Page 1: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Bll'oadcest a Week in advance


ii_ ece i,1e r -~=:::;,~~ Den/op~ me11f


Page 2: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 2nla.obj-663075141National Library of Australia

r'rldny, :Jrd June, 1927. W IRE LE S S WEEKLY




SUPER-NEUTRODYNE Embodying the new ru,11l,1;un~••I.~ pirhu.;.ip h:, '111:tvelu...,ed h1do1-1e,,do.1U..,, nl Elstree, England. and Sydn ey, Australia, which ha. e.xcited wide-.·p read

interest and enthuaiaarn throughou t the wireJeaa woYld

Au,.tnlian P• .ttnt 20,f,43,>24

Profeeeor NICHOLSON writ~:

U.S.A. Palt:dtl.t 1810918 Br1U1h and Canad.a.n. Patent9; PHl.dlna



Cbekmteys, Mouns. Street, Hcmter'• Hill. UnJ N,ay, 1921. Tha MA.nag~r. Unit,c,d ni.trlbut.Ql'lf, Ltd., 7? Cl.arc.oi:tt St.reet. i:;~o:,.,"J,;:y,

Dear' Sir. Thi! Ud1"",, IJ..vAl'l'fl Soper NC"V:ll'odTtJe M'l w!llch yau Nl'<'fflLIJI' ID!llta.ll!M la lh~ Plue ot D\Y"•un'sobao'9le ol-\·ah•• receiver 1urpMa1e. UJJf O:JJ~Llon,. I iqro a11ri,rl~t oot n,-,re,,Jy by {bl sel~vlty. bul al.o, ant.I Pt"rlUlO" dJll "'°""· b;, tbt1 nc.11.-nt Lorut a.nd "'OIUme ot ltl' rt!etopt.kltt from 1:H11M-ot. • Lntlon,, Wh,n tJ;r, ('Ol)ditfon"' are ta,·oi-able, $LO, 4QG, ~Cl,, lYA flN'I rtt'(l'Jvro wlth almo:111 the eame J)lrritJ' of tuu.r &&r.uJ follnrl!lll of ,·ul11mt" aa t.h• S7dnsy •tat.ion•.

l\fy •on wishP& mr tQ ei~·e you the tollowin~ p:u-t.Ieulat,. V{~ hKva r~f~d it<JQll broadcut by- 2G .!llations.

N'.8.W.t 2lll,. 2FC, 2GB, ..2KY. 2BE. llfE, iUW, iBt. ! P~. :ZG(t. VlC.: 3LO, SAR. !IDB, :SSW. IBY, lBS. Q'l,t\"OI Hl{i-. s .A.: l',('.J.., :iDN, 5KA.. TAB,: iZL. ·mx, N"..7 .. : JYA. IYA.. •Y.A.

All tff lhi'M?, ax<:(1lt t.l\(> ltft'1 from iZL a.nd 11T.I, W1•r1'\ n•c1.-in-il on t.M' loud • r>eabr. Wflb mt!l'els • frame w.'f'U:11. we- '"""<' hc-nr/J. oa the loud 6JM8.ku ~litht..ct,.11 1141tloru•. N"o le,;,. th"ni da\'l!.n ha~ bt:t-n hoo"9, ~a the lcnut Qpeaku, \llitLc.ot. ;!lby .11.orW kt. all Your, .hlithtulJy,

(S.d.) G. /;, NICHOLSON.

Model LS 5 Valvea



NEW PRICES 4 Valve Set with Philips A609 Valves £ 201 Complete Se-ts of Ace...,. 5 .£30 sorie-, l.nd u dlng Loud " Cancelling a ll P revioua 6 ti " £ 40) Speake.-, fro m .£1.2 up,

Price• 8 £ 55 ward.A extra

" " .,


United Distributors Limited 72 Clarence Street, a nd 28 Martin Place, SYDNEY

343 Queen St... 27 Cheuer SL, 26 Queen St., C.r. JcrvoY Quay & Harri• St., 66• St., BRISBANE ADELAIDE PERTH WELLINCTON, N.Z. LAUNCESTON, Tu.

664 Bourke Street, MELBOURNE 109 Collin, Street, HOBART

Page 3: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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BENJAMIN VALVE SOCKETS First in Qualitq and Performance

,, ~ ~



Sam.. al <lw 111tst, , ,. tuucs al Um aocU.1 •rw- :

L II b catllp:l(l ill>d °""I appc,,nna_ 2. f;Jdo Wipuc contlt.C'tll. utStJ,~

paftt'1 .. 1n-1rical connti:hdh.l w the tube pr,1oa,.

S. S-loa lpnllC Ind toOl.l<t :=;:!1:.:::--:.'t;.; .--,jaiu ... ~ AU~ pana arc ban!J

mount.n,: bMe- and ft 111..c'a,.

ded 1.,.. dim:t p:i.ri:rJ mount. m,. lPC'y lndu,lc II ch Lnui, rrmµlatl'I atal tout IIUtlbine 1cnw• with Duta tor atttc~ m,.

. ra· ~- -·l~ .· I ,, ··- )5·

-~ ·'.:... ~-TTPll llio. ,on.

r~. J;•


"'Jma• Olde\ a ... .,. A~Uc: 11aa, ••• dnla'--' w 11v• •••--wnt~ .,.-h "1,11,l tnam .«.wt. Tu,d1r1Jml bueft .. l,au,ill ~n C.r• N 'l~r• w4., are ~,-MIIIIIIIMtfu1 • ..S• lll:adll!l:::ti:a1coctxtls ............ Eh:aldli .. 4-lndlo ..... •UM °""' wi ..... .aooc11 .... .. ..-.

n~ ..... pod ID .... ttl',·wi«t ,....-.MS. lftla:•WIMpeni.,"'Wll­llJ or ••t .. ,Lall and 1 -oddatc PD,. B-MS. Fqqd JM b au w,thwl -· u,imOtt.N: •• -:.

U.1111 '-llitd • • J "-

-• ~ ':"-.~ ..... l .R­t4u~ ~ 4 o _ .. , _..,_~ Ll<.ii,t ••••• 1,"


Tk8.MS•--b Is~

· - ................ J _...,,__...._ eriq. Siln::r --..Ct.. .. blil•~.,..._ -Saa:~ .......... ...,. t Slll.-uft ..... 61. 1 •IJ.

Am.lqamated~- Wireless -"• ~'•e::-:;z;-·- WWJ.tz_GTI. •


Pap 01'!1

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 4nla.obj-663076160National Library of Australia


The" IMPERIA" Neutrodyne Kit

l•'.Vt't',~ u1r1:..tlt:u1 ~·un liuH,t l1i1- ow11 ~1•u1 ,,,._ Jfiw. M:t witl. th l, 1m11ru•, f'J h:1\, f'untaiii,.; 1t-mly•IJ101H.1ltttl ,1 utrt1fo1"IIIL'tll., .t_lr_inr, s l.r. r·u1Ldt'n . .:e1 , ,w\\., i., typt• 1'-t.·Ult'odon-J ;11111 lttt·,r 1111 1,:111'"'1 lo 1lrill hule • l•>l':'f'th<•s with f•.dl m~MlC"T.iCtlh an.d bint:4'.


f ! down. 2 'G Wf'ek

The New Mar-Co Illuminatecl

Vernier Dial T'h~ numbNetl ma1ld1ti!'~ i11-r clt'atly tihown thrnugl1 window hr n amnU light at lhc- h:u-k-ft fcuturfl th.ill tri"''°"B ~dd,x! dittinc .. lfo11 u11d uti.lit) to ,·ou1• f1't ..


I.ClofldYdll Audi gil l'ublk t'onlll!M'nc• ~lno llo!,Jli,

386 George St., Sydney. .&.l~o :u-:\e'l'fR.'-tfo. h.aJoomha, \tdhournf'. \drhUdr,

lhllln~lun (:\.Z.J, \ucklan~ \\.Z.J.

"MARS" Aerial Wire

For Improved Reception

c'on.H1'11c1 "d r r., m ~ t , !t rand tt,1 I'' ,. I hi .11.•r ;al \\ J 1· C'

l'lllUl'.L''I. \Ut-l ly 1m11r,l\ed f c_l r. U fl t j,,1

~,-1, ,· I I, 11; n:td t11lt1m,:, u r ~ n: u r 1·

f•U~il)' Sl!Ctlrt-d.

12/6 p~r IUO-forl.


Page 5: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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The .lfllly Rodter


}70, l,u ! mid ti f,w

programme. !'ht, ahndes of 1..<,11,,. ,lohn ::iilrnr,

1:.11 Jlo1 ~ • 1-'Unt, Kid1I, Mor,:,nn, 1ind thl'ir mtt'J")' romnulc~ nro 111 11to land holl!tini,: a ghostlY skull and rl'Q:'' t,oncs to the 11111st-heads of a tltou~nd nerials.

Piracy with lta stirring thoughts of uarlng :end 1h•fi11nce •hell~!'!' II 8WBJ{• gu1ng camp,wy, C\"CII wlttn It l.s a pleaJ>1nt n11d 1,r,:,fi1nbl<1 u11dc·rluh!ng in tend r,f tho refugo 11ml l'l!Tellll•' d 1lw driven. Thl' duya of the 11lank mW 11 tt! l'Utlas.& are aon{l', anr1 now under tti! romantic nrune, men con­e,ilvc fru1ci1·d grudg~s •gr.inst 1,:o,·i,r11-menl lllld 1<1oadc:uter as IUI cxcu...., fur dwtoat'3l aubterlu!!'e.

The 1'i1e!es, pimlo~ forlonatcly, I• not a1n:re-:a!Te like h~ predec,~, •·or It is not f Pnr th:, I muli~s !11m n11 ot:•l:iw, but the c.r1portunity or i:et­,lng i;omething for ·nothinl! with II ~unlmum u! rusk. orten lle Is not O'l!n a plrute through choke or cir•,•e, l•<1I 111e1·oly l<ll'llol(ulnc.,~.

lie l• there, however, nml hi• e:c1,i.:nce menaces the prc,wess or brund,.as I Ing. In l-lou I h .-Uri,:a he. •·aa fort<'d a large broadcuting com­pnnyi in10 }Jquidntlun: in C;illlldn, wbrir,, the cOlil-.:tlon of fec1 I• not left aknn I<, th~ 1114inl•ratc·d and n,·e ,,.._·orked JJO.'ltld d,•rk. b•• ha.• been reduced to small numbero; m Kngl.ind, where erPry mon hns u neighbor, am! th,.re •~ no lo!'V. dJSl4ln<:ea to c,,,·er, h.- Is rnol'e. , . .,..Jiy ,Jr~ted ~q Austruha. ,, here l11t•rli ~<• lanl? di!Utnce1, ho laugh• "•llh 1mp11nitr 41 lhn f1•dJlt• •·ffnt'I" tu ~at,,h brm.

~omclblng for nothing tu lhe pirate listener, 1U1d ma,le lt difficult to~ him ihtll'O th,• co•L of hla t!llf.crlnln, rnent mtb other llstene~ In N~w South Wnlr.s. nut,irle thu ri1lr~ nf Sydoey anrl :Sewcasllr, there are ap­pro:dmately 1,IS0,000 people, nml 1,000 Uc~nses, or rougWy one lif'en•e to ~..-cry 300 1ieoplc. The atnlung ,·ontn.:it uf th,, ell y f11,'llrCll (OIIO Hcem,, tt, e,•ery 2:; people.\ b not wholly exJJlain,rl hr the proximity of tho ~ity ~,·1s to lhc br011dcll!ltin1t stat!on~. This can be easily realised when, working the,,, tlyures uut on ., bu la o( n vernl(Cll, we aee lhat • lnrge nl:r like Broken H rl1 bu but ~o li•·•'"f'2!lo• 01·, <:omJng clo::t:('f to SJ<I• ney, l.ithgow has but &I, Enst and \\'est '.\lallln11d •16 between them, Goulbuni :17, l:luthurst :a, Albury 27, \\'nggi: 2i!, Ol'llllge '?6, Wollonaon~ :m, Tamworth !!;!, ihtbllo 17, whkh any 1rawller ... 1u tell you Is nl>Hurrl •in the r ,·fd('nr•~ of tho m•rinla 111 these eitle.s. whose population, mry Crom ~,(H)0 10 5.0011,

The1·e ls no <loub1 whllte\'l!T thnt the w1relc•.• pirate IA undermlntui: the whole of I he liromleasll11g 11ystem.

It is the duly of e,ery llccnse_d li<tenc,r· Ill llc)(.I lhal nll lUiSUllle a mu· •lum, of the r~t or the proirr11rn111e.1. He mun join the gre.,t Arn'.nda lo •wrnp th1• t•h•3t1• l'rnm th~ £l'&s-- -tn hang him from hi~ o,.-n yanl-ann 1 hat w, rnuy nut hear the 1·,•m11111Jc1 or thnt ghostly ~hnnty. the fl1'1t line of whkh bend:, thlt article.

Fiftrt11 slfltio•is in thr old junk ,hut.

/Jrbt m,J de~pau· luw,· Jone for tl1t• u5t.

}'o, hu ! and ti /ru proernmnu I l It Is the l,, dLlanc.M which hu\·e pre:icnletl th opi:rt~~~ geltlnll

~p-. - ~ '· \'hr!!8il3'1 -, ..... ~L ... n,_


Page 6: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 6nla.obj-663076750National Library of Australia

l'.ag,, Fo11r WIRELESS WEElltLY FriJ~:v. ~1·d ,Jun•. 1927.

Between You And Me And

The Jltlicrophone

TIJF. /~1•rt1-:As~~ i11 ti.,~ numl.!~1· or Ji~l~hf'f'ill MtUl't• 1-Lu.~u.m I\'.\ \\o.t'-

hJ'l'fl{->1f ii. 7,4tli ( Aul'kfa1aJ tigures ,inly , . _ Tht l'Um~ n~urt>i- m '~"'Pt'd uf st.ullull :JY A UJ'(' a,-16-t.

1T IS Tllf,; l?-:TENTIOX of the Ttadio lirutt1h·u~tin•~ t,;omp:w~· of Nt-w .Y.1..•ul.:rnd tu irupt·o\·r. pn:iR"rnmme;.;. ron-11Hlt•r11l1ly wht'-ra rht> numlJl:'r uf 1icen'-'ed"'n(•f:!1 n--.aL'hr·!! -ltl,<,OO, .\tr. f':. ~\kN' f'.~(.'t'C•la.ry o! the Post Ottic-e, i;, i-,( ,11•i11io11 that thili,:t ~ all lie i1ttaiuf-'<l. ln o }'car'• tiru~~

TlfE ~UAIBER 01' rt'-n.·J..~1~lr·a.tion-:, :it1d ftf-W radio lic{'n.'H;-R b.ilUNl in th(" van1JU!:I'. pr1rt~ of ~c-w ~uk,nd since 1h'-' htRinaing r.1! thf" month of April i"' Ht,517, Lol-lt Yf?'4.t' ~he number or ft'tt:'iving lkt'n.:,e.s i~~ut-d wu Ui Im?. 'fhe tiiur"",(, for th() l'hil'f cP-nlres ~l!re: -AuckLwd, ~860;,urch. 4~10; Du11edlu, 1516; We11!1•~tou, 3:J41l.

THE ROYAL AUTO'.\IOBJLE CLUB ltf Vittoria ha~ i1utituted a ,pecial '",at'et1· fir~t" c•ampai~n with tho co-operntfon oi 3LO, nnd it i~ hc,,wrJ that lht· diu1l,ll'f1' M 111ntoring mny be minimi5;eJ o.s o rc~ult of the

11rr'!pagunda, f-:v1•I')-' niJ,cht lhf:I ~tudii> 1rc,adca~h n 1-p~lal me,.Fage t,, motorist", f.'yc.·1: .. tt-. ur1d pcdc$-lrians t-ourer11i,1s; tntt'k rroh!,mu amt hf"• baviom·.

Cu11d11cted by Juck Pfugg,

\\ UI LF. Prof. L. A 11M,"1tioe, Lhe t•i•f'u.lur or the lluzt.-ltlnt! ciri!uit, wus condud(11g hi:-1 L•Xperiments, ht- took t bt• prt!l'aution or kPepi11l!' uot~s. i:t bis ··li.1boruto1 y not~ book.u ti pon one of l}H'!tt.' nntH, 41-..._ t·V~l~ 'Pl'IJVt>O. patent rights ,·a!ued ut J.600.0UO•doll:trs hunK,

rm!l'I' RADIO A)1ATEIIR: Is your lrun:!lmilifl' in:(Ut(!d oguiru1t th~H, fire, storm. nnd nrcldenc. !

~ECO:S-D RAJ)(() A~!ATEUR: God onl)• k11uw~l'Vt\ jwrt finish~ reo.d• ing t hf insurance .Policy.

IT IS ANNOUNCED frum :lfoscow Lhut L~nin''4 wiUow. who 1'1till keep~ her ns$urn~J n.u.m.e of Mme. Krup!Cku:t¥, is d~\' ~11 her Lim~ tu the exl~n­~fon of radio o~ an a~ency tor the e,ducat ion of the RullsJan pPoph•

Tm: RECENT DECISION tn nl­low fl-t=rmonH tll he brondca~t. on Sun­day'-1 in Fronce ha~ led to a sp~cllll ruling by I.ho Cnrdinlll Archbi•hop of Pari.s, whc, aunounc-es that the t?t:'neul aothorizHtion of preacher:, of ~or­mon~ doe~ not cxtftnd to strmoo~ \\hich nn~ to he, :-.;o t-cr• mon o,· IPctu.rf' on a tPJigious ~u.bJect c•sn be bro:uk.-i_-.t without a ~r«cial authoduLir'ln ln r~ch tBSl:'. Furth1•r­m~,r~. th@ text rnu~t be- s:ubmihfl>d first to thP A rchbL~hop.

ACCO!t!JfNG TO A REPORT. o rnt't.hod of wireleu telephony emvh>)•~ ing- ultru-vlolet. wa,•es ha.!!! betlu diN• <!overed by a G~rrnnn en_gine~r. Ir thi3 is true, the way is op-eniug up far u uew and wonderful ~ra which .rna:r well revolutionise the wireless !yste-m a._ Wt know tt.

A REPORT ISSUED AT WASH· INGTON, II.<.: .. h1· the United !< Deparlm4'nf. nf r.omm .. Tr~. ;..Q.)l'.>l th•t­thern. are 164 broudca.!tting stntion"" in Europe, ovPr 700 in the Unitt>d St:.o.tei:;. Sfi in the remairn.ler of :--lol'th Amprica, 38 in ~outh Ame-rkn., 10 In Asia. 28 in Oceani~ nnd 9 in A rrfoa.

A SF.T e'1pnbl• of rP<eMn(!' a lhou~11nd miles in AuFtralin it not pffoctive: for moTe than 500 miltt!I In lndht, due to peculiar ntmo~phcric condjtions theJ·e.

Th~ J>hotograpb ot the )forth P<1lc taken by airmen dillclo•e• only n hole in the ice. [t is prel-Wtled that ~ome un•crupulous Egkimo stole tho thing !(Ir lhi.s anlennn.

THE SALES of combination radio Md t.a11ting mathln~ lnstrumenu n1ade by the Victor Company in U.S.A. du:rin~ 1026 hod a retail nlu• nf so1ntthinR" over five and n )Jalf million nound~, amounting 1.n onf'­>ixth nf the toW business of the company.


?,;Ol"Tt:RNAL 1•~­IK'rlmt-11ts J111..• llkt'l)' t,l tnke lllu~·e very lihc,rth· imt,J\'ll11t ull the, Eurnpeu.n !llttt.-

1 luna whkh "otk 1.1n

w1wrtcnrlhl'l ubove GOU rn.-trt'R. 1'ht l,•it .;, which wert­rlnnned l-,y I he Hu­rt•ttu l11tcrnationuJ dt•


RKdin11honu~ in Jttf hu,I lnt!r,tin~ iu Hrusst•l::. ,,·lll l''Pl'" til'n~ xn oth•mpt. 111 fonrtulnt~ a fiehern(" for the l1m'( WJlYC•

leng'l.h ~tnti-on .. !iiTI)i ..

l,U" tQ Ha.• fumou'l Ce-nPvn i.iuu1 for thf' 111r.Ji1Jm and s-horl. wnse ~lati(lnt1.

Do You Know Your Radio ? ELLISON, ol Ar­rnage OJr.;ei:.v-o.torr (Eng.), hag heard A merlcn. nn a !!-dnl. cr· ~E.t, HtJ &f\nt up n. box kit«• msti•• of Jiner1 ~nrJ light wood, to n height of 2,j00 fret, 1111ri run nut witb !'ltPcl phmo wire, whirh w1-1s grouniled u.ntl ('On~

noctod wit.b tM

,1, , It"- (I/ 11-, •l•O 1 /lt't1ll'ffll rir io, "- l'I ,,.,,. tJ/!d ,,urrf'"•' •"'l !l'ff\l, ,,,,O, lhrir fft•1t ,, r , 1IJ l,r t,,.,J,J I •r/ 1f •tlrli, , ,, ll!o t"1"h01t /lt,\I' · •qJ ttH• #OM 11•-"• 1,· tlo-r ( tllr"l&ffl'JI .•,1 1!, 1, •" • t,rr Jt(H/r r .

SERIES 3. 1. C"n a. picc~ of (' h.c- t1"-~d as • er) ~t11r? 2. "'"ho Hre the mtmb<-r, nr lht Ro)·•I ('ummbl'Siou on

wirrl..-;;;-.? :t \\ hat d<M.'"~ QST mean~ ,1. \'h)" i'< it lhat a 2:HI n,11 wirelf"~~ '-'6'' hatltr-)• will not

e-h'~ ~ ou ll perc-rptihlc tlt'dric !!>hoek. "ht'rt>a"i· a 2m H)lt ~hCK'k from the ligh1in~ mllin."" "'ill 11rohnhl} kill )'f1u?

:;. \I hat ;,. th,· STIOII? 1;. "ho is JJi11y Uunn)·? 7. \\'ho in\'Cnt td the \lor:-;e, C'ode? 8. ,vho cont roli; ,HlG '? ~. Vfhich l)rnadcuting gtation in Au....,,n,ha ha:-. carried uut

the 5t'n~ate'--t number uf lattd line tran'lmi~.iions! 10. \Vhat doe~ the word radio mean'! What b ihi dtrha­


There are no to the Philco.

!'lmnll CTV~Utl rt• Ci'h't-r. · A mericn n ~tatio1111 wore htt~rd with thfl •am.- dllT• hr a., onf~ 11n t uhP set!'-, A 1e­mile•p~·-hour gale wa~ blowin~. bL1t Uie kite quickly r,aehed 1,000 !•et.

Page 7: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Jloderu J~adio l~eceivers J '1,n1ri:t·lopmmt ,,, rl,e mudrrn ,-adw r~uit-rr ~ '11/b' r.-rplained m tl,i, artidP rnurlud 111 , 11.ple //·clrnical term., 1mdl'nlantl11b/1• tu u/1.

/~1• Fl. C. 111/. / ,.'W/\' rl,_f Ji,:J,o /.ntin,,r I • .I. S1,rJ,,.,, & <., ([q/f) UJ., u :z•u,M J"9•IO lllfl#ll{U<IUrlttt urt,1111:1ati11N nuw p,,11/11,illt ,uJ,u rnnt'rr:.~

IT nll..'tll. JO lw ,mph.It &lll)' • ~ =• th, d 4,Q <,f r,.dJu rei:t1VIJll' appa.riiT.U.• hu tm\"r~•te-d

rr.:11! .t' S\al,JI 111 ffux and h l.>rt:uni lac t.altll • rut II in rnc.rh ,h• ,a,oo p;; it. · Lhal- Ott a.utomobilf' Ot"t·.: .. ptf-1.. 1h,n.i 111 hnTu·r, w1ttUlist1un• :~m:;: 0}c•r•ta:~11~;,~;H•~,.,!= u. e:; n uaport.a L aY1.t· ,e- •JWn to Ulot r .arch ~\l.'irl'tl"t. IU,11 •t t ht! ueu time lhe-nt J• ,,,rJ'" mwll­h~J fir au7 ttdrlllng ltt\'11lopw"d:s UK.'I •• a..w IM-rn bn• lcwd frr..n, Urne ~o t'= , t a ·-r and mor,, Hn•:a t· .ar I rt.L:~1 ,,.,,,,:-1. S1•v. t1•t·1•~vi-r, hn• bent ann qri. ·•.1 "' '11 u. '11)1..rlllt cf tr r t, :, •h h lhft11' ,·aln~ 1aro to :to t..he •ork ..t aettn~ t-iJ'ht c;r­ttl1L treW «itr1Jll bAvl" IWt.•h hint r.,;J nl whirh will r,'Y'tt!11\lonin· thfl indu t•)'t bUI ahhou«b aom,p of thHe r•v ,I~. ucaa11 "5cu bv. "~ coi u, the 1.t.i.tP or pl'Ollhu:tiqn, nM1• to dnte hlJ.Ye lt'hJt-\•~I MmMrttlal r•1•·N1!!!. n, • .i..i,,, ., radio •-··•· ..... ,.ub<Mh ,1,b!l!Nd lt>•I! Int.. tho

~\r?l:nripr. mnrs~ R,..~h•t·rt C"m11pri1, lrlR' 1 •ltttectnr • mJ Ollt' (It n1nrl!! •'Cf ,r 111ldlo-fN'i.lt1tne, atnpllrk•• tl..11: nttmT9 ,..~,h Mfll or mor• ll1.U'et <tl twuil r.11ilti-fr.-~uf'1t'C'f. a cLst.tctor- an1t •tr~ Of n1rrr,, .i.,u;-1·• nr =f~,:~Ju.!:om~::iJ;,tr:;:l l'M'd nr Jlf9V'4ff. with l(lffll!! trH•.• nt of r,uiliry111~~ ll:i, J!nl£.4'flrlllallr1n "'·hi,·h 11 l-ol1nd tn ottur tn ,, md1()-frPCf'JI' nr,:. amr!iM w!tirh b Pf'!fonnil9% Its r.i.rtural funMi11n tr; nmphftratin11 • H1l 1.n llJ. iho ,~p-orh,trf111irur•,

A r reU 11 .,._ •\o ,uut mod.:-b 1..! Poltlllar radi~ rrrrin:ru h:t.v,. Nom• l'ito I.he fl.rat hru c:-l1t..t:,;c-~ ,inJi " ·)u•n fnt- qu"U1111 At1'tl(I nt rr--d-r11lsr11ir11:'." El'!,·· ,h rrod~·u ,., twlnc- th .. nt ill liftrf v.tth modt-u r:r-a~1r,. th«!- whob II! t!_r, """' nr r il• frt-1 ltfu'y flll1J'lll• :lrn~· •n wu tltfl t f':Sufull}" "'":i-.-ti1I 1t:id many "'XPfT l'lltM . .: rondw:tM tn &t,n,11ne • hrth , •l'JCWrn .,meriean ~1,.,. '::: •hJ,ldir.s:-. f't~., •11• n ut1 ... r•tr'fil" anh1rion ro tlit1 r,roltl.,.n,, t':.i! ti 111.t det-1,lll lmrr tn m•rmf11t­t;m, 1- t,r t~s I'"( N"fflnl' I'm• bllch- nr in hcuh th, \"t!t"J lat~ and "'~t rff1.clnt elrr11lt,t irr@!\J>f'CI Wf" of °'"" trHI l:,,n1vrd, Tho o:i rnatt.s ~ <ldtd """" .-... - A .i.ttt1nr • r

fT("Atly 1mpro"·,d Jn!l!'a followtJ bt onr •nd 1-,,, ••~•• of olldio fr• qui>ncy and a Supf"'tla•U•rud) TI!" C"lt• ruit ,111q,tuylt1g r, uuJ ':' \"•lln.•L

Let us rv,it-w th,- 11Lu.atto11 and ,.-tt wluit 11.-e df'm&nd. I n.lT. • radio ~ rclw.r: ln ''"'w of tht' raH tluat ft 01u1111 ltft rn1mb)t1 ••I 0J•H11tfo11 hy all types e>t ~uplP, rm.-Ju1nkaU1 mind"'! anJ otbnwl~. fflU:Sl::al or hnt, bii:h-1.ruw or kiwt,1ow, lhr nullu rK'~hrr

Tt1:' l;i1{:;'ri~~:~ "N;1J\\i"~t~"1c~:!~ r'1'0WJd l~aaw trhat.,,y.,- c,U11•r at­tribu~• • rwr-h1,·r mnr ha,-.., ~r ll lit• wdl-nh:h m1pu~lbl11 hi ot,1~1111 thit' r tnudnd(or t-s1.•rpl. hy. or und#r lbe 111P\'l"'TUlcm o( • ndio uprrt. IUI ,aluc u r.ief!lf1,.~bl~ 14 Lhc, multitud"• <:rani.rit lh,1 fot••Kulng, "·1, m•y ti•.:,. 111m1bl,- 11¥t'ra that lo th,, NC,10,I 1•1At'e ,-hovld c:omir 11u-rttr ,.f iono of the ttproct-•. 11:ect mUJ:~ ,and •J)f'l!'c:h; it i11 r>f Uttlt \Jft1 1 o 1>f' ahll'I to tii.:ar l.ci1'ld,1n or N'4W York frott1 the Au• trall.A.n C"MUMnt t! tl!P rll'Jlrodurtinn la lltO d,:1t.anftl •• ~ 1w UnenJoyoblt-. llri1·dtr. W"t' 111av JllDrr Hlr.cthll'I, !'tit, althrt1J2'h In A a;,.trnlfa 1ttlforttvlty ma)" hot M' r~utnd tu na.hl~ t.he awr to rUmiffllt,, I ;c-,d b, Hd­ru.~1.ins:r ,tath'"• ,~~ it 11 ca f~(t.err lh th• o,·1·rnll 1·ffir1,·n,-;· o( rhr J"~'t•t,i"t-.J" ~'«turthh·. and la1l.l.", thf" rrproduc-­thm ~hoald hf. of anrlic-ir:;t nihimo to t' th• bniadrut 111 ~u-rammtt to 1,,. t'lnjn)·t<,I withnt1i ~1rorl Ill thr- a,n .. •art' ab11-d rf'l,,m m- within r.AM)nahlf' pM:);imity of the rt1produ,-rr tn thl­"J'«'n alr.

A ffw ~•1)rd.,t I\~ ti\ lhr rPa1r,n , f th• • bandun,n.-nt. uf lb• t~nNI raad10-frrqlWnf"1 type tn11y l1t1 or lntrrut. lhf' m11dt!rn Ratlln R.;•rflYR' ,~ f'IJ• tirt'lV tnclnu•d within a nihinrl wil h tl1• ur,-phan af the,. nttfl.Sl:rr ~M• t"1l!s. and h,- !l-CI d,,mr- ttM, c-lf'drir-1111 rr 111d11111!! t•! anc- p.l1 t ufkm nn11thl'!" ,u ,~ ln.r-rrr11r1J, ti1111f'-rlllRy H' A n11,II I•

!btp OY1:~~1"idi:~tnn.!:i11;!: ~~; thh N\,,• C"tlo,, C'IIUflli•C' unrit'"lnhl~ o!'lrillari,..n..,1 tt i• n~i,111'i,-:-y lflflt,,-r th nKUiaHu thf' riP-artlon hetu.ttn •anau tnmpmu:nu <•r to tnlrod:Jf'e • rc:,-M"tion ,nf H•rt.l)• equal ~nd nl'~ pn11itti f)hUI", nt .ni:raln. t,i thif'hl nr-

i~•~:•i1~o':"t.T:!!:. 01ri~• n::r:.rr~~

Mr. fl. C lrill,o•

Jtett.iwr- :~ w,11 ;,n,cm-~ r t 1 • ICt'sl1tdc t1Ut• ui ll.r "SEulruJttH•." Dil dlJY.-lu~I 117 !'rulf'P<.11 llitz~ltlu.- -, A mffina, but 1hsrlnc th"" l,u, J'Nlt ih

~~.:r~ ~~t~u':,~J:;~~1 u~:1\i~; l•( munu(a<·hrrnk in fa.-our ,..., ., ah1.-hkJ r«ifi,,·tt of the lfpr- to b,.. met ••th ln modcri1 AJMncll J'l'M"• tl("'f'I: of ro:11·w. lfU0l('l«!flllJ' woo,! 1h1elJh11" muy ~ p'ftlain,"tl w rr-irttr.c. t-rrtal.11 h.ann!ul eft'H.11. but Hntfiil,. 1n111tniir.•nU wUJ lrttll •how lhtt •rfttt• of l~btl".! ihroullh ,!11rlch of nrut, J~rf«l t'lJJl!:.tructlon.

I! ;1. plAt.e of <"Opper nr bran be plaef"d brl~t'el\ 1-.0 e1, .. xlal induct­oncc, co1h. •• ,h,,wn In till' n~ur-t h•·n•wlth. wh~ a rU1T.-nl. 111 r.,U,t,. hibrd in roll .. A" a Ihm UI irenerat..d •• ,bown by th., IUTo••• 111kt cU:TN'nU 711e lnriuc•MI in thn plnt:o. •iuUlnt to thn.ut 11hown at. "h'": th••rpfnrf', 1/,e, nu "hl<h b ,.W,Jbhtd by I ••• rurTI"Dt.. tn I.hf" rl• tc- h •1pOC'>tlt'CI to f'ha nf thf, 11,1! ... .\ The i'UI. 11•111~ l,i 11foUI 1·U·• t~nd to p.Nlft11t any aetiil,n hrtwttn Nd ... , .. aa.1 cu! "f ·• on th, r,ry,osl1• ,. of thr 1-11•;,. l•ut. b.\' ln'Yf'I 1:IJtiillou wt- ~udt thut. ,11111 iu th.- 1·rfli.t.l~U\l'l" ot the~ •broet; ''H," i!. i• lmp<rAlbJ- to J11"1"'Vllt 1nn•• • f"IIOn ot coil .. A · \l'Pt--n tol! -C-" rtf'!rk ~t.ur~U Ima 1c'fn tl4aj a ,er• fr,t"t, Ahir,l,t or a<'rf'f'tl h••twf'c•11 ".\" au,T •·1 "' tnUAl hav'° at»o!:1!.cl;- ll'l'O ,,... 1lstan,re. aGtl an ,rOn!!to •f'f'•: .., rt-1\Jeh a ,hi•L:l PM,tl! 11,, AnJ' rurn nt fr, "'A" w1U 1l1·t"11•11 m the l•r1Jtftct 1h1r•ld a rurrr.nt 1urh Uutt U.1 nuumetf.­fnrtf' at •"7 inNnt 11 opPQlltti- •nd N)WLI tu tht- fntt~ •rrir~ch11111r it ftnm tho ,·oil tu,!111: 1h1l'hlt-d, a11d i11 tnf~ co,vlitl,itt r..o aet mn tak~ tilat·.-11 pon a ~u on lh• nppo,-tte aiJC'I (If tho ,Jrl,Jd. From ll>•ol')', "'" an d ..

Bu) a Bur:-e,ss a nd Cul Bnltrry COIIL

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Pago SiL WlllELESS WBEltL1'

cU"cuit OLher fonni u! o..,cillation control Are m U,so m the llnitr-rl Stab• , the l'C1Upling of tbtl' coil in lhr- plate cirruit to rt,~ following ).."" d cirl'1,.11t }> .... h1~ varif!d :tctPrdlng tn thr Irequ.ency. N.Dd in ooo in.~tanrf' lhf" inductancf' l f thr J,latt> c.-ircuit ,•nil 1, :il~o ynritd aL the t1lllne time,: \1i-·b1l 11 \. this 15- undoubLetlh ,m f"X<'el~ h•nl m~thorl, lh~ mn.jnr1t~• or manu (dt t1rer~ "lft.> r,rart <'ally rff"harrt-d fr1>m iL, 11~c br the patent aituation.

Lu Y1cw oi the I.all 1h'°'t a numl,t-r tif rum•d "' rrr1uire l•it}w1 nn al,-1,ormatl 11umber ot cor1tru)~ or, if l4.•uple,I tn1.rrther, mcchnnkally 111 urdci- lo llf'c•ome n ~i-agk or two <"On 11·vl 1 CC'~.ivcr, nc.c-~--sil:1tc c.·xtnmr•ly

carfcul l.u.1,mcin~ \\hi<'h Jr-1\\Jins hul litlh1 , lt1-t·Hlt1u1 tu reru.kt u~tablc (tlw d1aog-,, or a , n.lvc hf-insr in ~nu l'l•<tti ..:.uffititnt to remh·t the I ece,i,~~r wt:>IJ ni~h i ,,1h t~li\ll't 1 lhe pull1;} dt'<.·id•~ Upon was, a:; lx fore- 1Jt.ah•d, tu 1·011c<:ntrat(~ upon but two diatinct rircuit.JI.

-~ \


f · .... : e,

11fHf• u/ n1JJJ•f'r 11r bn,1t11 lu•twf't'fl t.a·o r Ja:rfol ii•dttf'la,4:r•.

Th.- ftn-,t WM a n,ud1ftc.1Uon ti! tht• "Ric-~•· r1rt'Uit ir, whic:h l:L I to-fiction ts tL ,11 rolled by o \ artubt ... c.•ond(.•f15tr: hrh:11\. thie ddt<tlor rircwt curaist:,. u! A fuil \\1th ~1 ceut re u,p, which is con 11Mt~·<l tn the tilam~at <1! Lhc \ alvr! 011d to the <'!lrth t-,1, u11r c-nJ or. tht~ tall J!-1 cuune<.:Lt,1 tu• hri•J lht ,.,u;ch tht: u.aunl v-riJ condcnacr i..uc.l grid I ul., the uthtir e.nd ot the C'Oil 16 t:Olll.l!d.tJ l.u thi.:! vlal~ u[ the \·•hp thrcugh tbe: ,·e.riabl1.: re-actio11 con­Jense1·, tbt.- wh-"I~ of t..h.u c..c,jl be-ing , t11.rntt<I I.J.), u co1Jtion•er ,,hn~h f{,r-mis lh~ 1nuln tu11111g umt Uv.-··nir. tu tht- ,.,uc-ial -t:01•~tr\lt'tlun ul Uu- coil 11.nd th1.1 lny-o~t, oi the cir~u1t, ex:truo.rdiim.rU\ 11clec-t.1ve tuning n­sc1lt • whilet the Ver)' di:'li~at~ eontrul nf r,• ,l tlon ru~1blfi br th .. ,cu•cuit In 11uu1lon pt•ruiits the n­ ro be brm1ghL to th~ point of

Friday, :ird Jun•. 192?.

IIHA.Xirnum cfficiern~y \l,itb th'° mini­mum, nn1ount o1 trouble or cxueriN1ti· 1'hr, audio-freq~1<'11C;i" llfflJlhHn i trans. fornJ('r coupled, the traruformn h..aving Iami1mlt>d i.:orea ,,r pe( 11.1.l trnnsfonner tteel, each luJn1t1atio11 be­mg Ill uh1led fnnu its fcHc1v, : 1}11, 1•ore- i s ul xt rHOI diru,.ril;· ~eiwrou dimeru.fon:;., \\ ith thl' 11!'.-iUlt I hut it i. Ht no tltnt' HI n tl~ih f!\·l'n npJHOKI

.. 1nut.it15'?' to a.atmn.tio11. Tho tnan formrr <'oil!-: nrl' wound OH uutornatic; mtu•hir,c , , nt'h l..ty~r l>1•inJ.:' t--epar~t-t,1 from tht next. hy a <'ri~--<'l'O!S cntto winding; tho whole cr,tl aft('}" "1n1liog 1 1mprtlg11tttNt \\lth paruffir. m a , at· Him aft.l'r a f\f'C\1oU~ bnkini;r. r11

.,uring lhHL t'tto1·e- is a~olutC'lv t1u r11oi~urr pr ,-s, 1,l nnd tlw.t th~


l·r;tirt-1';nrling i-1 oroof ngain!t cJimatl!." und wPnlh~r condil.iom.

The &L•l·oml ,,a• a su11HhetL·11)1lYJl' r,rn,tt, the d<• ign o! whkh ha..-. h~ c\ 1,lvt'1l t hrou~h mnnths. u! ratir 1it de.sign and t>-Xpenm<'nt.a1 wotf :.nd wh!lrt t h,-rn h nvthmg n,llcaJli new fn 1 h~ nrtual circuit employ,~ th~ vsrima coru:lnnt:-. 1hroughout U:i~ rh'<'uit. the Jt1iign ot rhtt indut:taote trnn,, nrid the i'tllfnd layout •.how hy- tllE. IL' ,·ery t1m1plicit) the Htt 1nense amount or labor e.xpt;ndOO ,,a hringing th(l.11e re-i::-ej~e.i·s to tla~ir ptr­"(·nt pit \.'.h of efficient}' auid per!eetlon rir reprod.ul'trnu. The method of L'Or, .. !>tf'Udion i::,; ent.irely u.-,.w Mtid is va-ulr in u.dvantt. i..•I tho metal chaui!t iorJ of con.tlf\Wlwn, for whilst it eml,odi~ the rigidiLy and nermant'nt•e- ,\hith Lhjs com1.t-roctian atforda, it is t>otin.l} r,,.., irom ito lnh,renl diladnntage,.

Briefly dti-Mribt"-d, the- a.mµli!yu,, ouit of tlw n·cel\-,:.r tt1ll.8i.rt1 oC 11. J,1kl•let-0n ira.rnework, \.lpon whith ru-c-111uu11tt•d II numOO-r or •maH '\ uh"P pan~b. ui:,on which nre mounted the cvtnf!On<'nt.a funning the eireuit of t.hai pa11icular valve; the1e Are wired indivulually, the tlru.1 wlrlnir t.o con• uuctors common t.o t\H, <1r rr.or.t" , al;,1J.1. bdng rigid Lusb"-1'• soppont<.d on material cmrfod by the fram.,,-woi·k i~elr. Th.UJ, it will be r,tt.n rach indlviduul va.h-e 1tag.- nnd romplett, rt•1"eiVl-r it ahMoJuttl) uniform, both os regard.& che- li•ngth of lrnd.11 b~h,t'ea vn.lves a.n.d their u,o. datfld rompont-ot.s n.nd a.s regn.rd.i t.h..e unit in it:$ entirety.

An nddithmnl advnnt.nge a~rulfl.1 from this n:eUi<XI of de,ign I& 1hat, \\ ith the exccptiott uf tbe bu~bars all 1.:u1111c1.:lion.a are mode br 1tranded fle-x.iLle wires, which i.rt W'Uwn through h"lte 1n cooneoting ey•luU and soldert-d I h plac~ i th~e of 1,-.•frc oru quite ~hort., lhe met.hod 11( con5truct.ton t> !reec.ll)rtl i'ru111 Lreak111ce of ~otd .. •rll'.'d joinh ,uc:h as 11m. i11(tt,1uently oecm- in tram,it \',nt-n 1ec.-..h·••r ll.rti bullt wi1.h <"lln-

i1l~ralile lt nr.thfll of riaid butbar Vtirc·.

lou can Recharge a Philco t or a few pence.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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It 's .4 I I 1 n th e 11 i r Cm111nt l"Mlllrt'S in tli,· /Jraadcmtm,: Pmgram.,

'l'A~l,S £HOii .•H' A nwnb,,r of

r-fr't~~;.h:'=~~ ::::.:~ v.. r: w,. wlloae '9m!ru•~11t rh.t\

tiiJ ~ fa~oarhN ~ wlffl..~ls 11f.ctttttia1r- TJ. f, 1lowtn,: r-1 \rr,d un-du tht1 Dl>W l!•·r,1

•A W-'l,I( I.S I r::-TIUI lflUC-.\." d,plrllnr a ul1• lo lh• 1~-rd:alt. llounuJa,, wh,n lltppu, L,pw,ts, .l.oupordo, .11.mU)'• •" tifi°I' mn with.

I .Si•£lt TUr ROUf' .... rm: ,ll':,ltlLE," tdtin(' nl111UI th1• ur.. II .IJ1J,1~h 1W2,lt9,

"im: GORILl,4 \T rlfl~lt: Ill~ C IIAIACTl:lt ,\.,'D lJPE, and • .,, o:d lmllt.


t~,'!!it~ Al;~ri~bC(t, tl\~111

~r11:.' ..

ASlllAL { IIAIUrn:R!.I Rr• , , ?, k~. eo-opnat.:m:i ta bttr.•

•~~~ ~~:i~:~ uaJk on Al\,ffllll wt:trh 11ttart lmrnntt bf!'l11.r•

\ Ir. \\. •·• J4rJr.011 wfll l{h·c- 1 ,~n Pl four OP«!• ! l'<'l)WAr I,,c ~= m:J"!l~~au~: motlrni l'.ranu-A-aat.ol• t r8.!K't". novc-1• t. ltalJ,--1.ulao l'lnnMlln. 1!<11n,.t t. CmJUi;;:2-t;r.;r119 BtTr111r,, 1'ihaw,

f)o\:i:li:lt a.n.l ilnim"tr.'-1. \1tr.rb-~:uaeno c1·~eil1, •lre11u1.

11 llr "=. H. Bn'lwn • U ~uk about

l•!ed°'• Bsronl&l C.a1.tlt·•,..'• and 1"'.qtaUI Fh'd A• ron win trll of ..,.,.r­•wld ?OJ)OO )"ftni •if"O, ' 4"hr wurtrl l 100t1 )"t•u11 • ,:,,i,~ l'he- wor~d !',(1:1 :;::;: ••~:" amt "Ttll' l\"lr!d 100 ,~,.,.

ORPIU~,;• WAIL." will 1 .. h"""I. ttit lroa ll"•rrlar•h ffnll Sntral 1111, <1 Tu,,,ds). 7'b, al>d • ill In• •• e:cm.a by t·rutt C-1~ haritorw,

~;~ f~!~1~:W11,~!r~~n!f.,1:.~ l111m., h.triUlnr, &1111( "l,cl I ,-L, ~tt. lhrr-~ tbn inM!'l"nl, '""' lWkn •• 1:i And !J..60. liJlfMH -.•m h.-. '-"o pi.....,• fll llcari,;,, 1.,. 111<­ru t.,uae \la", C' ll 'AIR. 1u~ FlfJf'l+.nta Mcnli;mf')~'t'

It l.tllUN Au,,nl," IIOfflf! ~Mr 11l.,._ wl1~ ~,,:11t 1utrr•."1. JJ11rinJt 111 r duut sL.IJ' In ~yclr-,., •!w: bs "''mnac!,~t to 111• , lvt"' appewraftt with It- C •ru! , lu• :-. amt Wi'I ~!I. t a pr• ~ :tmt from hlina :1- .ti.alon, whith

•ul M • dt-lJ1!1l t~ lilte!'Am flrr tul'lli• r atplJCliranc:.,. •ht 1e1 ct,1-11·A tor ~l~. 1011, aUtJ lllb Jui,•

nn: •111• Tv,:,;" 1 ~TWA<,.,

:;;J:.!~°is":;~io:11:-' ~Pr-.T:!1)~,u~

r;:an• ,bn Rha11•c!r, hy C~t'r h•in 11 ~1:cflltn1JJ r~!!dt~ ~'>' II, r.r1 f'nr.

1d JACl \\'rl~l nut! will ~ l'Ul an 1h" nt, a1'n11, 111 111:h Jnnr

"TIU; ~l•U\l,Ull",• Ille I hy l:u• Gartu~. wm nuk.n th,:: r mil.I.ii t.c,w to th:rir 11n1N"n audlrnrtt 011 Jan.­~ flu k" • ppa,~ntJ~ .. C'Q '1S l ll plt,uo" f"ftt•rtamm•ntil pr11 not ltO eu••

> vn1rk 1111 ·11 thr,· hit• t 1 lblflH ti.>, 11t t~ ,1uritc nn1• 1i!lt1•m·1 .. ,•\'f n 1h,,

anara 1,1,N'nt tn I•" majoyln,: IJH m M"hw • :hw~:l<;- tJu'fl'I 10 CT'CG~ r .--=-at.-.~

!~·,·· ALL Slt;ltT Sirht 1111 lith l lu)' IHOV1~1I ac, f'1¥11lllar, In

rv•sw•riae '" tha ,n,uit.~nt nquM1t11 rrom many 10:t-n.rt-. anathff ndit ,1;s,..., n1rb1 t.a. i-n •=~....i , fi1uarda)', lilh June [l• Mt! l!Uttk• -~ bcoi br 111dran unul snidn:iMt t-ir~huut the wholfl' Stilit«-, and tbr -f'-11di thua auk:i:·;d "'ill 114' 1h·11n1.t11I to thfl' lmt.aUa1iun of w1 rtlttQ 111 hotpU.ali at. '" -u-nt U,•llnc lll.h. L1~n~

OS Jll.\ .Uth :WL wlU l.roodtu 11 <.:bvl'('h Sn·\'ltt from l!halmrn ,,,r,'(~ Prr I yt,;,1'1•n r'hurth, wh;.:h h,uur t1\IN.'h11Jy ,Jf'h\•trr1•1l hy thf' ttc v. H. F. Uratttlt. tc,r llu• l•land1 Cit' ~f\\ Jltt1,,d • \lr. T , , Hn..lll;m, l~ t1 . l c' th(, S.vnod •ho .. ll,hmtcd ·rauM, Sr"-' lttbridM. bio lpr,&Ully rcq'UQt('d thal thh ~ 'duct {t1f' t':tct bt-nl!ftt or •l1 tl!Ml' In l'hr lthutd '1\'hh li.-t('R In , ,. .:f\J .. r!'Tul,11 '>"•

)II?. RAl'ICl,'ll rt:r IIOTl'l"ll whON '1ulin pl.a.:,hqr la a.n a.tuaetiott lO 11.1Lt.rtff• lO Uil •• wa one of ~ pn111npal t,ro!c;uon of Thd11 at U'-" 1, JUcl ll!lH 8~•hfkll 41f l'\luAk. LonJ"qn. Uw (,4111di,11 Ujllq:;r- of 6lu11ia ,ind lhtt J .ond-111 .Ar11d rnJ"• Uo ~••11 )1 pn·al 1 I.J't'Ctor nf iho Lynum Tlimlff, 1.o~ don, an,il alu. pbyr,I Id lh QUN"ri H:tll 4tnJ lmpt"nal In tit "

t>r. ll'roo•·• N~AoU .-Ii.At,

"C"'DI l,J,,114" tr(.IJ;:a OFf', d ftaturtt its tJ,111

r "'""""'" 1 ,1.0.

)11 ~IC \I, ('.()llEDi l!F.~IORll:S.

..,.?,:_n; nto • .,:.,..~1'fi1~ ', 1 '<1rn~d, 1te,u,1rie,," lAt!

r:i l~~,~~ \"k!:r!;•;~;:!; {o~o I~

~ j;,r111 lhAn thb artbt, wbo will t.,

:~i:~r~f bf_;'lJ~\:~reiC:~bi on.!cr 'iot.u lt't cam., to Au1tl'1'.ilUl fru111 F.t1-5:1Antl wlrb 11 arra.t reputat.1 1a at a 1muic::al rn11101I; rom~liaii. uu,t l ur fflH fJY Y"IJ'W htt fanvi I rt A Ulltrali.u. c,,llp>cd that ol bla !llffi<nu tott<r. A•, a,crlM'nt pu.t a a:top to ht4

t~~ ~:r .=rar~~:i~::~!! In ~~c..mlmn an1! •&i•itlll Ci• rtsma

TIIF. WF:F:K-nm rROORAlUIF. 11r.-U:nUS£ ~unlar. Jsrno -t. for 281 .. w.11 b"' broAdc.ut m.aln?)' 41rom W'c'~ lo111r0nr,. t 1.he- ntnaa llh' Jlla .. wnr-n UI --rlf;t F.iJJt('dJ.l..1td1

'-:11,lUt'thlJ 11l1tht H.1,tt.•dd l°•~I :,:., I 101\ Iron, lbt- !;own 11• 11. \\'ollonrft'll'.­

qWld..)," I rflltll't 11 ll.'11 • Servi« from tho )fetl,ro;st Ch ,,, Wol• 1~..-

Rund:i.r alternoon. Al '- p.114 flrnn Ictclta! tr :n f1. M hRl'r, C'hun•b vr l!.'.111:l11ml. Wul10111:oug, '1,Y ri, ti, ,\ Jarmnu. AtlJUdlrutor lo rho k:i,u.Idfo4

. ~..:1,/'";::~ • t · -.k.= <"h~rr!J ~ rndand, \\' 11 .n.ll"cr

tiunday e\'f'n! · It ~.JO p.tu •• SACre-t t ·1ani1:ut Conct'rl from th& CrOll"Q 'lheatn-1 \\'QIJonrcinr

Phlkos an Arl!!tocrats amonr Batteries.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Pa~ Eight

TlAC"JNG: Tho A..).C. meeting, ,it Raad"1<k wlll bo <knit with hr :lF<.J lta.<Jns: Comc,Jg.,loner on Kinir'• Hi:rth­da)', Jinu, 6

1 nnd Satun!Ay, June U.

There will auo bo n description of th<> Trial !oolha.11 matth betwttn lzt and 2n41 N.S.\r. TorunK. On U.1e uftt·rnoon of Satunla;·. June •, R<Mi•hil! Jtace• "'Ill bo d....-ribed, and re,ull given 0£ th., &-ou \Jmv,nity racr.

".IF.IIRY" SCIIIU:S AGAIN: ',\non .. Uncle Ru311 c·orc ('nwd to ,inr. in a eompellt~oa "Je.?T)'1' "A·ith Ult' juvcr. !u L.....-ien,'l'a u judc-~, ho n~~cr anticlpAt•d th• linal re•ult-tho k1ddio» \ftrc- a..i,kt-t! to wriLc tu whom tht•Y t"0ns1rll'rc-d the b<-':>t vt~•"llal, und mut·h to the MJl"J)rlae of "Unc-Je Rus'' and tho '"Hollo ll~n;• lhe in,p...,.,ible ~JttTy" n,ee,vod a mall Jareo •nough to .make- the dorical ,_taff nt 2FC work ovetUm1•. !\uw "J,•rr)'1

' hi11 lo wenr n hut lhree ,ize, l~r.ftlr than usual, for ho btl':lt "l! ncJu Ku.1'" Ly uvt'r one hurufred votes.

AN ECHO FROM Tm: FLF.t'.T, Whe11 thu Unitf'J. ~Hate"ii th·d \·isiteJ AuatraHa Lwo )·r-Ar• bgo, r11diu en• lhu~lusts amons:- the pcn,1..1nnel made It a point tu Yl11t :.LO, llell><>urn~. to fitudy Austro11an rnc-thod~. and many o-1 thtm have • iHI.'" kert in tuu<'h with. the •tudlo. (hw !luch correlffiondnnt. writ•• fr,m Ab,ka lo H)' t.hat SLO rece1nd at th• U.S. :,.;av,J Radio Com­pau Station, Cal>" Jlincbinbrook. with '·rlodc work rt"JtulAr!ty logf"lh<·r with clurjt)", nr1d is a eource of txecllent l.:Uh•rtRlnment to the per1omntol at• ta<h<d to this lulatal ll«tlon ~r Aluka:• He"! trult tht-re is a little interf~r~ from a Jap:tncse tittltion, Liut takinJ.: it on th"' t.1\'l•r•gt:1• tPCPJ1Lion frnrn .Au,tr11h;1 is n!\ m::~UrulO and r~gulAr :u that from Amrrkan t.t.ntlons.

"C'a\,"Al.l.m!I.\ llllSTICA~ \ ." ~o KT(nt hAs lx!t n the preV11lU$ !51Jt'­

cus uf th~ ~rformanc.-e• o! •·caval• Juia Huslinma'" that. nrrancemenu hnve bt'en marle to ng:un br<>Ad=t thL, Operr> frvm 3LO. A, ,,., pre­vious oc.casio11.11 lh~ l'tft.lLourno Churnl l.lnion wlll bc:i rt.~pvr1•Jble for the Chural \\'ork. wb1l5t, tho Cf.le• brily Pour, wllh Mad.,mo Saffo Amu In the Suprano Roi~, "Ill ~ive a gOud a~-oun" uf lht! prinC"1pal 1,ut<t11. In .ndditiun lo U1ii:, It inay Le ml"nt,uned lh&L th"' ~h·llwurnei Cbornl Unkm a.rtt tn fia'uro in the Studio prngramm~• from l•m~ to ti.lne. nnd it is ar.ticipat.ed thal ll•te1iera-...,,pedul1y lho.e in the CuurilrY. whl> hn\'t- hitherto bt't'n de­barr,..-d rrorn bearlnl' on.., uf the tlnf-1't Choral Societies In M~lbournt, will srntly appreciate these arrange­menl!I~


BEDTlltlE STORIES at 6WP by ~Ir. HurolJ 1'. Newton (t:ndc Du!Ty) ~•• gained the •eulon a hiirh p1"t'• ln J)<lpula.rtty, accONuag to a n.<e.ti! plebillcite. "Tbt A ,!ventures c,r J•rlnces~ P.-ppc:rmint,'' "Aladdin," "!led Riding flood,"' "lllrk Wbitlln1r• lon .and His Cat." "Robin Hood/" and "Uncle Tom'• Cabin" are but a few or tb~ play, that baw been on \.~e air. ~nd 6\\'F lx•a.-t• of a thildren'• Jl1J:Jr !'-~o.oJ: t.o none tu tht: Cornnn,n• w1mlth.

t'LOR.\ PELL. Amoi;g th- people who hve bHn

1·n"aged by Studio 3LO lo irive sp,,dal uth•rnoon t,nlk1 to houlM!'wives, r,,w hav .. madu u elrong't'r app(',tll t.ban llllss b"lu11' P,11, who, during lh~ monthB ahe ha.. 1-n di,penoln¥ aJ­v:i'l·e (Jfl tht., variou,a Lircmchea of .1Jum1:~ic Science, has 1iv,:n many helpful h\1111 to the haraosed holUIC• keeper. Particul,,rly is il noticed that 'Miu P,,11 n.-ve-r lou• •iw:ht or th• fart that •he •• in toach with the .. 8\'C"ra.gc" woman. who has an ... ,,.-r~ &lit'o'• incum'-" 1,o de-al with, and in htr Culinttry Li~turctl<'11. Hho pll!'li, e-rt-at alttntion to fMtnily diahH. the l'ttiP"" and m.iho,l of preparation lieina gift-n in minute det.atl. With a view to fa"rin,: th~ amatecr. cook buth t.imt-i, em:rg;' u.nJ unnec_..ry t..1.pentf'.

WELL KNOWX ORATORS 1'0 Bl<OAUCAST: Oa .Monday evuiae, June 13, the Srdnq S<houl of Arta l>r-Uatin1e ~x::e-ty has arranJird a most lntl'Te•tir1g <l~bale. Th• SyJ11ty SC'l,ool ol Arts De~utlni: Club II the old.,•t i~1tution or Its kiod in th<- Soutnent llemlsphen,. It "'as founded in !SH, and through Its ranka lut,·e gradu­adcd a lerffl" number of our public m1·n. Of th,.o, the following may he m<"ntiom-d~-

Rt. Hon. Sir George R,id. llt. Hon. Sir F.dmand llanon. Rt, Hon. W. M. lluir ...... Rt. Hon. l!. K O'Connor. .~It WiUu.m :lf<Millan. Jfon. W. A. Holman. The •ubkrt tor di•ru•lon on tho

night of Jun~ J3 is: "That Party <:ov('rnmPnt l:1 Lh~ tx.•.!t.· 1nNtru; ye-t ,h•viKe4l for <·nrryinir on the busin~•• of the St .. tc."

The Rt. lion. W. ll. Hurhes. and the Hun. W, A. Holman, will affirm. Mt•PiN. J. ~. St-onton :1nd V, T. Kftt)ey Will Ofi)O~t'.

'2PC have ht't"n .riv~n th .. ncluiinir rlghl to broad,r-ai.t, and will Wke from 8.0 till 10.0, Tho ord.r u! the debat~ lo u ( ollowa :-

8.0 to 8.Z0.-Rt. Hon. W. M. Hugh••· 8.30 to !1.0.-,L S. Stanton. !1.0 to 9.30.- -Hon. W, A. Holman. ,.30 to 10.U •. \', T. Ki<-Jey. J0.0 to 10J6.-lli. llurheo will 111m


Friday, 3rd Jun•. 1927,

FA~fOUS ARTISTS AT !!Fr:,: Ale,uu,J-.r Svcrj~11A1ky, tbe lullliant R"''""'n pumist, aad Alis.ha Dobrln­•ld, ,·,olinist, will give • acrlea or recitul1 from Sta1Jon 2t·c. Cyril Monk, tho noted \iolinilt, hu nr,o arran.i-ed lcctu1·c-n·i:itul..s. wh1d1 will be or irreat bweftt lo lbe 1tudtcat mind.

ONE NIGHT !"K1!ntly 2F'C devott'd its 1:ntirc, JJrogramh"lt, tu danct.l mu~ir. ~t'fif1 t for to elve the danc,-n tlma to br,athe, d11rUJg wh!ch Alfred O"Shea and other noted ar­tist.a ung OYPr the LllWnt!'rt were in, it-Ct.f to teleJihone far request,t, The rt:1pon~e wa~ ,c, 1rrPat truLt fuur Jin.ea Wl're kPrt Lu,y an­owerwir the ""1L'1, 1111d over •o apedal itf>ntt WH'\1' played b:, Eric l)ttrte'll band uf ten. Thu expcnent• Is of intere,t in view ur the St.atn-wide danC<l nlrbt on Sulttrd•y. Jur,n 18, when dant·~s v..ill Ue held by rr,,iJio in priv».L• homeo ·tii,nd public:. halb ha atd uf fu~• (or eqaipping various hOSf"I· tahl with radio -•hing apparatus,

THE Cl,ASSICS. A«urding lo tu rreat man of

~o~ioodt•n-ce that arrh·es at Z.LO. there ae<-ms t<> 1,e a gr'-1iL need arncmsr many li1tt-r1e-r& for ••i>t-ttl!r mu~dC'.'' and 11pt"t•inl arransrt-mL•nts have now bf'Pn ntaUe to mttt this ne<'d. !S'ow that the C-Ol\8t'l'V1llorium vacations are ovt"r. ('(JMt!rta ba,.~ be•n arranged. and will "'ko pl.... forhlightly: aomo of the bo•t mu,i­clans thut. ACL$t.rnlill enn produnl! will contribute to theJ:Jo progr.B.mmr.1. To fflt'fltlon the mrmt•:1 ot onJy a fnr, F.dward Goll. Lout.. Hattenbadl, Edouard and Uaymond Lambert, HarolJ f:lvino. and a hJSl ur other eq1.Snlly· Jlnp rla1,~i<.-~I J)l•rformuic, have bcrn preaeJ Into ~ervke, anJ w,11 be htard ovrr the ah- in Iha not tou tar di.slant futo,-e.

"TRE COU~TRV GIRlh" On Tuf"!lday, Jun,,. 7, we,, are to ha\"'•

a parlorm•nt~ of t hal ever popular and taneful Mu_-iml Comf'dy, "Tl:,, Oounlry Girl" (whleh bro1""'1t It> C'Oropoltr, M.r. T.tonel :MorK•h.-tt.rn, in• stantan1•uu11 succt11.~ amd fumP). broadnnt fron, 31.0 by members o! Bradabaw'a Operatic :ioclety, wh~ are, as their na.nte lndicatr1, con• nocttid •ilh the wf'lJ known t,u!lnes.,­<nlleg~. Tho •oclety hn.• alrP11dy givMl mAny ~rforrnan<.·l"~ oC tbs "Country Girl' with great aucta:S. the printi1>al,, whether alnrlnr the lilting" mt"lod.ie11 thnt "ag1>" cannot withor, or g«ttiTig tho "itly point. of Ulo dia;,'lgu" ''humn'' O\'t>r the nir, Me J)CIJ't,; ma!eltr.i lfltal miatrf!SS in thP, art nr t'Tllutalnlnir. au,l tho thor11&, whlrb has h<-t-n partieularly w~ll tratn.d. and Is finely balancrd, IP&vea nothing to be desired,

'.l'he Workl'• VenUct: "Blu:laa EulJy Fim.1"

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Frld4r, lrd J1v, 11127 WlllELl!SS WBl:S.LT

The Safety Valve Htadtrs or~ rt111ind,d rl,ur rh, opinion$ t:r• fJrtHt,I bs torrt\J>(1111/rnt1 tJr, 1101 nttt1lur,t, tltO.\,. of tlli., ia11rH,1l. ...J fu1r mru.furt of ,nhn'1m i, t11fhtt•rJ ~"' ftr,,f,rr,,rr I., Nfrrn tu ltttrrst·n,nl,i,rl11tintMtSI rt"illr hr'f!tl.l' i l 11t,1,-.

mtnu /~1ters or,. not rfltrsid~rrJ

DISHO\F.ST1 'Ont S.r-1 propo.,e a 'Ntci ar

tbanb to Mt. Jt1•~lJ&W' fur brlnginr •P tht ,,r fl rat., ll.Wntl I ~ .. fort \\ lr"ltu Commh.~Jon. IJ.. U mY oµinfa.n lhrt! lht• Ulame fu-r the .. holtt gf tht lt'dubt.- O\"U •tr!Vt•U In x,... Solrth \\'tdt,i ran 1~ laid ut tlw dioor cf tbol'I P.SJ.C!• l.J~ r,trtm,.nt.

At • c•111mtrdaJ tru\'C'lltr J l.tlCI • &.;i,ol'J dnl of tJw t'OUnLrY, Rmh, -ouih, and l&"Jtbatk, amt I l-.a,.. , nl~ll lr~ htUe t'ou.litl')" towns wha& • fM~t or • rrial• ha,·ci mad11 tlirlr • Jrpe11nultV ,ivlnr 1h ln,t 1w,-Jv• mont1'L Ont of curM>Alty I bvt 1nqu1reJ for tho!' of H"c~ tu,·n aut in th<'111e du.u,~ts. lo 10rne ai.ed th('J" numbf'r no more Uur. lhtte of fltUf

Whal an utoundin,- • n,! ditr-r-,., f-11 •• tJ! •1T'11!.n for A •~lth7 pt'otp,trout Sl • Tbt• only (1.n-­

d ~ ,.in l tu dr.t" la .U~t l'9 a, tor, •«• Ji. tnhr.; i ,nn11at nt. hc•nrt. \oun f't1..· .. SOl·'T Gov;,.;.

RF.t"l'lrt:rt I\IPRt ,, t:)l r;:-."T, Dt-u Sar.- ~ lfut f,•• mntil h-,

b" n-vWod a rrht deal 1., to what Ltu, public w111l ffl th(',: 'WD.1 of ra1lto eq, uipmC"nl Thl' pi,blic- w• nb ·~•t• Siltl:: aifflpllftrr ('1)tttrr.t Only a y""ar _. t•·~ &#0 JJl!Oplo w4,•~ almnat dnald o toueb IOJ'M nf Lite "'' ,,on. whkb

a •!Gt,:rl t,J be a maier of <l1al1 to tw•Jt. Aftd tJrn, 1.nd a rra•11.JI adJu:lt•'" rd mat])' t;O I ob -~II • ,..

qu.l l:.,, to pod recf'l'tinn. Tho rt• tcn·un loolw ""too kJ.. nutk" "too t.._.Mlea.l" That "'U Vi h~· tl;e-y cJ !d mt. bn, a ue-• tw Al• Tl,fflr •P• PNnlrd. too, •u :J:Uh that LIH•1 din a.ot •nt"al to 1r,,men. m)W 110 In­turttN in n.d!o, at a aocruit): 111 th• ~ . .,..

