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Learning Software Engineering Basic Concepts using a Five-Phase Game

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Session S2D

Learning Software Engineering Basic Concepts using a Five-Phase Game

Abstract - Unfortunately, the stereotype of a software engineer or computer scientist is one who spends his whole day in a cubicle programming. Other aspects of software engineering, such as holding meetings with the customer and users to gather requirements, documenting requirements, design, and testing are not talked about. Many middle and high school students believe this stereotype and become disinterested in a prospective career in software engineering. As a result, we developed a game prototype to teach software engineering basic concepts to middle and high school students. Our game allows a student to explore the various phases of the software life cycle, which are requirements, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. The waterfall software life cycle was practiced while developing this game, and every student in the Information Visualization course participated equally in the development of the game. In addition, visualization techniques were used to develop this game. Index Terms – K-12 Education, Software Engineering Education, Information Visualization, Educational Games


The role of a software engineer can mean many different responsibilities. A software engineer can communicate with the customer, design the software system, implement the design, test the software, deliver it to the customer, perform maintenance, or handle project management. Unfortunately, students in adolescence do not fully understand the profession. This leads to youth not pursuing a profession in software engineering or computer science. Due to faulty stereotypes, teenagers view this job as one where one would sit in a cubicle all day and never communicate with other people. Another common belief is that the whole job is centered on programming [1]. In a study performed at University of Colorado at Boulder, almost half of students in CS1 believed that computer scientists spend a lot of time working alone, and three quarters believed that computer scientists’ work is mostly programming [2]. People do not realize that other fields with educational backing need to be used, in addition to general skill sets.

Gaming emphasizes entertainment, which can have its benefits, but could be far more powerful if it were used as an educational tool. Very few companies have successfully developed games that actually teach something to our youth.

Teenagers learn from playing computer games, but many games do not educate or provide false information [3].

The goal of our project was to develop a game that can be used to effectively teach middle and high school students, with limited or no computer science background, what the daily life is like for a software engineer. Teaching software engineering concepts is not an easy task, due to constant change and its broad nature, and creative ideas such as virtual laboratories and PDA’s have been proposed [4]. The goal of our game is similar, which is to provide a unique, but effective tool to teach young students basic concepts of software engineering.


Our game was developed during the Fall 2009 semester at Rowan University, in a course titled Information Visualization. One of the course’s learning outcomes is for students to explore graphics programming and theory and application of visualization principles. Separation of concerns was practiced, as the class was divided into five teams. The class was comprised of twenty five undergraduate students and five graduate students, which were divided into five teams comprised of five undergraduate students and one graduate student each.

The outcome of our overall game is to develop a website for a hypothetical company and it is comprised of five individual mini-games, each with the goal of introducing basic concepts for each of the five software engineering phases of the waterfall lifecycle model: requirements, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Each team developed a mini-game concurrently, independently, based on their phase selection. Despite the development efforts being independent, the graduate team leaders had to meet on a regular basis to ensure that the overall game would function properly. Each mini-game was responsible with providing output to following phase and relied on input from the preceding phase. Graduate team leaders had to clearly communicate their requirements to their preceding and succeeding phases so the final product would function. By setting up the class into several teams, each student was exposed to the entire development process of their mini-game, which leads them to be better software engineers [5].

Our development methodology was carefully selected to allow every student to be involved in each phase of the software lifecycle [6]. Each team had to produce requirements for their mini-game, which the preceding phase

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0 ©2010 IEEE40th ASE

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0 ©2010 IEEE40th ASE

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0 ©2010 IEEE40th ASE

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Session S2D

978-1-4244-6262-9/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE October 27 - 30, 2010, Washington, DC 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference S2D-5

of the nine students thought that it was important to have a plan and indicated that the overall success of a project would be in jeopardy without some planning and organization. After playing the game all nine of the participants answered that planning and organization was more important. They indicated planning and organization would help the workflow and contribute to the overall success of a project.

III. Implementation Phase

The participants were asked if software can be developed in different ways. All participants answered that it was important to look at different methodologies and programming languages before implementing a solution. After playing the game the answers provided by the participants indicated that programming is complex, the time constraints of the project must be taken into consideration, there are many different ways to approach a problem, and that organization is key in the overall success of a project.

IV. Testing Phase

The participants were asked about the importance of thoroughly testing software. The participant’s answers prior to playing the game indicated some understanding of the role of testing in the software lifecycle. One of the nine participants did answer that testing was important to ensure the customer’s specifications were met. After playing the game eight of the participants answered that thorough testing was important to catch bugs in the code and one still answered that testing ensured the customer is satisfied.

V. Maintenance Phase

The participants were asked what they learned about software maintenance. Prior to playing the game four of the participants answered that software maintenance meant debugging the code, two answered maintenance meant getting rid of bugs, one answered maintenance meant taking care of the software and modifying if necessary and the remaining two participants answered that software is unpredictable and always changing and that using different programs helps bring out more effective results. After playing the game three of the participants answered maintenance is difficult, one answered that sixty seven percent of the project budget could be allocated for maintenance, and one answered everything in software is connected. Two participants provided no answer to the post game question.

VI. Conclusions

The results of the pre and post questions indicated overall that the participants gained some better understanding of the software lifecycle, but that the maintenance phase seemed to be the most confusing to the participants. This would tend to indicate a need for enhancements in that phase of the game.


Although our game covers all phases of the software engineering waterfall lifecycle, it has a compartmentalized

feel to it. This is expected, as different teams developed each phase, but it would be ideal to have one game that teaches all aspects of software engineering.

A persistent, three-dimensional world where the player has a character in a sandbox experience is the optimal way to teach challenging concepts. The player is not constrained to a linear, repetitive game in a realm like this. The player is able to interact with other characters and to work on projects. The success and failure a character experiences when dealing with others would simulate real life software booms and busts that occur yearly.

Software engineering deals with methodology and practicalities of delivering usable software. Communication, teamwork, documentation, version control, and implementing large projects are all parts of this field. Small games can teach basic concepts from each of these experiences, but ideal is a game that combines all of these lessons into one experience where consequences matter to the player, so they will learn from it.


In this paper we have presented an effective game for educating middle and high school students about software engineering. Students who played our game were able to appreciate the software engineering profession. Each mini-game provides valuable lessons about a particular phase of the software engineering lifecycle. The game does not have a learning curve, which means any individual will be able to play our game and learn about software engineering.

The university students became better software engineers through this experience. By employing a methodology where the class was divided into teams, each university student was responsible for deriving requirements, designing the game, providing implementation, and running test cases. Each team had to derive requirements from other teams, since each mini-game related to another mini-game in the overall application. Each student was provided with the opportunity to contribute equally to each phase of their respective game. By having each phase developed independently and concurrently, university students were exposed to real-world-like environment, where each team had to communicate requirements, design, and test cases to one another.


We thank all students in the Fall 2009 Information Visualization course at Rowan University who helped developed this game, and to students at Williamstown High School, lead by their instructor, Mary Peacock, for their participation in our evaluation study.


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Session S2D

978-1-4244-6262-9/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE October 27 - 30, 2010, Washington, DC 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference S2D-6

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Adrian Rusu, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Rowan University, [email protected] Robert Russell, Graduate student, Department of Computer Science, Rowan University, [email protected] John Robinson, Instructor, Department of Computer Science, Rowan University, [email protected] Amalia Rusu, Assistant Professor, Department of Software Engineering, Fairfield University, [email protected]