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QUIZ for FRIENDS By SRD (also known as Saurav Ranjan Datta)

A British charity foundation was started by a couple Bryn Parry and his wife Emma (both OBEs) in 2007 by the name of H4H, after they were deeply moved to see injured soldiers in a hospital in Birmingham. What does H4H stand for?

Help For Heroes

Brian Desmond Hurst, a genius Irish film-maker who was trained under John Ford was the first person to make a movie on this campaign of the WW II in 1946 called Theirs is the Glory. He used real life footages in his film and also actors who were there on that campaign as soldiers. The film mainly discusses about the British soldiers involvement in that campaign but is considered a classic and a most authentic one about that defining campaign, though the 1977 movie which depicts the operation as a whole and includes the American, British and Polish Airborne forces, is more popular to us because of its incredible casts. Which campaign/ operation of WW II are we talking about here?

Operation Market Garden(Battle of Arnhem). The 1977 movie was A Bridge Too Far.

The Oxford English Dictionary referred this term to be a 13th/ 14th century origin where it meant a dispute over a territory.

The term later meant a corner in the city of London where executions were done.

But this term was originally made popular by Ernst Dunlop Swinton, a British army officer during the WW I where he meant it to be the area between two opposite war trench lines.

What term?

No Mans Land

In 1983, his yacht was famously sunk in a Sydney-to-Hobart boat race by a vessel sponsored by his rival yards from the finishing line. This infuriated him so much that he challenged his rival to a fist fight. Ever since then, they were always at loggerheads. He even once accused his rival of being a war monger as his rival was supporting George W. Bushs invasion of Iraq. Who are these 2 iconic personalities?

Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner

What connects:Pic 1: A statesman giving a speech in 1960

Pic 2: One of the earliest British films to tackle race as an issue.

Pic 3: The rock band Scorpions


Pic 1: The Wind of Change speech by British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan in 1960 in Capetown.

Pic 2: The 1961 British movie The Wind of Change.

Pic 3: Scorpions all time best Wind of Change.

This song was one of the two songs to be edited out from the film version of the album Pink Floyd - The Wall, as the film was running two long. The Walltells the story of Pink, an alienated young rock star who is retreating from society and isolating himself. In this song, Pink realises the mistake he made in shunning society, and attempts to regain contact with the outside world. However, he cannot see or hear beyond the wall. Pink's call becomes more and more desperate as he begins to realise there is no escape. One of the cult psychedelic rock songs of all time, which song am I talking about?

Hey You

What word connects,

the first military submarine of this world which was used by the Continental Army during the American Revolution,

a famous brand of shirts and apparels from Kolkata,

and a famous bay resort of Hawaii?


This very popular weapon is a generic name for an improvised weapon mainly used nowadays by rebels in riots. This weapon was named by the Finnish after the Soviet foreign minister who was responsible for the partition of Finland. This weapon was supposedly first used in Spanish war and then was extensively used by the Israeli army in their 1948 battle against the Arab legion. This weapon is generally made by having petrol in any bottle. What is it called?

Molotov cocktails named afterVyacheslav Molotov

Mary Seacole, during the mid 19th century was supposedly one of the two pioneers in the field of a certain medical facility. Who was the other famous one?

Florence Nightingale, both of them pioneered modern nursing during the Crimean War.

Simonetta Vespucci was an Italian married noble woman of medieval ages who belonged to Genoa and Florence. She was considered to be the greatest beauty of Florence in her times. According to some popular legends, she posed nude for a world famous painting, which in reality is not correct as she died much before that painting was made. But it is an established fact that she was the only dream woman of that painter from early renaissance, Italy. Which painting and painter?

The Birth of Venus(Botticelli)

This is one of the World heritage sites in UK. Before it was granted a city status, the Romans built it as a spa centre. Jane Austen lived in it for a long period but hated it altogether. Though two of her novels Persuasion and Northanger Abbey are largely set in this city. This city also has a mention in Charles Dickens The Pickwick Papers. One of the major tourist attractions of this world, what place am I talking about here?

City of Bath

In the movie Sonar Kella, when Lalmohan Ganguly (orfe Jatayu) first met Feluda in the train, he asked about Feludas vital statistics as he wanted to know if it matches upto his own fictional sleuth Prokhor Rudra. Feluda nonchalantly answered that his waist, chest and wrist all measured 26 inches. This was supposedly Rays reference to another classic. Which one?

HaJaBaRaLa by Sukumar Ray. (Buro and Kakkeshwar Kuchkuche. They measured the protagonist in 26 inches).

Srijit Mukherjee is making a Kakababu movie based on 'Mishor Rahashya. Before this, only 3 Kakababu movies have been made till date, one by Tapan Sinha and the other two by Pinaki Chaudhuri. What were they?

Sabuj Dwiper Raja(1979) directed by Tapan Sinha.Kakababu Here Gelen?(1996) and Ek Tukro Chand (2003) directed by Pinaki Chaudhuri.

In the early part of the 1970s, She saw one of Ganesh Pynes painting called Mother and Child and immediately wanted it for herself. So, she got the painting immediately. Who was She?

Indira Gandhi

In Spanish, he is nicknamed El Guaje which means The Kid. Despite sustaining serious injuries in his childhood, he became an international footballer and a household name. He is also an example to be followed which he himself keeps on reiterating that footballers should always inspire the society in a positive way. He runs a training camp every year for children on his name where they are coached by star footballers. He has also sung to raise money for a school in Mali. Also, a maverick striker, who is he?

