  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation



    Moving to SAP Business Planning and

    Consolidation: echnical ips and Advice onSAP BPC !"."/!".! Migration and#mplementation

    What will change when moving from Excel-based budgeting and planning to an integrated SAP

    Business Planning and Consolidation platform? ow do !ou prepare" and which BPC release will

    !ou choose?

    BPC experts and Financials 2014 Singapore spea#ers Puneet $upta" %ranthi %umar and

    San&eev 'ehta of CP' Consulting too# reader (uestions in this )*A on planning for an SAP BPC

    implementation or migration+

    ,iew the chat repla! here to review this online )*A+ ou can also read the edited transcript" below"

    where highlighted a few #e! areas of (uestions - basic overview of BPC /0+0 and /0+/" BPC

    features and changes from previous releases" BPC integration with other solutions and tools" and a

    number of (uestions on BPC scripting including 123+


    Allison Martin, SAPinsider, Financials 2014: Welcome to toda!4s chat on moving to SAP

    Business Planning and Consolidation /0+0 and /0+/+

    54m pleased to be &oined b! Puneet $upta" %ranthi %umar" and San&eev 'ehta" of CP' Consulting+

    6hese three EP' consultants and experts are also spea#ers at our upcoming 1inancials 70/8

    event in Singapore+

    Puneet $upta is 'anaging Partner and a co-founder of CP' Consulting+ %ranthi %umar" Associate

    Partner" CP' Consulting" brings a special focus on EP' and SAP Process Control+ And San&eev

    'ehta leads the Consolidation practice" with more than /9 !ears of SAP and 1inance experience+

    $entlemen" than# !ou for &oining us:

    Sanjeev Mehta, CPM Consulting: Allison" it is our pleasure to be &oining !ou toda!+

    Puneet Gupta, CPM Consulting: i" all+ app! to &oin the chat toda!+

    Allison Martin: Puneet" %ranthi" and San&eev" readers started posting (uestions for !ou last wee#"

    so we4ll let !ou respond to those now:

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation



    BPC !"." and !".! $verview

    Coent Fro C! Chiu

    Could "ou please e#plain: $hat is %PC&

    Sanjeev Mehta: SAP BPC is SAP Business Planning and Consolidation+ 5t is an integrated tool

    which supports ;egal Consolidation" 'anagement A planning functionalit! previousl! #nown as PA% or FPlanning Applications %itF

    where a lot of the BW 5ntegrated Planning capabilities got pushed down into A>AD+

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    6he nified model also includes functionalit! found in BPC /0+0 and the Classic odel such as

    Business Process 1lows and Wor# Status+ Both the Classic and nified models share use of the

    EP' Add-5n for Excel similar to SAP BPC /0+0D+


    Coent Fro (arthi

    $hat is the di++erence et)een -P and %PC&

    Puneet Gupta: 5n BPC /0+0 >W" 5P concepts are foreign or have a logical e(uivalent+ 1or

    example" Characteristic A " including Gata Slices and Characteristic

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    ou will find the bigger differences with the new Fnified Embedded 'odelF option which is ver!

    similar to SAP BW.s planning capabilities #nown as F5ntegrated PlanningF but leverages and

    therefore re(uiresD A>A planning functionalit! previousl! #nown as PA% or FPlanning

     Applications %itF where a lot of the BW 5ntegrated Planning capabilities got pushed down into

    A>AD+ 6he Fnified 'odelF also includes functionalit! found in BPC /0+0 and the FClassic 'odelF

    such as FBusiness Process 1lowsF and FWor# StatusF+ Both the FClassicF and FnifiedF 'odels

    share use of the EP' Add-5n for Excel similar to SAP BPC /0+0D+


    Coent Fro C! Chiu

    Could "ou please highlight ne) +unctions in version 10*1&

    Sanjeev Mehta: All the features and functionalities of previous versions of BPC are available in

    BPC /0+/+

    BPC /0+/ has the following new features

    - A >EW 6';@ Web Client for smoother navigation and mobile readiness+

    - A >EW Embedded model with tighter integration with SAP Business Warehouse to maximie


    5n order to answer the (uestion there is a #e! distinction to be made between the Fnified 'odelF

    and FClassic 'odelF in SAP BPC /0+/+

    6he FClassic 'odelF is ver! similar to SAP BPC /0+0 with new functionalit! in the web interface

    based on 6';@ instead of Adobe 1lex technolog! in order to better support mobile devices along

    with EP' nwiredD+

    ou will find the bigger differences with the new Fnified 'odelF option which is ver! similar to SAP

    BW.s planning capabilities #nown as F5ntegrated PlanningF but leverages and therefore re(uiresD

