

July 2012 Issue




1 General body postures for healthy life

2 Training sessions- Jun’12

3 Rewards & Recognition Policy for Safety







Learning from Incident – Electrical Shock - Mundra

Contractor’s Safety Committee meetings-Q-1, FY’13

Safety theme Jun’12 – Gas Cylinder Safety

Mock drills at wind farms

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) of incidents – Jun’12

Security Highlights

Thought for the month

Do your work with pride,

Put safety in every stride

1. General body postures for a healthy life

Carpel tunnel syndrome

2. Training Sessions- Jun’12

Training session on JSA & HIRA for Architect Cell Supervisors & Contractor Supervisors

at Dharavi

Training session on BBS, JSA, HIRA & PTW at MEPL, Nellore

Hand & Power tool, electrical safety training in wind site

3. Rewards & Recognition Policy for Safety

A. Objective: Tata Power have always believed in the principle that safety should be a way of life and every encouragement should be provided to ensure that all our employees voluntarily adopt the culture of safety in their daily working. The R&R scheme for safety has been designed to motivate employees by rewarding and recognizing their efforts and achievements in Safety.

B. Scope: This policy is applicable to all officers and staff on permanent rolls of the Company as well as personnel on contractual rolls of Tata Power and on third party rolls.

C. Scheme: i. Individual level Awards:


Name of Award Purpose of Award Details of Award

1 BBS/STOP Observation

This award is for reporting maximum BBS / STOP observations in a division

Three Awards: First Place, Second Place and Third Place The awards will be distributed annually during Divisional award night Plus All the award winning employees and their family to be invited for lunch/dinner with their Divn./Dept. Heads

2 Near-Miss Reporting This award is for reporting maximum Near- Misses in a division

Same as above

ii. Division level Award:


Name of Award Purpose of Award Details of Award

3 Achievement of ZERO LTI Target

This award is given to the Division which achieves ZERO Lost-Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) in a particular year

Trophy and Citation to the winning Divisions Award to be distributed annually during Excellence award function

D. Basis for R&R in Safety: 1. Data regarding BBS/STOP observations and Near-Miss reporting shall be taken from


2. All data and record of Divisions regarding LTIFR and milestone achievements shall be ratified by Head-Corp. OH&S of Tata Power.

E. Division Classification: This segmentation aims to facilitate the transparent execution of the awards and provide clarity to the divisions about their role/jurisdiction when they go in for their divisional level awards:



Hydros & Lodhivali

Transmission & Transmission Projects

Distribution Support Service (DSS)

Distribution Customer Service (DCS)

Jojobera including Unit #5 & PH#6



CGPL Mundra

MPL Maithon


Corporate Functions

Wind & Solar Operation

Technical Services (Civil, Construction, PSCC)

Power Services

Kalinganagar & Naraj Marthapur

4. Learning from Incident – Electrical Shock - Mundra

Date : 9th June 2012. Time : 17.40 Hrs Approx. Location : Simplex Fabrication Yard Injury Details : Fatality

Description : Victim was engaged in prefabrication (tack welding) of security tower in the Simplex fabrication yard located around 500 m away from Simplex Site Office well beyond CGPL Plant area. While attempting to adjust the current setting of the welding machine, he got electrocuted.

Subsequently he was taken to AIMS hospital, Mandvi where he was announced brought dead by the Doctor.


7-3 Energized electrical equipment - Contact with Live primary terminals. 5-1 Inadequate guard or protective devices - Cover on the terminal box was missing

resulting in exposure to live terminals.


3-1 Lack of knowledge of hazards present - He didn‟t take note of uncovered live

terminals. 1-5 Improper position or posture for the task – injured took an awkward posture to

access the current adjusting knob and hence he touched the live terminal.


11-6 Inadequate Audit/Inspection and Monitoring – Internal audit and inspection did not

identify malfunctioning of ELCB, and open terminal box in welding machine. 8-6 Inadequate Incident reporting and investigation system – Late reporting of the

incident to CGPL by the Contractor concerned. Post incident, the Contractor started checking the ELCB without CGPL permission.

Lessons Learned:

1. Maintain (Preventive maintenance) welding machines and ELCBs (with the help of digital ELCB tester) on Monthly basis and keep records.

2. Engage only qualified welders and follow the helmet sticker scheme.

3. Ensure timely reporting of the incidents by the contractor.

4. Emergency Response Procedure shall be strictly followed by all contractors.

5. Contractor’s Safety Committee meetings – Q-1, FY’13

Contractor Safety Committee meetings are held for close monitoring of safety performance of the contractors and giving feedback on the same. These meetings also improve relations with the contractors and make them understand Tata Power‟s aspirations with regard to safety and importance of contractors‟ role in achieving these aspirations. This is also a part of step 5 of Contractor‟s Safety Management (CSM) - Managing work and BSC 5 star Safety Management System (SMS) sub-element 1.16 – Contractor Control which calls for a systematic contract performance review.