I, wu ob, u.s Iha! all th!• hod to ht ftm"'-"d. nrouvb lottt:n1llo arid r!1811J rucan h. NC<!,n111 I.bat mnr he C11:11Uy •Ptta!etl, t"T"-'rt 1,\ a ~-hild. bl'• littn crcat.ol. 1•,:--.;lncwrlnc pro,. C-:• Nit l~11 1tnd,-. ·rhrN! w{U Lo •Oll1louai nflnemenl. •ilhooll'b hs.tdty a,17 ...volutiol!.!lt)' c.h:i1r.g;\.'.-S 1n l!,,, lmmo,!ioto fol gno

llan~wlcl<. You:-.:'iiWirnr..

l'O-Oi'ERATION I.Jar Sir,-Pll!'thapt!. rnott of u, who

t>Wn Ht. u! lhrN or more \·•l\rfl wllolly 11trr• tl'1J1.t ·~LO'• pmlll'aa1m•• x.n• •llJrhtJy aht>atJ of our .Sydnt; 11lfl• tKlni.._ l,ul that b only natuu..l ,ut JLO

:~.t:~,;o~;;;;.,r':lt~:~o~, t~ :t~~ Lhil.l one dance, nil'ht a "-ttek i.s 1,h111t)", ,1111!1 1><1ri111nr-Hsht i11u111c u::.rht, 11rwl wh•t b f"'ft I• he,,-t •• it i.fll now. Uul a bttlf!' t•n- ttnd tmbon i,i: needed lo •tnp 281 afl(l :.?f'C fron1 brunJ .. n1i1n,r lhtr P1nfl' tyr,i "' l'fflanmme on t.h<! •:unr night. Row dru,,k: it would be, tu U•tf'hHll-•in {{ they turio rn on Th1.1nruly nll'hU a"d fh11L tBl. JAZZt ''"--itc-h tm 2F('.-JA7.Z. \'.-vrr min,!. 3LO ldt---bst JAZZ. Thin"' would n11t IW" h1lr 1u l,a,l It a lHta. ('O-OJlt1r• tfon •irtt u11...-I.

Yo'..lrs, Plt"~


.\l.1 .:ii'.\\ n: UIILllHlJ'i'S IIOl'I!. llt!Ar Sr;- ls It J'IO!la1ble to have

muaJc ~ . ..,:ht. throurh frorn :,.4:-i p,ma to 11 11.m •• th.nt f,., to HT, OllP 1t•tiQ'l Lroadcatt. thr f'Jtildun,• s.~non for une WN"k un,I fh" 1>lhl"r 111:allnQ. to h...-fl m111k. and a11 •oon • 111 thf' ~Mid, ren'ti Sft!lion t. M-.r that •l.ation IN on wl!.h n,mk and l bt1 otlt1w •l•tlun ,:1\'Co .'lodi: J,~:1:c·ft•m:", rtt" '.1 'fhu nJ41a woul,:I bci w that rh• tw"' r.tatlrins nn, nnt Lrt1a,kA1tiog thf. A.J.D.P a..t one ar1r oth('r.

I ,·tr)' mQt"h •~r,tdatc• 2J•'C"• ~trid10 R.rv~t.,. a.180 lhf' Rt"('ltal Imm Jl.rmc-• Jo'.<twartJ Thf-A' te Bf!auf,fuL ~fore would be u,pr"'C'I I t.,I ·

Youn. oftt' ,, ., .... t,,,lv .. NR.M.A,

\IR \\);Ol''H'ER. J1,_.i- ;-;ir.-'.\-hxht r 1ug.-Nt th11 ..

JllL 1,l. re,1l, .. 11te-il to iUl.!IOuru.,:• C'ur• rrdly lMlr rtoJ:Tnmme, •sr~clall.v on 8•tut,lny. ,...f·to 11flf!n llu•y •Lap :s tramu;,luiao fro~,1 tl1r :--Utrtio ~. hut r1c)1o·t-, anllJJUDNI n. Cotmtn lbtt-r\(•ns• i11 i.1n, irilena«-d In both th• ~~.fium toqte!i~ and thr Wl'1'11thi·u: 1••1.tchN ft(lffl 3.LO, but (l(lett n1;..,,. ,._ume l~­r&WIU thr)' 1:11·• ncl anuounc:vd In you-r rroJTD,mtnC'.',


SCT'ri(-!m,rLF. ll<F.O.

0.At· Sir·,-.,\ft<'l' N"Aulr1.: tl.• f.-u,r by •·Super-PJ~a.~.'1 rJndf'r 11-:t- bad~ lnlf r,,;( ".Sot.htn5:" Lo (.11n11lam Al,01.1t,," l h• \'ff CtttnP to the- c,mrbdor1 that your i:o~•f110nd1•nt NI• • Yt'T)" roor Idea of tond1t ioru l•Xi11tinr tn otht"r" loc·aJ1l1tiS, 11" U)"S he r•'fl'fVr• all 1btion1 indudinic iFr and ~Jlf, with .. out di8'torticrn: that may h• ,-o at 'l owmvUJe, Queeru.ltnd. Iben he 0-0H Oh lo U)' thr, litkmrr who ft11,ilj fault with lhe .-i-.tinn• mu,, h11YP n ,·ery poor ~et. Wrll, ~~t'n ft "'.Super­p1.,111"d" lua.1 .&1 Suvtor,Ufl'L .. hti I, no:. lh• on!,. onP. and Ir ht hnmrht hi• Supt,r-Het. to Llthgow, !\$.\V.., he­t:ouJ.t not ~d flUpt-r-t'M~ptfon from ::?Fr. or !SI, •~ ni,rht limo ._Jthout diitorti-on. ~o I W011lcl think l ~ a gooel if ht- mPre- f:amUhar "Uh t"nntlillnna ,xU'1hu: f'heWhlflrti lie. fore hf! ciritldi4l"I oth~r lat, nc-n' IC'*t,

Youtt. etr..,. p_, Ul.ASU L \"RIC.

111,\~I,'. Hll"! De,11r Sir. l wbb to \'dnR"atuhate

;.h1!r:11t!h:u ('~;j~~-~1o~~k 1: 1'i:!:f1~~ and A1ot'Ht2u. Jo.\ ror ''buok•upt11•

l~~~t f?:'en~yin{i::n:h: o~~!t~ .. ~~1! ,tri1:M-ti In yuur paJ)t'r, u1t~nr P..aJ1oltrs rtn.-J..1id C"ollc, anJ "bUUnttd runark­•• nx niin1lu. TTO day• US:'Q [ built tbt- Solodyue. u d1'$C'dbod hl ) our iHu\•• &foy 20. Fh~ mhlUtr::1 nft<'r iu «mplt"tion1 hrn },..',-w 7A•A•

!':~~. ~~'!:'.:'1:· ~;;- ;..~~ .• 4'f::·r,~~ ju,t. 111 load •nd ( ~l'Ar •• 0;1,. locn.l..,

l ho,·1t tl'ie1t hunch-f"dt c,f "l\OOlc­up!i!," bat thia. 11 tbd. be!t..

)J, prop<><;,! Supn--h•t. !, )l<l!t­pon1·d h::ldf'thdL1-l7. I ue11t PArtl Y\~ r~umm,ndf'd. r.11. RAdloki:i, iroH.1 a.n,J lrcnn~ S--ganic- conifunsu. Thttr iirw. du.r. but tlit1 Mt i:a more- than worth thr u1ivn-., fital,llitf, \'o)::mf"


clarity of teprodudic-111 .tnd tow, in tUAU'lr u~ all prw.e-:1t !Ji this •·on-~•;:;t!J1~:~·r;· t-0":t~H"~~tlaptt

Your,, f'tc~ C. W. GEVRCE, M.B, C1u(.


Page 12: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 12nla.obj-663078526National Library of Australia

l'nco T,n

Sterenpl,onic 1'rammis$io11 from 6WF

WlTII tho ~Ul.ll br.,.11l,"11~ lra11 • 11,w.on u.ln11 one wa,,kngth and c,no mlcrQpbon,,, th,•

la11:nf."r a.ltbnu~h hr may be- uiiine t .. ·o ear pi,c..s u really onlr h .. ring the mudc a.t If ht' Wt':ft! li1\f'nln,K" with on~ ear. OM llllll' look upon th<' 1nlcruphon• a, th.- a<laal •nr o! th•• Jat,,ner. l!•lng ,,11~ e~r tho k1tU of dirfttion of aound t, not p0.»1ble, th~ s.;.11ne opphoa wah ll.!in_g ''n.t- 1,ucro l'hon•. It la only bi the u ... of both our •an tll!lt. -r<e ore 1\ltlo tn Jud~, an what. tlfnd10n aoun,J I• romin~ fron, 10 tlult 1t Is 1J«ettary \<1 111'• twu mirrophont.fJ tint! t•,·o ,;cpo,raw ..:ovelfflgtln: to i:lv" the list,ncr th•t 111:iltunil roundnt!!l!I nn1l h'"-"" t·i Jlrr.-=• t!ou that one IA 10 10 "hen wt,nin,r to sound.

ltec-ently OWi-' carried out u uniqu,. rspertm,r.t. 1'urlnr. 11n orcb .. tral t·10.rrMmm«' frN,, the 11t11J10 two microphone$ ,.-de 11rranir,d ut a d"· ta~ of 8 to 8 lPCh.._ a, arn::u1, t11 U\>f'tl• ,..,,c th• c:iu of th• li>tentt,. Th• micropho11,• wrrt lhan <Qllnttted to th.- tou metre, anrl 12liO ,netr~ tnuu1 lillltOT. rupcctl\-ely.

Thm, listain(ltll in lKJ&Sf•,..>lun 1.1( a ,hurt v.11ve fe«l\"tr in oddiUon ,,, thf'I mtu.l broadca.;,t ttr,•i,·er \\'.Ll'O

prc,·101111~· !t~trutt•,I by n brie! l.lilk hrosdtllllt from 6'\\'F to procttd u f1,,1IIOWl!I:

Adjust uch rtt•lver ,o tut th• ~1l1Utnt'I on JOO metrt1 wa~ (•1.1uul tP t haL rettlvod on 1260 1utttt•, takr 011• of the oarp10C(II o!f th" head­JJhOlad C'OlllltC'l.etl t1J ihc horl WUVf" rr=•·•r anrl intnc,lt.'ln.• 1t with an 1111.r}>Lttr. c,r llle. hrndphonf'.!l t'lllillf"Ctl'.J

to tho u:;o mot.... ff<f!IV,r. Li.Un­, in this m1nncr i.e., with '6n , ...rpitte tonnected 10 tM 100 fl\etrtJS ot ono ar and tbe carpll"re conntttf!d tu tlu, 1200 mcitro TKf'iVfr Ot1 th" othr.- !'Ar. th~ t:?ttt 11 mOlt natural. 1 n :addition tn a n•rtain rou1uft,~ff t ~nt is ln<k,~.: in th• USlllll broad<atl rl'Cept1on. ont! r:u1 d1...~iTIJrnl!h •pJltt> ,·!1. .il)' wbkh ln"trum1nts DY~ to tht> riJM or l•ft , t th,• nucrophon~. and ~t IN\\U lino wJLh H !i'rhnr that the m:..uc Is actu:llly ~1111: played in th••

'"'.j::',j,~ from th• nun,,ro11•,r11 vr n.r:precaaUon, tlwtc mutt be- uult"' n tuJmbl•t' of h,.t~1u•111 111 o,.., \\ t!il who po s••• " 1bort wau •~d lor,i: w~~~ recMvrr.

\£1.F.P TO \'OTt! on th• n1ost reni1~tl,1 ,Iemon11trati1,n of n ,l11nkey hrA~lng d11tln,: the BN!tim• :'t.<il'}" Se: .. dJOli nt C.\VP rttcntl}", \T1P fc,ur 111l,.tes brln,:: J;n<!o IJo•f;· (Mr. ii, T ~•wton). l"ncle 1.<31lo (Mr.

Tt,;111 .0~1l. tt11d,. l{pnr}:' C!\1r~ 11. '•IAr-•h) 1.:nd• r,n-y (Mr. Leon:>rd 1:. rrITin), tht" childre-11 rlf\ddrd I.hat l nde Leslie tAlll" first. fallo,.,'<i b7 t: ncl•• ll•nr;, Palfy !Uld l'eny.

Wlll&LII.S W&&ltLY

WJfO Yt',\8 'l'II~ I Jkal' lO BJrO.•\I,._ , \iJT IS' Al!eTRALt.\ •

C O\Tt,:k~l~4, Uw 11i1.MPA&4n •kl.::b ..... t ._. ..,.. - h• •w1aJU .. ESS l\ft.hL1.., f•r 1h-, la.•, t,,,, IHvt.. H 1t 1nl.t'rnua,.. 1• r.a..l• t lti• ,..t, .. ,

,-,.tt ... c."IU._ ,. .. lrtt .,_,._

n;:, ;;',~~J.~."9':~~-;.~_"\:. 1', fu,li. .\ta-cl1t.1 1,.r~t• .... _,.Ma ..... --,,.._.. 11PM f,4'1,iL..)0 IT ... . ,,.. .... . •PfCjaf ,.,,..,,ni•t g,.,......... r... ....,.11 .... n .. t•rtaM aC l' ... f--..,r 9.,_., :\lrl• IK•C'M, .,,.._ 1n•••I--• w•• n,r.-. o.¥l I••• hrit ht•. • Mil ,.,._»nN'd • n1•~r ,,_.....,.,.. • .._ •• d •.-km• anti ,otal 1k-aa WiLII • • .UrTM •~ n•t lo 1t1.- \la,•r . 1 llrl1h1on.

)Cuy &Wetlt\,. wlll ,.. ..... u ,._ "'•lar ,.._,, , ,.,nuv ,.,..,. • .,. tut1•1.n11 1,, L.v U••lw• .... ••~ w, ... ......, ....... I.I'-.,, .. ,. • .,,,..,.,.,.., .... .. •hllrlt ........ ._, MW t.- C'-IUll1•t• •h• Ar•f <• -Mf"bil ... ,.MIit a l t...rM4rUI• , ...... '"'°' .,, 'l' ..... , ....... ..... cMNI m, JH1•r,1 1111, an4 ••" urnff: oh . ,lit,,,, a 1•111" 11,...

,; Wf'•a huJu.'$ \Hit' ni~ "·h•11 011 :Saturday. Mar 7, t~y wne ad,·l•td th.,t Jl,O \\ould r,b:<>adni•I throuich 3BQ the Ov,11ini: C.,1,mot>.1· or •·•n• ~rn. The adVl<"t' from :.ltlbourne 1t~•t1•d tl1~t th•· 1 L•b1·oaJcn1t would 10 ko pbcc on a \\11,.., l•~tb of llJ.4 mt•ltn. Thp wont JWrlOd or tht! :.t houra for c •mmmnkation from tbe •.:a,,em Station W wh el#t!\ '" .. ':, k111lWn frnm ••Xµ to he fl'<.lrn II a.m till a p.m. A• t~ C'anb<rra 1'et,•111onws Wl'te to take plHi.;-t> frurn 8 a,n, lo 10 n.m .• \\"..A. timv, 1· WU 1u1iie1i·mte<1 th:at trout,!,- \\ould b11 f'X­J>l'rio11i-t,:l, hut n.1 A\\'f' were anxious Lo JT!ay, i' at all prnc.llrahl«". an ar run~11111~nt ~\--a t11&11fp w1tb tht .,\ltl• hourne ~Utlon to carry out a t.e1-t m, Su.nlll)' 111orninic ul U R.1n. \'oLlllt I' \\ ns hiP•rtl ,,t the abort y;n\·c station.

The conclu•ion arrhtd at for th~ fui1urt1 o( tho t,·~t. \\'U-5 l.i.uLt 11\ addition t., the ~riod oC tht da>· bfin.r bud for tihurl "\\'M\"t"' wod •. 1"rou1 th,, t-~a•t~•r11 State•, tlte powt:r of tho 1hort wan, -,t o1tlon was too 11mall to o, t1 rt·v01c 1hio dlft,<ully.

llX" f.UNI•,\~•. lllo>· 8, al 7-,'1 •·"'·· n\\'1'' r~hrn~rJ~n~· thr- ltr<>rru.nunt­from WG\', Se..- \ or!., throu,:h lb~ ltf:nrntl • J-:h•d rk !-it auon :.!X .\ l-'. Sb,necudJ. The rc,lay thoLlfh ••t.u• ractor3t \\·as nut up tn thl" uliUII n'­hr-oudcut from Lhi, tatlon owin2 L, the llte\'lllt"llffl er atmoc-ph(>ric, rrnd tbr lnt<-r(Prl'JI<'~ tau,;t'(f iJ}' 111 oSC:Ul:tl .. -,i, \"lllvr In the , l(lnity of the •horl wa\·u tft4,.•1\.'t'1 . Dw )11('<11 wr•thf'r ronJithms in Pttlh o.t Ute theC'! of tM relny ,.._,,, blld ..-Ith •~•.rr tndient Ion fi( a thlilffller at.onn. TM t·uin wa 1m!'h· ~onrini, down with •·•"'

ttrunt.:" wind. C'1111titlflri11.g the&('! ad• 'YC't'Mt -clrcuinatan("ff tbr •«orb or G""f '\;°l'n! hlghlr rr<'dituhle, nnd .-ive:-, fa,·orable ttetivinsr "onchUon, thore u no doubt lhat the prn• gr.nlllmeil 1'ri"1111 the Xt.'"\\' , ork •tation •hould ~ l{n'a\ly nppttcitted by the ,r .. \ . .Br1,11~Jc.,.i!l li•ttl'.'-ntn.

11"/,o Broadcast the Finl

Co11ct1l ill N.S. W.? )) »~ :=;1r,- 1'he c ntro,:e!'"S-Y c. the

t\nt hrcwdl"ast <'i;.inrtrl Is bi1u111J fo IJrlnir to lieht many inten>lllin.: epl­aod'5 in th• tt>rllor hbtor) of n,lio \rr U.ewald .Ahdt'riiitm'" rtmini~l'f'n~ :n the iuue of .. \\'.\\' • ., (6 6 ~i, an· ,"tt)' u 1h·r·ntina: uurl l"(illtiun umrh tl"etul trit •rtnnt!nn. hut J!O l:ir n t~uchin~ on the ftrat brvadcM•litll: concert IH't", 1n ml• optr..fon. wt,ir, o,t th.- mnrk.

1 rM•I fully l'l"lt\Villt.'(IJ that lh!<i (!C•

lit for th~ f\r,t brcadt:1!1 mb1I be r.1o;on t,, Mr. C}1url1 .MndurCJLb. Jtl•t"omina UJO("iate,I •• A ,tu.dent of "',1 tk.j1 ,nth him c.n m)• rc-t.ntn to .\u1111U1u Ill l!Jl~. and rrom AU Intl mato Imo,. ledira of hi work acd ti,~ yre11,t , tisults tie haa 111nce uht.Ahu•rl 1 ulll1••ilatlnglf ,ontend he ~ th~ f.r,i and or1~tnn. "•roaden&tfr in ~ .... tjoutli w • .i ... ~.

)Ir. And,r• n •"~• ha cbl• nt heini.,. r.suly II\ 1V~l. hut thf' follu~1n5: ntr~ct i. u.kon tton1 a con<nt F<>­l!'ru.mmr, pr1nled m 1·\\ ,rtle.s.5 V\"e-rkh'" for Aurn•t, IV~:

•Mu.!Jc ,n the Air. Concert Pr•· "1·:11nm,,.. .,tl". )111·lurtl\n next Sun diJ)'"• concert. will ~mmence at -: ... 10. on,t w,lt inclu,tP th~ fo1Jo~iujc llnthu llecor<k Fux Trot, ""af It with music .. • Soprano, '"La } .. on...'l d,I fk-i-

l inQ.' (·haudlo \luzlo; lhi:wu.li2n ltlh wr 'll,llmina Mal~m:>laina', :-:ur ni• Rh\·,ne~: \\'hiA1 ling 1 Uird Ruplute!': Tenor, •\'11lne111c11t me bmi .\ir.e:.; Mr v_.(pn•t. Pinn,, Solo. 1.Maid, n'tJ Wish' l'ho1•fn-Li,zt; Fox Trot, 'i C:,11 )"OU S~n>hine : Rarlton• from 'Th• Uttfo Wh11.- ilouoo'; •Tho Night Xurtery.' 'The Smoking Roam': E-d,:a~ l'oyle; Hawaiian Gr11rnr. •~Y."l'it!'t l,ei l..11·l1uu'1 lanJo 'l lnfanla.' and by r~.,t 'Sol• d.irrt-' ("ho:n.JS' from 'Faur..' '

ht my humbl.-. oplnion too mnch nr­d1t ,annot he i:lnn to thh lnddalil!• a&bh.+ i,1011t.-N' wurktt• anil rltvtr eJ:• ponont of th<' wir~l•" minders. Th• rapid ndVHntf• n1ad~ in tht'i rad,u would In a '"" brl•C )"~r• h:IV~ be£n mnrvellous. nntl tho oelencc hu be< o hr111Hcht tp IHll"h " rttaark.ablt-: 1-lal.e o! profieicncy t !Ult it is aomc,wlult dilll· nJl!. for pre"ent .. day d"vot,u to ~,dP. ,111[,Ully reaU,e 11·hat the ea:rly ,tn11rglr.s to c.buln thiA high 1U1nd,rd we-re; but it. would be well to rtmtm• l r that If It 1-.:id not been for •ooh ~tkker~ niuJ cnth1J.1iac:.t.-1 .a., Z\h•, lbdurcnn tho irnat multitade of witt­lca.a lov••r.s ~ouM not be m the t•n• v!Kblc position lilt;- arc to-<la)·. 11• • n-cdited ,nth ~Ing the fim man 1n

th" Stat J to t 1-nnsmi f tram u. 11rln\tG bou•~. and I Cllll ea:; from nct;11l es• pcr11:nro h0 ):as: &&lwto·a htf'n reHdf' tn a.ul1t with ad,·ico the ,rtndmt who wa• In real M&r<h of radio lniowledt• a.,d ~uld:mc:r.0

Yow,,. etc., n. BEVAN JONF.S.

Page 13: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 13nla.obj-663078832National Library of Australia

r,ida,, :!rd Juno, inn. Wllt.ELl!:SS Wl!l!C.LT

"Now is the Time" to Tune in 3LO-.1/nr,· .Vet.'1 ,wd Not,·s by Our

J/,0 Corrt"!Pnrrdrnt.

by II. HU.O.

P.tod~nh o! lfp,r,•,T!t1nar !ami­lla1 ... 1111 th• uld adn,;,, "Now 11 Lh• ti.hut tor all 9to,.J ri,,,n to com~ to th• a..,d , ( thrfr r-:11-t:y;• bu~ it lun mo~ appUca.tL:ul t~ tha: o! tLe nn•m• typc,t of radio r.11t1.·N.ainu:N~ r.ow \,elnr ~n pron1ifK'.ltit1t h1 i l•.'f plrbi..d:.i condu<!,-d br lh• ''Arf<l'S," )falbourni:;. 1..4>ven cJ i!:a e1xc1Le-. mcl1.~ 1111d ~uuiur uf l be WT'l'l:tJiutr dp .. 11'.lift\olll bro:,dcast b:, 3[,0 have ... ~d 'tatlOWI ff'C!'lUt'ti.t o!. tho ,port by plnclnc U;o i:om, '"Wrat.

k~U:~1~!1~~ 1i!etdvl~'!,,!~iJ, '!r!; ceJW!lttl cf thm pl'u.1 and d~ Uan &ftlount of tbun UtWotoJ to wrv•tUr.1 u camp.ottd~ ,nth r~h,1Clou11 nrvicnt. dcip1te Lh• rm I.hat •h• lult<r h...i.d Uta Uat It, tlt.o nurtJbor cir htiur• 1Jq,.

;:~ \~1!;:n~;::1t~t•11:" u~~,l~fia-i!: H1'\1CM oa:.upy u. comJutnti\·el.}1 Jaw poiitie1h nn Uio plobhteito list. flattt'ft mmlc. nm, romic snn.-s Slid mu,inl <011:edy ""' MKb Up 1ft the 1,uhlk fnot, • ILh,1u,rli «! ur thel!lr N1tm· uinmrnt1 ftr1ltt fttQ11t•nl c.Titlr.h•m frow ll>e •r~ of 11,u,ner who aln UI­r1 Rlklercd trh.'Til.Dte.s lbro\J.&h Lho p,=

•lftKll l'RIClllT.~

1l worJld b&l-.UJ' b11 couldN~l riot• 1·h~ I! · •t1:l1 r.xt1t·rjc,11ratd .tr·th1ll a• L ,, Wl;.t,e nml Clnr 8mith wm,ald fall ucthne 1.o Ur..11~ b\.l&beu.r oi nll rudi,, l"'rlorm.•rt-•M \o• !rilrhl," Y•I llooy hurt:d Olt' f• \o cf hundt'Nil ,,f •1tbt1r ,

Bcf,r." thtir tl~t npptAR.liC'D wlth LO, I.ft &iad 1 ''ny ,=;.t tluridly 1n ., ,ri,.r 1,r 1h41 1lu:Jio nhviou,l.)• Ul'r ..

\11tu._ Al\ • l.u 5mllb wtnl \n th" plnr.1> Ina ba.nd hook tu li1• rurnfd oir,r th.11 111tc:c lli•$il 1-"'' Whho \tu e-qu11!lr ,11,prc!:am,m.,. "It wu11 , .. ~ BJ Ir ..... L,l tn: :i.r . ~Ult <Nc•r that r.1d! .. b.1\ITT" ... uhl Lei Wbitn. 11lor C'la:;,• tt.."'ld J f1alurtd in una oi thll nr1t br,moJl ,t to~., t-vn lfi\'NI m Aus­t::tha, c1.d but b0t11 1rrovl~11y flrt lht> 11roer.·,nmt-"' u! 2Ff' :l!,O, But ~"'htllr thr, mil":t'(IJ•h"tu h11fi &;Jr."llfflod cow tt.11"C,r• durin" out· hh• •rtrt' ltQt\ l:rtQaJl,•ut.::,:r. J'c•rhuy:,a It. ii beca·:'tfl 11 tlirtlricnl ndi•t ff'<lh 1hc ht:k ot 1u1 •udl! 1~CI:! •nil lit awtd liy lhr· niy1iter1e UI \111hu thml •11 111H oui• tltif'VOl&t balanrr lt.J\r~\"r:r, trilJI d nm1~1lm~nta.ry ltttfr:~ from lbteit:s at'tar a\1r ftnt. ptrf1Jtm& 111.-v ro~ O'llr ptoe<- 1)! rnlml,"

,. • ...,,,,k rr d 1''nrnu1 1,•L:~ t.l,e lldu-.airni,. r,,,p,o.rl1t(} .,, 6/~ !(dbRrn•. f';;rJ,tri111ft-,I ,m,itfrt•Wt nrti.t, llt"JI hav~ a ,rrln ,,f t1u111hn ,x,.tti .. crtloriJt •nitrd 1r-r hw11fr,1111ti'ug tl'/,.i<lt Aa\'o http rrtti'r ,d w•th turir1;,,d

t!ftc(H bu U~tt11n·« tK.

l.ll'l,U MW (ll!O\V !'.Al'.

~,f.'1 b o.lulo.-:at rt'ndy trl liltt:i~ iVJ l:u,~-hlu~ 1'ruttJ,1:'tlUon. I met. thn mun&Jl.'•T ~t !!LU. Mt•lh\Jurn,,. [ht' othvr day hi thr• tilM't1. and tu.1ke,1 hun wh;;• the Wi!i, \ht 1ho.t. I.Ja.:i,· liahmd lhc- com, JH!tlllon.

•· Wt-lJ;· h\? .~l innrd ... j WAltl "JI ud l111tflnct'I uca ,,,f tMll· ,1H>k:mnlty. JJ/11 if o,'C>r nt.rlko )'DU... 1111 cl.r,d ti~, 1•111J1ai a li~h,mn It•~ wt •1·c. e,mt Jmf.• •Mrollt_ \YC- l't.tJJY ht ,,ur1l'h-eti kO In JaugblN', 1.CH,I, .1t lh,tar ,~11ltt tnm• foa- 1.ow•nl,11 u-.. N1H 11 'lmlle nn a11y onc'11 fact•. S.1Ufot llCl'Olt tho I Will--

;:~~tf;~:o,,at:~,.~~~. 1;~~·.('t~~~~ tl~V we,,i-,, otr to a I Uht-ntL And iJl Lhb iu the- l~t tountr~- h 1 ti,• worht, WJ,llte t!\•tor)•Ofltt 1,h1111M look h 1iJl11)" • ..,.

B;.· JinKQ, :mu knus, U bnd ~\.'P' "trudc mt!' b,toro What a l,llctmh 1,c,1ns,oLO. c:rl>\td we, p,·ur:,, In the

,,U-1!1:l ari• till H wiu: 11:vu~ M1t11 ta rn~. ~inc,, th"n I ha,,1· ht1:it1 h.t:iu~ JW"tkutur<", an«I ti11lc:: a '°™'n b drunk. he aehh;,m la1.1.,rh. t"•b~n l,tt b nlirontl.

Whr-11 lhc ~J.(l lovrhr·r 11:ll101hcr lhura!ieln.·11 i1111I let d)" lhl!lr ,,1etlly h:ts.10 p'!'t1fu11do ruml,!.c, ttr their ~let" .. fol htuitonr ,•hm;klt!•. ch11ut1lr\d: nr lb.U'nt!n u·11l h1' IUJJ~blnr. In •1•n-1,•lh,r for 1ho 1Ltst 1im1..1 fn monllµ;.

I don't. ku..,w \\lHlt lhe- ltitthoil c,t th,:, cnmprt.illfm w1ll be, but anywny. \'ktort:i l~ OVl'l'tiu.! for mirth .mJ 11,hti'1 11oluc to Ill\~ ll tr 1L-

I.N ~AJUNG rRU\'lflllS for l~• \'tr.)' lah••t o.nt1 lU!lli.t tfflc.ktnt ,mutfl9 mNH, in t!u, n6'ii," •Hl-tf1nt1. nt.O, )fol .. boun1l•-. J, JtN. overlailtln.s;: Uui- ti11111. A P~•tu1 l'llttlhotnet•r lt bf,fnR" 1o­tilalltil b)~ Gaunt:1 t>C nourko Sb'«t. MdlJtJume. arul the ~lsr trl-cblly an.nOllnOl.mGrtt of th,• actlll".GM Lttn. will bo • f•AtUH at 3LO.

Burir11&11 Wenl wllh U.S. Fl>·eni.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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(/'uHJmt of t/,r Victariu" Sn:tion of thr ll'irtl~s.< l,u11t11tt of .J ,mr tJlio).

A , ;,;Alt or <O ago I had inru.11.J ,t my own it.ntfon an aerial ! 05 feet. bhrh Dn1I anotht-r 25

:. aC ,_ ·'b. The lOS !ttt Merial ,u, L 6-.wire, ra,re about. 11 inchf-1. in di.a• meto-r and ton!isting vt G wires. T11t· rmnll aterial wn, a aiuJ:hJ ¥<ir~ a tfou; °fl':st~ ,,11vi.t' on ;1 l'ry,t ... 1 1·cc1•l\•t•r JlrO\eif th .. "'t. the 1ign11l1 from a ¥inn •t&tion were at lcnst thrre tim!!B as Joud when rccei"•ed on the big arrlal as lhooc., rc-ecived on the lillltdl uur.

\\'h".."21 Wling n sin~le velve r-eceJvt>r Oil Lht.!8'!- t \\'O Ul·.riul11, it WHH foor,J thul the lnrg,-r a~1·is1l wn1 flt lf!nst tu, good 11.., an nddaananl 1taro o( radio f.-equency 11mp1ificaUon. In fact, rta\ions that could not be picked up Wl!h the mall nerial we!'re rec-("hl"O tit good heuolphono 81.rt'u~th whh tho !>:git aerial.

IL I• o!t,-n arguod tl1•t a lar,n ner!al make. tuning flat. Tiu. 1houlJ ~ OV<ttumo by ma ldni: the dn:ull which ia co~pled lo the aerial circuit f1f a drsfen \\ hich wl 11 c-ompl:'nsa te for lllL,)t t1ntne,iM of h111ing oc<"at!-iUn(•J hy n lnrg+• 111:_•rial. In it.ny e-..·cnl, lla t. tanlug will only be nutic•able on a hi~ llt'1!'1al, which t: vuy rfos• to n l·,--r-ohdrut atat.wn. Th~ set itaeU rhou!d bt- 110 tonstructttl that it dOf't 1 ut clcvcnd (HI lhl" type of n,•ri.ul Ul'.~J l1~r it.d ~hJlrp tu11l11g,

Th~ 11rot1ll'hl ul whnt kintl ol" ~u, aerial \\ ill 1 l'Pt'll l'Onfronl:11 .. ,·,ry fl!'\\'tOffliPr in .. n the tu-m) of lbtcmen. I: u citt,n tAted that nothing ,·rr> much ~ f\C"l1Jif1•d. au it b on!) fur a trvt.litl ((l'f 'l'hb i" r1 111h1lHke11 idt'u

~. ~-1 )'ilul 1 nt.-1ver to ,I,, its jut, IJl'U• r erly rttqulre, u good u.crlal A ~)-Z:t:al rttfi1\•er ~ntpluy1 110 umpU­f7f' bc.i'ur th .. dt t.t,etc,-r; ia othtir \\: - rds. 1w rnWu fnqu~1u.·)' :1mplit1t-1: tbt.ntf(,!h', t ht' tlt"lt'l'tOr ran only U111.~ th1..• 1tgnuh1 \\ tod1 Htl.• .. l tuullr ca U~!ht on t h-, aerl.Al. IL is ed.J.,nt, th1!11, U1ut ttie ,trong-er thtt raJiu fret1u('n,•y rnc..?"¥Y 1-,1clu•d up I>)' the Uf"rial thf' 11tru:Jgcr \\111 be tbl't rnult:u:.t Te1..:tifii:d 1:tJmal fn Un.• t-dl'ph1,;111,~.

I )uH 1t JtJ u\·ed L}' Ut lu11I i XpHit1nC'e tlwt 11, htgh !.lt'rt<.J 11( l,1g- f\!l"U lJlCkl uv 111ur-~ t•tn•rJ:) Lh~u1 is prckt:11 u,J I,)' n small (Int.:. \\ tnll• thu tact it }~•r• flaps not liO 1mporta1,t "-llh :a ,alv• r~\'t-f" t--lll~lu)inic radu1 Cn"'lllel1<.') t rr.~ llh r 1l u of ut1m1•t iwpurtara<-ti t1-1 ll ,,y,~+ll H\.'t'l'•H

I l11l\., 1. nJt•a\t(.,/'~J tu l!lituw llrnl U t.lii:h ll1:1Ull uf Llt 1uir11 "111 J+li'k up

rnore cn~•·a-y and, thenforr, r~ult Jn louder 1iir11als in the hoad(lhoru,•. In th@ case ot • ·..-11h-e rtt(d,·er- employ Ing radio frequt:"ncy amplifi~.nt!oo. the sa.n.t• app1ie-l!.~ but in bad weath1:r the at:rial wiJJ also 1,1ck up more~ 11totic, nnd hs lhe rtullv frcquenl·y Hmpliflnr w1 ll am1,H(y the titatic iii "PH:arly (.>(Jual proportiQns to lh~ rt'• <ein•u signA!t, it frequontly happna lhat a bl£"-or rather too big--an aac-rial ih ('OnJundi<in with a \"'1-ilvc n­,·d\·Lr I:& no1,.

To tu111 to th,• c1t hrr ftdrerne, a very small aerial will pit:k up ,·try h tUe static t•ner~?' and w,11 abo pkk tip very 1.maJI radio fr~QUenty ener,ry. l t mar be thoo~ht, th"rt-fort, that th~ poajtion v.oulil ht, 'lhe ~ame o, in tht!' t'fuu1 1if t h~ Lig 1u·d1d. Thi$ ii 110L th~ t'H ~t', how'°vt•r, LU the radio frt>QUt ncy antpltfic•r ls workt-J du:ct-r to peak amplifu:atic..n in l.hcse tir. ('umstan~PB. and u th~ amplitit'.'.r ii tuned t.o the fncc,m1ng sl.ruabl, it am• rhfit>s the •hrnals lo n grcatt.,r- ex• tC'nt that1 t he Ktalic. •

One ,,{ lhL" uiain dh1advnntagf's at.. tr-n.Jmg lhe u2-~ of n very Jitmall aniHI with a ,·11ln, rPtt-h·er 11 the t<rnd~ncr e;I the rccc1vcr to becom~ very un­itab1r-. knd vt-ry dilfitllll to t'Oitrol. This foult. will be- ,·try 11oll<:t-abl1._, \\hl"n n.,hintf for 10111( di,AIDwc­etn.ho1·,.

In orJa to t1•:tch l1 'Ol"lpromi5<." bt-­tw~n a Tf'ry big Ut'tial und .:.1 , f'r)" amaJJ at>ri•l tvr r:aln· n"tt1,·t:-rs1 the :followi1•~ poi,,t, .irr s~t)lf"t·t'h•d;·

J. M K l,,. t• tt11, 011t .-.. h h1 J .. ,rtluu or th•• :.icrial nlit,u l 37, to .jO fr·l't, anJ u11 , ·ertictu M!J J.m:ii.ible.

:?. All'oiJ Ion" a ... t.:ll k~Js lnsiJc.­the bou ...

3.. So!Jrr all JoinU.,. ~- A,·uld au• you wou)J R 1,t.ui:u.-,

)hntt 1.-Kd"' tu ,m uu th l·u1,m·l!tk111, 5. Ir ,VllLJI" preM!11t &h•J•i:,,t Ill ;.1bout

";u feet, bl-fur~ t'Utting noythinr utr It. DR- a rixrd «,todt>tl:tttr ul about .OOOJ 10 nnn Wlth at and try it for rc11ulu.

t,;. ltt'.mc111lH:r that the tvtul kn~ l h 1•f vuur U1.'J ial nwu1-1un·s from lhl' t. urthlnsc JJUlllt to lt1e r(,tc;'• .. ,1,t lf )ullJ' uut:!ld.,. u ... raal Thu rnduJ<ta lhe eArth And .. e,·lal lead.<.

A la1t2: t"&rth lt-l<l addt to the total len.:th (11· tht- ~rMA...I ,,,thout 0ea,.~ vr :·t9· UH• Di :L 1,-vlltdor o f U1t"J\!'i '!.J10 h1:11tlit ur IUt' dt'riul tth1J\Jl.t h i!' Je­liJl:'•I u1ui111 a ltt"t .1,1. •lu,I) uf thv ,ur

Jlirst Co,,it b! Cusl with Philcu~

roundings-ou aerial 11houl<l .,r :., rt rnults have lu hi~b ,·nd ._t-ll aOO,·, roof,, UJCS or building-, •hkb '"' t'artheJ, ur u11r uli;.-, t ,,·hicli It likely to l'<'rt•t-n tlt(' 11t.•riul. Grciul alt~ntion f'huulJ 1X'I pMlcl to L:1:! 111-

•ulntion of the aerial. It. i• athiiA!llti to ro,·t-r«d uire for the ae~ • ! ltad in.

Every poastLle pritcaction .l!bou:!d be taken t.o pnvcnt the 1.&ttriul touch• Ing any pnrt of a burldiug or th(lo mam. :Mak,i it a rul1• to aiwing the, at-rial Wt-It c!tar- o( everything.

TllE AXl'iOUNCElH:NT of Xcw Sy~tem 1'cfophunea l-'ty., r.,­garding lht" fonheoming r,duction jn prict-~ of the weU-known Bur~t"S9 Radio Battt>rlea is not..,.-orthy. Alltt

Ju11i.::. Un:111." batleril"S wlll bt- available to radio 8<'t 01Jt-nrr11 all 11,·cr Nrw South ,vnlt.'• for 26/-a price which rlaces them ·rtui:h of e\'C!'t )' broadcaJtt listener~ Uf'mCn'lhfirinJ the rapidly r11!oe, popularity enjoyod by thl• dry=II battery c,vor P<ont Yeartt and ita exception:.l present po:-;it Jon in puLli1.· frwnr, this an­nouncem("nt is oe. wt"'lcanu~ a~ it Js ~rotlr,lnl(,

ll'OULD 1"0t'I

lfoul-d vru1 /1I,·~ to tru to fi;Jhtn,, f'utli.J u/ thn1tr 1f1lw •cw,, n•u•t die!

Tltlp th<'m to jo,·urt thttr •uluinl!t, W/tU, th,11 /i,i,,, ~I.T.

ll"ould -(ut ra11r thr patN ti/ F,. idd:'"'•• JlrinJ,1 thrm •1tt1¥J1{J1r, µi't·, thrm

Jtft,1 Ad th,- /ttirlJ, ~"" ' fl/~- d1.Mri11g,

1'hi1J wnrr 111u11ir- ~f'( •.

Jruula' wo-u ,A,t-r that ,tal drrot~..t. Figltt,flJI /Jt'uth. JJ111ca.1'f'. Mo ,, 11ft

/Jt.u: t urtt, .1/utr,m, Si.i,t,.rA . .. \'urse~. Switc/1 IJrr,r/ u,r. tu t,<N~.

ll'o•/J wou of th, _,k IA,11'r, don1J1. } 'oHr apprr~iation 11lu1w1

~t1,'1f1Jtlt~,, lutnd:, crnd Ja,Q,r/s oft IN'Or"T'

JJo ,t rro1,• tlr,ough ~L~O.

JF,,,,lJ l/VU lku·r- tAr fumr of HaOturlt f".irtll.-r Jlrll'II'. trnt'ar ti ,-art

I/tar rr•tA prid, tAe ltilf' r~p,at,d, ft~11 from Ji,,,tc111t a,,t.k.

WcmlJ 11u11 r1,q• fo hmyli ,,j~rc h~art;J I.ti J1u10· µ1,,wn1rr JJ4'lt'r l1r"

S11u:,.. 111.1u k1u,1,1.• t~t thrtJt1.s,h vou. ,,11t~·r•

Ar, ,n~bts, ~GIJt

1'.'n~r11 tt'ith om be artumplUilit.J, lJ_ uv11;f J11t,t vvif plu11 rif}~l wdl:

11,1 1t qui,:klv, •ick au 14•uit,11v, U t.1,t,1111 1'1'>rd ft·t1,,, :BL.

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Whal /)ic/ } 1111 .\'cfn-l'l

&la•.,. ch.- o.1nt-Wt to tht~ 1111f!•

tla: -.hkb •PPl'AT t,n i;a• friu..r r,f ~!u• tJa .. 11:

,~crlts .S.) I , .,._ tiut It IM;k: •r-nlltlvity. r. air J II llammnn·L~ I\ C, l,hoit

QI 1 ~rr Jarnn FJdl:!r. Mr. John l!r!IBS'ter. and )fr. C' K. Crc)('Jwr.

J.. 'The nuUo Le1eg1.o.phh!t • ebirr 'f1A1, ,1h for \11.C qur lt('11 "JIPVI ,-.-,u rp{ud th-• ~mra1 call ?"

.4 Thrr• " nnt udfieu•nt hnrlr or 1:rin~r £,• to miake preae~ fr.!t m :tw IC bat.t:rv. Howl"\'t>r. ~-.r•t r,,u, •t111J1t, t.ouC'h th• ,onnlNth •nit It ;11 k110W w·htn y u11 l'aml" d,r-,·11.

L A \'ifi•a vnl'il" anti c-nrn·1I n•n{'x rt":ti'i!n.t tlr:u!s. I fl" hy John £rd. T1i ~nr1.

t: 1s.r. u J~ n ,)oi., 1ho hotdt.:.:nl· ,tn,r ••n iMI. tU.IJ. ~ 7M :llonP ,.,....f,. • 1, fnuntNI hy

S. F B. lforw /,h~ IB:721

a cQr. a ro11troUt1d by t l:e lt°J~1tot• lm:! ~tat f Gov1:.rnu11wt.

9. ".'!FC bolt!& the undt•pu~I n.-cord f ir &hr CttJlllHl numbu of In.ail lt111'

\Ni mf11io111L. 111. The nm,lte an~•t.rir u( th""

wom -r.d,3" 11 t he l..nt:n .. r.:ullu"', .. wh.tcb, ln LatJn u.aag-e. mtnru a ~t:itf . r,11l or lh~ •pi.ik.r ,,r,j (.! a , \ ti,~I. A1 tht • ttuk" 1•! a wheel p.rn,iet1111ir In

!11~1:.11:; ;t~me~!rtt.l· ~t~;,::,~~ " radii~" w.zu, n•.c,,I •• • hot1.e for m r ti ~:ll}_!~;:;_"'1:;i M ~Ly;' .. ra,lualr"

•~" Jlult i,..-1a i1.0L 1utd ,..,. \lu!1 u a C"Ombh,,1 "' ft'lrlu, 111~anli1r • 1ru~fo11 wl•h C+ • n.l a1iun tu 11

n d,ui. n7 ffl' ,~clillkau,,e_u,,nc~• •~h •tni!t.d ra,:\ lilo radl:m1 •hd ,J 1 um, WUI' t.ulh.,.1 ''rd1ho---lH t 1V•'"" wi-..... , l t.P h·r .. ¥i1'"l·l~i,." \1hkh h;ld l.lffrt .a h.l in thr. L'.atl.1 d11y to lft'mttualt• Uu: plu11,,(1·1t un ul Her ti1uTI alld 11Twunil WI\Vf' tommu.nir:iHQn lt­J"ill'l 1.0 9ffm l·rudf. .. rnl JrlJJ...C'~llft.. "J"~ Dl'I tlnu-t. upuli th'" fdr.w "' l'IJU;tfin:r rud1a11on "ith 1•11 wllrJll U1tts rn rumtouu Uiql. "'t~lr.l(tnph}• aJ1d •1.,J.!p~) ,. Tb.uc:-,furth one , pt-kf! nf 11:ltd1 a1 "r:a,dJu .. h•le--, 1111p1i, · r;r ""r11di1, tth ,,1;011:r. U:C'Ot"I! lnr l o wbethn l"i,.:.UtL!UUd.(bUon Wu ,u:oecur1r,!hth•1I by c ;id,, 1q;'11al• tot t'i• •t·t lilt.l hum•~ r,wt-

nn.aHy. tIKi mrnt,ininc G.,.-u, •r:1~ cliu wu t<:Jt!1t'rt..,J 11·\1,, a nuun, arnl4 toJ •Wdlltd1 lt!TJ11it;.ol ug.)'. -..~ uf,, flrtally UikiJilt-d au Uw 111w Nrn·l t

:~~IIIUt:hiJ~~l~J , •,~~:.1:~ll~t"':-~~~~ £ C"li l, J Lr -. ,r,


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Loud Speakers - Dry and Wet Batteries, Valves, Etc.


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1 !., ___ _

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Wll\1:LESS WSKKLY Friday, ,rd Ju~•. l~27 ............._

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'l'l"<( ii out in your ,et, and if~ ou a r e net -.alis!led that ~on ha\'\! n-ceiToo full ,aJue for ~our money, ret urn same to us within ~e,·en du~·~, and "e will refund in full wlthout question.

The CRESCENT Audio Transformer

The Cr<>sr~nl .\udio Trnn~formtl"l! arc m:idt> in ratios of 6 to I for 6r,t g(::tlll'S, nnd 31 lo I fer ~e~:ind stn,:t-.

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\'ollon 11.D. &ltt•rie~. -15 YCllts I 2 1; I 'olumhia Batteries, 46 \'olt, • • I ;; 0 Rurgess Battl'rics, -15 \'olt~ 6 O

Quaker S, I,. f'. <'ondcn~~1,;, ,0//01; • . 0 :-l 6 Pilot \',•ruii•1· llinl~: Nc·w pnttrrn n 6 O

Country Clients. \\'a paJ ca~ on Ord•n of 10,. and on:r.

e,see-pt on Batte.riu, Loud Speaker•, Cabineb, and Valuit Pa1a.blc Po1l Part.el,.

"\'OUR;; FOR r.owrn PRl('F~."


IJrondl~• PARRAHATTA, a. M-rw Gttd Clulttlt Si.. ' Pb.OM UW960t ' PhOIM Na,,, l 6lt2 NEl\'CASTLE, 569 ffwucr s,. Wur

r...--·-·-·-"--....... - ... -·- - -~"--·--·-----·---------------· -----

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~-~:S---rftt<•-t90 Ut -6

'------1'------.,_--r---,w-A '---------'-------------.. +A

MODERNISING )'our Front of Pnnp/ Coil Receber

p,i ;r to~ drnJI 41f L ••nl.-o:i«th d .!J,'(. mo., lor:n ot • '""l'tharq:t

ha,, e.U •~• nft"t:*!ar)" ld ~han•" tr,.1111 •t· :mo ti) 1100 win.t1Pn,r1h burnl 111 th,, uun ml!l1~ huri,I oC' :!Ft. S'1turalll-'• If lb.IC' t' Ut Wc·l'e lu t_. 112trrC'bnre•bh·. i\ \\a1 H••niuil th • Utf dtouJd he ba.tltt l• lht!> llf:. 111 KIIM eont-c= •Rt podunn.. 11. w-1uld ha f ~ hotlt'lt'H l t\At,:f I ~;u 1 ~m. 1lua t141Al1 t, thunae Nit" tju,r•f!l.l·n mr,Jil nf Uw 1 ~ of I hu • rkld had • "'II boldrr Fl'ntnnlln,,

In fnmt el tJu,, panrt llr.1\1 was ne • "-'"'• · 1 ,olf QuJcklr and ... 11,.

rn1..1J erw 1iuU out • 1n•ll , ll 11 I ,ubctibl r. l.'lf'Nr on,, or v,c-. ~rt.a

Uon~ nlhtl· l'ltl~:m1n21!11 w1•1•t~ •I••• rhv,I liy hu rtn~ Lbt, rc•ll• 11 lhti !tun\ ur the- •~nt-1, \h~rAtinu of t upl.tuc:

r .t L~ Cl t.ilnt"t' brt••'f'-!1 ~ C(I,~

"-' rh!Jy 4«urai;li4:hrd. "fbf 1m f!o,tant tart r In h1n111,r ••• • ,on-• i•JflllllO ,n1-1th '\1-hil•,

f::PJ. mlln •t(' UM" cfi,_J.,lvnntii.u,, ·; ~~r- ."! ':?'~!.0-~-,~b- re!l trmtfJy 1,;.,;..1). n appt",1rnntt wh11n "*Pf.ted to ,,., , mt,dcita ,,-,.. of tt• «-1· .• i.: Gou~ i" I ho neco911ts for

rhll , \\ . rtn •~ d ~ ~ aU dw broada.!,t ;;a ,t.aUQNi may t,,. lottlfd tn wit.boat •ny ('hansma at .JI,

fo n ttm•i Uh-ii- tt·I, wilh VI • NJ , all', a Pl Jii";III')' f1r IM'I· ial Coll, Ill r ,,n l.i,ry or trr ' tttO, atu( a l"C"artJon

,.., t klc> f1!C"nil, tiff,. u.. •" n ..,.', turn J:ratt.Mot C-oU tor thtt, iU t-,1r1 r- .' fur tbl' ar,;undaf')·. an,! r.o 1urn for thr 1"tnc:t10~ 111 111:, ,lt­,Lt-,.-d tH1I iuntt iU'C! £1,\••1li:1.ble. Tht't lw1r,,g ttw '""· "'h.$' hD\l' rhv cc • J 111 "l"On!: d t°'lo sun,iJ t They ar. ra r .~n; .. , ' ' )" arc In lh<- \\J.)', 11:r.d 11:Ut UI nwrr, ant fit,,J.n&r t·nvretl th")

~':1~ti11~l~: '!1-~ l'~!,:tt,\ ·~r1r/!.:,\~l.:~ '11ua 110(' ,i,tr lmr1tn\l"' tht·lr ;!.!lii.'U-11:-y t DD)' Will), rnlhrr doe, t tlUl!W'I tt nsuhir1 a

1•y t t1Vi:'ll~ •1:%,cb an · J!lrult 10 IOC'Dto.

\\ hut haJ •.:- 1Jn l.q,, nvrri.11mo &h 2 M 1tl.rnilft"I , ,mr l'f'H n 11r i!II It" 11n11\n•r Jlm , 1 tttun1i. iltL• tt11t..,I f11•

~;~:•tt, tff ,t ~r;:.: e L•)lt, ~ frnrr.: If Gnlr t,,.r:, ('011• ar• incl'"'td•

h"c~ •~~:-;:,.~ •'!tn't~ot.lrtJ.11':::

don'; t>dd It t<> u,e front ,r ho ~•I JIU't I & lbf, 1.....1.e:_ riot •t I", t<rip All tho 111rt.1 oiT

lhe pnnc ,s I cul h(lldt•r. «indt-ruen • und rht<t11+lllt1. 'fld1 'W UI 11•-ctiPo.rll)" I1pi,,~ th v.11 Ina of t I ti hA:>11hcord

\~~\f11~ ~~~1• t~:U ~n~~i •hns:ef lw-r IU!d clean IC b; applyin,r

:n('I Ona ftah '"~orou•lr and p.,ll11h orr "tlh tho u:nwl ,ort rlc.:u1 l'CUI', Xu\¥ 1t1•t tlltfl4' 1htl4ttMkt?i'Jl' httl ball, iti.t ltlael: ,uh1tnnr<"' th,- bl'Klt ropalrer ,..1,.., •round t'1o odp er IM 1ol01 of bo<.l1 to ~,_ that fhlalK-d DPpt'!l.r1tnft-

t.ay thfl r,and on D 111 "' , t 1::,r.r n11 Hu• uilih· tuuJ with n t:.1,t I!~ n1,,1t ,ome c-f' ti, 1 ltall and t1tl 11,, 1h• hol~•~ Tho h,,c-J h~il m.,,. r.1tch ,· tt:t. just liko •l'ali,:z •-ax. b •t hold t o, , ... r ('&th h.oJc- 1n turrt w~, -.!Jr,w. Jmc it tn drtip Into •h · ,.,.. f1 ~ • '!Ith h~I,- t n"t~t"fh,w,n~. •Htlw1-1 .. t•ad1 1,01 t 11, to ri,ol d11wri 1nt1) u ,ull1I mm~:•.

~n:t I raw an 014 tab~ lmlff'l ft I hHl at un 1 " c-~•• hnw~ t1 ... It l.tu a 1 lA.ctcnr ·• t.tvnl. 1aapo off thn •tf'H.I was tt'ffl Y1th tho amf111 e

Page 18: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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o! thflt ptnl'I. tr th(. rorrr<"t t~mperii• Is fuu:n<l for the knLlt-, n smooth poli•hod aurfat~ wUI re~ult. and It .,..Ill i,. d1lli<ult to dittrm jaot ,. here th~ holea had hem. In lh• ldg­rheostnt h()les. in urdC"r ro nUike 11:ure that lhe ·wax- wUI hnld, roughn1 th~ inntr 1n1rlnc(" n btt, n~irig a cr;ai·.ae roand file for the pufP06".

1.eaYP the panrl on one 11de to thorol1&'1>1.Y hardo, oil tM .. u, and aU<-nd to the ba •board. H any dast has attmuulu1"tl In amongat tht' part,li., f,!'l'l yuu.r 1lry < lc..\411 thE-Jlat" and t"ard'ully,•u, ii.II dust. NQt1c.­just round tho Nlru or u,., socketa in J)4l'tkular, and In b•lw~n lb< A .P. transformer-. .. and ovtt the tl'rminat board--d115t aettle,, the•e and ebould be removod,

Nhw tum your,tion tu tht' varlable t'Ood~nura. Hold thi, con• d4:'mu nrn.r to th" ear and t1Jrn the­mol'iDI' Dlates into the dxed plato A ,;,:,n1 tfve ear will dot.« the metal­lic eound ot the, mctaJ liit..rf'•C"~, t,·on 10 muc:h u.s 2-ttBl1€!' •ll~htly. 1 r 1,11eh n fault f1 found, turn onl'C ngaln 10 th"' Lablo kni:f(". llt)ltl th'! condNiser 11p to th light and l0<.1t• J= whloh J»ate b rubLmar, ln,..rt th• Ulblo knife ar.d ,.Jllirato the rPOblmant plAtea. If all touch log,,t.hor. )'Our hftt plan ts tD terap this t.'or.den111•r """ t;"Ct u new one ~U('h 11.!1 a l-foath. 'Th \i1Dl'4 or pWLes In condtn•l't n~,.r touth.


thty 11r,• i~e-. c.nualn1t trtH.1hlr,: tighten them up. A drop of soldtr I• handy In ooldi~r U.inrs l<>tl'•lhtr thil W8)'o

:-.ul ••• about drllllnr th~ p!>n,l. Look tit I ht- 1,am:l t.lrillirtl'.t t1•n1plut.f'I. Heru l.l i1 lt)·out for ta i,nnl'l 1A x 'i inchns 1n 11u-. and h1 11,0 d..,:i.rned that lh~ ,·oil holder Is ploc,d on tho ha..,. boal'd at lh~ back of lb<' pan•l. ltf'...S"l:Ure ot! the d1atanre"n th• apindlea o! lht• tht'N coil holder, onrl Rn-angt"' tl1r holes ln euch 11 \1t1tY thMt lhi~ hold1•1 will hnve, tht> Rpindl~t; J1.nd knoml rrotr id,_ lhrouv.h thP panel to tht" tront. Tbt- ~ondeR."'t"T tun!n~ llw a~rbl OT primAry cod is rat3NI wffic1<nll,v high ~nough lo purnlt U,t'!I(' )mob• tc• hnve amp?"' room nt lliP bottflln uf lhto pnn<-1. Th,., l'oil hol•fer t11 ·~., ndnr,tf'd M ba:nt,oan' mount inl! ""'Y ha·re to 1,. mi:nmt,-d <:n a f-ma.ll plttFt of 1tilttt11 or radion. This la an extremely ca,-7, and do'"'• not rf'quirc muth lma~1ration to arn out Sotc.'! th.ot there- i~ am,,le Tl')t)1r1 J,d,ind tht'· ct,n• d1•n1er fo, tlw fr~,. e,wm(fing r1f thr coils. rrov~ thJ~ by mountinK thf'I pancl componenu on th,- Pllf1"1 and placinr th~ pa'l<l temporarily on the ba.ebo&rd in 1a,, right poail1Qn. In e<•rt a 70 turn React~•ne ro!l ln the'! tkhlcr O?' re~ttion ,·,11I hvlde-r ar11I turn tho ),mob. ~ tht"re ts suf!kicnt clear-anr"'

for the, awfnging or thl! ~il-not('I


Friclu, •rd J m• J >Oj

that it do~,t;1'L foul tht• dttcttor \"a}S'e If ~o. a!tt'r the POSU.ion~ of U!e- t,a,.. board partt lo allo" (,r an u,7 1-..t:,gl1111 room for thl1 n,il.

l r the rHt ,;f tbe- tOt.."'J>vn«!nt1 ar, nut luiJ 01.a 1u Ut'('utdMt1..:11' With the i,lan \'h-\\ 1 ultcr }CllJr 1'1y uut tu 1t1I• t'1i:".!. It will ,ave much Lroub.11:, tn wiring lntN- oa. Go u far ,... l<X ~ t<rmiru,I bu!>nl In poa.llan, °'''1 thing- • :ot.l u J, .11tmwn in the illu, 1rat101~. h· the three C" I huldl'I t11ftj' rn J,d Lo l,p fflfllmteJ O!'J 1 ~m.iLll l'itoll~ of pllrt:l to nll1e lhf' n n<ction_, otf' th, .. ~board. I! •lt..t 11-1mdl~ att not long- "nou,:b pn:-w• another p rt~ of th IIAfflf" 11n rod \h!.h u !11.J'-'C\oe 1.-0n i• tfng gf • 1ir.111, r,!t...-:t' n( <-opper urhrllS.S tub,n«. whkh wukt•~ u light ftt ti\'t•r thP sprndlr, 11nitr- lb.- l WO I 0£'.t"t hl"r. \ drop CJ( &olrler will hol<l lhiTlgs t,.:htly

~ow colllDlt'nce- tt,ei wan~. Tate the a,r I t,nci?,al to lli• fixed,, oi the at-nal ,~ming t"OMl ~r, th , o tht pfn entl or the w.·iial ,·oil hcdacr f J rimkf"Y J. The- t'lll'I h ttJ:miunl go(>~ to th~ ,uJ('kt'1. od er I he aerial t'O!I holder. and on to the- moving platn of th• "'"""

1'un~ the, att0Ddary or t.he middle t·oil by f'onnN" lht' thed platet uf lhe J.h'Ond roD(lr•n,c. (• to thi• 1,1 ll l:'idv ur th!! middle c,r- flxtd roil f11 'l 1 end the mo\~tng platn to n.e cth r aid,. Join the flxNI pb•• Jud o! lhi,,, eond.,,_ to one aiJe <1 lM '1"id condrnHr. the olht'r s:Sde c,f "hich 1a gr"j ppe-d uudttr ihe grid tt.r­minal 11' th" th•t1•ctor valv"' 10d .. rt, N'm"· nm n buflbar BO thAL one al 1ho l-' term hwl., 1.1! t-3':h ,oclv•t JIJtns t.., it. (',0nnttt t.c«t-ther one &;;de of ucb rittoOStat, lhrn join to1whor ~ ,... maining P lerminnl or the last l~'O vaive 11r)\:ket.F., taking • l"Ormrcl un frr,m thia wir~ t..o lhe nmalnhig tlde of cha ttconil rhC'Olrtnl. The ttma1n­ing, P urmn,;,I of th¥ dl".,rtor ...iv. BO<'k.t tonnect. to the N!'matning t.4!r• mJnal of the dotoctor rheostat

X uw run th• m0\1n~ I bites of t!,e 111ec-oridnry <"Clntlenser to that wh,, whfoh i1 ro,nmun to cill th~ val-ve tock,ta, This wir~ b the A pomin •·In,, and lo joined to ~ A positlTt

PANt:L 18X.7'

If. of COW"ff'. one rondL'l13er 11 of tho .001 'llpoclti•, 1... 4S p!&tM, your better plan h to loo• 1t altO!? Mn,t g-et <ino,, 23 p1nte.,,. It l• w,t "'OJl·th ~..-tiit~ lr')'tng t11 cbt d1,w11 lhf' C'Uf'l'tity cf th Lori:-t condois•.r l'ut It In th• jucli hc~p. )' o~•u find a .,.. for It bt~ "'"· ,;;xkct hould b, watcl,t,d tor•• full/ ,,.,, "benvrr th•.Y zna,r be In the drcu1t. In tho f'Arlifl:r duys i:.,r udm rnan) of tht~e .v,itve. ~ock,t8 wor• d, 1,:r,d In eJ<b a Wlll" lhnt Lh• l,l~I; 1t o • o we,... rt'lldil,r cr:ieltd. Frequ•ntly thn,, tra k 1 are •• amall to f' 1~ een, nt 141Te' noa•h to n.o. c• cm t 1g noi~ In thP ntr1vtr. F.xa iin~ t i1e e~mt..1tt.,. So111et,mt•s

• 0 ,1 •• l0 cz. !>--,-s1--

'.Ihe llii:hty 83X Philco is Supreme.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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•••••••• •• !,rm,1,al •• th• tffll1l111I 1-,,1 aad dtil'I lbt' H l.«ff.inCll ltobere

l .af!:k thto P of :hfl ,.,...t'( tor '"•Ive tn th{I pm .,J.,.ir nf th.P t,r.ld<'r

11 ~- tilt atMI' 11dc of "bid> ,.,,. to ,i,,, r termlnol ot tho ftm &:tJlt-, uan formtt. Tha ti k-?mi-nal of tl:.1 Af-"' tn.nst'ormer LI tllktn to Ue G &ern11nal of Uw ~c,ru1 ulv~ «-:ht. l'lto r trrm!,·al of thi1 \'llh~ 11 =-km to W P of t hP aiet:,,nd •u.d.:o lnl.M.former. Th• C o« thl• tr11Mromw ref'III t.oi lhr G of tM 111.1\ n1,J,., lfl('1uK .. thr P or thi:. val\·-. torl:rt to Oftl" u~ of the SC juk. th" othtt o:d• of Whll"h jol:;:1 II o! I I • M<'l#il J\Y!orn,er and tr, the- R pr.tJitin- 90 ~·II l~rmiMl nn th,. lf'r• mlnll board. tho B posJttVt' 1let.,_,ctnr Jolr,1 to t b.- 8 fN,;IUwo detcdot" .,)t, tit•

~::};:~ th• ;.11'"0 F tM,niMlf IJ't tbi,, AF tl"IJ'l.!formcu and uke, tht-a to ~ C' 11....,_t,,,, fHI tho r,-, ... minal bc'tAffl. TaSc ,he C f'O'.lt.iVci to the, A ne,1at1w, a.-,d th~n to t~ et1m ... mo.n rhi!OfrtaL ,rruch link.a lhe ~ blta toc·nLh('I'. Ttua t'nttip1otn thci ·•. 1MnJr. tbffk <iver t":ardnlly anlf b,k at l'le b,.1·k ot pand wuin~ di.a­(Til!ll.

A11"mlt.n-ci d.rrnit ta l '1" U-rin::uu tri,•nnt wh)C'h ic r~M1~(\(j ltf"lW. ~ on.if ,Ufttrrnt.-e in the "'1.r­b'\I' Lia m th• CQ:11 huJder..mcdeMtiT ..-1rins Thia le ail'l1pk-~ Work it ,,at to, fl>"1Vlf

Tho colt. JGll bav. traJ be t-N"Y much tlltt w...,. ol wear. Try r..-..: tOnfl colla. o" Ult! TC('fli1 t'lr u. ]LIW'aad a !r maty t,( &', Wm.• nn,,,i IIC'Ct'.mdA?'J o 60 t'.JTit:I with a rr-1c.t1,;!l r;,f f.(1 ar '?&,, all Ratc:tonc, t-olls, rm-..t ,.,,II ..-o:ih whUo. .~ ,r<>O<I clo,e eoupl.lag 1.s Jlf:nntuiblf'~ nJlaw­r~ a mulmum "to?:mw. With au

aM'lal about. tiO ,~ 1,,r.i:- C\'Ut!lh,nt N• ,u...,_. •tll be Jf'Ce ,·M. ·y 1')U "ill 1k' 1,urpr.Ha at lhl' d11l\rt11Ct> in the wbnlo tmhff. a"'1, Wn In tho r1•1ult.1. C...fal lacing I• n..-.-'7 end <QG ..Ul lie bear<l, "" will lhe 1.,.aJJ, of count., u,t Al llmo r1to~THMI lM olMI' lnter1•aw 1tnhon1 will .mako


lludr p~ncc kuoV"!l. A11ot.hcr- mtthod ot romt>ddlin,r f,

to &t'nlf\ the f'mnt pant"l thrft ('('Ill botdM". and obta.m ont- of the o·P'.-1 t,t batk panel n,ountln: toll holdi:-ra, whit-h m•y bn fiLtNJ Abff\'~ tN> ron ,dfn.••wtll without ti\ffl.n,- tbt' aid pa11t•I layout. ~metimea ,-.nJy o~e mn• d••ruk, I• lciclu.dt-J Jr, a rt-ttivtt. lu th•s ln•to~ tanr mirlril,. nt t,t'ICJ)ndAry coLl with the: rond.-ubt-r and lrav..- tho pri!"-'l'7 •11ittlod1r I lval l• Ut•Lunr,-1 Again try n r .. wm RP~tmte col I tn l;u• rr, 1r.ll '7; \t ~.fl Jih~• a ~reatt!r dM:ree of Adet."­

lh·iL~·. f'ina.Uy. 1:f thr ronll!rurtr,t Nil~, o( tnrn\!or-tnl"'t' ((lour,tin#, tor au.dio n~ of the natl)' rtt!•t­a.,~a ('ous,l11-I ur,tt• r111y bt'I •mployed. :{U('h ~ '" ihe H,alh •nd )tt•u~r :iu»t Oth·er 11.rn In "'"~ unJt tlf Lhree tta.gtt com1tl.:i:.1i. •·Hl.r \'ah• ..-bLL A m1mm1.u:a '1f "·irir1sr ia Tf'lll!liriffl hfl'l'l', th11a Jjmpli{yinf: m-u~r• srr,,nlly.