    A>A planning functionalit! previousl! #nown as PA% or FPlanning Applications %itF where a lot of

    the BW 5ntegrated Planning capabilities got pushed down into A>AD+ 6he Fnified 'odelF also

    includes functionalit! found in BPC /0+0 and the FClassic 'odelF such as FBusiness Process

    1lowsF and FWor# StatusF+ Both the FClassicF and FnifiedF 'odels share use of the EP' Add-5n for 

    Excel similar to SAP BPC /0+0D+


    Coent Fro nag

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    Are there are an" signi+icant changes3iproveents3ne) +eatures in 10*1 Classic copared

    to 10*0 '$, other than ne) -&

    (arthi5 A6: es" BPC /0+/ classic has got a new web interface in Classic StandardD+ 5t also

    enables !ou to wor# along with the nified EmbeddedD model" which will help !ou gain the

    benefits of B5-5PPA% features too+


    Coent Fro Mohaed -l"as Ansari

    $hat are the shortcoings3liitations o+ the %PC 10*1 uni+ied odel as copared to %PC


    Sanjeev Mehta: 1irst of all" BPC /0+/ unified * BPC /0 which uses the classic approachD are

    different in man! aspects+

     As of now" BPC /0+/ unified still uses BW modelling functionalities * EP' Add-in is used primaril!

    for reporting+ So as such we cannot point out limitations+ But !ou can sa! BPC /0+/ has all its

    modelling done in BW and does not support functionalities li#e wor# status" &ournals" consolidation"



    Coent Fro C! Chiu

    $hat is di++erence et)een %PS and %PC&

    Sanjeev Mehta: BPC is a single" unified" and integrated platform for all !our planning" budgeting"

    forecasting" and consolidation re(uirements+

    BPC is a business-driven environment" rather than 56-driven+ 1or an! 56 owned s!stems" a ver!

    significant pain point for an end user is having to wait for 56 to ma#e their re(uested changes+Because BPC can be maintained b! the business" it puts the power bac# in their hands+ BPC is

    seamlessl! integrated with 'S 2ffice tools+


    Coent Fro 7d

    Can "ou coent on the use o+ eedded %PC and client strateg"&

    Sanjeev Mehta: Customers evaluating the BPC embedded model coming from a BPC H+3/0+0B5-

    5P environment can ta#e advantage of new features" such as

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    • Geeper BW 5ntegration I Abilit! to access data and masterdata from infocubes based on similar 

    'ultiple %e! 1igureD data structure

    • Planning Sessions I Creation of JWhat-5fK scenarios based on full data sets" optimied b! SAP


    • 'atrix Securit!

    • Calculated %e! 1igures 5nverse 1ormulas - Gimension members defined b! a formulaL with

    input enablement

    • Cell ;oc#ing - %eep measure values fixed upon calculations when performing items such as

    disaggregations or inverse formulas

    5n short " BPC embedded is more applicable for customers familiar with the B5-5P environment+


    BPC %eatures& Changes ' #mprovements

    Coent Fro 8aniel 6uvinao

    he use o+ eer +orulas is not a recoended practice in ters o+ per+orance or in

    the ne) version* 8oes 10*1 have an iproveent +or this +eature&

    Sanjeev Mehta: 6here have been significant performance enhancements for member formulas+

    6hough having member formulas is not a recommended practice" the! might be hand! in certain


     Also" SAP is now wor#ing to move member formula execution to the A>A la!er to improve

    performance+ But this is still a wor# in progress+


    Coent Fro 6avier

    /o) has legal consolidation changed in the latest versions o+ SAP %PC&

    Sanjeev Mehta: 5t depends on the version we are comparing with+++

    1rom BPC /0+0 onward" SAP introduced Consolidation 'anager+ Additionall! on the Consolidation

    Business rules" the! have included new rules to address e(uit! pic#up scenarios as re(uired b!


  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation



    Coent Fro Ghassan Al9/ashe

    Can %PC utilie a set o+ (P-s against strategic ojectives and goals&

    Puneet Gupta: Although BPC can be used for this re(uirement" the product SS' SAP Strateg!

