Page 1: RED HOOK UNITED METHODIST… · 31/05/2020  · With tongues of flame and hope rekindled, go forth in the power

RED HOOK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 4 Church Street, Red Hook, New York 12571

845-758-6283 [email protected]

Pastor Stephen Ernst

Pentecost Sunday

May 31, 2020, Year A 10:30 am

PRELUDE: Fugue in C major; G.F.Handel, Julianna O’Leary

PARTICIPANTS: Rev. Barbara Melzer, Pastor Nan Ernst and Julianna O’Leary

WELCOME: Pastor Steve

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CALL TO WORSHIP With rushing wind and holy fire…Come, Holy Spirit, come. With tongues of flame and hopes rekindled…Come, Holy Spirit, come. With visions birthed and dreams restored…Come, Holy Spirit, come. With spacious grace and depth untold...Come, Holy Spirit, come. With rushing wind and holy fire...Come, Holy Spirit, come. †

OPENING PRAYER Spirit of Pentecost, blow open the doors of our shut up hearts. Set our tongues free to proclaim your praise. Bless our youth with visions, and our elders with dreams. Bestow our children with gifts of prophecy, and renew the faith of your people throughout the world. Blow into our lives, once more, Holy One, and help us find the strength and courage to become the people you call us to be. Amen. †

OPENING HYMN: My Hope is Built UMH 368 PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION (unison) Can a locked door keep the Holy Spirit from releasing us from our fears? Can a quaking spirit keep us from receiving the Spirit’s gifts today? Can the Church be born again after two thousand years of inertia and indifference? Does the story of Pentecost have anything to say to us today? Listen for the word of God. † SCRIPTURE READING: Acts 2:1-21 New Testament 119

*GOSPEL READING: John 7:37-39 New Testament 100

After reading:

L: The Word of God for the people of God

P: Thanks be to God.

SERMON: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Lift off! Pastor Steve

Cover image: Pentecost

SONG: Holy Spirit; Torwalt & Torwalt, Julianna O’Leary & Pastor Steve

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PRAYER OF YEARNING AND ASSURANCE Spirit of wind and flame, blow open the doors we erect to keep ourselves sealed off from your world. We long to be set free from the fears that jail us and to be released from chains that bind us. We yearn to draw near to your source of living water, and to drink deeply from its well. We want to be cleansed in your holy fire, and to be driven into the streets by your winds of grace. Come to us, and heal us once more, Mighty Spirit, that we may embrace your gifts in service to a world in need. Amen. † (Time of silence) When God breathes the Holy Spirit into our lives, the earth is renewed. When God blesses us with gifts of this same Spirit, we too are renewed and made whole. Rejoice, sisters and brothers, God’s steadfast love endures forever. † HYMN: Breathe on Me, Breath of God UMH 420 JOYS AND CONCERNS



PRAYER OF DEDICATION (unison) For opening your hand, and blessing us with your manifold blessings, we give you thanks, O God. On this day of Pentecost, may our gifts bring dreams and visions to a world in need of hope and direction. And may our hearts overflow with rivers of living water. Amen. † HYMN: All the People Said Amen BENEDICTION With rushing wind and holy fire, go forth in the power of the living God. We go forth as God’s children. With tongues of flame and hope rekindled, go forth in the power of the eternal Christ. We go forth as heirs with Christ. With visions birthed and dreams restored, go forth in the power of the Holy Spirit. We go forth as new creations in God’s Spirit. With spacious grace and depth untold, go forth in the mystery of the Holy One. †

*POSTLUDE: Jubilate Amen; R.Diggle, Julianna O’Leary

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Food Pantry: Sundays, 12:00-2 pm Pastor Steve is available for pastoral care visits, meeting at the church, homes, or other locations. Please feel free to call or email 914-329-7597; [email protected]


Our Pastor and Our Entire Congregation. All of the NYAC staff and Cabinet.

Our Ministry and Churches around the World. The Sick and those who continue to care for them.

Those who give their lives for our Country and who protect us every day.

All people, animals, and communities of the world as God created them.

THOSE OF SPECIAL CONCERN AT THIS TIME: Gail Bamford, John Bamford, Donna Marie Blanche, Jean Bleibtrey,

Carol Boeck, Ken Bonal, Fred Brammer and family, Brian (volunteer in food pantry), Pete Buhler, Gabriella and Gavin Butz,

Lorraine DeCarolis, Terri & John Doyle, Deborah Dunkle, Kay Egan, Beth Finn, Kay George, Pastor Paul and Gloria Gingrich,

Melissa and Myriam Godwin, Mike Goodrich, Irene Harrison, David Heller, Jeanne Henderson, Haley Hines, Donald Hunt, Ron Jones, Phyllis Keeler,

Nicole Lewellyn, Kathy Lunger, Maria Martins, Julien: pray for sweet sleep, Sofia Anna Morgan, 15 yr.old, autistic and diagnosed with schizophrenia,

David Muller, Caleb & Grady Nelson, Carl Pack, Annalise Padley, The family of Eric Ramsey on his passing,

Pine Haven Rehabilitation Center, The Resnick family, Joyce Riffenburg, Randall Stewart,

Kathy Stoppenbach, Diane Tanzosch, Linda Tierney, Nancy Titus, Reverend Eric Titus, Skip Tremper, Ruth VanVliet,

Taylor Van Voorhis, Tony and Charlotte Vellake, Anna Weih, Mary Lou Williams, and Louise, Susie, Mary Beth, Bill and Rich


AMEN. † Abington Worship Annual

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All the People Said Amen Matt Maher

You are not alone, if you are lonely, When you feel afraid, you're not the only We are all the same, in need of mercy, To be forgiven and be free It's all you've got to lean on but thank God it's all you need. Chorus: And all the people said amen, woah, And all the people said amen Give thanks to the Lord for His love never ends, And all the people said amen.

If you’re rich or poor, well it don’t matter Weak or strong, you know love is what we’re after We’re all broken, but we’re all in this together God knows we stumble and fall And He so loved the word, He sent His son to save us all Chorus: Blessed are the poor in spirit who are torn apart Blessed are the persecuted and the pure in heart Blessed are the people hungry for another start For this is the kingdom, the kingdom of God