.\ N'TUobl.#d roctlur L! aornt1thinJZ' ll"I l)Cl! 11r01 1 u! whn· n-nu~J,·Ucd Ut"•

C'f'"i,S{ully. R(JnWtitll(>,- It huppffl$ lhat Uk!! gnorl nld l"lrt"i;.1t• IU"tt (nr,:utl<"'I 1n W chaot. c,r '111Kkm c-m-ult.a.. I,. 1urprM i-. nitM"I il"'I atnr'I!'. Th• r... ~-ivtt ~~d h.('1'1t ,nu •etually ft'• ffl041r-llt-d ~th cood rrtu1t.a. Th~ tt>st llt 1'111.rrlrkrlll«' provod lhr ralnf' <tf th• la~ pot icto ,,. II ..-ill do the l"&U19- £.o.r }'OU..

/'/aft< Cu1Trnl ,mJ C llw, na ,·Ariou .-ulut- or piatl'" <'Urrrnt.

lll'ttlfi~tl by tube tn. ~r.M.Ul'flrl IIA

lnd1c-1d.ed nn l ha r f.~T ,n, ari"! c,f '.en mi' •11,don 1oa,t by raM in «,

Th, ., vahir-!1 r:>f rl.ftte , t.tft.!nt ,. .. " u-:1uaHy JnE'ntton-f' I 111 f'nnjunrtmn wnh a rl'rtatn nhc ,,t c-r I Wu .. anrt lndlCIIIAl tho Jilo.ttt cu,r, til ct.1 • n o( th" t11be Wltll thP C'OJTN't 'l'fth1CI I cid \n!!l. 'Jbla ..,;,btain• 1f th ,-:,1ue of plat.a woltAJi,'"O apwth"t.! tJK, t 1!"~d.1Ye rtat.a Yolt!l%f 1n n1hl"1' • flt • ,r the normal rt.a.ta C'Urffnt drn I rd • l'-ef• tc,lx!- b :.!I' rn11 wtth 1 '80 v•>lt.a on

~ih~1f~1~ ::tn-:':~ v~•l 1'~, l u tJ~;

•mnuat of C"u.rrri:t dnl'l w, en ";I

'Volts 1a11pUed ti, !he ~r"1 and l~O volta to tho rlat<'. I( ony blR"b r Lanr.o ia Ut:S•...-U-d int,.. th• J1lnl1 arr.nt, whlC'h wouW tt1111 to 1·t-.:foC"e tho f'tfcc. the rlM\.Q ,oltat:C!! by \1 lrtUl"' or l!ut vollhJn drOJI M"roH lha tT~btnnt<'. thcl plate curnmt driun will be re­d•eed.

~fhll flr:t'"llt"C' o.! quoting" ,.. rtat.l tUtl"C'l'\I dra111 "'Ith thft I batt.rry ..... ,,1wr1 ta f11r 11(1.ttcr thao tb... rr,,.,io•u ~o, lln(C f..t. •irorcb de1\n.fn in (Ol'tn•Uon t.-i tho ro who ll['l'k It l t WOtJld , ... 1,iirhly ad-rnnt.llfttnUI ,r aurh tpl!'Clfa~·ati('ln. wt'ro aurph~ with all th.e- tu~ placud upon 1he m•rkt-1 l,y the w-tufo11~ ruanuractzfffll

\\' ,th t, r«t, to the •nlt.~e drnp ., .. rou tb~ unit. In the plat&! drculr. 4t Lhtt ouipl.ll tulor1 lhl.1 v• ltHt 111 •rntt.11. ,Juo to t11,. ni,tomaT)' 1,1 o- of Ah. irvfw.:\.a!lt'e w-.t.b ,10"' Y• lu,, at D.C. re-.al1u.nce..

Th• rapltllr lncrN ins: bnai1 ti1u1 ot An,plion I \'clot, Ltd., ..,.ho!e )!d­b u.rnc 01U:o ~. up lo lhto -,n~ ,t Un.1r.-. 1-«~n liia.tod at l'oltjr..:r. UMIP":. (".ollim ,ti-Nt. l"C("l"tltif i!M't"'f" •

l'hant{I'!' tn moru t:tti:tn.c.\lu\11 11refl\L.: Tbe l tJmro.a)" ha,c• tbtr• 1rc-.

•~d 11~w c,Jlli't-1 n1 <I ,hawl'Cla~ ltt l'e~k Uouu W> Ilourkr- i ef"t_ Melb<.i~rrM', -.-.· lnl.ll.ttBII tn iu.tutt will Lt at ricJ on.

~ very Radio Boy I.nows I.he Bu.rcesa.

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l '•c• EIJl'htec WIRELESS Wl:EICLT

i'---•-•-••--•••••-•--•-•••••••u--••7 ! The Newest and Best Yet- , I I

I Airzone Bakelite I i Neutrodyne Coil Kit I

i Machine spaced. wound with silk enamel wire on

genuine bakelite.

Beautifully finished.

Do not be utislicd with thi., picture. Sec the nrt1clc itself. Toke a kit ham.- and lit it in your

next ael.

Other Airzone Products :-Three Coil Tuners Maatcrdync Kit,; Browning-Drake Coil Kita Sub-panel Bracket& Equamatic Coil Kiu Neutralising Condcm~cra

Indoor Aerial Loop&


AIRZONE LIMITED I h<' la111•~l Cm! :\lanuJ;,ctu1ers III Au,rralasia.

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,t,. ___ c_''_'_a1_1_is-·~-o-u_s~:~~-a-r_u __ "_p:.c_e_:P~~~~-Y-;_a~_•"-...

Frldar, 3nl Jnlll'. um

Wl,e,1 Radiu Dirtr:ts llutor Traffil',

T J:AFFIC' ctllcen, 1C1111pbores, autoni,Uc oleclrio •la'IIAW~ mto1111. w oti;,r nieans of

dir«ti~ awl warlll!U:: m,tor t,;,f n,, wowJ be thro1'n l~lo thu discard if a 1ic:w lnvC?Jtion or 11 1-·nnchm.:m wue eft.r adopted, ,n-,, tlUfd "Radio Wanun: Snte,11 ! r u,~ on Vehicle,,."

Th,r, ,h-,·k", however, U 1mora~tk .. ? for \ho prQCnt. alncc lt pres,q,~ thaL all automobllu will lie cquip1><Q "Ith radio opparutu • Jn fact lblo in\'tntiori pr<·•umu tlu! convcr1lon or c,Y,ry motor car IMo • mlnllltun, Lroadcastlni: lllld receln~s: Wtlo 'Thill W\,•uld 11~tatc lht, 1m.L"lla.Uo11 nr bfl i,o.riul liyattm on th'), t•H\'(•r ll,ll,11. or the vchitl<. Ir\ front or lho mel<ll! pertkm of tho car. Th<- ua,ul bo,b of llm nbido Y.ovl<I net 111 A 1'••• ro Hector, thus Jn'rventh,i.: tt'lu transn1it• 1:k,11 nnd rttoption oC ratdio ~lf"CS r;a. ce~ from tho front or lldo u! tl:c car.

How It Would Work • .Jf101atu.-o rwlio tr.1a~rn1Utn~ an:il

nmlvin&' ocu would be conn,.,tcd to Uli• aerial ,y,rten, nnd as en,, auto, mobll~ a ppr""ehN.I anoth"T .. hO'I• I tt vt.hc:r wi1u11111ii ai~n•I ~o:ild l,ti ,, •• ('l'l\"('rl 1,r tl1a n·~11c:e\iYe vtJ11clH, tha.11 .,,mine " colliaioo. In !act, 1b11 noT,1 uaft,c Khcnio conte,nplatcs U.• uso o!. a bon1 ctJr~tod in r>anl1d wilh lhc amoll n,dlo Lran, and o~rauni= al the .. me limo whenev. n rorticulor awllch • rloud. The cir cuit rliug-rani tnak(• J•rt,\·l,4 h_in for tl1r iihtrti,·,u oC 1m auJditiom,I •~~itc~. whkb, wh•n op,mcd, pills '!be ndio •nlcm ont of commlnlon tomporarll) ,ind still rerm!u uf the operaUon or Lha hc,.11•n. Thu~ 111°,h_•rl11t.s in:s~11d ct pnatlcir I~• hormo on automobi!H

l'101'1lUll1)" •uuld commu-~ion radin tn p<rforirt th:~ function nut-0mMIM1ll7 •

• \nlal •11 a ('m111trr;,oil'<". Th• invmlor •ug«u\11 tho uu, ~f

n-n:cd nml ,:.-t inplo r.n.dto appara• tu,. whkh wuul,I fndlitalo the ""it.r~-111,: f'n:,in tho lninuniflingto ne:civinir mtthant •• r«ulil). 1'bc aerial woul1 ront1•t o[ && c-ourr!trtKUao etfl'(l. th• molblhc l•o<Jr of tho •ul9111obOc i~m, nt~ 1h11 i;n;,11wJ ,,, ('nUt1ltrpnlR- anti two rotls "' wires •_.1tendini: aloe& U,o llllf'I' of th,, tnlld_..,ard to tho ~ii!' mltttni: and l'Kcliv1r.1r apparat,.., whi<"h v.:nul41 11~ ci:>nlRinf't"J 1n a hnx

J hr inTcntor ~umm••ni:ca l!'t.o objr'l•l r lb n0>cJ dM"k• a, follow _ "I

rrlateJl to radio warnJnr q~ for ,a~ 011 ,-..hkh•• Int 011,kd ta pcrn,,1 a ,·rt\lc·i•• t, ai,tnn.l it.a f'Tott.ncc by muns of oltttric •inu to GIi o'.h.r 't°e)ude: in \ts moro or lt·P hnmedla•r , ic1111ly, equip,rncil with ~nt1llll" ,,r\'"ltnL nupurutu• nml dr.wicu1 i,:1r-11, rlT '" ucb \Thlcl JOQt,d 1 fro l 01· nu tm> sldo nf tha \'olwl~ ,Jtllllllnll' Ill pr,,s,,11r, nrul toeing 1n

Lho f'\)JJfO~i111ah, Oln-ctl!ln ar .taid lirnnll,ng ,·ohlcl,•"

Page 21: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Fnd.~ 3rd ,foM •• ,~r. WIIU!LE615 WEElltLY

Superb Loud Speakers GECOPIIO:'\1}; co:-t; I .ot D ~r:.\KF.R cnr. lli5n)-t.:11e,1'llllled •l~li<!ary nncl h1ielitr of reyrn<l11ct1on. l'erfrrUy h:il­anted, W1lh hl'll\T hm•e: m~talwnrk nf <otn-br,,uze lini~h. ronr •••If eoluure.l and beautlfully ,rrainoo: adJu.~t.ablo t, , ,my G1..glc- desln,d. l'ric-~ • • • • • l9 ~ -

r: ECOl'HO:-. F: I".~ Ill .\ t: T LOl"IJ Sl't:.\tit:R I U(' Jr,11~2). - H,-attliiul l'nbiuel \\ork in Mlid rnahol,'any or Oak

llnncb,-,m,1 F'lorentinc bro11i~ irnll, ,\ crcd i l to "ny act nnrl f 11rn1s lling scheme.

l'l'!c~ ... .. ••• •• .. • ... £5 6 -

1;F.rOrRo:,;t: « A R I ,,; 1;; T LOIID s rt:.\K f:R ( m· l fi20).-Altr11CU\1• ,:id sign, "Ith li11e mahnsmn:v llnl.<h. l\IdJ~., n11d lrn, reproduction. A "on,!<r,i.!l Loud ~11eakl'r nt a l!i11-gn111 !~cC".

n rn -Obtainabll' from all Licenwd Radi<I D,•a/ers.

1• «n~_1,e~1;11 British General Electric

154-6 Clarence Street, Co., Ltd.,


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Wlll£LESS WE E K L Y I ri~i,y. . ,_

r .................................... --... -·- .. " .... -............... _ ............. -.......... -................... -.. . -------· I i ~

Send No Money! Pay the Postman for this Wonderful

Manhattan Loud Speaker \HTH TONE REGULATOR

Snld mi 7 <lays free 1rial, whi<h mca113 th, , ho, . 1,l th,• :-pcakrr not mf'et nith ynur Pntin• 1<11lisfurlir.n "ithin 'i ,tayN, rl'!urn ~ .. a:ime to ttM Hnd w1• will t·it1wi- t-t•nd ofhflr gnntl:i fn your J•pquin•­uients or refund your "'""".

Price: 23/6 J 'ns-lal!'e- Free- Throu~ho u1 th~ Commomieall h,

Height 22-ius. R1•1! llloulh 9-ins.

Real Radio Enjoyment If you use an "EVER-READY" Radio Battery Wl• 1m• distrih111nr,c for lhl' t'amou~ "EH·r- R,•ncly" Rarlio lintier~, and

frc•h l!lock,, are arii,•ing from I he factory almo,st ,l,uly.

MH" BA'J"rf:R:t-:S. Sm.s'I •i1.<', fur I and 2 \"alH· ~'-t·l~.

\\T':lO Volts , , •..•..•.•.•......•• , •.•• , . .. .• , !J ti \\'1'40 \'oils • • • • .. .. • .. • • .. • • ......... 12 r, \\'P6U \ 'ult,s . • • • . . • . . • • • . . . . • • • • • . • . . . . • • • I~ -

llea,y lluty Tnw. for a, I, Ii "I' mnr<' Valve !set.,. Xl''IO '\' 11' .. • ........................... , Iii -Xl'lO \'olt ............ ................... 21 -XPGO \'olt~ .•.•..........•.•....•....•...•• 31 6

"A" HATIERJF.:-. Slundarrl, 4! \"olts .........•••••.•..•..••••

"( .. II\ Tl'ERIE!-. No. 1!!6-1!, 3. ot· .J \ , olt~ ••...• •... ..•.••.•. ~ ' !l


Wiles Wonderful Wireless and Electrical Stores PITT AND GOULBURN STREETS SYDNEY

Rranch : 23 Pill :,itrecl, l\ear Circular Quay. Brauch, 3X t Pitt Street, Xear Goulbur n ~t.

! i i

I i i

i !

l i i i ; !

I i i i

I i

~ !

l f i i

i I i

I i i ; !

! .__ __________________ , ___________ _,

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Friday, June 3 2FC, SYDNEY

Farm -1· • llroaJc<1.,tiJ11' Se, vice. \\ ll\c Uhglh. -lL! M~tru.

lturn,Y- u.:-..,1u:,r; t: .. ,.. n+1: 11 ..... • 1,4 1 n,~r•111-i11

"""" ....... ,,~ II •• ..,1, ~ h• .,,. .. nnt ,.11 U.S P • \l!firiiil ••tar, f.,.......t, 1'•Wr•ll. t,-~ur,-, u1,-.,~tt!III .,....,,. ..... •bq,,. ,,_ tWtlW.,9#. a1•tl .. nkN.

J -1 • ,..._ $odM lt<Jalr :J,Pt I' .. JlqlldUl'J' ,., '"'R¥-thl'l' :Mumll,c

11"11.ltl"° --• .-nic. ... -a.J) 11• .\ •&111 ... llfffflfl t'.iolh,r .... u.,., ,M.., llh111 JI h t'un:t.

111 ,..,. 111 .. ll'.-t.-t u..,.1,h•k'L .ewt'"'"­-,-.. "'ri,ti1 HIii 11Tl 1,W. \"n.-.."" 4rhilli1• I

1.1.U 1111t.- 3Wltin Jil.11•1t. l rt• Ahr l•IPII 11i• .. t111-1 111 ... 111_. 11·_. U ~- '"f;""rtfl:J' N.,.• nu(l4u 1/J"' kt'--Prat--n• LillC' &it'.lirtY'• 1"1.'t"1.. I it .,..,. ..f,U1d• 1111.t,.i

~ fo :-:: ~~:.·.:.~l"io~i...~~11 ....... ...

l,.10 ,.._ .11%9 ll11tiiPI Jh•,,k...._ f'Oiil!l,..,to .,.. Litt'• T!l "' n.,.-. 1•k• 11..-ttl ll~ __ _, -1.IUHIII, a,de,

I I-. llli( ]1P11,• f1-,, 4-Jt. Arn;Rt-.nn?rf f.FJ'51'0,_.,

I p.!L BlC' Js,,a•· ... at1,,..___,,,.11. II •"" 1'11i I, 11 • .,,,_ U::!-. X,,N'Mnc ,.,.i-e t.r,r t._, ..,_,., ~hillt.

Uf,.., ,.,,,. ,-...,..,,..,..,. T,... ftJwniMt \_,,_. f>l•d M.:illn. _,,..1nl'--l T•~• H••n1 Anm• ,w....,),

1.Uo ,...,_ Xt', ( lumf'\hn wtlll tallt • l-i.112-~•""111 ~M.hllu,,.,•

UI p.a Mia !IJtnl Atlutt..-80d. fllft:tA 4 P•• Ilic J,..._•

t"1lll"I Fa,-.-·, TM Jt ...... i !ii-,._., en-.. -1 '"""" r11;• y, .. ,,~1• {~I).

4.1 •.a, ,Ob!<i'ID lloak-<I. u J.r,!i.. lllll• l,rllil Atlliei.l•"8d. rnnu'I U.D ,.IL Fl'Vfll hr•r'• T.,. &

Ml.a,I lhlwt •• ,ur.lt61 .. ,,,., ._.. .. 10·~,.

t U •·• et,14» ll1nlit. ttn J.a.--Fl•t-,11 f~•• Tn ~: ... 111., r,,,, ........... ,

''t1NtU."' .a..t,1'1111 t&.41 ._,._-a1«k ,,vJ~ftCfl.,. U•Jrd ... 11., '-tl p .. l'Nl111t•,n .. N'f'K"I~._ I r, .a Cle 1kn CloH 4o• 11.

l!.U,t.Y ~~L"llNG P:E!lltON', I U 11.J11..---TIINI ("]1i.. •t tP"C. UI •. m.-'Thlt ,..JlatJo l.C••" ~• e,o UM

(biiifrwe. l.)t ,.-.-A &.ti.I 5t.od"J'. Ut ,_, OloMt lll!UW, t .. -.-•·a• 1,m_ .. t.ut 111.1 .. .11• q,cM~ fn.­t~ ., ,tit no -..1 .. C.m•l•lo6f'if.

: lt J> a.--n.1pt11 M• )'\:ft. &rpvrt• h,tio&. ••l. w,,,\i.

f 11 11•~-,ri.lft ,,u1 •....-t•lllio mu..._, , .. p ..... uw., at,,I 11111~--- IJIJit'.liJctaH,

leek ltui...,. lnhnNlt.ft, !i!t. ,.-..--1A1e •·i:weea. :,.e.,. .. •• ilt'f\l._


~1'.IIT ~:)-.-.J11'f

• U Jl.ffl l liiill' I,._,"'" r &'I and 1111Cr•m-11• 1 -~•111111.

'la p.m. PiL'tll .. ht1ni

" """" M- l"rc"rT lt,,uJar t'11•·r•h-: --,.1,,., H~ • .., ~ liC•lh-...t1.1.

JI t t'·•· \ al\ •• I ~•kir 1o, Ill U,-h•• .... 1

T-•• "f'"""" l~hq 11.11 .,.,.. Mt. A.1t.....t u~, /\~trail••

'"l'"llWl•-t•-.. , '"~ 1: m. 'I\ I .,ul Wil...,._. 1' ~lbJ1 "''""'•

...-h1u• TM.,_..,_. )·,111C)' llnJ ..

II :II •-•u 'Iii ,-,..)' U,111)1•, f'Ofll1all,•l ~ "' M•hrf- ~11a 11'":ru.,,.hs,..

11..M tun "In o~ • ..... ):twh-- ••'-"'• LoitW"'

A, J I ',lllf•• t"'•••. 11-U ""'1 M .. Alfn,.I O'li"fl ... ,r I! 11 p.nL M.-. ~t ,A.I. •nolc,r wm •U..,.!•'~.:!:!~~· )~-;;~,:: 1=~11'""~ :JI ftf'tt .... ., 1".-ll"l'lP"I' A•II. .. 111111t..1

·r..,_ All-11rdlt• ..I l ~1111 HMft." II \ l' m W"• ti"• YI In.It,, t,'ql.h Htlr,._ La.inf'ft:;

i111 ··-·QW1111·1 .,...., lw! ,,.,,,1, fhl "'J-...a.•· l\\"1111

1 •rk·:'·n1~\~~'t1~;'t~ t·t"-(.;:~ '!!..:'M1 !!~·!, 1hcl .,. .. L..-r o'""""', v.-.,....11.a. • r ... t.i,•-c :lll•n,o ~•T~ :•Yid JI ........ " ll~w-, Ml'~ll 4.1 Nt·Me,-:11:f ,, T TWO ,\(,tt...-, 1 IU. 'lll,IIT I <\l'..AUIIT ·~ , ....... £.-h•ll .MUli•r. A •1116 ll .... r,,rl'I', T ... R.httn II( Ii-., J.rr;.lo)n, • ·•'• le,irL>.,,,

C""hoon», l,n1t.-trt1 •••I "-1""-{".-., l'nrr It. ...,_,.,.,,.11.1..,..•1nl. M11"91

,. ... t. .. •nd Gtt_,. • n.•"'"' J"U • l1iotu,,"" 'Thun• ncns •­

fWNft ......,.._ •T1ttt l,11w -..u.·• 1-1,., ll!nlll'. n,,1..-:-1•ti•·. •· l III f!,o 1·,.ui., • 1l lla'""-1.,,a11•tf.

,......_ flun .. o •M l,n.-. ... at .. WTII. 11,11v 1 .. ,,., ... Mar..- J. th•. Hoh r,.,_, • u..,,1'- u.,., »•riir Rut\,,,.. "•rt.r1 Jl,..r•.

Ft-1•, 1rt,., .. ,,, lho~• n~ .. 1-n_ t'-..f'

1'1il" ito1rrn 1'·,una .. _., .. ,~·n .._ .. t LA .. .i: IIJtO.A.lJl:L"'Tl"-t. E-1 ,no~·s. lf'l'.- t1,.....•• .lttt,a.,.ctllllf fltaHH1,

l.t.L~ a,.•a.f. W11WWMUI U:t -1 N•, ~IOll'I ••tu

tkl.- 11, ... a•1u•' Llil. t,~,'. ••­"tlJtb l'-1 ,.._...,N,. ;>flWr l!IOII .. 1:11.

J:t.11-Tk-llhlr•I lfr..-lr .. tla• Jt.• U•"· t.ttl,. ty·•..-r~ _,..1,n1stll llf ml', pj>Wff hlll • • t:,.

1•l--T,, ... ••· Lk'-r f'"(t1lt1rll, p,-,,__ ,w,7 • .-,~b :~ -1.J'a, OO--•r lhO ••11•

ll'Yt ----(nta ~ .. 1'14,1. g-.lhw-,, _..,..t,.,n,.~h 1• 7 flWl,.. . ..., .. irr li,I) ••tt•

2Mlt-M.,kt.r R,-.. R•th!U'll. ••n­l,rJ!Crh Wli .... .,._ ...,._., UC> wa1u.

Ult-i:a.rtrinl l"HlH"'• R•pl1' C"a., tt,.l'rq. wu•lr11•~ 1111 ,...u.a, P..,...•r J&II •Htt•

l • lt-hrrin r.i.trw t _·41. ,,,,..,, ,..,.,.....,_ .. ,1• .... ..,,..~. 100 wan,

wu-11 • .._ ti.1111:tw, "'t••oJ.l.1r, •••e-11r11a:,.._ w ---1""- ,,,, ... ua.

IOI;\ "'• f""-... ~ ltcul..-1 )h \lfn<tl II Mhr. l•m"'

J• I 11t ~I Ai.-._.n .. ,· 1 of ~ " It! aH ••lr11>al f,.,,I.,. 14'fll(V •ttllQ liJ' I ,,......,...,_n fl• II; .-nt1tl,,,d

JIit w,sa:, hHl•l' Mi.OJ" ., "" lll1Nt;Y

• ~ .... • 1111,: rlC' II IJ1111N 91 lllit 1'•·•11 s1un •• I 1 ... ,.f"W,._ >ft :,. • ..,.1.,11a lluor,.·drap, Mr 6r,.,tt A ,.

• 1'1•1'"'

, .. ~;-.. ~Nt•r~~ \\;:;;. 11 .... ~~':1~- -~-

u,,.,,,. J'rtl-1· 'fll.,. Jil._ Yt' t11-.n,h •­l·t•-lci llou•"-:' Clt~,, •. u. 111,111 U., t..b'~ J !1.11 t',,...,,.._k l..t:h1-

II\•· , .... IAW H=-• •• •1:1u~ru "' \a 1-.., .. PM -.·..-nt1u•1h l--111lc. r111 on ... ,.-. II H-"'- • ll..r Jl,rft.

.-.,.1.....,.1 A .. tMm, ,.,_ .........

2BL, SYDNEY. Hro:uk , ,t ,,- · l,hl.

\\ ···~ k·,.,;tb, -1 \! t'C

I rid1r.

If t1$11. 1~1• 0 I 1'1 flt' ....... 1-t """' ,.~1-.... .. J-01•n11•1"•• _,._r ... ...... U.1 •""- IIJ!•lhl P"'"«l'•""""'"' f1:-m , ... ~ 1, II l't"' l"flif'll~lh~ lf111~ 1ttM wl ¥

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"'"" I 11 ... 11.ari"r f' 1-,""" l:?.~O ft.• .fOl•O. (l,11'\ .,,I d1ll,I,.._ l!...'11 r,..-. X!tnl'•1 r"-"''""'"'" fmltl Iha


~:.~; t:. ~.'wr.-~~ !.,~;:,:~ .. ¾;,~1'1n-•U-t r.n t raa1.t111,

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uut:~.-r 7~\ ':", <"~~:,'. •,i:!,,.;~ .-t1t.-t••

l,"H ~rn Tallt 8p<JM. ..,. MN a ......

~~ s .. , .. ,..;n.. ,, ~flO!ln-la .... 1'111,.. J.,.ttan T -11 oa t't'ffl. .. Um t.uul!a • "'' \I"' ,h, ... n.

8 p r: -G I .u. dud. af'ld thm'"'-1.l 11• N_.. r.-- 1111• """" 1..10 I- ~ -P.O. d11d1 •:!-1 .-ft--. IIJ p,a. -Ji"••• '"'"' I~ ""9t111.'" , ,., • i,,.-lfq,,.J,cal vr~"' t.,,,., Ot •t .. ,ti. ! ·;•,: "'<: f:-t•,l: .!~ ...... ;.t~; 4 l p.m C·•tl ...,._.I_. a ... u • ..,. Trio, t 11 • 11• ~- ,.,., 'li-U!rJ' ,,:ao,..,. r ... po, Cluel ••' •ht.,. C..11 I'"'-"' ll,1111.e.1 i,r-.:isn,rn•• fr,,n11 ,M

t :11~

1:. li~ t1111U tN ~11,. ..

,Jn .,,-. brtac ._,,..., , H . "" ?'mo ,,._ lllat:-H,uflr-1' ~lttfy"1

J'r,1L and 1', ,...a.._ ma,ut NvorL

Buy RJgbl and \ ou .Must BuJ' .llurgess !

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• ~, p.~ ,o( r.lshl.'• JJrOSraJIUD• 4 !i6 p.aL-ADnt>11UMl'Ontll- • 4...~-, D.m.-8~J11l ~""" Fl'Jncll•t. 6 t,.~P.O, CJQ('k url rblmd. Cll'IH do"n

£ARLT £Vl:NTNC SESSION. L-O 0. C"loek • n.d. dtim.N. I.ff p.m.-tlaclir C..U •!'.Id US. K6dd.1.. t.40 :,.m.-JlalcaJ s,~ h-gffl IN ata~

SPl,;i!JA.L COL"NTRY S&SSJO;-1, t p.rn ~P.O. CJoclr. • n1I chinca.

Au~nijjQn )forcaMlllt J.and and J•1tu1nct:­(."1,'it lt"-'l)urL W•tht'r Rcpnr-t 111nd tvtMUt. If, rr,Cir!_,. of (itt,r.. l&\.t,ffoloabt. J•~ I•iau1t..utlns 6o(:iN•11 r-ru,t and V~h:Olitatkin.r-,ort.. 81«~ };l.t'",..111:•,.,..,... cnu" •" loddrr- ft'POl'l f~l. llair, l"l'M~ nron (Sanl,

T. lfi r,,a-Ct,ant1'1 t,:.,... Cro:>1 • h• "'Strn • '1.11'1 Talk ()ft ··l:-.m.,lill,:- &ININ"' l,7

Arr- C':oopc..r, l'ark t-11r,erin~u1Ji:-t1t. c :r <"o,1nclt..

1Jill 11.m. 'l'Ark ri1, .. C~irL. fvPe"tr." • ,~::::!· i~i~., (:~,!.lwlld. fll I p.a. --lifr, Okie M•uhe-._ Ui.-ht. f'Offlf>dlu1 II II p.m.-.lUII,, Mall,. U~ i~Nnct), ~ 11 At-ad Outi f•'-1 c,1\Canl, f.11 .,._ .... Mr, Tnnl'"J'I MtGOirr. CINiritotl,,,), I.It t,.m.-Bn,JCIUl-lctlt, .U .. c.-ort. OFSDt'r\ wlff

1-411" mn r-nmt..11. JUI )'.tn ... hm11<tru.s.,n. Trio ~1.11 r•.~-l\Mm11<1 1,r f11lh,wini:- 1hn•'• ,,.,.r,.

sn1mtnr. t run, f:.P.0 r!l)(li: ind l"hitnn.

Weather r~ atvl lottrtut b:c- ot""rtnJ cil

,.f ;.m0 ~,:"8~ ~~~~~~;,. p.m. - Jh Ral'"fl!IOM 0-tt,- (i....l

• t,I f'.ID -llr £.:-tr JIU!'IMNI. ,)1100--,fiat, II !:'I r,,111.- !ltn:1:. Ml ... M.~lte Has:""-' 1111n,J )It'.

D /~r.':~M~M~!~k ~I 1ll•WJ1. f ~- r,.m,-1'.hn kl10flin,r rditor f'•' 1'-·fl ~~llfl ..

wilt rn!\ on tlu1 /1rnt1p('('l11 ,:d ~f'll•r1h1Tli ncin:.

!11; p..m.-Broad1"-:l•t.rn 'l'rio.. llM rt,.-..• :U-~ )t:n::- llasbet. 11 II p.m.-Thr ,\hM Do11. Pl.I"' p..11\.-llr.. bk llarrilc,a. It.ti l'.m. t,inrf ttMna I'}' (0Vrte1 .t tls-

!hu1'" tlfa'11NP11f11, ""a,,. -Kr. Ttnrrt Mt"(i1Jln. 10.:19 r.m. Mr, f:lan 1-:.nne-lL HI.HI .\1t. ha,1null-.d D"all, 10.I~ ~1.w.-lJ't-t,,a1lra1'1fl''11 Trirt: tJ ri.m.-C.P.O. CJt,clr: a.lld tb1m•

NaU.-aJ An\b-m

2GB, SYDNEY 'l'hco1ophkal Broadc,,,!:inJ; S.n·lrit.

Wave L•nith, 316 MBmB,


AFTEllNOC•N er..sstos. S.16 11.m.-M\l•k. 1.11 PrJL-u: p..m.~. •.1' ,.._--Talk. t 10 p.a. -- C1aai1 down.

J;Vll;Nt:.ZO!ON'" t.10 p.m.-Childr"'n•• St1;1:1D11 'J r, 1r. r,.m.-·r1111c. 7.11) ri.r.c.--bluric. T.JO p.ia.-Talk.. 1.11! f~ 1',ln."---Tallc. f.14 r,W1.-INSTRt"'IU::~"T4'.I. TJU01 DA:,'

ECIJl.J.Y. HUR.~J.1,Ul l,AliG. ADA IJROOK. fl-' p.m,-A&ll'MI by l'l'Of.wnr Knuwt W,>1Nf.

I 2:D 11.rn-.-$onp ti,, )(AJJ,\M CHA.UB.Ji.HT


sn p.a,,-,\,1 rtaJl...},411r """h• th• fGD Smri .. Quartett•1 tJLOYD l}A,Vttr.ti:, NOSJCA. Hi'.)B.JJt.H. tllAJtL.Eia H0\11.T, Mtrm&L.Lli: LA~O.

~p.m.,. -T1'\ok,I L,. t.l!l- i,.rn.- V~•lin &'.,,· t, ,\:,,." SCl.:l,LY.

1. ""Zpaa.t..h 8rl"11l14e- t('unt!ub). !.. ·•1tu!b.,t f,11.J'Jl~· .. (lh:nnk ,

en J,JU.-&t•c• ll.ADAM CHAlJDDlT. 1.18 t".IIL ,tnatru!nfl,taJ Trio:

JilOStC,\ HOhD>.R, Xlltlll-:1,Ul 1.~G. AitA J-ntOOJ.:.

n .. ;:i J•.m.- •·t:11N-do" T11,U,. HI- u . .rn. C)vllolf 1li>"" n,

3LO, MELBOURNE. 13rt,adc:isting Co. or .\

\\'avo Longtb, 371 l!Hrea.

Friday. munA '( ~ESSIOS •

U..W JAMF.S 11-onrn ,,,ou'F. J"flt:[)ERTn.: ar.oRGF .. Barltou. T,\!')14. 'rlt.nNA!l. 'U!JJo. MA ,;;:\\,-ti:1.1. l"Af-L£\I. • 1·QtDl!dlaa. B£1t.'1'I, IIOLT. C"t-nrn.lttt lJQHOT1tY )W'(llfl'Rf."H. \'l,c,1•

TIO.l !:ITIJJIIO {)HC:1113lHA "'"'t""rn1•11.tu .. 1 AOSf•:~ 11our11N"r At1h1Junl'rr •.• M,\UIUC'tl l1IJ0Lt;t

I% IIIJOtt. Tlnttt Ni,tial. n .. m.h 1111 cl•I Wl"tr,.. J"'5!, !\••• /T11m RQUl;y. ft.rqt•r'• •r•d th Aatnall11q rn!H ~lat.Mn Catifn "'A.ftlla'' al'td · Hr.aid .. :,~ ~TIO.

~.ff P,N 1.1:W JA!,C.E,..C:, c..n .. laa • J-fflm"b:m.... ' f,._;i:7 ri ,,,, I\J llf•IO _ OR('llr.sTRA .

.. Jollv Jtnhlwi"'I'' (8Uflf'")• 1?.!1 \',Ill, fl•"'k Uclmn,:,:, l"'1onna1ian. Ji,lll 1• m, UOl.1111 WOLl-T.,

Hurno,r.,11,t frn1,rNFion•. l!..4i D,1'>.-~rl!Jl[O ORCIU:sTft.A.

"'..\ C"...tfl.fl! 1-bll" IU1 .,_DL. rRJml.~CK r;l;;OHGT .. Pam«.~.

""f"~ rn'l'Pt- ,n,.,1.,., ..-.....n lht im•• "" t'•,de• ([.o.m,ptatf,:).

1.t i-,n.. TAB.MA TIERS-AN, 'Crllc,, 'Eno.Ina fCt41r" • Waienl"Tt.

l,'2 r, ,u. 1-f,-1,,"'""lnwle11! Tnf.,rntatll"ln. 1,,,1_ JI m. MA\WJo:LT, C"AHi-."W, C'otJ1flll•n.

flut-1oro111t IH,t-trh1•,._

J~tt:&ST ATE .. 4,. L.~D .... • CUS:5 BROA[)CA.RTNG ~J.lTIO~S.

.:1L0,-lh·••adrutfn.- t:omp•n-1 "r A.a .. lt-alJ•. t.1d., Y,-lbaa:r11•. w•v•l•nrP1 111 1111:'lr••• p~<r ii(l(l(I ,ntta. •C,,G..-4,,l111Nin1laad R.• ,h, INolH, B,u.. tuu••· Wl\'111l•l'l1"tb a~ 17il'U'lt, JIOW•Y" !v<IO ••U•.

KJ..-.--C.DIU) B ....... &l'n' UL. A..a..w.. ••1~ UI Ill~ ~•r &000 wat:a.

t1'T-1'1:Htn.11a• F&rJII.(',._ LtL. Penh. ••v•ica11h !!:IQ lllf:Lti:•,. pawn 10.:I\I watt,.

•n.-1·a,111anlan Droaodt.ulu.. L1d' .. U11b•tt, "'•~11l11nirth fi:.16 m•1r'lf. 11000 w.att.r,

it.A.ll..-A~1otbilril Jla.dJc, Cs-. Lt.II .. M•~ bourn.., wa.•Iet1.;1h .tli tult'U, PQ'IRr U:tO ... lb

mn-r,ni.11, lhi,inHa and T ttbkal C'..otc,., :M,IIHiune. 11"1,'tb Ul -,trra, Jr,ft1HI" -'00 ..-.tu.

JU7.-~. J. !\iii..-" & f'• .• NrU,nme-. 'll'••dr:n,1~ 3111 mro..,,.. pc.w,r JQ11 ,,..u ...

tO-R-G•ld ltadio Blcdril." Srnlc-•~ 'J'llt)­w1Mt1'11)a. Qtittnd&nd, ,..,,.tl .. n•th 2J4 .. u,,,. pow•-r JH ...-.tu.

5XA.--fl:••rt Ra. I• n,.. • .-.,,1nc lta.ll•a. ~\ .. ltirik. ....-nka,Ut, JU .ID&'\'"- po'Wf'r lotO watt,.

11)~.-J,l>S Pt~ .. LlL. ,U,luitr, ••n-,J~U, ;u a,t,...., Ho,.

Philco Blltteries Save Pounds in a Year.

Frida;, :!rd Jilli!'. WZT •

1.17 it· · 5TODlk• 0lt.Cl.I13TRA, ''.)j"Jollk!" t.M1u::rnr<'y).

J.l'I' 11,m.-Ul'lRYL lJOJ.T. L~mtra.I:o, l'l,.,.,nnsr"' tEdw•rd l'lli,• rl.

J •• :-t0~'1 , .:.~~t,~~ :•;~ .t::X~t:rfun.81

~~• "A~ . .-

1 .. 0 p.m. B&KYL HOLT. Contnho. .. () WlUr, Ila l.,Qw' (An.ti.ur a,___..

,anJ. ·.1 u-r,1 \'oa c~ 1')-'4 (Dar.fie WM,.

1.t,, 11..m.. STUDIO UHCUESTRA. "'-'l•Jl Lwe"- (P~mbr-ra,,

2.0 ~.Dl,-L.llqoc DQwn,

Arn;n..-..;oo:-.- fif.:SSI0N. Sp•bn;

Page 25: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 25nla.obj-663082343National Library of Australia


r---·--·--·-·-····--...... _. __ .. _ .......... ,, ........ ,,,.,_. __ ....... _____ .. __ ,,_!

The Elstree SOLODYNE

Oucribed in L11t Week's luue, bavit.,:­Proved a Wonderful Success, we Reprint Hl'l'ewith a Revised List of Actually Tried

Out Parts.

Li~t of Solodyne Parts . I fu•D"in,: Rad11,n f'4r1r1! lJ '\ 1 s I-hi • • •• .... . . , •• · ·• 1 lrn11i" r'ac-.n1, .c,no.l. l•a•n• ~Pttf•l r...,,s"" • .., •. ..• J rm•t'u Hak.-lil• \'t"tn(~1' lllrt1 I :V1d.11t"an I vn~ l'~riflt-1 1 \chanr• oov:rJ ~ L,1', c ondrn,-r-r . I 1, kh ,11 :1 ,.,1,,_., n.- Srrf"tllHI I oil• •••• , 'i l.111!"1(:Q ~,1ndud ISpt'lftC: ~ocket-11 II .S 8 t \dnnt•· ,'.' .. utrJlitinr t<irul•~•,., ••• 41 "A l ,·rot•rttl hidio Tn.n81Prmn, 6 tn 1 l ( rncra1 .\M..d1c, I f'lln»ror•n. ~• ,.,. I i Nr•r•4'r Fll••naut l!all,1oh, .1:\. ltl :1 t,

l ~:.•,~i:.',,':,!{::,•;;«!-::dr,~-:·,.. Ill ft •

I kadhial.H U. I • I .. uliit-1 ne hr <"onl r•( Ii n•b ~ U,14 'l'JVNrr ltu-.. .. 1rC", ,1l Jt .....

• 111;. A 1% II

i I

" • a u •• II ~ II U r, IS " I; I 4

• ~

I 1

1 17 •


Carry our Absolute of SATISFACTION

or Money Returned.

The GrCK!Jn S<mned Coil

• •I r, • ~ t,

• • " -• 6 u 6 6 ~ 8


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! i

I ! l ~

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I THE EcoNoNifc ·bfrirfio sroREs , 25 ROYAL ARCADE, SYDNEY Phon.- M340Y I


... _,._ fl~ttRA\4ATTA.~•- ~•taa,N! a11 I t:hwr .. '--"' r,..••"UW N,.'11 t ----_ -_ -----------_ -_ -.:_ -----.. ----··--·-··-··-··-.:..~=~~~.:=.-:.:.1.:::.::.:::.._'"::-..:.::::.:.::_, __ .._J

Page 26: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Page Twenty-Foul

Jll·.nn, HOJ,T. r.--.ntr11ho, n. WAI.1,1-;n. n .. ,;v,n~. '4R1'A l't:l,HAM. Tift-~ FUTURlS'fS. JA1n:.;.;· RrU:Y, Tr1,-,r, a.nrl J,l':l•: WHtn; A.Nll lLAY ';,,1'tr"Hl. f.,J.~A 1-.Tlt,\1,IA At-.;f) MA~IM JHWnt,

THt STIT[IJ(l OJlC:HL.STRA, r-,11.1.,~owoon 1·n~1.F.!'lS' HAND.

c·~•t1ilUt11Jr. Mr F . C' .• l1>ho .. t.on. JOF. ARO~SOS AM) HIS SYNCOPATING

RY'MPH('INJ;;,;-rs. 1-"l)PIJLAFH'J'll•:S,

'f.H fl,l'l l 'ndf'r u,r ,iw,pi<'~ f'lf th~ hJ-... l'AJt1 ~ES'f OJ• Af;RICllJ.TURE. MR 8. A. (·c>f'.IJ\, ..,r11 11.-S.. l'.ln, • t~itrkuluiro -M••nt,1•mnl! Ffo'l"'tliny- Citru• fintl,c,"

~-i11iU i,.ni..~STtrl>tt1 OkCH.t-.;.~1'1tA., "f'ir~I f-itrn1•hnn,," l.ct. Mm·tmru (Ber:t.

hn, ,-r. i. 1--F• 11 .tr1 O'M.,\R,\ ,i11rl BITRKE, lnt,

"" ft<ltfl the- l-:mehlhl lelr. C'li.;u1. 11·r.s~.

-~1Jw A111,l J'lai,r f;hnwl'• 11l11lt H.ay,imJ. '-Crub"-..,..n ·Lawn" IS.Dll, .. l L,_,~f!r). J\r,-r.a norli~. "'T! •·r.'• Al\lloy, " Ilona- ,r, on lr1.1'1 IJ1'4Z't''

iE' lLaJJ1. '..10 1•.rr• Sl'ATIOS" Tntn.

·cn11J1.. F:rmt:.. tJ•.-h•,bt•rt. I. f..b 11-"1. RJ,;RYL HUL'r. Cn nlt• lrf'I.

'Th .. ,\tru"· iu.d 1~ ~m:.-" jftill(~J­.,};hlps lh:,it l '11i1111 tn lhr, N.i.r:bt•• \T. 'W.

tt~ph,• 11., "'" 1·n1.u1-r.wooo ClTTZEN.'i" BA.Jlin,

flhtrh, "'Tit.., Toih-ta.'• Fo11-trut. · •,tar) Lou."

t ·: ll,,in. R. W.'\1.Ll-;K. fh,ritnn400

.. n,.- !-.lf·•1"lr Snro'lt·• •r<~rl')'J. " I 1,.- rnhht.-r'• !¼'tr.-g,'

f .11 r, '11, STlHHO nRrttJ-:..1:;TIU, •·--Y:-m1l b)•ll•l.1111ln,'' ~!•1tl :\1<1vrlT\.--,,f (SN:\,


«.'.'In r•.11'1. META n:tn.\~ RKlULI .. "f<pl.-r,•lkl SilniN"," W~t M-, l,n\'t-t Ratd.''

E.f11 "O ,,. l'Ol,Ll..'HfWOOll rJTIZENS' HANO, O,•C"Tt.i1.-c,, "'O"n Q,,;xeyt,." Cnrnfff &1,fn. ''Tbr Rf!M.rv.* F C".rAw: .. ,.

B.&~ J.'l.m.-U;l!, w11rn; ANU CJ.I\'{ :.:.M(TFJ. v, 111 tt1u.eru1n )·••J ""hh 11tlN"li1m11 (Mm their rrrwrt1drr

f .ft nm. :Mil. II i,,:, I.C\VF., '"1.'r<'hr,lealili111111,.'"

t ,1".I 1•,ftL --S'l'l'l'!O ORCRESTRA. J1-~hrn 81ut1nmr•• (f.ft"-r>~

11.J/j 11.rn, .Aru1at,n.t'"1:Jffltt.ii, I I!< f'.ffl J·.1.5.-\ :."TllAl,IA a.nd '4AX..U,t

BlHlnt, :M1~ 11n flro-fl.

" 1.ui,id l••I C11tn lf,,lM-"' (MrH). "M)I I rn, f,- l!t-lUL,. I WllM>n}, 1111-,1" "'J't,,.,- :-a.,.. (Etaru\ • LJcar,j" 1\iffrlf), ~ It• !'i!nt!i.o 11nd M1ul"' f'rntll. noi:- • · ·J(l,crrr-m·• 4\'<•l'ni/.

t.".:t I'-"'· MR f'• J, Wlf,UANS-, will di1o­eu:•a t( .. Y'l\(•1 row•• .,.,et-1.Tiu11.

II C...! 1• .Il l . Il1"it£<.h Olnebil W lrrleu z..~--fr-:m, U•11,i\,y. w .. ..,tb.-r !,;,mn1a11I ...

fl ,I i l'-m.- 1•1•:nY1, tttH:r. c,mtndtn, •·nu~ I'll th• Rotkt" •'4m ... j:,•1.ntrn, l1nll<"yJ,

A J',>fttl fnr 1':'Vt'M' T~ ... • ti>. Lh.lf.11~1 J.ia 1• r.n.-"C'ARI\WAN," 'MR 11 W

\\'(11,1.-1-:, ~;,..~run.v l!:1.mot- or lh,eo "Al"lf'l1~" i:ir,,t "A.,~tnV.w.!&11," v, W 1puJr un ~ltr.l'· ,t111·• Hv'""-

ll't pm R W;\f,f,FR. ftnrrrru•, ••()no, Pt'tf('d, Jlo!.lr Wilh Y,~ .. f~AW11!':r). ··1·11 ~h111 Th""" &111.'f nf Ar.1t,,-•· !Cb.1)~

Jn.11 r,:rn.~ '"TJJJo: FH1 mu:-:•;g,.. m·•1•nt tht-ir J?,11,hn R.-va"11to.

"1H"llOT'TIQ"-'1"{'$,. 'T"l,f" ("A\fflti•nv ... ~ }"OU \!) 1'1,l."'n In, r:ir,; l)A \\;,:nN •nd IR.A VAt-.DA l;r'lffl1

•· litll"' {unb. DltlMAJ. D(•:~•l'.1,10?\1) bPt'lUm= ftl.9l't'

Lh11-, .-vrr. A 1•:1,1y.,ur, "'50LD AC;AJ-S,'' with IRA

v,u:uA. GUS DAWSON. 11.tlrl CYIUT, NORTlft':'OTI-.. fR.tli. \'A'NO/\ f111Hu: nf 0 ·V•~wi11F th11 Ibby." JW,• ~Y •nd f'VRO, ,:,iORTHCOTE' sa., a

l111.<w 'll·.,:,,tdi t•.> e&c:h l)i.hH, T1It .. C(JMPAN\' •hi# a ]'1rutt ..

t !Ull ,,.m_-·•J..•~tl"' .Nrw1 s~n-1.n-~ "Rt.11,11 t;otr3 1111PJ1lir<t lir t.hto n~al Vfrtoria.n Autnmf'hil<- ('1111) nr Vir-ttJf'la.

1'1,ol1 -r,m.-JA.VES RIL~~. T{'t'M)r, "Mah Llnd.1 Lt,u•• (St ·ukland),


"h U1 a Ch.arm!nr Girl I L.ove-'" ( Bfil'ledlct I, lD.U l').M.· -COLLINGWOOD CITI.Zl:N8'

llANT>. W"lt,., "F'nrr,i;t Flm•l'"f'r,s." 'lh.rr-h, "t:ntry {I( tti. (;1r.:li.t.l/lr11 ••

I l.O p.rr,. -OUR GREAT 'rHt'.'!11(.llT_ • .,..,.,. l'hirur-. Wll'II Of'lfl, ldn"ri, wm,lif fll'~ \lf'.111. n,an,r auatr~li:, finol, t;O ha,;e It ,..,.11 IIAl"-"ttail'lf"><i wMhn- Wt" ,u-e .oot. dbpulhut •Mui, l-"na&. ni.t~f' tbu lhlnp, :1tt1-,t ~~Oltl)'" t1:1 ~.aa.minfl whMh,,,,r iha.t rin w-hlrb Viii! d11f~ t. Wtn1.h eonundJJ1c a.hQi1t,"

.COLTON, ti.I r,,m .!OJ,~ i\RON'f.ON A.NO HIS SYN-

t'OF'ATlNG SYMPRONlSTS. ~ey 'Tt,11! Siu 1:1t .. R~" (Pldd,i). •·sund•.v·• 1 Mfll,.r). "Hrlln, fJtUI! (i1rl nf '4.,- Drr..1unJ1" (Bek). •·,:1 Ai,,h·• ((11111:-rl. '"Th11 Or<RlTT--1 'Black BntT4'tn"' fR,-.n~n). "Tm n11 MY W,i,y Homto" I Retl!n.), "U,·111 all n .. nr" ~·<trd'" (1....-fiip). •·R1Jft'"~r,rt'<Jdr." Jli!UI" ~1J-,, fRJ11"tYL •·T,w ,Y,•rr W,- Arn T('g-('" (t'J1.1nrib,.Jll. ''M11.r,- J,....,,•• fl.,-ma11\ '·Tir:p: • t.•n11 W•lu nr th" Tirll""" tDriUI. ~n•b.9' 'Fiii-.-'~ 4 Abt l ''-Stlmf>hndy'c J.,,.ri,-ly'" (D•Tft1\. '·A C'us, of ('.oft',e,ro. • t-er.,h.-rl. af!rl YcY» ..

Uite,-.. r\ "Ju•I a r,lir.t"• 1'"'!5•.- Vi,.w'' Hkinaldr.tul). ".fu•~ OnP More 1ew·· ,o.,,,..,Wi).

ll.40 p .rn.~Oll SA\it:, THE KING.

JAR, MELBOURNE As,socialed Radio Co.

\Yo.vo Lcn~h, 484 Mot.re1< Friday

MORN1}.;C ~~:$SION,

1LQ ...m. $ttlf'Ol"tion1 OD U. Urun,i;'lll'ic.lL Pa1:1a.

"""'· 11.,0 Jl,m Rrill.ob Omr.U.J Wirr"1wi l'-rr-.. ""'" r<'iW•J h'Ptr'I Rucl,.v 6111lff W,r,-t,-~" ~IACkHI, F."lll'l&n.J: F.:..i,r,._ Train lufunn&t1nn; .. ALt-c:"' ~f!.wa R'IIJ111dn, r.uJ11111ivf! lo JAR,

12.0 p.m. - Tim., {:himo from r;..P.O,: !-tudkt Ral'>li"'irt':'r tv1d 0,1trlt1GT Thf'rmorn,plt•r ~in~; hL We11..t},t"t" POr!;.'C8;,to i,:,,1•·a r,! th"" da.y.

11.t, 11.1111.-Mnll'al Sd<'tticu11 from the Htu.dio.

lU() 1,--.- R~k Exc'hanl'f' Ne,,1. 1.2 . .cu rt,ffi.-M.ttalal Srled.i.01."11 fr-om tiw.i


.I\ F.W ZlcA.LAKD STATIONS: l \ \, Auckland, The Radio

nroadea"'t.inK Co. of ~-OlP' Zealand, Ltd.

Powor 600 Watu; Wave­length, 120 Mcu·••· Silent Night, Mondny.

2YK, W,ellington, Th• R.dio Broadnt!o.'1ing Co. or ,Ne""

Zealand, Pow•r 12U Watt,: Wave­

length, 205 Metres. 3\ \. Christchurclt, Tho Radio U:n)adeasting Co. nr New,

Zea land, f..ild. Power 500 \Volts: WaVll-

kn~(h, 41l0 .M e(res. Silent Night, Thuud~y. 4 YA, Dunedin, Tbn Radio Brond'cn1"1tinJt Co. of J\ ew

Zul•nd, Lid. Po,ver 750 Wntt'-'l; 1-Vave­

l~n,g;th, 380 !\l~tra,,;. 2\ ll, The Gi•horne Radio Co,

Gisborn,. Power SO V.'att&; \

lmgth, 2<l0 Metres.

Friday. ::rd JuJ1r, tn27,

1:1.:i!i pm,.. -lla.U Notri; fhippln.::: ltmicrimrl.., LO p.n,.-( loFI' fliQw-n.

J\F'T"ERNOON SJ.~ION, :t nn I• m. ,.._tn<tio Or.-tw-:,.~,..,.

.runo J,""'"'.'' SrltTtlrrn /} .. rimll, 2Afo p.m. Mr. 1-:rrtut Pr'Jtf~I". t:IMll•iwt.1

''L' . M111or f~nnrll'rlt," i;Vl"tbl:'!71. ~U~ r .m. !IAn n,,.,,~ Ord1~t-...i:

",\ ."lt~:s:un--• J,'rmn '\f · nun:• • ·F';rr.,. • 1·r1nr1~ Jlrtty"a f,nlln~ ...

3.r, IUT1 Mwi J'_'. . Rr,,arl•'Y,,i.1

S.; 1~!~1n• ish~•f,. t-,~:l~~~;:':'r'' ({'1,npln),

''Oiah Jh~l, ~11-rtinn•• fF'y,..,J\. 3 :B fl m.-M,,•11 11111("111' ,Jffl'(>pJt, ~,ilr• 'I\O.::

.. ,.'Lui n·<\rfr•" n-·otti,l'li}. Mv Ht'n.rt'~ Tt-ta1rr."

:\,.u .fl,fft • -31\R Ihn,:,,- Orctle,.lr•: ''Flfl, H,._ ff•. Ha, M." Ti,,1.,'' ''Bllt<'k 11,.ltom."

,;.-!Ft r,.m.• Mr. rt. rrtllf,-.,-, Yk'tlill: •,-i,.r .. n11rlor'' t T'rti:Ll"flr-r,t I

:S,~n P rn f.tu,il1, nn-••, ''01111Ty l~ll &lo:-r:t.inn" q-;tn1l-i'rtL

-4,f} P-IU.. 1'1mr' Smn•l Clumf/ '"""" G.l" n : f;~~h.-,,t~;~lhrr 1·.,reout, IAR lhln~•

..l"m t:nlnc- lro rJ;al'II III RIIUt in Callf<irnla.'" ' !ll'1 •-.n ,,r '"'""" a,_.1 V,r,11 .. •·111-lriJUl,- • n,C nro.ndne"

(J••l 11.111. M1;,• J) tkll J•"M"l'lt, f;-,1'1T"UW"I "C'hnn'll)rt 1le 1 ·1<:tu.!'100 (Godafil), ' ''V:1:,-•• fK.,.n1,f!l;J;.- Hu'"4'1ll ,

4.~.• l•-m. •:Un1l10 f>ttl1e!!!lnt• ··s .. 1f'('1 1.-,11.~ ... .f,M, r1.111, 1-:rrn~c- Amn~I tl•1iri,-. Co.fl p.rn. Ti>T,!:! Sii:ru,J Cbiiue: lnm1 f;.P O •

(1tM· Orrwn.. · · •

fo:ARI.Y F.VF.NJNr, SESS!O~. .i.c fi,rn.. t:'hl!rlr,-n"• ("-")rlt!•f' ..Jirruuy Jatlcrci.

a.1ul 1.hei f'araiy11rt1 l'hf',

hVl•:Nll-,'G ~1':$RJ0)1. ,.,n )'l,n, ... )iir. O«>rJj'.t! li<Clll!il'. r,r lhfl BQ.tti•

.~•::r:.ic.aJ Cn1lf'(e t Mi,-unal CuJllare

"i.4i SUJ\. Rrftiih Offi.-;i.,J W1rt0!r•u J-nw,. ~ludm l>1r(lm1i-tc.r atid mndoc,r tlwrlnomt'tff

l'•.•~Jll'll,M-llrtr-lt:t:' • 1,t.idMlfoo11 n.1t,f ,.,,..,..llr,11:' ntnh .r

th• «'li,.,uln.5: n>Tirw.J by y~;d •a~'™'"·

lltthJ1.J frolft tl,.- l'·rirl• ot Mr. Pit,~o 6ta.p-1,.,t11. Au,;,tr•lian COOIIPf•U.

!I p.m.- T1ni •W""I t!ti1mi> rmrn C.P.O. J-,,._\.J'IUDt-ntal Trlo_-\,, inlr", MiM 1-.,mic,t

~[.':,ry~r.t~:-rjo~••.,,."~~bt:t.b L&~r: "H, rrOU.lif'," ''(.;;.iq~!;t~'"

8.H 11.m. ?'tt1-.. Et!n• St.APD£r•, aor,rano= ''L1.1J!11hv ... ''WH't, w~." UrJ ,ionr.

a.n J1 rrt, 1111n l:Jl:tabetrl w,<"r, '<:~Un: "f\'.()t'tt.-ri,e •· ''Val ti!'"

2.2j J'l.m. ).~' 1"..d,,11 l:bii'tlf'"f"I and )fr, \\1:1 J'hlfJ!11 1 YIICIII tlu9'.1 ;

'"&tit::d:irrt,t," ''Ave 1"arin;•

fl.?~ 1>m ··trl:""i EurJfrr. C~•~,Y. -rJ,,.allnr ' "fhrmf' ar,,J \'11rial111n," "\.'•lit'." p..n·_.. -To?n mfflut.l!:1 ,r-;•b, lh,t coatt,,i:e,r )4'.r. l'. Stai•floe'.-.. ..\ t:':!111, '

5.41) J' rmu ll.11.rJIJ'!"J .! irl Ii. Jllann; ",\jr ,I.- lla11d"

i.J:I p.'l'l, -Mr. Will N,i:i1Llll. L~n.c,r: •·Jnilkn s.,,_,..,,-, '"M>' f-l•iic!oHtt."

e p,m.-In,dnmi.·H.Lt:- 1:rrr,., ''L'alr 1l!!tigi,r,U!te;' '·(,•JH&by,"

iU~ ri m.--Mainr'llh or ril~ll.!lure fun, wuh Mr • . )Hltm,. Cl:tr-k, \uU-it(,n"• M.Jo. W, J. l'.'1ffr'1', fri,.h 'hamori;i.1., and Min Moll, Lockt.1 •n.d .Af.r. C"'o!lrry M.t.dc-Slrrtc.b Art:.t1t.

Afr. M11Lon CWd,. l-,11,rit.met "'<iimt,1111 ll•rn~ Pr11:1lla.. •• ..~•u1,1, De.II.I"", •nd t ·•

l,fo'rt>111 • 11hr.•f nt IILU. IIOtlP h:, Ooo-tiln•~l,,,o ( larl.:,;,.I

~.u; JI.tu.· M"r, W, J. C.ft'NT, Jriah 111 a.'lffl a'Qnd,. i:,!,t, lrU!b ,lnril!ffl.

,Square Glruis Cells with each P hjlco.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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"JJ~ .,;~- ~ · t ... j.i.\., ' · . -- ,),{', ~ 1 -~ »:::]' 4-! .' \ ' ~ -, ~,.,:·, ' .,.-;_, .. · .. ·.' / ~.:-' ) ~I i :>.?f,f~~

,f ··•• /./ I ~·--:- ,t,.;:..'i ~


! The First

"B" Battery Eliminator


to work from

Australian Mains Jliow you can o~rate your radio 6f'I Crom

the light socket. Merely by hooking up 1he nc'>' EMMCO "B" Eliminntor. Th., result i• surprising- light ooc:ket opernllon, maximurn convenience, and smooth, eil.-nt power,

The EMMCO "B" Eliminator is nois,e­leaa Tluer<: ill no hum. It is never low and never run• down, but II alwaya f!xactly whi,t ia required by the """ It is p,ermanent onrl 1s made e.,puially lo wit the ,11rrcnl >opp/ied hy A tLJ/ralian lighting //n,.,

W,th scls of high current requirements the use of the EM'.\ltCO" B" Eliminator is highly de$hable for the :mving ;,Jone. J uet check up O!l what it coets you for dry batteues.

Hundr~d• of receiv.-rs llrC now EM,\!CO tequip~d. 11 t<'<]uirea no ,·hanae• in your S<'I, Equip yours with an EM:\1CO '' B" and convert 1t into a light socket receiv,er, End your " 8" Ballcry worries.

K 11011! the plea.sur< of owning a ,ct alwaus read11 lo operate ul /u// power.

Emmco I Radio Apparatus f Manufactured by Electricity Meter Co. Ltd., Sydney

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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t.:tl J•.ru, 011e- Ari l'lar. "' 11,fl Tt1t1 h ... (Ii:~ 1"'-aAJ.

t'tiannmr M..-k.11. Jll• M,.,r..,. Ltie lad, Mr (;~,...,. X.t: ~ " n,urttn, ---- ,,,,.. .,. r.

I .. Mr JI !, , O.•li liarlt.-u• (1 I tJ1--n' (Bttlmr,,0 A'\'1Kch,lla .. 1T-..t11

t,CA • W l'afft('f ~• 11h 1rbh b11U1or.

t.£.! p.~ ... ,Min Af1.11Jr l.ll~. A , hO•I t,., pnNAall..1!, Hliltfll, J riluf-,11'1C lwl11 t , r-oo14 rr

't)oa I,....,. n: riJ 11~,- tlt.uffla 1 p..,n,... Tan• .,-r;al du,.. from t. 1• t,

&ad,o ..,.__"""° rTM.hia-a. ,\cw"' nt'W• lna.Jk-tin, ~t' t" IAR ~• Ord, .. tra.

'U p..m.-•Thn• •icn•I c&itri• t 'm Cr,, ...:tl)i,:t dow

4QG, BRISBANE ~ut:cnslaml ltlidio Sen ltC.

w-~~ ~llg\b, &s:; Mrlrr

l ridny

! •· "._. t::; ;..r;r-.~ ~~r·. ~"' ::.:~. ~. w

1 J 11-ffl J' Jlu!ll't: (.c., t 'lar,dl11JI (a.!':os:i2t,~bun10rhN--,,._

J ~ ".ta f'fOtn tk! t. :ma tJ bndanl .......... , :1,.m.. ,..,..,. ..,,""·

/\l'H:H.,.'Hll!N: f l·.55f11N, (J p,m l•l"ffff JJutr 1'it~ltw \f1rrT'(,1c;11 I'& Tl r IJWJl'°d 'w Jl\ri..- ('•, Ill~ ~fin­~ t)~hl>ftr•

• ~ 11.m., • t11 Lb,, ... .1111:J ..c ... rapti"

.I Jp.m • ..c;.i......,n.

J::.UI.\" I.VOIS, .., 10:4,

G J' r • Oally fibrwl.nd" r-. 11 wf' t1 • l'l'ltnJ&l•t1"• fi'f;f'IO,lbl!t'cmci!l:.

I !1:(1 p.m, o,,.ft111111 a,t /,. ~) P.ltl Mar ~ J:Oputt,I t

, Jfl P.ll""•r ....,.tt. , ti 11A. Lllkllnl I r&c ail:M

W' "- lill'SK r-LA "thlt W.d.••• f:6rnt=-~ A...-.: ... ~uur • l'a'tar' eta.,. in .ll111;k .,.., kh,a- ti.:· t.bJ. aeatto11 ln r,h Rlffirtit,u UuU *tr •QI.·, Ci it Uli l,rltr/! ,---,,a . .-1 J Mt !,· 1,rr,IKIG (l,luuJnl .\it-..-·1e>, Ubt11rtt111'ht PJ 1'1.!bJlc Jutr;.id ., • r,~>•Jtlll' n, M,uJr

•1t•cht'ft.--1 lrau,1, cvt 1it1J, '1M o1,r:,n "II lr9u,1,.1hw t ~ , ' a 111t "lf• , t.o Jnor:adca I lh th k-.-i11rra ar..l lb

ua.k:,. •~ .. , M&\i' a~UattJfl t._. &, 1-,~ CQd.feuo UM malk'll pt..,,d &.ton lbc! •toden•-. The .t...w ..-1t1 n. t~ Offr a 1,tC""rW, aM -rut le htld nc.:; )r"ritb:.v nWht "l'~ 1fttnaTY lotl.i,hi.t.. ,t,hlr'ls LI .:.,F;, '°h''IID all 1 c;. 1,,m, WIii l: di 1 .. 111..,..i ti 1111, •nd tlie- 1lUUf';I w,JII lits.I! lh•L twJ,1r

rt. ~ur :\Ir Svtii.--.n. wHI f'fttl" e!"tri:c;- tf'!e I r:t f'tlJ'l..,,. ., u•• ••m•"';" •:tll rbam~r t1141'4 ,.. ~ ~laJ1' after •arili tut ...

.'k fol • na ut.-!a .- I I 1 r- ~ Mr r~·• lt"C1.o-n I~

;t,C~ \'Ma J,.tfri,.. ~r.-• h~ '!I) \t;H fAt""Sill t~d ..,.ulh-it M1,i-• l1.-.t1 dr c.nr1t. 111 la•, M.lM 11.,,; .,.,,r,1"" t '•1 Mi,. 1•1,IIM'fltl! fl'f•n-.). I ltO)I T IU· r,u .111il .. rt11N HI\Y I

f A~ pJD.-W.t:...A. Mu'.QC' da 'l'hP ., llt !Mo fll utnted by 1hr tolt..1• 11111 att""ta

Mn. r........,. k,... udano .Mi.. J::d1tb l~U ,n:",n. 11'11 (;,..-,. .... (,r.•t ,rinla • Mllll, .lln ,rW Muart t ff 1•l. Tt. ll;l\la~ •1U ~ ~• In J.-Miaor \Lola).

t 'P,al.-\\"ft'l;..rnd road fnfrw-;.;. c.i, f'.,r mototi:lllll' t mi: .tnJi)' •tappl':~ h) r Rt,7,n AU!t>nlut.1?111 C'.l,llt, or l,IIH'O,-.lat1•,

l"llt:' J'l.lll:;ft,AI, 11,~11,


ca.J" .,,m, '.V11rd"1 .••• ,.. .... 11ian·•'r), t.M'I ,_.l'l!lf'ra.l H1111'11 ie>ftilurlot, Mr. W. H. Uut.

1hut.11tlat t.» lo-t.'41-. t "'111 lL I. ...-.'1' v, .... •n4 p~ Ca t.wa, '"0!.,111p~ 1fltt1,nl, IJw,. t·~1 ltal'Jd. Im mhlo!.,. ttf "'1r,-.~Iam~t by t:rrr.tord •nt!I kr1I !ti"" .,p,.,.. .au. ldl'Ctlf'll. )UM ..\na .. AMflr:ll • ri,r,hnnhnn ttJo,, ·T,-r11Jir11,i9 ~ t~utlV\I a(,C..t111,anlad l,j" tiff! ,........... t111r I, ~ll

'llh•• .,.J,1., MIN"lnl MHII A1111!r AdllllL • 1th , l'INP 1'11t11m1t'· 1,:,n•nt1, , ... F't"dL•l'lll 1111ml.

_,,.,.raf,-, MJ{t). ,.li-U<'lfl'f 'W1r•t.~" , l'hilll~I, Ml .. H~U, J'c,r,""(l·t ,,~1-tM, wv.·h~n 1/11 r..•• fwd llctill'I .. 1\\~ •. Ch t~rail J.t;an., ~ ftlln»t... UI lt!JlflUIIU t:7 lk

-•!tl•::"1a~ TtU: t"r\..010 T1w Dai h tMra'1, tootM11 '>"•• .-.-atlttrr ..,..,.