    'anagementD is the better fit for setting and trac#ing various %P5s against strategic ob&ectives and



    Coent Fro Ghassan Al9/ashe

    8oes %PC support te#t +ields as planning input& - ean to have te#t +ields as planning input

    9 not nueric 9 and e suaried, reported*

    Puneet Gupta: es+ BPC has the powerful feature of capturing comments against !our planning


    Planning data can onl! be numeric+ owever" !ou can use comments to support !our planning

    inputs+ Comments can even be stored at the higher levels in !our dimension hierarch!+


    Coent Fro Ghassan Al9/ashe

    Can %PC utilied +or all planning t"pes, CAP7; and .P7;, +or strategic, long, id and short

    ter plans&

    Puneet Gupta: es+ We have done numerous successful implementations of these natures+


    Coent Fro Saurah

    Can )e use the standard SAP ojects li5e 0ACC.' or 0C.MP

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    Coent Fro 'iranjan (aishetti

    $hat are changes in securit" levels in %PC 10*1&

    Sanjeev Mehta:  SAP BPC /0+/ standard securit! wor#s in the same wa! as BPC /0+0 securit!which is integrated to >W securit!D+ 5n case of /0+/" embedded authoriations are controlled

    currentl! at the BW level+


    Coent Fro 6avier

    8oes the 10*1 uni+ied version handle a 5e" +igure odel =i* e*, ultiple 5e" +igures +or one


    (arthi5 A6,CPM Consulting: es" /0+/ nified EmbeddedD models run on #e!-figure modeling+


    Coent Fro Chandra

    8oes 10*1 uni+ied odel support consolidation&

    Sanjeev Mehta: es+ 6he /0+/ nified 'odel does not have consolidation" for which !ou can use/0+/ Classic+ 6he /0+/ nified Embedded 'odel is leveraging B5 - 5P" with stronger integration

    with BW+


    Coent Fro Archana

    Can %Ad-s e )ritten on /A'A dataase +or per+orance iproveent in %PC 10*1&

    Puneet Gupta: ou can implement the calculations using native A>A S); Script that is triggered

    through an ABAP BAd5" which in turn is as usualD triggered via Script ;ogic+ 6he ABAP BAd5 is also

    able to pass the calculation context e+g+ Entit!" Categor!" 6imeD to the A>A procedure in order to

    limit the calculation4s data range+


    Coent Fro Archana

    -s there a change in signed data?s length in %PC 10*1&

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    Sanjeev Mehta: Are !ou loo#ing for large #e! figures in BPC? 5f !es" then !ou can loo# at the note

    /M7N7NH - ;arge %e! 1igure support for Planning and Consolidation /0+0+


    Coent Fro 6enn"

    Can )e autoate the propt selections )hen running the data anager pac5age in the

    7PM add9in&

    Puneet Gupta: 6he standard feature of BPC doesn4t support this flexibilit!+ owever" it can be

    customied to cater to this re(uirement+


    BPC #ntegration with ()cel& B#& and$ther Solutions ' ools


    Coent Fro (athrin

    /o) does integration )ith SAP G@C )or5&

    Sanjeev Mehta: BPC uses >W authoriations+ 5ntegration of $W+

    ou can create BPC roles in !our own namespace and these roles can be assigned via SAP $

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    Sanjeev Mehta: BPC has seamless integration with 'icrosoft tools li#e Excel+ So the Excel-based

    tool can be easil! used to load data in BPC" e+g+" through 5nput form 2< uploading the file to BPC+


    Coent Fro (athrin

    $hat reporting to visualiation is t"picall" done using %PC onl", and )hat is done using

    other %usiness.jects tools&

    Sanjeev Mehta: With seamless integration of BPC with 'S 2ffice tools" it is eas! to create

    chartsvisualisations" using the 'S 2ffice products+ Business2b&ects tools li#e Gashboards can be

    used" extensivel!" for various Gashboarding re(uirements" which is" again" seamlessl! integrated

    with BPC+


    Coent Fro Pra5ash

    8oes %PC 10*1 support AP. as )ell +or suppl" chain planning 8P and SP&

    Sanjeev Mehta: 6here is no direct lin# between BPC /0+/ * AP2 or suppl! chain planning+ 6hese

    two planning solutions use the >W platform and can be integrated b! leveraging the BW integration

    capabilities of both planning solutions+


    Coent Fro Mei"alagan

    -n %PC 10*1 ni+ied Model, is the %$ in+o.ject used directl" as a %PC 8iension&

    Puneet Gupta: es+ 6he advantage of the unified model is that it can leverage on the existing BW

    info2b&ects" to ensure a stronger integration with BW s!stem+


    Coent Fro Perr"

