excess. This our message for today. SERAPHIN.

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Seraphin Message 342: YOUR WORLD OF NOISE AND APARTHEID Through Rosie, 25th May 2018 Your earth with all its highways and transport systems and constant carrying of goods hither and thither for the use of a squandering and demanding populace who rely on others for so many commodities, means that you are constantly surrounded by physical noise, unless you manage to “escape” to a more solitary existence away from heavily populated areas. Add to this the constant drone of televisions, computers and radios in many public and private places. Many of you also carry on your person your own source of constant music – or what you call music, for there are certainly much higher genres of pleasing the ear on more highly developed planets than is the case here. They would certainly call it NOISE. And so you are caught between your mobile phones, your shopping malls, your roads and your building sites, exposed to a stream of burdensome energy of which you are becoming less and less aware. And surely, after a while, you will no longer remember what SILENCE is, or what opportunities it can give you. FOR ONLY OPEN, EMPTY AND SILENT “SPACES” CAN PROVIDE ROOM FOR NEW IDEAS AND INSIGHTS. There are those who intentionally augment the noise – underlying it with all sorts of negative energy. This influences the subconscious – in order to subdue you and induce passivity on the one hand, and to incite violence on the other, SO THAT YOU BECOME CONFUSED AND DIVIDED. DIVISION is what apartheid is all about. The louder one party cries, gathering up all those who identify with its claims and desires, the more its opponents start to rally and present the opposite view. If both sides are fired up (and this happens intentionally through agents who incite deliberately) the fire is stoked and you find yourselves unwittingly having to take sides, and you find yourselves in one camp or another. The more groups, the more shouting and proclaiming there is, and the more likely they are to go into conflict when differences become more and more “sharpened”. It is all very well to “shout your truth from the rooftops”, but the resulting commotion – if everyone partakes and develops into “the angry young man”, (or “the angry young woman” - and here you can already see one of the main divisions we are talking about – the division of the sexes) then PEACE and TIME FOR SERENE CONTEMPLATION CONNECTING WITH YOUR DIVINE SELF is gradually eroded from your timetables. You are programmed, dear inhabitants on earth, to take sides and go into battle, and there are all sorts of propaganda machines at work to which you are subjected. You are brought to think that belonging to a group makes you stronger, brings you benefits, and addresses injustice. You may move to be closer to your group, or you may be forced to “relocate” (either mentally or physically or both) to fit in. And what about those who – for whatever reason - be it heritage, skin colour, faith or social status – do not fit into any group at all? These are the OUTCASTS WHICH GROUPING HAS PRODUCED and which is the ENTIRE OPPOSITE OF THE BROTHERHOOD AND SISTERHOOD WHICH IS SO DIRELY REQUIRED TO REDRESS THE IMBALANCE THAT CONFLICT HAS CREATED ON YOUR WORLD. We urge you to LOOSEN your affiliation with organisations which purport to act for you, protect you, represent you and organize you, in favour of BECOMING A UNIQUE, HUMBLE AND COMPASSIONATE INDIVIDUAL WHO THINKS INDEPENDENTLY AND TAKES ACTION WHENEVER REQUIRED, ACCORDING TO HIGH PRINCIPLES. We leave you with this vision of yourselves as MINIATURE WORLDS WITH A POPULATION OF ONE, WHOSE ACTIONS ARE COMPASSED BY CONCERN FOR YOURSELVES AND FOR THE MYRIAD OTHER “WORLDS” LIVING ON YOUR PLANET. Seraphin.