5CL, ADELAIDE f t'Alral Hr, 1d, , ·r, I "d

W•vc Ltna-&h, &!!~ .Mt"lrr,.

J'rid• y.

1'' 1111,rn l, I'{/, rh1ru~ .. I I '"·"' ""'"lrall ftfl ltll'l "'N,pw Rrtim,hM1 •

~~11)111. •ed l"" ·" tlo\tt,i 11.-,t .. diir,..,. • 11 ,. 1'l.Jw.,,,11u,.. ~"• • n ir

J t•,ltl Mut.f't rf'l!or l tn. Gl"O. «-htnw-. l ' ,,,_. tM1\ali, .,. th, -S(,w lki,r·oida

~fH',,hTA •hll IJi• "-A,~ lltL-orod1tfo1 c.1unUtt,~ P.lh ! •. J•,(1. ChJMttt •ncf flusc, df11'!Tl

l\r"TJ;]lr-;ot,,1S' f l·:_.1H1)N frl l• i:- 0 tllltttP!I

a l • ni. ltrl•.v ,~ ~ X• • T.rar c Crr~ra ..r.tUuq

• ... J'_, ... ~!; e:_ "('1' ~t. A •~ Jlt.;,,rlr.dvn-r

• 1,1,,11111 1, 1'•1 ch1u1H t' 11"•1,, ~ .. ,. tti• Arr,1olt. 1 ar,. o,

1•N1iHt•I N-lr.,i:tlur,,. f It ,. '"' S t,.ili,,,, annu11nt1 ttlrtd ~I 11. l,l•o th1", ,11?iil1SQst,..:.,..,.,,

1:,·r..,"li1""'' lff...iS(O~

M t, PO. rum. I p Ill. J>UlDU •IPJC ., tho ( t I a

r, .~,ta;,..('\J~r1"t!m;:mldthne ••orio. 1 ts r .,_ M .. r1 •·! n11tit1a

~ ·~ ~; ~. n:.::1~1r , .. •,~\.1·~,:·f111~:i~~~~ : l"'11

m (•;~~lJl~w·• \\att!,-.. c,rdk. I• .. ~fooMI.

• ~ t,t-. l'ctttn:fM ·,, ll Jft.n Rio&: t' I' 19 'takoka Rric'a U"'lf~ ..._ ,. • l'ir" 1:<,unll' lfr ""'I .w..n-.,(1 l'..2-1 • .... -.~ lt,,t4". li~ .... ,. • 1,1 m Kone Mr r . Zc- t P "°''- t,,t o 4'ht 11 J r· ffl Wf'11,IJ.r N'P,ltf D" J' 111 11111, ... rv·., \, 1 ... 11, ,,. Pl 'f ~-'"- WJitd.a,r• .\l• J.> Q11utl'llf

It• 1, HanJ• 1-ow> ),11 , th ~nm.: U I'"' t"a••• Mr ._rl' d1ffh4;.. I"', r,JI Talk "y )h It., t·. •"""' ... nav .J tlla:.:).•ood E'li,irr.'inl'ftta1 Otttaard.

IO ,.,.. .fi.on'C' :Mr Nonr-... r:.t,,,i,:11itd. •H i.n r~•• JoOtu. Mr. ••· ,,n,d;nrortJu

9':t 11 nr Wi'll!ura Ila.I., "11•rtoPt1~. 11 0 fi"" 'rlo,t.fOl"I,. •fllo •0111 Mr. Tom Iii 1•

f ,tk p.,n, J<,~ltlill 'Jr, (111111 01'" •I• :Mr l•~,1\J ft.~J•n,16.

t U "'-"•1 Ml11• ,1,....,, IUnll r. l ,: re , dum.:

t '" A.,...,n r flt"•• .. n JI IL-.-~. Alr -ru. ,._,.,.,...

l ,. p wr 1'oN!u .... , Mr O. O"'Mt• hy llle •c p.m. Wlftu.tta l'!.11k, fili..artr:i.­JU! r na flarijo ...,_ Mr h<JI M-.tU, IP.J• p.a H«1tatio,., )l,. U. Urn.Munir 111 U I)·'"· &o"t: '.\b r;,,1_ ~t1o.

~~·:; :•;~ ;;:n1:. r:~• ,j~~ J,,;~:itn1·ml11~, 11 1•.m.. (].I• n. rhimdll " " I !1t1111 rlntm.

'Friday, an! Jt1n,. um.

6WF, PERTH Wr.trnllan F &rmt'r'a,

W• \? 1£ i:tb, l~:iO lllctr •


I )JIU r,-111 i'i.nt In. I ')JS Jl'.m.-lflrtt ,oclll llew1 hUl'l:1111, ll~• n,erb.. 1'aWet ..

~ .,.....,___Tblwo 111:u.l from PttU. ~~ J I lf..Mr----·1"-thff ..._ ,,...... .,. U1r

Ml"\ftlfD!aii:leal llsreau at WrftCJa A\llltnc Ila.

I ~tv1U11 Wtlatrw. H ... crhctar )h, 'Val ~mk.h) ~

'6'6111DftLIPA• N'"'1"' iJJlJlttlJ, IIIDrfoo 1\11tkr" (8',11tti1 J-Jpa:,ctao17•• 1J;.f1i.), Jlhr..a::.. .. t,M.liwd), . "·'" (......, .,.. ... ,,....,.., ,... ...

M 1'-91, M,niM1 S'f"OCT___,, I .,_.,.. (~""'a. i..1 Jl.n TCtlH hi ..

.,u ti m. M11,tc:al tor tnr 1;!44,,il. 11 \u11t. i-• .,-r,n, aDd Unda Himrr. I f'I.11'\

J',·r,y and JJ-,11', u pJl\,r- aaNti qJ llllar• l•ulll,mn: M'.ar~ Ntillf'tf ( .,Ja:,;;1. "'-""• l,y c~ ~ ...,,.. WPII; A~ r..eWspaptt (. :a,,

J'.Y'!l., -Tatk "' tu11. rAIM' .i.11a1 "oma r~ CJldlnator, ., ... '-' '"'• l"VDU.t• r JloJ•bt,

W1nk:IIT ,Pl'9UafflM", lnchlcliD;" • ttla1ft

:~ •• ~~•,a::IJ,t~::~t~fhn. .lfl..-,, flutt.~ 11n,t f''nll?'. biltrvl!'ltt.hl

1,C lbt1 ,~ -.:• roof•. I ""' 1a.Rl1 "(;.arffmfl'lc Nei,., ... U Jrfr t

A lfq ...... f"l'lJH.-Ptl• I' JCtWt, 1,.• ••• HarrM<IC'

' ,---.-IAtc ,. ...... ltnu .,. ct,qttfl'J ti ---ne 1,-u,. ,:.,.., .. ,-,@'W•:i•..., ro

f;hfl!'~ t1tt.ll1!1 r•t1•• a~flll. w,.w, r-,,or, •M•f for.ea1t.,

f',r,t,-Ht:•.H11, t.1111,. 1?' M,. 11. ft, )hUon ,f li.JCI ll'IHOf\ fu'h01:il Cf Pll.7t1Q11 ( 1l t1---C

ll t,1 11.m.--l I~ J,.•a.

Saturday, June 4 2FC, SYDNEY

\! 11 L.t\1 \.~.i 4\':"Tt-.JL'-OON S'fZ 11),S

I ~ IJls r.n and :,:r~oia u• -z P.ta tu• • ~ncr. c.m al l :I I'-. .;Jf!: al .......... ftl!N!rMt.. l~ ru,,......~ • lrlrll0f, Mffl•Ofllfld•,lbli:,.

t htt lnWllhrnrw:r m•ll acn~•-• a ,,,ftt, ~-..1,1Jln tmi•

J U ,1tt1..- .f.lwuuaa,,. 1,r "'SJ"iiolf'Y :'-1 rt1lr1 lill'hW'· TH"l',"ll l!-!-rYW ., "' nl:ln. ltuc:b'll' W t~Jtia• ~ ••

-1 .,.._A Talk 11!1, • ., Mt C. J,

1.-r..lff 1··~•m•) I \t P• 31--,,., ,,. .. 1t1r IW• 'l'to:br •-·Jtat ,

£'1'C'a!U ~m' •Jd&s1 hPI ,-,-.. ,c,.

l\aur,~ .,r-111.J Ju Hil1n-H!hon •11~ '" t.a•. tr,r Utt'(Tl\n • •t- Ru•hlll ,.,,111 h1 anud me-, 111 Uir ntrnfr,1 ,11,.,111 rr,1111 1M .-owne lu '"" rt rur,t.11' ('flftltnlasto1'tt. 11 rif!S md!tll I ·•""•bl •1111ral fl4"tlll t,-., ~ :tftgdl.O "111 k C"lf.rt l,,7 ,){ • Ttm he ..,. r::::-:-= y •• (t;

Jk-- t• .... •t.: k 1\"n ~ all ~ :dt' tw~ t.all •--aila,. r•tr •M lkr- nsult llf 1hr- ,. ~~~ lnm,a~• ro" ns tin "M ,N.pfU

, ·111 t,m. Cur.1,Jd1'I Rrit1m, (If 1\,11 .Af1rr, 111)r>t1'11 f;Dr,l"f.iT'C J•:v1111111', p.m ·nq: llrn" CJnuo ,ln,('n

k-k any Radio Enginei:r nbout Burgl'!S.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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,rWar, ltd Juno, 1m. Wl&&LB88 W&&ltLT


ACHIEVEMENT Australia and New Zealand listen-in to London

DISTANCE ANNIHILATED On Saturday morning. the 21 sl May, between thr- hours of I and 7 a.m. (S_ydney rime), the full programme broadc<111ted hy

2LO LONDON was received in Sydney through Station P.C.J ]. and re-broadcasted by

2BL SYDNEY (Broadcasters, Sydney, Ltd.)

throughout Australia and New Zealand. where Lhe reception was delightfully clear and distinct.

The re-broadcMlmF was performed through the agency of Mullard valves, ~'1th which 2BL static n is entirely equipped.

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Page 30: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 30nla.obj-663083659National Library of Australia

?!.( II'" Tiu- ("1'!lf'lf_,t.,,.-, I st pm ,,... .... ,. ,Waa .. I.alb tn IM' ~hlW• ... ::: ~: t:::• = fer tlM ~hk! If"• •; s,.rn Late qi,onu1,r 11,for.11U1lwa. 1.11 1, r11 Wf'&lbrr l•tdU,r11r•. ; 111 r,.m 1.-Le 001:w-••"• JI!,-•·•·• nrw• .. r.

·"" , l!i "-. tui!ie mult.

i,.,cur SE3 nos. T U l• 1111 TM CbiJIMIII er zn" ..

f'rn1tnt"1,ne &J'111r, 1nr.>fflftlltl\. a, p.m.-l• IUlo\Hl t\l-t'I" J,IUlll TIIB CJtY6'fA I,

l'Al An: HlLATRtl. i'r'1,,ia:;y. 1)tt1Mt!' ,a MiJn' UW ._tD.:1 d Kr. G. 11.,rJ" ... _ Rarbmaftittotr"• ,-,....., •1114 thit R~la" -F. 10 pm .)tr Poul• Jhel.. hu·ltOM •

Jdlt p.m I rmx "llff. t:H.1'8TAL J•AL.A« E TltLAltl.l•:. ~'ftl?•lt,;\S l)n-}•rttni.l li,·roi. ,,,.,.,.,,,111~1 to th.- ftlffl. ""-rt•-1' \'11lp l~tmN., T"- Ku.sbt c·'llntt wl,J ~ 11.Hrrl la lht .... -•n.,. \'c,\ca &11.l_,.n... Mr. lbrrf'III Jlar• rk, ......_ •JUI ~ • Owotb lli• tne •

'!.JI l•rtnnlc.a. I 10 1•-. t'rcm t'!x- ~,.,

Th lta,111) k~HH'l'nt .. r,, .. r,t..l •r Mr l..a"I .-11r'!' H•lbtrt in th, lr ••11eniU~ 1·b<,r11~.

I Up m \ttn l.11rta,1,-. 1,,,1.-iff, 1<,r,n.11,, t)o you )i.,io,. ""I G,i,d,t,1'4 (WutvH

~ U ro.m Mr fhaub l.awn~, ,...t,,ttalti Yuu ftr,'l pl-._. t::~ (Tall,ot),

,._,o .,,. -1J1w,•· banee 11.,,· JO..t,i: Jt.'U -Ka.tio> H11,~ 1,r Mr .&..11:N~

Haltw-rt lt1'1d M.r. w.u, lt,iYftN! £,&I 11.m MIH i-'t"1;,1,4w J• .. t. 116uhr.••t-1,t

"0. I( I ualy hnrl You"" 1Frkntl1. II lJ.rn I!'; tkn." N,rw Ua~ce M•uk i7 lh•

lt.rwlltr.' l'•ntt1 n111\i.l.. t.M P,.ffi M~ G•l.a&tn Fh--iiwor. IIODraao,

''"'l"te 811,o. .M.aa"' (Pf'Hd'J. t 11 pa. Mr Chia•k-1 l.e•ffHI!. nr.tdtalrw•

tal .. ,\ J'Wty Filhlttc- tl.f:_,,_ .. Ch) "Tanrve.~ .. Cffllantl.

0.!0 11,ffl, A L..& Skt!':tb \,,y rn.embrf'9 of 1h .. Jt,.valktl'I,

t.:-?7 p..M, "1.r. Ponahi Marl,, ~nt-NIP. 'I.U p ta.- lwl-..Orn· 0. 11ci. Hard. t ,: ~ .11 .... Gwta.t,-. • tmtew, .....,,.no,

-Yen.a t'1'Mla• , n1u1.-•. t U .. .,.. -Mr-. WaU7 o.,..._ emm,dq11, ~..&• p.m..-t.t-C l>uia, llaa,,il, •1lh Mr, Le-a

'Ma•rloH. popular l•ril.o .. , II U p,m N'"""'ty s1;.uh. JO "m '"Ohr u .. n."

'111• rtan p .. , -,.,t.rrtt112 '""Th.Ion J•JJ ~ HaN,... lhlemH.

1'> I 1•.. trc Dou ll:and Kr Erie p._,.._. ....,......, J 1:. , • t"lul <"horu bJ \Jae n..ttlk". 10.H r- m tl"'C D•- J1n.d. IQ.Ii) I" Ill M'I'. U ,r.,nr.o ITallM-rt. krlloM, l O Iii 1• Ml .!t'f' Otnc. Nn11,I HI.U III l'l"I lo11tr Wwl ,ind IOtlllOtlllN-tt'l"l'II .. lQ t!J 11 JD f'f'C H,inrl ll -0..ltl "'lU:.. ~" J t i .,,_,.. 'l'llr 2n" n.""' Jta .. wUI J'LU" •oee Clomlw-f'lt El1.D II '3 PAL

J l!li~~l ~~~!•• c ... lilowft---

2BL, SYDNEY So1turday.

II no•i• ,J t1.o. <ioeli •1-t ,·h1mt'>', l ..! l ,1.ri1. :-lf"1!Ci11J tJ4.:f!ltll t ",.rl!CMt 1:UV\ w1·•t1'1r~

,.-port.. JU "-"" M,• f!l"Cr ... ,n,,, frr-.rq lb. 1WdJ.o J"!.t IJll'D.- N'--. frnm Uw 'lun.. .. It U t'-ffl. Talk " ll,-. Jordan • .,..pi,

f'.cddq ror ChUdrni,"· •,.,.,., Nut.,.--1:..f!lle tq rotTNpoftdrt1ta bJ t.f,-. J,tfttan.