    Currentl" )e are to load diension eers +ro %$ aster data* /o) can "ou load the

    [email protected] diension eers +ro %$ aster data, having all diension propert" have

    euivalent attriutes& -n our case )hen )e load eers )ith apping +or Parent

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    Puneet Gupta: 5s ParentO$roup created as an attribute or hierarch! in BW s!stem? 5t must be an

    attribute in the BW s!stem+ Another point to be noted is that the values in this attribute must be a

    valid master data+


    Coent Fro Carlton Cheung

    -n 10, is there an eas" )a" to displa" %PC coents via %- or %. reports =i*e* )ithout have

    to )rite custo e#tractors on coents tale>&

    Puneet Gupta: Custom extractor will be needed to read the comments table since the technical

    name of the comments table changes for each model+


    Coent Fro Saurah Gupta

    /o) can )e achieve one9clic5 suission o+ S7M %CS in %PC 10*0&

    Sanjeev Mehta: BPC provides the standard functionalit! of Gata 'anager Pac#age" which the

    user can execute for their respective submissions+

    6he Business Process 1low BP1D is ver! flexible to handle such tas#s and can be easil!

    configured as per the needs of different organiations+


    Coent Fro Saurah

    8o )e have soething li5e one9clic5 suission in CM.' in S7M %CS in %PC& -n other

    )ords )hat )e have as alternate o+ CM.' in %PC&

    Sanjeev Mehta:  BPC has a Consolidation 'onitor+ 6his feature provides an overview of the whole

    consolidation process in one single screen+ 6he monitor trac#s the following items

    • Status of the controls

    • Wor# Status

    • Execution status for currenc! conversion

    • Execution status for consolidation

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    6his will be ver! useful for all the users who need to monitor the progress of the consolidation

    process at a group or at a local levelD" as the! have all the information the! need on one single



    Coent Fro Saurah

    Can we use the current SE' s!stem as bac#end BW s!stem for BPC?

    Puneet Gupta: 6he SE' s!stem is different from the BPC platform+ sing SE'" !ou can use the

    products li#e BPS" BCS" CP'" etc+ owever" BPC is directl! installed on top of BW" and hence BW

    is the bac#end for BPC+ aving said that" if !ou are currentl! using SE'" all the data is alread!

    available in !our BW s!stem+ 6his data can be used b! the BPC s!stem for further operations+


    Coent Fro Saurah

    Currentl" )e have an S7M %CS s"ste +or consolidations )here )e use one9clic5

    suission +ro CM.'* 8o )e have the sae t"pe o+ +eature in %PC&

    Sanjeev Mehta: 6he features are

    /+ Business Process 1low - which is flexible enough to be configured for the diverse data

    submission needs of an organiation+

    7+Consolidation 'onitor - this feature provides an overview of the whole consolidation process in

    one single screen+ 6he monitor trac#s the following items

    • Status of the controls

    • Wor# Status

    • Execution status for currenc! conversion

    • Execution status for consolidation

    6his feature will be ver! useful for all the users that need to monitor the progress of the

    consolidation process at a group or at a local levelD" as the! have all the information the! need on

    a single screen+


  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    Coent Fro Saurah

    -n continuation o+ " previous uestion, )e can use data +ro S7M ut can )e connect

    current S7M %$ s"ste )ith %PC such that )hatever )e create in +ront end in %PC )ill

    appear in S7M&

    Puneet Gupta: es" technicall!" it4s possible+ owever" please note that SE' and BPC will use two

    separate cubes+ So" there needs to be transfer mechanism between these two cubes+ Also" proper

    mapping needs to be available during this transfer since the structure of the data in SE' and BPC

    will be different+


    #mplementation ' Migration 

    Coent Fro Mohaed -l"as Ansari

    $hat are the iportant +actors to consider )hile igrating +ro B* to 10&

    Sanjeev Mehta: 'igration from 'S version to BPC /0 >W is primaril! done manuall! as there is

    no direct integration path+ But ta#e note that as BPC >W can use BAG5 and other >etWeaver

    functionalities" few of the re(uirements can be addressed much better in >W+

    So" !ou first need to identif! which functionalities !ou are going to redefine * which ones !ou are

    planning to perform technical migration+

    We have recentl! done few pro&ects for similar re(uirement and will be able to provide more

    specific details" if we can understand !our existing environment+


    Coent Fro asi

    $hat are prereuisites to igrate %PC B* MS to %PC 10*1 '$ )ith or )ithout /A'A&

    Sanjeev Mehta: Assuming BPC /0+/ >W is a new implementation" there are no prere(uisites+++

    But if !ou are loo#ing at implementing BPC /0+/ >W on existing BW s!stem" then BW should be

    upgraded to at least version H+8 SP@+


  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    Coent Fro Mohaed -l"as Ansari

    $hat is the prereuisite in the %- s"ste +or %PC 10*1 uni+ied& 8oes the %- s"ste needs to

    e in B*4 version and is /A'A andator"&

    Sanjeev Mehta:  1or nified version" !es" SAP A>A is mandator! and !our BW should be at

    least version H+8 SP@+

    Coent Fro Archana

    .n )hat asis should )e igrate to %PC 10*0 to %PC 10*1 9 classic odel or uni+ied odel&