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Seraphin Message 343: PREPARING FOR EXODUS AND REGAINING FREEDOM Through Rosie, 11th June 2018 When you read the title of this piece, you may well assume that there is some unpleasant news in the pipeline - thoughts stimulated by the word “exodus” which means mass departure. How this specifically affects you will depend on a variety of circumstances, including your level of maturity, integrity, honesty and ability to move forward. This we mean in the spiritual sense – whether you are able to “move on” after experiencing whatever it is that is irking you – insults, tragedies, accidents, self-imposed restrictions or those imposed by others. This is a time when restrictions shall become LIFTED. For some that will mean FREEDOM from all sorts of obstacles and limitations. For others, this will mean FREEDOM TO CONTINUE IMPRISONMENT ELSEWHERE, because you still feel cosy and content in your “prison” and in your lack of forward movement. Where do you stand in all this? Do you even realise that for all of your life up until this point, you have been IMPRISONED? And if so, do you really understand the extent of the imprisonment and the depths to which it has sunk into your way of being, blinding you to the possibility that all this is the exact opposite of “normal” development on an evolutionary planet? The time comes ever nearer when your eyes will be forcibly opened. All will receive the OPTION TO SEE EVERYTHING FOR WHAT IT IS. Those who are able to assimilate, process and start anew, will do so. Those who close their eyes again instantly after SEEING WHAT REALLY HAPPENED, are in no position to deal with the situation, LET ALONE TO REVERSE IT – and this will be the main task of those who can LOOK IT STRAIGHT IN THE EYE WITHOUT FLINCHING. It is these people who will be able to go into action despite the horrors, who will gently usher their companions to join them, who will immediately make suggestions and offer condolences when appropriate. Planet earth requires a whole new army to “fight the good fight”, in the wake of all those who have been doing the opposite for millennia. So will you crumble in shock, or will you rise to the occasion? Will you be part of the mass exodus, still willing to be kept under someone’s yoke, or will you REGAIN YOUR FREEDOM and put it to excellent use for the benefit of all remaining. We await your choices. Seraphin. Seraphin Message 344: TAKING ON THE GIANTS Through Rosie, 16th June 2018 Giants are, in your imagination, huge mythical figures with immense strength and power, and though their tall stature is missing, you do have “giants” with great power populating your earth, without your specific knowledge. They are, if you will, in another realm beyond your perception. Make no mistake: they have, until now, been in complete control of your politics, your society, and indeed OF YOUR MINDS. It is this last factor which has enabled all else. If your thinking processes are under control (AND THEY ARE!) then it does not matter if the “giants” make a slip here and there, if they reveal their devious plans or their identity on occasion, or if they openly celebrate evil, because YOUR MIND-SET WILL NOT TAKE SERIOUS NOTE, because you have been TRAINED TO BE TOLERANT, TO TURN A BLIND EYE, AND TO DILIGENTLY FOLLOW THE PATTERNS OF THINKING WHICH HAVE BEEN INSTILLED IN YOU BY THE MEDIA WHICH – SURPRISE SURPISE! – ARE ALSO UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE “GIANTS”. You may ask WHO ARE THESE CREATURES WHO ARE IN POWER AND WHO ARE MANIPULATING OUR PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE? The fact that many would ask this question indicates how successful they have been in their strategies, especially the strategy of NOT LETTING

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ON WHO THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY DO. DISGUISE and DEFLECTING YOUR INTEREST IN OTHER DIRECTIONS is their major achievement. It is time to free yourselves from such fetters, citizens of earth which is the giants’ playground. They have had a “field day” with you, but the tables will soon be turned WITH YOUR HELP, for YOU ARE MANY and THEY ARE FEW. Think GULLIVER IN LILLIPUT. Are you happy with the present state of the world? Can you imagine that the “giants” have orchestrated all the appalling atrocities which have taken place, and which are still taking place? You have been PAWNS IN THEIR HANDS, and it is time to recognize this and put them out of business. Awaken, awaken, dear citizens of earth. It is not time to bask in the sun and “rest on your laurels”. It is time to investigate, critically appraise, and to boldly point out THAT WHICH DOES NOT ALIGN WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES. When all is exposed, WITH YOUR HELP, the rule of the “giants” will be at an end. We salute all those who resolve to TAKE THEM ON. Seraphin. Seraphin Message 345: STOP AND GO Through Rosie, 27th June 2018 We are focusing on this subject today, in June of 2018, because you will be encountering may cases of STOP AND GO in your personal lives as well as in your collective existence. Your earth also is stuttering, overloaded with constant vibrations of deliberate violence, carelessness, apathy, laziness, criminal activities and abuse which are by no means balanced out by those who seek to improve outward conditions and inner stances of behavior which are the CAUSES of the outward conditions. The conditions are the EFFECTS OF SUCH CAUSES, AND EVERYTHING WHICH HAPPENS