David Villa

In Japanese Manga comics, this character is an inspiration from a real life Indian king who ruled in the early ADs. The name is similar, only the first letter has been changed to G. He is also a profound Buddhist and adorned his empire with its respective figures and promoted it vigorously. Like his real-life counterpart, he also decorates his palace with famous Buddhist figures, but has demonized them to suit his nature. What is his name?

Emperor Ganishka

Arthur Schopenhauer was a 19th century philosopher who has influenced generations of philosophers, thinkers, authors, film-makers etc. He himself was much influenced by Eastern thoughts and religion. To which literature was he referring to when he said the following words "It has been the solace of my life, it will be the solace of my death!?


This word had supposedly first appeared in an 1865 journal article by Wilhelm Schmidt.

But some believe that the19th-century British author and speakerEmily Gerard introduced the word into print in her travelogueThe Land Beyond the Forest (Land beyond the forest is whatTransylvaniameans inLatin).

A world famous director who survived 7 plane crashes in the WW I made a movie by the same name and introduced it with a catch line A symphony of horror. He took the story from a authors work without obtaining the copyrights and got into serious trouble with that authors family later. That same author made this word popular in his book and thought the meaning is Not dead.

In reality this is an archaic word which probably means unclean spirit. Which word?

(The author mentioned in the question was of course Bram Stoker).

Some say he is the first super villain in fiction, though he was created to mimic some pulp fiction style villains like Dr. FuManchu etc. In character, he is a master of disguise and rarely commits his crimes in person but either uses hardened criminals as his agents or hypnotize innocent people to do it. He is also present in Alan Moores The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but he was primarily made famous the world over by 3 movies directed by one of the greatest directors of all time. Who is he?

On Nov. 17, 1989, thousands of students took to the streets of the capital. The march was a peaceful one - but it was nevertheless brutally suppressed by hundreds of police dressed in riot gear. Two days later, the crowds had ballooned in size and, on Nov. 20, fully 500,000 people joined a peaceful march through the capital. While doing so, the demonstrators kept jingling their keys which was their peaceful way of telling the communists Goodbye, go back to home. How do we know this famous movement as?

Velvet Revolution

Diana Preston was born and brought up in London and she studied modern history at Oxford University. After her studies, she started her career with journalism.

Her husband Michael Preston is a reader in literature at Oxford university and an avid traveler and historian. Together, they traveled India extensively and got impressed to create a series.

So, in relation to fiction, how are they better known to us?

Alex Rutherford

Thales of Miletus was one of the Seven Sages of ancient Greece who stayed in Asia minor during the 6th century BC. He was the first to postulate non-supernatural explanations for natural phenomena, for example, that land floats on water and that earthquakes are caused by the agitation of the water upon which the land floats, rather than the god Poseidon. For his work, he is being dubbed as the Father of Science. According to many beliefs, which legendary figure visited Thales in his youth and was advised by him to visit Egypt to further his studies, which as a result had a profound effect on a certain branch of science?


She is Rhea Chakraborty who is debuting with the Yashraj movie Mere Dad ki Maruti. However, she has earlier auditioned for another 2010 Yashraj movie where she was rejected on the basis of being too young. That role went to another heroine who had also debuted with the Yashraj films. Who is that heroine and the 2010 movie where Rhea was rejected?

This English gentleman of the 19th century served as a captain in the British army. His duties brought him to Ireland where he worked as a land agent. His subordinates and his local community ostracized him for various reasons, which led to the introduction of a new word in the dictionary. Which word?

Boycott(Named after Charles Cunningham Boycott)

The early model of this particular invention was thought to have been a British invention but now it is recognized by the International History Conference to have been the work of the Frenchman Eugene Meyer. But the name though was taken from two kinds of British coins which means one much larger than the other. But the modern version that we see today was developed by a British called Harry John Lawson and this time the name came from a French word. What are we talking about?

Penny-farthings and Bicycles

Name this two Australian cricketer:

First guy, he played as an opening batsman in 35 Test matches for Australia and captained them in 25. Known as "The Rock" because of his imperturbable temperament, he possessed immensely strong defence and great patience. He was also a high school mathematics teacher to the second guy.

Second guy, he was a complete maverick, a great all rounder and served as a fighter pilot in WW II, was extremely favourite with the crowd, very handsome and very entertaining and disliked Bradman altogether though he had deep respect for the Don.

Bill Woodfull and Keith Miller

According to Hindu mythology, once Lord Shiva and Brahma were in a heated quarrel. Such was the rage of Lord Shiva at that time that the other devas fled and Goddess Parvati decided that it has now become impossible to live with Shiva. Realising his mistake, Lord Shiva deposited his anger into Anasuya, the wife of Sage Atri (one of the saptarishis). Out of that portion of Lord Shiva was born a son to Anasuya and Atri, whose name literally meant somebody who is difficult to live with. Who was that son?

Sage Durvasa, who was known for his short temper.

This is an expression mainly used in the entertainment industry like Hollywood where it means a young woman who possesses extraordinary attraction. This expression was supposedly started from a short story of Rudyard Kipling but was made globally famous by a 1927 movie staring the legendary heroine Clara Bow. What is the expression?

It Girl (The 1927 movie was It)

Probably the hottest sports woman on earth, who is this Paraguayan javelin thrower?

Leryn Franco

Shekhar Kapur, the acclaimed director will be the creative producer of an upcoming movie by the name of Indian Sherlock. With which actor is he supposedly tying up after almost 3 decades for the lead role?

Anil Kapoor (Last time they did Mr. India together).

Thank You