
TGI Teamability™Management-directed Report



Tracking #:

Richie Etwaru

[email protected]





1617 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1040 Philadelphia, PA 19103|Tel: 215.825.2500|Fax: 215.825.3500|[email protected]|

General Qualities

Richie is a Coherent Vision Former. He is also capable of filling the Role of Vision


Richie is an abstract planner, evaluator and shaper of the plans and goals that

are set by others. This candidate's style is one of making the initial arrangements

that make things happen. He can make connections and understand plans at a

very deep level. This candidate's style tends to be rather challenging, not in an

overt manner but because he is so unsettling at times. He is likely to be rather

critical but not in a negative way. As a result of his style, people tend to either like

him very much or dislike him. He is likely to try to hold people to the very highest

standards of conduct. He is not one to compromise on those things that he

considers important. He is very much oriented to the future, not only in terms of

planning but in terms of making what is desired, come about. Managers like this

are often very much admired just because people don't really understand them or

know quite what to make of them.

The Role of a Vision Former can be very difficult, especially when working on a

poor team. He has been called upon to set standards and hold others

accountable, but doesn't want to do this for people who need it purely as a result

of their own performance shortcomings.

Communication & Teamwork

He is going to be very sensitive to any dysfunctional behaviors on the team and

will try to correct it, often by stepping in and helping those who are struggling. He

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will expect others to respond to him and if they don't, he will tend to just dismiss

them. With this kind of person, it is not just a matter of what experience he has

but his ability to pay attention at just the right moments and understand and

coordinate the others on the team. If someone comes to him for help, he will do

whatever he can to assist them. This tends to draw the team together in a way

that promotes their effectiveness. Even when the people on the team have

trouble understanding each other, he will help them work together because he

will be able to understand and accept them for who they are and what each one

brings to the table. He has a knack for correcting misunderstandings that

potentially enables people to work better together.

Motivation & Initiative

He is a hard worker who tries to do what is expected. Richie is strongly motivated

by his desire to bring feelings of enlightenment to people. Because of this, he will

not take the initiative to do a great deal unless he knows that others want him to

and are counting on him. If that happens, however, he will respond strongly. He

needs to be convinced that the goal is attainable and that those he works for

really want to achieve it. Once he knows that, then he will do everything he can to

achieve it. Even though he is aware of time and has a long range orientation, this

encourages him to get things done in the present.

He is almost completely internally motivated. This means that he is not easily

swayed or influenced by external events. He will watch and wait for the

opportunity to further his agenda and seize the opportunity when it is presented.

The agenda is rarely personal but has to do with the good of everyone

concerned. He tends to be patient and confident, knowing that sooner or later,

the chance will be there.

Analytical Style

While his style is not one of handling many things simultaneously on the surface,

he is usually focused on a long range solution. He sees this as a series of steps

to be taken and often will resolve the problems by trying to organize them using a

very high level overview to figure out what will bring the solution into being. He

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will not analyze by finding the components of a problem but rather by focusing on

how the components of a problem, whatever they may be, can be combined and

arranged, This enables him to see patterns that can lead to greater

understanding. He is particularly good at using older, established information and

ideas to create new approaches and new methods.

Adaptability & Self Confidence

He is rarely swayed by anger, fear or dread. He is confident enough to bring in

new connections to disparate ideas that tie things together in unusual and

profound ways. This can be unsettling to other people. At the same time, this

ability gives his tremendous confidence and a kind of tough poise that is rarely

shaken. Because he is constantly envisioning change, he is not tied to static

circumstances and therefore change is not threatening. His goals tend to be so

broad that whenever the opportunity appears to move in that direction, he can

take it and this allows him to adapt and respond to opportunities as they present


Special Strengths & Potential

He has little interest in finding and fixing other people's errors.

This candidate has an active distaste for being organized. He will not want to do

organizational tasks and will not get along well in a position that requires a high

level of organization, attention to details and following up with others.

