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What is inside your website?

Have you chosen a good hosting?

Is your code optimized? (JS, CSS)

Are the texts unique? Do they contain right keywords?

Do you have internal links?

What about links to other websites? Are they closed from indexation?

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Is your content popular?

Do you get “likes” around the Internet?

Do you have testimonials on other websites?

Is your content being copied?

Do you have off-line mentions?

Do you have paid traffic?

Do you have backlinks?

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Commercial factors:


Visible phone-number

Feed-back form

Online support

Clear terms of delivery and pricing

Availability of goods and services


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MOZ studies show that links have

great power to influence Google


Google also many times said that

links will have big impact on

search results in future years.

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Different kinds of links. Good and bad.

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Links are references to your website from other websites. Like in a library.

A link helps us find related information and thus to make our experience on the Internet more productive.

Actually, links of any kind are the basis for many search algorithms.

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Each link shares with the receptor some weight of the referring website. Like when people introduce other people they share their reputation.

Internal links transfer weight within the website.

External links do it between websites.

Google usually ranks better linked sites higher.

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A good link is visible both to the user and to the search engine. There is no need to hide links from Google.

If the link is hidden (i.e. out of visible area of the website) it is strange and Google can think it is spam.

Good link

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Internal links help navigate inside your website. The better is the navigation, the sooner the users will find useful content.

The search engines usually like to have 3 clicks up to the goal.

External links lead to your website. These links are good for two reasons: people can find you on the web and Google can find you on the web with its bots.

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Some publishers use so called link-farms. They place 100s of links on one page.

Some other guys put site-wide links. That means, that links are the same on each page.

And some publishers do both:)

This can cause huge damage to the websites they are referring to. Or at least have no use.

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Manual. Organic. Automated.

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The process is rather simple:

1. Find an appropriate publisher.

2. Negotiate the pricing.

3. Agree about the link URL, anchor text, lifetime of backlink.

4. Find a payment solution and pay.

5. Control the placement.

6. Pay again for next period.

7. Send a removal request after some time.

8. Check if the link was removed.

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This is even easier than the manual placing!

You just need to create content everybody (or at least someone…) will like.

Come on! Everybody does it!

But how shall other people find your content? And if your website is new?

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The jobs needed to place a backlink we have discussed when talking about manual link earning.

The automation does most of the jobs for you. What remains is to decide about right keywords and the budget.

The process is really simple:

1. Select keywords.

2. Decide on budget.

3. Start the project.

The rest is automated.

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So, there are not really many options:

1. Wait until Google comes to check your website and referring sites once again.

2. Report all referring pages to Search console.

3. Use some automation to push the referring sites and pages to index.

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Focus on the keywords.

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Anchor texts.

Quantity of links for one keyword and the website.

Location of the link on the referring website.


Indexation speed.

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Leave only the jobs for yourself only you can do.

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Check of your website for promotion readiness.

Competition based pricing estimation.

Target page assignment.

Backlinks quantity estimation.

Search for publishers.

Price negotiation with publishers.

Placement control.

On delivery payment.

Old links removal.

Daily performance check.

Positions change tracking and reporting and more…

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Link building is very advanced in Russia. 9 years ago we had to work with 100 customers, each of them had about 200 keywords in promotion.

Our link building department was 20 people. And they made mistakes, because they had to control very many things.

The customers were not satisfied.

That was the reason why we decided to automate the process of linkbuilding.

Currently we have about 300.000 customers and around 17.000.000 backlinks active every day.

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