J 1•.:41 )I,, t.iu i,rw111•m~ rrom llw •h,llo,


I 15 r r,1 T11,llt M Sr11rrh1c- A!"n athl«1.,.- I 11• 11,rlflll for !hf' ,tu 1.-,.,_..,. 111>1'>y T.-t ,,14,, _}",v,C .. 11. 8-U,ni:-. 8,,alh,.,. l•unru:: r~ an,.., - •P(tftffls t•f•~'""' ,..,g ~ hrnadcut

~~~"';f,:1 .!::.;_~·~:r=:.i;~"':i:,. ~~:;: tiw- aHrn,rv,n a11f'!""1ll'irrn:1f'Tlltl •rid "91111 i>f .,, .Mlle Tn,r .. Wal~1ne nuunpult'I• •"h• -... Ill he l,road<"IIA&.. a l"" the: S,,C,rrr 1111 I H•JitbY J,.•t."i" f'oo:,IN.ll .M'..iitr.t\Q,

t AS r"',~ ,J 111•h'1a prcraair.·,­& r,.l'I'! G r.o f"kw-lii and ,bi~ 1.1 p.a. Radas Rff.,... ii p...a~ tlowa.

1'.ARt.V Ji;\'f,;fl;ISO !1':3510~ •• & ti r .m <,.f' O C"l11C"li. an,! rhlt11f'!II O::ie r, m'.-tTr,clr· Ott•rr:'" 111111 1l1ot> Kt,!f'll.-, iAn J' RI ,., lilkal proenlf,ffl" fN-1'1'1 th.- atllfll,. ,.1J I'-"'· rt..altl, ef all arruair 1nfrirmaUon

1~.bldlnc RM1"1", tlnw~. Titnn•. ;'-rtm•ln•• -.a!t~·-·=r.:::--=. ~~1wu:,~~~~--i c,.."'. ,G.P.O. tlon and di.ho.,.,

ti,-.J.c ... wn c.t,,,r,111, flJI 1, 1,a.--J"1nal /\djuriit• tlr,ne , , f lh'" "'(l((r,11 ..

wl\1111 l•:i•h·•·•lf•,d. A•1J11<llr11, l,,r, l!r. f \ JArn>ll't, ·rh,. lln.1111,i. wllr in(l,uJ .. • ft.hi• diorw ~lot •&llllriait. ,..i., d11•t eop,- o ..,Jn. i..-Slobe ...... ,wlill daet. ~:Jmlff'fl'II ,.....ttatl.llL

3LO, MELBOURNE. !!alurd1y.

'\CORStS(i ·. ~ · IION (11~ D11;lJIO c, .. , IU.;:ilUA ..

: Mt: ,t:tuCK GEORC.t:.. 1. KtCIIAltO CHUGG. LFW ,1A,MI:$ Al'-D l>ODJt.: \\OU'&. MA'XW>~LL ("',,A.Rt:Yi Al,1'1:.S i>OkTU1'&. Jui:; ]:IJU,:.~NAN AJ,.0 lrtA NEWTON, TIii-: >IJrlJ ftlH'!:i. ,1&,-.;:or;1•: tUUUTH. tU.:R-fUA ..IOftt;t:S,SON. A.ollOQn-Nlf' .•••••• M.Al"RtCE DUDLE\" A,ccomp:an .. t .• .,.u ACSES FORTUl>il:

11.• a.m • .......-rt:llJO OBCHl:8'IHA. ·-n., Cubb'-r •nd lM hlry.-

lJ.10 a lt1o" ntF.DJ:.:fill'K tit.:ORGE. Harttou,. ·Tm " ('orni,h Man." 0'J1i11t ,\roun~ tM t:Ornr•.••

u.1, a m..-0. BICHAR.lJ cu1:cao, FJgt• ''RQCna.D.Ce.•

11..t.4 am .. · LJo:W J.\1(£3., i• • ,_ "'J-..,r-.a."

U'lO'l>lO oaCICESTllA. .. k-caADeie d'Au\omb~-"

1un •·•· t)()tJJE wo1.~. -111.1MHH•tn JmiirrssSt,,fHL"

1u; • .IVI.--Ar.NES FOH't'PNE, Piano. •·pn,1u•I•" 1 l'hc,pln),

Jt.H L111..- MAXWELi. t:AIU:W, Co:m~lu. ··usmsorc-1, Bkelch."'

1% ....__.on.. S.lroal: P..ttiall Ollcial Win,,. "'- Ji'-• bee 1.:11.-tw,,i ~tn""• .... ~ Au1t,.Jiae Pf'MI! AaaodaUoe l'abl.i: Arria1" i,,.·".-• Sir•i.t..

12. . .iO p,m . .....flt'UDJO Okt,;JU:S:nu .• •·Martha'" (Ht.>l.1• lae:).

l:.!.10 111.n1-.IU1'". UK~::NSAN A.NU U,A ?\'.Y.WTt•S, .. llinGll1: .. Football Makh.. .. •·you OUcht to ~ Rn Nnw.-

t~.40 p..ftl.- .Cloell Ueha11sit h,t 1>rmatJoa. U.-0 l'·"" --Y-D }U1"l.J1UtliT~.- r,rNtt:ll

tMlr ft•dlo luvuf'tt•. '"l'11klb.wo.rk. .. Tht l:ulllD•ftJ' ~~II ,-nu. LFS JIA"A,-,tOS will ,inS at1d da.tic:e • f•W ..... !RA \'A'iOA hl a 1r&H a11d sq mood D1:i-MAL n~wo,-o an4 CYIUL NOkTH ..

COTE ~ lbr d&J"• dolacs. A ~ UW ._-...., .. ~,-.

l,,J p.m.. O•rript.ioa of II• \ .i:rk Hurdl-. .t tc"ru11,111Hn. tt, •·1&1.1 ... i .. 1.,. .. t.>t tho '8[>(•ttlt1a carih,-.''

Hi 11.m. 'l•lA-(.lr(Jloa-lr11l Jf'\f,,1'matlon~ l.11 a,n,,• JAAO~ Rrt,t:\·, Tl'rvlr.

"X:/ lCnttw,- Jl~totll f>fflf"I'" llrii!hl, ""t"- l•rt: Sow Ila~• 11tauo-a:,.

1..!4 P.M ,STUDIO OkCllt:sTRA. A C"Al1fttl"J' Gd"l- H~off,..f).

1,$1 I'-"' .Jt:SSlK STTM.ITU, Coatnho, F.}Pck" (lt1,-nrtl,

'"Jhll l'l,,1 M ut Hto9vt11" t Oun.kI!.1)

Friday, Srd Ja,.., 19::i

l :,7 "m -lit JtTlL\ JUlHtt::-.JsON y ,,lh1, 'A I."1,tJl1•1'1' fl~llr•II

l t'; 1t,.,u H•Mriptio,,i ot lb. l•rl•t('i# lluiad .. ~•l•, f-itftln,:1.0IP a....,,._ bJ ~ at lhP ',Spi;ll"tlftC f,

I !;.~ "h,,~·f!:-· (!~;:::.:~t . J.l' r .... n. ,IJ-,S.~1}: ~lTMITH (;11ntn.1.b),

'mtu,hi,. n,fo.. ,n~n,, ••eJa,•\.hlrd tl,,ni::r•·· 1Sc!11111.

:.n , ........ -('.ld111, llo"I• n. :. n Tl m Jt.,.,,.,J1~ ttr If IOC'tO ·" 5&.er,t. .,

Fk•,isdnctfffl R.Atts., 171 M~ al 11M "8111Grt.ln1 GWw: 4 l'ft'.- I t:.Af,t;f,: TU<>TR.\LL, {;F.El.OXG " ST t,; 11.JM.. Oorwdr,Uno liot' Mr Rt.a. MrGn,J.•r, lnrunint,,-d fNJffl f1"tb•c.

:"'-11 pm , 1.,,,. 1, ........

U"Tl·:R!\'O•.•S Fl::..'\.'tlf1..-JUJ-: Al!ONSON" \~P Ill~ ac,y,.;• OPATISQ

!S\'Nl'flONJ~ •.• p n, Jot, AHO;'l;:,UlS' A1'1> ms !iY~­

f'Ol'ATIN\i tlYMf'HONls:nl_ tr..TJ(VMY .. •Malle lh·~. ~n- hla-'"'"-.h1rd"' fl>t111ml,

-ro-1,lah1· Mr N'li:ht With l;aby .. 1,M.-,...,.. 'Jt11lr • M1K>tl II fl tt,, 'l l,1rn Nn ll(vq1"

1a,,,·r, H,1 l<lo!id:ttt! 1Wt'"St!I

I. •• p..1111, (H,,.,,t t"if1llltft nr IITT,-• Kan/Iino. Jifflllutw ltao,,., hJ Jilw.kt"t.. d 1N ~MPl111i1• Glr>be-"'

._ ... p.-.. I.F.A•a'E lOOThAI \. .Ctn.nsr. ,. ~ "11.(1,\ Q\IIU'1illr T..-.. 11-rrlJ,,t"' t.11' Mr J(,,d. J.1i::<;1,r111 l1a11 ,,!JtkJ lr,,n f.E,pl,"u,

~.30 p.h, .. to~; \!{0N"<.:Of',,: A!liJ> HI~ ~\":,i, Cot'ATf!'-11, flYMt'liUNl:C'T."1, ·111 a l 1111,., Sp•Dttb Tow"• i War,.d M" T',,o JI-,. llu ! 1111 ff•' I Umwo 1·- IWft ~-- )I, D,...m., lhr• TCl!I IO',t,

f&.kc- l~ tM Soft. fla11:1: nd x- Mou• I .... ~,

·T~u,!'a Wh.i I f,,n·~ 1',,u• 1r~t11IL:,m,1

·~; '\'?1ii1:; ~·;j;~~~::1iJn:::.~~r•· l.liJ ,,_.., lMwrt;ition ot Jjaadr n•hAm lfaAott,.

ea~. flfflllrtSl,oo IC-.. Q' • ,,, _..," ttf O:r ·rortlcc (;!at,,..

I.ii p ffl ....J'Ot. AKm.;soN AND f(!3, ITW-COPA'rl.St., KYMrHO!,, ISTK,.

Kf1;.\lldi,7 I J,r,by" 1Jl1UCtfl rtif",,. ,,m·1 .Su Jil~>·be h:i M1 ll11ht'1 £".~"'I"' fK1,~nl<

In p.l"l'I u:A<a·1,: FOnTRAl,lr C£ "'~ 1,T. AILUA. HllU Tin••• 0.-riptM'XI by Ill' Hod • .McCreaa,r. t:roa,,1

,e.J• p.,a. ,101: AKQ:'\!CON AXD HIS $'\1'0

C"OPATING SYMPHONll'l'll, ,..I'Tf' G-,t lh11t Git-I .. (llvNllibonl. '"'You•~,. 1;11t tu Bi•dt l'lhia:tu.,• f&r-arbl "'Ttu&l S;1fflRt1?1 ainJ U<'Hltih )h·l,,i!,-•· (C.:fl')'I.

E,·c-t")' l.1111" 'l"l,Joir" 1Sp,t11r:11tJ, ,.,..I.Jr l.Ntwft•• (,\dnt1yt


:'=1·1fflf'd. .. ,.ao p.a. - Pflitff-.tloa or ltutUuUra W..tln,

n-.lasto. RM-. ~ M:aakct;" .r 1M i-1>0nl,w c;JM._.,.

,.n p.m. U'.Atit1fi, f"OOTRAl,L -CEELOJCG "• ST. l-i:11.llA, 'Il,r-,,v•rWr•tllllt'. r..­HriT•tlotl lor ,1r. (to.I. lilr(;r•w:o:r, tran .. ITllHe,J frum (;et"loo.K,

tn 1•.t'll. •·11,ra1,1·· N,....• S.nlcw-: Stoc.lL I:\, i:h.'lr.5tr- l11forroa&~•

t • 1t.•. U..ttlta of tlw UnlNT:Nty- ht Rar.-. ft,-._,.. wl:) '- ;l'IW!D H Uw7 ~ to ba•d.

s. • r.1n.--r f' FOOTRAH, .cmtncn \" ~T. KU.DA, Finni s,"""- 117' 11,. J.taJ. .WeGu•Jor. tn,,•mltt.NI fro,n Ufflonr.

~- HI p Id. ( ,111N1 Oc,w11,.

Ji,;\'F.l--'Llli<l 8£.:SSIO~ CHll.OllrN"B HOl!k.

g~r..r, "LITtJ.E MISS E.OOil~ KUllr..A ..

0 MARA AND Rl:'ltk"T. f;F.RTHT.:t1;; ARll:?'lRONC •

!.SO p.m. iftatftttlnll' li.l'-tlll!t, t. 1n J) .. m • An,wi•1•11 l(l !•.'Uf'l"II •'!ti bh-tl.J•1

l'l'o:t'trft,rw. I.ii;; p.m. O'MARA A'-n l1t;RKF.,.

Tb-> Jllt1•lttl Bo,-"° (To,n )1:...,,-..Liule Tl,wt1 111 0W C'M1n1'7 Dla11J•- ,c.,:..

.... ~•Mttr.' •·nanny no,, .. 1.5 r•-11'1. "'l.JrJ I.Fl lU~S K(KJJ..ABt.IRRA"

•iJlttll :t•-U 1,.,.,.. 0·1'utN1 :imd l'•kh lran A•"Y 1•

'fhc World l'l)ers carried Burge:;s Batteries.

Page 31: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 31nla.obj-663083786National Library of Australia

Tr!t>J, 3nl J-, 192'7. WiaELEas WEl!:ltLY l'.1;-e •r\\·tnty-Nine

... ---------------------------·--·-Guaranteed Parts

II COUNTRY Cl,/£/1/T'S NOT£ P0<laR< Paid oa Onlera °"~" 10 -, with the n;ceptloo ot Seta. Loud SpealcHa. Battulu.. AutaJ ,n..-~. aod \'a1ue Pavablir Parceta.. All goods .old willl a Monz.y Bade Cuarantt"f' lf no& llAd rchrrmtd within t1rn da)'a mon.,., win be rduNkd,


1 Pa.nrl, !1 :1 ':. ri:l.!L~litc- l.:! ·, Oil to • • Jj/-l ;j g&l!I l'oL le t ll,1' aUJ• • 1th l1 • .Alh.,nJt

N>ndr::l.<l.l't9 , •• • •••••• ,., •• , •••• £..1J 1.!. ti 1 lt.arhH[U Ton, l'1ultlcr u• • •• 21 1 OP0!3 ,"cindmHT, Ai1nnt'r.,, tt 6, •:miiu" ••• J.:'• l ~rttn Kit.. Orc;.du, £3 i/d. R1it1hokr,a • •• • 7!i G t,i,i,•l•La. Ttldfulo, 1 °'l hrnJanrin, ru(h ••••• , ., )h~•'I r'oad.anvra., .\1h·••u~•·, tttll"h ••••• , , ,1 II !,! rra;11f11rml'llll, F.M t 1•1 l:\_,fl: lif>l•r,, rin-:h •••• 3: fl '! T1l•m+·n1 llo:tlrc,!111 Br.t.,htit11.r111, t"Ub .. 11 l '1'11nnlr,al ll4,al rd • , : .., 1 8 .• ,. l \.okt', Radiokt'l'I . • . • . . • • . • • . :-,. U

BATTERY CHARGERS. nolm•'\"Os: "A"''"T!' r 1rt"r . . . . . . !:.'"J/10 l'o1mcrrn& "A" aaJ •·R' Hi •r 1·• arw • tA 1) ... l'-llki:t "'R'' Eliml.1111:or, llX ••• .• . .• . £l••1.1l .. Ji:alldte •11," l.1h .. Ln•l.or, :HW ......... £11/10 J•hilhp,s' "B" F.llminaior •.• ~, ••• •••. .... • .tll 11/­Jtilldt• TfV!'kJe l:b.t·,crr • . •• .... • . . 14(': d Wlllattl .. A" Pown l'11it Tri,klr q1u-1n •m1

Atl'!WILUlator r,omt,wr--,I, 4.V . .£0; II\', fllJ l1r1tr Hp. Attua. rh1 1r f.-.:


r,..]utfllua, -t:'5T .. dat Cl UI l.i it t_ rw , , , • &-r,a1, f.5\·._ d.Jtt or 11prl1Jtht rypN ••••••••••• \'uun-. ~-, d11t ••••••• •• ••• T.n:T·rNdy, :::!v-., !i/ti,. Lare,.. "•Pfti'it; •• . ••• , in, rt'•cl1, f:!\'., 1" 6, l .111ral, c•l•lr'ilf •••• , • Et'~' tfn,ty, • O\' .. 11"' • l..,tr1ro11 ra11ndr-r ••• t,Tl'l·rt•!'<it, ~• Hllft1f Jlur.-,. ,t.S WC" R111h 1·y • , };11•f•tl"M\11' l.J .. I\ .. fl4tlf"lf Colu111t)i• uA• J\allr.f)" llafl!'.!W 1.5 •.\'1 Dntlerv ~ g,.~,-, .. ,,1117 ,.:. ·•A.· Ban•r-r

llATTERIBS, WET. PbilM, ~,,., ~:tX rl1U, ~OT. nnill • • ••••• Tllree, !O\·. un1'.IJ •-•• ., ••• ••··•

!"I u,­<1'10 fl I -

NEUTRODYNE RECEIVER. l l 141luaun.,. b. ,, ,m I,,( \l/ ,.OUO:tj \"a.• 1,u,k

I •,m,h ,1 ".'Iii ut u!1 h11. f 41111!1•11•• r .,,,t I 113~rani • ~1

11, 1 JC:utmkM 1-.;,t, :12 1;, lirod11b Ii , .. , :.: ~1•11H,1lt.-uui r,,..,1,,..~r,, "•ch :l (•IIP:\.-, \'aria!d• t ·un,t"lt'M!f!I, Ad'l11UC(', rn• I~ I P1rnrl., !:! 1: 14 x: ,'\i 1'11""'"1111 ,.,

:,: Rh•-1 Ml,., l•i, .110·, l!U(h l Trr,0111111 IWUtd , , :! TtH•tdanm t•, f' \I' , 1 • 1itt11, c-u•·" 1 ,: I .1.,ou:r, t • n •I • '<•11•Jo•as,e1·• -.. 1'" I d.. • 1\ I .•t11t, f'u• I, niwr. lw-.:-ank '' 1 1 \I I, 4

FLEXIllLE wntES. Twin i-lnx .• dt111ukJ. ~~• :t • Jtt1' ,,1 Lio(, ~,,.,1,. t-'1..-• • 111 r.r1•1•111, , •lit Rl11 1 &feil 11n1l

Brow• , • ,,r yd I. M • aU&ro 'Twin n, '·• ai)\ (U\'tll!'d ti( I y I I •rw111 Plll'., .. 1-H?G • • • pt'I ... 1. 111. ll,,J!t,Jh fb.11• ,~•• l:!:\f 1 1 ,,, n11 '""' • d •1 l:Cldua l.iiM•Jl \:,',r l:!if ,, le l'OHre-d l&.J J

GRID LEAKS. Hu,lJr-\'lf'ak, 111 at,I I ,1 r 'II'. Iv .. \·• Tlc•bm, \ lit• hl, ltJ •ft ,...._ E!r,rffa•I n.11 _ l d, 1 /lfl • • , ,.

If Uld B. 1··,xcd l.1• 1 "; IIIWK- J '!

SOCKETS. \.l.,t , Hro• 11 01] · It 1 .Iii -\J\•a•rr, J'Prl'f\•111, • .. 1:1 l !.-flj11n,ln flt1ork .u, 1111 •• t '11t1ito11 >~m·k.,.1111, r11,•h 1'11'11• r.X • •. .. l

PLUGS. I( ""' u ... 1-rmi-alJIOI f: Z.h. ! oJ Phi ha1,rr I :J

k '"'" "rr11,1 J1,mblto ~U'l'Ull


1-ilni,clr. l'\rt'tut.., J,"l • i1tr J1ouhlr tirr-uu, fil. routrt!I

I,, ~


•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Colville Moore Wireless Supplies Limited, IO ROWE STREET (Next Hotel

'Phone, B 2261

Australia) SYDNEY.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 32nla.obj-663083911National Library of Australia

S.ll P.a..-GEltTRUDII: ABJI.STaOSO 1 l'ill<SolNtloc~

._ .. ~~~ tt00~~~

~ .. ~. of th lauq lat,t ... CA Tw­

UI ».1111.r-••..a,rw,q .. •lld Hn.,aw·• enu •~ vJce. Whtbe:r o·DOJl,9b. lblpJIII~ ~ ....... LO p ____ _

&.a ._.__,,... ...,bl ~ 117' J. R. J!lor. nt1 La.I. Rabtt pnoa.

t.M ,,___aJ"" ttooru. &.II p.m.-Jurart hPOl'la 1,.,- thd \"ldoflan

l"roduMA Co-<,£,,rntl.,. Co. Lt4. ,.. • .,,..l' .. ht 11}1"11 a.le,. 1-'uultry. Gr11ta. Bay, !;d~te-, Dair, Prodace. J'Olatioea

U .......,_..,.arbt npona er f'l'la1t. ti., Uw Vic­tMitfl ~ AaMlatlott.. coa:.U.S 117 U- °Tnlft W«hl" nduatTe to ILO.

r--,cnT SESSlON, Spn.lcen1

MR, Jt. IU.W80N', KR. a 1'£3CO'Tr DR. LE.U:U. MK. 1':0BIU.N .lleC.L'ic.-..

ArU.Ul ,,t:Jil W1rtTE AN'D CL.Al:" UITH J:JJ!IA 8TR.A..UA .U:1> K.AXlM llttO.C,J. l:DOUARD lwUUl~RT.

:::~f~fobr'M.W':J&T. NmYSWTC"K OTT RA.NJ).

WJU:6TL,t.SG JfATcH Anl)O!Jr\Cet , ••• ALt'ltElJ ANORtw ..

t.J~c:c;.-:~ ·u.•·1cAt~~ :ti:"~'lt:.un ··r~h:t. ..

T.IO .._._ IIIL K £. 1"118CO"M"t .. A'Uln.U.11 hiiiiMt !'..atlas Pia.ala ..

1-'- P_.. -.Dk. LEACII. ... 8Ulb and A~.""

I P.ffl.- URll!iSWJC,C ('}TY RANO 1 M11.n1h, ... ~ f',otoMr. Para~" (Ui,w,1'\, ... Mucp~•- 1(~f'N"O'Woull.

I JO a, 1111- Rmt. UOL'J', coa.tnlto, •-n. ~t IIGar"' ckruier). ''ltrmll. Breu... Dr-.k .. fC&~l

I ~=r!::i~8t.!:?.N~ndLA=~r:~°:r•M l! (tflnkJ,

O; fl-•- -EL..~ fiTRALIA A.NII MAXIM BROlll1 ""J')(IIU J'iaa. 6'ffna.s.• r'l'!l.•-t-J I -·11,·..-·,... Yea W• Ur; · ~ u • ..,:~ IILUI.M 8RODI. -..tU1 A••ffl ~ 11 .. 11 ... (&Int $1c~J­.. ADNY GU&J'd Thff' {(io,JdQtO. ELliA 6TRAI.1A 0~11tl. "'Ob. 1..,cw",,. ?Jlsh\ .. I Rotur,)d1,

. ... ...... MIL xunMA~ lhCA..'la: •ill --~ • "'-:r,r.lCb ,,, lbir Wr•t.Uns Jlairb at lM 11•:ta,,gw.,. t,1Nwa

J OU t-fn EDOL"AIW LAXBE.ft'r ~IG!Jo. Rtr.)"JDOtld hJ111Ni1"f. p!anoi ""1;1\nJlltll Flua1r" (t'tMDtlt1

l 0:15 run, u:& Wlll1'J: AND Cl.AV i),ltm w'lll •atertafo rn, •l!b v.l~llNI.• trom tbf:ol, .......... ~

19..U p.a.~ ffJ?l':'1-SWll J; nTY BAND [r,t.rranmo. -n,, ... Lia ,Ru.a,i,l

10 U • m -S..h- f.""'"";nz: Rr-.ulb. J)rltld1 oml'lal Wif'IOlna Nnra. A.1111.ntUlN"lbl!'n!.1.

l".11$ pM ltRlrNQ'Wli'K C-IT\' n.Ah.D, ""('..oo.ular:d·• lrudc~•

11 ,...,,-RnYAL VIC,'ORTA ... ~ At'TO.M:080.f! rt.1 n Of' \'lC'lOR!A">,; .8.\ntrY )If;.~ &Al.t--)IOTOR.UffS, .. At.a,-. tltll' low nor wcvnd ~ whfin df!8N'ndlnf 'rP')' _ !1-(1 hilli. t,;n._, IM'1• ,,t lhe ,fonprn1;111 pt11rt'eto ur eoit.llln.r w th th,o ~ !r'-Tt'"f' In 11:eotr• l." Ol~ C*R:EAT fflUUl,lrT• ....... -. ~}DM .,. ,Sa,tt ... &arc- a., Ilk .,.. .:;:id. If 111• titkdffda «-~r n,eft. fl,!, lflrt,lu! .,.,.., ~ .... ttbt h4' dir •<"Na. .. -8. F. ff.ikd.

11 .:! 1• m JOI'! ANONSOS' AN'O HIS Rn,lt'.fl.ti'\"Jll•HONIB'T'&: ... Mcanli.tit en> ('.aY1&it1 ... ,Wa'lac:•' ~"' oUaar Bini • • T11ne · 18,.,.n>. '""Wl\Ur y .. ,. p brJ.b.j_. Hy'" tKabJ, -Clap Jlafl<lb ~ •l"fflt• t:"bul • • 1 Jil~fft. "'Huw eoaid ~ RJdinll" Hnnd .. IR-ndolplll,

I UO f, ffl .. nou 8.,\\TJQ THE KIN(;,


3AR, MELBOURNE Salurday.

MOft..'i(JSC &ESSWN 11,0 -....-- Sf-l«t!Q.11t on tti. llnrn,i-,.,dc P•n••

·~'•· 11 r111 s,.,a. -lftitl.itl Olfld•I Witt!.,_ P~ r-. C•l"'"' fn:,m kgftly WtN'I~ &t..atkm. t:1:•• la.n4 . .t.."tPTftt Tr• tN (n.f'WfltatN ... Azc='" :,, • .,.. Ba.lY'\t ncuuh• IO a.AR..

•2 1111JD11.. Thw a..-w t. 'hwa ,,._. ,~ r o lttacllO Bat1tmel# u-d Outdo;;.r ThM-f'oob!,t;kr ltead~; 1.t W•thn Fo~•, 1::'lni~ uf \he°"'"· n:.,; SritcUun• fran:i the Studio,

11.30 p..m. -8&od: l!ic:tian,. ~••s ; llat\,ft ltlfPMt• ~ .f'liNtr• l'JcM .... .t thr \VarW. ,unllni ~ 11w CC!U1eo et ,.__,__ TIJh. Coot and ~,tr>.

12 40 1"'.m.-Jil,1.1kal Ed.cUan• f, Qn t~ H1.ud10.

U: II p.m--Jlall :,Int.Min: 1Ut,fp11tn• 11,,-... ....... t•r.a.-0...~.

Arn.nuoox s.~to!C \·. ru·. ll,O;:J,,'f'l:-.1..,;. n.J,),IIJ(CiTON,

fwlar. Tt- v .• f', 211Wi'U ., rJtr11lu, IOll wUJ La NllJ' dll?&UUIC'tl N utih rA".'O It rwn,

f:P(llrl:I Jtaul-01 •ill lac, ~fcul M lltoly ~'° blld. I • p,.111- llwntPc.kJ• \"ork Qur44! Katt, i .. ... • co ... m.- U.Crtpllon r,1aN.1 fLr.n4iri•f'. I

hrJqgp. 2.11n ft.f'I}~ S1111J11, OrrhOflHI lln,,.,, tha rn,-..

tlun 1.1! llr. n,:ualod "r9U'lil'J'. "At L'W: 8rocL" tu.»~~I

%Ur•- ~t.kJn lrC'lldOUn &LeeJ,a.o C-..... I ..U- '-i fulons,

l-46p,ip, M..- Jl'r-da Trrw«IL Mqao Jwiprae,._ ··obit inn: u,O:' C'S", ti. l-'t111k'Ju1U1u\ "l,ciltaJ>7'" 1flr•lun11

t.&I, 6!udld OrrhntN, •-S.tte lb.t.P-nn••»"" t•~- Ro.-1'

'--!<r:;-~·E!,°~~-=~i ~~t 1.11 p.rt1..~tltdb Ot'che"_,,.,

••f"ol1ah llll..-'" 1fk.ha""'111b1. J.I\ tun..-Deaerlpllnn Royal Huut1ret'i • c:.r. ...... ,.u ,.,..,. wm r,wa T,......k, J.ruao ..........

Brcal:. ""'9,k, 8fn11,• n.-1.t Cull!,). l.t11 .,___ ~"1JtlJO u,.tw-,tn.

-r.-o Wa)t&e'" (fh'onlc.;, 1.\0, fl.•.-N.u l'"rvda ·r.,.,.w-c.1tk &tul 'Mr. Nnw •

1tl..._.1 n1uh. I111itt. Tha S~l •'h,wt1:r Thal Alma,'}" i H il•leT)

1.4-4 p,n:t.-Ju&dl.• O~heatn.. I• 1...1&:inin'a'' fChim.iu.a~

I.IO p •· -· u..r,).1llon ~ Mnr>lfMlll Ha.._.;,, I¼ -n-.

IIH p,m. Mr. Dab, Hua, "Tli..- :,C,m'• of lf;bnu th• C',t'tau'" 1 J,;Jik,t,

~ n r• Q:I. - 'tlnu• l'-llitr.•l \;hlrtttr fr11tn 1;.1• n , ~,.4 ~ ........... FoHtti.t. P~dio Ord1,utn. 'N~•k"7'dMWSkf),

4.11 1•m. Mr. Ill. 1-.aifcr. \'i-Oll,11 .. ,. ___ Rat1.--rol..-• c[Ad..-,,

4.HI r-n1. - -6Ludj,, OrrhaU'll. -•..l"Tf"na<i..-'' 'Z"rluw.·it..- 1,

4 IO ... m.· ONttlptlaa lbn.in1l,at11 WtlkT. J ffllll'. Mr. :,;_.,tti&<J Unh, SM .. Pudac 87" (O:.t l.!l-sl-11t

.. _, • n... ~ Bc,w.,.. .. (SdrQ.raafln,, 4,.U P-ffl.~t.udlu OrcbHtra.

'Relettlo,u,." 4,J\.11, P,1'\. To-nl•ht',t Ci17 At11UW!fflf!M Cold., C,.I) 1, ... -Tbl'l.9 fii.-nal Chi .. ., from n.1•.11 :

f"W!M L'o,ir"

EA.JlL\' F.:VD'ISG ST.'-StON , n 11 •-ChlhfNon"• ~,. Vada- _..,._

EV1'1'11NC 8Dlllnl'I, 1.D fl m--Tlm• 8lima1 C1dm• fFO• l~.'r.n t

Alt.MIio ll• mm~ and n.tdet,~ TMnnrltllftff' Jln&4lJl711; D,1L1•h Offkt.111 Yil,.lmi1 rl'ftlll Jlaal Stooni•-- ~la. 1..-.1 N~L

t 10 • m.-0. "' Nll!i:. ,,._ .,_._ n"b-, t.n "lqc:~ ,,_ Lwftt1"1 ftailt'Ol)ftl, F"nJu-ar, l.a1"C JIHIC' ndct lh ~hi" of Mr. ff<'1'1'7 Nanak-.., Cnl June, 1~27.

t :ao p.m.. Wrrk .. ,..,i Tran· 'ff'tt' ln'•.f'•ic<, •qpplW '1P ... n-w _, 1-MWl'Q lall-.n ~Jtt.

P.H 1- Ill l~t·11 n.:.·, 10 l f"•rrllfl; .... i,a p.,a 1,m- Sls1taf t~ tra,n Gl·.O.:

f;Lu1io R11,11m•11r a11,J Cl\.!J/k,i;,r TM-rmt.1rnt"'_,,, k•u1Hl11'f

J(Li l'-ffl J~lt~ Uallr1>1•"'- Ol"Glt-.t•a 'll O ._!R. •Tim• Sw-aJ Cl»aao trum r; l' C f


4QG, BRISBANE. • 2'i , "'11-tda)o,n.l..icm

Anl"R.:.;OOJ;' • ~!O:S 1.1- ,:,,m Tun• ln.. 1,.11) -11.m A ,na11nt'•' tot 1lle, 14wcr• liJ

\t,:t.'J \\ ,1'ftl1tli,'•

,.,<1 r -ml::AI~~ t~Nrsr. g1,ss:m~ I. ,0 •. M 'becilm• ato:t-• t, t aQ tl«i 11 ,C

I nrh- JI , 'i -:-.."" r.aNi.r IT;. • • lO Tu-da,-•• f.U.11 ,,....., ,. · h.­

,. 30 -4C,a11in.- r.ntt11 l1V Ml F ,nil! t

•-~t·T,. A~.,M:fu:.!d ,~!r1~L-~iu•;;--, ~ti~ Con:!!Utt-- TtrWl:- rl.ttint1 I' ~.s\ n f ~--n4~

~,crrr ,u~ms-~r At:c.u,rrrs,· 8 MAJ.J; PARTY

rn•• fttd pm-i-,;:,n or fj.-r,t1tit•• .,.,,_,11nin• WIii l111 trot"'-:.ili ~ th- -111, ""'',nt.:':I•'• lb.II ... ,.,

a t:.r,.~~-£t thi""' :;;~1 A t

• fRt{mn"l,J, Ill' •·"'' r,.,... 17N, -TI,,, Cat11 1Wi. btr A,d-.t,11' Smb.h, d1 ,n.

l'1•rf..-c1' r~." 1d&ll• rartr, b.111 IJOk, "IJt11li.,·'1 l•rvm ... Mr J ,ht1 ll,1:.:rt whi!Itl .. •·, ' 'Whhtlfnr ft .tu.·· 11' ,J.)Jlr, c·,--, . hu'­tcmn ao», • ..,.. V• u • $,.?ta· M.. A.. (411,al'Wn,'4 .. cilloral I ii. Taaftll' v,,.., A.,rldittra.· .. Kale J-...t,, k!: . =-r-,. i.&l, H<>Oiff,' lil'- .,.ulr, Q:,tnlan. DIOM" --. ~ c,...n r.,,. o1 Y ~ _, .. n..., w­fl'atilr I,•11rls•11i btu·,•nrif'I •"1. '4J'bt f',Jd, lr~~h llo:~r _of ll1n•.'' Mr J U. f:lolr-..u:; ttM::inl, ''A1,n1;, J .. 1u11lot." MW J•art,

bA.N.J & ,a usrc t •·• FNa Lrr.rMm-. ll•t!nea D:;~

-"' It JI.Jft. f'NIII 1\11 ~ ~ S'IJLJ;;r .11.U-, wntbrn- n~ (. ·o,e do•r

SCL, ADELAIDE. l<aturdoy,

MQRNINi. u::-:~rnN It ,su. <U' (I llllhimn U,1 L-91 R-'l-itala Ulll , .. ""N- Rep Irr

:O.··'Tlon. ' •nd thr · ,r\ •.otont, Rcpnid r, 11.3G L• "'Ad,-en,_.,· .-, •• =-rte'" 11 4~ Lm.. " <Cal PY'IOCl'annn•. u ~ .or•,. c:1::1._ •n.t

/l I· Tk:R'!>tOOM' Rt:!!ZION' .u.n p . 1Bo ~ l'tlm Ykl.nrbl l"arlr ~ r " ..

lkwcrtoU,n ,., lh. ... .,,.. ~ llr Arr; J !,.. ..,_, l"~ wh.b t •-».:J u:CI k111n::• ••

~"C'Nflllla. -1.IO"P-&. ( :aao, 4-li...-n.

BVENlN'G r;e,;_~ION, I s,.m. fJ r.o. rum•. fi I p.m - 1t4i.,y lh'lffl ,r~,...,,t ~ t: r: •

ta1lhJI• O~Nr.."'3 &.4.1, p.-. lltdu,n., •bJ.rlfL T 10 11.ffl M.trkt"I, ~~ hr M'~l"Jr, t"

Warv •tMt Co, A. I-" lltl.11 and 4.-,. A \\ Ra.cdfo1'tl •nd C0, ttaltwty and ("u,. ,\.

T}a•;:-;:~'.,/~:1r u,:!~lls 'I arLsr nra.. II l',-ftl.---0 I' ft. thil!fflllllt... ,. l :,.in 5-tQr:a Mr. Hatl'7 V."91'$-. •-Ip.--. .\· . .,1,111 ~ llt • .I~ t• . I.Ill i,..m.- ,.,,nr.Ja.r, ...... OtdW.:~,.-.. ll'll) ~• 111. ~fie' lliu •~nnJ" G.Ubtt, flU p 1'11. -X1ta,lwu11~ ••"'· Mr, T. ti1nt1~ IIJ'l/11 ~~.,JIii...- &11-,, Kl,t.t ll.t!.111,I Whitfotd.

The Lire of a Phlko Begias when Bought.

Page 33: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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FrJll.f· 1N Jw 1 1J2i WlllltLl:88 WltltllLT

... _ .. _ ... _ ........ - ... -. - , .. , ... _ ••• ' .. .... _ ... _,_ .. - ......... _ .. ,., ... _ .... i

Important Announcement.

A. C. COSSOR LTD. 11/ llirtMnlly, l,,111dm,, l1tw,• $paiulf1· d1•sirt1wd 1 tmd 6 I nit I"/:·,•, tu s11if , l11stmlim1 Ro,llu Co11di1ious.

J V11l1.~ fJ.J amp. I 1'11/ts 0. I ttlll/1. b I 'ri/rs fl. I (1111/1.

, f 11:ilrah,,11 lfr1tn·sn1l11lir•r :

u•ilh U.\' H(/M'S.

1111 I ·1,//,11:t>.~ JJ// /111rpos1•s

13/6 l'ach.

A.H. CARTER 20 Clarence Street


Tl" <.'11pilul b,l1111J <.11m11 rnlt•rs - ,~ Rrifi~I,.

Tl,r I ah,,ur ;t"l11d1 mnio c.•,,,~or I alt•ts -1, J/n,,,h.

/'/,,. ,J/11rrri,d, J1uw :~1/udi ( ,1.JJ.,1,r V,dt•f• .,,., ,,,,,d,· ;,, llnH'(I,

Rt•tai( frnm all Radlu Dl'lll,•n.

Oht//1Jt11Me 111/ R11tl111 1111d l:lutr,rnf l)t-11/t'I'//.

BUY The New C@@~@);f Point One

L • I- J lri tht "(,'o.,.111r Jf113irn/ llo11r" J:T/.;R) TUL\..\'J) 1 Y lSien 11 J;-0111 ,f ,,.,,,. till 9 p.m. J;.,,,,,_ .'itallu11 Jill, ,\'.rJ11::.J.

I i i

I ' j

-u--.......,--1-•- •••,.•••••- •••-••••-••-•••-•--••-• .. ~---........... ,,,.., .. ,,.,,,.., _______ -J

Page 34: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Pns:e Thtrty-Two

U: r,,.._ .(".arattha.r• Dace. Oftbab-L I p m.. ~ P O. ehlaft_ t.~~~-::. • a.,, kn. C. E. llalr-. b.A..

O,?D p,m. - ..S012:ir, Mr, Jbr,-y Wotr1t'n,

;j! ~-~-i1~1;,~~11.)::.n~!"'~~~~::1~:."l'l. 9..10 p.aa..-,i,oa.-, lllbltl l,11rn1e r,111wr1., t.J.t, p ,-X-J'~• ..,ao,, llr. T IHn'II&, U7 p -..-&a'C. N 1M 11...S \\ 10 ~Ill -C.r.O. di:IJht. 10 t c, m. fl~~nr ll'ISUJU. JO I I p 1n, Cat,,,l,rth-.,,J, {11,nci• nr~h•l..._ Jf>.!!il r,.rn.-&ntJt. Ml'. U WMl't<'t'I. 1n_-31 •• hi, Yi'\IJn IOIO, lb. J,il'llff CHtnlle«, 10.U p.m, X,-100,bon• aoln. Mr. Tom NUln,a, 10.n p..M Mlle. ·- HIIM) WhltfeNII 10.0 l\,,Ja - Carsklla.•r•, 0,rtN.tra,. 11 p..1111~.r.o c-M .... • ..i dnN ~

~l"rQlnA\IDol a1,1l,J«1, \0 a!ten.Ucin.>

6WF, PERTH. ~turday.

1:2 ,11,011 .... T JIH!· 111 1..:..1 p,m ;,,a::uka) J11"0Cft:r11:n~. lndurll-T1s

p1-.nofgr,,. ae,.ctlmu 1•1 lila r. ... et,n ?. 111-. A R.C.X.

1-•~ p.a. P1nt -.1 .... bllUtUa. Karlri. ffS"(>rb. C•bk.

l JJ.111,-Jiimi • ~,rn• I fr,..,..,, PrrHt O!:lltl·,·a.lbl"J". lJ p.r.t., \\ •·a~ •rrtr• fll?l'itf'd .ti, 1.1w M~ical lk:!P'ft"' ot w~," "'li,-t.r,. i.a.

11 ~ Ci.ti dOIWIL JJ5 P..JJt T'-lM a, .t p,.m -Al A,c:dt

lha1INI ~p\.uln r,f \he PUMt l'Wl!'fll S'rom th,, A.~ I\MI«""'""• Btli1, t>nt..

( 11111M ,.lt.wo a!u,r IMI l"M'O. &.,U. pm. -Tu. iL , .H p • .. i;Ml,o l'f:"7 ud Ra,, wk.II tot

Ra4io -~ i,11 ._. ~ l'Ntll&. liy CIOIU'WU el~ )llrrvr•• z-:e.,i, • .,., Co. p,m.- Marltl't f'C"POl'iil, \.'abf111. ?-.,•w• 1,r c-Ol.lrt~ of .. Tlw W"d

/.112tnUa.u .. "-~Pa;ott C(I. .. n ..,rn,. Ta!k, .. , •• u Hd G ....... Kr. r.

Law•f!•Wbftl«i t. "a tr..- ricnal tn- Pff'lb ONCt"CatarT, 1.1 1JJn. Wqi,:.bcr nateu r.u,ii1W '1 ~

.MwteoroCollrieal t~ia. M Vt'eatff"h Aiuvalla. 1.2 ~ m..-lil •1aie •nd tutti:',

[tMtt• by th• "JIYY fk'1• .. • .aitMr1. O:U,, &hrar-lla alMi l'en, um ..

Mu&al lll'Cl(T• mm•. h.=dl~ art.W.a. 1'••• '7 'Roa M"71- ac.,J hb bftl... ITlar'fld frtn tt. c.r...or.. Da~ liul.

Ott~lr• l ..... liJ' ibt' 1., rill' ,, U• rhontra. "'hlJ'Oli ft"Qtn IJ,e, ..... rau 'T),.,.tf"I!', M•~laa1!1.

10 p,rn Lak llll' ... lt.-m• br f-OW'~,1 ,,f n. Dall:1 ,r..... ~..,.,_,.-r l'4.

Jt.11-. within nnc,t ••---ffffWAb.. '\l•llin flrP«t alMI ftlrttatL

10.H p.-. -(:lop dawo..

Sunday, June 5 2FC, SYDNEY.

l·LSJ a.ff! .. p r,ie1°•,.,_.. •\11nr,11,n.MQ1,-nb. 11 UD -HllU:Vl("Aff J'kO)l ff. ~n;.

rnT.N"S CHURl·t1. PlllLLIP Sl'IU:.E'T ! THIC MOP .. '"IXG SKRVICF .., Re-r. u~ Patoa.

I! U I' m.~PrtMA thl> 8tudlo1 J,,,_., ~nltia. ll.:SO 1,,111 f'loee ,;fovw.


2. fit •....,. P~•""• Aaa,oq~t"flMllla. I "' p.a. brn4cast '""" lhct hum ...

f~CT"l"S'&tioaal ciunrla, A.n Orn" ahd \· ae.1 1lM'it•I arr•rii.-1·4 l-!7 W· rhrl•Ua.D ful:11,1a11u.


I.IO p.a-D ..... •.11 r,._. ,,.._ I~ II.all llftM tr. .. IJt. l"kasnt hadu .Aftef'DNn 9-t•ica am.aced by Central M.,,~i.t l-l UM,on. Till N'ewcaaU. t.'a t'al P."nd wW 1,, .. y t,.,le,cll,Jh"-

:ui, p,ltl.r-Tb<P lti1d1t Jfoat. }fr, llut:hm •Ill Mllnr an A4ilNU-

(.ll » m..--From lbe Sllldl't,1 Cart•1a Fnd A.a.~ wiJI Ulll OIi •W•rld ot %000 \"n.b A10. ..

,a,u ,.m.--Ckll.• d....._

:t,Nr,,NtNC SJ:,;.'-:S[Oh~. I p.m.-''Oiir fkri" and a1111011n.-mut&. 1\,1 p. ni..-1· rom ..... 1-tutlio

Mr • .lnila llnJ&mln. t.mOT: (al •·t.. tlff,,,M.U."" (TMtU, 'hi --0 1\'Nl#rtt Wlnd'•"l

6.U p.11'!1.--llr. Ct.,4' Thorp,11. ,·iol!n aalt»-1 tal •·w,•alP.nll•tJ .. (~r,T\l.1, !bl '' on M-,,r1('f• lt-.:,..i•i.rl,

fr: ruri .-Mr, 8. H. &;.,..,.. •111 talt on "~i,an4"',1 ffaNMliaJ Cutki•.•

, " • --"'•-au.. wmffl., Ansr.. ..,c,n,.._ •ltlii ilr. i;n.1 Tn:rnan at I.ho plaoo1 (11) .,April k • lAd.Y'' CT"lllUIJNIL (bl "&inv• "'" ~•dlfo.r T• ,1¥ht "*"'' (DTo.-..k)

~-'A 11.m.--llr. l")r,f• Tb•~r,l.>(" • .,Joli111 a,c,,1tH "Srrrsuitlk Ill·&·· \\'•"=•e1)

1.12 p .... -Mr. Joh• ~•1111•• l<!!M?": '•) .. PaW 1!1-,n* tlAcaal. U1) "AU f r 'Yn"'" Ul.artln,.

1 .,__ --ni, Dta. .. llr. C1)ou 'l'hot»e,, ".­II• 10111: 0 'Ada,rrlc:t!11" from "'l •ArlMIMtnf''"

H:odud). 'i'.I .,_m.,. h1 - Ml11lt'A'11t Aqk. •CS::l'IUIO'

la) ,.brl.7 , ... ~t.•• t!5Mrrla,,ton). ~ti) ""'nie 0.r,« OQ U.. Lawn .. (PkUJW!t),

': 11 p.m.-Aaoocarwnmta. ": II •.:m. Dr•deia1t. frClllli l!IL J111ff3411", Ourch

11t l::tic!iuuJ, Ktu, f:ttt•llt s orr•n ~ I••·

1.U Jun.-Tb" )"vn: lQ' J;,n!oe lrci:r.a It. Jamea· CJlqn:h, lr.:iitar Srn.u P,-,.kr, R.-t, Mk..UasL.

I 10 p..111..-J• teh'al. i ff Jl.T Broa,tca•t froa lb lha!7 O}J,npJ.

1'ht'kt~: Ttw &un,fa:s- Eunlur nu,d L'or.r('ft I,)' lht" M111RlY '.\tun~iJ>,11 Uaad; CQmfuC!(l,1·, '.\tr .• I. Ph-luun1

t.Jfl P,hlr From tH Sta.ilot Mi.t KanraNt Ja-. ..,_ .. , .. Att- lf.• ria,• ICootlM) O,,- "4Clal J"flQ'IIMt), fWIUI ..-,ofla •tld O'J"P.L)

t.lf. •.JD..-~r Lklirwl ~ .win aal1u •"&mite tn C Mloor, ht Mo•I:' 4Gri~l

ti.U IJ ni,- M• lll•"l'&N!t J ar11.,, •01>r'P"n 1 ,,.1 "'An Old Wnrld St!nn1ct. .. !Rdaun.Jl, 1 :11,) "'K1u•• t f'•-rcote...1

I..IO -.llr. 1Amw1 l.a••a. •Jol;n ..&er h) "'rn.i lW Cane-bra\•• (CaM.lor,J.

}•• .;:=rr,tt;'J!~,~=:i.ut. t M 11.m. Min W• l'J''lt'et Jam.,., 1<,i,r-anot •·So•• t,( 11 .. ,,,. •ltd f,qT1f' (tlarn• rJl,

,..,·t•h Tkilla .,,,t: QT'p..!l.l 101 p,,m 'ti,-, uoa.: La•~n.. doll• •oio1

fa} -canw va.nn-"" (~"'Wf!~). flll "'Taml1111111rh1 CbUw1l1•• fKt ... W'T)

1t 18 .._m --,,'latioa&l ADJ.Mia, C"lrwe-- dtr11·n. NOTE: lfrm• rrt'UI th4'> Olr,...f'llt' '11'rat,-,., )hfllay, h7 d1r Ma:nt, M1.1P1tdf,&i lh1T1.J wUl .... u fc-llawllr tal Fa.lWl&Ja. --C-:1;,,,y 1J!~ fl, nu..-.), 01 Clar...._ Mio. '"Capric,11 .. (lh""""1'i,

(Solail:C. a.a .... 11 A. DftMUJ (bJ ,.._ '\UBI 1.

J;.1..-110-n. '"T11I" of Rr,i'fma11n" (O«•ab.rh). 1th Vafse, ''Hl1111 Oaroubf. .. (~tr•vu). 1,,1 :;,,Jt•t'fo: .-,.,11,·· fK4'•,il

2BL, SYDNEY Runday Jf,,U: a.11t.--8Pflf'tal 'hf'•• M>n-if'fl

U • ·••--S-.""9 brc.4c:u, frgm U.. lledlo,4l.1 Chrdl. Weallonirou

1..U p.,n.-o,-..a nritAI tnsm SL V lir-hMr• r:li.J"'h oL l!nirt-d, Wolloflff-., by- r,,,, C A . .lannu1 AdJtltiL('.&..lnT 1.0 , ... 1-:1.-LN.dtl'lt.

4 .tG p.m.-Itihl, Clau f!Or,d11.rteo b)· Mr. W, Calzv UndJQ'.

For Pure,;l )tu.sic Use Only Philco.

Frida)', trd Junr, 19%7.

2GB, SYDNEY Sanday.

10.tft a.m M nic fr.::m Ill. A.lhan'• Uben.1 f'•1hoHi.. r hlll"l:h, n.aHrrh.

10.'H) LIii, M.(lrllll'I; ~ ... _. cu bcttJ SL A!ka.&'11 ~on.

11' ..._ -a,.. •oe• I..G o.--llC!:te ll'Oal £tue..._ 1 p.m:. -li,,t1.un, lt't'm .&trar llaU '7 ~f-.r

Fn,,-,t W,.od .. M.-.dr.. and the &~th •

I 1, 111,rh (or ,..., V1oifn• ,.,Iii, I IIM Ac-r-ffl:!J,All.la11~•ot~ 1dONl1°A l!OR."1-Ek. J?Ul.i:. VAN Df:R \ t:KP'., ADA ftRO{>K

l.!,.5. ....,_ P111no So.'oa t AOA BROOK' I.S -.m.- \ ioho ~OIi Mr, lf'A JIOlt\rt. 1.2' -p,a.~Dlfflbl f(IT 1"'Wo \",ul,na • U. 'Plaa11

,\N!Offli,UIIM'Ot: ltOl(JCA. HOJLDDl, 11 :.Ill; VAN I•! PFU.t,; '\·ru,;~-:. AHA BHOO'I{.

11.u p.m-·ra111, t p.rn. -Cl.- ...._


IIORNINO St'SStOS-. 11.30 ..._ .....,,. trcm SL Paur• C.~ U.45 a.• t.xpna Tral• tatorm•.\iaia. II.---~ •F".RVJCE FROM SOOTS an~cn.

l'r:i;,uhar, nH•. !Jr. Wrn Doriorrd. orru1la.1, Alr. Mana..11"Y Gr<•r-•••r•d,raM 0$. v.• 1 t. I. t. =-WlwN hls:ll

lhtt U..-.ni7 T~Je &taDllt. .. Tu. IL PnJ'\'1'. r..._ PNha 0~ -CNU .. 0.- Lori,• Cunts. Old T•&tl..,.nt LelllO• J 1 Jtlr,p. 18/ • ff)·mn Ulll: ""<h1r Bl-t$t Redl'(lrGff.00

T'r"f1:r 1.1! fnW?efttll@11. N•• Trt1l•m.-llt JA"MOn. .An:th~m • •·c«M O Thoa T,a_ftller llUlao-..•

Tffl&Ulll )l;CILl.. TIM! Lord'• l"'nru. (,,._ OOl:ST'lfS'&\l,,a

•laod1n1, ••.ii ••Ill!). ~f.lOION, "Tk t.ud tlul a. .... .-.n ta, j,.._ ]'tu>""' l1111r111ul,,1,t, otr ... r ics•. Off'utol'J' )[ya.a UIS -sp;.,.,t of Cod. t1.a! ........ Ill

O:d .. n..: .... uir,to•.

U.1;; p.JQ.-t'lm4 dowa.

t 15 i,.JU.-~~iil~~~~ft:rJ~ B. n.n,.. aoa.C~or:

M • rt"Jl. --Oa, b"1orw" (A.Dau). Jlallri Musto :!t'mll .. "-:c1DJ!l!a00 flia•kff._ Arr Varle. "E,.._a.tldr'' 18in"'• &SNI..Lin. "&tet1b,.t1 Adnm'• t-01.~•-- (aoo..,I JlarC'h, ''Ile,! r.aunLlrt·• I W. ltc,,iri,:n.

t riw-PLt::ABAST &C:olJI-\\" A..F"tT.8.NOON - W~U.Y CD'Tl"....\L IIISSTON.

CUlnua. Arr. J. IL C-.atn. Coad..-t r, Ml'. C. 11. 'WUl1-1aa. w-ES:Lr.Y Sl~NDA Y SCIIQOL AN'MTVIJt..

SArtY1 N•tion•l A 11tht1rm. Hrm•. •·our Anni'l'•n&" n.:r.'' f'ra,er, tt,,.,. 0.. Jrvlnl' 1~....._ H,-a. ... ..,._. t<> U.. l.wd.. • Solo. Nr n.n Mo,, Una, ~u...• ScrlJICuta lt••ll-s; R,n, J. R. Caln. Ju°"1"prlro Bolo. Miu J~lt7lill JC4'1UWCIJ

ia.-ttd I 7urt}l ' Lbtr" w Ut.1>! Vot.-. ttf Jtan.L-"" lt,fffln, • \hrrkir,• on t-, Batt.le-."'

Page 35: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 35nla.obj-663084367National Library of Australia

Trfd.aJ. ilt,I J11nr-, HC7, WIRELESS WEEll:L'Y Pai:• Th!rty..U.,.,.

l·-1••11~ll(' rs· i 'ilf M_:~-... '1M·-.,/2/iirf>,D·r~11~:a--·-........ , l~&L~ L~~ tQR I 'w~l!l~l 11

• ~~ I Everything Radio-from the I smallest component part to the I Superlative MAG~~e~~!e~~~eivers l 1


J.'ool-Proof I

PHILIPS' i A Battery Charger i


C. h:1rc-1r111: 1tatt-, 1-J amps at tull ,-a,e tt-ctltit..ifion. Ou away w-ith carryin1 hn,·7 IH1lh•rl• th.ct euat,11ull1 UJU>ol be ~h.1 t-frrl.

Price ....... £5/5/­CASH OR TERMS

Highest Grade Component Parts Transformers Sockds ' Tuners I

rolll'IO •, •••••••••••· • •., 16f, ll.c.A. .............. .... 12 6

Adnnre Po"n•lain lr .. x. Sockrt, 21 b N.c..h. r.rod11n :I' Circuit TUIM'r, 1:!'1$ :

l"otan Chol.• C•patity t 'nit.If.. 2~ Ml'h,

Rheostats and Vari­able Grid Leaks

C\IU,r lhmmtr Hh~tat, PM:;rnUOnte-t.Pr• and \·ar,able, (irlel I-NL• ........ 2 fi Nth

J"Ukn Stall a11d J,ttab, 5 1 • nrh \'arlabl• Grid L .. k and C'on•

don,,.,f0n . . . • 4-: 6 eadt

Pilot ~h"<l r,..,r ~"•krl, ~ 3 each.

Bakelite Tubin~ 3in. Ui• •rlf'.t'. pu lin•a.1 J nrh.

Bakelite Panel ""· l•fUa.'ltt ... .,.., !ltJU.ur-~ lnrh.

~J. PonN• ffl Urh.1ninc A~::~'.

Value in Valves

t~rod.ul\ noublt!! ftotur 3 Cirnai1 'Jttn.<-r ••••• •••••••• •• lS.,6

Wire ra.,.lbl, ll.ook l p Wino, all

tofori,. JM'r ntll or' z.::a~ 2, 10

Genuine Neutron Crystals

11u'I f"r111ta1 •tth Yah11 Pown, 1/6 ,.,b.

Condensers t;.~.1- !lL.I', '"'"' Lou C-oA•

d~n-.1"1 . • oou" . • .••• 12)& SJ..11. Ccand.....,., .OOU., 13/~

O.K. l81A Ty"" Yot, ... ;i/9 tat.h.

Magnavox Valves 201A 1,pe hlo • 1111 nrh J 71 T)· ~ Power Va)Yfl-, '!S /. ••d• I

Jd[cf 3immons-f!it

C:rocl.ln and Radlnll.u Rrownin1t UrtiS-.e lllt!i ••••• It, 2:'• uth

Grndan 1'ieutr1'd,-,.. air.., 31/6 •och.

Radio Kits

" Th• W Of'ld'• Crt'alnt Sport, Sto,... ..

Headquarters: HA.YMARKET, SYDN'EY And at BRISBANE.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Pare 'l:birl>•four.

/alltlOOI\.U!t!U•.nt.t, l:h.1.t. ''Tall.'° 1tD tilt- Ctta"~ '.\tI..a l'l,llU11 a1n,I

:\1ucattl. Thllm.,,..,n. tltf~Mns. Hvmn. 1-.kalln ~~ of Klr,d1·i a1

ADPTtESS: J:JW, J. & ilAMI';~ .M \ JJ U. Jl41n,..Ji~tio11. l',1tr-lntrc. 11,ntti.

4 IV J't,m,~-Ci4M ,J,.~n.

t;vr,;:,.-r:-Ja au.~ro:.... 1 lli p.rn., CHIL,lifl';:-,;·1; JIOt:I~ JI. 111u.11 6'~

•·rut PU,.;t, PJPl-.:8.$." l.4!J J~r. Attfttn t!> lAUc.!t1 wl nirtl1dt:7

Cf'N't.in_., t N'Q,--M.11STC'AI .. f'ROCRAM»h bJ, ''THE

l'Uq) ('lt'J.;ft .• ~.' ,~~ 1:iti. '"lllL!,Y BUNN\'"1

• ·r1u, ut .. 1,r Himt,1n.•· 1.0 p.m-lll"Il, from Rt. l':Ult'II l~!t1c"rat.

;:,.rcurr tr.saws. 's,.1r.1 -S&l\VlCR l"JlOM \'fJ,:,;1,l~T l trt:Jt( IL ..

t'.cUtdUt=t.eJ t,r 1t!r\' •. ln\'JNro JfUISh!-,i :,c~UAY i::1.;11ouL ,\Srnvf"U~~RY Jl)m.n, "Sofi l'amctl. }~n-nlQ. lttTUr..11tio11. Jbmu:, .. .M:• tchWS' on t.o .Datt.' .. " :•r~)?.:.>, IT:,mn, •·o•T Atu:1i11tr?N.l')" ItaJ',. f-:<ila~lfr U.,113f1.1yJ...iJ:!J:_:"''l'\int-l)"And Nru,,• :~('1'iptU?'<' J\ll'uriini, U,n,.n, •·1...or,l tu.di Ali.~ ·• \nnO'ant'flmcn~

)l,:1111.Q, •·lle Letadrl.h Mt!'." (i!'fqr!T.g. H,-mn. ''We're ltanhlnr 10 tb11 rr11~1 ;.t"•l

J,.nd." J;}-~R.NO:S-: REY. C. ]R\'(N~ l:ll-'.S~O.S, 11:,mu, •'J"'u~. ll11l.r ~1,1Tlrra•." Jil!Ndictio1,. l':rn:.~,. "\\.'~ t•u.i.-.c- Thl')l:'..' l•'ROK THE ::;•room

L!'l1 J1,111.---{'GN'CF.RT l'l·:HrOR~.\NCY. OP' .Vi\OC'AC:"{1'8 CAYALLEBIA IWl:'I'I

C'ANA' .. (With Pa.ll Cbona :..r..J Orclut.tts.)

tfod(lr rJ\., dire<'t.lna oml f''thiri Dr Wl.LL1Alf JA..'IES.

J..,11,frr d Or..:hetira: nlH11lJ\ .runr.r;:NSON ~·o«llll l:.Ja!WJPnl"ftt ct .MELUOlTAl\'.Jt

t.BORAL tiNlCIN (, ,al~), I 11n.

d11i:~".,.• \ 1dLr.tAM JAME~~ Charau.(•rF t

a..ntau (loprar..,, • YWl•!)f' Pf'llnitlt ,:lrl f;.l\rru AH1\·Av

Ti:iti4iiui (Tse.titl1 • 7odJ' Jl('51Ant, HUFL\l 1~ ll'J11Tf!

Lol:'\a (Co~TJ11µ,) Jft. M"tl"ln, GV.R rRl)UI-! llUTrO~

AJ&, {Jtari!cme), • c:urr~. J. ALlii:tAHmm BRO"W"h~

ltJ., (M.cao.!!opnuo), hl• "ltr, r.. lfUTTO!-:

11ti.uru1 o! l"'e1&:ui~thlld11-t1 ... ,.,. ~Ttmti, "'no;,,;, ~TITTC unrrr&STRI\

e'lclha11.& • • •• , .. , , .... _ 'T1ori1Jrl•1 tlprnin1- ( k r.;A , ",,, .(illl"Mlt'.r t'.1,• Jnnu1 ~ma . . ••••••••• ._,., 8.ll1.:!a1.;;a anU l..wt"ln .All~o•• Stn.c • ·•·• ... • fiuJlf If:'! fl"cJ" n,,P:"'< 11n .. nu .• , ........... n u,w ,,,n,. Lita ~1'!)'11 ~t.:ba za.n,J 1-'rA)'t'r' , • J~,:;c..a. AlfiH u,r\ C'.h u t;,a•1i l1'>11f WIH1 &to , •· .• . 0 11,,/ull"f' T~llft11Pl!t111~ •.•• !iJ1'1tlJUa11,,11 l.1rlu ~i,.11. •••••·•··•••• Satitiuaa 1,11-rt Tur-idtlot t.?:i a San• • •• O t;,'fl.~Jtt I 1,, . .-u tiC f;1,,l,l frurt .... •• ..... filntttUA nt!d." l•uot ••••• , , .•••• l-•11lu::t11 nr1,t ,\11',o

U..-Thf.ME'UO-...'JUK ,rr.CHf'SfM. (1l.:ttt:ii • , .•. , •••••• ••. , Su-w llrnu,w11r.1

:':I~ •-• -•••u••••••••• JAtl• al\4 'J'o.tll:.Ju T.•rhl[~ ~cr.,s •. 1 .•.• ~ ••• , , •• 7iirirM<::i ,·:r;ntl!3 ., , ,., ,., •• ••, ~~ tie 'ii.,!'l'Y ,\l'ir1 .. l'Jm!r.: S3trt.a,i:~, L!ii.1'1t, 'IO'l'"f•fo • .AIRl7 11ml

Cb,_o1·1n. • ro!U,h rnL ... 1a.1 wr"te,;., Nr••·

U ~~~~{!~;-~. {1:~~,~~!C.

4QG, BRISBANE. llurulay.

:,.,, .;1:. ;mx. ST, JUJU,·~ (.'.A'IHt;IlfLi\l

T.Lr! wrui,:[f!te n1ilrt1b11? flf'h -~ ""II 1,.. l'f'r,,

!:•r•·•l tr,,..., I-it-, J,hri'• .\11,_.1,r r f" H• ,ft­U a..m. Chtrc:h s,,rrb. t.:.:<l J•.m.,- . ('Jt'i:t'.! ~1',t'':l,


Al· Tt..HS'Ol•,.._ .,a;ShltJ~ UANU rosCJdt1

'!"b• C,,1>('1-rt rn»·i(li'd "~ lhf' lltUbur,o, l'if1• lA'n'a zta.nJ ll"tfl be ttLu-1'.'d rro'7, lh" 1:-,·anu­UANMU.

!I.Iii ,,.1n.-1r11rul. t1u.iC!c1L -+3<1 rm n,,.. tt<JWn

~1CH1' f:E~:-HJS. 1-f f1H:1•!JJ1~fltt"!'t t'i\lllf.l}/!A!.

'l'hl" ~•Hnltlt'tr f"'i'l'l1fr,s ff'r,·lr1• ,1 11 1 .. r,·:W..>•J I "ll•m lh )'i!f'ph.-.r,'11, /~et?b•n t'atlv>h..-: t t,1,in•11

1 )>t ,, ru.- -t.:.h.u.r~u i.e.r•;••e. ¥.J•J ,, m, 1·.,,1rlu1lul".

fL\Nl) l'.ONCF.HI A~ th• co1,tlW.klft of 1hr ,t,,1r,l1 ,-,,r,-~ . l ht' band COllt-t:·H l•t1>ridNf t,y rh" Elri~hen• ,.-{1Jt'li('h1al I ~l!IIN"tl fl,,n,j 'IA ,n l•I r11l111·, rrar,, Wkkhal'Jt .t•a.tJ..

.. :Ill I' 11•.· •H,11.~d ('f,nr,•,t. '!f.l J,.rr. -<"I• ",111"11


MHHNlt-.<: 5t.~$1U1'•, Jl A ru ...t.J•.0 thirrl~ 11 i 1• N'I. lt.-111.y tr11n1 11H l'irir 811'1-t ii,

diM f'11ur,:h. ll.!11 n.ffl..-----l1tlilf! 1lt;11'1'"ll.,

1,;,·ii;z,.-1~r. 6.ES:,;rns. 1.r,,1 n,rn U.1'.o_. t'h1me. •

~-~: ,r;nLeJ~;:;:: :ilr~~ l~,~~·~~r:l•ir~.1~1ul.i 1· .. 11rrh,

• ~-0 rr,m _."-'l!!etlco. \E:t1tthu1 Td~

._;1 ;:'!!::.::~~-~~.!.l••\l•~:!j.;-:111.[;l•;:«•ll"-'v• .~.11 r-.rn, flff1t.-·:.lou. Nr, r:~~rv;, "''hltt1 ),I :,i ,,.m_l~.!lllJ,, dlJ••I . .Mu1:-r.,1 J...,- "¥1"1lli11t11a

aeJ t.. ~m.tU·. 1!11.l'i r,,tn, l'i111r,c,(or1~ .,oi,,. Mr. J..::11 ~• It 11,11}, fl.T'.U. rhimf''\. :..t 1,.n,. W~th,·t. \• $ -1'.ii..ll l,r Mr. l' II, Nlrhut!ii. 1,\ bH, ..


:.~! ~.::=S~~~1~'-Jli;1~w~·!TT:·; .. ,,.a2 ,Y.tu. H+ril•ti-"11. Mr Uf'U \Vt.mi.-_ ~ J: 1,· m. H•";io rl,1ct. 'Hfhn, Ju., \\

1,r,il. r. flroul P,U ,,,hl -&11~. ~IU Y.l h" ".IJ(l1]111y. 11,=10 I• hi iilf'Jrrti,:,r,, \.'11nrt1,1ir Trw. 10 i-.rn f"j, 1'.0. rhlmc ,1 d tJ,..,...n.

6WF, PERTH. :SUTid')

111.4!; •.tn, 1,,. 11 r.::~;:~'1rn,~!~t11~·"0i·-1t~;~lll r~~~11:~. l'•tlb. l1J'l'l,· -'I1.11,e lu. 3,lli f\111.. -·tifllt.~('ol. I~ :,'llld ~m i,.~tH.k

w1 "''nt• i\1:"c-tttfl.•t.11altt1t1 ur UlfdJ • 11,J AJ.ti-1111lt.''

3.;•,i p.u ~ R.S.L, Bind al'ld \'Dt"a1 ,·,,n~t r"i."...a Ir•"" tk• :.t',oolri-ir1,.1 1;11r,1 ... ~-"Ith l'Prth. l'w•rlutt:,c,r, Mr . .r tt. r;t•r

li l'fTh- t.il1.,. tl'11w1· ": p.h\, Tu!1e lri. ,.E. i;,.nt. --t·tuirirr"•• N,i1111ir· ~, .. r·r~. ,,"HI p,n,, E,t"nt,,w: 11r,,1,.,. rrlafM f1u11

M'niol't1m- 1tl'f1•~ U1))ll11l (h 1t1 h r•,.th. ~-. I~ ttm, FU,n thft ,tu1l!11 I

~.::1,._11~~ l•~:•lh~~;;lh·l'rat-"" fi•r tla., Iii,.

-,,-e,i.M .. by '\fr. R l.•~'Y'll-t

Monday, June 6 2FC, SYDNEY.

OR,-.iS(, ~[I '111.liPA Si. l~H1N, '1 :i,.n.. HI. n .. ll. t,P\4 1,r,>f1M1ti1rar ,11Q,11r.11r ,..,_


111 111.u:11 f1lt,d11J wnll••• r,,,_.~ t• ,,1.11 •~"i•t" r:.1111\" a111r. 11 11•.lr1,l " 1'11 rwn4•. tll).,

11 ~•;·•' • -~-~d~•;~t•t•I• j1_i,~,~tl ;,T,,,.f!.

I l.!'/) M rr,, :(111, fnM • t :"<lJr, f \fo 11,uaHI'• t1c-w11 .,., ,· 1:1111,

II 1:S t,.ui, l'Mlil .. , JLt1I 1~.11,z l'luM u,.,.tt, l:t,;,,1 l'•"' ''JHir· H, l'I" •ttd •ri1 , PHtt., (';r. 11.:,n l'•"' 1(11 IIJ' W1n·k-u ,, •.

Tt,t' lint -tu" lhrit,11, 11r 1t.u,,J,r tJri: •• •h \,J.r. m,...,tlnit "'ill b. 4,.,t1,J.L.-, , ,hi,, t 11111lnl,:'., ~illl --t•·Jf'1h1i,t ,,,.11l••, 1r1,1 ••

111jf, ,1'1 llrni.,1.-••: rr1,m 11"., l'rirl., t,,,n,I A otr rrl11t1,111 • r 11,, 1114'4J;, hl '.'<"-\\- 1,, 1,,,_,.

~ut ~till N.t,J.¥1, ll11rln1t tt>r rn~•rul4 ,tf •1-t,,-tt11r •· 1 ,_i.

1·,11 ¥·111 I•(' .nir,l rr<>fr, I~· Wn1.1w•-r1 • or_;, .a11ll fr.,,rll ,,.,.,. :-1111ll0 M, 11,1~•rf J,,ia"hkln, 1,,,,.-' ly p•IHlhlt..

1.:illi P·"''• t'~"ftt., lt•ttM• .,( ti• 11ft, 1'11111'•111, ,._,,,,,,

a t:tm '·ti•~ tt~n" 1·111, c, Q1.n1n

l-;4,J<LY t:,·, }-J,..:~flJ:,.', r, . .Cl 1 "' Th., n,,,.,, ..... , :!H li,~!,::·"1, Th,• "II, h,1 rto111" lAlb I " i1r ~hilt).

1,J11 J'.M. :\ ~1in !-I r_v •l\f I· 111. 1J111u•( •11-1•h'

t, hi "'lh,- '" n ., l.• 10 l'p11rl 111, ,..,.,,, .... f.1• 11.h, Mllrk~t ,,,.J, .. ru • ~.~. ,.,nt \\'. ~~hn &11,J ,hrnl,111_ In T lllitl! tfo

•, "#I 1 .,, I .111'! •·);~.-11/l i.; S~'ll,:' flll' • IIUTtflit

"H1IJT 1-1~:-:aos. ..... I Ill, n,,1 <'him, 1•f .'F"l U1'd D. ,.

tn• H\ i,t.! ri.ffl, •-t \ ~. 1.,, ~, ,11·~ ,rill ·:.11, I ,

'lf11,Jrr It," l«otf 1•1' tb J1Jugll' " II hl )lj';r jt,-11, nft()A[K'A~'I' Fft0"1

·nw IIAl'•HkhJ•.1 ~\lt!-1'., llt!"ltf'lfr4 Unoii"t I lw Ul>t.q, t>f ,WT', .Sl1r:'1•1 l'nr(rr.

• · · ~r 11 ·~~~ !~~•·::~ ~ ~1:n~~t ~~1~,.-,

•".J-' l' 1H. M.t•F J..,, ... 1,, '-111,:,tt, c...w..-11Ku1": 1•J "/:tN"l,h1cti 4l!fi 1h,, 1,,u•,.,. 1111 "~•ri•lk• 1"9 &[11 .. ,m" IF.ll1Ht,

il.~Q J\.111,J-Mr. ll1"1lntrr11 fl{l.,h 111.d .lo!INI I •1• 1 l,Jlr.CI', Yulc,aJ ,..,~111tl,~•·· 111·11 :--.i.#tttl·"'s tal "Pul, "' 8t•)'ur1<l" Ul1•,r11) 1h1 ••1t, O!l:,r "1j\'c1rJ" 1,\,-r•1, U!I •·1.,u a1•1l niir~ H;"J'i'h>r/

~ :iiri u . .n, Jt,. .11,ldl~t r~111 •h-o 111-. uirln 1 'J"h1>1lrl'. ~ytlnl'yl U11•h ..... lr•I llC'tlH

~,111 Cl m. t nn"1 HM tlht1Ut: \fU11 1':l'<lt, l'f"ll'rJ,.,.,,, &0l•fa'l.t.t,

•,t:,,-f.d;.n u,.d .f•('J; J.41aJt,rt•, M,;>r-11dnc-r,,

• ir.i t• lt'I.. Mr 1'1,~tll f>l1illl'1, ~•rr,•. ':I )'I rti Hroo,110.t ,,..,m th.i H•Ytn•fltl"t Tilt••

lrt-, fiJtl1,I')': llr,•f'ltt.,n,I (i_.,,11, U.ltl 11.t,L,•.._\ t,,,.:d .'\ott. ;.,!:. 11.m. rmm 1)1" :,;111.l,o·

.Mf, hrunt"" f/11oh Aflll 'it•• tl:f'J h·••· 1·om•,l~ lltnu: t

(•1 "Tkf. ~f-w- )U<J-1 • il.c1u:.-1.1 t .. 1 '"fl ... "\'l~r·• lttt1!.1tl" 4s111111·•1\

11•1 ''lfltl4•• n.11•-,·• ,n,-,wr11 f,J • :Mr, i'fl•~ l~fj,r, t'-1111'111, • 1,m,,,i~r,1•r

f•I "nr 1V1, tti,., 1i•t111'1U•,t1,,f 'th-f:,~• fr. ~ .• , ui • , J.:rtlu•,t.,. 11,1 'Th.~ \'lrt1• 1 :-,~ I,,.•• fllJ,rr,1

'.I•·! p.,1 Hrv..ldnu•I lr,,111 01,;, ",-,,~worth ll,11, ~ >=ir•H,.,, t T'hi, Nr• Yi,' ,·M•u~h S,:iti:. r,honi.l· tl-.Ol'."tl Ot>rhhlr•. u,i,(!r tM •• , ,;11'

~ $~'».:~~~:~ ~•:~f'l~~;~',ni-. •11~ hir,11,w.

l\l ,..,n. nf""ll•t fruut du• H1J111Ur·~, n,-. •• trr, SJ·,J11n; Orrhit1.1r•I Hr"1.•,

)11.H1 r,.r11,-)'t'un, 1h,i, 1-.1q,Jl1· \tl-, v,F.,. v, ... ,1 .. ""- ~'""•1K1.

lCI. Jli J,;ni.- '\{r, f1r,111t(u1 (ill>h 11nlf \'1~1, Fthi" l,1n1 r-11n1r,l1• , J.,,~•h • ht lht' !'•tk" 1 !', r~W"Hl

II.ii t•,ru, Hn.,,ffl'l.11 il[)o('fqlir ftrr"-'1 rt

ttl:!'":·1:;,\1 'f~~nk ~:.,.~,." .. ~;1,: o•Htotr1~11'w', 1!1.IH J1.n1. B'ruacll'a,1 frftQ 01~ W,-11twor1J

JlvleL S)'dt:r7, l •1n1ct' ."1Wtt1• ttl'IIII JI ,,·rJliotl U li,111. -"H1r;r U'°n

~11~ic,n.111 Al Lb.,r,1 1'10"\r tlll'tlf I

Canada t·ho,c Burgt;;s for h11r ou!pOS(s,

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 37nla.obj-663084643National Library of Australia

WIREL E S S WEEKLY rai:e Th ty, FIT•

Tone Quality Volume Control Bring Your Set l]p-to-date

The only real nd\'ante rlnirned by th~ maken, ()f lhis :vc11n, Lt'.!lt 8ol$ is 1mpro,·cm~11t fu tone perfomiancc. Thi" lmp1•0\'cmcnl rnn lio 11~11lc in your vr..-;c,,t &it by •imp!~• adding- the Centrnlab Modu-Plug It rcplat:cs the lout.I ip['Jlkcr plu~ and ir ,•c3 any degree of tone ,·olume. from o "'hi•1ier to run ~trength, by Rimply turmnll' the amall knoh on thn pluir. It reduce., luter!el'ini; n111¥A oud gl\'cs faithful r~vrOdu,llun.

. ~a. 11111. llf:SIST,\SC'I~ No, 11,in IIHSlRl'\SC I:. !',n. 1.UO lll:'.MIST,\:-;CI!) •

I """' Amrlliltr • , 12 ~ J stop An,nliftrr • ,., t:)JD,. Kl~ ., , •.••• i=itt.~

• Du nway ,vilh nll out-<1(-daln anrl 11wffidcnt. mcthr•ls of o.1c11lnllon ~nrl ,·olume control. l'ie Cl:lN'J'lt.\LAO IL\DtOHllS. lncorpuratcd ID any mdio c rcuft. they cha ,~;l'O\'t-d efficiency and Pn•~ of rontrol. ('an be \'ar[,'(f 1,olt<tlo!!ly rron, •~ro 10 maximum mniw. amf ,ue n~t,lufdy n,1i10-l~ss in 01=tion.

Sri,. 2 J-1. ltadl1Jhn11 ••••••••.••••••••••••••••• •••,, •••• •••• ••• ••• ••• •••. lio. I<• M, 1t,,tleh1111 • • • • .. .. .. • • • • • .. .. • .. • • • • • .. ................ . "<o. 100 l\l. Radichm• .. • . .. .. • • • .. • .. .. • • ................... . No. 100 M«lttlator1 • • • .. .. • • • • • .. .. • • • • • .. • , .................... . No. 1)(1 \·anablo Grid Loan . ..-lthout "nd•n-• . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . , lie. 1D7 \"uW,lo Orld Leab, with :So, 20SS e>n<Un><n .............. . No. IOd n obn1 Rht-o:itat •..•• , , , •••••• , . • • . , •• , •••.•.•••.•••• No, !:lo ,Jh111. .ltbqo ... lut. ••••.•••.•••.•••••••• , •••• , •••• "' •••••.•••••••••• No, llO fl'l(J ohm Potr:1:t!.,mf'tor •••••••• ,, ,., , , ••••••••••• ••••••• •• ,, ~o. t t l ,4,00 ohm Polt-nt.lom.t1t.u •• , , • • .. • • • •• ••••••••• , , ••••••••••• <<mtnLlb 1'1ah Pall &tttty Switch • .. .. . • • ...................... . .llod:ilntor Pl:ic ............... • • • • • •.. .. • • · • ......... .

8 ... cl. (l 1,1 ~ I} 1<I r, 0 U 6 0 H G 0 ~· 0 0 10 d fl i) II U IJ I)

0 12 J 0 14 G 0 l A O lS O

IF \ '01 II OC,\J.l~ll IIOl~~ NOT n rr STOCK Tnt•:Sl!l l'.\JlT~. \\ lll'l'C TO I. 8 lllllF.CT.


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343 Qw,eo St. 27 Cheucr St. 26 Queen St. Cr. Jervoi1 Quay & Harri• St. 66 Cbarlo1 St, BRISSANE ADELAIDE PERTH WELLINGTON, N.7- LAUNCESTON, TAS.

664 Bourke Street, MELBOURNE

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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l'age Tblrt,-Sl.z

2BL, SYDNEY ) 11 LJIL.---IO.r.o. t'lock aYld chi-.. 11.J. a...m.--Mu~ p~me from Scu..dio. .ll.l.Q a.m--..'f4'W• from tbt1 '"'8111)." 11.20 Lm..~cal rnwnnnme l.rom. t.M

Stildio. U.30 L-tD.-Newa fNllft "Sm! ... 11.HI a.m.-M.Q.RCA.I tnia tb•

kt.udfei. lL&O &.m.-N..-a !na. .. 5UD, .. 13 norm..---C-.P.O. clock a.nd t'.himlC!I U.t p.m.--f:r,eciaJ o« lorweut. u,d wea1lw.r

,,oort. 11.:l a,.m--MIWcal l)l'Ql:Ta.mme frQffl tL.

$bu.I.lo.. 12.9 p.m..-N:cnn. f.rqm ~• '"SUfl." 12.U 11,m.-Jd.u11k&I r,r(iSTil.mln.l!i frmn U..

$t4;1dlO, 1!.SO t'l..m.--G.l".0. clock and t".blma. 1~.lU p.m.-N-11 rrnm. I.~ ''Sqn.'" J:::,,l r,..m.-llhu1u:al »r~ l.l"OCII tl»

St1,1dfu, U.U p.m.-...VtrWJ from. the '"Sun ... l l'-Jn-~.O. f'lni:lc chl~ 1 I J•.m..-MWUcal ~• lrcn ~, J..U, t>ft wort.foll &Nl athlt-Uc tllr:­

tul""!\ fn:r Lh• da;r.,, hockt.':f', tMlnl~ toot.hllll. HilittJJ. ~.... IJnriTIC tu •ftrr­no,>n »portinll inf'otmsLion w i1l 1w bro.d• r111,i.. Ly coort.,!q ul the .. Siu, .. Nt'w1o:par,rra. int-~per.ed .,. ,th tucakal J<TtlCTAIIUUe' from iho St.u.dil).

.t..M l)..ffl..-°RNIJTT'le f',f nJ,:bt J)T(ICr&mm('I.

1·,P.O. rl1.1d1. and chimi:111,,. b.l p..m.-llaclnit 'Ht!Swt1t\.

i J p.rn.---Cloeo ~own. EA.Rt>'t EVENlNO SES!HON.

•·•,,; p.m..-G.r.o. clor'k; anal ehlm .... 1.413 i, m.-Oaddy LO~~ •nd t.U kl,;tdles. L·lO v,m,--Mu, pt(lllt" from Lbe

Suul'4. "l.16 (l.l'l:1.-nn,olt& bl all lQM'll1.it11: 1n{c-1'mlltfac.

incluJ.ina r11odnc. bowls, t..r.ait, wwhnmuiw. R.t.hldJ«, b,r rCIUl'teu' (Pf the ''SU1'11' Coontrp nm from tho ""l-;an."" , .I~ p.m.-'Tallc UP "Gi1'1S' Week,"

1~4.5 l)..m-·'l"u.llt w "'Ihe ear. ol. tM EJ'• ... J>,o Mra. Fattcnon:.

l-~VENTNG HF.SRJO!l. I r,.m.-O.l•.o, dock •nd c-bimca.

Bro,i.dcut,i•u' Topit>al Cbanu. 1.e; J]..lzl.--Wa11tt Q,•or51u'• ~mu1 ~g Show. t 8 p.m.-O,...,d,..ut,.u' •J'IOf'ta nril'rt •ill talk

on vl!M"l'9,I •s>ortln•-fl.11 p.rn.,.-.. :\fr. Rns- .lfMieti, bwritnnc. 1-2?i µ.m.-A c-oml'lhr •k..-tcb, Iv th• 1""1&71!1'1°

Com~,- Ch1b, QJ)d':'T Ule dirodi<>n o! Mr. J. , N. ShkM.

ri,• "i p.m.-JdJ$11 ~".¥'.'!!. Tu:rant, F~ll&. 111 fi:t )),,-.• • Mr. s,nnc-y lioUhµ,r, curnedian.. I D p.m.-G.1'.0. c1CIC'U am"l it.bilr'oa.

J~m• vr tollowinc ll•Y·• pr~ammt: \\ c&Lb"'T n-purl, am\ f~L by ~na~ll-1'" n!

Ml', C. J. »ares. UO'\lernrn("nt M.rl.eoi'l11~ t:'l"t..

t O.~ 11..m..--J;i¾ IUld :MI\Oy Owrn, ,rnd Jaek lt'1thfff.ord, fo a mn.Ilrt ot ;iua.

JD.26 p....c:,..-'MUI• ,._., :San.oi.rtOW, ti~tirmlrl. JO.St p.1:a.-JCr, Rtit1.••r Jone.. 1n.,tt p..m.--Mr. ~7tl.4ff HoUi .. ter. JO.ti! p.m.-M.ial ,.., Nan1:arr11w. :lo.~ ~l• Tar?anL 11 p.a,,--G.P.O. dock P.d. c-h.lm~ ~

2GB, SYDNEY Monday.

M:Olllll!<G SESSION. • a .ra.--Mn~r-. !I'.~ a.m-("h1, Tal'lt. t.lG -.m_.:\ltl!lif':. , ZS a..m., C1•u. P . .CQ a.m-tlhi:,.ic.. 1.,115 a..m . •ml Dir-' 10 a.m..---t'I~ duwn.


Arr'ER?iOON SF.SSJO}t J 30 p.m.-W:n1lt-J ~7 p.m..r- · POflm• bJ' Jllr. Walt" 'Hord. :u,i ».m.· Mu,it-. '1- t p.m . .-'falli. b:r l>J1'"f., M.11.r~ Md.enoai,~ 4-22 p.m.-MUEh:. 4 i<t p..m.-CIOM driwn.

P;V'.ESING SESSTON. l.~O p.m.-Chlldn'n'• ~enlon. O p.m,-Mu.-i,-_ 'i,ft ;.m.-T•lk. ';.Jr, p.m.-llwie. "';,Z0 p.-m.-Talk, 'i.$0 p,m.• Mu,it'. ':..31$, ";'.(;Iii p.m.-Du~u for Two VioUM w,t,h Pla:n&

A«.~•rnpanun"ul: DAN SCTJLL,'f, .MONICA BORDER. A.DA aaoo?...

~-~ p.w.-Ad.dttY t,;v J>TM-or "Ern.i Wood. S 20 t,,>u,-St>nlf:11 by M.oda;m. Wcii~._&e:

1, ''Dtn~ins: Lo~@." 2. '"Ntnel' L11.lh1,by.'' "'-" 1th LU4'- Accmn-panutlLtlL

1~~ 1u11 Tello SolC'lit b:,, M.unf'"lle La.bW: 1. "'So11at.fl."' (Dohn&117I).

,.,t~ p.m -lMtrnm.-nu,J Q11amt~: DAN F.r'ULLl", MONICA HORD.ER, VUJUUL.E LA.NG, A OJ\ kROClt.

f.&-6 p.m.,-A.nri0\1MC<"1'114'11t•• 9 p.tt1..-TopfC!.._I Tal)c. I Ht 1>,m.-llu•l.u.l ll,>notoau• ~ 1. I[.

Pq,rell; ,. .. I.~ ~.•.,.. O-U•t11 for 'l'wo Violin11 W'llh Piano

Aectirnri,i.nlm~nl: i>J..J/: SCUU,Y, MOj;flCA llOIU)l!!R. ADA llROO~.

II ~li si,m.--Snris• b,- If.Ada.In WJed.tot~: 1. "Anf:".la Gu.a.rd Thee'' (Godard),

,,• # p.m.~ for Two V~llu with P1antt .'\em,mpanhMni: DA..,'l SCULLY, lf()N"ICA. HORO>;B. AnA BROOK.

1U'i3 p..m.--Chffrio Talk. 10 .t,.m,-C!oM down..


>tll)DAY SF.S$l0l<. "IN HOLIDAY MOOD.''

1J p.m.-TlD1• Shina.I. B1'1Ul!l, Offll'.'i&J Xe<w11 tro.r:n Rushy. J;t,:O.~I ,SLd TM P~• A.:,tK.otJilion Cab.Ju. ''A.nru11'' SAd ... Heu.l.d" :N•'" ~~.

1!.20 p.m.-O'MA.RA. ANO BUR.KE: AS'NA BURKf;:

'"Th• :;mllei of .Molll' Ma.Jon~" (Mclkath), <.:llA.S, O'"MARA will ntrrtain YtMJ. tin a

fcww min.utN.. CHAS. O'lfAR"• Baritone;:

''Th• Roc\ty Roed to D\" rBra7nt.o.n). l.:! .. ~(I 11.m.,- STtmlfl ORCHESTRA:

" rJ111o1!1" lltnun.}. l;!.¼O ».mr-<.:. JUCtlAIW OHUCC. Flvic,

.. S-raba.uJe .. t?iL la n.rr::,.j. •·maut"' (J. 1'. ltann-h},

J2,M p,.01...-.M.A.XWELL CAR~W. t',..amecHan: "J"o,M}b an- Rl11J:1nl{." •f.;11nK11 my bfot.het' Sen•."

1 p.m.-T-iD"C! S-urual. U.Oiption of Ma.rl• horoui:rh Hl.l.l'\J.h!-, FLEllitlNGTON" RACl!:t:10 by ".M.w.k~•· or the ":,tuorll»s Clo~ ...

1.10 g.m..-JAYES RILEY, 'T~Mr: 'Cl)l'J'/1! irito thr M.n.rdr:.t1.0 Maud.,. (Balfit).

''A Dr~" ( 1.1 J p.m.-BF.RT1L\ .rnn<:;~SON, Violin:

"'SJ:1Ulah Dance" (SUN&\e), l.2!! p..m.-'le-trQ"r,1ll!S.i~al t.n!ant111t.ion. E-:ht~•

riln~,:"n~. W~tllN For,r:ut fnr \'le-tori&, 'Ta.111m•nl&. Sou.i..b .An.tra.U., and N"w :¼ulb Wales. Ocean Fott"ePI... Riwr Repo.rtll.

1..2,~ r,.1n.-"Tll 1,: 1-'lJTURlSTS.,. Pf"t't'l'rt their-Radfo R.-.iJ.f'tt..o.. .. LUSC11.'"

'rhet Onmpan:r 'Wt.II .iu!u. 7<'-1 at 1unc-h. r·YRIL NOR'I11COTl-: wlll ('nu-rt.a.In y,•11, ,I.RI\ \'ANDI\ ar;d GUS DAWSON now ah,s

• dllt"t. l>JID.1AL DE~"MOND wOI Mldff.\'Ottt' to U•

J\lAln to IRA '"ANDA how to 1\0 ht hM' JnrnfflC'I T11x llorm.

TID; COlf.l'AN~ I.ti. ~ Finale.

Friday, 3rd J""•· U:?7.

J.-(6 p.m-D.,oript.ion of Rqt1May Trial U..l'JII. cap, Fl,l';JitL~GTOS llAChlS. \y •·)lwik.o-1. .. rif "'TJ~ t.p.nrl,lr,~ Ufotw."'

1.,, ~.xn- .tA.ME.S nrr,1-:,·, Tcnr..r: "'7h.a.t1l. (:od for a C1.rdrn..." "Mu,, of A r.i.7le:·

1.M: 1J.m.-STUT>t0 O:RCHESTRA: !eldrrtiri"• "WIW Flu-wn."

: r,.m.--CJ,.-.. d1>wn :,?.:l& 11..ffl,· llc-•rr1t1U0tt nf 1, JTudicQ.

i'Lt:MlNG'X'Ql'>o" K.,\C"l:;:J., by '.llb•kn." of ·'The ~r;vrtir\s Cl0"8."

2 t!'.;t:)i; ... OOTDALL. ntCLt»O'NO "· C'..ARl,n,s. drserititfon by llt. Roil Wr:O~or, t.rauia1U.rd [rom .l.lcllQ1"""·


W.i\.h Inf' ~JX'll't& I o.m .... --$'l'UDIO Cl8CHESTRA:

~leetfnn. "Md'ry Widow" (Leh.r). $1.'i til-1'0,-LEW JJ\llo\bS, Il•brww ..llo11.1>ki1"11u

•·.My &in tho Bc,1.0dit..-r ... a_u;. p.m.-l>t•~cripLio11 flt Pnnr11 of W&Jo

f""'P~, ;.-r_,J,:ML"'iGTO-S Hi\r:•~S. \,7 '"'ll• l.t<r," of ,.Ibto Rprrrtiuit Clob..-.'• p.m.-LJ=;AGUE FOOTHAf,l. •- BJC1f. M.0~0 T, CAnT.'fC:H•:, J1-,c.rir,lk,c t,7 )h-. Urtil M't-G~""• l-ra.namiitNI frrim Hicbm,iriJ. Q1.1art,c,.r 'Tlme.

J..30 -p • .m. IJOlH!: WOL,FP::t "Mt1" Ha.II OJJ11 lo."

1,17 p,tn -STl 'UJO ORCTI~: ''Si,u rut11 from )l:nirland.. ct.nirtt I.

~.,o p.m.-MRt-. DOROTUY Sll.K •·nCJtn,-CJ"a!t•,••

:S.!iO .suu. l)ftcrit.illon of Dir1.hW- 11.n•hctii, Yl..filCJM1TnN RA(Jt-:~. bt "A4u•.bt.'" 1t .. The SpMdrr,t Glube.'•

8.!16 p.111..-----TAiiMA TlFBN,\?'.;, 'Cdli,: '&!tdlW f~.-nul~" 1.Gli:n.oonrwr~.

.( p.m.--U!.AGUE. FOOTBAl.1 .. RICHMOND v. t:AUL'rON, Halt0 Tim~ i!e-~·rf»tu,11 1-r Jlr Rod 1AeGrP2or, tr~nr.mit1r.J Itum Xl,;h~a;i4,

4.lO- n.m. -STUDIO (HtCHJo~STRA: 'Tw,o Nll'\~kt.l.N'' lAncl1ff(').

..C .L& p..rn.-Etl.Et-1N S'fABR. So-onmo1

~~flr1 L;t:..~.11~i~i-''r" (Sth1miat11')

•.22 p.m.-STL"OIO OJlCHF.STRA: "Rn<!! An,;l"liq~" {Rnll,,,ruit~t?ll.

-(_10 t,.rn,-D('f!c:r1i,tlon flf COJtSWAt,1~ lIA""· DI<'.AP. TI.&MIKHTON R.At:Es. l•J ''M.·J.., kf't," ot "Tb& S:,c,nin•- Gl••l-.r-.'•

,.15 tl.DL--LEAr.tll': roOT.JiALL - RIC.U, MOND •• CARLTON. T~rrc,qu•.ttT-~Ti.Jr,,", d.Mtti£1Li0U by Mr. l!od Mel.".irl"ICO:t, U.1W11,l• t.-.i (rum Richmrmrl

4.41 fl.m.-''IluD.ld"' rit'w• .,.nit-I", S.oorttnr l'tHltali. •

t: p.rn -L£At:UE FOOTDALT-fllClrMO~'lt v, CAllJ,'rOS, f'lnlll Scora, tlMc-riJ,t, .. ~• ~~,;m~...t 1.kGrt"1"ur. tnrn.-mittrd frui-

6.10 dow11..

li:'VE.NlNG S..E.SSION". I.II') tt.ttt..-CHILDREN'-S noun. Ati.1111'.c:l'I ta

J.-,t~r.-~ a:nd Rit-thJ11oy Grr!'tfnirw. 6-.MJ iun.-raEDA NORTJlCOTF._ ~opra..i:.111:

6c,n8'• for tnf" Chi.l.dr~·n. !tin l).Jn.-"LITTL'E :i.nss XOOKABURlt'-.."

hR~ a dPSr little 1h')ry for he-I' •·Koob.l•• t'ih•• a.l1nut '"Th~ Bl11c•k JbbhH."

G-.7 Jl.m.• 1rm·.nA ~01i'.J'HCQT£,, ~l'lf!r.n'l, wlll •illC two more littl,. •otur:i.

G.14. p.m.··-"I,..JTTU: AU!-.A KOOKABURfU"i Tt,r. Ne.i:t lt1ut.1olmt-nt c,f ''Tha Ct1.1.l&e M tbt

Sa.ucy J".11tt.'' fl !tf) 1· m.--Onk:lal Jwi-rm:· nf N,-wtu&rkrl

Stock s.,.. Nq·:nhP-N ,,r Sb~ u,1 r.attJ, dniWD tor ~n-k'• i;.111.o!1.

6.14 J)..m-•·Anru•" n1,,,.,. •"'k"" ''JI .. ,.J,t" ~ ll<'!tT:k:.!. Wai.lht!r IYDDP"'in, 5:hlu11rI l'DOVffCC!ntfl.

41,-t'l" p.m.- 1:h:l'"hiu,ae lnt'<'r"n• llrm. G.U:? p.m--.Fish Mtirltet l'lcfl(l"rt.11 by J. n. fJflr,.

Y'rtl, Lr.d. Tt.• l,Mt r,Mt'MI. 6.5-S p .~iVl!.t N'f!On~. C.Slll r,.mr \h1r, .. t, tr11MC£ b7 tM Virl-~"

Produ~ni• Cn-r,J1""raHv@ Cr .• T.trl N~wma~­Jcrt. Sheii,, ... , ...... PoQltr)', (, flay. Char. ~ir•w. Jult>, Hain- rl'odut:1·, J'utu~ ul: 01110111.

1.A Jl.rn.-F!'I.IIL M11rkr1 Tr•fllltl.s b}' 1h" \:Ito• tarlan Whnlt•~a.l.- t,·n,\te.N•-u• J\·;i:tlleil.tinr., r-on,ril"d l1y th~ .. l,.r;,il w ,n-1,1." +x111111i,, Lo 11.0.

Fr11D1 Icy Pole to Tropic Juuglc: :Burgess.

Page 39: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 39nla.obj-663084903National Library of Australia

t ....,-. 3n1 J u.,. l!r-7 WlaELES5 WEllK.LT ~-~-~~-~-~-·, Radiokes Solodynes Have At Once Gained Public Favour


"• tff!<irt In ..-arn , nu •pl,,-f th• un•u~tul - of lnf.,ior imilat ion• ol Ra4iolif>I ~)nl'

~Kil•. Oar,, art lh• 0!'1 ,Y c~aint and c:uaranlttd RNW.eo llolodJ n• h.1t~ -aatl •h• ••r altachtd te nc-11 •nit.

Tht demand for R,1dHII<~ !Woitym Klla has been pheno­menal. due enllrelr to I he fart 111111 the Radio publ k ha.~ learllfd to place imphdt lni.-t inllallW.n.

Three week, aro the name "RADIOKES" SOLO­DYNE wu practically unlulown-liMlay, m·u,·• one ii hearinir, talking nnd buildin ll' "RAmOKt:8" !IOI..ODYNES, and those luck>· fans who lta\'e built this wondttl'ul T'f(eh·er are nbsolutcly utollllded al the man·•ll<lu~ result& obtsined. Aa a =ult--'"RADIOKES" big factory i~

GKSl'l"E RAOIOKE!'I SOI.OUY.'lo'E CO I I, Kl1'8, romprlslng t~ unit!! • • • 7G '- pn Kil

RADIOKI-:S a.••• t:ROKE is olHo n~rC'!l!lllry for I hi• cirrult ...... S,ti rarh

•·r,nn lk,;t R;ad lo IHalftll or direct.

Whrn "triking clal= of per­formance are mado by the manufoc,t,1rl'I"!< of Radfokl'!I producta, Radio fans at once rea'."se that same Is fact-as 13 e\'ld~need In this Instance.

with at!Mty nii:bt and d4y, In an clrort to "1IJIP1J' thu ,-r.ormous demand; so ,r you are unable to obtain your C1•1111l11e ~Hi\lllOKEs~ SOl.0D\'~t: !\IT Immediately, \\C ulc you to please~ patient for a while. then you. too, will n,alisl' "hat rul Radio means. Remember, that RUttess ia 011ly 110aslhle with Genuine unAnlOKES."

Radioka takes this opportunity to thank the Radio Public for their loyal support in the past, and promises a continuance of

even better service in future.

Metropolitan Electric Co. Ltd., 27 King Street, Sydney

Page 40: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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~1Gll1' SESSION TJ, p,m. :tnd"l" th, i;'ff(lk,e,i; nt th., Tl,p-u,lr,J>

AUftl'•I'- l.-.1.;,•, MK. J. J JifrKJ-:NNA• .. .A'llltralia Fint.••

1.JO p.ra.-Mlt fl. C. ll TArr.on: ·•~hl)(II Lif• u,lf School SJ'H'lrl,-

1 fA l).J:a..-~ C'..aptal11 ot th<t Geeluit1t-Mt] bnilrnn R.-.1-.y Tram-: •-7~,.-~ •tt.adt <u1 .Jlr.l•F R4Cotd.

I.Ol'\G l,IYI•: nm )HNG' Km6 C«Jra;a v •• Bor-u Jurt'I! a, 11\t.G. •·weuei, hla, To •Wff' him 11obl7 in lb~ e\"fflfflOTI c•ult", True to tb"° Dc:raih, bur. Ml to be h ia •la\'.,._"

-tCO\WDni I p,m.-MilVEn.N "r&..\MW,,YS TIA:,,rtl•

'·God #av,,_ lb.: Kin~ .. Mul'h, -Paukrtlt''• (R1rr.rnt1I,

Lti. o.m.-!L\RMO?,;I.$1' MAL£ QUARTET: .. HtTN'• l.iff'I ,um •{,•Alt I, Lb 1-·.,,~'!.;.n,t·• Ahit, ... -rh.t,, ·rrumf>fu-r."

fl.I':' l'•··--"-'.ALVJ•;n~ •rnAMWA,~·~1 nASD­l~ri"U"~ :-.k~t~hr

"A n.v ..-ttb 1hr, Jlqnhmcn'' rU-rrmrrl, 1 ~7 1'-"'---.l.\.M~ FltA.111-:Jt.. lhrlf('rtf'!­

•·Q!ntlrmrn Thi, Kl11vr• rr.1rfttm1 f.C~ r,.m. ('UlrN•'ll.1.0lt I l:1,,1X 1,1.1)1"1) 1• tll

l•hodur-..e ALTfE.RhTAN'. HR. sn;YJH""i 1-mnJi:t,l,... At .. UlHO MA v,m ur Mt:l, l:iOt.'J,tNg, who Will offk111ll7 t'li"'O IL(I, MV.l.ROURN~'S Kt:W 6'1'111110.

0 p..,r -HUXHAltl 'S }.P:l'tt:::NA1>J!!\:<t. l.'t f•.M.- ) J,JGHn'IJOf•

En.rlil'h Cpri«-rtlD&1 l,runt:n:YAlht"II S.-rt.ft&il~-

• tt PM "'J'HK n,rl'llfU~T5'' l'rE>M11t 1},~lt n..,t11t Uc.a,

1>1 n1 .\Nn rn::ca•· 'Till: COJIPA1'iY •lrr~ 'lrt O~lric ("ltnni•. VJSM.·U• lll(~MONIJ and C\'H.11, N!IR'l'lf ..

t:O'CH hM• a r11w wv~• IC!lttthcf' •r••n lJtA VA~l•A MW 1d11c11 lo Yr.I, A SK¼..,.(RF.Tn: by C,.Til f\r;t•rtl~tr, r.'".

{:t9war,11 ,md lnt Y11nrla, lltS)f•\J. [)J,;ijMOJ',,U 1-. a1r.irr .. lH,raJie U,lilll

"'"'· .\ J- ,Mlti tJy th& Ct rup• l!IT t U 1•...1u -- Au.nouutt4lfl'nt4. Ra,.t V icU.rlu,

A'1tomob1lc>'• Ctub·1 ~foty m'91N•C-1' ~ MflTI)Rttn't\.-Ne¥t'r ldl.-• ronr ,.,.~ ahtr­dark t1ta11dinr on tbt! .n: 1irJ~ ,,r Lh4' roa,t. •• ,..,.... ~HrM• UlUJ' CQtitWII!' lll•DrOlu:.b, ini:t th"i.,-._.ra,

t '3 ,' TRAMW.Al'~ IL\!-t!U, Stt;~1i~lll!

"lWf't.Jlb-rtiona <•! F..n.trathd," RiDUrt,-rl ti&'H.'lt AWU MA~~n~. ltuo:!tll

,_"llta Alu.:•• Haoe.1.·• tllunheW'I .. S,'\ N'N.:R.,.1110.N AND CILLAfW, H.-..t

S.,Jilicra •i,,J (;c,mradH.," ,A.llrunj. 1!'1,1 Stm.-M•*rulot:if'.al h,ro-nua1k11 J:l'ld

"'Al'J'llll'" t'l(tl'wi. •U"¥l1·•·

Jn 12'. l.lGJITFNJT, Conren.inn:

"Trttut11. .. ri."' ''.Anr..'8- T.atiri,co,"

HI HI r1.rn.-1mllt:.Y.T GILI,ARi>. &u ·•Uft !rat, km-,..,..1.N (Sand-troci111

10,21 11.m, J4ALV£RN 'HLUIW,\Y." 8.-\ND. .WM·c.eau·

••Bc11 .. r,r ou,ll!l·-- (*J, 'r.t111ht,11l1.1m Sclo: ••La.uJ e! ti~ u,I (UotY.'' rf~J,rarL

tll.n:a t,.m.-HERBERT 5,UfOEMOS llnl­tn,r.t-!

"'Thr Vrl-crnn'• &r,lf," fAd11ms.). Jl')_:\T p.ui.-1.AW SJJOT1in« H&1llt1. lU.-!!!: D m.- llAILMONlSr II.ALB QUAR'l'l:.T:

rlc,l,Jlcr'• f"•"'wt•lt'• 11u:: ti,m :uAf..Vl:.:.R..."-1 TRA.llW A \'S :E.A~:

&l,n·tloa. 1·.&oaa ot Rritain·t (ltinmi.ttl. u 1,.m-ou;t t:HF..A.1' nwt.icn·r!

.. .Ar.ill "'Leu \h,e hut Gr•t ~t"<'l,....r l"rrmne, 1',, '5T;t• a1twle1t. ruur bllmf!.

Jrr'H r.J.k not i! 7t1Q 'Wt'n ,.,- Jo.t. "But !'i(rW i·w pl-,·f'd 1le- t:Mnt!'."

--(Gn,sth1nd Ricwl, U.\ r,m.-JCIE ,\l!ONSO~· A1'U HIS F.}:t<;.

cr.r; .. TtXa S'r,rrnoNL~'nl· •·111 l.t,11 Sill"n tJ!. 11 R~" (fir"111), ••sJWJar (Alill..r), .,Hello, I,ittl<!i 1:ir1 -r 1h• Df'f&ffis'' (B<:.>tlr.,, ''Ht!l1", ,-\!,Ji.a'' i~nn 1, "11- Orirtm1I HlarL H1•tlbm" fHt-n,l.-r;;:011} 0

•1 m 1m tr'lY" Way !ln-n,o'' itlci.r,lnl, .. , l!t."• .All JIJ"r,.ry 1"ur.;t" (1.cthoJ


"nuffc•nn•,1,n" 1 l\11~,1, 'TM' !,tnrl' W\' a,111 'tos:tthJ!r·~ lCa1t:J,O..-T11 M:.r_y Lt>u .. \l.~m•n~.

l 1 10 r, " (;ou ~AVE 'TJLJ,; b.lN<.,

4QG, BRISBANE. :UoTiday.

MJl)TJAY !-,J•'.:istot-· 1.ll ~"'1 M:UJtflt. It~: W.-~llw, Jnfnrma•

tlan •UM1l1•1d l)y fh1' C,c,m.JDC!n..-,.-.lth W•fllh"r ~nrttu, : ?o,:n,a Slfrrvlf!et r-1r>pheod hr "1 ht' U11\.ly M•il" 11;.r.•J "Th-: Uaily ~t.u111lnrrl •

I ::1i p.lU.· fn,m Hold C•r:•_,,n; l,1Jnd1 .M•1,;+<' rl• Yt'd 1.!Y Jloh.•1 (':ar1:,,n ~,=,,h.,11.J Ordt#Ua.

1-~ P,lYI.~ f"Torn lhr! Obc-d'.'l'V-&H•TY: ~·.s1,11Arit T1mr1 ?-.i.-nal.

2.0 p.m, Cl~ l>owr..

ArrE"RN(JO!i: ,:~stox 1.:111· ~ n, Y.rnm Rnt111! 1·a,1t111t: A(tt·:n,oon

·r• »~tr ,,1nv ... 1 ti, Hot.t!l eult.on St111-r,ti-o:1) Ut'dl~,_.

• t5; p.m n·on1 1h• Et11111on: N._.,,11 S,i,r\o)~ ,urr,,ll~ bz •Thi! 'It-1,tsraph,..,

'~·· ,, •• 1 -t..lOM' "'"''"'·

1;.11 p t"'~t;!.~ ~~~G ,:;pt~~o~.,. 1·Tbr Pali>' lftAndu-d.."

1210 p.m.• The Cldld.."111°1 ~111,10111 ~torla hy "Tbl! S11'1 rtnou•"

t f\ 11.,u. -M•rk4"t J~,u. f::t<>rk· Hr~tu. 7.,u p.m.- Wt1111tli•·r ;>:l"••~ .r\n00<.Jt1otrn1'rit1. ~ ,a 11m,l•rd Tifflfl Si-.rn•h . 7.Ui P,nl. -Lt'CtuttU.• ""fl1111 f;hl)dno,.•1 Mt.1• 1r.

(.'OTil"f'," t'o.l&dUtl<d by ~,:l,.! Mu,I~ M11.u.••

Nl~ £J!lSs.IOK OkOAN' HF.t'HA.l,.

1·tw! or1an NCH.lit t.y lh• Cii.'7 o,-..• f},lr. (;.,ot{tC! &uriJIOllUI, •'.K.C,Q I, will h• nlayed from SL J,,tin'• C'•th-t~lral.

@ n a,..m -- "Fr-... SL Jol,r,'• C td1-ni.l ! U~H• ~•1r-•~ "Hn1fl' tb.. l-,(sbQ'' I ll•Uf:111;, • ".'4q;o ~htJl.ll'<-'' lrn,-.i:t): rau~•. 1•1

7t:!.~u) ~--,.~ ~t~~~~1,1.'•,e:~.,.g~~•; "'fJLrwr-.. 1Hat11»f;: •·uomari•• In (;" tfleoeot• hb"•n 1: ·•Tho!- :•i-onu,- (l,rn:im•n•).

f'XOWN S'TQvt;S OONOtkT '11,t> t:N"nnd 1,i.1-.rilcrn or tb,I,, i,r~l'ILl'l'riif"

'OBI c•urnpri,-r n, tor11:1·t·t An-anrc.J 11111.l Cll"S"II.., I ·"'1 h:r t ~ l'rnwn Srov" •nd F'-'urull"J' l"o., 1 •,,1 nln~d lrotll lh.P.l.r work.1 1rt Wr,,:1111,,11"~ it1'hba.

p.ft ~• m. 1·ro01 lli,e Cto,;,ni f.-:Ovll' FuOurJ: Otw:n~il'.' Nlf't-t1011, --r.- }'araa d,·1 O.ll'ti1i,J" -h,rt l. 1\~rnli}. !1-.n <:ruw11 Orche-;.Lr.u.: fou-rludt-. "H•:.w ( rvwn ~«>not •r,· ."LtiiJ,.,•• ,~ipH<•"; u( '4 ,-UIJL tu lb• !art,,ry). qlNI

11(•· hall('•,. •·1•c1it..i Hh•l)IOllit- Rtwtf.~ .. 101111!1!1)0 ti,,. Cr,)'lllrr'I 0rt"b,,a1l"a.: l11r111r

Whnt> lhi- ff.Wu .8han,,r,n Fh•l'l'"t." Mt. \>l"ffl.J..l Ca,,htr..r1; °&11'. lht.n. 'Ihon1u, Ut" 1·1ll.~1·l.ah1fr ~ mo1ml11Jr1.", '"!'uuJiN:' '.\tuia Mr.Lurn•n: Jlt. WattrmAI\ nnJ hi• j·ht->oo,rnpti· ••1•n"o ~~t.J. ll~r<••• (l(l)'ll•t1rdl, Miu l'Al. J.fl'Onifl1')'"! tenor \1()/1',

~•,;u~:!.~~~:,~:n~~d--~~~:~ !i;, i,~~~I~ trtra" cwt .. rfhonJ. M,. c Ji•n~ ( Ly tli• Cruwrt Otd'-rrtn). l't..rlh•nr

111\,:-, ,...J,-..-ti:-d. \\'atnll\lln ~ fnT-trot,11. \•l 'T\·" C1it. ll\c- \li?"l,. 11,k,n..W.On1, LltJ •·Tbue AJn't No f\tayh,: • IPun•Tti,,on), m,-· (':tnwn Orc.h~tra; Mr. Dan Ttl<>mn• 1:M F'.m.1r:•inr-r. flll=11tlc! lle.leet:.iou. •·1a f't.r&tl <It!' l),,5ilntf'"1- Put II. IV1·rd1~. H·,I!' l'r(IWI\ lh-t·hll!Stra; tc1n Jul('.?'fado h" .-Q'Rl:'!Q J.1.Ml": .....i-, ~01111rh1t"r of ~-e.'' f8t,nn,tt), ti,,, l't<"lwtl On'ho:-<tt r11 ! Ditch rcdlntio!'I. "Tl1e: &Aini' Much,.•• )Ir, :r.- C:. Kn.,hlanr.h: ,•ha.ra.etttWl.ltJ•, •·Fu.:elaatk•n." t Ht111f#-TCll",rmO, thf- r.-n-.wn O.rthc!!l.ra..

HUO p,m,• From the Rtwtill - Th.-- Daily )it:Jtil" ~e..,~; Wn.tht':..I' ~en; ClOM Dow11,

SCL, ADELAIDE 1iJ<)ltNt)'l:n s,:.~~toN

12 noon. r. t•.O. t'blmei. U I ri, m.-R.r.ii.alt 11n ,Xrw R-l'prr1ol•1t:u11!'

;"',,,m(:11 ~nd the A·-tatn11" fle11n1,lur....,.

Ft i,!1y, ~rd .Juno, 1,21,

l!,.:10 11.m "A1h·" ""'"'' 1Ftn1r4. 11.r.o p_,n Marlit"t. r•pc,.rta I pm t; l',0. ('lmnc.,. 1.l 1,,-Mu•ja.l proirn.mnl«! r-nlllU'luc,C :: J'-ar..--G,P.O. r.him,•to ~nd dc.e &n"'•

AFTERSOON" SESSION, :1 r,.m.. r;.,• o. c-bimr-a. 3..J 11.m.- R-=l"Y f,..-.,ru UI• Maple U'af ra.t•-

Orch01t.ral i1<"'" 3. ITi 11.rr;. 1-r ... m thf!o Stmm,-J41,13cical ~. I p.m.-0.J'.0, t.hlmc'!. 1.J rm,-R,·lay trnrn. the A.rr:aJia Oar...- Or­

cb~Lr-t !t .. .mt. i.:,;; p Ill, ~tatfon • nlll'I\U.Cf"fflll'DII!. I 11.m.· -G.P 0. ehlmr. 11nd rjv.,o clown,

J•:VESTJ\{;. !;1-~SION, fi ft M, r..P.O. t:h1tnt11. 6.1 ft n,. Oinnrt mm,h: by Cnvn1t (i,ude11 Ot.

du-.Lra.. fl.~~ 1, ut n-ttlmc;, ,t .. nn • '; 111 p,.m Mart.fl rrr'(1rl.A:. , ;,I 1,.m l't)'•lcal r11ll1r.. .t t&lloi; b,- Hr. ~•lfl

ltuht,l,t,. :.t :~~- t;.f,,.,~n;t;,~~-1• 11rilh ~,n:, pr,[icil•r ('11rr1rdia11., Mr. (i.,,._ 0 '"''" ft>..iJJular •rinia t!f,ij pll!U:'rl.

• .~u p.m. ··T•Jnlkl''• ("'1'". 1";. J. M1ll•1 ~-U, ~IH une nf hj" (,flcinal l!U!lll•?OIP tatb.

~ .. w r,rn.·---~~J, Oc:hri.1r11.. 'II t; m, frP.(.\. ('h•-;,=. Sil p,m,- W•••lhrr- r-,.ror\,I, tt.n p.m,- Soni{, .\\;~• Ai,"'n S" .. wb-.11.

; ~•n,--t,CT.,. Odwlllltr-•. 1.1: r.m. Hurt>urwH l'f't'ita.1. Ml". S!,..,t' n...,nl.A. t,:l:$ i>,.m. ~ct .. - Orch8rrn

:::1 ~:: -ti:[Q ~:i~ .. "bLJ&? t~!~t"1\,~11a. tU! JJ irt. Sun~ Mi~• Ailffn Newb11. •,.4r. p.m.-3"<'.14 Orcbn~,,. 111 11.m.-G.T'.tl. t•limtl"II. Jtl.1 J!,fTl,-•"Ad·•l'.n-,~•·r" M'lln pr~it"', 10 1.!ii p.m. '¾>1111 Mr, liury Wo-nhin 10 19 11.m .r,n, l)[email protected] 10.8Q -p.m.-R','(':jtll!Hm, Mr, Sl(tve Dun4&. HI.IA p.m <,I' l. l)!'t,hMl• . .r-.i HJ.4~ p,ru. !-,tins. !\fr. Hurt Worotln. W,U 11.r:n.-~CL Orth...tna. n Tl m,- <:,1•./), f'hlm .... MDJ dUH d!IWil


1:'1.~fl t1 -ffl. T,1r.@ In. 12 . .SS. p,m.• f'Jr.t loci.I 1111"W11 l,,1tJ~i:.1.

Jllilrliri. rrr,orlA, r~bl..,,_

1 pin. Tir,,. 1t11,:1111I frr,m t•M"l'h Ob1nnt•1"y. 1.1 p . 111. -Wt•11th('t' 1:l(K~ "U~Dll"oJ. b7' tlt•

\lf'l.t..,MkWl1,.<1.l Jh.1ntt1 of 'l'.l"lttl'MI ·"lJ!fttaHr,, J.:! fJ.Tl\. l\htliica! a,r(·UtllUJ!!.• IMm th.

~t.;Hlio, inrludlne 11rtM~. ! t',ffl -•-Al A11tut..

Dt-1A!lt-tl tl~rirrfli,r, f'lf 1.h..- r'll""- rt111~ frl.llll th .. A~ na~"t-U"ltst't ILt-lDUUll.

,:.lo f'.l'l'l.- T11nfl ir., #.:m 11.m.-Mu,fr•I prg&T•mmr, includjnc­

artiste:;. Ururt!MI rt-wr1r,linn 1.f the Narl"S, "'IPnct

f'rom th"' /\-1 liclm<mt, CJ°"" ,Jo,i·n 11.nrt h1H ra~.

r..•!i fl.m.-"tuue 111. ~-~1 1u11 U,u:-ll's Rmry an..! UuffT "Jll talk

1~! iL::lJdJ,,,,. i,IO.J1,n'I. $f!o:-I! rl'stllt!! by l'flortl'.'I?' eC "Tl,"

Mirror"" NN'J,r,• ;t'ff" Co. ":''i.t.t p .m. ~M,i,rkcrt ~:-, .

.:'ilork ani1 ~hu·r iritc-lhi:-rnr.,. l"aM•-•· ~f"wll h;y ,;otufeoa-y 11! -rM W 1111 .. Nt"'u.~r Co. i.d.~ .IJ.m.-Talk.. ll- p.m.-Thne -iennl trc111 P,•rth C'iher1"·111ttr,. t',, I p-.m.--WNothPr note,.i ,~l";lwd bY ttn

'.\.frt.«Jrnloeif'sl ll:-.trt'AU t•( Wl',IU·111 Audr.t.• lh1.

lf,Z p.m.- "f,u,u." •n4 •nn.r. Cur1f't•rl from tt-,C Rt1;,!1u. it1du..fic:uc arlSatr,

]I) r, Tlf'~ ih1m"1 hy coi.rt,,;cy (JC-~ U.u.lly .S,·w1'" '!,/c,.,•1111-11wr l't.J,

~kliu w-h.hlu r,:rnt..- ~1.itl•j,-,WNeffiPnt. Wrt1th~r tt'P('!rl ft~d r~ut.

l/1.30 p,nJ.-l'!~e d<ta"Jt,

World"R Best Rechargeable Battery; Philco.

Page 41: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 41nla.obj-663085166National Library of Australia

WIR ELES S W &E ltLT rac• Th1rty.mno

Volton for Volume

22/6 each.


I i i I

II 4 I"•''"" ll&ttttltt due to tlleir

1. r,., llcal ff.-»1• ha,c thvwn lhC' \'ullon Bath ril_..., tu tk· Un· nu,., Hortornlbll

' a1ud1 conrtructlon, Ions llfr. • i t::t:rl111ltf. t11unll,:A!v all bat••

l s. !;<;~.4~1~~~i1~1~.~~~.!>'~:f;"~ ',; ' !'kb-Whr 101 "'"'~ • i Ii E«ac Lla, Coll,nnn,c Pnctlal ltl,dio E~p0?1

I • nf 11t1.1('f.: a111J t(t1.:tunmcrn1J lbl'ir u,&

A!klbel, Oil~ a,,

Aaal:amawl II lreJ.,. llowrll'ft Rudio. 11.,t.), J,hl. Jv•ah JI.JI•.

• \si1t.ralJaa \\lttlH~ (Uad12£) ~talin:. 1f .. • r.ll ! l~ll!rr Dr"'- LW ~_Hr&.baar, ':\ti(k !11-immun~. l.fd f C'~l~~ )lm,rl" "inl••• Su11• ltadlo &:. &lf"'ttrte t 11mp111,

i. :;~f;-,S,.R,. I.I'. lladlo UOIIO•. • - • i,w-aln,, Lid, ' r:::T1~ l~•:t•l:.t••u. :iUns.t», ~ (,ole.

WaU1rWU t_ ft,iy· l"lJ' Ltd I n,trd £\1•trlb11laP'fl. 1.ld., (\h'b11Mr11,.). \\alhu·,. l!Jlu F. \',

ll1mllto11 l U.~rr. w,i.;, w. llar,y_


Uu1i1hk Hanfl'-' \rl,c-lcu \/olt i\f• t•r•-t»ngluh Ma""

2. Vc,llnn Ball~riu .,, ..: ltuat,anltf:td by "o,n l~•I 1hakr ,.,. Mina, lhl" tru,. I rirlc! C-apa,ity 4!'i \'o!lc.,. lour

O,,aJl.:'t wlU tut evtr)' Jb.Urry hcfor"' ycnt a,tncflaH ..

3. Voltoo B•Ua:k.t aric iiU<d wllh oprla# tlll"' nl .-•ch nadlnl-1htn>

arc. no LtrmJoalt to


It II qu,l• lmpomblt t , I \"oltar,, of the AeoumD-latm "" a \'olllnotA:r h&Vi< n ...U.blo for k>ttlnJ • t}ey I:altu), and in lhe t;rd1~ fOlll'it4! t.~ iruitramnnt! :s.r11 ,cqu:nJ. We han de~ t"" obo .. It 1,umcut 10 ollvialt LINI Dt<Ul!ty at bnllll: two lnnrum,nu.

Vo lto n Sub Panel Brac k e t• a t 3 6 per pai1. ,ou: DrSTl!IBf'TOl!S l 'OR ,\l.~IU I.A,':l,1

Weldon Electric Supply Co. Ltd. :J52 KENT STREt..'T SYD1'i~Y

Phone City 6361-2 - ............ ..._,.._,, ... __ ,_,,...,,_,,_ .. ..._, __ ,_,,_._.... ..... ,,Nlill•••-•--u•-•---•-------

Page 42: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 42nla.obj-663085298National Library of Australia

Paire Forty

Tuesday, June 7 2FC, SYDNEY

JIOR.."VINC A."'iD :,,unoAY SESliJON.

11 11...rn, ... nia- Ilt1t;" and 11rcra:raro111• ,mnou~ rn.ani.. .a.m..-OfflcW ...,..ther forttaJL, U..U,faH. l-'ffll'Pl!r11t11rce.. ut.ron0mle-1 m-nnc ra.ndL llhlp­pu,~ Tfltr11lil("Pn~~. m.U al!nkl:'!l-

lW0 Llr'l.-h,b.rlc.-t JWPnrl-.. JUG a.m--•·is~..,,.. llnr-nins lhnld"' ,-wa

~?Tiro, tl.1' •·"'- C.Ml"!I. lU:t'.I -A Uillr ri11 frrmM ConU1111r •~d n.-

,-ir,t11 h7 Alia Ru.tli r,.,-,11 1LS5 • m.• .\nnric.nttnl.l-tll..l. ,U: noo:r.i.-"ltlt= l1~r,... StuJ1o Mu1k. J il...G 11..m..-St«k J·:.ehTJP,. Jirf>t QU. 1~ ri,m.-RnuUo Miu.1,e. 1llil 1·-m.• llll&'b:v WW!ka ?In,,. 1:1-3(1 lMD -M .. n-biflg Jmllliaa IM \.hft t('hoo.l

t'hlldNn. • 12..A0 p.m.--Mlaa l:nat> J)u!'lf'11a. d.nm&

1o;ir.ann. •"Vilw..ella," fDcll Al"itU&),

1::..-" o..m.-.Stnrti<l M11MUL l ,,.m _ .. llir P~">J\.'' W"'-lhP.r h,1 ... f!Jr-~P,.. 1.1 11.m.• •.£,,ll'Nn,: liri.-." m.ldda7 t1nr1- •cr• ,·i.e..

rr<'ri•:u,.,..· ni1tribtrtin,: S.,.,il'tJ•• n"l)Ort.. J !O ~ m.· '8t.llrlli, Mwie. 1.H i,.m.--.,i.t,dr. Ji;u.hi:r.T:R'I'"." • E'COrld call l.M o .a-lhrch11ua: n.1111•1." f'1r lh• lir.bool

dnld.n-t". 1.,0 p..m.,-- Miu Irne Dauun. •n111aHc ""\"nu .. (lla.N:b,.

J .43 ri.m- Eiudit:I :Mo.ate. 1.&a p.m:.-.\ talk b7 the !FC,a' C<ia:,­

m:iu.ianu. l,.10 p..m..-Cl(a doWL

Arfr.RN'OOX SESSION. I I" n,..-Ann..,.~n('!(lm~nt-. I.II v.m.-A keci!Al t1f Aa.,traJi.a:n Al'"Lla.t.1:

Mr. Alll'ffl O"Sht&. t.enor, n_,.,i11ald f111n41, bar.iu:ine. ..,.I,• Bk J:"uor _.,. Sam S:nn., t.;)ttieduu\.

I IQ f!.n1.-·M11.rc.hins maa.L! fer t.M 1choal 1:bill'lrtn.

l.~n f•..fl'l.-~mn F'~·• TC!I- Rooms! Mi!III Anrut Milt., m.-ao: - 1 Intl trLY 1,m·•·• (D'H&rcfd.oO.

I U PJII-A kaa,Ung. 4 ,p.m..~FTom .1-ul:'nei-"a Tc:a l'ttxima.:.

>tr. Fn,.nlt Botham. baritone: I.ona.iat>-.,. (Sat1dcr,:(.>n).

4.11 i,,.m.-:F'MDJ the $ua1Ho! Vi81 Pn..-111. )inH.,, Mtt'rano: ••Jfy Hint ~ ,. rri:I n..,-;•

,c.HJ ~.m.-Btatiln 'MOiiie-. <t.!0 D.Trl. Fnnn Farmer·• TM Jlonm,,~

MiMI Anrut Mita.. .. ""°""': "'!ltt!lly 1:D.Y Hr.• rt"" (Sabre 8al'tfll).

.CJ$ fl,rn f'l'om th Stu.iUot Ml• rer.l• kr)ttM', "'JJHDO: "'Dutcln1r o.,.... COk-lc.Jn).

4 1G p.n1.--Stut!ffl M:u~h •. •0 Tl"'· Fn:-m r"ami~r"• T-. Roon-•:

.Vr. t,·r•r,lil Bo!Jtam, buiMM": "'Ir J 1111t-M C<:'b>e'" 111 Vqu .. (StJqr,.1,

4AI~ Jl-ffl• SeCJC'k E'lchal'trc, tlwd e11.U. -',.ti PJ1L- -..<.L1Hlin f.Jv,k_ I p.m..-"111& B!!.u... Cioac di;,w-a..

&ARLY EVENING ~OY. 1.•1 v,.1'1,-'Thr r.Mm"" f:Jf !J'O. 1.5ft o.m.-Tho -:U~llet lhn .. t.db to ti. dii.Ji)..

1'1ttl. l,flla p .m.-A ~1 f:'t("T7'. G.-10 p.m.-DIMle-r .M.t1S\c-.


XIGHT SJr.t,..a,JON'.

7.60 p.m--1:he CbtrnN rtf ZfC. Mr. C. J. Lockl.-,. will C..11t CJ[ ••C)1d Darline Ha.,.bo,ir,••

2 11 b1.-•·e1 .. Ben. .. l'f'OlD '1!<J L~"'un:1 Theat:r~.,-: Orchel.ti;-.1 ltrrma.

t!.1f1 1).ffl. TI'rnnrfult (rnrn 'W•n-i11.ii:llh J-{11U: 'Tb,;, Orpb11,11a',. lt1r.l11diOJ;' ~l'C JJanr~ fiatt,1 hi ~.JllDla.r bUrabec"' !\tr. Al,. Jrt'd O'Shf", U>nt1r, Mia n.a.J1y Ric.bani!, '\,j1.,JJni1t. )tr. Cl).rJ,n t.w«nll'~ 1>1'1t•r~ uinrr. :MT, FrlW"r C<iN. liJtht. ha.ritt>nc. Mr", !-1-d. Bctl. uff\~Jan, aw! Mr. AlirM Cua. t.ill~ham. Erialflh '7,a.ritot:i&

t.Jn p.m.-Prnm 'P•ll11a:·11 Co~rt. /:;•l11n: A f'laaufor~ L$1 Mi. f'lorrnf'f' M~nk• m~}'O, di1tilti:ruiab+'d Contine.nt.a.J a.rt.i.t who I! makiri• l'Wr n•••J'PHJ'"a~ in 6ydnu· afuor UJMl' 1"h' ahal,n.r.e. Thit ....U.\ bu bt..n t-rK"dDllY CIU:lU:ed by th:" atalkia Jn

' addll1rr.n to lhb- OD Tbnnday, 1ttt1 Jon,:,, Ftir'IIIJ', IQtl-i Ja.nci, a11d &.turd.,-, llth .lu111:. l'tUI• illl'l'llm~:r Will J•l-.,: 111 "La Sonnunbala Far.t.uia" tB!!:lllnl). 4! I "Capri~" (MrwlM-wtkt). ' (IJ .. $1;-r<· .. 1Sl:h1Jlx>rt). 10 .. Polii.h llal\tt" (&) .. P~Tonal~ 01', 40'' (Chopi"a).

('JI "'F•nt,vl"".. lM..-nkme:s,vrJ. 9,:\0 p.m.-fr(lffl the Studw.>: ~~BBRtL p_:,;15 p.m.- R"-id<",i:,;t "'mm tht" L:,arom 'fhn­", :i-,clD~)"; On-M,lnll Jk.op.

t ~m~=~r~ ~~ 1;:~ :~:~~ ])hatt• Concert, lncludinz the- Above m-cn-­Ut1lll!d;W.

10.ts D..t:D,-F'l-o,n tl:i(!- w.,.,.rnriib nan. Moe.. llllD: the U~C DH4!e ~ti will play polJU.-1,ia.r,. Hi•1,u1 unt.iU l 1 ti'-rloclt

U "D.!IL-"'IHir B..n," National Anthem. Clme d.o•n..

2BL, SYDNEY Tuesday ..


11 a-m..---G.P.0. clack Rd cbhne,1. ll l a .111.-lllll~ ~ troca

S,od;'\. l 1.10 a.m..-Newa trmn Ul6 ''$\ul.'" lUO 11..m.,-6odal B!'PIJea 14 coua-­

t'6t1dtmY1, ltJ' Jd:rL Jordan, Talk~ Mf', on "Mf/dleal Jerb. ..

12 v...,..n.-G. P .0. dock and eh[Q:t4. 12.1 p,m-SJIOC,ial ot:eu. lortcbt and ..-.t.Mr .._ .. lz.l lMB,,-Jl1::1&ie&l PrQS"numrlf' !rem UM

Stotllo. 12.1a p :m..-W~o-Maih and &blla»ln~.

a.n.d,_ of lmport.;,at ah:ipt. ,2.11 1>.::m.--Sytllley Slr,ck Euhaql! ealt.. 12.18 s,.m.-&au. lu a.U b.7 ~ 12.2/J p.m.-t,•_,.uJt. u1111.rkri. N'JIC)rt..

1.2.:n l'-.m..-Vc!:liit.bJo ma:d.:t-t. tt$HN'1-12.2~ p.m.-f.AXldon mri:&l mukM ttp,e.t-t.. .U.::t p.m~-0."7 and !nm Dl'OO.Dea ..,,. .... lU7 P,rl'I, Racfnl' N!mltl&

JZJIO p.m. G.P.O. d.odt •nd c:ls.l1,:1C'll,. 12.11 -i,.m..-M_twcaJ p.Nlil'ram:m• fl"Olll the

Studio. 1lt40 p,.ttt..---.<;))Ortfoc fnform.a.t.ion (•&m"). U.fS p.JL-Hlllkr'a ltmtnmwntal Quarce,1,-

Direct.lan, Ca.r-,-1 Cu1.UQ¥. l..JG 1).m.-0.l' .o, eloek &nd chima. t .S1 i,..m.~~e. ... rrom th• •·sun/1

L, o )Ut'L.-ll&r;saleal ~nm.m~ .ftoa:11. LIM 7 i,:..ft'L-... Blc- Btt1.." Lut. llmlO.u- ~n,: Wormatkm. . $ tudtQ,

1.60 p.r,i.-S.fdDt:Y Stoek E.i.c:han.~o ca:.._ 1~3: p.m.~cnn ham the "Suo.."

1.10 p.m.-D.111~ty•• Ma~ n"?Jrt. (W"001.. wl)r11t., aluckl.

'UR 1•.l'D..-Pruit and ~tab~ 1,tazbu. f ,t.r• r.m.-W(la;tbr:'iz- and lml)pffll' ffltl!~l~O@.

.Stuclr E,u~·b•nsrt!-T-tr. n.tu.-IA.Le "~ New•.. ne.,. ......

2 p.rn.-o.r.o. cli!c!lt and r .l,inw\. RaC"IDi' 1n!Olfflla.Uttn bnadca,t immNlfately

a1ttT eeeb ~. bT coartlll@,f of thl" ''Sui, ... !,l p, to ,-hi~ P:ld Qt!ela1 enter­

tainml'l:I.I. fQr r.hiidrT(I in brwpi\al.

Friday. 3n! J111>t. 1:m.

:ua )l.m-N@W• iron,, tM' "'Sun.• clelclt .Mid rl1imee.. ~-Ill p.m.-JilcuJca.l sn-usram11u1 frLQI tJa

;s,udio. ::..n 1,.m.-NIJ'WB fr~ tl!~ '' v.m.-Muaie:al Pl'OCl:t'Junttie f.RIO u..

l:itutlio. I p.,n.-0.f' .0. rl"'("k and r-.lumm. 3. 1 P-m- N4'...-a frnm t.l>e '"Su.n.. .. 8.16 fl.JD. -Civil SC11'Yit'II St.on!s Trio>-Dtt.

Uun, KJ~ df!- Cw.tell!)' Bre.tntt. ~.l~O Lt.m..--G.P.0. C'Jncli. and C1~1tm& )9,11 p.m.-.N~,o froim Uiie •·sari,•• 1.40 fl.rn.-M.WLl.caJ pn,cnusnae !rum UM

Studlo. 8,ti(I p.m-N<"Pa fTIJffl th~ ' "Sim.· • t'lnck and chlQI.J!,f. •. t p.m--M..ue.ic&l proenwua• frGIII; ti.

RtudlA. 4.U J1.m.--Elerl11l atnr,-. -1.:tO p.m.-t.:.r.O. duck and e.hllDl.'!L 1.31 p.TO.,-)fqfieal pl"OgTatnm.e ,,,,. t.bit,

Stadi,r,. 4,tl 11.m..--N..-a !rocn the "Su-a.. .. .t.liUt1.111.-RM:1.t1,-re..un.e. • &2.,~,• bi~t.,.fhatins ::1,tll".li'!'l.y'a

fruit •od 1'~rta.b1• mllU'k~t. r•i,ort. 4 U 1,m.-rtho,,H'l'II'! of nhr:bt.'• J,r'OJl:rL"T'lftft~

4-!i~ p..i,,.-Anr,IJQ'ncnn"'Trt~ 4 .M ti J'l'l.-SJ)Kial oc,an fCll'@C&st.. Ii p.m,• G.P.O. clock atid chitb&.

CloH dO'W'D..


5.4i5 p.m:;-C.P.O. clock atul chtn,""­&.,6 t;eut"i:t! aiid lbr.- kiddt., i p.m_-~ tluPil• of Mj~ .lrfoaica ~UJ 1lil]

enW!tia.Jn lh• • idctie.. 6.40 p.rn.-l&w;ical prQlrr&lm!U !rm,i. lb.I



7 p .m -0.T'.O. clock IITld di.lraca, Au.n-.Ji•11 ll«rcsatilc, Land and l"'tna.0c•

Co.'•N'J!Ol'i. Watba ~part. and Ionu...,i.. Irr eourcau- cat

Co"H'Jlluent. :itf'teo?'ole¢i•1,. P.rodu..trn' Dl,t.rJhdt.JftC Socletr'I fruit &H

v~~hle tn11-r·Jicl. n-pc-,r-L St.odr. t...d1.an1t• RporU. Gra.i" •nd foi;:ldl"t' r11}'0rl ("'S!m-,. Dairy prcdu«t "'I!ori ("Sun'").

'l,11 p.m..-Coaotr,' oew1o !.rom lbe "SllJL .. ,.ao 1>.m.-Tallr: au •"l'b• M.c,1.Gr Cu." 1117

Mr. M.a.rtln. 8 ».m..--0.P.O. elklt •nd chJzsi:-.

Drufldcbt.w:,." ·topka.l Clu,l"'ltll,. 8..3 p .m.-{1~-• t,..,._• Licht Orclio,rtrw.. nn.f..,­

tM rtfn-etinn of Mr. J ~ gnq"ht Dunctt. i,l8 fl.m.- Miw Plurllie<m. m.euo to.-

pnnu. •..10 p.m..-lb. Le.lie Bfl-clor<l, Laritane. ,.u r.m.-M'I,.. UHlll~ K.lnn.alrd. eo11tn.!to. tl.3.1 p.a,.-Mr. 1"nuk. l~n <:ami,din!I.. 11...U fl m.· Y1- t>ulde violrn IC'I-. Jl.48 p,m.-rrnt-lM'lr lt-anduJ Woodhn<NI" .. tfmor, &55 p,m. Relrum,. nf (ullowic• UT'• 1110-

oramm•· WP&lhl!r l'el)f'lrt and frr-rear hT ~81 ••f

M.r. C. J.'~ Ga-rfrnlllftl.t Me1.e,x'Cllo­•J.t.

I p.m.-0.1'.n. d"C'.k "nd clili:n'"" ,.1 p.1n,-lt'rolltkuti:n" Li¥;bL Orcffrt,.._ D,11 p.m.- -)U!a Pb.,lha AH;i11~ 11.lR :P,'l'IL-lf& B~l4i Vf,i~t wOI d!-li"l'l'

• t&Jk on. "MM&rt. .. wit1' Uumtratiam. at t..t. piano.

I.S8 s, nt..-?l,fr. T.-Jlt' He-rl'a.rd. t.41i' Lhthl ON"hiedra. t.56 p.m-mu HNWr khrnalrd. 10.Z ».11t.-Mr. Fra.nk ltya.n. JO.fl p.131.--ProlNKl.r Rand.! "WoodbOl:Uf", 10.16 1).m.-Tb~ A~11dn,n' Oanc,i, 'ft,ir;d

hfWtrkut from. 1b.,. hall""'l"t ~ thfl Amhlil• sad:C'lr~ Obl'il'lit inlr-rn.b ~wet-n rl•rt"n.. n.-w• ttpt.>rt.., by r«mrrn;iy c,( th• .. S,r11,• will he ht,-.drtlJlt..

11 r-.rn.-G.r•.o. ~l<oe-\- and cMn»• Na!.fo:r.1111 /\nt.b".'m •

Let Your Battery Save our Purse: Philco.

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WIKll:LZSS WE&ltL 1'



'A. B. & C. Batteries

The Greatest Service and Economy comes from using Batteries ot unequalled qualil)'.

Bright Star Long Lyfe Batteries arc necessary to perform this duty.

It ,.jfl pay you in cnn,·cn~ncc and reliability ;u ,.~u as la pOWllll, iltillings and pence '-1,·ed to use thc1e remarkable batlcrlcs. The rea~n for thttt surcrlority 1, not hard to find. ~o other hattcry 15 built like them. They arc of a patent con• ,truction. ably 11,inll up to their name, l.)·le,

INTER~ATIO~AL RADIO CO. LTD. 200 Castlereagh Street, S)'dney

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!'age Forty-Two

3LO, MELBOURNE. 1'a .. day.


11 :13con.-Tl.:ni Slp• I, Drttbh 1.11t,d11l W 1,,.~ 1m. tlCl'W'III from ~t,y, Rl:1..t~n· i.nd Tl'ri A11-irtn.Ua.n l't'!IM A..aY.iit•~ti(ln l'G\llH:. '"Ar-.iaa'' • od .. Hrt'ald'"' nn--,;, lt>hlcN,

1!:.20 ~ROY WARREN,•~ ... ,BybrJa, the CiT\An" (EJHott. '"Y(J,1.ltlJ: Tc,u, O'Dr-<r0r.·• 1t.:u\r1r1'11.- Tarfor).

12..!7 s,-m--STUDIO OltC 11ES'l'h.A 1 "Petite Bw.te do Concer~- (('.,ll"r~t> T .. :rlN)

12,87,otk l:-.:11h• n1rr fflf<irm11tl.,11. 12, tui,,-A"Nt!S FORT\.'NJ,:. J"if.1,•1•

"'.l.'bn PIVP}l~l Blnt .. t!irhl.l'ftl. .. !l.11t, UA1 p,m.-~XWLLL t.:ARt:wi

"Good Old Je.lf," •·swi. ).'OW"L"

11M P-Ul-h"TUDIO 0RCH£STRo\ 1

•·Othf!llo 81111,A!-" (CoJeriJ.arei Ta7l.o, 1, '-' p.m..-C.\RRlE ,:-_.\tR~Tmn, hu1,nrril

'Th,. kaa,e 1•.tuila,u \h1 NTc-hli.11~,&l•' ihcn•k"i:n

'·LnUa.bY"' tlil"Ol<!hAminclrl Ll!' b~'Mt'tooroloa:ICAl 1n-fc;rt1H1,tfot1. H1!i,.

ro~ ·;::~.~:::· s.!~:tl~\~.:;!i:;t- :~~ ~·t: ~.uth Vc:n.n tv~L Ithe-?"

"'"'"" l.Jll p.m----STATlON "fRIO 1 ''Ni!!, .S 'TT'lu' UlN"tbonn),

1.2~ p.rn.-1,c,r WAR.lra:;:N, n:uu

.'.,~~~~~~'{ot1.~!:·~;; 'II\J .. ,rr>11,

Lia r,.m -Ll<.lw .i.\lraii AYJ noon: WOLYJ-;:

Muska.I n.u (;&ljtJn,. 1 ... , 1,.m,-s-nroro OJU:ITT";..~THA t

·•Jli•••t.b• S•Ut~" tC-n10,r11i1r,._ 'ta,·J.,rl. • 1.;i.11.m.-C.urnir. r .. ,1mmurr. ~oir?tiot

.. l."<rc Uoo-n 1U111.llll11E'' l(l/,J 1-;nclhh). ·•J Know- Wher~ J·p1 Gum•" 101,f ltii,hl­

a p..a..-Cll)N down.

..U"rEMOO:S 6£.SSIOS. .. )tlRTU AND 6YXCOPA.T10~."'

I r,.m.-JO& A.RON"SOJ',i ANl) 1rr~ :i't-SCO, PATIN"('; t1iYMPTTON15'lS:i

• n11~•1rr'ly-'' t &ofr\11,.), ••urt', 0Jl" Bl;r.l:blr<l.'' ~Ol'IOQ) ... f1>N"11eht'• .My :"rfi9li• ltlth .tt.:lu,-1• f~t'l70.

l .i.O p.m.-1'AC F • .\lT'' .. J-.iu.hlon 'IalJt ...

1.:6 p.m, .JDE .ARONSO~ A)(J] tt:s 2STNCOa J1.\.'tl?W £1'.M.f'HflNISTS:

'111,Llf • 1100n h nctwr than No Afoon"

•-iJ~i:~•~'t'wat,. .. In II I,IWit f:i-anl.h To,tr)'' !Wa:ru•J

1,ll!> p.m.--WAXWl-"LI, G\TIFV>', Con,hi111n: "l'ar~.•• "Thot C!u:U'hfosr llaL,-,, ..

• .J': T1,JT1..--.IU!~ A no~SON AND HIS S\"1-("(l. 'J•A"TIBl; ~\'MJ•uor-;urn,s

"M<:-, 't'uu, 11~. 11~~ H a, H•r• f~ruv,-11 .. ••n1 Ho. 'Ir,.- Morrrlo" i Wt1(1(l~). 'Tw &e21 W1,1stl1 :; M.1 It1caa1.a Ou '\'1,11"

(O'lls,r-"1. I .U 1.un-O'MAR\ Al·W DURKl-~

AliN"A HURKI:: •·wi...·rr 11., I~ .. r t-;J,i1-nuon 1•1•11¥.11>#

,,;. n.m. t":KAS. O'JIIAnA:

'1'?«1tat l'"n ." -;;:trq:- O'Tor•le aruS S•1 I I ni~"

t'l .. f.carney), l 1 attr.-.

C.l rim.-JOE! AlWXSo~· A)l;D Hl:i :-n.:,:11. PA'l'INC. fiY.'dl"HONJ lTB~ -r,1.., In lite ~:;..e. ll&ftlt Cl» dut J.IC'l'l11" (~•-:.ot111~.

'"That'• Wi 7? Lu,-., Yo,, .. tllona.J,i.1e111l, "l"tn L4:m:rini ((Ir Y,:,ri·• Ubt.1, .. ,-..,Yl

.C 1:t :.t:OnJ•:LANf'lt :ilotherc.n.fl~''

f :2 i,..111.-,TOt,: ARUS",..;'(IS .\~Jl ms ~YNt·u. 'YATI'Hj SY"MrHll:'lllST8.

•0'J'he \"tllarot Tilult."rfuUt CJw1·1 th '\'i11'ra"

1il')w'' 1)1,:,c-rrJ. ••~fllt.Ucf';y L11!ltil.1T0

• 0111lrr), -rltfl"' Ai11't lift 141,-te In MF ni:h'

Efe5" o:11hnJ, I ~:" i,..uu--lAlrU~ £11.IT, T•n,r,1

"'W-IHl i:~ ~l-'"IVia .. 1Stht,l,t;rl1 )-Lib Liod1• Lt,u'• 1:--•,-;r\·!11.n<J •


•.-ll• P hl.-JUl-~ A.HUN.SO?\ A..:...,_D lll:i :,')'N( 0• S"ATlNU il'J'.lilPHONfH1'2':

" I'~'" Uot t~ tilrl" iDona!IU,Onl, "\'o\l·,·c (;cit J11 (l;l11c-tr ShtitTU' .. (:;p;,-1. ,

' 411- fl 1)1 "lJ•ntJJ·· ,1 .... -:1 l'(•n·lri: ~.• .. d. 1'!.uhani:e iltfo1'"1iol ld)_'·

r; 1,.11· ('!;•;.(\ u,, .....

t:IIILUltEN'S UUl:J~. ~.tu~ .,\ll:,VI rr I 1<1 Ll'IU.hl ,a",J 1:1nhJ,t

Ct.rt•tlnt•• r,./\Q 1,_,., __ M.\JUU~ LlC,JU't"CIHT '"''i•d

l,tJt•.Jtr '"hi111,o '' 'Jl11r'iw• .l'Uil~ '

!;,.IT p fJJ -~·r,V,ltY 1.;UMf.l:AI-''' 1'<11 ,.,. "Tltt• J 411r;1~• Ma•l.'' "'Th• I 'h!IU1•·t1'• t'rirmf ,.