Contractor Safety Committee Meeting was held on 16.06.2012 at Belgaum Power Plant,

chaired by Mr. B.K. Bhat (Plant Head)

Contractor’s Safety Committee Meeting of Transmission Projects was held at Dharavi

chaired by Mr. Warrier (Head - Transmission Projects)

Contractor’s Safety Committee Meeting was held on 28.06.2012 of Distribution Capex,

Dharavi, chaired by Mr. Varghese ( Head- Distribution Capex)

Contractor’s Safety Committee Meeting was held at Wind Operation Department which

was chaired by Mr. Paresh Sahasrabuddhe (Head – Wind O&M).

6. Safety theme Jun’12 – Gas Cylinder Safety

A mass awareness program on gas cylinder safety was conducted as a part of Safety theme-June‟12. Here are some of the glimpses-

7. Mock drills at wind sites

Mock drills assuming various emergency situations (electric shock, work at height and snake bite) were conducted in wind sites.

Electric shock Rescue for working at height emergency

Snake bite Fire emergency

8. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) of incidents in Tata Power – Jun’12

Human Factors Physical Factors

System Factors

9. Security Highlights


Data bank of contractor staff is being generated for Access control System. On 04 Jun‟12, a team of FORCE ONE led by Mr. Kamble, PI, carried out familiarization

visit/rekey of plant. Total 44 personnel from FORCE ONE participated. Sr. P.I Yadav of RCF police station was also present.

On 08 Jun‟12, access control system implementation meeting was held which was presided over by Mr. Firoze Mistry.

On 08 Jun‟12 MD visited the plant. Necessary security & traffic arrangements were made in the plant.

On 10 Jun‟12, “SWASCHTA MOHIM” CSR activity was held at GAVAN village. Persons from security dept. Admin. Dept, Head-Trombay, and students of Tata Institute of Social Science have participated.

24 Jun‟12, Executive Director (Operation) Mr. S. Padmanabhan visited unit # 5 &6, Coal berth & security control room. He was accompanied by Mr. P.L. Manjrekar-(GM Trombay) & Mr. S.V. Kale chief manager (fire & security).

On 30 Jun‟12, M.O. Security officers meeting was held. The meeting was presided over by Col. Dalvi and facilitated by Sanjay Kale.

II. T & D

Security policy implementation action plan FY -13 - On 03 June 2012, training was organized for Permanent Security staff deployed at Kalyan Receiving Station. As a part of training, -demonstration of fire fighting was also carried out by Mr. Vinayak of Exxon fire services. Total 12 personnel participated in the training.

Security policy implementation action plan for FY -13- On 17 June 2012, training was organized for Permanent Security staff deployed at Parel Receiving station. Total of 05 personnel participated in the training.


On 16th Jun‟12, Lenders meet participants visited CGPL site.

On 23rd Jun‟12, Additional Commissioner of Customs visited CGPL site.

On 27th Jun‟12, Mundra Port CEO Capt. Abhayankar (Retd.) visited CGPL site.

On 5th Jun‟12, World Environment Day (WED) was celebrated at CGPL site. On this occasion CGPL organized a Tree Plantation at site. Security Dept. actively participated.

Labour Head Count Exercise (LHC) was continued twice this month (on 1st & 3rd week), wherein all the access locations like Main gate, Hostel gate & Tunda end wicket gate, L/colony & CGPL Township were covered for the exact manpower strength. A total of 1769 figure at Main gate, 830 at Tunda wicket gate, 172 at Field Hostel gate, 2213 at L/colony & 1142 at CGPL Township were physically checked by Security Team.

Coastal security exercise „SAGAR KAVACH‟ (GJ/DD-06/12), was conducted off Gujarat & Maharashtra coast including Daman & Diu coast between 04.06.12 & 07.06.12 to check the emergency preparedness & response of the coastal security, synergizing efforts / assets of stake holders of Coastal Security & validating their SOP‟s. CGPL security team participated in the exercise in coordination with Coast Guard & Marine Police. Physical security measures were enhanced during this high level security exercise. Foot patrol, QRT movement and special checking at entry and exit gate were strengthened by CGPL Security team.

To check the emergency preparedness of Safety, Fire, Medical & Security Team, A mock drill depicting a scenario of Scuffle between the groups of labours in labour colony was conducted at Labor Colony near E-1 Block.


The construction of security barrack is in progress. Security training was given to 160 contract workmen during the safety training by the

security officers of Tata power to make the contractor‟s workmen aware of the Do's and

Don‟ts in respect to security, while working inside the Plant area. The training was imparted to 20 security personnel of SIS.


On 16.06.2012, a training session on First Aid Fire Fighting was conducted by Fire team at ER-1 for CHP staffs. 07 officers of Tata Power and a total 91 including workmen attended the training session. Training was conducted by Mr. R.K.Singh of Tata Power and Mr. Manish Singh of AGNI. A practical training on use of portable extinguishers was given. A demonstration of hydrant system was given by fire team.

Fire Mock drill was conducted at MR-1 of Track Hopper of CHP, MPL. A controlled fire

was created in wood & paper in a drum inside MR-1. The security staff noticed the smoke and alarmed security control room. Security control room passed over the information to Fire station and all concerned as per SOP and the Fire crew swiftly reached at site with fire tender and extinguished the fire.

We invite your feedback on this newsletter. Write to us at [email protected]