Richie has a rare ability to really understand and accept other people and their

styles. The only time he becomes impatient is when the people he works with do

things that hurt themselves or others. He is also a person who, at least

potentially, can get things done. He can take what is just an unformed potential or

idea and turn that into a concrete plan to be acted upon. He can act as a "lens" to

contain and focus the creative energy of the ones who generate the ideas. He is

able to keep such partners on track and contained so that useful work could be

done. When ideas are generated, it is usually helpful to have someone to

"bounce" the ideas off. This is his particular strength. He acts as the one the

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ideas are bounced off whether they are from a co-worker, a higher level manager

or his own reports. He can potentially listen, evaluate and "shape" them since

they tend to be vague and ill defined at first. His work is to refine them into the

kind of useful concepts that can get things accomplished

If he does not respect the person he reports to, then he will generally not stay in

the organization for long. He wants to feel not only that those he works with need

him but that they want him to stay enough to cooperate, respect him and will

support his efforts. Given the freedom to do so, he has the capacity to make

great things happen. He has not naturally come by this style but it has been

necessary and he has risen to the occasion for the good of his organization. This

means his heart may not really be in it, which can be stressful and make it more

difficult to motivate him. Coaching is recommended, in the event that he is hired,

to help him with this. Other people have probably encouraged this behavior and

he likely has practical experience to apply. He would be a good manager at the

lower to mid-levels of an organization.

Coherent Human Infrastructure™ Role

In Coherent Human Infrastructure™ terms, Richie is a Vision Former. He is also

capable of filling the Role of Vision Mover.


Richie is Coherent.

In general, this is someone who is likely to do well and be a low maintenance,

contributing performer. His focus on the desired goals is good and his behavior

will contribute to achieving those goals. He manages ordinary stress well and is

resilient. During extended periods of stress, he may revert to less effective

behavior but will be aware of the gap between his current behavior and the

desired level of functioning and try to self-correct.

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Teaming Characteristics

Because this candidate is Coherent, he will want to be effective in a way that will

benefit the organization. Furthermore, this candidate will generally feel a sense of

satisfaction with his job and will try to take responsibility for his actions, showing

both energy and a willingness to mobilize his resources. This candidate's most

prominent style is to act as a Vision Former. Notable is that he can usually plot

the overall course for the business to follow, guiding it in the path that will reap

the greatest rewards for everyone concerned. Furthermore, this candidate is

versatile enough that he will frequently propose solutions to problems, as they

crop up, based on an integrated analysis of all the appropriate influences and


The following behaviors should be noted if they significantly differ, positively or

negatively, from performance expectations:

• He socializes with others a lot. While some people like him very much, just as

many dislike him.

• This candidate does not want to be, or be seen as, a knowledgeable authority.

He is not likely to demand respect from people before engaging with them.

• This candidate appears to be unconcerned with the needs of others. This may

indicate an unwillingness to expend much effort in giving people what they

want or require.

Management Suggestions

• As a Coherent Vision Former, this candidate can help you turn your plans and

hopes into reality. He will demand high standards but, if they are met, he can

be critically instrumental in the process of making things happen. Manage him

ONLY with the utmost respect.

• He will, amid confusion, rush, and noise, hold onto what is lasting, calm and

meaningful and, focusing on it, will help everyone else to hold and treasure it.

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• One of his most valuable contributions to a team can be to give them hope. No

one gets everything they want as soon as they want it but what drives a team

on is the hope that someday, somehow, some way, things will not only get

better but that the team can make them so.

• Encourage him to help you do what is proper and best. Remember that in spite

of what people may say, winning is not really everything. It's more important to

stand for something. He is ready to remind you that if you don't stand for

something you won't win anything.

• He will follow the precept that optimism is essential to achievement, it is the

foundation of courage and it leads everyone to true progress. Let him help

others with this.

• Remind him that a lot of being wise is about the art of knowing what to

overlook. It is an art he can master and it would help a lot in managing others.

• When he is acting as a Vision Former, respect is properly shown in a very

formal way, like the kind of courtesy you would show to someone else's much

loved grandparent. He is motivated by his desire to transform people into the

best they can be. Remind him that when he is present, he carries the spirit of

the team that is greater than the sum of its parts, and that the team appreciates


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