ON THIS PLANET WILL REVERBERATE AROUND THE PLANET EVENTUALLY. THUS, IF ONE AREA APPEARS TO FLOURISH AND “FLOW”, IT WILL EVENTUALLY BE AFFECTED BY “STUTTERINGS” from elsewhere, and though everything may seem to be flourishing in your own back yard, then this does not necessarily mean that it will continue to do so. A storm may break although there are bright patches of sunshine between the clouds. All exists simultaneously, and all is connected. Thus, APPEARANCES MAY BE SUCH THAT YOU THINK YOU ARE IN A STOP AND GO SITUATION, BUT ACTUALLY EVERYTHING IS PART OF THE SAME THING – THE SAME ORGANISM STRUGGLING TO FREE ITSELF AND REBALANCE. This “struggle” is inevitable as conflicts intensify, and there are those who awaken and stretch out their feelers to find “the DIVINE” – to find true values and fulfilment and to discover and manifest the behavior which generates PARADISE rather than the chaos which seems to be increasingly parading before your eyes. This “stretching towards the DIVINE” is coupled with the realization of one’s own DIVINITY and the POWER TO CHANGE THE PRESENT UNSATISFACTORY NARRATIVE. The “STOP AND GO” situation at this time is that those who search will be repeatedly thwarted by THOSE WHO INTENTIONALLY SEEK TO DESTROY POSITIVE FORWARD MOTION. They (still, but not for so much longer) have the power to prevent the truth from surfacing – to quench those who develop life-saving medicines, to threaten those who develop life-changing technologies which benefit all - BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT TO BENEFIT ALL: THEY WISH TO BENEFIT THE FEW – which is actually THEMSELVES. There is also a third set of those caught in STOP AND GO SITUATIONS, and these are the ones controlled by blackmail or money where the conflict is WITHIN THEMSELVES, asking the question SHALL I GO AND SPILL THE BEANS and risk grave harm to myself, or SHALL I STOP AND NOT SPILL THE BEANS and still create harm to myself and others. Conscience is pulling strongly in these

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ones, and there will be a stage where many come forth, and many decide to step out of the picture. Unfortunately, suicide – the FINAL STOP – and the FINAL SELF-CENSORSHIP – will multiply as a result. With this piece we would like to urge you to self-observe your own STOP AND GO situations, your struggles to move ahead in a more GODLY DIRECTION. And know that the more you strive, the more you can expect blockages. Nevertheless, your attempts at forward movement are vital, for they are all SEEN, NOTED, RECORDED AND FELT, not only in the archives kept for recording planetary development, but in the very SUBSTANCE of the planet herself. SHE CAN FEEL YOUR VIBRATION AND YOUR INTENT. SHE CAN SYMPATHISE WITH YOUR STRUGGLES BECAUSE THEY ARE HER OWN. At this vital point in the proceedings, we ask you to continue along your chosen paths to benefit others, in all the various avenues which this involves, so that one day, the STOPS will finally be gone, and so that all can co-create unhindered to perfect your society and ensure universal happiness. Do not underestimate the importance of what you are doing, thinking and discussing. Every second counts. We look forward with anticipation to future developments and the tipping of the scales. Seraphin. Seraphin Message 346: A THOUSAND SUN-DRENCHED YEARS: A MESSAGE OF HOPE Through Rosie, 10th July 2018 Can you imagine, Beloveds on Earth (who have at the very least lived through a thousand years of abomination, corruption and war) that the tables can suddenly be turned, followed by a thousand “sun-drenched” years of peace and prosperity? Many cannot imagine this: some are intensely aware of the depths of the abomination and depravity, and thus they cannot imagine that the GRASP which this has on your society will ever weaken. Others cannot imagine a great swing towards peace because they feel helpless. They are UNAWARE of their own power, including their power to CHANGE THE PRESENT STATUS QUO WITH EVERY SMALL POSITIVE THOUGHT AND ACTION. Yet others live in their own safe worlds and see nothing. This message is NOT A HARBINGER OF MAGIC WHICH COULD RAPIDLY TRANSFORM YOUR WORLD INTO A PARADISE, but it IS a harbinger of the AMAZING EFFECT which your JOINT INSIGHTS AND POSITIVE INTENT WILL CAUSE, ONCE THE BLINKERS HAVE FALLEN FROM YOUR EYES – once your narrow, one-sided view EXPANDS and DEEPENS to include so many more perspectives. Make no mistake: THOSE PERSPECTIVES are being increasingly PRESENTED TO YOU if you OPEN YOUR EYES. The various crises in your social, political and governmental systems are SURFACING and will soon be visible to all who are STILL SCRATCHING THE SURFACE. This will not be a shock for those who have already dug beneath the surface (and who have, we may add, suffered for many years under accusations of being “conspiracy theorists”, whereas many would be better described as DISCOVERERS OF THE TRUTH). Those who have not done any digging will turn into the helpless ones, looking around themselves for orientation. And yes, help will be at hand for those who wish to learn. And when all have started on this path of learning AND HEALING, then the path to paradise IS ASSURED. We support you unconditionally on this journey, Seraphin