    Puneet Gupta: 5f !ou are alread! on BPC /0+0" then migrating to BPC /0+/ classic model will be

    more sensible" since both of them use the same architecture+ 2n the other hand" the unified model

    has a different architecture" with the support of multiple #e! figures+


    Coent Fro 6avier

    So )hen +acing a ne) ipleentation +ro scratch, one has to decide )hether to use the

    Classic odel .@ the ni+ied odel&

    Puneet Gupta: 5f !ou alread! using the older version of BPC" then migrating to the BPC /0+/

    Classic model would ma#e more sense" since the! use the same underl!ing architecture Account-

    based modelD+

    2n the other hand" if !ou are implementing a new BPC /0+/ s!stem" !ou can opt for the nified

    model" which is more integrated to the BW s!stem+ owever" we need to remember that the

    nified model doesn.t support consolidation !et+ aving said that" the classic and unified models

    can co-exist in a single platform+


    Coent Fro Mohaed -l"as Ansari

    For %PC B* to 10 igration, ho) uch is the e++ort split et)een %asis D %PC consultants&

    Also does the igration tool ta5e care o+ securit" con+iguration3setup&

    Sanjeev Mehta:

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    /+ Basis portion of migration is significantl! less+ We have done pro&ects where Basis migration

    ta#es around /0 da!s per environment" including preparation+ ou additionall! need to account for

    the time it ta#es to migrate data" if the BW version is migrated as well+

    7+ 2n the other hand" BPC effort is high if !ou are loo#ing at redesigning all the templates based on

    EP' /0+0+

    Q+ As there is a difference in securit! configuration" we still need to perform manual steps to define

    authoriation BPC H+@ uses table-based authoriation controlled in the +>E6 la!er" while /0+0 uses

    >W la!erD+


    Coent Fro ive5

    -n "our vie), )hat )ill e the recoended approach to igrate %PC B* '$ to %PC 10*1

    Classic 9 '$ on /A'A&

    Puneet Gupta: BPC /0+/ has two modeling options the Classic Standard 'odel similar to

    traditional BPCD and the nified Embedded 'odel leveraging the powerful features of B5 - 5P" with

    stronger integration with BWD+

    SAP has a standard mechanism to migrate from BPC H+@ >W to BPC /0+/ Classic or StandardD

    'odel+ Although this method ta#es care of most of the ob&ects" there are certain ob&ects that need

    to be modified" manuall!+ A t!pical example for this would be BAG5s+ 6he BAG5 implementations

    needs to be adapted with new internal AP5s of /0+/+


    Coent Fro Carlton Cheung

    A+ter igrating +ro %PC B* '$ to 10, do the %PC Cue and Multiprovider technical naes

    reain the sae& And does SAP support )riting %7# ueries on the ne) %PC 10


    Sanjeev Mehta: nder 'aintain models" SAP has provided an option to use BPC cubes as source

    for other areas+ 5f this is enabled" then multi provider names will remain same+

    But SAP does not support BEx (ueries on BW cubesmultiproviders !et+


    Coent Fro Srinivas %

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    $hat is the advice "ou give to custoers on S7M9%PS3%CS and %-9-P& $hat should e their 

    logical ne#t steps&

    Puneet Gupta: SE'-BPS and B5-5P were SAP tools" for planning" budgeting and forecasting

    re(uirement whereas" BCS is the consolidation tool+

    SAP BPC is the single and unified platform for catering to the planning" budgeting" forecasting" and

    consolidation re(uirements+ SAP is developing and investing heavil! into BPC+ BPC is

    administered b! Business Experts" not b! 56+ 1or an! 56 owned s!stems" a ver! significant pain

    point for an end user is having to wait for 56 to ma#e their re(uested changes+ Because BPC can

    be maintained b! the business" it puts the power bac# into their hands+

    6he ideal wa! forward would be to move to BPC from the existing platform" which can support

    simple to complex business re(uirements+


    Coent Fro Carl

    $e are currentl" on %PC B* '$ and are considering upgrading to %PC 10 or 10*1* $e have

    a large nuer =20E> o+ %PC odels, ost o+ )hich have cople# custo logic =using

    %A8-3A%AP> and custo %A in the input schedules* /o) uch tie and e++ort should )e

    allo) to igrate each odel to the ne) version& And is it ever easier to reipleent and

    odel instead o+ using the igration tool&

    Sanjeev Mehta: 'igration from BPC H+@ to /0+0 or /0+/ can be categoried into Q steps+++