~~~i~.rt r.:~t L:.l~~'t-~•'"'"; ,.1 "w.- :,,1"'mor-. Lu;:w, ,00·1 1,11j_ ,. •·t•a111pt.u,r11 l'1u11h•I.· • •"rh~ WvrhJ l• War.hltoi. fflt 1h, },:~i:,rl•.,."

•: 11 11,111. t:APTAl!'i nm, .'\LIi ',t \( Ll.\l\ • l'in~t,,. •• ,.

f ',t,l 11,m. O£firi1'1 R4'J'llf~ Cl! .Nl-:Wll .\f-CJd•~-1 :-iT(H .. K SAl.K . ..; R .. .1,1.:irt un 1',ht!'l'IJ and 1-•"'h &•Jr ,

li U5 r•.m. _,.l-11111•" a 1ld •·,f.-r•ld .. 11.,.,,, •rr­, k, •· Wt'• th•r 1;,n11J••h, a,;t,lupi11,, m,1\· rn~ut-.

4 Ii P-fth• ~hiric 'F.ld1•1t;-• kfl,ru1.,lhrt, .~:! n nr.-l-"h11 .\la,rbt J'k'fo•ro JI)' .~ It

lk.1trt!lt. J.M. n•U,lt 11 11,•n l, HJ &>,m, Kh·•r "11-vrt._ hJi~ Jl.nit.-~aMlC"t 11dcw h)' •hr \ irtoll., "

J•r~u,,.•,-rt' 0•1.1~tJ1lq1 (:o., Ltd, 1J,11r>· l:'rn•l1,1C'c._ ~!1Ultm-. ••• Ot,J .. ,11, 1•,;,,1tu,. fir•ln. Mta• 11• 1 ,,.,1 Ju, ..

: 1, 11.m ~ n,lt ~111Ltt r,.ri,o,t~ 1..,. 1;1,, Vlr-t.,tio1 Y. br,1.--.ak, l·r,11tuwn• Ao(.l('i•lh 11 ft3t~~ t,y llw, ''J•r1,,H Wo,ld.,-,. ••~du,iv.-

).JOllt GEE.$IUN 1

·1:tA~K~Qd~~~t~o~i;~~l\'~• ~~~E ~?:~: CRll7'Hi\1d, F.R.1,H..A,. ,-IIJ .,,,,1. llh;i

··,Jlt r09t At~itlte,,-t1il'1','' ": J11, fl.1lL..- C"nf•·r tl1t1- Au .. plcf'll ,,f THE l ,-:1 .

\'l<l<>iJTY 1-:XT,.,'.N,._10?,,, IHtAfUJ, "ft .f t,. (.'.-\N.SCI.N, Jl,1).,0 .li. V..-J., L,·•:ltJrrr it l'tfdi4luv ,,. til• IJ111h·,uil.r r.,•,,i•l•"I h,,• r,-1 'IYllJ IIDU\.t on:

r.u\:!~-:t~'w~~.~:s1f:~Rn, ln1,•r~• Crft-k.<::ttr. •-lH "fl@•!.. 1,n ~ •·&-teLwl! ·•

!I r,m -BYAN 11~\~s.k:l~~rfil~t;.I.J-:f:L-\h~ lll'f:ft.\Tif" ~OC'JJo:TY:

1·1u, .. COUN'l'k\' 1.;JRL l!,\ST,

r:t-:~tfn.7 4., l:-.•U•11,cr l A Na,·a! 01lu·,:,r).

•1 h .. ltaJJi.h "' til,~~ x?~nj~~~1t \~,";]., ~II' Ju.q1h \'at/tr ( llio "'Vi'' l'hrol""l. , Mr. 14.,,.," Wr,ah· D4ucJa.s \'irrll1 f11,r, t½•1lft''• !<nt1l,

)tr, w.1,..-, f'n,, .. t:nDftt M 11~1mrry (,\ Vi1J•w-t rat•l11ttt-,1,

Mr. ,'\YNt1 JI . .IJ,1,,11!"1 T,Nil Anc:bttln· tMhn,tt:r .. 1 l ;,,., :\1~.

"fr • .r, J' 1•.,.,,..> l.,r,t Gtqane- n;1.1f..1l ,11 J,(irll ,.,.,...,,.,,r,, \hjl"'fr \'h:-•t 1(:-zot <•f Li.~'r . .::-rJ::1o~~~Mr

.\tr. Ii- t'tJJJ,.tt·B•rrty P.·11,.p, l··a,r..,.av tRip,tj,•1 • ~,. Th..n,u Jtu;f "•ITJ' 1or ... fh-.,··, v.1"~ ecm.,. •• ,,. . .

Ath,--t.hnyrJ , ., fill'. R•Tlfi(fflJ fikw lhricmrt Jc,, l rt,I) l1.1unt") (;Jr)l,

\f\6 .i.Hlrt'1h\' l:i:JhC l'rintl·~• .Mtbcl11 ~th of Uinn,,r,

:"tli,. r;1d;r, S.-:.w,l"r• ll•dam~ fi,,ph1• I J.qcdon n, ... ,..,.r.~r 1

lfiiu ,u,.,.,,." R1"'" Mr,i. s~ Q1,lntr.>II • • . • . 1111~9 ~- lvhi • • ,, Mi,,. J'r•tl ~t""'""" t...i~t .AtU!bf!!'l.,_t. • )II~-, l'i.t11l•1t rl'UT\t-n :'\',111 fttu• \'11t•rot I JirH ~fl•• '14r :-. .. a1,.,,

~ hm ·11 crf Vll!il,rr,r._ 011,:•r,1, \ 111'1'l<.1-ut,, , la: Slaff" :\f11-ruu!n. L.i. ,;. rtu:,1, L'I

W . A l'r',(,.. ~,r,,t ul'"\ rnr: ('Of'STll\' (,JJ(J, {r .... ,

"'hikos u,;hcr in 11 nc11 Radio era.

Friday, ant: J ur,i.:, Wt~


IJJrl"ti:.Z,.!.'hor·.1~. Wht'n d1,p lhr4, Btr..:r ld

~ang, ''Trv -\~lU. Jl"'" , •• . }I, t-iNtC. 'To,,•• , •. , , )f,r.i-tt,.

~~;~- .. ~.~h~~u,.,·~ .L~f•·" Jillm· a11,'1'.!;' ~:;~~;:

1'"f:._r.•t,!::~· vi ut;.t!!;. " rJ..,: C.:b..,rtJ.~ •a.l ICor

;',;011a:, Mullr th! '\111n·blt,n-,,·• Nu1 a.tnl t1iet111. ~~~:~~~•1:.~t,.J:~,~~r.,•;li,.• l'tlllMD ,t; t',i, ,19

l:11,rr111,.J ~'llt,1 .. ~-l,-n~. •·t.:nll«t' 1.h,· l),:0,.1,.ltir'"' , , f'ri n_ri•

l'wult. "Jl1H"r11h l••r th-t .~,,,11,,•"

