


Presented byVector Partners (Pvt.) Ltd.

“Your time is limited so

don’t waste it living

someone else’s life”~Steve Jobs

“The true entrepreneur is

a doer, not a dreamer”~Nolan Bushnell

“Move fast and break

things. Unless you are

breaking stuff, you are not

moving fast enough”~Mark Zuckerberg

“Entrepreneurship is about

doing, not learning to do”~Guy Kawasaki

“It is not the strongest of

species that survive, nor

the most intelligent, but

the one most responsive

to change”~Charles Darwin

“Success is walking from

failure to failure with no

loss of enthusiasm”~Winston Churchill

“If you don’t build your

dream, someone will hire

you to help build theirs”~Tony Gaskins

“If you are not

embarrassed by he first

version of your product,

you’ve launched too late”~Reid Hoffman

“…not only are you

responsible for your life,

but doing the best at this

moment puts you in the

best place for the next

moment”~Oprah Winfrey

“Success in life is the sum

of small efforts – repeated

day in and day out”~Robert Collier

Thank You

Presented byVector Partners (Pvt.) Ltd.