    /+ After s!stem upgrade" run the migration tool+ 6his will migrate all the 2b&ects" li#e dimensions"

    master data+

    7+ 6hen update the BAG5.s with new classes - 6his should be straight forward+

    Q+ pdate the templates to EP' Add-5n reporting+

    'ain effort in migration is dependent on the reporting effort and the testing time * it reall! not

    based on the number of models+

    6!picall! for /00 templates with around /0 BAG5s" we ta#e Q to 8 months to complete migration and



    Coent Fro Guest

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    $e are using %PC 10 '$ and planning to igrate to %PC 10*1 uni+ied odel* 8o )e need

    to reuild the )hole environent again +ro scratch&

    Puneet Gupta: 6here is a migration approach from BPC /0+0 to BPC /0+/ classic model+ 2n the

    other hand" the unified model is prett! similar to 5P+ 'igration from /0+0 to the unified model is not



    Coent Fro C! Chiu

    /o) can )e ipleent SAP %PC 10*1 in our copan"&

    Sanjeev Mehta: 6he approach to the implementation of BPC depends on lot of factors+ 1or


    - Are !ou using an! of the previous versions of BPC and planning to upgrade to BPC /0+/?

    - What are !our #e! Business Processes - Planning andor Consolidation?

    ou can approach us with more specific re(uirement" so that we can advise !ou on the best

    possible approach+


    Coent Fro 8aniel 6uvinao

    -n ters o+ e++ort, is it recoended to igrate directl" +ro %PC B* to %PC 10*1& And

    also, ho) long on average )ould it ta5e +or the igration o+ a classic odel o+ 10

    diensions& An" recoendations&

    Sanjeev Mehta: BPC /0+/ has two modeling options the Classic Standard 'odel similar to

    traditional BPCD and the nified Embedded 'odel leveraging the powerful features of B5 - 5P" with

    stronger integration with BWD

    SAP has a standard mechanism to migrate from BPC H+@ >W to BPC /0+/ classic or standardD

    model+ Although this method ta#es care of most of the ob&ects" there are certain ob&ects that need

    to be modified manuall!+ A t!pical example for this would be BAG5s+ 6he BAG5 implementation

    needs to be adapted with new internal AP5s of /0+/+

    6!picall!" for a pro&ect of medium complexit!" with around /00 templates" technical migration should

    ta#e less than Q months+ owever" the actual duration and effort of the migration depends on the

    complexit! of the existing solution+

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation



    Coent Fro 8aniel 6uvinao

    8oes SAP have a tool 9 or plan to uild a tool 9 to per+or the igration in a ore natural)a" +ro %PC 10 to %PC 10*1&

    Sanjeev Mehta: BPC /0+/ has two modeling options the Classic Standard 'odel similar to

    traditional BPCD and the nified Embedded 'odel leveraging the powerful features of B5 - 5P" with

    stronger integration with BWD+ SAP has an eas! and standard mechanism to migrate from BPC

    /0+0 >W to BPC /0+/ Classic or StandardD 'odel+


    Coent Fro (arthi

    A uestion aout %PC on /A'A and optiiation o+ logic: /o) can it e done to iprove


    Sanjeev Mehta: 6he upgrade from /0+0 to /0+/ is prett! smooth and eas!+ 6he web interface of

    BPC /0+/ is much improved with 6';@" with the capabilit! to run on i2S and Android devices+

    5t also offers the features of PA%5P in the unified or embeddedD modeling of /0+/+


    Coent Fro en5ata Saasani

    $e are upgrading %$ %PC 10*0 on 8%2 SP11 to /A'A 8ataase igration onl"* -s the

    optiiation needed right a)a" to get +aster per+orance& .r )ill upgrading just to the

    /A'A 8ataase alone iprove per+orance out o+ the o# li5e 0&

    Sanjeev Mehta: 5f the GB7 database is not currentl! with B; acceleration" and if it is migrated to

    a A>A appliance" then there will be a slight improvement in performance+

    owever" if the A>A BPC component is installed" it will improve the performance significantl! as

    claimed b! SAP" which is more than @0R+

    B! leveraging native A>A features for calculations" the approach provides additional performance

    benefits over the use of ABAP+

    We4ve used A>A as our primar! calculation tool and have implemented different #inds of

    calculations+ Some statistics

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    /+ ;ite 2ptimiation process went from 8@ minutes in BPC H+@ >W to 7M seconds with BPC on


    7+ Cop! of /+@ million records from one categor! to another decreased from /7 minutes in BPC /0

    to 9 minutes with BPC on A>A+

    Q+ @0R or greater increase in bac#end calculation time through fiddler when running reports in BPC

    on A>A+


    Coent Fro (arthi

    $ith %PC on /A'A 9 optiiation o+ logic: /o) it can e done to iprove runtie&

    Puneet Gupta: 6he good news is that since BPC /0+0 SP// there4s an option to create a native