fJr"t-itiil fhoru

At'I It 1•'11.IJ Cc111r1J· . .r

~~~; . . :~~t .. ;.~~~11r::n~7·htrlr,;;:, ', t~t~ 1MatJflt' •.• :\'•ti. ~u,1hii,. boi.a;!a~. L hiJo.

lwrtJ 1,r1un-mC'r r , .-.1,nA", •·Wbit-n l wu.a 1.1 Girl" • •• Jct, Mo;, ''.blr ar11i Nr• . Dffl11·n" •• ,, l:M•t, t:'l'rl l(, ''I I .u l..u•Ji::b, I (.'1,n l,OVII'.

r:1n wruJ I horu, ,°'M•~ Praf'r" , , , • 111tJ11h Dbd fl,.,-ii, U11• t . •·Quern-llir.a-" ~,1rhlw 4.tid t:11,., J,'ltHI-'" ••• ' .• -•.. • • • ' l'ull f ,•lllJlv

111 lG i,..01. · ',\l"C'tll" Ju:••~• •"nit• l\',.j:ltf" .rrpurt,.

iri_:.-ti 1J.rfl. -;,-runw OIU'IU·:.'i1Jt,\ : I~• r h1mt •I J (ioriCl'l!irr" t!WP.t~•fli,\

111.1·~1kO~n t t .$.'\ :iTICAt I'\ .\~m ~-U!JI

MA).IM IIRtlUIH ·1,r111 Jww Ser<>ro,uJ ... " cr~ri--.... 1.-.oals) Whf't'n Yc•u "1,11~-• 1JJA1,,Jf-J1 '

U,SA .•f'rJ(,\I.L'\ •-~d'\h ,'\1•,i~ ... '4)' 11,fl•l'" !.11\11t ,l!A,~I ',\11t'rl. f,•J4rd ' 11;,.," lltl)l.111,, r n.t.

10~'~!!~ ;~0\T

1il',·.";~ t~~~'/;f:~1~ f. R<icu1bc-.-·· IRt•e-lb(nl"•II

11 11n,. THF l<OY,'\I, \trrO:MOHJI F, U.1.7, o• vrcroru,- .:'iAn:1y MY .. -;;.~A,:•- FOIi 'fOl"IAY t,..i ron !UtlTOnU>J.',.;;: '"Tb,, b,1,,um ~k-Trlf'n, i-1 1,1 hf11~ ,n U11

v11.l)j, rr11.jorJt.>· ut 11Nldrr1t.i. Llu,Jl"TIGNI ,.,. ~"";:~~ .. fflual I.., ~h·ri:, I• tJ,~ tu:;i 1,1C tlrh'J1,J

n I j! I'll. JOJ,' A"dU}.;~! l!ll' J,Nl• m~ ~YN-1.0.>ATIN"C, fl'"Ml'HONU,:,'11'!.­

"1'1111'fllili• hi 1111 t, ~• r:• ,111'r11" 11\'ulliu

:•;:rir ~~~'°~-~~; •:1:t:~,1! J~_t.~ .. /~:r~I•) '.t.'l• 11 11au•d, 11,.rt l.'urtw• t'ltlirJI.," C\f••r111 ' TTnw- 1:uulq RMd Rldina- Roc,J" rn,..,1foJ:it.J "Ml;rnnnru~·• 11Skho•1·1, "It Mfld1• \'rn & 111>)'" iD,:n::11,i, ""' •·~l ... f'l'h" 11-'ri•otll,

• ~'!~i!~; t~!rt\•tt,\.'ltJrfi;~~a ~ol ff.' .i:•Ir•r), :,\tf'T•11h,1t tn ~f.>t'K'ly'' f ... htl l' Jlrt."111i'al/J11, S,._,,, iC)J;:. tt.i\

"\"111,1 N"l"f"r. ft()rnf'One I.) T,Ul'.-·• .-,,~J.1-"111, 11.... U)e Mrrrlc,·· 1 ITM'll('"I 1

!{f Lvuh Hhi,.11." 1 H11.1,1ly). 11 4 11. l,OU !>=:\\'h Tflh hl!\G..

4QG, BRISBANE. ] U<'.hdar

Millfl"Y ::;c:-::-ros I.Cl 1'-"'-- ,:llrL .. t Tt"l""'''n w~,~~~ 1,,r1:1111•--

}';~t~11.1ti•~"" l\"~:~J:,, ~1i.11r· ~,.a • '"" v., 1~1} 1'-"'·•-f'turu lfot~I l"..irhnr, t,rit.tlr "M1t1,

p).-)'f'ft 1,.,. Tfot.rl f'.trltl'l1l Sl-Mr,hMI) •Jrf'h"-dTu.

,. .,~ t,,m. Frnm 01r Ol,•ct"n·al11n•· ;;tai!n,,1 l"irnn Siami!.

2.U p.11,.- C lf)Se Du,...,

AfITRNOfl~ :;;1-,b~J"l":-: !I i11 f' 111.- ,\ l'l'Ot'tllmlfll' 11( '1 ::-,:r fr,,r !}a'I

~tu,,;i,11 lJtio Art llll• ftt.,m, .. \'.1.I•• l'Ari,.l~,n•·" 1 flollf•Mtl, \r,1,V10 \"f>(:;llii,

lC"etfo11 1 I 110 1 iohn, -\1,hu•6u" llt,,..t1 Adi\ti J."1irhial, l,1 IJo.,•: 1:.,I.,. •i·1,11 "lld-111iW• 1X--l,M;,11'1, ;Jr \h1l1,1ln• \fc-f:r.,~, , 11 .o AM -Ml.-,,rt>o,:. ""ft,.'"' 1,;li"r1lil'-r \ll'oli.un V,,C1!Jkm K'kcliutu: fal ,,rrlin1,•I

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r, J.,r, 3,.,1 JLJDt, ,,21 WIR ELESS W EE ltLT r•11• Fottl"'Thn•

--------~·-....,..,.,,.,,_=_,,,_,,,, ... ~~ "'"'"'""""'"""""'"·'"'····...,.,,_.....,,,,"""""""""''"""'l'!!!!tt!''----, i

The Wonderful Brando la.

Brand~ ~cproclu«n arc ably rrprenntcd bv the Brand(l!a. The Bnandola has a non•rClionant horn maJc of ,....,oo pulr, wirh a 1upcrb ttproducinc unlr, mouorcd on a hicht.,. J10lithrd mah01t=Y ba>e,

£4 .. 10 - 0 ,IC1t11,tic, b,

Brandes mtan., ,,., iltlmau In •~rod,utio•


l ~

I ~ l I i i !


I i j

I !

I i

----••Oo10M00111_,,, .. ,1t-•••••••••••••••••• .... •-•••"too:..W._lolt•Ooo1loo,,,,_,,,,_••••••••• .... tlt•1•••-••M-•••-•-•---t

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P•~ Forty-Foor

'7ml Barbe- of ~itln .. tn.,,,,.fon, :.Wrlro,. l)(llit.a11, 01'C'hN'i1'1l. (bl t~l'W'l'f ·""· •·uo,1r.• Non VidJ ltl&i" H"Uttln{). t-ig:11,.r G•iilo C".,l'ffll; DLl/J Art fl'l<-et.ion, ··t-usintK1'" 11'1,um.,.): A"flh•nl VoctJk>tt •rll>t'\lutu: t•! dQtl, ''81J«1 WM a n.-:.1 Wild (,,"hilrl'' (~n.J), llrm"ttm: A'1<1 l,i•rrr, lbl 1nn1t ... nt't:tLIT.lily'" (J,it!lo-\, Mr. Ilsrrt n"ui.: llu11 Arl. .,.1tlll"t1t-n, 6,C.vatina" iRaft'),

,.u fl.rn .,...-"':'l'df'f:Tllph'' .Nrwa. ,,SC) .P,m--C1"""4t Dowll.


t.CI r,.m -"P&.117 Sumd11.rd.'" ,O..r.,•-s; Anncninr~­""'"t,.

S.~6 r 111-'r'lwo Mti.Idr,m's ,t-;,..,.{nn: Ktm-11!!9 l;,J TTn('ll" Ben aiol Dnt'I~ Jam

1.n pm.-Mark,.,t l:.n>riTIA; Fl!V\- ~rt.I, '1.11'.1 J'l.m.-W1:18tbrr Kn;:'ll; AnnoUhttm~ '..4:1 -,,,,-..--stan~r,1 'Iimt! ~ic!11Al"~ '1.45 p.111. ........ Ll!oe'lU!'f'lu! ••Mn1nri..-!a- ('..-.M"C{"t

J..o\;nti Talk N<>. ~:• t,;y '"G111"CQylc."

NH.llrr 5FS-'-',l0:S-, rop1: 1 .. An coscr.n-r.

I.a l',ffl, .. }t(IM il\o t.tudio: OrrlV"!l.b'al. ' ~•1it_,.. ... (Gru,oowaltlt, lhe ;citi.d,u

Jnn-rumieoullll Qu.a.d.rllc, lCOn,J.;u:t .. ,, Mr. li". f:m.ilh).

l,JO J:1.JU..-F'Nlm U,,,.. &llf"OI c,t Arb; C-htJr.tJ :tmmix-,..2 Ill) •·J,,.,t1,.' (H!""r'l':a.M}, (J•t ''TM·• 5mc" (K11d11iit. (t') "'Iii~ 1-L l•ay ,,t hl,a,y'' 1Mo!i1,1ur.l, l1IJ ''\'Jl.mi: ,-:.11'¥" (f10J,..riJlif"'-'l'A1·lorL tftt:': lfri'I• htJ'ln APf\'ll<J Club lr,q.Ddact-0r, M..r, LooAa.rtl T.l"IUl~~). •

1.:::s r,,m.-From tho Si':dir,: O,c1,""'-tfll1, •.,u S1t.'"'"1.'' (Rt,...,<'l"l, the ~t.udin fo,tru.111f'oh1l Quart~: 11 thuu~ht. ,,.,. to.-111,tht lWlll It. LMt"r), .. 1..a...:r.ifflll'll": m11[1, Qtnnt"11ro, .. OriT 11~J,: 'fl,,·n1,·· (l'arlu), lh•• Atu,:l•I .Mal~ Q•u,r. 1"1.~; Ha."1Jfian u.i.d..ruttw,1t.a.1.iJi\,.., thC' KnhnJ" T.rfo: ,.n-pffLn11 ,nr,1, "O('"i:,;ii;m Tr . .-•1" (C".,,l-­"1111n), Ml~ K11.ty Mnl<'r: t•'lllJr -.i,J ba~ 11\cd, ''8et'P'lla.!fl'" lSch1ib,i,-rtl, )l,.."r11, (!. Kalb aml It. l"il.-; ffiOf}U~ ... "lfu. F/r,-t l""1~ •r,.,111:.,.r11-" (t:1;11$il, Mno. A. 'f'(•? ~nr.t-nlt.o M'llf'I, ",lj<',mr!tllh,. I ~l'l'di tCJ IL'tlr ~·.,u" (f'hllliPfi). Mt• Vera :a•a,.-..... : o, ... ,... l'tff, .. £klldcin Hcn,t.1T'' p.;d1!l'~l1), tl1 .. Stmho Int.lrmurul IIJ CJ11111.ri.ett,-; U!1V'tr ,..ikl. ••11-r t,,we lvwMnh'°" bk"' U!Ahih,'llJ\, ~1fr. t·, IL knltt; Jf-.1uUlat, ln11rnm.,11talM111. th.,. J.111hJIJ/\ Trirt; hM.U 11t•lo, "'Tiuw.k G-.J lnr a G11rdc:o" i D\"'I Rir,rol. 1'tr. U. rnu-.

t n 1•..m..-h1dl'or, Wreil h~ l·'t<r•'r:•.t: rn..l.­tr1J11.rtri~ ·--rhl.'I Arm• l Lt-~•" (l""al'li•). ~,,,, At11:rlo Ma.le (,lu&; Jll<JDO[l:.t:U", "All Oht Jl:u•.h,-J1Jr'" (V,',-,..0, Ml"!I. A . J•~J .. j }r.ari1'11w. •·J,.c,""' Could l Onl;v Tr,IJ 'rh.-c-·• (f'lltV>i}, M1', A. J-' ~r.ndd.11Jt: littitfl, "Dfl.-u" (V,m,na_b\, tl,n fitwUn Jn.n.nnaffltal Qu••~-1 t~; 1n11l<1 flUIU't.-lla. " llo)<"" (f';.rkmj. Ui-, l\ngfo Ma.le Q':11J.1"t1,t.t.-: Jfawlllilrn tn:a1.1', llu! Kabala Trfff.

t .1Q t>.w,-hum. lb11 C"A"tlidl.nllltl n11U: ft.-n4"t1 'Mci,1~.

Jt'Ul p.m.----F:(11'11 ~ S~dit1, '-rbi! Dani" Jtf.11U,. J,i'ew.~; WeatbcJ' ,Nt,a,,•1; Clo!Jne, J.)oW1l.


MORNING S~IOJ:. T2 1l001'1 -G. P,O. chim~. 12.1 p.m._;M.u.ie11l .11ded~. 12.!0 11..m..-... A.dv".ttl.rr ... nmra ~ni~. 12.H t1.rn.-.r,t111rk,.t nno,ru. l p.m,--C" .. P.O. (himet. ll J),m..-llu,ic:al ll"l«tJons. I p.-.-0.l',0. chi.m.N, •nd idflite d.nwn.


1 n.m..-c.r.o. c.bime:a. a.1 trul'lt Kaple Lnir Cate-01'•

dM,lnaJ J.dt:el!,,nl. :u,·-•TOm t.h<!t Rtndlr>-Ttto(it.a1. Ml *°"

.. :,r..,,, lieirrodut:;1"11J' Sonora .. and t'1.t!! "Auto,. tot1.e R~rrodnc~r."

4 p.i:u.--0.P.0, chimf!l. 4,l p.m..-Rf'l«7 th.t> Arcaclto. C&te--Or­

c.b.tral itel«rUoc .. 4.l,$, o t11.-S.t.aLkm annm;11Jl"l!!fflc11I.,., I p.m. --0.?.0. c-hlmroa and Ok•• do-TI.


I·!\' b1' ING Sh~SION. Ci y, m. r; l' o . .-bimN 6.1 11 . .m..-Oi.1>1;rir mwiic- by C(,H.nt f.:•rrlrn R•>-

'" ,r.11,1;t Or1·h•t.r.i. f:.43 Jl·"'• R,•llim,f .,:.,r,1"', 'l.:;o 11 ir. \f:irkf-t r.-p11rv. 'i. lfl 1, . .rn.,. H,~111•1 ...._"'-;,l.ul tull,, t,~- '(lho1u...._·• ~ p.m. (i.l'.U, dri:..,,.,.. ~ J ll.1",-J.ift....:u m11\,1,il~ •·ilh )Ii~; 1.ujr, "1.:-

l-.Wl'h, In IR•rulaf' 11(,t,u." 11,1,J rhull<Jt.>t l•D. ~- '.1/ fl.fll. -~r-l'!"CUt\11 . ~u1111rbat1 f1111,.I, ~Otl \•lfl. :-:,,nr. MIMI •;,lnJ1 \\i,ly, :-<.It l•.J'T\..-N'l"CLl"-n. :iln1'-11rhGn 1-ie,n•~ !U~ r,.m.• TlU.t. by lvv, I,. r., °Sl<"1\ill:t

•·Tt,e J"IO'"J-f'O\t &-ii•1•1foq in C:b1n.a." (I 11.m.--O f'. t). "Mm,... ~I.I IJ_ftl,-W,r,ri.lht'r N!l!{•rt. n.,r 11.m.- n.1i,::-.. 11',1 ,....h-ral r,-t,1,rt \I 1 \1.l'R. ;--:,,!M;llQTI. ;,;1Jt-11rha1' Hand. ti H 11.1'/".-.""riir. M,, '""" F'•nl~. 'ti Pl s-~m.. ......... lr,rUn•1 Rul,1,rN" llan,l. !1 :l:c) :r.m. ~nng, Aliaul hdna. ~\->b·. 1, JI ft), ~elr.('!l(ni. l-i11hurh.n Han,1 11.4:'i r,.ta.--.qW'llt'. Mir-n M,-ra H•nl..r. ~-"q J1.m.-:-."1t-c.t.i.-.n. H'-'l•nrhan Uand. 10 fl·"'- (i.r.O. rhim""' l(U )•.m -Son.-. ;,.ti;,: .. My-rs n11tll'T HI.fl r,.1'11.-.84-1r<"IIM. f;•.1burNl'1 lUln1I, HI. l,'.i j..m.· -••A,herlLi('r'• t1r.W11 k•T• k<•, HUil p.m.- ri11.11,'lf°l•l"1,t .. oh•, Mi!19 Luty f-'Of:liH. 10_:i,1: i-.m.-,.S->,11:, 'lolr, r"',11. f•'•·rr!.._ lft.4'' (',m.-g()tl(L hhM 'Mr"' fl,u•.-r 10 .. , J•.M. Nl")r\l ... A rr.-llflJ. 1.1 1•.m. (j l',0. 1:1hi -,u.,.. 111i< f'l<Jter ,1 .. ,,11,

6WF, PERTH. Tuesday.

]'\)l'I p.m.-'!11~ HI,

l:!.'lllj; rm,-t•int loe11I •••·w .. l,t;l\dln. l\h:rkd, rexiore.. Cablf'S.

l p.m.-Ttme • hr11al tram. PM"t-h Oho..-h11.l11ry. 1.1 p,m.- w .... r~ 'flf't ... l;ll'Jl:•liPII Jn• lh ..

'-t(1f'l)TnlQi'l4"111I l111rM11J ,,r Wrd1•r11 A11•lr..~ li11.

l ! 11-1"1- ~tuitfr, (11,.lr,tmrnliol Trfo. .l~ld ri.m.-t:t1W1>e I.M,wn a,30• i11, i.!A r,.m.--MulUr.Al.! 1•"'1t2"'1'.IIU'll1-. fod11.Jm~

1,1(anoforte •t:lrct•ona try Mii;a En•Q'n Wiltt., A.R,O.M'..

4 p.m. .St.ucho lnlri..nrrrumtal 'Trio. CJU) p.t'l'l.f'- f'lo'.'!Ht ,!own. ll . .$1i JMn,-Tnar in. I.JiO p.m..--...'U.tirk• {,'It' Tlnr '1'1"• l,7 A•mtla:

"""'· 'i' Ji p,n'I..-Un.cln LNllfl- •ill Ulfk tn !he. J11drl'n.._ ';.::!0 o.m..--Swtk and Sharia- h1tclli1tE1«:l'.

'411.rkf"l. rf'J'll)rt.l.

C:•hl... Nt-.-. h,- Cll'lflrl,._y cf 'Th.a Wnt A~tndian" Nt1WJ(l«J1'f'C'" (:'(I.

-;-.u p..m. ·ran .. ~ p.m_-Tlmc, r"irn-a1 fn,m Pt-rlh ()M!lt"rTIJ.!nr,-, $.l r.m.-Wf'Alht,r llotff tmr,r,llf"d J,y lha

Mell'ONli~"ical Bure,au or Weat.l'ru Au,.lna• Ii&.

e,2 v.m, -Baud :Sjchl, CnftC't"rl I•~• tl1.,. 'Pf"r1h Cil.7 BamL Conthh lo,-,

Mr. W. h. H111v""1!Ml. lt) i,.m.-Lwte n('IW• itffll~ 1:ir C'~ Qf '"Th"

balb !irw•" N~pc,r C'-t\. f;hl~ \\ilblp, rana:"° IU\t:1f'tm~'"TTlfflt. WN..Lluo.r rt110ri to.rci.-.,t.

10.30 p.m.,-C1.,t,I! dow-11..

Wednesday, June 8 2FC, SYDNEY


H n.m.-"111.1; lk-n"' and pJ'O&'nlrmno &llllOOII.~ ,,,.,. ... l1 Ji a.m.--Offid&l .. r fvrl'£:A'lll. 1 •infaU,

1-t>Mpc,ffitPl"fl•. a1tronom1ca..l lnHlli:t~, ,hip. int..-lli~tmnt-.. innil """11:ff.

11.J(l a..m.-MArk<'t. Rri, Jl.,.,, . ...f3mma.ry u! ''Syiliq 'lfqrnlnr

Br-ral,l" Qf!W'II H•"itt.

Friday, tnl Jun", H•~7.

111, .,., l'.,h:1..,, II 1_n ,1.1,,. I\ T..,h,. nn fl,imr, 1--,~;1 :111 J fte-

1,1p...,. j,y l\t.._ Jt"'J1 •·ur,.;f, 11 L!I <N.t11 \t:1,.,-.1,,,1, Lt """n.. ->is1ir ~ot• ' bill! J.t rr-ar,t rl-,;, ~ I l f. r, m :-.~r"'lr J-,,id,111·~.-. 11: \'all. I!.~ l'Tl1. !,:1u,t,11 M ~ 1~ 1:1.~o J•.m. Uv.:••r \\ 1rd,·..a Nfi'P'I,, u,i,11_ 11,lfl "111rt!ii1111. ,11w,t~ ,,,, lhf .~r,r,J

"h,Ltrtn. I ,\1, pm, \Ii,• '1·1r;,-• ll1unf'll1 c:;i1.1r,nn,

•·o '-"""J,- ~i.1-'h • ,n .. •LAl<I~, I:!.ll Ill.Ill. ,..:.tu,JJ,• },J:r-,J,.~ I fl"' • J,l1~ H••h. \1,>n,11,,., 1,,t,11 • .,,,JIC'f, I :I r, fl1, !•,\(•THIii. ""iPWII"' 11· i,1,/.,_, ril"Aol W•

\1,·,· t•r,~lu,•1·r-.· l'i~'?1k,.1inJt ~,rlrtt·• 1:,:mr_

1 '.II ~,.11, tH,ulll' af•1rir I ·i., I •M .'-t,..-1 f·,,~ti..1r,.:1'. kTt11",t rnH t :,) 11.w, M,.r('h;,.i: m,, Wi r,,r th.-

r-h10,fr,•n. I 41) t• nt bH~ "4.urI.- lfln,11•l1111'• c,mt

tl)· 1he V..11t1t11 ,~r )tlon1tonk11 11,k un('fOI.

I •t:'i Jl.fll S'mlt,J Mu ,, ;! J•.m 'H•!i:C Jin,.'• ('.:or.I' ,i .. wts.

-\1,-n.J:~ll• IN fa.;•~Slfl!J, ll T• 1'11, 1"b-,- I h1f1tl'.!ll 1,r ;.11 · •11•! .,,, it 1

1n•·llU, 1-;1 r,"" ,\ H,·c ~I • rn,11u;,1} h, \jr Hnht

Fk•111m1~. a.~n nm V.11,,L ,,;; m 1 11: ,-,., Ill:'

rhlllllt11. l.111 1' m, -FrM.•1 }ari11-tr·1 'l·n1 lt•lO!tUI

~IM l',•e-£'}" l111nb1,. eotol•ijlt,i 'Thn G•nlr--n 1,r Ymir TTf,:irt,. /t1.~•r!.

.a ,1.·, l'·"' l'1rrn1 dtti t->hl1ho• Mu•• J•·.111.r.t111r Jc,.,.,.,,)', l'•mlnlLu: "T'h,. s,1,-.-r fllf'lr." 11'ti.11fhta .... 1,-,.

a ;;n Ju'l'I. ?--11id•-,, M"r.»i< •l 11.m - 1'"n)1t1 }'nrmrr·• T,..a It,~ :

l'llrH J•lt,r,rirro Crn11t. M•1•r111,o: •·,, n-,.,..11\" 1W1·,,:t11t.

-4,& tl-ll'I A 'fall< 1,u • l•ainl.fni,: J,7 llil•I r' 1•1 Mi--. .M11ti .. 1 Wr-t-h.

4 ?n i,_rr.. J'rom hinn1 ,·1 T,111 n,11:1r1r Mlilol l't•,;i,;)' U•1•.J~1r. ,:untntlt4'1 • n,,._y :•4:.-'" , .,.,,,,.~ 1.

1.21'i I'm<iin \i,u'-,tJI.J ,,.in "111M1 J,11,nt.,. nrw:mq, r.-,,tra1~:

"JH1l1 i,·,.Jk :,;,,,,,}:"" ,v.,.,,.,\ 4.-4~ 11,ffl, .FN1t1 J.·•rm.-r'a TMt Jlrw:p-1•

M 1.~11 f-'"t,'"'ri,,,, 0,,.1.t. •nr,,111ton "H<111t"l-Ud•'• fA...tiiit ,

4,,; J' m. St,1tJ. Ji::..d,1u1;cto, lfllrd nll -4.f>() p.m ~t11dtn M11 11· ~ p 1n. ~"J!rit R,.'IL •• f.11«' duwn,,

EAHL \" R\r.!:N I :,:r,. ,kt-;'t"ltlll'\, G.·4' 11.m.,-'Th,,, t'biun<! uf :!I•'{" l.)',n ,,.m Thr "'ff<-Jlo \f!i:i" 1•11i.• f•J bl

rhi.1,lritn. J,U p.m.• •llnd0 flu• linrl Jn-T')' tall. to\.•

('h.i.Wt("JI, J.l .?11.-.\ ~ri•I ~lory. t•.4,P p,m.-lJlrrr1,r,r ..\l.t.111,:,

,; J'l..1!1.-··oiv. Jkn." l,.k ~r-co.rth,ir 1'J.,,,,. 'i',1-0 l'.tu.-Cl~ll?N>''• Mlirk .. t flil•r1<.1rta 1•·-, ,t

wheat.t,. •t,wk), 'r.1~ i,.m,-Fl"Ult •tid wt·~TlabHf 1'!11,rlu 7~0 p.m. -Wl,ath~ attrl 11hh t•ll•IZ u1trll11(1',"",

~tr~.k }1uhlllr!lf1' 'j.~~ -1..a.l.fl "}:vrnit1,: ,N,w·i .. rrv.1 ~rr­


NICHfl' :::,F,S!;:IOr>:, 'i' 4S J•.m.-'JlJu l'111meii <'Ir !FC •nrl ~rr11iunro­

me)111;. 7..1',0 r.m A )look &..,-I..w "b7 Mr. GNr-'rO

~mith. S fJ.ltl,-.,81J: Jl<>Tt ..

M!a,:h.a Oi..Lrltuiki, riolfr,, r.<>I•» (n) "Av~ 'Maria" (6t"h1Jb.-rt), fl, I ''!..~r-!"n.adc-" I ,\~1111lc:-y) •

II.fl t,..m. M"rf1t.m¥ v·et'II 'ta..!~. rcrru11,.1: fal '"The,: Wllln"" &lnR .. 1~ll"fidt: .... •ro)'lrfl lbt ""rlu! Cb.Ud :au.,d lhf'I TwlUi:-br," (F'arryl

S.HI x,.m.• )!adanlet 1-:,·<"bft Cries In • rrcc,r trf Nt-gr0 Srtr:ihaab,,.,. ilh d~riI1tiff ddnllH C•) --~tn1l ..\WA.v" rBuwlvJ, I, (M "! nue • Uomo 1tJ A-PJit Roei- (P.-u"'

J.-.fKbl, (r) "C".oa~ Tnlln" Oh1rl~b). (di ••~ R,i'oPt" (l:sttrlel&,UI,

IUS5 v.m. 'tlr. Urnk VrtlMo,, clt,riitlld ~i,.,

Philcos have Visible Charge Indicator.

Page 47: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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0 0 Rear Pant! Mountln,:

v,mirr Dial Price, 7, 6

• A• u ~ \ adlo F'"IVf"tlrJ 'J ,a119(orlht't"

1 11 .. Tta-r~-.. t-11 .,_~,,. l••l•I to> l • t 1-iuw If .e.,,., •ad ll-,N4 .... I d,-1ufs I.) • I,.., n-1reot!M'1~ 4 I~ 1-----., •• ~-• ~ dl'nclll .. _ _. ... ...... ,.., -- ........ -1 ..... , ,,.

•- I• nnifdl• ............. -· ....... • 1 1 t. ,.~, ~ ,~ 1..-q fll(lrtd ...... J., ,._.,. .. ~ IQ M ... 1'1fV,1IIT 11111 ~ ••IC"• lt. ~ IN_.,,. 111 MUila ..

~ t. *I·•• A•t • •~ c1' •

~ JU(; •·T •-' 'J VTHAlfLIN(.- t ti,f\l '-'-1 IC~ t 1111 .Ah ..... . , .... t C-"lllu .. , ... all ..... Cfl• J•nM, •ti., b•I _...,, ~ Adw...,.,, taN! ... ..,. t <J h l'IIMI•• TJtl• \ .... , ... ......... ~ ...,,., _. . ., ... , ............ ... .., ................. " ..... ....... ,..., _,,,. . __., ........ ....a-.. , ....

tJle ........ ,hitle , ~ , ., "' ..... ....,."_ • ...... -•'-'- • tll _., .. f'lt- . fflllWl ll-0 .... bah• """" ,..... Cflr,..q U.Mll•h fi,, ,-,.,1,• !111111 ••• 1,ai•P\t.lflt - · 4,MMcrl II Plitt•- 8 · • ~••tl'IIH#r a pbilf' t I


l'CJ:o 1 ,11 n ..

n. .,.. &-1,a.:::e ~~.. c., • •u .... ftltn:,1 .:-1 to l!ul N ~ j·· ., .,w1,, . ......... .., .... U. tll Illa • • I ,o,tra,c• • 1111 "'"~ ..,. -J • •uatt.a - n.e -,.w., d ,..,.. ........................ ,._ .... _ ... , ..... ~.r9MIAl'I&: ~­r,.1,, fflll r,1-"'9 •HJ\ a .-1 ...... 1 el • •'-11li: hoUltW lft,1rt ~ I" -rt11>1it ~ .-.I C.... -,11.kf •

~; :.-::.c--= ~ -... (4 • ~ tsib ...... ,. ... -anitN~-,,... ... ........ .... . _. . ... iru...;.

l'IUO:S1 ooon. e1i IOOU, It/ ..... _ .. ,.

11..&cheaf:llt ~\r'f'CltU, I , I

.. ~ aft .... ~ ••di . .,.. ..... ~ , ... ,......,, tlw ll ..... lJ~t.1 _.,._~ •rlhn· A,Mediti...


Page 48: RELESS WEEKLY...The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-663074672 National Library of Australia RELESS WEEKLY Bll'oadcest

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 48nla.obj-663086176National Library of Australia

' 1.40• GarJfttr ui! hla cc-"' ('11ffl­-:-,ny el l\a41o F.m.rrtainen, "Tbti~": lt1t:-oductJim. "'Hl'IT cJo )'11111 40 ? ..

IH:t fl,ffl, Miq F"C'SY and chaNa ''Lun,s old Sw«t S;)1'1s ...

J.46 p.m..---M.r • .lldtl1•Ulll•;f7' SttUrt In IJf'­!ma: hllfflor.

i IO p.n,.-Mr. &rnnt A.Uhlir, Ulnor I "Mueu• ht..""

l,Jif, 1>..0..-Tht Sp11rli:lrni fn.,lte- lnrlel'lrn l• Join t.bftD in a P<11 •rrot.

• p.m --:01illll lhido. Jo:i-N bu a epnklfr..11' nflt'thrr: •·oh Alr-rr,,ln. •

G.5 S-,m.-~r. Hu• <;11rlin¥ tM eo!llrat11' will li11tla1Ji.a. Mttnt'tbinr ,r '-o:nt-N'J(b.

V1D J'l,111 -Mr. Wilfrilf: Th.nn11£, hauo1 ·••toubl' Tftffl o• iJ<rTOQ."

fU5 p.rn.-Mr. Ad. Cree la • "'LlttJ'!' Dit o' St;ll,ch.N

1'2.0 p,m,-YN'. '1"1 time frTT' annthu danN', ~ !n -.,.m. &fii• rfl'JY Dnt.t, c.,-ll!r~llut

"r.\:, Ain J,•"ur.·•


l p.m.~.P.O. eloe&. a.oJ eblm'-'"-1.l p.m.-Pi11nofor1:• k-fllll'D .rttlW l,,- _Arnol,I

R. M.otf', B.A,, in lM FiuEc /1:rt 1i•ll~. Aht.hotiy Hor-Jtrrd.

t.-ta p.1n.-!ll.1.111.h:&J 1110.CrtLWa,•.• frmu th,e 6bdio.

l .. H p.m.-1:-ydbf!f J:lLod,; .i::Mh.aoJT c-lldls. l,~ p.m.-Jll'erwa !NM Jh'-' "Sun.'" i p.m.......(';.1°.(J, durl, and thimP.a.

n .. rins infornu~titln bru.dr-W 1rumNl1•h'h· an~ euh nl't', l,,3• r.totir-1"9.Y "' Che 'Su11 "

~.1 p,ffl.. l'all, t.n chilrlrm'I -11-ntl q,N:lal I nrrr­l41ftW>~l fnr tbil(n<n bi l,01,pll •L

!.to fl.m.- ~,. .. fn,.ni r~ .. :-;1!n:• 2.31} 1,1.m.--G:r.o. t"IOC'k an1J cl1in1,._ .t.U v.m.-Mu_.i~ol l1"CICf~1.• trnm th!!!

SU11Jlo. :.• l S, m.-SC"WI irom Uh!• •·::,:1,m." 1.51 p.m.-.Mualbi.J rm..:rornnur !rom th"

Sil.Id.lo. 3 t1.m -{;.1).0. dr>t"I. ,.nJ d1lml"'L I.I i•.)0..-l';~ rrnrn thc- "6'111,"

(I.~ p.m.-'!h.- Spatkkon ..,,. 'Lrl'• M\"e MmW' -1th a rh111"1.1•."

a n.m.-r..t11au:al rtua:r.1"" Crom t~ a:ttidlo..

D,3,1 J'l,m. ],,Ir. nu11 Ci11dm1t wtll 1'urtt _ho!o •on& amf t~II •h•t bao,penaJ. •·Whon Snll'r Mar.y u&ad ti) i-r<JM!Caat."

!t2r, p,11, Mr, l~nit'ICt Ard:tr •·tn. the (;11.r. do !'f YJJ111r n""rt."

t.:ia JT.m - :\If'. Mtmt.c-c;1muy &i1UL-r~ ._alt l,t.­l"'Ol'llti frl-tc•l(IUa.

I \'-1 J,,.m -'1115.'1 Xakla Jon• w-Cl 11bq-·•s~t Child"'" 1,1,d *'JHa:me u. on u,. W•lt'-'<" with • lliU. help h'oM the, <"'111: .. ru,7.

•.d p.111.--M:t. Wilfrlo! Ill'.lm.a1 !t&li •·:-rothinll' tn ..,-.'"

fl.J!'. "'"°' -ANOTJnct:. OAl-lCt-;? 1.6s r1.tr1--llr • .Ail, (..'Nit and tU :-;t1aul,r..u alik

l;.,tr.t.aan to joi.n tbml. U p 111.-M.larh11 J)obrll'lill°ki, ..-i(l,hn teb:

{al "Ch.nltlffl Ar.ha!.. tRtm1-k1•lr.:r.ruJnJf• Kriis.ln).

flll "Stianflh Strf'ltudt"' (C"h•rcin&del. UUl J!,n'I, )h'4'11tl'I'" v~ TU1'1'a, ••lf'T•fllctJ

t•l ·•Rel'f'e:11•• f\oric"' •Grle,c , lhl "!Crl'1'7 Duce'' (l(olb,:v1.

10 Tll fl m. :'.\fr. F.r..,-• ArC'h.rr• ••Ballf Hl"lr-nc-r" lllld }.urllahl,

1 s,.na,-¥,., H,rnli. v~ •. rJ#1riQft11~ •.,!., •. JC,!lll p.m.-W:t. Moti!St!f'r."JT Gturt. ekcu ..

t:l11!Uat, e 10.M P.1'11,--Tiraadca,t tmrn iu Hay,,.rlu,t

'Oirst:-~. !J"dMJ't Ther S~~pbr,nlct lJar,cl!' Ordtatn under lhe btifJ)t1 11r Mr, F~erla 1.-iirhton.

11 p m-"""--n1z B.ri." 1'111102!.Rl Ant.hem. CloN Hinm.

2BL, SYDNEY. W°Pdnc,,;dal 1 J 11..m.--G T" o ..-a,a •nd chlm•

l.,,irt n.rn.-(;_P,O. ,rl,xl. atid irli 111!

1.31 p.111.--T11!11 rtJ1 "-The- 1;rf:• t. I 1u11,1o111ttn." Hhl-.tntrd on 'st.:-a,ilko i,ia!'t.u.

J.lrJ ,-..m..-~N"'• tf'fflft th,. "~uc.." & .PJD.--0.P.O. d,tl • ml tllltae:,.. • .I p.m. -M11•it11l prc•i.-nmm" frur11 ll-11:

8t11oJio. '4.15 l).tn,-!:<r-:ri.a.1 •torr -t.:m l•.m.--1.;-.t' .O, r.lot'I- ud dumftl.o ,t.81 p-M11"U1111 1•rt11V1mme frt.,m tho

!tu,fio. ,,4J u.m.-N,:T;'l frtim tbti .. $,u1 .. " t,!rn r.m.- Ra<smir r'"',

(.O!l p .m,- Prnducl'~• Lliatrlh-..1li~" f;rl('irt:r'• rrui~ .rut Tnd•IJle tt1t1d1.t.•t rirr,ct1,

c-;a r.m Rrs11m• n( nlrhl"a rfT'Slr1>"1mt.o. ,.r,11 1•.rrt. /\nnouncemr·nt.1. ol.6'- p.m. SP"'('Jal ocetlitl frrert.J:.t i p.m.-(;,P.0. clU{'k &l'IJ chlmQ.

t:1~C"d1J?Tt1. EARt,Y E'\o'ENING -8•:SSIO'-'

5.CI 11,tn. O.P,IJ. dod. a.nd t'i11mt'fl,

l'i.,tli fl."' Oa!J(fy Lot,ll'll"ll:111 a nrf the- '-fd•h"•• G,.&O J'l,O'l-lfu111kal r:,r~mffle Ito• 1tir:


5l'EC1At COUN"TRY SES.SIOt\, T i,.o,.- -.G.P.O. cfod, a,,d cfrimftl.

.Au• lr.uuth )le'rr.,.u1o1Ue, t ... rw anal I· nu,n"" (.:o."a n"°'i.

WMlhe:r rrpor-t and b,- c11urtf'1'Y t,! Gu~unmcinL Ml'ltf!II.Wffll~t.

St.otk J.;Hhartp. ffl."(trta. ,;, •nf1 1otMM" report ("t-,u, .. ,, l>a.lo, t•rOO:ace ~ l"t:hm"I,

<lJ p.m • .- Cool'ltrr ~~• fnrm "Sun." 1.:10 p.m.--Talk b,- a. m~tQIM-1 flt thtt liit, J,,hq

i\mh,1lanr.-e brlHfk.. $ p.m,-<i.T'.O. rlod, •nil chlnwt,

11.1 a.n1.-.M:aLc&l ~e !rom ~tudlca.

tlu1 RraadCMterll' 'l'oi, Chern.. 11.:1 v.m.-M.r. Pr.ii Muuntain1

n.lfl a.m,•-N~WII f-«m'l lhe "'Jlnh." lt$t a.m TMk nn "Avi.tlou," 1,,- )Jr.,, (;ii•lll!I

V11rl"1', DNxldaa~r.• "#()Ml!'n·• •Pott.a 111mlw-r it;,-, .. 119cla1 N'clu-· .Jupl[r.a ~ tt'lrt:l 1wnt1 tlt.:I b

Mr,. lrird11-n. w.1t.u2 talk Jr, Dr. >t1JJTIA.

L tiilll!l-C.P.O. itlotk an,J d1'11Mi. 11.\ p.m. 8Ptldral OCH.ft t'ancut end wmth--r

npn,t. 111 11'1 ri.m. tlh•l•'al trdlnauM ttont lM

~t.udln 1• U 1• m. l1rfurma11(,11 'M&ilt ar.11 !1ip~1nll•

:urt! lllQY .. t •M.I Qf 1mporlnnt .5hlt>t-, I'" 16 p.rii, SJ•lot'T tmd,, F'•d11in•• t1P11. 1!..111 p ,11, no.u ·n "ll Irr -,·1n-l~.s. 1 • ~,:1 p,1,1,... 1"r1,11?: ff!U&.i'r J'tt'nTt. l!t!!l p.~ - Vr.p~I! m!lrt.~ repo.rl., r ,:: p.Jn IAtt•:on 111"U1 'Tllirkct ";it.rt, 1!. .. , 1,.m.. -lla,i-r 11ntl t11r1r1 l\MIIUN 1"Gl\tt

l'<l•port~ , .,_., p:'11 P~inu """fti"1"· , • Ill JI 111- ,:.r.u. ,,,'ltlk -.a ci!lhn,.., 1 'II nm. ;ii al (IJ'fJ;nnim~ ltl"l1-;;.1 hi'


A. to p,-m..-Jrlla firar,r, Quineo, 110}Hllar MJTIS'l­e.n 1J.Ilt..--Bro1Mc.i.1tw,,,i' Trio. 8.t:- D,Dl.-Mr. A. G. '6t~I. barhar.fP. I U r,11:t.-lltu111dr.A,rten• aD-1r-tor•1 l'llJIC't1 ,rW

talk r"1 tio.111,. lt,(9 p,m.-.. Mr, WI\Jiam ):,·r.nml. kJi4 Ji.m.- Rftume ot: following mi,·. p,.,_


W•1M rl!'~r,r1 arul br r.011rl"'IJ' or )Ir. C. J. ~1•~1!. CO'rfl"tlln4ml MrlllOl'a:o-­C"U:t.

I r, .-.--C::.P.O. irlodi. and rli11m,.. e 1 f1.m, 1ft. Btlhl i, W • l"°'1 rurnNla.n, 9 -1 J).m, ll.b• (iliut,1t- \'rn,ru1 IOPf:llkl. 1.1':. • ..; p.t11. Ht.-d('Jl.5lrn' Trfo ~ t.t, p.m, --l,11' 1'1-11 ,Mc;,unt:A,n. ~l 4 ·; p,n1.-"!lotlU (;~~ Q'Jfnr, '' ~:? JUii .... Mr. A. G, St,cl. lot fl ns.--G.l '.0. rl«k and chJmr,, .. HI. l 11 tn.- ~r, V.'lttl,,rn Ei t':".lltd. 1 U • 11.111.- Mr. Bo}tby "\\'11.t-.11

IG fl.111 l:.,.r. Morrifl>n .,,,1 hl!I <auamr!,11-i n l,rUJlta-tt f'rotn lfw k1lrtxm1 o • t~ lfohcl1 • 'iuiao. n•·r!n~ intu·v•I• ..,..,..,...n Ja11rrn nrw1 ,..rc,r'- by ,•011.t•tl' t, t tho'\ ""8·111·· ,.ill 11G ltmll~t'tll. 1• -IP pm. Snt1rf1n nform111lii,111 •"8,1n ..

:" ("i r,l, M11akal PJ,Cl"lttilll#II h'om l!ldio.

1\,r JI S-,lb --ti-. .P.Q, ciJork an.t] ieh,w-. ~at,-cftal Atll.bffl1,

2GB, SYDNEY "·~dnt"~dny.

MUHN '\ti .SJ,:SSIOt:. 9 _..m, ':',tu~lc n & II.Ill,· nv~r"' ";'u!l1 t,y Mr 1 "· p,,., .. :, ::!6 p.m..: P.11,..,·l111'.JU1i•1 <'kt~, 11.41) • .m. \i1111r !l.41', am. H<!l•lfh 1111""1 Ou• l!l a..nt- t·l~ ,fowtt.

.Al'l't.1 NOU1, SE.S'f..(O~.;. I l!ll p.m. ~•ft'"' ::t.."fi r, . ·t1. Tallt . 1 i.! ta ru,• :111,•ll" 4" I• I":\ Tl~•,· IV L, Jrlr "t ltct11:an.., t ;Z? r,m. Mu1lr' <11.:10 ,..n\. <.l,ior. ,J·:wn,

J,;\ ~;;,.1?,.~ 1,1,;9• lfl~, l'.:00 r, m. Chil~r.-n·, J;i•"1d," T ,1"1 'MIU-It 1 ', ;, rr Acld1·t-~ l,lf \t•_ lhrtlt•l M"n,,,,. T 1l!i i-,m t'·h ffl"nt<-f' 1'•11,,.th-in,

t•I r .n1 ,\drlr., .... •; p NI -lt1.atn1m,,111a; Trrn :,111;•1JC"A l!OR. t,r,:r-t MU81i>.LU. LA?I.<,. Al t,'\ 111mnJ,

11(.:1, , .. ,..,. .'ul,ln,n 1,,- .. , .. r,•fl;llil1· r-:, ••P.•l W'IQ'I Ii.ff 11.111 l1111,n1r• l,y Ml"~ f,-;TIH,T, Jf+NI-.S·

J, ··r,,,..-u \ ' aculn!I W:i,-·· 41Jliv• r•. :!. •'Th'" Trn\f•lo:i j!.-!.111 t'inc-l-1•r11

11 . .:~ 11.trt \'folin f;.-.1,...., MJ! llA .... ~LTI, I.Y lil.3~ 1•.111..r H;lJ \',w.JOI "1ar1,,11,.,

I. ''Htot:f'.ln•• t1uU l '1lt~. ' 1, 'Tbrrr Wfl'I "II J,illJ' M.t'•'l" • l.'Tlll•:1. ,Jnr-;}::-.. NIHYL bli\'AN, TJIOS, Hl\l,l .. CJ..t:..Vl·a~:·r 1111:C:,KJSG

lU'..'i ti m. rU!.11" $oM1 NJ~,:;. •"'·'-\ .. 1.::l- Pe%Rftf.:1t.

",H, l'hL 'i.r.t.Gt1J1c-rn~1•t• D i,.n, -Sbakei.~Ht"i,u1 f'1•y t.1 .:.:.r. \\'q_ •,-..


SI 16 D-m. h1PlT1Ht1t'11tal rn.u flfON[CA l!f\r.. rar<t, .MlTR1F.J T,E ""'"'•- Ali,\ rROO>i:

!'I 2..1 ''.J'll 8111,p h}· l L-f-:',1f..},.:'J' 1h1~~ ... J)l;j;4

l. -Th,. 1 •ttk 1;<11 !nun ltarrl"O" •1111' Wla,.k,-1

!.- "1'beo Olri r,r .. y _fn-.;"' fWhit41 ~.II~ ft ffl, Dud~ r, ... Two \"i11lifllll .,,;1t,. f'ia~r.

Af'rmt'lnnnirreonl: L•.\~ .::=-rTTT..L\, !,t:,:,.tC'-\. HOFHl!-;K, AJ)A [HlllOI\.

1>.'4:1 J• m.-.2{,li \'o,•111 Q•J.aJ-1,-U<'; I '11," L&.u. ~-r Jt~bm-cnrl HiJL" :Z ''lt.,m,., JiiW@oet Homr_,. :l "O W>.a wiU n'n- tho! Drnnu·;• ETHET .. JONr:..:i. ~lBYL m:VA~. THOB. JtAJ.1,. r-1,EM.L-Vt H(1~1CTXG

II U run.- T•llt IQ "·"' -•Ut»e drrwt'l,


11 noon.-Timn Sluna.l: hr-it-h;h Officlta.J Wj;>11.. J~ .S~ rrota. llu•tn·; !wt1Lr,•4 sr,d th Au•,rallll,11, ]•,..._ A~oe:lalbn r .. h:cs, 6o:.ncl F.,i~hflnc~ lnfnnnatlmt "A"l"'lf" •tid 'lh·l'11T1i" Nr;l-'11 s .. r,·lf"II!.

J:::.21) p.m, J01 AKON:;:01' A!oi'D ITTS ~J:,;. COPATTSG 8YMPHO'Nli'IT.S., 'In n l.1111., Glltt.1-in'f ~Ynfa).

.. lhn" Lou" (I.Jrnati I "].;',> Fc,aliu·" 10..-.n-.l.

J::.11,1 1:1.111.-U~l\- JAlCF.3 A!\'D oni1n: wor.rv.. ·"M:u.iiW U11.ll 01lJ.H1~ .....

14: ·IO tl 111.,....stock E1:eb.a:1W'f' l11!ur-m&LkJt1, U-4~ tl,."11 • .JOE ARO'NSOK AS-Tl ms i-.y:,:-.

t'Of•., Hl.'M"rHO%\:ISTH, rnd!an l ..t01·• C.11" (l'T"'1.ll. R,)tll" N1111lfl'' ll't-Jml 1.

•·r;1'""m" a Llt.Ur Kt-., Will Y•. UuhH (TiJll TUU J'lffl.--liJAJl;\\.' Er.J,. l'AKl•:W, Cem,.dian,

"'Trli Me Tial llf:•.til Itri.I ~lor,. I Jm • \Ir ..

u.·~11 ff,ftl. -JOti ARO"!lS'\-N' A"n ms !ll'N .. l'OPATlNG 8\'MPUOl'iB1~ .. '"AT,,. rr"-" 'l"<>-dAV', 1.--t,-• flkll•Td)

rrh1r.M11 P~tY'• T.11Hal-:,-" (SMt1rha111l. ', Fir.:. FiT~. lun, the H-lte n,: M.-"'


There is no "just-ru;-good'' as Burges'<,

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\.hnrger an~ n•iw pa$ed on 10 the buying public direct All~u.rh rht ["Ice 16 lrrwcr -,.11a,1.ahlv.,.~penrhlh1hlyal\Jt-lfi c1rnc:y m11a-tn umbamrc-d. thtt 1,;~lfo PltiJiJ38 Polle,·,



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1.10 r,m..- M,.,..roro1ntri"'8l lnJ',c;.r:nailiol't, l.U ARON~~ ~~O 11.J.$ SY~.

f'.Ol'ATI.Nl,i SY~11 HO!ilG'T8~ "K11ti"Jca .. (Tol:nvH, ~r~cir,l•J1 .. (WhiUr1trl, •~e:a;,c..W.a .Sl::hLi"' (2'..amffnU'k)

UI\ r-m, --rm,; JtUTIIRIS'.I.S," rriwa..t B.ldio &.vu..«"~. -

SAVOURY flNAf'ioi:9.. Tho C.nm~:v ,.... 7QII the JITr~tJ. Cl;$ DAWSON will •in&: you • inoden,

1.t1o!lody II.Ad dat.('~ • rr.,,. .. trp._ A f.U•;1'CH 1,;r t.M OO~J'ASY 01!\llAL D}:6.\StJzr,.'lJ "flil lrJ' ,ud mU" ,..,11

la.op. A a,11-1.A.LF. b,. t.M Comriar(",

LIO ri.m..-JOK ARON'SrlN ANO HIS SYN• COPATrNG SYMPHONISTS, .. m. DhldJ• DlddJ•• ccoon1. .. At. J•,."~ I.he Vh,rtd" (Bnll.11). •nab, J/llff'" (rtuf,-).

L 50 p.m.--O"t.1.A.ILA ,\...._O BURK£. l:ot.t-r­t.a,j11.r. rN11U tu EmBA1J ri11 ... ,Anna Tl!::=lu,, -~ .r K1!larn,t-7 .. (W,

Tbom'°n). !tat~. Ch-. ()-afua,. Rec.i~tt.

.. Mll,'• Otl!I0.1" .. fl'llt )T~). 1,0 11..m.-~tv,n ot Lu..•dJ.- Hiu,dJeap, I

1t1Ut'II. ?if P!!iUJ·ue Hll.GNr. b.t '"llLL.d.•t..," (If 111.• '"'Sf'()l"tfGf' Gtobr.''

t.5 p..m..--('.lo;ir Jlmrrn. t.SO r,....,_De,~fr,1,lan cf "1,.-0,.Teat..Old 11.nd.J..

r-•JJ, 5 tw-Lma,A. ll..>nto,n,- llanlll!. °bJ' "'Mn,,1url," <Jf U." "'Sl'O'iUls QnM."

US, J).111.-Cloee l)o,ow11.


1 ,0 ILfrl+- O,eao)ptJ.-,.1.1, Df I<rtah St'"ftll,r. S rm'Jl":8. JIii rhaiv,I,, Mt1nl,o,n111 Har~ t,y ''ll!Wn"I.,"' r,( ,M f=t'l'lrtfns oi,,.i....

U i,.JIL--Rl'Ul>J(.) OT<C'HEfil'RA.

L~w~::...u~tf:1\i.'~s NVTI'ALL, •tU --""WhlLL I, F.dut:11tt.,11." us p.m.-1;rumo oltCRP.S'tltA..

''F'lurodora• CKPifot1). a.:i;a p.m.----I),-crtltt.kta f1f W~r llar1':lori,.

1~ mil,.. Ml:!Qtotu,:- fta.lm. bJ' •'.Mu.let ... Of tlM -sport"'1:' G!,.~"

L U p.111.-----A..RTF. DJU:11!:!IBR, Sopn,M. ••'f'II. N C..N1J.C'fl ..

•·ono f"'~r1 ~ .... Xodamor. Ruttr.rl!.,, 1.'l t>JIL.-OOROT.HY JlOXBORGll, Vfol&:

.. Allc.,TTtt~ Rr•"1&nllqltf! .. (~immondi}, LIU) p.m.,--STJ-PIO onCHE6TflA,

.,Kat~• fl-'t·imJ).

4.0Jo::-~t.o!,t'.Uc):a!;..,'r~ !'~~01~,,ru:, the •sponinl' OJ,o,bt,.''

,t.7 r,.m..-WALT.Ell SM.ITH. r.A"Jrnd,, "' 1..M•b"11:-•• (fffm,m• ).

LU JJ..m ..... MAfU l!J BREMNER. &pnu,o, '"1'hf- Llt;IJ! Jlrutm o~r· 1,Nmd""oa). •·So.tu7 A,...l;n lb Jf"'1""t'"·----tiam-.m u4

n,lilch. .. ::1 "f'.Jl"l.--6Ttlnrn ORCHl:tn'llA.

.. l'ilcritn"• Chon.ui." • M i,.m.--Deerh;tion (I( Tri•l Pu-. 1 mff-1!'. ftt-1~:t,:.:~ L,, ""MlDk~:• C>f the •·Spo~

4..S6 p.111.-L&W" JA&tts Ah"D nom:E WOLf'P!,, MIUl-ic1ll r.•11 Oddlt.~

'-"5 i,.m~·llc-rald" N•ff ~,-vfC1t: Stock l:J:,.. ~ l.J1tot'1Ut.ion.

u •-~ no ... E\.~~G !ttSS'mH'.

•• !ff l'•'"- -An6We-m 1o UM'h &di Birthday Gn1,-1.lqa.

I .to J1.1tt----STUDTO ORCHESTRA. .. Pot:1rb a-Jlf{ ,ludy .. -l',u1. I. <H~hfrrt).

In p_m.--"'11ARY. MA.KY. QUITE CON .. TRAHY~• -TJ,a Jila!l WM F.r,;M! a Km.-.•

1,l I) l"JIL-STUlllO URCH.ES_TRA. • -1•uncb and Ji;,rt:v,• l'nrt U, (Hnb«t}.

. J7 p.n,.-.. MAll'i, l4ABY, qurn; COS· TJURT:• wil~ tdt tJr cb~ W1Qt, ... the- -Siill11b t'rin...-."

1 .!0 11.nL--(j&ria,J J\Pr,, ,rt nf Kcrw:mulorl Stock SalN ! }'111Uoc-b and CalYft.

I.$!, »..m-•Anni,." 11.n.d "1.1~• Newll SIil'• '"lr.i: Wofll1.Mr and ,Ar,;--ial lt:o.Jt fofonnat.Lon, by the .At!'dral.WI At('."W 13~"-'!I, Ltd.

1 .41 Y,.tn. 1$turk 1\1-(bau~~ Intotm.ukm: OT!"l'­aMII ShlDiiinc-


"..n2 p.m..· J·i,,h M.llrlet llf'l>CriA. 1)7 J. R. I~ l.~d., n•bb1t Prir.H

ti.Ii.; n .m..--f1brli~ Qepon.., lf:1 th., \'1et4°1T'• TI J>ttld.icrr11.· 1 ·,..-()f"er-&l.htt Cu,. l,td.. N~w­ma.rkrL 1<-h•r,p SJ!lN: .,,,ultn; Gr•ln. St.r.W, H~. Ji;.t,., Lhsfl D:tirv PNXJ,,i-. P,.:,tat(lf"8 aTJ4 Oni•J11.1',. f"rt1it ~h,rkPl Rrpn-rt11 hJ tJ-,• Wt»le-..ale Ji"rnll.Pl'tor•' ..Li0tll1ti<i,·,, a:•l'l'lf11lrd b.)' ''1'1.e J,""(u.Jt 'Weir<J ... roiu•J1Jll.h~ to ;1..0,


i.1$ , ..... --Undtt t.lMo a.u,ptc-; a lM D~1'1-"1-l"Tlt nf A~rttultu,.,.. Mft It, CR<lWY., Y.•• prit1.11 t'-iaoerui~l.lenl.. will Ep.:alr on ·'Mar­lu•tifl1."" Mrtl,od.i.."

':.!Vt p.m.-"GI\RGOYLE.' • Jilntl'lt" l"•nl'lf'11 -.nd Fari.:· A &.aJ.J.: cm atvl t.bflir "fJt'talU")11 • 'j,44 p.n,--CAPTAJN PE'l'ER~:

• .BQoU, Wiae a11d Othrr,,,l!lt" f: J:i,m.-BRU~~""WlCK f ·JTY flAr-.-0:

()\'l!.l" "Tl,• l-' Jda.W Ct! J'rrtb" \. V•IIIJ. ,.rn v.1n.-~tAl<\' MACK, e"'"t-ralro!

Jtall.Ad11 ... J.,ft,. '.\fr1•1r" • l.inrN Tr"l"nt), '-You lo"rd lmr c,( Vinlrui .. ~rmu l,ohr}.

J.1 ~ run, --CELEBRm' f'OTTR, on.d---r dirtt-11nrt nf MIL v.rM. JAWF,..'-1'.:

SrJ,-,.t,Mm:! from •·rn • ,~rontan Guden·~ (l.iiia Vh:man11i. p.m.-1:R& ROYAL AUTO.M081LE C'LUB CPP YlCTORlA'tl SAF'ET\ M.E~ SA.GE fl'OR 'TO-l.>AY I ::i:

CYCLISTS: "'Nevtt bolJ i:tn t,o atlY N..he:r ..-chlcl~ lti ni.otl•.111, It a}· • darUtl!r-­~~ 41..t.ld YDIJ Nn U... 1'1..11. 1,)/ li.! -.nJ. -·•®1,d nr thrown.''

F !3 1J.m..-""B.RU.NSWJCK CITY fjAt,,;D '. \\'a.Ltr.. .. Bl!witcb.ln.s Beau1., .. 1c~n""Md).

lt.40 t• m.-~k. li. Bk..."lNl!'rr, Pt-t'lddrol nf V1<~riur AMA-tl"ut ;iwkn.mlna Aetrl.•tlon. wlll pr-Ne.nt. ~ !LO (!UP t.n Mr_ IVAN ffI'Kl\tJM.A.N', whtt bt'fl,a.e tM An._l~.-i•n "''""1"4 fnr 11>1" 22.D -,iu.d• .brea,,t •trot«t ••hn­mina c.h.1r'"tlpfon,hii.-,

U,i r,,m. nRUKSWl-CK CITY Jll,.r,,."1); 'M&l';,h, .. Wald~en" \To,JMJ),

f , m., -AnT1mm('rm"11t'~ 8.1 p,m. F.LSA STR;\lJI\. AND MAllll

BitODJ1 JlaTim Bl"Odi, -Un FtrrtiTa L&uima ..

(Duilli('ttil, "Ett To-m<>rnffl'" D1nrn .. fSamnrla).

ifo1r. EJ,,11, StraJ.ill,. "r.c-1{a" iSe-mi­raunJdo).

"Ju•t. £lit a while" (G.r1~). l>uec.

f.U p .m.-..c11•t-:ctAL Dlt.(;r.R PRO(;ftA.\t~P.. •·Rr••l'"tl\l'",'• thnrlr-r J·!.. .r. 'f111y.1M. Band (' .. II. (hu,;I~ };, I', T._,.fOt"-}.;atry o! \,ti'! 11amla: Ka.rch, ~l'tlJIJ !l(lltlrnia," nrmurinc11. Cit7 -l1111rrtt, '"To-o 1' tba tiin." Oa:t,,,donia.n 8<7•'

riP(I fl:and.. "),~ u! the OC!&ll." Brwu,.iclt Cit)'

Rand. &J<fkTt" and S..iJ,..,.,• Muahiri1r Sooc.

S~rn Choral aotl"".J MaL,, Ch.ab'. ''Mn&m-nif;r-Uo ft'tlft\ Arm~• "Till UWI ~II t,i:;ml!! b~.•• '"An:,trali• -..,UJ be t.h«ft."' '"Thrni'• • 1,oni:, Lotift Trafl:• t}efl(o.dptlon SfffetJM-ll e;tUl!ode of \.ht

r,"""t w-.r. .. KJuJrl Ou,1,.'" tlruM"Wlclr. Cit:J Barut.

Ri:-vli11n--Fa.0 in, B-41-fmt'.l:ltaJ Banda la tu di.ta.neA. Arrival or \J"OOlp• a.t1d •bout. of ~.-om~ • Lnl'!N'lmlffll concwt-ATTlval (If th• V,0,

1<= 'Nh.:::bt. lall--l-ut P--.,\ll li•hbi ouL BN-Ak c,l the 11-"1- dq•-a1tu-nl11c IPltll--­

Tnflll~. C41mlt ID mot.!o.c.-d"t!IU'tUN o£ t:roos,t far

a~•t"!"lll!'a'. 001,t,rl:llS AN"D SAILORS" ¥ARCTTTNO

SONGS, ~OTJTil!.;n.N CHORAL SOOIFl'Y llALE CHOIR, .. Gott,l•b.:re.-

.. HtTCI W• A-f"II Aptn.• "'BUiter Sim.,.," BUOLE CALLA.: Fall In: Ach-mu:e,

DUCLr.R 1-~ P. TAYt.On.

Fr!day, 3rd June. 19~7.

MAR(R PA$T 111· NAVAi. A.ND M.11.r­'lAlt\' ~-l.•ll!F.$, lu.r.h, \-"it.t:N'J. ltr!um.'' .Brut1a'll"ld l.H-,

f1afi1l. M11rrh, r1~r.Li M('C•Jl·• Ya.r-1:'~.u i.

f'rll!iflCP,. h,ll'Qlh,111".)', "Arni:ei•nri C..:..atl•.'·

Ii.Awl, blie.1 1,,.nqe:,,- I Lle-oJ•~lar,, ~•• Piiwt R,u.,1

.-Mi.a ~d· ~•••' l1nm1-..w-k Cio- Ba'ld. • n,.,..1 (iat,<lo,n..,.,,1 Sn,;i-i~J·'• ;,tu.rcli." f ..i.e.

d-o1<,"-1n hn;,t• J•:.,,.. 8a1od •·~·1yh1si: :-t,qa-..,t.rt:M,- ("."ir.7 Bli'l'l<I

Bl.Hll,1': ,:A1.L. 'R.t>trMI'' J-1,u:l.rr- h 1~. Tl!Jlrar

"'~1111.~y Pa'I'• •,." r1n.11nrkk f'itJ lU.1>1.t •·p:~r]y .Mcrnibs:-- e:hlttJfl' c-f t.b4" r.lo.•i-

n~'llt""IIJco. <:t,un:h l 1.,JI D,...,...tfllt n,,11-1 Rr.1.1J In o, .. nu-tan~·,.. Ma.rd, m f'htt•.,ll.,! al U,., C!mrrh ti~le . Orpn \"ol-111•

t.,ir,; 11,-,,.,,, l-on.--:.h.i.on eor N":,,~1 Orc,;n !\11,,.,r . l'".i.JJ 111; !Io~ U.-,und; P 'in al••

L~ M"EM.OfllAM "'E;\l,r.i:una n,,,u,.'' f-7oui.J!~m (.Ml'aJ

S,,,,-l.My :b.1.- (.'b.,,r and Prnnnrltl l 'l17 '811nd

••~1 l'c)lof S"J«:t 1<Jn ' Snr.iH1rrn I le.rd ,Soc.k-ty •.tale Clw1r -.nd llnu1Prid. L-,lJ fl:g1Hf

""'I',, ,1,.,. M.~ml'lr}" #If 1he llra~"t'."' ~nirhrru t'h11J11I ~1.-ty Malt. Chmr ud Hnw"' wt"k: r.t,-y Jta11J

JO.Sa p.m -MARY ""'n-:. f'.ri11t.f'll'M, "A., Kha.II.I L.t.1J" 1F"k,,....11,er Alward!. "'Tho1.1 Art ni~tt M,- l:Jd-,,._t'tl*' tl:.!lmt'1t•

T..,-lt-r) "~1 T11 ..... ~1.,J Hf-8~"' (T'•rr-.<!a 4-.-1 Rt.,1:'t!l,

1(1.8':" p.m ""Ar1m11,'" Nrw• :,.,.r,-10t!; h1r-lk111•l"-•kal l.n.lortn&tllltl, Th• ll11:nJ i\uk•U,nl,I·• Club nf \11t•.t.urill'11 Sa1f.'t,r bh....a.e..-0 t .. , r.o­d•Y· •~. Pi:,L1ESTR1AN$-Ym1 ,.,. 1-,;a. liin'!J to 11h;,

ttlt u,,Ni:.btltoAly 111 (f"l)~ll. ot •• ,. "f<"L!dlf it )'0~ --.111 nn th,- ldt nf 1hr fOl)tna:.b, Yr111 -wlll th11:n br fq.i,a:-c th• lir.e c,t rn11trr: /11"11.rriol t.-, ~·••ti

Jtl".4l r.m. 11nm,1~WH"K ( l'rY UASO, 0"Kroni1wnrth" tC~r.wmod1.

10 • .;o J•.m:-Brlt.lah Gi!!daJ "1N;- .h!.i;-a. AnnQtJnC"nJJ~nLII

u.n p n, .. OUR GRJ,:~T Trrnm:mT. "1'r.P hlrd alir:-ht..,fh <:>ft t.h• 11,ni&d nt

...-hen Jt bc-ho!dt •-ll.J.,-.r li,rd bl 'h.r• ,1r1f1\. T•lr• .,.",r hy !~ mi-:ofnrti1n-t of tr1h..'f"ll. that o.tbt>n. h.laJ1 tt,;,,t I.AU M • :.i,,..:, frvM 701.1."

.f;AI\Ol. 11.1 p.m.-JOE Ano:s·sos AND Hl!l sn: ..

COPATlNH ~Y~PHOJ\·t~rs. "Nobody Bili '\"(111"' 1n·,1w,ar11.T>~. • "'My Oo.tfa,11 t,..,~ AL Two To 1'"l90 TC'l-fhy''

CF:.&in,1:.}. "Th<-r-e'1 A ~hr..att O'l tbl' "\'nl,p .. c•'II '"rhat'• Why l IHI·~ \'eu .. (Do&-vd111nJ. •·1..rtv~- Boutid .. (?turril. '"Oh, Ml .... fl1t1211ali" 1r>rpr1·n1, ·'Tbt, F•r A.,,..,. tMJi," tl.Ot"Uo11). "'Orl"nt&.I Muvb.Ua-h~•· (Snrni:uut. "f""r-yin,c Jtor t.b.- 1'1Ql"ln" tCa,il('}l'l. "M~ "[1)(111 H,:i, Hol Ha. HA" 1Wt•l11ft), "Til! Md! 'To "\ou.t' Art"OJ1 ~trl1'.._ .. jSU)-1. ..~ On TM' ria.r.n" (~hapirl"-II, "fll.un• 1t On Thn WaJL-w; .. {K11hT1I. "r.-11 M• Earl, ln the Mn)'nln1e" (J'tult). "Lon!!t!! _-\nd $,,1.rr,•· ftlavilj. '"Whi.t4t -thtt SaNu·• SJ~ .. fSltbolii.

U.40 p.m-- GOT'> SA VE THE KING,

4QG, BRISBANE . Wednen41R.'f.

EA..!U,Y MORNrnr. s··,~sms. lJO a..m.-Ph.,_.J Cultme ~ '1,0 a,av---01.oee Dowe..

MIDDAT n,;ss-fQX: 1. (1 p.i:u.--lifark,_ Jt,,pc:,,-u; l~-the!" I11.Jnrma­

t.kln; 'The. I)&Ilr Mall" an4 -rw ll•01 Rwulud" N~L

l...!O p.r;n..-Fttom t.h• O.'P.O.: t.imd,,, llo>J.r M1:1sic ttl•,-.d by th• PIOlldal in.t.llntl' Orcbeatra.

u~ t,.11'1 .-P"nrM Oi111 OtiwnalhTy: St.ilidud Time~+

1.a ~ Dawn..

Perteet Reception Every Day Possible wilh Philco.

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.·..:...,.... -1~· . I •-i ' I

- -. 'i•:_~ .,~ . I .,.,. .'.".- . . .-·- If..-:,, I ;

'~T"':~ ' ---.. , .. I ~~ / ' -0 • ,•~ . \~'----. ' . ~---

,; ) ·.- . "r: /

lUOliE l'OU.S. 4 '6 .,.cl,.

Use Grodan Parts

Tho Solodyo~. the trond~r !lc't or tn, ynr .. mnt b..ue, acrno~ coil, 1·1ie- Grodu! Colla cllnform •••n17 to lht •p,rciftcatiot1• or , , ,. J. II~ Rf'111u. the orisia•I Enali•h, d..ipor. Tb.,. ""' r1,111rM o( coasl.nlct.loa_ u.d. wUI S lT'e the beat rf'tlulta,

Nrf'•u • rt of ,.,.11J.,.d ahamh,ium. with •nldC"rlnJ hip at ••in1y at"tt11siblt plaeM. Pro.-ir.ion la roade fur IUtf!.U Lo loisea,. .A 1:rod1a 1•roducl wo,-tky nt t.h. namt--'~t nenlo1,m,n1 In th• WJrell'D 'World.

Uu114 lh• WooJ«rul ~01.01>\;'iE ~,. ud ·- a 00GRODAS00 ~JTil:l.Dl:O KlT.

'Th,.., matdu,d aoilo ,rilh cir<Ult., .. T .... u. de.

Price £3/7 /6 Per Kit


{1t1t'uil.~0r';.'::;,..t lnlhlt.!:,~ ~ BROWNING DRAKE KITS vis., ~in.. !in., 3lill. d!&metm:1, 2/o ea.

C,n,trnrt.,.J from the be!t rnau,rial. In ....,rdaMe ,ntt, Uie origimll 1peritkauo~ of I ht lnnnton.. P-o~a and t(iM, 111no tho cb.&rut.e:ristk1' o.t t.hls ucel.lmt r,,,cQfV"M'. t1t bnapril•, Rt•~nafonot1. A-=.dal Col.1. 1'to1,1tn.litins (.~od8llMI', <. 1rcult4. ttc. The 1.n1tr1t db!rrlmln.alinr J'Otl a.r• fn Judcinat nJJo 11.p)Ultaiu.1, tht Mtlor th ... k.lta will plea .. you.

PIIICE. tt/1 1- per KIL

Sl0<k,,t 1w the Principal -r'torn.. • KhidlJ Writ• for Cal&l­&nol Momioa llwl l'apor.

Should •vr diffi"'lly b., ai>•.rien""'1 In obuinlnl' ti.- Ila"'• ...mlllli<ai. dlna lritll

GROSE & DANIELL Holden Street, Redfern, SYDNEY

I ; I I !. i i


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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Tom's R11formutio11.

'ft.11\"t' l,'tiU Ct'\ .. ft· wa1~hr,J a 1 uuoe hvr-r.-, la~hlng 01..1 ucJ theh 6allop~ut: orr in JJtf•l'trlltin&:: df!'f111n("c--rwL \·1cio1t-,, but just foJl 11( hf P ur1d •plrit,'

1t was jul!t tbAt WO.)" \"'ilh Tom' Hf! kkkNl h,nd ot t~LI mtv1("1 1111d 1nadr, th~ l)iittci ull D\'~I:' th11 l1oma "µaddock.0 \\1.!l:•n li.i'f rna,thcr "ilrnrd him that l<•L'lt" tl11r ht \\'uUld b, iug his !utbci'!f 4rl"e} hairs. iri !l'trl''f\V 111

the •·gran,"--vnd ~imilur pluph,L'le!l -'fum r-r,jruu:-d und ,n•rit l1ff tn ph1}"


.1'...Ji5t. Ch; n w~e undr- p1·e :.r-nt~ hhn with a fuur-\nht.• Wltt-­l"''l~ :i.ei.. f\\"<.1 .llurg1•si.. B11\ft,1i1!l-1, aind a :,..·ear•a auh!cri,EJtiou to lhe "'\'ir ... )t'Js ,veekly." That u..i~ht TtJnl lt(!urd r1(<w1

from all 0\'"1•r A\11'trnl1a, nnd mt~.r. ,l.1)~ hP Wll.'I 1tudyi11g- the ..\l •Jl"liP rixle to n•ad "" 11znals c;1n the uil·,

Now Tr,n, b huil<llng icts for •II his fiie.nds.

You ,nu find p:..rall.t1fa tll 'l'um'.; t'ASC in c\'ery t.:c.tuntry town nnd

,•\·e-.ry cit:,·-•in Auah:o.1.ia.. Wir~les.a is making men out "f rulive colt.a awl glvlnz them ev<,,:-!reftb inletl!al.

Bub iC you !,av, n Tom of ,uur 11\Vn, don·t 5poil lhe whc-fo thl11g ror hlm by pul.tinll' 11 l•od buttnl· Into ~ IIOotl s,1;.

No sCIUliblo boy WBIII.S to lun-o hLS iJ'llve.,t killed by t.l'~ekles nrul hum, and whnt better gm could you 111\·r :i,,ur boy or nny boy, than th• hat­l'""l' whkh h•s u,~ s1Diran:-.. u.,1r ~,,, ~ double t'tie life!" .A 'hrz;aal•



#,:jl; (\.Ill. ,\.,~nt~1°fu~!~~~~~tnOUI, .,.,, \ltl~k from tht1 ,,.,:,"p· .. l,11;1 1',J 11)' lfotd • 1ul!.u11 N11n111l"11.v ur"'

1. 1~, ,,.tU. 1-·n-w ti.,• a.: ufi,1 Tll,:Sr111,J • N1.:,1,11.

111 I• m.- LlOall Duwn.

•·,,u.v 1-.v1-.s11:u ~1.r;s,os. ~ ,, 111 11:UIJ, St11a•ob, .. •if'' l\t..,11 AnMuir,(• m"111._

'h,1 "l h-. l"hildrt"11•, hour: •t=• l,,1 LtrtJ• MUI• Urt"l,,.n.,"

• lt f ff1 - .\'11ukfl. ltt<p1r-1.11: 8t.oc1. Jtpport.._ '.ti.I }I .... \\i,atl,~ S,'A'•; A1,n,1tU,Nllllniu. .-11 i,.m ~u1r.d.u,1 '1 tn;f' 8ll'n•L 4:1 l).N. Lr,r:tl,ll'•'tt•~ "Af JUltfQf; lr-. R.-1• \hUI I~ ('rui, l..iJ,1"'1\·a.inrn~," Ur ,I. lL A 'lc)fiUUl'I lflAn\ Sr-e.d.-r. Q\,lf(fl\lll.11,(1.d ,o\jr~ ; ;..]flJ.U,I mch Stboe1l ut1 l'-t.1Ue.:e

f\iJl,HT --~SH.JS ML"Hl.t".AL ltADIO 1·LA\'

'1Hl-: SJIEJ.I\ Of' Mlk:~AUAIJ ' Tn rrtpt,"11" tn ,,a;mf'r"'l'J rN1u111h \,hrd,

1-"'""' f"fl~M'd 11'1• Mt.fl' ,,1, il'Cln1 •H 1••n.• ••f Au~UilH• 1',;ew Z•,1J, Uu, ,ou.kd n,!k.t 11:1o1.,, .,rt", ,!-lbc:IJ1 uf t-a,.,1.11.d•h •• which ,cq.t, L,.,,..1Je&11t. U1.1rlne" \prll. well i,,. ...... 1,1U'll \i,..rilcht Hie 1,IE~· WM ,\rm,~. an.u ·ill be 11N£11.1a,d k1' ·"t•.bnd l'm~,r

Tt1•• JnlbiCJ•I itl'ITl"..g ir, H h1\'fl bt .. n ar-1 .1 r.v,-..J 1,, .. !'J.Tr •:rich Jd11, a,,d 'Will Ml ~i .. ,ti l-> .'Jt·. Jul11,•, pa.1·ty c,! r11,,Jio ,·o-tal.1t..

'! l• JHI "\I L.lloldlt }t.11,diu J•J•.Y; "'tJ,,. t,;IJ,JJ.,; ,..J S~al; '"

11\,a. t,ni, ~rnfll '™" 6Lnrlio: ""1'h• TioJy 1if,11il'" :0..1•W• • \\'I'.~/'"- 'St- ' ' l"~l!I l}O'-" I


Mfllllitsn f.J.:SSION' 1 • T.061 r..1•.I). eohltrif's. 1.i..l f> .TU. JWtHal N"I 11-:P.- "t,:.,,.., 1il'~I H ~a" ind 1t,c- ".\,it~Q1;i:, Rq,rr .. 11ic:tT

J:!.'&O· ... -.A,ht"l"lbff" 1,aw:a , ti i1 ,. '"'t,.0 f'..Dl. )b.lke-t u,,,uru..

1 p,m,-G.l'.fl. d1lu1H, 1 I 1vn.- l\tua'cs1 s,roa-rAIW'r.,. t,111tin1, .. ,J. !l IVft,-t:;.1',0. cllimu 1rn,J l'luMI- dO\\I

A.•"l'ktt~('Uit-: ~~10~. .ti n.,i:i)..· -t;.t-,u. rhln:C!:11. I I v..m, ltda;,r !Wm ~lie )lnpl" W! t•:it.-.

t•J•'I.J<Hlr'"l •l!.'C,li-on4. 1 11 tt,ru P'ro1u llie :;1udlo--fali&. b> n•~ }{\'\'

1;. 1-;. Halt.', 8 . .\. • l'•'"· ,;. P.O. cb:Jmat. 4 I p.1,-.. Rd•>· ff'cm,, th• Art• dla l)lfo

fkd,~lr1,1.l ..-:,-r11c,:,:i. t 6l 11.n-i.--!,\Utll~" 11ri.noor,ff'm,.1{!.

-ti p.m .. ..(~.l'.O. c',~nll!II a11d riot• 1ltw•T1.

t-.\'l"Sl~fJ ti•:SfJ.ION', I I' " ... ,u.J•.0. "hww~ ! l _1u11 -Di1111H ffl.'.llf.&'i t, tl:111 ('<,1tnl «;1,1r,lr11

Prd1"'tll1'tt. ,= t ~ p.ntr·•~li~ ,-t.oti.rt,

'?', p.Jl'I -.!urtrt T"Nrta 1·, J\,r4 B0· s«:ue:ta" ~:r,}·n~T. l'Sl'J Jl,TII ~••Wdrq'1 IIChlMlffo Ulk,

)I( 1•.TJ1.. G.l'.o, ..t,ime11. • I l"-n\. t-,,-.r, '\tt11 Jf:&t•l Wblt•. ~'l v n..,-:u.r11, A. l~ Willhur.a' \hr .. 1,-,,,1,

Jl.-.ud. ~ 1:; J1.m,-Ha1d.n Z\bli, Quul", l-111 J•.lll.-.St>h-cLinu. Jd1..'lrrv .. Allan Jc..tnu • nJ

nDJle Nc,ri.-m. F.tllli p.111.-.. '.\lotor taJI( Uy .. n,c1::.-1'"r•tt.1r," JI.A-• p."1 !Ian ~.,In, ~tr. A. lforth•. "0 J',ffl. (~Jdr,, ('h'Jtt•11~ HII~ t 1r1 lw,.11'1, ft 1•.m.· -0.f•.t'J. 1·.bi1uie.. U,1 11-n1. \\ath .. r l't'l-or1, r,., i,.m.-DalsHY'• 1,1,h.1"61 rdl)C,f'I, "•' r.1, •. Ua)·d:\ 'tnt.- q,uirc r"IU' v,• r.n1. .llna. .\, (!.. 1\'lllt.a1.1• lhu,1,,Jn

lkr,d. fl.11 p,rn. So,r,1,1, ~Ir, Htralil U:1, It.!!:! \;..111.- XJ.lo11lwud! &.t"leet!~s., M~'ll.l!N Alhul

.Joh.ti• aT.d Ui.lliO Xarfon. t,tt I",m.-60Cl.r, Jilr. R. Sim.

FriJuy, Srd Junt\ l~Z7 ..

JI$ 1•.:b. -G{•l•J• a (."'ru ff\ IJiUICQ Vrth.q.lta. 1t,SII J•.DL-H:l)·t.l:n r,i,,r., Q1uirtP.U;. li.fil ,,.en.-Boria. ,, ~ M;J.LTl Whitt ') . .a; 1•.t:::.. - f"ia:11.,forls M111o lit.- h·aal: &:,1.-;l,• 11, r,,111 I r•1t «hlm-, '" 1 11 ni. '"Ail\STllwr'• P•"'• Mn T hl.J:'.i i,.m .S1 1,:r, :'-II.- "• llart!r J• l' m Mr~. A. t • Willhi.tlli" M&r,Yi..1.-

l<i,nd. lol 11 p.n1 &mir ,fr f;,,raJ.t H.-111. l •J.~li J•.n· C"u.kt. t rw-.....:.1il U."'l.•\a,..1 t1.,

t11 l •~ 1,.m 81ine. M.1.u lla..,,.I Yi,111, J!J_,, J,.ru_- ~:, krt>h<,1.fl ;,,l~mn. ?il(.,,~r "· .11

lcihn• AwJ t111l1, }. tor: 1l J).fu. 1; J'ft. .:b1m1s 11td r'.r. ,- .t v.; L


]~..$1• r,.m. Tou'! 11 1'.!}I~ Fir!!! 1,,r ""_.• 1,_;t1..,,

.MJ,rk"' 1'•rc,rl.,. ,·.1,1..._ J 11.m. l'lffl• alt1n.11l !rum 1'rnh Ol•Mrhll1w ) I r,.,.., - \\r.111'1 .. r ,,ct~ ptpplm:t lt;< thf

'4.,!,-1,rol,,g-lral Uurra:.. uC WNlt-t· Alft!:"11• Ii)..

J\fll ! ,rlfh J1"ll,. I' 11'ti,"\ t'fw;,·11 rll'n,n",'11 ii• lti~·Htll. )l,J~L•

l,1mii•<t.l. r••la,r.d lrQft\ ~I~ L:,k; j/,

Murra:v•t.rN'1-I JO I' rn,;uh•> Q;i...irl."tl

:.: p111 -t'l<:,.\I, ,l,,w .1.'IO 11.n1 r~ ... f . iiii r,m. \f , 1nw~f't,,1 4 sun. ~•1Jd1•• In tn,m,. 1\:1\ ·rr-1

I! 11.m, -fur.t,•i11W h.A,\ 11,cu.- fu<H lJo 11.1n. t h1I~ 111 1,l'l$'flh f, l'r, r, itfr, ~ hh A11M~ l,1,1,;o lltul )o:\t'b' l'lhl1 1, 11••,i,y I 111"1hr ]'1•rq• a.111) !•1,ffy 1 11 'Sir,, r ~h:cro rrt,.11¢r,,.:, .,.t.,,rLtf 1°1'111>11 1·,t,1,-. "'"w• "" , .. 11t1 .. .,. f)f rt ,., • . t

.\11n.nllll1:• "-•• 11:ir,e1 t'"" ,;' r JI.JO, I ~JI ,. 1r.i.n - -T!init ~h:ri:tl fh•fd 1'-.,.11.h (>l,11·rr11!r/i1

1 ,,.m W"'n1h.-r fltl i.;,ivpi.W L,- tb .\f""t~·.,.Jcirii"IJ g--. an <,l \\o'll;t'lf~:, .A·ut.r:~ 11 ...

" . .W: 11 n1. -·\••rJ.f'l'!:' J•rn,, bT 1t'I• fil1~<lln ~trloc TrS.:

Mi1111 i!wl1u \\ Jli,, .\.I!~<. M .. p1&J.I' . }tr. H (';. lla~kar., ._.\l,. '\(!"'. tt. 'T ~ 111 ton. vfoHn,

\. N'Al. att.. .... 1tlu• IHI l,,f.,_ 111 M"W-. 11t-1r,• h.v ,·.,·1r~ Thtt

llllllJ' ~,....,ii" .N€-•U1'11ilU t:D, Jll1Jp, \Wltl,lrt U,1C~ •1111nuri«O.C a W~-1tbn N-L .. trt .tu.Lll hnn:.a,i!

Ti\ O t,.M. ('I tt Jwn,

Thursday, June 9 2FC, SYDNEY.

)h.1H!-i1Sl At,.'U ~U•DA Y ;~F.S!lt:m

ll •.m Ilic V.-"l"' 1.n,I prt!1Jr11m,1tUl~~ ~'-«· •rMI I,

J.', a,ni.· Offlt,I.JI.J ..,,,.lhlil' r..r~<"'..U1, ni1 •all, fftLP'!"!'lltllrte, u.~1 11Jt11r, :.N"I .n. ~, Jo

v1T"II( itif••ll•tl'f'h~ l'l'IILn "'"" r,: tt,l(J a..nL W,.,i:.rt I: """"'•

1 •1• •• m .,;tu,11m.l"y ~, ·11sifoo lr.,. i, r 11..-uld"' 11r:w, 11.rrvk,.

11,H ... m. t414,...., l ff) 11.rn MLI .u, ln..rn •h,r :11.J ;,,

t T ,J5 Lfl'I Ar roo 1,u111ct1I 'J; noon ''I.Iii,:- JL>-n ' S tJifin MLl•lr l:!. I • .,m •• .ftt. ... 1. l•Jrf"hlUl.fl fif'M '"·"' t fi 11m, ,-;1i.11U.\ .\.J11ala:.

' " w,1 l!uct,y Wi:-eft!all Xnr 1':Jto .-.,4. ,\fll'rth;11; rr,,1,ir, (l'" 11.r. 1· il

1·hil1lr<"t1~ .,ilO J'I-"' • i\:l(n J.1.1. JohU.dll(;UI!, .(.J'l".lll•ll

.. l'hr. lllnl with th"' llr,!l<eh Wlt:1:: ' 12.-to p.w.-E!Lllilic:i M.!..11k-.

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ti": "t.!i:. N~y-.~,:;~n.::;_~ ..,,. ~!imwn• l)illtrfwt ins S..ft'Q"'• lt.t1"1'"'1

I ti 1n, tui,Ji. 11'wiW u• • 11 AV•k £.:!::ha~- •'ttllad n!I 1..111 9'M "1•Nlll..r ai 1 ~ISi' u • ..cliikit

cl.t!tln" 1 fl'II "' If 1.:. J,,41ct,tt--. a.J'1r•_.

()plft lhl alu. II!.,.... lll•--.-i•U, • ~.';. ~- lltl,,~Of' 1!11• ; 1,1 ,-_,-_ A 1'"•!1,. It)' ... UC.: lta.fl(;I \,:UU --" tlJ ... , -Cl- .... b.