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Seraphin Message 347: HOLD ONTO YOUR HATS: THE DESCENT BEGINS, THE DIVINE RE-ENTERS Through Rosie, 19th July 2018 Dear friends on Earth where the surface is surely REVERBERATING with so much that is unclear – a constant clash of lies and truth – and certainly your MOTHER EARTH is being heavily negatively burdened by this as a result. We revert now to an image previously used (and widely used to indicate a very sudden change in pace) – that of the rollercoaster. You are truly at the top of the climb which has been long, steep and tedious, requiring vast amounts of energy and patience, not being able to see a clear horizon, unaware of the depths to which you will plummet, unaware of the feeling of “sickness” which will hit your stomach once you find yourselves in “freefall”. Freefall you will, and the downward pull will be devastating. Only those who have prepared themselves on all levels, and those who are solidly grounded in sound cosmic principles (Note: see Phoenix Journal 27 for further information) will be able to pull themselves together and act according these principles. “Hats” may well be lost on the way. Alternatively, your “hats” in the sense of possessions or material gain or physical gratification will PALE in the face of events and revelations which condemn your world view, your highly held ideals, your convictions, your meticulously acquired deep but also deeply erroneous knowledge. All this you must let go. Simultaneously, you will rush through new “landscapes” an enormous pace, causing you to clutch at each other in panic. For some, this will be too much. They will refuse to believe the new paradigm being presented and the new facts which are brought to light. The most devastating revelation will be your NEW VIEW OF YOURSELVES, and those who were previously revered for certain assumed qualities will subsequently be reviled and imprisoned. Does this sound like exaggeration, citizens of earth? You will soon come to see that individuals as well as organisations and governments will fail and fall. Will you fall with them, kicking and screaming against the truth, or will you go into still review of your life, assessing all of it in order to stop the weeds and retrieve the seeds which are so necessary for the PLANTING OF A NEW EARTH. For the old SHALL FALL, and all your corruption and violence with it. REJOICE THAT THIS WILL COME TO PASS, EVEN IF IT MEANS INDIVIDUAL DISCOMFORT AND PERSONAL LOSS, FOR THE DIVINE IS RE-ENTERING YOUR LIVES. Seraphin Seraphin Message 348: THOUGH I WALK THROUGH THE VALLEY OF DEATH; FEARS AND FACTS Imagine you can see two tall mountains in the hazy distance. If you look out of the window of your vehicle in that particular direction, you may see them, and you may see them approach ever closer. Yet if your hands are on the steering wheel constantly, and if you are concentrating on getting through heavy traffic, you will not take in the full height and magnificence of these mountains. Instead you may be swerving, cruising or stopping for some distraction along the way. But the journey WILL continue and you WILL move ever nearer to them. Their outlines become ever clearer and ever darker until you find yourself directly between them and completely in their shadow, from one moment to the next. At this point the words THOUGH I WALK THROUGH THE VALLEY OF DEATH may occur to you, for the daylight is lost, your car lights fail to work and there is no way of

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orientating yourself. An icy wind begins to blow. You know that if you stay in your car, you will probably not survive, so you override your fear, get out and start to GIVE VOICE, hoping that someone else will answer with a supporting word, hoping that someone else will light a match, hoping that the great swathe of uneasiness will dissipate. You must GIVE VOICE, or you will be cut by the wind, lashed by the rain, left to “wild animals” and presumed dead. Many will automatically scream OH GOD, and indeed talking to “God”, which is in essence talking to the divine part of yourself as a fractal of the GREAT CREATION, is the optimal path, and trust in this path means losing your FEAR. This is the juncture at which you find yourselves, Beloveds. Will you panic in fear or will you find that incorruptible sacred part of yourself and use this base to connect with others, consolidating facts and telling your own personal stories? Will you “lighten” the burdens you carry and thus doing so compassionately lighten the burdens of others which have been carried through millennia of “darkness”? Will you “seize the day” at that very moment of being stranded and alone, or will you succumb to the darkness and to the predators who created it? We suffer for you as we see you approach this “gnashing of teeth” which is the inevitable outcome for some – for those who decide never to admit and never to relent, who thrash around wildly with their cries of war, flailing around dangerously and defiantly in the dark, eternally proud of the contribution they made towards its creation and continued maintenance. With those who step out bravely and tell all, who gather audiences, who stalwartly exhume their most painful experiences in order to enlighten others, we pledge our protection and support. We wrap you in our arms and commend you for deciding that the fate of humanity is more important than the fate of yourself, for you are those who blow the whistle so that others can avoid danger and see so clearly that they can take concrete and decisive action to ensure that such episodes never again ensue. Seraphin SERAPHIN ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS HERE: Link to Seraphin website (Older messages): Link to TALK IT UP FORUM (More recent messages): SERAPHIN TEACHING VIDEOS