    A>A data model" originall! meant to improve the write-bac# performance and internall! used" for

    example" for the allocations+

     As a side effect" the native A>A model also provides us with the abilit! to directl! interact with the

    BPC data model in the A>A database+ 5t allows us to come up with an approach to implement the

    calculations using native A>A S); Script that is triggered through an ABAP BAd5" which in turn is

    as usualD triggered via Script ;ogic+

    6he ABAP BAd5 is also able to pass the calculation context e+g+ Entit!" Categor!" 6imeD to the

    A>A procedure in order to limit the calculation4s data range+

    6he A>A procedure (ueries the data through a calculation view that unions data from the BPC

    cube4s 2;AP view as well as the delta table" which includes the write-bac# data that hasn4t been

    merged bac# into the main table !et+ 6he calculation is then performed using S); Script rel!ing

    either directl! on S); statements or the procedural features" such as loops+

     At the end" the procedure calculates a delta between the result data and the current cube data and

    writes it bac# into the BPC-generated write-bac# table+


    Coent Fro C! Chiu

    $hat is the ipact o+ ipleenting %PC )ithout /A'A&

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    Sanjeev Mehta: 1rom a product perspective" BPC A>A and non-A>A are prett! much the

    same+ A>A is applicable for larger enterprises that re(uire processing of ver! large volume of


    Coent Fro C Moone" 7S%

    -n 201H )e success+ull" ipleented SAP %PC 10*0* -t is stale and )or5ing )ell* here is a

    polic" in our copan" to appl" upgrades3service pac5s ever" 2 "ears* %ut as the s"ste is

    )or5ing )ell, and it onl" recentl" )ent live, there is a reluctance " the usiness to

    upgrade* $hat are the advantages o+ oving +ro 10*0 to 10*1&

    Puneet Gupta: 6he upgrade from /0+0 to /0+/ is prett! smooth and eas!+ 6he web interface of

    BPC /0+/ is much improved with 6';@" with the capabilit! to run on i2S and Android devices+

    5t also offers the features of PA%5P in the nified or EmbeddedD modeling of /0+/


    Coent Fro Mohaed -l"as Ansari

    /o) sealessl" can 6%@ D 6

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    SAP has a migration methodolog! from BPC H+@ to BPC /0+/ Classic model+ 6his process migrates

    most of the ob&ects+ owever" excel templates and BAG5s need special attention+


    Coent Fro Guest

    $e have %PC B* MS version, and )e need soe advice on the igration to %PC 10 on '$*

    Sanjeev Mehta: 'igration from 'S version to BPC /0 >W is primaril! done manuall!" as there is

    no direct integration path+ But ta#e note that as BPC >W can use BAG5s and other >etWeaver

    functionalities" few of the re(uirements can be addressed much better in >etWeaver+

    So" !ou first need to identif! which functionalities !ou are going to redefine and which ones !ou are

    planning to perform technical migration+

    We have recentl! done a few pro&ects with similar re(uirements and will be able to provide more

    specific details" if we can understand !our existing environment+


    Coent Fro 'iranjan (aishetti

    /o) do )e trans+er the transaction data +ro the ni+ied to the Classic odel& -s there an"


    Sanjeev Mehta: 6he unified model primaril! uses BW cubes for processing+ So" we can use

    standard load to infoprovider to move data from the unified to the classic model+


    Coent Fro Guest

    8uring igration +ro version B* to 10, )hat are the special steps )e need to ta5e&

    (arthi5 A6,CPM Consulting: SAP has a standard mechanism to migrate from BPC H+@ >W to

    BPC /0+/ classic or standardD model+ Although this method ta#es care of most of the ob&ects"

    there are certain ob&ects that need to be modified" manuall!+

     A t!pical example for this would be BAG5s+ 6he BAG5 implementations need to be adapted with new

    internal AP5s of /0+/+


  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    Coent Fro /er" 8ara)an

    $e are ipleenting SAP %PC 10*0* $e have had proles )ith the initial %PC9$e ogon

    =getting hang or lan5 screen>* $e have raised an .SS Message and are )or5ing )ith SAP

    %PC support tea ut still no resolution "et* $e have also +ollo)ed several

    recoendations +ro SAP 'otes and Forus* 8o "ou have a siilar e#perience on this&

    Puneet Gupta: 5f the version of 5E is //" one of the common reasons we have seen for this #ind of

    problem is the compatibilit! setting of 5E+ 6his can be resolved b! enabling compatibilit! view in 5E

    // for the BPC W from 'S" there will be a

    need to manuall! recreate the ob&ects+ ence" this can be considered as a new implementation+