At"TtU.X'I 11 •)l aU!;IQH I p..a 'Siir ik':• illd •••11~ 41 •• f. R#lTII •rNlirN .,, IMr. l,cd'll,o~ ' ... -. a.-. • m .Nvt"H• •'Ollie fljr tl141 IIUI,!

, ....... &,!!I •• F.l"ft'I F•rfflff"• Tl!II Rut=lt

,t ~• W'cbh ., • ....._ ...., ... , "'bmDti... (iC:r11..,.. J

UL ..... ;. C,~•ltll K.,,..IN t t• a rrum P'•mwr'• f.-a U,,amu: ,..a Etlu•I 11,111" Htl!rell,i1

'"If 1111.J Iii~ ..:., uf ,nlo,r" •-I R1"16) ,a .... , .... S:11W l>'A,\.'T, .. , .. n,ie1

•t)w bTl1 r )I ..,.ins' ,Cn t Ill ,-m... ,fl: .. i,1 Nu.Ir. ,.:~ .,. Jna r• rmn'• Tn Jt..,,_,.,

)I.a aa W.W, loDl"I. Nnn..sG t ..... ~ .. leur 11ua1.1,-11;..

UII ~rn . ..,,,.uo Jluk. U~ ... ')I,_ l:ft .. l D A,o Ml'iH-.UI

'l\tnr,7 H,q"' 1'.,ftUaHl)f ,r, ~.-. ltt-.f"' II ..... t..0 f..111 t'n:-n fu,....,.. Tb ft....._. I

.M:: • l-:'.kl 'K•illn, coa,ra!ta1

.. ._ ..... w~• (Sn.hi•, 4 4' f..111.-flltor• r:ti:h•&lr- thlr-4 c-a U'T 11111 -.10 M1111,~. , 1, ...... -"'Blr a..G. r.-. .... 11o

EAnt.T J.:VtNINC. J~IQN Lil •iu.. lit ( 1,ian at 1)(1 i,B& ""'· 'llw U..11,, ,\h1.•" l&lb I.ti th,. ·-&Sq, ··" -A s-n.1 8uJ17. I Ml ._.._ 1,laNf »~• • loJL,-""liw llri"'

1-,: ...,_1,~ Spa,tl,_ hlW",JMt.1111• fJ-. ._m.-U1lpQ'1 111,d,f'i ~ •-­

w-Mt, tMrl • 111. p_. ~ "I~ ••rt ~lalr mart.•• u11 , '"' w1::1thar •"11 11hffh1c 1'D\cnJPDt,.

Pltoe• l'.!arlt•q• • t• 11--111. Lt,,- "E,etd11s Ntw1• IMIWil •r• ....

YtGtl'I' nss:nN. f ,11- .. tn Tt,. Ch,_ flt 1.1 .,,;.4 1-r.icraam ... ·=-' IA ,-..-A ,-.,II. b,- ,p TNlull.a&l Uto,

"! 1·w~ Wrd:1, .. I l• fll,-1!,," •nm 1k Sttlll•:

't".h no.II ._,b ~,_n llHL Caii~. llr. C' l\t-,e:11alh M".a,,.h, 'J"t. \'aalit.M Arm,"' • .\l!,,.r,b,

I; 'PZ.- Mr. it•l!Jt7 Cl11,"-ot1, liUID, °"O P• N .... -~nMt ltar a( ..... (W'Al• c-,,.

•u •-•,-fl.,.,...I .. r.h r1J11aan 11no11 0""111:tt, ~•"-• ! .. _,..,.. C.,-.,1~1.

I lt ,,,._-M.r. tUrlm La-.~~rr. c11trrtaln,,r; ""lllllls,.tll'1'"T?t

U't Jt.m..--Rai:1L llladi c-~l!':t. B•d: W1~ -"'°"~..- r1Un1anl.

• 11 ,.111.........M-. t:o.a HOJ'd, atontntt.1 .. c, .. tq 1k liar" UlrkND:i •

1.11- ..... i,·,_ l'ali•'• a..t..1 A Ld:&1 ,,- lbr C.alti.1111111AJ p,il..:i,,tl 1•~ MalitneTfl",

t P.a.-""llt 'lo-ti -J'nriwDlll!bldut1 ~Ir Ckrla 1_...,._._ rtt.erf.lattJ "I OfliM ~_,,.... U MT x.J,,~t K__.,. ,~~,.

1 & p.m.-11 .... 1lauih (1'!1)1..•1"i Jl'.anol, , u IWilo. ......... ._.,. 11 v~ I• Canh,:""

(-fie~. "'!lie W'kl•Uff .... .ma,... .. ~·-


I ... - .......... _ .. _,n••-·-· .. ·· .............. _, ..... , ... -... - .. ...,

I i i !

! I ! ~

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r.,. J,'jfly.T,,;-o

New Columbia

Layerbilt "B" Battery A radio "B'' Battery of entirely new construc­tion, made of flat byer• of clemenu compressed one n&ainst the other so that c•t1ry cubic inch inside the ba ltcry is completely fllcd with electricity proJuc• ing matcri:tls. Tb jg

mean, 30% mortJ power than that of any other battery of the same size made of round cells. I t means grcatc:r power, longer life and far greater economy than it is pas· aible to obtain from any other battery.

Columbia Badlo Batteries

- t ll~II but longer larlwN 14-tt,_..f)tati,·P11

~'::\ !;.O.:~~~:"N5.~•d. li6


t lJ t &,dtwi' lt.t,.J',;1 In lhu .. ,,._. ltM• t 11m M_, EUwn lko,J.. r•tr-atto

•• , ~li,., VICll11' • •rutli cir ft@W't,- 1K11tc'1l1, l-'I ••f>ric.L.,,. llttty·• lullalq (~to1uh•r11J,

:n.:, ,,.111. 1:,11 ,!1 fl.-ac•1 1'utCt'l'1. &ad, '"'°Wt°tlot: ftl....,, dn f Uw o,..,_ .. I R111 .. ... ,

c,..-.. Mr 6lanlr, n.rban. t._ ~ ... lltJ UM .. •1 :Po.miq Matw•

(KOl'taa,-J, ll.•O fl ftl. U,1t.1II llt-ub runn,•r• f~fll'IJ:

Keilr1,I\Qr, 'tH,J .,,,.m~W•" 1Kimm,•Tt i,.m.. Mr!n l.a•rfflCO, ,.nrr,....lur

1'o'l'OGS' 1-tllfflblf'n I Unch ,u JI-.M Bo-.t, .._,ch l.,...n f\;ittJ

Gr-.rw1 Karell • .,.,..., ~"-•"• ~NI" (urJ H I .. ,

1(14 I•-'"· M• £1~u nu,,1 l'Oftlr11,l•oi ""T"• R"1•rv'" IN•vlnl 111" 1t-tu Mr. Yt!M"7 Jt.,ti y

Hmnanms ,torm 10,U p.n, •1r Qtan.,.y (larl .. ,n. .. ,...,

f• ""Crr.rr • ...- ll'IJ lllro I t1.aflf' JI p.m IAtr 11r•• •"•I •"-h _,.,.,rr.lfl11t•

ID t.J p..m. 11,,,. ,f,·v' rrorn h,: V.."rr,t "'"' fl, n,••1, SJd• r1' -n,., 'Nf'W V.•t•l1'•!Jrllli llynu,h mW" 0."W""' Ottbe:=•~ undu 0w t.tan JI-. F'ndrrldi )4'(a-ht r'I.,

J6.40 p,111 f'f'Jriir,tT P-<!'<WII• Id l! IUl1 W•f'!'~ti t af,. Daner nr,:hH\. a, 11 IHf'I hi!! 111111"

N,n,,.r,,-1 A.uh•m c-,.., rl.,..-r,.


DAY S>".S.."10l<

J I ~- Cr ) (1(.-!'ti • ,l n:a-i .... JI 1 il.ffl, ),h11k-al rrns-•unm• f""" th•

Rt1,Ho, II ID LJtS. W•wt fr'1ftl tk ~sm ' I Ji Lin 6'.,clal H6t" l~Ua to "°,.,_.

paMNietftU ~ .. n Jorda-.. T•lk • lt.nJ• eratt.. 1,1" lira. Jmdaa

I! nooa. -C f" 0 C'locil aftll C-11 lltff. 12 1 J>..l!U. l'tpt'Clal Ocea.u t· ... ~,, awl 't\ea•h,.,r

"""""' 11.:t p.rn -.)l,1,,1r-11-\ l>-n!:11ru1111• fro.111 '"" Btu,Bo

1 U r n, lftform.&1.IOh l!a an.! f;.b1r,p C11J aaJ XIIWf'fVW~ Df IMMf'1a t tlbrpe,,,

ll.11 ~ d~ ~- EM._,...., Catt. 1 Ill, • m C'• t t,y Wirrku. U t , . .-, tr, '1 )briu•,t ltll'IIOrt I !I t·.trl \'tt.ftt.Jl.11'1 l1.11rk.-t hPl•ufl 11.U p,m I~,...., Mlf1al M1ulrt Jtt,1...,rt J:1.:,o,& 1 ,n lJp.f,.,. an• t·•r•1 rnodw,. M:l"!,f't

H..--p1rl. JI. ~ )la.- H~ ,. 11:U p111, 01"0 nwk ... f'hbnNL 1 & 11 m Mueinl l'ror."•tn•" ti1•

I Qdx.,_ 1:: to p..Jn, ,mrtu,r hfo,rm11L n f Eu1-"'1 1'4 4!I ,,_,,, Hlllkr'"I Jnnr1w11rnl11-1 ~1,.rr .. 11•r

vJ,wt t'I, 1::,,,1 t"url ar, I o pm C..l"h • .._It a,.1 f"'h\mH. t ll p.mi,. 1' .. 11 f,- Oar &an." J H P-. Muak:111 1·,w..--• ,,.... •~ ... 1 fJ p.1n !11:wilrt-,, Rtad f:•rlr• nr-" f'all,11 t I fli•,-,lf- from rN"! >"•111.,"

'I 1,.tn l, I' tl, f!Vfl,; arul l'l,i111•·._ bt:"1 lr,(o'"""°,iva Uf't<CIJll'ad ,•1miftllal•IY

• .,..,. _, .. R#'-: lt'W cow-s-, er 1h<ti, -S1111 ••

111-- ·ran. I.fl I h .tr.fl .,,.. S~I ... a.,--..&i nt rc,r~ 11 ~\.

l•ftl ,c.,._., '"""" I~ l!W11,. :1- 11.m. ,.ro 1 "l: • rllt ..... 111., ...

II ~-'" M· u,;sl 1-'rq••"'"''" t,11111 II • '4111Ji..,,

,1 I• ru N ~• fro!tl lM' lolunr It I•• V .,i l",oc.--a•- fr- tiM, .....

•o ,,.. C-1"0 a.c-, anl "••11,, II r,u: frli"°"• rr.,n) ,t,,. ~n' I I:. 1:1 ,._ Jfodr•I r,.,.nu11"'• r,.,... u,..

ln,ji,._ J ·111 1, Di, I, f" 0 f'loek • 1\J C'M ......

I.JI a, m '••• r,-, lb. ~• s,.a-~M...klll r,....,...._ f~ U.. _ .. :SM 11,11:i. Nl''lf.i from IJ.,. •~"'" • •,o 1l',1n. Ci.I' 0 ("lut·h a11U 011ti)H, l.l 11.1, .. \tu-1C-Jal 1·n,1tr1m.1rn" frt,w tl,•

Stu<I-., 4 U p ,. &,r..t F,1ot7 UO 1-.• .G.t",lJ. r)D,-k •"'41 CllJ.r.lfll •.IJ ..... )(Dia.I ,....,,.... fl'VDI u ....

8todkl. 40 11 l"Q, -N-, r,-,u11 th,, .. Sllll .... t r,o tJ.111 1t&l'1n1 u .. ,,111,. • :'it 11 ni f'rO<IU<'f'r • l•11trlbullr,1' ~\'••

J_.rutt •n•I \."ecet.a~,,. ,.ukl-t R-fliort l A4 p_. - R ... u._ of }r. .. ht'• l'"r~Jttat•. ol.M .._. An..,MIM"'TIM••• •W p.-... ~~ Oh- •·~-c. 1., p.M. G.P.0. l'I~.. .,,d ~-knw-' t1-•


)ARLY EVl:t,JZ'ifi f J,:.-;sius £ H p ..__., P O rJon: •"4 rhbu--. 1. 41 p..• l'ntJ• Gfler•" •H :~ Kt.W6N ,_.. r• aa:i..ieal Pras,.._.,~ fro• th


Ff't:('1..-\1, rotrNIH\ ~1~::-10:-.:, 'i.4 l"'t• t. t•()_ f'l,.,.14 ttnd Clut,~•r Au..,

•r~li., )brca1it11iP l.at11I ........... IH!'f' C.'1 n...'1, w .. tt,,,r """°'~ ~ 11o, M"Mrrt-ffY 6f ~IHIM'tlll "4~-ro)usiat r.., 111'-ffh-' l>wtr,bi tar &ori,t,tT°• fn-k &ail Vf'.n:taLW )hr1cT'1 TWT'Ot1 ~lnct f;.•t-laloft'I fl,.p, .. -1, t,ntr, and t ·,, 1,1 .. , Rf'pOr~ 1•·&lhl' 11 P•irJ J•1•lillfot't. R,,1.,,1 t",-;11n"1

t~-, .. ~.::'· (tf,ll~ll"'.l~~k-·. ~j'~;h~:.. ··~~ .. c:u&e-n' Tr-pit-• 1 Cllor,a. I.I•·"" lh ~ or -..ny u.e ... & '"'991,111-va of -~ Aon• r,.otlfl .... " • ,-~ia,,, C.r-d~ .. II.ha J,.hJ,,,anf\+ So~, Hrw,,. :-1. .. ,l"' .. ri, rSn1,,11no), :\111)· O:d.inr-a 1Crm­tnlto1, IAnf"I' . lrtfr,•r 1T1·11or I l'f'fjtf ~,JU1•rl•ml itt&Qo,,

8.$• p_ n. WNfhrr ftr1t0rl and f_..... lrif ~r'MJ' 111( )Ir, ( J, M•rn. Go•.,111.mftlt \f~,roroJ,oclo\..

fl I I _..._ C .... 0. f1oc,11: &ad CM. .. , R..a-• al foUowln,: n.,•. J'r,,i:r•'"mf'

fl.4 1•.m. Mr, C. C. 1' h•• 1 )bndQ-C.lJo Aoto.1. fl.ft fl na. htlK• .M11rif' Mllll"Wt-11 fCt.,rnt-Jlrr,1111J. '> ~-. 11' Ill Vr Hal, 1'11rt,)'t~ 18-.. rltut>f'I •.t5 pm. '4:1n R.-ry lk!ot.t t~br,..i•l. !11.1~ p ,n. !'fir C. C Kin•• 9.IY pm.- lbr .. Ma,..-lL fli.•I!; >• -Mr lt• I. V.11-0D, ,.ss IJD Mi• S.O·I llk,,,tt lfU\. t'-tn ('.,e M. .. n-,111m •lld K;. r."Janrri~

"''""""• JCroadCA-t trom t h, 8a.Un....,.rn 11I n,., l\oudL CMhl•\ u,.,1nc ht.1t"l"hl• bn•NII

1JaDtta, Sf"WJI R...,.,ru. by ro;i""' ot U'tl• ""21iun" •Ill t,,,, l,n~t

U.t p.-. <.LP 0. (".,_,. aod Ch~• NatiN-1 ~


f"OM,.lll'olT"Y E!ISCl~ti.

ll J•I'""· TJ111 .. ~11u,a1, 11ri1i~11 Offld• I '911, .. ~ ,.., N,,wa fru,n, tt1.11flll, ~~11, .. r•• a11f UW Au.tra!i.a 1·,,... "----""*•oft 1·.w.-.:

"-rw:u.4'• afld .. u.,. ... w·· :.;i ..... lwrwlcw l!..16 p.,tn, Ur_., tbr A-ittc.. ul. lb.- 'riit--1.nt

,;u.,,~ • hd 4 '-.m.11allr Nll:l~.r-~ A...c\.ti.U... t ,1'(~11,t,,;l 1\' ~l?..;t,INU, 1ra11oU111H..t ,r,.m 11>1• .ANro:.MUl,l IIAL.1,. (',,1Uhtt, :,;1n'tl

J 1;, loJl:l t:tn,·k l',lldt.11111:• lhf1,1t"'•l»li; w.,~ttwf' Kofputl

::, p,n .... DuW"II,

AJ"'IT.:H..."'lOOP- S,t:,-;..,n,s

Al.1\U! L"'\THll' .\U1iJNG >',\lH:. 1,-U r,10. tlll'IJIO llkt Ht.!'i. l RA,

l.,bi,,th"'' t Slt.l.ihwu I S.10 ~-. f.F\lio .1."-MI>-"' A!'o.D ),ULll&

wuut Miuaeal lbU Odd -- • p t11 .\. kh II Aki, \.~ltLGC. t'b.&,,, \\Iii u• U. '111,wt,I !dlf \"1,11,.UIUti

1.':, 1 111 MA~WI J.1, l".~ lu, .. Yw 11,1,w,d1.11,._ Tl1• Jl1rn1:M,• Wuluw.• TU J' ..... )'w u .. ,11. A~•~ . ...'"

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u, , .., s,·, uto OltCEI-TUA. ~~~~..:c~ Ah,-. :--. I ll1rnpb1,,•

IU r-• ,,WJ:9 111,£\" 1'..-t11r, Yi• .. s~t, ... U.•• "" ,1 .. ,,...,..,.

l.'.I, Wi\.LTt;.a. J..IU11.l. \.'\,,fflll1.

u •~.-. ;,~~•~11.t11Dl'ltA, Jlhfl'' HI~!

1-111• .ir•Aa:r,e:alll""'lllll'i!ftlH! Vr.t!(a;,rian a.e11 C..-fff!,p1...n, .\tK. Mi!!t-'Hf R..',l1:,,. 1.iUU~ON. w .. l ...,.i. _,,, 11•.a t41N'fi. ,_. j\1,,_,1 • '1',.t1t1t1111!-:,,I from •"- JU:u

t ~"~ .. ·:";}'! ';~~~~.'!~ta.~rn1. 'T 11~ L~• !)''Cab-.•

Ut., fittai,.I' Sm flnnel,f $t.1c\: J:1. 41.,_ J,.tc,,..,,- Am.i,tU,tln fn, 1¥"1t.-1 HK.£lOWS HA\H, fw &tunt.y. IIUI , ...

'~ ,..... [ffUOns, tra1ld.ll1'"1 !tom 8L rur.. 1.1-nt

&b r_.. <:Am" U..-11.

ctl:!it!IG d:&S.IUN'. C'HU.llKtN"'B 1101 Ill

•• ..... ,..HI LV~'S HOl'R.. All•wen to J,,a,n. •11d 1-i,..h.._-, 111'"l•'

l,11 p.a. .&TlTD10 ORCll~rR,,, '1'•.,ir•l~ .... rtl.

It t,&--.. .IUIY hl;N.U.:A)",00 l>oesi.11, ..,.lw ..... " 'Wllr" -t'h<t Mi:ica."' ...,, l'IJr l,b,a LlWIC1 OnM, '"'Ml• Ii lrlhda.J' hrt1·•

lift,,_.. 'tl 1Dl11 ORCll"~ T RA• ?tmnht.'. f .mW"'- l"U1 lf

~ u .,. 11.11v ra1wu:,.l" ... J:i:>"7 t.. ,i a oM.,, ('Lt-.. ""·t..,. IJJ,,I N.a fU""L"" c.- p-. .. ()lfl,oiu Jwp;,rt of J,.'t 'A \I.UUi:t:T

,;/~ 11~~'=.L ~'!,~ ":1' tt.-. 8"-r ..,..,....,. »,11111PD1 aM11111= 11,1, .... ......

4 r. r,a. IJlk,,rll T.nllffftP tnf•tn•\'911. IU p.a t<M \1.,1uc l~na, .,. J. a,

9t,,., rt1. 1., t fll¥i\ Pr--. UI r-a. .,.._ l(aopi•rtL t.tJ 1 .._ Jbtlif't ~~ 11p tllf" , .. rdorfu

,...,._.,,.. l..«o:t...,.Lke <:-... I.IA.I .lJ!or lb.,rr t'-rt•-"1•i '°",1111-: Oe.i<>"U! N~ ar~.- .....,,, •.s.., N,altty • tlralo u., ·-" ••• ¥,rltt -,u of Fruit. If thr \":ct.or•" t-n..........,...• Aaa,.:;ls!WI, ('Offlffu..i 1w tJMa ~114 Vn:,14, ... .,,...,,. .. 11,u



RADION ! i _____________ ,___.

The Supreme Insulation

BUILD the new improved Browning Drakes or the Radian RH 27 or

any other set and the reception depends primarily on the integrity of the parts used in it.

Discriminating set builders insist on genuine-

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Paire Fl.!t;-Fou.

r··· .. --.. --.. --......... -1

I Two Great f i Carborundum i I Radio Products I ! I

I ~

I ! i l l ;

i i I i s , I ' CARBOUl'NDIDI RADIO ;

i h llxe<!-=~~~o adju1t- i,; I tnenta. nathlni: to i;et out of

I• order, and won't burn out. ;ii

Brings Ln1e, clonr crystlll• • to any n,flwc or ct,$tnl Set, And (1 gu&J'Qnt....S, I

SflllJl!y connttt each. em om! ! tane in. l


i I

I i

CARBOl!t!Nnnr ST.\BJl.19- ii nm '"DE1·•xrrnn u~rr. 1

Jlwlt nrc..und tho Cnrl,orunclum · Fixrd lJ1Jtoctur is thls hiJrhly j ,fflclent Swbllbtn&' dcr..-ke. : Ab10!utcly eontrnb s•ll O!M,lllll• ' lion In ndio freqneney tubes 1 nnd permit.-. openn.ioD at J>f4k ii ur t'1'gl'DC1'11 tlon. A emnll •il•d battory ·.1,_

i.l ull Jt noodo.

Sole Al:•nl.s: i,,

Elisa Tinsley. Piy. LtJ. :-W.K.W.: 4114 b'.•nt St., Sydnty, i,_

,·1c.: 6~0-6:i2 l.luurke St., M•I• bourn,. : :

Wl&ELEII WESltLY Frida)•, 3rd Jane, 1927.

4QG, BRISBANE Thursday.

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daJ t,rJ Ju,,.. I~:?": Wllll!;tt:•s Wit.Bill.\ ---------~--...... SCL. ADELAIDE.

~ , " n. c·lu•~ 1 , tw.r ,_, IJw Alf•d!a c. af11

°""""'" ~--,, ...... ,.,., A,-ftllliiflll9ffl•aU ... I l'O (li'lll'I• .... fleil• [',nail

Friday, June 10 2FC, SYDNEY.

JI0""1>.· ... • ·,n 'lfflr•AY •.• :():,,

u..::.;_ JI• l'f.•• •..-l •~-0•11111"• 1U •.Ill .-..-u,w lwKmt ,a.1• ,-.1~ ,,__ U1 ... 1111W1 --•,.; .... PJp.

PtlC bs3i!l•irP..,.., ,_U NftirM.. 1111..._ ... ,. ........

Ill~~~-~ ., .. ., llml•r 11.U. • ...,__..,.. ..

~J~~v:-:..~ ONU,s .od

Jt.U ·-~ ..

:""..,-,,_,..___..._,_,_,,,.,.u.,.,,,_,_, .. _____ mMIP.__,~,-----, !


I ! i

! ! i ~ I i i

EDWARD ARNOLD LTD. Oxford & Crown Streets


\ ,\1\1~

l .\ 11-., lluio rrou \'uh e .. 11 -( a, Jli1ttrzat,d ).

l!.X. :!!11.\ l!.idlo-t.ran \'~1tv~1 JI -

I'hUap3 n . .tii,; 11 s

n~ rorut, 1u ..... U6

tiej&lntin $pr~ Sor.k.1u, .::. -

Emmco Sockets , • 3 ti

lf-, . 1 Sh~ll ~oc\:(lt3 . . t ti

• 11. Jo, l!Mo (U l.1111trat~J •• a,,

F:mm,o P.11..,, •• 2 6

A \\'.A 1'nm•• (('Jt.tUfa_ nmllo

M ~;,:r"'"'t,.'n:.: 18'. tormua, udlo

fj::,-Jrlt('tn~~= l;/-. fonne-r-. a'Odlo fl"l"JUl)lQ' • 21/-

Splendid Vnlue in Radio Sets -. \.1.LH: .\'.£1JTROO\'~I'. rompl•t• In all d•faO•, lncl11linsi: Swan

,, :l h• t.uu ArnpHon (wooden rtu., .1. douh!o UlQCitt •·H .. &:.­rltJ, .\<'C\1m11lator aand A,rlat. In ftoor nWnei 4ft. fut .. blah. of

, ,Ji,hod Maple, a-woo,! or Fwnod Oak .............. ••., no \\1th l[!Wlln!.tt,

; n1.n: ',"]!IJTROO\'SP., In bblo ubb:;t. Complm, in all de-taUt u ab<,,;e ... •••• ..... ... , .• . ••• •••• • £37,10 -

3 \ ~I.H: SF..T. l"!!n,pl..te In uNr)' d.tAD, ltolodli:i; AmpUoc Jonior lot1d opr:cker. dOllbt.. ,·apacJt;, Br.torlu aud Ac:enmulator. :IOlA V•lv~ and .\ttlJI Win . - • • • • • . . . • • . • •• .. ... • • . ... ffl/lOf-


! i

I t !


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Led the Way at the Radio Exhibition Win First, Second and Special Prize

ln Multivah:e Receiver Class.

a JJJ.'AMEiiC~

Rau land-Lyric A Jaborator, f?!'II. I,, '. odio Pre•

qv.-!ltf'._."lli,,_,: n........:. C'.1pc,ej.all7 tor mus~ lGYen. to proTidt" abao• )otelv 1nltbful RprodUClKJll ot tbOHI • r,1Jnrrnu-nt.1 ot tone qualit7 \\'hidl ure 1,c:rc-rh·r,I t1nly by thfll tra.i.ue-d mu•!tlan.. There iJi nn "1 l" Lertioll r,r lou o! ovcrr tonr11, nci in• troduetlon of' ta!:ae brmolllcs. ni. tran.sfonntir l'IH r~"'iYNi the plaudit• of t.bP world'• foremost mule crltlea ud h.u wDA the appro,·al of muic lovrra.

Type llliOO ....... , ...... 81/->


Standard Audios •«:::'ll ~•m?t:!t;i~~T: J!~~" :·ar for:;•. :: !"..:a~ :::•::~~a~1i~ ~Urti~ l~ ••r~ IJ::• A l A....-W.• -1 ••pnlar

lr al IIH ,.. I ll~ ...... ·" ,..,.T ... fl" a e ~ M t •~• 1oed •Sol~,.. ,. p,'O'l"idf'11 '-7 the l"lofi•Y bl.c. IF. abrJI and e•M1Nld. cr.1• I •r-c ,,. um• .1r

h~ b~"T • e, •h"II .rl.11\.iffc•Ur tl.,.,,fch tt• Q7JllU M •• Lo rcdai « u,t1tt' ... ,. eo-plioa

a • ._,.. ., ....... .,,,. ha,.....,,...W, uMUi~bcl • al.•'I • b • U..ra ll.1..-4 •1111 • ..-pPrbl

e'I.< ff IJI' Noa,..•cl kf'ae'UUIIQJ' •ea1 C th• I: r• II.Ail •!1 «J.M1alN1 a,a•1•

Ii(• 1hu win•••U•I .tenn11&11 u4 aullti•f 1-,qt.:f11,

Type ltH, IIAtlo 3 UI 1 ... , ,. .. 5'J/· U<b Type 1\15, RAtlo 6 to l ........ YJ/- eacb 'J'n• ltl:S. Ratio 10 to 1 ....... SO/· ucll

Po wer Amplifying (Push­Pull) Transformers

'l"o .. ott '"'"' • 1d ~•k411t' •1:11111•• nn, n •· ..a•t sta"" a4d to u:t NI • aa:~ o.t A 4_.n-1111a11, ,.,.. ... •ar~ii\oi.ioo. Tnit ctmlllJ

• rl,ct llffa•" 1M •1cr;al n~u1 ,. ~itd ~--• t ... t • lie-t1 wla~ llflltn.l M clhtanMll.

Typo ~ lnpui • .. ... • • • , :18/6 ""11 Type R31, ou,pll\ ..... . .. , . •• 39/6>

Sol• ,\llfllll

0. H. O'BRIEN, <~If,.,?c":rJB'.) 37-'9 PITT ST .. SYDNEY ~16 COLLINS ST. M£LBOUR:-E

i i

W, C. PETERMAN, Pc,,.,. Ho• ... Briaba,,. ___J

Friday, :In! Jan.. 1~27.

EAfl.LY EVE!",."I'St; !.£5:StO:..."l.

' · '5 r.n -Tltit c.""kl:ni"' of D'C ..... ..... ~ .. .Hulo x.... l&lb ,. at

C"ll~NII, l-.11'1 ._an A 8-ria 1 !R.Gt7, ll-.10 p.m. Ulr11tPr llm:ic. ': 1,,111. •''Nlw Ben.''

J.ut ,a1n11te ,por~ htfnnaat:s.o b7 tM !'..f'C Raclnl" ~IWII',

'7 10 ..... n. ... 1,.·. ~ ~ (• oat. ..... I. .,-,,.

T 11 Jl.m..- .-ntt end ~l)i., ,..t\t-t!I. T. :'I r, .m v. ntiw-r tlld ffllpptq l,ll;t,r.llipn,:.

t-t.,,.lr. t!•~ 7.t& 11.w. l...&te • t:""'"' .. r 2-1 .... , .. ltf'WI ffnlc-.

NTGH'r ~l:S.SlC'IS "4; "'" n,,. Cli•- Cl( lFC and Pl'l'C1'aa ..

•nDOllntt-1114, ,. H p.- -liwdio Jtebl. I p.111. -Ulr 11n •

f"r'o. f"allns'• COl'IN"t't Sa!Ofl I A PhltHJ.f.m.e R~U•I M' ;\Ila l"lt.,,.rfl lhnbHnr. U.. ._-1.-u11ir Cou11nl",rl,al l'i.11nltt 1 l•t •·M•~tMt MHitA.i.J'."" {Sdni~.LJnt.l.

,_. f'.11'1 {b\ -SC.~o Op. ll'" ,c~., l.~.1!").-<•) --Jfmzrarln llb&,-oit,, Se. 12""

f:.M P.lrl .,.,_. lb- S!:lldlel Mr. W. F', Ku laaa • Nlbff .t r"""1;J J•ofat.

I 4'i r,.m -.\tt. CYTil M'Mi1i. '\"Joli11 •101 fal .,lrlah Alr" (Allhd 11111), lhl "T...,..,..d,.ud ... rJ;. .. 1,tln).

,.u fl.rn.-Mr JT.arold Toli.a.Hhw, ba-riWM t..1-• s,.a Trutrpa M11111q.,..u1 A "'-'

R..-W.,. T• 11r: b• Cnt::ata ~ tit IL.lft U'C DaMie Ba_., ~JA'. Mr

F..rill p.,."""• ~.IS P"' )ti.,. C'.-li~ Hoo,,tTt

Sc.a" • th• l .. ,ano.

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1 ·· J1e~, ,7 i O O Radio Enthusiasts. !

I - BURGESS- I ! -;"\I~~~ RADIO BATTERIES i I 11,oUI i f ~ -.,.. urilhin, lhe I i reach of' aLL i

I Drastic Reduction in ! · i i I BURGESS RADIO BATTERIES I I Now 26/• Only I i i i I i,\·: Leaders always in Batlery quality, Burgess Ji

now leads Wirdesa Australia in Battery ! value. j !,- '1

These famous radio batteries, which are the l standard of comparison throughout the l I world, are now available to all radio users j i at no more than the cost of ordinary dry i l cdl batteries. i ! i i 1 i Don't buy just a battery. Ask for Burgess. 4 i Look for the distinctive black and while I j cover. [j

11 your dealer is out of stock, write us direct 1. glcing dealer's name.

New System Telephones Pty. Ltd., 280 Castlereaah Street, Sydney

25 QuMn't Brid1• St., Clarie. Street, Melbourne Adelaide

Q 'lancl Aa•nlt: Q'lcl Cycle & Motor A1ency (Q.) Ltd. C,...k A A.d.etald• SU.. 8c-1• bo..a• . Q, J.9.

i :

j l I

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1:j;;;,11------ ·--··1 LOUD SPEAKER


\\\, have !Jl~wur, 11 1,1

nounclng r ha( l lw lollu11 111ic types 01 Brov. n L• 111 :-0:p(.'Bkers and Headphones ha\·r. be«n r.-,!m•ed l11

( J)ricu:- j ~ ---~- i

•,,, 'l"hc c,,lebr•L«l Bru~ u 112 ,\JocM n::u~: 1: i,,i_

Loud S~akcro and llud- ,.6 phones are Brituh mud" Ill i\todtl .., 1.'i 0

~ 1brouahout-laliv1, JJllt ! l terl•I nnd "-"Pll<LI. r-:,ery Jl(l JloiM ~j Iii fl i ~ detail of thetr manor•'-·• (.'r> sto,·o\ £'i 1,j O ~ ~:'=,.·=. -iurc Is subject to the m05,t .:;',,:', rig~rous scruiin:,. 1111d nU I'. T~-,,e lfl>ad· ;ns;::~:~:;~ ;:,c;;;;,•~ 11hone, • • . . .I: 1 7 6 : c-,f r-xc-dlernte Are nnh• ) h T i j les.•lr discnrded. C I er ~ Pl"- l . II I ,ro,M £2 0 0 l,.

~(J'J' hlµ_'f. hul II :iiC'(•n• af tim~.!. ~u. B«•~n 11:l \lode! H 2 6 1.

product ia to1ted for Jn,. perltcUoM, and, • t a. rr•

I 1Jult, r~,oche.5 .11. t.ia1tdu.rJ. of workmanship wMch b (I. )fod~I · · • • £2 L O 0

I,,,. I :::,:::. fr~:.:~~;:o ~:~:::: • :_1


I ~~~~~1!1~1;y!:E~: .. ~~~:. I ! ! : ;: ..................... ,,.,,uouu,._,.,.,., .. .,, .. ~u,.uru,t,uo1uHuuo•u1,u11unuon11u,uu111uuuu11uouuuu.,un10 .. •

t':ibinct .'1odel . .!:R lO (I

14.o i•JII. lk=aln ..,_ HJI' r.h.a~;. -0,<' ... II.

} \"ENIX ti~lUN l UW•Hl:.N 'S umrr.

;,ta,,1 Ti,U.,•r . 'UJT.4Y HlJJI,; ~'\: ' t:.U.L~ llKAUfflAV. I l!i.aftra,. ._,o P lft.• A?lnt"i'r W le-tl4:» .ad l,mW., ._,,,,.,

... S(t p,,n F.LSJP: LlhA.DSU-'W

r,_,t" ~~ ut,-1,f[, f1


Hu a r:tol')' tor th" liUJ.- .,.., : t:1-""1!. bllAUSlfAW Hu t'Wo ~ htt~ Mlftl'II fer \\i. l:iJ """

H 1t •· .. lf1Ll-\ lillN~-Y. Old lf'On,ld,...,.

(,.;,OJ ~•,ljl t,_lffi~t.( r.-J11,tt 6f "JN·lJ,l!!"L,l Sw-, ll i::-al•~ ~.umt.c,,· 1 r tru.-\:j! .,,ll.rrr4 f,1,- t.i. lo,wh1• 11.-.k11 Ml»

,. J.:. 1• ira. A.r~" an... ti.,.M .......... ,. ,-lh, WHthrr •T~ JU:.tpplaw Mu .... . m"

, ,1,:' 1•.111 ~Ol1. FJ.d.a1.1.c,- ln!.i1'1114Uon t11,: ,,.N 1 tr:li ..C11r .. ,l 11111.n,rh lr J ft Uc... t(.1,bblt J'rlto• . - ~ ~.1.11 tu, .. ,. lllf'O(>rU

"'1,.,. M,;,,rb' •lflllutU d lruh l'711w V rl&D nz1trh1" A -,c,c-Wwr.. '°'"""'~ t.'!"I

Tti• •nut. \\.,.1,1 <""'£,n,._, lit,)

I• IOltA \' t'tlJ'Ui.AH J'JU.,C,;l;A)UH:. ";.1• 11n1 l~n•l-i.'-' ti,,. ,1u.J1•k1•:, 1,( th1, 1'1°11._rl•

t11-:11t. 11r A,:ttt"Jlm,e,, ¥U. 1, t- J~:\H!i .. ~rnN. ~'"'81' Y,&.al'iUZJ' ulu-tt. we.. •:>ok

f ~"-r,.• 8•~;;.tic:-r ~RC~. nwht ur o ... 1:1 ..

i.!O i,.n1 -t:1'!tlARA. .A~ lil11tU .. Fiiltr• 111."I:''" rrom dw J1A1.-r1t\1J J,(1>1

~'INA }ILRKF.; ··ea~ H.anunu (M. )i\:n t

(..ltA.l!l \t'lolAflA Ow- W4"·!wmo «TboL Da, '·

P11tter. -.::11 pm rrrt:ni11 f!JU'HF..sTR.A

... T• h't 1,if &lrman·• 141ft'• ii Phi- tl.0Vt JAlilf~ A:SI) lMJl'II. V.01.FJ .•

·\l::wlol Hall ~ltb ~-10 D,r.t.-- ..COLLUIC.-,,"(l()t> C lTtZI,!.'\:

BA:,m Ma.r~h. -rlK> J~lb Trv<:11-t • t tn• llu-J1. fl1~ •tit (~id,fio. ~

r.:.11 ,1.111 JAM}'9 Jt1J..F\", 'Tor!tl 11 A H51rli: uf H .. rur1la., (tllill1

"'~,rqlt&'" IAcbr , f..!': -.\C."lF.S f'(HtTCi!\T ... f'ui ~.

A fit'' rtitffltt-9 lflt.b l'ht¢t:i Jl co p.n, TUI:: ICOYAI, Al'Tt1\I01111,l

l'J,11 11 tn-• \'11")Uk.l\'I" t,i,O};Tr Ml "'".i\hi: }.-lilt ')'fl.lJA.Y U:t t"tlll.DKf".N• .. \h1g.y, ilol;it. luUt •a,•

tw-r, '"' rau ~...,. read. er brft11N' ,- ,... 111 fr.t!li vf M ... ,IH .. a ....... , ... -k~ Ne,"r rua .u-J-. .. 11hvart t®l<I ..

;.4.:: 1•,m fJ'I'lll>H'"I OlU.'JU.:..;-r,t,\ 5-'!'N'Ortsl R~"Ytlob-01111'"• •· 1 )lt,n'lf'ftl.fll

,u ... 11) .. w•i:•. l.:i? p.m F.LSA 8TCA.l.IA A~t, lt.lX1M

RkUDli llA:tlM J1RODJ

·"Si,r•n1111I.,- f'rott>l111.

E~,,.~ l•lt~~\ ttA\"'"' Ar,(>' (Y1 It 1

&,~UorJ. "II Tf'Gl'l'atoN-"' 1V,f'dl! ·wa~ (If )(iz1:M'IOIIU" (l.a:irlt1:'1'1 Oat. h, • f"'~qla• tHs~1>.

~ . . p 111 - AmK'ilt>ffDI-P"t•. , ,, o•TI, .,·oLLJNnwruJu t'1r1r.t:'t$"

TI4cNU, ,;,.,.ou~ rr'-clU••

1,1';. ,~B. 11, .I'. t.O'.'Et T1'!tbnkaiiri•'·~.

t . ...._ •.n, ..J _\ii r RU.&\' T,..., • .M7 n,n..,- llnut.-d PtA.rl .. 11r t,

•·rHt lu 1lrr !!<tillr l'i,1ot11·• /Mo,,n) 0.;t? p 111 .-:nmn, l)Hf"R2S'UU;

··.~lllUI tii,n11,hOD) -.!:Ill! Um,nc:!tl llkwtlwfflll . '·'° 11....-0LGA urru. hn.noi ..,... "",."-

'"Spa"li d'/unnar" fi.fl &1.m.-->tR. ,: • . t, WlLLl:\MS Will llltt'Uw

T'tl-fllf•f~• "\\ .,...,lhts, a.r.; .._m <:OLU:,Jt..t.·oou u.TtZl:.:,::.:i'

ILL..°'V• Batt Sol..-.. "'"C&p .. coleea." So)ob1_ ttr. R. coa .. u.

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WIBEL£8S WJUl"LT raco F'lt,-Nine

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• _,_ .. __ ,,,_,.. __ .. __ ,,,.._.. __ .,.....,••••••••••-•-••• .. ,-._ .. ,,, .. __ ,,, .... n••••,

~ i i A I.,ERFECT VALVE RECF.IVIN<... SFT ! ~ ~ ; T,;:::=~~~=~:;:~~~~::::::::::::~~;;;; I : :

i i i i I l j 1

I I I Farmer's 5-Yalve I I j Deresnadyne ! In Handsome Inlaid Walnut Cabinet


·_(',. Fnrmer·s 5-Vah·c· "ll<'rt.~n:1d) ne·• Rec~i\t·r i$ coulain>'d in a 1w que caLint>t of walnut, in hand­some in.lnid 1li,1<lgm,. II is t>;1Sy lo r.ontrul, .~nd

!, i& UlltiUrJl:.t~~t'd fur purity or tone.

The "'lkre,snad) ne" is .,ol(l compli,te with thu i followiug accellSories: "Arnpllon Uragou" I.out!

!-ipeaker, "Clyde" 6-\'olt Accumulntor, 3 \'olton '!,,,, 45-\'olt: "B'" Haneri,•,, Lightning Arrester, 5

Jl.ucliotruu t.'X201 A. Ynll'c.•, and £58/ / : ;

I ' i '


I l l :

! ¥ !

Aerial i,;quipment • •

Relial,le Cone and Horn Type

Loud Speakers °'_.\m111iun"" C'un~ l.uud Spt:B~er, A fut1r~ \11 H5 Hr · o-dUt.uon or th bi: o,,.

,:-ether wtth th <-•1u• o[ r, pro• cltrrlTI#, lmth 1tar nnd oi,t.rnt litnt10M. l 1 r,t<c • • • • • i~ "t -

"-'.ll\liatrr l\fllt"" l.011d Sptaht1T. • \ 11-,nker uf th• horn t)'p•. ....tth a dull fini>h; wc,ndt-•fnl tnn~, :tnd c.,l';ibl,• tJf handlmi: n.n .... • ,•1,\ume o.-sir,·tl. Prico •••••••••• • ••.• l:6 1or-

IVir,lc•J Dcpa,tmenl, GrounJ Floor, Mari/.tl Slrtel

FARMER'S, SYDNEY Fanner·• do nol pay carriai.- on W,rdeu C.ooda.

,110 -p.m A ,·4'11)-"i."° ~u.Dt 0-t t.1111' •fln• DWh'• -~~lr ~ffb.

lp.m RICl:k-D. ~i...... dt>•,01,

,.,1:, it..m... -_u.,. rhu.• 1 qt HT I.ft\,\ a, tn, 'I'll., •·H~II,. M•u' \»11.J Lv U•"

chUd,-a '-'SO ~ A is.r•I J:i4ofJ, Ii 40 ,,..._ -UIAIWT ,.._.,., .. P n,. ... Uilt b-u ....

1.-i, SµuT1111~ .w1.,r11L•tl..,n. T t• p.i:i,. W,•thn IAt.~..,;"M"' I• p...1n kw&J.Df' ~•• • bb -:..•-:- .,,.....,_

'; .t• p M, t-1 1.UO, M1o1•ir

i,C't fl-"'· 1h,- ('bu11.,. Q( :1-1 t1Dd .,_nnn.""',._ 111,•JIU...

": .•,o "!11. M-had~ h,n A • m. lt.11 ...

Ur-.da"' ,,..__ 1M C'r,ua1 f", ,,....__ 1 ,-. f\)'d1w)' Urd1,-•ht1 und, r \.h .. ._,b,11 i,f ?'111' 11.arrv f.1,,r,.,

~u, p.n~- t·,um lt,. St --lki-: Jil- \.i,..I•~ U.-lll. ~:,r..:ti,. r .. 4rl' IIYWID"" I brMi¥•

• l( i,.m. ~M Je,u, ,,,.,1'.udl 111 nu ,,11 tt,,.. w.-11, r, na.

Ill.It P.1111 ,n~~ THF. t"K't"ST.u. l".AI ,\C6 TilKATIU.., ~YD!\'.t.Y Or.-p.-,,1r• I 1.,•i,n inr.J,-ut:al I ,he' Wt1,. n., \"c,li.:• fwll,trm1n.• 'U1.. R-...\an r11ulr will tw h-nt h, dt<e" aou -n,.. vo1., lk,.ttna• JI,. lb,.._. lh11Tla.. 1-uo artll ·•- 1lvrmlh,, Jle•·;."'d will 1ina t'•b "

,_ to 11.m l' r, m i'alhrJ"._, ("ori,•"ff ~• J.u1, ll,nrt,J trr 1:>w Coa1.l..-.t1.J r1.uld. li(- )"ku-­•Mw )ll,-i:i.,ma,--.r1 -11.ha~, ~a.• tlls.&11

• t• • m_.-J,'r•ltTTlcir.1• rrorn 011tna. •·v1..-t .. ,h,.ll," tM1:ttli.lul")'"PI.

!i . .&.-" F,,9- .. \••• • c~rt.-.. t.l p,111..-F~ 1DP St.alfo'):

1111• \-"lr1dt11a TI•••ttJ, ,.,.,nlnllo• u,. ''We",J \orlt.rr J.lh II Wff .. 1ut11 Jk,Jf~hl. fltt --~luM •1 mY o-r.....'" "flt~}\,n,,a:.1111.

11, p.a. l\ i• ad 1'"ffldlit, DtYlidi ,_r.,r. t.ahwn.

~.lfl pm 111 IN U.rnlh)' 1.w••r• ,_.1,,...t.1• ?•"U p.m. )tr, ,:in,1: ,.lt-undrr will Pfffll4":'I~

• n,ow: l,qrw.Q~ P~Nd ~1' Cocfr ..... Ra!l. .. mllH

0 JU O .MAR. (1)1 llun Mr'" A 1rx••f11.!i, lll.1 Onu,r Kha.)7,im,

l H 1--.ttl. Miu \"lntlnia 8u.H-lli. c-cmtnlri,: ,\ ~tC'UIZ of p_,..... PllWlpal.

ti• pm \\111 •TIii \\"11Mi,I!!'.. r;,,l~h nt.,..., la,.,.,._

t.,t4 lHn. IIRflA}j\~A~ f'"ft(1M TU:E t'RY· fiTAL PAI.A.CL Tll&ATlt&. ~l-nST.Yi orv..-v-al hl"ffl1

9.14 .,.1111 l'Nlffl. di• 'S!l.ltliol J,t,;r,~ l>orri1hy- (),..., ... ,., ~1tr,-1!r-.

10 p,m •·uir 1i.111 ... ~n Gnn,rd: ltreu nn tbot Ydn l"la~ , pa. 1\'la •nd \\ IN~. Ell.cis-li Hh!"• .,...,.._

J'l.lll rn,L \l~ll l},,r,,1h" J)f·...,•r-. llliJl•hr,. t lr . ~, r, m CR\''-TAL. r.u.AC't: ORC'HJ::.3-l!A . .. ,._"' F,ocn tM ~~~I•: .\a (l .... i-'l"I lhuh6 ,-~,. •tlurn t7 t'.n-fri1s,r1,111 Hal,, orntitlll'ti "Ttu, llnt,-r,- .,( tbn C:l,,.l"I Hull6r.'" ~H!M' . .An uw C'~l'ltry Mn.,NU­Chanct,n; AhM ll•rehba,nl•, ll ~ Jt,i,1'1 "A jt,..n. u.-1 .. ol'·t- llarn1hT. Mr ~,. ... , Alf'"Uri•I• r,

Jt,. ts p .m. llrna•h-JUI Ir""' t•..e v,t,..,it'll'1.0n.h ltr.c~l. ~,-.'ln,1.: T.., N.,-w W•atwottlll ~,-­ph,cm1.- l)antt OttN'dtt 11ndrr 1- batoll of Mr- > ,..dnid: l•brhton,

11 p.m. •·t111: lkn.'" I.all nP•• and • ,u,,.q;:r.-rr • "'-\.I.

JI I Jl I'll.-,,._ °WP1:.twonb (.dt- l'le!a• 0.. ..hNtJll u,11 n o si..-.

11 I& 11--- • Bli;: 1•i.n ... :-.:atkaal 4'1 - u "'"·

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fnJ:::r.r. inJ Jan~. lQ!i".


.vo1U-n11'0 .a::uo~.

u.;: .,.~~;•=E-;~, IL1~ ..._ --O'HARA .um bl'WJ,i.iL ,ha 1,.rb. U ~u 11,.. "' U­

•• ,... ,_.. .. (f !!,a.JI •• ,tia.. •)'lb.•a.. t'l.u.T

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1w~.::u..'~:"_l.! '!°~~~H- 1111b. '"'!Cclq1 ~ 111.-d-.. 1R-~,

JUT.,.., S"t'UllIO uW.H~-ClLA. LMoar1 r;,.lt• ,c.,u,••·

u.n ..-. .....J.,on:~ JU LEY 1 :W~tllllae"' IT-•i.

•11•1• ~ Gld It...,·• I~ lt•R lllll .\(i..~):11 rorrn:o:. ptllliOI ·Lt~lMl .. iPGldhut,

n ~~ «.'I'll,.. f;i l'UIU or.l"IH-='fl\A l .,.,-, t.=» hr1taa·• 1M""-'•• n,,...,.. nm-,~ P,il,.tacn.i:1a.1-. ......

l,eal iwnn, IND! Jlltpy. .ibutn • •Dd dla Alt.U•H•• r.- A....-;..U.. ~ .. j,~- ·-· .....,...

1:z:ti ~ ,$Tt.1'D(O Oltf'Jll:;l'llAI Ih, t°:u,,,p.1,!r lkll!-Eho1, ,

J1l\r p.n1,1 t..L-W J.\x.£1 A."-"1) :DOD.IE '\llouU'Cs

:\I --1 fl•II (hkhtk. U.ill ~-,llwk Lai )-;.u1 fftfGl'II .. U.0. I Cl .,.-.--tl.U'-A~LJ., C,UU:W, coaHiaa: ,,~ .. "lw.

U-,,11 ..-.-- ~1.CDIO OR,.11Knf~r ·1-... ,1,1.,ny ,._,nu .... 11 ... , .....

1 p.-.-- 'TH& .t'l.'TUJU:; r.- .......-t 1bit .._.:u,jW,wt.t~

Tl .. l'Ue.PIIJ' llll!C ... .,.....1t-., ,-hotw,. si;af ~al a,d C-Tril :-.,:inbNIW hi a fNllk ll~Jc,n.. l~ o.a .... wm -~ llfT ~ of a..- _, ba Va.tllla. A •tra••"" b t'JTO :-;~. c.-. Daw, .... ~ (;JT1l ~ tra Vamda ml.C• • _,, P..11&1. ~ In • ~ Cla!-----=:r. A k Uie ~p.n,-.

1 •,,. ~ru ..J,ft'IIE!ft,~Jnt lntw.c1a g,c.. i,,1n:1etf-11~9Ar:r.~~ ~,.,. , .. ~. Ta•un,-. s,a.,llt A•u-alja• an4 ~,- lleutJI. W'a-. 0M&a (DNCad. Jt ,.,,_ ~ .... MYaTI.K nossa:Jn1t0:l, •Wla

$.,at,,.. ilhadllll, l,:$2 ....... .JAIIU an.rr ......... ,

-Cbe Ladr. S.- 1.ft\119- f,)iut.:.c::QI, l~r . .- tl\'N+PUil,

LIii ....,_-('. atct.lAJUJ cutmn. ft•. J,. U,. JUn,r · t-.~,. !.,ctur::,,·' fCtitf'l•l

l r ~lft. - 5TVDlO ORClif".5'11-A-1 ~(c,,...nsa-«1t..,.,. l "",,;i,tkni d ,i. >taid.-i:i IJ,u-&, ~

a>Un,. ,r,ruae,a..,..,. a... W '")Cinbt.. r1 w ~v«-clm:Gltilre. ..

u.,m. c ... 1,,-"-

At~:.!~ i,z:.;;:: 1¢,.

J !I': 1'.Ro)ff.(l.'t ANO lilJI IT.SQJ-o rAn'SO Sntnf:OSlSTS

l ':.J II IIINcri~ &.f ' ~ J(111.1'4'•f', .I, f-rlv.p, ~i~ tt&.t!!ft..... It~ • "'1,..ilfl,...~iu(n.•

t.10 ...-.--O--d;:::9u. t..(J ... 1,1:'Aflt'J; l'OllT11AU... w,~m ..

• NcsQ Jb:.~. at lf.dlt.1r1tt. I'.. .,,.. ii'" 'br Jlr. a...a JfrC""E•

I II-'. JO& A.10!:!' M' ,\)ill lll.S H!i 0-IATJ.:;C SlllPB0.-..1::;.TS ··rw1 .... ,..-,,..._..,h

"~'"'ftf l,ntil> ~ •~~tt), lb.\ ,: • .,. ........ tlritl.iltl-'i .\II ........ tt;,,:,

tJD • m.·-l~ Ill l'rrt U~U?lp 1f;:r,li• ..._ I aO- "1 • - • · P• ~ I,)' ~\JU&• cd' dti. lpo1 •I.~ 0Jo..-


r--------- ·--"-·-1

· Value in Batteries I I b,- l",•Jiulanly uf ~ kadi.o &ltcrJ Jrp.. ti.d,. pUrTl.) un thr ul-111.t- rtteiud fur lhl" m~n.-~ in,.'V'rt~.. Thf.i I• thp chirf ,,~---uu fur th .... URJ\t'r""1111 dt.'man.d lur l:H·t•lu~d), tllr IJUrTtt..._ .. ,, uf un.- ur tltr,-t" lr6h, ful1...-1:1~r-i) R1diu Su.u.~rlbl 1.!I ll.Jlduublt:d.l) an imral.m~tl1 u, ~llif tt'a'V• lir;J"l..

.\t1d. ,.r Mul"N', tb.;or~ lit •n Ji:\"f" ... Rt'1td, rur ~Hff t t"q,11.U"emt".Jlt,.

The " Standard " Dry Cell Radio Battery

Prk~. 3• . The E,.,, • ~ ~ady RJM!lo ••Standard•• Dry ~t, u musrratnt.. II fitted wiLh two 11tr.:.w ttraaln&la; and •htce It.I iot:rodu.c.tloo 11111• milt wilb gnat • •cc.a.,.. uSttt,

1'Koe.otlln• it• immeme 1 operiorit:y O~'ft an~ Im•

~~ce~rm:~lir.,~,: :::~

bcU•. t t-fepho,.._, thtot.lllog and e:lec:.t:ro,.medlcaJ ap_par• a tut, ~ c..

"Wanda " Plug Radio Battery Tbit illu•trat• t he: n-C"w ntdio hl-11--tcmlon ••s·· BallC:t')', whlc.h CJln be obtained 31', 42 o r ~1..-nll.f ltt«d with a 1l\aod-a rlu,i. -.nJ.2 ac:reYI l.l'.r:m1na.b.

"" l3R .... H> · 2, •


ff u:nobtalnahle, locall.r, • ritf" tor aidra• o[ nta.re1t Hurce of ,ups,ly (o

The Ever-Ready Co. (Gt. Britain) Ltd I 83 P it t S tf'ed II SYDNE:Y


I i I I i i i I -~

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I I i

f i i ! ! i

! l I i


NEW STOCKS HERE ex .. S.S. Pappanui

Now is your opportunity I

D.J. SUPER-SIX with ONE DIAL for £4 : 10 : 0 deposit

The •· D.J. Super-Six" sold out almost immediately it was released. Deliveries ha,·c been expedited, and we again offer this wonderful Super-Six ,dth one dial control for £45 cash or £4/ 10/- deposit- the balance at 17/3 weekly for one year.

The " D.J. Super-Six" is a powerful King Quality Ncutrod}'De, complete with speaker. valves, aerial equipment-e\'crything ready to instal. It is enclosed ln a handsome maple case 26! inches long. 10¼ inches wi,lc, and JO¼ inches high.

Test the absolute simplicity of the one dial control yourself. at our Radio Department, 22 York Street. You will be amazed. Tum the dial slowl)· and hear in succession 2FC, 2BL. 3LO, lYA, 4QG- in fact all the Australasian stations working on short wave lengths! Each one comes through clearly- there is no distortion through inaccurate tuning.

Kowis your opportunity. Secure early before this shipment, too, is sold out!

DAVID JONES' I FOR SERVICE-------SYDNEY I i : L---•••-••-m-••--••----n••-•-u-••-•••-••••-•••'

Fnday, 3N Jun•. 1921.

I.U ... JOJ Al<ONSUN .It.XO lOt.- SYf:C .. PA'll!lft tl'd,H'fTIJNlftJ.

Ydll"u, G" llbd1 S~ft'lr I' r':n1 th rl.' I~"""°' ·rt.r• ,,\l·fl " l: 1- it1 },,I' n.t.ll, i.; n: tKahn,

• ~ I' u · t.AC.l1E 1-"00THAU. ~ ,r~ ?.crlh M•Jl'(l'llntf a.t Mc-Jhoi,1 '11" QM"'4or

t1w l~r 11ih,~ J,h,". t!od )le Jttu::"t

~L10 t>-.m l(IJ,; AH01".lU,~ A.NlJ Ill... l(n1J 0,. }',\ ns~; ~\'Ml'H+lSfS""t.

lirntu.d1.J LuJtU>'· 1 Mf'iat, Tb. \'Ulan llta. lum.1:Ja ow .. ttw \­Now' lllc.,ff

1"111 ~Ull fur Y'1h• ,1t,•.!;a._a,,, 'Thal'• Wb1' I I.on Y"""'" ~ .

• 1 .. JttQ. lJrc::'."t ouim or Wl.!........,. St~,l,P 1dic<!i. WJ..IIlJIJt'~a ka,,, ~F

!, "' ,1,,. •·t:1,o.rtlJ1C UlM.' ",,.11 11.n l_,.·hr,;I' IJc>l'i.f.")' >linr,d,. Al!t-'1'!.

l.'.rkkf't (;NM11ul lleatrt,!lii.0 1:1 flt l.u \ •l•u• finlll' L.11!1o1·r

C 1un. (.£AC.I a.;. •·OOTDA.U._ Md"-ar..- Y,

'.Iii.- ~U,ou,IM\ &l lltlw.,rn. lb.ti tbri. 0..-:- ;,t :»r Mr Rod llrGtTnf.

t.10 ; nu S\~CO. •Tak,. in U1n Sun. Huie: •u1 •tt. MOt1A"'

1Wornl.-1'n• lleeh \\aatff;-c Mt' Urts,111 UHi' fog ,n>H.ath\••

' · l.S v.m..-°"'1tt!ulLm "' Pc!G\ Cook But!­np, 1 ,_. mUl"S. lHlllt:nutaw11. ~ ai,­

ll11•htt." ol the ·1ipo;r:hzs Glob&.' ,1.n Jl,.m -Jot. Allo:-:sos A..'4:V ms SYN1,.1'1-

PAT1s<. 1'1"MMJO~'D1TS ~m. Hu, LM Mt'ffiu'" nica>d.t. Me T-Un, H~H-. lb. .. (Rrl.'IW7\I

f~!t 11.m.-•l.A.UlES' E!OCIO•;Y NA'\'CU, A1, CrltluM Ororud. ni,ttlt,tloa lz7 IIW \.-ah-l'lUr• f HVM',

' c' Jl,.!n.. t.cA.ClJ'E J"(jO'ffl,\!.L. ~t.11,,oon. w ';N'cartb ll.tliourne. at Mc:n=:.:m ~ -vartl!r lhne. ~ ..,. l!h I.~ llditte«,

,U"i p.m. J>etet.p\mq ,if F4i,Js~ih- 'We.1UT. 1 ndJ•. Willta"llctlMD n.::-,. t; A11111lzr1 ... flt •Jt• "!,~•fflJ11;r Cli:tbP, ..

'6..81 p.m..- ..,UM'•ltl" 111tW• ,errlci,. &t.cclt Ee., cluuti.'" lntar-rut.tlop.

II s,.,ra. UA.l1Ur. t'OOTBALL lt11ti.tM •· ~or-Ji,wrM", •t lhAlwrH. FW aeorea, by M, ICod M.t:Gttw1at



C'ltlLOJ~•~ l!OUR

~-"I PJtt. -SportlDI l"ftU.11.a.

Ii.lei P..m. 1.\u-.n lo i.ttsn •::II •, i:ft<t:'t..iao,.

I.II p.a llAROLb COLU:0. c U ~ C-2 p..m...-Lt1TLS K1S9 KOOEA6tJKP.A ii

vo:,1,• to tatJ l.hio ato:17 n: t!al,r llunt.i:l1 u h.,,,. hftlc- h.ooka1'u.l"rld'f.i:.J5.

1,ltl i,.m. l'Al'T\IN OU.\"ALD ltACrJ:A": Cai,,:a.ir1 h.~.

'-30 p.Ja.-ll,\JIO!J) C:OUJEJI.. lll.a4ll ln'lioll

&.1) p..-. A~•"" ahll --11n-a1.- :n. _,.. nno. W'ffthff ~ Wp;;tr.1 ~

'""""' l..t; 'P-~.-&ocl: F.ubar.:v 1nt;.1rmukln, i I:! pin.- ~'l1l1 ttpurta. 14' J, IL Hof'o

?DH, Lld. flal>Mf i,rlua. C.!JS fl.TQ..--Rl'l'tt .,_,..rp. I.J9 b.m..-:ltatll .. ~ .,- -11,r \ ioll'IU

Pnidua:N· t~ ..... ec.a,..,.. LW. ,.._.. mad.ft Jwc,p .. ,.. PoabrJ • tu .ntw. !ut.. .S.u, pri:•btt, pouiwc:, ,:,l ........

• I r. n: Mar\tr• re:,e,!""_. rt! rrutt., 1,,- tbo \"1r• \1•rUUI ,..rull•"'" \n1lk'lat1 ·1. ftlt1WII1J ., "'th!! l'r'u.U World, .,_._J.11.ulu to Jl.O,

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r,1.Jor, :u '"""· ttr.?".

-, )l.t U1 I (.11i,~ f ~,_ At,~~ lORTCl', •~

tLI ... b"- • Konlt.t N1CIIOtU t,_ .,.......,_ fn t1"' ... flt"!.111 , ...... ,_ 7.,.. • • .._ ~ Afttf'tt ""'llf • ••1una ,:11r1

fJII; ... ..Wfe: F t"'ftAtMAJr;' n.,.,J ... ~

1i..-- DR.U\nl 1,a21,1i,a..-... .. ~ :A;llfi-

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I .... btf• AINY W•llt!!l t,-r..,, .. l•w• nu Juoil• tll Uaaff"• 'A' I. Iara • "1ft II•-- .. l!"l1Wlf .ull1 ,-kl hi N<!-. -;di..,1....-,41

t l 1• a Ml; ~flfUUt. llf'f' .l,-.;(J: .-'IJl sh• • tt-•1,UUII .,, .... "•'•-•rn.l~d ;W\lt tf

n,.Mtft,rn:rut'lt~• ,.u •• !fl. n!<l:CDT J.•F. r . .UTL II


WlaltL ltSS WltltltLT


..... _, h.U.n <t,&ir». I ......... u..-n ,AK);:A' i

"d.w' •1.-... r11-1aH !

1 !:r:ttn;t(~i;~~~:•~ ~KI l~,p i J;a,1.11,1..P~• i ' ... :"::. ·::~:: -.i,-~ !

~~.·~,.:';,':.:':.":.~: .. \,ad.. 1 u;.°"~ ~:.~~:·-. •~t


1 .. ll \i•· Mill lliiil t'i.a.t'tffl ""1al''l1 '- f.w .... .r ........... t,i,t,. 1wCq:a.,.r:1tn•t1r .. W, i

l Q ,.. l.i:;.e ,tl'lll'\I~ " !.L Jititlab tf• !l kllal•.,.....,._..._ As:i.-.....-tA.

ru1n_t:u ;n ,'TI4cnrr ttli PAtFL'a f ,.,~.- . l'...-wi ,n-fllll,.1:b." I

u "M V:~~i• ... l't~~~•:~~~~ i

'~l::~~~l'~rJ;?::! !,,:=:: :_•

(.Zaffi:t ._.. bl Alli __. ••• •1 ,-, ~11,.,_ ..

111 r• Jnr. A ltf>SliO:t AXD JllS SThCO· r..1.T1t:" HMl'IIOhUft»l

"()• t,b,,, alriln."' 1R,c,l,1. M1 th W.-r• d >I ,r.utoaU"' ( --· -r.-t.·• Mt Clrf"' tbtow'-••

•t lhU a ....,,._ ftJr v.JJr (~i). •'k L-.i. ~ ... dltN)'l, "'Hi .. 11.._, tlh :w.nw• (bl'M'a) 'T .. ,;-ii ~y IU IA8'° (rn.o,1;).. C.a.1Mba1111.,._,,._..,.

~~!:-~~~\~!.#) •l"Mdq tbe Pia.$'" !,.P:'.a~ 19S.,i, IC.~

'""~· ........,.., .. ,0-..a.. 11 IC ... Y• lt.t_,.. tO.U!Mn).

•··C'\l,_.t, 1NAbDDIJ. ,.U.;w <",..W a., 1.W.:., B..a'4 ,n..a..uM1.

;~~:~~<:a.:=;: ..._. Ol~ &~ Wa!AW • 'ta."'

. .J...~ .. QI a..-· <.-.u..,. 11 •11 •a.-001> u n Tl[E; s::QR...

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Manufacturers Products Pty. Ltd.

(M.P.) (H. J. HAPGOOD)

Cha.lllJ Hou•~- M.artin Pl.a..:~, SYUNEY

1·c1.1 BW Dl!l

A.,.t1a. '"" •11 Jlyll!'II •t R_..dla lllitti,idJ.1.1c Ol11Jit

)J ... Met.,r llfit- t..:o. ''J::mltll'o., .. ~-.Re:N'lld• Coad,,r.wt.,. J°..c"Molul ar,d 1',._.ed RbN&.


All Readers'Qu.eries Answered Here

QUERlES Will 'f't•Odtl-'lf k{11dlu Hdfr that all

ted1m.r.rtl ,1iurtt'.~ <rrt amun:r,,d ,,.,.,,1,uh tltff r tJl,tm•1~ ,,f Wiulu.., H',·rl.·ly. Tltar. 11,1 ,w Ol'rul'l.i1n1 to 1und , i;h,:r 11t1,mµ,, or t.tddrc-tt8td rn!•,,fopcs. Tl~" unfy <'Mtditi1Jn ~ thut thl'I 111rnibt-r of qucaii,m3 be fimitt-d ,,, /rmr. 1r" 1tn,forturwt,l11 ri,n11Qr dtctl ·11•ilh tech11ir<1T qltcri,·lj 1'11 td, plt.tmtl ur b'JI µ,•r•rm1ll ruUrrJf.

A.fl. fl...AIO l,T•:Y}.-'1'04'1 rnucl1 tr<mble fiil' ,-~r,. J•untlJW':' C'.Jilrfktr,e,,I•, wbkh •IU .hut tot l:., wurilh11 ""UhwJ~ au.~.ullvn, Rw:hiarwnble 1l.,t1 .at 11t.1tilf",

~ S. j LlU<'t1MB£r .- ln('l'...,..,, th,. •l:t.r 1,t i,r1J'O\• r)' Cl!IJ .lla.J brin-¥ i!ae!h <'Uil .,11, • .,, Ul­w;dh.t.-r.

LJ A, (.',f:'r. l:ARKEH. 8.A.).-.S-N- .fhl• w,,,,.l.•n .. \Vt~Wt.-cl..,-...

J.t.:. \1J,\lH,lNUlJll1tSl't,-!-.f'I' .. Wlrrlru," ·;, l 'J.i, You Ill'• nu, iutur\V' C'Qf• ftii.:tl)'.

r f'fl .. Ol~WlCTii l C'an'I lH~ua. tt,e cltl'U\I,= uf 10,11 .. ,r llUl~-£iftff. Kc,,. n--i.t WN'!l'1 .. w.,,.1.-.. \', .." r,,r Lt. b:.ulv,fynr; • Vi'UD• !J••rr-~t ?i u,I·, ,.- .

W.Kl-'. 1>..L.J,;XANllk.l..\) H.h-t0<LUta 0.K. Rrnr111' 11tlbUri.'11 o( ~'1"Utruiurmt-ni

ff S. (W~:b'l"t>.NL 'fJ,-, Sruln.,dy1.I;.. NONA.WE t8AJ,t;QWNI};) A<1d ,,nt- etace

"t,Jy D.S,W (~lTTTTF.RLA~•m. -·Trf f{lr F0.11r­

o.1lf ~ L \V. f PETJ.:J::l;llA...\0.-lf' f''lUh,1tteJ. Uie

c.,1,.,0 rhJ+rl!l"f' •lll d:U):,r B, blttierle. er t.111" ur,c,:,,mullu11r hJl'f'

T. Tl, i:Tt-;Mf'f,':j L •ll~n•t lr.r1uw. 1 lU,. flil.VLLAU:V).--Will M- ~'1\J 1;.RQw­

Jat.,r. l..l; (PENNA'NT Hll.t .. <;1.-Cl")'~blit r~ nol

a11ltahlE-1. ifll.'N"n.,e ), Vl"lllfttl'1!. h . W, H"LINC'ORJJ1,-Stt U1• flrat 1-uo of

th' t•"w • flJlcHo." . V II w (Attr-.n.fn'J<.J.- Jt.ll]!<) l~q,tt(Qr,

(JI th r1•ai-b ~t-, n•ar Ha1hur ... L f;t., 8:1!.l.n .. i,,

,.,::.~•h,,~H-~~~Rf;!;~J" ,;!t".; ::Ute:"ll.!u~-;: _.1unlru,tnr GAJnlC' thio1

A I W . (A:-.JNA.m'IALl:J '{011r trt.-.iJ T<1 • r,,n.,. Thfl> 111.1h1;1tir.or U )O~r Lrm.ihle--tuo l!'lllf'h Qr,11cif:r,

V.n. 11.<lSGB.EA< H, Q 1 - ln~talJ a. nuUa­tw- J.a t,t-rl, .... "'[lh tha lt'toll'I fn,rl') u~ m•iri• 1.othur tlvo ,,,.•~rt..-, Build III Nfl\llrodynt. AM'UI.[ 111 km l-0-'t~ ·Q'ul plT .10 /ff-l

J T .. raANKS1'0WN") T1111, )'Ollr n1p-.,,.,UO!t J,i ,ttWHL Tht- Olhi'r llUlllff' will b~ ~-•r1l-'ro11 •hl}rll,.

A II M,.N_ IIU"XLJ,:Y).· -fl\ Yf!I: f!J J'r"'" lull>h i f:tl Wni1IJ m,I icuuntlfei> iL: (-&) and I ), S- ••w,,..-.i.-.a WN'kly" I 1 t ·:3;,

Kl~P. •TH.t:.ouonF. Q,). Yu,1 hav• 111, .-ud,- ,.,,..~ Ju t all I Wbt.old. J.own yout ll l>allt•r,- _ ll't:'ltl1 fll\Vll>I ,u,..flP"ll,tJ. 'J'l,r!1 Y>4l,tt.- tJ11" 1Jhume"'9 b.-tw,'f•n lh• fLJ(. lran~­.to,rurN, ~PM'_.. th,-n1 • a littJ.., furth"r •t-•l'!.. 7',uw hrfnP. up 1::t L.aur-rv. The Jllfrt"fn« be. l"ffttn· -vah'M LI ok),1htf11I

W lf.J\. (hnl$6ANin.-AJ~ yO\lr st1H:e,... ti\li;a fiN.~ rl~. ('.t,1,Sl'rdu.l•I.P you Of! yr,n-r fr,fli.alan,... ) "'l tt,r ~.fu)w !.ovr ~uu ~rl ,u,,

11::n (BF.:L.MOR.:).,M.W•,1 orL ' mat,..riat. ,.,.,.. r,tit. y .. 1 a,,aila.111,.,

'J"'\'R!) 1flfifl.llf''R~)--W.e.t.rh the 'WirJor: t1t1J,.;- t.hA,1. ••1J n<>t.- that nn.1lrn­fNTn.,-.i 41M(:ln~. Wtithtr "Volt ~.-..01', .. rry,

Alf w. "J(~l(l • .;i:34-s1-:J..-- Y"Oll h11d betln ~~ • 'r•'1M!l4hfo n1~i1, ,1n;I"". It h hard r .. r ff'Le:

l ~4~- i.A~~:ii::.J'I~~ 11 ~~17Q~r~

ir<tl' tl!K f,1{,,t'f ,.., lh.- lt.F Y•lv", ~ .c ,c..,nu,· . .;, Q .l, T ,i;:,n't Uk:@- Ut .. r;irlrt.

rinJ.-. at alJ. 'l°rf" T&01.aUu-111 fri•tt"ad or a1~ 11t1ir,h,to..

Friday. ~rd June, 10:!7.

I ..................................... _,....,.,_


I W arneford & Son ~ i RADIO ENGINEERS :

I llring )OUr Rndlo·trouhleii : : to 11,j_

I fa your recei,·er selective?

I ~il\l :.~~~d:i ~u~::~ei~:: i along modern lines lo pro­; duce maximum efficiency. I Local conditions piny II hig ; part in good reception. ' i We will de~ign anil Luild a j receiver to suit. ! , liewiring faithfully <'arried ;

out at rea.wnahlc rate...

i Write Box 967. C.G., C.P.o., 1 Sydney. I 'Phone: Pet. 1045 & X ,'ll-19. : ...................... ••-•uuo, ,--,-.., .. .. -LESS - •• EKLY

PuU~h,pJ b; ArOru'r '"ITiilltn 1htl, nt ..PoJA.riettm .. ," J.•vcndrr Sl;ft,cl l.&Voffldn- U..y. f(,r- th~ Ptoflr1t>tot11, Wi,el- Nnr,p&ll-ffl Lifflitl"'Q_ 01 t•11t..ln,..1.h su-~. 8 1.l.nC"J: a:u.J prlnrfli hy M•nb• nt A C"'-, Lld., 84• Cot1U,i.r11 Srrf',,,. S}'dti-i,

"tl.i, 1':dih•r ..,Ill b. IJ)al.J to CQruJJ..r TC"('h• :t::ralk~ •r~~;:;,~~~rt~~:1>~M~1U~~-r., -~3 lllt1•tr111.iun1 • rt! &l"l'IL 11.l thd an1hor'1 rlak,, .11.nJ AltL011w-h 1h11 crt'1lk,t. c-a,-. •ill be l,U,HI tu re&.urn 1, .. 1u.a:llt-l' fif ~ecinu1at1k,d l•.r •1..a.m11.-1. Lb~ l!:Ultyr CAl!oRU1 111,CCoopt l"~~l• l>i11t1 !~ IL, ,af~ t't-1\rr-n ..

S1ili,,.rrl1"Uu.n rti7M--Tw•h·" rnor.tb1 r:1 IMual. U.'- fo••t rret.". ~- tncatUui (:!8 i,1111n), 6/6 1,oec f"'"· Siawro rop1~ W. _...,~b. tir Pi.Ill r,...., fd. "1ul:Mu1pUurta ,-bovid

~i t.!=::h ~tr!'t~;:;1J:r,.,•JLAP11- Ltd.,

Ad.,e-tu.-ir,r:--Our a,:1.,., rlninl' ~Pl8entli• dn kl'e-P• in cloe.l'I tOUl'b wllh ll(h••fUUn, aod q@ la 1'N.ll)'" •t •ll Li~• tu •u-,uJ.r info,-. mat.Ion•N·r.lfl~ 111d-.,.rtlt1t11r.

T~,!!fe:I ~~rLt~ .. BJi~::/JT!:, •. ~~;~ 11.mutifn Sl..rtH, w.c.a.

•·Wtr.-Tn• Wf't"ltlf" 11 fuU7 i,t'Ct«W l;J ropy1i1:!it.. •:nd nothifll' th11tt ep,l)eJlr, In H m._, \.to ftpnated, whu.U,- or hi part, wttbaat •P~ia\ Pf't'a.Hlon_ Tb. u-. ol oul' &l'll~ or tlUO~tiQ'1-l t'Nm I~'""' tot •~ parpoH •h•~•Pr b tle"U ptcmltW •ltlH)lll C.IIH" wnt-tu &Uu.wiQ'.

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WIR.&L&SS WEEKLY Friday, ~rd Juno, 1927


PERFECTED '\M:th all the I.atcst Im~ovements Insured. bq..AWA Leadership­

plus Pu.blicApprova.l.•

There's a Radio/a to Suit B~• Puru from !28 In £120

A won,terful un~~ of 4, 6, nJ 8 V•lvc Rnd,olas tnrlud Ing rhe Radiolo Srandnrd 6, a Su~,h~re>.l~ Broodam R~cw(.~r nr £13, mtiri!ly comrlrte with .111 J-C(CU<)ncs ,nduJing Amrl,on Li ud Src•k«

Radiola Superheterodyne Receivers are guaranteed to give lnteri.tate Reception on Average Aerial in either Town or Country Districts without Interference. Auer Snlcs·Sc,rv!." by the Company', Autlwris<:J R •. Hola Deal,,.. throuahout th~ State,

TER.llS: Radiola Standard 6, £9 Depo,it, and Monthly Payments of £3 S 4

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Friday, 3rd June, 1927.


PRICE, £8 s:. Tfu. .\MPUON CONE 1,n.. '-' ,u'so i,ftf.'h~J u.uh,mt cdbmtt_ /rn i'IICm'•

P,-11",1tm in. T"i:tdio klJ Prtct·, on


Ati,rJubf(: t'I\ t'Ll':> ~ft s ;.md fit~ illSUJK'll\" J11\kht.s, Jntrn LJ' ,o f.s,.


TITE leadl)rship of AMPLION was never more firmly established than at the pre~ent day, when lhe critical car, As well as the critical eye, judge~

tbe merits of a loud speaker. Compare either of these AMPUON Loud Speakers wilh any cont.emporary instruments and realiNe for yourself the plain lrulh of the statement "AMPLIO~ STILL LEADS." Everv AMPLION carries a service guarantee which infallibly enRUres satisfaction.

AMPUON T HE Allfl'LJO:-- CO~l!J i~ the latest addition Lo lhe

A:\trLION 1ine. rt has lhe following outstand­ing feature.~:

~.. Au adju.,;tat,f~ unit of improYm t)·r,\:, .tt'ma.rkably .,.t.'hSili'\'1 / and eflkicmt1 yet robutt . J A t.-one dlRphrngm. mmfl!, not o l paper, but of 1h·or1g

.ise.amlns rnatcrlat, iltO\.UILica.JJy eorreel and entirely imperviota to changes in l~mperotrrn., and clima.t(!---8 \·itnl point. i11 Australii,.

~ A sy,rt<>m of eonstruelior1, whi<h po,;s..,__. all the qualities inherent in C-OTie Spc-nken, without any of the- common de• rw:t.s, thus affonlli1g ~.l.'.tJuorrHnnriJy lifC1- tlkt- and 1:atur!ll n,,i;:,ults.

C.1 A carefuJl.1·-coosidcre,I ftnd well-balan1:1:1",l design sur-h ns lo J the necc,.s!t) for a spl-ciu.l amplliie..r; tn t!trec-t the

A ~PLIO:N CO.NJ.~ gh·es- on any 11 r'-{'ceit.iny ~<'t-re­mllrkt1b!e 6d~lity in r(!pl'tlduction.

'f"lu:: :\,..fPUON r.o":\.TE JI [l•ih /JJl~"l& b,¥ ,, rU f,'ah.'flll, the. AM.malc:111,

n~Jw lu ">,. luw ~ ~1-11 J b, Amp! ( \ )~ le.

R ADIOLUX AMl'LIO~. more than nny other loud sveaker, posse~se, those propcrtie~ which make for the perfect reproduclion of mu,;ics I

tones. The clear high tone5 of the Yiolin, the low, th,·ohbing notes of the 'cello are brought llUt in all their purity. with a mellowne~s that is surprisi11gly uatural

T ht.o famous AMPLlON Loud Speake rw are obtainabl~ rrom a ll radio manufa and d ea ler~ throus.rbout