    Coent Fro ive5

    -n "our vie), ho) stale is the %PC 10*1 product& $hat are the critical )atchpoints in

    ipleentation o+ %PC 10*1&

    Sanjeev Mehta: We have started implementing BPC /0+/ classic version for a customer as soon

    as $A was announced and so far we did not f ind an! ma&or issues that impact the pro&ect+ So" it

    remains as stable as /0+0" with new web 5+


  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    Coent Fro asi

    $e have %$ B*4 SP and going to /A'A soon* /o) uch e++ort is needed to igrate the old

    %PC B* MS Application on to %PC 10*1 on '$& Migration or reipleentation 9 )hich is the

    est option&

    Sanjeev Mehta: 6!picall!" we would prefer a reimplementation as it gives better chance to use

    A>A * /0+/ capabilities+

    1or example We have done a pro&ect where we have combined Q detailed cubes in older version

    to / cube in BPC /0+0 on A>A and this helped in seamless data flow * in reporting as well+

    We will need more specific details to give !ou better recommendation+


    Coent Fro dra5shara

    -s SAP coing up )ith con+igurale coponents +or SAP %PC rapid ipleentation +or

    each industr", considering that %PC is onl" a technical tool right no), )ith all the usiness

    process including +inancial odeling to datasource activation to e done " consultant& -t

    ta5es considerale ipleentation hours in its current +or*

    Puneet Gupta: SAP has an

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    Q+ pdate the templates to EP' Add-5n reporting

    'ain effort in migration is dependent on the reporting effort and the testing time" and reall! is not

    based on the number of models+

    6!picall! for /00 templates with around /0 BAG5s we ta#e Q to 8 months to complete migration and



    Scripting& %$*& and BA+#s

    Coent Fro (arthi

    A uestion on %PC 10*1 script logic 9 $hat is the copatiilit" )ith old versions&

    Puneet Gupta: 6he Classic BPC /0+/ model uses the same s!ntax as used in the previous

    versions of BPC+

    2n the other hand" the nified model of BPC /0+/ provides a powerful 123 1ormula for designing

    complex logics" as used in 5P+


    Coent Fro @aju

    F.; can replace %A8-s&

    (arthi5 A6,CPM Consulting:  es" 123 scripting can help to handle complex calculations+ 5t can

    be used to perform calculations instead of BAG5+


    Coent Fro 6ason

    $hat is F.; script&

    (arthi5 A6: 123 script is the programming language used in BPC /0+/ - Embedded nifiedD

    models similar to the B5-5PPA%+ 6his will help to perform complex calculations in BPC+


    Coent Fro @aju

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    8oes the 10*1 Classic odel support F.;&

    Sanjeev Mehta: >o+ 2nl! BPC /0+/ nified or EmbeddedD model supports 123 script+


    Coent Fro Guest

    -s there the inclusion o+ F.; prograing instead o+ logic scripts in the uni+ied solution&

    (arthi5 6a"apal: es" 123 script programming is used in the unifiedembedded solution of BPC

    /0+/ instead of logic scripts+ ;ogic scripts are currentl! supported in the classicstandard solution of 

    BPC /0+/


    Coent Fro 6avier

    -s there an" support to igrate script logic to F.;9li5e logic&

    (arthi5 A6,CPM Consulting: >o" we have to build the 123 logic+ 123 scripts will run on

    Embedded nifiedD solutions" which will be based on #e!-figure modelling+ Script logic will run on

    standard classicD solutions" based on Account-based modeling+


    Looking Ahead

    Coent Fro Sne

    his is perhaps out o+ the scope o+ toda"?s discussion 9 ut )hat )ould "ou sa" to a

    %usiness that currentl" uses %$ B*H -P as the" are planning plat+or 9 should the" and )h"

    igrate to %PC&

    Sanjeev Mehta: As SAP recommends" go forward product for planning will be BPC and BPC

    Embedded or nified version was mainl! designed to address next steps of B5-5P customers+

    BPC nified version uses PA% modelling same as B5-5PD" with abilit! to report using EP' Add-5n"

    define Business process flows in BPC+

    So" !ou ta#e the advantage of strong B5-5P EP' Add-5n

  • 8/20/2019 SAP BPC 10.010.1 Migration and Implementation


    Coent Fro 6ason

    $e?re planning to ipleent SGAAP starter 5it +or %PC consolidation* - thin5 the

    autoation level and upgrade version is soe)hat less than -F@S 5it* 8o "ou thin5 SAP )ill

    still go )ith a t)o9 trac5 approach )ith sae e++ort&

    Sanjeev Mehta:  We will need to chec# with SAP on this+ As of now" SAP is focusing more on 51
